Andrew Marr was given free rein to smear Leave voters as the nearest thing to the ‘goose-stepping’ Nazis of the 1930’s in last week’s Sunday Times and today Justin Webb is similarly allowed off the BBC leash in the Times to vilify and denounce the dark forces of ‘social media’…ie those on the Web who refuse to conform to the BBC narrative.
Bombs and knife attacks in America…all the signs point to an Islamist attack…and yet Webb manages to avoid mentioning such a possible link, in fact he goes out of his way to tell us the cause and perpetrator’s identity is irrelevant, the attacks were ‘but a pinprick’, ‘low level mayhem’ he calls it dismissively…not quite Mardell’s ‘senseless tragedy’ but along the same lines.
Do you know the real cause of the bombs? Webb tells us that the ‘Bomb is a sign of hatred in American hearts’.
Is he f***ing delusional or just incredibly dishonest. This was an attack by a Muslim migrant on the latest evidence [which Webb ignores], who wants to destroy America and the West, it is not a disgruntled, angry white boy with a grudge against a government raising taxes without giving him representation. As with the Boston bombing the BBC prefers to suggest this is some sort of white supremacist attack and refuses to admit the evidence suggests not. [The irony when Webb later complains of a fact free, truth free discourse courtesy of the nasty free thinkers out there on the Web]
It has nothing whatsoever to do with internal US politics.
Webb mocks Trump’s claim that the election maybe rigged…Webb tells us that ‘They are running out of tin-foil hats’. No shortage at the BBC it seems.
Webb makes no attempt to investigate Trump’s warning. Others do and find cause for some concern. The Spectator also agrees.…and that part of the rigging is the way whole segments of the population are closed out of the political debate, as here, on immigration and the economy and on terrorism.
The BBC is of course guilty of the same shutting down of debate on Brexit as it now mobilises to keep us in Europe and to silence the majority who voted for Brexit….Brendan O’Neil in the Spectator reminds us how our own political system is being rigged by the pro-EU junkies…
Democracy is hanging by a thread in this country
Democracy is hanging by a thread in this country. At the start of this year, if someone had told you that in eight months’ time there would be open calls for the thwarting of the people’s will, and marches demanding the crushing of public opinion, you’d probably have scoffed. ‘This isn’t some anti-democratic backwater, it’s Britain!’, you’d have said. Yet now, these things are happening, all the time. Angry Brexit-bashers, those politicos and experts and activists furious at the masses for having the temerity to reject the EU, have helped make anti-democracy fashionable again, for the first time in decades. It’s a fashion we cannot let stand.
The article by Marr is a classic example of that attempt to smash Brexit undemocratically, by abusing his position and pumping out what amounts to hate against Leave voters as he to all intents and purposes labels them Nazis.
Webb tells us that America is crumbling, its centre falling apart, heading for dislocation. Who’s to blame?
‘It’s‘, he tells us, ‘about hatred in the hearts, fuelled by the easy casual nastiness that social media can facilitate….leading to a life independent if facts, Independent of the truth.’
You really couldn’t make that up could you. This from a BBC that has relentlessly stirred up hatred, anger and mockery towards Trump and by extension his supporters and anyone who would vote for him…just as they did with UKIP and its 4 million voters. The BBC that similarly derided and mocked Palin, that vilified the Tea Party, that spent years trolling Bush. The BBC that whips up anti-Semitism with its reports from the Middle East and France. The BBC that has nothing to say about Clinton who has just massively insulted and abused Trump voters denouncing and dismissing them as a “basket of deplorables…. racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic.”
Is Clinton stirring up hate and whipping up anger…does she have hatred in her heart? Is she encouraging the dislocation and polarisation of politics?
No of course not…it’s all the social media’s fault. Nasty people out the on the web bringing you the truth and the facts that the BBC doesn’t want you to know.
This is the BBC’s continuation of the Left’s attack on social media, the social media that it wants to control and turn to its own purpose. Listen out for the repeated assertion that we are in a ‘post-factual era’. Make enough noise about the hate spewing out of the net and it’s not long before some useful idiot politician will jump on board and start saying we must rein in the wild west that is the Web. What they really want to do is to do away with free speech and free thought and the ability to counter the mainstream media’s lies and propaganda…..such as Webb’s piece in the Times today. Utter delusion and lies from him. He can’t possibly believe what he has written…one would hope so anyway or things are worse than they seem at the BBC.
And the biggest irony? It is that Trump may in fact be the answer to ‘dislocation’ and the falling apart of America as he recreates the nation state, the ‘citizen’ and a ‘national interest’…all thigs that the BBC works against and thus is itself one of the causes of nation states falling apart…as in the UK as it encourages devolution and the creation of separate, self-governed regions carved out of Britain, smashing ‘Britain’ as a political, cultural and social identity…just as the EU wishes to happen.
Politico magazine tells us about Trump’s vision for a reinvigorated and unified America…
If you listen closely to Trump, you’ll hear a direct repudiation of the system of globalization and identity politics that has defined the world order since the Cold War. There are, in fact, six specific ideas that he has either blurted out or thinly buried in his rhetoric: (1) borders matter; (2) immigration policy matters; (3) national interests, not so-called universal interests, matter; (4) entrepreneurship matters; (5) decentralization matters; (6) PC speech—without which identity politics is inconceivable—must be repudiated.
These six ideas together point to an end to the unstable experiment with supra- and sub-national sovereignty that many of our elites have guided us toward, siren-like, since 1989. That is what the Trump campaign, ghastly though it may at times be, leads us toward: A future where states matter. A future where people are citizens, working together toward (bourgeois) improvement of their lot.
If its a pinprick when a muslim does it..surely its a pin prick for a nazi?
The fact that the left is getting this desperate is cause for celebration. When they think they have nothing to worry about they just sneer at people, when they’re threatened they lash out and lie and demand the people listen while closing off all public forums.
The left is self-destruction, and when we have an independent Britain trading with a Trump America we will no longer have to justify ourselves to the vocal minority of fringe liberals that gave infested the political establishment and the BBC for far too long.
The fact that the left is getting this desperate is cause for celebration. When they think they have nothing to worry about they just sneer at people, when they’re threatened they lash out and lie and demand the people listen while closing off all public forums.
The left is self-destruction, and when we have an independent Britain trading with a Trump America we will no longer have to justify ourselves to the vocal minority of fringe liberals that gave infested the political establishment and the BBC for far too long.
Webb tells us that America is crumbling, its centre falling apart, heading for dislocation. Who’s to blame?
‘It’s‘, he tells us, ‘about hatred in the hearts, fuelled by the easy casual nastiness that social media can facilitate….leading to a life independent if facts, Independent of the truth.’
He really means ‘The Truth’ (think ‘Ministry of’).
The smug, self-righteous posturing of these eco-socialist, Agenda 21-promoting, ad hominem-Touretted, left-liberal tossers is sickening. They don’t give a shit for democracy else the BBC and the rest would have exposed the putative EU dictatorship long ago. If more people understood how the EU really works (instead of believing that because it has a parliament it must be deomocratic) the Brexit majority would have been even bigger.
Just noticed on the BBC news website that the mentally ill, crime of passion comitting, Norwegian, Afghan, US citizen (delete as appropriate) thought to be behind the recent bombings has been arrested and the Beeb appear to be painting him as the victim of a “police shoot out” and the article goes on to say he was a “very friendly guy”…………unbelievable!! God forbid it doesn’t, but should the UK ever be unfortunate enough to be attacked on the scale of 7/7 again, I often wonder how the Beeb and the rest of the bonkers leftist media would report the incident, “intentionally exploding backpacks responsible for multiple casualties at X, Y, Z locations,……. no motive clear at the moment” it sends a chill down the spine to think that there are people out there who swallow this tripe from the Beeb and others every time they switch the TV on.
This letter was in the Telegraph.
Makes a lot of sense.
SIR – Who are these people who believe that the trappings of Christmas could be offensive to non-Christians?
Are they offended by the overt signs of people celebrating Eid al-Fitr, Hanukkah, Diwali, Wesak or other religious festivals? If they are, then they are as intolerant and thin-skinned as those whose feelings they claim to protect.
If they are not, then their temerity and arrogance in assuming that followers of other faiths are so easily offended is breathtaking.
In either case, these are not the sort of people who should be given the authority to dictate how Christmas is celebrated.
Webb ,Marr and the rest are going to lose. Reality will do for them as it always does in the end.
Now is no longer the time to argue with them or even listen to them. Their day is done .
I refuse to pay for the Sunday times so am unable to read Marr’s article, not bothered anyway.
The stupidity of the whole claque of BBC “American Correspondents” going back many decades and including the current incumbent,the fat oaf, Mardell,leave me agape.I really cannot find words to express my contempt.
I forgot to mention that I have cancelled my subscription to The Sunday Times now that Marr seems to be a regular columnist–nasty piece of work–
+10 @Alan good judging of JWEbb
Rule 1 of dealing with RegressiveLefties : If they throw accusations and namecalling, check if it actually applies to them
…Cos PROJECTION is the norm with them.
And saying it’s ‘about hatred in the hearts, fuelled by the easy casual nastiness that social media can facilitate….leading to a life independent if facts, Independent of the truth.’
..does indeed seem to be the way JWebb and BBC GRombies hate Trump in their hearts etc. etc.
Congratulations Alan.
Superb analysis of these destructive traitors.
I share the sentiments of Alan’s analysis and of the posts above completely. But I worry that the opposition to the liberal left underestimate the power and tenacity of the liberal left establishment. They control most institutions in the UK and across the west as a whole. They have control of the MSM , only a small proportion of the press and the Internet are outside their control. As mentioned in this thread they are moving to gain control here too and who is there to stop them? I have no doubt that they will use their power ruthlessly to protect themselves , so the struggle to upend them will be long and hard. If the tide turns against them they will start to get very nasty indeed and use state power to take action against those who oppose them, Mr Robinson may just be an early example. They will certainly try to swamp the west with ever greater number of migrants . So by the time they are removed from power it may well be too late for the west to recover. Remember that whilst Brexit and migration have removed the wool about the BBC from many folks eyes they still have many more supporters than enemies and the imbecilic Tories have given them free reign for years to come.
If the worst happens and the elite starts to do what it really would like to do cheered on by the BBC -that is use the state to silence opposition then we are in dangerous territory indeed.
The tide has turned against them and that is why we are seeing the current vilification of the Brexit voters and the hounding of Tommy Robinson ( a test case for how far the elite can go without opposition from the mainstream) .It must be prime directive number one to make us reverse the Brexit vote and I suspect May’s entire policy is geared to this end.
Remember it was May who banned Robert Spencer from this country on the most specious of grounds.
No platforming now standard practice at our universities is just the start. This is the type of peculiarly British state oppression that would rather act like this than have to imprison and /or silence opposition to it’s fantasy neo liberal policies.
Far better to have us silence ourselves in fact and that is the end game for the liberal elite.
They do not understand the word freedom and are hostile to the notion believing, like Clegg just now, that they know best.
Corbyn presents a problem. An undoubted Trot who has gathered support from the young and idealistic he should be safely ignored but for the fact that he threatens a large elite interest in the Labour party.
One way or another the elite will get to him.
The conservatives amongst us need to take care. This state loathes us but cannot use open force yet. That might come.
So be careful what you say and how you say it. We are moving towards a situation that has echoes in 1960s/70/ Eastern Europe.
Just heard the leader of the Liberal Party on BBC news. This guy nearly burst a blood vessel in his never ending hatred towards those people who voted “leave” The guy is actually telling the audience that people like myself do not know what I was doing when I voted to leave the Euro.
This guy is something else! 6 MPs! That’s all he’s got.
I’m sure his own voters listening to his froth and foam are thinking to themselves – hold on a mo, are you telling us that those in our own family who voted to leave are brainless and were/still are motivated by hatred and bigotry simply for going through a democratic process?!
The extremist far-Left/Islamist BBC are refusing to report in depth about the wave of Islamic terrorist attacks worldwide, blatantly covering up details about their ethnicity and religious beliefs and are churning out propaganda aimed at misleading the public into think such attacks are by mentally ill loners or the far-Right; thus, they are either cowards or they support Islamism. Isn’t it about time they started serving the mainstream British people who pay their wages by reporting the truth? The scum should be forced by the government to report in depth about what is happening with Islamic terrorism across the globe or else they should get privatised. It’s un utter disgrace. We are paying for their far-Left propaganda. You know, it’s not racist to criticise a religion in which their is a significant amount of terrorism emerging neither is it beyond adult debate to try and discuss solutions. But all we get from the BBC is terrible censorship and smokescreens and sympathy. They’re despicable.
Lib Dem leader Tim Farron was on tv last night walking around Kendal showing he is a man of the people, I noticed he visited a new ‘Turkish barber’ shop to show how multicultural he is, do they really think people fall for this rubbish?
I live near his constituency and see the houses with Lib Dem signs outside at election times,those houses are all very expensive Lake District houses, I wonder how many migrants those people will want to take in?
Not just the multiculty spin WB, did you notice the tired old V-reg Volvo and the tacky black plastic wellies for his country walk? Wouldn’t do to seem well off or wear green boots, eh? Shame, too, that the manboobs let the healthy outdoor image down a bit.