Earlier in the week, after Jewish Labour donor, Michael Foster, had denounced the cabal surrounding Corbyn as ‘storm troopers’ the BBC’s Jon Pienaar told us that of course Corbyn and Co were upset because ‘anyone would be upset at being called that’.
Hmmm…this from the BBC that freely called UKIP Nazis and even now tries determinedly to associate Leave voters with racism and the ‘Far Right’ and one of their top journalists, Marr, writes in the Sunday Times that ‘Brexit or not, only a fool ignores the march of Europe’s new goose-steppers.’ The BBC not only ignores the depradations of one other set of ‘goose-steppers’, the Islamists, but actually promotes their narrative and ideology…only recently we had the wonderful tale of ‘The Mohammedan Bean’ in which coffee was upheld as a sign that Islam, as the supposed inventor of coffee, is a marvellous religion….Hitler ‘invented’ the wildly popular Beetle…ergo….what a great guy..no?
The other ‘goose-steppers’ are of the Marxist kind…the kind the BBC also generally ignores as they rise across Europe despite the Berlin Wall, the brutal occupation of Europe by gun-toting socialists and the mass murder of million upon million across the world by the same.
In a similar way the BBC has ignored or played down the deeply unpleasant and nasty politics of Corbyn and Co. The BBC certainly reports some concerns but in no way shows any sign of thnking that they are significant or dangerous. Can you imagine if Boris had been elected to lead the Tory Party that the BBC would be similarly reluctant to voice its opinion? Hardly, as we saw in the leadership election and the referendum when Boris was subjected to endless abuse and criticism by the BBC’s finest.
However the BBC’s refusal to challenge Corbyn’s nasty ideology hasn’t saved it from the wrath of his ‘storm troopers’ who have launched a concerted barrage of attacks upon the corporation in order to force it either into silence or to make it only report ‘good news’ about Corbyn.
They care not that the BBC already treads warily, or that one of the BBC’s leading political journos, Nick Robinson, has warned off other BBC journos from criticising the Leader, or that, as we find out, several other senior BBC journalists have complained about the apparent negative tone of the BBC’s reporting on Corbyn.
On ‘Feedback’ we heard that the BBC has been biased against Corbyn and there was a grovelling apology…the BBC you understand, takes impartiality and balance very, very seriously.
But the Corbyn ‘storm troopers’ will never be happy until all criticism of their Leader is silenced….they have learned well. The BBC is now under attack from the hard-left in a way that anyone who criticises Islamists will be familiar with. Essentially the BBC is now being accused of ‘Corbynophobia’. Any comment or report that is perceived as ‘negative’, however justified and backed up with evidence, will be met with cries of ‘Corbynophobia’ just as criticism of Islam is met with cries of ‘Islamophobia’.
Boris Johnson is presumably an ‘Islamophobe’…..
To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia – fear of Islam – seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke. Judged purely on its scripture – to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques – it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers. As the killer of Theo Van Gogh told his victim’s mother this week in a Dutch courtroom, he could not care for her, could not sympathise, because she was not a Muslim.
The trouble with this disgusting arrogance and condescension is that it is widely supported in Koranic texts, and we look in vain for the enlightened Islamic teachers and preachers who will begin the process of reform. What is going on in these mosques and madrasas? When is someone going to get 18th century on Islam’s medieval ass?
The attacks will be relentless and furious, and they will not let up until the will of the BBC is broken. You can see that such barrages do work, for example when Harrabin changed one of his reports to suit a green campaigner who relentlessly berated him to do so.
The technique is not new...Hitler noted its use by the Communists long ago…
Within less than two years I had gained a clear understanding of Social Democracy, inits teaching and the technique of its operations. I recognized the infamy of that technique whereby the movement carried on a campaign of mental terrorism against the bourgeoisie, who are neither morally nor spiritually equipped to withstand such attacks. The tactics of Social Democracy consisted in opening, at a given signal, a veritable drum-fire of lies and calumnies against the man whom they believed to be the most redoubtable of their adversaries, until the nerves of the latter gave way and they sacrificed the man who was attacked, simply in the hope of being allowed to live in peace. But the hope proved always to be a foolish one, for they were never left in peace.The same tactics are repeated again and again, until fear of these mad dogs exercises,through suggestion, a paralysing effect on their Victims.
Sometimes of course the ‘victim’ is a willing victim…..the BBC’s eager cheerleading of a pro-Islamic narrative ‘foolishly ignores’ reality and the very real dangers that are approaching Europe ever faster.
“the new Koran of faith and war: turgid, verbose, shapeless, but pregnant with its message.”
“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.”
― Winston S. Churchill, The River War
Wonderful article as always Alan, thank you for your journalism I am a massive fan. It is however a disgrace that these liberal left idiots get paid 150k+ to spout their views at will when someone like you does it through sheer passion. Keep up the good work
Alan spot on as usual. We are at war with Islam, they declared war on all non Muslims 1400 years ago, there has never been nor can there ever be any peace with Islam and Islam will not stop until all non Muslims are the slaves of the sharia. There is no moderate Islam and there are no moderate Muslims, only Muslims who follow the teachings of the Koran to the letter, that’s IS, ISIS whatever and those Muslims who believe in exactly the same teachings as IS, ISIS(taught in all British mosques) by their adherence to the Koran (that’s nearly all the rest according to most PEW polls) but have not as yet decided to go a-killing the Kaffar while the Kaffar continues to pay their benefits and do their work for them,that’s the Labour Party and the BBC, UNHCR, the UN and the English school and university system, but will support the “strong horse” of Islam when the killing gets started for real in 15 years time and when they get to plus 20% of the population. We have only two options: have some non-dhimmi political party adopt the policies of the official opposition freedom party in Holland and ban the Koran, shut down all the mosques, end all Muslim immigration into Britain and begin deporting all Islamists remaining on British soil,as we would have done with fifth column Nazis during WW2 (and that includes the current Islamist mayor of London) or we allow ourselves to surrender to a fate literally worse than death, worse than if Hitler or Stalin had conquered us in WW2, the eternal night of the Islamic Umma and sharia law and the horrors indescribable that would entail. (I make no apology in recommending David Vincent’s book 2030: Your Children’s Future in Islamic Britain).
The BBC once claimed Churchill had ‘conflicting’ views on Islam and that he considered becoming a Muslim himself. No source to back the claim up of course, so judging by your quote it was almost certainly a lie or deliberate distortion to once again provide false virtue and credibility to Islam. Not surprising given that they and Remainers also try to suggest that Churchill would have wanted us to stay in the EU. Laughable.
I posted the following on the Weekend Open Thread but it’s more relevant here:
I recall the event to present the ‘findings’ of the ‘investigation’ by Labour into anti-Semitism within the party. At the time I didn’t pay much attention to it but I stumbled on a video clip of it on Friday:
From 17m 10s in, Ruth Smeeth, Jewish Labour MP, is insulted by an anti-Semitic member of the far-left fascist group, Momentum, with his ignorant little fantasy about a Jewish conspiracy within Labour, while far-left fascist Jeremy Corbyn does nothing to intervene and Smeeth walks out, alone.
Especially damning is his warm interaction with the afore-mentioned anti-Semite at 18m 45s in. And it’s worth noting that this is from a man who seldom smiles.
I have no doubt that Corbyn and sidekick McDonnell are anti-Semites. They have been rubbing shoulders for far too long with their Islamic terrorists friends and other assorted anti-Semites to remain neutral on the issue.
Apparently Corbyn is going to be elected leader again this week and will hopefully remain leader so that Labour will be thoroughly discredited and despised by a large majority of the public by 2020.
Corbyn will be elected leader and it will embolden our useless snowflakes especially in the universities to embrace BDS and the whole gamut of anti Israeli behaviour.
Look at that dreadful place Exeter. Passed a BDS motion by a huge majority. The place is the epitome of middle class angst and student malevolence directed against Israel and by my definition fulfills most of the requirements for being regard as institutionally anti Semitic.
But like Corbyn this pit of uselessness will never be bought to admit it.
The BBC concerns itself with Trump’s often quoted racism ( a complete lie) and the rise of European resistance to Islamic imperialism which it characterises as far right.
Marr and all the rest . You name them they are the problem and in a real democracy their pernicious views would be properly countered.
Interesting G.W.F. Out of time to respond.
Dave S. I hope and pray sanity will prevail in the UK and that there are enough sane people to ensure it.
I have no doubt that the BBC views Corbyn and McDonnell with secret admiration as far-left comrades fighting the good fight and also with a degree of envy and disappointment as the BBC cannot come out openly to support and urge them on.
Tue True
Perhaps they recognise that these guys are election losers and that within two years their golden boy – the Emir of Londonistan – will emerge to save Labour from the wreckage. He will appeal to the London/media elite and to the working class Labour voters. Did anyone hear that his dad was a bus driver?
I don’t agree that the BBC is secretly keen on Corbyn. I think they know that even with their massive help , if they chose to give it, Corbyn would lose heavily at the next election. Whilst the BBC supports all manner of lunatic pressure groups and gives them a platform to take part in our national life which they would never get otherwise, the BBC knows it needs the left in power. Therefore it supports ‘moderate Labour’ , the party which has successfully pulled the wool over the voters eyes for decades and created a liberal left Britain by stealth, hence mass immigration , leftist propaganda throughout education, the leftist politicisation of the police and judicary, packing of the House of Lords etc. I think that after Corbyn’s election as Labour Leader the BBc will put its weight behind the Liberal/left coalition being floated by the Lib Dems and the Greens plus the celtic nationalist, to try and capture to as many of the moderate Labour MPs and voters as possible. We can expect Tim Farron to be paraded as the unlikely saviour of the UK, nay the West , across all BBC outlets, until he steps aside to allow one of big moderate labour beasts to be leader, probably grease ball Chukka.Hopefully it will turn out to be as pointless an excercise as it is is a joke so ripe for satire. Oh I forgot the BBC never satirises the left.
Fair points, Doublethinker. No time now but I will reflect upon them.
Valid points DT but, re my comment below, strange and utterly unpredictable things can happen in politics. Corbyn and his teams, both official and unofficial, are dangerous, but the BBC is perhaps even more so because it is staffed almost exclusively by university educated numpties who have been programmed to believe (a) that they are intelligent, and (b) that this intelligence enables them to understand, cope with and solve a wide range of problems and situations to the benefit of the general public.
As evidenced by their stances on immigration, Brexit, politics and, say, the NHS (to choose from many) and the BBC’s attempts to validate, explain and excuse their reactions, they are painfully naïve and, worse still, are vain enough to believe their own distortions. It’s a common enough delusion but thinking that intelligence and wisdom are one and the same is frequently fatal
I think it is extremely dangerous to dismiss Corbyn, Momentum – and many similar allied groups like the SWP for example – as an irrational, unelectable mob.
The German political elite of the Weimar Republic said and thought along precisely the same lines…until 1933
True Beltane, but Hitler was a demogogue who actually HAD a plan for his Reich.
Corbyn is quite the most stupid leader of a party I`ve seen in my lifetime.
Like Hitler , he is boring, monomanaical-but unlike Hitler has no way to move the bulk of the population with either oratory or vision.
All the Left can rely on is public sector subversion in the hope of a national groundswell against an incompetent State.
And given how clueless the last Lefty Government were (Blair and Brown presided over the worst economic collapse, turned the law, borders etc into shit)-they can only rely on a Russell Brand,Lee Rigby and Mark Duggan type of outrage to get their Brownshirt “Progressive Coalition of Unity Government”.
Guess they hope that our age group will be dead by then, so they are in it for the long haul.
Trouble for them is that we`ve seen their cadres of students and public sector mincers-these are NOT the miners of Katowice or Timisoira getting bussed in are they?-only bars they`ll be carrying will be nail ones.
The BBC will need breaking first…and their fate is linked with how they behave…as things stand, that State within a State of theirs will need the Revolutionary overthrow by way of practice.
Having heard Tom Watson get HIS turn at saving Labour on our fundings this morning…we`ve nothing to fear…neither he nor a pliant preppy Montague really have a clue what`s coming.
Corbyn has some similarities to the upstart of the time too. He doesn’t get his hands too dirty, preferring to let others throw the rocks and burn the books.
Although his droning speeches to union gatherings, momentum and SWP soldiers may fall on eager ears, the reality is that normal people have little to cheer or accept. The NHS for instance, is a gluttonous monster with an insatiable appetite and needs desperate reform. Railways are only of concern to a certain part of the population, can be horrifyingly expensive to use and if anyone can remember what BR actually was like would they wish to return to it.
The Wilson era tax regime eagerly awaits its renaissance for the followers of Corbyn’s dangerous tomfoolery. Both wealthy and poor would be prey to that particular succubus.
Ah the NHS.
Consultants might yet have to declare all the drugs money, the private little earners on the side apparently.
You`d think that the BBC would LIKE this-transparency, accountability , sticking it to BUPA, Big Pharma and the Private Insurance sector would you not?
But no-this is the NHS you know.
So that Panama shit, Assange stuff and Greenwald -nah, confidentiality, might upset the doctors, and whose business is is anyway asks Sarah Montague?
Maybe we`re all a little nosey, and cynical eh Monty?
Funny that-but you`re SO BBC when you don`t want to send a breeze through the NHS money tree for fear of upsetting Sir Lancelot Spratt etal.
Alan. I recently read the Greens statement of faith – or policies for those who want to sign-up to be a green. I’m sure you have read it yourself. I quote just a few:
Religious instruction to be banned in schools, trade and cultivation of cannabis will be decrimlised, assisted dying will be legalised, monarchy abolished, shooting banned, military abolished,, etc,
We know that tens of thousands of greens have left that party and gone over to Corbyn – could it be that in their view the greens manifesto is not radical enough?
“Religious instruction to be banned in schools, …
More likely, ‘some sorts of religious instruction to be banned in many schools’.