Message to Al Beeb
The British people have for many years taken immigrants. We are now full up, our schools are bursting. We are short of Doctors, our hospitals are full and we have many orphans, poor children requiring foster parents. We have a shortage of houses. Our green belt areas are under threat because of development. Many immigrants do not integrate , indeed they have no interest in being ‘British’, in fact some are hostile to our way of life. Our former PM has are already committed to taking 20,000 refugees from Syria. The nation is becoming unstable.
The British public do not want any more.
Is the slimy beeb trying to make out US bomb suspect is just a nice guy who’s the victim of racism?
“Suspect a ‘very friendly guy’ –
Neighbours had complained about the all-night establishment, leading city officials to pass an ordinance requiring the restaurant to shut at 10pm each night, according to city officials.
Mayor J Christian Bollwage said that in 2011 Mr Rahami’s father had sued the city over the ordinance, claiming he had been ethnically discriminated against.”
Some migrants at the UN moaning about the dream of a better life is now a nightmare?
Here’s a thought stay in your own country – fight and die to make it a decent place to live. You will get help to build your nation and it may take a long time but generations of British people fought, strived and suffered to build this country and you have no right to abandon your birthplace and impose yourself anywhere else in the world.
And finally I hear the contrite Merkel admitting she screwed up badly, it’s too late now but the country will emerge from the migrant influx – stronger.I’ll take that one under advisement Ange’.
BBC: ‘Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28… The New York and New Jersey bombings suspect is in custody after a shootout with police…’
Gosh, I’m waiting with bated breath to hear from our BBC news whether this chap is “right wing” because at the weekend they wheeled in an “expert” who raised that as a distinct possibilty.
“If he had been a downright nasty piece of work, people might have suspected his intentions.”
I’m not sure that the BBC have thought through the implications of characterising him as a friendly guy.
If becoming a terrorist is the end stage of a journey by a radicalised muslim who must first pass through a nasty phase and an obvious “mental health problem” stage, then we’ll know who to avoid and the police will know who to keep an eye on. But if any “very friendly” muslim can at any moment turn into a murdering terrorist then we have to be wary of all of them. To be anything other than constantly suspicious will be to risk death.
The implications of the BBC’s report is that every non-muslim has to beware of every muslim, because at any moment we could be fighting for our lives. The BBC’s message is clear, but I’m not sure it’s the one they intended to give us.
New programs the BBC is likely to produce in the unlikely event of Jeremy Corbyn being elected:
Teletubbies. After repeatedly missing annual quotas for production of Tubby Custard, the heavy industry of Teletubbyland must become more efficient in order to deliver the latest five-year plan. To that end, Tinky Winky has been shot and replaced by a surly but dedicated machinist named Pavel.
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons. The Captain and his colleagues are made redundant as part of a unilateral disarmament programme, led by Jeremy Corbyn. The Mysterons are invited to tea at the House of Commons so that the Labour leader can apologise for the West’s unprovoked bombing campaign against their Martian city.
Bagpuss. The archetypal fat cat had grown obese and lazy from the profits created by the wage slavery of several mice. His capitalist enterprise has since been nationalised, and a committee of mice now control the means of production. Professor Yaffle has been redeployed to more productive work on a collective farm.
In the Night Garden… The Night Garden has come under threat from ruthless developers, who plan a new airport runway and several thousand unaffordable executive homes. Iggle Piggle and three of the Wottingers were recently arrested after breaking into the Pinky Ponk’s hangar and gluing themselves to its propeller, under the brand of Black Lives Matter UK.
Balamory. What’s the story in Balamory? Well, children, Edie McCredie is currently driving her bus to the gulag, after being denounced by Miss Hoolie for counter-revolutionary thought. Archie the Inventor has been evicted from his pink kulak-castle by the local workers, whom he had oppressed by his hoarding of inventions. What will become of Archie, you ask? I don’t know who you mean, there never was a person of that name.
Danger Mouse. After years as an unaccountable agent of British military intelligence, a helpful leak by Russian hackers has exposed the details of Danger Mouse’s extra-judicial surveillance operations. He is currently awaiting trial.
Bodger and Badger. Mr Bodger now resides with the Animal Liberation Front, after Letsby Avenue Junior School became a Free School and banned mashed potato on the advice of Jamie Oliver. Badger was killed by a Gloucestershire farmer in 2013, under the Tories’ cull programme.
Captain Planet. This cartoon stays exactly the same.
Momentum’s Tiny Trots initiative is deeply sinister, but not unexpected given the hard left’s march into education, particularly universities (and the BBC QT audiences) over the years.
That said, I do think, Thoughtful, that it would only have be right and proper for you to have credited Mark Wallace of ‘Conservative Home’ for that amusing piece that you have copies and pasted.
First came the Nazi’s. Now come the Nasi’s…
Britain’s ‘world class broadcaster’ certainly has its finger on the pulse of what is really important in the world. Forget terrorist attacks in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota. Forget the US and Britain bombing the not-quite-as-bad guys in Syria. Forget the Migrants For All summit at the UN. No, what’s really important is that a goofy looking footballer on his travels has committed the cardinal sin of associating the rice dish Nasi Goreng with Singapore, rather than with Indonesia.
See Or better still, don’t.
“”New York bombing: Could blasts affect race for White House?”” (Why use the word ‘blasts’? It suggests something almost storm-like, rather than a hideous killer explosion).
“”Donald Trump showed a bit of restraint, at least for a while”” (A biased bit of rhetoric from the BBC).
“”For Mr Trump, at first it appeared his Chelsea response would be another shoot-from-the-hip affair. Shortly after word spread of the explosion in New York City”” (The BBC use the term ‘shoot from the hip’ to discredit Trump).
“”A Washington Post poll in late June gave Mrs Clinton a 50% to 39% edge in handling terrorism – an 8% improvement from May. When asked which candidate reacted better to the shooting, 46% said Mrs Clinton, while only 28% opted for Mr Trump”” (The Washington Post has long been regarded as a left wing Democrat supporting organ)
“”It seems the old Trump had returned – at least for now”” ( Guess who the BBC are NOT supporting? Have a guess….).
Ever heard of Huma Abedin ? Probably not, but she’s Hilary Clintons Saudi born campaign organiser, and if Clinton does get elected the Abedin will be running the White House as Chief as staff.
Worried? You should be ! Even Wikipedia can’t avoid the issues here.
In a letter dated June 13, 2012, to the State Department Inspector General, five Republican members of Congress—Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, Trent Franks of Arizona, Louie Gohmert of Texas, Thomas J. Rooney of Florida, and Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia—claimed that Abedin “has three family members – her late father, her mother and her brother – connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations.” The five members of Congress alleged that Abedin had “immediate family connections to foreign extremist organizations” which they said were “potentially disqualifying conditions for obtaining a security clearance” and questioned why Abedin had not been “disqualified for a security clearance.”
But Wikipedia is being kind, because she’s actually far worse than that, with rumours that she is connected to those who funded the 9/11 attacks, and has said that America deserved it. An opponent of Womens rights she has said women who dress provocatively deserve to be raped.
I believe she was born in Kalamazoo (Michigan) but was raised in Saudi Arabia from a very early age, after her family returned there. She came back to the US to study and got in with the Clintons quickly (Bill was in the White House; perhaps he fancied her as well as his other interns? Hillary certainly likes her.) I cannot imagine how she could have any but the lowest level security clearance, in view of her family connections. Her marriage, to an i-phone exhibitionist former Congressman, also looked highly suspicious.
She’s also the wife of serial sexter Anthony Weiner (who she forgave at least twice for sending photos of his genitalia to ladies of his acquaintance). Can you imagine the horror at the BBC if a Tromp staffer’s husband/wife had done the same?
BBc 22:00 apparently Canada is welcoming Syrian refugees with open arms, so we are told. Bully for them however I expect they will regret it. Seems the BBc think we have forgotten Germans welcoming “refugees” with open arms not that long ago.
Canada is a massive country compared to the UK , they have the space.
Many other countries could do their bit , Russia , the USA, Australia and the vast continent of South America .
Why does the burden always have to fall on Great Britain?
Perhaps Al Beeb’s trolls can tell us ?
The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, is almost the size of Western Europe and its subjects are co-religionists of the majority of these “refugees”; they have taken none and none (seemingly) want to go there.
They all want to live in our filthy, kaffir countries – I wonder why?
AS, Saudi refused to take any “refugees” because of the number of terrorists mixed in with them. European leaders knew this before they opened the gates.
The Saudi government put the interests of their own people first. There are lots of things I don’t like about the Saudis, but deciding to keep out terrorists isn’t one of them.
Dr Susan Crockford attacks the latest dreadful piece of propaganda from the BBC
She’s talking about Polar Bears being exploited by BBC Earth a vehicle for promoting disgusting Eco-porn Paul Homewood has the low down and discussion
Bottomline : since 20015-16 was an El Nino year the extra warmth meant Arctic Summer ice was joint 3rd lowest year since 1979 satellite record (which began at a cyclic high point) (Shush don’t ask about Antartic Ice which has been growing year on year this century)
The Eco PR people try publicise that with claims polar bears will decline. But in fact in the last 30 years of polar bear counting the numbers have always increased and they are nowhere near an endangered species.
But they are such a good fund raising tool for eco-NGOs.
“Watch the videos below and weep not for the plight of the polar bear, but for the downfall of science journalism.”
Clueless Khan harangues the French for daring to tell muslim women what they can and can’t wear. As opposed to a medieval barbaric religion telling them what they can and can’t wear! Or are you telling me they CHOOSE to wear sweltering binbags with no visibility. Funny that, cos throughout history throughout the world, FREE women try to look attractive, not ridiculous.
How strange – he’s the Emir that’s decided how women can be dressed on posters on the London Underground. If I didn’t know better I would say he is a complete hypocrite and Sharia enforcer.
I wonder how soon women will be banned in London from wearing shorts, skirts above the knee or sleeveless tops. It will be soon, mark my words.
My first reaction was the huge mistake that Londoners have made in creating the first Muslim mayor – but suddenly remembered that Islam is possibly the main faith in London now. For many years I was in the property business, and we always said that whatever happens in London re prices etc, always filtered out to the rest of the Country eventually. How many generations are we away from being a totally Islamic country ? with the inbreeding and large families of migrants here and the ‘thousands’ more we are expected to take. This is the greatest problem facing this country and Europe as a whole.
If indigenous females can no longer walk through an area in Britain without being attacked: then that area should be torn down to the tarmac.
In no meaningful sense is it part of Britain anymore and as such it needs to be turned back into part of Britain again.
The same applies for parts of France which have ceased to be safe for indigenous French people; in Germany for Germans; in Sweden for Swedes and in Holland for the Dutch etc etc.
Those areas should be re-taken and if the “elites” in the West continue to bury their heads in the sand regarding the Muslim and Third World invaders: at some point they will be – just not with hashtags.
Any one notice how a number of “grateful” migrants appear to have burnt down part of a “refugee” camp in some sort of food dispute.
In any real world these arseholes would have been sent back to the same shithole they originated from faster than you could say “housing benefit” But in this world of snowflake dominated, left wing, hand wringing, cloying compassion I expect they will be now painted as “double” victims and be rewarded with whatever their demands were – being met.
Unfortunately we seem to have a out of control grievance industry manned by lawyers and journalists who all love and encourage this sort of stuff as in effect it represents work.
Pity for us that we have to pay for it.
And what message does it send to all these potential doctors and engineers – if you cause havoc when you are a guest = you get what you want –
They must have known what was coming! I read quite a few of the comments at the beginning and they were against mass migration and open borders in the main. Quelle surprise.
It is suggested that the policy of the BBC when visiting a school is make sure that there is positive discrimination in talking to “ethnic ” children first. To be honest this is an anachronism. Up to 100% of the children in inner London schools are ethnic ,who are the Riz Lateef, Asad Ahmad,Alice Bhandhukravi , Ayesha Bakhsh,etc going to talk to in the schools?
However what I don’t quite understand is that on the national news when schools are featured and there may be as high as a 75% indigenous intake. And yes there are still one or two places
in the country where you will find an indigenous majority. That the same rules applies in talking to the kids?
Did I imagine it last night or did Sky have a report on their ticker, of 3 to 4 thousand refugees fleeing their camp on Lesbos after some of their fellow travellers torched it.
I must have dreamed it as there are no reports of such an atrocity on the news today.
I dont know if Khan is stupid, extremely vain or both, but his intervening into the US presidential elections after a muslim terrorist attack probably isnt going to help his desire to see Clinton elected. Did he learn nothing from Obama’s visit and Brexit?
This visit to the US can be milked in a couple of years time to show images of Khan with eminent US politicians and applauding crowds to show that he is an international politician – a fine leader to rescue the Labour Party and confront the shambles of Teresa’s wreck of a Tory Party. I am sure the BBC will omit to mention criticism of the man’s stupidity over his remarks on living with terror
Does anyone remember the riot in Croydon South London last year that was reported without footage and without mentioning it was black youth as we eventually found out?
Apparently there was a riot last night in S London involving around a hundred youths, however this time we see footage of around a dozen white youth attacking what appears to be a black youth.. strange they show footage this time, however where is the footage of the other 80 to 90 youths involved? Sky reported that a black youth was seen with blood pouring from his face the inference of course is that a black person was attacked but not by another black youth as the description ‘black’ would be redundant.
It would be like saying that there was a fight between Millwall fans and a white man was seen with blood coming from his face the term ‘white’ being of no real consequence.
Was this some sort of race riot, or just whitey picking on a poor vulnerable black boy? No doubt BBC will dwell on it later tonight at peak viewing time.
If you believe you have heard it all, maybe you should think again. I thought I had heard it all, and I was wrong.
There is, in the Advertiser, an opinion piece by one Faiza Patel, which is the most egregious piece of special pleading for Islam I have ever encountered.
Muslims are innocent, in fact Muslims are the victims.
Radio 4’s “PM” provided a good reminder of why I trust it less and less these days, when I can bear to listen that is.
They set the agenda briefly at the very beginning, just after the pips, then they gave the headlines for the first few minutes. The news was depressingly familiar: the arrests and aftermath of the Muslim bombs in New York & New Jersey and the Muslim shopping mall stabbings in Minnesota. So what to do next?
A BBC reporter in the USA presented a piece featuring a mock journey along the route of an interesting-sounding solar-powered train, where the reporter will be stopping off to interview people along the way, no doubt as part of the BBC’s U.S. election ‘coverage’. I think they started in Minneapolis. Straight away, we had the Muslim-as-victims meme. Some of the poor dears from Somalia had been there since the 1990s (so, real Yankee Doodle Dandies then!) and they had noticed an upturn in hostility and felt less safe now. Why might that be? Hmmm, I wonder.
Interesting that a Mayor of London who’s job is of course to represent Londoners as whole ( still some 40% indigenous white English ) is not only bringing in policies directly aimed at appeasing extreme Islam but he is also travelling around America also with the same narrow Muslim/Islam orientated mind set.
No one can say they weren’t warned as to his true motives for becoming Mayor.
Apologies that this has nothing to do with BBC bias but can someone tell me why, when you have photos of someone clearly carrying out a crime, their face has to be pixalated out?
Meagre gruel for breakfast from BBC London news this morning – one wonders why we pay for their three short head lines, a quick re-cap of the weather forcast and some quick cursory travel information all widely available elsewhere.
Arthur Patel our comely news anchor gives top billing to another admiring uncritical puff piece for The Great Khan. Feelings of nostalgia are evoked for the days of yore when BBC London became virtual press office for Red Ken. Of course we will forget the Boris interregnum when the London Mayor was roundly criticised and daily held to account. Seems Lucky Little Man Khan has been busy putting the terror mockers on New York and in the Big Apple says he wants more power and more cash to spend on our behalf – the Mayor of New York City gets three times as much and poor Khan looks so small in the big chair at the photo op – so – obviously – it is unfair.
Not so small – more of a big massive teenage brawl in the mean streets of suburban Erith. On another day we will hear what a great job teachers are doing and the one thing we need more of is sex education. But just maybe the BBC and the teachers are onto something – feminise the young lads a bit more and they might stop brawling. Bromide in free school dinners – let’s start a campaign – I’ll phone Arthur Patel at BBC London.
And so to a BBC Freedom of Information doo dah – seems to go a bit against the grain of the BBC but Councils have fessed up how much they are spending on cleaning graffiti. (Hackney is the gold medalist) The balance is restored when BBC London bring us the wise words of “Stazy” (no not the Stasi) our Stazy is a graffiti artist who has gone straight but tells us that it’s all cool. So come on kids stop brawling and get out there and express yourselves – then The Great Khan can have more of our cash to pay for it all to be cleaned up afterwards – thank you BBC London – this is the beginnings of a utopia!
I’m listening right now to an interview on the Today programme between Justin Webb and Norman Lamb of the LibDems. Mr Lamb supports a second referendum on the terms of any Brexit agreement and was asked what happens if the referendum rejects the agreement. Well, then we stay in, was the reply, unchallenged by Justin.
This, I believe, is a fundamental misunderstanding of the position, which they both must have known. For negotiations on an agreement to have taken place, the U.K. must have triggered Article 50. And under Article 50, we have two years and then we’re out. So if the agreement is rejected then we’re out the EU without any agreement.
Either the misunderstanding is mine or this was a wilful misrepresentation.
Nibor, I think you hit the nail on the head. I heard the interview and Lamb really couldn’t cope with Justin’s interview. He couldn’t provide answers to the simple questions Justin asked him – he just got tied in knots. And Justin’s questions were hardly an in depth interview and were delivered in a very sympathetic manner.
‘And under Article 50, we have two years and then we’re out.’
Don’t worry, the Lib-Dems and BBC will be perfectly aware that in their second referendum scenario the EU will be more than happy to break their own rules to let us back in again. The EU has a track record of breaking their own rules to allow all and sundry to join. They won’t willingly give up our monetary contributions or let go of the euro unemployment pressure valve the UK provides gratis.
The remain argument is to say they do not know how Brexit will turn out and therefore the leave vote is, somehow, not valid.
Yet another elephant – when a party is voted in by the majority, other than manifesto ‘promises’, no one knows how that will turn out either. Shocking, I know, but that’s how it is.
Thing is, you put your cross on the paper and that is commonly known as the, democratic process.
Remainers, I would remind you: You live in Britain, NOT a one party, corrupt, tin pot state. Your disregard for the will of the people facilitated by a government elected to power by the will of the people is beyond all words.
And the BBC are desperately hoping that the Austrian (indoctrinated) yoof can overcome the ‘far right’, I see. Because obviously they have more sense, like Jeremy’s young ones.
When there was an explosion in New York that injured 29 people, the BBC immediately said it was probably not a terrorist incident. When a loaded pressure cooker was found a few blocks away the authorities said, well it’s probably unconnected. Then there was an explosion in New Jersey by a beach run for charity for the military, but there couldn’t be any connection between these incidents. When on the same day there was a stabbing of 8 people at a mall in Minnesota, obviously it was purely coincidental. We all know that Islam is a religion of peace, and there is no such thing as “Islamic terrorism” (shush, don’t even mention it).
But, once they found fingerprints on the unexploded pressure cooker bomb, very similar to those used by the Tsarnaev brothers to blow up the Boston marathon that killed 3 people. And once they had traced them to a certain Ahmed Khan Rahami, a Afghani naturalized US citizen, who lives in Elizabeth, NJ. And once they found him walking down a street in Linden NJ, and he shot at police officers, and was shot and wounded, there was no chance to avoid it. Islamic terrorism had struck again in the USA. Not only that, it was coordinated and relatively sophisticated. Pres. Obama, had a hard time talking about it and not mentioning “Islamic terrorism” (is there any other kind these days?) The repercussions of this series of incidents will be enormous, far greater than their actual seriousness (unlike the WTC attack of 9/11). It means that with all their sophisticated electronics and the billions of dollars spent on Home Security, a few Muslims were able to perpetrate terrorism in the USA without prior detection. Not a good sign.
Surely the most significant repercussion from this latest spate of Islamic terror is that more Americans will vote for Trump , who will do something about it , rather than Clinton who will just wring her hands , carry a teddy and light a candle plus sprinkle a few hash tags at random.
…………..Meanwhile in Israel there was an upsurge of terrorist incidents, with 8 occurring in the past few days. So-called “lone wolf” knifing, shooting and ramming attacks have been perpetrated around Jerusalem and on the West Bank for a year, but recently there was a lull. Now we know it was a false calm. Pres. Abbas immediately came out and pronounced the dead terrorists (most of them are shot dead immediately) as martyrs and heroes, even though he claims to be against terrorism (pull the other leg). Of course, foreign donations (from the USA, Australia, Germany, UK , France and the EU, our tax at work) are used to reward the families of the terrorists for their “sacrifice.”
They thought Obama would change the World – He surely did make it darn sight more dangerous. And yet people are crazy for the evil, cabbage patch doll, Hillary. The capacity of the Left for delusion is stunning.
And while we’re on, a better term for followers of Corbyn. Champagne Socialists was good for Blairites.
So little Carey Mulligan feels ‘ashamed to be British’ over the treatment of Calais ‘children’… but vewy vewy pwoud to be ashamed, just like a real gwown up, with daring political views and sooo compassionate, look at me evwybody.
Let’s deconstruct that cliche. There’s no shame at all, just huge virtue signalling, I’m so much better than all the horrid little people who oppose uncontrolled immigration, or invasion as it’s sometimes called. And of course those 1000 children means 10,000 with families, more benefits, school places, accommodation, more mosques further down the line and demands for special treatment for Muslims, further Islamisation etc. And of course, another 1000 popping up in Calais tomorrow when they see how easy it is for ‘children’ to get in, and more drownings at sea of those trying. But never mind all that, look at ME, little Cawey, so cawing. (wipes tear)
Will somebody please draw up a list of lefty luvvies in luv with themselves so we can NEVER pay to see any of their movies, Cucumberpatch would have to be in there somewhere.
peterthegreat, I would love to compile a virtual smorgasbord of lefty signallers but there would not be enough space to complete the list.
What would be more interesting is to rustle up some names of Actors who have genuine right leaning political views. It will be very small.
Clint, Jon Voight, James Caan errr…. that’s it, Ed.
As for British actors, I am struggling… Nigel Havers?
Talking of ‘drawing up lists’, America had ‘McCarthyism’ against the spread of Communism, we now seem to have the polar opposite version with MSN ‘social’ media, BBC/Guardian/Evening Standard, Islington, East and West Coast North America, etc, etc, naming and shaming ordinary folk questioning the required left viewpoint on any particular issue.
What ‘……ism’ word shall we call this new phenomenon?
I thought Charlton Heston, Bruce Willis and Arnie of course were all to the right. Possibly Sly Stallone too. Talking of late actors we had John Wayne.
Dykevisons – Gary Sinise could be added to the U.S. list, the British one – Michael Caine perhaps? Roger Daltrey (actor of sorts); apart from them, who knows?
Dyke – Dhimmism? Fascism? Marxism? Totalitarianism? Ostrichism (close your eyes and pretend there’s no threat)? Cowardism? Absurdism? Surrealism? Or most disgusting epithet of all: Beebism?
Thought I’d read this BBC article over a bit of lunch. Should be straightforward to read, no politics, nothing heavy….but…
paragraph 6
In a wide-ranging interview, Radcliffe voiced concern over the rise of Donald Trump to become the Republican candidate in the forthcoming presidential election, adding that he had “stirred up” feelings of “fear and hatred”.
paragraph 7
He also said Hollywood had a problem with racial discrimination and that homosexual actors felt unable to come out for fear of being typecast in gay roles.
paragraph 12
Asked whether Hollywood discriminated against actors on the grounds of race, he said: “It’s pretty undeniable.”
paragraph 14
Radcliffe also voiced concern that gay actors felt unable to come out because “I suppose then people just want to cast you as gay”.
Phew that’s the heavy stuff out of the way then, at least there is no UK politics….but…
paragraph 15
In 2012, the actor declared himself a supporter of the Labour Party, having previously backed the Liberal Democrats, and has since voiced support for leader Jeremy Corbyn.
At least the BBC are not using him to suggest who to vote for at the next elections….oh wait..
paragraph 17
But he said he was still likely to back Labour at the next election “if it was a choice between that and the Conservatives”.
Well there you go, the entire BBC agenda all wrapped up in one “random” interview.
Tabs your post comes just after mine on Carey Mulligan virtue signalling over the Calais ‘children’. Can we please boycott all those luvvies’ movies? We really won’t be missing much, they’re all dreadful.
Good post Tabs. When you think about actors, they spend out their lives pretending they are someone else. They can be presidents, brain surgeons, spacemen, scientists, explorers, anything at all, but what happens when it is all over, they are nothing, unskilled, useless. It must be the worst thing to feel like nothing. Hence we get their bleeding heart side. They are pathetic. I don’t give their views 5 seconds of my time.
You have hit the nail on the head. They do pretend to be someone else in films but nowadays they also do that in real life. They pretend they care, they pretend they know the answers to world poverty, they pretend they know the hardships of being gay/trans/black/whatever the trend currently is.
We don’t hear them speaking out much about overpaid actors earning £mil for a couple of months work – strange that isn’t it?
It’s sad really that they believe their own “celebrity status”. It gives them some validity in their empty lives to find a ’cause’, but no, they don’t mind the super bucks.
They ask for money often but they never seem to put their hands in their own pockets.
Radcliffe is a grade a virtue signalling self righteous. dick. Hes doing the rounds at the moment as he is playing an undercover fbi agent infilitrating neo nazi’s in the movie imperium. How this short arsed idiot could ever be convincing in this role is beyond me. He always looks like hes doing a joey tribiani style of acting, ie pulling your pubes to look serious. Stick to wands harry. And one more thing Harry Hilary is part of the elite and she is extremely wealthy also.
Just waiting for hermoine to stick her oar in on the calais issue as well. Cumberpatch is incoming also as he has a new movie coming out in a few weeks as well so its going to be luvvie overload of virtue signalling for a while. Basically the message is i’m so caring, let everyone in, now go see my movie and bask in my righteousness. Morons one and all.
Katie and Looby – It seems to me that both Radcliffe and Cumberpatch both seem to possess a “Cloak of Stupidty” As they say if the cloak fits – wear it!
“paragraph 12
Asked whether Hollywood discriminated against actors on the grounds of race, he said: “It’s pretty undeniable.””
I wouldn’t dispute that – I can’t think of one white actor who would be chosen to play Malcolm X or Martin Luther King.
By the same token Idris Elba, for example, would look rather odd cast as Winston Churchill.
Amazing, isn’t it, how the same opinions are extracted from people in every BBC interview you read. It’s almost like the subjects chosen for interview were filtered somehow.
Who better to discuss the plight of the poor than Polly?
Despite going to one of the most exclusive girl’s private schools in the UK she is so thick she couldn’t pass the 11 plus. Somehow, she was squeezed into Oxford, surely not by dint of the family name(!), but sadly, she didn’t last more than 18 months. She sent her kids to private schools too, so no doubt, one day, we will have to stomach them enlightening us about poverty and state schools.
Yet the BBC often fly her back from her mansion in Tuscany to emote on the impoverished working classes in the Uk. Worse they get her to discuss state schools, the only experience of which she has, is driving passed a few on her way to the airport.
It’s a shame the BBC despises the working class in the UK, else they might invite on someone who can challenge their group think.
Oh, the horror! Lefties, being unable to deal with advanced concepts such as analogy, appear to think he’s actually called Syrians Skittles. Or perhaps they find it easier to pretend they think that rather than trying to argue the point.
And the oh-so-unbiased BBC has seen fit to show the statistical chances of dying by Skittle compared to dying by terrorist. You’ve got to go right down to the bottom of the page to find a small section supporting Young Trump.
80 Per Cent Of Swedish Police Consider Quitting Over Migrant Danger
Sweden may be descending into a crisis as a new report suggests 80 per cent of police officers are considering switching careers due to the danger they face in the field.
The criminal situation in Sweden may be heading for an even worse turn as a new report has shown that the vast majority of the Swedish police force is so unhappy they are looking into other careers. Sweden has been rocked by increasing levels of criminality from sex attacks at music festivals, hand grenade attacks and violence toward the police in areas populated mostly by migrants.
The report states that up to three Swedish police quit every day as they feel the government isn’t giving them the tools to tackle the epidemic of criminality Norwegian broadcaster NRK reports.
Swedish police Sergeant Peter Larsson told the broadcaster the challenges Swedish authorities face with the ever decreasing number of officers saying, “We have a major crisis. Many colleagues have chosen to leave. We will not be able investigate crimes, we have no time to travel to the call-outs we are set to do. A worsened working environment means that many colleagues are now looking around for something else.”
Larsson singles out violence against emergency services employees saying, “The violence against us in the police and the paramedics and firefighters, has become much worse. We’re talking about stone throwing, violence, fires. It has become much worse in recent years.”
Tina Svensson, a resident of one of the outer suburbs of Gothenburg says that crime has reached a fever pitch and police rarely ever arrive. Ms. Svensson described a particular incident of violence to the Norwegian broadcaster as an example of her experiences saying, “there were two guys who were shot. With some kind of automatic weapons. Two magazines, perhaps. It may not be what you would expect when you are out walking the dog.”
Ms. Svensson said that many people would not travel to her suburb because of the violence and admitted most were scared to live there.
Much of the crime in Sweden is linked to specific suburbs in large cities like Stockholm and Gothenburg that generally also have a high population of migrants. Suburbs like Rinkeby in Stockholm have become particularly famous for residents attacking journalists on more than one occasion.
Swedish police have accounted for a total of 14 no-go areas in which they rarely venture outside of their heavily fortified police stations for fear of being attacked by locals.
The Swedish government has claimed that using the word “crisis” is a step too far and have promised more funding to recruit more officers. Sergeant Larsson isn’t convinced the government, who have a dubious history of trying cover up migrant crime, is really trying to tackle the root of the problem warning, “If they choose not to make a real commitment now, it’s going to end in disaster.”
A Swede of my acquaintance told me that of the police in Sweden: a third are women; a third are homosexuals and a third are immigrants (or the descendants of same).
There are numerous simple points that Lefties/ Remainers fail to grasp.
For starters:-
1) If a country wants to buy our stuff, it will buy our stuff.
2) The EU made up of 27 countries where only ONE is doing well i.e.Germany.
gaxvil, don’t forget some of the other countries: Norway doing very well (but that’s because they’ve been sensible with a lot of things, such as natural resources, investment for the future .. oh, and keeping the EU at arms length to an extent) and Luxembourg, who are doing exceptionally well.
I rarely view the BBC these days: it’s not good for my blood pressure and, anyway, the accuracy of the phrase “is that true or did you see/hear it on the BBC?” makes anything broadcast by the BBC of such doubtful veracity that it’s just easier (if you can) to go to the original source. However, I did see the item on yesterday’s News at 10:00 on BBC1 where Lyse Doucet gave a 4/5 minute propaganda item on those wonderful Syrian refugees welcomed by selfless Canadians (in stark contrast to the meanness of the UK welcome).
The highpoint of Lyse’s report was the “surprise” spotting by Lyse at a picnic of a Syrian family she’d originally met when she was doing another propaganda broadcast, this time from Syria (cue footage of the original report). Frankly, does anyone sentient believe that this “surprise” meeting in Canada wasn’t a set-up? How stupid does the BBC think its audience is? I have no evidence for this and I’m not a betting man but, since Lyse is a Canadian and hardly a disinterested reporter of Middle Eastern affairs, I would wager serious money that Lyse had pulled strings to get this family to Canada. Meanwhile the BBC’s – and Lyse’s – contempt for the “selfish” indigenes in the UK just shone through.
But is this just some off-the-peg gender-identity which, having been found on the internet, is now being hung upon Leo’s shoulders, one which he must grow into? Or is this, genuinely, Leo’s own personality organically forming?
The BBC interview probed none of this, doing no more than bathe the interviewees in warm adoration. Mum got a free pass.
“Bathe the interviewees in warm adoration.” Standard practice for the favoured ones.
All very, very obscenly biased – you will hear little of the therapy and support groups required for children with gay parents struggling to fit in with two Moms or two Dads.
Splendid…Farron is indeed the coming man of British politics.
Charismatic, interesting and a national knock out with the working,the honourable and the decent…17.4 Million at the last count!
He wants to ban ice cream sellers from using diesel-and I bought an ice cream earlier on…and Mr Whippy was “on board” with this as well.
Yes folks…Farrons the Barron…and I`m a Farron Knight!
Come On Tim!…let`s have that second referendum, when you`ve got your pickled gherkin out from Mark Oatens arse
‘Could Austria’s 16-year-olds derail far-right vote?
By Bethany Bell BBC News, Vienna’
I don’t know, who have you been talking to over there Bethany ?
‘Recent polls give Norbert Hofer a small edge. But, like many of her friends, Flora will be voting against the far-right candidate.’
Ok, pretty clear who our Bethany has been hanging out with. Also pretty clear our BBC journo has decided that it is a jolly good wheeze that 16-year-olds have the vote. That’s another left-liberal idea firmly on the BBC agenda then.
AISI – I’m not so sure that all 16 year old Austrians will vote how al beebus expects, after all many of that age will have experienced the delightful “vibrancy” which Merkels Million (in addition to their own imports of course) have brought with them to their country.
If Hofer wins, I wonder if he’ll be at increased risk of a..ahem..road accident; such as the one which befell Jorg Haider?
All I feel I have to share with you the inner struggle which is eating away at me. I know that this site has rules and expects its contributors to avoid personal attacks and to use temperate language . I try to abide by them but slowly the combined efforts of the BBC, Remoaner HQ, the Lib Dems , the Guardian , the Greens and all the other daft and dangerous lunatics that we have to put up with in our country, are eating into my resolve. I’m not sure how long I can hold out before I fill a whole post with ripe Anglo Saxon oaths about these people and their combined idiocy. I apologise in advance for any offence this may cause and if the post is removed it will probably be for the best
Addendum – hope you didn’t watch bbc news tonight! Am I in the Middle East? Syria, Yemen, top stories. I would like to discuss the report on starvation in Yemen if anyone else saw it. It is very distressing to watch children (no adults) in this state. I will limit my comments to: other than the children, it didn’t look poverty stricken. People’s clothes looked fairly good quality, the hospital looked well equipped.
I also feel that I am reaching saturation point with this propaganda. On a lighter note, I was amused to hear that the fbi will be red faced that the New York bomber was on their radar – his father reported him ffs!! And wasn’t the Florida gunman too? Wow, they are doing a good job!! For Hillary.
You are not alone. There is no reasoned discourse you can have with these people that will persuade them to change their minds. Their arguments and evidence are facile and often just plain made up nonsense. Their argument of last resort is to call you a racist, sexist, fascist…and any other -ist that pops into their heads. So a hearty fuck off is more than justified and will make you feel so much better.
View from BBC freind’s loonyverse University can be harmful for minorities, says student leader Times
“Black students risk finding university “psychologically destructive” because so many authors, thinkers and historical figures they study are white Europeans, ” Malia Bouattia the leader of the National Union of Students has claimed.
“you’ve got the Prevent agenda [the government counter-terrorism programme to combat radicalisation], which is, like, actually hunting down students that choose to be politicised, particularly those who are racialised. We’re at a time where things like the Prevent agenda quite explicitly target black and Muslim activists. I’m seeing the realities of that, which is a turn away from taking political action.”
Really I don’t think a black girl/boy in the Green Party, Liberal,Conservative or other non-radical political groups will be targeted at all.
Malia Bouattia is a wonderful example of political correctness running riot. She is clearly, talentless, divisive, racist (the list goes on). She is the first person I have ever seen to run a large and respected organisation who apparently has “no control over their diary”. Most likely she is incompetent for the role as she cannot even meet a Guardian journalist without cancelling not once, twice. Her appointment has led to entire university campuses cutting ties with the NUS which must be a first. She is just another talentless SJW virtue signalling her moral superiority whenever she can be bothered to get out of bed. At any given opportunity she throws petrol on to the already raging inferno that is ethnic minority victimhood status.
What really sums it up is that she is even too extreme for the Guardian, now that tells you all you need to know about her. Sadly I doubt this is the last that we will see of her, expect prime roles in government, journalism and of course a prime candidate for the BBC graduate scheme once she finishes stripping the NUS of all its credibility.
Surely the answer to avoiding ‘psychologically destructive’ risks is to enrol in a university with exclusively non-white subjects, staffed by non-white lecturers covering the work of non-white authors, thinkers, composers, playwrights, artists, designers, entrepreneurs, industrialists, inventors and other like-minded individuals, concentrating where necessary on historical figures who significantly illustrate these attributes and abilities. Simple, really.
Melanie Phillp’s slags off “Spoilt white brats of the Black Lives Matter protest” ,a href=”″>Her FB page has into to article Times page 30
The City airport protest by white supporters of Black Lives Matter over climate change raises the question why disproportionate numbers of privileged white people attach themselves to daft, destructive or death-dealing causes in the hubristic belief they can save the world.
The reason is pathological western guilt over slavery, imperialism, fascism, environmentalism. In White Guilt, Shelby Steele writes of the vacuum of moral authority that comes from believing one’s race is associated with racism. That authority has been transferred to the assumed black victims of white people. White guilt and black power become two sides of the same coin.
Watch this video and despair! I don’t mean at what Trump is saying, for he is speaking very good sense. I mean the behaviour of that stupid little girl who is not listening to anything Trump is saying, but is only interested in her phone messages. stonishing, and extremely impolite, at the very least.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Others may have a view, too, of course.
Message to Al Beeb
The British people have for many years taken immigrants. We are now full up, our schools are bursting. We are short of Doctors, our hospitals are full and we have many orphans, poor children requiring foster parents. We have a shortage of houses. Our green belt areas are under threat because of development. Many immigrants do not integrate , indeed they have no interest in being ‘British’, in fact some are hostile to our way of life. Our former PM has are already committed to taking 20,000 refugees from Syria. The nation is becoming unstable.
The British public do not want any more.
Is the slimy beeb trying to make out US bomb suspect is just a nice guy who’s the victim of racism?
“Suspect a ‘very friendly guy’ –
Neighbours had complained about the all-night establishment, leading city officials to pass an ordinance requiring the restaurant to shut at 10pm each night, according to city officials.
Mayor J Christian Bollwage said that in 2011 Mr Rahami’s father had sued the city over the ordinance, claiming he had been ethnically discriminated against.”
Someone moaning about the Queen eh?
Such a pity we have a monarchy, President Blair would have been a shoe-in.
Some migrants at the UN moaning about the dream of a better life is now a nightmare?
Here’s a thought stay in your own country – fight and die to make it a decent place to live. You will get help to build your nation and it may take a long time but generations of British people fought, strived and suffered to build this country and you have no right to abandon your birthplace and impose yourself anywhere else in the world.
And finally I hear the contrite Merkel admitting she screwed up badly, it’s too late now but the country will emerge from the migrant influx – stronger.I’ll take that one under advisement Ange’.
BBC: ‘Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28… The New York and New Jersey bombings suspect is in custody after a shootout with police…’
Gosh, I’m waiting with bated breath to hear from our BBC news whether this chap is “right wing” because at the weekend they wheeled in an “expert” who raised that as a distinct possibilty.
“Right Winger”? Perhaps someone at the BBC misheard when he was described as a “Right W*nker”
Note the headline on the Beebs website
Ahmad Khan Rahami: US blasts suspect a ‘very friendly guy’
Obviously not that friendly
BBC : ‘very friendly guy’
What was I thinking, he can’t possibly be “right wing” if he was “very friendly”
And why is it relevant?! If he had been a downright nasty piece of work, people might have suspected his intentions. Lying comes naturally to some.
“If he had been a downright nasty piece of work, people might have suspected his intentions.”
I’m not sure that the BBC have thought through the implications of characterising him as a friendly guy.
If becoming a terrorist is the end stage of a journey by a radicalised muslim who must first pass through a nasty phase and an obvious “mental health problem” stage, then we’ll know who to avoid and the police will know who to keep an eye on. But if any “very friendly” muslim can at any moment turn into a murdering terrorist then we have to be wary of all of them. To be anything other than constantly suspicious will be to risk death.
The implications of the BBC’s report is that every non-muslim has to beware of every muslim, because at any moment we could be fighting for our lives. The BBC’s message is clear, but I’m not sure it’s the one they intended to give us.
It’s nothing new. I am sure when Hitler died the BBC announced that a dog loving vegetarian had committed suicide in Berlin.
New programs the BBC is likely to produce in the unlikely event of Jeremy Corbyn being elected:
Teletubbies. After repeatedly missing annual quotas for production of Tubby Custard, the heavy industry of Teletubbyland must become more efficient in order to deliver the latest five-year plan. To that end, Tinky Winky has been shot and replaced by a surly but dedicated machinist named Pavel.
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons. The Captain and his colleagues are made redundant as part of a unilateral disarmament programme, led by Jeremy Corbyn. The Mysterons are invited to tea at the House of Commons so that the Labour leader can apologise for the West’s unprovoked bombing campaign against their Martian city.
Bagpuss. The archetypal fat cat had grown obese and lazy from the profits created by the wage slavery of several mice. His capitalist enterprise has since been nationalised, and a committee of mice now control the means of production. Professor Yaffle has been redeployed to more productive work on a collective farm.
In the Night Garden… The Night Garden has come under threat from ruthless developers, who plan a new airport runway and several thousand unaffordable executive homes. Iggle Piggle and three of the Wottingers were recently arrested after breaking into the Pinky Ponk’s hangar and gluing themselves to its propeller, under the brand of Black Lives Matter UK.
Balamory. What’s the story in Balamory? Well, children, Edie McCredie is currently driving her bus to the gulag, after being denounced by Miss Hoolie for counter-revolutionary thought. Archie the Inventor has been evicted from his pink kulak-castle by the local workers, whom he had oppressed by his hoarding of inventions. What will become of Archie, you ask? I don’t know who you mean, there never was a person of that name.
Danger Mouse. After years as an unaccountable agent of British military intelligence, a helpful leak by Russian hackers has exposed the details of Danger Mouse’s extra-judicial surveillance operations. He is currently awaiting trial.
Bodger and Badger. Mr Bodger now resides with the Animal Liberation Front, after Letsby Avenue Junior School became a Free School and banned mashed potato on the advice of Jamie Oliver. Badger was killed by a Gloucestershire farmer in 2013, under the Tories’ cull programme.
Captain Planet. This cartoon stays exactly the same.
Momentum’s Tiny Trots initiative is deeply sinister, but not unexpected given the hard left’s march into education, particularly universities (and the BBC QT audiences) over the years.
That said, I do think, Thoughtful, that it would only have be right and proper for you to have credited Mark Wallace of ‘Conservative Home’ for that amusing piece that you have copies and pasted.
First came the Nazi’s. Now come the Nasi’s…
Britain’s ‘world class broadcaster’ certainly has its finger on the pulse of what is really important in the world. Forget terrorist attacks in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota. Forget the US and Britain bombing the not-quite-as-bad guys in Syria. Forget the Migrants For All summit at the UN. No, what’s really important is that a goofy looking footballer on his travels has committed the cardinal sin of associating the rice dish Nasi Goreng with Singapore, rather than with Indonesia.
See Or better still, don’t.
I can’t see how a nation can own the term “Nasi Goreng”
Nasi =rice
Goreng = Fried
In the national language of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei
Ian, there’s a Malaysian version as well which is not as good as the hawker Indonesian version but I can recommend the dish in Penang.
BBC Online News:
“”New York bombing: Could blasts affect race for White House?”” (Why use the word ‘blasts’? It suggests something almost storm-like, rather than a hideous killer explosion).
“”Donald Trump showed a bit of restraint, at least for a while”” (A biased bit of rhetoric from the BBC).
“”For Mr Trump, at first it appeared his Chelsea response would be another shoot-from-the-hip affair. Shortly after word spread of the explosion in New York City”” (The BBC use the term ‘shoot from the hip’ to discredit Trump).
“”A Washington Post poll in late June gave Mrs Clinton a 50% to 39% edge in handling terrorism – an 8% improvement from May. When asked which candidate reacted better to the shooting, 46% said Mrs Clinton, while only 28% opted for Mr Trump”” (The Washington Post has long been regarded as a left wing Democrat supporting organ)
“”It seems the old Trump had returned – at least for now”” ( Guess who the BBC are NOT supporting? Have a guess….).
How would it become apparent that Trump’s response would be “another shoot-from-the-hip-affair” until he had actually made one?
Al Beeb is now getting its retaliation in first.
Ever heard of Huma Abedin ? Probably not, but she’s Hilary Clintons Saudi born campaign organiser, and if Clinton does get elected the Abedin will be running the White House as Chief as staff.
Worried? You should be ! Even Wikipedia can’t avoid the issues here.
In a letter dated June 13, 2012, to the State Department Inspector General, five Republican members of Congress—Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, Trent Franks of Arizona, Louie Gohmert of Texas, Thomas J. Rooney of Florida, and Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia—claimed that Abedin “has three family members – her late father, her mother and her brother – connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations.” The five members of Congress alleged that Abedin had “immediate family connections to foreign extremist organizations” which they said were “potentially disqualifying conditions for obtaining a security clearance” and questioned why Abedin had not been “disqualified for a security clearance.”
But Wikipedia is being kind, because she’s actually far worse than that, with rumours that she is connected to those who funded the 9/11 attacks, and has said that America deserved it. An opponent of Womens rights she has said women who dress provocatively deserve to be raped.
Just have a read, do some research and then imagine the horror if this woman is elected to serve with Hilary Clinton !
I believe she was born in Kalamazoo (Michigan) but was raised in Saudi Arabia from a very early age, after her family returned there. She came back to the US to study and got in with the Clintons quickly (Bill was in the White House; perhaps he fancied her as well as his other interns? Hillary certainly likes her.) I cannot imagine how she could have any but the lowest level security clearance, in view of her family connections. Her marriage, to an i-phone exhibitionist former Congressman, also looked highly suspicious.
She’s also the wife of serial sexter Anthony Weiner (who she forgave at least twice for sending photos of his genitalia to ladies of his acquaintance). Can you imagine the horror at the BBC if a Tromp staffer’s husband/wife had done the same?
BBc 22:00 apparently Canada is welcoming Syrian refugees with open arms, so we are told. Bully for them however I expect they will regret it. Seems the BBc think we have forgotten Germans welcoming “refugees” with open arms not that long ago.
Canada is a massive country compared to the UK , they have the space.
Many other countries could do their bit , Russia , the USA, Australia and the vast continent of South America .
Why does the burden always have to fall on Great Britain?
Perhaps Al Beeb’s trolls can tell us ?
The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, is almost the size of Western Europe and its subjects are co-religionists of the majority of these “refugees”; they have taken none and none (seemingly) want to go there.
They all want to live in our filthy, kaffir countries – I wonder why?
AS, Saudi refused to take any “refugees” because of the number of terrorists mixed in with them. European leaders knew this before they opened the gates.
The Saudi government put the interests of their own people first. There are lots of things I don’t like about the Saudis, but deciding to keep out terrorists isn’t one of them.
Dr Susan Crockford attacks the latest dreadful piece of propaganda from the BBC
She’s talking about Polar Bears being exploited by BBC Earth a vehicle for promoting disgusting Eco-porn
Paul Homewood has the low down and discussion
Bottomline : since 20015-16 was an El Nino year the extra warmth meant Arctic Summer ice was joint 3rd lowest year since 1979 satellite record (which began at a cyclic high point) (Shush don’t ask about Antartic Ice which has been growing year on year this century)
The Eco PR people try publicise that with claims polar bears will decline. But in fact in the last 30 years of polar bear counting the numbers have always increased and they are nowhere near an endangered species.
But they are such a good fund raising tool for eco-NGOs.
“Watch the videos below and weep not for the plight of the polar bear, but for the downfall of science journalism.”
Clueless Khan harangues the French for daring to tell muslim women what they can and can’t wear. As opposed to a medieval barbaric religion telling them what they can and can’t wear! Or are you telling me they CHOOSE to wear sweltering binbags with no visibility. Funny that, cos throughout history throughout the world, FREE women try to look attractive, not ridiculous.
How strange – he’s the Emir that’s decided how women can be dressed on posters on the London Underground. If I didn’t know better I would say he is a complete hypocrite and Sharia enforcer.
I wonder how soon women will be banned in London from wearing shorts, skirts above the knee or sleeveless tops. It will be soon, mark my words.
My first reaction was the huge mistake that Londoners have made in creating the first Muslim mayor – but suddenly remembered that Islam is possibly the main faith in London now. For many years I was in the property business, and we always said that whatever happens in London re prices etc, always filtered out to the rest of the Country eventually. How many generations are we away from being a totally Islamic country ? with the inbreeding and large families of migrants here and the ‘thousands’ more we are expected to take. This is the greatest problem facing this country and Europe as a whole.
Solid post Brissles. The problem is, I don’t think there are enough “Londoners” left in London now.
Smart women are surely already covering up in London. Why risk providing a “trigger”?
Might safe space “women only” carriages be the answer? They already have them in Germany:
Women only carriages = segregation as demanded by Sharia Law.
If indigenous females can no longer walk through an area in Britain without being attacked: then that area should be torn down to the tarmac.
In no meaningful sense is it part of Britain anymore and as such it needs to be turned back into part of Britain again.
The same applies for parts of France which have ceased to be safe for indigenous French people; in Germany for Germans; in Sweden for Swedes and in Holland for the Dutch etc etc.
Those areas should be re-taken and if the “elites” in the West continue to bury their heads in the sand regarding the Muslim and Third World invaders: at some point they will be – just not with hashtags.
“and if the “elites” in the West continue to bury their heads in the sand”
It is our duty to ensure that the rest of their disgusting, treasonous, bodies are also below ground level.
Peter the great
Kabul before Khan’s men took over
I missed this ‘Have Your Say’ its worth a look . Its closed now .
I don’t think the outcome was what ‘they’ liked ?
Any one notice how a number of “grateful” migrants appear to have burnt down part of a “refugee” camp in some sort of food dispute.
In any real world these arseholes would have been sent back to the same shithole they originated from faster than you could say “housing benefit” But in this world of snowflake dominated, left wing, hand wringing, cloying compassion I expect they will be now painted as “double” victims and be rewarded with whatever their demands were – being met.
Unfortunately we seem to have a out of control grievance industry manned by lawyers and journalists who all love and encourage this sort of stuff as in effect it represents work.
Pity for us that we have to pay for it.
And what message does it send to all these potential doctors and engineers – if you cause havoc when you are a guest = you get what you want –
Malmo here we come = We can do this – OH Yeah!
They must have known what was coming! I read quite a few of the comments at the beginning and they were against mass migration and open borders in the main. Quelle surprise.
It is suggested that the policy of the BBC when visiting a school is make sure that there is positive discrimination in talking to “ethnic ” children first. To be honest this is an anachronism. Up to 100% of the children in inner London schools are ethnic ,who are the Riz Lateef, Asad Ahmad,Alice Bhandhukravi , Ayesha Bakhsh,etc going to talk to in the schools?
However what I don’t quite understand is that on the national news when schools are featured and there may be as high as a 75% indigenous intake. And yes there are still one or two places
in the country where you will find an indigenous majority. That the same rules applies in talking to the kids?
Did I imagine it last night or did Sky have a report on their ticker, of 3 to 4 thousand refugees fleeing their camp on Lesbos after some of their fellow travellers torched it.
I must have dreamed it as there are no reports of such an atrocity on the news today.
Shelley, that wasn’t a dream it was a revelation!
BBC love-in with Sadiq Khan
I dont know if Khan is stupid, extremely vain or both, but his intervening into the US presidential elections after a muslim terrorist attack probably isnt going to help his desire to see Clinton elected. Did he learn nothing from Obama’s visit and Brexit?
The only time they get schooled is after a genuine, fair democratic election.
Something sadly rare, hence their confidence, if on occasion misplaced.
This visit to the US can be milked in a couple of years time to show images of Khan with eminent US politicians and applauding crowds to show that he is an international politician – a fine leader to rescue the Labour Party and confront the shambles of Teresa’s wreck of a Tory Party. I am sure the BBC will omit to mention criticism of the man’s stupidity over his remarks on living with terror
Does anyone remember the riot in Croydon South London last year that was reported without footage and without mentioning it was black youth as we eventually found out?
Apparently there was a riot last night in S London involving around a hundred youths, however this time we see footage of around a dozen white youth attacking what appears to be a black youth.. strange they show footage this time, however where is the footage of the other 80 to 90 youths involved? Sky reported that a black youth was seen with blood pouring from his face the inference of course is that a black person was attacked but not by another black youth as the description ‘black’ would be redundant.
It would be like saying that there was a fight between Millwall fans and a white man was seen with blood coming from his face the term ‘white’ being of no real consequence.
Was this some sort of race riot, or just whitey picking on a poor vulnerable black boy? No doubt BBC will dwell on it later tonight at peak viewing time.
It’s a symptom of our decaying society.
The whole of Europe is at 5 to midnight.
expect much worse in the months and years ahead.
Leha, I think Europe’s had it. We might as well hoist up the white flag of surrender and the black flag of ISIS.
If you believe you have heard it all, maybe you should think again. I thought I had heard it all, and I was wrong.
There is, in the Advertiser, an opinion piece by one Faiza Patel, which is the most egregious piece of special pleading for Islam I have ever encountered.
Muslims are innocent, in fact Muslims are the victims.
Muslims have two modes: Kill ’em all and poor us. Neither offers any hope.
Radio 4’s “PM” provided a good reminder of why I trust it less and less these days, when I can bear to listen that is.
They set the agenda briefly at the very beginning, just after the pips, then they gave the headlines for the first few minutes. The news was depressingly familiar: the arrests and aftermath of the Muslim bombs in New York & New Jersey and the Muslim shopping mall stabbings in Minnesota. So what to do next?
A BBC reporter in the USA presented a piece featuring a mock journey along the route of an interesting-sounding solar-powered train, where the reporter will be stopping off to interview people along the way, no doubt as part of the BBC’s U.S. election ‘coverage’. I think they started in Minneapolis. Straight away, we had the Muslim-as-victims meme. Some of the poor dears from Somalia had been there since the 1990s (so, real Yankee Doodle Dandies then!) and they had noticed an upturn in hostility and felt less safe now. Why might that be? Hmmm, I wonder.
A lot of people feeling less safe now, US citizens included.
Interesting that a Mayor of London who’s job is of course to represent Londoners as whole ( still some 40% indigenous white English ) is not only bringing in policies directly aimed at appeasing extreme Islam but he is also travelling around America also with the same narrow Muslim/Islam orientated mind set.
No one can say they weren’t warned as to his true motives for becoming Mayor.
I wonder which 2 tribes of cultural enrichers were involved? Funny how the BBC forgot to mention.
Apologies that this has nothing to do with BBC bias but can someone tell me why, when you have photos of someone clearly carrying out a crime, their face has to be pixalated out?
How do they hope to catch scumbags if they protect their identity?
Human Rites innit?
Innocent until proven guilty! Our wonderful legal system.
He could have been:
– trying out a new hacksaw
– filing his nail
– examining how the bike lock works…
Could be it’s his bike and he lost the key.
Utopia could be just around the corner
Meagre gruel for breakfast from BBC London news this morning – one wonders why we pay for their three short head lines, a quick re-cap of the weather forcast and some quick cursory travel information all widely available elsewhere.
Arthur Patel our comely news anchor gives top billing to another admiring uncritical puff piece for The Great Khan. Feelings of nostalgia are evoked for the days of yore when BBC London became virtual press office for Red Ken. Of course we will forget the Boris interregnum when the London Mayor was roundly criticised and daily held to account. Seems Lucky Little Man Khan has been busy putting the terror mockers on New York and in the Big Apple says he wants more power and more cash to spend on our behalf – the Mayor of New York City gets three times as much and poor Khan looks so small in the big chair at the photo op – so – obviously – it is unfair.
Not so small – more of a big massive teenage brawl in the mean streets of suburban Erith. On another day we will hear what a great job teachers are doing and the one thing we need more of is sex education. But just maybe the BBC and the teachers are onto something – feminise the young lads a bit more and they might stop brawling. Bromide in free school dinners – let’s start a campaign – I’ll phone Arthur Patel at BBC London.
And so to a BBC Freedom of Information doo dah – seems to go a bit against the grain of the BBC but Councils have fessed up how much they are spending on cleaning graffiti. (Hackney is the gold medalist) The balance is restored when BBC London bring us the wise words of “Stazy” (no not the Stasi) our Stazy is a graffiti artist who has gone straight but tells us that it’s all cool. So come on kids stop brawling and get out there and express yourselves – then The Great Khan can have more of our cash to pay for it all to be cleaned up afterwards – thank you BBC London – this is the beginnings of a utopia!
How does it come about – Left Wing = Good, Right Wing = Bad ?
That being the case – why does the Left do it’s utmost to grow the Right ?
I’m listening right now to an interview on the Today programme between Justin Webb and Norman Lamb of the LibDems. Mr Lamb supports a second referendum on the terms of any Brexit agreement and was asked what happens if the referendum rejects the agreement. Well, then we stay in, was the reply, unchallenged by Justin.
This, I believe, is a fundamental misunderstanding of the position, which they both must have known. For negotiations on an agreement to have taken place, the U.K. must have triggered Article 50. And under Article 50, we have two years and then we’re out. So if the agreement is rejected then we’re out the EU without any agreement.
Either the misunderstanding is mine or this was a wilful misrepresentation.
Or they’re both thick . Proving the BBC is not the font of all wisdom .
But like you I’m putting my money on them being mendacious half wits .
Nibor, I think you hit the nail on the head. I heard the interview and Lamb really couldn’t cope with Justin’s interview. He couldn’t provide answers to the simple questions Justin asked him – he just got tied in knots. And Justin’s questions were hardly an in depth interview and were delivered in a very sympathetic manner.
‘And under Article 50, we have two years and then we’re out.’
Don’t worry, the Lib-Dems and BBC will be perfectly aware that in their second referendum scenario the EU will be more than happy to break their own rules to let us back in again. The EU has a track record of breaking their own rules to allow all and sundry to join. They won’t willingly give up our monetary contributions or let go of the euro unemployment pressure valve the UK provides gratis.
The remain argument is to say they do not know how Brexit will turn out and therefore the leave vote is, somehow, not valid.
Yet another elephant – when a party is voted in by the majority, other than manifesto ‘promises’, no one knows how that will turn out either. Shocking, I know, but that’s how it is.
Thing is, you put your cross on the paper and that is commonly known as the, democratic process.
Remainers, I would remind you: You live in Britain, NOT a one party, corrupt, tin pot state. Your disregard for the will of the people facilitated by a government elected to power by the will of the people is beyond all words.
Another mentally ill Norwegian..swept under the carpet – didn’t see it mentioned on the BBC
And the BBC are desperately hoping that the Austrian (indoctrinated) yoof can overcome the ‘far right’, I see. Because obviously they have more sense, like Jeremy’s young ones.
When there was an explosion in New York that injured 29 people, the BBC immediately said it was probably not a terrorist incident. When a loaded pressure cooker was found a few blocks away the authorities said, well it’s probably unconnected. Then there was an explosion in New Jersey by a beach run for charity for the military, but there couldn’t be any connection between these incidents. When on the same day there was a stabbing of 8 people at a mall in Minnesota, obviously it was purely coincidental. We all know that Islam is a religion of peace, and there is no such thing as “Islamic terrorism” (shush, don’t even mention it).
But, once they found fingerprints on the unexploded pressure cooker bomb, very similar to those used by the Tsarnaev brothers to blow up the Boston marathon that killed 3 people. And once they had traced them to a certain Ahmed Khan Rahami, a Afghani naturalized US citizen, who lives in Elizabeth, NJ. And once they found him walking down a street in Linden NJ, and he shot at police officers, and was shot and wounded, there was no chance to avoid it. Islamic terrorism had struck again in the USA. Not only that, it was coordinated and relatively sophisticated. Pres. Obama, had a hard time talking about it and not mentioning “Islamic terrorism” (is there any other kind these days?) The repercussions of this series of incidents will be enormous, far greater than their actual seriousness (unlike the WTC attack of 9/11). It means that with all their sophisticated electronics and the billions of dollars spent on Home Security, a few Muslims were able to perpetrate terrorism in the USA without prior detection. Not a good sign.
Surely the most significant repercussion from this latest spate of Islamic terror is that more Americans will vote for Trump , who will do something about it , rather than Clinton who will just wring her hands , carry a teddy and light a candle plus sprinkle a few hash tags at random.
…………..Meanwhile in Israel there was an upsurge of terrorist incidents, with 8 occurring in the past few days. So-called “lone wolf” knifing, shooting and ramming attacks have been perpetrated around Jerusalem and on the West Bank for a year, but recently there was a lull. Now we know it was a false calm. Pres. Abbas immediately came out and pronounced the dead terrorists (most of them are shot dead immediately) as martyrs and heroes, even though he claims to be against terrorism (pull the other leg). Of course, foreign donations (from the USA, Australia, Germany, UK , France and the EU, our tax at work) are used to reward the families of the terrorists for their “sacrifice.”
They thought Obama would change the World – He surely did make it darn sight more dangerous. And yet people are crazy for the evil, cabbage patch doll, Hillary. The capacity of the Left for delusion is stunning.
And while we’re on, a better term for followers of Corbyn. Champagne Socialists was good for Blairites.
…a better term for followers of Corbyn:
Far-left subversives should fit.
So little Carey Mulligan feels ‘ashamed to be British’ over the treatment of Calais ‘children’… but vewy vewy pwoud to be ashamed, just like a real gwown up, with daring political views and sooo compassionate, look at me evwybody.
Let’s deconstruct that cliche. There’s no shame at all, just huge virtue signalling, I’m so much better than all the horrid little people who oppose uncontrolled immigration, or invasion as it’s sometimes called. And of course those 1000 children means 10,000 with families, more benefits, school places, accommodation, more mosques further down the line and demands for special treatment for Muslims, further Islamisation etc. And of course, another 1000 popping up in Calais tomorrow when they see how easy it is for ‘children’ to get in, and more drownings at sea of those trying. But never mind all that, look at ME, little Cawey, so cawing. (wipes tear)
Will somebody please draw up a list of lefty luvvies in luv with themselves so we can NEVER pay to see any of their movies, Cucumberpatch would have to be in there somewhere.
I suggest that the migrant adults in the UK be sent to join their children in Calais.
What would the Left/BBC say to that?
the dozy bitch can go and live among them to see how long she lasts as a lefty
Old saying Number 6: a Lefty is a Tory who hasn’t been mugged yet. Substitute ‘raped’ or ‘beaten up’ in this case…
peterthegreat, I would love to compile a virtual smorgasbord of lefty signallers but there would not be enough space to complete the list.
What would be more interesting is to rustle up some names of Actors who have genuine right leaning political views. It will be very small.
Clint, Jon Voight, James Caan errr…. that’s it, Ed.
As for British actors, I am struggling… Nigel Havers?
Talking of ‘drawing up lists’, America had ‘McCarthyism’ against the spread of Communism, we now seem to have the polar opposite version with MSN ‘social’ media, BBC/Guardian/Evening Standard, Islington, East and West Coast North America, etc, etc, naming and shaming ordinary folk questioning the required left viewpoint on any particular issue.
What ‘……ism’ word shall we call this new phenomenon?
Michael Caine can be quite sensibly conservative too. Don’t let’s forget the late Ronald Reagan either.
Gary Sinise
I thought Charlton Heston, Bruce Willis and Arnie of course were all to the right. Possibly Sly Stallone too. Talking of late actors we had John Wayne.
Dykevisons – Gary Sinise could be added to the U.S. list, the British one – Michael Caine perhaps? Roger Daltrey (actor of sorts); apart from them, who knows?
Dyke – Dhimmism? Fascism? Marxism? Totalitarianism? Ostrichism (close your eyes and pretend there’s no threat)? Cowardism? Absurdism? Surrealism? Or most disgusting epithet of all: Beebism?
Daniel Radcliffe: I don’t want to play Harry Potter again
Thought I’d read this BBC article over a bit of lunch. Should be straightforward to read, no politics, nothing heavy….but…
paragraph 6
In a wide-ranging interview, Radcliffe voiced concern over the rise of Donald Trump to become the Republican candidate in the forthcoming presidential election, adding that he had “stirred up” feelings of “fear and hatred”.
paragraph 7
He also said Hollywood had a problem with racial discrimination and that homosexual actors felt unable to come out for fear of being typecast in gay roles.
paragraph 12
Asked whether Hollywood discriminated against actors on the grounds of race, he said: “It’s pretty undeniable.”
paragraph 14
Radcliffe also voiced concern that gay actors felt unable to come out because “I suppose then people just want to cast you as gay”.
Phew that’s the heavy stuff out of the way then, at least there is no UK politics….but…
paragraph 15
In 2012, the actor declared himself a supporter of the Labour Party, having previously backed the Liberal Democrats, and has since voiced support for leader Jeremy Corbyn.
At least the BBC are not using him to suggest who to vote for at the next elections….oh wait..
paragraph 17
But he said he was still likely to back Labour at the next election “if it was a choice between that and the Conservatives”.
Well there you go, the entire BBC agenda all wrapped up in one “random” interview.
Tabs your post comes just after mine on Carey Mulligan virtue signalling over the Calais ‘children’. Can we please boycott all those luvvies’ movies? We really won’t be missing much, they’re all dreadful.
Good post Tabs. When you think about actors, they spend out their lives pretending they are someone else. They can be presidents, brain surgeons, spacemen, scientists, explorers, anything at all, but what happens when it is all over, they are nothing, unskilled, useless. It must be the worst thing to feel like nothing. Hence we get their bleeding heart side. They are pathetic. I don’t give their views 5 seconds of my time.
You have hit the nail on the head. They do pretend to be someone else in films but nowadays they also do that in real life. They pretend they care, they pretend they know the answers to world poverty, they pretend they know the hardships of being gay/trans/black/whatever the trend currently is.
We don’t hear them speaking out much about overpaid actors earning £mil for a couple of months work – strange that isn’t it?
It’s sad really that they believe their own “celebrity status”. It gives them some validity in their empty lives to find a ’cause’, but no, they don’t mind the super bucks.
They ask for money often but they never seem to put their hands in their own pockets.
Radcliffe is a grade a virtue signalling self righteous. dick. Hes doing the rounds at the moment as he is playing an undercover fbi agent infilitrating neo nazi’s in the movie imperium. How this short arsed idiot could ever be convincing in this role is beyond me. He always looks like hes doing a joey tribiani style of acting, ie pulling your pubes to look serious. Stick to wands harry. And one more thing Harry Hilary is part of the elite and she is extremely wealthy also.
Just waiting for hermoine to stick her oar in on the calais issue as well. Cumberpatch is incoming also as he has a new movie coming out in a few weeks as well so its going to be luvvie overload of virtue signalling for a while. Basically the message is i’m so caring, let everyone in, now go see my movie and bask in my righteousness. Morons one and all.
I think he’s just not very intelligent – so why get his opinions…oh yeah, he’ll tow the bbc line..
Katie and Looby – It seems to me that both Radcliffe and Cumberpatch both seem to possess a “Cloak of Stupidty” As they say if the cloak fits – wear it!
Oh Darn it! If only we were still in Europe – Radcliffe could be President!
PS: No offence to Sting, Bono et al.
“paragraph 12
Asked whether Hollywood discriminated against actors on the grounds of race, he said: “It’s pretty undeniable.””
I wouldn’t dispute that – I can’t think of one white actor who would be chosen to play Malcolm X or Martin Luther King.
By the same token Idris Elba, for example, would look rather odd cast as Winston Churchill.
Amazing, isn’t it, how the same opinions are extracted from people in every BBC interview you read. It’s almost like the subjects chosen for interview were filtered somehow.
Yesterday I complained about Daily Politics having Zoe Williams in the main guest seat. Today it is Poly twaddle Toynbee, I rest my case.
Indeed Fred.
Who better to discuss the plight of the poor than Polly?
Despite going to one of the most exclusive girl’s private schools in the UK she is so thick she couldn’t pass the 11 plus. Somehow, she was squeezed into Oxford, surely not by dint of the family name(!), but sadly, she didn’t last more than 18 months. She sent her kids to private schools too, so no doubt, one day, we will have to stomach them enlightening us about poverty and state schools.
Yet the BBC often fly her back from her mansion in Tuscany to emote on the impoverished working classes in the Uk. Worse they get her to discuss state schools, the only experience of which she has, is driving passed a few on her way to the airport.
It’s a shame the BBC despises the working class in the UK, else they might invite on someone who can challenge their group think.
Thank you all for mentioning the Hypocrite-in-Chief Toynbee. It allows me, once again, to post this gem:
It never gets old, odd how I don’t think I’ve seen R.L. on QT since.
The BBC will not have liked his defrocking of the High Priestess.
If you can’t attack Donald Trump, attack his son.
Donald Trump Jr compares Syrian refugees to Skittles
Oh, the horror! Lefties, being unable to deal with advanced concepts such as analogy, appear to think he’s actually called Syrians Skittles. Or perhaps they find it easier to pretend they think that rather than trying to argue the point.
And the oh-so-unbiased BBC has seen fit to show the statistical chances of dying by Skittle compared to dying by terrorist. You’ve got to go right down to the bottom of the page to find a small section supporting Young Trump.
I bet this is discussed on Newsshite tonight! Groundbreaking news!
And we should be interested in the opinion of actors / pop stars because ………
Equally valid to interview plumbers / greegrocers – I’m sure they have opinions too.
I doubt very much if plumbers / greengrocers would have the “correct” opinions. Very likely they would have the sort of opinions the rest of us have.
Sad but true.
80 Per Cent Of Swedish Police Consider Quitting Over Migrant Danger
Sweden may be descending into a crisis as a new report suggests 80 per cent of police officers are considering switching careers due to the danger they face in the field.
The criminal situation in Sweden may be heading for an even worse turn as a new report has shown that the vast majority of the Swedish police force is so unhappy they are looking into other careers. Sweden has been rocked by increasing levels of criminality from sex attacks at music festivals, hand grenade attacks and violence toward the police in areas populated mostly by migrants.
The report states that up to three Swedish police quit every day as they feel the government isn’t giving them the tools to tackle the epidemic of criminality Norwegian broadcaster NRK reports.
Swedish police Sergeant Peter Larsson told the broadcaster the challenges Swedish authorities face with the ever decreasing number of officers saying, “We have a major crisis. Many colleagues have chosen to leave. We will not be able investigate crimes, we have no time to travel to the call-outs we are set to do. A worsened working environment means that many colleagues are now looking around for something else.”
Larsson singles out violence against emergency services employees saying, “The violence against us in the police and the paramedics and firefighters, has become much worse. We’re talking about stone throwing, violence, fires. It has become much worse in recent years.”
Tina Svensson, a resident of one of the outer suburbs of Gothenburg says that crime has reached a fever pitch and police rarely ever arrive. Ms. Svensson described a particular incident of violence to the Norwegian broadcaster as an example of her experiences saying, “there were two guys who were shot. With some kind of automatic weapons. Two magazines, perhaps. It may not be what you would expect when you are out walking the dog.”
Ms. Svensson said that many people would not travel to her suburb because of the violence and admitted most were scared to live there.
Much of the crime in Sweden is linked to specific suburbs in large cities like Stockholm and Gothenburg that generally also have a high population of migrants. Suburbs like Rinkeby in Stockholm have become particularly famous for residents attacking journalists on more than one occasion.
Swedish police have accounted for a total of 14 no-go areas in which they rarely venture outside of their heavily fortified police stations for fear of being attacked by locals.
The Swedish government has claimed that using the word “crisis” is a step too far and have promised more funding to recruit more officers. Sergeant Larsson isn’t convinced the government, who have a dubious history of trying cover up migrant crime, is really trying to tackle the root of the problem warning, “If they choose not to make a real commitment now, it’s going to end in disaster.”
This is shocking and frightening. Let it be a lesson to other countries around the world.
Is it not just the end point of the leftist politicisation of police forces in the UK, Germany, Holland etc.
Not to worry I am sure a sharia patrol would be more than willing to fill the gaps.
A Swede of my acquaintance told me that of the police in Sweden: a third are women; a third are homosexuals and a third are immigrants (or the descendants of same).
There are numerous simple points that Lefties/ Remainers fail to grasp.
For starters:-
1) If a country wants to buy our stuff, it will buy our stuff.
2) The EU made up of 27 countries where only ONE is doing well i.e.Germany.
gaxvil, don’t forget some of the other countries: Norway doing very well (but that’s because they’ve been sensible with a lot of things, such as natural resources, investment for the future .. oh, and keeping the EU at arms length to an extent) and Luxembourg, who are doing exceptionally well.
I rarely view the BBC these days: it’s not good for my blood pressure and, anyway, the accuracy of the phrase “is that true or did you see/hear it on the BBC?” makes anything broadcast by the BBC of such doubtful veracity that it’s just easier (if you can) to go to the original source. However, I did see the item on yesterday’s News at 10:00 on BBC1 where Lyse Doucet gave a 4/5 minute propaganda item on those wonderful Syrian refugees welcomed by selfless Canadians (in stark contrast to the meanness of the UK welcome).
The highpoint of Lyse’s report was the “surprise” spotting by Lyse at a picnic of a Syrian family she’d originally met when she was doing another propaganda broadcast, this time from Syria (cue footage of the original report). Frankly, does anyone sentient believe that this “surprise” meeting in Canada wasn’t a set-up? How stupid does the BBC think its audience is? I have no evidence for this and I’m not a betting man but, since Lyse is a Canadian and hardly a disinterested reporter of Middle Eastern affairs, I would wager serious money that Lyse had pulled strings to get this family to Canada. Meanwhile the BBC’s – and Lyse’s – contempt for the “selfish” indigenes in the UK just shone through.
Even my 13-year old son called bullshit on that last night when it came on.
The report last night reminded me of Ricky Gervais’s report from Africa
Transgender kids are cool, if you believe their crazy parents and the BBC
“Bathe the interviewees in warm adoration.” Standard practice for the favoured ones.
All very, very obscenly biased – you will hear little of the therapy and support groups required for children with gay parents struggling to fit in with two Moms or two Dads.
Splendid…Farron is indeed the coming man of British politics.
Charismatic, interesting and a national knock out with the working,the honourable and the decent…17.4 Million at the last count!
He wants to ban ice cream sellers from using diesel-and I bought an ice cream earlier on…and Mr Whippy was “on board” with this as well.
Yes folks…Farrons the Barron…and I`m a Farron Knight!
Come On Tim!…let`s have that second referendum, when you`ve got your pickled gherkin out from Mark Oatens arse
Aha ! Tim Farren and the Liberals will save us – the velvet hand in the velvet glove!
‘Could Austria’s 16-year-olds derail far-right vote?
By Bethany Bell BBC News, Vienna’
I don’t know, who have you been talking to over there Bethany ?
‘Recent polls give Norbert Hofer a small edge. But, like many of her friends, Flora will be voting against the far-right candidate.’
Ok, pretty clear who our Bethany has been hanging out with. Also pretty clear our BBC journo has decided that it is a jolly good wheeze that 16-year-olds have the vote. That’s another left-liberal idea firmly on the BBC agenda then.
AISI – I’m not so sure that all 16 year old Austrians will vote how al beebus expects, after all many of that age will have experienced the delightful “vibrancy” which Merkels Million (in addition to their own imports of course) have brought with them to their country.
If Hofer wins, I wonder if he’ll be at increased risk of a..ahem..road accident; such as the one which befell Jorg Haider?
All I feel I have to share with you the inner struggle which is eating away at me. I know that this site has rules and expects its contributors to avoid personal attacks and to use temperate language . I try to abide by them but slowly the combined efforts of the BBC, Remoaner HQ, the Lib Dems , the Guardian , the Greens and all the other daft and dangerous lunatics that we have to put up with in our country, are eating into my resolve. I’m not sure how long I can hold out before I fill a whole post with ripe Anglo Saxon oaths about these people and their combined idiocy. I apologise in advance for any offence this may cause and if the post is removed it will probably be for the best
We must have a safe place to vent our frustration! Maybe a padded room? Not a cell though.
Addendum – hope you didn’t watch bbc news tonight! Am I in the Middle East? Syria, Yemen, top stories. I would like to discuss the report on starvation in Yemen if anyone else saw it. It is very distressing to watch children (no adults) in this state. I will limit my comments to: other than the children, it didn’t look poverty stricken. People’s clothes looked fairly good quality, the hospital looked well equipped.
I also feel that I am reaching saturation point with this propaganda. On a lighter note, I was amused to hear that the fbi will be red faced that the New York bomber was on their radar – his father reported him ffs!! And wasn’t the Florida gunman too? Wow, they are doing a good job!! For Hillary.
Just do it…
You are not alone. There is no reasoned discourse you can have with these people that will persuade them to change their minds. Their arguments and evidence are facile and often just plain made up nonsense. Their argument of last resort is to call you a racist, sexist, fascist…and any other -ist that pops into their heads. So a hearty fuck off is more than justified and will make you feel so much better.
Praise be upon him.
He may not eat biscuits, but he’s bloody crackers.
Presidential candidate caught in embarrassing moment
View from BBC freind’s loonyverse
University can be harmful for minorities, says student leader Times
“Black students risk finding university “psychologically destructive” because so many authors, thinkers and historical figures they study are white Europeans, ” Malia Bouattia the leader of the National Union of Students has claimed.
“you’ve got the Prevent agenda [the government counter-terrorism programme to combat radicalisation], which is, like, actually hunting down students that choose to be politicised, particularly those who are racialised. We’re at a time where things like the Prevent agenda quite explicitly target black and Muslim activists. I’m seeing the realities of that, which is a turn away from taking political action.”
Really I don’t think a black girl/boy in the Green Party, Liberal,Conservative or other non-radical political groups will be targeted at all.
The original Guardian interview chooses a different title NUS president Malia Bouattia: ‘Political activists are being demonised’ ..but then basically calls her a really annoying liar in the first paragraphs.
Malia Bouattia is a wonderful example of political correctness running riot. She is clearly, talentless, divisive, racist (the list goes on). She is the first person I have ever seen to run a large and respected organisation who apparently has “no control over their diary”. Most likely she is incompetent for the role as she cannot even meet a Guardian journalist without cancelling not once, twice. Her appointment has led to entire university campuses cutting ties with the NUS which must be a first. She is just another talentless SJW virtue signalling her moral superiority whenever she can be bothered to get out of bed. At any given opportunity she throws petrol on to the already raging inferno that is ethnic minority victimhood status.
What really sums it up is that she is even too extreme for the Guardian, now that tells you all you need to know about her. Sadly I doubt this is the last that we will see of her, expect prime roles in government, journalism and of course a prime candidate for the BBC graduate scheme once she finishes stripping the NUS of all its credibility.
Surely the answer to avoiding ‘psychologically destructive’ risks is to enrol in a university with exclusively non-white subjects, staffed by non-white lecturers covering the work of non-white authors, thinkers, composers, playwrights, artists, designers, entrepreneurs, industrialists, inventors and other like-minded individuals, concentrating where necessary on historical figures who significantly illustrate these attributes and abilities. Simple, really.
That would be Blackborn University ….in Wancashire
Hats off to our Intelligence and Security Services, they are ‘pulling’ more of them in. I can’t find anything on Al Beeb yet ?
Perhaps they could pick it up from here………….
The guy who grabbed Eddie Izzard’s hat was up in court.
Yes he was a Brexiteer…but he’s Polish.
Melanie Phillp’s slags off “Spoilt white brats of the Black Lives Matter protest” ,a href=”″>Her FB page has into to article Times page 30
corrected link Her FB page has intro to article Times page 30
This works
Her FB page has into to article Times page 30
(The proxy server put in the wrong type quotation marks, before)
Trump, Live:
Watch this video and despair! I don’t mean at what Trump is saying, for he is speaking very good sense. I mean the behaviour of that stupid little girl who is not listening to anything Trump is saying, but is only interested in her phone messages. stonishing, and extremely impolite, at the very least.
On reflection, I should have been less critical. They are only young, after all, and they ARE on the right side of the political spectrum.