The BBC is so BIASED against Donald Trump and in favour of Hillary Clinton that is now way beyond parody. It virtually ignores the fact that Clinton is either sleeping or fainting and jumps on every possible opportunity to attack Trump. Today it is the skittles comparison of “Syrian” immigrants his son made here. Trump Junior might have added imagine that half the skittles aren’t skittles in the first place and that the ingredients in these skittles are specifically designed to poison you. It was the same over the New York bombing of the past few days – the BBC ignored the zombie like Clinton quality of her response to the bombings and instead portrayed Trump as a an extremist. Clinton used it to reiterate her view Islam is warm and cuddly – a line the BBC likes to run with despite all the evidence – whereas Trump pointed out it proved immigration process does NOT work. Trump can do no RIGHT and Clinton no wrong. I sincerely hope Trump wins so they all have a nervous breakdown.
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What amazes me about all of this is that the BBC is so bloody arrogant it actually thinks that America actually cares about what they think about trump. Its the same as that idiot Calif of Londistan who is currently on some freeby in the states.
If I was Trump I would go out of my way to re-broadcast to America all the BBC inspired shit that they are currently generating about Trump. I suspect of late that America is becoming much more clued up on how the British media seem to have become a mouthpiece for any discredited left wing argument going – and therefore any anti Trump rhetoric is more likely to have the opposite effect intended.
Unless of course (conspiracy theory time) the BBC and Khan both secretly want Trump elected!
Scary version? I doubt that many American citizens know where England is?
Clearly the BBC elites think that America simply loves the jolly old BBC because one or two BBC comedy series were aired nationwide throughout america during the 1960s-70s such as Fawlty Towers, and Steptoe and Son.
I honestly believe that all Americans believe that every UK citizen speaks with a BBC accent! (Don’t think they would like Hugh Edwards as all welsh men sound very effeminate) But that’s just me! I may be wrong!
Typical social media/snowflake rubbish. Trump has no interest in the BBC’s views. Why should he?
He knows his voters – those people in flyover USA who like country music which would give those edgy BBC types the horrors (rap is so much more authentic) and think the stars and stripes stand for something.
These good people -the deplorables of Clintonspeak still possess what we have mostly lost that is an instinctive patriotism that goes far beyond counting up gold medals but rests upon a conviction that they are the guardians of America not the snowflake social media kiddies .Family people who just do not get why the governments are letting them down and have had it with self identifying progressive America.
Would that we had these people here.
I fervently hope that Trump makes it. We need a man like him in the West.
Yes. Great post.
Its the flyover people who make America. Good polite people, good Christians, kind, generous and hospitable. They are the salt of the earth. They are the ones who defend America in wartime, and die in it. The good people who clutch their Bibles and guns ( for hunting and self defence, if necessary).
The NYT and WaPo elites condemn America from the safety of Canada.
I agree, Dave. Don’t be so pessimistic though.
We have similar people here – 17.4 million of ’em!
That’s a good post DS, however there are some amongst those whom you describe who don’t care if Trump wins or not – as they believe that the U.S. will reach its pinch point that more quickly should Hitlary win and Whites will wake up and take their country back.
I sincerely hope Trump wins so they all have a nervous breakdown.
It could be worse. Mental dissonance can lead to a severe brain injury.
TDS – Trump Derangement Syndrome, is far worse then Bush Derangement Syndrome. Both are contagious but TDS is far worse. Symptoms include severe fits of coughing, rolling the head about, unable to balance, walk in a straight line, or talk in a straight manner, get into a car.
Forget what classified means.
Forget about twelve of your thirteen mobile phones.
Forget that “pneumonia” is transmissible.
Forget about “lost” documents in the White House.
Forget about non-existent snipers.
Remember to call in a favour from the Attorney General, and avoid jail.
Remember to call in some favours from the FBI, and avoid jail.
Remember to call in some favours from the CIA, and avoid jail.
Remember to call in some favours from the NSA, and avoid jail.
Remember to have a number of people who know too much die suddenly.
There are sufficient Clinton lies to fill books, which have already been written.
Wikileaks still to come.
Wikileaks is predicting tornados in October, right across the whole USA.
Not long until the Presidential debates. The first one is on 26 Sept. Wait for the Democrats to start accusing Trump of dirty tricks. They really are sh*tting themselves because these events will cause Hillary the sort of stress that usually tips her over the edge. To compound her woes, she knows from previous episodes that she will be under intense scrutiny. All of which means the debates will make for cracking viewing for us. Can’t wait.
I wonder where the loving and supportive Bill is? He seems to be AWOL, right through the “medical episodes”
My local independent radio station said that Trump “seized” on the fact that our NYC bomber was a…well take your pick
a)naturalised Afghan American
b) American citizen of Afghan extraction
…and so many others…well worth counting how many ways he`s been described.
Easier-always easier-to just call him what he is ,,,a MUSLIM.
Well really?
No, Trump “seized” on nothing-bomber was a Muslim-how could you “seize” on that?
This was independent commercial radio…frightening.
Oh hell-Channel 4 news has spent its hour of news on Syrian refugees, disability and the Paralympics not being enough for the disabled.
News?…forty minutes of liberal agitprop charity runs berating Brexit, England and whitey as ever.
Time to bin Channel 4-WE pay for this shit, no adverts do any more….the news has none, who`d pay to be in THAT slot between the tear ducts and lefty sewage pipes?
Just sick of their using dead and dying kids as porn….thought there were rules about what you could show of childrens faces…or is it just foreign kids who the liberal media get to film in their death rattles?
Disgusting-at least Savile never gloated over the dead money shots at the Christmas Day hospital trawl they used to show did he?
Channel 4 won`t even wear festive jumpers before pimping on the dying kids of Aleppo-Noel Edmonds would have.
Utter cadaverous creeps and joyriders using kiddie coffins for a Grammy…bastards.
Channel 4 news was an utter disgrace tonight. It was just an hour of sjw whining presented with a straight face. Syria Syria Syria and Mrs cllooney on her very high moral horse. The last half hour was just one long attack on the minister in the studio by the presenter and the disabled activists some of who were very familiar. It was pitched as a debate but it was just an all out ambush. Where the fuck is the news? Channel 4 news needs a good hard looking at due to crap like this.impartiality does not exist in their world.
The only news channel worth watching now is RT.
Never thought back in the seventies, that I would rely on TV Moscow for real news.
I find myself using more and more regularly. Google’s ‘some items may have been removed by our EU overlords’ statement is a disgrace.
“Just sick of their using dead and dying kids as porn….thought there were rules about what you could show of childrens faces…or is it just foreign kids who the liberal media get to film in their death rattles?”
Chris, there were dead children on the seafront in Nice. Not only didn’t we see their faces, but the UK media wouldn’t even give them names. They had to remain anonymous bundles to make sure that we wouldn’t feel any empathy (personally my emotion was anger). But they were murdered by a muslim terrorist, so different media rules apply
Hard, if not impossible, to make a more telling point than this.
The evil that is the left economically encapsulated.
So when we eliminate them from the gene pool we will have the thanks of our descendants.
Not just murdered, but murdered in an impersonal manner, as if they were non-entities. They were squashed flat under an HGV, by an Allahu Ackbar Mohammedan.
As for the “Australian” Burqini clad Muslima, who was so offended that the French didnt care much for Islam after Nice, traveled all the way from Kuffar Sydney, to show her outrage.
But she didn’t travel to show her outrage of the squashing flat of 80 people by a Mohamedan. No outrage for the hundreds killed by Mohamedans each day.
There will be no peace in the West, as long as Muslims continue to live here. Either they genuinely convert to Christianity, or they must leave.
Islam is at war with us for 1400 years. This was not apparent, as they were confined to Muslim regions. They were thus waging war on unfortunate Christians in Muslim countries. Now that our stunningly stupid politicians have allowed millions to settle in what Muslims regard as Kuffar countries, they have started the war (Jihad), as they are required to by the Koran.
Trump, in the probable event of winning, might do well to consider excluding all BBC journalists from all media events, including WH briefings, presidential visits, and so on. He could give special access to ITV (obviously not Channel 4). I can see no down-side to this: the BBC would just have to buy syndicated reports. Personally, I would find the BBC’s extreme discomfiture highly amusing.
Given Trump’s powerful antipathy to the lefty media he would probably grab the BBC by its collar and the seat of its pants and fling it out the door.
I think he removed the Washington Post’s press credentials to his events.
Raise your goals.
I want to see AlBeeb dead, not suffering.
One thing that any HM government will not tolerate is upsetting the United States. If Trump makes a fuss about the BBC, the BBC will find its charter revoked.
The BBC will moan and complain, but it will be reminded that in the UK, parliament is supreme, and the security of the realm comes first – privately, with menace. And by the by, why is the BBC pissing of the Americans, contrary to HM government policy?
If Trump becomes POTUS., there is going to be lot crawling along 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Enough to create traffic jams.
Go to it Deplorables.
Oh I dont know,might be nice to watch it suffer for a while before noisily expiring…
A brilliant idea. Send it to Team Trump. Tell them how the BBC has been savaging Donald Trump, not just in the UK, but right across the world. I’m sure they will be interested.
The way the entire media has ganged up on Trump is understandable. He is out to upset the gravy train that the Establishment- Wall street, Bankers, Republican and Democrat have been troughing in.
The Trump team is not going to forget this.
A Trump victory is inevitable, but sadly so is Democrat voter fraud.
Al Beeb backed Labour to win the last G E – Labour lost.
Al Beeb backed the Remainers to win the referendum – the the Remainers lost.
Al Beeb backs Clinton to win the US Election – What do you think ?
Their propaganda isn’t working.
I think it’s even more than that.
The more the self-appointed Great & Good lobbied and pushed for Remain, the more people opposed them, because of the relentlessly condescending and sneering attitude of those “elites”.
It’s surely happening again with the US Presidential election, though whether it will be enough to get Trump over the line, I don’t know.
Trade mark propaganda piece from the Islamic Al Beeb. The purpose of this article is to ensure every possible opportunity is fanatically used in the relentless assault of brainwashing, conditioning, and control of the UK public.
The Islamic Al Beebs main reason for this article is to implant/crowbar the feeling of disgust and shame in those who may feel a resistance to Islamic immigration. That anyone beginning to feel uneasy about what is happening to their country is nothing more than a racist Islamaphobe who has everything wrong and is so focused on hatred they are blind to the truth.
Like all the bullshit, lies and traitorous preaching that spews from the Islamic Al Beeb, each article begins with a full on attack on the anything it doesn’t agree with… Basically if anyone thinks differently to the Islamic Al Beeb they are a hate filled bigot…then they add as much utterly biased, unfettered, self serving material and statements as possible from every far left loon, terrorist sympathiser and political Jihadi there is to reinforce the ‘message’…of course throwing in as many pictures of the 0.0001% of children among the rapists and Jihadis to tug at the snowflake heart strings….. Then finishing off the token contempt shown towards the Al Beebs real enemy, white people who think differently to them
And if that wasn’t enough!!!!….a rabbit punch to the kidneys and a few kicks to the head when down on the floor, as the vile, disgusting, disgraceful Traitors at Al Beeb have a headline on their main Web page for a video on…
“Minnesota stabbings: Somali Americans warn of alienation”
WTF!!! Allahu Akbar!!! Death to the infidels!!! You really couldn’t make this shit up… But the psychopaths in Al Beebistan are absolutely drowning in the brown stuff, as they incredibly try and cast f…ing Somalis as the real victims!! Great to see the Al Beeb giving it’s support to the true victims every single time!!
Isn’t ‘alienation’ just a veiled threat?
Veiled? True.
‘Nice little earner’ if you can get it.
On our money too………….
The talent seems to be finding ‘market rates’ others cannot.
Radio 4 at tea time on Monday was a perfect example of their total bias about the US Presidential Election. The item about the arrest of the terrorist amounted to a short vilification of Trump they then played a Party Political Broadcast by Shrillary Clinton with her simplistic Let’s Love Everybody and ignore the fact they keep trying to blow us up. This was immediately followed by a backup Party Political Broadcast by Barack Hussein Obama with the identical lets avoid reality spiel.
More Trump bashing over on BBC News below is quoted from the website
“Republican Donald Trump has seized on the fact Mr Rahami was born in Afghanistan to bolster his tough stance on immigration admissions.
But his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, has accused Mr Trump of enabling the terrorists by playing into their hands.
Mr Rahami is still in hospital, recovering from injuries sustained during the shootout that led to his arrest.”
I wonder if a bunch of flowers and a get well soon card has been sent by all at Al-Beeb to Mr Rahami the “very friendly guy” (a line they are still pushing further up the page in this same article) wishing him a speedy recovery
But his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, has accused Mr Trump of enabling the terrorists by playing into their hands.”
Emperor Misha responds..
There follows the usual litany of “killing terrorists only makes them stronger”, “that what they want us to do!” ad ever-loving nauseam.
Sons of Dis, we’ve had it up to our back teeth with this incredibly ignorant mental vomitus being passed off as “thought.”
If Adolf Hitler had had the same sympathetic press in the U.S. that the muslim barbarian savages have, then we’d still be debating whether to invade or even bomb Nazi Germany at all, since that would obviously be “exactly what Hitler wanted, don’t you see?” Just imagine the hordes of 11-year-olds and crippled octogenarian veterans of the Franco-Prussian War stampeding to pick up a Panzerfaust for the Volkssturm if we as much as disturbed an adorable hair on their blond little Aryan heads!
Read on, its good.
Trump reveals his international support.
Beat this.
Or this
Fox News is a good antidote to anti-Trump BBC/CH4/Sky News UK b*llocks. Of course, they go completely the other way – Trump is given a relatively easy ride and Clinton is duffed-up at every opportunity. But it’s a good respite for those wishing to watch an alternative to the complete cr*p 98% of our liberal progressive msm vomits out day-after-day.
Don’t forget you can watch almost all of Trump’s and Clinton’s rallies live on the internet via YouTube, too – a much better way to see them since they are not constantly interrupted with pointless ‘commentary’ by useless News anchors.
You did not hear this from the BBC! — apparently the Hillary Clinton campaign is even ripping off its own supporters (source may not be the most unbiased, but at least they had the applicable disclosure):
This is a very good article about the Trumpophobia of the MSM in the U.S. by Pat Buchanan.
Ever wonder whether the BBC’s campaign against Trump will have an effect on the US election?
See the campaign to register 8 million US overseas residents which is an anti Trump outfit.
Turned on my car radio about half an hour ago and Ken Bruce was on Radio 2, usually mainly acceptable for the BBC,correct me if I am wrong but he had someone doing ‘Tracks of my Years’I had a look and it seems to have been Michael Kiwanuka, (never heard of him),anyway he was having a right go at how bad Trump would be for the USA,I thought the BBC disc jockeys were supposed to be neutral about politics on air?
I thought Track Of My Years was supposed to be about music important to the ‘guests’ not politics.
Recently I have found Steve Wright to be a little scathing of Trump, more so but what he doesn’t say than what he does. Wright spends a lot of time in the US and had an American wife.
A little sad as Bruce and Wright are all that I can now stand of Radio 2.
“Wright spends a lot of time in the US and had an American wife.”
I wish he would stay there.
The BBC never misses an opportunity to have a dig at Trump.
Strangely it doesn’t seem so aware of Hillary’s past.
For instance, they say that in 2000 Trump supported abortion, yet they portray Hillary as a consistently for black rights
“Hillary Clinton has enjoyed solid support from the black community, which has insulated her from the kind of criminal justice reform protests that have bedevilled other candidates. She’s spoken out against “mass incarceration” and mandatory minimum sentences and said that there is still racial bias in police departments that must be addressed. ”
and they completely ignore her ‘Super predator’ remarks about young blacks, which were made in 1996
They also ignore her flip-flopping on immigration and many other issues. Trump, however, gets a pass on nothing.