Perusing the local rag court cases and noting a few people in the dock were fined £370 plus £120 costs for not having a TV license whereas another person admitted assault by beating and was discharged conditionally for 12 months and ordered to pay compensation of £50 and costs of £85, and another admitted using a vehicle on a road without third party insurance. Fined £120.And another admitted driving a vehicle on a road when the proportion of a controlled
drug, namely amphetamine, in blood, namely 525 ug/L, exceeded the
specified limit. Fined £120 and to pay costs of £85.
The TV license dodgers are by far the worst category of criminal according to the level of fines given and clearly far more dangerous to society.
It would be interesting to compare the percentage value of TV licence fee fines paid versus the percentage value of other fines paid. My guess is that it’s higher because the authorities have a better fix on where the offender resides and are therefore in a better position to collect.
A friend of mine worked as a JP. I don’t recall the figures but a surprisingly high (at least to me) percentage of fines never actually gets paid.
Wasn`t it grand to hear John Humphrys fear that Britain isn`t creating those kind of entrepreneurs that the USA does?
He seemed exercised enough to trail it on the lead up to the 7am news on Toady yesterday?
“Why DON`T we create our Amazons…our Googles”?
Thus saith John.
And there was me thinking that John and Today rather disliked these tax dodging conglomerates who refuse to pay enough money to the NHS and schools, BBC presenters etc here in the UK?
is that not what Amazon and Google were up in the dock for a few weeks ago?
Yet here`s John now seeking more to be like them….
Er…schizoid, mercurial…and depends on what side of the drugs stash that Quentin woke up with I guess.
So then-tax dodging is cool again, the BBC says so.
Give it another few months-and they`ll be wanting more swashbuckling captains if industry like Mike Ashley and Sir Philip…
Oh-hearing far more UB40 on Radio 2 than usual…that Corbyn boost seems to be paying off…AND they`ve got a “Greatest Hit” CD out(£7.99 in Asda).
There you go then….
He’s probably missing the fact that others have tried to emulate the tax dodging monstrosities and are summarily executed or otherwise brought to heel, bought off or whatever. Besides it should be obvious, even to him, that there is only room for a very few of these entities. When Amazon get their food arm in full swing we can likely kiss goodbye to local shops, supermarkets, etc: as we have done with bookshops, toy and model shops, electrical retailers, furniture shops and so on.
In fact, their tentacles know no bounds. In 30 years time the remaining businesses in the high street, if any, are likely to be owned by these companies anyway.
All profits duly siphoned off via tax friendly places to their foreign owners while any staff labour under draconian Amazonian timekeeping rules for crappy wages and nervous breakdowns.
Oh dear.
Noting here in my Hebrew Bible that “Khurbn”( Pronounced Curbyn!)-is their words of Holocaust or catastrophe…
There is a New testament use of the word Corban of course-but you don`t need M
E to tell you of that…it was a tax etc.
But Khurbn…holocaust?…eeek!
Gods not happy…wonder if he`ll outlive Illary Clinton now?
The fact the BBC even has a Royal Correspondent, reflects how they promote the Royals with licence payers money. Presented as a hero, I think he is just taking someone elses job that might actually need it.
I have had a change of heart my friends! We have been wrong about Islam!….I know you all will think I have sold out… That I must have been paid unthinkable amounts of Saudi blood money like Carmoron and the entire Islamic Al Beebs executive team already have, for me to sell out and condem my own people to a future of horrific violence and bloodshed…..
The Islamic Al Beeb have headlined a video of a (very un-islamic, and who deserves 1000 lashings for being no better than an infidel slut and showing her face!!) Somali women telling the racist, Islamaphobe white people how frightened the Muslim Somalis are from the most heinous and evil acts anyone could possibly endure… Alienation!!
I have been so concerned about the trivial and slightly inconvenient acts of suicide bombings, beheadings and mass rapes, that I didn’t stop to think what REAL acts against humanity the real victims, Muslims, have to endure!!
In 2016 there has been 1,274 Islamic attacks in 50 countries, in which 11,774 people were killed and 14,303 injured!!
In return, every other religious group have inflicted the mind blowing total of 0 Muslims killed!!!…. But those sick bastards have committed the Far more sickening hate crimes of looking at walking post box’s in a strange way, spray painting mosques and the worst of all… Being told to “go back to your own country”!!!!
The evidence is there people. If you just pulled your Islamaphobic heads away from your copies of Mein Kampf you would see that Islam is a religion of peace, tranquillity and tolerance for all….
Tothepoint, we should perhaps welcome Merkel as a ‘Saviour’? She has given us (and the World despite gagged press) confirmation of what an overwhelming population of Muslims would be like to live with. She is a complete advert for not wanting anything to do with Islam. Problem is, we are left in the UK with having to deal with decades of Governmental mismanagement and the need to ship the vast majority back where they came from. Me? I have lived in Saudi so I understand fully how the death wishing lunatics lead their lives.
There’s a sinister new meme emerging from the likes of Hillary / Khan / and of course our very own dearly despised beeb that it’s somehow wrong to be angered or scared by the constant, daily, large and small scale terror attacks, or even to report them (the vast majority of which go unreported which is just how they like it); that reacting ‘plays into the hands’ of isis and the terrorists by ‘alienating’ ropers in Western countries.
So if we can’t express anger, how about mild annoyance? Slight irritation maybe? Raising of an eyebrow, or is that a hate rime too? Of course what they’d like is that we not react at all, pretend it’s not even happening, just “part and parcel of life in a big city” as the Emir had the gall to say. (Soon there’ll be t-shirts: I’m a terrorist – get over it.) And what some would really like is for us to hoist the white flag of surrender, the black flag of isis, and convert en masse.
I think all universities should create a “safe space” for ISIS supporting terrorists – they must be the most unfairly treated bunch of lovable rogues in the country.
Tothepoint – “In 2016 there has been 1,274 Islamic attacks in 50 countries, in which 11,774 people were killed and 14,303 injured!” THAT GOT REPORTED. Who knows how many got covered up or put down to ‘domestic disputes’, ‘acts of passion’, etc?
Comrades – a bit off topic but given bbbc lie machines adoration of Tiny Tims party…ive just been looking at the LibDumb website for some light morning relief and mild comedy. I was horrified at the front page – for a party of the moderate decent inclusive diversity valuing majority – that excludes us then, I couldnt see one non white face. Well perhaps one attractive asian girl but she had a provocative hate symbol (a cross) around her neck. And not one niqab or burka in sight. This blatant lack of inclusion must surely constitute a serious hate crime. If my local Cambridgeshire Constabulary Hate Monitoring, Diversity and Multicultural Promotion unit are watching heres the link to save your high calibre dedicated but overstretched officers hours and hours of investigation.
Have a look at
I challenge any of our readers to find so many meaningless, vacuous, overused, useless cliches and platitudes on one web page. And contradictory: …We reject the divisions in society, whether between young and old, urban and rural, leave and remain……, open-minded, forward-looking, modern, green, internationalist and pro-European.
As our chum Support our Lefty eloquently put it – with this offering to the voters our Timbo should be able to save all but 8 of his MPs at the next election.
My next viewing will be the Lib dumb leaders closing speech at their annual luvvie wankfest of a conference.
Martellus, I saw that sequence along the sea front on the news as well. I thought the young Asian girl to Farrons left (that’s right for the viewer) was a dead-ringer for a slightly younger Priti Patel. Are the Asians cloning and spreading amongst all political parties to, ‘hedge their bets’? On the topic of Asians, did anyone watch any of May’s speech to the UN? The camera was to the rear of the audience so showed the backs of the delegates listening. A good 80% of them could not be seen as a result of clothed in Islamic Khimar’s (head coverings). Not seeing round he front, they could all have been wearing Niqab’s. Wonder what May thought about that. The Muslims are getting everywhere these days.
I understand cash strapped wildlife photographers don’t go to Namibia or Indonesia to shoot pictures of exotic creatures but try to find a LibDim supporter outside of metropolitan areas .
As a rough rule of thumb – take anything the BBC doesn’t like and there’s a good chance there is some merit in it.
No-mark feather-weight Lib-Dem (those 3 descriptors are all synonyms) leader Tim Farron for example says the two most “horrible” things about Britain right now are ‘Brexit and the Tory Government’ – so you can judge where the left-liberal BBC who tend to be a little more red-blooded in their leftism and affiliations are likely to pitch.
So we have this chap Trump – is he actually a conservative? Is he a believer in small government and free markets? We don’t know, all we get from the BBC is spiteful offence mongering and gaff-orientated coverage – pretty obviously Hillary is their gal.
Looks as though this Trump guy might be onto something for us over here as well as in the US when he says: “It’s just a plain fact that our current immigration system makes no real attempt to determine the views of the people entering our country. We have no idea who they are, what they think”
Yet again, the Iraq Historic Allegations Team is introduced on the Today programme merely as “set up by the government in 2010”. On the many times this subject has been aired on ‘Today’ I have never heard it introduced as “set up by the Labour government” or “set up by Gordon Brown in 2010”. Could it be that the producers well know that the egregious hounding of our soldiers by this monstrous body is highly unpopular with general public, and wish to avoid any taint on the Labour Party?
BBC R4 Today this morning. Aussie business reporter Dominic was in New York trawling big banks for their concerns about Brexit. Unsurprisingly they are irritated by having to deal with uncertainty, but making contingency plans to deal with a range of scenarios. In other words, they are doing their jobs as one might expect. A big fat non story.
In other news one of Aussie Dom’s colleagues was again shilling for Mark Carney who has “spoken out” about the possibility that oil & gas stocks might be overvalued because their corporate owners have not taken account of the possible future impact of legislation on climate change. IMO that’s got very little to do with the Governor of the Bank of England but it’s no surprise that Corney continues to seek to jog the conversation on after 17 million people voted for Brexit and the sky didn’t fall in.
There might have been more but by that stage I could feel my BP rising so switched over to Radio 3.
The Huffington Post describes how the BBC’s favourite heavily pierced attack poodle tore in to the Hungarian foreign minister for daring to suggest there are no-go zones in the UK.
If Evan Davis ever cared to leave his LGBT, metropolitan, tax-payer funded, pink bubble that his lives in and came to the north of England I could direct him to a few places where he’d receive a kicking he wouldn’t forget, and it would be for his pale complexion, not the way he dressed.
Boy Davis getting all sanctimonious and vexed about allegations of no-go zones in UK. Funny, I’ve never seen him so vexed about bombings, murders, rapes, paedophile grooming, fgm, murder of gays, etc etc etc.
These days it’s the little boy speaking the truth about the emperor’s new clothes who gets it in the neck. Next step: Censorship. (Actually it’s already here)
It’s Corbyn Friday again on Five Live.
Red-io 5 Phone-in is not a phone-in it appears to be a discussion coming from a Labour Party office
The usual is to open their Facebookpage for discussion, but today again they have forgotten to.
Gotta turn it down, they’re shouting now
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 1h1 hour ago
Ready to go with our #LabourLeadership debate on @bbc5live from the @OfficialBWFC Macron Stadium.
“@bbc5live get 20 squabbling Labour people in a room and give them hours of national airtime. Waste of the licence fee.”
Wrong colour though , it’s in LibDim yellow . He’s having it resprayed Marxist red with IRA and Hamas murals as soon as he’s found a nationalised spray paint garage .
During the Lib Dems conference Lib Dem and Labour talking heads will be interviewed about it.
In the Conservative conference, Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem and Scottish National Socialist talking heads will all be interviewed about it.
In the Labour conference, Labour talking heads (plus some from the Guardian and BBC) will be interviewd about it. There will rarely, if ever, be a hostile interview about the Labour conference unless it is from one of Corbyn’s supporters about his colleagues.
– Paul Mason, the confirmed hard-left Marxist, as BBC Newsnight economics editor
– Evan Davis claiming that Donald Trump was weird and creepy for paying his daughter a compliment, as main BBC Newsnight and Today program presenter
– Andrew Marr claiming no-one in the country could possibly think Jeremy Corbyn was an anti-Semite and openly praising Shami Chakrabarti, as senior BBC political presenter
– Tim “Jewgate” Wilcox, as senior BBC reporter and presenter
– Mishal “not enough dead jews” Hussain, as senior BBC reporter and presenter
– Ian Katz, former left-wing senior journalist with the Guardian, as BBC editor of Newsnight.
So tell me again Lord Tony Hall about the BBC’s commitment to impartiality.
Random switch-on bias test : Farage bashing
I woke up in the middle of the night to hear Sackur sneering at Farage ..HardTalk Audio page text ends with
Yes, I heard the first part of that before drifting away again. Sackur really is the rudest, most aggressive and unreasonable ‘interviewer’ on the air. Not only beginning with a loaded and biased introduction (to which Farage justifiably could have objected immediately, but refrained from doing so) but shoutingly interrupted Farage repeatedly. I marvelled at Farage’s restraint.
The BBC/Guardian are enthralled with what Tony Blair earns, and there is a case for that. There is an item going out on Radio 4 with the admonishing BBC presenter castigating Blair for earning huge sums. Obviously no BBC presenter would wish to earn huge sums. Indeed, you often hear BBC employees saying, ‘please no! stop sticking your hand deeper into tax payers pockets to pay me a fortune. Please.’
However, I am left scratching my head. How come the BBC aren’t interested in how much Bill Clinton has earned through the Clinton Foundation? Or how much money Hillary raises for it? Obviously the real question is how much they pocket from the ‘charity’.
Couldn’t help but notice one of those awkward moments on BBC tv news the other day when a disgruntled chap from the NHS Consultants’ Trades Union was moaning to Clive Myrie about how unfair it was that the government on behalf of tax payers wanted to know how much he and his comrades earned in private practice.
Supporting AS and SS above
Article in D Mail today suggests BBC ‘journalists’ are paid 40% more than their counterparts in the press and commercial channels.
You know it takes a great deal of skill to shake your head and emote in low tones about a migrant falling off a moving lorry in Calais. Just ask Fiona Bruce.
And the bBBC have to recruit the best talent, don’t ya know.
@SupportOurLefty You really need to put in complaint to the BBC
between the end of the news at 11am and 11:15 am R5 Live was NOT talking about our beloved leader.
Isn’t that some kind of treason ..given it’s the eve of his coronation/beatification ?
Over on the R4 supporters Facebook page when some idiot pulled “the BBC is biased to the right” line I pointed him top the switch on test, that if you switched on at a Random moment you so often find they are talking favourably about some lefty thing, whereas you rarely find the same for non-lefty things.
– I also challenged him to name the 1 hour when the BBC network did not have some mention of Corbyn.
..Of course he couldn’t, but said he still couldn’t understand how anyone could say the BBC is LeftWing.
..What a bubbleworld he must live in.
Thank you, Friend Stew. As I wrote in that Far-Right neoliberal rag, the so-called Guardian a few weeks ago:
“The so-called BBC – which Thatcher totally destroyed – is nothing more than a craven mouthpiece of the Far Right Murdoch-controlled Monopoly Media, peddling a nonstop and predictable menu of Fascist neoliberalism, and as such, it is the envy of the world – and indeed elsewhere.
It is now under attack by this totally unelected Tory Government, who wish to destroy it through sheer spite, despite its massive popularity amongst the whole British nation, i.e. myself.
Of course, friends, the main problem with the BBC is the Licence Fee, by which I mean, of course, that it is far too low.
The Licence Fee, by charging everyone exactly the same, upholds the Socialist principle of equality, and is therefore an example of true Socialism in action. No wonder Right-wingers want to abolish it, as part of their evil plan to inflict hardship and austerity on the most vulnerable people in our society.
No wonder we on the Progressive Left are revolting!”
How come the internet tells me “OECD downgrades Brexit forecast”, when the radio just told me they had revised up this years forecast of UK growth ?
..cos they are being a bit tricky , thus enabling editors to pick bloom or doom
“while revising its prediction of growth in the UK in 2016 up slightly to 1.8% (compared with 1.7% forecast pre-referendum), …. also halved its forecasts for 2017 from 2% to 1%.
Hmm I’m guessing that 2017 figure is based of pulling figures out of the air, rather than robust calculations.
I’m glad to see that I wasn’t the only one incensed by R4’s Feedback last week, when a radio news ‘editor’ came about as close to admitting bias as I have ever heard a BBC employee. Unfortunately, the alleged bias was against Corbyn!
I posted here about it and Craig Byers picks up the same point over at Conservative Woman.
One idiot in the comments believes that the BBC are both pro-“feminists” and pro-Israel. He’s right on the first one, but uses as his justification for the second one that the BBC refused to show an appeal for Gaza during their terrorist war against Israel (my words, not his). If one remembers it was so bad that at that time is was even too extreme for the BBC. The idiot totally forgets or ignores the thousands of times the BBC shows unquestioned and illogical bias against Israel.
I noticed that to. Obviously this chap is in the early stages of the mental issues that affect so many Islamic fellow travelers. All citizens should be aware that if they know who this chap is then it is their duty to lock away all knives and report him to the police, who may do something about him provided he is white. If he isn’t white then my advice is to take a long holiday or move house.
– My guess is R4 PM edited it to make Brexiteers look stupid
And the quality of discussion shows R4 has driven away the rational non-lefty listeners so the board has become a loony left echo-chamber.
More BBC anti-Brexit propaganda on BBC News about 2.30.
Foreign carers in old people’s homes are worried they will be deported, following Brexit. About 4 minutes of scaremongering, no doubt repeated throughout the day.
Key words slipped in ‘If this happens…” Final sentences, after four minutes of Brexit bashing, were along the lines of – The government has made it clear that this will not happen, and are increasing funding for carer services.
Only 11 more years of this crap to look forward to.
If Brexit with no automatic freedom of WORKER movement and a visa system is supposed to be a disaster for employers and universities in particular…
..then how come Uber Global warming propagandist Australian John Cook is working at George Mason U after he only “recently completed his PhD in psychology at the University of Western Australia.”
Doesn’t that prove that a visa system does allow pretty fluid movement of w**kers (workers)?
Funny how we all managed to survive before free worker movement came into being, and before migrants ran the NHS and care homes, and before migrants owned the corner shops, and before migrants and foreigners owned footballs clubs; and amazingly we had enough of the indigenous population that didn’t need to have ‘British ??” in their race title to appear as newsreaders and reporters.
A team of Licence fee supported amateur reporters fly out to the US to interview moslems who feel so very oppressed because of a reaction to killings carried out in the name of their stupid beliefs. Yes, the BBC are still peddling the view that the rel victims of terror are moslems.
The fact is that no one outside of the BBC gives a shit about their feelings
Soon it’ll be illegal to express condemnation of islamic terror, in case it ‘offends’. Aw, diddums. When what we really need are howls of outrage and righteous indignation: THIS HAS TO STOP!
Did anyone watch both the Dispatches and Panorama progs on Monday ?
Seems to to me Momentum tricky guys knew they about to get exposed by Dispatches under cover filming they rang up BBC mates and said “come on we need to put our side” Cos the leader of momentum who is shown admitting to being a Trotskyite on Dispates features on Panorama just talking about how the new members are not Trotskyite without mentioning his own position.
My notes on that Dispatches on C4 :
Corbyn is supposed to be the new politics
..You’d think that would mean open, honest, caring and uncorrupt.
Yet the under cover filming showed the Corbyn initiative team Momentum being the exact opposite
The lied often, eg to the Unite about which group was using the free offices, they moved data from another group breaking the data protection act, appeared to be corrupt in using Labour party money to pay for Momentum work and the org was composed of self confessed Trots (who weren’t in the Labour party until 3 months ago) who indulged in entryism infiltrating local Labour groups to deselect existing MPs
..Yet it doesn’t seem to being discussed much anywhere from the BBC to Guido
Mobile phone roaming charge abolition plan rewritten
Hymmmn, so after 4 years the EU realises it’s plan to scrap roaming charges in Europe is no good and have to re-write it. What a great example of the inefficiencies of EU bureaucracy.
Original plan – “would have let companies charge roaming fees to consumers who used their phones abroad for more than 90 days in a year or for more than 30 days in a row”
New Plan – “If someone is found to have gone beyond a period in which they have lost real association with their country of origin, then surcharges can apply”
What’s the f’king difference? How much have we paid these cretins for this bullshit?
And they want a EU army? How would that work with 3-hour lunch breaks with wine?
Better off out of that sh!t once and for all.
Surely the plan to abolish roaming charges is against EU law?
The reason that the Royal Mail brought in all those size-related charges was that the EU ruled that the cost of a service had to be related to the cost of providing that service, i.e. no cross-subsidisation, small packages paying for large packages etc. The same principle applies to all other services.
Why should someone that never leaves their home country subsidise the European traveller? The cost of providing a European-wide service must be greater than providing a purely local one.
I understand that they want to prevent good Europeans buying their SIM cards in the cheapest country – what happened to ‘the single market’?
Another day, another attempt of political warfare by the relentless Jihadis at Islamic Al Beeb…
Al Beebs main propaganda page…
“New York Bomber Charged” is the headline…
Wait.. There’s a picture of him…. Looks Norwegian to me…
Presses onto the page….
“Ahmad Rahami charged over New York and New Jersey bombs”….
So he’s got a Norwegian name! We are getting somewhere now!….but why has ‘Mustapha Killing-spree’ carried out this act…. The Islamic Al Beeb are tieing their knots in knots not to say it!… It’s less painful passing a gallstone!!
What are they willing to state…
“His journal apparently expressed the wish to die a martyr, the criminal complaint revealed.
One passage said: “You [USA Government] continue your [unintelligible] slaught[er]” against the mujahideen, or holy warriors, be it Afghanistan, Iraq, Sham (Syria), Palestine.”
Another refers in glowing terms to Osama Bin Laden, Anwar al-Awlaki, a US-born Muslim cleric killed in a 2011 drone strike, and Nidal Hasan, a former Army officer who killed 13 people at a Texas Army base in 2009″……
I don’t know about you but I have absolutely no idea at all what this Norwegian man wanted and what his cause was!!
But the Islamic Al Beeb are happy to share their views on one aspect of this avoidable enrichment act…
“The series of bombings over the weekend have sparked a heated debate about national security between the two presidential candidates, days before their first televised debate.
Republican Donald Trump has seized on the fact Mr Rahami was born in Afghanistan to bolster his tough stance on immigration admissions”….
Seized on it!!! Like this is the only negative event the purest followers of Islam have ever carried out!! The sinister and devious Al Beeb are once again doing everything possible to blurr the lines of reality to try and frighten people into believing this is a xenophobic issue and nothing to do with the eternal and everlasting purpose of Islams war and utter destruction of the entire planet until the whole world submits to Allah, in the vision set out by the pedophilic warlord 1400 years ago!!
Great to see you back Peter by the way! Looks like you have been away for a few days and your (always) intelligent, hilariously witty, interesting and thought provoking posts are always missed in your absence…
Moving on to your question…. Yes they should be punished for treason, and with how desperate things are becoming and how quickly this change is happening, they will be very soon I am horrified to say.
It shouldn’t be coming to this Peter! These delusional traitors have become so sheltered and detached from the brutality of life that they are performing self suicide… and they are taking us with them! But our apathy and reluctance to stand up and fight has also played it’s part. These traitors are our own flesh and blood and when the time comes will even be members of our own families! It shouldn’t be coming to this!
I watched a 1 off documentary called “Islamic state” on the VICELAND channel. A epically brilliant and harrowing look at the life of the purest followers of Islam. A Muslim journalist was given access as part of Islamic states PR campaign… Bloody hell folks these people absolutely hate us with all their hearts! The Islamic State is 100% Islamic in its entirety. Everything is for Allah and his word and instruction he gave to Muhammad. These Muslims are living Muhammads life and they are doing exactly as he did. There is no negotiation. There is no peace with these people. They are willing to sacrifice everything and everyone to the cause of Islam because everything belongs to Allah. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING THEY DO IS AS WRITTEN DOWN IN THE KORAN!! ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!! HOW THE FU#K CAN THIS WAR HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM YOU LYING, TRAITOROUS, SPINELESS, COWARDLY B@STARDS!!!
You`re getting followers, glad you`ve been restored to the Guardian once more.
Always worth an amble to see you “Living on the Frontline”…and creating a stink of sulphourus splenetic splenditude!
Support Our Lefty Everyone!
Thank you, Friend Chris! After 2 consecutive posts being taken down, literally within a few minutes of my putting them up, I wasn’t too hopeful about this one’s chances of survival!
Many thanks, too, for your splendid reply in the Graun, which I have just read and upticked :).
In its endless imbecilic quest for ever new minority ‘victimhood’ to champion, the odious beeb are scraping the barrel: “A tattooed man who changed his name to the King of Ink Land has described how he was moved out of public view in a former job.” The man deliberately looks like a scary freak, amazing he even got given a job in the first place.
Meanwhile millions of muslim women are ‘moved out of public view’ every day, but that’s alright apparently, nothing to champion there. When can we close down the repulsive beeb?
This seems to be the ‘next big thing’ across their over extensive Facebook ‘news’ estate, including calls for aggrieved blank canvasses to get in touch with their tales of woe.
Don’t recall too many Maoris reading out the news so far, but sure this is set to see a quota review.
Meanwhile, the comments again could be going better for the inked whingers and their new tatty BFFs driving the next outrage bus off another cliff.
People like this plum (as shown by Peter the Great above) normally get all manner of jobs in schools and police courses-so their “self harm” and “deviant art” pays very well for the Benetton freak show seekers at the Council/PC College and is forced on kids by way of “not judging by appearances”.
But let a kid have the wrong shade of trainer or a narrow tie…and they get sent home!
Er…but that`s different…
One other thing-I never see these self-abusers ever get shown and put up on the school website-it`s private vice, they`d rather NOT let the parents or prospective parents see as a representation of their fiction factories of fizz.
When I was a teenager one of the local inteligentsia had a facial tattoo applied whilst intoxicated.
My father informed me that if I ever came home with a tattoo he would cut it out with a bread knife, and that if I thought that he was kidding, I should get one. That’s parental guidance for you.
Here’s one the obscene racist beeb won’t be championing in a hurry, or even mentioning if it can possibly avoid it: “Police forensic crews are carrying out an investigation at a High Wycombe Kebab shop in relation to the death of a woman in the town.”
The clue as to why lies in the ‘kebab shop’.
Maybe the Emir is right, murder and mayhem from religionists of peace are now just ‘part and parcel’ of life. Doesn’t even make the national press anymore, unless of course the colours were reversed, then front page news, stop the presses, shock horror. Allah is great.
Worth listening again to PM on Radio iPlayer (Radio 4 21 September 2016), the segment after the 5.31pm news featuring Kamal Ahmed, ‘perhaps the world’s leading Economics Editor’ according to Eddie Mair.
I almost wet myself laughing. I don’t even think Mair was being tongue in cheek.
Notice though, that the good news was laid down to us not having left the EU yet and also, which surprised me, canny Mark Carneys dropping of the interest rate so that borrowing was cheaper. Borrowing FOR banks and the like maybe but NOT from them. I thought that the Bweeb had promised us sky high interest rates and galactic annihilation if we dared vote leave. Onanists, all of them.
This is something that only obliquely concerns the BBC – only in so far as it is something that they will not and would never broadcast. It is video of the Pastor’s Conference today at the church in Cleveland Heights
The short introductory speech from 17:58 by a pastor was revelatory, and certainly gave me a whole new perspective on Trump. I am further confirmed in my belief that this is the man to start turning the US around.
Although the role of the White Helmets – a Jo Cox favourite organization – is not figured in this report they never miss an opportunity to favour this NGO which has a commitment to regime change in Syria. It is funded by Soros and the US and UK Government.
Here are a few facts/discussion which may assist in interpreting BBC stories from Syria.
‘…the White Helmets are an integral part of the propaganda vanguard that ensures obscurantism of fact and propagation of Human Rights fiction that elicits the well-intentioned and self righteous response from a very cleverly duped public. A priority for these NGOs is to keep pushing the No Fly Zone scenario which has already been seen to have disastrous implications for innocent civilians in Libya, for example.’
This video is written and narrated by a precocious marxist loving 5th form school girl. (So it seems)
Why can’t the BBC recognise the benefits to the UK of arms exports? We are the second highest exporter in the world at annual sales of £122 billion. Without it, there would probably be no NHS as we know it.
But, the BBC has to say that ‘some MPs’ (guess from which party?) express concerns as to where the arms are going. The BBC are completely negative about arms sales. This is a typical BBC Left Wing sentiment.
To the BBC, arms exports are worse than drug dealing or terrorism. After all, the BBC make favourable excuses for terrorists.
Mainly white British with a rapidly growing Black African population. If it was a ‘classic’ case of white on black violence, the BBC would be running with this story. I’m guessing that they don’t want to tell us the truth.
Grimer – Whenever there’s a story with unexplained gaps or non-sequiturs in the reporting, it’s safe to assume Enrichers of some hue were involved, and the beeb don’t want to investigate further, in case it gets embarrassing for them.
Found myself whizzing through the Godforsaken crap called “Word of Mouth” featuring Michael Rosen,
His comely carer who now is his assistant at the studio makes some quip about him being “down the pub” by way of showing the dicrete directional nature of the linguistic disaporic experience in a global milieu.
Michael was not happy-like dame Madge Bracket- “I do not EVER go to pubs”.
Who knew-any surprise that the Lefty bullfrogger wouldn`t “go down to a pub”?
Will SOMEONE ask him to go?…or must he stay weird as he is at present.
THESE are the frankly weird mutants and maiden aunties who get jobs at the BBC.
Had he gone, he might have heard some chappies speak of leaving the EU…hence the BBCs rage and incomprehension at our voting to go.
Rosen…bloody Laurie Taylor and his dreadful gasbaggery over shy people wearing zoot suits…and every word a crib from Erving Goffmann, only with even MORE wordy terms for nothing whatsoever( “is shyness a global phenomenon?…speak UP you pussy willows!”),
Utter BS from the scouse mouse -will SOMEONE strip the gasbugger of his corduroy patches?..a wanka…as Goffmann was yet to say….
Since Monday nights ceaseless plugs for the labour Partys election?
Tonight was-Ken Loach and his new film-about-well guess who?
Loads of weeping ethnics on student grants and curfew demand Corbyn gets voted in, so it seems-Huw liked it very much.
Then it was Joan Snob on Channel 4 sending Owen Jones to Edinburgh to have tea with his mum and dad, re “Why Corbyns Grand”…Jones agreed.
Then came assorted labour lady MPs who thought other-but wanted Tory cuts and austerity shafted anyway.
In the guise of opposing Corbyn-it`s still loads of free PPB for Labour at no cost.
So HOURS of this relentless slough of red menses being dumped over our heads and called “news analysis”.
Fuck Off Labour goons…and fuck off lefty liberal media scum who require their pink berets to get free puffs on the telly and radio.
Labour is a rotten corpse…needs flytipping like those bloody lifejackets on Monday were by Parliament-should they not be prosecuted for litter breaches…or is the Left allowed to do this?
Anybody else believe Emma Vardys claim that
a) she meets a “sixteen-year old boy called Ali from Afghanistan” whilst happening to visit a migrant camp in Cherbourg
b) she interviews him, he “hopes to get over to England where his uncle says he needs to get into”
c) she finds him in a foster home in Peterborough only three weeks later with a full moustache, and now ready for College in England…and she gets another interview about the wonder of squeezing yourself into a lorry heading for Poole.
Emma works for the BBC as a junior provincial hackette-but given her willingness to facilitate illegal asylum migrants who claim to be Afghan teenagers and not Al Sadrs thirty somethings as promised us by ISIS, she`ll be on TWATO before we know it.
Poole port(and all the others) REALLY need to check the vans and cars of all BBC staff out on manouevres-I`m pretty sure they`re MAKING the news here and not merely reporting it, by importing illegals.
Oh-and this being the BBC-they moan at how crap Poole Port must be in letting Ali into our country-tsk…thought we were supposed to be DEALING with dodgy borders you Tories?…get a grip, as Jeremy Corbyn would do eh?
Shameless lying bilge artistes…Emma Vardy…a rising jobby in the BBC flushbowl.
BBC Radio4-PM is one of the BBC News progs which is part of the “BBC for Hillary” campaign
running its “Love Hillary, hate Trump” message
This week they (AleemMaqbool) are on a train across America interviewing people
And Today they pushed the Global Warming message as well
#BBCElectionTrain Day 3: Oil v Climate Change
Williston, North Dakota and Glacier National Park, Montana Audio and more
Their normal trick is edit so Hillary supporters sound nice and Trump supporters seem monsters
Ah well. Those dreadful North Dakotans wanting jobs and prosperity be damned. What really matters is the glaciers, the locals can live off the crumbs that climate tourists drop as they peer at the magnificence of these seemingly transient ice rivers.
R4 Today had a piece from Whitefish, Montana including an interview with white supremacist Richard Spencer.
Initially I was surprised to hear Today providing a platform for Spencer’s views. An attempt at balanced reportage? Not really: the point was to enable Al Beeb’s report to conclude the item by stating that it was Trump’s fault that such offensive views could now be espoused in public.
“And sometimes, say abroad, you need another car – a mere £583 was spent by the 216 on hire over the year, but a remarkable £2,207 was claimed on fuel to go in these cars”
Maybe, like BBC staff Apple product loss come Christmas time, there is a related explanation?
All those trainee Anger and Protest Eds in the skid marks of Paul Mason, siphoning off their allowance to buy the locals a few Molotov cocktails on the British licence fee payer?
So, Home Page on MSN and Sky etc: huge financial fraud scam involving intimidation and bullying in UK. Strangely nowhere to be seen on Al Beebistan. I don’t suppose anything to do with the fact the crims look well-tanned and all have names like Ali, Muhammad, Mohammed, Syed, Abdul, etc?
Or perhaps beebslime just too busy reporting on their favourite subject, alleged waycism in faraway N.Carolina.
How on earth the Anti-Brexit/Britain Broadcasting Corporation managed to crowbar their obsession and fanaticism regarding anti-brexit into this article about Oxford now being the top university in the world!!!!!!!!
Check this out, straight from the Islamic Al Beebs webshite….
“Oxford University has come top of the Times Higher Education world university rankings – a first for a UK university.
Oxford knocks California Institute of Technology, the top performer for the past five years, into second place.
But there are warnings the vote to leave the European Union could destabilise UK higher education and hinder work with academics abroad.
The rankings show a mixed picture for European universities, while Asian institutions continue to rise”……
I really don’t know how to begin….. But how the f..k can a US university be number 1 for 5 years and not be in the EU, Asian universities be on the rise and not be in the EU, European university the only ones that are going backwards and are in the EU, yet brexit could be a threat!!!!! How the f..k would being free to join up with projects working with amongst others, US universities making up no less than 15 out of the top 20, be a threat!!……..
R4 Today had a piece on this this morning: Oxford’s place at the top could be threatened by withdrawal of EU funding as a consequence of Brexit.
But any fule know that UK currently pays more to EU than it receives back from the EU. Therefore a post-Brexit UK government could (if it so chose) continue to match existing EU grants out of UK government expenditure, and keep the difference as a “Brexit dividend”.
Yes. Clearly when we actually leave the EU all the phones and internet will stop working and the foreign postmen will burn British letters outside the sorting offices. Anyone attempting to travel to Europe will be turned back at the airports with cattle prods after being hit with the vast cost of visas which we never really needed before. which doesn’t matter because Airbus won’t sell us anything ever again.
Oh, the isolation, the horror. Bring it on.
I happened to be in High Wycombe a few days ago where all the buzz was that a Roper had murdered a Romanian woman. It’s in the local paper (‘kebab shop’ murder) but strangely nowhere on al-beebistan. Now imagine the nationalities had been reversed: white man kills Romanian (Hate crime, Brexit fault, Farage is a murderer etc) or white man murders roper (racism, islamophobia etc). Front page news either way. But brown on white murder? Quick, bury.
Just part and parcel of life in colourful diverse UK, eh Sadiq?
Yes Tom, High Wycombe has a high proportion of enrichers – and hence crime, paedo sex gangs, terrorists et al. But shush, don’t say it too loud, could be waycist. The truth is now illegal. 1984 has arrived.
“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
I’ve got an idea how to solve this problem, says the Emir, the luvvies, the Beeb, the EU: LET’S BRING IN MORE! And let’s criminalise anyone who speaks out against the madness!
You couldn’t make it up.
Scribblings – Imagine if just a few years ago you’d predicted that our esteemed enrichers would be raping and prostituting literally thousands of underaged girls up and down the country, and in at least this case, raping, murdering and sticking her in a kebab! You’d have been hung drawn and quartered for playing on ‘racist stereotypes’. Well, gentlefolk of the jury, it happened. IT’S HAPPENING. And where’s the mass outcry of indignation? Total silence. The very people who’d have lynched you (starting with the wretched beeb) are looking the other way. We have an insane situation where pointing out hideous crimes on a mass scale gets more opprobrium than the vile crimes themselves!! M.A.D.N.E.S.S.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
This comment is worth a share from
BogusDogWarden • 9 hours ago
Perusing the local rag court cases and noting a few people in the dock were fined £370 plus £120 costs for not having a TV license whereas another person admitted assault by beating and was discharged conditionally for 12 months and ordered to pay compensation of £50 and costs of £85, and another admitted using a vehicle on a road without third party insurance. Fined £120.And another admitted driving a vehicle on a road when the proportion of a controlled
drug, namely amphetamine, in blood, namely 525 ug/L, exceeded the
specified limit. Fined £120 and to pay costs of £85.
The TV license dodgers are by far the worst category of criminal according to the level of fines given and clearly far more dangerous to society.
It would be interesting to compare the percentage value of TV licence fee fines paid versus the percentage value of other fines paid. My guess is that it’s higher because the authorities have a better fix on where the offender resides and are therefore in a better position to collect.
A friend of mine worked as a JP. I don’t recall the figures but a surprisingly high (at least to me) percentage of fines never actually gets paid.
Is another lefty BBC favourite a NIMBY?
I see this story has disappeared down the al beebus memory hole.
The comment from the Somali American Relations Council representative is a classic example of its type.
Wasn`t it grand to hear John Humphrys fear that Britain isn`t creating those kind of entrepreneurs that the USA does?
He seemed exercised enough to trail it on the lead up to the 7am news on Toady yesterday?
“Why DON`T we create our Amazons…our Googles”?
Thus saith John.
And there was me thinking that John and Today rather disliked these tax dodging conglomerates who refuse to pay enough money to the NHS and schools, BBC presenters etc here in the UK?
is that not what Amazon and Google were up in the dock for a few weeks ago?
Yet here`s John now seeking more to be like them….
Er…schizoid, mercurial…and depends on what side of the drugs stash that Quentin woke up with I guess.
So then-tax dodging is cool again, the BBC says so.
Give it another few months-and they`ll be wanting more swashbuckling captains if industry like Mike Ashley and Sir Philip…
Oh-hearing far more UB40 on Radio 2 than usual…that Corbyn boost seems to be paying off…AND they`ve got a “Greatest Hit” CD out(£7.99 in Asda).
There you go then….
He’s probably missing the fact that others have tried to emulate the tax dodging monstrosities and are summarily executed or otherwise brought to heel, bought off or whatever. Besides it should be obvious, even to him, that there is only room for a very few of these entities. When Amazon get their food arm in full swing we can likely kiss goodbye to local shops, supermarkets, etc: as we have done with bookshops, toy and model shops, electrical retailers, furniture shops and so on.
In fact, their tentacles know no bounds. In 30 years time the remaining businesses in the high street, if any, are likely to be owned by these companies anyway.
All profits duly siphoned off via tax friendly places to their foreign owners while any staff labour under draconian Amazonian timekeeping rules for crappy wages and nervous breakdowns.
Oh dear.
Noting here in my Hebrew Bible that “Khurbn”( Pronounced Curbyn!)-is their words of Holocaust or catastrophe…
There is a New testament use of the word Corban of course-but you don`t need M
E to tell you of that…it was a tax etc.
But Khurbn…holocaust?…eeek!
Gods not happy…wonder if he`ll outlive Illary Clinton now?
The fact the BBC even has a Royal Correspondent, reflects how they promote the Royals with licence payers money. Presented as a hero, I think he is just taking someone elses job that might actually need it.
I have had a change of heart my friends! We have been wrong about Islam!….I know you all will think I have sold out… That I must have been paid unthinkable amounts of Saudi blood money like Carmoron and the entire Islamic Al Beebs executive team already have, for me to sell out and condem my own people to a future of horrific violence and bloodshed…..
The Islamic Al Beeb have headlined a video of a (very un-islamic, and who deserves 1000 lashings for being no better than an infidel slut and showing her face!!) Somali women telling the racist, Islamaphobe white people how frightened the Muslim Somalis are from the most heinous and evil acts anyone could possibly endure… Alienation!!
I have been so concerned about the trivial and slightly inconvenient acts of suicide bombings, beheadings and mass rapes, that I didn’t stop to think what REAL acts against humanity the real victims, Muslims, have to endure!!
In 2016 there has been 1,274 Islamic attacks in 50 countries, in which 11,774 people were killed and 14,303 injured!!
In return, every other religious group have inflicted the mind blowing total of 0 Muslims killed!!!…. But those sick bastards have committed the Far more sickening hate crimes of looking at walking post box’s in a strange way, spray painting mosques and the worst of all… Being told to “go back to your own country”!!!!
The evidence is there people. If you just pulled your Islamaphobic heads away from your copies of Mein Kampf you would see that Islam is a religion of peace, tranquillity and tolerance for all….
Tothepoint, we should perhaps welcome Merkel as a ‘Saviour’? She has given us (and the World despite gagged press) confirmation of what an overwhelming population of Muslims would be like to live with. She is a complete advert for not wanting anything to do with Islam. Problem is, we are left in the UK with having to deal with decades of Governmental mismanagement and the need to ship the vast majority back where they came from. Me? I have lived in Saudi so I understand fully how the death wishing lunatics lead their lives.
There’s a sinister new meme emerging from the likes of Hillary / Khan / and of course our very own dearly despised beeb that it’s somehow wrong to be angered or scared by the constant, daily, large and small scale terror attacks, or even to report them (the vast majority of which go unreported which is just how they like it); that reacting ‘plays into the hands’ of isis and the terrorists by ‘alienating’ ropers in Western countries.
So if we can’t express anger, how about mild annoyance? Slight irritation maybe? Raising of an eyebrow, or is that a hate rime too? Of course what they’d like is that we not react at all, pretend it’s not even happening, just “part and parcel of life in a big city” as the Emir had the gall to say. (Soon there’ll be t-shirts: I’m a terrorist – get over it.) And what some would really like is for us to hoist the white flag of surrender, the black flag of isis, and convert en masse.
I think all universities should create a “safe space” for ISIS supporting terrorists – they must be the most unfairly treated bunch of lovable rogues in the country.
Tothepoint – “In 2016 there has been 1,274 Islamic attacks in 50 countries, in which 11,774 people were killed and 14,303 injured!” THAT GOT REPORTED. Who knows how many got covered up or put down to ‘domestic disputes’, ‘acts of passion’, etc?
The Religion of Peace website has a detailed list.
List of Islamic Terror:
This is part of the list of Islamic terror attacks maintained by
During this time period, there were 1710 Islamic attacks in 55 countries, in which 14827 people were killed and 18025 injured.
(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

With ALL the authorities, governments, police, msm, DESPERATE to downplay the magnitude of the threat, I bet that’s just a fraction of the true figure. A useful resource nonetheless.
Determination is good. But then, so is impartiality and editorial integrity.
Especially, in a uniquely funded state broadcaster.
Comrades – a bit off topic but given bbbc lie machines adoration of Tiny Tims party…ive just been looking at the LibDumb website for some light morning relief and mild comedy. I was horrified at the front page – for a party of the moderate decent inclusive diversity valuing majority – that excludes us then, I couldnt see one non white face. Well perhaps one attractive asian girl but she had a provocative hate symbol (a cross) around her neck. And not one niqab or burka in sight. This blatant lack of inclusion must surely constitute a serious hate crime. If my local Cambridgeshire Constabulary Hate Monitoring, Diversity and Multicultural Promotion unit are watching heres the link to save your high calibre dedicated but overstretched officers hours and hours of investigation.
Have a look at
I challenge any of our readers to find so many meaningless, vacuous, overused, useless cliches and platitudes on one web page. And contradictory: …We reject the divisions in society, whether between young and old, urban and rural, leave and remain……, open-minded, forward-looking, modern, green, internationalist and pro-European.
As our chum Support our Lefty eloquently put it – with this offering to the voters our Timbo should be able to save all but 8 of his MPs at the next election.
My next viewing will be the Lib dumb leaders closing speech at their annual luvvie wankfest of a conference.
Martellus, I saw that sequence along the sea front on the news as well. I thought the young Asian girl to Farrons left (that’s right for the viewer) was a dead-ringer for a slightly younger Priti Patel. Are the Asians cloning and spreading amongst all political parties to, ‘hedge their bets’? On the topic of Asians, did anyone watch any of May’s speech to the UN? The camera was to the rear of the audience so showed the backs of the delegates listening. A good 80% of them could not be seen as a result of clothed in Islamic Khimar’s (head coverings). Not seeing round he front, they could all have been wearing Niqab’s. Wonder what May thought about that. The Muslims are getting everywhere these days.
A use once and throw away party if ever there was one.
I understand cash strapped wildlife photographers don’t go to Namibia or Indonesia to shoot pictures of exotic creatures but try to find a LibDim supporter outside of metropolitan areas .
As a rough rule of thumb – take anything the BBC doesn’t like and there’s a good chance there is some merit in it.
No-mark feather-weight Lib-Dem (those 3 descriptors are all synonyms) leader Tim Farron for example says the two most “horrible” things about Britain right now are ‘Brexit and the Tory Government’ – so you can judge where the left-liberal BBC who tend to be a little more red-blooded in their leftism and affiliations are likely to pitch.
So we have this chap Trump – is he actually a conservative? Is he a believer in small government and free markets? We don’t know, all we get from the BBC is spiteful offence mongering and gaff-orientated coverage – pretty obviously Hillary is their gal.
Looks as though this Trump guy might be onto something for us over here as well as in the US when he says: “It’s just a plain fact that our current immigration system makes no real attempt to determine the views of the people entering our country. We have no idea who they are, what they think”
One might quibble about that last phrase.
Yet again, the Iraq Historic Allegations Team is introduced on the Today programme merely as “set up by the government in 2010”. On the many times this subject has been aired on ‘Today’ I have never heard it introduced as “set up by the Labour government” or “set up by Gordon Brown in 2010”. Could it be that the producers well know that the egregious hounding of our soldiers by this monstrous body is highly unpopular with general public, and wish to avoid any taint on the Labour Party?
BBC R4 Today this morning. Aussie business reporter Dominic was in New York trawling big banks for their concerns about Brexit. Unsurprisingly they are irritated by having to deal with uncertainty, but making contingency plans to deal with a range of scenarios. In other words, they are doing their jobs as one might expect. A big fat non story.
In other news one of Aussie Dom’s colleagues was again shilling for Mark Carney who has “spoken out” about the possibility that oil & gas stocks might be overvalued because their corporate owners have not taken account of the possible future impact of legislation on climate change. IMO that’s got very little to do with the Governor of the Bank of England but it’s no surprise that Corney continues to seek to jog the conversation on after 17 million people voted for Brexit and the sky didn’t fall in.
There might have been more but by that stage I could feel my BP rising so switched over to Radio 3.
The Beeb are busy pushing there muslims as victims narrative
Muslim women face German job barriers – discrimination study
No questions asked of course why employers might for very obvious reasons discriminate.
BBC Newsnight’s Evan Davis Savages Hungarian Minister For Immigrant ‘Slur Against The UK’×480/d_f/Evan-Davis-GQ_05Jan14_b_320x480.jpg
The Huffington Post describes how the BBC’s favourite heavily pierced attack poodle tore in to the Hungarian foreign minister for daring to suggest there are no-go zones in the UK.
If Evan Davis ever cared to leave his LGBT, metropolitan, tax-payer funded, pink bubble that his lives in and came to the north of England I could direct him to a few places where he’d receive a kicking he wouldn’t forget, and it would be for his pale complexion, not the way he dressed.
Boy Davis getting all sanctimonious and vexed about allegations of no-go zones in UK. Funny, I’ve never seen him so vexed about bombings, murders, rapes, paedophile grooming, fgm, murder of gays, etc etc etc.
These days it’s the little boy speaking the truth about the emperor’s new clothes who gets it in the neck. Next step: Censorship. (Actually it’s already here)
It’s Corbyn Friday again on Five Live.
Red-io 5 Phone-in is not a phone-in it appears to be a discussion coming from a Labour Party office
The usual is to open their Facebookpage for discussion, but today again they have forgotten to.
Gotta turn it down, they’re shouting now
Seen Jeremy Corbyn’s new car ?
…A Robin Reliant van, with Trotters Trading written on the side .
(Trotters for Trotskyist Cult)
Nice one Stew, how about –
Trotsky’s Internationale Traitors. Paris, Pyongyang and Islington.
Wrong colour though , it’s in LibDim yellow . He’s having it resprayed Marxist red with IRA and Hamas murals as soon as he’s found a nationalised spray paint garage .
15 minute break with no Labour voices and now it’s back to interviewing a Labour MP in the studio.
During the Lib Dems conference Lib Dem and Labour talking heads will be interviewed about it.
In the Conservative conference, Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem and Scottish National Socialist talking heads will all be interviewed about it.
In the Labour conference, Labour talking heads (plus some from the Guardian and BBC) will be interviewd about it. There will rarely, if ever, be a hostile interview about the Labour conference unless it is from one of Corbyn’s supporters about his colleagues.
So we’ve had:-
– Paul Mason, the confirmed hard-left Marxist, as BBC Newsnight economics editor
– Evan Davis claiming that Donald Trump was weird and creepy for paying his daughter a compliment, as main BBC Newsnight and Today program presenter
– Andrew Marr claiming no-one in the country could possibly think Jeremy Corbyn was an anti-Semite and openly praising Shami Chakrabarti, as senior BBC political presenter
– Tim “Jewgate” Wilcox, as senior BBC reporter and presenter
– Mishal “not enough dead jews” Hussain, as senior BBC reporter and presenter
– Ian Katz, former left-wing senior journalist with the Guardian, as BBC editor of Newsnight.
So tell me again Lord Tony Hall about the BBC’s commitment to impartiality.
It’s ok. They are all ‘balanced’ by Andrew Neil.
And even he is more a case of equal filleting of all sides, often selectively too, off the beaten track
Not to mention….Polly Toynbee, that famously impartial former BBC Social Affairs Editor.
I kid you not.
6 Lamp Posts in my street for that lot one day soon…………….
Random switch-on bias test : Farage bashing
I woke up in the middle of the night to hear Sackur sneering at Farage ..HardTalk Audio page text ends with
..Web article
Yes, I heard the first part of that before drifting away again. Sackur really is the rudest, most aggressive and unreasonable ‘interviewer’ on the air. Not only beginning with a loaded and biased introduction (to which Farage justifiably could have objected immediately, but refrained from doing so) but shoutingly interrupted Farage repeatedly. I marvelled at Farage’s restraint.
The BBC/Guardian are enthralled with what Tony Blair earns, and there is a case for that. There is an item going out on Radio 4 with the admonishing BBC presenter castigating Blair for earning huge sums. Obviously no BBC presenter would wish to earn huge sums. Indeed, you often hear BBC employees saying, ‘please no! stop sticking your hand deeper into tax payers pockets to pay me a fortune. Please.’
However, I am left scratching my head. How come the BBC aren’t interested in how much Bill Clinton has earned through the Clinton Foundation? Or how much money Hillary raises for it? Obviously the real question is how much they pocket from the ‘charity’.
whoops – it was radio 5, just before lunch, with an interview with Jon Rentoul, one of two sensible writers for the Independent.
Couldn’t help but notice one of those awkward moments on BBC tv news the other day when a disgruntled chap from the NHS Consultants’ Trades Union was moaning to Clive Myrie about how unfair it was that the government on behalf of tax payers wanted to know how much he and his comrades earned in private practice.
“How would you like it?” He asked.
“Mmmm” Said our Clive.
Supporting AS and SS above
Article in D Mail today suggests BBC ‘journalists’ are paid 40% more than their counterparts in the press and commercial channels.
You know it takes a great deal of skill to shake your head and emote in low tones about a migrant falling off a moving lorry in Calais. Just ask Fiona Bruce.
And the bBBC have to recruit the best talent, don’t ya know.
Apologies, friends – wrote this Tweet before I realised that PMQs isn’t being held today. Seemed a shame to waste it so have put it out anyway:
@SupportOurLefty You really need to put in complaint to the BBC
between the end of the news at 11am and 11:15 am R5 Live was NOT talking about our beloved leader.
Isn’t that some kind of treason ..given it’s the eve of his coronation/beatification ?
Over on the R4 supporters Facebook page when some idiot pulled “the BBC is biased to the right” line I pointed him top the switch on test, that if you switched on at a Random moment you so often find they are talking favourably about some lefty thing, whereas you rarely find the same for non-lefty things.
– I also challenged him to name the 1 hour when the BBC network did not have some mention of Corbyn.
..Of course he couldn’t, but said he still couldn’t understand how anyone could say the BBC is LeftWing.
..What a bubbleworld he must live in.
Thank you, Friend Stew. As I wrote in that Far-Right neoliberal rag, the so-called Guardian a few weeks ago:
“The so-called BBC – which Thatcher totally destroyed – is nothing more than a craven mouthpiece of the Far Right Murdoch-controlled Monopoly Media, peddling a nonstop and predictable menu of Fascist neoliberalism, and as such, it is the envy of the world – and indeed elsewhere.
It is now under attack by this totally unelected Tory Government, who wish to destroy it through sheer spite, despite its massive popularity amongst the whole British nation, i.e. myself.
Of course, friends, the main problem with the BBC is the Licence Fee, by which I mean, of course, that it is far too low.
The Licence Fee, by charging everyone exactly the same, upholds the Socialist principle of equality, and is therefore an example of true Socialism in action. No wonder Right-wingers want to abolish it, as part of their evil plan to inflict hardship and austerity on the most vulnerable people in our society.
No wonder we on the Progressive Left are revolting!”
Article in the Independent stating “Brexit: 5,000 financial services firms ‘at risk’ if UK leaves Single Market”
A little bit careless by the MP involved, he accidently said “if” instead of “when”………….we just had a national vote on it in case you’d forgotten.
How come the internet tells me “OECD downgrades Brexit forecast”, when the radio just told me they had revised up this years forecast of UK growth ?
..cos they are being a bit tricky , thus enabling editors to pick bloom or doom
“while revising its prediction of growth in the UK in 2016 up slightly to 1.8% (compared with 1.7% forecast pre-referendum), …. also halved its forecasts for 2017 from 2% to 1%.
Hmm I’m guessing that 2017 figure is based of pulling figures out of the air, rather than robust calculations.
I’m glad to see that I wasn’t the only one incensed by R4’s Feedback last week, when a radio news ‘editor’ came about as close to admitting bias as I have ever heard a BBC employee. Unfortunately, the alleged bias was against Corbyn!
I posted here about it and Craig Byers picks up the same point over at Conservative Woman.
One idiot in the comments believes that the BBC are both pro-“feminists” and pro-Israel. He’s right on the first one, but uses as his justification for the second one that the BBC refused to show an appeal for Gaza during their terrorist war against Israel (my words, not his). If one remembers it was so bad that at that time is was even too extreme for the BBC. The idiot totally forgets or ignores the thousands of times the BBC shows unquestioned and illogical bias against Israel.
I noticed that to. Obviously this chap is in the early stages of the mental issues that affect so many Islamic fellow travelers. All citizens should be aware that if they know who this chap is then it is their duty to lock away all knives and report him to the police, who may do something about him provided he is white. If he isn’t white then my advice is to take a long holiday or move house.
A sample of the quality of debate on an R4 support Facebook group
Sept 5th I suppose I was alone in thinking that all the Brexiteers on PM tonight sounded as thick as pigsh*t?
– My guess is R4 PM edited it to make Brexiteers look stupid
And the quality of discussion shows R4 has driven away the rational non-lefty listeners so the board has become a loony left echo-chamber.
More BBC anti-Brexit propaganda on BBC News about 2.30.
Foreign carers in old people’s homes are worried they will be deported, following Brexit. About 4 minutes of scaremongering, no doubt repeated throughout the day.
Key words slipped in ‘If this happens…” Final sentences, after four minutes of Brexit bashing, were along the lines of – The government has made it clear that this will not happen, and are increasing funding for carer services.
Only 11 more years of this crap to look forward to.
If Brexit with no automatic freedom of WORKER movement and a visa system is supposed to be a disaster for employers and universities in particular…
..then how come Uber Global warming propagandist Australian John Cook is working at George Mason U after he only “recently completed his PhD in psychology at the University of Western Australia.”
Doesn’t that prove that a visa system does allow pretty fluid movement of w**kers (workers)?
Funny how we all managed to survive before free worker movement came into being, and before migrants ran the NHS and care homes, and before migrants owned the corner shops, and before migrants and foreigners owned footballs clubs; and amazingly we had enough of the indigenous population that didn’t need to have ‘British ??” in their race title to appear as newsreaders and reporters.
A team of Licence fee supported amateur reporters fly out to the US to interview moslems who feel so very oppressed because of a reaction to killings carried out in the name of their stupid beliefs. Yes, the BBC are still peddling the view that the rel victims of terror are moslems.
The fact is that no one outside of the BBC gives a shit about their feelings
Soon it’ll be illegal to express condemnation of islamic terror, in case it ‘offends’. Aw, diddums. When what we really need are howls of outrage and righteous indignation: THIS HAS TO STOP!
R4 Media show coming at 4:30pm
So far the agenda list is empty
..The photo is of Corbyn and crowd that’s a surprise.
Did anyone watch both the Dispatches and Panorama progs on Monday ?
Seems to to me Momentum tricky guys knew they about to get exposed by Dispatches under cover filming they rang up BBC mates and said “come on we need to put our side” Cos the leader of momentum who is shown admitting to being a Trotskyite on Dispates features on Panorama just talking about how the new members are not Trotskyite without mentioning his own position.
Evan Davies getting his arse-less underpants in a twist here.
The readers’ comments are as you would imagine.
Evan Davis ‘angry’ and ‘furious’.
What a wonderful example, ladies and gentlemen, of an impartial BBC presenter.
Sanctimonious virtue signalling little p***k.
Ah but Johnny, you’re allowed to be partial when it’s for the pc correct causes, when it’s all more than a man can stand! I’m weally weally angwy.
Just out of interest, can you buy arse-less underpants, or do they become worn that way?
Beltane – Get your order in quick!
I believe they come with a free bottle of mind-bleach!
Mobile phone roaming charge abolition plan rewritten
Hymmmn, so after 4 years the EU realises it’s plan to scrap roaming charges in Europe is no good and have to re-write it. What a great example of the inefficiencies of EU bureaucracy.
Original plan – “would have let companies charge roaming fees to consumers who used their phones abroad for more than 90 days in a year or for more than 30 days in a row”
New Plan – “If someone is found to have gone beyond a period in which they have lost real association with their country of origin, then surcharges can apply”
What’s the f’king difference? How much have we paid these cretins for this bullshit?
And they want a EU army? How would that work with 3-hour lunch breaks with wine?
Better off out of that sh!t once and for all.
Surely the plan to abolish roaming charges is against EU law?
The reason that the Royal Mail brought in all those size-related charges was that the EU ruled that the cost of a service had to be related to the cost of providing that service, i.e. no cross-subsidisation, small packages paying for large packages etc. The same principle applies to all other services.
Why should someone that never leaves their home country subsidise the European traveller? The cost of providing a European-wide service must be greater than providing a purely local one.
I understand that they want to prevent good Europeans buying their SIM cards in the cheapest country – what happened to ‘the single market’?
Another day, another attempt of political warfare by the relentless Jihadis at Islamic Al Beeb…
Al Beebs main propaganda page…
“New York Bomber Charged” is the headline…
Wait.. There’s a picture of him…. Looks Norwegian to me…
Presses onto the page….
“Ahmad Rahami charged over New York and New Jersey bombs”….
So he’s got a Norwegian name! We are getting somewhere now!….but why has ‘Mustapha Killing-spree’ carried out this act…. The Islamic Al Beeb are tieing their knots in knots not to say it!… It’s less painful passing a gallstone!!
What are they willing to state…
“His journal apparently expressed the wish to die a martyr, the criminal complaint revealed.
One passage said: “You [USA Government] continue your [unintelligible] slaught[er]” against the mujahideen, or holy warriors, be it Afghanistan, Iraq, Sham (Syria), Palestine.”
Another refers in glowing terms to Osama Bin Laden, Anwar al-Awlaki, a US-born Muslim cleric killed in a 2011 drone strike, and Nidal Hasan, a former Army officer who killed 13 people at a Texas Army base in 2009″……
I don’t know about you but I have absolutely no idea at all what this Norwegian man wanted and what his cause was!!
But the Islamic Al Beeb are happy to share their views on one aspect of this avoidable enrichment act…
“The series of bombings over the weekend have sparked a heated debate about national security between the two presidential candidates, days before their first televised debate.
Republican Donald Trump has seized on the fact Mr Rahami was born in Afghanistan to bolster his tough stance on immigration admissions”….
Seized on it!!! Like this is the only negative event the purest followers of Islam have ever carried out!! The sinister and devious Al Beeb are once again doing everything possible to blurr the lines of reality to try and frighten people into believing this is a xenophobic issue and nothing to do with the eternal and everlasting purpose of Islams war and utter destruction of the entire planet until the whole world submits to Allah, in the vision set out by the pedophilic warlord 1400 years ago!!
Tothepoint – beebslime now firmly on side of terrorists against the free West. Can’t they be shot for treason?
Great to see you back Peter by the way! Looks like you have been away for a few days and your (always) intelligent, hilariously witty, interesting and thought provoking posts are always missed in your absence…
Moving on to your question…. Yes they should be punished for treason, and with how desperate things are becoming and how quickly this change is happening, they will be very soon I am horrified to say.
It shouldn’t be coming to this Peter! These delusional traitors have become so sheltered and detached from the brutality of life that they are performing self suicide… and they are taking us with them! But our apathy and reluctance to stand up and fight has also played it’s part. These traitors are our own flesh and blood and when the time comes will even be members of our own families! It shouldn’t be coming to this!
I watched a 1 off documentary called “Islamic state” on the VICELAND channel. A epically brilliant and harrowing look at the life of the purest followers of Islam. A Muslim journalist was given access as part of Islamic states PR campaign… Bloody hell folks these people absolutely hate us with all their hearts! The Islamic State is 100% Islamic in its entirety. Everything is for Allah and his word and instruction he gave to Muhammad. These Muslims are living Muhammads life and they are doing exactly as he did. There is no negotiation. There is no peace with these people. They are willing to sacrifice everything and everyone to the cause of Islam because everything belongs to Allah. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING THEY DO IS AS WRITTEN DOWN IN THE KORAN!! ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!! HOW THE FU#K CAN THIS WAR HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM YOU LYING, TRAITOROUS, SPINELESS, COWARDLY B@STARDS!!!
‘Mustapha Killing-spree’
It took me a few seconds to get it, but what a great name!
You`re getting followers, glad you`ve been restored to the Guardian once more.
Always worth an amble to see you “Living on the Frontline”…and creating a stink of sulphourus splenetic splenditude!
Support Our Lefty Everyone!
Thank you, Friend Chris! After 2 consecutive posts being taken down, literally within a few minutes of my putting them up, I wasn’t too hopeful about this one’s chances of survival!
Many thanks, too, for your splendid reply in the Graun, which I have just read and upticked :).
In its endless imbecilic quest for ever new minority ‘victimhood’ to champion, the odious beeb are scraping the barrel: “A tattooed man who changed his name to the King of Ink Land has described how he was moved out of public view in a former job.” The man deliberately looks like a scary freak, amazing he even got given a job in the first place.
Meanwhile millions of muslim women are ‘moved out of public view’ every day, but that’s alright apparently, nothing to champion there. When can we close down the repulsive beeb?
This seems to be the ‘next big thing’ across their over extensive Facebook ‘news’ estate, including calls for aggrieved blank canvasses to get in touch with their tales of woe.
Don’t recall too many Maoris reading out the news so far, but sure this is set to see a quota review.
Meanwhile, the comments again could be going better for the inked whingers and their new tatty BFFs driving the next outrage bus off another cliff.
Clearly deemed a long term project.
Next up, should Prince Albert’s secure a senior role in furious broadcasting?
People like this plum (as shown by Peter the Great above) normally get all manner of jobs in schools and police courses-so their “self harm” and “deviant art” pays very well for the Benetton freak show seekers at the Council/PC College and is forced on kids by way of “not judging by appearances”.
But let a kid have the wrong shade of trainer or a narrow tie…and they get sent home!
Er…but that`s different…
One other thing-I never see these self-abusers ever get shown and put up on the school website-it`s private vice, they`d rather NOT let the parents or prospective parents see as a representation of their fiction factories of fizz.
When I was a teenager one of the local inteligentsia had a facial tattoo applied whilst intoxicated.
My father informed me that if I ever came home with a tattoo he would cut it out with a bread knife, and that if I thought that he was kidding, I should get one. That’s parental guidance for you.
More good news form the ‘horses mouth’!
Despite their previous negative ‘advertising’.
Here’s one the obscene racist beeb won’t be championing in a hurry, or even mentioning if it can possibly avoid it: “Police forensic crews are carrying out an investigation at a High Wycombe Kebab shop in relation to the death of a woman in the town.”
The clue as to why lies in the ‘kebab shop’.
Maybe the Emir is right, murder and mayhem from religionists of peace are now just ‘part and parcel’ of life. Doesn’t even make the national press anymore, unless of course the colours were reversed, then front page news, stop the presses, shock horror. Allah is great.
See the Labour loving luvvie Jo Coburn was wearing LIEBOUR red again !!!!!
Worth listening again to PM on Radio iPlayer (Radio 4 21 September 2016), the segment after the 5.31pm news featuring Kamal Ahmed, ‘perhaps the world’s leading Economics Editor’ according to Eddie Mair.
Do try not to laugh or cry.
I almost wet myself laughing. I don’t even think Mair was being tongue in cheek.
Notice though, that the good news was laid down to us not having left the EU yet and also, which surprised me, canny Mark Carneys dropping of the interest rate so that borrowing was cheaper. Borrowing FOR banks and the like maybe but NOT from them. I thought that the Bweeb had promised us sky high interest rates and galactic annihilation if we dared vote leave. Onanists, all of them.
Nuff said
No better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is something that only obliquely concerns the BBC – only in so far as it is something that they will not and would never broadcast. It is video of the Pastor’s Conference today at the church in Cleveland Heights
The short introductory speech from 17:58 by a pastor was revelatory, and certainly gave me a whole new perspective on Trump. I am further confirmed in my belief that this is the man to start turning the US around.
I don’t recall al beebus covering this story.
BBC report John Kerry’s demand for a no fly zone over Syria.
Although the role of the White Helmets – a Jo Cox favourite organization – is not figured in this report they never miss an opportunity to favour this NGO which has a commitment to regime change in Syria. It is funded by Soros and the US and UK Government.
Here are a few facts/discussion which may assist in interpreting BBC stories from Syria.
‘…the White Helmets are an integral part of the propaganda vanguard that ensures obscurantism of fact and propagation of Human Rights fiction that elicits the well-intentioned and self righteous response from a very cleverly duped public. A priority for these NGOs is to keep pushing the No Fly Zone scenario which has already been seen to have disastrous implications for innocent civilians in Libya, for example.’
Watch the video
BBC Online News:
Video re UK Worldwide Arms Sales:
This video is written and narrated by a precocious marxist loving 5th form school girl. (So it seems)
Why can’t the BBC recognise the benefits to the UK of arms exports? We are the second highest exporter in the world at annual sales of £122 billion. Without it, there would probably be no NHS as we know it.
But, the BBC has to say that ‘some MPs’ (guess from which party?) express concerns as to where the arms are going. The BBC are completely negative about arms sales. This is a typical BBC Left Wing sentiment.
To the BBC, arms exports are worse than drug dealing or terrorism. After all, the BBC make favourable excuses for terrorists.
Mass brawl in SE London. Police say ‘race relations’ may be a factor. I smell a rat.
Something was mentioned on Radio 4 about an ‘unusual race angle’. It didn’t eloborate.
Mainly white British with a rapidly growing Black African population. If it was a ‘classic’ case of white on black violence, the BBC would be running with this story. I’m guessing that they don’t want to tell us the truth.
Grimer – Whenever there’s a story with unexplained gaps or non-sequiturs in the reporting, it’s safe to assume Enrichers of some hue were involved, and the beeb don’t want to investigate further, in case it gets embarrassing for them.
Found myself whizzing through the Godforsaken crap called “Word of Mouth” featuring Michael Rosen,
His comely carer who now is his assistant at the studio makes some quip about him being “down the pub” by way of showing the dicrete directional nature of the linguistic disaporic experience in a global milieu.
Michael was not happy-like dame Madge Bracket- “I do not EVER go to pubs”.
Who knew-any surprise that the Lefty bullfrogger wouldn`t “go down to a pub”?
Will SOMEONE ask him to go?…or must he stay weird as he is at present.
THESE are the frankly weird mutants and maiden aunties who get jobs at the BBC.
Had he gone, he might have heard some chappies speak of leaving the EU…hence the BBCs rage and incomprehension at our voting to go.
Rosen…bloody Laurie Taylor and his dreadful gasbaggery over shy people wearing zoot suits…and every word a crib from Erving Goffmann, only with even MORE wordy terms for nothing whatsoever( “is shyness a global phenomenon?…speak UP you pussy willows!”),
Utter BS from the scouse mouse -will SOMEONE strip the gasbugger of his corduroy patches?..a wanka…as Goffmann was yet to say….
Since Monday nights ceaseless plugs for the labour Partys election?
Tonight was-Ken Loach and his new film-about-well guess who?
Loads of weeping ethnics on student grants and curfew demand Corbyn gets voted in, so it seems-Huw liked it very much.
Then it was Joan Snob on Channel 4 sending Owen Jones to Edinburgh to have tea with his mum and dad, re “Why Corbyns Grand”…Jones agreed.
Then came assorted labour lady MPs who thought other-but wanted Tory cuts and austerity shafted anyway.
In the guise of opposing Corbyn-it`s still loads of free PPB for Labour at no cost.
So HOURS of this relentless slough of red menses being dumped over our heads and called “news analysis”.
Fuck Off Labour goons…and fuck off lefty liberal media scum who require their pink berets to get free puffs on the telly and radio.
Labour is a rotten corpse…needs flytipping like those bloody lifejackets on Monday were by Parliament-should they not be prosecuted for litter breaches…or is the Left allowed to do this?
Anybody else believe Emma Vardys claim that
a) she meets a “sixteen-year old boy called Ali from Afghanistan” whilst happening to visit a migrant camp in Cherbourg
b) she interviews him, he “hopes to get over to England where his uncle says he needs to get into”
c) she finds him in a foster home in Peterborough only three weeks later with a full moustache, and now ready for College in England…and she gets another interview about the wonder of squeezing yourself into a lorry heading for Poole.
Emma works for the BBC as a junior provincial hackette-but given her willingness to facilitate illegal asylum migrants who claim to be Afghan teenagers and not Al Sadrs thirty somethings as promised us by ISIS, she`ll be on TWATO before we know it.
Poole port(and all the others) REALLY need to check the vans and cars of all BBC staff out on manouevres-I`m pretty sure they`re MAKING the news here and not merely reporting it, by importing illegals.
Oh-and this being the BBC-they moan at how crap Poole Port must be in letting Ali into our country-tsk…thought we were supposed to be DEALING with dodgy borders you Tories?…get a grip, as Jeremy Corbyn would do eh?
Shameless lying bilge artistes…Emma Vardy…a rising jobby in the BBC flushbowl.
Where is Hillary? I’m sure the BBC are rushing reporters over to the US to cover this story …
Sorry If this has already been posted, but well worth a repeat.
35,867 and climbing.
Close sharia courts set up in the uk and make sharia law illegal in Britain.
Get over there AND spread the word.
Just signed .
Can we have our country back please?
BBC Radio4-PM is one of the BBC News progs which is part of the “BBC for Hillary” campaign
running its “Love Hillary, hate Trump” message
This week they (AleemMaqbool) are on a train across America interviewing people
And Today they pushed the Global Warming message as well
#BBCElectionTrain Day 3: Oil v Climate Change
Williston, North Dakota and Glacier National Park, Montana Audio and more
Their normal trick is edit so Hillary supporters sound nice and Trump supporters seem monsters
Oh there is a video webpage as well (licence payers) expense spared
and BBC for Hillary 2016 Homepage with more climate doom/info today
Meanwhile 5Live’s Shelagh Fogarty praises
Ah well. Those dreadful North Dakotans wanting jobs and prosperity be damned. What really matters is the glaciers, the locals can live off the crumbs that climate tourists drop as they peer at the magnificence of these seemingly transient ice rivers.
R4 Today had a piece from Whitefish, Montana including an interview with white supremacist Richard Spencer.
Initially I was surprised to hear Today providing a platform for Spencer’s views. An attempt at balanced reportage? Not really: the point was to enable Al Beeb’s report to conclude the item by stating that it was Trump’s fault that such offensive views could now be espoused in public.
Isn’t the right to free speech enshrined in the US constitution and bugger all to do with Mr Trump?
“And sometimes, say abroad, you need another car – a mere £583 was spent by the 216 on hire over the year, but a remarkable £2,207 was claimed on fuel to go in these cars”
Maybe, like BBC staff Apple product loss come Christmas time, there is a related explanation?
All those trainee Anger and Protest Eds in the skid marks of Paul Mason, siphoning off their allowance to buy the locals a few Molotov cocktails on the British licence fee payer?
I noticed that the BBC managed to suggest this morning that the protests in North Carolina were linked to Trump’s alleged racism.
Quisquose, they’ll work an angle in irrespective of the news subject. Damn that Farage, ‘may he rot in hell’!………..
So, Home Page on MSN and Sky etc: huge financial fraud scam involving intimidation and bullying in UK. Strangely nowhere to be seen on Al Beebistan. I don’t suppose anything to do with the fact the crims look well-tanned and all have names like Ali, Muhammad, Mohammed, Syed, Abdul, etc?
Or perhaps beebslime just too busy reporting on their favourite subject, alleged waycism in faraway N.Carolina.
Here’s a picture of the offenders Peter:-
Enriching our society and making a contribution in so many ways.
How on earth the Anti-Brexit/Britain Broadcasting Corporation managed to crowbar their obsession and fanaticism regarding anti-brexit into this article about Oxford now being the top university in the world!!!!!!!!
Check this out, straight from the Islamic Al Beebs webshite….
“Oxford University has come top of the Times Higher Education world university rankings – a first for a UK university.
Oxford knocks California Institute of Technology, the top performer for the past five years, into second place.
But there are warnings the vote to leave the European Union could destabilise UK higher education and hinder work with academics abroad.
The rankings show a mixed picture for European universities, while Asian institutions continue to rise”……
I really don’t know how to begin….. But how the f..k can a US university be number 1 for 5 years and not be in the EU, Asian universities be on the rise and not be in the EU, European university the only ones that are going backwards and are in the EU, yet brexit could be a threat!!!!! How the f..k would being free to join up with projects working with amongst others, US universities making up no less than 15 out of the top 20, be a threat!!……..
Great work Islamic Al Beeb! Allahu Akbar!!
R4 Today had a piece on this this morning: Oxford’s place at the top could be threatened by withdrawal of EU funding as a consequence of Brexit.
But any fule know that UK currently pays more to EU than it receives back from the EU. Therefore a post-Brexit UK government could (if it so chose) continue to match existing EU grants out of UK government expenditure, and keep the difference as a “Brexit dividend”.
Yes. Clearly when we actually leave the EU all the phones and internet will stop working and the foreign postmen will burn British letters outside the sorting offices. Anyone attempting to travel to Europe will be turned back at the airports with cattle prods after being hit with the vast cost of visas which we never really needed before. which doesn’t matter because Airbus won’t sell us anything ever again.
Oh, the isolation, the horror. Bring it on.
I happened to be in High Wycombe a few days ago where all the buzz was that a Roper had murdered a Romanian woman. It’s in the local paper (‘kebab shop’ murder) but strangely nowhere on al-beebistan. Now imagine the nationalities had been reversed: white man kills Romanian (Hate crime, Brexit fault, Farage is a murderer etc) or white man murders roper (racism, islamophobia etc). Front page news either way. But brown on white murder? Quick, bury.
Just part and parcel of life in colourful diverse UK, eh Sadiq?
BBC News reporting is all about CONFIRMING NARRATIVE of BBC GuardianReaderZombies.
..If a story doesn’t do that then it probably won’t run.
I had no idea High Wycombe was such a violent place until I clicked your link!
Rapes, stabbings, a murder, road rage…
Yes Tom, High Wycombe has a high proportion of enrichers – and hence crime, paedo sex gangs, terrorists et al. But shush, don’t say it too loud, could be waycist. The truth is now illegal. 1984 has arrived.
“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
I’ve got an idea how to solve this problem, says the Emir, the luvvies, the Beeb, the EU: LET’S BRING IN MORE! And let’s criminalise anyone who speaks out against the madness!
You couldn’t make it up.
Peter, I’d just avoid eating kebabs for a while if I were you.
Kebabed – just when you thought it couldn’t get worse! It’s an old story but I bet that never made it onto al beebistan.
Scribblings – Imagine if just a few years ago you’d predicted that our esteemed enrichers would be raping and prostituting literally thousands of underaged girls up and down the country, and in at least this case, raping, murdering and sticking her in a kebab! You’d have been hung drawn and quartered for playing on ‘racist stereotypes’. Well, gentlefolk of the jury, it happened. IT’S HAPPENING. And where’s the mass outcry of indignation? Total silence. The very people who’d have lynched you (starting with the wretched beeb) are looking the other way. We have an insane situation where pointing out hideous crimes on a mass scale gets more opprobrium than the vile crimes themselves!! M.A.D.N.E.S.S.