The question time line up ,newsnight left propoganda and muslim loving show ,jo coburn’s bias on the daily politics,the labour debate when an audience member asks about democracy referring to owen smith’s 2nd referendum pledge and dimbleby only lets corbyn respond,consistent tag team debating between presenters and the left against anyone sane or in power.Tories, ukip,right wing journalists are you happy for the msm left to dictate the airways,my only option is the off button. These programmes are blatantly biased and can’t continue to be ignored by the government,it’s not good enough, if they we’re more balanced the tory vote would increase votes and then a brave decision on the NHS might finally happen.
As the Labour party is now simply in chaos, and the BBC’s opposite view on everything, do you believe the BBC has adopted the mantle of Her Majesty’s Offical Opposition?
Exactly. In this country the opposition is ELECTED. A self-appointed opposition is one step from self-appointed government.
And they have the gall to call others fascist ?!
Interesting question. I saw that the subject is causing some concern, and that a decision on the matter of who should be designated HM’s official opposition might come up for consideration in the Autumn.
The BBC is only part of the opposition when the Conservatives are “in power”. They are 95% supportive of everything from Labour governments. In fact the only big issue they disagreed with the government between 1997 and 2010 was the Iraq war where the Conservatives were showing the traditional cross-party support in wartime. So the only time they disagreed with Blair, was actually them opposing the Conservative opposition.
I think the opposition to the Blair years is with hindsight. Fiona Bruce, Norman Smith, etc were all knicker-wetting when ever the slimy cnut flashed a smile at the cameras.
Mark Carney is now being given a platform on Victoria now , with a live Q&A to school kids in Coventry. (The anti-Brexit scaremongerin head of the Bank of England)
(his job title is W*nk of the Bank of England)
When I fist saw your headline sentence I thought it meant he had been assigned a platform to work on at Victoria Station. His new job at Netwotk Rail. They are so bad he could never screw them up more, could he? Well, maybe not.
He should’ve been put on the first flight back to the frozen, socialist shit-hole he came from.
Their economy’s in tatters anyway, but I’m sure he could think of a few ways to hasten the decline.
Friends! Made a contribution to the Hard-Right Guardian’s Mass Debate on Free Speech (Timothy Garton-Ash’s piece) earlier. Almost needless to say, it was removed within a few minutes. Do you suppose it’s because I’m just too Left-wing for them? Judge for yourselves:
“Friends! So-called “free speech” is all very well and good in theory, but not when it degenerates in to Hate Speech, i.e. speech that those of us on the Progressive Left – and there are many of us, friends, e.g. me – hate.
Examples of Hate Speech are phrases like “Vote Leave”, which as can be seen from the deplorable behaviour of an admittedly tiny minority of 17,410,742 Far-Right racists and bigots – and who, friends, represent absolutely nobody but themselves – can easily lead to Hate Voting, with the literally earth-shattering consequences of the Brexit Hate Vote, which are so obvious that I do not need to point them out, so I won’t.
Intolerance must be totally and utterly smashed, friends, in order to bring about the sort of tolerant, open-minded and prosperous society – which, never let it be forgotten, friends, Thatcher first denied the existence of, and then destroyed – that we on the Progressive Left are notorious for wherever our ideas are implemented, e.g. Our Venezuela, which is the envy of the world and indeed elsewhere, and which would literally be a Socialist Paradise had the evil Americans – i.e. the Hard-Right neoliberal puppet, Obama – not sabotaged it.
No wonder, friends, that those of us on the Progressive Left are literally revolting!”
Oh no!
Removing your constructive and progressive lefty musings?
Hate crime here!
Well done sir…no doubt, we`ll morph yet again into something even MORE irritating to the thick left.
Oh great!
Newsnight ,as I speak, are blowharding over the “breaches of commercial sensitivities” that have occured re Democrats and their secret funding of Clinton-as well as disobliging comments by Colin Powell about selfsame dying swan.
Apparently THESE hackers lack a moral compass.
But Greenwald, Assange, Snowdon and Panama?….these were done by the righteous in their quest to hold the powerful to account.
As for the schizoid 180 degree turns in logic?…just piss off!
Ta Beeb!
Thank you, Friend Chris! Well, yesterday, someone calling themselves “Sanity” wrote a remarkably clever comment – “Plonker” – on a Blog I’d written back in July, so as you can see the Left is really beginning to marshall its arguments now ;).
As you imply, it’s hard to, er, keep up with Lefties!
Have a great weekend, and keep fighting the good fight :).
This morning the Today programme reported with glee that the BBC will not have to publish salaries of employees who work for production companies. I hope that the Inland Revenue or whatever they call themselves heard it, and identified for future use ‘stars’ whose returns should be given careful consideration for deeper investigation. A creation of a company to avoid tax doesn’t go down well and if most of the work someone does is for one organisation I think it is considered that you work for that organisation and tax is not as avoidable as some people think. Accountants are welcome to correct me.
#1 Yes.
#2 I am familiar with a Scouse term woollyback, I presume this and woolly are cognate.
#3 Yes, I have certain flocculatory characteristics.
#4 Thank you, I am now better informed.
A pleasure. Normally it’s wool or woollyback but sometimes woolly. Nomark or no mark I’ve heard a little more often in Manchester but it works in both places equally well.
Flocculatory, ta, I like that, a word I’ve not heard for years.
Now R5 is covering UKIP leadership announcement and promising Farage’s speech live.
They just aired a number of leadership supporters,
…but gleefully announced a top UKIP aide has just defected to the Conservatives.
(I wonder how many are undercover Conservatives/Labour in the first place)
Douglas Carswell has caused nothing but trouble in UKIP .He was a stirrer on the Tory back benches and has continued in UKIP. Will Carwells preferred candidate be elected.
Whoever it is we better hope they have the guts to continue the Brexit fight and counter the BBC propaganda which continues .
The left wing airport protesters got off lightly again from the lenient laughable courts,london city airport could make them pay though?No deterrent at all, the same again from some others in a few months,i’m hopping mad with this bullshit, someone needs to step up and punish these privileged brats.The country’s a laughing stock
Bbc had praise for corbyn at pmq’s ,they think he won the battle on grammar schools.To offer an opportunity to a bright child a better education is the right thing to do it’s not to the detriment of the rest ,they will stay exactly where they are in the comprehensive system.
“they think he won”
They pretend he won whether he did or not.
All part of the plot, when they commission opinion polls and the results go against what AlBeeb believes they dismiss them as erroneous or an aberration and file them. Only the polls meeting BBC criteria get to see the light of day.
They cannot understand why some people; some mistaken people, for the beliefs of AlBeeb staff are eternal truths, the whole truths, and nothing but the truths; have not gratefully grasped these truths.
The obvious solution to this failure to disseminate these truths, is more frequent, more biased, higher volume, repetitions of the truths.
(Reposted from comment made earlier today on Midweek thread)
BBC Radio 4 reported this morning that Jean-Claude Juncker believes that the Brexit vote showed ‘something was wrong in Britain’ and that the decision made to leave the EU was, apparently, the result of 40 years of ‘lies’ and misleading information. No, he doesn’t mean lies and misleading information coming from the EU but ‘lies’ coming from opponents of the EU. Obviously Juncker, like the BBC, believes or, at least, would have us believe, that the British haven’t the ability to make their own judgements and decisions independent of the EU. Hardly surprising, I suppose, considering Martin Schultz’s post-Brexit claim that the ‘British have violated the rules. It is not the EU philosophy that the crowd can decide its fate’.
Eugene Kogon (1903-1987), a historian and Christian opponent of the Nazi Party, wrote an eye witness account, published in 1947 and many times since, of his six years at Buchenwald following arrests by the Gestapo in 1936, 1937, 1938 as a result of being accused of working for ‘anti-nationalist socialist forces outside the territory of the Reich’. In 1939, he was deported to Buchenwald where he existed as ‘prisoner 9093’ for the next six years. He wrote that pre-war National Socialism ‘insisted that ‘Youth Must Educate Youth!’. It snatched young people from the wholesome soil of religious devotion, of mutual trust in parents and teachers, of respect for their fellow men, only to expose them to racial fallacies and intoxication with power – and to a large extent to delinquency.’
‘The Theory and Practice of Hell’ – Eugen Kogon
The objectives and targets of European Socialism may appear to be different from pre-war Germany but the results are beginning to seem frighteningly familiar. It no longer appears such a stretch of the imagination to envisage opponents of today’s EU being treated similarly to Eugen Kogon.
The BBC, nominally representing the British people, are purveyors of EU Socialism to Europe and beyond, and as an individual who Schultz would deem to be one of ‘the crowd’, I find their message very disturbing.
In the old days, the idea of spending millions on BBC foreign language output out of taxation enforced by criminal sanction was that we could spread civilization and democracy to countries that were still developing this idea.
Now this seems to have been thrown away and we pay for Islamic propaganda. For example some recent stories shared on BBC Indonesia Facebook include such propaganda as this:
Basically the BBC Indonesia output is a constant diet of Muslims being discriminated against by bigoted Westerners, and Westerners converting to Islam. This kind of journalism feeds Islamist terrorism, and it’s disgusting and disgraceful that we in Britain are forced to pay a tax for this hateful nonsense.
British couple facing leaving their surrogate baby in India due to UKPO footdragging in awarding a British passport so she can leave India with her British father.
BBC 5 Live just said “good news, since we reported the story the Indian Foreign Minister has tweeted she will help”
So was it the BBC that helped ?
..I checked and see the Minister had actually Tweeted the Daily Mail story.
(The couples problem is that the UKFO is dragging its feet they applied for the passport on June 3, but their Indian visas expired before the passport was approved, and now they are on their last emergency 1 month extension)
BBC correspondent reporting on the EU “Summit” in Bratislava and reporting back to Mark Mardell for 1300 BBC News at One. The Hungarian interviewed said that, “For Hungary, it WAS NOT the issue refusing to take so-called “Refugees”. The issue was, he said, a matter of Hungary being forced to. That is the most rapid volte-face I have probably ever known a politico make……………..
I hear the Hungarian public cheering in complete in agreement from here!
BBC R4 11.45am today. Some Australian “comedienne” was boldly and at some length satirising a cultish religion which imposes bizarre dietary strictures, separates men from women, makes absurd promises of a paradisical after-life to its faithful followers and radicalizes its youth.
I want a fair balanced current affairs television programme this is my choice. Bbc itv c4 c5 sky news, Victoria Derbyshire, question time, newsnight, the wright stuff, daily & Sunday politics, the Andrew marr show, Sunday morning live, Preston on Sunday, the big questions. I choose the off switch but if there’s any entrepreneurs out there I see a gap in the market. Can the government explain to me their logic behind keeping a left of centre media?
Decided to brave the Daily Politics and – in the spirit of fairness that motivates most of us on here – have to say that Andrew Neil delivered an impeccable programme. With no Jo Sidekick sneering and visibly shuddering, and some proper conversation, Neil asked some good questions, picked up nonsense when justified, and allowed a rare positive picture of UKIP some airtime as well as Farage’s speech in its entirety. In the studio Douglas Carswell was allowed to make his points uninterrupted, as was Alexandra Phillips. A Conservative and a Labour MEP (Jacqueline Foster and Sion Simon) came across as the most pragmatic and sensible Remainers you will ever encounter, agreeing that Juncker was ludicrous with his talk of free Wi-Fi, the now-dropped mobile roaming charge promise (the one that was Nick Clegg’s only pro-EU card) and making pertinent comments about the proposed EU army. The most informative and balanced broadcast about the EU state of play I have yet seen, with everyone coming across as remarkably normal and good-natured, even Carswell (mostly).
In generous spirit, I turned over at the end to the BBC1 News at One. No mention of UKIP or Farage in the headlines. The fourth headline that would surely have been devoted to the Green party conference had it been taking place was given to this jaw-dropper of Normal Service from the BBBC: over pics of lipstick being applied to models…”As London Fashion Week gets under way, what impact will Brexit have on this multi-million pound industry?” Of all the angles that London Fashion Week throws up, we are told in the report …”The real talking point here is Brexit”. Really? REALLY? This classic example of the best the BBC can offer ended, hilariously, with a brief interview with a Serbian designer. “Would you be where you are today if you hadn’t been able to come to London?” asked our sparkling-bright reporter. “No,” said Serbian designer, looking as if verbal logic would have to be applied to the question. Obviously, if she wasn’t where she is today she would be knocking out slightly odd clothes for stick insects in some other lucky city. And so another box is ticked, and normal BBC service is resumed, quite oblivious to the fact that no one is suggesting that talented foreigners who want to come to London to run successful businesses will be barred in the event of Brexit. This on one of the day’s flagship news programmes. Honestly, my dog could do better.
We then had an item about Mark Carney, who was allowed many more minutes of hot airtime to tell the country (via a schools’ question time) that he liked pizza and Dairy Milk, and preferred dogs to cats. Nothing anything of any importance, though we did learn his nickname was Carnage.
BBC1 news is fast becoming a parody of itself – priceless! The brain-dead hacks who produced this edition of Ab Fab News really should watch Andrew Neil to see how real journalists apply intelligence.
Methinks Brillo’s days will be numbered if he doesn’t stick to the party line.
PS: Sure Carnage was a nickname and not a regular result of the actions of the esteemed governor of the BoE? If you need a man to ‘big it down’ he’s the one to call.
You’re probably right, but that was the refreshing part of it all. He really didn’t appear to take a side, he simply asked the questions most of us would have wanted to ask and found out where others stood on the line. That’s all we ask.
Yes Stella. He was more often than not excellent in the run up to the referendum and especially good on Independence Day I thought.
He doesn’t fit in with the narrative quite often though, purely in my view. I got a written warning when in that situation in my last job (not remotely similar to Brillo’s but had to toe a line) so was just pondering him being in the same position.
Still, long may he continue to annoy and show up politico’s.
I very much doubt that the real talking point at LFW is Brexit!
Literal(!) interpretation of the interviewer’s question aside, European fashion designers will of course remain free to come to London if our eventual own new UK (not EU) immigration policy allows them to.
Al Beeb constantly, misleadingly (and in my view wilfully) implies that:
(i) any new immigration policy decided by the UK for itself will inevitably mean “no immigration into the UK, from anywhere, ever”;
(ii) trade between buyers and sellers in different countries is possible only if there is a “trade deal” between the governments of those countries.
Both points obviously nonsense.
Carney is in the category of “experts” that Michael Gove warned us about. BBC should be asking him if he is considering his position, not tee-ing up cosy photo opportunities for him.
Crikey, you’re right! I hadn’t quite clocked that one, and the “reporter” must have been too busier than expected finding all those people who were all so worried about Brexit that she didn’t do the simplest of checks… Just shows how insidious the BBC misinformation is that I didn’t think to check either even though I hardly believe a word they say anymore.
They probably use the Eurovision Song contest as their go to reference for which countries are in the EU. Don’t be surprised when they quote Australia as being in the EU!
R4 Feedback now at 4.31pm : “We’ve had complaints that our coverage of Jeremy Corbyn is biased”
..Jesus Feedback’s doing the normal thing of throwing complaints from Non-lefties in the bin ..and gone with a contructing a narrative from their mates of entirely the opposite narrative.
New David TC Davies MP article in the Yorkshire postIf we all pay for BBC, then it must reflect our views and be unbiased
– Yesterday We mentioned the video of his Westminster Hall speech, and the Scotsman article…but this is a much longer article based on the text of that speech.
The reality, of course, is that although the BBC goes out of its way to try to be impartial, it is very difficult for it to be when all – or most – of its employees share a particular set of opinions. We see that in several ways: for example, pressure groups are dealt with in different ways by the BBC
Again, in January 2013 when Newsnight ran a special on the European Union, the overwhelming majority of speakers – I think 18 out of 19 – were pro-EU, with only one alternative voice.
It matters that the BBC has this inbuilt bias. BBC executives need to do something to address that bias.
… if the BBC is to justify what is effectively a tax on every single man, woman and child in this country, it has to start reflecting the diversity of views out there,
.. the majority of people in this country have shown that they are opposed to the European Union,
.. almost certainly a majority of people in this country believe that immigration needs to come down
.. a surprisingly large number of people think that the current hysteria over climate change has been somewhat over-egged.
Carolyn Quinn on PM tonight – Diane James “refused” to be interviewed, the usual form of words for not wanting to be be interviewed is “declined”, but obviously not if you are a Ukipper or Brexiter. Who could blame her for giving the BBC thought police the cold shoulder?
She must have made some sort of impression, because she had the most votes and certainly was the favourite at the UKIP Conference in Bournmouth. She also had the support of Nigel Farage.
Did you see it on BBC ?
The emphasis on Diane James’ declining an interview with the BBC was too heavy, through both the stress on individual words and the number of repetitions.
Apparently the other four contenders all would have given an interview – well, according to the BBC anyway. I can think of another female candidate for high office (not in the UK) who doesn’t choose to give interviews for whatever reason and the BBC doesn’t mind that at all.
I particularly hated it when Carolyn Quinn broke off to give Jonathan Dimbleby the usual free plug over a ropy mobile phone link for his “Any Questions?” yawn-fest. She actually ran the Diane James interview meme past Dimbleby, clearly expecting him to be aghast at James’ refusal to subject herself to the distortions and vilification that UKIP have come to expect from the taxpayer-funded non-entities of the rotten BBC. Americans call these people cry-bullies, I believe: they can dish it out but don’t like it when they can’t get their own way. I wonder if Quinn is even intellectually capable of asking herself why UKIP just might be a little wary of doing interviews with the BBC?
Off topic now, but at the very beginning of the ‘PM’ show there was a trail for an interview with a certain Leo (aged 10) who had decided (s)he was “non-binary”. This articulate child wanted to be able to use the boys’ toilets “because that’s where all the chat is” but understood the problem of not having the right … well, accessories for the job. This interview is to be aired on the special “i-PM” second half-hour of the “Saturday PM” show (Radio 4 from 17:30) and was carried out by joint-presenter Jennifer Tracy. Was this the BBC making sure that those not able (or willing) to listen to the Saturday broadcast, still got their dose of the agenda at around 5:30 on Friday?
BUT why would the BBC want to speak to UKIP – according to them UKIP is over, finished, caput. The Euro trash ain’t calling the shots anymore and the Beeb are peeing their pants.
One of the things that annoys me greatly about the BBC licence is that I have to pay my £145 out of one (pensioner’s) wage, for the delight of watching other companies’ programmes on my single TV, whereas my neighbours pay the same amount when they have 4 full time incomes and I think 4 TVs.
I would estimate their net income to be 8 times mine.It hardly seems fair.
Any other singles find this irritating, to put it mildly?
Did you see the new BBC Licence advert ?
It goes something like “Life comes in weekly instalments, so why not pay your TV each week as well ?”
And it made me think yes why …”Not pay” your TV licence each week ?
or every week. Cos if I lived in the UK I might pay for the BBC 70% of the time, cos the good staff need to be paid, but withhold 30% for the times the BBC betrays/breaks its charter etc. i.e pay for 36 weeks a year and withhold 16 weeks.
Only lefties are allowed to coin these bastardised newspeak neologisms.
We just use standard English, it has all the tools required to demonstrate what ****s AlBeeb staff are.
I only managed to listen to the first seven minutes of the News Quiz .
Clinton is alright , nothing to see here , she’s the next president . Trump is a lying funny but frightening extremist .
I’ll try again tomorrow to listen to what the BBC calls comedy .
Here’s a question for all: who was the last genuinely funny comedian you saw (or heard) regularly on the BBC?
And the BBC always tell us their comedians are all left wing because they can’t find any who are right-wing. Well, how’s about someone who is non-political, like:
JtF, “who was the last genuinely funny comedian you saw (or heard) regularly on the BBC?”
A chance to give some praise where praise is due to a BBC Radio 4 programme: Tom Wrigglesworth’s HangUps on 8 September, 18.30. The best one yet and very funny. This is the fourth series (mini-series of four programmes) and although it took a couple of series to really get going – true of some of the best comedy of the past – I think it is now very good. Most of the third series were good, but this fourth series has been even better.
Hope the BBC can keep him going for more in future.
I agree, having heard the one this Thursday at 18:30 and one or two others before then. Radio 4 comedy is generally poor and biased but this one is not bad at all, it doesn’t make me think of switching off and there are some laughs to be enjoyed.
Ta for the clip of Ken Goodwin,Mr Fish.
Happy days with the likes of him, Bernard,George,Colin on The Comedians, Wheeltappers etc up in the north west.
As you say…there are precious few comics now who`ve not been through the BBCs processing.Hence the Oxbridge, lefty Radio 4/BBC clones who rely on the license fee to indulge themselves at our expense.
They`ere not funny. End of.
Apologies if this has been posted before, but I’ve been very busy and only have had time to skim the posts over the last few days. I’m just watching the first episode of Matt Forde’s new series “Unspun” (I have to wait until someone posts it on the web) and there was a bit about a YouGov survey. I thought he was joking until I checked the YouGov site. It seems as if my attitude and sex life means that I really am a UKIP supporter. The bit on the Labour voters is just weird.
It might explain some of the bBBC’s output (that’s might seem like a cheap trick to justify posting this on a page devoted to the bBBC, but it seems to fit in with their output).
What a load of bollocks……..I’ve never been Labour and never will. I’m not saying what parts of the Labour column in the yougov survey just that I seem to have a very good imagination.
There are only five major world events within my lifetime so far, based on a mixture of my own understanding of what’s going on, plus the world class BBC’s reporting. They are as follows;
– Apollo moon landings.
– Fall of the Berlin Wall / defeat of Communism
– The death of Diana.
– 9/11
– The death of Stephen Lawrence.
It is now 2 whole days since the BBC have said anything at all about the death of Stephen Lawrence. Don’t they realise that Stephen Lawrence is dead and we need the BBC to highlight the fact that Stephen Lawrence is dead? Why are they not raising the shameful fact that Stephen Lawrence is dead?
Maybe we need Tristram, Jemima, Hugo and Piers from ‘Black Lives Matter’ to inconvenience a few racists at the airport in order for this epoch defining news story to go back on to the news headlines where it belongs.
I do wonder if al beebus will ever report the truth about Saint Stephen’s death? Probably not.
What about his dear, old, downtrodden Mum eh? Forced to continue living in such a rayciss country as this and her being made to eke out an existence for herself as a life peer! As punishment for being the wrong colour in this horrible, appallingly white nation. Simply frightful!
It’s a wonder so many BAME people remain here and that there are many who are still prepared to come, even they’re treated so abominably.
I had moved to the World Service – the bias a little more dilute but tonight’s report on UKIP really effed me off. The sneering tone describing UKIP voters as old and white i.e.reactionary racists. These ‘reporters’ sound more like Harry Enfield’s Old Gits – bitter, twisted, senile.
I so enjoyed Katia Adler’s derisory report on the EU with mention of, “Queen Merkel” and the European north south divide – the Today presenter was lost for words. Yes, there are still a few BBC correspondents who’ve not been brain capped.
It claims that Trump was the main ‘birther’ and that he “wrongly” (an opinion presented as fact) accused Clinton of being one. It then states, again ad fact, that “there is no evidence to connect Mrs Clinton to the birthers”.
No mention either of the way that Trump tricked the media into broadcasting endorsements from military veterans by having them open his speech, which got the MSM so wound up that there was reports of furniture being thrown and swearing fits backstage that they’d been forced to actually show sometthat contradicts their pathetic narrative of only uneducated white men voting Trump. Of course, he already screwed them before by bringing the families of people murdered by illegals out during a televised speech, meaning the media couldn’t chicken out.
Trump is crushing it and every internal poll and social media figure shows it, yet the BBC still thinks it can trick people into believing something that clearly isn’t true.
Remind me again-how is THIS news….and WHY is it being refried by the BBC today?
A good case study in trying to get us all away from Illarys colostomy bag ishooze eh?
“The leaders of France and Germany say the EU has agreed on priorities for reinvigorating the bloc despite the “critical situation” created by the UK Brexit vote”.
The leaders of France and Germany are the Leaders of Europe – full stop. Its a Two headed dictatorship.
The Hungarian chap has torn them a new one on the subject of immigration and the loss of cultural identity – so there’s talk of suspending Hungary.
The experiment has failed and the Jedi mind trick is just not working.
The Telegraph says that the Bratislava fiasco with the 27 EU countries today ended with a press conference when the Italian PM couldn`t bear to appear on the same stage at Merkel and Hollande afterwards.
And Merkel says that EU is now in crisis-and that she forced the language to be of “uncontrolled flows” of migrants that she caused-as opposed to the catastrophic crisis that other wanted.
If you go to the BBC website though?…no mention of any of this…just some crap about France and Germany being “united”.
Oh-and how beastly it is now , that we don`t get invited onto the Bratislava Titanic now we voted to go…are you happy NOW then Nigel Farage, you horrid man?
OH boy-wasn`t he GREAT in Bournemouth today?-no wonder the BBC won`t dwell on him any more, he has fucked them over…fatally too!
Well, at least we Brexiteers have achieved the impossible and united France & Germany. And with Socialist & Christian Democrat leaders, respectively, as well!
A double triumph for the UK. Long may peace reign in the EU.
A policy first mooted in the early 1940s. It was always about Franco German hegemony.
GB was always going to be a problem which is why De Gaulle wisely said no.
Our political history since at least the 1640s made us unsuitable.
Listen to Juncker etc talk and you can hear the incomprehension over Brexit.
WE in England and Wales should be proud of ourselves that we rejected an incipient dictator state. Sad thing is the Scots. Why O why did they vote to stay?
‘…France and Germany are the Leaders of Europe…’
That’s the impression given Taff, and one that the media will feed, but there’s actually only one. The French economy is teetering on the edge of collapse, and has been for some time, so concentrating on Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal takes attention away – as intended – but it doesn’t change the reality. The reality is an immense farrago of deception and delusion, created and fostered to prolong a political and financial contradiction with Islam and immigrants as the catalyst as a means of distraction from the collapse of the Euro and the EU. To deliberately encourage such a dire situation, based on an attempt to save face and stave off the inevitable is beyond belief – except that it is happening. The Visegrad Group, inspired by Hungary, will be the flashpoint.
Roger Bolton asks if BBC coverage has been biased against Jeremy Corbyn, putting listener concerns to Political News Editor Katy Searle. Have radio programmes looked too much at Jeremy Corbyn’s personality at the expense of his policies?
I only caught the end of the program, but it was full of some BBC woman giving the perpetual public sector lie ‘we take (X) extremely seriously’ which is de rigueur when ever they f**k up which seems to be perpetually!
The BBC don’t like Corbyn because he’s not a liberal, not a communist, and doesn’t stand a chance of being elected as PM.
They want another Bliar, someone who presents a false facade to them – someone who isn’t what he appears to be, but being media luvvies that kind of thing appeals to their very psyche.
Alas they are a shallow as a puddle. I don’t agree with the Fascist left in any way, but if they are seeing the BBC as biased then they might just be worth allying with to seek the destruction of this hopelessly biased dinosaur.
Farmer finds nearly 80 sheep ritually slaughtered in his field
“A farmer in the Styria region said he had lent his field to a friend for a month so 131 sheep could graze.
But the friend did not tell him the sheep were being bred to be sacrificed as part of Islamic Eid al-Adha or the Feast of Sacrifice.”
“”US election: Clinton security should be disarmed, says Trump””
“”Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump is facing criticism after appearing to hint at the assassination of his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for a second time””
“”Mr Trump suggested Mrs Clinton’s security detail should give up their guns and “see what happens to her”
“”Mrs Clinton’s team has accused Mr Trump of “inciting people to violence”
What Trump was actually saying was that even though Clinton was advocating gun control, she wouldn’t survive long without armed guards surrounding her everywhere.
There is logic to this observation, but he was not advocating assassination.
The Biased Broadcasting Corporation. If they can’t find evidence to damn Trump, they’ll support their friends the Democrats inventing it.
I fully agree. Any sensible person would have immediately known that Trump was merely making a point, and not actually advocating that Clinton should be deprived of armed protection. After all, the same would have had to apply to all candidates. The BBC is either stupid (which it is not) or malevolent and politically biased (which it very much is). And if day-listeners to the BBC are furious at BBC bias, lies and omissions, they should try listening to the reporting of the US election by its ‘World Service’. That is more extremely anti-Trump and Clinton-supporting, and unbearable to those of us who want truth and honesty.
I have now viewed the Trump speech and see that, immediately following his sarcastic suggestion that Clinton should relinquish her secret service guards, he ends his remarks by saying (somewhat sotto voce) that, in his own words – “that would be dangerous”. Thus, Trump, in that very speech, was acknowledging that he was only saying it to make the point, and not treating it as a serious suggestion.
I came on here to comment on that article, but it doesn’t surprise me that someone else has got there first. It really is a masterclass, not just in bias but in trying to convince yourself of something you know isn’t true. It’s quite obvious what Trump meant, even to those who might not support him but the BBC is pretending to itself that it can be spun as advocating assassination.
I’m actually rather heartened by this as this level of self-deluding bias must be becoming increasingly obvious far beyond those of us who frequent this site. It smacks of desperation.
“Donald Trump is coming in for critiscism for saying that Hillary Clinton should have her secret service bodyguards removed”
.. (Dramatic people can assume he means so people can assassinate on her )
“He made it in commenting on her opposition to the right to bear arms”
(The logical person thinks ‘ah that is a perfectly reasonable RHETORICAL point Trump made’… but the dramatic intro has planted the seed in other people’s minds that Trump is calling for Hillary’s assassination)
The news headline was a BBC stunt, they knew all along Trump was making a RHETORICAL point.
I switched over to 5-Live (actually it must have been 4.30am news) and they were banging on about how the UK Paraolympics medals total was beating targets. They never mentioned their huge error !
Their crime of failing to mention CONTEXT.
That with Russian athletes all banned and other drugs cheats frightened away…of course in 2016 the UK it’s not surprising the uK wins more medals.
Then 5am Farming Today was Green Propaganda.. that farms have to move away from fertilisers to green magic solutions. We all want to believe in organic, but in practice it doesn’t work, people forget their losses and shout up their wins, which don’t turn out to be that great when I check. Big companies aren’t stupid, if organics worked they’d be doing it (without a subsidy !).
– The second polint is organic is NOT Green, cos you end up using twice as much land..thus you can’t have the 100% nature reserves we have today.
The lefties are on the R4 FB page running the same old excuse “ah you see the BBC gets xcomplaints of bias from both sides, so its got it about right”
* The Random s witch on Moment test * proves that wrong.
cos 20 times to 1, when you switch on iyou hear a Lefty pet Issue rather than a non-lefty voice.
and when they do mention a non-lefty character Farage or Trump it’s done with a sneer.
I think what the BBC are saying is that all those hideous cuts to the disabled has only brought out their inner John Bull.
And now they`re all working for a living-independent, proud and happy for yet MORE cuts.
When we overfed them and gave them fizzy pop they were crap at sport-and NOW look what the Tories have done?
More cuts Mr Hunt…
If we add the Brexit Bonus…boy, we`re world beaters…and they can certainly outrun any sex change coppers in transition or lardy arsed social workers now.
Independence indeed-more Mr Hammond, not near enough cuts yet sir!
Hilarious. The BBC China correspondent telling us how she deals with censorship of the press by the Chinese state without any hint of irony. So the BBC does not shut down debate on things it disagrees with – the science is settled.
2 years after the invasion of Europe and the EU still haven’t come up with a strategy to defend its borders.
This AM we have Al Beeb telling us about the security problems at the German Beer Fest.
The same Al Beeb that want us in GB to ’embrace’ the Multi Culture of enforced immigration!
BBC TV news this morning carries the rather worrying report “Military ill-prepared for UK attack” – history tells us that tends to be the case – as in 1939, 1914, blimey… 1792 etc…
Mind you, for all the BBC’s outward sniffiness about state control of media in China or Russia our nationalised broadcaster is still happy to take a snide pop at the general leaking this memo about our military weakness – he was passed over for promotion, don’t you know.
I’ve a feeling our military, indeed our national cultural malaise goes a little deeper than the usual lack of spending or a serious plan for defence. As we know the BBC don’t join the dots or do irony so BBC tv news uncritically moves on to a report on “Transgender soldier first woman on front-line”
‘Permission to gender re-align, Sarnt Major!?’
So this is a man who ‘self-identifies as a woman’ and of course the Army have been more than happy to have sorted out all the paperwork for ‘her’.
For some reason I’m reminded of Rigsby in Rising Damp when he first spotted young Alan’s ear ring “Stop the world I want to get off. For goodness sake I hope the Russians don’t see that”
But maybe this will help the Army close the gender pay gap or something through the back door. If it ticks a box it will be encouraged further. In the novel Bhowani Junction Colonel Savage famously asked for volunteers to urinate – but this goes a step too far surely?
Can’t you just see Windsor Davies with his Concert Party up the jungle ‘Nice pair of ankles lad, straighten up your slingbacks lovely boys, show ’em off, show ’em off!’
We need not fear an invasion by a foreign power, Trident makes such an invasion too risky for anyone to contemplate. The invasion we should fear is one of Muslim immigrants supported by their fifth column which is already in place and steadily eroding our democracy. The Visegrad countries are trying to pull together a European anti Muslim league . The first sensible being done in Europe to combat Islamification for decades. The best contribution we in the UK could make to this league would have been to close down the BBC and their pro Islam propaganda, but the government has let us down again. For home defence of the UK we need to have at least 300 thousand armed police and army ready and willing , police please note, to combat Muslim riots and extremism and a judicery who will take a hard line.
0700 BBC Radio 4, ‘Today’ programme News reports that ‘ISIS’ terrorists MAY have infiltrated the so-called ‘Refugees’ on their way to Germany and the rest of Europe. “MAY”?
For a different and clearly more accurate perspective:
Note the statement has been made by, the head of the Federal Criminal Police Office of Germany not a worthless BBC bod operating in their cultural dreamland.
Meanwhile, in Austria:
Sources cited.
And as regards Merkels reassuring(?) assertion at the Bratislava meeting last week, that Germany (and Europe in general) is sending back those who have no business claiming sanctuary to Turkey see:
Question: does my tv licence and payment thereof, constitute a contract with the BBC and the Charter being the terms of the contract? If so, it can be proven over and over again that the BBC are in breach of contract by misrepresentation.
Morning folks, have a read of this piece by the Daily Mail as it perfectly typifies the vile, treacherous and privileged filth who are behind the rise of the aggressive left in this country, the likes of which we see in Momentum, SWP and UAF etc. These despicable scum are essentially spoilt, rich-kids who have been inculcated with a self-loathing guilt by their parents, a guilt that they channel into a seething hatred aimed at the system which has given them their cosy, pampered existence. Not only that, but they do the real working disadvantaged a massive disservice in trivialising the plight of poverty through their infantile political stunts; these filth do NOT represent anything besides unruly, spoiled, obnoxious privilege.
These locusts are at the core of the treachery that is undermining British values and tradition, you name the left-wing cause and you’ll find these brats at the core; and whilst they profess to protest for those in poverty they in fact despise the British working class and so side with every movement that is at odds with British patriotism. The only party that currently has a hope in hell of representing the British working-classes is UKIP, and they seem to be in disarray at present. These spoiled left-wing, upper class scum need to be challenged by the true working British man and woman; but until this happens these bran flake eating sociology students will continue to be portrayed as representative of the British people by the likes of Liebour, the BBC and the Guardian. Bastards! They should have been beaten with the truncheon and thrown into prison for a few months, and criminal charges brought against each. They also should be made to pay for any losses for these airlines via their own ample pockets.
UKIP Alex? I’d vote for them here and now, ‘warts and all’. This, purely on the basis that even in relative disarray, they are closer to the views of the true British population than any of the rest (including the current incumbent at No.10). The UK political system is long overdue for a complete overhaul and it is my view that, hopefully including Nigel Farage in some role, UKIP will achieve that. The UK system is broken. The country has been grossly mismanaged for decades yet no one is accountable.
Yes, the British people have been badly let down by politicians and the upper classes for hundreds of years. Nigel Farage has given patriots hope and a sense of self-belief; the rise of UKIP has provided a place for those proud to be British to congregate and voice shared concerns about the left’s disgusting treachery. The road is long though, but the first steps have been taken.
UKIP will be fine.
They are a movement and not an institution.
Let Westminster pretend that we`ll settle for may and Bercow now-and then Eagle and Farron sometime hence.
Brexit split this country-and only the losers who accept that “Brexit is Brexit”(not as defined by Amber Rudd or May either)will be given houseroom.
No-one voted “OUT” to allow musical chairs in SW1.
Now I LIKE branflakes-but with my own raisins/sultanas and currents…little warm milk as well.
All Bran a bit much…Bran Buds OK but hardly Bran Flakes.
So far, the Aldi ones seem good to me…Kelloggs a bit cheeky, no toys anymore to make my little car as of old.
What`s YOUR take on this story that divides a nation…tell the BBC…and bet the bake Off wallahs can`t do a bran flake.
Are we the Branflake generation here I wonder?
There is a dearth of toys in cereals nowadays. It’s a bit sad. I would imagine that it is to prevent dim parents choking their little angels on miniature dinosaurs or such like. Bless them.
Alex, as bran things seem quite popular might I suggest mung bean/tofu/quorn eating as suitable perjoratives for the kind of scrotes you refer to.
My MP is Frank field, seemingly on a golden ticket, so voting AN Other isn’t going make a difference barring a miracle. Still it could be (much) worse. He at least has the good grace to be here almost every Friday for questions and will reply to emails both personally and PDQ.
All-bran here please when bacon butties are off the menu.
Ah happy to catch up with you sir!
Did hear a bit of Eagle at the end of the Godawful Any Questions.
And you`re correct-she sounded vaguely skittish and possibly demob happy now its Stella and Owen who are getting the bricks of love through their windows.
So I defer-she even said something warm about her baking….ye Gods!
My case?…will never forget how a great actress and foil for Morecambe and Wise (one Glenda Jackson) turned into a harpie like Joan Lestors frigid sister.
Thats what being a lefty can do to you…grind the face of frivolity and talent out of you.
Look at the list of `em…Izzard, Jackson, Peake.
All a bunch of Chinese Pyjama Gumbos without the Brian Rix cord of comedy.
Maybe we should do a search and rescue for the lefty funny bone…and a charity appeal for those who`ve lost their wit and talent, now they`re lefties.
Fry, Coogan?…let`s raise some smiles for these casualties of their own self-regard.
PS Frank`s a good egg.
Got booted out of Tolpuddle a few years back because the local Methodists refused to play his chosen hymn “Rise Up You Men of God”.
So he refused to show up-good lad!
Left the metrosexual beardie fops trying to sing Kumbaya with Peter Hain,I`d guess
Bragg MAY have had a go at it-but none of us would recognise his bellicose quackery in the attempt.
Maybe worth a mention-nothing escapes us down here in Wessex …and our memories are long.
You are right about Mr Field. Were the Labour Party to be composed of like minded and hardworking people such as he I would think seriously about supporting them. But it isn’t and he shows them up for what they really are. He does, not infrequently, put in a personal appearance when needs require such as making sure things get done as promised by schools and services etc: No spring chicken either.
Even had the balls to pick the right side in the referendum.
So, not my colour but worthy of admiration. Plus, his hounding of Philip Green was excellent.
One thing about Isis is that they did tell us last year that Europe would be flooded with migrants and they would infiltrate their men.
Seems Merkel and the snowflakes did not listen.
No coverage of these stories on the BBC of course, or from most mainstream media outlets. Instead, the BBC is refusing to cover the disharmony within the Democratic party (which is now so severe that many are discussing the possibility of replacing Clinton with the man who would probably have actually won the nomination without her camp’s massaging of key primary figures before they were publicly announced – Bernie Sanders) and instead are focussing on an ‘outburst’ by Trump regarding gun control.
Of course, the story itself has absolutely no evidence that Trump made an ‘outburst’. The point of this rhetoric was that the BBC actually doesn’t want you to read the story, since it contradicts the headline. It wants you to see the headline and have your negative opinions of both Trump and guns rights activists confirmed. Yet the story itself is actually quite blatantly about the Democrats having an outburst, once again insinuating that Trump is advocating Clinton’s assassination. Even though this was put to bed weeks ago, hence why the media stopped talking about it as they had no defence, it’s now been brought up again because Trump had the audacity to highlight Clinton’s hypocrisy in having an armed security force while demanding everyone else – or at least everyone who supports Trump – give up their guns. He challenged her to get rid of her security and lead by example, and “see where that gets her,” implying that she would never have the courage to do so. This in turn has been desperately warped as an ‘incitement of violence’ when it was the complete opposite.
I don’t agree with the profligacy of firearm access in the US and I’m glad we don’t have it in the UK, but it’s pretty damn obvious that the Democrats aren’t interested in the public’s safety. Their demand for gun control whilst still wanting sophisticated armed security at all times is far more about eviscerating the ability of the common person to fight back. As Trump has said far too eloquently for any frothing liberal to comprehend, the removal of guns is not going to stop evil people from shooting innocents – as evidenced by the growing number of Isis-related gun attacks in countries with strict gun laws. It will, however, penalise decent and responsible people who give up their arms in good faith and thus can’t defend themselves against those with no intention of complying. The left has no solution to this, partly because they ignore the social problems that actually cause gun crime such as income inequality, race-baiting, terrorism – basically all things the left is either dependant on sustaining for votes or us directly responsible for causing. They want to treat a symptom instead of curing the illness, mostly because in many cases they are the illness. Even Michael Moore was smart enough to realise there was more to it than childishly assuming that banning guns would automatically make everything fantastic. His hatred is more aimed towards the NRA than guns themselves.
The BBC is continuing to stick its nose into affairs that it has no business trying to influence, and it’s us that are forced to pay for it. It’s truly ingenious that they can keep getting away with it on the grounds of “impartiality “
Saw this ladybloke in the Sun.
Clearly a good lad, good mates and much happier now.
Am glad for her.
But -sad to say-when the BBC use such people as trophies and captives for their own agendas, then my first reaction is to bristle and stick the boot in.
Sorry Chloe…but you`re still Ben in so many ways as you talk and look…but all the best and thanks for defending our country.
Only wish you`d turf out the BBC leeches who`d sell you to IS as quick as they would me.
Nadiya “I could make a good judge on Bake Off”
pg 7 of Todays’s Times quotes her at a Times event. (She’s paid to write for the Times)
Just wait until she find that on Channel 4 it will converted to Naked Baked Off
Nadiya is extraordinarily full of herself. Its not for her to decide that she could be a judge, let alone a ‘good’ one. Her baking experience is inevitably limited by age and she lacks wit and personality to bring to the program, and if they were to choose a previous winner why should it be her rather than one of the other five? Unless of coursee she thinks that she deserves favour because she is brown and a Musliim.
Poor old Mark Carney, having to work hard in the aftermath of the Brexit vote:
Looks like he actually believed his own bullshit about financial Armageddon. Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t that called paranoia. Not a good trait if you are in charge of the Bank of England I would have thought.
Carney is busted and should be getting the third degree.
Instead he’s got BBC Economics Kamal Ahmed to PR for him, setting up fluffy photo opportunities with schoolchildren so we can discover Carney’s human side.
Where is the journalistic scrutiny and rigour? It’s very hard not to see this cosy arrangement as a club for establishment insiders.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:42 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Between 2019-2020, when Boris Johnson was Prime Minister, taxpayers were charged £141,380 for HOPE not hate charitable trust (which funds…
popeyeMar 6, 15:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Compared to people born in the UK, migrants are more likely to be of working age or have a university…
tomoMar 6, 15:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 Eagle is it seems a graduate of the Dianne Abbott academy? One might’ve hoped that the voters of The Wirral…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 * What power have you got? • Where did you get it from? • In whose interests do you use…
tomoMar 6, 15:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 home insurance premium? I’d have a read of the policy document
tomoMar 6, 15:05 Midweek 5th March 2025 More law….. EU courts…. – just imagine what TTK would get up to in cahoots with this lot.
Richard PinderMar 6, 15:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img] Stalinist torture of Tommy Robinson by the nasty socialist state. Political prisoner, Tommy Robinson, has suffered 128+ days so…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 14:58 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Police ‘acted reasonably’ in Pearson hate crime case” The Essex force has previously defended its since-dropped investigation over an…
AlthepalerpMar 6, 14:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Maybe the White population of the UK can do a deal with Mexico……. Mexico’s northern and western regions have the…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 13:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Only because Kamela didn’t know where either the USA border was or Europe.
The question time line up ,newsnight left propoganda and muslim loving show ,jo coburn’s bias on the daily politics,the labour debate when an audience member asks about democracy referring to owen smith’s 2nd referendum pledge and dimbleby only lets corbyn respond,consistent tag team debating between presenters and the left against anyone sane or in power.Tories, ukip,right wing journalists are you happy for the msm left to dictate the airways,my only option is the off button. These programmes are blatantly biased and can’t continue to be ignored by the government,it’s not good enough, if they we’re more balanced the tory vote would increase votes and then a brave decision on the NHS might finally happen.
What’s a brave decision on the NHS? Spend the EU savings on it?
As the Labour party is now simply in chaos, and the BBC’s opposite view on everything, do you believe the BBC has adopted the mantle of Her Majesty’s Offical Opposition?
If the BBC does view itself as H.M.”Loyal” Opposition it is self appointed, unelected and in breach of its charter duty of impartiality,
and judging by its “comedy” output its loyalty to the Crown is questionable to say the least.
Exactly. In this country the opposition is ELECTED. A self-appointed opposition is one step from self-appointed government.
And they have the gall to call others fascist ?!
Interesting question. I saw that the subject is causing some concern, and that a decision on the matter of who should be designated HM’s official opposition might come up for consideration in the Autumn.
Maybe this is one reason why the Labour front bench who resigned are now all looking to rejoin the fold. They are a miserable bunch.
Yes most definitely the bbc is the opposition so let’s take them on.
The BBC is only part of the opposition when the Conservatives are “in power”. They are 95% supportive of everything from Labour governments. In fact the only big issue they disagreed with the government between 1997 and 2010 was the Iraq war where the Conservatives were showing the traditional cross-party support in wartime. So the only time they disagreed with Blair, was actually them opposing the Conservative opposition.
I think the opposition to the Blair years is with hindsight. Fiona Bruce, Norman Smith, etc were all knicker-wetting when ever the slimy cnut flashed a smile at the cameras.
Mark Carney is now being given a platform on Victoria now , with a live Q&A to school kids in Coventry. (The anti-Brexit scaremongerin head of the Bank of England)
(his job title is W*nk of the Bank of England)
When I fist saw your headline sentence I thought it meant he had been assigned a platform to work on at Victoria Station. His new job at Netwotk Rail. They are so bad he could never screw them up more, could he? Well, maybe not.
He should’ve been put on the first flight back to the frozen, socialist shit-hole he came from.
Their economy’s in tatters anyway, but I’m sure he could think of a few ways to hasten the decline.
It’s very obvious the msm bias,we shouldn’t have to put up with it.It’s that simple.
Friends! Made a contribution to the Hard-Right Guardian’s Mass Debate on Free Speech (Timothy Garton-Ash’s piece) earlier. Almost needless to say, it was removed within a few minutes. Do you suppose it’s because I’m just too Left-wing for them? Judge for yourselves:
“Friends! So-called “free speech” is all very well and good in theory, but not when it degenerates in to Hate Speech, i.e. speech that those of us on the Progressive Left – and there are many of us, friends, e.g. me – hate.
Examples of Hate Speech are phrases like “Vote Leave”, which as can be seen from the deplorable behaviour of an admittedly tiny minority of 17,410,742 Far-Right racists and bigots – and who, friends, represent absolutely nobody but themselves – can easily lead to Hate Voting, with the literally earth-shattering consequences of the Brexit Hate Vote, which are so obvious that I do not need to point them out, so I won’t.
Intolerance must be totally and utterly smashed, friends, in order to bring about the sort of tolerant, open-minded and prosperous society – which, never let it be forgotten, friends, Thatcher first denied the existence of, and then destroyed – that we on the Progressive Left are notorious for wherever our ideas are implemented, e.g. Our Venezuela, which is the envy of the world and indeed elsewhere, and which would literally be a Socialist Paradise had the evil Americans – i.e. the Hard-Right neoliberal puppet, Obama – not sabotaged it.
No wonder, friends, that those of us on the Progressive Left are literally revolting!”
Oh no!
Removing your constructive and progressive lefty musings?
Hate crime here!
Well done sir…no doubt, we`ll morph yet again into something even MORE irritating to the thick left.
Oh great!
Newsnight ,as I speak, are blowharding over the “breaches of commercial sensitivities” that have occured re Democrats and their secret funding of Clinton-as well as disobliging comments by Colin Powell about selfsame dying swan.
Apparently THESE hackers lack a moral compass.
But Greenwald, Assange, Snowdon and Panama?….these were done by the righteous in their quest to hold the powerful to account.
As for the schizoid 180 degree turns in logic?…just piss off!
Ta Beeb!
Thank you, Friend Chris! Well, yesterday, someone calling themselves “Sanity” wrote a remarkably clever comment – “Plonker” – on a Blog I’d written back in July, so as you can see the Left is really beginning to marshall its arguments now ;).
As you imply, it’s hard to, er, keep up with Lefties!
Have a great weekend, and keep fighting the good fight :).
This morning the Today programme reported with glee that the BBC will not have to publish salaries of employees who work for production companies. I hope that the Inland Revenue or whatever they call themselves heard it, and identified for future use ‘stars’ whose returns should be given careful consideration for deeper investigation. A creation of a company to avoid tax doesn’t go down well and if most of the work someone does is for one organisation I think it is considered that you work for that organisation and tax is not as avoidable as some people think. Accountants are welcome to correct me.
Inland Revenue Deb? If you had £50,000 tucked away in an offshore account they would be all over you so don’t hold your breath.
Comment by al-beeb nomark reporter from Bournmouth.
“Nigel Farage, like him or loathe him, is a big character to replace”
Of course, a patriot and a white face, we all know which camp the arseholes at bBC fall into.
Sorry to display my ignorance.
Please define nomark.
BBBC auto-correct also needs to know the answer.
Really TS? Or do you just jest?
Must be a woolly 😉
#1 Yes.
#2 I am familiar with a Scouse term woollyback, I presume this and woolly are cognate.
#3 Yes, I have certain flocculatory characteristics.
#4 Thank you, I am now better informed.
A pleasure. Normally it’s wool or woollyback but sometimes woolly. Nomark or no mark I’ve heard a little more often in Manchester but it works in both places equally well.
Flocculatory, ta, I like that, a word I’ve not heard for years.
Leha, I’m only surprised it wasn’t: “Nigel Farage, hate him or loathe him – you’ve got to despise him.”
Now R5 is covering UKIP leadership announcement and promising Farage’s speech live.
They just aired a number of leadership supporters,
…but gleefully announced a top UKIP aide has just defected to the Conservatives.
(I wonder how many are undercover Conservatives/Labour in the first place)
Farage speech just started 11:55am
…Telling some good stories.
New leader announcement comes at 1:30pm
Douglas Carswell has caused nothing but trouble in UKIP .He was a stirrer on the Tory back benches and has continued in UKIP. Will Carwells preferred candidate be elected.
Whoever it is we better hope they have the guts to continue the Brexit fight and counter the BBC propaganda which continues .
It look as though Carswell has become so used to making snide remarks out of the corner of his mouth it’s got set that way.
The left wing airport protesters got off lightly again from the lenient laughable courts,london city airport could make them pay though?No deterrent at all, the same again from some others in a few months,i’m hopping mad with this bullshit, someone needs to step up and punish these privileged brats.The country’s a laughing stock
Bbc had praise for corbyn at pmq’s ,they think he won the battle on grammar schools.To offer an opportunity to a bright child a better education is the right thing to do it’s not to the detriment of the rest ,they will stay exactly where they are in the comprehensive system.
“they think he won”
They pretend he won whether he did or not.
All part of the plot, when they commission opinion polls and the results go against what AlBeeb believes they dismiss them as erroneous or an aberration and file them. Only the polls meeting BBC criteria get to see the light of day.
They cannot understand why some people; some mistaken people, for the beliefs of AlBeeb staff are eternal truths, the whole truths, and nothing but the truths; have not gratefully grasped these truths.
The obvious solution to this failure to disseminate these truths, is more frequent, more biased, higher volume, repetitions of the truths.
(Reposted from comment made earlier today on Midweek thread)
BBC Radio 4 reported this morning that Jean-Claude Juncker believes that the Brexit vote showed ‘something was wrong in Britain’ and that the decision made to leave the EU was, apparently, the result of 40 years of ‘lies’ and misleading information. No, he doesn’t mean lies and misleading information coming from the EU but ‘lies’ coming from opponents of the EU. Obviously Juncker, like the BBC, believes or, at least, would have us believe, that the British haven’t the ability to make their own judgements and decisions independent of the EU. Hardly surprising, I suppose, considering Martin Schultz’s post-Brexit claim that the ‘British have violated the rules. It is not the EU philosophy that the crowd can decide its fate’.
Eugene Kogon (1903-1987), a historian and Christian opponent of the Nazi Party, wrote an eye witness account, published in 1947 and many times since, of his six years at Buchenwald following arrests by the Gestapo in 1936, 1937, 1938 as a result of being accused of working for ‘anti-nationalist socialist forces outside the territory of the Reich’. In 1939, he was deported to Buchenwald where he existed as ‘prisoner 9093’ for the next six years. He wrote that pre-war National Socialism ‘insisted that ‘Youth Must Educate Youth!’. It snatched young people from the wholesome soil of religious devotion, of mutual trust in parents and teachers, of respect for their fellow men, only to expose them to racial fallacies and intoxication with power – and to a large extent to delinquency.’
‘The Theory and Practice of Hell’ – Eugen Kogon
The objectives and targets of European Socialism may appear to be different from pre-war Germany but the results are beginning to seem frighteningly familiar. It no longer appears such a stretch of the imagination to envisage opponents of today’s EU being treated similarly to Eugen Kogon.
The BBC, nominally representing the British people, are purveyors of EU Socialism to Europe and beyond, and as an individual who Schultz would deem to be one of ‘the crowd’, I find their message very disturbing.
In the old days, the idea of spending millions on BBC foreign language output out of taxation enforced by criminal sanction was that we could spread civilization and democracy to countries that were still developing this idea.
Now this seems to have been thrown away and we pay for Islamic propaganda. For example some recent stories shared on BBC Indonesia Facebook include such propaganda as this:
“The British Ambassador to Saudi Arabia performed hajji after converting to Islam” (posted 12 hours ago AND 18 hours ago , in case you didn’t get enough propaganda the first time) English version
15-year-old girl makes headscarf emojis (posted THREE times)
“German restaurant kicks out women wearing niqab – then the discussion” (also 12 hours ago – and note said restaurant sells pork and alcohol) – English version
“Anti-Islam speech by Pauline Hanson protested” (posted twice)
“Muslim woman’s headscarf burned in New York” (note, they post this and it gets thousands of likes and shares, but do they post the follow up that this was done by a black guy and this woman was just one of three victims, of which the other two were not Muslim – do they fuck)
Basically the BBC Indonesia output is a constant diet of Muslims being discriminated against by bigoted Westerners, and Westerners converting to Islam. This kind of journalism feeds Islamist terrorism, and it’s disgusting and disgraceful that we in Britain are forced to pay a tax for this hateful nonsense.
British couple facing leaving their surrogate baby in India due to UKPO footdragging in awarding a British passport so she can leave India with her British father.
BBC 5 Live just said “good news, since we reported the story the Indian Foreign Minister has tweeted she will help”
So was it the BBC that helped ?
..I checked and see the Minister had actually Tweeted the Daily Mail story.
(The couples problem is that the UKFO is dragging its feet they applied for the passport on June 3, but their Indian visas expired before the passport was approved, and now they are on their last emergency 1 month extension)
BBC correspondent reporting on the EU “Summit” in Bratislava and reporting back to Mark Mardell for 1300 BBC News at One. The Hungarian interviewed said that, “For Hungary, it WAS NOT the issue refusing to take so-called “Refugees”. The issue was, he said, a matter of Hungary being forced to. That is the most rapid volte-face I have probably ever known a politico make……………..
I hear the Hungarian public cheering in complete in agreement from here!
BBC R4 11.45am today. Some Australian “comedienne” was boldly and at some length satirising a cultish religion which imposes bizarre dietary strictures, separates men from women, makes absurd promises of a paradisical after-life to its faithful followers and radicalizes its youth.
Jehovah’s Witnesses, natch.
I want a fair balanced current affairs television programme this is my choice. Bbc itv c4 c5 sky news, Victoria Derbyshire, question time, newsnight, the wright stuff, daily & Sunday politics, the Andrew marr show, Sunday morning live, Preston on Sunday, the big questions. I choose the off switch but if there’s any entrepreneurs out there I see a gap in the market. Can the government explain to me their logic behind keeping a left of centre media?
Decided to brave the Daily Politics and – in the spirit of fairness that motivates most of us on here – have to say that Andrew Neil delivered an impeccable programme. With no Jo Sidekick sneering and visibly shuddering, and some proper conversation, Neil asked some good questions, picked up nonsense when justified, and allowed a rare positive picture of UKIP some airtime as well as Farage’s speech in its entirety. In the studio Douglas Carswell was allowed to make his points uninterrupted, as was Alexandra Phillips. A Conservative and a Labour MEP (Jacqueline Foster and Sion Simon) came across as the most pragmatic and sensible Remainers you will ever encounter, agreeing that Juncker was ludicrous with his talk of free Wi-Fi, the now-dropped mobile roaming charge promise (the one that was Nick Clegg’s only pro-EU card) and making pertinent comments about the proposed EU army. The most informative and balanced broadcast about the EU state of play I have yet seen, with everyone coming across as remarkably normal and good-natured, even Carswell (mostly).
In generous spirit, I turned over at the end to the BBC1 News at One. No mention of UKIP or Farage in the headlines. The fourth headline that would surely have been devoted to the Green party conference had it been taking place was given to this jaw-dropper of Normal Service from the BBBC: over pics of lipstick being applied to models…”As London Fashion Week gets under way, what impact will Brexit have on this multi-million pound industry?” Of all the angles that London Fashion Week throws up, we are told in the report …”The real talking point here is Brexit”. Really? REALLY? This classic example of the best the BBC can offer ended, hilariously, with a brief interview with a Serbian designer. “Would you be where you are today if you hadn’t been able to come to London?” asked our sparkling-bright reporter. “No,” said Serbian designer, looking as if verbal logic would have to be applied to the question. Obviously, if she wasn’t where she is today she would be knocking out slightly odd clothes for stick insects in some other lucky city. And so another box is ticked, and normal BBC service is resumed, quite oblivious to the fact that no one is suggesting that talented foreigners who want to come to London to run successful businesses will be barred in the event of Brexit. This on one of the day’s flagship news programmes. Honestly, my dog could do better.
We then had an item about Mark Carney, who was allowed many more minutes of hot airtime to tell the country (via a schools’ question time) that he liked pizza and Dairy Milk, and preferred dogs to cats. Nothing anything of any importance, though we did learn his nickname was Carnage.
BBC1 news is fast becoming a parody of itself – priceless! The brain-dead hacks who produced this edition of Ab Fab News really should watch Andrew Neil to see how real journalists apply intelligence.
I imagine that the Serbian fashion designer could have come to the UK the same way that non-European Mark Carney managed it.
So true…and so unlikely to be mentioned.
They would have to already, as Serbia is not in the EU.
Methinks Brillo’s days will be numbered if he doesn’t stick to the party line.
PS: Sure Carnage was a nickname and not a regular result of the actions of the esteemed governor of the BoE? If you need a man to ‘big it down’ he’s the one to call.
Re: Brillo and the party line
You’re probably right, but that was the refreshing part of it all. He really didn’t appear to take a side, he simply asked the questions most of us would have wanted to ask and found out where others stood on the line. That’s all we ask.
Yes Stella. He was more often than not excellent in the run up to the referendum and especially good on Independence Day I thought.
He doesn’t fit in with the narrative quite often though, purely in my view. I got a written warning when in that situation in my last job (not remotely similar to Brillo’s but had to toe a line) so was just pondering him being in the same position.
Still, long may he continue to annoy and show up politico’s.
I saw that news bulletin too.
I very much doubt that the real talking point at LFW is Brexit!
Literal(!) interpretation of the interviewer’s question aside, European fashion designers will of course remain free to come to London if our eventual own new UK (not EU) immigration policy allows them to.
Al Beeb constantly, misleadingly (and in my view wilfully) implies that:
(i) any new immigration policy decided by the UK for itself will inevitably mean “no immigration into the UK, from anywhere, ever”;
(ii) trade between buyers and sellers in different countries is possible only if there is a “trade deal” between the governments of those countries.
Both points obviously nonsense.
Carney is in the category of “experts” that Michael Gove warned us about. BBC should be asking him if he is considering his position, not tee-ing up cosy photo opportunities for him.
Has anyone told the BBC that Serbia is not in the EU?
Just when you think the BBC could not make itself look any more ridiculous, somehow they manage it.
Crikey, you’re right! I hadn’t quite clocked that one, and the “reporter” must have been too busier than expected finding all those people who were all so worried about Brexit that she didn’t do the simplest of checks… Just shows how insidious the BBC misinformation is that I didn’t think to check either even though I hardly believe a word they say anymore.
Al beebus drones are mostly so thick they merely presume ALL countries in Europe are in the EU.
They probably use the Eurovision Song contest as their go to reference for which countries are in the EU. Don’t be surprised when they quote Australia as being in the EU!
R4 Feedback now at 4.31pm : “We’ve had complaints that our coverage of Jeremy Corbyn is biased”
..Jesus Feedback’s doing the normal thing of throwing complaints from Non-lefties in the bin ..and gone with a contructing a narrative from their mates of entirely the opposite narrative.
link to today’s prog.
It opens with one tiny complaint of pro-Corbyn bias, then moves onto dozens of complaints the pro-Corbyn rent-a-mob.
New David TC Davies MP article in the Yorkshire postIf we all pay for BBC, then it must reflect our views and be unbiased
– Yesterday We mentioned the video of his Westminster Hall speech, and the Scotsman article…but this is a much longer article based on the text of that speech.
Carolyn Quinn on PM tonight – Diane James “refused” to be interviewed, the usual form of words for not wanting to be be interviewed is “declined”, but obviously not if you are a Ukipper or Brexiter. Who could blame her for giving the BBC thought police the cold shoulder?
To be fair – Diane James attended zero hustings and has made zero announcements on her policies, that is deeply troubling.
She must have made some sort of impression, because she had the most votes and certainly was the favourite at the UKIP Conference in Bournmouth. She also had the support of Nigel Farage.
Did you see it on BBC ?
Quinn’s piece on PM was one long sneer at UKIP, its supporters and Diane James.
Quinn is a Beeboid and therefore a remainiac .
Al Beeb’s empire is part financed by the EU and compulsory poll tax.
The emphasis on Diane James’ declining an interview with the BBC was too heavy, through both the stress on individual words and the number of repetitions.
Apparently the other four contenders all would have given an interview – well, according to the BBC anyway. I can think of another female candidate for high office (not in the UK) who doesn’t choose to give interviews for whatever reason and the BBC doesn’t mind that at all.
I particularly hated it when Carolyn Quinn broke off to give Jonathan Dimbleby the usual free plug over a ropy mobile phone link for his “Any Questions?” yawn-fest. She actually ran the Diane James interview meme past Dimbleby, clearly expecting him to be aghast at James’ refusal to subject herself to the distortions and vilification that UKIP have come to expect from the taxpayer-funded non-entities of the rotten BBC. Americans call these people cry-bullies, I believe: they can dish it out but don’t like it when they can’t get their own way. I wonder if Quinn is even intellectually capable of asking herself why UKIP just might be a little wary of doing interviews with the BBC?
Off topic now, but at the very beginning of the ‘PM’ show there was a trail for an interview with a certain Leo (aged 10) who had decided (s)he was “non-binary”. This articulate child wanted to be able to use the boys’ toilets “because that’s where all the chat is” but understood the problem of not having the right … well, accessories for the job. This interview is to be aired on the special “i-PM” second half-hour of the “Saturday PM” show (Radio 4 from 17:30) and was carried out by joint-presenter Jennifer Tracy. Was this the BBC making sure that those not able (or willing) to listen to the Saturday broadcast, still got their dose of the agenda at around 5:30 on Friday?
BUT why would the BBC want to speak to UKIP – according to them UKIP is over, finished, caput. The Euro trash ain’t calling the shots anymore and the Beeb are peeing their pants.
Katie Hopkins goes at alBeeb with both barrels… 🙂
‘Unless you’re a vegan half-wit from Islington with depression and an MA in Islamic Studies, you don’t have a voice.’
One of the things that annoys me greatly about the BBC licence is that I have to pay my £145 out of one (pensioner’s) wage, for the delight of watching other companies’ programmes on my single TV, whereas my neighbours pay the same amount when they have 4 full time incomes and I think 4 TVs.
I would estimate their net income to be 8 times mine.It hardly seems fair.
Any other singles find this irritating, to put it mildly?
Did you see the new BBC Licence advert ?
It goes something like “Life comes in weekly instalments, so why not pay your TV each week as well ?”
And it made me think yes why …”Not pay” your TV licence each week ?
or every week. Cos if I lived in the UK I might pay for the BBC 70% of the time, cos the good staff need to be paid, but withhold 30% for the times the BBC betrays/breaks its charter etc. i.e pay for 36 weeks a year and withhold 16 weeks.
If the BBC staff were paid for complying with the BBC charter the annual wage bill would be £0000000.00.
John, Just stop paying.
More required reading for my fellow Beebophobes, with some excellent comments. Enjoy!
Only lefties are allowed to coin these bastardised newspeak neologisms.
We just use standard English, it has all the tools required to demonstrate what ****s AlBeeb staff are.
I only managed to listen to the first seven minutes of the News Quiz .
Clinton is alright , nothing to see here , she’s the next president . Trump is a lying funny but frightening extremist .
I’ll try again tomorrow to listen to what the BBC calls comedy .
Here’s a question for all: who was the last genuinely funny comedian you saw (or heard) regularly on the BBC?
And the BBC always tell us their comedians are all left wing because they can’t find any who are right-wing. Well, how’s about someone who is non-political, like:
JtF, “who was the last genuinely funny comedian you saw (or heard) regularly on the BBC?”
A chance to give some praise where praise is due to a BBC Radio 4 programme: Tom Wrigglesworth’s HangUps on 8 September, 18.30. The best one yet and very funny. This is the fourth series (mini-series of four programmes) and although it took a couple of series to really get going – true of some of the best comedy of the past – I think it is now very good. Most of the third series were good, but this fourth series has been even better.
Hope the BBC can keep him going for more in future.
I agree, having heard the one this Thursday at 18:30 and one or two others before then. Radio 4 comedy is generally poor and biased but this one is not bad at all, it doesn’t make me think of switching off and there are some laughs to be enjoyed.
Ta for the clip of Ken Goodwin,Mr Fish.
Happy days with the likes of him, Bernard,George,Colin on The Comedians, Wheeltappers etc up in the north west.
As you say…there are precious few comics now who`ve not been through the BBCs processing.Hence the Oxbridge, lefty Radio 4/BBC clones who rely on the license fee to indulge themselves at our expense.
They`ere not funny. End of.
Dave Allen. Back in the mists. Unequalled since so he is.
Thanks for the tip U2S, will look him up.
‘Dead Ringers’ Andy Murray impressions were superb.
Not really been able to do the News Quiz since Toksvig. They are all soooooo predictable and soooooo boring.
For what it’s worth, I don’t think that new host Miles Jupp is as bad as la Toksvig, though admittedly that’s not saying an awful lot.
Anyone seen or heard from little Tim Wilcox since jewgate?
Apologies if this has been posted before, but I’ve been very busy and only have had time to skim the posts over the last few days. I’m just watching the first episode of Matt Forde’s new series “Unspun” (I have to wait until someone posts it on the web) and there was a bit about a YouGov survey. I thought he was joking until I checked the YouGov site. It seems as if my attitude and sex life means that I really am a UKIP supporter. The bit on the Labour voters is just weird.
It might explain some of the bBBC’s output (that’s might seem like a cheap trick to justify posting this on a page devoted to the bBBC, but it seems to fit in with their output).
What a load of bollocks……..I’ve never been Labour and never will. I’m not saying what parts of the Labour column in the yougov survey just that I seem to have a very good imagination.
There are only five major world events within my lifetime so far, based on a mixture of my own understanding of what’s going on, plus the world class BBC’s reporting. They are as follows;
– Apollo moon landings.
– Fall of the Berlin Wall / defeat of Communism
– The death of Diana.
– 9/11
– The death of Stephen Lawrence.
It is now 2 whole days since the BBC have said anything at all about the death of Stephen Lawrence. Don’t they realise that Stephen Lawrence is dead and we need the BBC to highlight the fact that Stephen Lawrence is dead? Why are they not raising the shameful fact that Stephen Lawrence is dead?
Maybe we need Tristram, Jemima, Hugo and Piers from ‘Black Lives Matter’ to inconvenience a few racists at the airport in order for this epoch defining news story to go back on to the news headlines where it belongs.
I do wonder if al beebus will ever report the truth about Saint Stephen’s death? Probably not.
What about his dear, old, downtrodden Mum eh? Forced to continue living in such a rayciss country as this and her being made to eke out an existence for herself as a life peer! As punishment for being the wrong colour in this horrible, appallingly white nation. Simply frightful!
It’s a wonder so many BAME people remain here and that there are many who are still prepared to come, even they’re treated so abominably.
Al Shubtill
They must like the weather here. 😉
Are there any East Enders devotees out there? If so, do you remember this episode?
Even by Islamophile BBC standards, quite unbelievable.
I had moved to the World Service – the bias a little more dilute but tonight’s report on UKIP really effed me off. The sneering tone describing UKIP voters as old and white i.e.reactionary racists. These ‘reporters’ sound more like Harry Enfield’s Old Gits – bitter, twisted, senile.
I so enjoyed Katia Adler’s derisory report on the EU with mention of, “Queen Merkel” and the European north south divide – the Today presenter was lost for words. Yes, there are still a few BBC correspondents who’ve not been brain capped.
The BBC is not even trying to hide its bias with regard to the presidential election any more. It’s actually flat-out lying in this report.
It claims that Trump was the main ‘birther’ and that he “wrongly” (an opinion presented as fact) accused Clinton of being one. It then states, again ad fact, that “there is no evidence to connect Mrs Clinton to the birthers”.
This and many other articles prove otherwise.
No mention either of the way that Trump tricked the media into broadcasting endorsements from military veterans by having them open his speech, which got the MSM so wound up that there was reports of furniture being thrown and swearing fits backstage that they’d been forced to actually show sometthat contradicts their pathetic narrative of only uneducated white men voting Trump. Of course, he already screwed them before by bringing the families of people murdered by illegals out during a televised speech, meaning the media couldn’t chicken out.
Trump is crushing it and every internal poll and social media figure shows it, yet the BBC still thinks it can trick people into believing something that clearly isn’t true.
Remind me again-how is THIS news….and WHY is it being refried by the BBC today?
A good case study in trying to get us all away from Illarys colostomy bag ishooze eh?
“The leaders of France and Germany say the EU has agreed on priorities for reinvigorating the bloc despite the “critical situation” created by the UK Brexit vote”.
The leaders of France and Germany are the Leaders of Europe – full stop. Its a Two headed dictatorship.
The Hungarian chap has torn them a new one on the subject of immigration and the loss of cultural identity – so there’s talk of suspending Hungary.
The experiment has failed and the Jedi mind trick is just not working.
The Telegraph says that the Bratislava fiasco with the 27 EU countries today ended with a press conference when the Italian PM couldn`t bear to appear on the same stage at Merkel and Hollande afterwards.
And Merkel says that EU is now in crisis-and that she forced the language to be of “uncontrolled flows” of migrants that she caused-as opposed to the catastrophic crisis that other wanted.
If you go to the BBC website though?…no mention of any of this…just some crap about France and Germany being “united”.
Oh-and how beastly it is now , that we don`t get invited onto the Bratislava Titanic now we voted to go…are you happy NOW then Nigel Farage, you horrid man?
OH boy-wasn`t he GREAT in Bournemouth today?-no wonder the BBC won`t dwell on him any more, he has fucked them over…fatally too!
And Renzi is an EU plant anyhow. If he won’t stand up with Snoopy & Clouseau there must be some unpleasant niffs about.
Well, at least we Brexiteers have achieved the impossible and united France & Germany. And with Socialist & Christian Democrat leaders, respectively, as well!
A double triumph for the UK. Long may peace reign in the EU.
And Europe, too!
A policy first mooted in the early 1940s. It was always about Franco German hegemony.
GB was always going to be a problem which is why De Gaulle wisely said no.
Our political history since at least the 1640s made us unsuitable.
Listen to Juncker etc talk and you can hear the incomprehension over Brexit.
WE in England and Wales should be proud of ourselves that we rejected an incipient dictator state. Sad thing is the Scots. Why O why did they vote to stay?
I see your point Dave but the Scots, although they (the fishes at least) trumpet that fact, Scotland had their chance to be independent and said no.
Hence, a UK wide vote and sod the SNP. They couldn’t run a clock work train round a circular track without the wheels falling off.
‘…France and Germany are the Leaders of Europe…’
That’s the impression given Taff, and one that the media will feed, but there’s actually only one. The French economy is teetering on the edge of collapse, and has been for some time, so concentrating on Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal takes attention away – as intended – but it doesn’t change the reality. The reality is an immense farrago of deception and delusion, created and fostered to prolong a political and financial contradiction with Islam and immigrants as the catalyst as a means of distraction from the collapse of the Euro and the EU. To deliberately encourage such a dire situation, based on an attempt to save face and stave off the inevitable is beyond belief – except that it is happening. The Visegrad Group, inspired by Hungary, will be the flashpoint.
“The leaders of France and Germany are the Leaders of Europe – full stop. Its a Two headed dictatorship.”
It’s a two headed dictatorship where the French do as they’re told.
Sick of BBC Radio ?
Saturday 10am-12pm Nigel Farage is presenting on LBC
Sunday 10am-12pm Katie Hopkins is presenting on LBC
and you should be listening to Andrew Bolt and the other presenters on Australia’s 2GB
Yes, and Julia Hartley-Brewer does a weekday morning show on talk radio.
The BBC cannot hold back the tide.
Yes here’s the link seems 10-1pm weekdays
Roger Bolton asks if BBC coverage has been biased against Jeremy Corbyn, putting listener concerns to Political News Editor Katy Searle. Have radio programmes looked too much at Jeremy Corbyn’s personality at the expense of his policies?
I only caught the end of the program, but it was full of some BBC woman giving the perpetual public sector lie ‘we take (X) extremely seriously’ which is de rigueur when ever they f**k up which seems to be perpetually!
The BBC don’t like Corbyn because he’s not a liberal, not a communist, and doesn’t stand a chance of being elected as PM.
They want another Bliar, someone who presents a false facade to them – someone who isn’t what he appears to be, but being media luvvies that kind of thing appeals to their very psyche.
Alas they are a shallow as a puddle. I don’t agree with the Fascist left in any way, but if they are seeing the BBC as biased then they might just be worth allying with to seek the destruction of this hopelessly biased dinosaur.
BBC Online News:
“”National Theatre puts spotlight on Brexit Britain””
The BBC and I can see which way this will go.
Farmer finds nearly 80 sheep ritually slaughtered in his field
“A farmer in the Styria region said he had lent his field to a friend for a month so 131 sheep could graze.
But the friend did not tell him the sheep were being bred to be sacrificed as part of Islamic Eid al-Adha or the Feast of Sacrifice.”
Coming to a field near you soon, courtesy of the Religion of Peace.
BBC Online News:
“”US election: Clinton security should be disarmed, says Trump””
“”Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump is facing criticism after appearing to hint at the assassination of his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for a second time””
“”Mr Trump suggested Mrs Clinton’s security detail should give up their guns and “see what happens to her”
“”Mrs Clinton’s team has accused Mr Trump of “inciting people to violence”
What Trump was actually saying was that even though Clinton was advocating gun control, she wouldn’t survive long without armed guards surrounding her everywhere.
There is logic to this observation, but he was not advocating assassination.
The Biased Broadcasting Corporation. If they can’t find evidence to damn Trump, they’ll support their friends the Democrats inventing it.
I fully agree. Any sensible person would have immediately known that Trump was merely making a point, and not actually advocating that Clinton should be deprived of armed protection. After all, the same would have had to apply to all candidates. The BBC is either stupid (which it is not) or malevolent and politically biased (which it very much is). And if day-listeners to the BBC are furious at BBC bias, lies and omissions, they should try listening to the reporting of the US election by its ‘World Service’. That is more extremely anti-Trump and Clinton-supporting, and unbearable to those of us who want truth and honesty.
I have now viewed the Trump speech and see that, immediately following his sarcastic suggestion that Clinton should relinquish her secret service guards, he ends his remarks by saying (somewhat sotto voce) that, in his own words – “that would be dangerous”. Thus, Trump, in that very speech, was acknowledging that he was only saying it to make the point, and not treating it as a serious suggestion.
I came on here to comment on that article, but it doesn’t surprise me that someone else has got there first. It really is a masterclass, not just in bias but in trying to convince yourself of something you know isn’t true. It’s quite obvious what Trump meant, even to those who might not support him but the BBC is pretending to itself that it can be spun as advocating assassination.
I’m actually rather heartened by this as this level of self-deluding bias must be becoming increasingly obvious far beyond those of us who frequent this site. It smacks of desperation.
BBC WS 4am news Main Headline
The news headline was a BBC stunt, they knew all along Trump was making a RHETORICAL point.
Yes I heard it on
I switched over to 5-Live (actually it must have been 4.30am news) and they were banging on about how the UK Paraolympics medals total was beating targets. They never mentioned their huge error !
Their crime of failing to mention CONTEXT.
That with Russian athletes all banned and other drugs cheats frightened away…of course in 2016 the UK it’s not surprising the uK wins more medals.
Then 5am Farming Today was Green Propaganda.. that farms have to move away from fertilisers to green magic solutions. We all want to believe in organic, but in practice it doesn’t work, people forget their losses and shout up their wins, which don’t turn out to be that great when I check. Big companies aren’t stupid, if organics worked they’d be doing it (without a subsidy !).
– The second polint is organic is NOT Green, cos you end up using twice as much land..thus you can’t have the 100% nature reserves we have today.
The lefties are on the R4 FB page running the same old excuse “ah you see the BBC gets xcomplaints of bias from both sides, so its got it about right”
* The Random s witch on Moment test * proves that wrong.
cos 20 times to 1, when you switch on iyou hear a Lefty pet Issue rather than a non-lefty voice.
and when they do mention a non-lefty character Farage or Trump it’s done with a sneer.
I think what the BBC are saying is that all those hideous cuts to the disabled has only brought out their inner John Bull.
And now they`re all working for a living-independent, proud and happy for yet MORE cuts.
When we overfed them and gave them fizzy pop they were crap at sport-and NOW look what the Tories have done?
More cuts Mr Hunt…
If we add the Brexit Bonus…boy, we`re world beaters…and they can certainly outrun any sex change coppers in transition or lardy arsed social workers now.
Independence indeed-more Mr Hammond, not near enough cuts yet sir!
Hilarious. The BBC China correspondent telling us how she deals with censorship of the press by the Chinese state without any hint of irony. So the BBC does not shut down debate on things it disagrees with – the science is settled.
2 years after the invasion of Europe and the EU still haven’t come up with a strategy to defend its borders.
This AM we have Al Beeb telling us about the security problems at the German Beer Fest.
The same Al Beeb that want us in GB to ’embrace’ the Multi Culture of enforced immigration!
Thanks Mr Car Moron. More reasons to vote UKIP
Caught with our pants down
BBC TV news this morning carries the rather worrying report “Military ill-prepared for UK attack” – history tells us that tends to be the case – as in 1939, 1914, blimey… 1792 etc…
Mind you, for all the BBC’s outward sniffiness about state control of media in China or Russia our nationalised broadcaster is still happy to take a snide pop at the general leaking this memo about our military weakness – he was passed over for promotion, don’t you know.
I’ve a feeling our military, indeed our national cultural malaise goes a little deeper than the usual lack of spending or a serious plan for defence. As we know the BBC don’t join the dots or do irony so BBC tv news uncritically moves on to a report on “Transgender soldier first woman on front-line”
‘Permission to gender re-align, Sarnt Major!?’
So this is a man who ‘self-identifies as a woman’ and of course the Army have been more than happy to have sorted out all the paperwork for ‘her’.
For some reason I’m reminded of Rigsby in Rising Damp when he first spotted young Alan’s ear ring “Stop the world I want to get off. For goodness sake I hope the Russians don’t see that”
But maybe this will help the Army close the gender pay gap or something through the back door. If it ticks a box it will be encouraged further. In the novel Bhowani Junction Colonel Savage famously asked for volunteers to urinate – but this goes a step too far surely?
Can’t you just see Windsor Davies with his Concert Party up the jungle ‘Nice pair of ankles lad, straighten up your slingbacks lovely boys, show ’em off, show ’em off!’
We need not fear an invasion by a foreign power, Trident makes such an invasion too risky for anyone to contemplate. The invasion we should fear is one of Muslim immigrants supported by their fifth column which is already in place and steadily eroding our democracy. The Visegrad countries are trying to pull together a European anti Muslim league . The first sensible being done in Europe to combat Islamification for decades. The best contribution we in the UK could make to this league would have been to close down the BBC and their pro Islam propaganda, but the government has let us down again. For home defence of the UK we need to have at least 300 thousand armed police and army ready and willing , police please note, to combat Muslim riots and extremism and a judicery who will take a hard line.
0700 BBC Radio 4, ‘Today’ programme News reports that ‘ISIS’ terrorists MAY have infiltrated the so-called ‘Refugees’ on their way to Germany and the rest of Europe. “MAY”?
For a different and clearly more accurate perspective:
Note the statement has been made by, the head of the Federal Criminal Police Office of Germany not a worthless BBC bod operating in their cultural dreamland.
Meanwhile, in Austria:
Sources cited.
And as regards Merkels reassuring(?) assertion at the Bratislava meeting last week, that Germany (and Europe in general) is sending back those who have no business claiming sanctuary to Turkey see:
Question: does my tv licence and payment thereof, constitute a contract with the BBC and the Charter being the terms of the contract? If so, it can be proven over and over again that the BBC are in breach of contract by misrepresentation.
Morning folks, have a read of this piece by the Daily Mail as it perfectly typifies the vile, treacherous and privileged filth who are behind the rise of the aggressive left in this country, the likes of which we see in Momentum, SWP and UAF etc. These despicable scum are essentially spoilt, rich-kids who have been inculcated with a self-loathing guilt by their parents, a guilt that they channel into a seething hatred aimed at the system which has given them their cosy, pampered existence. Not only that, but they do the real working disadvantaged a massive disservice in trivialising the plight of poverty through their infantile political stunts; these filth do NOT represent anything besides unruly, spoiled, obnoxious privilege.
These locusts are at the core of the treachery that is undermining British values and tradition, you name the left-wing cause and you’ll find these brats at the core; and whilst they profess to protest for those in poverty they in fact despise the British working class and so side with every movement that is at odds with British patriotism. The only party that currently has a hope in hell of representing the British working-classes is UKIP, and they seem to be in disarray at present. These spoiled left-wing, upper class scum need to be challenged by the true working British man and woman; but until this happens these bran flake eating sociology students will continue to be portrayed as representative of the British people by the likes of Liebour, the BBC and the Guardian. Bastards! They should have been beaten with the truncheon and thrown into prison for a few months, and criminal charges brought against each. They also should be made to pay for any losses for these airlines via their own ample pockets.
UKIP Alex? I’d vote for them here and now, ‘warts and all’. This, purely on the basis that even in relative disarray, they are closer to the views of the true British population than any of the rest (including the current incumbent at No.10). The UK political system is long overdue for a complete overhaul and it is my view that, hopefully including Nigel Farage in some role, UKIP will achieve that. The UK system is broken. The country has been grossly mismanaged for decades yet no one is accountable.
Yes, the British people have been badly let down by politicians and the upper classes for hundreds of years. Nigel Farage has given patriots hope and a sense of self-belief; the rise of UKIP has provided a place for those proud to be British to congregate and voice shared concerns about the left’s disgusting treachery. The road is long though, but the first steps have been taken.
Agree with everything Alex apart from the bran flake comment which I quite like.
Yes I like bran flakes too 🙂
UKIP will be fine.
They are a movement and not an institution.
Let Westminster pretend that we`ll settle for may and Bercow now-and then Eagle and Farron sometime hence.
Brexit split this country-and only the losers who accept that “Brexit is Brexit”(not as defined by Amber Rudd or May either)will be given houseroom.
No-one voted “OUT” to allow musical chairs in SW1.
Now I LIKE branflakes-but with my own raisins/sultanas and currents…little warm milk as well.
All Bran a bit much…Bran Buds OK but hardly Bran Flakes.
So far, the Aldi ones seem good to me…Kelloggs a bit cheeky, no toys anymore to make my little car as of old.
What`s YOUR take on this story that divides a nation…tell the BBC…and bet the bake Off wallahs can`t do a bran flake.
Are we the Branflake generation here I wonder?
There is a dearth of toys in cereals nowadays. It’s a bit sad. I would imagine that it is to prevent dim parents choking their little angels on miniature dinosaurs or such like. Bless them.
Alex, as bran things seem quite popular might I suggest mung bean/tofu/quorn eating as suitable perjoratives for the kind of scrotes you refer to.
My MP is Frank field, seemingly on a golden ticket, so voting AN Other isn’t going make a difference barring a miracle. Still it could be (much) worse. He at least has the good grace to be here almost every Friday for questions and will reply to emails both personally and PDQ.
All-bran here please when bacon butties are off the menu.
Ah happy to catch up with you sir!
Did hear a bit of Eagle at the end of the Godawful Any Questions.
And you`re correct-she sounded vaguely skittish and possibly demob happy now its Stella and Owen who are getting the bricks of love through their windows.
So I defer-she even said something warm about her baking….ye Gods!
My case?…will never forget how a great actress and foil for Morecambe and Wise (one Glenda Jackson) turned into a harpie like Joan Lestors frigid sister.
Thats what being a lefty can do to you…grind the face of frivolity and talent out of you.
Look at the list of `em…Izzard, Jackson, Peake.
All a bunch of Chinese Pyjama Gumbos without the Brian Rix cord of comedy.
Maybe we should do a search and rescue for the lefty funny bone…and a charity appeal for those who`ve lost their wit and talent, now they`re lefties.
Fry, Coogan?…let`s raise some smiles for these casualties of their own self-regard.
PS Frank`s a good egg.
Got booted out of Tolpuddle a few years back because the local Methodists refused to play his chosen hymn “Rise Up You Men of God”.
So he refused to show up-good lad!
Left the metrosexual beardie fops trying to sing Kumbaya with Peter Hain,I`d guess
Bragg MAY have had a go at it-but none of us would recognise his bellicose quackery in the attempt.
Maybe worth a mention-nothing escapes us down here in Wessex …and our memories are long.
You are right about Mr Field. Were the Labour Party to be composed of like minded and hardworking people such as he I would think seriously about supporting them. But it isn’t and he shows them up for what they really are. He does, not infrequently, put in a personal appearance when needs require such as making sure things get done as promised by schools and services etc: No spring chicken either.
Even had the balls to pick the right side in the referendum.
So, not my colour but worthy of admiration. Plus, his hounding of Philip Green was excellent.
One thing about Isis is that they did tell us last year that Europe would be flooded with migrants and they would infiltrate their men.
Seems Merkel and the snowflakes did not listen.
Another nail in the coffin of the BBC’s lie that Clinton had no link to the original ‘birther’ movement:
No coverage of these stories on the BBC of course, or from most mainstream media outlets. Instead, the BBC is refusing to cover the disharmony within the Democratic party (which is now so severe that many are discussing the possibility of replacing Clinton with the man who would probably have actually won the nomination without her camp’s massaging of key primary figures before they were publicly announced – Bernie Sanders) and instead are focussing on an ‘outburst’ by Trump regarding gun control.
Of course, the story itself has absolutely no evidence that Trump made an ‘outburst’. The point of this rhetoric was that the BBC actually doesn’t want you to read the story, since it contradicts the headline. It wants you to see the headline and have your negative opinions of both Trump and guns rights activists confirmed. Yet the story itself is actually quite blatantly about the Democrats having an outburst, once again insinuating that Trump is advocating Clinton’s assassination. Even though this was put to bed weeks ago, hence why the media stopped talking about it as they had no defence, it’s now been brought up again because Trump had the audacity to highlight Clinton’s hypocrisy in having an armed security force while demanding everyone else – or at least everyone who supports Trump – give up their guns. He challenged her to get rid of her security and lead by example, and “see where that gets her,” implying that she would never have the courage to do so. This in turn has been desperately warped as an ‘incitement of violence’ when it was the complete opposite.
I don’t agree with the profligacy of firearm access in the US and I’m glad we don’t have it in the UK, but it’s pretty damn obvious that the Democrats aren’t interested in the public’s safety. Their demand for gun control whilst still wanting sophisticated armed security at all times is far more about eviscerating the ability of the common person to fight back. As Trump has said far too eloquently for any frothing liberal to comprehend, the removal of guns is not going to stop evil people from shooting innocents – as evidenced by the growing number of Isis-related gun attacks in countries with strict gun laws. It will, however, penalise decent and responsible people who give up their arms in good faith and thus can’t defend themselves against those with no intention of complying. The left has no solution to this, partly because they ignore the social problems that actually cause gun crime such as income inequality, race-baiting, terrorism – basically all things the left is either dependant on sustaining for votes or us directly responsible for causing. They want to treat a symptom instead of curing the illness, mostly because in many cases they are the illness. Even Michael Moore was smart enough to realise there was more to it than childishly assuming that banning guns would automatically make everything fantastic. His hatred is more aimed towards the NRA than guns themselves.
The BBC is continuing to stick its nose into affairs that it has no business trying to influence, and it’s us that are forced to pay for it. It’s truly ingenious that they can keep getting away with it on the grounds of “impartiality “
For goodness sakes, why is this headline news?
No offence to this transgender man, but what must foreign forces now think of our army?
The transgender of the species is more deadly than the male?
What does IS say?
Will they behead “Him” or stone “Her” when they catch…hmm…”it”?
Fatwa please Anjem?….
Saw this ladybloke in the Sun.
Clearly a good lad, good mates and much happier now.
Am glad for her.
But -sad to say-when the BBC use such people as trophies and captives for their own agendas, then my first reaction is to bristle and stick the boot in.
Sorry Chloe…but you`re still Ben in so many ways as you talk and look…but all the best and thanks for defending our country.
Only wish you`d turf out the BBC leeches who`d sell you to IS as quick as they would me.
At least the enemy can’t castrate her if captured.
Good luck Chloe, as chrisH, says, thanks for defending our country.
Nadiya “I could make a good judge on Bake Off”
pg 7 of Todays’s Times quotes her at a Times event. (She’s paid to write for the Times)
Just wait until she find that on Channel 4 it will converted to Naked Baked Off
She would make a better judge if we hadn’t voted for ‘Brexit’, probably…..
Nadiya is extraordinarily full of herself. Its not for her to decide that she could be a judge, let alone a ‘good’ one. Her baking experience is inevitably limited by age and she lacks wit and personality to bring to the program, and if they were to choose a previous winner why should it be her rather than one of the other five? Unless of coursee she thinks that she deserves favour because she is brown and a Musliim.
Poor old Mark Carney, having to work hard in the aftermath of the Brexit vote:
Looks like he actually believed his own bullshit about financial Armageddon. Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t that called paranoia. Not a good trait if you are in charge of the Bank of England I would have thought.
Carney is busted and should be getting the third degree.
Instead he’s got BBC Economics Kamal Ahmed to PR for him, setting up fluffy photo opportunities with schoolchildren so we can discover Carney’s human side.
Where is the journalistic scrutiny and rigour? It’s very hard not to see this cosy arrangement as a club for establishment insiders.