FFS! Just tuned in to the tail end of BBC London News awaiting question time… First story I catch is about Sadiq Khan’s trip to Canada – the report focusing on Donald Trump!? BBC having their fill… And second report is about Grime rapper “Skepta” winning an award… I am a massive fan of music I did a music degree and have never seen any London indie bands on the BBC 10pm London news having won an award…. I literally can’t take it anymore any time I tune in to the Beeb (ironically to catch the next programme) it takes at most 60 seconds before I have to run to the computer to detail the bias…. Will this ever end?!
This is a weird one, because I actually hope the continuous propaganda, lies and infantile horse shit that is forced down our throats by scumbags like the Islamic Al Beeb WILL never end!! Before you think I have finally snapped, my reasons are as follows….
If the Al Beeb stop, then either a terrible, horrific event has taken place which has forced the silent majority to forcefully take back control of our country…. Or Islams purpose is fulfilled and everyone can kiss goodbye to this magical ‘diversity’ so loved by the moronic, self suicide bringing left…
The last thing I want to see is our next generation having to suffer in unimaginable ways because of the traitory of our selfish, sheltered establishment…
The answer to your question I’m afraid to say is yes…. But not in the way we all hope for
In the case of the “Fabric” club the licence was revoked following some drug related deaths amongst young people.
Presumably this caused the BBC (always liberal on drugs) some “cognitive dissonance”. So rather than enlarge on and investigate the story, they minimise it, it does appear to be a standard BBC practice with “ishoos” they find that don`t fit their agendas.
BBC London news were banging on about khans visit this morning as well, all gushing praise when he was hanging around with barry o’s pal rahm emanuel. Apparently according to khan all these radicalised youths are the fault of trump so nothing to do with some of the moronic cretins he shared the stage with and defended in his time as a lawyer. Hasn’t he just appointed an integration deputy with connections to hose lovely cahps at cage. No criticism of khan will be allowed on bbc london.
I can remember a report from bbc london when boris went out to india promoting London a few years back and the idiot reporter who went out to india as well spent the two minutes rubbishing what he was doing. Absolutely pathetic.
For once I watched QT as it was coming from Salisbury a city where the left is almost non existent. Not so on QT. Typical audience gerrymandering.
It did feature a most unholy row between the lefties with Soubry taking part which I hope confirmed most of us in our opinion that labour is finished. You get a few snowflakes who seem to think Jeremy is honest so therefore qualified to lead .
The usual apart from this. Grammar schools are bad. Incidentally Salisbury has two very good grammar schools and entry competition is fierce in the extreme.
Brexit won’t work as usual.
Unrepresentative audience and a skewed panel. QT as usual then
Here is one for our ‘global warming’ weather advisers.
We are often told that CO2 has been rising over the last hundred years.
So why then was the temperature so high a hundred years ago ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37345436
All this summer we here in Wales, have had numerous forecasts predicting ‘heat waves’. Warnings for old people to ‘drink plenty of water’ and ‘stay in the shade’ etc . But quite frankly, apart from about four individual days of warm weather the rest have been pretty ‘S@*t’.
Nothing like the summers long ago .
Al Beeb is gradually breaking the news that the ‘Union of Undemocratic States of Europe’ is having major problems.
Yes, you know, its the one that Al Beeb fought so hard to keep us in and told us how good it was for the UK. We Brexiteers were right all along . Watch and listen how it develops over the next few weeks.
Eastern leaders offer new menu at EU crisis talks
This is an article written by bbc correspondent Rob Cameron. The crux of the story is set against the backdrop of the EU meeting in Bratislava. A group of 4 countries that form the Visegrad Group. They are anti-immigrant and the biased bbc don’t like it one bit. As one can see from the title there is a gastronomic theme running through the article – but this, by the bbc’s own racist radar system, might land them in hot water. Poland, hot from being at the centre of the UK racist hate crime invention by the liberal media, is now officially a pariah and on the naughty step it seems. The Polish prime minister Beata Szydlo seems to be singled out for a bit of treatment by the bbc – quite why we need to know that she represents “40 million people, many – like herself – devout Catholics” is unclear but, wait a minute, anti-immigrant = anti-muslim so therefore Catholics are anti-muslim. So, after a bit of maths the problem is solved.
But the food theme continues –
“In a sense Mrs Szydlo is merely the waitress. She takes her orders from the master chef toiling away in the kitchen; Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the frosty head of Poland’s ultra-conservative Law and Justice Party (PiS). (OUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
He is adamant that neither Poland nor the rest of Europe should take orders from Germany, especially on the migrant crisis.”
And so the theme goes on – “Fiery Goulash”, “Pork and Dumplings”, “a penchant for smoked meats and sour cream”.
But wait, stop right there. Doesn’t identifying a race or group by their eating habits have a name. And is that name racial stereotyping???
If a black man was identified as having a penchant for fried chicken or water melon or rice and peas the bbc would hit the fucking roof. But if you you are a Pole or from another slavic race it’s OK to stick the fork in (to continue the gastronomic theme) because they don’t want muslim immigrants and aren’t afraid to say so.
Shame on you bbc. Double standards or what?
R4 Today this morning. UKIP is having its conference in Bournemouth. First interviewee is a woman who left UKIP recently to rejoin the Conservative Party because she likes Theresa May and thinks UKIP is unelectably riven with internal division.
I don’t recall Al Beeb ever commencing coverage of either the Labour or Conservative Party conference with an interview with someone who had recently left that party to join UKIP. There are plenty of such people, so hardly difficult to find.
BBC Parliament, I thought bias here was impossible, but no. During the thursday roundup on friday morning, a sample was about this weeks 2 appointments to the lords. So they showed one a Philipa Rowe. Mention of the other one, a certain Chakrabarti, not a peep.
The live debates are the only bits worth watching…they can`t spin those.
The Lords debate over the plight of Christians under Islamic State in Syria and the Levant was electrifying live, it was then spun into oblivion. (Still available to read in Hansard though.)
Same with the Republican convention live. Imagine my suprise to see that Donald Trump has no horns, cloven hooves nor tail.
BBC Radio 4 reported this morning that Jean-Claude Juncker believes that the Brexit vote showed ‘something was wrong in Britain’ and that the decision made to leave the EU was, apparently, the result of 40 years of ‘lies’ and misleading information. No, he doesn’t mean lies and misleading information coming from the EU but ‘lies’ coming from opponents of the EU. Obviously Juncker, like the BBC, believes or, at least, would have us believe, that the British haven’t the ability to make their own judgements and decisions independent of the EU. Hardly surprising, I suppose, considering Martin Schultz’s post-Brexit claim that the ‘British have violated the rules. It is not the EU philosophy that the crowd can decide its fate’.
Eugene Kogon (1903-1987), a historian and Christian opponent of the Nazi Party, wrote an eye witness account, published in 1947 and many times since, of his six years at Buchenwald following arrests by the Gestapo in 1936, 1937, 1938 as a result of being accused of working for ‘anti-nationalist socialist forces outside the territory of the Reich’. In 1939, he was deported to Buchenwald where he existed as ‘prisoner 9093’ for the next six years. He wrote that pre-war National Socialism ‘insisted that ‘Youth Must Educate Youth!’. It snatched young people from the wholesome soil of religious devotion, of mutual trust in parents and teachers, of respect for their fellow men, only to expose them to racial fallacies and intoxication with power – and to a large extent to delinquency.’
‘The Theory and Practice of Hell’ – Eugen Kogon
The objectives and targets of European Socialism may appear to be different from pre-war Germany but the results are beginning to seem frighteningly familiar. It no longer appears such a stretch of the imagination to envisage opponents of today’s EU being treated similarly to Eugen Kogon.
The BBC, nominally representing the British people, are purveyors of EU Socialism to Europe and beyond, and as an individual who Schultz would deem to be one of ‘the crowd’, I find their message very disturbing.
The 9 protesters who stopped London’s runways from operating protesting on behalf of black Lives Matter get off ‘scot free’. Sorry, a conditional discharge. So effectively free.
I am blinking disgusted. This stupid, irrresponsible judge has opened the floodgates for other protesters to now follow.
I’m a bit surprised by this, as the BBC is an anti British anarchist Corporation. Could it be, that even they are ashamed of the verdict placed on these white middle class liberals do gooders. But there again,maybe if they were of black working class stock this verdict may have received better coverage from the BBC?
Somehow I think so.
I’ve a good mind to shoot the neighbours cat who leaves turd on my veg. I’ll claim I did it on behalf of Black Lives Matter!
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
Fedup2Mar 6, 20:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 His principles seem pretty flexible . No politician has anything to say about the torture of Tommy Robinson – agreeing…
tomoMar 6, 19:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 The wacky twits (of any stripe) don’t seemed to be challenged much over there at GBNews… I don’t understand why…
moggiemooMar 6, 19:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Why bother getting an actor to play a lunatic when you can just get in a leftie who actually is…
ScrobleneMar 6, 19:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 The leftie independent radio stations have their fair share of lefties, so it’s easy for me to avoid their ridiculous…
tomoMar 6, 19:44 Midweek 5th March 2025 If rumours are true, amyl nitrate seems a possible starmer stimulant?
StewGreenMar 6, 19:34 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Im surprised TTK hasn’t passed a law that coloured folk charged with crimes can never be named” Oh he could…
StewGreenMar 6, 19:29 Midweek 5th March 2025 GBnews please give up the wacky lefties Right now the lefty is complaining that Trump’s message to Hamas is “mafia…
Richard PinderMar 6, 18:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Democrats promise that after the next election, they will force Big Pharma to give left-wing LGBT Marxists, lots of free…
FFS! Just tuned in to the tail end of BBC London News awaiting question time… First story I catch is about Sadiq Khan’s trip to Canada – the report focusing on Donald Trump!? BBC having their fill… And second report is about Grime rapper “Skepta” winning an award… I am a massive fan of music I did a music degree and have never seen any London indie bands on the BBC 10pm London news having won an award…. I literally can’t take it anymore any time I tune in to the Beeb (ironically to catch the next programme) it takes at most 60 seconds before I have to run to the computer to detail the bias…. Will this ever end?!
“will this ever end?!”
This is a weird one, because I actually hope the continuous propaganda, lies and infantile horse shit that is forced down our throats by scumbags like the Islamic Al Beeb WILL never end!! Before you think I have finally snapped, my reasons are as follows….
If the Al Beeb stop, then either a terrible, horrific event has taken place which has forced the silent majority to forcefully take back control of our country…. Or Islams purpose is fulfilled and everyone can kiss goodbye to this magical ‘diversity’ so loved by the moronic, self suicide bringing left…
The last thing I want to see is our next generation having to suffer in unimaginable ways because of the traitory of our selfish, sheltered establishment…
The answer to your question I’m afraid to say is yes…. But not in the way we all hope for
The good thing about BBC propaganda is that every force generates an equal and opposing force.
They will never win.
The other day bbc news had an article about the decline of music venues in London. No explanation as to why.
In the case of the “Fabric” club the licence was revoked following some drug related deaths amongst young people.
Presumably this caused the BBC (always liberal on drugs) some “cognitive dissonance”. So rather than enlarge on and investigate the story, they minimise it, it does appear to be a standard BBC practice with “ishoos” they find that don`t fit their agendas.
BBC London news were banging on about khans visit this morning as well, all gushing praise when he was hanging around with barry o’s pal rahm emanuel. Apparently according to khan all these radicalised youths are the fault of trump so nothing to do with some of the moronic cretins he shared the stage with and defended in his time as a lawyer. Hasn’t he just appointed an integration deputy with connections to hose lovely cahps at cage. No criticism of khan will be allowed on bbc london.
I can remember a report from bbc london when boris went out to india promoting London a few years back and the idiot reporter who went out to india as well spent the two minutes rubbishing what he was doing. Absolutely pathetic.
For once I watched QT as it was coming from Salisbury a city where the left is almost non existent. Not so on QT. Typical audience gerrymandering.
It did feature a most unholy row between the lefties with Soubry taking part which I hope confirmed most of us in our opinion that labour is finished. You get a few snowflakes who seem to think Jeremy is honest so therefore qualified to lead .
The usual apart from this. Grammar schools are bad. Incidentally Salisbury has two very good grammar schools and entry competition is fierce in the extreme.
Brexit won’t work as usual.
Unrepresentative audience and a skewed panel. QT as usual then
Here is one for our ‘global warming’ weather advisers.
We are often told that CO2 has been rising over the last hundred years.
So why then was the temperature so high a hundred years ago ?
All this summer we here in Wales, have had numerous forecasts predicting ‘heat waves’. Warnings for old people to ‘drink plenty of water’ and ‘stay in the shade’ etc . But quite frankly, apart from about four individual days of warm weather the rest have been pretty ‘S@*t’.
Nothing like the summers long ago .
Al Beeb is gradually breaking the news that the ‘Union of Undemocratic States of Europe’ is having major problems.
Yes, you know, its the one that Al Beeb fought so hard to keep us in and told us how good it was for the UK. We Brexiteers were right all along . Watch and listen how it develops over the next few weeks.
Eastern leaders offer new menu at EU crisis talks
This is an article written by bbc correspondent Rob Cameron. The crux of the story is set against the backdrop of the EU meeting in Bratislava. A group of 4 countries that form the Visegrad Group. They are anti-immigrant and the biased bbc don’t like it one bit. As one can see from the title there is a gastronomic theme running through the article – but this, by the bbc’s own racist radar system, might land them in hot water. Poland, hot from being at the centre of the UK racist hate crime invention by the liberal media, is now officially a pariah and on the naughty step it seems. The Polish prime minister Beata Szydlo seems to be singled out for a bit of treatment by the bbc – quite why we need to know that she represents “40 million people, many – like herself – devout Catholics” is unclear but, wait a minute, anti-immigrant = anti-muslim so therefore Catholics are anti-muslim. So, after a bit of maths the problem is solved.
But the food theme continues –
“In a sense Mrs Szydlo is merely the waitress. She takes her orders from the master chef toiling away in the kitchen; Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the frosty head of Poland’s ultra-conservative Law and Justice Party (PiS). (OUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
He is adamant that neither Poland nor the rest of Europe should take orders from Germany, especially on the migrant crisis.”
And so the theme goes on – “Fiery Goulash”, “Pork and Dumplings”, “a penchant for smoked meats and sour cream”.
But wait, stop right there. Doesn’t identifying a race or group by their eating habits have a name. And is that name racial stereotyping???
If a black man was identified as having a penchant for fried chicken or water melon or rice and peas the bbc would hit the fucking roof. But if you you are a Pole or from another slavic race it’s OK to stick the fork in (to continue the gastronomic theme) because they don’t want muslim immigrants and aren’t afraid to say so.
Shame on you bbc. Double standards or what?
R4 Today this morning. UKIP is having its conference in Bournemouth. First interviewee is a woman who left UKIP recently to rejoin the Conservative Party because she likes Theresa May and thinks UKIP is unelectably riven with internal division.
I don’t recall Al Beeb ever commencing coverage of either the Labour or Conservative Party conference with an interview with someone who had recently left that party to join UKIP. There are plenty of such people, so hardly difficult to find.
BBC Parliament, I thought bias here was impossible, but no. During the thursday roundup on friday morning, a sample was about this weeks 2 appointments to the lords. So they showed one a Philipa Rowe. Mention of the other one, a certain Chakrabarti, not a peep.
The live debates are the only bits worth watching…they can`t spin those.
The Lords debate over the plight of Christians under Islamic State in Syria and the Levant was electrifying live, it was then spun into oblivion. (Still available to read in Hansard though.)
Same with the Republican convention live. Imagine my suprise to see that Donald Trump has no horns, cloven hooves nor tail.
BBC Radio 4 reported this morning that Jean-Claude Juncker believes that the Brexit vote showed ‘something was wrong in Britain’ and that the decision made to leave the EU was, apparently, the result of 40 years of ‘lies’ and misleading information. No, he doesn’t mean lies and misleading information coming from the EU but ‘lies’ coming from opponents of the EU. Obviously Juncker, like the BBC, believes or, at least, would have us believe, that the British haven’t the ability to make their own judgements and decisions independent of the EU. Hardly surprising, I suppose, considering Martin Schultz’s post-Brexit claim that the ‘British have violated the rules. It is not the EU philosophy that the crowd can decide its fate’.
Eugene Kogon (1903-1987), a historian and Christian opponent of the Nazi Party, wrote an eye witness account, published in 1947 and many times since, of his six years at Buchenwald following arrests by the Gestapo in 1936, 1937, 1938 as a result of being accused of working for ‘anti-nationalist socialist forces outside the territory of the Reich’. In 1939, he was deported to Buchenwald where he existed as ‘prisoner 9093’ for the next six years. He wrote that pre-war National Socialism ‘insisted that ‘Youth Must Educate Youth!’. It snatched young people from the wholesome soil of religious devotion, of mutual trust in parents and teachers, of respect for their fellow men, only to expose them to racial fallacies and intoxication with power – and to a large extent to delinquency.’
‘The Theory and Practice of Hell’ – Eugen Kogon
The objectives and targets of European Socialism may appear to be different from pre-war Germany but the results are beginning to seem frighteningly familiar. It no longer appears such a stretch of the imagination to envisage opponents of today’s EU being treated similarly to Eugen Kogon.
The BBC, nominally representing the British people, are purveyors of EU Socialism to Europe and beyond, and as an individual who Schultz would deem to be one of ‘the crowd’, I find their message very disturbing.
The 9 protesters who stopped London’s runways from operating protesting on behalf of black Lives Matter get off ‘scot free’. Sorry, a conditional discharge. So effectively free.
I am blinking disgusted. This stupid, irrresponsible judge has opened the floodgates for other protesters to now follow.
The BBC promoted the BLM protest but have to date, still failed to publish what happened to the protesters.
I’m a bit surprised by this, as the BBC is an anti British anarchist Corporation. Could it be, that even they are ashamed of the verdict placed on these white middle class liberals do gooders. But there again,maybe if they were of black working class stock this verdict may have received better coverage from the BBC?
Somehow I think so.
I’ve a good mind to shoot the neighbours cat who leaves turd on my veg. I’ll claim I did it on behalf of Black Lives Matter!
Oh blinking heck! I’m the last post which means no none will read what I have to say.
So here is to the Last Post