When discussing electoral boundary changes, one might expect of an objective national broadcaster to at least mention the fact that for decades the Labour Party has enjoyed a 6-10% advantage in the polls because of inequalities in the sizes of constituencies, and anomalies in their boundaries. Thus, the Conservatives must poll a rather large number of votes before the starting line, as it were. This not really a contested point: it is well established. But, we do not have an objective national broadcaster – see, yet again, the Today programme.
This is a piece of pro-muslim terrorist propaganda, paid for by yours truly. I can almost detect an air of pride in the manner in which the bbc present this murdering scumbag.
Of course the bbc take pride in the fact that he uses social media – the tool of the socialist. But this fact together with the story of him being a rapper and the names of his 2 songs will be of little interest to the families of his murder victims. Shame on you bbc for actively promoting and glamourising a terrorist. And yes, we can see right through this romantic, aladdinesque jihadi term you use.
Thanks, Seismic.
And here’s a quote from the BBC report:
“”An amateur rapper and youth leader from Roanne, north-east of France’s second city Lyon, Rashid Kassim is thought to have been radicalised either over the internet or on a trip to Algeria in 2011. Two songs were entitled “I’m a terrorist” and “Rap attack””
FFS, what’s an ‘amateur rapper’? Radicalised on a trip to Algeria? A trip? Could he have gone to Brighton or Southend instead?
Here is a section of Theresa May’s Eid al Adha message:
“To all Muslims in Britain and around the world I wish you a blessed Eid al-Adha. I know this festival means a great deal to communities, a time when families and friends are brought together to pray and feast, and Muslims across different continents are brought together in faith.
And as you share in that spirit of togetherness, I think proudly of the many ways people in this country connect with each other and enrich our nation’s life.
I see this in politics where British Muslims are making a real difference, in enterprise and the running of multi-million pound businesses, and in the courage and dedication of those who safeguard our streets and serve in our armed forces.
I see this in the charity and compassion of our Muslim communities, whose members give so generously to those less fortunate.”
Some times during your life you need to stand up for the principles and beliefs that you know are right, no matter what effect that may have on your career.
You need to be able to hold your head up and say you did the right thing regardless of the pressure you were under to do different, because it was the right thing to do.
Is this the muslim festival where they cut the throats of sheep in the streets? I suppose we should be grateful if it’s only sheep.
Even so, the sight of Theresa the Appeaser sucking up to the most retarded and dangerous belief system (i’m not calling it a religion) in the world is truly sickening. She is meant to run the government of the United Kingdom. She is not a faith leader, and really ought to keep her nose out of the backward practices of our muslim invaders.
It’s a left-liberal bingo full house on BBC tv this morning.
Canabis – legalise it, we’ll advertise it, man ! Or so say ‘a group of MPs’
Global Warming – weather forcasts are taken up with much chatter about ‘record temperatures’ – except that there won’t be. Seriously, the weather forcast and the Olympic medal table coverage are beginning to merge in this endless BBC quest for superlatives.
Marxism – BBC London’s second head line is a report from Oxfam about the top 1% and poverty.. yadda yadda. You remember Oxfam, they used to be that charity which supplied aid to the starving in Africa. Now they lobby the British Government on behalf of the political left wing.
Diversity – Asad Ahmed (dressed in natty a white suit – either he’s taking those weather forcasts very seriously or else he’s off to a cricket match) his top London news head line: some 16-year-old Asain boy has discovered some break through in cancer research. I doubt it, but ok good luck to him.
Dumbing Down – we interupt Eid holiday festivities on the BBC to bring viewers Roald Dahl day and the kiddies are dressing up as their favourite characters in school today. Seems it’s ok to promote chocolate today (sugar tax anyone?) The camera pans the school library and catches an oversized Oompa Loompa in a superb costume and our very own queen of the Oopas the much remunerated Naga Munchetty happily tells us that was the ‘head teacher’ she adds her own insight into education : “That’s the kind of head teacher I like”
Schooling Us – Serious faces on and it’s Eleven Plus day down the road from Salford and a clearly diapproving report of this horrible divisive ritual.
Sexing Us – still in the classroom and that old favourite ‘a group of MPs’ (what, no Labour Party these days?) says what we need is ‘compulsory sex education from the age of 4’ Of course this will have a decidedly feminist slant. Nasty, nasty boys with their horrible willies (“what I need is some Wonka Action” said Dan Walker today’s house eunuch – shushsh.. we already did Roald Dahl). Seems the girls are getting harrassed and ‘worse’. Well I suppose more SE at 4 is bound to stop that. Teach them sex and feminism at 4, what could go wrong? Could put a whole new meaning to Swallows and Amazons.
Tory Cutz – and they’ve sold off Bake Off to Channel 4 – you know, the same way local council bosses on twice the pay of the PM will gleefully cut the library service to make a populist dig at the Tories.
Listening to Today before 7 this morning (it’s the only BBC programme I regularly listen to) there was a great variety of stories about, for example, new evidence connected to the Stephen Lawrence murder (the murder occurring in 1993), more enthusiastic lip smacking about the mess the government has got into about grammar schools, the loss of some cooking programme or other to Cannel 4 and so on. Meanwhile, yesterday, there appears to have been a massive prison riot and fire at Poitiers-Vivonne prison in western France. RT has published photos and a video. Local radio reported screams coming from the prison, one shudders to think what was going on and who was responsible for that. From the BBC, the Telegraph and the Guardian (as far as I can tell))…nothing about this story. How come RT and Breitbart report this stuff while our MSM doesn’t (rhetorical question)?
News ‘Vibes’ coming in that a ‘man’ (terrorist) has been arrested in Kensington.
I thought it would be a good idea to give Al Beeb the ‘heads up’ as there doesn’t seem to be anything in their breaking news about it yet ?
Every day, police all over Europe break up terrorist plots to murder as many people as possible. It is barely newsworthy unless the assailant breaks through, and even then is mere news for a day. For some reason the BBC are shy about identifying those being arrested, unless they can be linked with ISIS. Oddly I don’t give a rats arse whether the Muslims can be linked to ISIS or not.
What is extraordinary is the passivity of the public to this relentless attack on ourselves and our values. No one is allowed to criticise Islam, nor even to question its aims.
I guess a whole generation of people in Europe have grown up accepting that there should be hour long queues at airports, that books on Mohammad should be removed from libraries and that history has to be carefully written so as not to offend a specific group.
All works of art referring to Mohammad have been removed from European museums. If I want to see a painting of Mohammad I now have to fly to Iran(!).
When I purchase a meat roll in a shop I have no idea whether the animal was killed humanely or was, according to the RSPCA and Veterinary Association, tortured to death by Halal butchery.
I suspect most of us blame the soft left, the liberal intelligentsia and in particular the BBC for this terrifying state of affairs, but what is the answer? How do we get back our freedoms?
I honestly cannot see an answer, other than further appeasement to Sharia law.
History is cyclical. There will be a major revolt, the only significant difference being size and lack of national boundaries, so it will be much, much, bigger. Almost, you might say, Armageddon.
…but what is the answer? How do we get back our freedoms?
The very core question to solving the problems identified here and elsewhere continuously by the more enlightened minds in society.
History suggests it will be violent. Understandable since the mindset we’re up against prevents real debate or peaceful methods to solve it. History shows we will be successful for the simple reason that if the left were capable of creative and advanced thinking they wouldn’t have put us into this situation to begin with.
My thinking is that the ‘left’ mindset is very similar to the Islamic jihadists. Both crave power – it’s just the route and excuses they use to justify their ’causes’. Both are totally uncaring to the grief and suffering they create on their psychopathic paths. In fact, it gives them proof of their ‘superiority’, so the more the better.
The mistake to avoid once the present menace is eradicated at some point in the future, is instead of returning to our normal lives with friends and family, and leaving the positions of power that the left mindset craves, we must hang on to them, much as we don’t want them, to make sure the future of humanity escapes this vicious circle.
It could be possible to rewind in a peaceful and civilzed manner the muslim colonisation which is occurring in the West.
The first step would be to end all immigration by followers of islam.
Following that, the practice of islam would be prohibted. All mosques and islamic faith schools would be shut down, much as Christian places of worship are treated in Saudi Arabia.
Then, citizens of this country who are muslims would be invited formally to renounce islam and accept the primacy of British law and customs.
Those who refuse to do this could then return to their ancestral countries, with a cash payment from Britain to help them on their way. They would be given adequate time to sell their houses and businesses, and be allowed to take all their lawfully acquired assets with them.
All this could be achieved in a peaceful and decent manner. Of course, it is pie in the sky. It will never happen, and no Western politician will ever have the courage or leadership to do anything like it. The obvious consequence of this moral cowardice is that muslim immigration will continue, their percentage of the population will rise inexorably, and within a few decades Britain will resemble Syria or Yugoslavia.
Civil war is Britain’s future, and no politician is doing a damned thing to avoid it.
A slight correction if I may Rob, – There are NO ‘Christian places of worship’ to shut down in Saudi Arabia. Take my word for it having lived and worked there.
On your other assertions, the Government cannot (as you accept) and will not tackle the problem. The UK is a leading signatory to all the UN paperwork and is tacitly in agreement with flooding the EU/UK with refugees/migrants whether directly arriving in a rubber boat on the East coast or legitimately holding a EU passport. In particular, they welcome members of the Cult of Submission preferably in enormous numbers.
The UK’s representative, Matthew Rycroft will attend. Take a look at him – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Rycroft
I noted the references to the Iraq War and the war hero, Tony Blair. Say’s everything.
Tell me, do you think he has ever had a ‘real job’ in his life? He’s just about to sign you, me and everyone else in the UK and Europe to accepting more immigration. Although the latter has its own set Utopians that will be in attendance.
I just thought it worth mentioning that the liberal media ( ie most of it) is busily casting Russia as a serious threat. This has repercussions on Syria and the borders of the EU with Russia and in particular Nato.
In concert with this is the downplaying of any threat from Islamic radicals vis a vis terrorist incidents or whatever. You all know the score with this.
No doubt Clinton is on message with this but Trump is not so we can look forward to more lies and smears on him .
Not the least of his interesting thoughts is that Russia and Putin are not the enemies the neo liberals want and need.
The neocon liberal world has invested everything in Clinton getting to be POTUS. Trump has taken on a dreadful opponent in that world and I wish him well for all our sakes.
With a non-BBC take on US politics here’s Andrew Klavan on top form:
“Hillary Clinton says that half of Donald Trump’s supporters could be put in a basket of deplorables. The Democrat candidate for soul-less President was speaking at a fund raiser when in the midst of delivering a package of unbelievables to a room full of gullibles she dumped the cesspool of despicables onto a crowd of unobjectionable. Rushing behind a curtain to keep the news media’s volkswagon of laughables from catching her on camera hacking up a gob of indigestibles the woman who once exposed a phoneload of classifiables to a world of execrables with an agenda of disagreeables revealed herself to have a heart of uncharitables toward a nation of unexceptionable. Hillary later released a hypocrisy of culpables for her parcel of regretables but she had already left a stain on a reputation of – crappy nastiness.
Hillary accused Trump supporters of being Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Xenophobic and Islamophobic thereby proving herself a Classist, Narcissist, Anphrophobic, Androphobic, Panophobe with a vocabulary limited to important sounding insults rendered largely meaningless by repeatedly being used only to silence and demonise opinions differing from her own. In other words, she’s a Democrat….”
For more non-tax payer fundable, Leftist filterable, PC-compatible commentary see here:
Friends! The Hard-Right neoliberal racist Red Tory Traitor Corbyn has – literally – stabbed Yours Truly in the back! Talk about ingratitude after all I’ve done for him!
Obviously, my revenge is going to be literally deadly: I shall now have no choice but to literally support Our Owen Jones – or whatever his name is – for the Labour Leadership.
Friend SOL! It is imperative that you, as a true progressive, also consider ‘Support Our Baroness Chakrabarti of Kennington’ which, if a little long-winded in title for our beloved Comprehensive School er, graduates to get their fragile minds round, could always be shortened to simply,
Boundary changes proposed today will undoubtedly be an area for the BBC to show its left wing bias.
“The truth is that boundary reviews are almost always controversial. While on paper they are an administrative necessity carried out independently, because they have a direct impact on politician’s jobs and how difficult it is for each party to win an election they inevitably become politically contentious. Because boundary changes usually favour the Conservatives (I’ll come to that later too), it is normally a battle between a Labour party seeking to delay changes or relax the rules and a Conservative party seeking to speed the changes up and make the rules as tight as possible.”
Almost all boundary changes favour the Conservatives because of the pattern of population changes. In the last fifty-odd years in Britain we’ve tended to see the population in the old industrial cities in the North fall relative to the population in the London commuter belt. As a result, over time the electorate in inner-city Northern seats (which happen to be Labour) falls and the electorate in southern, suburban seats (which happen to be Conservative) rises.
This means the more out of date boundaries are the better they are for Labour (as they’ll still be returning lots of MPs from areas whose population has since fallen and who no longer deserve so many seats). To bring seats back towards equality, seats in Labour areas tend to be amalgamated and new seats are created in Conservative voting areas, meaning the more up-to-date the boundaries are the more it helps the Tories.
Not a chance that the BBC will want these changes ! Nor the Fascist party either so when you see or hear the BBC bringing on interviewees to criticise these changes, now you know why and that it is blatant bias !
On the boundary changes, not before time. These are at least 20 years overdue. All those tiny Labour safe seats mean the dice have been heavily loaded in their favour for ages. Proof below.
Look at the 2005 election. Labour 36% Tory 33% produced a Labour Majority of 60+. While in 2015 Tory 37% Labour 30% gave a Tory majority of 12.
Going back further.
1992 election. tory 42 % labour 31% produced a slim majority of 21 which, whatever you may think of Major, contributed hugely to his perceived weakness.
1997 election tory 31% labour 43%, almost identical but reversed shares, and it was a ‘landslide’ with a labour majority of over 200.
The bBBC and their Corbynista friends will whine and winge of course, but not in the name of fairness.
This is true: the status quo has helped Labour for quite a while, hence the unwillingness of the BBC and the Public Sector Left to give the issue the weight it deserves. Expect more moaning if the Tories gain anything at Labour’s expense or keep winning (think of Charter ’88 and Common Purpose in the light of big Tory wins in ’79, ’83 and ’87.)
I would disagree somewhat with your figures for 1997 (I think it was Lab 45%, Tory 31%, Lab over-all maj. < 180 seats) where Lab would have won by a mile under any system; but 1992 is a good example, John Major getting a big lead over Lab (43-44% v 36-37%) but only a slim maj.
Both Cameron (2010) and Major (1992) should have had bigger majorities than they did, whatever you think of them personally. This is important, as Major would have been stronger in power (e.g. less prone to Maastricht rebels such as Teddy Taylor and Teresa Gorman) and we would not have needed a coalition after 2010 (so no Clegg, Cable, Davy, Sarah Teather, Lynne Featherstone, etc, and less Green nonsense).
The Left's and the BBC's selective use of electoral fairness arguments has amused me for years. I don't criticize Prof John Curtice, whom I consider to be very knowledgeable and fair; but anomalies appear to be of interest only if they work against the Left.
The simplest form of bias is to state that "only X% of voters elected Thatcher/Cameron/… so the Tories have no mandate" when the number voting for Blair/Brown/Milliband/… was usually < X%. The latest version is that "Britain didn't vote for Brexit, only England and Wales did". It's true, but then more people voted Tory in England in 2005 than voted Labour, so should we in England have rejected that result as being invalid? In Feb 1974, 185,000 extra Tory votes gave Heath only 297 seats to Wilson's 301 so, again, by the Left's own logic the result was flawed. We hear little about the absolute travesty of 3.88 million UKIP votes producing just one MP but less about the over-representation of the SNP at Westminster thanks to our voting system, probably because the SNP can be relied upon to oppose the Tories.
Daily Politics today showed the latest anti Brexit front opened by the BBC, this is how do we , the U.K., untangle our laws from the EU. The BBC claims that it will take many years and that this is somehow the rate determining step in our negotiations to leave the EU. This despite several well known Leavers explaining that we just read across the current EU laws we have adopted in the past 40 years and on day one as an independent country we operate with those.We then embark on a lengthy process of amending those laws as and when we wish. But Jo Coburn seemed to deliberately misunderstand this and continued to state that it would be a massive task within the Brexit negotiations. I do regard her a hopeless liberal lefty but I don’t think that she is stupid, so I must assume that she is deliberately trying to confuse and mislead viewers.
How does the BBC think that the former Soviet states and Warsaw Pact countries disentangled themselves , or would they prefer it never happened ( as I would for a different reason to theirs) .
DT, they’ve got to the point where they understand only too well that they can utter loads of bu++++t without being challenged. The problem is, of course, the BBC are fully committed to their selected interviewee’s vision and views of the country or World.
Jo Coburn is, at best, an idiot. Peter Lilley quite clearly and simply explained the ease with which we will extricate ourselves from EU law on The Daily Politics last week. Mind you, she was in good company as the newly elected Chief Green Idiot seemed unable to grasp the concept either.
It’s only 4 bloody sentences long! And it’s of course a “man”. Just to show example of bias and I understand one is a bigger case than the other (although that is at least debatable) feel free to see the difference in length and detail of report between the Kensington “man” and Thomas Mair’s first court appearance
For an organisation that forever bleets about racism perhaps they should have a little look in the mirror
Oh well guess we’ve only got a few more weeks to wait until the BBC provide something of equal length and depth for the Kensington “mans” first court appearance… I’ll be waiting with baited breath
Isn’t it a bit sexist to label the arrested humanoid as a “man” and “he”? He/she/it maybe gender fluid and although they may look like a man they may not want to be known as a man.
I think with a bit of editing the BBC could reduce that article to just 2 sentences.
There is Bake Off, once a nice little programme on BBC2 without an agenda. But it grew and grew and despite the BBC’S efforts to make it less middle class and more multiethnic, it remains a programme liked by the white middle classes. Perhaps somewhere in the depths of the BBC someone thought that it would be a wonderful idea to give as evidence how strapped for cash the BBC is, to agree to lose Bake Off. Just an idea.
Just been on BBC website and read about the Bake-Off Sell-Off. It was illustrated by two past competitors. Yes, of course there was the omnipresent Nadiya and one other who just happened to be black (or is it coloured or “person of colour”, I get so confused these days). I haven’t watched it for ages but I vaguely remember there were at least a couple of hideously whites there as well
Just watched the tail-end of the one o’ clock news and there was a brief item about the inflation rate (I think), and the film clip showed a checkout at Sainsbury’s. Guess what? The customer was wearing a hijab. FFS!
It’s getting beyond ridiculous.
Eureka! I think I finally understand. The BBC must be suffering from a particularly perverse form of community-acquired pneumonia. Although this nasty outbreak may well make make an interesting study into the evolution of dangerous diseases, for the moment, the chronic form of the disease, as displayed throughout the BBC and in some parts of North America, may well be incurable. Perhaps a good trump on the back could clear some passages? Hope.
Shock news from Iraq : “There has come some good from the mad terror of ISIS, cos it’s turning out to be counterproductive.”
“It’s like a new enlightenment; I’ve met many Iraqis who’ve seen the way that ISIS is able to find JUSTIFICATION for their atrocities by pointing to parts within the Koran and Hadith. So these Iraqis are coming over to understanding that dogmatism, like blindly following the Koran are bad things and that secularism that allows all people to live together in peace is much better”
“People are moving OUT of Islam and into to secularism !”
I am quoting from a now secular doctor (I met on Sunday) who travels to frequently volunteer amongst his Iraqi colleagues.
Look out for his TEDx talk in Leicester 26th of October 2016 at a special Day of TEDx Talks to be recorded and added to the internet archive (Early bird tickets are available at £25 for about 16-20 talks)
@TruthSeeker you Googled what ? New secularism in Iraq maybe ?
remember it’s still too dangerous for Iraqis to talk about with those non-secularists.
I provided a link to the TED talks
@TruthSeeker Of the 20 speakers on that TEDx link , the guy I spoke to to is the first one, I didn’t sy anything about the other 19 and their own Islamic agenda, only his talk is specifically about Iraqis giving up Islam
“Did you miss the news from Turkey” em more than that I lived in Turkey 2012-2013 a few hours north of the Syrian border, and Pres Erdogan is just playing “the vote for me I more Islamic than the others” game..He’s alienating the other 50% of the population who are inclined to be more secular. Now I’ve just come back from living in Malaysia/Indonesia so i know a lot about ID card Muslims.
The issue is that cos ISIS refers to Muslim scriptures all the time, sensible Muslims are unable to speak out against their nutty terrorism ..so slowly more and more are also coming to realise that the problem is the scriptures themselves (same for other dogmatic belief systems/religions)
Christ on a bike. This sanctimonious, lying, democracy hating, hypocrite corbynista white washer will be sitting in the house of lords causing as much trouble as she possibly can. The beeb will be happy with this news the country should not. After the white wash debacle with corbyn and his stormtroopers she shouldn’t be left within a mile of the place. Its a frigging disgrace.
I don’t get all the wailing and gnashing of teeth about GBBO’s transfer from Al Beeb to C4. Surely this is exactly what a public service broadcaster should be doing?
Before the show was first made, the then-unproven GBBO concept was thought too risky for a commercial broadcaster. Then the BBC took a punt on it and discovered there was in fact a huge appetite (sorry) for it.
The show’s commercial viability having been proven, it should have made perfect sense to offload it on to a commercial broadcaster. No point in cost of the show being borne by licence fee payers, when it can just as well be borne by advertisers or even subscribers.
The real mystery is how Al Beeb could justify trying to keep it.
The wrinkle in this is the show’s transfer to C4 (which has a public service mandate) rather than to a nakedly commercial broadcaster.
Three Syrian Islamic terrorists are arrested and what are the BBC leading on with their “Breaking News”?………Mel and Sue have quit Great British Bake Off.
My thoughts exactly, C4 must be happy about that.
Another thought occurred to me – we have one totally tax funded broadcaster trying to out bid anther partially funded broadcaster, this hardly sounds a good deal for the tax payer.
Owen Jones and Tristram Hunt in the Advertiser.
On the changes to parliamentary constituencies.
Both article bollox.
Both articles being murdered BTL.
Including this.
“Don’t worry Tristam – they’ve only removed one pillar of Labour’s gerrymandering strategy: you’ve still got postal voting fraud, the biraderi system, and importing voters as “refugees” to fall back on.
Imagine a story where a poor innocent Muslim living in the UK gets paid damages from the European Human rights court for having his human rights breeched during his arrest for letting his neighbour stay in his flat for 3 days. You’d think the bBC would be all over it like it was Eid. What I’m I saying it is Eid. Wonder why the bBC hasn’t reported this human rights story? UK: European Human rights courts awards accomplice to failed suicide bombers £13,600 in damages.
Not too hard to explain.
Roald Dahl is yet another self loathing misogynist boarding school victim like Morpurgo..and indeed most privately-educated lefties who work for the BBC.
Hates parents authorities schools…but loves the orphan, the child and the saccharine sweet liberal do gooders who rescue the vulnerable and oppressed from conservative conformity.
Oh-and the BFG will be out soon as a film…and I bet the BBC will be in on a take for all these puff pastries promotions for Dahl, and his estate.
U2-North Face, Tesla, Dahl…shameless shillers the BBC for the Good
Rebellion as ever.
Or me D666. Perhaps its an ‘age’ thing; that lot at the Beeb were clearly brought up on bedtime stories of RD. I was not. It was Janet & John books at school, followed by Enid Blyton that I read myself. I had a very uncluttered childhood, no helicopter parents, tiger mothers or tv in my bedroom. I was shown the way to school at age 5 and thereafter went on my own. I had a set of ‘best and play’ clothes and wore uniform every day. I only received presents at Christmas and Birthdays, and if I got told off at school I usually got told off at home for getting told off at school !!! my parents or any others of that time did not go running to the school wailing and whining, like parents do today if a teacher dares to discipline their little ‘darlings’.
Shocking report on R4 NEWS. Germany concerned that there are IS terrorists among the ‘refugees’. Who would have thought it ?
And while we’re on I see the EU condemns Hungary for not wanting uninvited strangers into their country. Hungary in recent times, invaded and occupied by Germany and then the Soviets so I guess they’re a little sensitive and moreover sensible.
One hot day and the Beeb and sky are both going big on climate change propaganda. It like we have never had hot weather in September before, they keep trying to tell me that it never happened and it’s something strange. Apparently the seasons are all mixed up and the plants are confused, not in my garden they ain’t, Kew Gardens must be in some alternate universe. And they tell us this garbage with straight faces. Who was it that said we had only fifty days to save the planet some years ago. Still here old boy.
The other world breaking news today is that two unfunny comedians have left a bakery programme. The twatterati will be in mourning expect 38 degrees to get on the case by firing off emails of outrage. 145 quid for this soggy bottom.
You would have thought that the Beeboids in Manchester would have told their Islington counterparts, that it’s so wet up north, that Manchester City’s champions league match has been called off due to torrential rain, falling on the West of Britain all day…..Then again, it’s the “progressive” favourite “global warming”, so I suppose that any old excuse will do in an attempt to manipulate the public yet again..
Was only having a bit of fun about 38 degrees didn’t think they’d do it. That lot are idiots, dangerous idiots though I used to get emails from them, never signed up to them. Checked them out and realised who and what they were about.
They needn’t worry Perkins and her quiff will be well looked after by the Beeb she is one of their poster girls. She ticks many boxes. Mel has the Eurovision.
On Look North here in Yorkshire last night there was classic bit of al beebus reporting and non-reporting: where what they don’t tell you, tells you everything; if you understand how they operate.
A solitary Polish man had been attacked and seriously injured by a gang of twenty “youths” in Armley in Leeds; at no time during the piece was there a description of any of the perpetrators, despite the police still looking for them, which in itself speaks volumes about who they were, that and the number of them involved in the attack.
There was then an interview with the Polish Consul, then some footage showing Poles in Essex marching to protest about a separate attack in Harlow; where someone had been killed.
Then there was the inevitable reference to the link in the apparent rise in “racist” attacks and the referendum result.
I would be very surprised to discover that this wasn’t an attack by a Muslim mob: the lack of detail in the al beebus report about the attackers; their modus operandi 20 onto 1 (typical Pak tactics) and also where it happened – Armley (fairly enriched) abuts Beeston (very enriched) where the 7/7 bombers came from.
Al beebus managed to spin that story to appear as if it was somehow a Brexit motivated attack, whereas (in all likelihood) it was a racially motivated attack; the Poles don’t like Paks and the Paks know it.
Question: (and this surpasses the elephant, must be a whale in the room)
Why, I REPEAT, why do all these foreigners risk life and limb to get into this country of hateful racists, bigots and xenophobes ?
Next question: And why do they stay ?
If a white British person is senselessly murdered – is that OK then ?
Is that no so concerning or serious ?
When a gang of youths use someone’s head as a football – I guess it’s not hate – it must be sport. Maybe we need a new definition of, ‘sport crimes’ ?
Gaxvil, there are teo answers to this
1. They know we are a soft touch
2. It is I believe less generally well known that countries like France take a very tough line on letting in relatives of economic migrants. Whereas the UK just puts down thecred carpet and lets in the extended family., no questions asked.
Here’s an example. Woman from Pakistan gets on an education course. She is allowed to bring in her husband and two children on condition they are financially sponsored. A family memer already legally here does that. The husband is allowed to work for 16 hours per week maximum, and the children are permitted to go to UK state schools free of charge. All this is totally legal. A few years go by and hey presto they can apply fir citizenship, and use the Yuman Rights Act on right to a family life to ensure success. The family mentioned are real people and they are very nice. I like them, their kids are well behaved and a credit to their parents. But fundamentally they should not be here, and the fact they are tells you a lot about the Home Office.
Sluff, that would’nt be during the May leadership would it?
A longstanding friend lives in Bradford. During a conversation with that person a couple of weeks ago I was told that there is no problem with seeing a GP. In fact, they can simply arrive at the surgery without an appointment sit and wait for a consultation. Bit like the ‘old days’ here.
Question: what’s different about Bradford than anywhere else?
Got to love how the bBC hides the truth: Failed 21/7 London bombers lose court claim Three of the 21/7 failed London bombers who said their rights were violated when they were arrested have had their claim rejected by the European Court of Human Rights.
The men, each jailed for life for the failed 21 July 2005 plot, said their convictions were unfair because police interviewed them without a lawyer.
But judges ruled that the police were justified because of the urgent need to protect the public.
Ok truthful reporting, then the bBC comes out with this crap: Meanwhile, the court upheld a claim from another man, Ismail Abdurahman, who was jailed for withholding information about the planned attacks and helping the fourth failed bomber, Hussain Osman.
Withholding information bBC? He hid Hussain Osman in his flat for 3 days whilst the whole of the UK looked for the Terrorist. He then helped Osman escape to Italy. A much better account here
An HYS is opened on the issue of faith leaders urging St Theresa to take in more refugees, and it gladdens the heart to report that respondents are having none of the bBBC multi culti agenda. Someone from the news room will surely be put on the naughty step for that one.
But normal service is resumed with an opportunity to reply on the following topic. Quote ‘ Are you tracking your Hajj on social media?’
Guess where the finger for all of it now points? Yes that’s right, our old friends in Saudi Arabia, and yet all of America’s intelligence agencies actively prevented the information coming out.
Everyone has heard that the Bin Laden family were at the Bush family ranch at the time of the attack (presumably handing over the bribe money) but not everyone knows that Saudi Nationals exited the USA en masse the day they were allowed to leave the country without any kind of intelligence being carried out.
It now turns out that 15 of the 19 terrorists were Saudi Nationals many of whom do not speak English, yet they were able to live in America for 6 months leading up to the September attacks, and now the evidence has emerged that other Saudi Nationals living in Florida gave them assistance, and yet were allowed to leave the US the day after the attack !
And how did all this come to light? Well it was by an investigative journalist and the courts who gave orders for papers to be released. It positively did not come out willingly by the US government.
The victims are at a loss as to why their government is siding with Saudi Arabia, and not the people of America.
I can tell them, and I can imagine that many people in the media are also getting closer to the truth too, but how long will it take for them to speak out?
It is said that every man has his price, and the evidence is screaming that Saudi Arabia is not only pouring money into the West to destabilise it by violent Islam, but has also been pouring money into the pockets of Western Leaders for at least 25 years.
This is the only scenario which makes sense when all the facts are laid bare, the only question is when will people start accepting the reality of what is going on ?
Good post, Thoughtful, but the State Department and the Saudis have been thick as thieves for a helluvah lot longer than 25 years. This is revealed in ‘The secret war against the Jews’ by Loftus and Aarons. The book goes into excruciating detail about it.
That might be true, but the 25 years (ish) is when I see the money begin to change hands. Here it didn’t happen until BLiar which was 1997, but in the US George H W Bush was in power in 1981 – 89 and at some point he became a little too friendly with Saudi wealth.
At the time the Saudi Kind was King Fahd who came to the throne in 1982, and it was he who started funding for worldwide Mosque building. He told young Saudis to avoid the path of evil and not to travel to Europe and the United States .
He obviously had issues with the West in general, despite which he liked to indulge himself in all the pleasures cities like London had to offer.
Thoughtful, at the risk of being labelled a pedant, I must point out that you are going back 35 years. But it was as far back as 85 years ago that Britain and the US were competing for control of Saudi oil and money was changing hands. That swine George Bush senior was a comparatively recent betrayer of Israel and the US.
The book I mentioned is meticulously researched and well worth struggling through.
Penultimate paragraph Thoughful, pouring money into Africa as well no doubt to finance the terror organisations there. I recall vividly in the eighties reading the English language papers in Saudi in which the correspondent extols the virtues their efforts to convert all Africa to The Cult of Submission. Could this be one reason for the mass exodus toward Europe?
The subjugation of the Isl…er, sorry I mean the British Broadcasting Corporation to the will of Allah has been progressing steadily for decades and seems now to be almost complete.
It would be enlightening to compare the BBC to, for example, the state-controlled media in Iran. I’m sure there are striking similarities between the two as to how news is censored, distorted and manipulated to feed a slick agenda to a long-suffering public.
The question is, why does the alleged UK government not come down as hard as possible on the propagandist organisation and insist that they either report the news objectively and fairly or take their grubby hands out of the public purse?
I have a sinking feeling that I know at least part of the answer: the government shares the ‘liberal’-left ideology of the BBC and therefore cannot see anything wrong with its reporting.
Rhona fairhead has departed. Theresa strikes again. Steady as she goes Theresa. Expect lots of bitterness from the Beeb tomorrow and thatcher comparisons again. It’s being a bad few days for the Beeb what with losing a baking program and now fairhead. Tony hall next maybe and then the whole lot overhauled hopefully.
A an aside, could this be why “the Moron” resigned yesterday? “Sources say” that Fairhead’s decision was made several days ago?
“Sources close to Ms Fairhead said she was told around ten days ago that she would now have to reapply for the post, but did not want to commit to another full four-year term.”
“To be given the job in June and then have it taken away again in September is going some for utter mismanagement from the government,” said one friend of the chairman. “She has been left swinging.”
bBBC senior executives having to APPLY competitively for positions? Really? How amazing.
I am totally shocked at such an outlandish concept.
This is so serious someone should immediately inform their Director of Strategy, James Purnell.
May had to do something . People I did not expect to voice an opinion have noticed that the BBC is actively undermining the democratic vote over Brexit. It could not go on like this with the BBC out of control and in such serious breach of it’s charter.
Trouble is the hive is so closed and like minded that it could not see it and will have to pay a price. No doubt it will regroup and start to spin away about political control.
Nothing of the sort as the BBC had become a political pressure group and this on our money could not be allowed to continue.
The BBC has been actively undermining the democratic process for decades, at least since the Thatcher era if not earlier. Just look at the hostile treatment of UKIP and Nigel Farage, let alone the bias over the EU Referendum itself, and contrast with the easy ride given to the Greens for instance. I doubt the departure of Ms Fairhead will change much by itself: what is now needed is root and branch reform, which seems unlikely as the Charter was recently renewed by a supposedly Conservative government.
Marhaba! Mustapha Sheikup al-beebi, Kaif ahaal?
It may well be that the replacement is under instruction (notwithstanding the Charter) to ‘take a different view’. Same as the law: many different ‘interpretations’. Members of the Cabinet are aware of the BBC bias as it is blatantly obvious but, I have separately made the position clear to certain Cabinet Ministers and one Junior.
Dave S, I saw a very apt contribution on another site some months ago. It related to ‘Merkel Madness’ (no need to elaborate). The contribution went like this:
“She would even be asking herself, “what have I done to deserve this” while hanging upside down from a lamp post”. Brilliant.
See picture: I wonder if this Romanian pair had the same thought?
So an American Presidential candidate erects ‘massive barriers’ to deter intruders and enforces their land’s borders with Secret Service Agents to keep out undesirables.
I awoke far too early this morning and could not get back to sleep. Finally, I turned R4 on and hit the tail end of BBC ‘Farming Today’ at about 0550 Hrs. only to find myself part-way through a debate between the representative of the Farmers Union and some other person who appeared to represent 51 (or 52?) ‘Conservation Organisations’, “including the RSPB”. He may well have been with the Green Party. Subject: the rapid decline of wildlife in the countryside. Conservationist argues that the rapid decline is as a direct result of, ‘Intensive Farming’. NFU states that the stats don’t support that. In fact, the output of the farming industry across the country has been falling year on year for the past 15/20 years and the only time it can really be said that Farmers farmed intensively was after the last World war. Conservationist fumbles and fails to provide any cogent counter argument. Fast forward to 0800 news on ‘Today’ in which we are informed:
Many species are doomed as a result of, (wait for it), ‘Intensive Farming’ say collectively 51/52 Conservation Organisations, “including the RSPB”.
Farmers Union said, “they are working closely with the Conservation Organisations”. This statement expressed with tones that left no doubt that the evil party is the farmers who were cowering in a dark corner somewhere buckling under the weight of all the “Conservation Organisations”.
This is classic BBC bias, demonstrating yet again their leanings to the Liberal Left/Green/Utopian Parties. Oh!, sorry, mistake, there’s no actual Utopian Party yet simply those who will direct you to their promised land but always fail to get you there.
Yep, there are many tricky issues out there. The job of the bbc is to dumb them down so that the listener can be in no doubt who are the bad guys in the opinion of the bbc, of course.
In this case – less farming = higher prices, loss of jobs and carbon producing transport of imports. It really is, for the birds.
1950s Gallup opinion poll.
Pollster posits XYZ proposition.
Do you agree?
Do you disagree?
Are you not sure?
Pollster reports results.
1980 and later opinion poll.
Pollster posits ABC proposition.
Do you agree?*
Do you disagree?*
Are you not sure?*
Pollster “reports” whatever left wing nonsense suits their purpose.
* Very sure that you are a rabid left wing twat who will publish whatever suits you regardless of the opinions you receive (which is why 2015 UK GE and Brexit left you with egg on your Marxist face).
Following my recent spat with Sky TV (Sky News (UK) specifically), in which I cancelled my subscription in disgust at Sky News’s p*sspoor (and biased) coverage of everything from the so-called migrant crisis to climate change and Trump, there has been a significant development.
They have now offered to halve my annual subscription fee and bumped me up to the next tier of TV packages, which means I can now get many more channels, but most importantly I can get Fox News US (yay!) + 50 or so other channels in glorious HD. They also gave me a £15 credit on my Sky account (which can be used against downloadable movies). So I’ve decided to stay.
Now that I have Fox News I can ditch the BBC forever – what a joy to be able to watch Trump rallies beamed in live and then discussed intelligently in the studio by people who actually don’t think he’s a ‘deplorable racist’. It’s another world – just amazing to be able to watch people discussing Trump without a permanent ‘progressive sneer’, or the use of derogatory terms slyly slipped in every few minutes.
Happy days. Arguing with them has resulted in twice as much for half the money! What are the chances of that ever happening with the hated BBC? God bless the free market!
Yep, Fox is VERY refreshing when all you’ve had is BBC etc. We began watching Fox around 7/7 when all BBC news had to go in front of a Muslim panel – because at 2% of the population (then) their opinion overrode that of anyone else.
I don’t understand the satellite/cable charging model.
I presume that the operator pays fees to the various programme channels and in turn seeks to get payment from the viewers to watch those channels. So far so good.
But the viewer can only watch one channel at the time so why do they have to pay for the channels that they aren’t watching? There isn’t any extra cost to the operator for providing this choice. While it could be argued that the extra channels have a premium and should cost more the other channels aren’t being watched so should be discounted.
Good for you! But what sort of a pricing scheme is that? Haggling….but it seems to be well known, if you Google it… We pay a ridiculous amount for it. I’m too embarrassed to even say – paid extra for 3D and HD, what a waste of money.
BBC London tv news only gives us three head line items per morning. Aside from the usual quick, preremptory, colourless (if you’ll excuse the pun) mention of today’s murder and a ‘cor wot a scorcher! how does that rate on the temperature-lympics record table?’ scare report, the number two head line spot appears to be reserved for the regular ‘charity report out today’. Yesterday it was Oxfam today it is Shelter with a plea to keep the Red Flag flying.
You know, in the same way that the national BBC news likes to feature a report out today from ‘a group of MPs’. Presumably the Lefty charities and odd groupings of MPs (sometimes regular committees but sometimes simply interest groups) are stepping up becuase the official opposition are on extended sabbatical with a bad case of occular umbilicusitis (naval gazing)
BBC left-liberalism is relentless. An endless round of cut and paste whine after whine after whine with public sector nannying presented as the one and only cure all for a British public held in absolute contempt for our inherent racism… sexism… la-de-dah-de-dah…
It does not have to be this way. We don’t have to put up with a left-liberal national broadcaster.
The Evening Standard is rather left-leaning and yet it still can carry a range of opinion apparently unknown to the BBC. For example a comment piece yesterday from Melanie McDonagh suggests the ‘Lib-Dems don’t have a monopoly on decency’
Now I’m sure that thought alone would have great swaves of BBCers fainting clean away.
Ms McDonagh covers Nick Clegg’s party (you remember Clegg.. he was the Ernie Wise to Cameron’s Eric as they shared twin podia in the Downing Street garden in 2010) anyway it’s the launch party for the memoirs wot he has wrote.
The Evening Standard piece gives some non-BBC insights into why the Lib-Dems were annihilated at the polls. No not a nasty Tory plot by Flashman Cameron. The truth centres on this monopoly of virtue idea – a trait I would suggest our Clegg has in common with the BBC.
If people are opposed to mass immigration it is not because they are under-educated and insecure – it’s becuase it is a transformation of society about which they were never consulted.
Opponents of ‘gay marriage’ are not simply ‘homophobes’ who can’t get with the programme – it wasn’t in either party manifesto ie it was undemocratic.
So Nick Clegg’s do (you remember Clegg, he was the lanky establishment posh bloke who unwisely challenged Nigel Farage to EU debates with LBC and was duly hammered flat) anyway his book launch was at the historic and revered National Liberal Club.
At the entrance we learn there is a bust of Gladstone with the quote “…Toryism is mistrust of the people qualified by fear; …Liberalism is trust of the people qualified by prudence”
‘Right now’ opines Ms McDonagh (and I think she has it about right on the Lib Dems and I would add the BBC) ‘the party seems to have got it the other way round’
Today R4 this morning and they failed to elicit anything anti Brexit from Mr. Dyson or Dunnelm – quite the opposite in fact. Never mind, coming up an interview with an EU twot about attacks on Poles.
Today’s Australian-accented business reporter “Dominic” seems to be on a constant fishing trip for indications of Brexit-driven economic and business catastrophe.
Earlier this week he was quizzing a woman from the British music industry about the consequences of Brexit. She remained non-commital, possibly too polite to point out that non-membership of the EU does not seem to have hindered the global success of the US music industry.
This morning he was badgering a woman from one of the merchant banks about the wider economic consequences of Brexit. “It’s too early to say” she told him. Twice!
On both occasions I sensed that the interviewees were discomfited by Dominic’s line of enquiry. It’s a feather in any PR’s cap to be invited on to Today, so the natural instinct is to be “helpful” rather than risk not being invited back.
Looks like the beeb and the guardian are trying to equate cameron with blair over libya. I think they are forgetting the sainted president and nobel peace prize winner Barry o bama and a certain us presidential candidate Hilary were also involved but don’t let the facts get in the way of the story.
I do believe it is time for the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation to B off i.e. remove ‘BRITISH’ and come out as the quasi commercial, Left biased, anti British organization it is.
Mentioned i think earlier on a BBC regional news bulletin from Leeds, but Channel 4 had an identical piece on the same situation, when lo and behold, the Polish (spoke with a broad yorkshire accent and was whiter than milk) girl was ‘verbally racially abused’ from a passing car in the dark. Cue tearful face and talk of ‘not felt safe since Brexit vote’
A complete staged event that would make the Gestapo blush.
Utter shite.
If only the poor mite had a passport that would allow her to move back home or to one of 27 other countries to escape the vile British – oh hang on …….
Don’t want to be picky but since when has Polish been a ‘race’. It’s a nationality.
Negro is a race, Jews are a race but Poles, French and even Brummies are NOT a ‘race’.
Answer: the term ‘race’ has to be applied simply to enable the corollary accusation ‘racist’.
Race is now an elusive concept confused with nationality and therefore a slippery one to pin down. News reports which speak of a ‘British man’ tell us nothing about ethnicity and yet an Englishman can be accused of ‘racism’ against a Scot – we don’t have different passports. Then again a Scot can be ‘racist’ against an English resident Pole who in term can always be ‘racist’ toward a black person. (By the way, there are no come backs – so these examples can never work in reverse)
The only sure way to work the pecking order out is to think: who do Leftists most despise.
In terms of ‘race’ and ‘racism’ an interesting hypothetical case would be to imagine an incident that came to be widely reported in the media in terms of a ‘hate crime’ where an eastern european victim had been subjected to the attack which happened to be committed by a teenager whose identity was protected under our laws but who might happen to be black – and his ethnicity, of course, could not be reported.
One wonders what BBC reporting policy would be on that? Would the media be happy for the ‘native English community’ to take the collective blame although they were actually innocent of the crime?
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
Fedup2Mar 6, 20:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 His principles seem pretty flexible . No politician has anything to say about the torture of Tommy Robinson – agreeing…
tomoMar 6, 19:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 The wacky twits (of any stripe) don’t seemed to be challenged much over there at GBNews… I don’t understand why…
moggiemooMar 6, 19:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Why bother getting an actor to play a lunatic when you can just get in a leftie who actually is…
ScrobleneMar 6, 19:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 The leftie independent radio stations have their fair share of lefties, so it’s easy for me to avoid their ridiculous…
tomoMar 6, 19:44 Midweek 5th March 2025 If rumours are true, amyl nitrate seems a possible starmer stimulant?
StewGreenMar 6, 19:34 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Im surprised TTK hasn’t passed a law that coloured folk charged with crimes can never be named” Oh he could…
StewGreenMar 6, 19:29 Midweek 5th March 2025 GBnews please give up the wacky lefties Right now the lefty is complaining that Trump’s message to Hamas is “mafia…
When discussing electoral boundary changes, one might expect of an objective national broadcaster to at least mention the fact that for decades the Labour Party has enjoyed a 6-10% advantage in the polls because of inequalities in the sizes of constituencies, and anomalies in their boundaries. Thus, the Conservatives must poll a rather large number of votes before the starting line, as it were. This not really a contested point: it is well established. But, we do not have an objective national broadcaster – see, yet again, the Today programme.
This is a piece of pro-muslim terrorist propaganda, paid for by yours truly. I can almost detect an air of pride in the manner in which the bbc present this murdering scumbag.
Of course the bbc take pride in the fact that he uses social media – the tool of the socialist. But this fact together with the story of him being a rapper and the names of his 2 songs will be of little interest to the families of his murder victims. Shame on you bbc for actively promoting and glamourising a terrorist. And yes, we can see right through this romantic, aladdinesque jihadi term you use.
Thanks, Seismic.
And here’s a quote from the BBC report:
“”An amateur rapper and youth leader from Roanne, north-east of France’s second city Lyon, Rashid Kassim is thought to have been radicalised either over the internet or on a trip to Algeria in 2011. Two songs were entitled “I’m a terrorist” and “Rap attack””
FFS, what’s an ‘amateur rapper’? Radicalised on a trip to Algeria? A trip? Could he have gone to Brighton or Southend instead?
Here is a section of Theresa May’s Eid al Adha message:
“To all Muslims in Britain and around the world I wish you a blessed Eid al-Adha. I know this festival means a great deal to communities, a time when families and friends are brought together to pray and feast, and Muslims across different continents are brought together in faith.
And as you share in that spirit of togetherness, I think proudly of the many ways people in this country connect with each other and enrich our nation’s life.
I see this in politics where British Muslims are making a real difference, in enterprise and the running of multi-million pound businesses, and in the courage and dedication of those who safeguard our streets and serve in our armed forces.
I see this in the charity and compassion of our Muslim communities, whose members give so generously to those less fortunate.”
Some times during your life you need to stand up for the principles and beliefs that you know are right, no matter what effect that may have on your career.
You need to be able to hold your head up and say you did the right thing regardless of the pressure you were under to do different, because it was the right thing to do.
Theresa May has failed to do that.
“I see this in the charity and compassion of our Muslim communities, whose members give so generously to those less fortunate.”
Yes, that’s true enough: Muslims give very generously to help other Muslims.
Is this the muslim festival where they cut the throats of sheep in the streets? I suppose we should be grateful if it’s only sheep.
Even so, the sight of Theresa the Appeaser sucking up to the most retarded and dangerous belief system (i’m not calling it a religion) in the world is truly sickening. She is meant to run the government of the United Kingdom. She is not a faith leader, and really ought to keep her nose out of the backward practices of our muslim invaders.
we’re gonna have trouble with her.
It’s a left-liberal bingo full house on BBC tv this morning.
Canabis – legalise it, we’ll advertise it, man ! Or so say ‘a group of MPs’
Global Warming – weather forcasts are taken up with much chatter about ‘record temperatures’ – except that there won’t be. Seriously, the weather forcast and the Olympic medal table coverage are beginning to merge in this endless BBC quest for superlatives.
Marxism – BBC London’s second head line is a report from Oxfam about the top 1% and poverty.. yadda yadda. You remember Oxfam, they used to be that charity which supplied aid to the starving in Africa. Now they lobby the British Government on behalf of the political left wing.
Diversity – Asad Ahmed (dressed in natty a white suit – either he’s taking those weather forcasts very seriously or else he’s off to a cricket match) his top London news head line: some 16-year-old Asain boy has discovered some break through in cancer research. I doubt it, but ok good luck to him.
Dumbing Down – we interupt Eid holiday festivities on the BBC to bring viewers Roald Dahl day and the kiddies are dressing up as their favourite characters in school today. Seems it’s ok to promote chocolate today (sugar tax anyone?) The camera pans the school library and catches an oversized Oompa Loompa in a superb costume and our very own queen of the Oopas the much remunerated Naga Munchetty happily tells us that was the ‘head teacher’ she adds her own insight into education : “That’s the kind of head teacher I like”
Schooling Us – Serious faces on and it’s Eleven Plus day down the road from Salford and a clearly diapproving report of this horrible divisive ritual.
Sexing Us – still in the classroom and that old favourite ‘a group of MPs’ (what, no Labour Party these days?) says what we need is ‘compulsory sex education from the age of 4’ Of course this will have a decidedly feminist slant. Nasty, nasty boys with their horrible willies (“what I need is some Wonka Action” said Dan Walker today’s house eunuch – shushsh.. we already did Roald Dahl). Seems the girls are getting harrassed and ‘worse’. Well I suppose more SE at 4 is bound to stop that. Teach them sex and feminism at 4, what could go wrong? Could put a whole new meaning to Swallows and Amazons.
Tory Cutz – and they’ve sold off Bake Off to Channel 4 – you know, the same way local council bosses on twice the pay of the PM will gleefully cut the library service to make a populist dig at the Tories.
Listening to Today before 7 this morning (it’s the only BBC programme I regularly listen to) there was a great variety of stories about, for example, new evidence connected to the Stephen Lawrence murder (the murder occurring in 1993), more enthusiastic lip smacking about the mess the government has got into about grammar schools, the loss of some cooking programme or other to Cannel 4 and so on. Meanwhile, yesterday, there appears to have been a massive prison riot and fire at Poitiers-Vivonne prison in western France. RT has published photos and a video. Local radio reported screams coming from the prison, one shudders to think what was going on and who was responsible for that. From the BBC, the Telegraph and the Guardian (as far as I can tell))…nothing about this story. How come RT and Breitbart report this stuff while our MSM doesn’t (rhetorical question)?
The Daily Mail are currently plugging Margaret Hodge’s book about the waste in the public sector. Today its the BBCs turn and although old stuff it is still truly shocking to see it concisely laid out; legions of totally useless managers helping themselves and each other to tax payers money.
News ‘Vibes’ coming in that a ‘man’ (terrorist) has been arrested in Kensington.
I thought it would be a good idea to give Al Beeb the ‘heads up’ as there doesn’t seem to be anything in their breaking news about it yet ?
Every day, police all over Europe break up terrorist plots to murder as many people as possible. It is barely newsworthy unless the assailant breaks through, and even then is mere news for a day. For some reason the BBC are shy about identifying those being arrested, unless they can be linked with ISIS. Oddly I don’t give a rats arse whether the Muslims can be linked to ISIS or not.
What is extraordinary is the passivity of the public to this relentless attack on ourselves and our values. No one is allowed to criticise Islam, nor even to question its aims.
I guess a whole generation of people in Europe have grown up accepting that there should be hour long queues at airports, that books on Mohammad should be removed from libraries and that history has to be carefully written so as not to offend a specific group.
All works of art referring to Mohammad have been removed from European museums. If I want to see a painting of Mohammad I now have to fly to Iran(!).
When I purchase a meat roll in a shop I have no idea whether the animal was killed humanely or was, according to the RSPCA and Veterinary Association, tortured to death by Halal butchery.
I suspect most of us blame the soft left, the liberal intelligentsia and in particular the BBC for this terrifying state of affairs, but what is the answer? How do we get back our freedoms?
I honestly cannot see an answer, other than further appeasement to Sharia law.
It is all our faults. We can only be colonised if we are complicit.
History is cyclical. There will be a major revolt, the only significant difference being size and lack of national boundaries, so it will be much, much, bigger. Almost, you might say, Armageddon.
…but what is the answer? How do we get back our freedoms?
The very core question to solving the problems identified here and elsewhere continuously by the more enlightened minds in society.
History suggests it will be violent. Understandable since the mindset we’re up against prevents real debate or peaceful methods to solve it. History shows we will be successful for the simple reason that if the left were capable of creative and advanced thinking they wouldn’t have put us into this situation to begin with.
My thinking is that the ‘left’ mindset is very similar to the Islamic jihadists. Both crave power – it’s just the route and excuses they use to justify their ’causes’. Both are totally uncaring to the grief and suffering they create on their psychopathic paths. In fact, it gives them proof of their ‘superiority’, so the more the better.
The mistake to avoid once the present menace is eradicated at some point in the future, is instead of returning to our normal lives with friends and family, and leaving the positions of power that the left mindset craves, we must hang on to them, much as we don’t want them, to make sure the future of humanity escapes this vicious circle.
It could be possible to rewind in a peaceful and civilzed manner the muslim colonisation which is occurring in the West.
The first step would be to end all immigration by followers of islam.
Following that, the practice of islam would be prohibted. All mosques and islamic faith schools would be shut down, much as Christian places of worship are treated in Saudi Arabia.
Then, citizens of this country who are muslims would be invited formally to renounce islam and accept the primacy of British law and customs.
Those who refuse to do this could then return to their ancestral countries, with a cash payment from Britain to help them on their way. They would be given adequate time to sell their houses and businesses, and be allowed to take all their lawfully acquired assets with them.
All this could be achieved in a peaceful and decent manner. Of course, it is pie in the sky. It will never happen, and no Western politician will ever have the courage or leadership to do anything like it. The obvious consequence of this moral cowardice is that muslim immigration will continue, their percentage of the population will rise inexorably, and within a few decades Britain will resemble Syria or Yugoslavia.
Civil war is Britain’s future, and no politician is doing a damned thing to avoid it.
A slight correction if I may Rob, – There are NO ‘Christian places of worship’ to shut down in Saudi Arabia. Take my word for it having lived and worked there.
On your other assertions, the Government cannot (as you accept) and will not tackle the problem. The UK is a leading signatory to all the UN paperwork and is tacitly in agreement with flooding the EU/UK with refugees/migrants whether directly arriving in a rubber boat on the East coast or legitimately holding a EU passport. In particular, they welcome members of the Cult of Submission preferably in enormous numbers.
High ideals. SS but in reality, ‘it aint’ gonna happen’. Look at the agenda for next Monday’s meeting of the UN –
The UK’s representative, Matthew Rycroft will attend. Take a look at him –
I noted the references to the Iraq War and the war hero, Tony Blair. Say’s everything.
Tell me, do you think he has ever had a ‘real job’ in his life? He’s just about to sign you, me and everyone else in the UK and Europe to accepting more immigration. Although the latter has its own set Utopians that will be in attendance.
I just thought it worth mentioning that the liberal media ( ie most of it) is busily casting Russia as a serious threat. This has repercussions on Syria and the borders of the EU with Russia and in particular Nato.
In concert with this is the downplaying of any threat from Islamic radicals vis a vis terrorist incidents or whatever. You all know the score with this.
No doubt Clinton is on message with this but Trump is not so we can look forward to more lies and smears on him .
Not the least of his interesting thoughts is that Russia and Putin are not the enemies the neo liberals want and need.
The neocon liberal world has invested everything in Clinton getting to be POTUS. Trump has taken on a dreadful opponent in that world and I wish him well for all our sakes.
With a non-BBC take on US politics here’s Andrew Klavan on top form:
“Hillary Clinton says that half of Donald Trump’s supporters could be put in a basket of deplorables. The Democrat candidate for soul-less President was speaking at a fund raiser when in the midst of delivering a package of unbelievables to a room full of gullibles she dumped the cesspool of despicables onto a crowd of unobjectionable. Rushing behind a curtain to keep the news media’s volkswagon of laughables from catching her on camera hacking up a gob of indigestibles the woman who once exposed a phoneload of classifiables to a world of execrables with an agenda of disagreeables revealed herself to have a heart of uncharitables toward a nation of unexceptionable. Hillary later released a hypocrisy of culpables for her parcel of regretables but she had already left a stain on a reputation of – crappy nastiness.
Hillary accused Trump supporters of being Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Xenophobic and Islamophobic thereby proving herself a Classist, Narcissist, Anphrophobic, Androphobic, Panophobe with a vocabulary limited to important sounding insults rendered largely meaningless by repeatedly being used only to silence and demonise opinions differing from her own. In other words, she’s a Democrat….”
For more non-tax payer fundable, Leftist filterable, PC-compatible commentary see here:
Friends! The Hard-Right neoliberal racist Red Tory Traitor Corbyn has – literally – stabbed Yours Truly in the back! Talk about ingratitude after all I’ve done for him!
Obviously, my revenge is going to be literally deadly: I shall now have no choice but to literally support Our Owen Jones – or whatever his name is – for the Labour Leadership.
Friend SOL! It is imperative that you, as a true progressive, also consider ‘Support Our Baroness Chakrabarti of Kennington’ which, if a little long-winded in title for our beloved Comprehensive School er, graduates to get their fragile minds round, could always be shortened to simply,
‘Support Our B-CoK.’
Boundary changes proposed today will undoubtedly be an area for the BBC to show its left wing bias.
“The truth is that boundary reviews are almost always controversial. While on paper they are an administrative necessity carried out independently, because they have a direct impact on politician’s jobs and how difficult it is for each party to win an election they inevitably become politically contentious. Because boundary changes usually favour the Conservatives (I’ll come to that later too), it is normally a battle between a Labour party seeking to delay changes or relax the rules and a Conservative party seeking to speed the changes up and make the rules as tight as possible.”
Almost all boundary changes favour the Conservatives because of the pattern of population changes. In the last fifty-odd years in Britain we’ve tended to see the population in the old industrial cities in the North fall relative to the population in the London commuter belt. As a result, over time the electorate in inner-city Northern seats (which happen to be Labour) falls and the electorate in southern, suburban seats (which happen to be Conservative) rises.
This means the more out of date boundaries are the better they are for Labour (as they’ll still be returning lots of MPs from areas whose population has since fallen and who no longer deserve so many seats). To bring seats back towards equality, seats in Labour areas tend to be amalgamated and new seats are created in Conservative voting areas, meaning the more up-to-date the boundaries are the more it helps the Tories.
Not a chance that the BBC will want these changes ! Nor the Fascist party either so when you see or hear the BBC bringing on interviewees to criticise these changes, now you know why and that it is blatant bias !
On the boundary changes, not before time. These are at least 20 years overdue. All those tiny Labour safe seats mean the dice have been heavily loaded in their favour for ages. Proof below.
Look at the 2005 election. Labour 36% Tory 33% produced a Labour Majority of 60+. While in 2015 Tory 37% Labour 30% gave a Tory majority of 12.
Going back further.
1992 election. tory 42 % labour 31% produced a slim majority of 21 which, whatever you may think of Major, contributed hugely to his perceived weakness.
1997 election tory 31% labour 43%, almost identical but reversed shares, and it was a ‘landslide’ with a labour majority of over 200.
The bBBC and their Corbynista friends will whine and winge of course, but not in the name of fairness.
This is true: the status quo has helped Labour for quite a while, hence the unwillingness of the BBC and the Public Sector Left to give the issue the weight it deserves. Expect more moaning if the Tories gain anything at Labour’s expense or keep winning (think of Charter ’88 and Common Purpose in the light of big Tory wins in ’79, ’83 and ’87.)
I would disagree somewhat with your figures for 1997 (I think it was Lab 45%, Tory 31%, Lab over-all maj. < 180 seats) where Lab would have won by a mile under any system; but 1992 is a good example, John Major getting a big lead over Lab (43-44% v 36-37%) but only a slim maj.
Both Cameron (2010) and Major (1992) should have had bigger majorities than they did, whatever you think of them personally. This is important, as Major would have been stronger in power (e.g. less prone to Maastricht rebels such as Teddy Taylor and Teresa Gorman) and we would not have needed a coalition after 2010 (so no Clegg, Cable, Davy, Sarah Teather, Lynne Featherstone, etc, and less Green nonsense).
The Left's and the BBC's selective use of electoral fairness arguments has amused me for years. I don't criticize Prof John Curtice, whom I consider to be very knowledgeable and fair; but anomalies appear to be of interest only if they work against the Left.
The simplest form of bias is to state that "only X% of voters elected Thatcher/Cameron/… so the Tories have no mandate" when the number voting for Blair/Brown/Milliband/… was usually < X%. The latest version is that "Britain didn't vote for Brexit, only England and Wales did". It's true, but then more people voted Tory in England in 2005 than voted Labour, so should we in England have rejected that result as being invalid? In Feb 1974, 185,000 extra Tory votes gave Heath only 297 seats to Wilson's 301 so, again, by the Left's own logic the result was flawed. We hear little about the absolute travesty of 3.88 million UKIP votes producing just one MP but less about the over-representation of the SNP at Westminster thanks to our voting system, probably because the SNP can be relied upon to oppose the Tories.
the leftards on the news got me dying laughing, all votes having approximately equal weight = undemocratic ….. lmao
Daily Politics today showed the latest anti Brexit front opened by the BBC, this is how do we , the U.K., untangle our laws from the EU. The BBC claims that it will take many years and that this is somehow the rate determining step in our negotiations to leave the EU. This despite several well known Leavers explaining that we just read across the current EU laws we have adopted in the past 40 years and on day one as an independent country we operate with those.We then embark on a lengthy process of amending those laws as and when we wish. But Jo Coburn seemed to deliberately misunderstand this and continued to state that it would be a massive task within the Brexit negotiations. I do regard her a hopeless liberal lefty but I don’t think that she is stupid, so I must assume that she is deliberately trying to confuse and mislead viewers.
How does the BBC think that the former Soviet states and Warsaw Pact countries disentangled themselves , or would they prefer it never happened ( as I would for a different reason to theirs) .
DT, they’ve got to the point where they understand only too well that they can utter loads of bu++++t without being challenged. The problem is, of course, the BBC are fully committed to their selected interviewee’s vision and views of the country or World.
Jo Coburn is, at best, an idiot. Peter Lilley quite clearly and simply explained the ease with which we will extricate ourselves from EU law on The Daily Politics last week. Mind you, she was in good company as the newly elected Chief Green Idiot seemed unable to grasp the concept either.
Is there really ANY point in reporting this?
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-37348768 “Man arrested on suspicion of terror offences in Kensington”
It’s only 4 bloody sentences long! And it’s of course a “man”. Just to show example of bias and I understand one is a bigger case than the other (although that is at least debatable) feel free to see the difference in length and detail of report between the Kensington “man” and Thomas Mair’s first court appearance
For an organisation that forever bleets about racism perhaps they should have a little look in the mirror
Oh well guess we’ve only got a few more weeks to wait until the BBC provide something of equal length and depth for the Kensington “mans” first court appearance… I’ll be waiting with baited breath
Isn’t it a bit sexist to label the arrested humanoid as a “man” and “he”? He/she/it maybe gender fluid and although they may look like a man they may not want to be known as a man.
I think with a bit of editing the BBC could reduce that article to just 2 sentences.
There is Bake Off, once a nice little programme on BBC2 without an agenda. But it grew and grew and despite the BBC’S efforts to make it less middle class and more multiethnic, it remains a programme liked by the white middle classes. Perhaps somewhere in the depths of the BBC someone thought that it would be a wonderful idea to give as evidence how strapped for cash the BBC is, to agree to lose Bake Off. Just an idea.
The loss of “Bake Off” has to be down to Brexit and nothing else!
Just been on BBC website and read about the Bake-Off Sell-Off. It was illustrated by two past competitors. Yes, of course there was the omnipresent Nadiya and one other who just happened to be black (or is it coloured or “person of colour”, I get so confused these days). I haven’t watched it for ages but I vaguely remember there were at least a couple of hideously whites there as well
4 minutes and 57 seconds in. All you need to know about Baking Off.
Blocked on copyright grounds
Just watched the tail-end of the one o’ clock news and there was a brief item about the inflation rate (I think), and the film clip showed a checkout at Sainsbury’s. Guess what? The customer was wearing a hijab. FFS!
It’s getting beyond ridiculous.
Eureka! I think I finally understand. The BBC must be suffering from a particularly perverse form of community-acquired pneumonia. Although this nasty outbreak may well make make an interesting study into the evolution of dangerous diseases, for the moment, the chronic form of the disease, as displayed throughout the BBC and in some parts of North America, may well be incurable. Perhaps a good trump on the back could clear some passages? Hope.
Shock news from Iraq : “There has come some good from the mad terror of ISIS, cos it’s turning out to be counterproductive.”
“It’s like a new enlightenment; I’ve met many Iraqis who’ve seen the way that ISIS is able to find JUSTIFICATION for their atrocities by pointing to parts within the Koran and Hadith. So these Iraqis are coming over to understanding that dogmatism, like blindly following the Koran are bad things and that secularism that allows all people to live together in peace is much better”
“People are moving OUT of Islam and into to secularism !”
I am quoting from a now secular doctor (I met on Sunday) who travels to frequently volunteer amongst his Iraqi colleagues.
Look out for his TEDx talk in Leicester 26th of October 2016 at a special Day of TEDx Talks to be recorded and added to the internet archive (Early bird tickets are available at £25 for about 16-20 talks)
Googled it, underwhelmed.
What was that bit in the Koran about the duty of lying to infidels?
‘Taqiyya’ TS, I think that SG ought to look it up himself.
@TruthSeeker you Googled what ? New secularism in Iraq maybe ?
remember it’s still too dangerous for Iraqis to talk about with those non-secularists.
I provided a link to the TED talks
A couple of links I found on a quick Google
– The Glimmer of Secular Hope in Iraq HuffPo Jun 01, 2016
– Back to secularism for Iraq? July 3, 2015
I followed your link 2:41. Then I Googled the names and organisations the link contained. More Islam please.
I have since followed your other links 3:56.
Pie in the sky. Islamic countries are becoming MORE Islamic.
Did you miss the news from Turkey?
Thanks, I know what it’s called, I just could not be bothered to find the correct spelling.
@TruthSeeker Of the 20 speakers on that TEDx link , the guy I spoke to to is the first one, I didn’t sy anything about the other 19 and their own Islamic agenda, only his talk is specifically about Iraqis giving up Islam
“Did you miss the news from Turkey” em more than that I lived in Turkey 2012-2013 a few hours north of the Syrian border, and Pres Erdogan is just playing “the vote for me I more Islamic than the others” game..He’s alienating the other 50% of the population who are inclined to be more secular. Now I’ve just come back from living in Malaysia/Indonesia so i know a lot about ID card Muslims.
The issue is that cos ISIS refers to Muslim scriptures all the time, sensible Muslims are unable to speak out against their nutty terrorism ..so slowly more and more are also coming to realise that the problem is the scriptures themselves (same for other dogmatic belief systems/religions)
how do you know the country is REALLY going down the toilet?
when this piece of trash….well…..have a read…I’m speechless
#6 … I guess they are passing the Champagne at the the ‘UKIPpers for Corbyn’ HQ
… As they see Labour self-destruct
If she sits next to John Prescott she can discuss with him how working class they both are and how they’d never sell out their principles.
Just like Kinnock didnt…lol….
Christ on a bike. This sanctimonious, lying, democracy hating, hypocrite corbynista white washer will be sitting in the house of lords causing as much trouble as she possibly can. The beeb will be happy with this news the country should not. After the white wash debacle with corbyn and his stormtroopers she shouldn’t be left within a mile of the place. Its a frigging disgrace.
Why do I think of the Blackadder episode Dish and Dishonesty and BlackAdders new
ErminCat coat.. Oh and Mr Frisky. Go to 23.38 to see what I mean.BBC.. er… ‘news’… on Facebook:
BBC News
“I don’t like adverts”
“Who cares? It’s a show about pie-making”
“I might write to my MP”
Some of your reaction to #GBBO departure from the BBC.
Oddly, they did not quote some that one suspects mirrored most below in the unfiltered comments.
I don’t get all the wailing and gnashing of teeth about GBBO’s transfer from Al Beeb to C4. Surely this is exactly what a public service broadcaster should be doing?
Before the show was first made, the then-unproven GBBO concept was thought too risky for a commercial broadcaster. Then the BBC took a punt on it and discovered there was in fact a huge appetite (sorry) for it.
The show’s commercial viability having been proven, it should have made perfect sense to offload it on to a commercial broadcaster. No point in cost of the show being borne by licence fee payers, when it can just as well be borne by advertisers or even subscribers.
The real mystery is how Al Beeb could justify trying to keep it.
The wrinkle in this is the show’s transfer to C4 (which has a public service mandate) rather than to a nakedly commercial broadcaster.
“Terror arrests in Germany after ISIS sends fighters posing as refugees to attack Europe”
Three Syrian Islamic terrorists are arrested and what are the BBC leading on with their “Breaking News”?………Mel and Sue have quit Great British Bake Off.
Give me strength.
Deutsche Welle Home Section leads :-
“ANIMALS Germans enchanted by friendly dolphin near Kiel”
The terrorists are the second story.
So Mel and Sue are quitting GBBO because they don’t want the show to leave the BBC.
Or is it because they would be unemployable anywhere else?
My thoughts exactly, C4 must be happy about that.
Another thought occurred to me – we have one totally tax funded broadcaster trying to out bid anther partially funded broadcaster, this hardly sounds a good deal for the tax payer.
Be interesting if the chemistry of such presenters matches that which created interesting times over at Top Gear.
Sorely missed.
Really, who gives a shit?
Looking at Facebook, every single editor of every single BBC programme.
There may be liquorice armbands around all sofa sloth arms tomorrow.
Just blame brexit. It’s always a winner.
Owen Jones and Tristram Hunt in the Advertiser.
On the changes to parliamentary constituencies.
Both article bollox.
Both articles being murdered BTL.
Including this.
“Don’t worry Tristam – they’ve only removed one pillar of Labour’s gerrymandering strategy: you’ve still got postal voting fraud, the biraderi system, and importing voters as “refugees” to fall back on.
Imagine a story where a poor innocent Muslim living in the UK gets paid damages from the European Human rights court for having his human rights breeched during his arrest for letting his neighbour stay in his flat for 3 days. You’d think the bBC would be all over it like it was Eid. What I’m I saying it is Eid. Wonder why the bBC hasn’t reported this human rights story?
UK: European Human rights courts awards accomplice to failed suicide bombers £13,600 in damages.
Give the Beeb a chance – only so many hours in a day.
Coming soon to R4 – why one lot of Muslims like killing the other lot of Muslims and vice versa.
Can anyone explain the BBc obsession with Roald Dahl please? I don’t getg it.
Not too hard to explain.
Roald Dahl is yet another self loathing misogynist boarding school victim like Morpurgo..and indeed most privately-educated lefties who work for the BBC.
Hates parents authorities schools…but loves the orphan, the child and the saccharine sweet liberal do gooders who rescue the vulnerable and oppressed from conservative conformity.
Oh-and the BFG will be out soon as a film…and I bet the BBC will be in on a take for all these puff pastries promotions for Dahl, and his estate.
U2-North Face, Tesla, Dahl…shameless shillers the BBC for the Good
Rebellion as ever.
Or me D666. Perhaps its an ‘age’ thing; that lot at the Beeb were clearly brought up on bedtime stories of RD. I was not. It was Janet & John books at school, followed by Enid Blyton that I read myself. I had a very uncluttered childhood, no helicopter parents, tiger mothers or tv in my bedroom. I was shown the way to school at age 5 and thereafter went on my own. I had a set of ‘best and play’ clothes and wore uniform every day. I only received presents at Christmas and Birthdays, and if I got told off at school I usually got told off at home for getting told off at school !!! my parents or any others of that time did not go running to the school wailing and whining, like parents do today if a teacher dares to discipline their little ‘darlings’.
Shocking report on R4 NEWS. Germany concerned that there are IS terrorists among the ‘refugees’. Who would have thought it ?
And while we’re on I see the EU condemns Hungary for not wanting uninvited strangers into their country. Hungary in recent times, invaded and occupied by Germany and then the Soviets so I guess they’re a little sensitive and moreover sensible.
One hot day and the Beeb and sky are both going big on climate change propaganda. It like we have never had hot weather in September before, they keep trying to tell me that it never happened and it’s something strange. Apparently the seasons are all mixed up and the plants are confused, not in my garden they ain’t, Kew Gardens must be in some alternate universe. And they tell us this garbage with straight faces. Who was it that said we had only fifty days to save the planet some years ago. Still here old boy.
The other world breaking news today is that two unfunny comedians have left a bakery programme. The twatterati will be in mourning expect 38 degrees to get on the case by firing off emails of outrage. 145 quid for this soggy bottom.
You would have thought that the Beeboids in Manchester would have told their Islington counterparts, that it’s so wet up north, that Manchester City’s champions league match has been called off due to torrential rain, falling on the West of Britain all day…..Then again, it’s the “progressive” favourite “global warming”, so I suppose that any old excuse will do in an attempt to manipulate the public yet again..
Ha ha, I thought the petition was to keep it OFF the BBC.
But it is to keep British Bake off ….ON the BBC
Was only having a bit of fun about 38 degrees didn’t think they’d do it. That lot are idiots, dangerous idiots though I used to get emails from them, never signed up to them. Checked them out and realised who and what they were about.
They needn’t worry Perkins and her quiff will be well looked after by the Beeb she is one of their poster girls. She ticks many boxes. Mel has the Eurovision.
I followed your link and discovered that:
“Bake Off allows us to recognise the wonderful diversity of the UK, and sets the tone for our country.”
And there was me thinking it was a show about baking.
Months ago I posted a petition on 38 degrees proposing that the TV tax be abolished. It seems to have disappeared…
On Look North here in Yorkshire last night there was classic bit of al beebus reporting and non-reporting: where what they don’t tell you, tells you everything; if you understand how they operate.
A solitary Polish man had been attacked and seriously injured by a gang of twenty “youths” in Armley in Leeds; at no time during the piece was there a description of any of the perpetrators, despite the police still looking for them, which in itself speaks volumes about who they were, that and the number of them involved in the attack.
There was then an interview with the Polish Consul, then some footage showing Poles in Essex marching to protest about a separate attack in Harlow; where someone had been killed.
Then there was the inevitable reference to the link in the apparent rise in “racist” attacks and the referendum result.
I would be very surprised to discover that this wasn’t an attack by a Muslim mob: the lack of detail in the al beebus report about the attackers; their modus operandi 20 onto 1 (typical Pak tactics) and also where it happened – Armley (fairly enriched) abuts Beeston (very enriched) where the 7/7 bombers came from.
Al beebus managed to spin that story to appear as if it was somehow a Brexit motivated attack, whereas (in all likelihood) it was a racially motivated attack; the Poles don’t like Paks and the Paks know it.
Question: (and this surpasses the elephant, must be a whale in the room)
Why, I REPEAT, why do all these foreigners risk life and limb to get into this country of hateful racists, bigots and xenophobes ?
Next question: And why do they stay ?
There are over a million Poles in the UK.
By the law of averages, at least 50 will be assaulted every day. Many assaulted by fellow Poles.
If a white British person is senselessly murdered – is that OK then ?
Is that no so concerning or serious ?
When a gang of youths use someone’s head as a football – I guess it’s not hate – it must be sport. Maybe we need a new definition of, ‘sport crimes’ ?
Gaxvil, there are teo answers to this
1. They know we are a soft touch
2. It is I believe less generally well known that countries like France take a very tough line on letting in relatives of economic migrants. Whereas the UK just puts down thecred carpet and lets in the extended family., no questions asked.
Here’s an example. Woman from Pakistan gets on an education course. She is allowed to bring in her husband and two children on condition they are financially sponsored. A family memer already legally here does that. The husband is allowed to work for 16 hours per week maximum, and the children are permitted to go to UK state schools free of charge. All this is totally legal. A few years go by and hey presto they can apply fir citizenship, and use the Yuman Rights Act on right to a family life to ensure success. The family mentioned are real people and they are very nice. I like them, their kids are well behaved and a credit to their parents. But fundamentally they should not be here, and the fact they are tells you a lot about the Home Office.
Sluff, that would’nt be during the May leadership would it?
A longstanding friend lives in Bradford. During a conversation with that person a couple of weeks ago I was told that there is no problem with seeing a GP. In fact, they can simply arrive at the surgery without an appointment sit and wait for a consultation. Bit like the ‘old days’ here.
Question: what’s different about Bradford than anywhere else?
Got to love how the bBC hides the truth:
Failed 21/7 London bombers lose court claim
Three of the 21/7 failed London bombers who said their rights were violated when they were arrested have had their claim rejected by the European Court of Human Rights.
The men, each jailed for life for the failed 21 July 2005 plot, said their convictions were unfair because police interviewed them without a lawyer.
But judges ruled that the police were justified because of the urgent need to protect the public.
Ok truthful reporting, then the bBC comes out with this crap:
Meanwhile, the court upheld a claim from another man, Ismail Abdurahman, who was jailed for withholding information about the planned attacks and helping the fourth failed bomber, Hussain Osman.
Withholding information bBC? He hid Hussain Osman in his flat for 3 days whilst the whole of the UK looked for the Terrorist. He then helped Osman escape to Italy. A much better account here
Something for the BBC experts on Islam to discuss
Interesting times on Al Beeb Have Your Say
An HYS is opened on the issue of faith leaders urging St Theresa to take in more refugees, and it gladdens the heart to report that respondents are having none of the bBBC multi culti agenda. Someone from the news room will surely be put on the naughty step for that one.
But normal service is resumed with an opportunity to reply on the following topic. Quote ‘ Are you tracking your Hajj on social media?’
BBC Online News:
“”Bletchley woman loses baby in ‘racist’ attack””
“”She lost her baby as a result of the attack, Thames Valley Police said””
“”A second victim, a 40-year-old man, sustained head injuries””
And… what was the racism? I’d like to know.
No racist facts. But it’s racist. A Brexit gang, perhaps?
Surprising that this story was on bbc 10 o’clock news. Fits the agenda.
ITV 9/11 truth lies & conspiracies this evening.
Guess where the finger for all of it now points? Yes that’s right, our old friends in Saudi Arabia, and yet all of America’s intelligence agencies actively prevented the information coming out.
Everyone has heard that the Bin Laden family were at the Bush family ranch at the time of the attack (presumably handing over the bribe money) but not everyone knows that Saudi Nationals exited the USA en masse the day they were allowed to leave the country without any kind of intelligence being carried out.
It now turns out that 15 of the 19 terrorists were Saudi Nationals many of whom do not speak English, yet they were able to live in America for 6 months leading up to the September attacks, and now the evidence has emerged that other Saudi Nationals living in Florida gave them assistance, and yet were allowed to leave the US the day after the attack !
And how did all this come to light? Well it was by an investigative journalist and the courts who gave orders for papers to be released. It positively did not come out willingly by the US government.
The victims are at a loss as to why their government is siding with Saudi Arabia, and not the people of America.
I can tell them, and I can imagine that many people in the media are also getting closer to the truth too, but how long will it take for them to speak out?
It is said that every man has his price, and the evidence is screaming that Saudi Arabia is not only pouring money into the West to destabilise it by violent Islam, but has also been pouring money into the pockets of Western Leaders for at least 25 years.
This is the only scenario which makes sense when all the facts are laid bare, the only question is when will people start accepting the reality of what is going on ?
Good post, Thoughtful, but the State Department and the Saudis have been thick as thieves for a helluvah lot longer than 25 years. This is revealed in ‘The secret war against the Jews’ by Loftus and Aarons. The book goes into excruciating detail about it.
That might be true, but the 25 years (ish) is when I see the money begin to change hands. Here it didn’t happen until BLiar which was 1997, but in the US George H W Bush was in power in 1981 – 89 and at some point he became a little too friendly with Saudi wealth.
At the time the Saudi Kind was King Fahd who came to the throne in 1982, and it was he who started funding for worldwide Mosque building. He told young Saudis to avoid the path of evil and not to travel to Europe and the United States .
He obviously had issues with the West in general, despite which he liked to indulge himself in all the pleasures cities like London had to offer.
Thoughtful, at the risk of being labelled a pedant, I must point out that you are going back 35 years. But it was as far back as 85 years ago that Britain and the US were competing for control of Saudi oil and money was changing hands. That swine George Bush senior was a comparatively recent betrayer of Israel and the US.
The book I mentioned is meticulously researched and well worth struggling through.
Penultimate paragraph Thoughful, pouring money into Africa as well no doubt to finance the terror organisations there. I recall vividly in the eighties reading the English language papers in Saudi in which the correspondent extols the virtues their efforts to convert all Africa to The Cult of Submission. Could this be one reason for the mass exodus toward Europe?
The subjugation of the Isl…er, sorry I mean the British Broadcasting Corporation to the will of Allah has been progressing steadily for decades and seems now to be almost complete.
It would be enlightening to compare the BBC to, for example, the state-controlled media in Iran. I’m sure there are striking similarities between the two as to how news is censored, distorted and manipulated to feed a slick agenda to a long-suffering public.
The question is, why does the alleged UK government not come down as hard as possible on the propagandist organisation and insist that they either report the news objectively and fairly or take their grubby hands out of the public purse?
I have a sinking feeling that I know at least part of the answer: the government shares the ‘liberal’-left ideology of the BBC and therefore cannot see anything wrong with its reporting.
Its primarily the UN policy TrueToo.
Rhona fairhead has departed. Theresa strikes again. Steady as she goes Theresa. Expect lots of bitterness from the Beeb tomorrow and thatcher comparisons again. It’s being a bad few days for the Beeb what with losing a baking program and now fairhead. Tony hall next maybe and then the whole lot overhauled hopefully.
Headline story tonight on the 10 O’clock news on ITV. Not a whisper on the BBC website as at 10.25pm.
The next story the Graun runs with, minus any irony, is about the ‘toothless’ press complaints body.
Clearly some get it about right more equably than others.
We can only hope.
A an aside, could this be why “the Moron” resigned yesterday? “Sources say” that Fairhead’s decision was made several days ago?
“Sources close to Ms Fairhead said she was told around ten days ago that she would now have to reapply for the post, but did not want to commit to another full four-year term.”
“To be given the job in June and then have it taken away again in September is going some for utter mismanagement from the government,” said one friend of the chairman. “She has been left swinging.”
Empty champagne bottles in the corridors?
Ain’t life a bitch.
bBBC senior executives having to APPLY competitively for positions? Really? How amazing.
I am totally shocked at such an outlandish concept.
This is so serious someone should immediately inform their Director of Strategy, James Purnell.
‘Left Swinging’? How appropriate!
May had to do something . People I did not expect to voice an opinion have noticed that the BBC is actively undermining the democratic vote over Brexit. It could not go on like this with the BBC out of control and in such serious breach of it’s charter.
Trouble is the hive is so closed and like minded that it could not see it and will have to pay a price. No doubt it will regroup and start to spin away about political control.
Nothing of the sort as the BBC had become a political pressure group and this on our money could not be allowed to continue.
The BBC has been actively undermining the democratic process for decades, at least since the Thatcher era if not earlier. Just look at the hostile treatment of UKIP and Nigel Farage, let alone the bias over the EU Referendum itself, and contrast with the easy ride given to the Greens for instance. I doubt the departure of Ms Fairhead will change much by itself: what is now needed is root and branch reform, which seems unlikely as the Charter was recently renewed by a supposedly Conservative government.
Marhaba! Mustapha Sheikup al-beebi, Kaif ahaal?
It may well be that the replacement is under instruction (notwithstanding the Charter) to ‘take a different view’. Same as the law: many different ‘interpretations’. Members of the Cabinet are aware of the BBC bias as it is blatantly obvious but, I have separately made the position clear to certain Cabinet Ministers and one Junior.
Dave S, I saw a very apt contribution on another site some months ago. It related to ‘Merkel Madness’ (no need to elaborate). The contribution went like this:

“She would even be asking herself, “what have I done to deserve this” while hanging upside down from a lamp post”. Brilliant.
See picture: I wonder if this Romanian pair had the same thought?
So an American Presidential candidate erects ‘massive barriers’ to deter intruders and enforces their land’s borders with Secret Service Agents to keep out undesirables.
That’ll be… Er, Hillary Clinton then.
I awoke far too early this morning and could not get back to sleep. Finally, I turned R4 on and hit the tail end of BBC ‘Farming Today’ at about 0550 Hrs. only to find myself part-way through a debate between the representative of the Farmers Union and some other person who appeared to represent 51 (or 52?) ‘Conservation Organisations’, “including the RSPB”. He may well have been with the Green Party. Subject: the rapid decline of wildlife in the countryside. Conservationist argues that the rapid decline is as a direct result of, ‘Intensive Farming’. NFU states that the stats don’t support that. In fact, the output of the farming industry across the country has been falling year on year for the past 15/20 years and the only time it can really be said that Farmers farmed intensively was after the last World war. Conservationist fumbles and fails to provide any cogent counter argument. Fast forward to 0800 news on ‘Today’ in which we are informed:
Many species are doomed as a result of, (wait for it), ‘Intensive Farming’ say collectively 51/52 Conservation Organisations, “including the RSPB”.
Farmers Union said, “they are working closely with the Conservation Organisations”. This statement expressed with tones that left no doubt that the evil party is the farmers who were cowering in a dark corner somewhere buckling under the weight of all the “Conservation Organisations”.
This is classic BBC bias, demonstrating yet again their leanings to the Liberal Left/Green/Utopian Parties. Oh!, sorry, mistake, there’s no actual Utopian Party yet simply those who will direct you to their promised land but always fail to get you there.
Yep, there are many tricky issues out there. The job of the bbc is to dumb them down so that the listener can be in no doubt who are the bad guys in the opinion of the bbc, of course.
In this case – less farming = higher prices, loss of jobs and carbon producing transport of imports. It really is, for the birds.
1950s Gallup opinion poll.
Pollster posits XYZ proposition.
Do you agree?
Do you disagree?
Are you not sure?
Pollster reports results.
1980 and later opinion poll.
Pollster posits ABC proposition.
Do you agree?*
Do you disagree?*
Are you not sure?*
Pollster “reports” whatever left wing nonsense suits their purpose.
* Very sure that you are a rabid left wing twat who will publish whatever suits you regardless of the opinions you receive (which is why 2015 UK GE and Brexit left you with egg on your Marxist face).
Trump will win, how do you like that AlBeeb?
Dedicated to all my friends here at the Hard-Right neoliberal Biased BBC 🙂
Cheer up everyone. More good Brexit news from the BBC.
“There are very exciting markets outside of Europe – the Far East is expanding at a phenomenal rate.”
Notice the subservient way the Union Flag is below the ‘Disney’ flag.
Slighty OT:
Following my recent spat with Sky TV (Sky News (UK) specifically), in which I cancelled my subscription in disgust at Sky News’s p*sspoor (and biased) coverage of everything from the so-called migrant crisis to climate change and Trump, there has been a significant development.
They have now offered to halve my annual subscription fee and bumped me up to the next tier of TV packages, which means I can now get many more channels, but most importantly I can get Fox News US (yay!) + 50 or so other channels in glorious HD. They also gave me a £15 credit on my Sky account (which can be used against downloadable movies). So I’ve decided to stay.
Now that I have Fox News I can ditch the BBC forever – what a joy to be able to watch Trump rallies beamed in live and then discussed intelligently in the studio by people who actually don’t think he’s a ‘deplorable racist’. It’s another world – just amazing to be able to watch people discussing Trump without a permanent ‘progressive sneer’, or the use of derogatory terms slyly slipped in every few minutes.
Happy days. Arguing with them has resulted in twice as much for half the money! What are the chances of that ever happening with the hated BBC? God bless the free market!
Sky – you can check out, but you can never leave…
Yep, Fox is VERY refreshing when all you’ve had is BBC etc. We began watching Fox around 7/7 when all BBC news had to go in front of a Muslim panel – because at 2% of the population (then) their opinion overrode that of anyone else.
I don’t understand the satellite/cable charging model.
I presume that the operator pays fees to the various programme channels and in turn seeks to get payment from the viewers to watch those channels. So far so good.
But the viewer can only watch one channel at the time so why do they have to pay for the channels that they aren’t watching? There isn’t any extra cost to the operator for providing this choice. While it could be argued that the extra channels have a premium and should cost more the other channels aren’t being watched so should be discounted.
Good for you! But what sort of a pricing scheme is that? Haggling….but it seems to be well known, if you Google it… We pay a ridiculous amount for it. I’m too embarrassed to even say – paid extra for 3D and HD, what a waste of money.
Looks as if this chappie may be getting his way ?
Last year ….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-31796337
Now ………..
BBC London tv news only gives us three head line items per morning. Aside from the usual quick, preremptory, colourless (if you’ll excuse the pun) mention of today’s murder and a ‘cor wot a scorcher! how does that rate on the temperature-lympics record table?’ scare report, the number two head line spot appears to be reserved for the regular ‘charity report out today’. Yesterday it was Oxfam today it is Shelter with a plea to keep the Red Flag flying.
You know, in the same way that the national BBC news likes to feature a report out today from ‘a group of MPs’. Presumably the Lefty charities and odd groupings of MPs (sometimes regular committees but sometimes simply interest groups) are stepping up becuase the official opposition are on extended sabbatical with a bad case of occular umbilicusitis (naval gazing)
BBC left-liberalism is relentless. An endless round of cut and paste whine after whine after whine with public sector nannying presented as the one and only cure all for a British public held in absolute contempt for our inherent racism… sexism… la-de-dah-de-dah…
It does not have to be this way. We don’t have to put up with a left-liberal national broadcaster.
The Evening Standard is rather left-leaning and yet it still can carry a range of opinion apparently unknown to the BBC. For example a comment piece yesterday from Melanie McDonagh suggests the ‘Lib-Dems don’t have a monopoly on decency’
Now I’m sure that thought alone would have great swaves of BBCers fainting clean away.
Ms McDonagh covers Nick Clegg’s party (you remember Clegg.. he was the Ernie Wise to Cameron’s Eric as they shared twin podia in the Downing Street garden in 2010) anyway it’s the launch party for the memoirs wot he has wrote.
The Evening Standard piece gives some non-BBC insights into why the Lib-Dems were annihilated at the polls. No not a nasty Tory plot by Flashman Cameron. The truth centres on this monopoly of virtue idea – a trait I would suggest our Clegg has in common with the BBC.
If people are opposed to mass immigration it is not because they are under-educated and insecure – it’s becuase it is a transformation of society about which they were never consulted.
Opponents of ‘gay marriage’ are not simply ‘homophobes’ who can’t get with the programme – it wasn’t in either party manifesto ie it was undemocratic.
So Nick Clegg’s do (you remember Clegg, he was the lanky establishment posh bloke who unwisely challenged Nigel Farage to EU debates with LBC and was duly hammered flat) anyway his book launch was at the historic and revered National Liberal Club.
At the entrance we learn there is a bust of Gladstone with the quote “…Toryism is mistrust of the people qualified by fear; …Liberalism is trust of the people qualified by prudence”
‘Right now’ opines Ms McDonagh (and I think she has it about right on the Lib Dems and I would add the BBC) ‘the party seems to have got it the other way round’
Today R4 this morning and they failed to elicit anything anti Brexit from Mr. Dyson or Dunnelm – quite the opposite in fact. Never mind, coming up an interview with an EU twot about attacks on Poles.
Today’s Australian-accented business reporter “Dominic” seems to be on a constant fishing trip for indications of Brexit-driven economic and business catastrophe.
Earlier this week he was quizzing a woman from the British music industry about the consequences of Brexit. She remained non-commital, possibly too polite to point out that non-membership of the EU does not seem to have hindered the global success of the US music industry.
This morning he was badgering a woman from one of the merchant banks about the wider economic consequences of Brexit. “It’s too early to say” she told him. Twice!
On both occasions I sensed that the interviewees were discomfited by Dominic’s line of enquiry. It’s a feather in any PR’s cap to be invited on to Today, so the natural instinct is to be “helpful” rather than risk not being invited back.
Kamal Ahmed is likewise – the enthusiasm and excitement when they think they scent doom and disaster really calls for psychiatric intervention.
Looks like the beeb and the guardian are trying to equate cameron with blair over libya. I think they are forgetting the sainted president and nobel peace prize winner Barry o bama and a certain us presidential candidate Hilary were also involved but don’t let the facts get in the way of the story.
Lots of corbynistas in the comments.
I do believe it is time for the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation to B off i.e. remove ‘BRITISH’ and come out as the quasi commercial, Left biased, anti British organization it is.
Its does not serve the British People any more. Its time for it to go commercial and ‘earn its crust’.
Stop paying the licence fee .
Mentioned i think earlier on a BBC regional news bulletin from Leeds, but Channel 4 had an identical piece on the same situation, when lo and behold, the Polish (spoke with a broad yorkshire accent and was whiter than milk) girl was ‘verbally racially abused’ from a passing car in the dark. Cue tearful face and talk of ‘not felt safe since Brexit vote’
A complete staged event that would make the Gestapo blush.
Utter shite.
If only the poor mite had a passport that would allow her to move back home or to one of 27 other countries to escape the vile British – oh hang on …….
Don’t want to be picky but since when has Polish been a ‘race’. It’s a nationality.
Negro is a race, Jews are a race but Poles, French and even Brummies are NOT a ‘race’.
‘…since when has Polish been a ‘race’…’
Answer: the term ‘race’ has to be applied simply to enable the corollary accusation ‘racist’.
Race is now an elusive concept confused with nationality and therefore a slippery one to pin down. News reports which speak of a ‘British man’ tell us nothing about ethnicity and yet an Englishman can be accused of ‘racism’ against a Scot – we don’t have different passports. Then again a Scot can be ‘racist’ against an English resident Pole who in term can always be ‘racist’ toward a black person. (By the way, there are no come backs – so these examples can never work in reverse)
The only sure way to work the pecking order out is to think: who do Leftists most despise.
In terms of ‘race’ and ‘racism’ an interesting hypothetical case would be to imagine an incident that came to be widely reported in the media in terms of a ‘hate crime’ where an eastern european victim had been subjected to the attack which happened to be committed by a teenager whose identity was protected under our laws but who might happen to be black – and his ethnicity, of course, could not be reported.
One wonders what BBC reporting policy would be on that? Would the media be happy for the ‘native English community’ to take the collective blame although they were actually innocent of the crime?