Nothing but Muslims reminding us that it’s Eid from six this morning in Prayer for Today slots on Radio 4. Oh and that Islam is the religion of peace. This bacon sarnie is delicious.
The way Muslims keep going on about their beloved fasts will no doubt convince the ill-informed, non-religious people will make them think that the Muslims are the only ones to fast! Wrong! In fact the Jewish/Christian fast is usually 24 hours, at best no shorter than 12 hours!
Most people don’t know this because the BBC never tell joe public anything which shows the Jewish/Christian Faith in a good light! And, besides – we don’t stand on street corners bowing down to their unknown god! The bible actually condemns praying in such places! “They have their reward” Incidently, this also goes for those alledged Christians at the Olympic games when after each race they bow on the track and appear to pray! This also comes under the heading: “they have their reward” Matthew 6:2
I turn the radio off in disgust when I hear that thought for the day is to be given by some cleric who teaches Islamic studies-a political ideology with an alien culture a million miles away from the Christian thinking-I now realise for certain, with the continued dislpay in every mag & Radio Times showing that Muslim woman who won the Bake Off that the BBC is now with desperation endeavouring with the Liberal thinkers, to spread the Multicultural message far and wide-Multiculturalism is a fantasy of the Elites, encouraged to advance their New World Order policy & everything possible should be done to dispel this insidious trespass against our lives.
The General I agree with you that Mutlticulturalism is not on the Muslim agenda, however I was drawing a case where it was being developed by liberalsim to include them.Out of interest and as you may know, The official meaning of multiculturalism is a situation in which a city or country is filled with people of different cultures, religions and customs and that all cultures are regarded as belonging. Multiculturalism in Britain is entirely driven by immigration. The true meaning of multiculturalism is actually colonisation, which under both practices foreigners move into the area and establish their customs, culture, language and religion and entire areas of the country fall under foreign influence and control. However, not a single western country has ever democratically voted for multiculturalism, nevertheless the BBC et al assume to enforce Multiculturalism as directed by those that control them & all Media-hence the white indig are moving slowly to a minority in their own land.
Returning to the BBC after even just a short break, is like diving head first into an alternative reality.
Get up. switch on the TV and sit back to be stunned into submission as viewers are saturation bombed with ‘diversity’ images. Whether it’s the presenters or the people in the stories (Z-list celebs by the look of them), the faces in the programme trails – the aim is clearly to batter the viewing public into accepting racial diversity by massively over representing the non-white component of the British population.
Switch on that old friend fallen on hard times, Toady, and we have an American reporter who is on the Illary Clinton campaign trail, lying through her teeth about the effects of Mrs Clinton’s little stumble, yesterday. How do I know she is lying? Because we have a mile of film evidence now showing that Mrs Clinton is definitely not at her finest and no bimbo from the Washington Post is going to eradicate that footage by applying several coats of lip gloss.
Still, the BBC gives her every opportunity to try by not asking a single adult question. Nor, of course, apologising for its ‘this is all down to Right wing conspiracy sites’ party line of the last few weeks.
And to follow? Our old friend ‘Manmade Global Warming’ and some tosh about combined capture and storage – a scam whereby a harmless, invisible, trace gas which is essential for all life on the planet is pumped into storage containers at unmeasurable cost, later on to be…yes, well, er….
Maybe taking a break isn’t a good idea. Coming back to this onslaught is an almost physical assault on common sense and truth.
Good counsel. I have been BBC free for over a year, and therefore much the richer in terms of information and unsullied news, and other programmes. It is to be highly recommended.
Unfortunately, as noted elsewhere on this thread, the likes of Andrew Marr are prone to pop up when least expected, or wanted, in the Times propogating their “analysis” that anything to the right of Corbyn is “fascist,racist, populism” and that leaving the EU is tantamount to “turning our backs on Europe”.
Whatever happened to a reliable right leaning daily newspaper, that has the courage of its convictions to challenge the Lefts worldview. I suppose there`s always periodicals like Standpoint and the Salisbury Review but nothing daily, unless we count the Mail?
The Mail has long been the butt of the BBC’s prejudice but, as they would no doubt counter, you can’t argue with the figures – except for climate change of course.
Current daily circulation for the Mail: 1.6m
and for the Guardian: 178,750.
Considering that a very significant number of Guardians are supplied free to venues like W1A, Salford, a number of universities and other sympathetic organisations, the actual purchased total is lower by a few thousands.
Tells you all you need to know, I’d say.
Thing is, the Guardian is generally read by the ‘un-productive ‘ people in society…thinkers..meddlers..uni twerps…they contribute almost nothing to the day to day life and running of the country..and, this will sting, i regard the poor put upon people like toilet cleaners as more use to society than useless, sneering, carping wasters like Toynbee, YAB , Owen Jones…et al..
Quite right GR, and the ultimate irony is that they have all been created, fed and foisted upon us by the BBC. Without our valued and politically impartial arbiter of sound commonsense, none of them would have been heard of outside of Manchester, or Islington. Or Tuscany, of course.
Many commentators, including Ayn Rand and Evan Sayet, have characterised the culture wars as the assault on people who Do and Make Things by the people who Do and Make Nothing (media, bureaucrats, academics, politicians etc)
Douglas Adams satirised it well, and I have always wondered if his experiences with the nation’s most bloated broadcasting collective was the inspiration behind the BBC Ark.
I try and make allowances for the Mail, but it’s a God-awful rag. The “articles” and “reportage” are bad enough, but the comments are generally dire, and the voting system is obviously corrupt. It reminds me more of the Daily Star, nowadays.
So I never buy newspapers, now (they’re usually a day old before they arrive here, anyway). I tend to look at RT, and also Breitbart.
Yes, well, without wishing to appear too defensive, it was the figures – comparison of popularity – that I felt was significant. Used as a barometer of public opinion, the Guardian provides a very wobbly platform indeed and yet this is what the BBC invariably use as their EU compliant metre-stick. I can only agree that the Mail all too often makes for deeply depressing reading, but I can do the crossword.
I gave up on the Daily Telegraph about 8 years ago (having been a subscriber for around a decade). I gave up on Radio 4 at the end of the last century, had Radio 2 as a background noise (after 9.30am) until about 3 years ago. I avoid BBC TV like the plague; it”s bad enough reading about their nonsense on here, though I never click on their links as I don’t want to add to their ‘hit’ count.
The BBC were allowed to duck the perfectly sensible use of password protection for their iplayer, I suggest this should be revisited and this farce over data protection at ISPS would then be redundant.
Subscription, or at least some forms of self-financing, must be sought. Why should the general public be forced to support their pension fund and the ‘rock star’ wages of their staff.
As an aside, as a taxpayer funded entity shouldn’t all their expenditure be transparent to HMG, not just the wage structure but also how much of the tax is actually used for programmes, pensions, advertising etc. They (don’t) work for us?
I’ve been a radio 2 listener for years since being a mum. Most of it now, is unbearable, although Ken Bruce, Simon Mayo and stuff like sounds of the sixties remain somewhat untouched by the pervading BBC PC. Today’s run down of topics covered by Vanessa Feltz was a complete turn off – literally – Hillary’s illness (what’s wrong with being ill? we’re all human! Just like she said about Keith Vaz – has he actually committed a crime?), the iconic photo of sailor/young woman kissing in NY, and the story of a transgender woman. No thanks! Even noticed Chris Evans being rather outspoken lately – critical of Trump (of course), and having guest star Keeley Hawes on to talk about the refugee camp!! (since when was it an official refugee camp?) and how we should accept more ‘children’ from there. So another listener being lost.
The on-line Daily Mail has got worse and worse until it is now more like Hello magazine. As for the voting system, at one time my comments were included but increasingly the DM didn’t bother – until I didn’t either. I thought they used them as evidence for reader numbers for their advertisers. However of late, and increasingly so, their votes are being manipulated. Yesterday’s pro Hillary was a case in point where there were over 11,000 up votes for a pro-Hillary comment very shortly after the article had appeared. When the Telegraph updated its web-pages so they no longer look like a newspaper I realised there was so little I wanted to read. It means I have to go to Waitrose on a Saturday for the free paper with Charles Moore and a crossword.
Hacker: Don’t tell me about the press. I know exactly who reads the papers. The Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country; The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country; The Times is read by the people who actually do run the country; the Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country; the Financial Times is read by people who own the country; the Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country, and the Daily Telegraph is read by people who think it is.
Sir Humphrey: Prime Minister, what about the people who read The Sun?
Bernard: Sun readers don’t care who runs the country, as long as she’s got big tits.
I don’t understand why the Daily Mail don’t fix this. Unless the riggers really do have thousands of people willing to click votes at a moment’s notice (well what do those union employees do all day?) then it’s just some script kiddie manipulating the JavaScript or whatever behind the arrows. I almost get the impression the DM doesn’t want to fix it.
One thing I’ll say for the Daily Mail – if there is an important breaking news story they are on the case covering it, meanwhile at the BBC they will sit on the story spinning it for a left wing angle before they publish anything.
They do at least still have to compete, so as a news medium bought for news, it makes sense to deliver it to a voluntary paying or visiting audience to survive.
Not an issue for the social engineering and minority issue pulpit that is the force funded BBC.
Toady also had to mention only that Trump has been making an issue of HRC’s health, as if no-one else is making anything of it and it’s a point scoring exercise. Her health issue is a potential killer, even if you support her.
With you 100%. What will stop these lies outlandish fabrications of events around the world-the real truth about the terrible tragic event of 9/11 have been documented against one set of people presumed with Middle East terrorist connections, part truth but not all-nevertheless those that control the Media in the USA & greatly influence European Media such as BBC, continue to supress the real truth & so it continues with the likes of Mrs Clinton et al-lies all dam lies.
Andrew Marr wrote a piece in the Times over the weekend in which he mused on what he described as the rise of the far right across the developed world. This senior BBC presenter was ready to equate any leader who opposed the liberal lefts multi cultural world view as a 21st century Hitler , and those who democratically elect such leaders as brown shirts.As we on this site would expect , he believes that his own and the BBCs right on liberal left world view is a centrist one shared by all normal people. It simply does not occur to Mr Marr that the majority of decent Europeans don’t share that liberal left view any longer. We look at where decades of leadership by politicians of that view has got us and we are appalled. Our continent is over run by aliens who despise our culture and values and attack us and yet our leaders ,far from doing anything to repel the invasion , actually promote it. Large parts of our continent are suffering from an economic slump deeper and more prolonged than that of the thirties , with tens of millions unemployed for years on end, yet the politicians can offer nothing constructive to end it. Instead they continue with a federalist dream which the people are rejecting in ever greater numbers. We have been very badly served by the liberal elite right across Europe and yet the Marr’s of this world can’t understand why we reject the elite and their views. Mind you when you are making a fortune from the state funded BBC I suppose it helps you to turn a blind eye to the obvious conclusion , that the people have had enough and now want leaders and a ruling elite which will deal with the Islamification of the continent and the economic issues which beset it , effectively. The ruling liberal elite and their tame MSM will fight hard to retain power , they may yet succeed ,but for the first time in decades they are being challenged right across the continent.
Yes, I read that, Marr is a particularly shameless leftist hypocrite, not content with his BBC gold he takes the dreaded Murdoch shilling too.
What liberals and lefties never understand is that right wing politics is the reaction to the left and liberal fellow travellers stupid politics of endless grievance, envy and attacks on the values of the sane and usually silent majority.
They are becoming frightened of what they are stirring up but still continue to attack nation states and the values of western civilisation and are then surprised when people rise up against them….fools the lot of them, arrogant fools, the worst kind of fool of all.
Embolden, the analogy with stopping a ‘super-tanker’ springs to mind. Incidentally on that point, having taken a yacht across the English Channel many times, I know the need for precise navigation when crossing the shipping lanes. I believe the one reason why the UK will not suffer as many invaders coming from France in small rubber boats is because a super-tanker and other large vessels travelling at anything up to perhaps 35 Knots in the third busiest shipping lanes in the World will have no respect for Human Rights.
I would like to know why BBC contracts allow the likes of Marr to basically do free-lance work for the competition. Do the BBC not pay these people enough!!
More than enough in fact a dam site too much. But then all senior Civil Servants are paid too much- I live in the Staffordshire Moorlands & our district council chief exec is paid £ 210.00 pa, (more than the PM) & that’s not even a country council but a district council- all gone mad.
Today, R4 just after 0700 Hrs. BBC Interviewed the head of the combined UK Chambers’ of Commerce. Before the BBC have a chance to distort what was said in accordance with its agenda, I just thought I would confirm what was asked and the replies. The UK Chambers’ has predicted a decline in the economy in the second half of this year and the first part of next. I believe the figures of growth quoted were 2.2% predicted but Chambers’ think in now will be 1.8%. The essential question posed: Is this to do with Brexit? Reply: we have been monitoring a decline which started in 2014. Interviewer tried again later in the interview to create a link with between their prediction and Brexit and, again, the interviewee stated, (clearly anxious to avoid any connection), affirmed again that the decline started in 2014. No mention by either of the decline in World trading from 2014.
The bias starts with the term ‘Far Right’, and the bBBC’s decions on when and how to use it.
Marr and his ilk never produce an article on the Far Left, do they?
It’s not as if they are hard to find. Corbyn and his repulsive gang, young angry lefties, Momentum, Trade Union militants, Black Lives Matter, Socialist Worker. All the usual suspects on every angry, shop-wrecking demo, the hoards of professional campaigners with their unstated aim to trash our market economy.
How about it Andrew? We await your every word on this angle with eager anticipation.
A. Marr was a chum of Blair et al, & a hardended Labour supporter with no doubt a touch of Marxism-dangerous person, but fits the BBC pocket perfectly.
Isn’t the Labour Party funded by BBC cash from salaries like Marr’s ?
I wonder how many BBC (sorry ‘Licence payer’) millions make it into the Labour Party ?
More evidence (if any were needed) of the BBC’s inflated idea of its own importance. The last 4 minutes of News at Ten on Sunday 11th was devoted to news of a verdict in a major court case.
Except that the court case was entirely fictional – and part of a BBC radio soap! And WE are forced to pay for that!
BBC news output often comes from the FICTIONAL world rather than the actual REAL world.
Many Beeboids don’t seem to kno where the line is between fact/fiction.
…I wish that was funny.
R4 Toady on Syria decided to interview the head of a charity, International Rescue. Using his charity position as a platform we were then treated to the political insight of former Foreign Secretary and failed Labour leadership candidate David Milliband. At least we were spared the thoughts of former Middle East peace envoy and Labour PM Tony Blair.
If he could be tracked down,I would have welcomed the musings of our late departed Conservative PM David Cameron and the missed peace opportunity of 2012. . Not interesting I suppose?
Ah the wit and wisdom of the Miliband brother who was once our Foreign Secretary and would-be Labour leader but left to play Thunderbirds – he’s not so much Brains… more of a Lady Penelope.
I suspect many here share my respect for Sikhs, especially for their record of service in our armed forces. I am surprised that the BBC seems to be ignoring this incident which is clearly a far-right hate crime inspired by Brexit.
“A group called Sikh Youth Birmingham claimed responsibility.
They were angry at the wedding of a Sikh bride and Hindu groom due to take place.
Dozens of worshippers were inside when they struck at the Gurdwara temple in Leamington Spa, Warwicks. One of the gang had a placard reading: “Stop violating Sikh principles for money!!”
Denying a terrorist connection, a spokesman for the force said: “This is currently being treated as aggravated trespass”.
Seems it was mentioned on R4 Toady this AM ..they were interviewing a Catholic woman married to a Sikh
For some time now the BBC have been airing a long-running soap opera with a man cast as villain and a woman as heroine and victim of the system. The plot is admired, approved and well-received by leftist campaign groups because the characters as portayed by BBC writers can be simply extrapolated and claimed as emblematic of all men and all women. Presumably those sections of the audience who see through the manipulation have been forced to switch off and only the voices of those approving are heard.
Oh, did you think I was talking about The Archers…?
No this is the US Presidential election contest…
This morning on BBC Breakfast an ‘expert on US politics’ lectures the sofa bunnies and the viewers that Hillary Clinton’s problems are ‘sexism’ and that she faces the ‘same problems that all women who head boardrooms face…’ whilst Donald Trump is an elderly overweight businessman and we should look at his health…
My point is that BBC coverage of US politics has descended to the level of soap opera – a common thought, you may think – but a BBC soap opera is somewhat different beast – as we know from The Archers a BBC soap is a PC-left-fest. Not drama but a morality parable inteded to guide our thoughts and actions.
NCBBC, All part of the conspiracy: start with those you can criticise and, hopefully, if a positive judicial decision is obtained, setting a precedent, it will assist the Cult of Submission to continue on its relentless move to occupy a position of supremacy – unchallenged.
Not for discussion in the BBC.
And who was Home Secretary for several years whilst the police were becoming increasingly Islamified? And who as Prime Minister will do bugger all about it?
I see the archers and sexual abuse is getting the full on BBC promo push this morning. They had on a wide eyed man hating feminist called laura bates Shes the one dictating to the nottingham plod on the new hate crime of misogyny. She was getting a nice soft interview from the sofa babies. Her little group is everyday sexism Such a joy to read. The guardian like her. Apparently the archers is ace and everyone is listening.
As for Marr yesterday there were two big gaping canyons in the paper reviews and that was vaz and the labour debate on thursday. Not even a mention from any on that panel even hitchens. That labour debate was the big political event of the week and yet nothing. Its gone down the memory hole of all the left media so fast its like it never happened. The sky one later this week will be interesting. Marr was more interested in slagging off brexit and brexiteers which he did regularly throughout the show. He then interviewed Smith who showed himself to be a complete and utter cretin, so well suited to labour then.
And beardy thompson deemed to visit us plebs and give an interview to andy and tell us that he didn’t like the way the beeb had to toe the line during the referendum and he trotted out the coco the clown reference again. What a smug arrogant tosser.
Apparently marr is called andy now to his ‘friends’
I wonder if it’s struck you that the BBC has televised the Labour leadership question time, and has run uncountable articles on where the Labour party will go from here if either candidate wins.
Did you know that there was an election for the leadership of UKIP? Probably not because the BBC doesn’t appear to have spent one iota of time covering it, as it’s of no interest to them, save how they can rubbish who ever wins.
I can’t help thinking that the Archers plot line would have been more interesting if:
1) Helen had stayed in her old character of a nasty bully,
2) Her husband had been a bit of a wimp who put up with abuse because he loved her,
3) When she tired of him she murdered him,
4) She was acquitted because of her “hormones”, cause by the pregnancy (father Brian Aldridge),
5) She goes back to Ambridge where everyone knows she’s murdered a “nice chap” – everyone takes sides.
Much more interesting than agitprop for battered wives.
Don’t know what the programme is called, neither do I care, but at 12.45pm Sunday September 11th, the BBC news channel had a cozy round the table chat which I had the misfortune to catch a snippet of.
The table was chaired by a fat woman presenter who I didn’t recognise and panel that had 1) French ‘journalist’ Agnes something, US old woman, US middle aged man, and obligatory muslim. The subject was Trump v Clinton. Trump always referred to as ‘Trump’, Clinton always as ‘Hillary’
‘is an intelligent and elegant woman’ – Agnes
‘no greater experience of international diplomacy on the face of the planet’ – US man
‘massively respected in the middle east’ – muslim man
‘the stupidity of the man and his lies’ – Agnes
‘has no international experience and will cause the third world war’ – muslim man
‘let’s face it – he just tells bare faced lies and no-one picks him up on it’ – US man
Best completely ignored. I have watched Trump’s speeches and the reality is very different. Either these idiots, as I suspect , have not listened to them, or they are just being perverse.
This is a major problem now with our liberal journalists and commentators. They are just not up to the job.
The BBC’s staff is by any standard poor quality.
I would like to think that those in charge of the BBC are aware of the low standards .
Somehow I doubt it.
Many of us have now got used to watching and listening to other news outlets and know the difference. The BBC has problems and it’s self promoting as world class looks more bizarre every day.
The programme is Dateline London and the ‘US old woman’ is Janet Daley.
I usually avoid BBC current affairs or news programmes, so didn’t watch much of the episode to which you refer.
In her defence, Janet Daley writes for the Sunday Telegraph and she and Simon Heffer are the only two columnists I read regularly as they often provide an antidote to BBC bo****ks.
Elegant? I presume Agnes must have seen Hillary’s vast collection of pant suits? I don’t think they would pass for elegant anywhere in France, so I must sadly assume that Agnes is a lying, biased excuse for a journalist. She has certainly found her niche at the BBC.
Labour head girl Stella Creasy is railing against grammar schools, condemning them as a “retrograde step” and calling on Tory MPs to vote against their return. Stella herself obviously attended a grammar school. Indeed, a Guardian profile by the respected journalist Esther Addley in 2013 reveals
“Creasy spent her early years in Manchester before the family moved to Colchester, where she attended a girls’ grammar school – having failed the 11-plus and only been given a second chance because the family moved south”
So, according to the Guardian Stella tried to get into not one but two grammars. She only managed to stay out of a comp because her famously “aristocratic” parents moved house. No chance of her going private and freeing up a place for a working class kid. Heaven forbid anyone else should enjoy the education she did…
Whilst she is displaying the inbuilt hypocrisy that defines any Labour MP, she is unafraid to speak her mind on issues that have put her directly in the cross-hairs of Momentum, for this she deserves some recognition .
Anyone who is prepared to attack Corbyn and his storm-troopers and not cower in the face of constant abuse is worthy of being allowed to speak their mind, in my opinion Grammer Schools are necessary, just look at the French, Germans and Dutch all of which have their own versions – strange that Labour and the BBC fail to mention this when discussing the merits of Grammer Schools.
Peter Hitchens on his blog, on the BBC and grammar schools:
“The BBC, to its lasting shame, is running what amounts to a campaign against grammars – which it is forbidden by its charter to do. Its reporters are allowed to intone at the end of reports that ‘many people’ doubt that grammars aid social mobility, weasel words which they can use to smuggle their own opinions into what is supposed to be impartial journalism.”
Those last dozen words say so much about the appalling BBC.
Just a personal comment…
I encountered lovely Stella whilst running a Brexit street-stall in her constituency. Her group were telling any immigrant they encountered that they would probably have to leave the UK if we voted ‘leave’.
A young east European woman was reduced to tears by this, and when a colleague of mine (the mildest mannered person you would wish to meet) suggested she leave (the situation that was upsetting her) Creasy started yelling that he was racist and wanted to deport immigrants.
She also had the brass neck to repeat this story on TV as an example of post-Brexit Britain.
She is a truly horrible person.
‘Her group were telling any immigrant they encountered that they would probably have to leave the UK if we voted “leave”.’
Which would be rabble-rousing, surely, since the decision was not in the gift of those immigrants? The franchise in the referendum extended no further than the usual eligibility: British ‘citizens’ and British ‘nationals’; and citizens of the foreign country which shares a land border with the United Kingdom.
I suppose you could argue that lying to immigrants would encourage them to urge those of their friends who did, in fact, have a vote to vote in the right way. But conducive to abiding social cohesion it certainly is not (and typical of certain parts of the Labour movement, I’m afraid).
No6 – Cable is another who benefited from going to a very good grammar school (in York), which enabled him to go to Oxbridge, yet sees nothing wrong in then reaching down and sawing off the bottom half of the ladder; so that other clever, working class children aren’t able to reach their full potential, unlike Vince of course.
Absolutely, I went to a grammar school almost 50 years ago now, and would never had been able to get where I am now (Russell Group university degree plus professional qualification) if I hadn’t. There was no way that my parents could have afforded private education. The system worked very well for those who got into grammar schools, and if there was something wrong with secondary moderns, then those should have been fixed, rather than the lowest common denominator approach actually taken. Why is it now OK to be selective based on money, but so utterly unacceptable to be selective based on merit?
Shaimaa Khalil meets a group of Muslim mums to talk about the everyday fears of parents who worry that extreme interpretations of Islam may be infecting the minds of their children.
Young Muslims commonly learn about their faith from preachers in the community and online. Many preach positive values, but some drift dangerously close to fundamentalism, and beyond. These messages can be reinforced through the tangled grapevine of social media.
How much do mums know about the messages being preached to their children?
This programme brings together five Muslim mums, in a book club-style, to discuss the hate messages their children are exposed to.
They follow the story of a young man who was on the verge of becoming a Jihadi fighter. The mums listen as he talks honestly about his experience and then consider what they’ve heard – relating his story to the stories of their own young, impressionable children.
They also hear the story of a young woman who began practicing Islam at a young age. Even though her journey to faith was peaceful, her parents worried about where this journey may lead.
The mums learn an enormous amount from the stories of these young people. They discuss whether Imams are out of touch with young Muslims, and whether there has been a collective failure to engage in conversations about extremism. They discuss the legitimate anger many young British Muslims feel as they experience day-to-day Islamphobia and learn about the suffering of Muslims overseas.
Crucially, they discuss how parents can put these issues into context for their children.
The Fascist white presenter claims with absolute certainty that young Muslim men are ‘alienated by society’, presents no evidence to support this, people are just expected to accept it.
As the brown eyed favourites they are placed on a pedestal by the Fascists and it’s actually the young white kids who are in reality alienated!
Oh dear. My heart bleeds for these Muslim children. They get messages – from the Koran, Hadiths, imams, the internet, and the example of Mohammed. Then the BBC and Western politicians, who tell them that Islam is peaceful, and its just “lone wolves”, or Jihadis with “mental issues”, who are violent.
No wonder Muslim children are confused. Actually, no joking, they really are confused.
Its never good to lie. The truth will out eventually. Politicians, and the public broadcaster BBC, should tell the truth about Islam, the example of Mohammed, and the blood soaked history of both.
That way, Muslim children will not have “mental issues”, and all of us can start solving the problem – Separation from Islam.
The Fox News line is, ‘Fair and Balanced’ whereas the BBC operates a, False and Biased policy. Odd to think a media organisation funded by compulsory license is out there operating against the national interest ?
Excellent example of the BBC’s coordination of the anti grammar school league on the Daily Politics. As usual presenter Jo Coburn was unable to rise above her liberal left bias , in this case anti grammar school bias.. She was almost unable to contain herself when interviewing a Tory who supports grammar schools, her words came out very aggressively . The difference between her and Andrew Neil is chalk and cheese . He is professional and without bias , a total contrast . We then moved on to a defence of H Clinton’s health issues in which once again the BBC was flagrant in its support for Hilary.
Fear of competition from the genuinely talented. Darling Chloe might not get her comfy little job at the Guardian when she’s come down from Oxford if she has to compete with a rival who actually got somewhere on merit.
I suspect, Cassandra, it is because Grammar schools would be more likely to produce pupils who go into media careers and then compete with these privileged individuals already in post.
The other factor is that the Labour Party needs ‘cannon fodder’ for its Aggrievance Industry. Start to cut away at genuine disadvantage and give people a good start in life and eventually, as people achieve some success for themselves with the help of that good education, there is a danger that they might no longer vote for the Labour Party.
The Socialist Elite needs to keep people poor and disadvantaged to be able to beat the Conservatives and other political groups with these ‘sticks’.
They think that grammar schools are too good for working class children – it gives them ideas above their station. Working class girls are there to satisfy sexual emergencies of Muslim men
Rio Paralympics 2016: Kadeena Cox aims to inspire black athletes
Or does she?
I see nothing in her comments to support this virtue signalling work of fiction by the bbc wannabee black but still white sports writer Nick Hope.
All the statements in the article such as
“Double Paralympic medallist Kadeena Cox hopes her achievements in Rio can inspire fellow black athletes.”
“I really think Kadeena Cox’s success could start a seismic shift in Paralympic, as well as Olympic, cycling and encourage more black athletes to try the sport.
But the problem with CBeebies level journalism is that you can see straight through it as if it was made of a crystal. There is not one quote from Kadeena herself that in any way supports the title of the piece. It’s a clumsy piece of journalism at best and at worst a futile, box-ticking, virtue signalling, inverse racism by proxy piece of shit.
If I was black I would have no hesitation to tell the BBC to fuck right off.
WatO currently maintaining the BBCs opposition to the Government’s new education initiatives.
How long, I wonder, before some back-benchers (I assume from the Conservative Party) are questioning the BBC’s political activities from within the House of Commons?
Mid day news. Religious leaders none of whom represent me say WE must do more with refugees families. I’m sure I represent the majority that don’t want to. We are treated then to a story about an illegal who faces deportation, Surprise I couldn’t care less just deport him.
On another note serious faces all round on Breakfast as they cover Hilary flaking out.
I appreciate the BBC has a problem minimising the Hillary health problem but surely it has to be sharper than on the World at One today.
Obviously Martha Kearney interviewed a female, Hillary supporter, (‘I don’t want Trump to win’), to balance the BBC’s Hillary supporting coverage. The interviewee felt the only problem with Hillary’s health was the sexist questioning of Hillary. Hmm, yes obviously had Trump collapsed and had to be bundled into a car, before emerging many hours later wearing anti-seizure glasses, no one would have said anything.
Surely the BBC news department will have to do better than this.
The web has been questioning not just the physical, but the mental health of Hillary for over a month. The BBC and the US MSM has been hiding it all. So has the Clinton team. They have kept Hillary from the press for months.
But she had to come out eventually, and this is what you see.
I dont think it is right to put anyone into the meatgrinder of a US election. For a woman/person who is sick, its just not right.
Who`s putting her into any grinder? She`s doing it entirely of her own free will and because she believes its her divine right to continue the Clinton Dynasty and become the first woman POTUS. She`s Obama in a pantsuit and freaky glasses.
Allison Pearson in her DT review of “Archergate” includes
“In fact the jury room was so full of modish “ishoos” that it’s amazing there was any room for the jurors. As usual Radio 4 was guilty of being unable to see good in anyone except educated liberals who read the Guardian”.
If anyone can extract the longer section about the jurors and link or post it, it may be of interest.
For the record: I wouldn’t have convicted Helen for attempted murder or the second charge of intent to cause injury, though I was less sure about the latter charge; I don’t like Helen but dislike husband Rob T much more for his manipulation, lies and bullying, etc.
However …
The jury deliberations were what I expected: some of them were realistic (I have served on one myself) but the writer did introduce familiar BBC Radio 4 ideas to ‘educate’ the listeners. Here are just a few thoughts. For those who hate “The Archers” or don’t listen, please bear with me.
First of all, it was easy for the jury to acquit Helen, as according to Judge Loomis’s guidance, she could only be found guilty unanimously or by a 10-1 majority verdict (once one juror was removed for tweeting). On Helen’s side were from the outset Jackie (or Jacqui, a retired humanities lecturer) Tristan (a younger man, maybe gay?) and eventually the undecided Parveen (a younger female pharmacist). Set against Helen were most others, in particular Lisa (who had an abusive partner, was of a lower social class than Helen and was determined to let everyone know it) and the foreman, who did try to be neutral but came out for conviction. Jackie only had to persuade Tristan or Parveen that there was any reasonable doubt and Helen would be free.
Jackie clearly had an agenda, bringing in male coercion against women in general and saying this would go on til jury members made a stand. Some of the men had an agenda too, with one bitter about access to his children being denied. There was an echo of the old film “Twelve Angry Men” when one man expressed frustration with social changes and wanted to make some sort of stand by convicting Helen (irrelevant to her legal case – but no more so than Jackie’s crusading).
There were at least a couple of references to the EU Referendum and the difficulty of deciding on some matters. One was by Parveen (youngish, female, Asian and fairly educated, so prima facie ‘good’) who was quite convincing, admitting her doubts about why Helen stabbed more than once and then didn’t summon help but persuaded by Jess’s evidence about Rob, among other things. Jackie was clearly the educated conscience of the jury, gently challenging the nem con appointment of a man who had offered to be the foreman (Dennis?) because of his experience in chairing meetings, and citing ‘research’ about violence and bullying against women. She sounded rather like Pat, Helen’s mother, and prevented a conviction, though in the minority.
The Catherine Tate character Lisa, meanwhile, was articulate in a kind of ‘do-I-look-like-I’m-bothered’ way but emotional and too ready to accept bad treatment from men; you got the idea that the bien-pensants wouldn’t want folk like her voting on the EU; she was a fair caricature. Jurors Carl and Blake at times lacked the focus to stay tuned in and take it all seriously (but they were younger men, so ok to criticize their lightheartedness).
More generally, defending Helen were: lawyer Anna Tregorran (lesbian, feminist, haunted by a previous case of hers where a man was acquitted and then re-offended); and witness Ian Craig (gay, one of the early ones who correctly saw through Rob T as a bully and a fake); and Jess (nee Myers, formerly Mrs Titchener, a social worker and single mother).
Rob T, meanwhile, was privately educated and wanted the same for Henry, who he thought had been having an over-feminized upbringing with Helen. His father was an old-school bully and his mother a subservient woman; they all had ‘posh’ accents. Sympathetic to him were Susan Carter (village gossip and one of those awful people who vote Tory or, even worse, UKIP / for Brexit) and Shula Hebden-Lloyd (ex-Young Conservatives, hunt member, Christian, sceptical about women priests in years gone by) though Shula saw through Rob in the end.
All in all, it was predictable and agenda-driven, a long time in the making and carefully loaded with messages about how our superiors think things should be.
Thanks for that, I can only say I am glad I gave up on the Archers years ago. It was when the Countryside Alliance was organising its march in London, but the good folk of Ambridge were more concerned with a Gay Pride march. I just could not waste any of my time on a programme which was so obviously false and agenda ridden.
Or, more precisely, ‘I listen, so that you don’t have to’.
But seriously, there are some things that are so bad that they are almost good. They can be appreciated on two levels, rather like 1970s professional wrestling on ITV, though the BBC bien-pensants mightn’t understand that.
Been watching the Hillary coverup on both BBC and Sky. Unbelievable. Lots of left-wing politicos interviewed to try and paper over the cracks. But not one medical doctor to explain that pneumonia is contagious.
So why did this pneumonia sufferer:
1. go to a fund raiser on Friday night?
2. go to the 911 event with all the crowds?
3. go to Chelsea’s apartment (she has two young kids)?
4. come outside and greet a young child, (a photo op set-up) knowing she was contagious?
5.Why didn’t they take her straight to hospital?
More apparent bias by BBC employees against consensual sex with partners over the age of consent. An old story, I know, and an easy target, but don’t worry, I shalln’t mention Derek ‘Uncle Mac’ McCulloch, Lionel Gamlin, Chris Denning, John Peel, Gary Glitter, Jonathan King, Chris Langham, Boy George, Hardeep Singh Kohli, Sir Jimmy, John Nathan-Turner, Gary Downie, Stuart Hall, Alan ‘Fluff’ Freeman, Rolf Harris, Dave Lee Travis, Freddie Starr, Tony Blackburn, ‘Bonkaz’ (Taylor Harris), Walid Moussa, Tony Wadsworth and Julie Mayer, C. J. de Mooi, and Sir Clement Freud.
As I say, I won’t mention them. Nor the accusations against them, or their convictions for sexual crimes, or their presence on the BBC after they’ve served their convictions for sexual crimes. And I’m not even thinking of some of the BBC’s less celebrated sex criminals. An employee such as Benjamin Wilkins, who pleaded guilty to eleven charges of voyeurism (secretly filming his encounters with women who also worked in TV) in 2010. Or Gary Catterick, the BBC / TV Licensing minion, who was found guilty of raping a pregnant woman in the (sleeping) presence of her first-born child in 2010. Or Daniel Lishman, the BBC / TV Licensing minion, who was found guilty of rape and sexual assault of children as young as eight in 2011.
No, it’s Ed ‘Stewpot’ Stewart, now late and lately of the BBC. His autobiography is remarkably candid for a work published in 2005. He fondly recalls meeting for the first time the girl who would become his wife. (This was in 1975, when he was 34.)
I arrived [at her parents’ house] at 7pm and was greeted at the door by what I can only describe as a 13 year old apparition! She was simply stunning.
Mmm. A man of 34, then employed by the BBC to present Crackerjack, describing a girl of 13 in physical terms. Not in the slightest bit creepy. And were you aware he was a noted philanthropist?
We played a charity football match at a girls’ school in Lingfield. After the match we visited some of the boarders, who were mostly epileptic. The pupils had just reached puberty and the girls wouldn’t let us out of the dormitory. We had to be rescued by the staff!
(Ed Stewart, Out of the Stewpot: My Autobiography (London: John Blake, 2005), pp. 147, 177)
Do you think it’s something in the water at Broadcasting House and Television Centre?
It made me think of that chocolate bar from the 70s, Cadbury’s Big One. I’ve tried to get the actual advert but although I find it mentioned the advert itself is nowhere to be seen.
The jingle was “Big One! Sticks out a mile.” The funny thing is that it was Ed Stewart dressed as a cowboy hiding from some children but they could see his big one which he had in his mouth.
If you add Chris Woodhead and his “educative experiences” of leaving his pregnant wife to shack up with one of his sixth formers-and that notorious advertising campaign to recruit teachers in 2002/3 “Come and Hang Out With Raj!”-and you`1l find that childrens telly where it meets schools and schooling will be a rich vein of creepy pervdom.
Ditto with Oz magazine, Labour/NCCL and its links to the Paedo Info Ex-and we find that the liberal left have a hell of a record in such stuff…but no Tom Watson THERE I notice.
The Left have been satans bed warmers and child minders for islam for as long as I can remember.
The honourable thing to do – for once Cameron has shown the correct way to behave and ensure that his seat is given to someone who more closely represents the views of the constituents of Witney.
Looking forward to some slanderous comments from the BBC’s left wing quote a dial commentators.
Isn’t it obvious that the reason for Cameroon’s IMMEDIATE departure was the report by the Parliamentary Committee into his conduct over the Libyan bombing??
He got out fast to avoid having to face very difficult questions in the House having been forewarned by those seeking to avoid the embarrassment of him and his colleagues at the time.
Don’t worry about him ,though, he’ll have lucrative directorships and speaking engagements a-plenty.
He looked after his own class and made sure NEVER to take any difficult long-term decisions which might benefit the British people.
He was a Tool (in more ways than one) of the Globalists but ,on behalf of the English people, I would like to thank him for the Referendum-his political miscalculation was our Lottery Win. No longer do we have to believe the msm lie that most people are in favour of the EU and all it entails.
While you, me and everyone else has been working or otherwise engaged in other activities and pursuits, relying on the relative honesty of our politicians to ‘do the right thing’, under little scrutiny your Government has ‘Sold You Down The River’. Big time. It is happening to every country that subscribes to the UN and its happening right now.
Like most normal people, I have viewed the incomprehensible import of millions of Third World people into Europe and the UK with suspicion. Everyone you talk to questions, Why.
I’ve spent hours today researching and I’ve come up with some results which may astound at how far advanced the plan is to flood Europe with Third Worlders.
Reference has been made previously to the Conspiratorial Plan: The Coudenhove-Kalgeri Plan. In fact, this Plan (or a form of it) is being played out all over the World and our Government subscribes to it. All I ask is for you to take a look and understand where these hordes of Third World people are coming from and why –
Happy, “Sustainability” – for that’s the byword that cloaks a thousand sins!
And, importantly,
This document is effectively the agenda for a UN meeting to be held 19.09.16 (Yes, next MONDAY) to discuss:
“…addressing large movements of refugees and migrants” Take a close look at the list in 1(d) and how the UN will be discussing, amongst other related subjects, “Addressing vulnerabilities of refugees and migrants on their journeys from their countries of origin to their countries of arrival”.
I am totally and utterly shocked. Stitched up without an objection or fight!
Ha ha ha!!! Gender equality and empowerment of all girls!! What a laugh! Have they been on drugs? Talk about setting the bar high. I’d like to see their plan for achieving that. Are they starting with Saudi?
And, dear readers, always remember where you first heard of the Coudenhouve-Kalergi plan and the Coudenhouve-Kalergi awards presented to various European politicians.
I suspect it won`t have been the BBC. It will, most likely be a website or literature that the BBC would call “far right”…..
Only on the idiotic BBC.
“Giant spider found in shipping container in Scotland.
The Huntsman spider was spotted by staff at a manufacturing firm in Dumbarton on Friday. They called in the Scottish SPCA amid concerns that it could be poisonous.
The Huntsman is being cared for while a suitable home is sought.”
Cared for! It’s an f’ing spider for goodness sake.
Student placements in Al Beeb have not returned to ‘Uni’ yet?
Al Beeb are getting worse .
As a kid many many years ago, I often saw large spiders, including tarantulas, arriving in the banana boxes that were being unpacked at the local market.
I hope they have got it some counselling, that must have been very traumatic for the poor thing.
I’m surprised the BBC didn’t mention the team of counsellors that are now being trained up on spider psychology, so they can provide suitable support 24/7 while it integrates into the local community.
Indeed – I just hope for the spiders sake that the psycologists are trained by the same people who appear to be training the rapid response pyscologists that accompany all European police forces straight to the scene when those “men” get lost on their way to Alan’s snackbar. Their speed of diagnosis is nothing short of world class.. They’re usually able to decipher the perpetrators mental health before they know his name. Just hope in our liberal left paradise that spiders are not discriminated against although my gut instinct is that they should be fine. They don’t have white skin after all.
On bBBC1 1pm ‘news’- and unexpectedly related to the preceding ‘legs’ topic.
It’s Eid, so we get lots of coverage from Mecca and elsewhere, as a major item.
Further down the news. An anglo saxon white woman has inspirationally completed the Great North Run over 5 days, despite being paralysed and so unable to walk, and using a bionic suit to take one very slow step at a time. Incredible.
Nice to see the bBBC’s news priorities.
And then on BBC Londonistan we have the sensational news (not!) that students on international viisas are laundering money for criminals. Yet more multiculti ‘benefits’ in which we can all rejoice.
The day will come Sluff when BBC cameras will be permitted to film the whole process (including banned areas to non-Muslims). It’ll rank alongside the Olympics and all other major events. The trouble is when that day comes, it will be compulsory to view the ‘spectacle’ under threat of Sharia.
Now, like the new ‘Is a corpse for a President such a bad thing?’ analysis the BBC has suddenly been inspire to pursue, I wonder what may have inspired this gem on what matters and, of course, does not, integrity-wise:
They certainly need to be able to differentiate between facts and opinions, as many on the Remain side kept presenting opinions of economists etc. as facts.
If only we could get the muslims to have a similar sense of humour and not be “victims” – although Alli the weight lifter did his best on Saturday night in a positive way.
He ! he ! he ! The BBC no longer have the Gt British Bake Off !! negotiations between the production company and the Beeb have broken down and so the prod company have walked away. Perhaps we wont get anymore pushing of ethnics following this announcement !!
As long as it gets the smug perkins off the tv i’ll be happy. Cant see her going elsewhere as she is BBC to the core unless its channel 4, doubtful though. Crap program that can be easily fixed as was seen last year. The same goes for the shite that is masterchef.
Earth shattering news. Shite baking program may be leaving shite broadcaster. 18:20 BBc 1 news with much gravitas we are informed great British bake off will probably be leaving the BBc!!! Like I give a ****.
Another loss to the Corporation – it has to be downgraded to council soon, surely? The real question is at what point will the punters finally realise that they have lost most major sports, the comedy isn’t funny, even popular brain-outs like ‘Strictly’ simply showcase their own employees, each and every program is padded out with trailers, the level of PC brainwashing has become embarrassing, the world’s favourite broadcaster has gone the same way as the world’s most envied legal system, police force and parliamentary government, and all for £145 that they are forced by law to pay. Even the Guardian is better value for money.
This is what will kill off the BBc tax . When the punters realise that it is crap value and the programmes are rubbish. It will affect TV first as that is where the money is spent.Young viewers will be the first to revolt.
The BBC thinks it is indestructible when it is really on it’s uppers now.
Perhaps then Katie Derham will stop telling us that she was on ‘Strictly’ and giggling like a silly girl at the thought of an ‘exotic’ dancing partner rather than reportedly being a presenter of classical music and a married mother of two children.
By the way, did you know that Katie Derham was on ‘Strictly’?
Is Katie Derham on Srictly ? She would probably know more about that than classical music. Seems like a few things in the BBC are going down. Maybe a question of giving them enough rope. I certainly hope so !
Perhaps they could replace it with my idea for a replacement. The great British fry up. Contestants go through a series of fry up challenges with best sausage, crispiest bacon. Best black pudding least rubbery scrambled egg and the most crunchy fried bread. I think it could be a winner and run for many years plus many spin off merchandising items like errr frying pans.
Re Illary Clinton.
Seems to me that she`s been cursed after having her pop at Nigel Farage a few weeks back.
“That`ll learn her” as we said up north.
If she DID get in though, at least IS and Putin won`t want to meet her and her assorted lurgies-so that might be good.
Bill Clinton as her carer maybe on the payroll…might be a ruse this one.
Can only imagine the US crest on the nations disabilty ramps as she coughs and wheezes her way across the USA.
If all the people living in primitive / corrupt/ war torn / countries are to relocate to the West as we are told, constantly that they must – who will be the first mainstream voice to say such a course of a action is unsustainable or do we continue to a state where half the worlds countries are left abandoned leaving just the bandits, terrorists, the old and sick? Too many elephants and too few rooms.
I think the bandits and terrorists will be here in the West too gaxvil, along with the rest of the human rubbish escaping their Third World, hell hole countries which they’re totally incapable of making anything of.
Those who our “elites” allow (via unceasing, unopposed invasion-scale immigration) to continually “enrich” our nations with their numerous, delightfully “vibrant” cultural additions to our societies; of which we indigenous folk have all become so unwelcomely familiar over the last few decades.
‘Fraid Nibor, Al Shubtill and gaxvil, my criticism, having now discovered conclusively what is going on, it is only directed at the UN as my post above outlines. This IS the so-called, New World Order. Take another look at the second document to which I provide a direct link and study the agenda. In summary, our Government along with the others in Europe are completely signed up to this International Plan. A major plank of this ‘Plan’ is to import the Third World. This is the only explanation of the madness we are all witnessing right now. For me, now, it the answer to why Amber Rudd avoided any response to the question by Marr last Sunday, ‘what are you doing to reduce the numbers of immigrants/refugees from the half who are not EU citizens?’ She could have admitted that this Government has no control whatever over those numbers since her Government is signed up to all the UN Protocols and aims. Simply ask yourselves why it is that Europe including the UK, is frantically shipping the Third World in, in a manner akin to a taxi service?
I usually give the Radio Four 6:30 pm comedy slot a wide berth these days, as it is bad for the old blood pressure. This evening I tuned in for ‘Just a minute’, having first ascertained that Marcus Prickstocke wasn’t on the panel. I like the show, and Nicholas is amazingly sharp for a man of 93. However, panelist Tony Hawkes decided it would be a good idea to chip in with an out of context nasty remark about Nigel Farage. Off switch.
It never ends, they’ve genuinely got worse, but they don’t give a damn because “progressives” no better than any of we nasty “fascist, waycist, right wing, yah de yah de yah” non believers.
The new crime watch is a new low in shite. They were always guaranteed to find hate crimes even if they had to look under every little rock to find it.
Last Monday was the Beebs eagle day on brexit and brexiteers 76 years after the real one in 1940 and we saw what happened there to goering and his boys. If these rats want war they will have it.
Dave resigns as an mp and the Beeb in in sneering mood repeatedly saying the only thing he will be remembered for is brexit like its some disease. No chaps it’s the best thing thats happened in decades.
BBC Crimewatch was unbelievable. After sundry murders and other serious crime stories a whole section was devoted to people shouting at other people after the Brexit vote. Of course, no mention of the disproportionate numbers of aliens clogging up our courts and prisons.
I would rather eat my own eyes than watch that horse shit…. But I have no doubt the sermon also made no mention of the fact that the race of mentally ill Norwegians have a complete monopoly on mass child sex rings, suicide bombings, beheadings, random knife attacks………thought not!
And it’s meant to be a phobia to detest everything about the teachings of this sick, blood thirsty death cult….
Is this crimewatch for real? Bbbc outdoing themselves tonight. How about instead of st stephen of lawrence we have a “special” on the black on black knife crime in london. I had a wonderful lady customer of mine tell me the other day, she came from jamaica when she was 18 and she shes now 60, the problem in london is the west indians v the (as she put it) african filth, ie somalians, who taunt the west indians calling them slaves. She told me that there is no worse race than somalians. TRY LOOKING INTO THAT JEREMY.
Black on black is of no interest to the “progressives” at the BBC….Something that occurred almost thirty years ago is far more palatable for the comrades, because other than an alleged “hate crime” of a few tweets, neither Al-Beeb nor their beloved Guardian can find many evil white men kill Steven Lawrence stories, no matter how many rocks they disturb in attempting to do just that.
Unfunny romesh on bbc 2 bashing ukip on live at the Apollo. So brave of him. How about taking the piss out of the labour shenanigans. Now there is a never ending comedy showcase.
While driving home this evening I heard part of the Radio 4 programme Eastern Europeans in Brexitland.
The presenter played a very neat trick. He kept talking about “Eastern Europeans” but he only talked to Poles who had been here several years. The Poles were well spoken, had jobs and were integrated. They were what you would want immigrants to be (ignoring the issue of British jobs for British workers). There was no mention of any other Eastern European group and the listener was guided to the view that the Poles we heard were typical examples of the Eastern European immigrants. But we now know that they are not typical. In the circles I move in no one has a problem with the Poles because they come here to work not sponge off the state. The problem nationalities are the Bulgarians and Romanians, and in particuler the Roma.
The BBC has made a programme supposedly about Eastern Europeans but has only featured the most sympathetic and best integrated nationality. Another piece of anti-Brexit propaganda.
“The problem nationalities are the Bulgarians and Romanians” – well they certainly caused a few problems for Keith Vaz! Seriously, I quite agree with you about the Poles – the ones I have encountered have always appeared to me to be very well integrated, but ain’t that typical BBC distortion?
The Poles may be the acceptable face of immigration but I often wonder what the those Poles back in Poland would feel if all they heard were English accents filling their town centers, endless British deli food shops opening in their high streets, the British undercutting their tradesmen or pro-rata the British committing more than their fair share of crime?
I’m sorry I only want the immigration we need, the Poles are a cloak for all other immigration…
Ask Poles about their feelings towards Russians ( or anyone of the ex USSR ) who were stationed in their country – protecting them , according to the official newspeak of the time .
Isn’t it obvious that the reason for Cameroon’s IMMEDIATE departure was the report by the Parliamentary Committee into his conduct over the Libyan bombing??
He got out fast to avoid having to face very difficult questions in the House having been forewarned by those seeking to avoid the embarrassment of him and his colleagues at the time.
Don’t worry about him ,though, he’ll have lucrative directorships and speaking engagements a-plenty.
He looked after his own class and made sure NEVER to take any difficult long-term decisions which might benefit the British people.
He was a Tool (in more ways than one) of the Globalists but ,on behalf of the English people, I would like to thank him for the Referendum-his political miscalculation was our Lottery Win. No longer do we have to believe the msm lie that most people are in favour of the EU and all it entails.
Context you won’t hear/see on the B BC………………………………
Heard first-hand accounts the other day which might throw certain current news stories into a different light—it seems Harlow and nearby Waltham Abbey are suffering a real problem of 24-hr drunkenness and rowdiness from groups of P….h men .Apparently , these men stay in the large parks drinking all night and are the cause of a lot of ill-feeling with the locals.
I was visiting and was very surprised to see evidence of this in the morning i.e. a group of obviously inebriated men behaving loutishly outside a cafe for hours.
This background info. was relayed to me by a local who said that Plod was generally nowhere to be seen.
Newsnight again. Clinton is wonderful . Trump is insane. Some woman who is being allowed to tell us that Clinton is the best thing ever. Tina Brown is her name.
Wark makes no secret of her need for Clinton to win so that is that. Newsnight has spoken.
Dazed and Confused
Another politician totally out of touch with the people of Great Britain. Its about time she got moving on Article 50.
What do our Tory readers think about this appeasement ?
Her job is to keep us in . Always has been .She is not a conservative. Even this grammar school policy is a blind. It will look for a while that it is a possibility and then quietly be dropped and be never heard of again.
Sorry but she coined the nasty party line and I doubt her views have really altered. It is always about power and money with these people.
A party political broadcast on behalf of Islam by the Leader of the Conservative Social Justice Party.
OK Teresa. Brownie points from your Arab backers.
Given the shambolic job she did as Home secretary, I’m not surprised at her weasel words to ROPers in the slightest, as she had no problems with not only letting hundreds of thousands into the Country, but she spectacularly failed to secure our borders, and created a surveillance society that would have been envied by the former East German Stasi.
What does concern me far more seriously however, is that if the saying is true that the public get the leadership that they deserve, then with the only conceivable choice of the idiots of May or Corbyn to run this Country, then we as Brits have fallen into the abyss, and an Islamic future is what we will eventually deserve, unless we stop the rot of outright insipid politicians presiding over our every nose dive.
Thanks for the list.I have not seen all these cases of Muslim rape gangs listed before. If it were a list of people who threw a ham sandwich at a Mosque the BBC would have been all over it as a spectacular example Islamophobia and hate crimes. But what is more of a hate crime than rape?
The list shows the scale of the problem very well.We know that in the case of Rotherham the number of victims was 1400 plus, we also know that all of the other cases had multiple victims , finally we know that these are only those cases that have been investigated by the police and which have ended in conviction. Therefore I think it is safe to assume that there are many other cases which have not been prosecuted and that the number of white British girls who have been raped is well into the thousands. And yet our ridiculous politicians claim that the UK is a shining example of a successful multicultural society., and stupid Merkel is inviting millions more potential rapists , and worse, into Europe. We need to get rid of these leaders and replace them with people who will defend our values and ourselves.
Some truly world class bias from the BBC this evening. Having avoided the BBC all day due to my mental health issues it seems to be invoking I flicked over to HIGNFY after watching something on discovery.
Due to posts on here condemning the programme and having been abroad for most of the summer I thought I’d give it another chance as I did used to like it. With it being a ‘topical’ news programme supposedly (and I quote)
“Have I Got a Bit More Old News for You – Peep Show star David Mitchell hosts extended edition of the satirical current affairs quiz, with Newsnight presenter Kirsty Wark and comedy writer Andy Hamilton joining regular team captains Ian Hislop and Paul Merton to poke fun at the week’s events”
I was a bit surprised when it started talking about the Cumbria floods as I was pretty certain that this had in fact occurred a few months ago. Alarm bells are ringing however the jokes up until this point are rather funny so I let it slide.
Hey presto bang on queue about 10 mins into the programme and we get the dedicated 10 minute trump bashing. Of course what with Hillary falling from grace the day before I should have known better. For goodness sake BBC I hate to break this to you but just like Brexit Trump is going to win in November and I hope that when he is the most powerful man in the world you start to get some comeuppance for your shambolic, biased, agenda driven, moronic, self loathing “broadcasting” that you ram down our throats at EVERY single opportunity.
‘4 billion a year budget and it can’t make it’s own shows or show major sport live. HBO in America with same budget produces things like Game of thrones, the sopranos, True detective, board walk empire, True blood. And shows major sporting events.
The BBC is bloated and pay out of control. Sent 500 staff out to the Olympics while others had 30-50.’
Just like every other UK Public Sector wealth consuming trough eh..? (not that I watch the prime time baking bollox)
We can safely assume that Ch 4 will continue to use the Bake off as a vehicle to promote the notion that Muslims are nice people who bake scrumptious cakes .
“The Democratic presidential nominee abruptly left a Sept. 11 memorial event on Sunday and a
bystander filmed her struggling to walk to her van. [Ambulance] Her doctor later said she has pneumonia, a mild infection.”
A mild infection.
The doctor is female, as is the author of this HuffPostMD nonsense.
We have, to judge by their pseudonyms, a number of regular astute, incisive, female intellects on BBBC.
I request that the owners of these incisive intellects explain, to a member of the untouchables, why, as it seems to me, the distaff seem to fall for c21 AlBeeb type bollox more frequently than we subhuman white males.
“A journalism professor wrote, “if #WikiLeaks self-identify as journalists, then posting about Clinton’s health but not Trump’s racism/fascism is fair game for criticism.””
WikiLeaks responded: “We have materials on Clinton’s health that makes it a natural follow up but nothing on Trump’s racism.”
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Fedup2Mar 6, 17:34 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – there’s a reform MP who talks less crap than Farage .. good luck to Mr Middleton – but…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 17:10 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Over 100 Labour MPs and peers signed an open letter urging financial businesses to “sweep away ill-considered anti-defence rules,” calling…
Fedup2Mar 6, 16:41 Midweek 5th March 2025 Double – I think people have heard that Farage isn’t the Right winger they expect him to be …. Perhaps…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 16:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Prof Jay said the first of these reports was “effectively suppressed” because senior officers did not believe the data. The…
Nothing but Muslims reminding us that it’s Eid from six this morning in Prayer for Today slots on Radio 4. Oh and that Islam is the religion of peace. This bacon sarnie is delicious.
Re: Eid.
The way Muslims keep going on about their beloved fasts will no doubt convince the ill-informed, non-religious people will make them think that the Muslims are the only ones to fast! Wrong! In fact the Jewish/Christian fast is usually 24 hours, at best no shorter than 12 hours!
Most people don’t know this because the BBC never tell joe public anything which shows the Jewish/Christian Faith in a good light! And, besides – we don’t stand on street corners bowing down to their unknown god! The bible actually condemns praying in such places! “They have their reward” Incidently, this also goes for those alledged Christians at the Olympic games when after each race they bow on the track and appear to pray! This also comes under the heading: “they have their reward” Matthew 6:2
I turn the radio off in disgust when I hear that thought for the day is to be given by some cleric who teaches Islamic studies-a political ideology with an alien culture a million miles away from the Christian thinking-I now realise for certain, with the continued dislpay in every mag & Radio Times showing that Muslim woman who won the Bake Off that the BBC is now with desperation endeavouring with the Liberal thinkers, to spread the Multicultural message far and wide-Multiculturalism is a fantasy of the Elites, encouraged to advance their New World Order policy & everything possible should be done to dispel this insidious trespass against our lives.
“Bake off” I never watch it and I run a 9 second 100metres whenever I get a glimpse of it on any front page newspaper!
“Saint Obama” a 100% Muslim evangelical!
Multiculturalism is certainly not on the Muslim Agenda.
The General I agree with you that Mutlticulturalism is not on the Muslim agenda, however I was drawing a case where it was being developed by liberalsim to include them.Out of interest and as you may know, The official meaning of multiculturalism is a situation in which a city or country is filled with people of different cultures, religions and customs and that all cultures are regarded as belonging. Multiculturalism in Britain is entirely driven by immigration. The true meaning of multiculturalism is actually colonisation, which under both practices foreigners move into the area and establish their customs, culture, language and religion and entire areas of the country fall under foreign influence and control. However, not a single western country has ever democratically voted for multiculturalism, nevertheless the BBC et al assume to enforce Multiculturalism as directed by those that control them & all Media-hence the white indig are moving slowly to a minority in their own land.
Returning to the BBC after even just a short break, is like diving head first into an alternative reality.
Get up. switch on the TV and sit back to be stunned into submission as viewers are saturation bombed with ‘diversity’ images. Whether it’s the presenters or the people in the stories (Z-list celebs by the look of them), the faces in the programme trails – the aim is clearly to batter the viewing public into accepting racial diversity by massively over representing the non-white component of the British population.
Switch on that old friend fallen on hard times, Toady, and we have an American reporter who is on the Illary Clinton campaign trail, lying through her teeth about the effects of Mrs Clinton’s little stumble, yesterday. How do I know she is lying? Because we have a mile of film evidence now showing that Mrs Clinton is definitely not at her finest and no bimbo from the Washington Post is going to eradicate that footage by applying several coats of lip gloss.
Still, the BBC gives her every opportunity to try by not asking a single adult question. Nor, of course, apologising for its ‘this is all down to Right wing conspiracy sites’ party line of the last few weeks.
And to follow? Our old friend ‘Manmade Global Warming’ and some tosh about combined capture and storage – a scam whereby a harmless, invisible, trace gas which is essential for all life on the planet is pumped into storage containers at unmeasurable cost, later on to be…yes, well, er….
Maybe taking a break isn’t a good idea. Coming back to this onslaught is an almost physical assault on common sense and truth.
The BBC is now completely out of control.
This is my fourth week of totally ignoring BBC news and, apart from the football results, any of their PC tv and radio.
I thoroughly recommend it.
I listen to CDs in the car and no longer arrive at work enraged by leftist propaganda delivered in those supercilious tones that I have come to loath.
Just switch them all off
I wonder if, sometime in the future, the bbc will only read out the football results it agrees with.
Good counsel. I have been BBC free for over a year, and therefore much the richer in terms of information and unsullied news, and other programmes. It is to be highly recommended.
Unfortunately, as noted elsewhere on this thread, the likes of Andrew Marr are prone to pop up when least expected, or wanted, in the Times propogating their “analysis” that anything to the right of Corbyn is “fascist,racist, populism” and that leaving the EU is tantamount to “turning our backs on Europe”.
Whatever happened to a reliable right leaning daily newspaper, that has the courage of its convictions to challenge the Lefts worldview. I suppose there`s always periodicals like Standpoint and the Salisbury Review but nothing daily, unless we count the Mail?
The Mail has long been the butt of the BBC’s prejudice but, as they would no doubt counter, you can’t argue with the figures – except for climate change of course.
Current daily circulation for the Mail: 1.6m
and for the Guardian: 178,750.
Considering that a very significant number of Guardians are supplied free to venues like W1A, Salford, a number of universities and other sympathetic organisations, the actual purchased total is lower by a few thousands.
Tells you all you need to know, I’d say.
Thing is, the Guardian is generally read by the ‘un-productive ‘ people in society…thinkers..meddlers..uni twerps…they contribute almost nothing to the day to day life and running of the country..and, this will sting, i regard the poor put upon people like toilet cleaners as more use to society than useless, sneering, carping wasters like Toynbee, YAB , Owen Jones…et al..
Quite right GR, and the ultimate irony is that they have all been created, fed and foisted upon us by the BBC. Without our valued and politically impartial arbiter of sound commonsense, none of them would have been heard of outside of Manchester, or Islington. Or Tuscany, of course.
Many commentators, including Ayn Rand and Evan Sayet, have characterised the culture wars as the assault on people who Do and Make Things by the people who Do and Make Nothing (media, bureaucrats, academics, politicians etc)
Douglas Adams satirised it well, and I have always wondered if his experiences with the nation’s most bloated broadcasting collective was the inspiration behind the BBC Ark.
I try and make allowances for the Mail, but it’s a God-awful rag. The “articles” and “reportage” are bad enough, but the comments are generally dire, and the voting system is obviously corrupt. It reminds me more of the Daily Star, nowadays.
So I never buy newspapers, now (they’re usually a day old before they arrive here, anyway). I tend to look at RT, and also Breitbart.
Same here…..Daily Mail is terrible,and by all accounts the telegraph is falling off a cliff as well
Yes, well, without wishing to appear too defensive, it was the figures – comparison of popularity – that I felt was significant. Used as a barometer of public opinion, the Guardian provides a very wobbly platform indeed and yet this is what the BBC invariably use as their EU compliant metre-stick. I can only agree that the Mail all too often makes for deeply depressing reading, but I can do the crossword.
I gave up on the Daily Telegraph about 8 years ago (having been a subscriber for around a decade). I gave up on Radio 4 at the end of the last century, had Radio 2 as a background noise (after 9.30am) until about 3 years ago. I avoid BBC TV like the plague; it”s bad enough reading about their nonsense on here, though I never click on their links as I don’t want to add to their ‘hit’ count.
The BBC were allowed to duck the perfectly sensible use of password protection for their iplayer, I suggest this should be revisited and this farce over data protection at ISPS would then be redundant.
Subscription, or at least some forms of self-financing, must be sought. Why should the general public be forced to support their pension fund and the ‘rock star’ wages of their staff.
As an aside, as a taxpayer funded entity shouldn’t all their expenditure be transparent to HMG, not just the wage structure but also how much of the tax is actually used for programmes, pensions, advertising etc. They (don’t) work for us?
I’ve been a radio 2 listener for years since being a mum. Most of it now, is unbearable, although Ken Bruce, Simon Mayo and stuff like sounds of the sixties remain somewhat untouched by the pervading BBC PC. Today’s run down of topics covered by Vanessa Feltz was a complete turn off – literally – Hillary’s illness (what’s wrong with being ill? we’re all human! Just like she said about Keith Vaz – has he actually committed a crime?), the iconic photo of sailor/young woman kissing in NY, and the story of a transgender woman. No thanks! Even noticed Chris Evans being rather outspoken lately – critical of Trump (of course), and having guest star Keeley Hawes on to talk about the refugee camp!! (since when was it an official refugee camp?) and how we should accept more ‘children’ from there. So another listener being lost.
The Tele has been drifting left for about ten years and is now accelerating its decline. Sometimes it seems as if I`m reading the dreaded Guardian.
The on-line Daily Mail has got worse and worse until it is now more like Hello magazine. As for the voting system, at one time my comments were included but increasingly the DM didn’t bother – until I didn’t either. I thought they used them as evidence for reader numbers for their advertisers. However of late, and increasingly so, their votes are being manipulated. Yesterday’s pro Hillary was a case in point where there were over 11,000 up votes for a pro-Hillary comment very shortly after the article had appeared. When the Telegraph updated its web-pages so they no longer look like a newspaper I realised there was so little I wanted to read. It means I have to go to Waitrose on a Saturday for the free paper with Charles Moore and a crossword.
The Telegraph still has some good writers on its obituaries page.
Sadly, they are a dying breed.
Hacker: Don’t tell me about the press. I know exactly who reads the papers. The Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country; The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country; The Times is read by the people who actually do run the country; the Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country; the Financial Times is read by people who own the country; the Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country, and the Daily Telegraph is read by people who think it is.
Sir Humphrey: Prime Minister, what about the people who read The Sun?
Bernard: Sun readers don’t care who runs the country, as long as she’s got big tits.
There’s even a website which has been monitoring the fake green arrows!
I don’t understand why the Daily Mail don’t fix this. Unless the riggers really do have thousands of people willing to click votes at a moment’s notice (well what do those union employees do all day?) then it’s just some script kiddie manipulating the JavaScript or whatever behind the arrows. I almost get the impression the DM doesn’t want to fix it.
One thing I’ll say for the Daily Mail – if there is an important breaking news story they are on the case covering it, meanwhile at the BBC they will sit on the story spinning it for a left wing angle before they publish anything.
They do at least still have to compete, so as a news medium bought for news, it makes sense to deliver it to a voluntary paying or visiting audience to survive.
Not an issue for the social engineering and minority issue pulpit that is the force funded BBC.
BBC News on Facebook:
“Hillary Clinton “didn’t faint” and is getting better.”
See, they can report. Just… what they are told that they like.
Comments suggest they may not be as trusted as they once were.
It’s true as far as it goes. I don’t think Hillary fainted either, she had some sort of seizure.
They have been captured much more clearly on camera before, for some reason this one managed to break the wall of MSM censorship.
Murdoch has eaten them up-he is a chief member of the NWO group & will suffocate any form of retaliation.
embolden – You’ve just increased your lifespan by another 10 years.
Toady also had to mention only that Trump has been making an issue of HRC’s health, as if no-one else is making anything of it and it’s a point scoring exercise. Her health issue is a potential killer, even if you support her.
With you 100%. What will stop these lies outlandish fabrications of events around the world-the real truth about the terrible tragic event of 9/11 have been documented against one set of people presumed with Middle East terrorist connections, part truth but not all-nevertheless those that control the Media in the USA & greatly influence European Media such as BBC, continue to supress the real truth & so it continues with the likes of Mrs Clinton et al-lies all dam lies.
Andrew Marr wrote a piece in the Times over the weekend in which he mused on what he described as the rise of the far right across the developed world. This senior BBC presenter was ready to equate any leader who opposed the liberal lefts multi cultural world view as a 21st century Hitler , and those who democratically elect such leaders as brown shirts.As we on this site would expect , he believes that his own and the BBCs right on liberal left world view is a centrist one shared by all normal people. It simply does not occur to Mr Marr that the majority of decent Europeans don’t share that liberal left view any longer. We look at where decades of leadership by politicians of that view has got us and we are appalled. Our continent is over run by aliens who despise our culture and values and attack us and yet our leaders ,far from doing anything to repel the invasion , actually promote it. Large parts of our continent are suffering from an economic slump deeper and more prolonged than that of the thirties , with tens of millions unemployed for years on end, yet the politicians can offer nothing constructive to end it. Instead they continue with a federalist dream which the people are rejecting in ever greater numbers. We have been very badly served by the liberal elite right across Europe and yet the Marr’s of this world can’t understand why we reject the elite and their views. Mind you when you are making a fortune from the state funded BBC I suppose it helps you to turn a blind eye to the obvious conclusion , that the people have had enough and now want leaders and a ruling elite which will deal with the Islamification of the continent and the economic issues which beset it , effectively. The ruling liberal elite and their tame MSM will fight hard to retain power , they may yet succeed ,but for the first time in decades they are being challenged right across the continent.
Yes, I read that, Marr is a particularly shameless leftist hypocrite, not content with his BBC gold he takes the dreaded Murdoch shilling too.
What liberals and lefties never understand is that right wing politics is the reaction to the left and liberal fellow travellers stupid politics of endless grievance, envy and attacks on the values of the sane and usually silent majority.
They are becoming frightened of what they are stirring up but still continue to attack nation states and the values of western civilisation and are then surprised when people rise up against them….fools the lot of them, arrogant fools, the worst kind of fool of all.
Embolden, the analogy with stopping a ‘super-tanker’ springs to mind. Incidentally on that point, having taken a yacht across the English Channel many times, I know the need for precise navigation when crossing the shipping lanes. I believe the one reason why the UK will not suffer as many invaders coming from France in small rubber boats is because a super-tanker and other large vessels travelling at anything up to perhaps 35 Knots in the third busiest shipping lanes in the World will have no respect for Human Rights.
Mark Levin nailed it succinctly when comparing leftism, socialism and their ilk, with Conservatism.
Sociaism, Marxism, Communism and all the other variants of the failed politics of the Left are ideologies.
Conservatism is a way of living.
Very well said.
I would like to know why BBC contracts allow the likes of Marr to basically do free-lance work for the competition. Do the BBC not pay these people enough!!
More than enough in fact a dam site too much. But then all senior Civil Servants are paid too much- I live in the Staffordshire Moorlands & our district council chief exec is paid £ 210.00 pa, (more than the PM) & that’s not even a country council but a district council- all gone mad.
Today, R4 just after 0700 Hrs. BBC Interviewed the head of the combined UK Chambers’ of Commerce. Before the BBC have a chance to distort what was said in accordance with its agenda, I just thought I would confirm what was asked and the replies. The UK Chambers’ has predicted a decline in the economy in the second half of this year and the first part of next. I believe the figures of growth quoted were 2.2% predicted but Chambers’ think in now will be 1.8%. The essential question posed: Is this to do with Brexit? Reply: we have been monitoring a decline which started in 2014. Interviewer tried again later in the interview to create a link with between their prediction and Brexit and, again, the interviewee stated, (clearly anxious to avoid any connection), affirmed again that the decline started in 2014. No mention by either of the decline in World trading from 2014.
The bias starts with the term ‘Far Right’, and the bBBC’s decions on when and how to use it.
Marr and his ilk never produce an article on the Far Left, do they?
It’s not as if they are hard to find. Corbyn and his repulsive gang, young angry lefties, Momentum, Trade Union militants, Black Lives Matter, Socialist Worker. All the usual suspects on every angry, shop-wrecking demo, the hoards of professional campaigners with their unstated aim to trash our market economy.
How about it Andrew? We await your every word on this angle with eager anticipation.
A. Marr was a chum of Blair et al, & a hardended Labour supporter with no doubt a touch of Marxism-dangerous person, but fits the BBC pocket perfectly.
Isn’t the Labour Party funded by BBC cash from salaries like Marr’s ?
I wonder how many BBC (sorry ‘Licence payer’) millions make it into the Labour Party ?
More evidence (if any were needed) of the BBC’s inflated idea of its own importance. The last 4 minutes of News at Ten on Sunday 11th was devoted to news of a verdict in a major court case.
Except that the court case was entirely fictional – and part of a BBC radio soap! And WE are forced to pay for that!
BBC news output often comes from the FICTIONAL world rather than the actual REAL world.
Many Beeboids don’t seem to kno where the line is between fact/fiction.
…I wish that was funny.
R4 Toady on Syria decided to interview the head of a charity, International Rescue. Using his charity position as a platform we were then treated to the political insight of former Foreign Secretary and failed Labour leadership candidate David Milliband. At least we were spared the thoughts of former Middle East peace envoy and Labour PM Tony Blair.
If he could be tracked down,I would have welcomed the musings of our late departed Conservative PM David Cameron and the missed peace opportunity of 2012. . Not interesting I suppose?
‘International Rescue… David Miliband…’
Ah the wit and wisdom of the Miliband brother who was once our Foreign Secretary and would-be Labour leader but left to play Thunderbirds – he’s not so much Brains… more of a Lady Penelope.
At USD 600,000 per annum, he could afford a Lady Penelope lifestyle.
I suspect many here share my respect for Sikhs, especially for their record of service in our armed forces. I am surprised that the BBC seems to be ignoring this incident which is clearly a far-right hate crime inspired by Brexit.
” BLADE GANG STORMS TEMPLE Masked thugs carrying ceremonial knives pictured in terrifying show of force at Sikh temple in Leamington Spa after protest raid ‘over mixed-faith marriages’”
Seems it was mentioned on R4 Toady this AM ..they were interviewing a Catholic woman married to a Sikh
For some time now the BBC have been airing a long-running soap opera with a man cast as villain and a woman as heroine and victim of the system. The plot is admired, approved and well-received by leftist campaign groups because the characters as portayed by BBC writers can be simply extrapolated and claimed as emblematic of all men and all women. Presumably those sections of the audience who see through the manipulation have been forced to switch off and only the voices of those approving are heard.
Oh, did you think I was talking about The Archers…?
No this is the US Presidential election contest…
This morning on BBC Breakfast an ‘expert on US politics’ lectures the sofa bunnies and the viewers that Hillary Clinton’s problems are ‘sexism’ and that she faces the ‘same problems that all women who head boardrooms face…’ whilst Donald Trump is an elderly overweight businessman and we should look at his health…
My point is that BBC coverage of US politics has descended to the level of soap opera – a common thought, you may think – but a BBC soap opera is somewhat different beast – as we know from The Archers a BBC soap is a PC-left-fest. Not drama but a morality parable inteded to guide our thoughts and actions.
If HRC’s problem is ‘sexism’, is it the result of her not knowing the name of the French Foreign Minister?
This is worth reading
ABC’s site has been referred to the police.
NCBBC, All part of the conspiracy: start with those you can criticise and, hopefully, if a positive judicial decision is obtained, setting a precedent, it will assist the Cult of Submission to continue on its relentless move to occupy a position of supremacy – unchallenged.
Not for discussion in the BBC.
And who was Home Secretary for several years whilst the police were becoming increasingly Islamified? And who as Prime Minister will do bugger all about it?
I see the archers and sexual abuse is getting the full on BBC promo push this morning. They had on a wide eyed man hating feminist called laura bates Shes the one dictating to the nottingham plod on the new hate crime of misogyny. She was getting a nice soft interview from the sofa babies. Her little group is everyday sexism Such a joy to read. The guardian like her. Apparently the archers is ace and everyone is listening.
As for Marr yesterday there were two big gaping canyons in the paper reviews and that was vaz and the labour debate on thursday. Not even a mention from any on that panel even hitchens. That labour debate was the big political event of the week and yet nothing. Its gone down the memory hole of all the left media so fast its like it never happened. The sky one later this week will be interesting. Marr was more interested in slagging off brexit and brexiteers which he did regularly throughout the show. He then interviewed Smith who showed himself to be a complete and utter cretin, so well suited to labour then.
And beardy thompson deemed to visit us plebs and give an interview to andy and tell us that he didn’t like the way the beeb had to toe the line during the referendum and he trotted out the coco the clown reference again. What a smug arrogant tosser.
Apparently marr is called andy now to his ‘friends’
I wonder if it’s struck you that the BBC has televised the Labour leadership question time, and has run uncountable articles on where the Labour party will go from here if either candidate wins.
Did you know that there was an election for the leadership of UKIP? Probably not because the BBC doesn’t appear to have spent one iota of time covering it, as it’s of no interest to them, save how they can rubbish who ever wins.
I can’t help thinking that the Archers plot line would have been more interesting if:
1) Helen had stayed in her old character of a nasty bully,
2) Her husband had been a bit of a wimp who put up with abuse because he loved her,
3) When she tired of him she murdered him,
4) She was acquitted because of her “hormones”, cause by the pregnancy (father Brian Aldridge),
5) She goes back to Ambridge where everyone knows she’s murdered a “nice chap” – everyone takes sides.
Much more interesting than agitprop for battered wives.
Don’t know what the programme is called, neither do I care, but at 12.45pm Sunday September 11th, the BBC news channel had a cozy round the table chat which I had the misfortune to catch a snippet of.
The table was chaired by a fat woman presenter who I didn’t recognise and panel that had 1) French ‘journalist’ Agnes something, US old woman, US middle aged man, and obligatory muslim. The subject was Trump v Clinton. Trump always referred to as ‘Trump’, Clinton always as ‘Hillary’
‘is an intelligent and elegant woman’ – Agnes
‘no greater experience of international diplomacy on the face of the planet’ – US man
‘massively respected in the middle east’ – muslim man
‘the stupidity of the man and his lies’ – Agnes
‘has no international experience and will cause the third world war’ – muslim man
‘let’s face it – he just tells bare faced lies and no-one picks him up on it’ – US man
Balance? – my arse.
Best completely ignored. I have watched Trump’s speeches and the reality is very different. Either these idiots, as I suspect , have not listened to them, or they are just being perverse.
This is a major problem now with our liberal journalists and commentators. They are just not up to the job.
The BBC’s staff is by any standard poor quality.
I would like to think that those in charge of the BBC are aware of the low standards .
Somehow I doubt it.
Many of us have now got used to watching and listening to other news outlets and know the difference. The BBC has problems and it’s self promoting as world class looks more bizarre every day.
Dave, ‘Somehow I doubt it’. More likely, they simply don’t care.
The programme is Dateline London and the ‘US old woman’ is Janet Daley.
I usually avoid BBC current affairs or news programmes, so didn’t watch much of the episode to which you refer.
In her defence, Janet Daley writes for the Sunday Telegraph and she and Simon Heffer are the only two columnists I read regularly as they often provide an antidote to BBC bo****ks.
That is just about the truth of the matter-utter duplicity to suit their (BBC) profile. BBC Bias as is said.
A previous ‘no-nonsense’ character before?:
Hillary ‘is an intelligent and elegant woman’
Elegant? I presume Agnes must have seen Hillary’s vast collection of pant suits? I don’t think they would pass for elegant anywhere in France, so I must sadly assume that Agnes is a lying, biased excuse for a journalist. She has certainly found her niche at the BBC.
Another liebore hypocrite
Labour head girl Stella Creasy is railing against grammar schools, condemning them as a “retrograde step” and calling on Tory MPs to vote against their return. Stella herself obviously attended a grammar school. Indeed, a Guardian profile by the respected journalist Esther Addley in 2013 reveals
“Creasy spent her early years in Manchester before the family moved to Colchester, where she attended a girls’ grammar school – having failed the 11-plus and only been given a second chance because the family moved south”
So, according to the Guardian Stella tried to get into not one but two grammars. She only managed to stay out of a comp because her famously “aristocratic” parents moved house. No chance of her going private and freeing up a place for a working class kid. Heaven forbid anyone else should enjoy the education she did…
They are nearly all like her. They think we are stupid enough to listen to them.
I suppose they get it from the BBC.
Whilst she is displaying the inbuilt hypocrisy that defines any Labour MP, she is unafraid to speak her mind on issues that have put her directly in the cross-hairs of Momentum, for this she deserves some recognition .
Anyone who is prepared to attack Corbyn and his storm-troopers and not cower in the face of constant abuse is worthy of being allowed to speak their mind, in my opinion Grammer Schools are necessary, just look at the French, Germans and Dutch all of which have their own versions – strange that Labour and the BBC fail to mention this when discussing the merits of Grammer Schools.
Peter Hitchens on his blog, on the BBC and grammar schools:
“The BBC, to its lasting shame, is running what amounts to a campaign against grammars – which it is forbidden by its charter to do. Its reporters are allowed to intone at the end of reports that ‘many people’ doubt that grammars aid social mobility, weasel words which they can use to smuggle their own opinions into what is supposed to be impartial journalism.”
Those last dozen words say so much about the appalling BBC.
Just a personal comment…
I encountered lovely Stella whilst running a Brexit street-stall in her constituency. Her group were telling any immigrant they encountered that they would probably have to leave the UK if we voted ‘leave’.
A young east European woman was reduced to tears by this, and when a colleague of mine (the mildest mannered person you would wish to meet) suggested she leave (the situation that was upsetting her) Creasy started yelling that he was racist and wanted to deport immigrants.
She also had the brass neck to repeat this story on TV as an example of post-Brexit Britain.
She is a truly horrible person.
‘Her group were telling any immigrant they encountered that they would probably have to leave the UK if we voted “leave”.’
Which would be rabble-rousing, surely, since the decision was not in the gift of those immigrants? The franchise in the referendum extended no further than the usual eligibility: British ‘citizens’ and British ‘nationals’; and citizens of the foreign country which shares a land border with the United Kingdom.
I suppose you could argue that lying to immigrants would encourage them to urge those of their friends who did, in fact, have a vote to vote in the right way. But conducive to abiding social cohesion it certainly is not (and typical of certain parts of the Labour movement, I’m afraid).
No6 – Cable is another who benefited from going to a very good grammar school (in York), which enabled him to go to Oxbridge, yet sees nothing wrong in then reaching down and sawing off the bottom half of the ladder; so that other clever, working class children aren’t able to reach their full potential, unlike Vince of course.
Total hypocritical tw@ts the lot of them.
Absolutely, I went to a grammar school almost 50 years ago now, and would never had been able to get where I am now (Russell Group university degree plus professional qualification) if I hadn’t. There was no way that my parents could have afforded private education. The system worked very well for those who got into grammar schools, and if there was something wrong with secondary moderns, then those should have been fixed, rather than the lowest common denominator approach actually taken. Why is it now OK to be selective based on money, but so utterly unacceptable to be selective based on merit?
Shaimaa Khalil meets a group of Muslim mums to talk about the everyday fears of parents who worry that extreme interpretations of Islam may be infecting the minds of their children.
Young Muslims commonly learn about their faith from preachers in the community and online. Many preach positive values, but some drift dangerously close to fundamentalism, and beyond. These messages can be reinforced through the tangled grapevine of social media.
How much do mums know about the messages being preached to their children?
This programme brings together five Muslim mums, in a book club-style, to discuss the hate messages their children are exposed to.
They follow the story of a young man who was on the verge of becoming a Jihadi fighter. The mums listen as he talks honestly about his experience and then consider what they’ve heard – relating his story to the stories of their own young, impressionable children.
They also hear the story of a young woman who began practicing Islam at a young age. Even though her journey to faith was peaceful, her parents worried about where this journey may lead.
The mums learn an enormous amount from the stories of these young people. They discuss whether Imams are out of touch with young Muslims, and whether there has been a collective failure to engage in conversations about extremism. They discuss the legitimate anger many young British Muslims feel as they experience day-to-day Islamphobia and learn about the suffering of Muslims overseas.
Crucially, they discuss how parents can put these issues into context for their children.
The Fascist white presenter claims with absolute certainty that young Muslim men are ‘alienated by society’, presents no evidence to support this, people are just expected to accept it.
As the brown eyed favourites they are placed on a pedestal by the Fascists and it’s actually the young white kids who are in reality alienated!
More Radio 4 bias
Thoughtful, Send ’em all a copy of the Quaran and ask them if they have ever read it before!
Oh dear. My heart bleeds for these Muslim children. They get messages – from the Koran, Hadiths, imams, the internet, and the example of Mohammed. Then the BBC and Western politicians, who tell them that Islam is peaceful, and its just “lone wolves”, or Jihadis with “mental issues”, who are violent.
No wonder Muslim children are confused. Actually, no joking, they really are confused.
Its never good to lie. The truth will out eventually. Politicians, and the public broadcaster BBC, should tell the truth about Islam, the example of Mohammed, and the blood soaked history of both.
That way, Muslim children will not have “mental issues”, and all of us can start solving the problem – Separation from Islam.
The Fox News line is, ‘Fair and Balanced’ whereas the BBC operates a, False and Biased policy. Odd to think a media organisation funded by compulsory license is out there operating against the national interest ?
Excellent example of the BBC’s coordination of the anti grammar school league on the Daily Politics. As usual presenter Jo Coburn was unable to rise above her liberal left bias , in this case anti grammar school bias.. She was almost unable to contain herself when interviewing a Tory who supports grammar schools, her words came out very aggressively . The difference between her and Andrew Neil is chalk and cheese . He is professional and without bias , a total contrast . We then moved on to a defence of H Clinton’s health issues in which once again the BBC was flagrant in its support for Hilary.
Jo Coburn was a pupil at The North London Collegiate School; school fees for the academic year 2016/17 are:
Junior School – £5,370 per term
Senior School – £6,354 per term
Individual music lessons are charged at £240 per term
Forgive my ignorance but can someone explain why privately educated / public school politicians and journalists etc are against grammar schools?
Fear of competition from the genuinely talented. Darling Chloe might not get her comfy little job at the Guardian when she’s come down from Oxford if she has to compete with a rival who actually got somewhere on merit.
Besides, how is one to organise the invitation list for parties. What! What! My dear, the accents!
I suspect, Cassandra, it is because Grammar schools would be more likely to produce pupils who go into media careers and then compete with these privileged individuals already in post.
The other factor is that the Labour Party needs ‘cannon fodder’ for its Aggrievance Industry. Start to cut away at genuine disadvantage and give people a good start in life and eventually, as people achieve some success for themselves with the help of that good education, there is a danger that they might no longer vote for the Labour Party.
The Socialist Elite needs to keep people poor and disadvantaged to be able to beat the Conservatives and other political groups with these ‘sticks’.
And this is after tax, so we can double the fee to see her parents would have had to earn to be able to afford to send her to that school.
They think that grammar schools are too good for working class children – it gives them ideas above their station. Working class girls are there to satisfy sexual emergencies of Muslim men
Rio Paralympics 2016: Kadeena Cox aims to inspire black athletes
Or does she?
I see nothing in her comments to support this virtue signalling work of fiction by the bbc wannabee black but still white sports writer Nick Hope.
All the statements in the article such as
“Double Paralympic medallist Kadeena Cox hopes her achievements in Rio can inspire fellow black athletes.”
“I really think Kadeena Cox’s success could start a seismic shift in Paralympic, as well as Olympic, cycling and encourage more black athletes to try the sport.
But the problem with CBeebies level journalism is that you can see straight through it as if it was made of a crystal. There is not one quote from Kadeena herself that in any way supports the title of the piece. It’s a clumsy piece of journalism at best and at worst a futile, box-ticking, virtue signalling, inverse racism by proxy piece of shit.
If I was black I would have no hesitation to tell the BBC to fuck right off.
WatO currently maintaining the BBCs opposition to the Government’s new education initiatives.
How long, I wonder, before some back-benchers (I assume from the Conservative Party) are questioning the BBC’s political activities from within the House of Commons?
Mid day news. Religious leaders none of whom represent me say WE must do more with refugees families. I’m sure I represent the majority that don’t want to. We are treated then to a story about an illegal who faces deportation, Surprise I couldn’t care less just deport him.
On another note serious faces all round on Breakfast as they cover Hilary flaking out.
I appreciate the BBC has a problem minimising the Hillary health problem but surely it has to be sharper than on the World at One today.
Obviously Martha Kearney interviewed a female, Hillary supporter, (‘I don’t want Trump to win’), to balance the BBC’s Hillary supporting coverage. The interviewee felt the only problem with Hillary’s health was the sexist questioning of Hillary. Hmm, yes obviously had Trump collapsed and had to be bundled into a car, before emerging many hours later wearing anti-seizure glasses, no one would have said anything.
Surely the BBC news department will have to do better than this.
Sadly, not until someone makes it. They know what they are doing and they know they are getting away with it.
This is the very nub of our problem. How to get it stopped.
The web has been questioning not just the physical, but the mental health of Hillary for over a month. The BBC and the US MSM has been hiding it all. So has the Clinton team. They have kept Hillary from the press for months.
But she had to come out eventually, and this is what you see.
I dont think it is right to put anyone into the meatgrinder of a US election. For a woman/person who is sick, its just not right.
Who`s putting her into any grinder? She`s doing it entirely of her own free will and because she believes its her divine right to continue the Clinton Dynasty and become the first woman POTUS. She`s Obama in a pantsuit and freaky glasses.
I have yet to spot any BBC coverage of this story:
The BBC has an item on Corbyn’s first year in post:
Obviously the sixth formers that produced the fawning video for the BBC didn’t want to spoil the ending.
I don’t think Corbyn will be too happy if this is true!
Allison Pearson in her DT review of “Archergate” includes
“In fact the jury room was so full of modish “ishoos” that it’s amazing there was any room for the jurors. As usual Radio 4 was guilty of being unable to see good in anyone except educated liberals who read the Guardian”.
If anyone can extract the longer section about the jurors and link or post it, it may be of interest.
For the record: I wouldn’t have convicted Helen for attempted murder or the second charge of intent to cause injury, though I was less sure about the latter charge; I don’t like Helen but dislike husband Rob T much more for his manipulation, lies and bullying, etc.
However …
The jury deliberations were what I expected: some of them were realistic (I have served on one myself) but the writer did introduce familiar BBC Radio 4 ideas to ‘educate’ the listeners. Here are just a few thoughts. For those who hate “The Archers” or don’t listen, please bear with me.
First of all, it was easy for the jury to acquit Helen, as according to Judge Loomis’s guidance, she could only be found guilty unanimously or by a 10-1 majority verdict (once one juror was removed for tweeting). On Helen’s side were from the outset Jackie (or Jacqui, a retired humanities lecturer) Tristan (a younger man, maybe gay?) and eventually the undecided Parveen (a younger female pharmacist). Set against Helen were most others, in particular Lisa (who had an abusive partner, was of a lower social class than Helen and was determined to let everyone know it) and the foreman, who did try to be neutral but came out for conviction. Jackie only had to persuade Tristan or Parveen that there was any reasonable doubt and Helen would be free.
Jackie clearly had an agenda, bringing in male coercion against women in general and saying this would go on til jury members made a stand. Some of the men had an agenda too, with one bitter about access to his children being denied. There was an echo of the old film “Twelve Angry Men” when one man expressed frustration with social changes and wanted to make some sort of stand by convicting Helen (irrelevant to her legal case – but no more so than Jackie’s crusading).
There were at least a couple of references to the EU Referendum and the difficulty of deciding on some matters. One was by Parveen (youngish, female, Asian and fairly educated, so prima facie ‘good’) who was quite convincing, admitting her doubts about why Helen stabbed more than once and then didn’t summon help but persuaded by Jess’s evidence about Rob, among other things. Jackie was clearly the educated conscience of the jury, gently challenging the nem con appointment of a man who had offered to be the foreman (Dennis?) because of his experience in chairing meetings, and citing ‘research’ about violence and bullying against women. She sounded rather like Pat, Helen’s mother, and prevented a conviction, though in the minority.
The Catherine Tate character Lisa, meanwhile, was articulate in a kind of ‘do-I-look-like-I’m-bothered’ way but emotional and too ready to accept bad treatment from men; you got the idea that the bien-pensants wouldn’t want folk like her voting on the EU; she was a fair caricature. Jurors Carl and Blake at times lacked the focus to stay tuned in and take it all seriously (but they were younger men, so ok to criticize their lightheartedness).
More generally, defending Helen were: lawyer Anna Tregorran (lesbian, feminist, haunted by a previous case of hers where a man was acquitted and then re-offended); and witness Ian Craig (gay, one of the early ones who correctly saw through Rob T as a bully and a fake); and Jess (nee Myers, formerly Mrs Titchener, a social worker and single mother).
Rob T, meanwhile, was privately educated and wanted the same for Henry, who he thought had been having an over-feminized upbringing with Helen. His father was an old-school bully and his mother a subservient woman; they all had ‘posh’ accents. Sympathetic to him were Susan Carter (village gossip and one of those awful people who vote Tory or, even worse, UKIP / for Brexit) and Shula Hebden-Lloyd (ex-Young Conservatives, hunt member, Christian, sceptical about women priests in years gone by) though Shula saw through Rob in the end.
All in all, it was predictable and agenda-driven, a long time in the making and carefully loaded with messages about how our superiors think things should be.
Thanks for that, I can only say I am glad I gave up on the Archers years ago. It was when the Countryside Alliance was organising its march in London, but the good folk of Ambridge were more concerned with a Gay Pride march. I just could not waste any of my time on a programme which was so obviously false and agenda ridden.
‘We die, that they may die no more’.
Or, more precisely, ‘I listen, so that you don’t have to’.
But seriously, there are some things that are so bad that they are almost good. They can be appreciated on two levels, rather like 1970s professional wrestling on ITV, though the BBC bien-pensants mightn’t understand that.
Been watching the Hillary coverup on both BBC and Sky. Unbelievable. Lots of left-wing politicos interviewed to try and paper over the cracks. But not one medical doctor to explain that pneumonia is contagious.
So why did this pneumonia sufferer:
1. go to a fund raiser on Friday night?
2. go to the 911 event with all the crowds?
3. go to Chelsea’s apartment (she has two young kids)?
4. come outside and greet a young child, (a photo op set-up) knowing she was contagious?
5.Why didn’t they take her straight to hospital?
Or it’s not pneumonia at all. It wouldn’t be the first time the Democrats made something up.
“…4. come outside and greet a young child, (a photo op set-up) knowing she was contagious?”
My thoughts exactly.
And Hillary has been coughing all over the place.
So its either pneumonia, and her team have been grossly negligent in not confining Hillary to a safe place, or its not pneumonia .
Which is it?
What took you so long?
I think you missed nasty. And I bet her colostomy bag makes her stink as well.
More apparent bias by BBC employees against consensual sex with partners over the age of consent. An old story, I know, and an easy target, but don’t worry, I shalln’t mention Derek ‘Uncle Mac’ McCulloch, Lionel Gamlin, Chris Denning, John Peel, Gary Glitter, Jonathan King, Chris Langham, Boy George, Hardeep Singh Kohli, Sir Jimmy, John Nathan-Turner, Gary Downie, Stuart Hall, Alan ‘Fluff’ Freeman, Rolf Harris, Dave Lee Travis, Freddie Starr, Tony Blackburn, ‘Bonkaz’ (Taylor Harris), Walid Moussa, Tony Wadsworth and Julie Mayer, C. J. de Mooi, and Sir Clement Freud.
As I say, I won’t mention them. Nor the accusations against them, or their convictions for sexual crimes, or their presence on the BBC after they’ve served their convictions for sexual crimes. And I’m not even thinking of some of the BBC’s less celebrated sex criminals. An employee such as Benjamin Wilkins, who pleaded guilty to eleven charges of voyeurism (secretly filming his encounters with women who also worked in TV) in 2010. Or Gary Catterick, the BBC / TV Licensing minion, who was found guilty of raping a pregnant woman in the (sleeping) presence of her first-born child in 2010. Or Daniel Lishman, the BBC / TV Licensing minion, who was found guilty of rape and sexual assault of children as young as eight in 2011.
No, it’s Ed ‘Stewpot’ Stewart, now late and lately of the BBC. His autobiography is remarkably candid for a work published in 2005. He fondly recalls meeting for the first time the girl who would become his wife. (This was in 1975, when he was 34.)
I arrived [at her parents’ house] at 7pm and was greeted at the door by what I can only describe as a 13 year old apparition! She was simply stunning.
Mmm. A man of 34, then employed by the BBC to present Crackerjack, describing a girl of 13 in physical terms. Not in the slightest bit creepy. And were you aware he was a noted philanthropist?
We played a charity football match at a girls’ school in Lingfield. After the match we visited some of the boarders, who were mostly epileptic. The pupils had just reached puberty and the girls wouldn’t let us out of the dormitory. We had to be rescued by the staff!
(Ed Stewart, Out of the Stewpot: My Autobiography (London: John Blake, 2005), pp. 147, 177)
Do you think it’s something in the water at Broadcasting House and Television Centre?
It made me think of that chocolate bar from the 70s, Cadbury’s Big One. I’ve tried to get the actual advert but although I find it mentioned the advert itself is nowhere to be seen.
The jingle was “Big One! Sticks out a mile.” The funny thing is that it was Ed Stewart dressed as a cowboy hiding from some children but they could see his big one which he had in his mouth.
If you add Chris Woodhead and his “educative experiences” of leaving his pregnant wife to shack up with one of his sixth formers-and that notorious advertising campaign to recruit teachers in 2002/3 “Come and Hang Out With Raj!”-and you`1l find that childrens telly where it meets schools and schooling will be a rich vein of creepy pervdom.
Ditto with Oz magazine, Labour/NCCL and its links to the Paedo Info Ex-and we find that the liberal left have a hell of a record in such stuff…but no Tom Watson THERE I notice.
The Left have been satans bed warmers and child minders for islam for as long as I can remember.
Cameron resigns as MP. Triggers a by-election.
The honourable thing to do – for once Cameron has shown the correct way to behave and ensure that his seat is given to someone who more closely represents the views of the constituents of Witney.
Looking forward to some slanderous comments from the BBC’s left wing quote a dial commentators.
Any odds on his new job?
something to do with….
…NHS or local council with more lucrative remuneration than his salry as PM?
Isn’t Bank-I-Moon (sorry about the spelling) going?
He will obtain his pay off from the Arabs. Might even convert to the religion he and his comrades in the SWP and UAF have defended
Time for him to get seriously rich.
Or even Used Car Salesman ?
Isn’t it obvious that the reason for Cameroon’s IMMEDIATE departure was the report by the Parliamentary Committee into his conduct over the Libyan bombing??
He got out fast to avoid having to face very difficult questions in the House having been forewarned by those seeking to avoid the embarrassment of him and his colleagues at the time.
Don’t worry about him ,though, he’ll have lucrative directorships and speaking engagements a-plenty.
He looked after his own class and made sure NEVER to take any difficult long-term decisions which might benefit the British people.
He was a Tool (in more ways than one) of the Globalists but ,on behalf of the English people, I would like to thank him for the Referendum-his political miscalculation was our Lottery Win. No longer do we have to believe the msm lie that most people are in favour of the EU and all it entails.
While you, me and everyone else has been working or otherwise engaged in other activities and pursuits, relying on the relative honesty of our politicians to ‘do the right thing’, under little scrutiny your Government has ‘Sold You Down The River’. Big time. It is happening to every country that subscribes to the UN and its happening right now.
Like most normal people, I have viewed the incomprehensible import of millions of Third World people into Europe and the UK with suspicion. Everyone you talk to questions, Why.
I’ve spent hours today researching and I’ve come up with some results which may astound at how far advanced the plan is to flood Europe with Third Worlders.
Reference has been made previously to the Conspiratorial Plan: The Coudenhove-Kalgeri Plan. In fact, this Plan (or a form of it) is being played out all over the World and our Government subscribes to it. All I ask is for you to take a look and understand where these hordes of Third World people are coming from and why –
Happy, “Sustainability” – for that’s the byword that cloaks a thousand sins!
And, importantly,
This document is effectively the agenda for a UN meeting to be held 19.09.16 (Yes, next MONDAY) to discuss:
“…addressing large movements of refugees and migrants” Take a close look at the list in 1(d) and how the UN will be discussing, amongst other related subjects, “Addressing vulnerabilities of refugees and migrants on their journeys from their countries of origin to their countries of arrival”.
I am totally and utterly shocked. Stitched up without an objection or fight!
Ha ha ha!!! Gender equality and empowerment of all girls!! What a laugh! Have they been on drugs? Talk about setting the bar high. I’d like to see their plan for achieving that. Are they starting with Saudi?
And, dear readers, always remember where you first heard of the Coudenhouve-Kalergi plan and the Coudenhouve-Kalergi awards presented to various European politicians.
I suspect it won`t have been the BBC. It will, most likely be a website or literature that the BBC would call “far right”…..
embolden, including Heath and Blair don’t forget.
Only on the idiotic BBC.
“Giant spider found in shipping container in Scotland.
The Huntsman spider was spotted by staff at a manufacturing firm in Dumbarton on Friday. They called in the Scottish SPCA amid concerns that it could be poisonous.
The Huntsman is being cared for while a suitable home is sought.”
Cared for! It’s an f’ing spider for goodness sake.
Ah…. but…. Global warming. Trump. Or something.
Student placements in Al Beeb have not returned to ‘Uni’ yet?
Al Beeb are getting worse .
As a kid many many years ago, I often saw large spiders, including tarantulas, arriving in the banana boxes that were being unpacked at the local market.
TPO – Has it claimed asylum yet?
TPO – did you find that on the world wide web?
I hope they have got it some counselling, that must have been very traumatic for the poor thing.
I’m surprised the BBC didn’t mention the team of counsellors that are now being trained up on spider psychology, so they can provide suitable support 24/7 while it integrates into the local community.
Indeed – I just hope for the spiders sake that the psycologists are trained by the same people who appear to be training the rapid response pyscologists that accompany all European police forces straight to the scene when those “men” get lost on their way to Alan’s snackbar. Their speed of diagnosis is nothing short of world class.. They’re usually able to decipher the perpetrators mental health before they know his name. Just hope in our liberal left paradise that spiders are not discriminated against although my gut instinct is that they should be fine. They don’t have white skin after all.
I like spiders! Well done Scottish SPCA! Can’t do with speciesism ….
On bBBC1 1pm ‘news’- and unexpectedly related to the preceding ‘legs’ topic.
It’s Eid, so we get lots of coverage from Mecca and elsewhere, as a major item.
Further down the news. An anglo saxon white woman has inspirationally completed the Great North Run over 5 days, despite being paralysed and so unable to walk, and using a bionic suit to take one very slow step at a time. Incredible.
Nice to see the bBBC’s news priorities.
And then on BBC Londonistan we have the sensational news (not!) that students on international viisas are laundering money for criminals. Yet more multiculti ‘benefits’ in which we can all rejoice.
The day will come Sluff when BBC cameras will be permitted to film the whole process (including banned areas to non-Muslims). It’ll rank alongside the Olympics and all other major events. The trouble is when that day comes, it will be compulsory to view the ‘spectacle’ under threat of Sharia.
The story the BBc will never let anyone forget about rumbles on. Unlike this story or this story
Still using the cropped photograph I see.
Now, like the new ‘Is a corpse for a President such a bad thing?’ analysis the BBC has suddenly been inspire to pursue, I wonder what may have inspired this gem on what matters and, of course, does not, integrity-wise:
They certainly need to be able to differentiate between facts and opinions, as many on the Remain side kept presenting opinions of economists etc. as facts.
Radio 4: ‘Do politicans need to know facts?’ Errr. The BBC seems to think so.
‘MP Dorries calls PM and chancellor ‘arrogant posh boys”
‘Cameron admits he doesn’t know price of ‘value bread”
‘PMQs: Cameron asked English grammar questions by Lucas’
UNLESS of course it’s a Labour MP…when it all seems so unfair and the BBC gets rather sympathetic.
Just when I thought there was nothing more boring than the Olympics, we get the BBC’s coverage of the Paralympics. Screaming point !
You might just like The Last Leg on CH 4.
If only we could get the muslims to have a similar sense of humour and not be “victims” – although Alli the weight lifter did his best on Saturday night in a positive way.
He ! he ! he ! The BBC no longer have the Gt British Bake Off !! negotiations between the production company and the Beeb have broken down and so the prod company have walked away. Perhaps we wont get anymore pushing of ethnics following this announcement !!
As long as it gets the smug perkins off the tv i’ll be happy. Cant see her going elsewhere as she is BBC to the core unless its channel 4, doubtful though. Crap program that can be easily fixed as was seen last year. The same goes for the shite that is masterchef.
Brissles, will that sever any links to Nadiya?
Earth shattering news. Shite baking program may be leaving shite broadcaster. 18:20 BBc 1 news with much gravitas we are informed great British bake off will probably be leaving the BBc!!! Like I give a ****.
Another loss to the Corporation – it has to be downgraded to council soon, surely? The real question is at what point will the punters finally realise that they have lost most major sports, the comedy isn’t funny, even popular brain-outs like ‘Strictly’ simply showcase their own employees, each and every program is padded out with trailers, the level of PC brainwashing has become embarrassing, the world’s favourite broadcaster has gone the same way as the world’s most envied legal system, police force and parliamentary government, and all for £145 that they are forced by law to pay. Even the Guardian is better value for money.
This is what will kill off the BBc tax . When the punters realise that it is crap value and the programmes are rubbish. It will affect TV first as that is where the money is spent.Young viewers will be the first to revolt.
The BBC thinks it is indestructible when it is really on it’s uppers now.
Did you know that Katie Derham was on ‘Strictly’?
With luck the BBC will lose ‘Strictly’ too.
Perhaps then Katie Derham will stop telling us that she was on ‘Strictly’ and giggling like a silly girl at the thought of an ‘exotic’ dancing partner rather than reportedly being a presenter of classical music and a married mother of two children.
By the way, did you know that Katie Derham was on ‘Strictly’?
Is Katie Derham on Srictly ? She would probably know more about that than classical music. Seems like a few things in the BBC are going down. Maybe a question of giving them enough rope. I certainly hope so !
“By the way, did you know that Katie Derham was on ‘Strictly’?”
No, but I did hear a rumour that Susan Calman has a wife.
Did you know Naga Munchetty was on “Strictly”?
And the best person she ever interviewed was Hillary Clinton.
I do hope Hillary didn’t cough all over her and give her pneumonia.
Get it right! It’s “Shtrictly”!
Perhaps they could replace it with my idea for a replacement. The great British fry up. Contestants go through a series of fry up challenges with best sausage, crispiest bacon. Best black pudding least rubbery scrambled egg and the most crunchy fried bread. I think it could be a winner and run for many years plus many spin off merchandising items like errr frying pans.
‘Trouble at Temple’ according to the BBC News website. But you have to dig through a clutch of paragraphs to discover it is a Sikh temple.
Let’s see how editorial integrity handles this one:
All but one of the weapons recovered were ceremonial. Oh that’s ok then as long as they aren’t sharp or pointy or like knives then
Re Illary Clinton.
Seems to me that she`s been cursed after having her pop at Nigel Farage a few weeks back.
“That`ll learn her” as we said up north.
If she DID get in though, at least IS and Putin won`t want to meet her and her assorted lurgies-so that might be good.
Bill Clinton as her carer maybe on the payroll…might be a ruse this one.
Can only imagine the US crest on the nations disabilty ramps as she coughs and wheezes her way across the USA.
If all the people living in primitive / corrupt/ war torn / countries are to relocate to the West as we are told, constantly that they must – who will be the first mainstream voice to say such a course of a action is unsustainable or do we continue to a state where half the worlds countries are left abandoned leaving just the bandits, terrorists, the old and sick? Too many elephants and too few rooms.
I think the bandits and terrorists will be here in the West too gaxvil, along with the rest of the human rubbish escaping their Third World, hell hole countries which they’re totally incapable of making anything of.
Those who our “elites” allow (via unceasing, unopposed invasion-scale immigration) to continually “enrich” our nations with their numerous, delightfully “vibrant” cultural additions to our societies; of which we indigenous folk have all become so unwelcomely familiar over the last few decades.
They enrich nations , which is why they should be encouraged to go to countries in Africa , which need a leg up more than what we do .
‘Fraid Nibor, Al Shubtill and gaxvil, my criticism, having now discovered conclusively what is going on, it is only directed at the UN as my post above outlines. This IS the so-called, New World Order. Take another look at the second document to which I provide a direct link and study the agenda. In summary, our Government along with the others in Europe are completely signed up to this International Plan. A major plank of this ‘Plan’ is to import the Third World. This is the only explanation of the madness we are all witnessing right now. For me, now, it the answer to why Amber Rudd avoided any response to the question by Marr last Sunday, ‘what are you doing to reduce the numbers of immigrants/refugees from the half who are not EU citizens?’ She could have admitted that this Government has no control whatever over those numbers since her Government is signed up to all the UN Protocols and aims. Simply ask yourselves why it is that Europe including the UK, is frantically shipping the Third World in, in a manner akin to a taxi service?
I usually give the Radio Four 6:30 pm comedy slot a wide berth these days, as it is bad for the old blood pressure. This evening I tuned in for ‘Just a minute’, having first ascertained that Marcus Prickstocke wasn’t on the panel. I like the show, and Nicholas is amazingly sharp for a man of 93. However, panelist Tony Hawkes decided it would be a good idea to chip in with an out of context nasty remark about Nigel Farage. Off switch.
I had to switch off Crimewatch . The new revamped format is the pits . But the content was even worse.
From a long segment on Stephen Lawrence yet again to interviewing victims of hate crime following Brexit.
I really resent paying for this stuff.
It never ends, they’ve genuinely got worse, but they don’t give a damn because “progressives” no better than any of we nasty “fascist, waycist, right wing, yah de yah de yah” non believers.
The new crime watch is a new low in shite. They were always guaranteed to find hate crimes even if they had to look under every little rock to find it.
Last Monday was the Beebs eagle day on brexit and brexiteers 76 years after the real one in 1940 and we saw what happened there to goering and his boys. If these rats want war they will have it.
Dave resigns as an mp and the Beeb in in sneering mood repeatedly saying the only thing he will be remembered for is brexit like its some disease. No chaps it’s the best thing thats happened in decades.
Stephen Lawrence’s murder was terrible, but it took place nearly 25 years ago.
It should be on “Timewatch”, not “Crimewatch”.
BBC Crimewatch was unbelievable. After sundry murders and other serious crime stories a whole section was devoted to people shouting at other people after the Brexit vote. Of course, no mention of the disproportionate numbers of aliens clogging up our courts and prisons.
I would rather eat my own eyes than watch that horse shit…. But I have no doubt the sermon also made no mention of the fact that the race of mentally ill Norwegians have a complete monopoly on mass child sex rings, suicide bombings, beheadings, random knife attacks………thought not!
And it’s meant to be a phobia to detest everything about the teachings of this sick, blood thirsty death cult….
Is this crimewatch for real? Bbbc outdoing themselves tonight. How about instead of st stephen of lawrence we have a “special” on the black on black knife crime in london. I had a wonderful lady customer of mine tell me the other day, she came from jamaica when she was 18 and she shes now 60, the problem in london is the west indians v the (as she put it) african filth, ie somalians, who taunt the west indians calling them slaves. She told me that there is no worse race than somalians. TRY LOOKING INTO THAT JEREMY.
Black on black is of no interest to the “progressives” at the BBC….Something that occurred almost thirty years ago is far more palatable for the comrades, because other than an alleged “hate crime” of a few tweets, neither Al-Beeb nor their beloved Guardian can find many evil white men kill Steven Lawrence stories, no matter how many rocks they disturb in attempting to do just that.
“She told me that there is no worse race than somalians.”
I think she’s got a point. Sorry, Sir Mo.
They are the original slave traders: selling Africans to the Arabs. They themselves appear to be a breed between those two races.
Unfunny romesh on bbc 2 bashing ukip on live at the Apollo. So brave of him. How about taking the piss out of the labour shenanigans. Now there is a never ending comedy showcase.
While driving home this evening I heard part of the Radio 4 programme Eastern Europeans in Brexitland.
The presenter played a very neat trick. He kept talking about “Eastern Europeans” but he only talked to Poles who had been here several years. The Poles were well spoken, had jobs and were integrated. They were what you would want immigrants to be (ignoring the issue of British jobs for British workers). There was no mention of any other Eastern European group and the listener was guided to the view that the Poles we heard were typical examples of the Eastern European immigrants. But we now know that they are not typical. In the circles I move in no one has a problem with the Poles because they come here to work not sponge off the state. The problem nationalities are the Bulgarians and Romanians, and in particuler the Roma.
The BBC has made a programme supposedly about Eastern Europeans but has only featured the most sympathetic and best integrated nationality. Another piece of anti-Brexit propaganda.
“The problem nationalities are the Bulgarians and Romanians” – well they certainly caused a few problems for Keith Vaz! Seriously, I quite agree with you about the Poles – the ones I have encountered have always appeared to me to be very well integrated, but ain’t that typical BBC distortion?
The Poles may be the acceptable face of immigration but I often wonder what the those Poles back in Poland would feel if all they heard were English accents filling their town centers, endless British deli food shops opening in their high streets, the British undercutting their tradesmen or pro-rata the British committing more than their fair share of crime?
I’m sorry I only want the immigration we need, the Poles are a cloak for all other immigration…
Ask Poles about their feelings towards Russians ( or anyone of the ex USSR ) who were stationed in their country – protecting them , according to the official newspeak of the time .
You want to live next door to them. Maybe you would have a shock at the way they live with no regard for neighbours.
Isn’t it obvious that the reason for Cameroon’s IMMEDIATE departure was the report by the Parliamentary Committee into his conduct over the Libyan bombing??
He got out fast to avoid having to face very difficult questions in the House having been forewarned by those seeking to avoid the embarrassment of him and his colleagues at the time.
Don’t worry about him ,though, he’ll have lucrative directorships and speaking engagements a-plenty.
He looked after his own class and made sure NEVER to take any difficult long-term decisions which might benefit the British people.
He was a Tool (in more ways than one) of the Globalists but ,on behalf of the English people, I would like to thank him for the Referendum-his political miscalculation was our Lottery Win. No longer do we have to believe the msm lie that most people are in favour of the EU and all it entails.
Context you won’t hear/see on the B BC………………………………
Heard first-hand accounts the other day which might throw certain current news stories into a different light—it seems Harlow and nearby Waltham Abbey are suffering a real problem of 24-hr drunkenness and rowdiness from groups of P….h men .Apparently , these men stay in the large parks drinking all night and are the cause of a lot of ill-feeling with the locals.
I was visiting and was very surprised to see evidence of this in the morning i.e. a group of obviously inebriated men behaving loutishly outside a cafe for hours.
This background info. was relayed to me by a local who said that Plod was generally nowhere to be seen.
In my area its Russians and Albanians.
Newsnight again. Clinton is wonderful . Trump is insane. Some woman who is being allowed to tell us that Clinton is the best thing ever. Tina Brown is her name.
Wark makes no secret of her need for Clinton to win so that is that. Newsnight has spoken.
Do these worthless politicians ever stop making complete idiots of themselves to appease ROPers?
Dazed and Confused
Another politician totally out of touch with the people of Great Britain. Its about time she got moving on Article 50.
What do our Tory readers think about this appeasement ?
Her job is to keep us in . Always has been .She is not a conservative. Even this grammar school policy is a blind. It will look for a while that it is a possibility and then quietly be dropped and be never heard of again.
Sorry but she coined the nasty party line and I doubt her views have really altered. It is always about power and money with these people.
A party political broadcast on behalf of Islam by the Leader of the Conservative Social Justice Party.
OK Teresa. Brownie points from your Arab backers.
Given the shambolic job she did as Home secretary, I’m not surprised at her weasel words to ROPers in the slightest, as she had no problems with not only letting hundreds of thousands into the Country, but she spectacularly failed to secure our borders, and created a surveillance society that would have been envied by the former East German Stasi.
What does concern me far more seriously however, is that if the saying is true that the public get the leadership that they deserve, then with the only conceivable choice of the idiots of May or Corbyn to run this Country, then we as Brits have fallen into the abyss, and an Islamic future is what we will eventually deserve, unless we stop the rot of outright insipid politicians presiding over our every nose dive.
Keighley (2005), Blackpool (2006), Blackburn (2007), Oldham (2007), Blackburn (2008), Manchester (2008), Oldham (2008), Sheffield (2008), Skipton (2009), Blackburn (2009), Derby (2010), Nelson (2010), Preston (2010), Rochdale (2010), Rochdale (2010), Rotherham (2010), Bradford (2012), Rochdale (2012), Telford (2012), Barking (2013), Birmingham (2013), Ipswich (2013), Keighley (2013), Oxford (2013), Manchester (2013), Rochdale (2013), Bristol (2014), Peterborough (2014), Aylesbury (2015), Banbury (2015), Keighley (2015), Peterborough (2015), Halifax (2016), Rochdale (2016), Rotherham (2016).
All convictions for child-sexual abuse, mainly by gangs. There’s a common denominator.
Thanks for the list.I have not seen all these cases of Muslim rape gangs listed before. If it were a list of people who threw a ham sandwich at a Mosque the BBC would have been all over it as a spectacular example Islamophobia and hate crimes. But what is more of a hate crime than rape?
The list shows the scale of the problem very well.We know that in the case of Rotherham the number of victims was 1400 plus, we also know that all of the other cases had multiple victims , finally we know that these are only those cases that have been investigated by the police and which have ended in conviction. Therefore I think it is safe to assume that there are many other cases which have not been prosecuted and that the number of white British girls who have been raped is well into the thousands. And yet our ridiculous politicians claim that the UK is a shining example of a successful multicultural society., and stupid Merkel is inviting millions more potential rapists , and worse, into Europe. We need to get rid of these leaders and replace them with people who will defend our values and ourselves.
No, no, no DoubleT. She has no option. She’s under UN control in this regard.
That list brings to mind the legend of the city that kept feeding its virgins to the dragon in the hope that the dragon wouldn’t destroy the city.
Now we need a Saint George.
Some truly world class bias from the BBC this evening. Having avoided the BBC all day due to my mental health issues it seems to be invoking I flicked over to HIGNFY after watching something on discovery.
Due to posts on here condemning the programme and having been abroad for most of the summer I thought I’d give it another chance as I did used to like it. With it being a ‘topical’ news programme supposedly (and I quote)
“Have I Got a Bit More Old News for You – Peep Show star David Mitchell hosts extended edition of the satirical current affairs quiz, with Newsnight presenter Kirsty Wark and comedy writer Andy Hamilton joining regular team captains Ian Hislop and Paul Merton to poke fun at the week’s events”
I was a bit surprised when it started talking about the Cumbria floods as I was pretty certain that this had in fact occurred a few months ago. Alarm bells are ringing however the jokes up until this point are rather funny so I let it slide.
Hey presto bang on queue about 10 mins into the programme and we get the dedicated 10 minute trump bashing. Of course what with Hillary falling from grace the day before I should have known better. For goodness sake BBC I hate to break this to you but just like Brexit Trump is going to win in November and I hope that when he is the most powerful man in the world you start to get some comeuppance for your shambolic, biased, agenda driven, moronic, self loathing “broadcasting” that you ram down our throats at EVERY single opportunity.
‘Great British Bake Off: BBC loses rights to Channel 4’
Top Comment:
66. Posted by RobinHood
on 12 Sept 2016 18:08
‘4 billion a year budget and it can’t make it’s own shows or show major sport live. HBO in America with same budget produces things like Game of thrones, the sopranos, True detective, board walk empire, True blood. And shows major sporting events.
The BBC is bloated and pay out of control. Sent 500 staff out to the Olympics while others had 30-50.’
Just like every other UK Public Sector wealth consuming trough eh..? (not that I watch the prime time baking bollox)
Never fear…”World class tiddlywinks” is in the offing….If only they had the funding to buy a tiddlywinks board….
They did – it was sending the 30 Beeboids to buy it that broke the bank 😉
The trouble was that they all had to endure a week in an all-expenses paid stay in a five star hotel. In the Bahamas.
We can safely assume that Ch 4 will continue to use the Bake off as a vehicle to promote the notion that Muslims are nice people who bake scrumptious cakes .
erm… you missed the bit where the BBC sent more Beeboids than the UK sent athletes…
“The Democratic presidential nominee abruptly left a Sept. 11 memorial event on Sunday and a
bystander filmed her struggling to walk to her van. [Ambulance] Her doctor later said she has pneumonia, a mild infection.”
A mild infection.
The doctor is female, as is the author of this HuffPostMD nonsense.
We have, to judge by their pseudonyms, a number of regular astute, incisive, female intellects on BBBC.
I request that the owners of these incisive intellects explain, to a member of the untouchables, why, as it seems to me, the distaff seem to fall for c21 AlBeeb type bollox more frequently than we subhuman white males.
“A journalism professor wrote, “if #WikiLeaks self-identify as journalists, then posting about Clinton’s health but not Trump’s racism/fascism is fair game for criticism.””
WikiLeaks responded: “We have materials on Clinton’s health that makes it a natural follow up but nothing on Trump’s racism.”