Theresa May speaks about controlling immigration and the BBC goes onto red alert and the damage control, rapid rebuttal, plan of operation swings into action.
The airwaves have been full of immigration charity workers and UN do-gooders, not to mention wonderful migrants whose heart-rending and uplifting stories shame us all as we seek to shut them out of Europe.
We heard that people’s concerns about migration were just ‘fear of the unknown’…if only we got to know migrants we would love them. An insultingly dismissive line on people’s very real concerns because the trouble is, it’s not fear of the unknown, it’s a very real fear of the known….a ‘known’ that the BBC does its best to hide.
We heard that immigrants were not mere numbers, they are people too, with stories to tell and lives to live….the BBC is of course ready and very eager to tell those stories. Not so keen to tell the stories of schools bursting at the seams, NHS hospitals swamped by an ever rising tide of patients demanding treatment, young people homeless, nor the stories of those murdered, raped or otherwise the victims of migrant criminals….crimes which would never have happened had the borders been properly controlled.
So of course this is a story about numbers, very much so. How many migrants are on the move across the world? Something like 65 million was quoted today……just when do the numbers start counting for the BBC and the highly emotive and personal sob stories seen for what they are…attempts at emotional and moral blackmail, pro-mass immigration propaganda?
Here’s a migrant narrative that the BBC isn’t so keen to dwell on….
Germany’s Migrant Rape Crisis Spirals out of Control
Suppression of data about migrant rapes is “Germany-wide phenomenon.”
Sexual violence in Germany has reached epidemic proportions since Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed into the country more than one million mostly male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Err, name a subject that the bBC is against and that is the standard response you have just described Alan.
On RTE radio today, they spoke to an female asylum seeker in a detention centre with her kids..she said 90% of the seekers in the centre were male and she feared for her 12 year old daughter..sums them up..
There is an old saying:
“Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you’ve fed him for a lifetime.”
This needs updating to:
“Give a man a fish, and you’ll have him and his extended family demanding a house, car, health treatment, Sky TV, iPhone7, high speed fibre broadband, Sharia law, white woman to molest, white children to rape, full face veil for all woman. Don’t give him anything and keep everything you, your fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers fought for”
Give a man a fire and he will be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he’ll drink beer in a boat all day.
Whenever a bleeding heart reprobate waxes lyrical about how horrendous and oppressive Britain is to migrants, they’re basically saying the migrants are idiots since they’d surely want to stay away from such an awful, prejudiced country. The fact that we have a constant influx of economic migrants, let alone ones that are able to repeatedly subvert British law, completely unravels the left’s argument.
The biggest insult of course is that the real asylum seekers come to Europe for a new way of life, which the left deprives them of by saying the host country should assimilate its own culture to better represent the culture refugees were trying to flee in the first place.
The left is not empathetic, it’s a mindset driven purely by hatred and the need to feel superior to everyone else.
ITV news coverage of this at lunchtime out-BBC’d the BBC. After briefly announcing May’s stance at the UN they went straight to Parliament Square where a pro-‘refugee’ group of Britain-wrecking, open borders nutjobs had covered the area with life jackets that had been provided as part of the several thousand pounds a head ferry service from the coast of Libya to the nearest welcoming EU warship (typically a few hundred yards into the ‘voyage’).
A nice cosy, virtue-signalling interview of several minutes with some horse-faced actress who, on a jolly day out from her mansion in a safe and priveleged corner of North London, sought to lecture the rest of the country on how it should be doing more for these so-called ‘refugees’ and especially the ‘unaccompanied children’ (you know, the ones that cost us £200k per head per annum to look after) – all on top of the 350,000 (net) immigrants we are now taking in every year, of course. I could be wrong, though, and she might be living in a modest gaff in Middlesbrough – you know, in one of those benighted streets where ‘refugees’ and ‘asylum seekers’ outnumber the locals – in which case she will have canvassed local approval for her little speech, no doubt.
Suffice to say not a single challenge from the bimbo interviewer, not even the slightest suggestion – especially given the significance of what May was about to put to the UN – that at least some, if not the majority, of these ‘refugees’ are actually economic migrants especially given they have paid thousands of pounds for their trip, look nothing like desperate refugees, and all carry a mobile phone. In fact, she could have used any number of those photos of the thousands of young, well-groomed males forcing their way across EU borders that featured regularly in our press last year.
I wonder if any of our broadcasters are interested in impartiality any more – or maybe they all inhabit the same virtue-signalling Facebook/Twatter bubble as the shrieking leftist masses, and are terrified of stepping out of line.
Give up on the media. It is literally worthless. Nobody gets a real job unless Hive.
Hive is in charge of the lot of them.
Now they want to dominate the internet . This is not so easy but watch them try.
Talking of the Hive, I was glancing down through some TV listings on Sunday p.m. and had a look at late evening on ITV (not the BBC, I know, but bear with me).
Who should I find doing a late show but Robert Peston and Allegra Stratton? So, no Guardianista or BBC bias there then.
I looked up Stephenson the actress (no doubt she hates being called that except at pointless award ceremonies) to see if I could get an idea of how many mansions he (can’t call an actor she) owns. Apparently all that was mentioned was a flat in fashionable SW3 (It doesn’t mean he has no others, or cannot afford others). Amusingly one item said that he has a glass of champagne every day. He’s a real champagne socialist that Juliet Stephenson.
where does this 65million figure come from, sounds like bollox to me
I agree, I would imagine a few hundred million would be more like it. Try to accommodate all them in Europe!!! We should copy the numbers that Saudi Arabia takes as they can afford to house them much more than we can, and they have the space and the culture and the religion.
BBC bias doesn’t come as obvious as this very often, but the way Anna Foster delivers this brief segment of the BBC’s radio ‘5live Drive’ programme is a perfect example of skewed journalism and an attempt to present a person who has entered the UK illegally, but has since been granted asylum, as an example of the norm. He’s studying for a master’s degree which will help him rebuild Syria once the fighting has stopped. So let’s take them all in, yeah?
Notice how Anna is reluctant to ask why he travelled across so many safe countries when she points out that the question is commonly sent in by text message! It’s as if she has no notion of the reality of the question, and that it is ‘other people’ who are asking it. Even children studying geography at school would notice this glaring inconsistency!
And notice how the question is far from answered. The immigrant simply goes off on a tangent claiming that he had to flee Iraq to Turkey – a country a VERY long way away from the UK.
But Anna Foster leaves the interview there, as if there is some kind of satisfaction in his reply.
A cowardly interview. A crime against impartiality!