Extraordinary all the fuss over the US Presidential election…after all there is only one candidate..right? Maybe I’m wrong but watching the BBC I understand the lone candidate is some dreadful, racist oaf called Trump.
Oh yes, the BBC did a programme on Clinton, Bill Clinton, and his shenannigans with a cigar and an intern. That of course was all a lot of fuss about nothing…an overheated conspiracy cooked up by those appalling Republicans the BBC informs us. Bill is innocent….much it seems as his other half is also innocent of having hidden her medical problems.
Hillary Clinton gets a few passing comments on the BBC but in comparison to the vast outpourings of liberal hate directed at Trump it amounts to little more than a hill o’ beans.
Check the BBC’s latest ‘indepth’ investigation into her health problems. The BBC tries to pass it off as a bad case of the sniffles but fails to mention all the other health concerns that have struck Clinton down. The Mail manages to list all her ailments….most of which seem somewhat serious.
The BBC dismissed concerns about her health as a ‘whisper campaign’ and ‘insinuations’ by Trump and his followers.
Seems Trump is a much more reliable source of information than the renowned BBC.
Ah yes, the sex obsessed Kenneth Starr and his enquiry. Starr’s remit was to make enquiries into certain rather dodgy, to say the least, loans and land deals in which the Clinton’s were involved whilst he was Governor of Arkansas. The deals involved, as I recall, sounded very much like they could well involve not only abuse of power, involvement with dodgy loans and failed financial institutions. Whilst most of the others linked to the deals ended up with criminal convictions the Clintons, as they have done several times since, managed to slip away only slightly tarnished. A check in the Whitewater Controversy will provide information of the ins and outs of the whole shoddy mess.
Those were the issues Starr was supposed to be investigating in order to see just how involved the Clintons were, or were not, in any of the criminal acts connected to the dealings. Once Starr was fed information about Bill Clinton’s behaviour with Monica Lewinsky and infidelities with other women the dubious financial dealings, which Starr was meant to be getting to the bottom of, got almost completely ignored and the enquiry was turned into an investigation into Clinton’s morality, or rather immorality.
Digging into the lurid details of sex scandals was obviously far more exciting, and made far more interesting news than boring old money matters and, as a result, the dodgy financial dealings which could well have scuppered the Clintons quietly disappeared from the script and stories amounting to little more than pure titillation took over in it’s place. And that is only one small part of the rather dubious behaviour the Clintons have engaged in over the years.
But shhh, the bBBC Clinton propaganda machine would rather you weren’t made aware of and one the bBBC would rather was glossed over and forgotten.
10 pm news on BBC1 tonight a piece where two people in agreement that Clinton and Trump are not being treated equally. Look, they said, Hillary has published her tax returns and Trump hasn’t. Look, they said, her doctor has published the results of Hillary’s mammogram and sodium levels; Trump’s doctor has got a typing error. Yes, I said to Mr D but Trump hasn’t been fainting all over the place and lying about the cause. As for the tax returns we all know that Hillary has been getting payments sent to her foundation. Mr D doesn’t like Trump, I don’t like how he appears to be according to the BBC. I don’t like lies and Hillary seems to be unable to tell the truth. But this site is about BBC bias and since the 9/11 event for Hillary the BBC are attacking Trump from every angle they can and excusing Hillary every which way they can. We live in the UK, the US is not our country. Why can’t the BBC just report instead of taking sides?
We live in the UK, the US is not our country. Why can’t the BBC just report instead of taking sides?
Because they are obsessive lefty propagandists always intervening in elections in order to try to swing the result towards the left?
When Sarah Palin had the audacity to accept the position of John McCain’s running mate against the Obama camp eight years back, BBC propagandists went into frenzied attack mode before they even knew anything of substance about her. It was enough to know that she was a born-again Christian who opposed abortion and was against their beloved Obama.
Pick any election anywhere on the planet where there is a divide between right and left and the impartial, balanced, fair and objective BBC will be in there using its considerable weight and influence to push for a lefty victory.
“We live in the UK, the US is not our country. Why can’t the BBC just report instead of taking sides?”
There is a global struggle for power between people who see a world order of sovereign nation states trading with each other as desirable versus those who want to see a global world order dictated by international corporations and their servants, an unelected global government of multiculturalism and the kind of “equality” that disadvantages white, heterosexual people especially males.
The BBC is on one side of this argument and sees itself as operating in the global interest.
Would just add that it seems likely that the EU and other such supra national combinations provide the “regional offices” of the unelected global government that will bring about a utopia of big business wealth and the pauperisation of the rest of us as serfs.
Hence the gyrations over enacting the Leave vote.
I like Trump for his sheer stubbornness and ability to face down the media. He does not speak PC .It drives the elites mad. In the states hes got the whole lot of them ranged against him .The BBC is parroting the American spin. He is threatening their corrupt empire.They are going to use any means to try and stop him being elected.
I have watched many of Mr Trumps rallies live streaming and they are uplifting ,fun, crowded with people of all backgrounds who wait for hours to get into the rally ,plus he has plans and is making policy speeches. He is giving reasons to elect him. He is staying relentlessly on message so they are running out of things to attack him with.
Hillary is a proven liar and gets a free pass.
If Trump gets elected I will take great joy in watching the BBC go into mourning.
He can’t be worse than Obama .
Deborahanother: I like Trump for his sheer stubbornness and ability to face down the media. He does not speak PC .It drives the elites mad.
Indeed. And they have no idea how to handle him when he exposes their dishonesty and deceit. I have watched several Trump rallies where he mocks them for not scanning the crowd with their cameras – even when there are demonstrators being evicted – to avoid showing the extent of his massive support.
They also don’t show the crowd during Clinton rallies, but that’s for the opposite reason: she only gets a fraction of the support Trump gets.
I am glued to Fox News for this election. They are on the right but frequently air the opinions of the Democrats and host spirited debates between the sides. I watch them on the Internet with only a slight time lag because some kind soul posts their material promptly on YouTube. Bill O’Reilly is especially good and is genuinely fair and balanced.
Fox is a breath of fresh air after the miserable propagandists at the BBC.
Spot on. Trump’s speech on the 7th September on foreign policy and defence is very good indeed. No wonder Obama launched that attack on him last night as it is under Obama that the US has lost defence capability and made such a cock up of it.
Also once again note Obama’s absurd attack on Putin calling him a Saddam Hussein type tyrant.
The truth is that Trump is very able, articulate and gaining support every day.
Expect BBC meltdown if he wins. Hopefully with us out of the EU and Trump as POTUS the West can start to regroup and reality reassert itself and we can begin the fightback against the 68ers and the globalists.
Obvious parallels between Trump and Farage.
Trump’s main problem now is the US “electoral college” system. It’s not enough for him to have a majority of the popular vote: to become president he needs a majority of the votes in the electoral college.
Clinton could lose the popular vote and win the electoral college vote. This happened to George W. Bush in 2000, who lost the popular vote to Al Gore by .51% but won the electoral college 271 to 266.
I noticed the BBC stated to that Trump hadn’t made political capital out of the situation .. probably because he thought that the revelations about Illary’s health would do their own damage anyway.
They just couldn’t give him the possible credit in that he is not a man to make political capital over another candidates health issues. Always make a negative towards Trump, damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t.
Damned if he gives a flying monkey’s, either. Just as well, as the BBC on Facebook, having put Hill’s little ‘episode’ to bed is back on him big time.
Only one massive piece of news seems to have intruded this new assault:
“The US army agrees to provide Chelsea Manning with gender transition surgery”
Hopefully Caitlyn will be flown over to comment. And maybe bake a cake.
I’m sure the MSM would like nothing more than for Trump to comment on Hillarys health issues so they can scraem at him and make him the story for the next 48 hours .He has out smarted them and stayed out of it .It must be driving them mad.
Tomi Lahren reminds the media how they commented on MaCain’s health when he ran for POTUS.
I think Pepe the frog gave Hillary pneumonia
Something for the BBC to defend and something for the Appeaser’s inquiry into sharia. Their demands are relentless. Dog walking should be limited in a multicultural society.
Stuff multiculturalism.
Worth a read.
Trump Emerges in Center, Outmaneuvering Clinton, As Race Enters the Stretch
The BBC are all over the Colin Powell story today.
Their front page is “Colin Powell skewers Trump as ‘disgrace’
Click on the link and you get, “Colin Powell calls Trump ‘national disgrace’ in email leak”
You have to scroll to the bottom to see “But the leaked emails also revealed Mr Powell’s frustrations with Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her handling of her use of private email while at the State Department.”
I like that “frustrations”. The BBC’s interpretation is “frustration”
Go to more reputable news organisations and you’ll find that mere “frustrations” were in fact outrage at what Powell refers to as the “Clinton Mafia”
Read the real news here.
Elsewhere sources are showing that Powell has total and utter contempt for Clinton. I would venture that his personal thoughts are that she is little better than scum.
And here’s another distortion from the BBC.
“Trump Foundation under investigation for suspected ‘impropriety'”
Well yes his Trump Foundation is under investigation by the New York’s Attorney general, Eric Schneiderman, who is NOT investigating the Clinton Foundation.
Go elsewhere and you uncover the truth about Eric Schneiderman, something the BBC does not wish to share with you.
“State AG Launching Trump Foundation Probe Is A Clinton Adviser”
We also have; “Clinton Foundation Skirting State Laws, Dem Attorney General Says No Problem”
Comes to something when the “Daily Caller” blogsite proves to be more reliable, and more reputable than the multi billion pound “envy of the world”