What a guy!
Sheer class-what else would the Great Helmsman do?
And it is said to have upset Angela Evil too….more Sir Nigel more!
AND-she says there ought to be a law against it-what else do Labour say to things…unless its postal voting, FGM or child abuse by Muslims in their northern towns?
Still eh?…few more years and the North will be Purple Reign for the first time.
Straight choice(oo er!)-is the future to be Eagles or Nigels?
Oh dear-Councils want to nosey around home-schooling families due to …er, how do we put this…”religious vulnerabilities”.
One of the Four Horsemen seems to have a Trojan one?
These of course being the selfsame councils whose care in Childrens Homes of Islington, of Rotherham and of Rochdale etc, etc seems to have been “disappointing”.
No folks-would rather NOT have my kids checked out by a Paul Flowers, a Chris Woodhead or a Keith Vaz…ta, all the same though.
To be fair to Ms Eagle, just this once as I am feeling benevolent, I got the feeling her remark was very tongue in cheek Chris.
It is difficult tell though as many other highly comical remarks from AQ & QT panels are treated as gospel (or equivalent depending on religion, cult, etc:) and lauded as such.
Quite a shock and a breath of fresh air to have a major politician who is “normal person” rather than a PR polished left wing automaton such as Cameron/Clegg etc
I am sure the likes of Toynbee and the Abbott will both need a safe space to recover from the shock that a UKIP supporting, non binary, non LGBT white man was butt naked on a beach at midnight. And not only that – he was there just for pissed swim and not the more politically acceptable LGBT funny business on the beach!
Maybe they will be forced to start a new “Black speedos matter” campaign to ensure that he doesnt offend their delicate sensibilities again!
Just been reading the Mail” Corbyn-backing Momentum group are trying to recruit ‘radical’ Muslims in bid to de-select Jewish Labour MP Louise Ellman, leaked files reveal ” My eyes will be peeled for this on BBC News..Funny on all the comments condemning Momentum are all red arrowed looks like Momentum have mobilised the troops….
Michel Hollebecqs “Submission” book of last year brilliantly shows how Islam and Lefties can dovetail together to keep the patriots and real peoples will out of office and the nest featherings…before the tar and feathers….then the neck wringing and throat cuttings.
So-to be fair to Momentum-it`s what they do-logical.
France is good as Judenrein these days-sure as hell we`ll NOT be allowing that here…and the likes of Corbyn , McDonnell and Galloway etc will-like Brexit-be judged on how they view Israel…before the judgement to follow.
Islam will do no other-how can they do other?
But the LEFT?…well that`ll be OUR job to convince them that bullying any Jew or Friend Of Israel is not a good career move.
Won`t take long.
I recall the event to present the ‘findings’ of the ‘investigation’ by Labour into anti-Semitism within the party. At the time I didn’t pay much attention to it but I stumbled on a video of it yesterday:
From 17m 10s in, Ruth Smeeth, Jewish Labour MP, is insulted by an anti-Semitic member of the far-left fascist group, Momentum, with his little conspiracy theory while far-left fascist Jeremy Corbyn does nothing to intervene and Smeeth walks out.
Especially damning is his warm interaction with the afore-mentioned anti-Semite at 18m 45s in. And it’s worth noting that this is from a man who seldom smiles.
I have no doubt that Corbyn and sidekick McDonnell are anti-Semites. They have been rubbing shoulders for far too long with their Islamic terrorists friends to remain neutral on the issue.
Apparently Corbyn is going to be elected leader again next week and will hopefully remain leader so that Labour will be thoroughly discredited and despised by a large majority of the public by 2020.
I have been out of the loop for a few weeks due to hip surgery but have now regained a few powers of concentration to get reading again. And it would appear from the various threads here that little has changed: Al Beeb is still in full indoctrination mode and in total denial of Brexit, these being just two of its biggest faults.
They are also extremely cautious in what they report from Europe. Underlying all their reports, when one digs deeper, it seems that all is not well in Euroland. The European elites are now really terrified of what is going to happen to the EU because the UK has voted to leave. All power to the Eastern member states who have found their voices and are beginning to speak out. Roll on the referendum in Hungary in October, eh?
As always, I look at other sites for deeper news and I’m not sure if anyone else has commented on this but it is telling that the New Observer Online has many articles about “invaders” in various parts of Europe. Invaders??? Great word, and, I’m sorry, but that’s exactly what the majority of these people are.
For example…
Germans Fight Back as Invaders Attack
Several dozen nonwhite invaders posing as refugees attacked a crowd of Germans last night in the east German city of Bautzen—but received a thorough beating when the German civilians fought back.
The local authorities have now expelled 34 of the invaders from the town, and banned all alcohol in the local invader center, as it emerged that the nonwhite attacks are regular occurrences.
Invaders Cost Germany $5.9 billion in Welfare
The number of nonwhite invaders posing as asylum seekers in Germany has tripled from 2014, and last year €5.3 billion ($5.91 billion) in welfare handouts were paid out, new official figures have revealed. According to the Federal Statistical Office, the recipients of the handouts claimed to come from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, “other Asia,” Eritrea, Nigeria, Somalia, and the “rest of Africa.”
Only 505 Invaders Returned to Turkey
Only 505 nonwhite invaders have been returned to Turkey since the “EU deal” was signed in March this year—and of that number, only five have actually had their asylum claims rejected. At the same time, at least 166,570 invaders have landed in Greece from Turkey since the beginning of the year. Of the 505 returnees, at least 500 have either refrained from requesting asylum, or withdrawn their applications.
When will Al Beeb report things like this?
Answers on a postage stamp only!
Thanks to all of you for watching all this crap for the likes of me.
I tend to look more at what YOU say and see, than anything the BBC say or show anymore..
That said, did anybody see “Later” with Jools Holland last night?
Sting clearly didn`t like him, utter disdain…and having read Sumners autobiog a few years, can see why!
Two millionaires bitching as one has to smile and wave for the cameras…and the other fusses over global warming.
His new songs are retreads of his Police hit singles( Invisible Sun only one I recognised..but he`s rebranded it as “50,000”-probably what Jools gets per show!).
-and Jools did hint as much…cue frosty rest of interview.
Noted Jimmy Page with a red haired teenager type as per…none of that Sir Cliff folderol for HIM….see how the BBC likes you if you sup with Satan?
As I washed up.heard a bit of Any Answers.
First caller was Philip from Stoke On Trent.
Turned off after him-for he gave poor dim Anita Amhed an education in what the working-class thought of Labour and Tories.
Great stuff Philip-the BBC won`t have learned a thing-but we did!
Thought for the Day done at 2.05 pm today.
Bet the call filter wallah is already packing both the manbag and the bum bag…because our ex-BNP Councillor was excellent, and cogent.
Who knew?…that Potteries muffler and allotment flotsam actually KNEW things, had been ELECTED for things and SPOKE up for things.
Sense Tristram Hunt is for the Lords now…and UKIP will paint the town purple if they`re all as good as our Philip!
Welcome back Soapbox!
cH – You could almost hear Anita’s headscarf twitching over the airwaves when he said he was ex-BNP, after she heard that it sounded as if she was holding her microphone in a set of forceps after quickly pulling on a pair of surgical gloves; until she could get rid of the awful little man.
I have great affection for the Polish people and truly, deeply deplore recent attacks on Poles In the UK. But let’s get one thing straight: Brexit is not the cause, as the beeb would have us believe. That lie must be challenged. The cause is the insane open door policy of past Labour governments and the EU. If anything, with time Brexit will defuse those tensions by reducing immigration to manageable levels.
It would be interesting to discover the religion / ethnicity / nationality of those who who have been attacking Poles here in the UK, there is a mutual dislike between Muslims and Poles, generally speaking and many Eastern europeans harbour old animosities, which they bring along with them, towards others from different countries within Eastern europe; I have a customer who employs a lot in his factory and he said it can be a problem where different nationalities don’t get along but have to work together.
I read the report on the recent attack on a Pole or Polish men in a Leeds “multi-racial” suburb.
All the report said it was carried out by a group of 15 – 20 wearing hooded jackets.
Noticeable by its absence was any further description of the assailants. No suggestion of whether the police were looking for “IC1s, 2s or 3s” which one must presume someone noticed.
Surely it would help police enquiries if the public were able to decide if the group of youths they had seen earlier in the area might be the same ones, or not.
When it was straightforward NATO versus Warsaw Pact it looked simple .
But it wasn’t . Forget any animosity between western nations , you should hear what the ordinary Commie Bloc was saying about his allies .
Poles hated East Germans and had contempt for Czeckoslovakians . Hungarians had a problem with Roumanians over Translyvannia and contempt for Bulgarians . The lot of them disliked Yugoslavians before the Jugheads hated themselves and had atrocities . Never mind the unshaky foundations of the USSR .
Of course there were divisions in the West !
I often wondered if there was a great clash of the armies of the west v the armies of the East they would never meet in the middle as they would have been punching , stabbing and glassing before the official opposites were to meet .
Agreed Peter the G.
The sheer opportunist venal bodysurfing of Juncker and the BBC reminds me of how Jo Cox cadaver was used for party and progressos advantage…no matter HOW cynical, wrong and nasty this is.
Due process of law…let the police do their job and get the bastards?
No-get a whirlybird and snoop on Cliff Richards house.
The Poles are a great and proud people who are our natural allies after what happened to them in WW2…these attempts to smear Essex voters, white English people is truly evil, “tasteless” and political opportunism”…even “populist”.
Trouble is-all this Vaseline lens, hush puppy verbiage from the “elite” only makes them ever more “UN-populist”.
I take no pleasure in that-that is VERY dangerous and “irresponsible”.
An analogy to the Poles who fought against the Bosche in WW2 would be all the brave Syrian and Afghan etc: men going to the nearest country implicated in their war and offering to make up the numbers, form their own battalions and fight for their countries and people with grit, bravery and determination. Hmmmm. Not really happening then.
That imam arrived in 2002 as an illegal immigrant ! so by that reckoning his family who have spoken at various press conferences have no right to be here either ! Just why wasn’t he one of the few hundred a year that are sent back from whence they came ? No, he’s settled, raised a family and the authorities clearly couldn’t give a toss. If its discovered he was an illegal now, why wasn’t something done about him years ago ?
It’s hard to say this without seeming mean-spirited, but I’ll have a go: the Paralympics bores me.
It doesn’t seem to interest many other people, either. Not once in my workplace, local pub or during the course of going about my business has the conversation turned to the Paralympics – as opposed to, say, Premiership football (which I happen to loathe), Test cricket or the able-bodied Olympics.
Why then does every BBC sports report start with a report from the Paralympics? For most of us it involves athletes of whom we’ve never heard competing in events that we don’t properly understand for medals that we don’t much care about.
The answer: because the Beeb’s funding model enables it to be “agenda driven” rather than “audience driven”.
I would be happy for the Beeb to continue to pursue its bien pensant agenda – but only if I had the lawful option of opting out of funding it!
Completely agree Tom I have nothing against disabled people and am happy to pay my taxes to support them as I understand they have been given a rough start in life. On the flip side I am not happy to pay my taxes to support those that want a career on welfare.
But this is just another prime example of the liberal left ramming things down our throats so that they can virtue signal their way through life. Logic, facts, economics are throw out the window to accommodate their virtue signalling whether that means paralympics, women’s football, global warming, “refugees” (or what us sane people call economic migrants). It’s just all part of their traitourous and flawed agenda.
On that note my brother and I got home and switched on the TV to see England vs Estonia and thought awesome maybe the Beeb isn’t so bad… that thought lasted all of 3 seconds before the camera panned to the woman taking the goalkick. Again and it frustrates me that I constantly have to stick up for my views I have nothing against women’s football but if the bBBC were a private organisation it would not make any business sense to have women’s football on prime time as the advertising revenue no doubt would not make it feasible.
The liberal left disgust me more and more by the day but I take solice in the fact that the pendulum is swinging. I reckon only 5 or so more years of putting up with their crap. Hopefully then it’s our turn to fix their mess.
Brutal – They do seem a bit obsessed with women’s football, don’t they? I must confess I am not a football fan, but I have lots of mates who are season ticket holders but I don’t know a single one who has ever paid to see a women’s football match, or indeed ever would.
Your comment is a disgrace and is an insult to a group of talented individuals who are delivering gold medals and representing your country.
If that comment had been posted by someone from Momentum you would have been outraged, well I am outraged and suggest that some commentators on this site think about their own behaviour before posting such drivel.
I will eagerly await mine in the post? Coming via Amazon is it or is that a bit too free market? Royal Mail then?
Hate to break it to you but they’re not really made of gold. You see it’s a bit of an emperor’s new clothes concept – we the audience suspend disbelief that those medals are actually worth something and hey presto they become valuable. This requires the willing participation of big slice of the audience of course. The willing participation. Not forced by the agenda of the broadcaster. That won’t work.
I’d have to agree. I have no interest in the Paralympics but you have to admire the determination of these athletes and that comment was unnecessary. Any one of us may land up in a wheelchair or otherwise disabled.
Tells you plenty that only the BBC and Channel 4 would buy the rights to this PC crap of cheap filler sports that only a mother would love.
No Sky or any private broadcaster would buy this pap…like watching the Gang Show,School Plays and Lambeth Wonky Workshop Theatre on an endless loop.
This is NOT to make light of all those considerable people and their achievements…not at all-but it IS meant to tell the BBC to stop patronising, condescending and insulting both them, and us.
Truth to tell-when the BBC think you`re a cause and an agenda-you need to burn the ticks off the body that they turn out to be.
Great opening eh?
Best one I`ve seen since Madness in 1980 at the NEC, Birmingham.
Mr Brewit and the Deplorables eh?
THE Band to watch from here on in!
Soon to be Donald and the Deportables eh?….what, what!
“Are we not men?…we are Deplorables”!
Oh this one is going to run and run…like Illarys nose!
Landslide ahoy!
Poor old Illary eh…is she an oakie(casket) or a wicca gal when it comes to supportable eco-friendly ways of bodybag disposals?
She`s got the choice-those in the US Embassy in Benghazi had no such thing.
Just had to express my disgust at the BBC, who, as usual, appear to be trying to excuse a ‘so called honour killing’. Why else have they included in this story, the newly discovered element that the victim had not obtained a legally binding divorce? Seems to me obvious that it is being included to justify this heinous crime, allegedly committed by her ex husband and father (yes, father). And the whole story just illustrates how futile it becomes when trying to integrate our cultures. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-37395335
EUTV, interesting morning: I rang a helpline for assessment on whether I could make a allegation of a ‘hate crime’ against my neighbour (they are Polish). In the process of explaining the circumstances I referred to neighbours as, ‘foreigners’. Told I can’t use that term. ‘What can I call them?’. “People” I was told. Next take down my details and during this exchange I was referred to as “White Male”. I replied, surely you can’t call me that on the basis of the descriptions available to you? I must be a white person. Reply: silence……………
This Hate Incident/crime nonsense doesn’t seem to be able to cope with a white person seeking advice on a potential hate crime against a, I’ll say it again, “Foreigner”. Well, I’ll go one better, “Bloody Foreigner”. So there!!
“the victim had not obtained a legally binding divorce?”
For the BBC to make that stick they need tell us the details of her first marriage. It is only a few weeks ago that the BBC broadcast a programme on Sharia Law that made the point that unless a Sharia marriage was registered with the civil authorities it had no legal validity and the couple were merely cohabiting. That is how muslim men can have several “wives” (because they’re not legally married to any of them), and how they can instantly “divorce” any wife they are tired of.
Perhaps this time a “wife” took advantage of the Sharia system and was murdered for her temerity. I’d like to know the background, but I don’t expect that level of journalism from the BBC – even the report you linked to was just a recycled press release.
Loobyloo, that’s next Monday. I posted a link to the actual agenda on the Mid-Week Thread if you are further interested. All signatories to the UN are already signed up to implement whatever is agreed. I commented previously, I don’t know why the UN don’t charter all of the Worlds container ships currently laid up in the downturn and line them up off Libya to pick up all of Africa and transport them to Europe. Because, that’s the only outcome of what the UN is proposing.
Yes, thanks G I did read some of the stuff from your link, but there is a lot and I’m a bit short of time.. I agree with your comments. It is a depressing and ridiculous document, and very worrying given the current climate (and I don’t mean regarding global warming – that’s a whole other kettle of fish)
Oh, the little boy Jones is on Dateline if anyone’s interested ! I’m disgusted that he has the nerve to appear on any tv channel, and I bet there’s a certain sacked tv interviewer from Sky who would dearly like to put his boot through the screen when Dateline appears.
Not that I think the BBC has a natural left wing bias, but for the life of me I can’t name any former employees that end up become raving fruit cakes and loons and speak out against the EU. I can name quite a few that speak for Labour and the EU though.
Comrades Im currently holidaying in France in a town called Montmorrillon which sadly is not blessed with much diversity or cultural enrichment (only the politically incorrect French sort). Talk about invasion – apparently 10% of the population are English. They,re making no attempt at integration, only a few have learned the language and very few have found employment. Average age is 70+ so no danger of the migrants outbreeding the locals. Its very near Poitiers the site of a historic victory against the infidel invaders.
Our deeply respected Londonistan Mufti Mayor is in Murika supporting guess who ….yes back from the dead Saint HiLIARy. I do hope he flew business class to avoid sitting near any dirty kaffirs who might have been having a sneaky sharia non compliant bacon roll and beer.
His latest piece of inspired wisdom is that immigrants should integrate but not assimilate and risk losing their cultural heritage and practices. Naturally I think we can all agree with him that its so important to retain deeply valued cultural traditions such as paedophilia, child marriage, first cousin incest, bestiality, rape, slavery, misogyny, jihad, sharia law, homophobic murder, public be-headings, suicide bombings and mass murder of non believers. Have I missed any……
Just been watching the 6pm “news” on the so called bbc. Disgraceful, blatant but totally predictable twisting of Trumps clear message on gun control, then a superficial piece on the UK military not being up to withstanding invasion from – naturally the evil Russia. The traitorous verminous Al Beeboids keep feeding us the lies that Russia is our enemy when we all know who the real invaders and enemies are. The bbbc lie machine just never stops. Im waiting for Professor Brian Cox – he of the deeply annoying voice and silly hairdo to tell us that the laws of physics havent been affected despite Brexit…but it may still be too soon to tell…….
All together now…..
diversity is our strength
Hilary (good) Trump (bad)
!slam is the religion of peace
work makes freedom
believe in better
immigration is good for Britain
No, I think paedophilia, child marriage, first cousin incest, bestiality, rape, slavery, misogyny, jihad, sharia law, homophobic murder, public be-headings, suicide bombings and mass murder of non believers covers the attributes of the devotees of the Religion of Peace quite well.
The treacherous, left-wing agenda pushers in government, education and the BBC who facilitated and continue to facilitate the invasion of the UK by these savages have a lot to answer for. But of course they will never be brought to account.
In a rougher but more honest period of history they would have been put up against a wall and shot.
Grooming of underage girls, racism, anti-Semitism, incitement to terrorism, death fatwas against disobedient kafirs who write books and draw cartoons. Punishment of any kafir who dares to build a structure higher than the lowest Muslim structure.
Death for apostates and limb amputations for thieves. Stoning for adultery. (Stoning of the woman, that is.) Building of churches outlawed. No admission of kafirs to Mecca and Medina.
LibDumb policies with which I’m sure the late Greville Janner and Keith Vaz would support, not forgetting their own Cyril Smith of course; though they would all probably agree that the the children should have no need to waste time waiting until they left school before embarking on such a career.
It’s incredible to think that this collective comprising lumps of human ordure, were actually a party forming the coalition government of this country just a few years ago.
And now they could hold their Party conference in a phone box. Labour probably in a local community centre. UKIP at the Olympic stadium. Conservatives at Wembley. So why is our Parliament and Media not representative of this?
In the Eye Spy books , meeting a LibDim outside a conference earns you 2000 points , which is more than seeing a Blue Whale or a Condor soaring over Birmingham .
Thanks Nibor…Working my 7th day now and have to ingest BBC one all day ..no sound thankfully just the idiot subtitles…However just picked myself up off the floor…blue whale lol!!! Right Lads Bomb in New York possible Norwegian involvement…The Beeb will keep you posted until such information deems it is not newsworthy…i.e ISIS attack
The BBC-utterly transparent.
My Red Button tells me that The Visegrad Group of countries in Eastern Europe will veto any Brexit deal unless we pay their dole and let them all in from over there.
Yet when you go to the mighty “Gates Of Vienna”-this is precisely the opposite of what Hungary etc are saying.
This is the BBC calling-so check every bloody word.
Turns out that our Czech friends and Viktor Orban etc of Hungary are FURIOUS at the shambolic migrant crisis and fear yet more of it this autumn.
So Brexit is not the issue at all-this is a tactic to threaten the EU into doing something about the migrants-they will veto any French/German collaborations unless and until they get migration under control.
So this is NOT aimed at Britain and its vote to leave…just as thwarting the EUs attempts to function if it does not control migrations, instead of forcing Visegrad to speed up the allocations and accepting of these people to help Merkel and Hollande out for election year.
Red Button says also that Brexit “overshadowed” all that was said in Bratislava-but, funnily enough was “not on any formal agenda”.
So then BBC -riddle me this-how the hell do you come to THAT conclusion? How do you KNOW that Brexit was an issue, might it not have been on an agenda had it been one?
So there you go-fantastical slurries and slush from the BBC in this crucial time pre leaving the EU.
Traitorous scum, making it all up from Verhofstads Chelsea laundry basket next to Junkers minibar.
Sheer fantasy to fill a red button entry. Creeps.
I’ve been looking at a thread on the FT website. Two items stood out. I think they are excellent, but also plagiarised, by me 🙂 Regards to the originators for their views. I deserve no credit whatsoever.
1. The concept of an anti-elitist politics, i.e. populism, only goes so far. An obsession with it, as by EU leaders and the FT, suggests elitism in despair about its future capacity for political misbehaviour.
2. Note to OED editors:
Kindly consider amending the definition of “Democracy” to the following:
Democracy: imposing the will of the authorities on the people; as distinct from the populist onslaught, terms frequently used by MSM
This should be interesting…… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-37396805
Plus “A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants”
No mention of illegals ?
Its difficult to see what Kamal Ahmeds qualifications are to be an “economics” corrspondent:
“From 1980 to 1986, Ahmed was educated at Drayton Manor High School,[3] a state comprehensive school in Hanwell in the London Borough of Ealing in West London, followed by the University of Leeds, from which he graduated in 1990 with a degree in Political Studies.[4] He then trained in journalism at the City University Department of Journalism.”
Is it enough simply to be a brown Muslim foreigner?
I expect Malala Yousafzi will be given a job in a few years time. What happened to her GCSE results I wonder, the last I heard she’d postponed them for a year, which would seem to give an unfair advantage.
Huge explosion in NY, an ‘intentional act’ according to mayor. But the beeb reports him as saying ‘no evidence of terror’. What is a huge intentional explosion if not terror?? Why is the first thing politicians and reporters do is play down an obvious terrorism angle, before any facts are known, any evidence? Well, we know why the beeb does it. And the mayor? Each new terror attack strengthens Trump and weakens Hillary, and the mayor’s a Democrat. Only saying…
Simply can’t see the problem here. Assume ‘the bomber’ has been ripped off on e-bay, again. His eldest has just told his mom he’s got an STD and the mom in question has been ‘seeing’ the mailman, again. What would you do?
Well, of course you would. A reasonable size anti-personnel bomb in the nearest available municipal trash can is the obvious answer. Why wouldn’t it be?
Trump trolls the media – he has developed the soaking of the media into an art form. BBC Trots are no match for him. The people are against the media and Trump knows this.
Latest from Milo’s Dangerous Faggot Tour.
BBC tv news this morning where reports come in from the US of first multiple pipe bombs in New Jersey close to a charity run event and now pressure cooker type devices in Manhattan one of which explodes injuring many. And yet in a short (perhaps 90 second) report the audience is told five times – by BBC anchors, BBC correspondents and via film of US officials that this ‘is no yet known to be linked to terrorism’. Five times!
So tell us, what’s your working definition of terrorism then? I could understand the US authorities wish to play this down until they are on top of the situation – but how come the BBC swallows the official line of a foreign government so unquestioningly?
Given the slim possibility it might not be terrorism, then what the blazes is this?
The only thought I could come up with was an extreme conceptual art project gone wrong?
The results came out in January 2016
Only 12 Preserve Free speech
63 are in the RED category (when both Uni & S Union are censorious)
39 are in the Amber category
examples include : banning page 3, banning UKIP meetings, banning sombreros
I Think it amazing that Norway with a population of just over 5 million seem to produce so many terrorists and to get them all the way to Minnesota. I knew Leif Erikson got to Canada but mid west America !!!! Ali’s snackbar’s are now available in Minnesota now ….Shit and I thought Subway had some coverage….
Splendid SOF saab!
And-has she not heard?
A load of white tossers from Black Lives matter have deemed flying to be…RACIST!
And the courts let them off with this-so Laurie needs to check her privilege at the departure gate…and then cycle home from Gatwick or Heathrow-both have excellent Sustrans lanes for her I`m sure!
Here she is getting a clattering from David Starkey as mentioned below…a classic of its kind!
Thanks for that I had no idea who Laurie Penny was till I saw that, just had a look at her blog,articles written after the referendum, what a whinging loony lefty she is!
Bravo Professor David Starkey !
They just ‘don’t like it up em’. I bet she ‘never done a real days work’ in her privileged life.
I look forward to seeing that debate repeated on Al Beeb.
I am glad that the Beeb is bringing this to people’s attention, but it does miss some important points. The man killed Jalal Uddin was an illegal immigrant who should not have been in the UK. Yet the article simply states “Everyone I spoke to in Rochdale said Mr Uddin was a kind man who had lived a simple life, providing religious education to the young and spiritual support to the sick, elderly and grieving.”
The article also states that “he practised a form of spiritual healing called Ruqiya which involves special spiritual amulets. The video below explains what they are:”
Now I’m sorry to tell the BBC that there is not such thing as “spiritual healing” its pure quackery the domain of charlatans and snake oil salesman, but the Beeb seems happy to accept it with out question.
Christian faith healing is mocked, derided, ridiculed and made fun of at every available opportunity. Islamic faith healing is mentioned without any hint of derision, but actually with a certain degree of pride. Disgusting double standards yet again.
I recall that the BBC did bring this to the nation’s attention at the time of the attack…leaving it for the viewer / listener to conclude that this was another racist hate crime, similar to the Glasgow murder (the BBC didn’t though report that the relatives of the taxi driver responsible for that crime were adamant that acting on behalf of his religion, he had committed no crime)
Making a sign of affection = Hate crime ? strange thinking
Context is everything so yes 10 men wolf whistling a girl in a dark alley is intimidating so wrong.
take a real crime like if a male teacher repeatedly physically intimidated female pupils, that would be a crime. Same as if he only did it to black students. But either way I don’t think it’s useful EVER to give it a special title of #HateCrime
Cos if he was gay and did it to white male students..it is still an intimidation crime.
And that’s the rub intimidation crime is a ‘hate crime’ against humanity you can’t put it together with another word eg ‘race hate crime’ or ‘woman hate crime’
A thug who only attacks black women is not worse than a thug that attack white men. A thug is a thug.
If 9/11 had occurred last night, rather than 15 years ago, I wonder how it would have been reported?
Obviously, there would have been no mention of it whatsoever in the Daily Fail or that notoriously Hard-Right neoliberal rag, the so-called Guardian.
The BBC would have probably reported it as follows:
“Two planes crash in New York, with several people injured and killed. The Mayor described the crashes as “intentional acts”, but added that there was no evidence of any terror connections.
In separate and apparently unrelated accidents, another plane collided with the notoriously Hard-Right militarist landmark, the Pentagon, but the numbers of injuries and deaths were, apparently, much lower than those in New York. A plane has also crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, but fortunately with no casualties (other than those on board at the time).
Hilary Clinton has expressed her “deep concern” that as a result of these unfortunate incidents, there could be a Hate Backlash against Muslims, adding that she hoped that the Far-Right Trump would not use these “tragic accidents” for “his own deplorable ends”.”
15 years time?!? These events are no longer being reported now!
The next step on the BBC denial is to replace ‘terrorism’ with the phrase ‘so called terrorism’. Then its only a small jump to label Muslim terrorists are ‘religious soldiers’ who are just defending their rights and beliefs.
Scotland The 48% Uber Alles Sunday Times (short) : “The Ipsos MORI poll showed 48% backed independence and 52% supported remaining in the UK”
“Support for a second ballot in the next two years stood at 41%, while 54% opposed such a move and the remainder did not know. ”
(Similar Ipsos MORI poll poll 2 days ago Daily Record.. Herald and STV reported a similar YouGov poll 54/46)
“BBC is the Reverse Robin Hood, taking from the poor and giving to the already rich”
Spot on comment from a caller now ..Granny is forced to pay and the money ends up as £millions in Gary Lineker and the BBC Execs pockets.
Shouldn’t be COMPULSION : with multi-channel commercial TV you have a choice to subscribe or buy the products advertised.
I just took a look at that link I put to comments about her on Twitter..and it full of calm rational comments from Lefties NOT
..No, they don’t bother to be coherent and rational .. it is full of people throwing vile insults at her.
* No one is hated more than he who speaks the truth *
The Mad Green/Lefties : “100% Carbon Free electricity is the way to go ”
The Mad Green/Lefties : “Trump’s Wall what a mad impossibility !”
“unrealistic expectations for renewables. They remain very costly and provide little energy. This year, Britain will spend £4.7 billion on subsidies for renewables, yet wind and solar provide just 1.7 per cent – and all renewables just 6.3 per cent – of UK energy (ALL energy not just electricity).
Moreover, wind and solar will need subsidies for decades to come”
Brexit means “Britain will not longer have to cooperate with overzealous regulations on shale gas extraction”
“It has not just reduced American emissions three-times more than all European solar and wind has managed, but it has also given the US an economic advantage from cheaper energy worth some £200 billion per year.”
(They are clueless about 1.7% figure for energy generated by wind/solar
..and that actual US/Mex wall is actually more than 1.7% ALREADY constructed
..all Trump has to do is start filling in the gaps)
It isn’t often that I hope that the BBC is right about something but today is an exception, the theme of the Marr show was , The Death of Liberalism. I interpret this as meaning Marr and the BBC are worried that the liberal elite , not just in the UK but right across the west, are being threatened by ordinary people deciding that they no longer believe that their best interests are served by keeping this elite in power. Of course the BBC consider any politician who doesn’t support their liberal left world view as a hard right populist demi God, or in a few cases as a hard left communist. They further consider those of us who vote for them as stupid , ill educated , untermenshen who really ought not to have a vote. We can be sure that the BBC will do everything In their power to frustrate the democratic will of the people and act as a rallying point for the liberal elite. Hopefully the BBC will still be flying the liberal flag as they die in the last ditch with the rest of elite.
Since when did the Marr show have a theme? I have noticed two or three times that before launching in to the paper review, Marr makes a statement – or whatever you like to call it – directly to viewers. This never used to be the case.
By the way, Nigel was great in the paper review today. And Tiny Tim is fast becoming a comic figure.
Trick to watch Clarkson and Co’s Grand Tour show for FREE on Amazon Prime
Airs very Friday from 18 November 2016, so sign up for the 30 day Free Trial, a few days before.
via PC Advisor
“So to watch it (legally) you will need to be an Amazon Prime member(includes Instant Video streaming service +free one-day delivery (eligible items) + unlimited photo storage + unlimited music streaming)
“we’d recommend signing up for a 30-day free trial and then continuing only if you like what you see (cancel at any time otherwise costs you £79 per year (£6.58 per month))
Or get your mate to sign up and then go around his house.
Panorama tomorrow night BBC1 8.30pm, “Labour: Is the Party Over?”
The Sunday Times has an extract from that intellectual colossus Lord Kinnock giving a dire warning about the re-election of Jeremy Corbyn:-
Speaking to the BBC’s Panorama programme, Lord Kinnock, said: “Unless things change radically, and rapidly, it’s very doubtful I’ll see another Labour government in my lifetime.”
Lord Kinnock added: “Not just in my lifetime but stretching back to the 1930s, by any examination this is the greatest crisis that the Labour Party has faced.”
Praise for Paul Mason – check
Praise for Owen Smith – check
Praise for Plaid Cymru – check
Praise for the Greens – check
Slag off the Tories – check
Slag off Capitalism – check
Slag off Right-wing press – check
Try to look cool in a pair of shades – check
Well alll…right…we`re all …right!
Wouldn`t anybody who saw the results on June 23rd SURELY have learned by now that there is a massive and a dangerous gulf between the “rulers” and “the ruled”?
Any learning organisation would have realised that speaking for Farron, Corbyn and Heseltine…to name examples of the three shades of shite we get repeatedly offered…is no long-term option.
We`ve had enough.
How do we make them learn? Roger Bolton?…Er, not really.
So why then is THIS crock of shite offered to us for a Panorama tomorrow? Why is it being trailed as “being on BBC1 tomorrow” at the end of BBC Radio 4 News earlier?
Who ASKED them to commission this crock?…why the hell does anybody think we out here CARE about Labour?
The BBC does of course…Paul Mason does…but they pimp off us so to do.
I resent this sadsack agenda of sepia tint crap the BBC keep-a giving.
The new technicolour world of Nigel and Trump is here…so why en eleven year plan to keep giving us Corbyns Bowels Movements or Guy Verhofstads dandruff regime?
Fuck Off BBC-parley with Von Rumpoy in your own time…and stop sniffing his slippers by way of “challenges”…you debase the country by your cringings and lies.
And there shall be a reckoning for the bloodless chinless fixfux that DARE to presume to speak for Britain-as we saw on the 24th…they went over to the Dark Side, and now think they`re Britains Secret Army, Britains State within a State.
Lets get these monkeys off our backs…gutless weasels in need of serious counsellings.
I`ve had a bellyful of their bilge…
And-just to show full spectrum dominance of our culture-the BBC will be paying Vic Reeves soon to equate Dada paintings with an Arts Rebellion.
There will be REAL rebellion if they continue to think we need Tim Farron, and not Nigel Farage to speak for this country.
To be honest, I just rant along when my friends here do…unless I make the error of dwelling too long on a BBC station for too long.
I find the independents all skewered to Lefty causes, albeit with some decent exceptions like Steve Yabsley on Radio Somerset/Bristol and Alex Dyke/Mike Apps at Solent.
But deeply resent the fact that they continue to mock us and get away with their serial relentless bias.
Ah well-Farage gets us out of the EU and TRump takes the USA by a landslide-this has been one hell of a year, and the disconnect between the ruled and the rulers is complete.
The engine revs, but the wheels are completely disengaged and won`t turn…so send for the newest floppy dunmmy levers to pretend that they`ve got gears as they once had…complete fraud…and we know it now.Milo says as much in Trump trolling the USAs media empires.
Totally screwed, downhill racing only from now on.
Number 6,
You will meet these intellectuals in the Labour Party, on lefty blogs and Facebook sites. These are the people who claim that Israel is starving the Palestinians to death, conducting mass genocide and they will call you a racist if you point out that the Palestinian population is rising and that there is a serious obesity crisis in Gaza. Eighth highest in the world
Pretty clear the the retarded left are experts in talking crap and hurling childish attempts at insults at those who have the temerity to challenge them and not much else
I like the ‘Let Gaza Live’ sign. As if UN aid doesn’t pour into Gaza via Israel daily. And as if Israel doesn’t treat Gazans in Israeli hospitals – even Gaza terrorists wounded while attacking Israelis.
And as if Gaza would let Israel live if the roles were reversed.
BBC : New York bomb was ‘act of terrorism’, says Governor Cuomo
25 minutes ago
\\but no link to international groups has been found.//
\\Mr Cuomo said: “A bomb exploding in New York is obviously an act of terrorism.”
But he said that, as yet, no international organisation such as so-called Islamic State had claimed they were behind it.//
The context is upto now the BBC and Hillary camp have avoided the word “terrorism” in reporting the bombs ..as that would play into votes for Trump , as it emphasises there is danger from uncontrolled immigration.
So according to the feminists, Cllinton is the embodiment of all women. Sheesh! I think she only represents that type of feminist, i.e. the ones that hate men beacause they are jealous of their perceived power and doubly hate good-looking, confident, intelligent, feminine women due to their own shortcomings and self-hatred.
Real women are not represented by Hilllary and are intelligent enough to work things out for themselves and not blindly accept the hatred that comes from modern “feminists”.
The bomb blast in Chelsea Manhattan, which Hillary called a bomb blast before condemning Trump for calling it a bomb blast was in a fashionable gay area.
One might consider investigating potential gay haters who use bombs – just a suggestion for the dumb politicians and media.
But if it was directed at gays will we have another opportunity to see young Owen Jones storm out of the studio during a discussion of the incident?
The BBC really, really pis*es me off. I don’t subscribe to the BBC but happenchance to listen to their radio output. I’m tired of their canned laughter on every so called “comedy” programme and tired of their talking down to me on every occasion possible. I’m tired of their one trick pony left wing diatribes and like ponies with a broken leg, the ponies are put down. Please someone, put us out of their misery and like the one trick pony with a broken leg, shoot the bugger.
Good interview on RT with Tommy Robinson who manages to get his points across.
Compare sound quality with BBC interviews. There is a definite bias among BBC sound engineers
I have noted the poor quality sound whenever someone is interviewed that Al Beeb do not curry favour with, especially prominent when Nigel Farage was interviewed during the Brexit campaign.
It was so blatant that I was amazed the government did not take action on a broadcasting authority that ‘milks you all’ of so much money and cannot get their sound quality right ?
Blatant and biased.
Countryfile are now pushing this year’s Children in Need. Ok, started 36 years ago, and raised £600 million – that’s quite a few million per year that’s distributed between several charities. Yes, I agree that charity begins at home, and I’m beginning to wonder if we are knee deep in playgrounds, playclubs/coaches, toys etc. Youth community projects are also funded, BUT what happened to all this ‘stuff’ that was donated or bought say even 5 or 10 years ago ?? Is there a special Children in Need rubbish dump where all previous years purchases have been disposed of ? AND what has happened to those ‘vulnerable’ children from the 1980’s who were the recipients of funding ? they must be in middle age now. Are any of these past children ever interviewed 20 years on so that we can see how these funds have helped them ?
My cynical view of Children in Need (in this country anyway) is of barefoot kids of the early 20th Century that have no food to eat, shoes for their feet or clothes for their back – not parents who have the latest iPhone and have money to spend on takeaway food.
This year will no doubt raise umpteen millions – enough to feed a small country, so will it be Harrods again to buy yet more ‘equipment’? Because there shouldn’t be a village / town in this country that hasn’t benefitted from all this money, yet I have never ever heard of any group, person or place that has had cashed pumped into it from this gigantic fund raiser.
Oddly, we are still waiting for the BBC to reply to all the FOI requests asking how many millions of BBC viewers cash were stuffed in the purse of Camila Batmanghelidjh at Kids Company under the mindless supervision of BBC exec Alan Yentob.
I’m sure they will tell us one day, after all the BBC is paid for by the british people and all the money that goes to children in need comes from us.
On the BBC Radio 4 Feedback programme there was an item about whether the BBC was biased against Jeremy Corbyn. The surprise to me was to hear the BBC editor defending her position consistently refer to Jeremy rather than Jeremy Corbyn or Corbyn etc. I don’t think referring to the subject in first name terms is very impartial. Would she ever refer to Nigel, Maggie, Donald or even Theresa?
She also came as close to backing down and ‘admitting’ that the BBC hadn’t been fair in its reporting as any BBC editor I have ever heard on that programme. Clearly, she is very far from biased against Corbyn.
It is inconceivable that a complaint from UKIP supporters would have received anything like such sympathetic handling.
Nothing new then ! Just watched ‘Victoria’ (apologies not BBC), – the episode concentrated on the family of migrant Prince Albert pressing for a generous allowance and a title for him. This was so the greater family in Germany could share in the good fortune.
Here we are almost 180 years later, and what’s changed ? er, nothing; European migrants coming here to milk our resources to benefit those back home !! Wonder how many others watching thought the same thing.
Richard PinderMar 6, 18:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Democrats promise that after the next election, they will force Big Pharma to give left-wing LGBT Marxists, lots of free…
Ian RushlowMar 6, 18:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 The return of BLM? A small group of middle-aged middle-class types in my town today outside Waitrose, wearing fleece tops…
DoublethinkerMar 6, 18:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 I think that it is possible that Farage is trying to stop offering up too many targets for the legacy…
vladMar 6, 18:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 Extremely worrying: Has King Charles Converted to Islam? https://youtu.be/eH4EwmLpfBc
moggiemooMar 6, 18:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 It might give him a personality although he’s demented enough in my opinion.
A thoroughly deserved night of celebration for Mr Farage:
Well done that man.
What a guy!
Sheer class-what else would the Great Helmsman do?
And it is said to have upset Angela Evil too….more Sir Nigel more!
AND-she says there ought to be a law against it-what else do Labour say to things…unless its postal voting, FGM or child abuse by Muslims in their northern towns?
Still eh?…few more years and the North will be Purple Reign for the first time.
Straight choice(oo er!)-is the future to be Eagles or Nigels?
Oh dear-Councils want to nosey around home-schooling families due to …er, how do we put this…”religious vulnerabilities”.
One of the Four Horsemen seems to have a Trojan one?
These of course being the selfsame councils whose care in Childrens Homes of Islington, of Rotherham and of Rochdale etc, etc seems to have been “disappointing”.
No folks-would rather NOT have my kids checked out by a Paul Flowers, a Chris Woodhead or a Keith Vaz…ta, all the same though.
To be fair to Ms Eagle, just this once as I am feeling benevolent, I got the feeling her remark was very tongue in cheek Chris.
It is difficult tell though as many other highly comical remarks from AQ & QT panels are treated as gospel (or equivalent depending on religion, cult, etc:) and lauded as such.
Quite a shock and a breath of fresh air to have a major politician who is “normal person” rather than a PR polished left wing automaton such as Cameron/Clegg etc
I am sure the likes of Toynbee and the Abbott will both need a safe space to recover from the shock that a UKIP supporting, non binary, non LGBT white man was butt naked on a beach at midnight. And not only that – he was there just for pissed swim and not the more politically acceptable LGBT funny business on the beach!
Maybe they will be forced to start a new “Black speedos matter” campaign to ensure that he doesnt offend their delicate sensibilities again!
Just been reading the Mail” Corbyn-backing Momentum group are trying to recruit ‘radical’ Muslims in bid to de-select Jewish Labour MP Louise Ellman, leaked files reveal ” My eyes will be peeled for this on BBC News..Funny on all the comments condemning Momentum are all red arrowed looks like Momentum have mobilised the troops….
Michel Hollebecqs “Submission” book of last year brilliantly shows how Islam and Lefties can dovetail together to keep the patriots and real peoples will out of office and the nest featherings…before the tar and feathers….then the neck wringing and throat cuttings.
So-to be fair to Momentum-it`s what they do-logical.
France is good as Judenrein these days-sure as hell we`ll NOT be allowing that here…and the likes of Corbyn , McDonnell and Galloway etc will-like Brexit-be judged on how they view Israel…before the judgement to follow.
Islam will do no other-how can they do other?
But the LEFT?…well that`ll be OUR job to convince them that bullying any Jew or Friend Of Israel is not a good career move.
Won`t take long.
I recall the event to present the ‘findings’ of the ‘investigation’ by Labour into anti-Semitism within the party. At the time I didn’t pay much attention to it but I stumbled on a video of it yesterday:
From 17m 10s in, Ruth Smeeth, Jewish Labour MP, is insulted by an anti-Semitic member of the far-left fascist group, Momentum, with his little conspiracy theory while far-left fascist Jeremy Corbyn does nothing to intervene and Smeeth walks out.
Especially damning is his warm interaction with the afore-mentioned anti-Semite at 18m 45s in. And it’s worth noting that this is from a man who seldom smiles.
I have no doubt that Corbyn and sidekick McDonnell are anti-Semites. They have been rubbing shoulders for far too long with their Islamic terrorists friends to remain neutral on the issue.
Apparently Corbyn is going to be elected leader again next week and will hopefully remain leader so that Labour will be thoroughly discredited and despised by a large majority of the public by 2020.
I have been out of the loop for a few weeks due to hip surgery but have now regained a few powers of concentration to get reading again. And it would appear from the various threads here that little has changed: Al Beeb is still in full indoctrination mode and in total denial of Brexit, these being just two of its biggest faults.
They are also extremely cautious in what they report from Europe. Underlying all their reports, when one digs deeper, it seems that all is not well in Euroland. The European elites are now really terrified of what is going to happen to the EU because the UK has voted to leave. All power to the Eastern member states who have found their voices and are beginning to speak out. Roll on the referendum in Hungary in October, eh?
As always, I look at other sites for deeper news and I’m not sure if anyone else has commented on this but it is telling that the New Observer Online has many articles about “invaders” in various parts of Europe. Invaders??? Great word, and, I’m sorry, but that’s exactly what the majority of these people are.
For example…
Germans Fight Back as Invaders Attack
Several dozen nonwhite invaders posing as refugees attacked a crowd of Germans last night in the east German city of Bautzen—but received a thorough beating when the German civilians fought back.
The local authorities have now expelled 34 of the invaders from the town, and banned all alcohol in the local invader center, as it emerged that the nonwhite attacks are regular occurrences.
Invaders Cost Germany $5.9 billion in Welfare
The number of nonwhite invaders posing as asylum seekers in Germany has tripled from 2014, and last year €5.3 billion ($5.91 billion) in welfare handouts were paid out, new official figures have revealed. According to the Federal Statistical Office, the recipients of the handouts claimed to come from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, “other Asia,” Eritrea, Nigeria, Somalia, and the “rest of Africa.”
Only 505 Invaders Returned to Turkey
Only 505 nonwhite invaders have been returned to Turkey since the “EU deal” was signed in March this year—and of that number, only five have actually had their asylum claims rejected. At the same time, at least 166,570 invaders have landed in Greece from Turkey since the beginning of the year. Of the 505 returnees, at least 500 have either refrained from requesting asylum, or withdrawn their applications.
When will Al Beeb report things like this?
Answers on a postage stamp only!
Thanks to all of you for watching all this crap for the likes of me.
I tend to look more at what YOU say and see, than anything the BBC say or show anymore..
That said, did anybody see “Later” with Jools Holland last night?
Sting clearly didn`t like him, utter disdain…and having read Sumners autobiog a few years, can see why!
Two millionaires bitching as one has to smile and wave for the cameras…and the other fusses over global warming.
His new songs are retreads of his Police hit singles( Invisible Sun only one I recognised..but he`s rebranded it as “50,000”-probably what Jools gets per show!).
-and Jools did hint as much…cue frosty rest of interview.
Noted Jimmy Page with a red haired teenager type as per…none of that Sir Cliff folderol for HIM….see how the BBC likes you if you sup with Satan?
As I washed up.heard a bit of Any Answers.
First caller was Philip from Stoke On Trent.
Turned off after him-for he gave poor dim Anita Amhed an education in what the working-class thought of Labour and Tories.
Great stuff Philip-the BBC won`t have learned a thing-but we did!
Thought for the Day done at 2.05 pm today.
Bet the call filter wallah is already packing both the manbag and the bum bag…because our ex-BNP Councillor was excellent, and cogent.
Who knew?…that Potteries muffler and allotment flotsam actually KNEW things, had been ELECTED for things and SPOKE up for things.
Sense Tristram Hunt is for the Lords now…and UKIP will paint the town purple if they`re all as good as our Philip!
Welcome back Soapbox!
cH – You could almost hear Anita’s headscarf twitching over the airwaves when he said he was ex-BNP, after she heard that it sounded as if she was holding her microphone in a set of forceps after quickly pulling on a pair of surgical gloves; until she could get rid of the awful little man.
Thanks, Chris. I see you have been on good form recently!
I have great affection for the Polish people and truly, deeply deplore recent attacks on Poles In the UK. But let’s get one thing straight: Brexit is not the cause, as the beeb would have us believe. That lie must be challenged. The cause is the insane open door policy of past Labour governments and the EU. If anything, with time Brexit will defuse those tensions by reducing immigration to manageable levels.
It would be interesting to discover the religion / ethnicity / nationality of those who who have been attacking Poles here in the UK, there is a mutual dislike between Muslims and Poles, generally speaking and many Eastern europeans harbour old animosities, which they bring along with them, towards others from different countries within Eastern europe; I have a customer who employs a lot in his factory and he said it can be a problem where different nationalities don’t get along but have to work together.
I read the report on the recent attack on a Pole or Polish men in a Leeds “multi-racial” suburb.
All the report said it was carried out by a group of 15 – 20 wearing hooded jackets.
Noticeable by its absence was any further description of the assailants. No suggestion of whether the police were looking for “IC1s, 2s or 3s” which one must presume someone noticed.
Surely it would help police enquiries if the public were able to decide if the group of youths they had seen earlier in the area might be the same ones, or not.
When it was straightforward NATO versus Warsaw Pact it looked simple .
But it wasn’t . Forget any animosity between western nations , you should hear what the ordinary Commie Bloc was saying about his allies .
Poles hated East Germans and had contempt for Czeckoslovakians . Hungarians had a problem with Roumanians over Translyvannia and contempt for Bulgarians . The lot of them disliked Yugoslavians before the Jugheads hated themselves and had atrocities . Never mind the unshaky foundations of the USSR .
Of course there were divisions in the West !
I often wondered if there was a great clash of the armies of the west v the armies of the East they would never meet in the middle as they would have been punching , stabbing and glassing before the official opposites were to meet .
Agreed Peter the G.
The sheer opportunist venal bodysurfing of Juncker and the BBC reminds me of how Jo Cox cadaver was used for party and progressos advantage…no matter HOW cynical, wrong and nasty this is.
Due process of law…let the police do their job and get the bastards?
No-get a whirlybird and snoop on Cliff Richards house.
The Poles are a great and proud people who are our natural allies after what happened to them in WW2…these attempts to smear Essex voters, white English people is truly evil, “tasteless” and political opportunism”…even “populist”.
Trouble is-all this Vaseline lens, hush puppy verbiage from the “elite” only makes them ever more “UN-populist”.
I take no pleasure in that-that is VERY dangerous and “irresponsible”.
An analogy to the Poles who fought against the Bosche in WW2 would be all the brave Syrian and Afghan etc: men going to the nearest country implicated in their war and offering to make up the numbers, form their own battalions and fight for their countries and people with grit, bravery and determination. Hmmmm. Not really happening then.
the bBC loves to promote the POV that Islam is (and can only be) a religion of peace. Here is a current News Headline:
The imam killed because he wasn’t ‘Muslim enough’
So if an Islamic holyman can be murdered for not being ‘Islamic’ enough, what does that say about how Muslims look upon non-Muslims?
That imam arrived in 2002 as an illegal immigrant ! so by that reckoning his family who have spoken at various press conferences have no right to be here either ! Just why wasn’t he one of the few hundred a year that are sent back from whence they came ? No, he’s settled, raised a family and the authorities clearly couldn’t give a toss. If its discovered he was an illegal now, why wasn’t something done about him years ago ?
It’s hard to say this without seeming mean-spirited, but I’ll have a go: the Paralympics bores me.
It doesn’t seem to interest many other people, either. Not once in my workplace, local pub or during the course of going about my business has the conversation turned to the Paralympics – as opposed to, say, Premiership football (which I happen to loathe), Test cricket or the able-bodied Olympics.
Why then does every BBC sports report start with a report from the Paralympics? For most of us it involves athletes of whom we’ve never heard competing in events that we don’t properly understand for medals that we don’t much care about.
The answer: because the Beeb’s funding model enables it to be “agenda driven” rather than “audience driven”.
I would be happy for the Beeb to continue to pursue its bien pensant agenda – but only if I had the lawful option of opting out of funding it!
Bores me to tears, as well – particularly the way Channel 4 rams it down our throats.
Completely agree Tom I have nothing against disabled people and am happy to pay my taxes to support them as I understand they have been given a rough start in life. On the flip side I am not happy to pay my taxes to support those that want a career on welfare.
But this is just another prime example of the liberal left ramming things down our throats so that they can virtue signal their way through life. Logic, facts, economics are throw out the window to accommodate their virtue signalling whether that means paralympics, women’s football, global warming, “refugees” (or what us sane people call economic migrants). It’s just all part of their traitourous and flawed agenda.
On that note my brother and I got home and switched on the TV to see England vs Estonia and thought awesome maybe the Beeb isn’t so bad… that thought lasted all of 3 seconds before the camera panned to the woman taking the goalkick. Again and it frustrates me that I constantly have to stick up for my views I have nothing against women’s football but if the bBBC were a private organisation it would not make any business sense to have women’s football on prime time as the advertising revenue no doubt would not make it feasible.
The liberal left disgust me more and more by the day but I take solice in the fact that the pendulum is swinging. I reckon only 5 or so more years of putting up with their crap. Hopefully then it’s our turn to fix their mess.
Brutal – They do seem a bit obsessed with women’s football, don’t they? I must confess I am not a football fan, but I have lots of mates who are season ticket holders but I don’t know a single one who has ever paid to see a women’s football match, or indeed ever would.
They need a proper culling.
Thanks TBT – good to know it’s not just me!
Come on people, you must all have been impressed with the new Dwarfs’ 100m Sprint world record of 53.92 seconds.
I’ll get my non-PC coat.
Your comment is a disgrace and is an insult to a group of talented individuals who are delivering gold medals and representing your country.
If that comment had been posted by someone from Momentum you would have been outraged, well I am outraged and suggest that some commentators on this site think about their own behaviour before posting such drivel.
‘…delivering gold medals…’
I will eagerly await mine in the post? Coming via Amazon is it or is that a bit too free market? Royal Mail then?
Hate to break it to you but they’re not really made of gold. You see it’s a bit of an emperor’s new clothes concept – we the audience suspend disbelief that those medals are actually worth something and hey presto they become valuable. This requires the willing participation of big slice of the audience of course. The willing participation. Not forced by the agenda of the broadcaster. That won’t work.
I’d have to agree. I have no interest in the Paralympics but you have to admire the determination of these athletes and that comment was unnecessary. Any one of us may land up in a wheelchair or otherwise disabled.
Tells you plenty that only the BBC and Channel 4 would buy the rights to this PC crap of cheap filler sports that only a mother would love.
No Sky or any private broadcaster would buy this pap…like watching the Gang Show,School Plays and Lambeth Wonky Workshop Theatre on an endless loop.
This is NOT to make light of all those considerable people and their achievements…not at all-but it IS meant to tell the BBC to stop patronising, condescending and insulting both them, and us.
Truth to tell-when the BBC think you`re a cause and an agenda-you need to burn the ticks off the body that they turn out to be.
Average male viewer interest confined to: does she have a nice pair of tits-would I give her one? If no, switch off.
How to beat the left. Turn their soundbites against them
Trump and the Deplorables
He certainly knows how to take the piss, doesn’t he?
Great opening eh?
Best one I`ve seen since Madness in 1980 at the NEC, Birmingham.
Mr Brewit and the Deplorables eh?
THE Band to watch from here on in!
Soon to be Donald and the Deportables eh?….what, what!
“Are we not men?…we are Deplorables”!
Oh this one is going to run and run…like Illarys nose!
Landslide ahoy!
Poor old Illary eh…is she an oakie(casket) or a wicca gal when it comes to supportable eco-friendly ways of bodybag disposals?
She`s got the choice-those in the US Embassy in Benghazi had no such thing.
Just had to express my disgust at the BBC, who, as usual, appear to be trying to excuse a ‘so called honour killing’. Why else have they included in this story, the newly discovered element that the victim had not obtained a legally binding divorce? Seems to me obvious that it is being included to justify this heinous crime, allegedly committed by her ex husband and father (yes, father). And the whole story just illustrates how futile it becomes when trying to integrate our cultures.
I find ‘hate crime’ is used in a similar way.
Attack a Pole – hate crime!
Attack a muslim – hate crime!
No hate in this murder though – Jalal Uddin murder: Hunt for alleged killer believed to be in Syria –
EUTV, interesting morning: I rang a helpline for assessment on whether I could make a allegation of a ‘hate crime’ against my neighbour (they are Polish). In the process of explaining the circumstances I referred to neighbours as, ‘foreigners’. Told I can’t use that term. ‘What can I call them?’. “People” I was told. Next take down my details and during this exchange I was referred to as “White Male”. I replied, surely you can’t call me that on the basis of the descriptions available to you? I must be a white person. Reply: silence……………
This Hate Incident/crime nonsense doesn’t seem to be able to cope with a white person seeking advice on a potential hate crime against a, I’ll say it again, “Foreigner”. Well, I’ll go one better, “Bloody Foreigner”. So there!!
G – perhaps get your wife to try the sexism card, it still carries some clout.
Perhaps we can put together a matrix of what trumps what. For sure we know what you need to be to have no trump card in the game of life.
“the victim had not obtained a legally binding divorce?”
For the BBC to make that stick they need tell us the details of her first marriage. It is only a few weeks ago that the BBC broadcast a programme on Sharia Law that made the point that unless a Sharia marriage was registered with the civil authorities it had no legal validity and the couple were merely cohabiting. That is how muslim men can have several “wives” (because they’re not legally married to any of them), and how they can instantly “divorce” any wife they are tired of.
Perhaps this time a “wife” took advantage of the Sharia system and was murdered for her temerity. I’d like to know the background, but I don’t expect that level of journalism from the BBC – even the report you linked to was just a recycled press release.
Oh dear, here we go, UN summit on migrants, eradicating poverty, eradicating borders, female empowerment, blah, blah, blah
Loobyloo, that’s next Monday. I posted a link to the actual agenda on the Mid-Week Thread if you are further interested. All signatories to the UN are already signed up to implement whatever is agreed. I commented previously, I don’t know why the UN don’t charter all of the Worlds container ships currently laid up in the downturn and line them up off Libya to pick up all of Africa and transport them to Europe. Because, that’s the only outcome of what the UN is proposing.
Yes, thanks G I did read some of the stuff from your link, but there is a lot and I’m a bit short of time.. I agree with your comments. It is a depressing and ridiculous document, and very worrying given the current climate (and I don’t mean regarding global warming – that’s a whole other kettle of fish)
Loobyloo, you need to see the second link I gave: only two pages that say it all.
Well, didn’t see that one coming.
Oh, the little boy Jones is on Dateline if anyone’s interested ! I’m disgusted that he has the nerve to appear on any tv channel, and I bet there’s a certain sacked tv interviewer from Sky who would dearly like to put his boot through the screen when Dateline appears.
Just so there is no doubt, f*ck off. When you get there, f*ck off again.
Like it Steve – might borrow it mate
Be my guest, I know you will target it appropriately.
Not that I think the BBC has a natural left wing bias, but for the life of me I can’t name any former employees that end up become raving fruit cakes and loons and speak out against the EU. I can name quite a few that speak for Labour and the EU though.
Comrades Im currently holidaying in France in a town called Montmorrillon which sadly is not blessed with much diversity or cultural enrichment (only the politically incorrect French sort). Talk about invasion – apparently 10% of the population are English. They,re making no attempt at integration, only a few have learned the language and very few have found employment. Average age is 70+ so no danger of the migrants outbreeding the locals. Its very near Poitiers the site of a historic victory against the infidel invaders.
Our deeply respected Londonistan Mufti Mayor is in Murika supporting guess who ….yes back from the dead Saint HiLIARy. I do hope he flew business class to avoid sitting near any dirty kaffirs who might have been having a sneaky sharia non compliant bacon roll and beer.
His latest piece of inspired wisdom is that immigrants should integrate but not assimilate and risk losing their cultural heritage and practices. Naturally I think we can all agree with him that its so important to retain deeply valued cultural traditions such as paedophilia, child marriage, first cousin incest, bestiality, rape, slavery, misogyny, jihad, sharia law, homophobic murder, public be-headings, suicide bombings and mass murder of non believers. Have I missed any……
Just been watching the 6pm “news” on the so called bbc. Disgraceful, blatant but totally predictable twisting of Trumps clear message on gun control, then a superficial piece on the UK military not being up to withstanding invasion from – naturally the evil Russia. The traitorous verminous Al Beeboids keep feeding us the lies that Russia is our enemy when we all know who the real invaders and enemies are. The bbbc lie machine just never stops. Im waiting for Professor Brian Cox – he of the deeply annoying voice and silly hairdo to tell us that the laws of physics havent been affected despite Brexit…but it may still be too soon to tell…….
All together now…..
diversity is our strength
Hilary (good) Trump (bad)
!slam is the religion of peace
work makes freedom
believe in better
immigration is good for Britain
Enjoyed that – good post
Martellus: Have I missed any……
No, I think paedophilia, child marriage, first cousin incest, bestiality, rape, slavery, misogyny, jihad, sharia law, homophobic murder, public be-headings, suicide bombings and mass murder of non believers covers the attributes of the devotees of the Religion of Peace quite well.
The treacherous, left-wing agenda pushers in government, education and the BBC who facilitated and continue to facilitate the invasion of the UK by these savages have a lot to answer for. But of course they will never be brought to account.
In a rougher but more honest period of history they would have been put up against a wall and shot.
Thanks TT – heres a few more – silly forgetful me,
honour killings, FGM, female subjugation and control, and postal voting fraud.
No problem. Come to think of it:
Grooming of underage girls, racism, anti-Semitism, incitement to terrorism, death fatwas against disobedient kafirs who write books and draw cartoons. Punishment of any kafir who dares to build a structure higher than the lowest Muslim structure.
Death for apostates and limb amputations for thieves. Stoning for adultery. (Stoning of the woman, that is.) Building of churches outlawed. No admission of kafirs to Mecca and Medina.
We could be here all night.
What’s this, What have the Muslims ever done for us? Have you got sanitation in there?
Ah, of course not………. silly me.
Double whammy for Obama
He helps out Islamic State and gets at Putin at the same time.
He wants to leave office with a bang
Has this been reported by the Beeb?
LibDumb policies with which I’m sure the late Greville Janner and Keith Vaz would support, not forgetting their own Cyril Smith of course; though they would all probably agree that the the children should have no need to waste time waiting until they left school before embarking on such a career.
It’s incredible to think that this collective comprising lumps of human ordure, were actually a party forming the coalition government of this country just a few years ago.
Well, they are now close to well-deserved oblivion.
And now they could hold their Party conference in a phone box. Labour probably in a local community centre. UKIP at the Olympic stadium. Conservatives at Wembley. So why is our Parliament and Media not representative of this?
In the Eye Spy books , meeting a LibDim outside a conference earns you 2000 points , which is more than seeing a Blue Whale or a Condor soaring over Birmingham .
Thanks Nibor…Working my 7th day now and have to ingest BBC one all day ..no sound thankfully just the idiot subtitles…However just picked myself up off the floor…blue whale lol!!! Right Lads Bomb in New York possible Norwegian involvement…The Beeb will keep you posted until such information deems it is not newsworthy…i.e ISIS attack
Bbc portray police as the aggressor when asking motorist to open window. The usual crap.
The BBC-utterly transparent.
My Red Button tells me that The Visegrad Group of countries in Eastern Europe will veto any Brexit deal unless we pay their dole and let them all in from over there.
Yet when you go to the mighty “Gates Of Vienna”-this is precisely the opposite of what Hungary etc are saying.
This is the BBC calling-so check every bloody word.
Turns out that our Czech friends and Viktor Orban etc of Hungary are FURIOUS at the shambolic migrant crisis and fear yet more of it this autumn.
So Brexit is not the issue at all-this is a tactic to threaten the EU into doing something about the migrants-they will veto any French/German collaborations unless and until they get migration under control.
So this is NOT aimed at Britain and its vote to leave…just as thwarting the EUs attempts to function if it does not control migrations, instead of forcing Visegrad to speed up the allocations and accepting of these people to help Merkel and Hollande out for election year.
Red Button says also that Brexit “overshadowed” all that was said in Bratislava-but, funnily enough was “not on any formal agenda”.
So then BBC -riddle me this-how the hell do you come to THAT conclusion? How do you KNOW that Brexit was an issue, might it not have been on an agenda had it been one?
So there you go-fantastical slurries and slush from the BBC in this crucial time pre leaving the EU.
Traitorous scum, making it all up from Verhofstads Chelsea laundry basket next to Junkers minibar.
Sheer fantasy to fill a red button entry. Creeps.
Chris – Believe me item 1-27 0n the Agenda is how the fk do we keep this ponzi scheme going without U.K. money?
Trouble is, Chris, that income from remittances from the UK is deemed to be one of the Visegrad 4’s main annual income streams.
I’ve been looking at a thread on the FT website. Two items stood out. I think they are excellent, but also plagiarised, by me 🙂 Regards to the originators for their views. I deserve no credit whatsoever.
1. The concept of an anti-elitist politics, i.e. populism, only goes so far. An obsession with it, as by EU leaders and the FT, suggests elitism in despair about its future capacity for political misbehaviour.
2. Note to OED editors:
Kindly consider amending the definition of “Democracy” to the following:
Democracy: imposing the will of the authorities on the people; as distinct from the populist onslaught, terms frequently used by MSM
This should be interesting……
Plus “A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants”
No mention of illegals ?
Its difficult to see what Kamal Ahmeds qualifications are to be an “economics” corrspondent:
“From 1980 to 1986, Ahmed was educated at Drayton Manor High School,[3] a state comprehensive school in Hanwell in the London Borough of Ealing in West London, followed by the University of Leeds, from which he graduated in 1990 with a degree in Political Studies.[4] He then trained in journalism at the City University Department of Journalism.”
Is it enough simply to be a brown Muslim foreigner?
I expect Malala Yousafzi will be given a job in a few years time. What happened to her GCSE results I wonder, the last I heard she’d postponed them for a year, which would seem to give an unfair advantage.
Huge explosion in NY, an ‘intentional act’ according to mayor. But the beeb reports him as saying ‘no evidence of terror’. What is a huge intentional explosion if not terror?? Why is the first thing politicians and reporters do is play down an obvious terrorism angle, before any facts are known, any evidence? Well, we know why the beeb does it. And the mayor? Each new terror attack strengthens Trump and weakens Hillary, and the mayor’s a Democrat. Only saying…
Yes PTG my thoughts exactly. Deny, deny, deny. They will soon be issuing the police with those memory erasers used in Men In Black.
Simply can’t see the problem here. Assume ‘the bomber’ has been ripped off on e-bay, again. His eldest has just told his mom he’s got an STD and the mom in question has been ‘seeing’ the mailman, again. What would you do?
Well, of course you would. A reasonable size anti-personnel bomb in the nearest available municipal trash can is the obvious answer. Why wouldn’t it be?
Either that, or do a bit of random stabbing or throat-slitting. Perfectly normal reaction if you ask me …..
Trump trolls the media – he has developed the soaking of the media into an art form. BBC Trots are no match for him. The people are against the media and Trump knows this.
Latest from Milo’s Dangerous Faggot Tour.
This Milo guy always nails it.
Milo can call himself a Top Deplorable after this fine showing.
What’s going on?
BBC tv news this morning where reports come in from the US of first multiple pipe bombs in New Jersey close to a charity run event and now pressure cooker type devices in Manhattan one of which explodes injuring many. And yet in a short (perhaps 90 second) report the audience is told five times – by BBC anchors, BBC correspondents and via film of US officials that this ‘is no yet known to be linked to terrorism’. Five times!
So tell us, what’s your working definition of terrorism then? I could understand the US authorities wish to play this down until they are on top of the situation – but how come the BBC swallows the official line of a foreign government so unquestioningly?
Given the slim possibility it might not be terrorism, then what the blazes is this?
The only thought I could come up with was an extreme conceptual art project gone wrong?
Any thoughts?
And stabbings in a Minnesota mall where “The suspected attacker reportedly made references to Allah before he was killed”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-37399862
Nope, no connection I’m sure.
Quite, who actually leaves bombs in the middle of Manhattan if it is not terrorists ? A disgruntled bagel seller?
A disgruntled bagel seller?
Or a street vendor deciding to warm up his hot dogs in a pressure cooker without knowing how to use it.
The BBC accuse Nigel Farage of causing murder regarding the murdered Pole. (at 3 minutes into the clip)
The sofa people captured on air. Would they have said such to Hilary or anyone else apart from Trump?
Amazing how calmly Farage responded to the vile question: “Do you feel partly responsible” for the murder of a Polish person post Brexit.
He’s a real professional. We’re going to miss him, but I think he’ll be back.
He is too young and too important to the future of this country to just disappear.
He gave a great reply to that awful question.
Detailing the appalling state of censorship universities in the UK have fallen to. Censorship of ideas as well as speech.
If we aren’t careful this country will become a Fascist state before very long.
The results came out in January 2016
Only 12 Preserve Free speech
63 are in the RED category (when both Uni & S Union are censorious)
39 are in the Amber category
examples include : banning page 3, banning UKIP meetings, banning sombreros
A mentally disturbed lone-wolf bomb has decided to detonate itself in Manhattan.
A mentally disturbed lone-wolf bomb has decided to detonate itself in Manhattan.
Oh, I didn’t know. I thought it was a street demonstration by a chef using the wrong pressure cooker.
I Think it amazing that Norway with a population of just over 5 million seem to produce so many terrorists and to get them all the way to Minnesota. I knew Leif Erikson got to Canada but mid west America !!!! Ali’s snackbar’s are now available in Minnesota now ….Shit and I thought Subway had some coverage….
Yes, It was Gordon Ramsey letting off more steam than usual. Probably because he has been rejected for the next season of Bake f off.
A lefty propagandist who can’t even choose a book to read all by herself?
Try “camp of the saints” love, or anything by David Starkey.
Read fiction Laurie. Trotsky’s History of the Russian Revolution
She could try “Das Kapital” by one Karl Marx. If she gets past page five I’ll be amazed.
Splendid SOF saab!
And-has she not heard?
A load of white tossers from Black Lives matter have deemed flying to be…RACIST!
And the courts let them off with this-so Laurie needs to check her privilege at the departure gate…and then cycle home from Gatwick or Heathrow-both have excellent Sustrans lanes for her I`m sure!
Here she is getting a clattering from David Starkey as mentioned below…a classic of its kind!
Thank you, Friend Chris! I have seen that video before but thank you for reminding me of it. Truly enjoyable, and most cathartic :).
Thanks for that I had no idea who Laurie Penny was till I saw that, just had a look at her blog,articles written after the referendum, what a whinging loony lefty she is!
The appropriate hash tag is #GreensGoByAir
Bravo Professor David Starkey !
They just ‘don’t like it up em’. I bet she ‘never done a real days work’ in her privileged life.
I look forward to seeing that debate repeated on Al Beeb.
The Beeb have a high profile article on their website on the recent muslim on muslim killing.
The imam killed because he wasn’t ‘Muslim enough’
I am glad that the Beeb is bringing this to people’s attention, but it does miss some important points. The man killed Jalal Uddin was an illegal immigrant who should not have been in the UK. Yet the article simply states “Everyone I spoke to in Rochdale said Mr Uddin was a kind man who had lived a simple life, providing religious education to the young and spiritual support to the sick, elderly and grieving.”
The article also states that “he practised a form of spiritual healing called Ruqiya which involves special spiritual amulets. The video below explains what they are:”
Now I’m sorry to tell the BBC that there is not such thing as “spiritual healing” its pure quackery the domain of charlatans and snake oil salesman, but the Beeb seems happy to accept it with out question.
Christian faith healing is mocked, derided, ridiculed and made fun of at every available opportunity. Islamic faith healing is mentioned without any hint of derision, but actually with a certain degree of pride. Disgusting double standards yet again.
I recall that the BBC did bring this to the nation’s attention at the time of the attack…leaving it for the viewer / listener to conclude that this was another racist hate crime, similar to the Glasgow murder (the BBC didn’t though report that the relatives of the taxi driver responsible for that crime were adamant that acting on behalf of his religion, he had committed no crime)
Egg on their faces – again.
Sunday morning live
John Gaunt beating it up the suck a lemon feminazis about should sexism be a hate crime
What about the muslims? Lol
Gurning about wolf whistling….if you saw the hack of them,who would even think of wolf whistling at them
Making a sign of affection = Hate crime ? strange thinking
Context is everything so yes 10 men wolf whistling a girl in a dark alley is intimidating so wrong.
take a real crime like if a male teacher repeatedly physically intimidated female pupils, that would be a crime. Same as if he only did it to black students. But either way I don’t think it’s useful EVER to give it a special title of #HateCrime
Cos if he was gay and did it to white male students..it is still an intimidation crime.
And that’s the rub intimidation crime is a ‘hate crime’ against humanity you can’t put it together with another word eg ‘race hate crime’ or ‘woman hate crime’
A thug who only attacks black women is not worse than a thug that attack white men. A thug is a thug.
“Islam obsessed BBC are pretending they condemn racism, homophobia and sexism ..and violence/intimidation. The irony of it all”
…too true
If 9/11 had occurred last night, rather than 15 years ago, I wonder how it would have been reported?
Obviously, there would have been no mention of it whatsoever in the Daily Fail or that notoriously Hard-Right neoliberal rag, the so-called Guardian.
The BBC would have probably reported it as follows:
“Two planes crash in New York, with several people injured and killed. The Mayor described the crashes as “intentional acts”, but added that there was no evidence of any terror connections.
In separate and apparently unrelated accidents, another plane collided with the notoriously Hard-Right militarist landmark, the Pentagon, but the numbers of injuries and deaths were, apparently, much lower than those in New York. A plane has also crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, but fortunately with no casualties (other than those on board at the time).
Hilary Clinton has expressed her “deep concern” that as a result of these unfortunate incidents, there could be a Hate Backlash against Muslims, adding that she hoped that the Far-Right Trump would not use these “tragic accidents” for “his own deplorable ends”.”
And in 15 years time, when these sort of events occur with monotonous regularity, they will not even be reported at all…
15 years time?!? These events are no longer being reported now!
The next step on the BBC denial is to replace ‘terrorism’ with the phrase ‘so called terrorism’. Then its only a small jump to label Muslim terrorists are ‘religious soldiers’ who are just defending their rights and beliefs.
Scotland The 48% Uber Alles
Sunday Times (short) : “The Ipsos MORI poll showed 48% backed independence and 52% supported remaining in the UK”
“Support for a second ballot in the next two years stood at 41%, while 54% opposed such a move and the remainder did not know. ”
(Similar Ipsos MORI poll poll 2 days ago Daily Record.. Herald and STV reported a similar YouGov poll 54/46)
Couldn’t listen to Gaunt…no sound in the office… hope he put the boot in…
Just starting NOW on LBC : BBC 11 year charter should we pay ?..On the @KTHopkins show on LBC.
A free @LBC podcast – what Katie did next..in the Jungle, Calais
Just came on to post the same thing stew – would love David Vance or Alan to call up and give the viewers some of the Biased BBC medication..
“BBC is the Reverse Robin Hood, taking from the poor and giving to the already rich”
Spot on comment from a caller now ..Granny is forced to pay and the money ends up as £millions in Gary Lineker and the BBC Execs pockets.
Shouldn’t be COMPULSION : with multi-channel commercial TV you have a choice to subscribe or buy the products advertised.
I just took a look at that link I put to comments about her on Twitter..and it full of calm rational comments from Lefties NOT
..No, they don’t bother to be coherent and rational .. it is full of people throwing vile insults at her.
* No one is hated more than he who speaks the truth *
The Mad Green/Lefties : “100% Carbon Free electricity is the way to go ”
The Mad Green/Lefties : “Trump’s Wall what a mad impossibility !”
The Telegraph does seem to have got rid of its decent reporters in favour of a more “Greenie ” approach in not telling just how useless & costly renewables really are .
An article from them a year ago saying how the cost of subsidising renewable energy will soon get to over £9 billion per year . [ On a figure of approx 20 million households in the UK, this works out at £450 per year per family to pay for something that simply doesn,t work ]
(They are clueless about 1.7% figure for energy generated by wind/solar
..and that actual US/Mex wall is actually more than 1.7% ALREADY constructed
..all Trump has to do is start filling in the gaps)
It isn’t often that I hope that the BBC is right about something but today is an exception, the theme of the Marr show was , The Death of Liberalism. I interpret this as meaning Marr and the BBC are worried that the liberal elite , not just in the UK but right across the west, are being threatened by ordinary people deciding that they no longer believe that their best interests are served by keeping this elite in power. Of course the BBC consider any politician who doesn’t support their liberal left world view as a hard right populist demi God, or in a few cases as a hard left communist. They further consider those of us who vote for them as stupid , ill educated , untermenshen who really ought not to have a vote. We can be sure that the BBC will do everything In their power to frustrate the democratic will of the people and act as a rallying point for the liberal elite. Hopefully the BBC will still be flying the liberal flag as they die in the last ditch with the rest of elite.
Since when did the Marr show have a theme? I have noticed two or three times that before launching in to the paper review, Marr makes a statement – or whatever you like to call it – directly to viewers. This never used to be the case.
By the way, Nigel was great in the paper review today. And Tiny Tim is fast becoming a comic figure.
“The Death of Liberalism”
“The Death of Socialism” is what Marr actually meant
Libertarian-ism lives on strong.
Trick to watch Clarkson and Co’s Grand Tour show for FREE on Amazon Prime
Airs very Friday from 18 November 2016, so sign up for the 30 day Free Trial, a few days before.
Or get your mate to sign up and then go around his house.
Panorama tomorrow night BBC1 8.30pm, “Labour: Is the Party Over?”
The Sunday Times has an extract from that intellectual colossus Lord Kinnock giving a dire warning about the re-election of Jeremy Corbyn:-
Speaking to the BBC’s Panorama programme, Lord Kinnock, said: “Unless things change radically, and rapidly, it’s very doubtful I’ll see another Labour government in my lifetime.”
Lord Kinnock added: “Not just in my lifetime but stretching back to the 1930s, by any examination this is the greatest crisis that the Labour Party has faced.”
Ha ha ha, Ha ha ha.
What Neil means is ‘Things can only get bitter…’
Don’t worry Corbyn’s supporter is here.
Corbyn can win. Come on, we can do it
Keep the volume down
Praise for Paul Mason – check
Praise for Owen Smith – check
Praise for Plaid Cymru – check
Praise for the Greens – check
Slag off the Tories – check
Slag off Capitalism – check
Slag off Right-wing press – check
Try to look cool in a pair of shades – check
Ha ha ha
Well alll…right…we`re all …right!
Wouldn`t anybody who saw the results on June 23rd SURELY have learned by now that there is a massive and a dangerous gulf between the “rulers” and “the ruled”?
Any learning organisation would have realised that speaking for Farron, Corbyn and Heseltine…to name examples of the three shades of shite we get repeatedly offered…is no long-term option.
We`ve had enough.
How do we make them learn? Roger Bolton?…Er, not really.
So why then is THIS crock of shite offered to us for a Panorama tomorrow? Why is it being trailed as “being on BBC1 tomorrow” at the end of BBC Radio 4 News earlier?
Who ASKED them to commission this crock?…why the hell does anybody think we out here CARE about Labour?
The BBC does of course…Paul Mason does…but they pimp off us so to do.
I resent this sadsack agenda of sepia tint crap the BBC keep-a giving.
The new technicolour world of Nigel and Trump is here…so why en eleven year plan to keep giving us Corbyns Bowels Movements or Guy Verhofstads dandruff regime?
Fuck Off BBC-parley with Von Rumpoy in your own time…and stop sniffing his slippers by way of “challenges”…you debase the country by your cringings and lies.
And there shall be a reckoning for the bloodless chinless fixfux that DARE to presume to speak for Britain-as we saw on the 24th…they went over to the Dark Side, and now think they`re Britains Secret Army, Britains State within a State.
Lets get these monkeys off our backs…gutless weasels in need of serious counsellings.
I`ve had a bellyful of their bilge…
And-just to show full spectrum dominance of our culture-the BBC will be paying Vic Reeves soon to equate Dada paintings with an Arts Rebellion.
There will be REAL rebellion if they continue to think we need Tim Farron, and not Nigel Farage to speak for this country.
“I`ve had a bellyful of their bilge”
Love it chrisH
ChrisH…I take it you are a bit miffed then!!!
Couldn’t agree more with what you said.
To be honest, I just rant along when my friends here do…unless I make the error of dwelling too long on a BBC station for too long.
I find the independents all skewered to Lefty causes, albeit with some decent exceptions like Steve Yabsley on Radio Somerset/Bristol and Alex Dyke/Mike Apps at Solent.
But deeply resent the fact that they continue to mock us and get away with their serial relentless bias.
Ah well-Farage gets us out of the EU and TRump takes the USA by a landslide-this has been one hell of a year, and the disconnect between the ruled and the rulers is complete.
The engine revs, but the wheels are completely disengaged and won`t turn…so send for the newest floppy dunmmy levers to pretend that they`ve got gears as they once had…complete fraud…and we know it now.Milo says as much in Trump trolling the USAs media empires.
Totally screwed, downhill racing only from now on.
Unconnected to anything on this thread……but i thought you guys would appreciate this..
What kind of cretin is anti Israel?
These cretins are a special kind of stupid
Number 6,
You will meet these intellectuals in the Labour Party, on lefty blogs and Facebook sites. These are the people who claim that Israel is starving the Palestinians to death, conducting mass genocide and they will call you a racist if you point out that the Palestinian population is rising and that there is a serious obesity crisis in Gaza. Eighth highest in the world
I dont doubt it at all
Pretty clear the the retarded left are experts in talking crap and hurling childish attempts at insults at those who have the temerity to challenge them and not much else
I like the ‘Let Gaza Live’ sign. As if UN aid doesn’t pour into Gaza via Israel daily. And as if Israel doesn’t treat Gazans in Israeli hospitals – even Gaza terrorists wounded while attacking Israelis.
And as if Gaza would let Israel live if the roles were reversed.
I have not read all posts so apologies if this has already been raised.
Blows the Guardian moral high ground right out of the water.
BBC : New York bomb was ‘act of terrorism’, says Governor Cuomo
25 minutes ago
\\but no link to international groups has been found.//
\\Mr Cuomo said: “A bomb exploding in New York is obviously an act of terrorism.”
But he said that, as yet, no international organisation such as so-called Islamic State had claimed they were behind it.//
The context is upto now the BBC and Hillary camp have avoided the word “terrorism” in reporting the bombs ..as that would play into votes for Trump , as it emphasises there is danger from uncontrolled immigration.
Daily dose of modern feminism, courtesy of Twatter.
Nice sweeping condemnation there
The shrill bitch 🙂
So according to the feminists, Cllinton is the embodiment of all women. Sheesh! I think she only represents that type of feminist, i.e. the ones that hate men beacause they are jealous of their perceived power and doubly hate good-looking, confident, intelligent, feminine women due to their own shortcomings and self-hatred.
Real women are not represented by Hilllary and are intelligent enough to work things out for themselves and not blindly accept the hatred that comes from modern “feminists”.
The bomb blast in Chelsea Manhattan, which Hillary called a bomb blast before condemning Trump for calling it a bomb blast was in a fashionable gay area.
One might consider investigating potential gay haters who use bombs – just a suggestion for the dumb politicians and media.
But if it was directed at gays will we have another opportunity to see young Owen Jones storm out of the studio during a discussion of the incident?
The BBC really, really pis*es me off. I don’t subscribe to the BBC but happenchance to listen to their radio output. I’m tired of their canned laughter on every so called “comedy” programme and tired of their talking down to me on every occasion possible. I’m tired of their one trick pony left wing diatribes and like ponies with a broken leg, the ponies are put down. Please someone, put us out of their misery and like the one trick pony with a broken leg, shoot the bugger.
Good interview on RT with Tommy Robinson who manages to get his points across.
Compare sound quality with BBC interviews. There is a definite bias among BBC sound engineers
I have noted the poor quality sound whenever someone is interviewed that Al Beeb do not curry favour with, especially prominent when Nigel Farage was interviewed during the Brexit campaign.
It was so blatant that I was amazed the government did not take action on a broadcasting authority that ‘milks you all’ of so much money and cannot get their sound quality right ?
Blatant and biased.
Countryfile are now pushing this year’s Children in Need. Ok, started 36 years ago, and raised £600 million – that’s quite a few million per year that’s distributed between several charities. Yes, I agree that charity begins at home, and I’m beginning to wonder if we are knee deep in playgrounds, playclubs/coaches, toys etc. Youth community projects are also funded, BUT what happened to all this ‘stuff’ that was donated or bought say even 5 or 10 years ago ?? Is there a special Children in Need rubbish dump where all previous years purchases have been disposed of ? AND what has happened to those ‘vulnerable’ children from the 1980’s who were the recipients of funding ? they must be in middle age now. Are any of these past children ever interviewed 20 years on so that we can see how these funds have helped them ?
My cynical view of Children in Need (in this country anyway) is of barefoot kids of the early 20th Century that have no food to eat, shoes for their feet or clothes for their back – not parents who have the latest iPhone and have money to spend on takeaway food.
This year will no doubt raise umpteen millions – enough to feed a small country, so will it be Harrods again to buy yet more ‘equipment’? Because there shouldn’t be a village / town in this country that hasn’t benefitted from all this money, yet I have never ever heard of any group, person or place that has had cashed pumped into it from this gigantic fund raiser.
Oddly, we are still waiting for the BBC to reply to all the FOI requests asking how many millions of BBC viewers cash were stuffed in the purse of Camila Batmanghelidjh at Kids Company under the mindless supervision of BBC exec Alan Yentob.
I’m sure they will tell us one day, after all the BBC is paid for by the british people and all the money that goes to children in need comes from us.
On the BBC Radio 4 Feedback programme there was an item about whether the BBC was biased against Jeremy Corbyn. The surprise to me was to hear the BBC editor defending her position consistently refer to Jeremy rather than Jeremy Corbyn or Corbyn etc. I don’t think referring to the subject in first name terms is very impartial. Would she ever refer to Nigel, Maggie, Donald or even Theresa?
She also came as close to backing down and ‘admitting’ that the BBC hadn’t been fair in its reporting as any BBC editor I have ever heard on that programme. Clearly, she is very far from biased against Corbyn.
It is inconceivable that a complaint from UKIP supporters would have received anything like such sympathetic handling.
There was an interesting comment by Lord Farage of Brexit on BBC today, that the EU could collapse before Article 50 is triggered.
He mentioned this on the Andrew ‘Self-Admitted Marxist’ Marr show. It’s on the iplayer, but you must have a BBC Licence/Tax to view it 😉
Nothing new then ! Just watched ‘Victoria’ (apologies not BBC), – the episode concentrated on the family of migrant Prince Albert pressing for a generous allowance and a title for him. This was so the greater family in Germany could share in the good fortune.
Here we are almost 180 years later, and what’s changed ? er, nothing; European migrants coming here to milk our resources to benefit those back home !! Wonder how many others watching thought the same thing.
I’ve noticed the theme running through the series…that in the background ready to undermine the new Queen, there are the nasty Tories.