The BBC is continuing its campaign against Brexit with endless tales of racism and economic armageddon linked to it. Its journalists seem to have been given carte blanche to say whatever they like to undermine the democratic process and impose the EU back upon us.
They completely ignore the fact that HM Opposition is led by terrorist supporting Marxists with a phalanx of ‘storm troopers’ there to smash dissenters and ensure ‘compliance who wish only for the end of western society…no mention of this video of McDonnell saying the economic crash was a dream come true…all those lives ruined, all those jobs gone, all those businesses vanished…he dances on their graves [07:15]…and the BBC ignores it…just as it ignores, downplays or cheerleads Islamic terrorism…..
The BBC instead prefers to express alarm at the rise of the right, the Far-Right, across Europe. Marr has been in the Sunday Times disgracefully linking Brexit to ‘goose-stepping fascism’. Red Andy has nothing to say about the rise of the Stalinists at the head of the Labour Party. Remind us Andy how much misery did your commie chums impose, just how many millions did they kill?
Marr continues to insult the East Europeans, dismissing them as backward racists who know no better, a line the BBC uses constantly. An irony when at the same time the BBC is promoting East European immigration to the UK and floods the airwaves with alarming tales of native racism against them….er….all linked to Brexit. So East European goose-stepping is linked to Brexit and racism against East Europeans is linked to Brexit…isn’t the BBC good?
Marr tells us that nationalism is an unequivocal evil and that we must pool sovereignty and of course the threat from Islam is highly exaggerated..a dystopian view he suggests.
He tells us that Brexit means we are cutting ourselves off from the world, turning our backs on Europe foolishly thinking we can stand proud and successful on our own. He tells us this is dangerous nonsense. We must submit to the EU yoke and the arrogant, unelected, contemptuous and disdainful dictatorship from the likes of Juncker who should, in my opinion, be grabbed by the scruff of the neck and dragged through the streets of Europe stark bollock naked and humiliated and abused as he humiliates and abuses the people. Any wonder so many hate the EU?
Marr should be sacked. He clearly is too pro-EU to continue to present high-profile political programmes on the BBC which discuss such affairs.
The BBC itself shows that it is incapable of acting in a balanced, honest and impartial way and its news and current affairs programming should be closed down. The BBC’s continued support for terrorism, the anarchists and mass immigration shows how dangerous it is as it undermines the UK, democracy and Wesern society.
An excellent piece, Alan.
I agree absolutely Alex.
Yes Alan we the enlightened fully understand what you have said-were they a way other to imprison every single member of the BBC executives and all, we should implement it. But no it is very well documented that the BBC is working with those that have long been campaigning to destroy Europe/UK, to this end they manufactured & along with the USA brought about the destruction of countries & societies throughout the Middle East, causing together with the Human Trafficking gangs, the mass immigration into Europe. Seriously we are doomed if the nations of Europe, now still just free to act, do not act against this invasion, Europe will descend into a nightmare of terrorism.
Great article Alan!
Maybe someone on here has the link but does anyone remember a Newspaper article (in the 1980s) written by Sue Lawley? She admitted the bias within the BBC even then was shameful! I wonder what she thinks about her ex-employer now?
‘Sue Lawley BBC Bias’ gets the following –
Date is a bit out.
The so-called ‘BBC’ has long ceased being a reporter of unmolested news. Absolutely everything that it deems ‘communication’ is sprayed out of its arsehole, like a severe case of the squits, and is doctored, manipulated, filtered, sensored…Until the actual facts/reality the Al Beeb were given in the first place, is virtually unrecognisable
Everything now is either in the form of a telling off, a sermon, a plea..onto the more sinister methods of brainwashing, race baiting, trying to manipulate our laws, trying to manipulate government policy/agenda, and doing all it can to create a hatred towards normal, proud white people.
Every show has a message crowbared in, most times with the finesse of a uzi machine gun. All political shows (which are all of them now) are review based, and are there to tell us what the moral/message is from each event, not just tells us as it clearly happened… AS WE CAN SEE IT WITH OUR OWN F..ING EYES!!!
The Islamic Al Beeb have taken it upon themselves to be the modern day religion, where it is they who dictate how we should think, what we should say, who we should support and champion….this vile, disgusting and traitorous organisation is so far beyond repair and is dedicated and passionate about the destruction of our way of life, of everything British, of everything that makes us who we are
“Everything now is either in the form of a telling off, a sermon, a plea..onto the more sinister methods of brainwashing, race baiting, trying to manipulate our laws, trying to manipulate government policy/agenda, and doing all it can to create a hatred towards normal, proud white people.”
^ This ^
I would only add that the case of Marr is symptomatic of many people I’ve seen on the BBC…..bound by public charter to be impartial….yet eager at all times to demonstrate their partiality, THEIR worldview, THEIR sexual preferences, THEIR tossy virtue signalling.
The job of the BBC is to provide a public forum in which ALL viewpoints are represented and presented…perhaps in the form of a Pro and con viewpoint…of protagonists of equal standing but with the presenters viewpoint hidden as the irrelevance it is.
The only limit to the political discourse on the BBC is that it should not promote violence or subversion of the State.
The BBC currently is a public funded, propaganda outlet for a worldview that seeks to weaken our nation state and impose globalised imperialism (our local manifestation is Brussels) and multiculturalism on us.
The Brexit vote, the Scottish referendum and the recent election of a Tory government shows how out of touch it is and how dismally its propaganda failed in influencing the voters.
Its hideous success is in intimidating the Tory party into yet another variation on the theme….socially liberal, multi culti, Islam friendly, anti nation state, pro politics of envy.
That’s the danger of the BBC…..switching it off feels great…..I’m now in week 4 of avoiding their news…..but you know that they are still beavering away….worrying at their agendas, pulling at threads, attacking their targets….and our cowardly politicians allow this public funded bias to continue.
End the TV licence, make the BBC compete.
Brilliantly put Tothepoint.
I did also notice on the Guardian that a priori judgement is very much in fashion where racism is concerned.
Your anger at Juncker almost matches mine.
He was reported at large condemning the rise of nationalism in Britain using the example of an Eastern European man stabbed to death by five men on the south coast somewhere. He intimated it was of course English men, however at the time the police were describing it as a possible ‘hate crime’. As we know there is rivalry amongst eastern European gangs.. not that I am making any conclusions.
However for a man in his position to assume .. or rather hope is an absolute disgrace.
I might just go one further than you and suggest he is dragged stark bollock naked by the bo**ocks with a rusty chain!
The complete disarray of the main (for now) opposition party and its take over by left-wing extremist which is I would argue even more serious than Militant Tendency’s attempt in the 80s seems to be almost unreported by the BBC. Unless I have missed something? This is a clear dereliction of duty.
A good point.
It’s just a thought, but in the 1970s and 1980s, trade union leaders were very powerful, but they represented an industrial working class. Thus they at least had a base of support from ordinary people, and had to negotiate with employers in the private sector.
Nowadays, the powerful unions represent the public sector. Their employers cannot be forced into bankruptcy by their demands, and probably support them on the quiet. There is no reality check on the unions, and thus on the Labour Party.
The unions are now irrelevant to the majority of working people who are not in the public sector, and it cannot be a coincidence that the Labour Party has similarly retreated into a left wing public sector ghetto. Socialism never works in the real world, the only place it can exist is in the pretend world of the public sector, where the money turns up like magic every month. The Labour Party has decided to inhabit and cultivate this pretend world. No-one else gives a toss about it, and I look forward with great anticipation to the day it finally dies.
Anyone got a link to the Marr article? Ta.
It’s the weekend.. why not enjoy it instead!
This is just what lefties do when they know they’re losing, they lash out and demand everyone else is ignored and they get their own way. They still haven’t worked out that the basic concept of democracy is that the majority dictates what happens. If they want to get back to relevance then they need to start communicating with people instead of talking AT them and arrogantly assuming that their views are simple truths and it’s up to everyone else to ‘get’ what they’re saying. Since they don’t have many (or in most cases any) facts to back their ideas up, they have to use bullying tactics to subvert democracy.
Look at how Trump’s being treated as another example. The entire Democrat campaign is based not on Clinton’s policies, because she barely has any. They’re based on identarian conceits and ad hominem attacks on Trump, who is trying to bring the country together while the left is driving it further apart by seeing them only in terms of race, gender, sexuality, religion, and most importantly whether they are likely to vote for them. Hence Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment which the media claimed was actually too diplomatic in describing ‘only’ half of Trump’s tens of millions of diverse voters. Trump was on Jimmy Fallon this week and Fallon received abuse on social media for ‘humanising’ Trump. This sums up neo-liberals perfectly – if you disagree with them on anything, for any reason, you aren’t human in their eyes.
We must not let them get their way, they will do everything they can to delay Brexit until there are enough more Islamic immigrants and enough impressionable, naive students reaching voting age that they can demand a second referendum and sneak a victory, probably by less of a margin that Brexit’s win which of course they’re protesting as being too close for a mandate. We must keep the pressure on the government to get us out of the EU before any such farce can take place.
We can only hope we have enough members of the Leave campaign in across all parties that will push hard in the new year for article 50 to be triggered, and to push for ‘Hard Brexit’ if necessary.
We can only hope we have enough members of the Leave campaign across all parties that will push hard in the new year for article 50 to be triggered, and to push for ‘Hard Brexit’ if necessary.