An eagle eyed B-BBC observes;
“The BBC has long since dispensed with the gender specific term actress, yet today we have this:
Refusing to use the term actress created all kinds of funny situations, including a headline that stated that Francois Holland was having an affair with an actor (who turned out to be an actress). But suddenly Alexis Arquette (who he/she?)…”
So biological men and women are homogenised by the BBC (at least when it’s to the disadvantage of men) but a transgender man is referred to in the female form.
I honestly don’t know how anyone can take liberals seriously anymore.
“The gay & lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) has a problem with Hollywood using men to portray transgender women in films. GLAAD’s Director of Programes Nick Adams said that Hollywood needs to get over the idea “that putting a male actor in a dress, wig and makeup is an accurate portrayal of a transgender woman”
Let that sink in for a moment”.
Yes, guys, this is the kind of madness mankind has accepted hook-line-and-sinker! It can only get worse, far worse.
Absolutely agree with, Liberalisation has been the ruination of so much straight foward common sense-in the case of the actress v actor-in all counries there is a female & male gender in the definition of which sex. Dam lot of nonsence-and as has been shown by Francois Hollande reported as having an affair with an Actor should read Actress. Why the H is all this rubbish coming about? All sence of logic gone out of the window. Daft duck, as we say in Staffordshire.
Dropping the word actress and other gender specific words is an insult to real women. It’s trying to say that the word actress is demeaning to women. What the follow-on logic from there it is implying that females are not as good as males, therefore as I said to call a woman an actor is an insult to women.
The word actress is just as good as the word actor, it just defines their gender (which is a good thing in their line of work) but not their status or qualities.
In fact I think the incorrect use of the word, particularly the actresses applying it to themselves, show a remarkable lack of intelligence. Which is true to form for left-wingers.
In the last winter olympics an American TV announcer was caught off piste when a Black French skier came down the course. He actually said that the skier was the first French African-American skier. That’s the sort of nonsense you get from being politically correct.
It is confusing . There was a character called Mercedes who was an Actros in the soap Hollyoaks .
Did she have a brother called Laurie? I bet she had no truck with him!
She tried to get the part of Portia in the Merchant of Venice. But it wouldn’t have been one of her better Rolls.
They lived in a house that Peterbuilt . The Steyrs inside were top quality Austrian that any MAN coveted . It Seddon awful lot about them , but their brother Dennis would refuse any truck with them . It was a Thorneycroft issue with them .
The weigh bridge people who pull lorries in to check their tonnage , do you know why their are called mermaids ? (it’s rude) .
Did anyone watch last nights “Crime watch” on BBC?!
Auntie truly nailed her political colours to the mast in this programme!
Each report is usually about 5 mins, or so to appeal to the public for help. Which they mostly kept to in last nights programme. However, those Elites within the BBC gave an amazing 12 mins to cover a piece on: how “Brexit” has made a number of black/Asian people fear for their lives since the referendum!
12 flipping minutes!?