I’m sure that the BBC executives are in constant discussion about when and how to introduce ‘appropriately dressed’ Muslim news readers to our screens. I am certain that before this decade is out we will have been enriched by the sight of black bin bags , or as a minimalist first step, their heads carved prototypes , reading the news. This will be trumpeted by the BBC as a sign that the UK is a beacon of multiracial harmony. To ensure that the news readers are not discomforted by anything that may just possibly offend Muslim sensitivities , there are so many of those after all, there will a further clamp down on any story or language which could be construed as Islamophobic. Additionally the BBC will now broadcast the Muslim call to prayer on a daily basis which, owing to the wonders of modern technology , will be heard issuing at full volume from TV and radio sets even if they are switched off and the electric lead unplugged. The corporation believes that this will demonstrate how open and welcoming the UK is to our Muslim friends.
Friends! Some fantastic – literally! – news! The Hard-Right Neoliberal Corbyn’s vicious attempt to literally shut down my Blog has quite literally failed!
It’s back, bigger and better [Ha! – J.C. Jeremy, you are totally incorrigible! – L. I’m greatly incorriged (geddit) to hear that, Lefty! – J.C. Groan! – L.] than ever!
Might be a bit late for the BBC Charter review , but I was looking through the online petitions to Parliament to see if anybody had started one about the TV licence.
Couldn,t find anything , but was hoping for one along the lines of .
“The free TV licence for over 75 year olds should be extended to all pensioners over the age of 65 years. The BBC gets billions from the public in compulsory taxation for watching TV, so if they can afford to pay hundreds of their staff a higher salary than the prime minister , & give themselves huge unwarranted payoffs ,then there should be some consideration to lessen the tax burden on pensioners .”
But if there was a petition I would bet that the Beeb will not mention it ?
“Britain could be fined millions of pounds if it tries to negotiate trade agreements before leaving the EU”
The Independent has an article describing how the European Commission and other EU countries could take the UK to court if the Government begins talks with countries already in negotiations with the EU.
Typical of Lefty delusion and disconnexion from reality.
The best example of which I heard on BBC radio 4 thirtyish years ago, from memory, so not verbatim.
When Ravenhead Glass had a near monopoly of glass supplies to British pubs.
There was a strike at Ravenhead, production stopped.
After one week the senior shop steward, “in charge” of strike “action”, was interviewed on Radio 4 and explained the “progress”.
“All major breweries will stop production shortly, fragile beer glasses have a lifespan of two weeks, pubs are running out of glasses and cannot buy them elsewhere.” Stated the shop steward, followed by.
“It is illegal to sell beer in unstamped glasses, so every British pub will be shut in ten days time.”
Everyone in the room burst out laughing.
Naturally the pubs stayed open.
Well put ! How on earth does Junker & his pals think they can dictate to us ? Europe needs the UK far more than we need them. For the EU to dictate when we can negoiate trade deals with other countries is like a couple getting divorced dictating to each other what they can & cant do ! The cracks are appearing very quickly in the EU & we probably wont have anyone to negoiate with after invoking article.50 !
Goodbye Mr Junker, Tusk & Schultz
Gaunt starting speaking and the feminist in the studio starting rolling her eyes and straight away you just knew her agenda. The man hate was strong from these two. Whining on about wolf whistles being hate crimes when all this is pure feminist hate against men. These two ladies won’t be getting any wolf whistles what with the sour faces and ‘boyish’ looks. Everytime i have heard representatives of this group interviewed and there are women on the panel they get their arses handed to them by the women. Cristina
did the same today but these two clowns just did not want to listen. Gaunt brought up Islamic treatment of women and not a peep from these two idiots.
They might be happy if it was made illegal to be white male, English, working, straight or any combination of.
I am happy to say that almost all the women I know are nothing like these frothing feminists and not completely intolerant of anything men might do in the general day to day mundanity.
Discussed this subject with a friend, and are both of the opinion that this generation of females would have had something to scream about if they’d been around in the 60/70s. The difference was, we knew how to ‘handle’ any approaches back then. Wolf whistles ? we lapped ’em up, ‘gropers’ were quickly dealt with by a sarcastic response, and the biggest difference of all between our generations? humour !!!! There was an awful lot of “bugger off” remarks made (also unlike today, really serious swearing by females was almost unheard of !), but sexual harassment was an unheard of expression. Admittedly there was no published information of the likes of what Stuart Hall/Saville got up to,- there were groupies and always will be, BUT they preyed upon those who were unable to fight back and the vulnerable. I don’t honestly think that blokes have changed that much since those times, but the women have become more aggressive.
im guessing the two ugly dykes have never been wolf whistled by any blokes and never will be, perhaps that’s the problem.
these idiots conflate a wolf whistle, an admiring look or an unwanted sexual advance (which is probably “hi babe can i buy you a drink”) with touching,groping, molestation and rape, and notts police take them seriously.
“So, a muslim provocateur travels half way around the world to embrace more professional victimhood and thumb her nose at non muslim French people and there are the BBC -gasping to show their solidarity with her.”
David Vance on the thread about this, totally correct.
Meanwhile these Muslim females do not seem to want to cross the road to object to forced marriages, FGM, honour killings and the other iniquities inflicted on them by Muslim males according to the commands of Allah. Only when it’s action by non Muslims.
Similar to when there is a large loss of life after an a attack by a member of the religion of terror. Six Muslims protest.
Yet when a cartoon appears showing some bearded vagabond, we get a million Muslims with placards demanding deaths to the creators, burning flags and generally behaving in the deluded manner of dark ages dimwits.
It’s because they are special, you see.
Especially gullible, especially nasty, especially intolerant.
Drown the bitch in the sea next time.
The BBC produced and still does produce some good radio drama and comedy. If it stuck with that I’d be happy to lose the rest.
But news and discussions when the by line is oh so predictable is just plain BORING.
As for the News Quiz – it’s time has passed. Maybe I’m psychic but I know what will be said before they say it.
‘Chandana Keerthi Bandara, 57, lost his job as a producer on a BBC Sri Lankan news service, and sued the BBC for unfair dismissal and race discrimination.’
BBC: Mindful as ever of safeguarding our hard earned cash say.. Oh come on, it’s not so bad… “We note that the tribunal reduced the compensation awarded to Mr Bandara by 75 per cent and we will review the full decision of the tribunal carefully when it is available.”
12:00 BBC2 Daily politics The main guest yet again is that complete twat Zoe Williams of the guardian. Where is the balance, none. Of course she came out with all her lefty bollox like, Africa takes the most refugees. Conveniently forgetting that Africa produces/generates by far the most economic migrants and refugees.
Seconded. I am wholeheartedly sick of the whole ‘nobody knew/knows what Brexit will mean’ line as well. If they cannot get their heads around the fact that nobody advocating leaving the EU was in a position to specify/create/implement policy of any description.
Also, the main argument of many remainers accuses leave voters of being thick, xenophobic, racist, islamophobic little Englanders. The likes of Owen Smith, Chukka Numbnuts and Dim Farron want to wait for negotiations to end and then pose an infinitely more complex question to the same ‘stupid’ voters. And they expect people to respect what they have to say? All they can do is come up with problems. Get the blinkers off and come up with solutions instead.
As for free movement of people, how many more Romanian accordionists do we need? As an additional point to that, EEA migrants were paid 16% of all housing benefit paid to working people in the UK in 2013/14. Extrapolated across the working population that would indicate 5 million or so such people being present. Even if the amount is half that, it still shows that an inordinately large number claim housing benefit and do not ‘contribute enormously’ to the UK economy. This is before the migration boom in the last couple of years too.
The fact that the numbskull EU commissars are whinging and moaning and want to make everything as difficult as possible for us to leave is the icing on the cake. I would like to see them all XPD’d forthwith together with their British counterparts. Farron in particular is an abiding arsehole and makes me want to vomit, preferably on him. I’m glad he’s an irrelevance, the beeb just can’t get enough though.
NWStu, I enjoyed the end of Marr yesterday morning with Farage and Farron together. My conclusion on the short exchange: The LibDems will continue to lose support and are no threat whatsoever. And yet, the BBC continue to fill our screens with pricks like Farron. The only benefit is that increasing viewing exposure to the likes of Farron, simply confirms the voters view that he and others like him, do not occupy our planet. So, in that regard (and only that regard), BBC, let’s have more!
I know that you’re right there G.
Equally, he and the others, Marr and Dimbleberk included would make an entertaining spectacle being chased around an arena by potentially right wing animals such as lions and wolves, and leopards, and alligators, and crocodiles, cape hunting dogs etc: they would be allowed a BBC or HoC teaspoon for self defence, their choice. A roaring crowd drinking fine British ales and betting on the outcome.
Jo Coburn could do a live interview with a peckish Kodak Grizzly just to find out its opinion on the single market and Guy Verhofstat.
NB: In case anyone’s missed the news. The US police are after a named man for the bin bombing, he’s not Johnny Appleseed IV either.
It seems obvious that despite their very best efforts to wish it were otherwise, Labour and the Beeb have all the potential and excitement of a flaccid penis. Ergo, they must, in the continued war against the Dastardly Toories, back Tim and His Forces. You know it makes sense.
Zoe Williams – wilfully ignorant or just biblically stupid? She actually tried to make the argument that outside of the EU we would need to rely on government pressure on British consumers to boycot BMWs. If brains were dynamite she couldn’t blow her frickin’ hat off.
“that Africa produces/generates by far the most economic migrants and refugees”
That is all it produces, unless administered by non-Africans.
There is a list of failed states, this is the only failed continent.
Despite the collected wisdom of Western science and technology being totally available to them FREE.
Boko Haram etc, let them all live/die in their backward ignorance. Europe does not want to be contaminated/polluted thereby.
TruthSeeker, It’s not all doom and gloom in Africa and your comment is rather unfair. Botswana, for example, is a peaceful and relatively prosperous country.
I saw a clip on YouTube of two would-be hijackers roughly pulling an elderly man out of his car in Durban, South Africa. A woman rushes up to them, pushes one of them away from the car and then gets into the car and pulls the other one out while the elderly man sits, helpless, on the tarmac. A crowd gathers and beats one of them “to a pulp” while the other escapes.
The elderly man is white and everyone else black.
I won’t post the video here because it’s quite disturbing – rough, even brutal mob justice meted out by blacks protecting a white man.
It’s possible to be a touch too judgemental about Africa.
Oh Lordy, woke at 3am and put radio on to get me back to sleep.
Bad move! A BBC World Service panel chaired by Jonathan Dimble-got the job because of my Dad-by and a wake for the ‘tragic misjudgement which led to Brexit’, from such normal, average folks as Chris Patten or was he there as an ‘expert’ who I should take note of ?
Is my memory correct: has the BBC told us in the recent past, say the last ten years, that Climate Change is high on the list of voters priorities for Government action? In the Top Ten – I seem to recall it reaching the Number Three spot and the BBC telling us so on Radio 4 – or am I just imagining it?
It’s interesting how little things slip into the ‘public domain’ or out into the open. Last night on the Westminster Hour it was stated that Climate Change has never been high on the list of voters priorities for Government action, at least never in the Top Ten list.
Climate change. It must be about 457th on my list of things I’d like the government to take action on.
Besides, for one, reducing gridlock on our crappy overloaded road/M-Way system would go a long way to reducing emissions. But no, let’s have highly unaffordable trains and vomit spattered buses instead. As long as it involves a two mile walk in the p*ssing rain to get to the stop or station only for the bugger to not show up. Lovely.
The leftist types don’t seem to have an issue with importing more and more people to drive tens of thousands of shonky old diesels to further clog up the transport system though. At the same time as howling about what’s happening to greater spotted fen mosquitoes or something similar. Right on.
Paul Gascoigne was today found guilty of a racially aggravated public order offence, using “threatening or abusive words or behaviour”.
His crime?…..he said to a black man “Can you smile so that I can see you?”
The victim said that the incident has led him to have flashbacks. No doubt they’ll be a sizeable claim for damages and hurt to his feelings being prepared already.
Personally, I defy anyone to see a person of colour in a dark space that has no lighting. The same can be said about said person of colour who drives a black car with tinted windows – unless he’s wearing a white shirt he’s impossible to see. How can stating the obvious truth be classed as a ‘racially aggravated crime’ ?
When working in the NHS I worked with a lovely oriental doctor. On entering my office one day he looked quite yellow, and my first reaction was to say to him “are you feeling alright ? you look really yellow”. He laughed loudly, and said “I’m fine, I’m Chinese”. I felt silly, we both laughed and he took it in a well meaning way, but it would have only taken someone to overhear our conversation and complain, and the can of worms would have been opened.
Similar thing happened when I had my son. The lady in the bed opposite was Japanese. The hospital volunteers, pushing round the trolley full of snacks saw the baby and one said, ‘oh dear, is baby a bit jaundiced?’, then noticed Mum. But Mum, the embarrassed volunteers and I, all laughed and the moment was just enjoyed, especially by those of us who had not had much sleep. The BBC and the politically correct lobby make humour so difficult which I expect explains why there is nothing deliberately funny on the BBC these days.
I’ve no objection to a successful black guy being on stage and being paid £1,000 for it.
And if he had said to a tall white security guard “What’s the weather like up there ?”
I wouldn’t want him tried and fined …would the BBC types ?
Group of UK package Tourists go on holiday to Jamaica, that night in the club the Jamaican black comedian looks at the mainly white group and says “look at you guys, you’re so white …. there’s so much glare I need sunglasses. Never mind by Wednesday you’ll be as red a lobsters”
Would they laugh or try to get him prosecuted ?
Last week we had on the Daily Politics on the BBC, the presenter Jo Coburn seeming to deliberately misunderstand the process of legal disengagement from the EU. Today we have had rerun , I checked to make sure that I wasn’t watching a recording , but no it was today’s programme. Clearly the BBC have decided that this idea that Brexit will take an age due to these legal issues is the most promising way to undermine the referendum result and achieve either a referendum reversal or a feather light Brexit. We can expect this theme to be presented for weeks on end right across the whole vast range of BBC outlets.
I watched DP as well this morning and it was just dreadful! JoCo is quite useless yet thinks she’s one of the best. The Guardianista spouted utter rubbish…Africa takes a huge number of refugees!! What crap!
And as for the war against Brexit, it is just relentless, isn’t it? Who in their right mind when playing poker would reveal their aces and kings, yet alone the whole hand? Do these people have NO common sense? I loathe it all, all the unrelenting anti-ness towards everything that is good in this country. Frankly it’s an utter disgrace.
However, having said that, I shall force myself to try and catch Dispatches about Momentum. I see JC is starting a crèche for future Momentum babes. That is just chilling but no one will go near it for fear of being branded you know what! Might also force myself to catch Panorama just to see if I can count the lies and bias.
Is no one responsible for the output of this propaganda machine because that’s exactly what it is!!!
The Guardinsta you refer to was none other than Zoe Williams , self proclaimed member of the Intellectual Left, who also advocates spitting at your political opponents. Her best intellectual moment today was when she failed to appreciate that the Tory who was warning Germany that if they apply sanctions to our banks we will take action, via tariffs , on their cars etc. This crazy woman thought he meant that the UK would ask its citizens to stop buying German cars and doubted that this was likely to work! Where do they find these half wits? Member of the Intellectual left my foot, she seems as thick as two short planks to me. Mind you that doyenne of the Labour Party , Harriet Harmann once thought that the producer country applied the tariffs not the consumer country. Andrew Neil gently put her straight but must have been astonished that hat a senior politician was so stupid.The number of these noisy leftist women who appear on the TV, Emily Thornberry is another, does seem to me to a great demonstration of the mess you get into if you run any organisation on the basis of positive discrimination, the thick rises to the top.
Double – came here to say exactly this (silly argument about persuading consumers not applying tariffs and Britain applying tariffs to its imports) but you got there first! ZW is an Olympic class twunt.
The words of the goto guest are still telling us that we should keep Brevik, Unibomber, etc etdc in mind even while pictures are showing search going on at a halal chicken joint in New Jersey.
Not BBC related – well not really but typical of the PC nonsense that the BBC and Labour/Liberals love to promote and/or brandish as a weapon.
I had reason to call a helpline over the weekend. An organisation called ‘Stop Hate Crime’. ‘Hate Crime’ is one topic that arises, as I see it on BiasedBBC often. Anyway, helpful lady answered and I related my situation, in the process of which, I referred to my Polish neighbours as, ‘foreigners’. You can’t say that say’s lady. ‘But what do I call them otherwise’ asks I. ‘People’ came the response. She asks to take more notes and questions me during the course of which, she assumed and said, ‘I take it you are white British?’. Beginning to enjoy myself, I said to her, ‘you can’t call me that, its discriminatory. I am a person surely?’. Silence. I terminated the conversation shortly after this polite exchange as I was not prepared to, ‘join the Club’. I think this typifies the nonsense of the brainwashing that the average person has undergone over the past decade or two. The noun, ‘Foreigner’ is totally correct and I see no effort on behalf of the Oxford English Dictionary to withdraw the word from their range of dictionaries.
Perhaps if you posted the number of the help line we could all join in the fun and swamp them pleas for help as us whiteys are being discriminated against in so many ways.We could publish a crib sheet designed to get the ladies excited over our plight until they realised we are white.
How will the BBC play this down?
From the Star Tribune:
The attack in St. Cloud’s main shopping center that left nine people with stab wounds is being treated as an act of terror, federal authorities said Sunday.
But don’t forget the backlash . Moslems are the victims.
‘Jaylani Hussein, executive director in Minnesota of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said Sunday afternoon that “we are definitely concerned about the potential for backlash in the community, both in the immediate run and the longer term.”’
Just heard “You & Yours” item on an author killing her own meat. She investigated methods of slaughter in farms and abattoirs – except she missed one type of slaughter out and was not pushed on it at all. I suppose the elephant in the studio was too big to be stunned before slaughter.
BBC tell us New York bombing: Ahmad Khan Rahami IDed as suspect & that he comes from Elizabeth NJ. But go on to tell us It is not clear who was behind the devices found in New Jersey, at the railway station in Elizabeth.. May not need Sherlock’s powers of deduction though?
The BBC will deal with it by inferring that ‘it has been suggested that the Trump Camp is behind the bombings in a vile and transparent attempt to sway public opinion.’
The BBC will naturally deny any implication in this statement but that the suggestion from within a rival camp of ‘No smoke without fire’ could have some validity. Allegedly.
Frank Gardner, the BBC ‘security expert’ has been on BBC Radio today saying we shouldn’t say the New Jersey bombings are terrorist related. The words ‘Islam’ or ‘Islamist’ are not mentioned. Meanwhile Fox News are saying that the police and security agencies are after Ahmed Khan Rahami in connection with the bombing, describing him as armed and dangerous. BBC News, distorting and obfuscating the news for the UK. A big thank you to all concerned who where involved into renewing the BBC charter for the next twelve years.
taffman, Gardner isn’t really a token because he was a BBC ‘journalist’ before he was confined to a wheelchair as a result of being shot by members of the Religion of Peace.
Having said that, it really is a disgrace that, having personally experienced the brutality of the devotees of the ROP, he still minimises and obfuscates their terrorism.
So, all of this ‘no connections to Islamist terrorism ‘ and ‘motives unknown ‘ seem to be fading fast. Our media are complicit in these crimes as they’re actively seeking to cover up the true facts.
Stand by to become really wound up when the BBC report on the UN meeting of World Leaders in New York today to discuss the, ‘Migrant Crisis’. I’m sure the results will be music to the BBC’s ears. ‘Take millions of them in’ the UN will plead. Europe can take at least another 20 million more. “Standing room only” heard from roof-tops. Countries can collectively arrange a departure point in Libya and charter all the laid-up container vessels and ship all Africa into Europe. Fictional? – but it’s precisely what the enemy, the UN want to achieve.
The BBC are naturally keeping the lid on suggestions that the Prime Minister is working with the US Administration to bring about regime change in Syria, and implicitly supporting ISIS.
I never trusted this woman.
May cannot and I repeat cannot be trusted. Why anyone thought she could is incredible. She is there to keep us in the EU and to bolster neo con /liberal policies world wide. So no change there.
Grammar schools – just a little pointless diversion to buy approval from the majority of conservatives. They will never happen.
My worry is that if the May junta proves as devious as the Cameron one then it opens the door to the Corbyn faction.
Dave, we were all conned in 1975. That confirms that we are highly likely to be conned again. However, the difference now is that UKIP will be hovering in the wings, still. I suspect that Nigel will be watching over things and he’ll make sure we all go the right way under threat of a UKIP rising prior to the inevitable election May has to hold in less than 4 years. If it goes that way, as the Referendum, more than half the voters will side with UKIP in frustration if nothing else.
The FBI say that they are looking for Ah MAD Khan Rahami for the explosions in New York.
Expect the BBC to use the euphemism of looking for a mentally ill person. It will fill in nicely for Ahmed.
The Corbyn Youth. All children of non-zionists, or non-Ukipers between the ages of 9 to 18 will have to be members. There will be a nice brown uniform with little armbands depicting Che Guevara.
The boys and girls from the Corbyn Youth will be able to enjoy sitting round a smokeless campfire singing songs like the “Mark Duggan Lied” and “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” (see GWF’s post).
After a short pause to remember the victims of the holocaust, Zionist-baiting will continue as before.
There will be a vigorous exercise class each morning, but boys and girls will be segregated at all times.
With exquisite timing, at exactly the moment our beloved mayor Uncle Tom Khan is in the USA lecturing Trump on the wonders of Diversity, our American friends get a taste of enriching diversity in the form of multiple stabbings and bombings. Nice timing Tom.
Number 6- I am a bookie. I have bet IRAN !!! at 3000/1 to win
the WORLD CUP in Russia in 2018. Its an explosive bet. If they haven’t
fully developed the bomb by then and attacked Israel , they have as much
chance as Leicester did of winning the Premiership. The BBC for one will
be ecstatic. If you think I am mad ,watch Sadar Azmoun on YOU TUBE!!!
Sure Sadiq just taking the kids to school and passing all those bomb craters and decapitated bodies due to pressure cooker enthusiasts are just fine and dandy in London. Now who are doing these attacks i wonder? Over to you Sadiq. Four more years of this plank.
The Americans do not take these attacks lightly or regard them as inevitable. Khan has badly misjudged the mood.
A real lack of self awareness as usual.
— of life in a big city.
They sure as hell are part of life in any city, town, village, hamlet or any other group of dwellings, which is unfortunate enough to have those filthy scum that are Khan’s co-religionists, nearby.
Bhuddists no, Hindus no, just bloody Muslims.
They have to go.
Terror attacks ‘part and parcel of life in a big city’. Yes sadiq, just a minor annoyance like pigeon shit. Unless it’s YOUR throat that’s slit or YOUR brains blown out. Moron.
All very strange though ?
News media, I include the BBC, just adore scare stories and talking up the smallest event or cod science research into an immanent catastrophe and yet, and yet their baffling reluctance to link bombings, stabbings and shootings with terrorism of the Islamic kind …..
And in today’s edition of ‘You Can’t Make it Up’.
It is reported that Paul Mason and Ken Loach, those paragons of impartiality, are accusing the bBBC of anti-Corbyn bias.
Apologies if idea already floated, but id Panorama tonight effectively the BBC’s last ditch attempt to assist the defeat of Brother Corbyn and give it (the BBC) a chance of defeating the Conservatives at the next election.
For the BBC to have been defeated in 2010, 2015 & 2016 a fourth rebuff would be almost too much to bear!
Theres a dispatches edition on channel 4 tonight about momentum as well which should be interesting as they were getting very flustered about it on the daily politics. I expect the revolvers are being loaded up for next week by corbyns gang with macdonnell taking the lead. If anybody has seen the movie nicholas and alexandria then the ending will be very familiar. Don’t think there will be many champagne bottles on the floor of broadcasting house when comrade corbyn wins.
November 2016will be harikari time for the beeb if trump wins. They will simply lose the head and the hate will be stronger.
Watching the daily politics with Jo Co and extra special guest guardianista, corbynista, spitting enthusiast and all round gobshite Zoe Williams. At the end we had jo co all enthusiastic about the so called Manifesto Tracker which is going to keep track of the tories manifesto. Thirteen years of the shite that was the labour junta and no such bollocks as this was brought up. They bring on Ed Vaizey to discuss and coburn was literally spitting her questions with venom at him with williams chiming in. He had a bit of a dig by saying the beeb had spent all summer working on this little project. The beeb are now the official opposition and they are not hiding it.
The funniest moment of the weekend was not bbc but lbc on saturday where they were discussing the emirs visit to the US. The reporter was desperately trying to big up Khans visit by saying that he had met feminist pm Trudeau in Canada and because of this he is on the same level as other world leaders unlike boris who only ever met his mayoral counterparts on such visits. I nearly spat out my cornflakes laughing at this stupid agenda. I bet the short arsed pillock is going down a bomb after what happened in new york over the weekend.
I guess Sadiq Whittington Al-Britani Khan hasn’t seen the Ministers in South Park the Movie then?
They have more credibility than the real thing. Oh, and Carney.
So EQUAL, they get special laws/interpretations to protect them.
“Oh ah, if that government civil servant comes round here she’ll get a lynching”
A farmer and Torbay councillor claims he was just complaining in a normal way about broadband speeds in his area and OFCOM in a panel debate chaired by Kirsty Wark.
..He claims he didn’t know that the head of OFCOM is a black woman and therefore he was being unPC..Result he was kicked out the Small Biz federation FSB ..and then his entire area executive resigned in support.
Even tho she accepted his written apology the FSB stand firm
“We will not ignore or excuse behaviour that does not reflect our values. Withdrawal of membership is never done lightly or without good cause and requires the full authority of the Board of Directors – who are elected by the membership. Given Mr Haddock’s behaviour, the Board felt this was the right action to take.”
Mark Hodkinson revisits the controversial sitcom, forty years after it was last shown on TV.
Love Thy Neighbour ran for 54 episodes from 1972, dealing with the relatively new issue of the British mixing on home soil with people from elsewhere in the world. The UK’s black population had grown from 20,000 in 1950 to nearly 1.5 million in the 1970s.
It was based on the premise of old-school socialist Eddie Booth becoming outraged to discover that his new neighbours, Bill and Barbie Reynolds, were black. The two men bickered, fell out, palled up and, in-between, used racist language which has barely been heard on television since.
The racially-motivated antagonism attracted audiences up to 20 million people – a third of the population – and led to a spin-off feature film in 1973. Often attacked for promoting racial stereotypes, its defenders claimed it had been written to reduce racial friction by showing bigotry at its most ridiculous.
Mark Hodkinson looks back at the series with Jack Smethurst, the actor who played Eddie Booth and who ponders on whether he was sacrificial to the cause of multi-racialism – he was seldom offered roles afterwards and worked for a while in a flower shop.
Mark, who was brought up in a northern working-class family, takes an enigmatic view of Eddie Booth, looking at the character as a class stereotype – why was it considered permissible to demonise and ridicule the indigenous working-class? This is discussed by Owen Jones of The Guardian and the writer on social class, Lynsey Hanley.
Lemn Sissay, who was brought up in an all-white neighbourhood, talks of coming home from school with “rivers of spit on the back of my duffel coat”. He watches an episode of Love Thy Neighbour and considers how it plays on racial fears.
They’re all there, all the BBC favourite anti white racists such as Owen Jones. A friend who had no idea of who Jones is said “there’s a really camp queer on the radio, completely up his own ass trying to sound intelligent while making no sense”!
It does appear though that the BBC now accept that Love thy neighbour was a racist program – racist against the white working class despite the protests at the time by the Fascist Left that it was not.
I wonder if the BBC will ever broadcast a program about whether all the mass immigration the left indulged in it was a good or bad thing, why multi culturalism has failed so badly, and what might be done to put it right !
“This why Donald Trump’s Republican convention speech was felt so widely to have been such a dud” (que ? who says ?)
He then goes on to say how sad it is Trump benefits from this new bomb. but Hillary would benefit from major terrorist attack (que ?)
Then he goes onto to talk about American having tin foil hats.
“This is nothing to do with violence in the streets – it’s about hatred in hearts”
Funny the hatred I see on the streets seems to come from lefties and protesters these days, I wrong ?
I would bet that Webb is full of hate himself, and that his article is the normal PROJECTION.
(It’s a long article, but makes little sense)
You need to understand the concept of ‘left wing denial’ a psychopathic condition which has led to the deaths of millions of innocent people, and has made left wing politics the biggest single cause of human deaths outside of natural causes.
What appears to happen is that lefties formulate their policies, and wholly believe that their man made policies are perfect. Once formulated they cannot be changed (because they are perfect) and they are pursued with a zeal of the new believer. Even when it becomes obvious to others that the policies are flawed they cannot accept it, and hence the invention of words ending in ‘ism’ or ‘phobia’ to attack those who call their flawed thinking out.
In single party states (and those close to it – and Britain is becoming perilously close) when the policy fails, it isn’t the perfect policy which has failed, it’s the fault of the people – counter revolutionaries etc, scapegoats are found and purges begin.
Justin Webb demonstrates that same blinkered approach. It is a disease of the Left wing mind, and is incurable while the believer clings onto those beliefs.
Meanwhile Clinton appears to be on the verge of fainting again, this time at a press conference.
The pressure at the head to head debates will be much greater. I think there is a good chance she will keel over completely unless her doctor drugs her to the eyeballs, in which case I think she may be incoherent.
If this was a boxing match the Clinton corner would already have thrown in the towel.
Cultural Appropriation crime : Libby Purves calls for sanity pg 23 of the Times
Yesterday I mentioned that UEA banned sombreros
She protest against that stuff and ends : “Share, borrow mix it up”
I give you Millenial Millie, as a more accurate reporter on the US election than the entire BBC.
Here she covers Hillary arriving at a reception for the Dems Black Caucus with Barry in the President’s motorcade complete with ambulance at the rear. Together they play the race card and Barry tunes into black guilt reminding the audience he will be offended if they don’t vote for Hillary.
Millie manages to show black protesters demonstrating against Obama’s indifference to genocide of Christians in Ethiopia.
Last night I watched Countryfile. You know the programme that no longer has weather forecasts for ‘farmers and growers’ but only ‘for the week ahead’. But I digress. The producers think it is a wonderful weeze to encourage ramblers and to raise money for Children in Need. This is the second week in a row when a sizeable part of the programme has been dedicated to encouraging people to ‘get out there’. Last night we had a piece lasting several minutes about a lovely young woman with Downes – but the whole point is that how ever lovely she is, telling her story has nothing to do with the countryside. If they really want to encourage Ramblers they could start by teaching people how to read a map (you would not believe the number of arguments we have had with people who think they know our land better than we do (a railway cutting with a 100 feet drop is not something I would want to walk across even if there is a path on the other side); teach people how to close gates (they are usually closed for a reason) and tell them the damage that is done to animals eating the litter that they drop. Plus as usual we had a section about the coast – again fine but why cannot it have its own programme (perhaps called Coast?) and leave Countryfile to rural matters.
I note that Tommy Robinsons latest case brought by Bedfordshire police (A F**k ISIS flag held up when he was in France) was thrown out of court today…Who would have thought….The moment he leaves the courts however, the Luton streets present him with another challenge….Perhaps it’s just a question of who gets to him first…The British state or the religion of peace..
Btw gaxvil, Fox News gets the highest audience share of ALL cable networks in US, no reason why it wouldn’t here too. One can but dream… a REAL alternative to all the identikit lib/left msm.
I’ve been glued to Fox News right though the US elections from the beginning of the primaries. They have excellent and informed media people there who also have a sense of humour. I watch them on YouTube because somebody kindly puts a lot of their content up there very soon after it’s broadcast.
Some BBC journalists were thrown out of North Korea for ridiculing Kim Jong-Un’s military titles, demanding to know what exactly he’s done to deserve them.
Curiously, no BBC journalist has ever questioned what Britain’s queen did to deserve the following military titles….
Captain-General of the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery[63]
Australia 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Australian Engineers[63]
Australia 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Australian Infantry Corps[63]
Australia 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps[63]
Australia 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps[63]
Australia 1953 – : Air-Commodore-in-Chief of the Australian Citizen Air Force
Canada 1947 – : Colonel-in-Chief of le Régiment de la Chaudière[63]
Canada 1947 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the 48th Highlanders of Canada[63]
Canada 1950 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise’s)[63]
Canada 1952 – : Captain-General of the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery[63]
Canada 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Governor General’s Horse Guards[63]
Canada 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the King’s Own Calgary Regiment[63]
Canada 1953 – 1967: Colonel-in-Chief Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers
Canada 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal 22e Régiment[63]
Canada 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Governor General’s Foot Guards[63]
Canada 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Canadian Grenadier Guards[63]
Canada 1953 – 1956: Colonel-in-Chief of the Carleton and York Regiment
Canada 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Canadian Guards
Canada 1956 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal New Brunswick Regiment[63]
Canada 1958 – 1968: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps[63]
Canada 1977 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Military Engineers Branch[63]
Canada 1981 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Calgary Highlanders[63]
1953 – 1968: Air-Commodore-in-Chief of the Air Reserve Canada
1953 – 2012: Honorary Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
2012 – : Commissioner-in-Chief of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police[64]
Fiji 1970 – 1987: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Fiji Military Forces
Ghana 1959 – 1960: Colonel-in-Chief of the Ghana Regiment of Infantry
New Zealand 1953 – : Captain-General of the Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery[63]
New Zealand 1953 – : Captain-General of the Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps[63]
New Zealand 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Corps of Royal New Zealand Engineers[63]
New Zealand 1953 – 1964: Colonel-in-Chief of the Countess of Ranfurly’s Own Auckland Regiment
New Zealand 1953 – 1964: Colonel-in-Chief of the Wellington Regiment
New Zealand 1964 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment[63]
New Zealand 1977 – 1996: Colonel-in-Chief Royal of the New Zealand Army Ordnance Corps
New Zealand 1953 – : Air-Commodore-in-Chief of the Territorial Air Force of New Zealand
South Africa 1947 – 1961: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Durban Light Infantry
South Africa 1947 – 1961: Colonel-in-Chief of the South African Railways and Harbours Brigade
South Africa 1952 – 1961: Colonel-in-Chief of the Imperial Light Horse
South Africa 1953 – 1961: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Natal Carbineers
South Africa 1953 – 1961: Colonel-in-Chief of the Kaffrarian Rifles
United Kingdom 1942 – 1952: Colonel of the Grenadier Guards[65]
United Kingdom 1947 – 2006: Colonel-in-Chief of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise’s)
United Kingdom 1947 – 1994: Colonel-in-Chief of the 16th/5th Queen’s Royal Lancers
United Kingdom 1949 – : Honorary Brigadier of the Women’s Royal Army Corps
United Kingdom 1952 – : Colonel-in-Chief of The Life Guards[63]
United Kingdom 1952 – 1969: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Horse Guards
United Kingdom 1952 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Grenadier Guards[63]
United Kingdom 1952 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Coldstream Guards[63]
United Kingdom 1952 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Scots Guards[63]
United Kingdom 1952 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Irish Guards[63]
United Kingdom 1952 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Welsh Guards[63]
United Kingdom 1952 – : Captain-General of the Royal Regiment of Artillery[63]
United Kingdom 1952 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Corps of Royal Engineers[63]
United Kingdom 1952 – : Captain-General of the Honourable Artillery Company[63]
United Kingdom 1953 – 1971: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Scots Greys
United Kingdom 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Tank Regiment[63]
United Kingdom 1953 – 2006: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Welch Fusiliers[63]
United Kingdom 1953 – 1970: Colonel-in-Chief of the Loyal Regiment
United Kingdom 1953 – 1966: Colonel-in-Chief of the King’s Royal Rifle Corps
United Kingdom 1953 – 1956: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Army Ordnance Corps
United Kingdom 1953 – 1956: Honorary Colonel of the Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars
United Kingdom 1953 – : Captain-General of the Combined Cadet Force[63]
United Kingdom 1953 – 1959: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal West African Frontier Force
United Kingdom 1953 – 1964: Colonel-in-Chief of the King’s African Rifles
United Kingdom 1953 – 1964: Colonel-in-Chief of the Northern Rhodesia Regiment
United Kingdom 1953 – 1974: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Malta Artillery
United Kingdom 1953 – 1972: Colonel-in-Chief of the King’s Own Malta Regiment
United Kingdom 1953 – 1970: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Rhodesia Regiment
United Kingdom 1953 – 1992: Colonel-in-Chief of the Duke of Lancaster’s Own Yeomanry[66]
United Kingdom 1956 – 1963: Colonel-in-Chief of the Queen’s Own Nigeria Regiment
United Kingdom 1956 – : Honorary Colonel of the Queen’s Own Warwickshire and Worcestershire Yeomanry
United Kingdom 1959 – 1963: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Nigerian Military Forces
United Kingdom 1959 – 1971: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Sierra Leone Military Forces
United Kingdom 1964 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Malawi Rifles[63]
United Kingdom 1966 – 2007: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Green Jackets
United Kingdom 1969 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons)[63]
United Kingdom 1970 – 2006: Colonel-in-Chief of the Queen’s Lancashire Regiment
United Kingdom 1971 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards[63]
United Kingdom 1971 – 1999: Colonel-in-Chief of the Queen’s Own Yeomanry
United Kingdom 1973 – 1992: Colonel-in-Chief of the Queen’s Own Mercian Yeomanry
United Kingdom 1977 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Corps of Royal Military Police
United Kingdom 1992 – : Patron of the Royal Army Chaplains’ Department
United Kingdom 1992 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Adjutant General’s Corps[63]
United Kingdom 1993 – : Affiliated Colonel-in-Chief of the Queen’s Gurkha Engineers
United Kingdom 1993 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Queen’s Royal Lancers[63]
United Kingdom 1994 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Mercian and Lancastrian Yeomanry[63]
United Kingdom 2006 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Welsh[63]
United Kingdom 2006 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Regiment of Scotland[63]
United Kingdom 2006 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment[63]
United Kingdom 2006 – : Royal Colonel of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 5th Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Scotland[63]
United Kingdom 1953 – : Air-Commodore-in-Chief of the Royal Auxiliary Air Force
United Kingdom 1953 – : Air-Commodore-in-Chief of the Royal Air Force Regiment
United Kingdom 1953 – : Air-Commodore-in-Chief of the Royal Observer Corps
United Kingdom 1953 – : Commandant-in-Chief of the Royal Air Force College, Cranwell
United Kingdom 1977 – : Royal Honorary Air Commodore of the Royal Air Force Marham
United Kingdom 2000 – : Royal Honorary Air Commodore of the 603 (City of Edinburgh) Squadron
One could also question what the BBC has done to deserve the title “BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation”.
Oh, by the way, she is not only Britain’s Queen, but also Queen of many other Commonwealth countries.
Our soldiers swear loyalty to the Queen not to parliament or anything else. She is commander in chief still . If necessary she can directly order a colonel to use his regiment as she so orders. That the monarch has not done so for generations is the fact but the capability remains.
QE2 has presided over all the lefty treason in the UK since her coronation.
She must show some royal dissent and tell the HoC to FO next time they produce more anti-white legislation.
“Our soldiers swear loyalty to the Queen not to parliament or anything else”
Wish she would have a word or two in the (obviously) clogged-up ear of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury regarding the spiritual condition of Her church!
Queenie: “remember, big-boy, the tower is still vacant!” Archy: Is it? Funny, according to our landlord – Mr Atheist, the pumps were being cleaned-out tonight? so its a bottle night then.
Fedup2Mar 6, 16:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 The child killer on a sports field by a BMW yesterday was aged 10 and has been named . The…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:42 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Between 2019-2020, when Boris Johnson was Prime Minister, taxpayers were charged £141,380 for HOPE not hate charitable trust (which funds…
popeyeMar 6, 15:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Compared to people born in the UK, migrants are more likely to be of working age or have a university…
tomoMar 6, 15:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 Eagle is it seems a graduate of the Dianne Abbott academy? One might’ve hoped that the voters of The Wirral…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 * What power have you got? • Where did you get it from? • In whose interests do you use…
tomoMar 6, 15:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 home insurance premium? I’d have a read of the policy document
tomoMar 6, 15:05 Midweek 5th March 2025 More law….. EU courts…. – just imagine what TTK would get up to in cahoots with this lot.
Richard PinderMar 6, 15:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img] Stalinist torture of Tommy Robinson by the nasty socialist state. Political prisoner, Tommy Robinson, has suffered 128+ days so…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 14:58 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Police ‘acted reasonably’ in Pearson hate crime case” The Essex force has previously defended its since-dropped investigation over an…
AlthepalerpMar 6, 14:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Maybe the White population of the UK can do a deal with Mexico……. Mexico’s northern and western regions have the…
France burkini ban: Australian woman forced off Riviera beach
So, she went there looking for trouble and she got it.
You can trust the BBC to go shouting about how awful it is. Not much doubt from the article who they support.
I’m sure that the BBC executives are in constant discussion about when and how to introduce ‘appropriately dressed’ Muslim news readers to our screens. I am certain that before this decade is out we will have been enriched by the sight of black bin bags , or as a minimalist first step, their heads carved prototypes , reading the news. This will be trumpeted by the BBC as a sign that the UK is a beacon of multiracial harmony. To ensure that the news readers are not discomforted by anything that may just possibly offend Muslim sensitivities , there are so many of those after all, there will a further clamp down on any story or language which could be construed as Islamophobic. Additionally the BBC will now broadcast the Muslim call to prayer on a daily basis which, owing to the wonders of modern technology , will be heard issuing at full volume from TV and radio sets even if they are switched off and the electric lead unplugged. The corporation believes that this will demonstrate how open and welcoming the UK is to our Muslim friends.
DT, “Al Hamdidalah” added after every sentence naturally.
Friends! Some fantastic – literally! – news! The Hard-Right Neoliberal Corbyn’s vicious attempt to literally shut down my Blog has quite literally failed!
It’s back, bigger and better [Ha! – J.C. Jeremy, you are totally incorrigible! – L. I’m greatly incorriged (geddit) to hear that, Lefty! – J.C. Groan! – L.] than ever!
Might be a bit late for the BBC Charter review , but I was looking through the online petitions to Parliament to see if anybody had started one about the TV licence.
Couldn,t find anything , but was hoping for one along the lines of .
“The free TV licence for over 75 year olds should be extended to all pensioners over the age of 65 years. The BBC gets billions from the public in compulsory taxation for watching TV, so if they can afford to pay hundreds of their staff a higher salary than the prime minister , & give themselves huge unwarranted payoffs ,then there should be some consideration to lessen the tax burden on pensioners .”
But if there was a petition I would bet that the Beeb will not mention it ?
“Britain could be fined millions of pounds if it tries to negotiate trade agreements before leaving the EU”
The Independent has an article describing how the European Commission and other EU countries could take the UK to court if the Government begins talks with countries already in negotiations with the EU.
Am I losing my marbles here or didn’t we just vote to leave this corrupt bunch of losers? How on earth can they then threaten to fine us?
Tell them to sling their hook and sod off.
The trouble is, Luxembourg might declare war and invade us …..
That is why we have Trident!
All you would need, is a pointy stick.
Typical of Lefty delusion and disconnexion from reality.
The best example of which I heard on BBC radio 4 thirtyish years ago, from memory, so not verbatim.
When Ravenhead Glass had a near monopoly of glass supplies to British pubs.
There was a strike at Ravenhead, production stopped.
After one week the senior shop steward, “in charge” of strike “action”, was interviewed on Radio 4 and explained the “progress”.
“All major breweries will stop production shortly, fragile beer glasses have a lifespan of two weeks, pubs are running out of glasses and cannot buy them elsewhere.” Stated the shop steward, followed by.
“It is illegal to sell beer in unstamped glasses, so every British pub will be shut in ten days time.”
Everyone in the room burst out laughing.
Naturally the pubs stayed open.
Well put ! How on earth does Junker & his pals think they can dictate to us ? Europe needs the UK far more than we need them. For the EU to dictate when we can negoiate trade deals with other countries is like a couple getting divorced dictating to each other what they can & cant do ! The cracks are appearing very quickly in the EU & we probably wont have anyone to negoiate with after invoking article.50 !
Goodbye Mr Junker, Tusk & Schultz
Sunday morning live yesterday had another discussion about misogyny in nottingham which they have been discussing and bigging up. all week. They had John Gaunt and Cristina Odone in the the studio along with two activists one in the studio and one outside. The one in the studio was Sarah Ditum (her twitter description is hailarious) and the other was Melanie Jeffs
Gaunt starting speaking and the feminist in the studio starting rolling her eyes and straight away you just knew her agenda. The man hate was strong from these two. Whining on about wolf whistles being hate crimes when all this is pure feminist hate against men. These two ladies won’t be getting any wolf whistles what with the sour faces and ‘boyish’ looks. Everytime i have heard representatives of this group interviewed and there are women on the panel they get their arses handed to them by the women. Cristina
did the same today but these two clowns just did not want to listen. Gaunt brought up Islamic treatment of women and not a peep from these two idiots.
They might be happy if it was made illegal to be white male, English, working, straight or any combination of.
I am happy to say that almost all the women I know are nothing like these frothing feminists and not completely intolerant of anything men might do in the general day to day mundanity.
Discussed this subject with a friend, and are both of the opinion that this generation of females would have had something to scream about if they’d been around in the 60/70s. The difference was, we knew how to ‘handle’ any approaches back then. Wolf whistles ? we lapped ’em up, ‘gropers’ were quickly dealt with by a sarcastic response, and the biggest difference of all between our generations? humour !!!! There was an awful lot of “bugger off” remarks made (also unlike today, really serious swearing by females was almost unheard of !), but sexual harassment was an unheard of expression. Admittedly there was no published information of the likes of what Stuart Hall/Saville got up to,- there were groupies and always will be, BUT they preyed upon those who were unable to fight back and the vulnerable. I don’t honestly think that blokes have changed that much since those times, but the women have become more aggressive.
im guessing the two ugly dykes have never been wolf whistled by any blokes and never will be, perhaps that’s the problem.
these idiots conflate a wolf whistle, an admiring look or an unwanted sexual advance (which is probably “hi babe can i buy you a drink”) with touching,groping, molestation and rape, and notts police take them seriously.
god help us all
“So, a muslim provocateur travels half way around the world to embrace more professional victimhood and thumb her nose at non muslim French people and there are the BBC -gasping to show their solidarity with her.”
David Vance on the thread about this, totally correct.
Meanwhile these Muslim females do not seem to want to cross the road to object to forced marriages, FGM, honour killings and the other iniquities inflicted on them by Muslim males according to the commands of Allah. Only when it’s action by non Muslims.
Similar to when there is a large loss of life after an a attack by a member of the religion of terror. Six Muslims protest.
Yet when a cartoon appears showing some bearded vagabond, we get a million Muslims with placards demanding deaths to the creators, burning flags and generally behaving in the deluded manner of dark ages dimwits.
It’s because they are special, you see.
Especially gullible, especially nasty, especially intolerant.
Drown the bitch in the sea next time.
The BBC produced and still does produce some good radio drama and comedy. If it stuck with that I’d be happy to lose the rest.
But news and discussions when the by line is oh so predictable is just plain BORING.
As for the News Quiz – it’s time has passed. Maybe I’m psychic but I know what will be said before they say it.
Those Licence Payers of a nervous disposition or those with high blood pressure may wish to look away now…
‘Chandana Keerthi Bandara, 57, lost his job as a producer on a BBC Sri Lankan news service, and sued the BBC for unfair dismissal and race discrimination.’
BBC: Mindful as ever of safeguarding our hard earned cash say.. Oh come on, it’s not so bad… “We note that the tribunal reduced the compensation awarded to Mr Bandara by 75 per cent and we will review the full decision of the tribunal carefully when it is available.”
Quick everyone! An open comments section on the UN migrant summit!
It’s going predictably badly for the BBC – worse than ever, in my estimation. Still they will not listen.
The linked videos at the bottom are quite special, too.
I also see Mrs. Balls is still allowed to pass on her selective opinion versus (in)action on commitments.
12:00 BBC2 Daily politics The main guest yet again is that complete twat Zoe Williams of the guardian. Where is the balance, none. Of course she came out with all her lefty bollox like, Africa takes the most refugees. Conveniently forgetting that Africa produces/generates by far the most economic migrants and refugees.
Seconded. I am wholeheartedly sick of the whole ‘nobody knew/knows what Brexit will mean’ line as well. If they cannot get their heads around the fact that nobody advocating leaving the EU was in a position to specify/create/implement policy of any description.
Also, the main argument of many remainers accuses leave voters of being thick, xenophobic, racist, islamophobic little Englanders. The likes of Owen Smith, Chukka Numbnuts and Dim Farron want to wait for negotiations to end and then pose an infinitely more complex question to the same ‘stupid’ voters. And they expect people to respect what they have to say? All they can do is come up with problems. Get the blinkers off and come up with solutions instead.
As for free movement of people, how many more Romanian accordionists do we need? As an additional point to that, EEA migrants were paid 16% of all housing benefit paid to working people in the UK in 2013/14. Extrapolated across the working population that would indicate 5 million or so such people being present. Even if the amount is half that, it still shows that an inordinately large number claim housing benefit and do not ‘contribute enormously’ to the UK economy. This is before the migration boom in the last couple of years too.
The fact that the numbskull EU commissars are whinging and moaning and want to make everything as difficult as possible for us to leave is the icing on the cake. I would like to see them all XPD’d forthwith together with their British counterparts. Farron in particular is an abiding arsehole and makes me want to vomit, preferably on him. I’m glad he’s an irrelevance, the beeb just can’t get enough though.
NWStu, I enjoyed the end of Marr yesterday morning with Farage and Farron together. My conclusion on the short exchange: The LibDems will continue to lose support and are no threat whatsoever. And yet, the BBC continue to fill our screens with pricks like Farron. The only benefit is that increasing viewing exposure to the likes of Farron, simply confirms the voters view that he and others like him, do not occupy our planet. So, in that regard (and only that regard), BBC, let’s have more!
I know that you’re right there G.
Equally, he and the others, Marr and Dimbleberk included would make an entertaining spectacle being chased around an arena by potentially right wing animals such as lions and wolves, and leopards, and alligators, and crocodiles, cape hunting dogs etc: they would be allowed a BBC or HoC teaspoon for self defence, their choice. A roaring crowd drinking fine British ales and betting on the outcome.
Jo Coburn could do a live interview with a peckish Kodak Grizzly just to find out its opinion on the single market and Guy Verhofstat.
NB: In case anyone’s missed the news. The US police are after a named man for the bin bombing, he’s not Johnny Appleseed IV either.
It seems obvious that despite their very best efforts to wish it were otherwise, Labour and the Beeb have all the potential and excitement of a flaccid penis. Ergo, they must, in the continued war against the Dastardly Toories, back Tim and His Forces. You know it makes sense.
Zoe Williams – wilfully ignorant or just biblically stupid? She actually tried to make the argument that outside of the EU we would need to rely on government pressure on British consumers to boycot BMWs. If brains were dynamite she couldn’t blow her frickin’ hat off.
“that Africa produces/generates by far the most economic migrants and refugees”
That is all it produces, unless administered by non-Africans.
There is a list of failed states, this is the only failed continent.
Despite the collected wisdom of Western science and technology being totally available to them FREE.
Boko Haram etc, let them all live/die in their backward ignorance. Europe does not want to be contaminated/polluted thereby.
TruthSeeker, It’s not all doom and gloom in Africa and your comment is rather unfair. Botswana, for example, is a peaceful and relatively prosperous country.
I saw a clip on YouTube of two would-be hijackers roughly pulling an elderly man out of his car in Durban, South Africa. A woman rushes up to them, pushes one of them away from the car and then gets into the car and pulls the other one out while the elderly man sits, helpless, on the tarmac. A crowd gathers and beats one of them “to a pulp” while the other escapes.
The elderly man is white and everyone else black.
I won’t post the video here because it’s quite disturbing – rough, even brutal mob justice meted out by blacks protecting a white man.
It’s possible to be a touch too judgemental about Africa.
Not included is a link to this video.
So I am unable to verify this, or establish the source.
One swallow does not a summer make.
Oh Lordy, woke at 3am and put radio on to get me back to sleep.
Bad move! A BBC World Service panel chaired by Jonathan Dimble-got the job because of my Dad-by and a wake for the ‘tragic misjudgement which led to Brexit’, from such normal, average folks as Chris Patten or was he there as an ‘expert’ who I should take note of ?
Is my memory correct: has the BBC told us in the recent past, say the last ten years, that Climate Change is high on the list of voters priorities for Government action? In the Top Ten – I seem to recall it reaching the Number Three spot and the BBC telling us so on Radio 4 – or am I just imagining it?
It’s interesting how little things slip into the ‘public domain’ or out into the open. Last night on the Westminster Hour it was stated that Climate Change has never been high on the list of voters priorities for Government action, at least never in the Top Ten list.
Very interesting.
Climate change. It must be about 457th on my list of things I’d like the government to take action on.
Besides, for one, reducing gridlock on our crappy overloaded road/M-Way system would go a long way to reducing emissions. But no, let’s have highly unaffordable trains and vomit spattered buses instead. As long as it involves a two mile walk in the p*ssing rain to get to the stop or station only for the bugger to not show up. Lovely.
The leftist types don’t seem to have an issue with importing more and more people to drive tens of thousands of shonky old diesels to further clog up the transport system though. At the same time as howling about what’s happening to greater spotted fen mosquitoes or something similar. Right on.
In a recent UN Poll – “so-called” Climate Change came 16th out of 16 things that people are worried about.
“Gazza found guilty of racism in court”
Paul Gascoigne was today found guilty of a racially aggravated public order offence, using “threatening or abusive words or behaviour”.
His crime?…..he said to a black man “Can you smile so that I can see you?”
The victim said that the incident has led him to have flashbacks. No doubt they’ll be a sizeable claim for damages and hurt to his feelings being prepared already.
Meanwhile, thousands of underage, white British girls are being abused by men of Pakistani heritage and nothing is done.
Good to see our justice system working so well.
Personally, I defy anyone to see a person of colour in a dark space that has no lighting. The same can be said about said person of colour who drives a black car with tinted windows – unless he’s wearing a white shirt he’s impossible to see. How can stating the obvious truth be classed as a ‘racially aggravated crime’ ?
When working in the NHS I worked with a lovely oriental doctor. On entering my office one day he looked quite yellow, and my first reaction was to say to him “are you feeling alright ? you look really yellow”. He laughed loudly, and said “I’m fine, I’m Chinese”. I felt silly, we both laughed and he took it in a well meaning way, but it would have only taken someone to overhear our conversation and complain, and the can of worms would have been opened.
You should hear my (ethnically Chinese, but raised in London) wife’s comedy rendition of Cold Play’s ‘Yellow’.
“And it was all lellow”
Grimer, I guess here’s how she’d sing the old Donovan song: ‘They call me mellow lellow.’
Similar thing happened when I had my son. The lady in the bed opposite was Japanese. The hospital volunteers, pushing round the trolley full of snacks saw the baby and one said, ‘oh dear, is baby a bit jaundiced?’, then noticed Mum. But Mum, the embarrassed volunteers and I, all laughed and the moment was just enjoyed, especially by those of us who had not had much sleep. The BBC and the politically correct lobby make humour so difficult which I expect explains why there is nothing deliberately funny on the BBC these days.
All part of the loathsome black grievance industry.
I’ve no objection to a successful black guy being on stage and being paid £1,000 for it.
And if he had said to a tall white security guard “What’s the weather like up there ?”
I wouldn’t want him tried and fined …would the BBC types ?
Group of UK package Tourists go on holiday to Jamaica, that night in the club the Jamaican black comedian looks at the mainly white group and says “look at you guys, you’re so white …. there’s so much glare I need sunglasses. Never mind by Wednesday you’ll be as red a lobsters”
Would they laugh or try to get him prosecuted ?
Last week we had on the Daily Politics on the BBC, the presenter Jo Coburn seeming to deliberately misunderstand the process of legal disengagement from the EU. Today we have had rerun , I checked to make sure that I wasn’t watching a recording , but no it was today’s programme. Clearly the BBC have decided that this idea that Brexit will take an age due to these legal issues is the most promising way to undermine the referendum result and achieve either a referendum reversal or a feather light Brexit. We can expect this theme to be presented for weeks on end right across the whole vast range of BBC outlets.
I watched DP as well this morning and it was just dreadful! JoCo is quite useless yet thinks she’s one of the best. The Guardianista spouted utter rubbish…Africa takes a huge number of refugees!! What crap!
And as for the war against Brexit, it is just relentless, isn’t it? Who in their right mind when playing poker would reveal their aces and kings, yet alone the whole hand? Do these people have NO common sense? I loathe it all, all the unrelenting anti-ness towards everything that is good in this country. Frankly it’s an utter disgrace.
However, having said that, I shall force myself to try and catch Dispatches about Momentum. I see JC is starting a crèche for future Momentum babes. That is just chilling but no one will go near it for fear of being branded you know what! Might also force myself to catch Panorama just to see if I can count the lies and bias.
Is no one responsible for the output of this propaganda machine because that’s exactly what it is!!!
The Guardinsta you refer to was none other than Zoe Williams , self proclaimed member of the Intellectual Left, who also advocates spitting at your political opponents. Her best intellectual moment today was when she failed to appreciate that the Tory who was warning Germany that if they apply sanctions to our banks we will take action, via tariffs , on their cars etc. This crazy woman thought he meant that the UK would ask its citizens to stop buying German cars and doubted that this was likely to work! Where do they find these half wits? Member of the Intellectual left my foot, she seems as thick as two short planks to me. Mind you that doyenne of the Labour Party , Harriet Harmann once thought that the producer country applied the tariffs not the consumer country. Andrew Neil gently put her straight but must have been astonished that hat a senior politician was so stupid.The number of these noisy leftist women who appear on the TV, Emily Thornberry is another, does seem to me to a great demonstration of the mess you get into if you run any organisation on the basis of positive discrimination, the thick rises to the top.
Double – came here to say exactly this (silly argument about persuading consumers not applying tariffs and Britain applying tariffs to its imports) but you got there first! ZW is an Olympic class twunt.
The words of the goto guest are still telling us that we should keep Brevik, Unibomber, etc etdc in mind even while pictures are showing search going on at a halal chicken joint in New Jersey.
Not BBC related – well not really but typical of the PC nonsense that the BBC and Labour/Liberals love to promote and/or brandish as a weapon.
I had reason to call a helpline over the weekend. An organisation called ‘Stop Hate Crime’. ‘Hate Crime’ is one topic that arises, as I see it on BiasedBBC often. Anyway, helpful lady answered and I related my situation, in the process of which, I referred to my Polish neighbours as, ‘foreigners’. You can’t say that say’s lady. ‘But what do I call them otherwise’ asks I. ‘People’ came the response. She asks to take more notes and questions me during the course of which, she assumed and said, ‘I take it you are white British?’. Beginning to enjoy myself, I said to her, ‘you can’t call me that, its discriminatory. I am a person surely?’. Silence. I terminated the conversation shortly after this polite exchange as I was not prepared to, ‘join the Club’. I think this typifies the nonsense of the brainwashing that the average person has undergone over the past decade or two. The noun, ‘Foreigner’ is totally correct and I see no effort on behalf of the Oxford English Dictionary to withdraw the word from their range of dictionaries.
Mmmmm …… so which crimes are, ‘love crimes’ ? – The ones that aren’t ‘hate crimes’ ?
Love crimes are honour killings and FGM. You won’t find a feminist condemning them
Perhaps if you posted the number of the help line we could all join in the fun and swamp them pleas for help as us whiteys are being discriminated against in so many ways.We could publish a crib sheet designed to get the ladies excited over our plight until they realised we are white.
How will the BBC play this down?
From the Star Tribune:
The attack in St. Cloud’s main shopping center that left nine people with stab wounds is being treated as an act of terror, federal authorities said Sunday.
But don’t forget the backlash . Moslems are the victims.
‘Jaylani Hussein, executive director in Minnesota of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said Sunday afternoon that “we are definitely concerned about the potential for backlash in the community, both in the immediate run and the longer term.”’
G.W.F. and unlike us, they have guns so I guess a community, ‘backlash’ is slightly different.
Try warning the poor sod tied up in the city square in Riyadh about the ‘backlash’
G.W.F, Naturally Hussein from that vile CAIR organisation does not express any concern for the stabbing victims.
He can put his ‘concern’ where the sun don’t shine.
Seems that surname can be associated with common, oddly consistent standards of moral relativism all around the world.
Just heard “You & Yours” item on an author killing her own meat. She investigated methods of slaughter in farms and abattoirs – except she missed one type of slaughter out and was not pushed on it at all. I suppose the elephant in the studio was too big to be stunned before slaughter.
BBC tell us New York bombing: Ahmad Khan Rahami IDed as suspect & that he comes from Elizabeth NJ. But go on to tell us It is not clear who was behind the devices found in New Jersey, at the railway station in Elizabeth.. May not need Sherlock’s powers of deduction though?
Do these bombings and stabbings qualify as ‘hate crimes’? – Just asking.
No gaxvil, it’s only whities who hate. Others feel passionately about their faith or the injustice done to them.
So not from Afghanistan and living in the USA then?
New York bombings may have been nothing to do with Islam after all.
This is going to play straight into Trump’s hands: I wonder how the BBC will deal with it?
From the report
‘Investigators have warned the suspect, whose last known address was in Elizabeth, should be considered “armed and dangerous”.’
Armed and dangerous. So he cannot be from the Religion of Peace.
The BBC will deal with it by inferring that ‘it has been suggested that the Trump Camp is behind the bombings in a vile and transparent attempt to sway public opinion.’
The BBC will naturally deny any implication in this statement but that the suggestion from within a rival camp of ‘No smoke without fire’ could have some validity. Allegedly.
Nice to see Norman Smith having a J.R. over the life jackets in Parliament square today.
who sanctions these stunts?
Frank Gardner, the BBC ‘security expert’ has been on BBC Radio today saying we shouldn’t say the New Jersey bombings are terrorist related. The words ‘Islam’ or ‘Islamist’ are not mentioned. Meanwhile Fox News are saying that the police and security agencies are after Ahmed Khan Rahami in connection with the bombing, describing him as armed and dangerous. BBC News, distorting and obfuscating the news for the UK. A big thank you to all concerned who where involved into renewing the BBC charter for the next twelve years.
It’s fooling no-one, Cassandra. And hastening the time when the BBC, and MSM in general are widely seen as the irrelevance they are.
Gardener should have stuck to gardening because he knows nothing about security. He is a token paraplegic. ‘He ticks the box’.
taffman, Gardner isn’t really a token because he was a BBC ‘journalist’ before he was confined to a wheelchair as a result of being shot by members of the Religion of Peace.
Having said that, it really is a disgrace that, having personally experienced the brutality of the devotees of the ROP, he still minimises and obfuscates their terrorism.
So, all of this ‘no connections to Islamist terrorism ‘ and ‘motives unknown ‘ seem to be fading fast. Our media are complicit in these crimes as they’re actively seeking to cover up the true facts.
Stand by to become really wound up when the BBC report on the UN meeting of World Leaders in New York today to discuss the, ‘Migrant Crisis’. I’m sure the results will be music to the BBC’s ears. ‘Take millions of them in’ the UN will plead. Europe can take at least another 20 million more. “Standing room only” heard from roof-tops. Countries can collectively arrange a departure point in Libya and charter all the laid-up container vessels and ship all Africa into Europe. Fictional? – but it’s precisely what the enemy, the UN want to achieve.
I mentioned yesterday of a rumour that the UK had taken part in the US led airstrike that killed over 60Syrrian Governmentsoldiers and assisted ISIS.
BBC now confirms this. The bombing was unintentional of course.
The BBC are naturally keeping the lid on suggestions that the Prime Minister is working with the US Administration to bring about regime change in Syria, and implicitly supporting ISIS.
I never trusted this woman.
May cannot and I repeat cannot be trusted. Why anyone thought she could is incredible. She is there to keep us in the EU and to bolster neo con /liberal policies world wide. So no change there.
Grammar schools – just a little pointless diversion to buy approval from the majority of conservatives. They will never happen.
My worry is that if the May junta proves as devious as the Cameron one then it opens the door to the Corbyn faction.
Dave, we were all conned in 1975. That confirms that we are highly likely to be conned again. However, the difference now is that UKIP will be hovering in the wings, still. I suspect that Nigel will be watching over things and he’ll make sure we all go the right way under threat of a UKIP rising prior to the inevitable election May has to hold in less than 4 years. If it goes that way, as the Referendum, more than half the voters will side with UKIP in frustration if nothing else.
G…I wasnt conned in 75, not then, not now, not ever.
D_C, going from a ‘Common Market’ to a ‘United States of Europe’? Who saw that one coming?
The FBI say that they are looking for Ah MAD Khan Rahami for the explosions in New York.
Expect the BBC to use the euphemism of looking for a mentally ill person. It will fill in nicely for Ahmed.
Another bloody Norwegian nutcase. They’re everywhere.
My mistake, the US bombing suspect isn’t Norwegian, he’s from Afghanistan. Probably one of the little-known community of Afghan Mormons.
Corbyn’s Momentum to set up a kids group. I kid you not.
BBC report
National Union of Minors
Tiny Trots…
altogether now
springtime..for corbyn…and ‘palestine’
winter..for israel..and jews
the feckin corbyn youth
all we need is the brownshirts….and Eva Thornberry
I dont see this ending well….
Soewhere near Rotherham.
The Momentum Yoof
The most extreme form of child abuse!
The Corbyn Youth. All children of non-zionists, or non-Ukipers between the ages of 9 to 18 will have to be members. There will be a nice brown uniform with little armbands depicting Che Guevara.
The boys and girls from the Corbyn Youth will be able to enjoy sitting round a smokeless campfire singing songs like the “Mark Duggan Lied” and “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” (see GWF’s post).
After a short pause to remember the victims of the holocaust, Zionist-baiting will continue as before.
There will be a vigorous exercise class each morning, but boys and girls will be segregated at all times.
With exquisite timing, at exactly the moment our beloved mayor Uncle Tom Khan is in the USA lecturing Trump on the wonders of Diversity, our American friends get a taste of enriching diversity in the form of multiple stabbings and bombings. Nice timing Tom.
some of the comments regarding Khan on facebook afrom our friends in the US are coming up a fair bit short of being complimentary I can tell you
I’m sure Khan’s endorsement of Diversity to the Americans went down a bomb in NY.
The World Transformed event will include a creche to encourage parents and carers who would otherwise struggle to attend, organisers say.
There will also be storytelling and workshops on campaigning aimed at young people.
Corbyn and his gang just got a bit scarier!
I wish the so called bbc would open a bookies
can you imagine the odds on any given terrorist attack anywhere the world being on a muslim?
you could stick a tenner on at 1000/1 and still win
norwegian lunatic?…that’s 1/5 guv…red hot favourite
Number 6- I am a bookie. I have bet IRAN !!! at 3000/1 to win
the WORLD CUP in Russia in 2018. Its an explosive bet. If they haven’t
fully developed the bomb by then and attacked Israel , they have as much
chance as Leicester did of winning the Premiership. The BBC for one will
be ecstatic. If you think I am mad ,watch Sadar Azmoun on YOU TUBE!!!
New York explosion: Sadiq Khan says terror attacks are ‘part and parcel of life in a big city’
Sure Sadiq just taking the kids to school and passing all those bomb craters and decapitated bodies due to pressure cooker enthusiasts are just fine and dandy in London. Now who are doing these attacks i wonder? Over to you Sadiq. Four more years of this plank.
The Americans do not take these attacks lightly or regard them as inevitable. Khan has badly misjudged the mood.
A real lack of self awareness as usual.
His logic is flawless – big cities with Muslims therefore being blown up, shot or stabbed is part and parcel etc.
— of life in a big city.
They sure as hell are part of life in any city, town, village, hamlet or any other group of dwellings, which is unfortunate enough to have those filthy scum that are Khan’s co-religionists, nearby.
Bhuddists no, Hindus no, just bloody Muslims.
They have to go.
Terror attacks ‘part and parcel of life in a big city’. Yes sadiq, just a minor annoyance like pigeon shit. Unless it’s YOUR throat that’s slit or YOUR brains blown out. Moron.
No.6, maybe in Karachi.
All very strange though ?
News media, I include the BBC, just adore scare stories and talking up the smallest event or cod science research into an immanent catastrophe and yet, and yet their baffling reluctance to link bombings, stabbings and shootings with terrorism of the Islamic kind …..
And in today’s edition of ‘You Can’t Make it Up’.
It is reported that Paul Mason and Ken Loach, those paragons of impartiality, are accusing the bBBC of anti-Corbyn bias.
I know. I can’t stop laughing either.
Keep laughing
And on Loach’s Left Unity FB site they are complaining that the BBC will not respond to their complaints about right wing bias
Apologies if idea already floated, but id Panorama tonight effectively the BBC’s last ditch attempt to assist the defeat of Brother Corbyn and give it (the BBC) a chance of defeating the Conservatives at the next election.
For the BBC to have been defeated in 2010, 2015 & 2016 a fourth rebuff would be almost too much to bear!
Theres a dispatches edition on channel 4 tonight about momentum as well which should be interesting as they were getting very flustered about it on the daily politics. I expect the revolvers are being loaded up for next week by corbyns gang with macdonnell taking the lead. If anybody has seen the movie nicholas and alexandria then the ending will be very familiar. Don’t think there will be many champagne bottles on the floor of broadcasting house when comrade corbyn wins.
November 2016will be harikari time for the beeb if trump wins. They will simply lose the head and the hate will be stronger.
Watching the daily politics with Jo Co and extra special guest guardianista, corbynista, spitting enthusiast and all round gobshite Zoe Williams. At the end we had jo co all enthusiastic about the so called Manifesto Tracker which is going to keep track of the tories manifesto. Thirteen years of the shite that was the labour junta and no such bollocks as this was brought up. They bring on Ed Vaizey to discuss and coburn was literally spitting her questions with venom at him with williams chiming in. He had a bit of a dig by saying the beeb had spent all summer working on this little project. The beeb are now the official opposition and they are not hiding it.
The funniest moment of the weekend was not bbc but lbc on saturday where they were discussing the emirs visit to the US. The reporter was desperately trying to big up Khans visit by saying that he had met feminist pm Trudeau in Canada and because of this he is on the same level as other world leaders unlike boris who only ever met his mayoral counterparts on such visits. I nearly spat out my cornflakes laughing at this stupid agenda. I bet the short arsed pillock is going down a bomb after what happened in new york over the weekend.
I guess Sadiq Whittington Al-Britani Khan hasn’t seen the Ministers in South Park the Movie then?
They have more credibility than the real thing. Oh, and Carney.
I have just seen a picture of the New York bomber ‘suspect’.
Who would have thought it but he looks like a Muslim!
Personally, I thought he looked Norwegian, and perhaps shows the signs of a mental disorder…(SIC)
so not a wholesome norwegian like this guy. Yum.
Personally I thought he looked more like a German called David-definitely-not-Ali.
So EQUAL, they get special laws/interpretations to protect them.
“Oh ah, if that government civil servant comes round here she’ll get a lynching”
A farmer and Torbay councillor claims he was just complaining in a normal way about broadband speeds in his area and OFCOM in a panel debate chaired by Kirsty Wark.
..He claims he didn’t know that the head of OFCOM is a black woman and therefore he was being unPC..Result he was kicked out the Small Biz federation FSB ..and then his entire area executive resigned in support.
Even tho she accepted his written apology the FSB stand firm
torquayheraldexpress ..Telegraph ..neither allow comments
Have the anti-West BBC stated that he has mental health issues yet? Therefore he is really innocent!
No doubt the BBC will blame anyone unknowingly walking in the vicinity of a bomb, how irresponsible they are!
Give ’em time, Wronged…
Mark Hodkinson revisits the controversial sitcom, forty years after it was last shown on TV.
Love Thy Neighbour ran for 54 episodes from 1972, dealing with the relatively new issue of the British mixing on home soil with people from elsewhere in the world. The UK’s black population had grown from 20,000 in 1950 to nearly 1.5 million in the 1970s.
It was based on the premise of old-school socialist Eddie Booth becoming outraged to discover that his new neighbours, Bill and Barbie Reynolds, were black. The two men bickered, fell out, palled up and, in-between, used racist language which has barely been heard on television since.
The racially-motivated antagonism attracted audiences up to 20 million people – a third of the population – and led to a spin-off feature film in 1973. Often attacked for promoting racial stereotypes, its defenders claimed it had been written to reduce racial friction by showing bigotry at its most ridiculous.
Mark Hodkinson looks back at the series with Jack Smethurst, the actor who played Eddie Booth and who ponders on whether he was sacrificial to the cause of multi-racialism – he was seldom offered roles afterwards and worked for a while in a flower shop.
Mark, who was brought up in a northern working-class family, takes an enigmatic view of Eddie Booth, looking at the character as a class stereotype – why was it considered permissible to demonise and ridicule the indigenous working-class? This is discussed by Owen Jones of The Guardian and the writer on social class, Lynsey Hanley.
Lemn Sissay, who was brought up in an all-white neighbourhood, talks of coming home from school with “rivers of spit on the back of my duffel coat”. He watches an episode of Love Thy Neighbour and considers how it plays on racial fears.
They’re all there, all the BBC favourite anti white racists such as Owen Jones. A friend who had no idea of who Jones is said “there’s a really camp queer on the radio, completely up his own ass trying to sound intelligent while making no sense”!
It does appear though that the BBC now accept that Love thy neighbour was a racist program – racist against the white working class despite the protests at the time by the Fascist Left that it was not.
I wonder if the BBC will ever broadcast a program about whether all the mass immigration the left indulged in it was a good or bad thing, why multi culturalism has failed so badly, and what might be done to put it right !
Thoughtful, a good book – ‘The Diversity Illusion’ written by Ed West say’s it all.
Who’s fault was the NY bomb ? Justin Webb says it’s fault of normal Americans.
“Bomb is a sign of hatred in American hearts” In the Times
“This why Donald Trump’s Republican convention speech was felt so widely to have been such a dud” (que ? who says ?)
He then goes on to say how sad it is Trump benefits from this new bomb. but Hillary would benefit from major terrorist attack (que ?)
Then he goes onto to talk about American having tin foil hats.
“This is nothing to do with violence in the streets – it’s about hatred in hearts”
Funny the hatred I see on the streets seems to come from lefties and protesters these days, I wrong ?
I would bet that Webb is full of hate himself, and that his article is the normal PROJECTION.
(It’s a long article, but makes little sense)
You need to understand the concept of ‘left wing denial’ a psychopathic condition which has led to the deaths of millions of innocent people, and has made left wing politics the biggest single cause of human deaths outside of natural causes.
What appears to happen is that lefties formulate their policies, and wholly believe that their man made policies are perfect. Once formulated they cannot be changed (because they are perfect) and they are pursued with a zeal of the new believer. Even when it becomes obvious to others that the policies are flawed they cannot accept it, and hence the invention of words ending in ‘ism’ or ‘phobia’ to attack those who call their flawed thinking out.
In single party states (and those close to it – and Britain is becoming perilously close) when the policy fails, it isn’t the perfect policy which has failed, it’s the fault of the people – counter revolutionaries etc, scapegoats are found and purges begin.
Justin Webb demonstrates that same blinkered approach. It is a disease of the Left wing mind, and is incurable while the believer clings onto those beliefs.
Meanwhile Clinton appears to be on the verge of fainting again, this time at a press conference.
The pressure at the head to head debates will be much greater. I think there is a good chance she will keel over completely unless her doctor drugs her to the eyeballs, in which case I think she may be incoherent.
If this was a boxing match the Clinton corner would already have thrown in the towel.
Come on Trump, maximum Clinton bashing please.
Our old friend Paul Mason and Novara media. The guy interviewing him is interesting guido at the moment.
Apparently he is going to be on question time.
Before watching this protect your computer screen
Cultural Appropriation crime : Libby Purves calls for sanity pg 23 of the Times
Yesterday I mentioned that UEA banned sombreros
She protest against that stuff and ends : “Share, borrow mix it up”
I give you Millenial Millie, as a more accurate reporter on the US election than the entire BBC.
Here she covers Hillary arriving at a reception for the Dems Black Caucus with Barry in the President’s motorcade complete with ambulance at the rear. Together they play the race card and Barry tunes into black guilt reminding the audience he will be offended if they don’t vote for Hillary.
Millie manages to show black protesters demonstrating against Obama’s indifference to genocide of Christians in Ethiopia.
Way to go Millie
Last night I watched Countryfile. You know the programme that no longer has weather forecasts for ‘farmers and growers’ but only ‘for the week ahead’. But I digress. The producers think it is a wonderful weeze to encourage ramblers and to raise money for Children in Need. This is the second week in a row when a sizeable part of the programme has been dedicated to encouraging people to ‘get out there’. Last night we had a piece lasting several minutes about a lovely young woman with Downes – but the whole point is that how ever lovely she is, telling her story has nothing to do with the countryside. If they really want to encourage Ramblers they could start by teaching people how to read a map (you would not believe the number of arguments we have had with people who think they know our land better than we do (a railway cutting with a 100 feet drop is not something I would want to walk across even if there is a path on the other side); teach people how to close gates (they are usually closed for a reason) and tell them the damage that is done to animals eating the litter that they drop. Plus as usual we had a section about the coast – again fine but why cannot it have its own programme (perhaps called Coast?) and leave Countryfile to rural matters.
Not forgetting, of course, that they had to include the current BBC obsession with Roald sodding Dahl.
I hear that London Mayor Khan has said that terror attacks are ‘part and parcel of life in a big city’
The BBC should ask him if he would say the same if mosques were being blown up?
Certainly not if it was the inappropriate deployment of charcuterie.
“In a big city… full of Muslims”, he forgot to add.
I note that Tommy Robinsons latest case brought by Bedfordshire police (A F**k ISIS flag held up when he was in France) was thrown out of court today…Who would have thought….The moment he leaves the courts however, the Luton streets present him with another challenge….Perhaps it’s just a question of who gets to him first…The British state or the religion of peace..
Boy, I do wish Fox news would set up a UK branch.
BBC censored media puts us up there with China and Russia – who’d have thought it.
Btw gaxvil, Fox News gets the highest audience share of ALL cable networks in US, no reason why it wouldn’t here too. One can but dream… a REAL alternative to all the identikit lib/left msm.
Odd isn’t it though? Our SKY and Fox News are both owned by Murdoch.
I’ve been glued to Fox News right though the US elections from the beginning of the primaries. They have excellent and informed media people there who also have a sense of humour. I watch them on YouTube because somebody kindly puts a lot of their content up there very soon after it’s broadcast.
Some BBC journalists were thrown out of North Korea for ridiculing Kim Jong-Un’s military titles, demanding to know what exactly he’s done to deserve them.
Curiously, no BBC journalist has ever questioned what Britain’s queen did to deserve the following military titles….
Captain-General of the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery[63]
Australia 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Australian Engineers[63]
Australia 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Australian Infantry Corps[63]
Australia 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps[63]
Australia 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps[63]
Australia 1953 – : Air-Commodore-in-Chief of the Australian Citizen Air Force
Canada 1947 – : Colonel-in-Chief of le Régiment de la Chaudière[63]
Canada 1947 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the 48th Highlanders of Canada[63]
Canada 1950 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise’s)[63]
Canada 1952 – : Captain-General of the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery[63]
Canada 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Governor General’s Horse Guards[63]
Canada 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the King’s Own Calgary Regiment[63]
Canada 1953 – 1967: Colonel-in-Chief Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers
Canada 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal 22e Régiment[63]
Canada 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Governor General’s Foot Guards[63]
Canada 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Canadian Grenadier Guards[63]
Canada 1953 – 1956: Colonel-in-Chief of the Carleton and York Regiment
Canada 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Canadian Guards
Canada 1956 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal New Brunswick Regiment[63]
Canada 1958 – 1968: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps[63]
Canada 1977 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Military Engineers Branch[63]
Canada 1981 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Calgary Highlanders[63]
1953 – 1968: Air-Commodore-in-Chief of the Air Reserve Canada
1953 – 2012: Honorary Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
2012 – : Commissioner-in-Chief of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police[64]
Fiji 1970 – 1987: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Fiji Military Forces
Ghana 1959 – 1960: Colonel-in-Chief of the Ghana Regiment of Infantry
New Zealand 1953 – : Captain-General of the Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery[63]
New Zealand 1953 – : Captain-General of the Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps[63]
New Zealand 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Corps of Royal New Zealand Engineers[63]
New Zealand 1953 – 1964: Colonel-in-Chief of the Countess of Ranfurly’s Own Auckland Regiment
New Zealand 1953 – 1964: Colonel-in-Chief of the Wellington Regiment
New Zealand 1964 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment[63]
New Zealand 1977 – 1996: Colonel-in-Chief Royal of the New Zealand Army Ordnance Corps
New Zealand 1953 – : Air-Commodore-in-Chief of the Territorial Air Force of New Zealand
South Africa 1947 – 1961: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Durban Light Infantry
South Africa 1947 – 1961: Colonel-in-Chief of the South African Railways and Harbours Brigade
South Africa 1952 – 1961: Colonel-in-Chief of the Imperial Light Horse
South Africa 1953 – 1961: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Natal Carbineers
South Africa 1953 – 1961: Colonel-in-Chief of the Kaffrarian Rifles
United Kingdom 1942 – 1952: Colonel of the Grenadier Guards[65]
United Kingdom 1947 – 2006: Colonel-in-Chief of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise’s)
United Kingdom 1947 – 1994: Colonel-in-Chief of the 16th/5th Queen’s Royal Lancers
United Kingdom 1949 – : Honorary Brigadier of the Women’s Royal Army Corps
United Kingdom 1952 – : Colonel-in-Chief of The Life Guards[63]
United Kingdom 1952 – 1969: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Horse Guards
United Kingdom 1952 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Grenadier Guards[63]
United Kingdom 1952 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Coldstream Guards[63]
United Kingdom 1952 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Scots Guards[63]
United Kingdom 1952 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Irish Guards[63]
United Kingdom 1952 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Welsh Guards[63]
United Kingdom 1952 – : Captain-General of the Royal Regiment of Artillery[63]
United Kingdom 1952 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Corps of Royal Engineers[63]
United Kingdom 1952 – : Captain-General of the Honourable Artillery Company[63]
United Kingdom 1953 – 1971: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Scots Greys
United Kingdom 1953 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Tank Regiment[63]
United Kingdom 1953 – 2006: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Welch Fusiliers[63]
United Kingdom 1953 – 1970: Colonel-in-Chief of the Loyal Regiment
United Kingdom 1953 – 1966: Colonel-in-Chief of the King’s Royal Rifle Corps
United Kingdom 1953 – 1956: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Army Ordnance Corps
United Kingdom 1953 – 1956: Honorary Colonel of the Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars
United Kingdom 1953 – : Captain-General of the Combined Cadet Force[63]
United Kingdom 1953 – 1959: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal West African Frontier Force
United Kingdom 1953 – 1964: Colonel-in-Chief of the King’s African Rifles
United Kingdom 1953 – 1964: Colonel-in-Chief of the Northern Rhodesia Regiment
United Kingdom 1953 – 1974: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Malta Artillery
United Kingdom 1953 – 1972: Colonel-in-Chief of the King’s Own Malta Regiment
United Kingdom 1953 – 1970: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Rhodesia Regiment
United Kingdom 1953 – 1992: Colonel-in-Chief of the Duke of Lancaster’s Own Yeomanry[66]
United Kingdom 1956 – 1963: Colonel-in-Chief of the Queen’s Own Nigeria Regiment
United Kingdom 1956 – : Honorary Colonel of the Queen’s Own Warwickshire and Worcestershire Yeomanry
United Kingdom 1959 – 1963: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Nigerian Military Forces
United Kingdom 1959 – 1971: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Sierra Leone Military Forces
United Kingdom 1964 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Malawi Rifles[63]
United Kingdom 1966 – 2007: Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Green Jackets
United Kingdom 1969 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons)[63]
United Kingdom 1970 – 2006: Colonel-in-Chief of the Queen’s Lancashire Regiment
United Kingdom 1971 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards[63]
United Kingdom 1971 – 1999: Colonel-in-Chief of the Queen’s Own Yeomanry
United Kingdom 1973 – 1992: Colonel-in-Chief of the Queen’s Own Mercian Yeomanry
United Kingdom 1977 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Corps of Royal Military Police
United Kingdom 1992 – : Patron of the Royal Army Chaplains’ Department
United Kingdom 1992 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Adjutant General’s Corps[63]
United Kingdom 1993 – : Affiliated Colonel-in-Chief of the Queen’s Gurkha Engineers
United Kingdom 1993 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Queen’s Royal Lancers[63]
United Kingdom 1994 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Mercian and Lancastrian Yeomanry[63]
United Kingdom 2006 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Welsh[63]
United Kingdom 2006 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Regiment of Scotland[63]
United Kingdom 2006 – : Colonel-in-Chief of the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment[63]
United Kingdom 2006 – : Royal Colonel of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 5th Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Scotland[63]
United Kingdom 1953 – : Air-Commodore-in-Chief of the Royal Auxiliary Air Force
United Kingdom 1953 – : Air-Commodore-in-Chief of the Royal Air Force Regiment
United Kingdom 1953 – : Air-Commodore-in-Chief of the Royal Observer Corps
United Kingdom 1953 – : Commandant-in-Chief of the Royal Air Force College, Cranwell
United Kingdom 1977 – : Royal Honorary Air Commodore of the Royal Air Force Marham
United Kingdom 2000 – : Royal Honorary Air Commodore of the 603 (City of Edinburgh) Squadron
One could also question what the BBC has done to deserve the title “BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation”.
Oh, by the way, she is not only Britain’s Queen, but also Queen of many other Commonwealth countries.
Our soldiers swear loyalty to the Queen not to parliament or anything else. She is commander in chief still . If necessary she can directly order a colonel to use his regiment as she so orders. That the monarch has not done so for generations is the fact but the capability remains.
QE2 has presided over all the lefty treason in the UK since her coronation.
She must show some royal dissent and tell the HoC to FO next time they produce more anti-white legislation.
“Our soldiers swear loyalty to the Queen not to parliament or anything else”
Wish she would have a word or two in the (obviously) clogged-up ear of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury regarding the spiritual condition of Her church!
Queenie: “remember, big-boy, the tower is still vacant!” Archy: Is it? Funny, according to our landlord – Mr Atheist, the pumps were being cleaned-out tonight? so its a bottle night then.