The BBC has a fetish about the redesignation of sexual identity from an early age. It cuts through so much of its narrative. In a way, I think this is a form of media driven child abuse. Thoughts?
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The BBC has a fetish about the redesignation of sexual identity from an early age. It cuts through so much of its narrative. In a way, I think this is a form of media driven child abuse. Thoughts?
Our obsession with sexualising young children is wrong on so many counts. Children should be innocent ( & kept that way) We (society) are inflicting all manner of evil on our children. It must stop. We must allow children to be children (not young adults)
Agreed. With the important proviso that it is not ‘we’ who are doing this, it is ‘they’. They being the Marxists of all shades who have spent the past century trying to destroy the family through the promotion of easy divorce, easy abortion, casual sex, same sex marriage, sexual perversion, constant undermining of gender roles and the sexualisation of children. An added bonus for them being that sexually confused and disillusioned individuals are far more likely to join and support ‘the cause’.
We who are against this drip-drip-drip corruption of minors must be aware of the type of people we are dealing with here!
If we think these corruptors of minor will eventually go away, we are deluded and nieve!
Err , I think we used to call them Tomboys .
Yes, agree with all. Read half of the article and couldn’t even be bothered to finish it, it was such a load of propaganda drivel. Irresponsible in the extreme. They need to have their funding cut (not a euphemism).
I know how to pronounce Mr, Mrs, Miss and even Ms, but I’m still working on the correct pronunciation of WTF.
Evil people who manipulate children to come out with phrases like, “I knew I was gay at age seven.” Media people who stoke those discussions need to take a good hard look at themselves.
Evil people who manipulate children like to come out with phrases like “I know I like children aged seven” and Media people who stoke those discussions get hard themselves.
Or is that a bit too close to home, BBC?
And, he researched the issue, helped by his parents…
Conversation overheard in my office.
‘I’ve bought my niece ______’ (I didn’t catch the start of the conversation)
Woman eavesdropping jumps in with this beauty:
‘No. You can’t buy her that. What if she’s gender fluid?’
The sanctimonious cow then went on to explain how hard she finds it to shop for her niece – ‘no female lead characters in books, that haven’t adopted male traits’.
I’d have made it very clear what I thought of her suggestion – and I don’t think she’d have liked my brand of humour.
I honestly thought I’d heard it all, but society just sinks lower and lower. It always seems to be the same type of halfwit parroting the crap they’ve read in the Guardian.
I do not understand why the BBC, a broadcaster, feels that it is a legitimate part of their Charter to engage in what is social engineering. Actually having written those two words, I know exactly why the BBC’s activists are disrupting and agitating.
And I take the whole article with a pinch of salt. That is not the language of a ten year old.
It’s no wonder children are confused when you look at the absolute rubbish emanating from the BBC and other media. My children were not allowed to watch certain things and I and their father were there to support and explain things to them. No way would they even have had a need to question their sexuality at such a young age .
The Marxists have made sure we are not bringing up our own children ,and once the state is involved the indoctrination begins.the BBC is an extension of the state.
Free child care from age 2 is not as benign as it sounds. The state demands all sorts of PC rubbish before you can set up a nursery.At age 2 someone other than parents are imprinting their ways and views on children.I suppose you might think its a good thing in some cases ,but I certainly wouldn’t like it.
Janice Turner of The Times seems particularly upset by this pile of rubbish.
Thanks for that link, I’ve complained.
It is 100% child abuse. Transgenders should not be legal until the age of 18. It’s just another example of the left’s attempts to androgenise society si they can eventually get rid of men and white people altogether.
David. This kind of shameless madness which is backed by both governments (USA,UK) knows no end to the devious ways of corrupting the fragile minds of children:
Since when do boys have periods?
Virtue has been signalled ..and that is the main thing to BBC producers
A la mode, that protesting about a minority being hurt with a TWEET is more important than a minority hurting some one with a KNIFE.
Do you remember the R4 iPM edition about the abused girls in northern towns like Rotherham ?
No ? funny that isn’t it ?
I heard all this on a Radio 4 programme (could have been part of the weekend Womans Hour) – it was just incredibly sad. I do feel really sorry for those people where their gender was not obvious at birth but this child could only speak in cliches. The child had been well schooled in the politically correct things to say – and indeed said that some days they felt more male and some days more female. This is something the child in time is going to have to sort out but having a parent who allows this to be discussed on a national radio (or even local) upsets me, and for the national broadcaster to interfere in a child’s life to this extent also causes me a problem. This child is achieving what all children set out to achieve, adults’ attention. This really is something that the child needs to decide for themselves as they get older with their parents’ support – but not have a flipping radio programme about them before they have reached puberty.
There is a certain irony to the moppet in question being 10.
Anything that helps destroy the social fabric is grist to the BBC’s mill. Divisions and uncertainty in gender, race, religion are an easy target.
They want to see a society which can no longer help itself or heal itself, so all decisions need to be taken by the self-styled Great And Good, a Soviet-style nomenklatura, in which the BBC, of course, would run the Ministry of Truth.
The gorgeous Lauren Southern once debated with some SJW’s on a Canadian street where one tosser said ‘sexuality is a social construct’ to which she replied, ‘yeah, and I haven’t got boobs and men don’t have penises.’ The student just walked away while others gave her nonsense about non binary people etc.
These were young people, probably students, who are indoctrinated into believing that societal norms should not be accepted. Nothing wrong in challenging opinion but denying science, nature, biology and plain old facts is simply absurd.
The BBC are as culpable as the Gender Studies professors teaching these lies as facts.
As a adult trans woman who supports everything i have read so far on this website i want to point out that i also consider myself a living resistance to the islamization of the west simply by being successful in society as such. Worth thinking about.
Thank you.
However, will you admit that there are many cases were trans women have decided to revert-back to their real self yet the likes of BBC remain completely silent as that kind of news does not fit-well with their Rainbow fascist agenda?!
By the way I put this link on the guardian website and it was immediately deleted? Fascists!