For my sins I DID watch BBC Question Time last night. In case you missed it this was the panel. Not ONE pro-Brexit politician. The best they could do was haul on the Mails “Theatre critic and political sketch writer” Quentin Letts. I know that Campbell and McDonnell did tear into each other, and even the waspish Soubry had a go at Corbyn’s number 2 BUT this was another panel and audience stacked full of those still weeping their tears that they LOST the Referendum on whether we stayed or left the EU. The BBC love to have talking heads on who sagely ponder – “but what does Brexit mean”? They always say it is perhaps much too complex to answer. Rubbish. Brexit means an end to the UK having any links to the EU. No open borders and no more sending the £££’s to Brussels. I wish the BBC would move beyond denial. This was an atrocious programme – unbalanced and definitely unrepresentative.
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Labour’s current situation has given the BBC the opportunity to have two representatives from the Party on each programme (we know they’d really like five).
Saying that, Sow-bry is Labour in all but name.
I remember that Soubry was practically in tears and showed a really nasty side when Britain won the referendum. This nastiness does, as Mice said, make her look Labourish.
Demon, yes, I watched Soubry at the time practically mourning the Remainian loss. She is such a pain in the proverbial posterior.
The establishment is 80% Remainers so any five member panel will only have one Brexiteer like Quentin Letts (“Already the first two words on the front of our passports are ‘European Union’. The Queen’s head on our stamps will become meaningless. The royal imprimatur on land documents, in our courts, in our Parliament, will become no more than symbols of a shrivelled power. The ‘ingengas’ will have won.”) DM
That the pabel had 2 senior Labour figures is par for the course the BBC is effectively just an advertising campaign platform for Labour and Vote Hillary.
QT was purportedly from Salisbury, the archetypal English cathedral city set in the heart of tranquil Wiltshire – with an audience 2:1 against grammar schools, apparently.
How do they do it? And how long will this government, any democratic government, let them get away with it?
Viewing figures count for nothing in a dictatorship.
And if the dictatorial leftists at the BBC had their way, 17,410,742 Votes would count for nothing either..
The most telling part of yesterday’s QT was when Quentin Letts told the young Brexit lady from the audience that it would have helped had she been on the panel. “just to even the odds.”
How the hell the odious Alistair “dodgy dossier” Campbell has the brass neck to appear in public and still lecture the electorate is beyond me. Hasn’t he inflicted enough damage on the world?
And I just can’t abide Anna Soubry. That gaping, goldfish gob and perpetual look of incredulity when anyone says something she disagrees with. She’s like a bad actress from a 1950’s melodrama. God, what an absolutely ghastly creature!
And still sitting there, like a bumptious buddha, that smug, sneering, silver spooned BBC liberal, Dimblebore himself.
But here’s the real question…
Why on earth do I still torture myself and continue to watch it?
As someone pointed out elsewhere yesterday, when they are out walking and they spot a lump of dog shit….they warn ‘dont step in that soubry’
It was (and still is) worth watching just to witness the unnerving slo-mo public car crash of Labour. Seeing McDonnall (an odious little twerp) and Campbell (words can’t even…) go at each other was entertaining.
Anna Soubry’s potty-mouthed self-righteous indignation is getting to be a tired old act and she really must come up with some new material. Sure, taking a few pops at comrade McDonnell was fun, but her continued grieving over Brexit is now starting to look less like a principled position than an increasingly worrying medical issue.
Of course, some overweight SNP dumpling perched up the other end of the table glibly scored cheap points off the other combatants, repeating all the usual SNP pro-EU, socialist nationalist propaganda. There’s a certain smug belligerence about the SNP (the only nationalists in Great Britain permitted to be brazenly racist without opprobrium) that I find hugely distasteful.
Poor old Quentin. He gave it a good go – even managing to get in a few pops at the BBC – but he was out-numbered from the start. He knew it and so did we.
This panel looks like the so called ‘progressive left’ majority they talk of.
Except that only this week the centre left think tank revealed that actually our country has a centre right majority.
Couple of observations to add.
firstly, is it me or is it that no matter how diverse the presenters look, how they come over is not one bit diverse?
Second, Crimewatch was quick enough to do a special on Brexit crime, can’t wait for them to run a piece trying to understand why their rogues gallery always seems to be more diverse than the general population? Criminals featured seem more likely to have foreign sounding names. Just thought I’d mention it.
I watched QT for the first time in years! Typical anti-Brexit.
I laughed when that young blond girl spoke near the end. She hinted she was neutral who she supported then immediately gave the game away by admitting she likes Corbyn. She is a typical supporter of JC – posh, well spoken, well educated and is probably an ex-green/anarchist and knows the Monentum red-book inside and out!
But did anyone just watch BBC news from that castle in Bratislavia were the BBC reporter – quoting one of the leaders of one of the countries represented – stated: Why are we here? And what are we doing?
You only need to look at their faces to see why that person said that!
The French and Germans know the unrest amongst some of those nations represented.
I’m unable to watch QT live but caught it today on YouTube since there is a kind soul there who puts it up quite promptly. (I’m saying that softly in case the BBC gets iffy about copyright.)
I enjoyed Soubry rightly telling McDonnell he is “a nasty piece of work,” and watching McDonnell’s indignant response – when Dimbleby finally let him speak – and him being shouted at by a member of the audience, who was rightly annoyed by his claim that Corbyn had majority support within Labour.
Funny how these far-left politicians lie so blatantly in public and probably even to themselves. Well, the Party comes first, Comrade, and if we have to bend the truth a little it’s all for a good cause.
Let’s hope Corbyn is still leader by 2020. He’ll lead Labour to its worst election defeat ever.
I’m also unable to watch Question Time live, or indeed on catch up or YouTube, because it boils my piss..
Well, I had a plan before I watched it. I was going to mute everyone except the Daily Mail guy. But I didn’t. Somehow I found it interesting once they’d got past the endless grammar schools debate.
I don’t know if it’s because of the time difference of where you are that you don’t want to stay up to watch it live but you certainly can if you want to.
You can also watch it on their own iPlayer at a later time. If you message me on my website True I’ll give you the methods. 😉
Thanks, Teddy Bear. I’m in Israel so no great time difference but I’m usually at work anyway while it’s on so can’t watch live.
I knew you were in Israel 😉 but thought you’d be sleeping at 12:45am when QT starts. If you can watch TV on your phone while you work I’ll tell you how to access it. Otherwise, like I said, if you want to watch it later on iPlayer you can do that too and I’ll tell you how.
After the toxic shock of Brexit-all systems at the BBC are set to pretend that we didn`t really mean it when we voted to leave the EU.
And so there`s no point in watching this crap-or indeed ANY BBC political orifices they choose to spatter us with.
Heard a couple of minutes of Any Questions earlier…and it was more of the same.
The BBC seem to think that just because Patience Wheatcroft is some Pimmed up luvvie-then her views on overturning an EU Referendum are somehow to be seriously showcased on their fetid shows.
We need to actively nobble the BBC-they think they are the State within the State these days…and we need to really cause them damage.
BBC is clearly a State within a State … but not a democratic State!
Interesting how there is little discussion here about grammar schools. Or is that because Theresa May has promised more freedom to open “faith schools”?
And we all know what “faith” that will be don’t we?
Dear secularists……if all religion is the same what’s the problem?
The trouble is that all religion isn’t the same is it?
We’ve had Christian and Jewish schools in this country for centuries without a problem since ooh let’s see…the English Civil War in the 1600s.
It was Christians that set up the first schools and universities in this country, and it’s Catholic and Jewish schools that people are queuing up to get their kids into, why? ethos and results and the well rounded citizens that they help produce that’s why.
Problem with Islamic schools? sort it out…..but leave us out of the argument. Cheers, God bless.
It must of been pretty hard for the BBC to get its archetypal audience for Salisbury.
But I expect that the Trotskyist, Socialist Workers Party, editors sub editors and researchers
who pick the audience can always manage to find the right “balance.” Actually the main opposition to the government now is the BBC. So we are now seeing one continual party political broadcast on behalf of the Trots. I suppose if the USA has Fox at the other end of the spectrum we have the BBC. Anyway from now for the next four years my son who has ulcerated colitis and me who has heart failure are going into training for the Olympics. We
both take in one form or another all the drugs that the Olympic Champions, Cycling champions,tennis champions take. So that must give us a good start!
I watched it last night on i player, it was wonderful to see McDonnall and Campbell tearing into each other furthering the demise of the Labour party, is it just me or does Campbell have an evil look on his face most of the time?
I thought Soubry was quite good having a go at him as well.
It’s on in Boston Lincs soon, that should be good.
“John McDonnell called Alastair Campbell a “fucking arsehole” after their clash on BBC Question Time, it has been alleged.”
Deary me!
Shame it came from the twit John McDonnell and not from someone more respected. It doesn’t really have much clout does it?
Absolutely worth sitting through on the iplayer… see at the very end, a young woman stated that she couldn’t vote because she was only 16, the SNPs Joanna Cherry then virtue signalled so vigorously she nearly fell off the stage….shrieking “we voted for you to have the vote, the SNP tried to give you the vote” whereupon the young lady was asked by Dimblebum which way she would have voted…….and LOL….she replied “I’m a young person who would have voted leave”
Quentin Letts then remarked “you should have been invited onto the panel….look at it…..only one Brexiteer, this is BBC balance”
And Dimblebum said “well no one can hear him speaking”……OH YES WE COULD!
To all who recommended watching this……thanks……priceless….watching people saying how “honest” a politician Jeremy Corbyn is……is that the same Jeremy Corbyn who’s spent his whole career opposing the EEC/EU who’s now “leading” a “party” whose policy is pro EU? Yep. The very same. Hahahahahahahah!