Following yesterday’s post, a Biased BBC reader says…
“A previously issued press release written by sister Patricia – which suggested that Arquette returned to using male pronouns by the time of death – read: “He died as he lived, on his own terms. Our brother Robert, who became our brother Alexis, who became our sister Alexis, who became our brother Alexis, passed this morning September 11, at 12:32 am.“”He was surrounded by all of his brothers and sisters, one of his nieces and several other loved ones. We were playing music for him and he passed during David Bowie’s ‘Starman’. As per his wishes, we cheered at the moment that he transitioned to another dimension.” This is from so not the most reliable of sources, but it’s quoting the press release by Patricia Arquette.
Even more interesting now that the BBC referred to Alexis as an actress…
David wrote:
This is from so not the most reliable of sources
I love the NME used to get it every week during the 80s. I could have quoted the Daily Mail
REVEALED: Alexis Arquette was ‘living as a man again before dying from AIDS complications aged 47’
but didn’t.
I have hated the NME for some time with it’s desire to build bands up only to then turn on them. I stopped reading it around 20 years ago and it’s now in a position where they have to give it away
It is an awful publication. Or it used to be. I did stop reading it when Hugh Cornwell was still lead singer of The Stranglers though so am not in a position to say really. I blame the ability to hold an extended grudge for longer than is healthy.
The man Robert Arquette is unperson. Person is and always was female Alexis Arquette.
This spin on the Orwellian unperson is not limited to the BBC, but every mainstream media source and Wikipedia. This is an example of the ideological subjectivism these institutions endorse, which oppose not only truths but the very concept of the truth.
I am totally underwhelmed by this story about someone of whom I have never heard.
Clearly I should be sent to the tower for failing to empathise with transgender issues.
You should be pegged down and smeared with lard to be pecked by the resident corvids for your lack of empathy to the poor misguided, tortured souls.