That was the incisive wit and wisdom of generously remunerated BBC presenter Naga Munchetty this morning chatting with much-promoted fellow presenter Steph McGovan about the thorny issue of whether girls have it worse than boys. Generally they mean, in life, career etc…
Seems some feminist campaign group have done a survey…. (no, don’t laugh) and the BBC are all over it like a cheap two-piece pant suit (you know, like Hillary Clinton wears – but hers are very expensive – but I digress).
Our Steph keeps plugging this girls are most anxious about their lives line – despite her confessing that at least one commentator disagreed and thought both sexes were affected by pressures such as modern celebrity culture, social media, etc. Of course it is part of the BBC agenda to play up victim culture wherever and whenever they find it. And mind you, the BBC news elite are fresh from grovelling apolgies to that very wise and sound and popular Mr Corbyn so Steph goes on banging the inequality drum.. ‘pay gap’ ‘cost of child care’ dah dee dah…
I seem to recall it was Joe Jackson who reminded an earlier generation that ‘It’s Different For Girls’
Wisely, the nominally male sofa eunuch knows his palce and keeps shtum.
And to get us out of this somewhat pregnant pause in the BBC studio we hear the magic words… Sugar Tax!!
That ought to be accompanied by a quick burst of Sugar Sugar by the Archies (1969)
In the Telegraph today there is an interesting article on the rout of the liberal left by Alistair Heath in which he claims that the liberal left is as good as dead in the UK and in poor health right across the west. He correctly analyses the main strands of liberal left ‘ideology’ , they are the good guys, multiculturalism and the death of the nation state are inevitable, most sensible modern people are at heart progressive liberals. Brexit, Trump, resistance to mass migration in Europe , show these assumptions are wrong. So far Mr Heath is correct. But he is wrong to think that just a year or so of reverses for the liberal left elite equate to its rout, the elite is powerful, it has control of our institutions and it will fight back. Mr Heath does not mention the BBC or the MSM in his article and yet that is where liberal leftism is most flagrantly displayed and that is where the fight back will be led from.
Heath rightly sees that Cameron was part of the liberal left establishment. That is why he went easy on the BBC over charter review. But I fear that Mrs May has made a large error in rubber stamping that review . The BBC will be the driving and coordinating force for the liberal left fight back. Already we see the BBC casting around for a leader of the new liberal left progressive alliance of Lib Dems, moderate Labour, Greens , Celtic Nationalists. Any loose grouping of this nature will be given enormous help and encouragement by the BBC to become a credible force. They will use opposition to Brexit and grammar schools as a unifying force. The BBC is also pushing the idea that the putative ‘ progressive alliance’ it is so keen on , can be cemented together by having proportional representation as a common goal in addition to unBrexiting the UK and stopping Grammar Scools.
The elite is not dead , it is regrouping for a counter attack and the BBC is playing a leading role. Mrs May you should have smashed the BBC , you will regret not doing so, and so will the rest of us.
DoubleT, this was amazingly the theme adopted by Marr at the start of his programme Sunday 18.09.16. All I can say is, ‘long may the destruction of liberal/left multiculturalism continue. Although the fact is, unless the UK Government agree to start shipping the ones we have, out, certainly the Cult of Submission will be in dominance within 20 years. The control of the country is an extremely vulnerable concept.
Tastes bread, and is actually on air for how long ? a 60 minute programme, and he appears in shot for roughly 10 minutes in total ? I’ve always thought him a bit of a shyster who would sell his mother to the highest bidder. He had his own mini series on the Beeb a couple of years ago, but clearly didn’t cut the ratings, so my money is on him joining Ch4.
White British human reproduction in the UK? We hear this morning on BBC R4 ‘Today’ that year on year, IVF treatment is becoming more scarce on the NHS. Yet, there is now a growing number of NHS and private clinics around the country that are dealing with FGM. Less white breeding and more breeding, predominantly, from the Cult of Submission (as if they Islamist’s didn’t breed enough anyway). Draw your own conclusions.
Breakfast and it’s business as usual with reports of riots in Charlotte. BBc reports on a black killed by police are somewhat thin as usual. An American site I viewed tells me the person shot was in a school zone, brandished a weapon, refused to put it down when instructed before being shot by a black Police officer.
Then just for a change another lecture that we are still eating too much sugar. Naga shames us all by producing her porridge container from under the desk.
Oh dear, oh dear, again. The ONS states no downturn in the economy and the OECD have revised upwards its growth forecast. “But we don’t know what might happen in the future”, Says the Today presenter. Well, I’m tempted to say in reply, “No shit Sherlock – no one knows what’ll happen in the future.”
Due to the way Labour have voted, David Davis’ hard Brexit policy has now been adopted by the Welsh Government. This is a dark day for Wales as the National Assembly becomes the first parliament in these islands to vote in favour of a hard Brexit, and to yield any possible leverage in securing the best deal for Wales, thanks to Labour joining forces with the Tories.
Oh dear, once more. R4 Today – Re. Ghandi statue and a Zulu voicing his complaint that Ghandi was racist towards the Zulu and native Africans.
I am truly lost for words – this messes with whole notion that only whites can be racist. I may need counselling!
During this historic political event, BBC Two had behind-the-scenes access to document every twist and turn of the Leave campaign and the race for the Conservative leadership that followed. Bafta winner Patrick Forbes filmed from the early days until the extraordinary events after the vote.
Do we need more navel gazing at the past when BBC didn’t report selected things ?
Can’t we just get on with Getting Out ?
“Bakeoff : Mary Berry is not going to Channel 4” BBC Woman’s Hour
Which is now banging on about the Labour party and leadership election now
admittedly saying women don’t get big jobs in the Labour Party.
oh ..had a sneer at Boris
Slightly off topic but worthy of the BBC and quite possibly made by a production company the BBC use.
Last night got around to watching the new Channel Four drama ‘National Treasure’ based on the Yewtree investigations with Robbie Coltrane playing the Freedie Starr role. I lasted about 20 minutes:
Patronising arresting policewoman = Black, Coltrane’s solicitor = Black and Coltrane’s grand kids mixed race with his druggy daughter unable to look after them, the kids being looked after by their father…
The obvious subliminal message from this is Black = good, white= bad, I guess its only a matter of time before we find out Julie Walter’s character has some unpleasant skeletons in her cupboard, but I won’t be watching…
Sounds like a box ticking frenzy Geoff, just the other day there was a BBC article from
Arieta Tegeilolo Talanoa Tora Rika in which she gushes,
” I can’t tell you how excited I am to see this movie. Seeing faces that look like mine, telling a story that relates to me. I just don’t have the words.”
Quite, if only.
There are around 350,000 people in my county, yet I have never heard our local Scunthorpe accent on UK TV.
(Kevin Doyle , Sheriden Smith and Liz Smith are from the area) Liz Smith has never been back since she left and you don’t hear any of them use a local accent on TV.
You see someone from every borough of London on TV every day.
Geoff, To receive funding for film projects from the National Lottery via the British Film Institute, film makers have to meet the following criteria:-
(capitals theirs not mine)
The areas of under-representation covered
are disability, gender, race, age and sexual
orientation as they pertain to the Equality
Act 2010. The Standards also seek to
ensure that people from lower socioeconomic
groups are better represented.
At a minimum, applicants are expected
to meet the criteria of at least two of the
four BFI Diversity Standards. Projects
satisfying the criteria of at least three
of the Standards will be awarded the
Screen Diversity mark of good practice
I can remember in 2008 u2 delaying there album until early 2009. Then we found out that they were going to be performing at barrys inaugeration ceremony where they had an audience of millions and where Bonio could pontificate to his hearts desire. This was followed by the BBC u2 day which was one long advert fro u2 and the new album. It was only when i heard the album that i realised why they delayed, it was the weakest of their careers and they knew it too.
Bono popping up all over the place must mean theres an album on the way.
You may not find this on the BBC but the Sun reports on a poll by the respected Professor John Curtice on a series of Brexit issues. One finding is that 79 per cent of respondents want free movement of people to end when Britain leaves the EU. This will exasperate and also confound the prejudices of the left- liberal ‘progressives’ at the BBC. Marr was trying to tell us on Sunday that liberalism ( he meant left liberalism) was dead. This diagnosis certainly isn’t true of the elite who largely still govern us and our institutions even if its increasingly true of ordinary voters.
The BBC groupthink was very evident a couple of nights ago when Evan Davies confronted the Hungarian Foreign Minister in a live newsnight interview. The Hungarian government think that parts of Britain are no- go areas. I would agree with the Hungarian view but not for the same reasons. Trendy progressives may deny the existence of no- go areas but it depends how you define them. We don’t yet have walls like Belfast did but the definition of a no- go area is more subtle than that. On my definition, a no- go area is where the indigenous culture has been overtaken by an immigrant one. This can range from how people dress to the type of food sold to whether alien legal systems are applied and whether the police feel restrained from being as active as they would be in areas that are culturally British. One also might add to the list the existence of political gerrymandering at elections and corruption in distributing public money, all typical of certain non-British cultures.
On this definition we do have no-go areas. If some on here live in Luton, parts of London, Bradford or inner Birmingham I’d be interested to see if they feel welcome in every part of their urban areas .
The vigilantes and street barriers may come later but if we do nothing to halt mass immigration AND oblige integration of existing alien cultures then come they surely will. Needless to say those areas dominated by the RoP are the worst.
We certainly have ghettos. There are plenty of areas in northern towns and cities that are unsafe , particularly if you are white. The idiots in the BBC should take an unescorted trip in them and see how much we have been enriched. But being fully paid up members of the liberal elite they will probably blames themselves and the west in general, when they giving a good beating and robbed and worse if they are female.
And if the condition of some white folks, especially the children, in our inner cities, was plastered all over the media (Lyse Doucette reporting) there would be calls to rescue them – wouldn’t there? Nah, maybe not – no glory there!
Now that the referendum is in the dim and distant past, and the bBBC can’t influence it’s outcome (just relentlessly bang on about how the outcome was wrong), the migrant propaganda is ramping up to full steam again. Each day we are subject to sob stories about so called children in Calais (they are never younger than 12, which means they are probably older than 16), and heart-rending tales of boatfulls of migrants trying to cross the sea or more accurately get far enough out to be picked up by european vessels and taken to safety (ie Europe). Radio 2 news had an article on this earlier so I checked on the website to see if it was a ‘breaking news’. Nothing there. So are they developing an old story for maximum effect? In addition to this, yesterday’s boat disaster was off Egypt, a country where our citizens were holidaying, not long ago. Apparently they want jobs…in Italy ffs!
I say this has to stop! Mrs May do something about it. They are not refugees desperate for safety. Why can’t they fine the country of departure? And take them back.
No not Mark and bride’s $3b commitment to solve all ills using way less than the BBC annual budget, but rather the real top story the day, where a tousle haired American moppet has written to Barry to say he’d welcome a dusty moppet from Syria who appeared in a recent Aleppowood production.
This may just knock anything else off the list of things the greatest President ever has presided over on his watch, as top news.
So that is Jo Cox and crew causing more deaths by failing to stop the pull factor and give the message that genuine refugees should use proper channel.
I mentioned before that BBC Trending celebrated the first anniversary of the death of the 3 year old Syrian boy on the beach after crossing from the safety of Turkey “the photo that changed the world” (for those that don’t realise 3 year olds have painful deaths every day in some parts of the world)
They quote his aunt saying “We I like to think his death has led to the saving of many lives”
but even those BBC SJW activists were then forced to admit ..well in the year he died 4,500 migrants died..and this year it’s been 5,500
last night : R5 Up All Night talking about of this new popular route said in the last year 330,000 crossed the Mediterranean into the EU during this last year so that is 1 in 60 die at that stage (wonder if drownings are under-reported)
Re : Brexit the EU threaten UK nationals with visas access to Mediterranean beaches
..Yet now the EU are unable to stop 330,000/year paperless North Africans crossing to those same beaches.
..How ridiculous is that ?
If you believed you could abandon your country, turn up in another country, be given housing, cash, and all the necessities for FREE and have organisations wetting themselves to look out for your interests over and above those of the indigenous population ………..
You can’t blame them – you can blame those who promote that belief and strive to make it reality.
He said he punched a man who approached him with a knife and then threw him into a canal in Amsterdam in 1988.
He wrote in his autobiography: “He caught me on the wrong day and I just snapped.”
He added: “I fully suspect I killed him. I’ve no idea what happened to him.”
court appearance today
Guess you can punch someone in self defence, but you can’t leave them to die and not report it immediately..Last time a BBC star wrote he killed someone (a friend dying of AIDS) he got off eventually thru lack of evidence it wasn’t fiction.
Radio 5 live has a view on the Great British Bake Off!
Apparently it was wrong of Channel 4 to outbid the BBC. For some reason, that the presenter, Emma Barnett, couldn’t quite pin down, it was wholly immoral and would make everyone very cross indeed. She scrabbled around, tilting at windmills, until she suggested CH4 used tax payer’s money – thankfully, someone put her right. You’d think she would have done at least a little research before doing the item.
However, she insisted many people would agree with her, that it is wonderful that Mary Berry is honourable in staying with the BBC.
Things Emma might like to know:
The Ch4 bid was apparently only £10 million more than that of the BBC. So please don’t be all high and mighty about the sums on offer.
Mary Beard may have a BBC contract that would be difficult to break (and I don’t know), or the BBC may have offered her a considerable sum of money in order to sabotage the CH 4 hijacking (again I don’t know). Emma may well be a saint as Emma insists, but Emma simply doesn’t know the facts.
CH4 is using money it has to generate through advertising whereas the BBC pay for Emma’s wages and the Bake Off series by sticking its hand deeper into tax payer’s pockets. If Ch4 get it wrong, then they lose money. If the BBC gets it wrong then the taxpayer loses money.
Emma is deluded. Light Ent Programs survive after important stars move on. She only has to listen to Just a Minute, after losing the much loved Kenneth Williams, I’m Sorry I haven’t a Clue, after losing the wonderful Humph or watch Have I got News for You after losing the drug taking, shag anything Angus Dayton.
More importantly what other channel, other than the BBC, could run endless spoilers on its news channels in order to seek to damage a program on a rival channel?
The basic point is that the public will get basically the same Bake-Off
and the BBC will be left the staff time and cash to do something that would not be done in the private sector.
The adverts ? The prog basically is jammed with adverts as it is ..promos for spin off progs and virtue signalling slots. It is a prog where advert slots might help with the drama, and give audience time to make a cup of tea.
(and the BBC has been earning cash from overseas franchise editions which are aired with adverts)
Anyway 5Live shouldn’t be running it as news .There should be no celebrity or obituary stuff on News Progs..there should be special celebrity shows.
Excellent article in the D/Mail by Christopher Hart on …” ‘bleeding heart luvvies’ who lecture us on migrants while jettin”. This wouldn’t be you ChrisH would it ???
Millionaire celebrities love nothing better than a ‘Cause’ which makes them look good.
They hope it might allay suspicion that they are, in fact, rather selfish and egocentric people who have dedicated their lives to the single-minded pursuit of fame and fortune.
(They live in a bubbleworld)
Their jets are private, their doctors are private…
When are they going to realise this and put a designer sock in their very big and hypocritical mouths?
Commenter “She is Lebanese, he is American lecturing the British about migration, take some in a few of your mansions and mind your own business.”
A huge number of people adore celeb’s and hang on their every word – you mean we shouldn’t be impressed by their wondrous words and selfless acts?
As someone said, “it’s like being spoon fed warm diarrhoea.”
“In a shock move by Labour in Wales today, the Welsh National Assembly has become the first political institution in the UK to come out against membership of the European single market post Brexit.”
I cant find anything on Al Beeb about this Brexit news?
Theresa, take note .
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StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
“Interesting though, innit”
That was the incisive wit and wisdom of generously remunerated BBC presenter Naga Munchetty this morning chatting with much-promoted fellow presenter Steph McGovan about the thorny issue of whether girls have it worse than boys. Generally they mean, in life, career etc…
Seems some feminist campaign group have done a survey…. (no, don’t laugh) and the BBC are all over it like a cheap two-piece pant suit (you know, like Hillary Clinton wears – but hers are very expensive – but I digress).
Our Steph keeps plugging this girls are most anxious about their lives line – despite her confessing that at least one commentator disagreed and thought both sexes were affected by pressures such as modern celebrity culture, social media, etc. Of course it is part of the BBC agenda to play up victim culture wherever and whenever they find it. And mind you, the BBC news elite are fresh from grovelling apolgies to that very wise and sound and popular Mr Corbyn so Steph goes on banging the inequality drum.. ‘pay gap’ ‘cost of child care’ dah dee dah…
I seem to recall it was Joe Jackson who reminded an earlier generation that ‘It’s Different For Girls’
Wisely, the nominally male sofa eunuch knows his palce and keeps shtum.
And to get us out of this somewhat pregnant pause in the BBC studio we hear the magic words… Sugar Tax!!
That ought to be accompanied by a quick burst of Sugar Sugar by the Archies (1969)
In the Telegraph today there is an interesting article on the rout of the liberal left by Alistair Heath in which he claims that the liberal left is as good as dead in the UK and in poor health right across the west. He correctly analyses the main strands of liberal left ‘ideology’ , they are the good guys, multiculturalism and the death of the nation state are inevitable, most sensible modern people are at heart progressive liberals. Brexit, Trump, resistance to mass migration in Europe , show these assumptions are wrong. So far Mr Heath is correct. But he is wrong to think that just a year or so of reverses for the liberal left elite equate to its rout, the elite is powerful, it has control of our institutions and it will fight back. Mr Heath does not mention the BBC or the MSM in his article and yet that is where liberal leftism is most flagrantly displayed and that is where the fight back will be led from.
Heath rightly sees that Cameron was part of the liberal left establishment. That is why he went easy on the BBC over charter review. But I fear that Mrs May has made a large error in rubber stamping that review . The BBC will be the driving and coordinating force for the liberal left fight back. Already we see the BBC casting around for a leader of the new liberal left progressive alliance of Lib Dems, moderate Labour, Greens , Celtic Nationalists. Any loose grouping of this nature will be given enormous help and encouragement by the BBC to become a credible force. They will use opposition to Brexit and grammar schools as a unifying force. The BBC is also pushing the idea that the putative ‘ progressive alliance’ it is so keen on , can be cemented together by having proportional representation as a common goal in addition to unBrexiting the UK and stopping Grammar Scools.
The elite is not dead , it is regrouping for a counter attack and the BBC is playing a leading role. Mrs May you should have smashed the BBC , you will regret not doing so, and so will the rest of us.
DoubleT, this was amazingly the theme adopted by Marr at the start of his programme Sunday 18.09.16. All I can say is, ‘long may the destruction of liberal/left multiculturalism continue. Although the fact is, unless the UK Government agree to start shipping the ones we have, out, certainly the Cult of Submission will be in dominance within 20 years. The control of the country is an extremely vulnerable concept.
An article in the Daily Mirror about Paul Hollywood negotiating a deal with C4 to present the new Great British Bake Off show.
It states that he presently earns about £500,000 a year from the BBC…….what?
Half a million pounds a year to taste some bread? And the BBC say every penny is carefully spent?
Tastes bread, and is actually on air for how long ? a 60 minute programme, and he appears in shot for roughly 10 minutes in total ? I’ve always thought him a bit of a shyster who would sell his mother to the highest bidder. He had his own mini series on the Beeb a couple of years ago, but clearly didn’t cut the ratings, so my money is on him joining Ch4.
White British human reproduction in the UK? We hear this morning on BBC R4 ‘Today’ that year on year, IVF treatment is becoming more scarce on the NHS. Yet, there is now a growing number of NHS and private clinics around the country that are dealing with FGM. Less white breeding and more breeding, predominantly, from the Cult of Submission (as if they Islamist’s didn’t breed enough anyway). Draw your own conclusions.
How many prosecutions for FGM ?
Odd how selective and misogynist the PC Islamophiles can be, is it not?
Breakfast and it’s business as usual with reports of riots in Charlotte. BBc reports on a black killed by police are somewhat thin as usual. An American site I viewed tells me the person shot was in a school zone, brandished a weapon, refused to put it down when instructed before being shot by a black Police officer.
Then just for a change another lecture that we are still eating too much sugar. Naga shames us all by producing her porridge container from under the desk.
Oh dear, oh dear, again. The ONS states no downturn in the economy and the OECD have revised upwards its growth forecast. “But we don’t know what might happen in the future”, Says the Today presenter. Well, I’m tempted to say in reply, “No shit Sherlock – no one knows what’ll happen in the future.”
Something odd going on in the ‘Assembly’
Rumour has it the Welsh Assembly have voted for a ‘hard brexit’!
Pliad Cymru are very upset.So are Al Beeb .
Wales lead the way! Cymru Am Byth .
If the rumour is true, well done the Taffs. You are keeping the rest of the UK on the straight and narrow.
Al Beeb slow reporting ?
Perhaps the will pick it up here ?
Due to the way Labour have voted, David Davis’ hard Brexit policy has now been adopted by the Welsh Government. This is a dark day for Wales as the National Assembly becomes the first parliament in these islands to vote in favour of a hard Brexit, and to yield any possible leverage in securing the best deal for Wales, thanks to Labour joining forces with the Tories.
Oh dear, once more. R4 Today – Re. Ghandi statue and a Zulu voicing his complaint that Ghandi was racist towards the Zulu and native Africans.
I am truly lost for words – this messes with whole notion that only whites can be racist. I may need counselling!
1879 ……” Sir , The sentries report Zulus to the south-west. Thousands of them.”
Very brave people .
1879 ….. “Why us Sarge’, why us ?” “Because were ‘ere lad, because were ‘ere.” Great philosophy and one the Remainiacs might do well to adopt !
Tonight 9pm BBC2 Brexit: A Very British Coup?
Do we need more navel gazing at the past when BBC didn’t report selected things ?
Can’t we just get on with Getting Out ?
“Bakeoff : Mary Berry is not going to Channel 4” BBC Woman’s Hour
Which is now banging on about the Labour party and leadership election now
admittedly saying women don’t get big jobs in the Labour Party.
oh ..had a sneer at Boris
Being Channel Four, they probably don’t want Berry ‘too British’ odds on Nayida will be their new presenter…
Oh God Geoff, I hadn’t thought of that but I now have a strong suspicion you may be right.
Slightly off topic but worthy of the BBC and quite possibly made by a production company the BBC use.
Last night got around to watching the new Channel Four drama ‘National Treasure’ based on the Yewtree investigations with Robbie Coltrane playing the Freedie Starr role. I lasted about 20 minutes:
Patronising arresting policewoman = Black, Coltrane’s solicitor = Black and Coltrane’s grand kids mixed race with his druggy daughter unable to look after them, the kids being looked after by their father…
The obvious subliminal message from this is Black = good, white= bad, I guess its only a matter of time before we find out Julie Walter’s character has some unpleasant skeletons in her cupboard, but I won’t be watching…
Sounds like a box ticking frenzy Geoff, just the other day there was a BBC article from
Arieta Tegeilolo Talanoa Tora Rika in which she gushes,
” I can’t tell you how excited I am to see this movie. Seeing faces that look like mine, telling a story that relates to me. I just don’t have the words.”
Quite, if only.
There are around 350,000 people in my county, yet I have never heard our local Scunthorpe accent on UK TV.
(Kevin Doyle , Sheriden Smith and Liz Smith are from the area) Liz Smith has never been back since she left and you don’t hear any of them use a local accent on TV.
You see someone from every borough of London on TV every day.
Geoff, To receive funding for film projects from the National Lottery via the British Film Institute, film makers have to meet the following criteria:-
(capitals theirs not mine)
The areas of under-representation covered
are disability, gender, race, age and sexual
orientation as they pertain to the Equality
Act 2010. The Standards also seek to
ensure that people from lower socioeconomic
groups are better represented.
At a minimum, applicants are expected
to meet the criteria of at least two of the
four BFI Diversity Standards. Projects
satisfying the criteria of at least three
of the Standards will be awarded the
Screen Diversity mark of good practice
Thank you for posting.
Now the BBC music news on R2 going heavy on the fact that Bono thinks that we’re all doomed if Trump wins, like it’s a relevant thing. lol
You too! (Sorry, I’ll get me coat!)
I can remember in 2008 u2 delaying there album until early 2009. Then we found out that they were going to be performing at barrys inaugeration ceremony where they had an audience of millions and where Bonio could pontificate to his hearts desire. This was followed by the BBC u2 day which was one long advert fro u2 and the new album. It was only when i heard the album that i realised why they delayed, it was the weakest of their careers and they knew it too.
Bono popping up all over the place must mean theres an album on the way.
You may not find this on the BBC but the Sun reports on a poll by the respected Professor John Curtice on a series of Brexit issues. One finding is that 79 per cent of respondents want free movement of people to end when Britain leaves the EU. This will exasperate and also confound the prejudices of the left- liberal ‘progressives’ at the BBC. Marr was trying to tell us on Sunday that liberalism ( he meant left liberalism) was dead. This diagnosis certainly isn’t true of the elite who largely still govern us and our institutions even if its increasingly true of ordinary voters.
The BBC groupthink was very evident a couple of nights ago when Evan Davies confronted the Hungarian Foreign Minister in a live newsnight interview. The Hungarian government think that parts of Britain are no- go areas. I would agree with the Hungarian view but not for the same reasons. Trendy progressives may deny the existence of no- go areas but it depends how you define them. We don’t yet have walls like Belfast did but the definition of a no- go area is more subtle than that. On my definition, a no- go area is where the indigenous culture has been overtaken by an immigrant one. This can range from how people dress to the type of food sold to whether alien legal systems are applied and whether the police feel restrained from being as active as they would be in areas that are culturally British. One also might add to the list the existence of political gerrymandering at elections and corruption in distributing public money, all typical of certain non-British cultures.
On this definition we do have no-go areas. If some on here live in Luton, parts of London, Bradford or inner Birmingham I’d be interested to see if they feel welcome in every part of their urban areas .
The vigilantes and street barriers may come later but if we do nothing to halt mass immigration AND oblige integration of existing alien cultures then come they surely will. Needless to say those areas dominated by the RoP are the worst.
I’d go further EE. I expect that 79% of respondents if polled today would want free movement to end right now and not wait two years.
We certainly have ghettos. There are plenty of areas in northern towns and cities that are unsafe , particularly if you are white. The idiots in the BBC should take an unescorted trip in them and see how much we have been enriched. But being fully paid up members of the liberal elite they will probably blames themselves and the west in general, when they giving a good beating and robbed and worse if they are female.
The scene: A hotel balcony overlooking a square north of Wattford.
Ian: “Emily, be a love… pop down and do a quick OB amongst the locals in the street”
Emily: “Sod you, Ian!”
Ian: “Oh… Ok. How about you Evan? Er… Evan…?”
And if the condition of some white folks, especially the children, in our inner cities, was plastered all over the media (Lyse Doucette reporting) there would be calls to rescue them – wouldn’t there? Nah, maybe not – no glory there!
Link to that Sun story : The 79% bit is halfway down the page
Now that the referendum is in the dim and distant past, and the bBBC can’t influence it’s outcome (just relentlessly bang on about how the outcome was wrong), the migrant propaganda is ramping up to full steam again. Each day we are subject to sob stories about so called children in Calais (they are never younger than 12, which means they are probably older than 16), and heart-rending tales of boatfulls of migrants trying to cross the sea or more accurately get far enough out to be picked up by european vessels and taken to safety (ie Europe). Radio 2 news had an article on this earlier so I checked on the website to see if it was a ‘breaking news’. Nothing there. So are they developing an old story for maximum effect? In addition to this, yesterday’s boat disaster was off Egypt, a country where our citizens were holidaying, not long ago. Apparently they want jobs…in Italy ffs!
I say this has to stop! Mrs May do something about it. They are not refugees desperate for safety. Why can’t they fine the country of departure? And take them back.
Luckily, it’s Facebook to the rescue.
No not Mark and bride’s $3b commitment to solve all ills using way less than the BBC annual budget, but rather the real top story the day, where a tousle haired American moppet has written to Barry to say he’d welcome a dusty moppet from Syria who appeared in a recent Aleppowood production.
This may just knock anything else off the list of things the greatest President ever has presided over on his watch, as top news.
Today “Dozens drown as boat with up to 450 migrants capsizes off Egypt”
trying to get from Egypt where German tourists still go on holiday Italy
So that is Jo Cox and crew causing more deaths by failing to stop the pull factor and give the message that genuine refugees should use proper channel.
I mentioned before that BBC Trending celebrated the first anniversary of the death of the 3 year old Syrian boy on the beach after crossing from the safety of Turkey “the photo that changed the world” (for those that don’t realise 3 year olds have painful deaths every day in some parts of the world)
They quote his aunt saying “We I like to think his death has led to the saving of many lives”
but even those BBC SJW activists were then forced to admit ..well in the year he died 4,500 migrants died..and this year it’s been 5,500
last night : R5 Up All Night talking about of this new popular route said in the last year 330,000 crossed the Mediterranean into the EU during this last year so that is 1 in 60 die at that stage (wonder if drownings are under-reported)
Re : Brexit the EU threaten UK nationals with visas access to Mediterranean beaches
..Yet now the EU are unable to stop 330,000/year paperless North Africans crossing to those same beaches.
..How ridiculous is that ?
If you believed you could abandon your country, turn up in another country, be given housing, cash, and all the necessities for FREE and have organisations wetting themselves to look out for your interests over and above those of the indigenous population ………..
You can’t blame them – you can blame those who promote that belief and strive to make it reality.
Another BBC ‘star’ arrested
Maybe he can get Ch4 to post bail? Jon Snow is surely good for it?
BBC is reporting it, he mentioned it in his autobiography
Guess you can punch someone in self defence, but you can’t leave them to die and not report it immediately..Last time a BBC star wrote he killed someone (a friend dying of AIDS) he got off eventually thru lack of evidence it wasn’t fiction.
Radio 5 live has a view on the Great British Bake Off!
Apparently it was wrong of Channel 4 to outbid the BBC. For some reason, that the presenter, Emma Barnett, couldn’t quite pin down, it was wholly immoral and would make everyone very cross indeed. She scrabbled around, tilting at windmills, until she suggested CH4 used tax payer’s money – thankfully, someone put her right. You’d think she would have done at least a little research before doing the item.
However, she insisted many people would agree with her, that it is wonderful that Mary Berry is honourable in staying with the BBC.
Things Emma might like to know:
The Ch4 bid was apparently only £10 million more than that of the BBC. So please don’t be all high and mighty about the sums on offer.
Mary Beard may have a BBC contract that would be difficult to break (and I don’t know), or the BBC may have offered her a considerable sum of money in order to sabotage the CH 4 hijacking (again I don’t know). Emma may well be a saint as Emma insists, but Emma simply doesn’t know the facts.
CH4 is using money it has to generate through advertising whereas the BBC pay for Emma’s wages and the Bake Off series by sticking its hand deeper into tax payer’s pockets. If Ch4 get it wrong, then they lose money. If the BBC gets it wrong then the taxpayer loses money.
Emma is deluded. Light Ent Programs survive after important stars move on. She only has to listen to Just a Minute, after losing the much loved Kenneth Williams, I’m Sorry I haven’t a Clue, after losing the wonderful Humph or watch Have I got News for You after losing the drug taking, shag anything Angus Dayton.
More importantly what other channel, other than the BBC, could run endless spoilers on its news channels in order to seek to damage a program on a rival channel?
It is wrong on all levels.
The basic point is that the public will get basically the same Bake-Off
and the BBC will be left the staff time and cash to do something that would not be done in the private sector.
The adverts ? The prog basically is jammed with adverts as it is ..promos for spin off progs and virtue signalling slots. It is a prog where advert slots might help with the drama, and give audience time to make a cup of tea.
(and the BBC has been earning cash from overseas franchise editions which are aired with adverts)
Anyway 5Live shouldn’t be running it as news .There should be no celebrity or obituary stuff on News Progs..there should be special celebrity shows.
Are you confusing Mary Berry with Mary Beard ????
Nevertheless the shyster Hollywood has followed the money, and on his own, He may bank the money but I think this’ll be the end of him careerwise.
Excellent article in the D/Mail by Christopher Hart on …” ‘bleeding heart luvvies’ who lecture us on migrants while jettin”. This wouldn’t be you ChrisH would it ???
Link to that story
Commenter “She is Lebanese, he is American lecturing the British about migration, take some in a few of your mansions and mind your own business.”
A huge number of people adore celeb’s and hang on their every word – you mean we shouldn’t be impressed by their wondrous words and selfless acts?
As someone said, “it’s like being spoon fed warm diarrhoea.”
“In a shock move by Labour in Wales today, the Welsh National Assembly has become the first political institution in the UK to come out against membership of the European single market post Brexit.”
I cant find anything on Al Beeb about this Brexit news?
Theresa, take note .
How strange, all day long these charming gents, Abdul, Ali, Mohammed, have been staring out at me from msn newsfeed, who clearly deem it a big story, as do sky news, but nary a whisper on beebistan. I wonder why?
‘Bullying’ £113m fraudsters had ‘lavish lifestyle’