‘UK Ebola nurse Pauline Cafferkey cleared of misconduct’
No doubt that will be the BBC head line. And probably this will get a nice mention:
‘First Minister Nicola Sturgeon tweeted: “Sending my very best wishes to Pauline Cafferkey. Her bravery is an inspiration to all of us.”‘
But read the small print further down the report and you learn these facts :
‘The panel also heard that Ms Cafferkey accepted that her temperature had been measured at above 38C, yet allowed a reading of 37.2C to be recorded, after which she continued to the arrivals area…. Ms Cafferkey admitted taking paracetamol at some point but did not mention it to a doctor when she returned to the screening areas… Hours later she was diagnosed with one of the most severe viral loads of Ebola ever recorded’
Answer: ‘Doctors’ evidence to the panel stated that early symptoms of Ebola would have impaired Ms Cafferkey’s judgement’
A reasonable mitigating circumstance – except she was supposed to have been a trained medic specialising in Ebola treatment. It’s as though Nadiya Hussain fluffed up whilst making a pie.
I’m curious as to why she is a ‘UK’ Ebola Nurse on the website but a ‘Scottish’ nurse on Radio 4 news.
Unrelated, but in similar fashion, Mr Junker’s claim that Brexiteers kill Poles was prominent on the broadcast news but buried in a story about needing an EU military HQ.
Old news dressed up as new to suit the BBC anti-Brexit narrative. The survey was conducted in the weeks after Brexit.
The current news has an increase in confidence!
“”A total of 8% of employers expect to increase staff numbers, 4% forecast a decrease and 87% anticipate no change””
“UK retail sales shrug off Brexit vote”
Notice the negative headline ?
Why use “shrug off”
It could have been – Retail sales Surge because of Brexit.
IMHO, Al Beeb hate brexit and are very bitter about it . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37372362
I was in the car around 12 noon and heard Radio 4 news headlines. Something about Mr Junker having made a speech where he said that the EU would not stand by whilst Polish people in Sussex were attacked for being non-British. This was linked to his justification for an EU army. I was busy later but the report seemed considerably watered down by 2pm. Did I dream it? I could hardly believe what I was hearing, it sounded like a declaration of war and an invasion threat by a EU army.
This is the globalists’ ultimate goal, a one world government with a single army and a single centre of power. The EU is just the start, there’s already plans for North America and Asia to follow suit and of course Africa and the Middle East already have prototypes in place. It’s up to every sovereign nation to stand up against what is quite reasonably described as a dictatorship.
So basically the answer being proposed to one of the main reasons for the justifiable growth of populist nationalism is to have more of the very same thing that is helping fuel populist nationalism. I wish these non-leaders across the globe would have a moment of collective suicide. That would be glorious.
Mr Junker – Notice his typical Jesuit body language as he was rubbing his eyes while looking down (that’s a typical trick of the Jesuits – they say it makes them look more submissive to who they are speaking to) while sat in his chair while listening Farage’s speech!
In fact, most of the “big-shots” within the euro parliament are Jesuits, and are instructed to report frequently to the Pope on the state of play within that big den of thieves in Strasburg!
Merkel? Oh, no! She is a CDP (Christian democrat party) no doubt put there by jerry to hold-back the Euro runaway juggernaught!
Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission president, warned today of the ‘existential threat’ of Brexit and pointed to the murder of a Polish man in Harlow, Essex last month as an example of what could happen if Europe does not unite.
I’m sure, in the interest of fairness and balance, he will then go on to say how the murder of 86 innocent people by Islamic terrorists in Nice and the arrest yesterday in Germany of three ISIS scum posing as Syrian asylum seekers was a good example of the dangers Europe faces from the Muslim invasion.
He will then break into a song and dance routine and tell a few jokes.
So if, for argument’s sake, we accept that Poles are a different race then killing a Pole might be considered as a racist murder. But only if he was killed for being a Pole. If, however, he was killed for any other reason it cannot be a racist murder.
In fact, even if it was a racist murder would he have been killed even if we hadn’t voted Brexit? Probably, so Brexit cannot be blamed.
Does anyone actually know the real reason for the murder? Until we do we must assume it wasn’t a racist act.
A further thought is if we hadn’t been in the EU with its dangerous Open-Border Policy then he probably wouldn’t have been in this country so he wouldn’t have been killed. Therefore we can truly say that the EU has killed this man. Therefore the EU is totally responsible for this man’s murder. QED
I am certain that many UK nationals have been murdered by Poles/Rumanians/Albanians in this country. I am also certain that none of these murders were described as racially motivated. The usual double standards at work.
I seem to remember, though not one hundred percent, that it was the deceased’s brother, who was not there at the time, suggesting, on BBC radio, that there was a racial motive. The presenters were happy to go along. Of course they were.
Our Jean couldn’t hold back his anger because he knows now that his master in Rome (Pope)expected to regain control of the CofE thereby England herself!
I think, if histiory is any guide, the Poles would probably take their chances with us Brits. I could be wrong, perhaps the Poles might prefer to put their trust in a chap named Junker.
Anyone notice on pmq’s that the labour backbenchers are now supporting Corbyn. Could it possibly be that they realise he is going to win again and they are trying to get back ‘in’ with him for their careers sake.
Of course they are. They can’t bear to think that others may enjoy the benefits of a grammar school education that many of their own had. Also, the gravy is addictive and they don’t want to have to go cold turkey.
“Care leavers ‘failed by lack of financial support” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37363544
Well perhaps the government could spend our hard earned money on our own children instead of Foreign Aid and ‘importing’ more and more people.
You cant haver it both ways.
Sorry, that line of thinking is classed as “common sense”, which has been added to the category of hate crime. Expect a knock on the door in due course.
Just now, on the ‘Six O’Clock News’ on Radio 4, a report about the recent discussions between the UK and Argentina over cooperation and development in the Falkland Islands. Which are known in English, the language of the majority to whom the BBC broadcasts, as ‘the Falkland Islands’. A comment of that kind, both on radio and TV, normally precedes a clip in which a non-native English speaker refers to ‘Las Malvinas’ without further elucidation.
And in those circumstances, that would be unexceptionable: it happens quite a lot. The persons interviewed don’t habitually speak English, they don’t habitually refer to English-language place-names. They use the place-names of their native language. Remarkably few Germans refer to Cologne as ‘Cologne’.
Except, of course, in the report in question, there was no such clip. The only person speaking, apart from the reporter, was someone who lives on the Falklands. Adding that Argentina calls the islands ‘Las Malvinas’ added next-to-nothing to the report. Apart from gently suggesting Argentina’s geopolitical equivalence to the allegiance the islanders themselves consistently profess.
The BBC lurking in the corridors of power get comments from Martin Schultz. He says that Brexit & the Trump phenomenon result from ordinary folk feeling excluded from the benefits of modern societies. The BBC interpret this as the beneficiaries being a global elite. Isn’t it more resulting from ordinary folk resenting standing in line behind immigrants old & new?
While the AlBeeb reporter is asking David Cameron about the EU army he might also ask him about Turkey joining the EU in 3000AD, two days after the referendum talks between the EU and Turkey resumed. All the frightening stuff was lied about and temporarily stopped until the referendum. Afterwards full steam ahead.
However I think the EU will have problems with EU army creation. Many states will not elect anyone proposing to turn over their armed forces to the unelected ****s in Strasbourg and elsewhere. After Ukraine who would choose to serve in an army run by crackpots.
I doubt that France will allow the EU to have control of its nuclear weapons.
What about NATO? Is the proposal to ditch NATO? I am sure the USA would need, or even demand, to have its desires considered.
So, while I have no doubt that the senior Eurotwats are salivating profusely at the thought of their own army, there are some large hurdles to get over.
Meanwhile the problems with the banking sector in the Eurozone have not disappeared despite not being front page news. The ponzi scheme which is the Euro is in big trouble and the only method the EU bankers seem to have to “solve” the problem is :-
#1 Print zillions more “out of thin air” “money” which only exists as bytes on some EU computer.
#2 Transfers these worthless bytes down optic fibres to failed banks as loans, they might need be given other names to ensure compliance with regulations, they should be described as gifts since they will never be repaid.
#3 Cross their fingers and hope that hyperinflation on a Hungarian Pengo scale takes place and reduces the loans to petty cash levels. This has already been tried, and it failed.
If there is a good result in the Italian referendum the Euro could be an ex-currency by the end of 2017. Come on Italians you know it makes sense.
Best wishes to all (real) Europeans. Ill wishes for the EU.
An EU army could not hold a Russian or Turkish attack . Hopefully both unlikely but you never know if the EU keeps provoking Russia and Turkey fancies finishing that business outside Vienna.
IMHO the EU Army is not to hold off a Russian or Turkish attack . It will be a conscript army formed to deal with the social unrest that will develop in a year or two a result of the ‘open borders’ policy pursued by the EU’s dictators .
BBC in full overdrive on Colin Powell’s leaked emails.
No, let me rephrase that. The BBC are in full overdrive on just one of Colin Powell’s emails. Of course it’s the one referring to Trump.
Desperately trying to spin on Powell’s outrage at the “Clinton Mafia” (Powell’s words) trying to embroil him in the email scandal and ignoring Powell’s observations that Clinton is literally on her last legs.
Not a whiff of this one. Powell on Bill Clinton, “Still at home dicking bimbos” And of course no word on Hillary’s “unbridled greed and ambition”
Trust the “envy of the world” to protect at all costs their chosen candidate.
TPO – in reference to your last sentence what the BBC are too thick to understand is that they are not the “envy of the world”/”the worlds most celebrated broadcaster” due to their journalism.
Its the simple fact that they are British and the world all over respect us and quite right too as they probably read history books and see that a tiny island conquered the world then had the heart and goodwill to give it back.
The sad sad reality however is that anyone who comes here today would be quite right in having difficulty in tying this history to what their eyes see on the streets of any of our major cities.
As for the poor american/chinese tourists that probably spend a lot of their hard earned money to come to London and then wander why it looks like a Middle Eastern/African hybrid metropolis. No doubt the tour guides however are still pushing beefeaters, the queen, cup of tea… That was gone a good 10 years ago I’d be surprised if any remains in 10 years time.
The liberal left as well as in all aspects of our life are also destroying the London tourism industry. No amount of virtue signalling brings in the billions.
Grrrrrrrrr sorry grew up in London and it really gets to me…. Walked down Peckham Rye today and I genuinely felt like I was living back in Africa again…. Oh and it absolutely stank, was repulsive in too many ways to list individually.
Heard on Heart Radio this morning that Dorsets Custody Suite Experience for young children and the vulnerable are improving.
Rejoice at that news…the crims have a better creche and facilities to heat up the baby milk and changing mat now in the county.
Why do I say this?
Well-wouldn`t this be as valid a newsworthy story for the BBC as is the opinion of a drunken old Europhile who reckons that Essex is racist…
That one Pole was a tragedy of course-but loads of women being sexually assaulted in Cologne, bombings at Brussels airport and priests getting their throats cut, Nice party goers being mown down…well Juncker gives not a fuck.
The BBC of course being the Remoaners pet viper, the snake in the grass and sending forth this Eurofilth, as if it`s news and not scurrilous bilge and smear.
Next up-why Nick Clegg wants another referendum(how many votes for HIM then?)and why a NHS do gooding fakir automatically gets her job back, despite putting us all at risk…ususl liberal slurry again.
FFS BBC-as if we don`t KNOW you`re rabidly mental- I think the liberals will have to go before they get us killed.
Brexit asap…stuff the EU and the BBC.
For the first time I have just watched a full episode of the Bake Off and I am at a loss as to what those two presenters (Mel & Sue) actually do. They seem to me to be utterly superfluous to the programme and a total waste of licence payers money – can anyone explain to me the point of them? I know they tick a box or two, but honestly …..
Wikipedia provides a clue as to why the unfunny duo have jumped ship rather than risk another foray into the commercial sector,
‘In 1999, Mel and Sue were signed by ITV and hosted a comedy panel game for the network called Casting Couch, in a prime late evening slot, but it fared poorly in the ratings and was not recommissioned after its initial 6-episode run.’
The full article, for those interested, is here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_and_Sue
Lobster……….can anyone explain to me the point of them…
They are about as surplus as all those late evening newspaper reviewers that the Beeb/Sky employ to give us their hallowed thoughts on the following day’s headlines. Those on the Beeb struggle to find work elsewhere – i.e. Richard Madeley,, and those on Sky i.e. Jenny Kleeman et al, are so up their own backsides………….. zzzzzzzz.
The Scotsman : Doubts cast over BBC impartiality on immigration and EU
It’s reporting Conservative MP David TC Davies (Monmouth), who is the only MP who properly stands up to Climate Alarmism madness
Speaking during a Westminster Hall debate with Tory MP Philip Hollobone… And highlighting BBC GROUPTHINK Video on Parliament TV here (auto-starts at 4.08pm)
“Anyone trying it in a BBC studios would probably find that their promotional ceiling was hit fairly quickly, I’d suggest.
“The reality is, of course, that although the BBC go out of their way to try to be impartial, it’s very difficult most of them share a particular set of opinions for them to do that.”
That was today Wednesday 4.08pm-4.30pm in part of Parliament so should be in Hansard ..yet the BBC have not reported that debate
(via comedian Andrew Lawrence’s FB page)
I think an EU Army will try to take the Polish stronghold of Boston, after Pole Tax riots by Poles who do not want to be taxed by the British after Brexit. “No taxation with representation” will be the cry from EU supporters in the House of Lords. The EU will build Bunkers on some of the Hills surrounding the EU enclave in Old England, but after nine months of occupation they will withdraw due to the need to fight Frexit, assist mass immigration from the Third World, as well as the need to attack Media sources reporting on the successful Islamic attacks on female members of the EU Army HQ in Brussels by said Immigrants and Refuges. Also due to mass suicides in the EU Army, due to ideological confusion on who is the enemy, Islam or Europe?
But there isn’t going to be an EU army. So why worry?
The idea is just fantasy.
I know this because a no lesser person than Nick Clegg has assured us.
To maintain there is, suggests Nick Clegg is
a) a liar
b) a fraud
c) an idiot
d) a combination of the above.
It still intrigues what editorial integrity lies behind BBC decisions to go full watertight oversight until facts are forgotten, versus leaping headfirst in on topics dear to their hearts…
There are some very important points this non event has raised though..
1: How self important, self entitled, hate filled and anti-‘everything that isn’t Islamic’ the Muslim community are! Every single bad thing that happens to them is because they are Muslims!! Every bad act is because everyone is racist or hate them because they are Muslims!! How can our societies survive when we have such a divisive, intolerant, hate filled community living amongst us?!
2: The lefts have shown their line of attack in their protection of Islam. Someone being burnt by a lighter is so trivial and has happened to most people, so there was never any ‘hate’ in this act. The media, including the Islamic Al Beeb, have have purposesly used this non event as a way of telling whitey that “all other commitments are the real victims and it is you that is hate filled and intolerant for suggesting otherwise”
Tothepoint, an immediate response to your posting from the BBC is coming in now, ….now,…. now. Oh! sorry! I’m just getting the message from their last white editor: we cannot expect a reply until BBC Prayer Time is over in their allocated, “Quiet Room” aka Mosque…………..
Whilst queuing to enter a night club one night, the c*nt behind me in the queue dropped a lit cigarette into the hood of my jacket. It totally ruined it (£80 down the drain).
If only I’d realised that I’d been the victim of an anti-English hate crime.
Another hour of comedy gold last night watching the second head-to-head debate for the labour leadership on Sky TV.
Funniest moment must have been when Jeremy Corbyn said that he was sending Emily Thornberry to Norway so that she could discuss with them how they access the European single market without actually being in the EU.
I can just see her now, walking up to the Norwegian foreign minister and saying “Ciao Mrs Merkel, parlez vous francais?”
Why does she have to be sent? Does she not act with any degree of autonomy?
She is supposed to be the Shadow Foreign Secretary after all, and its not inconceivable that any occupant of that role would have some notion of the important issues of the day?
Reminds me of the words attached to George Entwhistle shortly after he left the BBC- “this (wo)man shows a remarkable lack of curiosity”.
She probably wouldn’t find her way there. More likely to get lost at the exit of the HoC.
I don’t see what it is to do with her regardless of her position though. Does the Labour party not see that they are sinking far away from any kind of relevance to anything for the foreseeable future?
Presumably the Beeb has not reported that this wasn’t a ‘hate crime’ (for which no standards of proof are required when covering)just as they never reported the FBI’s statement that the Orlando mass murderer Omar Mateen was not gay thus Islamist hatred was the motive for killing 49 gays.
It’s a totally outrageous and disgusting bias. Sky still have the report saying that her hijab was set on fire – incorrect according to the Evening Standard piece. Which high profile character is going to stand up and call out this ridiculous hate crime stuff for what it is? Are all crimes against women going to be called misogynist hate crimes? It is abuse/assault/murder whatever, all of which clearly have a degree of hate motivation. Good for the the NYPD for releasing these details.
As usual Nigel gave an excellent reply to Dictator Juncker, which of course was glossed over by the main media channels.
More shite from professional black man, and alleged journalist, Gary Younge.
A few Easter Europeans may have got called nasty names!
Meanwhile in Telford and Rotherham, industrial-scale sexual abuse of underage white girls, by Muslims, is still being ignored. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07v016d
Actually, it’s not such a bad idea. I saw a TV programme a few years back called “Karachi Cops”, and they don’t mess about with human rights much. They go straight in with PC Stick and sort things out there and then.
Apparently it’s the only language these people understand.
I’m sure you are right Rob, with regard to your last sentence. But the Pakistani Police would need months of training beforehand in how to deal with their departed fellow countrymen to keep things within their Human Rights…………
Someone here mentioned that the BBC News Readers continually refer to, ‘Hillary’ but then refer to the (in their view) Devil incarnate as, ‘Trump’. BBC Radio 4 2200 Hrs 14.09.16 replete with, ‘Hillary’ and ‘Trump’. Now I am continually noticing this blatant disrespect for the person who I certainly would vote for given the opportunity. But there’s the rub. The BBC are trying to subtly alter our thoughts on Donald Trump, but why? no one here is voting for him so what’s the point of it all?
When DT wins, I will personally make it a crusade to get a message to DT expressing my humble view that, when elected, he should have nothing to do with the BBC: no granting of interviews, no replies to direct questions, nothing. He could put the BBC in its place.
Moving on. World News 0100 Hrs 15.09.16. Concern that only 54 of the “1 million refugees” in Germany have been offered any work. BBC tell us why – its the German companies/employers that’s the problem: they’re short-sighted and fail to recognise that, for example Syrian Universities are on a par with elsewhere in Europe in their quality of education. Two biased nonentities appearing to know what they are talking about, inform the listener. The whole ‘news’ feature was jamb-packed with lies and and deceit. The number of invaders that have entered Germany is at least, the very least 1.5 million, (but probably >2 Mil unofficially including unregistered). I can’t find the official figures immediately but it would be a simply matter of basic research to do so. Moreover, the official German figures support the fact that probably only 40% of the so-called, ‘Refugees’ are actually, ‘Refugees’ from Syria. The rest dear, lying BBC are illiterates from Africa and elsewhere most with no formal education whatever and who will not ever find work in Germany. And there’s the number that flatly refuse to even entertain ‘work’ as they firmly believe they are ‘guests’ of Merkel. The, ‘Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster’? In your dreams BBC!
Just a thought on the problem.
How many of the newcomers, from not only Syria, are running to avoid conscription? Can you imagine how the world would have looked now had this been the case in the UK in 14-18 and 39-45.
I don’t feel that outside aid in scuppering a nations armed forces would have been looked upon very kindly.
Arguably, it could be said that had the Germans rebelled against conscription in the first place that there would have been no impetus towards war in the first place, but that is moot now.
I suggest you all look at today’s Gates of Vienna site. AS many of us know it is Hungary and the Visegrad Four who are going to decide much of the EU’s future – that is if it has one which looks increasingly unlikely.
GOV is carrying a verbatim translation of Viktor Orban’s latest speeches
Our world class BBC never has much time for such things what with bake off and the labour party farce but it is in the old East that the fight back against what Orban calls the nihilists of the EU will start and our exit has given them real hope.
If I read him right he accuses the nihilists running the EU of deliberate and unrelenting attempts to destroy the Judeo Christian based civilisation of Europe.
He makes it clear the the October referendum in Hungary which the nihilists hate will give the people of Hungary the authority to start to reclaim their borders.
He warns that so desperate is the EU leadership that it will bypass national governments and try to settle immigrants in cities over the governments’ heads.
Our troubles with Brussels are in comparison minor and thank God we voted out.
AS I have always said watch Hungary closely for it is there that the real spirit of our Europe will start to recover itself .
Incidentally Orban’s portrayal of the EU elite as nothing but destructive nihilists makes it clear why they hated Farage so much and why they are so determind to impose what hardship they can on us now.
None of this will surface on our useless media .
The Hungarians are under no illusions but that the current EU leadership is all about the destruction of our civilisation and the imposition of one controlled by an amoral elite for it’s own benefit. Bit different from the sickly sweet remain case put forward by our tame media.
Where I differ from Orban’s view is that he still believes that the people of the old east can take back control. I do not and think that an abrupt split is now inevitable. Just listen to Juncker and the rest and you know that these are determind enemies of freedom.
Strange Dave. Hungary is a signatory to the UN and it is they who are calling the tune in respect of the invasion of Europe which they initially prompted and currently support wholeheartedly. The UN even have a written plan for it and the extermination/ethnic cleansing of the white Europeans all to be completed by 2030. So, on that basis, the Visegrad Four may well be in conflict with the UN as well. This supposes that their current voiced opposition is not a ploy to pacify their peoples and create a bargaining chip……………..
The V4 countries are partial to the EU handouts that they receive though. Merkel has already made noises about financial penalties towards Hungary and other non cooperators. The resolve of the people and government will show through if they can resist the bribes.
As for Juncker, his speech was nothing but poison for anybody with a sense of pride in their nation. They clearly do want to homogenise the entire continent and aren’t going to back down any time soon.
Agreed. It is not quite as clear cut for the nihilists of the Eu. An open move against the V4 will look like a German attempt to impose it’s will. At heart the EU leaders are cowards and bullies . In any event the next fw moths will be interesting
The Beeb this Morning seemed to ignore the Corbyn v Owen debate (which was comedy gold incidently)
It must be difficult for them to see Labour tearing itself apart, pure bliss for the rest of us.
The word ‘talent’ is being used in abundance this morning with regards to the salaries of the Beebs current ‘talent’. Its been suggested that the ‘talent’ may go elsewhere if the higher salaries are not paid. Many names have been mentioned incl the usual suspects – Linekar, Evans, Norton, Bruce etc, but now we have included in this list the likes of Claudia Winkleman and Tessa Daly ! Um, I realise that reading an autocue doesn’t warrant a modicum of intelligence yet commands a 6 figure salary, but can anyone tell me why CW and Tess Daly are apparently earning £500,000 ??? clearly ‘talent’ is now defined by wearing a nice frock, working for 6 hours every weekend for 4 months and have the personality of a plank. Years ago you’d be accused of sleeping your way to the top for that salary and no skills, so what do they do these days ???
Brissles, glad to see that the old expression, “jobs for the boy’s” is still alive and kicking! However, in practice I cannot imagine a more nepotistic outfit than the BBC. That’s ignoring the Civil Service including Local Authorities.
One example that you could google is the triangle of Mark Sandell, Fi Glover and Victoria Derbyshire. The first was married to the second but left her for the third, who then got her own TV show. The second has not done badly, regularly appearing on Radio 4, most recently in “The Listening Project”. The first was removed from a World Service role because of allegations of sexual harassment. Readers are invited to draw their own conclusions about how things are decided within the nation’s favorite broadcaster.
The ever increasing “unprecedented” crime rate in Germany caused by the so-called, “Refugees” fleeing their war torn and devastated countries, has caused the authorities to create a dedicated Police Team to deal with it. Since previous crimes have all effectively been dismissed by the Police and judiciary, one wonders what effect the new Police Team will have. I assume that their existence will reassure the passive German population being milked dry, that the level of crime is being dealt with, ‘severely’. http://newobserveronline.com/germany-police-unit-invader-crime/
(1) Assigned gender – when you were born, you were assigned to a gender; but the latter was essentially an arbitrary assignation, being based on outdated notions of biological determinism rather than the creative self-definition which is preferred today.
(2) Cisnormativity – the prejudice that remaining in your arbitrarily assigned gender [see (1) above] is in some way ‘normal’.
(3) Heteronormativity – the mistaken notion that to be heterosexual is in some way equatable with ‘normality’.
(4) Heterobinaryism – a prejudice that divides humans into females and males, and dictates that they should be interested in pairing with someone from the opposite group.
(5) Cismale – someone who was arbitrarily assigned to the ‘male’ (sic) gender at birth and who has decided to accept society’s restrictive definition of her/him.
(6) Lesbian male – a person assigned at birth to the ‘male’ gender who considers her-/himself to be a female and is attracted to other females.
Have just read that article and now have a headache, all that concerns me paying my money to view whatever they spew out of Hollywood is CAN THEY ACT??? I don’t care what they’ve got between their legs either way or not at all. I want to be entertained or is that too much to ask? Have I got to be lectured on the latest fad as well? No don’t answer, I’ll stick to my DVDs
Just read on the BBC “News” that the British Ambassador to Saudi Arabia has attended the Hajj in Mecca for the first time after converting to Islam. He was dressed in white robes, apparently. How simply spiffing …… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-37371868
Gone Troppo or gone native? either way he should be repatriated immediately and sacked.
Imagine a British ambassador to Moscow in the 80s “attending the Red square May Day parade having recently joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union” keeping his job?
or better yet “the UK ambassador to Israel has converted to Judaism and has attended the opening of a new settlement on the West Bank”…….
This is appalling. This man cannot represent the UK in Saudi Arabia, his loyalties are utterly divided. Furthermore, I take conversion to islam to be prima facie evidence of mental illness. Such a man cannot be allowed to be employed as a diplomat, much less an ambassador.
Of course, in the real world, we know HMG will be turning cartwheels of joy. They will probably make him Ambassador to the USA as his reward.
I feel sick and ashamed that a man like this should be representing Britain abroad, much less in Saudi bloody Arabia.
He won`t be attending drinks at the US Marines diplomatic security detachment club any longer!
nor will he called to Jeddah port to collect a diplomatic crate containing a “piano” that had mysteriously “sprung a leak” as one of his predecessors was some years ago…..allegedly.
More concerned for the ex-pat community: if they get into any trouble (and that’s easy in the ‘Land of Lunatics’) can the Embassy be trusted to help them?
Now I don’t understand. For some time the BBC has been telling everyone women should play male roles in the theatre and anyone who doesn’t agree is full of hate.
Women have been playing the Principal Boy in panto for decades – perhaps those children at the Beeb didn’t know this when they were taken to Panto as a kid !
In this edition of the Briefing Room, David Aaronovitch asks is Donald Trump Russia’s man, or just anxious to rebuild half-burned bridges?
(see that false dichotomy ..like “When did you stop beating your wife ?”)
– My guess is that after his prog on the Alt-Right 2 weeks ago, David Aaronovitch has been leant on to produce something much more negative.
There is a very real danger here that, by building up Russia as a convenient enemy to hide the fact that the RoP is our true enemy, the West will stumble blindly into a war with Russia. The West needs to beware the old saying: ‘Be careful what you wish for’.
I seem to remember Russia saying something similar when our Dave wanted to “liberate ” Syria from the evil Assad who hated multiculturalism so much he allowed other religions as well to co-exist with the “religion of peace” within his borders.
I am afraid naive liberal arseholes like Dave never learn. Generally democracy is something that takes many years to develop in a country – despite what the liberal tossers say – it is very difficult to just parachute it in and almost impossible when the “religion of peace” is involved.
TBT, I still think May and the Cabinet should politely refuse to be interviewed on any BBC programme whilst simultaneously giving the reason to the public that the Corporation is heavily biased. That’l cut the BBC off at just above their expensive ankles.
I have said for many years that all Tories, UKIP and some others should just refuse any contact with the BBC. As you say, that would cut the Beeboids down to size .
I listened to only a small part of this. Yet again, Tommy Robinson’s voice is highly distorted on this audio link, making it difficult to hear what he has to say. It is quite remarkable how often this is the case when Robinson “has been allowed” (in the words of the interviewer) on the air. In fact, I cannot recall any broadcast where his voice is clear. Deliberate distortion by the BBC sound engineers, I hear you cry. You may think that; I couldn’t possibly comment!
It is very odd indeed. I sometimes have cause to speak to a friend living in America and she, without fail, sounds as clear as if she’s sat next to me.
Luton to London though and you’re buggered.
Clearly Tommy was given a roasting by the host, but I don’t mind that and so we shouldn’t, because Tommy was able to own every single point.
All the delusionists/deniers /deceitists have is to use the “but you are saying that about all Muslims….” because the Koran is being played out in all its entirety by the murdering, butchering, psychopathic rapists that call themselves Islamic state, Boko Haram, Al Shabab… These are the purest of Islams followers and there isn’t anyone who can take that challenge on!!
Well done again Tommy. Wonderful to see you getting support from people who are Muslims who are clearly as worried about their death cult as we are.
An Imam roundly condemning violence : Yes was the speaker on Prayer for the Day at 5.45am (Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra of the Muslim Council of Britain.).
It’s the right thing to do, it’s an easy thing to do..but why has it taken all this time for someone to step forward and be aired on the BBC ?
In the 5:30 news summaries both the BBC and LBC quoted the words of third parties. BBC had a Green Party spokesman who was opposed to nuclear power in any form, while LBC had a GMB spokesman who while being opposed to the funding model supported nuclear power and thought the rate they’d been charged with was reasonable in all the circumstances.
The BBC is biased, but it isn’t left wing.
The BBC doesn’t care for the interests or values of the working class. It might pretend to, much like many Labour MPs pretend to. It’s no surprise to me that the BBC would be more comfortable with the Green Party views on nuclear power than the GMB.
Personally I think Hinkley is a mistake and nuclear power of questionable value. It’s still striking that the BBC would lead with the Green Party’s views.
So it turns out that the man setting fire to the Muslim woman’s uniform was not a racist attack after all.
How many people will continue to assume that is was I wonder? Probably most that heard it from the BBC.
It’s now become blindingly obvious how the BBC are cautiously ‘neutral’ with certain events, but ignore that when it comes to other self-loathing possibilities.
This ‘racist’ attack reporting has all the lazy bias that reminds me of the ‘terrorist house’ story. Then there’s the ramping up of attacks on Polish people, and the pregnant woman, that are reported as ‘racist’ with no caution whatsoever.
The BBC has gone beyond biased, it has actually become racist itself.
I have just trawled through the BBC’s website and can’t find a single mention of Battle of Britain Day. However, our national treasure has these important headlines:
Mercury Prize: Grime star Skepta wins music award.
Racist, threatening women thrown off Manchester-Ibiza flight.
Rio 2016: Malawi’s first and only Paralympian.
North Korean TV finds its funny bone with comedy show.
Google street view blurs cow’s face in Cambridge.
£4Bn a year for this crap.
Another NHS sob fest on ‘PM’ with Carolyn Quinn this evening. The reporter went through the usual litany of grief, then informed us that the reason for all the problems (apart from Toree underfunding, obvs) is the fact that we are all living longer.
This is one of the two reasons why the NHS is in crisis. There is another, even more obvious one, BBC. Do you need us to give you a clue? No?
R4 News – Kamal Ahmed BBC ‘Economics Reporter’, “The Bank of England has had to bow to the INEVITABLE(?) and issue a brighter, more positive forecast for the economy …”
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
Actually, I have more time for IS etc., who clearly state their objective (to kill/enslave us all), than the weaseley, lick-spittle, traitors at the BBC.
I`d agree gaxvil.
IS don`t even need to use taqqiyya.
They`ve long been saying that they`ll infiltrate refugees, send them with their blessings-and the dopey EU and Merkel think that`s not credible?
But we pay for this arrogance from our elites.
Hitler was similarly Ronseal about HIS plans.
But the liberal oafs at his time thought that he was bluffing, that he`d compromise and be pragmatic in time…and that NO-ONE would carry out such awful things, now would they?
Same as today…OUR oafs would rather be nice that let us live…we need to lose these liberal offal pieces, and stop trawling them over the side of the boots for the sharks.
Yes! I have a list of things that should be called so-called on the Beeb:
so-called progressives
so-called UAF (or, alternatively, give them their correct title, Unite All Fascists)
so-called prophet Mohammed (he’s not my prophet and he didn’t prophesise anything)
so-called environmentalist (I do not accept most things they want are good for the environment
so-called religion of peace (no explanation needed for this one)
not so-called Islamic State (that is what they call themselves, so-called is for things other people call them)
Anybody else hear the BBCs Hugh Sykes sucking at the damp rag of Herman Von Rumpoy this morning?
Hugh`s tongue is probably STILL twixt the odor eater and the sole of the turkish bath slippers of our esteemed ex President of the European Council no less.
Oh whatever will you think of us Mr President?
But surely you`1l be unable to decide whether to punish us or simply refuse to set a table for us in Bratislava, Sir Bradley?
No wonder the deluded chow hunds and Mr Magoos of the fetid deadhead Eurozone think we British are shit sniffers, as long as unctuous rugrats like Hugh Sykes are allowed to rub their sleek greased glutes at the shins of non-event paper clip collectors like Von Rumpey.
Nigel had him pinned…Hugh Sykes used a tone of voice that made me retch.
“our beloved Hillary is back to campaigning (sigh of relief)” is what all female BBC news presenters seemed to annunciate on R4 today ..right from R4Today to WATO, to PM.
– BBC R4 News is basically an advertising platform for the Labour Party and campaign Hillary.
It would be worth running a sweepstake on how long it is before Hillary does the zombie walk again. Watching the video of her lurching into her car assisted by staff reminded me of the classic WW2 film Albert RN:
A meander through Calais with a highly irate Hungarian trucker….Obviously the BBC would have him banned from Britain whilst their beloved “migrants” should all be allowed in…
Anyone else noticed that the sandal-wearing, fairtrade-coffee-sipping animal rights brigade have all gone silent on the barabaric mass slaughter of animals in Eid? Also, halal sees horrific abuse of animals and yet the safe-space, bedwetting, snowflake milky bar lefties ignore it because they’re craven, appeasing wimps.
We kill animals because we are a bunch of hideously white, evil, overfed right wing capitalist wayists.
They kill animals because because it is a religious requirement. And part of their tradition. I am sure the unstunned sheep appreciates the difference as it is fully conscious as its windpipe and artery are severed. Pity they sever its windpipe as as it must make it difficult for Sean to even join in calling out to “Alans snackbar” in his last breath.
Same principle as feminists and gays they ignore the bits they find awkward. And join in on the bits the BBC and general Gaurdian/MSM say really matter. They either think we are really stupid or more likely just know that the BBC will never pick them up on this shameless hypocrisy.
Thanks for those links, it is very interesting and illuminating to compare the two versions. The BBC appears to be playing a game of seeing how many times they can include the term ‘far-right’ in its version. One quote from a police spokesman used by Sky but not the BBC is,”Information available suggests that the asylum seekers had sparked the fight.”
I wonder why the BBC decided not to use that bit?
Absolutely disgusting piece of agenda filled propaganda about the violence in Germany!! Why the F is it always the innocent white people who are just trying to protect their loved ones, the country they love and it’s futures fault!!! Why is it that the Islamic Al Beeb constantly dismiss, ridicule and slander those who are trying to prevent the destruction of their way of life and feel abandoned by the state that has sworn to protect them!!
Just look at what the devious bastards have wrote in the article….
“Residents have clashed with asylum seekers in a town in eastern Germany that has become a flashpoint for anti-refugee sentiment”…
…it’s not anti-refugee!! It’s anti-islam, anti-money grabbing, anti-West hating, anti-raping innocent white girls sentiment!!
“Some 80 locals, described by police as far-right, brawled with 20 young asylum seekers in Bautzen”….
….It’s always far-right!!! Anyone who doesnt just sit there and take their lives and town’s being destroyed because some sick, delusional bastard who lives in a sheltered paradise has a difference of opinion on how the little people should live, is far-right!!! F the traitorous vermin!! These countries belong to us!! Not you!!!
“The mayor said the town had to avoid becoming a playground for the far right. A curfew has been imposed on the young asylum seekers”…..
…a playground?! What sick bastard thinks this is a game?! Who thinks innocent children being raped is a game?! Who thinks the destruction of thousands of years of culture and heritage is a game?! How can this mayor trivialise this issue?! I’m so disgusted by this traitorous statement!!
The next few paragraphs mention absolutely nothing at all about the endless amount of criminal activity, the Islamic acts carried out in Germany or the fact that not one single person in the whole of Germany voted for or asked for their country to be raped in such a shameful and disgraceful Manor!!
…..then… A picture of some professional victim from Morocco… Wait… What the fuck is that?! Morocco??!!?? When were Morocco at war?? Everyones being lied to! The Germans are being lied to!! The British..
Everyone!! And they want to know why we are angry!!
…and then some shit eating, spineless, traitorous sewer rat called Damien McGuinnsse shows us all how we are never going to win back our futures unless people like him are removed and are never allowed to infect our beautiful County ever again… His analysis is this…
“A region with a far-right reputation: analysis by Damien McGuinness, BBC News Berlin
Each fresh outbreak of refugee-related violence is potentially a political problem for Chancellor Angela Merkel. Some voters say large-scale migration could destabilise German society.
As a result the chancellor’s conservative coalition has been haemorrhaging voters to the insurgent anti-migrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. That’s a particular worry given that this weekend voters in Berlin region go to the polls, and next year Mrs Merkel’s national government faces re-election.
But many Germans from other parts of Germany are more likely to blame the clashes on racist sentiment, rather than see it as a product of the chancellor’s welcoming stance on refugees.
That is because this beautiful area of ex-communist eastern Germany already has a rather ugly reputation for neo-Nazi support and right-wing extremist violence”
So the Islamic Al Beeb are concluding it’s the Far right that are the problem. The German establishment believe its the Far right. The people we are ‘letting’ run the West are going to blame everything that happens and everything we do to try and stop it on people like us……
And bbc news at 10, using a young disabled girl to illustrate the success of migrants in Germany. Note, feargal’s statement that ‘migrants were blamed for sexual assaults in Cologne’. The propaganda is relentless.
I was watching a German TV report on “Willkommenslotsen” or Welcome Pilots. These are idealistic, young persons employed by the Kiel Chamber of Commerce to place highly skilled new arrivals in German industry. When asked what the main difficulty was, their spokesman replied “They can’t speak German and have a low level of education” Cut to a Syrian being taught the Latin script by his 6 year old son. No doubt this touching scene was meant to be uplifting, but it shows the real scale of the problem. If you can’t read signs and street names,you are not going to make a large contribution to the economy any time soon. The new revised target is to get 50% of the million welcomees into work within 5 years!!!!
Fedup2Mar 6, 17:51 Midweek 5th March 2025 Trying step back a bit from Ukraine – it seems that the destiny of the Western world may be in…
ScrobleneMar 6, 17:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 If/when the minerals deal with the Ukraine is signed, I wonder how much information on past discussions on supply from…
Fedup2Mar 6, 17:34 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – there’s a reform MP who talks less crap than Farage .. good luck to Mr Middleton – but…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 17:10 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Over 100 Labour MPs and peers signed an open letter urging financial businesses to “sweep away ill-considered anti-defence rules,” calling…
Fedup2Mar 6, 16:41 Midweek 5th March 2025 Double – I think people have heard that Farage isn’t the Right winger they expect him to be …. Perhaps…
‘UK Ebola nurse Pauline Cafferkey cleared of misconduct’
No doubt that will be the BBC head line. And probably this will get a nice mention:
‘First Minister Nicola Sturgeon tweeted: “Sending my very best wishes to Pauline Cafferkey. Her bravery is an inspiration to all of us.”‘
But read the small print further down the report and you learn these facts :
‘The panel also heard that Ms Cafferkey accepted that her temperature had been measured at above 38C, yet allowed a reading of 37.2C to be recorded, after which she continued to the arrivals area…. Ms Cafferkey admitted taking paracetamol at some point but did not mention it to a doctor when she returned to the screening areas… Hours later she was diagnosed with one of the most severe viral loads of Ebola ever recorded’
So how come she was cleared?
Answer: ‘Doctors’ evidence to the panel stated that early symptoms of Ebola would have impaired Ms Cafferkey’s judgement’
A reasonable mitigating circumstance – except she was supposed to have been a trained medic specialising in Ebola treatment. It’s as though Nadiya Hussain fluffed up whilst making a pie.
I’m curious as to why she is a ‘UK’ Ebola Nurse on the website but a ‘Scottish’ nurse on Radio 4 news.
Unrelated, but in similar fashion, Mr Junker’s claim that Brexiteers kill Poles was prominent on the broadcast news but buried in a story about needing an EU military HQ.
It’s a bit like ‘I didn’t see the other car, officer, because I was drunk’.
BBC Online News:
“”Bosses more cautious on jobs after Brexit, survey finds””
“”Employers in six out of nine sectors are less optimistic about adding jobs in the wake of the Brexit vote, a survey has found””
“”The survey was conducted in the weeks after the referendum was held””
Old news dressed up as new to suit the BBC anti-Brexit narrative. The survey was conducted in the weeks after Brexit.
The current news has an increase in confidence!
“”A total of 8% of employers expect to increase staff numbers, 4% forecast a decrease and 87% anticipate no change””
“UK retail sales shrug off Brexit vote”
Notice the negative headline ?
Why use “shrug off”
It could have been – Retail sales Surge because of Brexit.
IMHO, Al Beeb hate brexit and are very bitter about it .
I was in the car around 12 noon and heard Radio 4 news headlines. Something about Mr Junker having made a speech where he said that the EU would not stand by whilst Polish people in Sussex were attacked for being non-British. This was linked to his justification for an EU army. I was busy later but the report seemed considerably watered down by 2pm. Did I dream it? I could hardly believe what I was hearing, it sounded like a declaration of war and an invasion threat by a EU army.
This is the globalists’ ultimate goal, a one world government with a single army and a single centre of power. The EU is just the start, there’s already plans for North America and Asia to follow suit and of course Africa and the Middle East already have prototypes in place. It’s up to every sovereign nation to stand up against what is quite reasonably described as a dictatorship.
So basically the answer being proposed to one of the main reasons for the justifiable growth of populist nationalism is to have more of the very same thing that is helping fuel populist nationalism. I wish these non-leaders across the globe would have a moment of collective suicide. That would be glorious.
Mr Junker – Notice his typical Jesuit body language as he was rubbing his eyes while looking down (that’s a typical trick of the Jesuits – they say it makes them look more submissive to who they are speaking to) while sat in his chair while listening Farage’s speech!
In fact, most of the “big-shots” within the euro parliament are Jesuits, and are instructed to report frequently to the Pope on the state of play within that big den of thieves in Strasburg!
Merkel? Oh, no! She is a CDP (Christian democrat party) no doubt put there by jerry to hold-back the Euro runaway juggernaught!
“In fact, most of the “big-shots” within the euro parliament are Jesuits,”
I would love to see some evidence for this?
Just found this! 😮
Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission president, warned today of the ‘existential threat’ of Brexit and pointed to the murder of a Polish man in Harlow, Essex last month as an example of what could happen if Europe does not unite.
I’m sure, in the interest of fairness and balance, he will then go on to say how the murder of 86 innocent people by Islamic terrorists in Nice and the arrest yesterday in Germany of three ISIS scum posing as Syrian asylum seekers was a good example of the dangers Europe faces from the Muslim invasion.
He will then break into a song and dance routine and tell a few jokes.
Before collapsing face down in his own vomit.
Thanks Thirdoption, as reported on the BBC it sounded like a declaration of war for voting out.
All murder is a hate crime. Surely!
So if, for argument’s sake, we accept that Poles are a different race then killing a Pole might be considered as a racist murder. But only if he was killed for being a Pole. If, however, he was killed for any other reason it cannot be a racist murder.
In fact, even if it was a racist murder would he have been killed even if we hadn’t voted Brexit? Probably, so Brexit cannot be blamed.
Does anyone actually know the real reason for the murder? Until we do we must assume it wasn’t a racist act.
Run out of time to add this to the above post.
A further thought is if we hadn’t been in the EU with its dangerous Open-Border Policy then he probably wouldn’t have been in this country so he wouldn’t have been killed. Therefore we can truly say that the EU has killed this man. Therefore the EU is totally responsible for this man’s murder. QED
Unless its an ‘Honour Killing’.
I am certain that many UK nationals have been murdered by Poles/Rumanians/Albanians in this country. I am also certain that none of these murders were described as racially motivated. The usual double standards at work.
I seem to remember, though not one hundred percent, that it was the deceased’s brother, who was not there at the time, suggesting, on BBC radio, that there was a racial motive. The presenters were happy to go along. Of course they were.
Poland tops league for foreign inmates in UK’s overcrowded jails ahead of Ireland and Jamaica with almost 1,000 behind bars
If Juncker had half a brain he’d have learned by now to do a bit of research before opening that big fat bigoted gob of his.
Cut him some slack, you’d find it difficult to function too if your breakfast was half a bottle of brandy.
I call him Jean-Claude Drunkard.
I have a half bottle of Courvoisier handy. I may test this theory tomorrow morning purely for research purposes.
Our Jean couldn’t hold back his anger because he knows now that his master in Rome (Pope)expected to regain control of the CofE thereby England herself!
There are a million poles in the UK. By the law of averages,one will be murdered at some time.
The Germans in WW2 killed over a million Poles, most of them civilians.
‘The Germans in WW2 killed over a million Poles…’
I think, if histiory is any guide, the Poles would probably take their chances with us Brits. I could be wrong, perhaps the Poles might prefer to put their trust in a chap named Junker.
Anyone notice on pmq’s that the labour backbenchers are now supporting Corbyn. Could it possibly be that they realise he is going to win again and they are trying to get back ‘in’ with him for their careers sake.
Yes, the rats are jumping back aboard the sinking ship.
Of course they are. They can’t bear to think that others may enjoy the benefits of a grammar school education that many of their own had. Also, the gravy is addictive and they don’t want to have to go cold turkey.
“Care leavers ‘failed by lack of financial support”
Well perhaps the government could spend our hard earned money on our own children instead of Foreign Aid and ‘importing’ more and more people.
You cant haver it both ways.
Sorry, that line of thinking is classed as “common sense”, which has been added to the category of hate crime. Expect a knock on the door in due course.
As long as its not the tv poll tax man 😉
It’s a funny old world….
Dazed and Confused
The best anti TV poll tax yet 🙂
How is the Emir of London making out with the BBC?
‘. . . which Argentina calls Las Malvinas.’
Just now, on the ‘Six O’Clock News’ on Radio 4, a report about the recent discussions between the UK and Argentina over cooperation and development in the Falkland Islands. Which are known in English, the language of the majority to whom the BBC broadcasts, as ‘the Falkland Islands’. A comment of that kind, both on radio and TV, normally precedes a clip in which a non-native English speaker refers to ‘Las Malvinas’ without further elucidation.
And in those circumstances, that would be unexceptionable: it happens quite a lot. The persons interviewed don’t habitually speak English, they don’t habitually refer to English-language place-names. They use the place-names of their native language. Remarkably few Germans refer to Cologne as ‘Cologne’.
Except, of course, in the report in question, there was no such clip. The only person speaking, apart from the reporter, was someone who lives on the Falklands. Adding that Argentina calls the islands ‘Las Malvinas’ added next-to-nothing to the report. Apart from gently suggesting Argentina’s geopolitical equivalence to the allegiance the islanders themselves consistently profess.
Subtle, yes. But abject and contemptible, too.
The BBC lurking in the corridors of power get comments from Martin Schultz. He says that Brexit & the Trump phenomenon result from ordinary folk feeling excluded from the benefits of modern societies. The BBC interpret this as the beneficiaries being a global elite. Isn’t it more resulting from ordinary folk resenting standing in line behind immigrants old & new?
So then, during the EU referendum debates, us Joe Public were assured by Cameron and his ‘remoaners’ that there were no plans to form an EU army.
Well Dave how do you explain Junker’s comments today
See below headed: Juncker proposes EU military headquarters
So then let’s have a BBC reporter asking Dave as to why he misled the people in whose best interests he is supposed to represent.Dave you are a liar.
While the AlBeeb reporter is asking David Cameron about the EU army he might also ask him about Turkey joining the EU in 3000AD, two days after the referendum talks between the EU and Turkey resumed. All the frightening stuff was lied about and temporarily stopped until the referendum. Afterwards full steam ahead.
However I think the EU will have problems with EU army creation. Many states will not elect anyone proposing to turn over their armed forces to the unelected ****s in Strasbourg and elsewhere. After Ukraine who would choose to serve in an army run by crackpots.
I doubt that France will allow the EU to have control of its nuclear weapons.
What about NATO? Is the proposal to ditch NATO? I am sure the USA would need, or even demand, to have its desires considered.
So, while I have no doubt that the senior Eurotwats are salivating profusely at the thought of their own army, there are some large hurdles to get over.
Meanwhile the problems with the banking sector in the Eurozone have not disappeared despite not being front page news. The ponzi scheme which is the Euro is in big trouble and the only method the EU bankers seem to have to “solve” the problem is :-
#1 Print zillions more “out of thin air” “money” which only exists as bytes on some EU computer.
#2 Transfers these worthless bytes down optic fibres to failed banks as loans, they might need be given other names to ensure compliance with regulations, they should be described as gifts since they will never be repaid.
#3 Cross their fingers and hope that hyperinflation on a Hungarian Pengo scale takes place and reduces the loans to petty cash levels. This has already been tried, and it failed.
If there is a good result in the Italian referendum the Euro could be an ex-currency by the end of 2017. Come on Italians you know it makes sense.
Best wishes to all (real) Europeans. Ill wishes for the EU.
An EU army could not hold a Russian or Turkish attack . Hopefully both unlikely but you never know if the EU keeps provoking Russia and Turkey fancies finishing that business outside Vienna.
IMHO the EU Army is not to hold off a Russian or Turkish attack . It will be a conscript army formed to deal with the social unrest that will develop in a year or two a result of the ‘open borders’ policy pursued by the EU’s dictators .
I think you’re spot on taffman. Dywedodd yn dda iawn.
Diolch yn fawr Cythraul – Wait and see.
BBC in full overdrive on Colin Powell’s leaked emails.
No, let me rephrase that. The BBC are in full overdrive on just one of Colin Powell’s emails. Of course it’s the one referring to Trump.
Desperately trying to spin on Powell’s outrage at the “Clinton Mafia” (Powell’s words) trying to embroil him in the email scandal and ignoring Powell’s observations that Clinton is literally on her last legs.
Not a whiff of this one. Powell on Bill Clinton, “Still at home dicking bimbos” And of course no word on Hillary’s “unbridled greed and ambition”
Trust the “envy of the world” to protect at all costs their chosen candidate.
TPO – in reference to your last sentence what the BBC are too thick to understand is that they are not the “envy of the world”/”the worlds most celebrated broadcaster” due to their journalism.
Its the simple fact that they are British and the world all over respect us and quite right too as they probably read history books and see that a tiny island conquered the world then had the heart and goodwill to give it back.
The sad sad reality however is that anyone who comes here today would be quite right in having difficulty in tying this history to what their eyes see on the streets of any of our major cities.
As for the poor american/chinese tourists that probably spend a lot of their hard earned money to come to London and then wander why it looks like a Middle Eastern/African hybrid metropolis. No doubt the tour guides however are still pushing beefeaters, the queen, cup of tea… That was gone a good 10 years ago I’d be surprised if any remains in 10 years time.
The liberal left as well as in all aspects of our life are also destroying the London tourism industry. No amount of virtue signalling brings in the billions.
Grrrrrrrrr sorry grew up in London and it really gets to me…. Walked down Peckham Rye today and I genuinely felt like I was living back in Africa again…. Oh and it absolutely stank, was repulsive in too many ways to list individually.
Strange how the BBC have managed to ignore this email.
Email exchange between Straw and Powell!
Your comments are borne out by this article:
This really does expose the BBC, unambiguously, as unashamedly biased.
Heard on Heart Radio this morning that Dorsets Custody Suite Experience for young children and the vulnerable are improving.
Rejoice at that news…the crims have a better creche and facilities to heat up the baby milk and changing mat now in the county.
Why do I say this?
Well-wouldn`t this be as valid a newsworthy story for the BBC as is the opinion of a drunken old Europhile who reckons that Essex is racist…
That one Pole was a tragedy of course-but loads of women being sexually assaulted in Cologne, bombings at Brussels airport and priests getting their throats cut, Nice party goers being mown down…well Juncker gives not a fuck.
The BBC of course being the Remoaners pet viper, the snake in the grass and sending forth this Eurofilth, as if it`s news and not scurrilous bilge and smear.
Next up-why Nick Clegg wants another referendum(how many votes for HIM then?)and why a NHS do gooding fakir automatically gets her job back, despite putting us all at risk…ususl liberal slurry again.
FFS BBC-as if we don`t KNOW you`re rabidly mental- I think the liberals will have to go before they get us killed.
Brexit asap…stuff the EU and the BBC.
For the first time I have just watched a full episode of the Bake Off and I am at a loss as to what those two presenters (Mel & Sue) actually do. They seem to me to be utterly superfluous to the programme and a total waste of licence payers money – can anyone explain to me the point of them? I know they tick a box or two, but honestly …..
Not to mention Sue’s “jokes” are about as funny as a smack in the gob
Oh Joy !!
I expect the fat cow will scoff all the cakes.
Channel 4 are considering getting Jeremy Kyle to host the new Bake-off. His DNA testing will confirm the right buns are in the right ovens.
Ultra minger jo brand
Thats enough to put anyone off their food
Wikipedia provides a clue as to why the unfunny duo have jumped ship rather than risk another foray into the commercial sector,
‘In 1999, Mel and Sue were signed by ITV and hosted a comedy panel game for the network called Casting Couch, in a prime late evening slot, but it fared poorly in the ratings and was not recommissioned after its initial 6-episode run.’
The full article, for those interested, is here:
Lobster……….can anyone explain to me the point of them…
They are about as surplus as all those late evening newspaper reviewers that the Beeb/Sky employ to give us their hallowed thoughts on the following day’s headlines. Those on the Beeb struggle to find work elsewhere – i.e. Richard Madeley,, and those on Sky i.e. Jenny Kleeman et al, are so up their own backsides………….. zzzzzzzz.
Just as the BBC has ‘broken’ this shattering piece of news via email, so I ‘break’ it here:
BBC News
Breaking News
Clinton ‘healthy and fit’, says doctor
Hillary Clinton ?healthy and fit to serve” as US president, says doctor, as campaign releases medical information
For more details, see the BBC News website
Well if that does not calm fears, what will?
In other news, just watched the season conclusion of ‘Braindead’. Very good.
repeated use of the word “fit” by the BBC hmmmmm?….the truth is out there….or something.
The Scotsman : Doubts cast over BBC impartiality on immigration and EU
It’s reporting Conservative MP David TC Davies (Monmouth), who is the only MP who properly stands up to Climate Alarmism madness
Speaking during a Westminster Hall debate with Tory MP Philip Hollobone… And highlighting BBC GROUPTHINK
Video on Parliament TV here (auto-starts at 4.08pm)
That was today Wednesday 4.08pm-4.30pm in part of Parliament so should be in Hansard ..yet the BBC have not reported that debate
(via comedian Andrew Lawrence’s FB page)
I think an EU Army will try to take the Polish stronghold of Boston, after Pole Tax riots by Poles who do not want to be taxed by the British after Brexit. “No taxation with representation” will be the cry from EU supporters in the House of Lords. The EU will build Bunkers on some of the Hills surrounding the EU enclave in Old England, but after nine months of occupation they will withdraw due to the need to fight Frexit, assist mass immigration from the Third World, as well as the need to attack Media sources reporting on the successful Islamic attacks on female members of the EU Army HQ in Brussels by said Immigrants and Refuges. Also due to mass suicides in the EU Army, due to ideological confusion on who is the enemy, Islam or Europe?
But there isn’t going to be an EU army. So why worry?
The idea is just fantasy.
I know this because a no lesser person than Nick Clegg has assured us.
To maintain there is, suggests Nick Clegg is
a) a liar
b) a fraud
c) an idiot
d) a combination of the above.
I simply don’t understand.
The BBC seem to like giving him voice, though…
It still intrigues what editorial integrity lies behind BBC decisions to go full watertight oversight until facts are forgotten, versus leaping headfirst in on topics dear to their hearts…
There are some very important points this non event has raised though..
1: How self important, self entitled, hate filled and anti-‘everything that isn’t Islamic’ the Muslim community are! Every single bad thing that happens to them is because they are Muslims!! Every bad act is because everyone is racist or hate them because they are Muslims!! How can our societies survive when we have such a divisive, intolerant, hate filled community living amongst us?!
2: The lefts have shown their line of attack in their protection of Islam. Someone being burnt by a lighter is so trivial and has happened to most people, so there was never any ‘hate’ in this act. The media, including the Islamic Al Beeb, have have purposesly used this non event as a way of telling whitey that “all other commitments are the real victims and it is you that is hate filled and intolerant for suggesting otherwise”
Tothepoint, an immediate response to your posting from the BBC is coming in now, ….now,…. now. Oh! sorry! I’m just getting the message from their last white editor: we cannot expect a reply until BBC Prayer Time is over in their allocated, “Quiet Room” aka Mosque…………..
Whilst queuing to enter a night club one night, the c*nt behind me in the queue dropped a lit cigarette into the hood of my jacket. It totally ruined it (£80 down the drain).
If only I’d realised that I’d been the victim of an anti-English hate crime.
Another hour of comedy gold last night watching the second head-to-head debate for the labour leadership on Sky TV.
Funniest moment must have been when Jeremy Corbyn said that he was sending Emily Thornberry to Norway so that she could discuss with them how they access the European single market without actually being in the EU.
I can just see her now, walking up to the Norwegian foreign minister and saying “Ciao Mrs Merkel, parlez vous francais?”
Why does she have to be sent? Does she not act with any degree of autonomy?
She is supposed to be the Shadow Foreign Secretary after all, and its not inconceivable that any occupant of that role would have some notion of the important issues of the day?
Reminds me of the words attached to George Entwhistle shortly after he left the BBC- “this (wo)man shows a remarkable lack of curiosity”.
She probably wouldn’t find her way there. More likely to get lost at the exit of the HoC.
I don’t see what it is to do with her regardless of her position though. Does the Labour party not see that they are sinking far away from any kind of relevance to anything for the foreseeable future?
Presumably the Beeb has not reported that this wasn’t a ‘hate crime’ (for which no standards of proof are required when covering)just as they never reported the FBI’s statement that the Orlando mass murderer Omar Mateen was not gay thus Islamist hatred was the motive for killing 49 gays.
It’s a totally outrageous and disgusting bias. Sky still have the report saying that her hijab was set on fire – incorrect according to the Evening Standard piece. Which high profile character is going to stand up and call out this ridiculous hate crime stuff for what it is? Are all crimes against women going to be called misogynist hate crimes? It is abuse/assault/murder whatever, all of which clearly have a degree of hate motivation. Good for the the NYPD for releasing these details.
As usual Nigel gave an excellent reply to Dictator Juncker, which of course was glossed over by the main media channels.
More shite from professional black man, and alleged journalist, Gary Younge.
A few Easter Europeans may have got called nasty names!
Meanwhile in Telford and Rotherham, industrial-scale sexual abuse of underage white girls, by Muslims, is still being ignored.
I am happy to see that correction Mice. After all, mentioning the Ea***r word can get you stabbed in the head these days.
Mice H, perhaps we ought to push the Government to allow the Pakistani Police to patrol such places, that would really reassure the rape victims!
Actually, it’s not such a bad idea. I saw a TV programme a few years back called “Karachi Cops”, and they don’t mess about with human rights much. They go straight in with PC Stick and sort things out there and then.
Apparently it’s the only language these people understand.
I’m sure you are right Rob, with regard to your last sentence. But the Pakistani Police would need months of training beforehand in how to deal with their departed fellow countrymen to keep things within their Human Rights…………
Someone here mentioned that the BBC News Readers continually refer to, ‘Hillary’ but then refer to the (in their view) Devil incarnate as, ‘Trump’. BBC Radio 4 2200 Hrs 14.09.16 replete with, ‘Hillary’ and ‘Trump’. Now I am continually noticing this blatant disrespect for the person who I certainly would vote for given the opportunity. But there’s the rub. The BBC are trying to subtly alter our thoughts on Donald Trump, but why? no one here is voting for him so what’s the point of it all?
When DT wins, I will personally make it a crusade to get a message to DT expressing my humble view that, when elected, he should have nothing to do with the BBC: no granting of interviews, no replies to direct questions, nothing. He could put the BBC in its place.
Moving on. World News 0100 Hrs 15.09.16. Concern that only 54 of the “1 million refugees” in Germany have been offered any work. BBC tell us why – its the German companies/employers that’s the problem: they’re short-sighted and fail to recognise that, for example Syrian Universities are on a par with elsewhere in Europe in their quality of education. Two biased nonentities appearing to know what they are talking about, inform the listener. The whole ‘news’ feature was jamb-packed with lies and and deceit. The number of invaders that have entered Germany is at least, the very least 1.5 million, (but probably >2 Mil unofficially including unregistered). I can’t find the official figures immediately but it would be a simply matter of basic research to do so. Moreover, the official German figures support the fact that probably only 40% of the so-called, ‘Refugees’ are actually, ‘Refugees’ from Syria. The rest dear, lying BBC are illiterates from Africa and elsewhere most with no formal education whatever and who will not ever find work in Germany. And there’s the number that flatly refuse to even entertain ‘work’ as they firmly believe they are ‘guests’ of Merkel. The, ‘Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster’? In your dreams BBC!
A few more statistics just in regarding, ‘Refugees’. More the BBC do not wish the public to know.
The German employers are not as stupid as Merkel. They will take people on as long as the cost/damage to their business is compensated accordingly.
Imagine being in charge of the training:
Boss: “You have to say, “Would you like fries with that?”
Employee: “All*hu Ac*bar.”
Boss: “For f*cks sake.”
Just a thought on the problem.
How many of the newcomers, from not only Syria, are running to avoid conscription? Can you imagine how the world would have looked now had this been the case in the UK in 14-18 and 39-45.
I don’t feel that outside aid in scuppering a nations armed forces would have been looked upon very kindly.
Arguably, it could be said that had the Germans rebelled against conscription in the first place that there would have been no impetus towards war in the first place, but that is moot now.
I suggest you all look at today’s Gates of Vienna site. AS many of us know it is Hungary and the Visegrad Four who are going to decide much of the EU’s future – that is if it has one which looks increasingly unlikely.
GOV is carrying a verbatim translation of Viktor Orban’s latest speeches
Our world class BBC never has much time for such things what with bake off and the labour party farce but it is in the old East that the fight back against what Orban calls the nihilists of the EU will start and our exit has given them real hope.
If I read him right he accuses the nihilists running the EU of deliberate and unrelenting attempts to destroy the Judeo Christian based civilisation of Europe.
He makes it clear the the October referendum in Hungary which the nihilists hate will give the people of Hungary the authority to start to reclaim their borders.
He warns that so desperate is the EU leadership that it will bypass national governments and try to settle immigrants in cities over the governments’ heads.
Our troubles with Brussels are in comparison minor and thank God we voted out.
AS I have always said watch Hungary closely for it is there that the real spirit of our Europe will start to recover itself .
Incidentally Orban’s portrayal of the EU elite as nothing but destructive nihilists makes it clear why they hated Farage so much and why they are so determind to impose what hardship they can on us now.
None of this will surface on our useless media .
The Hungarians are under no illusions but that the current EU leadership is all about the destruction of our civilisation and the imposition of one controlled by an amoral elite for it’s own benefit. Bit different from the sickly sweet remain case put forward by our tame media.
Where I differ from Orban’s view is that he still believes that the people of the old east can take back control. I do not and think that an abrupt split is now inevitable. Just listen to Juncker and the rest and you know that these are determind enemies of freedom.
Strange Dave. Hungary is a signatory to the UN and it is they who are calling the tune in respect of the invasion of Europe which they initially prompted and currently support wholeheartedly. The UN even have a written plan for it and the extermination/ethnic cleansing of the white Europeans all to be completed by 2030. So, on that basis, the Visegrad Four may well be in conflict with the UN as well. This supposes that their current voiced opposition is not a ploy to pacify their peoples and create a bargaining chip……………..
The V4 countries are partial to the EU handouts that they receive though. Merkel has already made noises about financial penalties towards Hungary and other non cooperators. The resolve of the people and government will show through if they can resist the bribes.
As for Juncker, his speech was nothing but poison for anybody with a sense of pride in their nation. They clearly do want to homogenise the entire continent and aren’t going to back down any time soon.
Agreed. It is not quite as clear cut for the nihilists of the Eu. An open move against the V4 will look like a German attempt to impose it’s will. At heart the EU leaders are cowards and bullies . In any event the next fw moths will be interesting
The Beeb this Morning seemed to ignore the Corbyn v Owen debate (which was comedy gold incidently)
It must be difficult for them to see Labour tearing itself apart, pure bliss for the rest of us.
The word ‘talent’ is being used in abundance this morning with regards to the salaries of the Beebs current ‘talent’. Its been suggested that the ‘talent’ may go elsewhere if the higher salaries are not paid. Many names have been mentioned incl the usual suspects – Linekar, Evans, Norton, Bruce etc, but now we have included in this list the likes of Claudia Winkleman and Tessa Daly ! Um, I realise that reading an autocue doesn’t warrant a modicum of intelligence yet commands a 6 figure salary, but can anyone tell me why CW and Tess Daly are apparently earning £500,000 ??? clearly ‘talent’ is now defined by wearing a nice frock, working for 6 hours every weekend for 4 months and have the personality of a plank. Years ago you’d be accused of sleeping your way to the top for that salary and no skills, so what do they do these days ???
Brissles, glad to see that the old expression, “jobs for the boy’s” is still alive and kicking! However, in practice I cannot imagine a more nepotistic outfit than the BBC. That’s ignoring the Civil Service including Local Authorities.
One example that you could google is the triangle of Mark Sandell, Fi Glover and Victoria Derbyshire. The first was married to the second but left her for the third, who then got her own TV show. The second has not done badly, regularly appearing on Radio 4, most recently in “The Listening Project”. The first was removed from a World Service role because of allegations of sexual harassment. Readers are invited to draw their own conclusions about how things are decided within the nation’s favorite broadcaster.
As most of the BBC managers and executives prefer sex with children rather than adults I doubt anyone can sleep their way to the top anymore.
Instead the “talent” are probably given 6 figure salaries to stay quiet and not report anything illegal they see to the police.
Tabs – love it ! great answer.
Does anyone care to guess how many mid level BBC staff will now drop their salary from just over £150K to £149,999 to avoid exposure?
Probably several NWS, but not as many as will split their £298k with their wives and or partners, or both of course. Mrs Calman should do well.
Yes, a truly jolly wheeze to stay below the parapet.
Is Linneaker that good? Does he have talent?
He has crisps.
And add the balance to their already huge expenses payment to make sure they don’t lose a penny.
That was in reply to NWStu at 11:37.
The ever increasing “unprecedented” crime rate in Germany caused by the so-called, “Refugees” fleeing their war torn and devastated countries, has caused the authorities to create a dedicated Police Team to deal with it. Since previous crimes have all effectively been dismissed by the Police and judiciary, one wonders what effect the new Police Team will have. I assume that their existence will reassure the passive German population being milked dry, that the level of crime is being dealt with, ‘severely’.
Hollywood trans roles under fire – again
Why has the term “cisgender” been invented?!? Is it only to remove the use of “normal” from everyday language?
£4bil a year for utter tosh “journalism” like this.
Get with the agenda, Tabs!
Here are a few terms to be going on with:
(1) Assigned gender – when you were born, you were assigned to a gender; but the latter was essentially an arbitrary assignation, being based on outdated notions of biological determinism rather than the creative self-definition which is preferred today.
(2) Cisnormativity – the prejudice that remaining in your arbitrarily assigned gender [see (1) above] is in some way ‘normal’.
(3) Heteronormativity – the mistaken notion that to be heterosexual is in some way equatable with ‘normality’.
(4) Heterobinaryism – a prejudice that divides humans into females and males, and dictates that they should be interested in pairing with someone from the opposite group.
(5) Cismale – someone who was arbitrarily assigned to the ‘male’ (sic) gender at birth and who has decided to accept society’s restrictive definition of her/him.
(6) Lesbian male – a person assigned at birth to the ‘male’ gender who considers her-/himself to be a female and is attracted to other females.
Have just read that article and now have a headache, all that concerns me paying my money to view whatever they spew out of Hollywood is CAN THEY ACT??? I don’t care what they’ve got between their legs either way or not at all. I want to be entertained or is that too much to ask? Have I got to be lectured on the latest fad as well? No don’t answer, I’ll stick to my DVDs
Looking forward to the BBC reporting on the Shadow Chancellor describing himself as a Marxist and welcoming the financial crash.
Just read on the BBC “News” that the British Ambassador to Saudi Arabia has attended the Hajj in Mecca for the first time after converting to Islam. He was dressed in white robes, apparently. How simply spiffing ……
Gone Troppo or gone native? either way he should be repatriated immediately and sacked.
Imagine a British ambassador to Moscow in the 80s “attending the Red square May Day parade having recently joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union” keeping his job?
or better yet “the UK ambassador to Israel has converted to Judaism and has attended the opening of a new settlement on the West Bank”…….
Mad,quite mad.
Can just imagine Terry Thomas in such garb !!!! ‘what an absolute shaaaaaaer”
– only those of a certain age will remember this.
This is appalling. This man cannot represent the UK in Saudi Arabia, his loyalties are utterly divided. Furthermore, I take conversion to islam to be prima facie evidence of mental illness. Such a man cannot be allowed to be employed as a diplomat, much less an ambassador.
Of course, in the real world, we know HMG will be turning cartwheels of joy. They will probably make him Ambassador to the USA as his reward.
I feel sick and ashamed that a man like this should be representing Britain abroad, much less in Saudi bloody Arabia.
He won`t be attending drinks at the US Marines diplomatic security detachment club any longer!
nor will he called to Jeddah port to collect a diplomatic crate containing a “piano” that had mysteriously “sprung a leak” as one of his predecessors was some years ago…..allegedly.
More concerned for the ex-pat community: if they get into any trouble (and that’s easy in the ‘Land of Lunatics’) can the Embassy be trusted to help them?
The BBC is aghast that straight actors are playing transgendered people …
Now I don’t understand. For some time the BBC has been telling everyone women should play male roles in the theatre and anyone who doesn’t agree is full of hate.
Women have been playing the Principal Boy in panto for decades – perhaps those children at the Beeb didn’t know this when they were taken to Panto as a kid !
I thought these days everyone is an “actor”, so what’s the problem?
yeah, and only Kings should play King Lear, royal blood you see, only they can understand the deeper facets of the role…..daaaahling!
8pm R4 Next BBC smear : ‘Trump is a Putin puppet‘
(see that false dichotomy ..like “When did you stop beating your wife ?”)
– My guess is that after his prog on the Alt-Right 2 weeks ago, David Aaronovitch has been leant on to produce something much more negative.
The hive doing as it is bid. Make an enemy of Russia while ignoring the real threat to the West They make me sick.
Russia has not invaded Western Europe yet, meanwhile….
There is a very real danger here that, by building up Russia as a convenient enemy to hide the fact that the RoP is our true enemy, the West will stumble blindly into a war with Russia. The West needs to beware the old saying: ‘Be careful what you wish for’.
This seems to be the agenda and another reason the neo liberals fear Trump.
I have no confidence May is not on board with this deception.
I seem to remember Russia saying something similar when our Dave wanted to “liberate ” Syria from the evil Assad who hated multiculturalism so much he allowed other religions as well to co-exist with the “religion of peace” within his borders.
I am afraid naive liberal arseholes like Dave never learn. Generally democracy is something that takes many years to develop in a country – despite what the liberal tossers say – it is very difficult to just parachute it in and almost impossible when the “religion of peace” is involved.
Wow – looks like we might be getting a voice after all! Finally some common sense:
MP Slams ‘Left-Wing’ BBC, Brexit Reporting ‘Disgrace’
Makes for a wonderfully refreshing read, I quite like this David Davies ?
TBT, I still think May and the Cabinet should politely refuse to be interviewed on any BBC programme whilst simultaneously giving the reason to the public that the Corporation is heavily biased. That’l cut the BBC off at just above their expensive ankles.
I have said for many years that all Tories, UKIP and some others should just refuse any contact with the BBC. As you say, that would cut the Beeboids down to size .
Covered by the BBC
Ha that is the item I mentioned above : September 15, 2016 at 1:17 am
see the video link
Tommy Robinson replies to the BBC
I listened to only a small part of this. Yet again, Tommy Robinson’s voice is highly distorted on this audio link, making it difficult to hear what he has to say. It is quite remarkable how often this is the case when Robinson “has been allowed” (in the words of the interviewer) on the air. In fact, I cannot recall any broadcast where his voice is clear. Deliberate distortion by the BBC sound engineers, I hear you cry. You may think that; I couldn’t possibly comment!
They do the same thing with Nigel Farage, other UKIP members, and anyone else they have a low opinion of.
It is very odd indeed. I sometimes have cause to speak to a friend living in America and she, without fail, sounds as clear as if she’s sat next to me.
Luton to London though and you’re buggered.
What a great post GWF.
Clearly Tommy was given a roasting by the host, but I don’t mind that and so we shouldn’t, because Tommy was able to own every single point.
All the delusionists/deniers /deceitists have is to use the “but you are saying that about all Muslims….” because the Koran is being played out in all its entirety by the murdering, butchering, psychopathic rapists that call themselves Islamic state, Boko Haram, Al Shabab… These are the purest of Islams followers and there isn’t anyone who can take that challenge on!!
Well done again Tommy. Wonderful to see you getting support from people who are Muslims who are clearly as worried about their death cult as we are.
An Imam roundly condemning violence : Yes was the speaker on Prayer for the Day at 5.45am (Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra of the Muslim Council of Britain.).
It’s the right thing to do, it’s an easy thing to do..but why has it taken all this time for someone to step forward and be aired on the BBC ?
Contrast and compare.
In the 5:30 news summaries both the BBC and LBC quoted the words of third parties. BBC had a Green Party spokesman who was opposed to nuclear power in any form, while LBC had a GMB spokesman who while being opposed to the funding model supported nuclear power and thought the rate they’d been charged with was reasonable in all the circumstances.
The BBC is biased, but it isn’t left wing.
‘The BBC is biased, but it isn’t left wing.’
50% correct.
“The BBC isn’t Left-wing ” . That is one of the funniest posts I have ever seen here.
The BBC doesn’t care for the interests or values of the working class. It might pretend to, much like many Labour MPs pretend to. It’s no surprise to me that the BBC would be more comfortable with the Green Party views on nuclear power than the GMB.
Personally I think Hinkley is a mistake and nuclear power of questionable value. It’s still striking that the BBC would lead with the Green Party’s views.
So it turns out that the man setting fire to the Muslim woman’s uniform was not a racist attack after all.
How many people will continue to assume that is was I wonder? Probably most that heard it from the BBC.
It’s now become blindingly obvious how the BBC are cautiously ‘neutral’ with certain events, but ignore that when it comes to other self-loathing possibilities.
This ‘racist’ attack reporting has all the lazy bias that reminds me of the ‘terrorist house’ story. Then there’s the ramping up of attacks on Polish people, and the pregnant woman, that are reported as ‘racist’ with no caution whatsoever.
The BBC has gone beyond biased, it has actually become racist itself.
Enigmatic ! Would you like to expand on that ?
Grant – I think that pertelote might have gone a bit dotty!
Grant & Lobster
Yes I spotted that .
Perhaps he/she ‘would expand’, we could then ‘join up the dots’ ?
even the callers agree with tommy
Wall 2 Wall coverage on the Beeb today commemorating Battle of Britain Day
Perhaps not then
I have just trawled through the BBC’s website and can’t find a single mention of Battle of Britain Day. However, our national treasure has these important headlines:
Mercury Prize: Grime star Skepta wins music award.
Racist, threatening women thrown off Manchester-Ibiza flight.
Rio 2016: Malawi’s first and only Paralympian.
North Korean TV finds its funny bone with comedy show.
Google street view blurs cow’s face in Cambridge.
£4Bn a year for this crap.
David Davis says that we can’t trust the BBC on Immigration, Brexit or climate change….Who knew?….(SIC)
Dazed – It was David Davies who said it not David Davis (the one who should have been P.M.). Confusing, I know, but they are different people.
Another NHS sob fest on ‘PM’ with Carolyn Quinn this evening. The reporter went through the usual litany of grief, then informed us that the reason for all the problems (apart from Toree underfunding, obvs) is the fact that we are all living longer.
This is one of the two reasons why the NHS is in crisis. There is another, even more obvious one, BBC. Do you need us to give you a clue? No?
R4 News – Kamal Ahmed BBC ‘Economics Reporter’, “The Bank of England has had to bow to the INEVITABLE(?) and issue a brighter, more positive forecast for the economy …”
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
gaxvil, that BBC editor will be fired!
Actually, I have more time for IS etc., who clearly state their objective (to kill/enslave us all), than the weaseley, lick-spittle, traitors at the BBC.
I`d agree gaxvil.
IS don`t even need to use taqqiyya.
They`ve long been saying that they`ll infiltrate refugees, send them with their blessings-and the dopey EU and Merkel think that`s not credible?
But we pay for this arrogance from our elites.
Hitler was similarly Ronseal about HIS plans.
But the liberal oafs at his time thought that he was bluffing, that he`d compromise and be pragmatic in time…and that NO-ONE would carry out such awful things, now would they?
Same as today…OUR oafs would rather be nice that let us live…we need to lose these liberal offal pieces, and stop trawling them over the side of the boots for the sharks.
“Ronseal”. Now you are making me nostalgic and feeling my age .
That should be ‘so called’ BBC 🙂
Yes! I have a list of things that should be called so-called on the Beeb:
so-called progressives
so-called UAF (or, alternatively, give them their correct title, Unite All Fascists)
so-called prophet Mohammed (he’s not my prophet and he didn’t prophesise anything)
so-called environmentalist (I do not accept most things they want are good for the environment
so-called religion of peace (no explanation needed for this one)
not so-called Islamic State (that is what they call themselves, so-called is for things other people call them)
Bang on.
Anybody else hear the BBCs Hugh Sykes sucking at the damp rag of Herman Von Rumpoy this morning?
Hugh`s tongue is probably STILL twixt the odor eater and the sole of the turkish bath slippers of our esteemed ex President of the European Council no less.
Oh whatever will you think of us Mr President?
But surely you`1l be unable to decide whether to punish us or simply refuse to set a table for us in Bratislava, Sir Bradley?
No wonder the deluded chow hunds and Mr Magoos of the fetid deadhead Eurozone think we British are shit sniffers, as long as unctuous rugrats like Hugh Sykes are allowed to rub their sleek greased glutes at the shins of non-event paper clip collectors like Von Rumpey.
Nigel had him pinned…Hugh Sykes used a tone of voice that made me retch.
“our beloved Hillary is back to campaigning (sigh of relief)” is what all female BBC news presenters seemed to annunciate on R4 today ..right from R4Today to WATO, to PM.
– BBC R4 News is basically an advertising platform for the Labour Party and campaign Hillary.
Why is it always “Hillary” or “Trump”, and never “Clinton” or “Donald”?
clit-on, shes shit at blow jobs i believe
Lobster you are right, but to be fair even Trump always refers to her as “Hilllary”.
Surely you mean “crooked Hilary”?
It would be worth running a sweepstake on how long it is before Hillary does the zombie walk again. Watching the video of her lurching into her car assisted by staff reminded me of the classic WW2 film Albert RN:
A meander through Calais with a highly irate Hungarian trucker….Obviously the BBC would have him banned from Britain whilst their beloved “migrants” should all be allowed in…
Anyone else noticed that the sandal-wearing, fairtrade-coffee-sipping animal rights brigade have all gone silent on the barabaric mass slaughter of animals in Eid? Also, halal sees horrific abuse of animals and yet the safe-space, bedwetting, snowflake milky bar lefties ignore it because they’re craven, appeasing wimps.
Alex – Brown legs good white legs bad.
We kill animals because we are a bunch of hideously white, evil, overfed right wing capitalist wayists.
They kill animals because because it is a religious requirement. And part of their tradition. I am sure the unstunned sheep appreciates the difference as it is fully conscious as its windpipe and artery are severed. Pity they sever its windpipe as as it must make it difficult for Sean to even join in calling out to “Alans snackbar” in his last breath.
Same principle as feminists and gays they ignore the bits they find awkward. And join in on the bits the BBC and general Gaurdian/MSM say really matter. They either think we are really stupid or more likely just know that the BBC will never pick them up on this shameless hypocrisy.
Things are ‘hotting’ up in Germany…….
Shortly they will be needing that ‘European Army’.
Thanks for those links, it is very interesting and illuminating to compare the two versions. The BBC appears to be playing a game of seeing how many times they can include the term ‘far-right’ in its version. One quote from a police spokesman used by Sky but not the BBC is,”Information available suggests that the asylum seekers had sparked the fight.”
I wonder why the BBC decided not to use that bit?
According to Al Beeb anyone who loves their country, especially Great Britain is ‘far right’ .
Fingers crossed taffman, that would set the ball rolling. Elsewhere as well!
Absolutely disgusting piece of agenda filled propaganda about the violence in Germany!! Why the F is it always the innocent white people who are just trying to protect their loved ones, the country they love and it’s futures fault!!! Why is it that the Islamic Al Beeb constantly dismiss, ridicule and slander those who are trying to prevent the destruction of their way of life and feel abandoned by the state that has sworn to protect them!!
Just look at what the devious bastards have wrote in the article….
“Residents have clashed with asylum seekers in a town in eastern Germany that has become a flashpoint for anti-refugee sentiment”…
…it’s not anti-refugee!! It’s anti-islam, anti-money grabbing, anti-West hating, anti-raping innocent white girls sentiment!!
“Some 80 locals, described by police as far-right, brawled with 20 young asylum seekers in Bautzen”….
….It’s always far-right!!! Anyone who doesnt just sit there and take their lives and town’s being destroyed because some sick, delusional bastard who lives in a sheltered paradise has a difference of opinion on how the little people should live, is far-right!!! F the traitorous vermin!! These countries belong to us!! Not you!!!
“The mayor said the town had to avoid becoming a playground for the far right. A curfew has been imposed on the young asylum seekers”…..
…a playground?! What sick bastard thinks this is a game?! Who thinks innocent children being raped is a game?! Who thinks the destruction of thousands of years of culture and heritage is a game?! How can this mayor trivialise this issue?! I’m so disgusted by this traitorous statement!!
The next few paragraphs mention absolutely nothing at all about the endless amount of criminal activity, the Islamic acts carried out in Germany or the fact that not one single person in the whole of Germany voted for or asked for their country to be raped in such a shameful and disgraceful Manor!!
…..then… A picture of some professional victim from Morocco… Wait… What the fuck is that?! Morocco??!!?? When were Morocco at war?? Everyones being lied to! The Germans are being lied to!! The British..
Everyone!! And they want to know why we are angry!!
…and then some shit eating, spineless, traitorous sewer rat called Damien McGuinnsse shows us all how we are never going to win back our futures unless people like him are removed and are never allowed to infect our beautiful County ever again… His analysis is this…
“A region with a far-right reputation: analysis by Damien McGuinness, BBC News Berlin
Each fresh outbreak of refugee-related violence is potentially a political problem for Chancellor Angela Merkel. Some voters say large-scale migration could destabilise German society.
As a result the chancellor’s conservative coalition has been haemorrhaging voters to the insurgent anti-migrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. That’s a particular worry given that this weekend voters in Berlin region go to the polls, and next year Mrs Merkel’s national government faces re-election.
But many Germans from other parts of Germany are more likely to blame the clashes on racist sentiment, rather than see it as a product of the chancellor’s welcoming stance on refugees.
That is because this beautiful area of ex-communist eastern Germany already has a rather ugly reputation for neo-Nazi support and right-wing extremist violence”
So the Islamic Al Beeb are concluding it’s the Far right that are the problem. The German establishment believe its the Far right. The people we are ‘letting’ run the West are going to blame everything that happens and everything we do to try and stop it on people like us……
And bbc news at 10, using a young disabled girl to illustrate the success of migrants in Germany. Note, feargal’s statement that ‘migrants were blamed for sexual assaults in Cologne’. The propaganda is relentless.
Pure unadulterated propaganda .
Just like the use of the little boy’s body on the beach.
I was watching a German TV report on “Willkommenslotsen” or Welcome Pilots. These are idealistic, young persons employed by the Kiel Chamber of Commerce to place highly skilled new arrivals in German industry. When asked what the main difficulty was, their spokesman replied “They can’t speak German and have a low level of education” Cut to a Syrian being taught the Latin script by his 6 year old son. No doubt this touching scene was meant to be uplifting, but it shows the real scale of the problem. If you can’t read signs and street names,you are not going to make a large contribution to the economy any time soon. The new revised target is to get 50% of the million welcomees into work within 5 years!!!!
Battle of Britain day today.
On this day in 1940, 58 German aircraft were destroyed by the RAF.
Here’s a very short clip from the Battle of Britain film. About 5 seconds into the clip, Junkers father is being confronted by Farage’s father.
A classic confrontation that is relevant today. Especially if you replace the word Hitler with Merkel.
One of the best bits of the film . Don’t see it shown on Al Beeb very often . I wonder why ?
Pity they missed off the following line when Ralph Richardson turns to his wife and says “It’s unforgiveable! I lost my temper.”
I also like the bit where the German pilot asks for a squadron of Spitfires.