And so, just a few days after the 15th anniversary of 9/11, the BBC pounces on a story in New York that places a muslim as a victim.
A British woman’s traditional Muslim clothing was set on fire on Fifth Avenue, New York police have said. The woman, who had been staying in a Manhattan hotel, was returning from sightseeing when she felt a warm spot on her arm, an officer told the BBC. She turned and saw her arm on fire and a man with a cigarette lighter. She was able to pat out the fire with her hands and did not suffer any injury. The attack at the weekend is being investigated as a possible hate crime. A police source confirmed to the BBC the woman is Scottish but would not confirm local reports she is a dentist from Glasgow.
Is it now “traditional” for “British” women to wear “Muslim clothing”? No one wants to see anyone suffer any violence to their person, or even their clothing but this strikes me as the BBC going out of their way to hype up this non-story. They give it as much space on their news portal as they did 9/11 a few days ago.
I wonder why the bBC isn’t calling this a racist hate crime. Maybe the clue lies in the picture of the gulity bastard.

Apparently Black Zippos matter.
Catch the video of this black arsonist here
Oh no he’s black! Brilliant. The poor BBC are stumped. Black racists just don’t exist. Victims don’t attack other victims.
He looks like a Norwegian to me!
One with mental health issues, as well!
I would have thought the link would say ‘UK woman attacked on NY’s 5th avenue’ not
‘UK muslim attacked on NY’s 5th avenue’. I thought mentioning the ‘m’ word was against the rules.
Like ‘Five men arrested by west Midlands anti-terror police’
‘One killed and five hurt in London knife attack’
‘Leytonstone Tube knife attacker guilty of murder bid’
he aint no muslim bruv, oh yes he is
etc.etc.etc. Those are just the first 3 i looked at, and the rule applies.
I thought mentioning the fact the individual involved was a muslim was taboo at the BBC. Oh wait… it’s ok if the muslim is the ‘victim’. (usually just looked at funny, or told to go back home etc, not exactly a frenzied attack) So according to the BBC rules, isn’t that racist.
If it were a Christian or Jew the BBC wouldn’t have even mentioned it.
Like the tens of thousands in Islamic countries.
They can be raped, beheaded, crucified, but the BBC will see this as quite normal for Muslims and Christians. When it happens the other war round, if it happens at all, then of course it is news. Therefore in away, the BBC behaves like a normal media.
The irritating thing about BBC journos, is they are supremely confident that their knowledge/wisdom, really ignorance, is beyond the grasp of every one else. Hence the condescension.
Yes, indeed. The BBC/Left are more concerned with baking cakes than reporting the horrific atrocities ISIS are committing.
I’m surprised the utterly pathetic, infantile and pointless Independent (of reality) haven’t blamed the BBC’s loss of baking cakes on Brexit.
Like here
ISIS Celebrates EID Day of Slaughter with Day of Slaughter **GRAPHIC**
ByPamela Geller on September 13, 2016
Two thoughts – rather an odd time to visit NY as a muslim, and could it have been an accident? I suppose they know better than me, as usual.
My thoughts as well, could have been an accident. All that loose flowing rag..err material, could have just wafted into someone’s ciggy and caught light especially if it’s cheap sweat shop material that is probably not fire retardant. It really is a non story however we look at it.
is it me or does he look a little less black in the bbbc’s chosen photo
He does look less black:

Which is why I looked at the US press in which to find out what colour he really was.
Well, at least he was not leaning over a hedge for a quick stabby stabby.
So called bbc wont be showing this one….
Absolutely vile
This is headlining on Islamic Al Beebs main Web page!!!! WTF!!!! FFS!!! Allahu Akbar!!! Death to all non-belivers!!!!!
David!!!! Just Google “Rose Wyatt murdered” and you will find not one article, ever, on the Islamic Al Beeb!!!! Rose was murdered in the Caribbean in January THIS YEAR!!! Hacked to death!!! Absolutely f all reported on the Islamic Al Beeb!!……
So let me get this straight….. Someone who follows (to the death) a set of unchangeable instructions…set out for eternity by a child raping, blood thirsty psychopathic warlord… and is taught from birth to utterly despise and hate every single thing that does not follow the instructions of this evil death cult, IS BURNT BY A F…ING CIGARETTE LIGHTER, LIKE I HAVE BEEN COUNTLESS TIMES ON A NIGHT OUT..Gets a headlining article on the enemies main Web page!!!… Yet a woman… A innocent black woman at that… Gets absolutely nothing…. Not a mention!!!!
If this one piece of s..t article doesnt prove to everyone how devious, conniving, dangerous, spineless, traitorous, and utterly devoted to protecting the death cult and doing everything it can to assist in Islams eternal war on everything not Islamic…Nothing will
The Islamic Al Beeb are openly at war with our way of life.
Just Googled as you suggested. I’m sad to say that you are wrong. Here is the link provided by Google.
“The Islamic Al Beeb are openly at war with our way of life. ”
From henceforth “the BIBC” surely..simple/neat/accurate. The I is for the obvious..not Idiotic..though they are clearly that well as devious and sloppy in their journalism
Almost every day, all around the world, Muslims with machetes or knives are attacking or killing people, with shouts of allahu ackbar. It so common now that the MSM does not bother reporting it. In fact they are guided nor to.
This is what our stunningly stupid politicians have brought us to – to a point where it is debatable if the West will survive as historic entity.
Terror attacks being foiled ‘every single day’ in France, prime minister says
Solution is to import millions of Muslims.
French wonder after latest terror attack: What can we do to feel safe?
More Muslims is the obvious answer.
And now the link has been removed from BBC news headlines. Even the BBC see its a non-story..
Is this a story
Orthodox Cathedral Burned
Remember the way Serbians were vilified/demonised, even as they tried desperately to save their Christian country from Jihadis, and Clinton’s airforce, backed by Saudi Arabia.
Serbia made a mistake – they didn’t donate to the Clinton Foundation.
The third headline on the BBC midnight news is the sick attack on the pregnant woman that resulted in the death of the unborn child?
Did I say sick attack?
Surely we can all agree that this was a sick attack? Nobody in their right mind would do something like that.
But the BBC is quite casually reporting this as a racist attack, not an attack by somebody who might be mentally ill.
Why so cautious about the mental capacity of certain attackers, and yet so certain in this case?
Who hasn’t had someone lighting a cigarette lighter near their clothing / luggage .? I did when I was ten .
“A British woman’s traditional Muslim clothing”
DV, wrong.
This “person” is not British despite the 24/7/365-366 attempts of the poisonous, treasonous, AlBeeb.
This “person” can never be British.
This “person” has a temporary UK citizenship which can be revoked, at any time, by the House of Commons.
“No one wants to see anyone suffer any violence to their person”
I do, and no group in history deserves it more.
No word from busman/zero/scott or other BBC employees on this one?
I believe Zero and Omega are the same person.
In truth, it’s a committee most likely, with a token spokesperson tasked to respond on here, but with ideas and arguments prediscussed by a small group of them.
All of course at beebjanka HQ.
check out the gaurdian for sensationalisation
no mention of the perp either
Many supporting comments.
Many comments, presumably suggesting that given the enormous numbers of Islamic murders some response and reprisals could be expected, moderated.
You, and your religion, are a problem to everyone else, you totalitarian bitch.
Ever slightly off-topic, but I find it pretty damn incredible how, after the Islamic terrorist attack on September 11th 2001, the Muslim populations in a huge swathe of Western nations have increased to absurd levels (Canada’s has doubled since said event for a more mild example of this phenomena). So you’re attacked by people fuelled by an ideology which seeks world conquest, and the answer the non-leaders of many a European and North American country is to allow this demographic to swell in their own territories!
Some people say it’s a “conspiracy” (another term that is thrown around in such a manner that its meaning has become as butchered as “racist”, “bigot, “xenophobe”, “islamophobe”, “homophobe” and all these other commandeered words and terms repurposed as social-political weaponry to be deployed exclusively by the pseudo-liberals) while others say it’s just good old fashioned stupidity. The latter I find a far harder conspiracy to believe because collectively many of these people are not stupid. I personally think it’s a mixture of the two. At the very top there is intent, but as it trickles down there are many adopters who are too stupid to realise what they’re participating in.
My apologies, I digressed a bit there.