Earlier we had George Osborne declare himself the voice of the liberal, mainstream, Remain voting majority, his arithmetic failing him as always…has he not noticed the actual majority, the right-wing mainstream, voted for Brexit?…and now we have Nick Clegg [remember him?] resurfacing to finish off the job he started…there used to be 57 libdem MPs in 2010, now there are 8….he obviously intends to get rid of them as well.
He declares that an ugly bunch of populists, lumping Trump, UKIP and Le Pen’s National Front all together, are the extremes of politics and what we need is the voice of reason and moderation, his voice for instance. Oh wait…he then declares, seemingly completely unaware of what he is saying, that he suddenly became aware that the political system is broken and that it is in desperate need of wholesale change…he therefore then became a radical. Er…an ‘extremist’ then? Someone outside the normal Westminster bubble? Someone like Trump or Farage?
Osborne and Clegg clearly take us all for fools. The only people they fool are themselves. Yet more delusional fantasy from the ‘liberal elite’. Just what do they sniff, snort, smoke or inhale?
The dictionary definition of a ‘Populist’ is: ‘a member or adherent of a political party seeking to represent the interests of ordinary people’. Yet Clegg believes populists to be at the extremes of politics. Clegg is a complete ar$e. Ha ha. What a twonk.
Would that be the Nick Clegg who was paid oooodles of money whilst working in EU HQ? Well yes.
Would that be the Nick Clegg who stated 2015:05:14 that leaving the EU would be unpatriotic? Well Yes. A claim oft since repeated.
Cleggy my lad, patriotism refers to caring about the nation state in which one was born. It also refers to making sacrifices, up to, and including giving ones life so that the state survives.
Nick you are a traitor, it’s that simple. The treason was performed for the thirty pieces of silver. So you are the worst kind of traitor, which is why you will be first to be placed in close proximity to a product of the London Brick Co. or similar productive (you will need to look that up in the OED, Nick) organisation.
Well Mr Clugg welcome to not so mastermind.First question The EU army why did you lie about it not being true when every one in the EU knew it was true.
You never speak out about the many failings Of the EU why is that.Beep,Beep, sorry Mr Clugg you have so many passes and -500 points Thank you and goodbye.
Is this the same Nick Clegg who got absolutely trounced by that well known populist Nigel Farage on a tv debate about the EU last year?
The same debate that the BBC awarded a victory to Clegg only for the public to be wrong by a margin of some 70% plus in favour of Nigel being the better.. radical/populist ?
That odious Farron was on TV last night again, he is being given a lot of airtime despite the fact that he and his party represent virtually no one! Fortunately I had to turn the volume down as my mother rang me.. phew who would have thought a call from your mother is a saviour!
I bet Tommy Robinsons book , Enemy Of The State , outsells Thick Cleggs book , Pretend You Like Democracy , by a huge margin .
I’ll never understand why “populist” is considered a pejorative. As if it’s a bad thing to have policies people actually like. This alone makes the so-called ‘moderate’ voices unfit to serve in politics – they see the will of the public as an anathema to their goals, despite their entire duties as elected members of parliament being to represent and protect the interests of those who voted for them. Modern MPs still think that the public is there to support their ambitions, in fact Heseltine went as far as to say parliament is “sovereign”. Then again, Heseltine is a lord so he’s not even elected by this point, perhaps it’s not surprising that he’d be a bit rusty on how democracy works. Doesn’t excuse the likes of David “let’s end this madness now” (after the referendum had already taken place and gone against him) Lammy.
And what makes it worse is that the media, whose job it is to provide information to the public and to report the stories that the political establishment won’t, is doing the exact opposite and working in tandem with the elite to subvert democracy and keep the paying public in its place. It’s hard to see where this tactic is getting them, seeing as faith in politicians and in the media are at near all-time lows, but they’ve invested so heavily now in the globalist paradigm that they can’t backtrack. Despite calling themselves moderate, they are nothing of the sort – they are completely self-absorbed in a lie if their own perpetuation, with the BBC being the crowning jewel of this delusion as they force an increasingly angered public into subsidising journalism that they know full well isn’t telling the truth. Even many Remainers to their immense credit are saying enough is enough, the public made their intentions clear and it’s time for the BBC and other crybullies to grow up and get over it, they had several years and millions of additional funding to get their point across and failed so it’s not right that they think they can simply sign the result now it’s gone against them. Sadly, however, these are the actual moderates and thus will never actually speak as loudly ad the foaming dogmatists the BBC reports on.
The elite is upset because it underestimated the autonomy and resolve of the public it’s spent decades trying to subdue and subjugate. If they seriously think that throwing hurdles in the way of a Brexit resukt that’s already happened is going to lead to an easier life for them, they are extremely mistaken. Especially when Trump, whose visit to Scotland earlier this year was derided by the intelligentsia but now looks more and more prescient especially given Obama and Clinton’s predictable disdain of even having the referendum, is in the White House.
I remember writing here that the crux of the referendum was not about economics/money. The referendum was, in my view, whether we rule ourselves, or let others rule us.
In retrospect, I forgot the following
If we had remained in the EU, we would have lost
1. Habeus Corpus – A writ of habeas corpus is known as “the great and efficacious writ in all manner of illegal confinement”,[Note 1] being a remedy available to the meanest against the mightiest.
2. Presumption of innocence – Innocent till proven guilty, beyond reasonable doubt.
3. Trial by your peers – jury. A jury trial or trial by jury is a legal proceeding in which a jury either makes a decision or makes findings of fact, which then direct the actions of a judge. It is distinguished from a bench trial, in which a judge or panel of judges makes all decisions.
4. Security of property.
These three fundamental principles, is what makes for a free citizenry, free of the menace of the an over reaching, and over powerful state. The EU definitely is.
These three great principles we bequeathed to America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India, where the people have recourse to a court, against the arbitrary power of the state. All the above nations are grateful for that gift.
And we, in a fit of carelessness, were going to throw it all away.
The EU army would inevitably lead to our forces, sworn to defend the realm of Her majesty, to swear allegiance to defend the EU and its unelected bureaucrats.
Whew! That was a close run thing.
Thanks to the common sense of the Great British electorate Magna Carta didn’t die in vain.
I think the idea is that Democracy is “Populist“, so “Bad“, and Remain voters are a “Minority“, so “Good“. Populism “Bad“, Minorities “Good“.
This anti-populism is reflected in the House of Lords, and also in the House of Commons, in the new “Anti-populist system” shown below:
(1).With 1,454,436 votes, the SNP gets 56 seats.
(2).With 2,415,888 votes, the Libdems get 8 seats.
(3).With 3,881,129 votes, UKIP gets one seat.
And so according to the “BBC/Osborne/Clegg” “Anti-populist system“, the Tories and Labour should have “Zero” seats each.
Richard Pinder
Sniff snort or inhale? Hootie’s Ignorant Oil.
With young Nicky – what you see is what you get – He looks like a earnest, privately educated, privileged, self loathing snowflake – and guess what – That is exactly what he is.
I know coming from the da ghetto of Chalfont St Giles and being privately educated his understanding on what the “little people” need in our squalid lives is so much deeper than mine. But to be perfectly honest he has become a joke like most of his party. To Nick the Brexit referendum obviously means nothing as people did not agree with his viewpoint. Though I am sure if the result had gone the other way he would be trumpeting it and pleading our acceptance of it!
I just wish they these caring, guilty, sanctimonious, self loathing twats would just accept their privledged status in life, and stop trying to destroy the country that I love because they have some deep seated middle class, self loathing guilt about their background. And in addition they want to justify their otherwise rather empty existence which they can only assuage by turning everything upside down.
Sorry Nick my life is rather mundane but I also have some good people around me and I am generally satisfied with life. So why cant you?
They talk about “reaching out” but in reality everything is just a platform for their egos, which are just as out of control as the likes of Trump – but worse because they try to justify their left wing agenda behind a screen of morality.
Still I suppose thats politicians for you.
And Nick (just in case your reading this) I know you really want to be the left wing Churchill – but I am afraid you never will be – However if you carry on working as hard as you are – I think you will make a jolly good Quisling!
This saying will refer perfectly to this desperate multicultural creature-‘There are no perfect men in the world, only perfect intentions’.
I think it’s fairly clear from the above that we all have contempt for Nick Clegg. And we have good reason. For a start he’s not entirely British. Half Dutch. Secondly he’s highly privileged . Wealthy , family homes abroad , public school, never had a job outside politics. Moved effortlessly from aide to an EU commissioner to an MEP, then MP. Fat EU salary then pension .
In short he’s not to be trusted on anything regarding the EU or Britain’s true interests. BBC please remind us of some of this ( no chance !!).