In true form, BBC Radio 4 Today starts the week with a gentle interview of Rabbi Julia Neuberger who is part of a group actively campaigning for the UK to let in “tens, if not hundreds of thousands of “refugees’ This desire to more closely emulate Germany and flood the UK with North African Muslims is a core BBC belief so when they bring on a fellow soulmate such as Neuberger on this issue there is a suspension of critical examination. Repulsive stuff.
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Although she refused to say how many was the right number, just that it was significantly more than we have promised (which of course will actually be significantly less than actual numbers), she did let it slip that children with families in the UK should be let in, and children in the UK should have their families let in.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realise how that’s going to work out.
She is really right up her own a…. what else can one say about such a stupid unthinking uncarring person who has enjoyed the protection of the UK like many of her other co-religionists. What is her aim, to endorse the complete annihilation of the indigenous white Brits as well as those in Europe, which will include all Jews? If so then she and her misguided like are turning the ripples of the water into massive waves to engulf us all.
Has “Rabbi” Neuberger (Orthodox Jews don’t recognise female Rabbis) considered the effect on the Jewish community (let alone the rest of us) of the mass migration of North African and Arab Muslims to the UK?
French Jews are widely reported as having to deal with mounting antisemitism and are leaving for Israel in droves.
Do these liberals think, at all?
Cant they see what is happening in France. Jews are murdered with special attention. Hundreds of cars are burnt each day, for the last decade.
France is in a state of war, with full mobilisation of the armed forces. So critical is the situation, that President Hollande is calling for volunteers for the reserves.
Not a day passes when some French police officer, particularly female, is not stabbed in the “neck”. If you are curious why “neck”, google it with RoP or Koran.
There is something really suspicious when Jews call for import of hundreds of thousands of those who are required by the Koran to murder Jews and Christians? Why? Is it because they hate Christian countries more then anything. They also know, just as is happening in France, they can flee to Israel, when things get really rough. But where will we go?
You will find Jews supporting the UAF opposing the EDL with their song: ‘Gay straight, Muslim Jew, we are many more than you.
Do these liberals think, at all?
Umm. That’s a difficult one.
France is in a state if war. It is not mentioned by the BBC, but that’s the situation.
If that bomb had destroyed Notre Dame cathedral. I dread to think what would have happened. As it is, the women were arrested, one the fiance of the man who slit the throat of a Catholic priest. They also tried to stab the police.
Jews are not stupid. They are supposed to be the most intelligent people on earth. So why is that they wish a collective suicide for a Christian country?
Liberal jews are what are known as ‘useful idiots’
“Has “Rabbi” Neuberger (Orthodox Jews don’t recognise female Rabbis) considered the effect on the Jewish community”.
She can request these things knowing that her community will not be asked to home Muslims! They are destined to take over council house estates up north!
Note: Re female rabbis:
Primitive Christianity – i.e. the era of the Apostles, etc, did not recognise women speaking in their churches! Unlike todays churches, with their wishy washy liberal teachings/beliefs, in fact – you can’t keep um quite! But you try telling (nicely of course) that women should remain silent in their place of worship, and they will burst your eardrums! Sheesh!
No woman has ever been asked to make the final sacrifice as Jesus was up on that Cross.
Neither can I imagine hundreds of female firefighters rushing to their likely(and in some cases certain) deaths into the Twin Towers in THEIR ultimate sacrifice.
The Bible never expected women to die in these ways-and in no way disparages heroes like Violette Szabo or Sharon Beshinevsky who also made the final sacrifice for others like us.
Jesus had to be male-and no Church worth its name would dare say other.
But they don`t…and by hollowing out Jesus the man-as well as Jesus the Jewish rabbi( no liberal reformers then!)-well, we end up with Julia Neuberger and Justin Welby.
While Islam has the likes of Muhammad Atta and Sheikh Muhammad.
Could anybody ELSE imagine a Blair, Bush Prescott or Farron being as fearless and brave as Saddam Hussein on the scaffold?
Hence the mans faith of Islam-and the supine craven womens faiths now of Julia and Justin, Francis and Dianne Louise Jordan FFS.
If she lived in Israel would she have any concerns about mass muslim migration there of fighting age unemployable uneducated males from the world’s trouble spots?
Ah, but that is a Jewish country. Britain is a Christian country.
I thought rabbis were supposed to be wise.
well she can always do one to israel, when it all goes tits up here so she’s ok
Well, we really should put Britain’s legendary, surplus stock of housing to use in some way.
let see what see has to say if this comes to pass
Just to try and increase understanding of some of the issues raised here related to Jews and the mindsets inherent among them.
There is a Catch 22 for Jews trying to fit into any society where they feel they are a vulnerable minority. Let’s have a look at some of the options available to them in their need to be valued and accepted.
Some try to excel in whatever field they undertake in order to be valued highly, which is why they’ve made so many contributions and are considered intelligent. The downside is they make others appear less giving rise to the ‘chosen people’ slur as if they are imbued with higher intelligence than normal. Reality is they are no more or less intelligent but feeling the pressure to succeed as they do they work harder to achieve their goals.
Others try to fit in with what they see as the most popular and ‘enlightened’ thinking. Do those here really need an explanation of why the BBC mindset does so much harm in society and how it succeeds in brainwashing so many? This is why there are so many Labour supporters among Jews here.
Do any of the commenters here really think the Pope and other leaders of the Church have denounced Islamic immigration as they should have considering the amount of Christians being murdered and persecuted throughout the Islamic world? Or are they also doing the dim and dhimmi tactic of trying to show how much ‘they care’ for the poor Muslim refugees and migrants in the hope that this will bring peace?
Strange I don’t recall reading of any similar ‘suspicions’ in relation to the Church as for this stupid woman?
here’s one for you the popes an idiot as well
Do you really think I didn’t know that??? 🙄
Teddy Bear.
Great post.
Its interesting that Barak Hussain Obama has allowed in tens of thousands of Syrians, and many more other Muslims , but could not find more then a few dozen Syrian Christians, for asylum in America.
America now admits more Muslim refugees than Christian refugees worldwide. Give us your tired, poor huddled masses yearning to behead. Send us your wretched, teeming refuse eager to get on welfare and then shoot up a Florida gay nightclub or a Texas army base to maximize the diversity of their victims.
13% of Syrian refugees, supposedly fleeing ISIS, stated in a poll that they support ISIS. That’s 1,300 ISIS supporters in that big ten thousand. Along with 47 Christians and 14 Yazidis.
This is what Obama’s right side of history looks like. His moral arc of the universe is a Jihadi sword on a Christian neck.
Thanks NCBBC 🙂
Your example proves the dhimmi mindset of so many that go along with this ‘let’s appease the Muslims in the hope they won’t harm us’, while ignoring the plight of the genuine victims. Though in Obama’s case I’m not sure he’s not on the side of Islamic victory over the West.
Another example of Neuberger’s mindset is highlighted in this story from 2013, and shows why she’s a clear BBC favourite
I pray for the day when gay couples can marry
It offends my conscience that, as someone who officiates at weddings, I am prevented from marrying same-sex couple
Teddy Bear – I totally agree Welby, The Delightful Julia – these are all just middle class dhimmi fools whos liberal tendencies blind them to any common sense.
I certainly have no greater suspicions whether they are Jews, Christians or pastafarians it matters not. Certainly most normal Jews would see the obvious dangers in what Julia is recommending. All religions have their fair share of naive fools why should Jews be any different?
What they all seem to share are comfortable, safe, middle class lives which probably leave them feeling a little bit guilty. I would suggest that if they feel that strongly maybe they should go to work in a soup kitchen in Iraq or Syria.
Somehow I think that this would be unacceptable because
1 they all wish to retain their privileged lives and
2 its bloody dangerous
However they can make themselves feel a bit better by demanding we import many more “asylum seekers” many of whom do not like us and will create series problems for society in years to come.
However for the “virtue signallers” its job done they can now feel better about themselves, move onto the next “humanitarian issue” and the rest of us pick up the tab both financially and in increased problems for our society in years to come.
My problem with the BBCs use of Rabbi Neuberger is its sheer manipulativeness.
It uses the resonance Jews, refugees, the thirties, the holocaust. And uses those resonances to guilt trip, successfully Germany and generally successfully the rest of Europe to accept at face value the various claims for refugee status being placed before us.
The irony of course is that these resonances are being used in a way that will make life in Europe less safe for Jews (and the rest of us) as more and more of the sworn enemies of Jews (and the rest of us) arrive in Europe.
Also Julia Neubergers rabbinical status is relevant to a minority position within Judaism….that of Progressive liberal Judaism, and is therefore less than representative of mainstream Jewish opinion.
But for the Beeb that’s not relevant, what’s relevant is using the resonances to weaken opposition to the open doors immigration to Europe policy being promoted. Because the opposition to this policy can only be cruel, heartless, right wing, fascists who in the thirties would have………well you know the rest.
Disingenuous in the extreme. And the resonances mentioned above don’t really work with other faiths, hence people’s sensitivity to the way the Beeb manipulates us by their use.
Spot on!
If this female Rabbi is true to her Jewish Scriptures, she would have to conclude that this unending movement of Muslim people towards the white Christian west is in fact the Judgement of God upon us because we (who are believers) have forsaken Him and His Laws!
This is occurs many times in Holy Scripture, and I can’t see any other (spiritual) reason why this mass movement of Muslims is any different.
Given her zeal to marry same sex couples, as I linked to above, it appears doubtful she wants to adhere to Jewish scriptures. I’m thinking of the fire and brimstone dealt to Sodom and Gomorrah according to scriptures because of the evil practises going on there, which naturally included sodomy.
More likely is she’s just another lefty nutjob and will support any and every policy promoted by the BBC.
Can the rabbi tell us how many refugees israel took from next door? I say we match that number..
Can the rabbi tell us how many refugees Israel took from next door?
Believe it or not there are calls within Israel to do just that. As others have indicated above, there is no shortage of ultra-liberal, uninformed Jews who share the obsession of the left in general to inflict their ridiculous ideology on everyone else.
But though Israel is not taking Syrian refugees, the country has treated, and continues to treat, hundreds or perhaps thousands of wounded Syrians – who have to be smuggled in and out of Israel since they will certainly be killed should it be known that they accepted assistance from the hated Jews.
‘though Israel is not taking Syrian refugees, the country has treated, and continues to treat, hundreds or perhaps thousands of wounded Syrians’
It is documented that they treat ,’rebels’ patch them up and send them back to fight yes..but they have taken 0 refugees..
She is speaking as a typical cleric, don’t they all like to appear nice and kind. She only represents Reform Jew’s, a very small percentage of British Jews and most of them know what mass Muslim immigration means to them. British Jew’s are represented by all the major British political parties although God only knows why any should be in the lib dems and now labour ? and G.W.F. the EDL has a few Jewish supporters.
And as a passing note to some of the contributors today, an old saying ” your only 3 pints away from an anti-Semite”.
One Jew talking crap don’t condemn the rest. The BBC DIVIDING AND RULING.
Good post RPM.
I found it disturbing that the usual more enlightened minds that congregate here and recognize the harm that the BBC agenda does to the society would believe that they couldn’t find a Jew to support their particular bias on this issue.
For them she’s a good Jew, and seeing the kudos she gets on the BBC there will probably be more than there was who will ‘follow her line’.
As I wrote before, there are those Jews who believe their most secure option is to go along with what appears as the ‘popular’ choice and are no less likely to be brainwashed than ANYBODY else.
Would it surprise people to know there were some Jews in Germany who supported Hitler and worked for the Nazis? Ultimately stupidity knows no boundary.
al-Beeb have form on this.
In the 1930’s they weren’t averse to wheeling in Oswald Mosley to broadcast about the joys of Nazism.
Jews of all variety, including atheists, enthusiastically embraced Communism in Russia one hundred years ago.
Within twenty years some were escaping the discrimination, and even persecution, by emigrating to Israel (then, more correctly, Palestine) to find freedom and set up kibbutzes and other communities. Later on, Jews in Russia would face even greater discrimination and persecution and some would be imprisoned as dissidents. When the Iron Curtain rusted away, many more left for Israel.
So, the bBC is celebrating Eid by reporting on how a
FreeloaderMigrant has given birth in the middle of the Med. (More like off the shore of Libya.) Nigeria is a huge country, the top half is Muslim and the bottom half Christian. if you subscribe to any of them you will find sanctuary in the part that supports your religion. Yet instead they make the journey across numerous lands in which live off the people whom they kicked out in which to have their own country.And the CS at the bBC say,
“Come on down”
How the disgusting CS at the bBC continue to whitewash Islamic intolerance:
Shot girl Mary Shipstone’s safe house revealed by solicitor error
The address of a girl fatally shot on her doorstep by her estranged father was accidentally sent to him by her mother’s solicitor, it has emerged. Mary Shipstone, aged seven, was shot as she returned to the safe house in East Sussex in 2014 with her mother……Ms Shipstone believed her estranged husband killed their daughter because he feared being denied contact after a new round of court hearings.
Really you Islamic apologists here is what the leftwing Guardian has to say on the subject.
Solicitor sent girl’s safe house address to father who murdered her
Mary Shipstone was returning to the house from school with her mother when Yasser Alromisse shot her in the head on the doorstep before fatally shooting himself. The review revealed that five months earlier Lyndsey Shipstone, who had fled with her daughter to escape domestic abuse and violence, reported to police that her solicitor had inadvertently disclosed their new address to Alromisse in legal papers….The report also said Mary’s death was a “spite killing” that “was calculated to deprive the mother of her child while at the same time leaving her with a permanent memory of her death”.
What is it with Muslims and murder, which funny enough the bBC doesn’t mention. Neither do they mention that he murdered his daughter out of spite. Another thing all these followers of Peaceful Islam always injure themselves afterwards saying they want to die. But they never do they,you bBC wankers.
The bBC, the whitewash org for Intolerant Islam.
UK:Outrage as as so called Impartial BBC Arabic reporter snapped with Assad soldiers
I`m glad that this interview has been flagged up between Sarah Montague and Julia Neuberger.
I was expecting something re Labour Anti-Semitism…threats to Israel..the decline of Jewish culture in the public space and number of marriages etc.
You know-like Justin Welby needs to look at in regard of HIS faith.
But no…just “Let Em In” as Billy Paul and Paul McCartney sang of.
And Sarah purred-these dum faith flunkies just say whatever the Labour puppetmasters want.
Next souffle up was one about the lack of nit nurses in schools-the Childrens Commissioner wanted ( guess what)…more money, recognition and lots less work.
As they all do at the BBC at that time in the morning when the public sector pimps and sponges are stuck in traffic, before the Zil lanes into County hall or NHS Gulag #38.
Tomorrow?…well conflate the stories-mix and match, lucky jamboree bag cut and paste.
The Jungle Bugler this morning reports on the lack of head lice combs and ungulents in France-and the Rev Bishop James Jones of Liverpool Cavern Tabernacle is here today to plead for more Beatles tribute acts to offer their wigs to a campaign to Bring our boys home from Calais.
Look-just a salad of words-pick and mix as you wish-the BBC does that all the time-Brexit will be the cause anyway.
More peace?
I share the concern of some on this thread about the leaning towards Jew-bashing on the part of others. This rabbi is simply demonstrating the extreme tunnel vision of so many on the left on the question of refugees (and so much else} and the apparent need to share it and draw others into the uninformed and naïve fold.
There is no dark desire here to facilitate the destruction of Western society.
Just to be clear, it is the BBC editors who decide to use a progressive Rabbi (who to many orthodox Jews is not a Rabbi) in order to play on the resonances evoked by Jew, Refugee, The Thirties and The Holocaust in order to seek to tar by implication opponents to the open door migration policy as Fascists or Nazis.
It`s a very old and disingenuous trick and when called out it can then easily be tagged as “Jew bashing”. this is done by simply refusing to discuss the way in which the resonances are being played on…it`s called discourse control and is a key element in formulating propaganda.
The BBC and Rabbi Neuberger should be asked and be asking themselves exactly what effect the creeping islamification of Europe is having on the safety and security of Jews (and the rest of us).
News from France suggests the answer to this question should be informing European nations immigration policies.
Excellent observations 🙂
Embolden, I agree with you 100%. The BBC knows exactly what it is doing with this rabbi.
no jew bashing here from me, there are plenty more loonies too
Lots more loons
One of the signatories is the Bishop of Barking. They’re all barking if you ask me, except for the imam who knows what he’s asking for (and he’s mentally ill according to the new A-BBC definition).
no jew bashing here from me…
Glad to hear it, Kaiser.
Those inclined won’t find fertile ground here for it.