Can you imagine the outcry if the people doing as such were Americans,British or even Jewish? The only reason the bBC reports against Saudi Arabia is because it is supported by the West, thus to the ethical latte drinkers they must be evil. The bBC, the so called world class impartial news service which is anything but.
Russia/Assad is bombing Aid Convoys. The USA is bombing the Assad troops. The cease fire is well and truly over and the rhetoric is getting more and more violent and dangerous in the U.N.
Putin brings out his aircraft carrier, his fighter planes and shows a face of steel to his enemy. But Presidente Hussain is on the campaign trail trying to put life into that sick old granny who want to be POTUS, even though she is still married to a dirty old pervert. Presidente Hussain has also declared at the U.N. that “Trump’s candidacy is a threat to American democracy”.
Does anyone else wonder where Presidente Hussain keeps his brains?
According to a well-known expression, Rome’s emperor at the time, the decadent and unpopular Nero, “fiddled while Rome burned.” The expression has a double meaning: Not only did Nero play music while his people suffered, but he was an ineffectual leader in a time of crisis. Hmm….
The list of countries in flames since Nero, sorry Presidente Hussain, took office is just getting longer and it really does seem that Russia and the USA are next. Perhaps China and North Korea will join in for added fun? And, just to keep it interesting, there are an increasing number of riots on the streets of the USA between blacks and law enforcement as Presidente Hussain has encouraged a war between blacks and whites. Just because the spoiled idiot cannot get over an old chip on his shoulder as big as a redwood pine.
So, his ‘Hope and Change’ baloney has not worked out too well has it? But does anyone see a hint of contrition? A moments reflection on the almighty disaster that the world has become during his, Presidente Hussain’s, control, or lack of it?
Is the world’s media asking him, WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?
Well not that I can see.
And the top of the BBC Homepage is….. wait for it…… The Great British Bake Off. They really do know how to get their priorities right.
Obama is the poster boy of the BBC though. As far as hope and change, I think he’s achieved that. Many now Hope that Trump is voted in as next president so that there might actually be some change.
Anyone see those videos the other night which caught some of Putin’s agents cheating in plain sight of the cameras – clearly they weren’t bright enough to think about looking up – dropping heaps of ballot papers into those “secure” ballot boxes!? And the way they had a group of women obstruct the view from anyone in the room while dropping those corrupt papers in the boxes! In fact, Putin gave them the idea (hiding behind someone else) by how he drops his barrel bombs directly into the bedrooms of those poor sleeping syrian children!
Paul Gascoigne saying he couldn’t see a black man in the dark (apparently the police are allowed to recommend that people wear bright clothes when walking/cycling after dark, but this remark was beyond the pale) is unequivocally racist because he’s a white male and therefore scum of the earth in BBC land.
However Gandhi, being brown gets referred to as “‘racist'”, with scare quotes, because obviously only white people can really be racist, and Gandhi is obviously a hero because he overthrew nasty white people in order that brown people could racially and religiously persecute each other without that wicked imperialist yoke.
It is another of life’s many little ironies that the Indians and Chinese are deeply, fundamentally, ‘racist’, regarding African negroes as sub-human in a way that the British, with a more patronizing and yet currently despised attitude towards them, never did, even at the height of the Empire’s sway. You mustn’t say so, of course, because that would be racist.
For the BBC Fatty Mardell investigates the Alt Right. Guess what? They are all WAAYCISTS.
Here is a suggestion. The alt right are putting stuff on You Tube and generally avoiding the MSM. Judge for yourseleves whether the tedious and over used charge of racism by the BBC and the left is relevant.
‘Donald Trump’s whole campaign depends on publicly provoking outrage – and profiting in the polls as a result.
But behind him, supporting him, is another force that is far darker: the Alt Right.
What they believe is standard fare for the hard right in America – it is their style that is so startling.
They are anti-feminist, anti-Islam, anti-immigration, and anti what they would call “political correctness”.
But above all, they reject an economic definition of conservatism, in favour of one based on culture and race.
They run the gamut from those who claim to be defending the rights of white Europeans to promote their values, to out-and-out Nazis.’
As my post above says, Mr Trump gives hope to the disenfranchised Americans of whom there are many.
It all depends on your point of view doesn’t it?
The BBC party line is just so predictable, to the point where they have to twist headlines to fit the agenda, it is no longer of any note whatsoever.
Anybody who follows just the BBC for news brings to mind “there are none so blind……”
‘BBC News, our way or the highway, open minds unwelcome.’
I would have the Alt-right every second of the day over anti-white, Anti-British, anti-democatic, anti-Semitic, pro-division, pro-terrorist, pro-mass rape of innocent children, pro submitting the entire world to a death cult, bigots like that fat f#(k Lardell!!
Mardell is either seriously delusional about Obama and Clinton’s popularity (they’re despised nationwide despite the media’s attempts to portray otherwise) or he knows he and his employers have backed the wrong horse but is too invested in the establishment narrative to backtrack.
Yep confirmed by the seg today on Thursday’s PM : 2 interesting things
We know that 50% of Trump supporters are racists and the other 50% are white supremacists
our BBC journos Franz Strasser and Aleem Maqbool tweeted
#BBCElectionTrain Day 4 for @BBCr4today: Whitefish, Montana. Meeting a white supremacist, energised by Donald Trump Audio clip page
#BBCElectionTrain Day 4, Whitefish, Montana: where we found many appalled by the views of the white supremacist in their midst
Fourth stop on #BBCElectionTrain and we met with white supremacist and residents of town at odds with his message BBC Video
#1 Today’s radio seg featured about 15 people, saying “Trump is a racist”, “Trump is a racist”..and an interview with every white supremacist the BBC guy could find. Thus allowing the BBC commentator to say “with all this racism Trump is bringing”
#2 Maybe cos yesterday I pointed out their page looks like “BBC for Hillary 2016 Homepage”, they have not added those clips to the page today
Yep, loved that piece from Whitefish Montana this morning on Today.
Loved the fact that it was trailed as some BBC freeloader taking a freebie across the USA to “hear what ordinary people think of the current election campaign”.
Oh-blow me-first one that he meets is a “WHITE SUPREMACIST”?
But what else-outside of the Washington Post New York Times and Hollywood-well aren`t they ALL white supremacists?
Well done BBC…imagine tomorrows “ordinary person” that they find will either be the explosives expert who blew up the WTC in 2001-or Bill Gates spats manufacturer for his Valentines Day tribute act.
I heard that concocted piece of race baiting from Whitefish.
I may be wrong, but I would have thought that white supremacists in that part of the USA would be about as commonplace as unicyclists on the freeway. Nevertheless, our intrepid beeboid reporter managed to find one and interview him. Job done. Back to the hive.
I listened to this evening’s PM and thought the coverage on Trump was particularly biased. The repeated questioning of the Trump supporter asking “aren’t you embarrassed by the fact that Trump has support from racists and bigots?” was blatant. I was expecting him to ask “when did you stop beating your wife?” next.
C4 News 7.20pm just aired Black pastor contradicting the normal narrative.
Pastor Mark Burns of Carolina*
‘Come the#USElection the country will be shocked at how many Black Americans voted for Trump’
“I know what the real face of racism is and it’s not Donald Trump”
Remember the BBC’s useless 2015 election polls the researchers phoned people and said “Oh you are not going to vote for the nasty Conservative Party are you ?” “No, of course no I’m voting Labour”
*They have dirt on him ..He falsified his CV apparently CNN
On Twitter Hillary’s hater-spreaders are shouting “How dare this black guy support Trump?” “(people like him) They don’t deserve a vote”
..em isn’t that a bit racist ?
Aren’t those BBC journos who smear Trump , the ones who are really spreading hate ?
“Aren’t those BBC journos who smear Trump , the ones who are really spreading hate ?” ….. Yes!
They Al Beeb hate Trump, hate Sir Farage, hate Britain, hate Britains magical and truly unique history. They hate conservative people. They hate non-whites who realise that the world doesnt owe you shit and you have to go out and earn everything you get. They hate white people. They hate you, me and everyone else who has the intolerance to the lies and the deceit. Those who have the courage to stand up for what they love and those who try and stop the damage the traitorous vermin on the left or doing to our beautiful Country…..
Channel 4 news and frei in particular tonight was gutter journalism at its worst. Jonathan ruggman interviewd boris and he was spitting venom asking the questions. The hatred for boris was written all over his face and he kept mentioning war crimes. How about this attitude to corbyn and his lot when you interview them eh johnny boy
Frei interviewed the black pastor but wasn’t interested in any of his answers at they went against his agenda. Frei just wanted to say racist all the time in relation to trump. We then had a piece from florida giving the impression that only white people are voting for trump and they are all racist anyway. Whats the point of all this bullshit and they call themselves world class journos.
This was followed by fatima in a headscarf doing a sjw/activism piece about saudia arabia followed by an interview by snow with the american muslim fencer from the clinton foundation headquarters which was just another hit piece on trump.
Channel 4 news has turned into a political activists nest of vipers and they are not hiding it.
Look at this complete and utter sh*te from our national treasure:
The headline ‘Alan Duncan: Boris Johnson didn’t want Brexit win’ is slightly misleading when you actually read the article. Duncan, the oleaginous little creep, states,”I think there are a lot of Leave people who don’t believe it, and I’ve always thought that Boris’s wish was to lose by one so that he could be the heir apparent without having to have all the… you know, s – h – i – t of clearing up all the mess, that’s always been my view of Boris.”
So there you have it, the unsubstantiated opinion of Duncan is enough to generate yet another Brexit tale of woe. The sixth formers at the BBC really are becoming tedious.
It’s also a classic example of the BBC’s shameless good dog/bad dog reporting whereby a public figure can switch between a hero and a villain depending on how closely he follows the BBC’s line on the issue d’jour.
Alan ‘Rations’ Duncan is the closest thing Westminster has to a real life Alan B’Stard, but now he’s taking the same line as the BBC, he’s getting the Strange New Respect treatment.
BBC reports on the killing of blacks by the US cops.
‘North Carolina’s governor has declared a state of emergency in the city of Charlotte, after violence erupted during a second night of protests over the police killing of a black man.’
BBC acknowledge that the cop who shot Scott was black but generally seek to consolidate the cops are killing blacks narrative
According to his family (so say the BBC), the black man was sat in his car reading (?) – er, many many questions spring to mind there, but it would not be race appropriate for me to mention them.
This is a good article about the situation in Charlotte and the U.S. more generally.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Black Insurrection in Charlotte Further Proof the Members of the American Colonization Society Were Onto Something…
Black cop shoots black male reading a book (pointing a gun at him).
Black people riot.
Somehow, white people are to blame.
Legacy of slavery, systemic racism, a devaluing of black bodies or something of this nature.
All of this on the same day Hillary Clinton goes on a black radio show to denounce white police, white people, and all white institutions in America as irredeemable (again, Mrs. Clinton, that’s a word we’ve been using around here for quite sometime…).
Obviously, the fact the black father of seven wasn’t armed with a book, but was instead armed with a gun (which he pointed at a police officer) is further proof of the incurable racism of white people since it was – logically – a society overwhelmed with ‘implicit bias’ ultimately denying our latest black-person-killed-by-the-racist-police-turned-flavor-of-the-Black-Lives-Matter-Moment the right to have a book on his person at the time he was callously and coldly murdered.
Black people are the greatest liability in our nation, not some vast, rich, untapped asset. Laws once held in check black dysfunction, but with the civil rights victories of the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, black individuals were liberated from being held accountable for their actions, because our leaders (both in private and public sectors) were fearful of collective retaliation of blacks.
The state is now firmly on the side of protecting black individuals from being held responsible for their actions, even as – collectively – black people pull down the very foundations of the civilization white people long ago established on the North American continent brick by brick.
Ferguson, Baltimore, Dallas, Milwaukee, Baton Rouge, and Charlotte: cities where black leaders/black clergy united with the media and the Obama Administrations have united on behalf of black criminals against the civilization white people long ago establish and white cops still foolishly believe they can still maintain some degree of law and order.
There can be no law and order when our elected/appointed leaders believe the ultimate crime in 2016 America is daring to arrest a black person, who by virtue of being black is somehow excused from moral agency… because of ‘implicit bias’ or some other buzz word Hillary Clinton can remember to say.
The Beeb must have a whole perfectly formed and inclusive department of intern newshounds to spin the effects of black/black, Muslim/Muslim japes and the demon of positive economic news post 23/6.
Possible staffed by an infinite amount of monkeys, for balance.
Have you noticed that the disHon.Ms Abbott closes her eyes when she is making a point/lying. I’m surprised she’s not constantly bumping into things and damaging them, severely.
“In a shock move by Labour in Wales today, the Welsh National Assembly has become the first political institution in the UK to come out against membership of the European single market post Brexit.”
I cant find anything on Al Beeb about this Brexit news?
Theresa, take note .
During a long drive home yesterday I dipped in and out of Radio 4 even though, right at the start of the journey, somehow I knew it wouldn’t be an edifying experience.
You and Yours had a heart rending piece about the difficulty prospective tenants had in finding accommodation in places like London and that bidding wars were now commonplace. An obviously foreign sounding couple related their experience in being outdid on two flats. Now I know the principle of supply and demand is difficult for lefties like the BBC to grasp which might explain why they found this whole situation so perplexing. They really can’t, or refuse, to see the answer staring them in the face.
Much of yesterday’s offerings involved the BBC reporting on its favourite subject, itself. The media show was all about the new charter and Bake Off. PM was deliberately avoided, always a good move.
Mark Steel’s in Town was full of the usual lefty signalling but still mildly amusing. I did notice when Mark Steel told us how the Sikhs and Muslims fed the starving of Hebdon Bridge during recent flooding he mentioned something very specific; the Muslims were of the Ahmadiyya variety. Anyone with any knowledge of religion will be unsurprised by Sikhs and Ahmadiyya Muslims offering such charity but I wonder if Steel actually realised the distinction he made within Islam.
Unreliable Evidence was the diamond sticking out of the turd but even this managed a discussion of meeting the needs of trans-gender prisoners.
Four Thought closed with the unfunny Ayesha Hazarika giving a masterclass in left-wing comedy containing a full-house of lefty buzz-word bingo topics.
There was more. One day I will conduct a proper analysis of the schedule and list the messages being pushed throughout its schedule by the BBC.
Be strong people, be strong.
If the BBC came along now demanding money, in order to propagate their view of the world, there would be riots as with the Poll Tax. That we, well most of us, meekly pay up leaves a very bitter taste.
Re the you and yours and the letting of properties in London which I heard a little of. My son has just let a room he had vacant for 3 months. The poor snowflakes often couldn’t be bothered to look up on a map to find which part of London he is in until the day they wanted to view; they would then decide the leafy suburb didn’t suit, or that 10 minute walk was too far from the tube station, more often than not they just didn’t turn up. I am not therefore very sympathetic to The London Housing Crisis but suspect it is part of the narrative the BBC wanted to portray ie think up a story, find people willing to speak to a mike to support the story, don’t let facts get in the way.
I have an acquaintance who is a farm owner with her husband. Just after the glorious 23rd I inquired as to how she voted. As she is something of a leftist I suspected, correctly, that she was a remainer. It is that they employ many Eastern European folk that is at the root of the decision. Can’t get the locals to do it. I moved to wages and asked if they paid well? Not really, minimum wage for hard work. Then, says I, if you paid a better wage do you think it would help to encourage local people to work for you? Yes, I’m sure it would but we’re not doing that because we don’t have to, says she.
And there lies a huge problem that the BBC pretty much ignored altogether or glossed over.
I am more than happy to pay more for my food if the workers are properly paid. I see no problem with that at all.
So if I see my, seemingly, ex friend again I’ll ask if there’s been a change of heart. Somehow, I doubt it. Range Rovers don’t come cheap after all.
Says it all. The left cares more about what men say about women, than they do about what women actually do to men. That is, of course, unless the man in question is a Muslim in which case the left immediately contradicts its tiresome “women are always the victim” position and calls the woman a liar, as the Guardian’s American arm did this week when a woman spoke out about sexual assault she suffered from Muslim immigrants which was dismissed as racist fabrication.
Liberalism is like an endless game of rock/paper/scissors where they are constantly in a battle over who they hate the most. Naturally white straight men are bottom of the dirt, but if Milo Yianappolis, a gay man, speaks out against Islam he’s suddenly”privileged.” Similarly Jennifer Lawrence is a victim of male oppression for having her nufe photos leaked, but when it’s a black man or woman calling her stupid white trash this information is ignored. The goal in all of this is not progress, it’s to maintain a segregated and injusticed society so that the left can keep having something to complain about. It is all about them, not you.
Been a bit busy recently, but looked at BBC website today and the main headline was Mary Berry and Bakeoff. Sums up the sheer trivia of the BBC. Pathetic.
BBC World Service yesterday – an award winning African Journalist criticising the BBC for constantly featuring negative stories and talking down Africa. Surely she was mistaken, racist, in the pay of Trump or some distant relation of Farage ?
I get the impression the Charlotte riots are not receiving quite the exhaustive home page coverage other such riots have received in the past. Anything to do with the fact that it was, embarrassingly, a black-on-black shooting as opposed to what really gets the beeb salivating, white-on-black? I merely ask.
Should BLM find themselves at a loose end I was made aware of some pretty horrific statistics recently regarding New York City abortion rates.
“in 2013 black women accounted for 29,007 terminated pregnancies, representing almost 42 percent of all abortions in the city. That same year, black women in the city gave birth to 24,108 babies.”
And the previous year,
“African American women in the city had 24,758 births and underwent 31,328 abortions.” Both years saw more African American children aborted in NYC than were born, nothing less than industrial blood sacrifice at that scale.
The subject is emotive and complex, but by any measure those statistics are disturbing, and possibly more deserving of people demonstrating in the street than the reasons they currently profess.
MI6 is getting bigger, 40% bigger.
The article states,’The spy agency argues the planned boost – from 2,500 staff to a little under 3,500 – has been made necessary by the development of the internet and technology.’
Yep, that’ll be the reason.
Too many people tweeting about immigration, asylum seekers, complaining about ropers doing what ropers do to young girls. Got to monitor them in order to uphold community cohesion. In defence of the realm of course.
This mental health epidemic has now infiltrated Yuni’s, as statistics show that a third of students are lonely, depressed and suffer panic attacks. FFS ! huh ! its all coming home to roost now, parents who have mollycoddled their offspring and wrapped them in cotton wool since infant school, have produced a generation who cant fend for themselves when the reins are off. Its about time they all bloody well ‘manned up’ and realise the world doesn’t revolve around them and their ‘feelings’. The media doesn’t help in continually publicising these non-issues. Every young generation has ‘issues’ to deal with, but in the past we just got on with it, not whinge and whine to tv interviewers about feeling suicidal.
Rant over.
The Vice Chancellor of Oxford was on this mornings Today orifice to plug the news that her Uni was “the best in the world”.
Think Usain Bolt with a mortar board.
But li`l Webb decided that her uni wasn`t doing enough to rescue the crapholes of scholastic misery at Blackbird Leys and Cowley.
“Where`s your schools missy”-was the thrust of wee Webbs questions…and no matter what the VC said-poor Justin Woods didn`t get the notion that Oxfords job is NOT to plug the arseholes of school management…even if Kings or Brum do!
Utter SJW crap-not a clue has Webb, being an Oxbridge privately educated ponce no doubt.
Oh-and won`t Brexit put all this radiant brilliance at risk my poppet?…she rather thought that it would.
And THIS passes for an interview as the BBC grapple with Oxbridge…no wonder we`re stuffed.
As for the BBC setting up a “school”-even of of low grade news media analysis?-well stuff that, this is the Oxbridge and Interns garret!
Overlooked as a topic so far for some reason, but tonight’s QT seems potentially entertaining. Jacob Rees-Mogg AND Julia Hartley-Brewer up against the mandatory trio/quartet of remainers – a Lib Dem of no consequence (sorry for the repetition), a Blair Babe and elfin, if oversized, Caroline Lucas saving the planet on our behalf with, perhaps, hints of bondings to come with Jeremy and John?
Set in sunny and affluent Sutton-Coldfield the bus fleet will have been busy ensuring the right balance but perhaps the production team are pinning their hopes on two hyphenates alienating from the outset. For all that, Dimbly might well be overshadowed, and outclassed, of course.
Today news of Greens caught Red Handed
Caroline Lucas published an advert for a press officer
Trouble was the salary was less than the £10/hour which is Green party minimum wage policy
..So they went back and solved that by cutting the hours from 37.5/week to 34.5/week : The Times
Lobster – It was the timing of his reply which made it so devastating.
The only fly in the ointment is that intensely annoying tw@t Piers Morgan barking away at the end of it, giving a further (completely un-needed) demonstration of himself being the totally unfunny @rseh**e that he is.
How the bBC sanitises the ugliness woven into the DNA of Sunni Muslims: Police probe internet messages from religious killer Tanveer Ahmed
The bBC reports on how Intolerant Muslim ‘Tanveer Ahmed’ stabbed Asad Shah to death for simply subscribing to a different branch of Islam has been sending messages to his fans from inside prison. The bBC tried to justify this murder by posting this headline when dick splash got sent down last month: Asad Shah killing: ‘Disrespecting Islam’ murderer jailed A man has been jailed for life after he admitted the religiously-motivated murder of a Glasgow shopkeeper who he claimed had “disrespected” Islam.
Can you imagine the outcry from the left if the police in America excused themselves from shooting dead black people by saying they felt disrespected. But when an Islamic bigot does so, why that’s acceptable and substantiates to the Sunni Muslim population in the UK, that actually Mr Shah was in the wrong.
So what has dick splash been saying which warrents the bBC to knock out an article. Why hes been posting videos onto Social media accounts for his followers to listen to which the bbC tries to make out are harmless. I quote: “It has now emerged that messages, apparently recorded from Ahmed’s phone calls from Barlinnie Prison, have been posted on the video-sharing site. The audio, which appears to be a landline phone call, is presented with a still picture of the killer. The messages, in Urdu, include phrases such as “we should all try to make the world a better place” and “I will sacrifice myself”.
Nothing to write home about there is there, but hang on that isn’t all that dickspalsh said is it bBC, you left out these nice intolerant snippets: “I have the honour of sending him to the hell forever,” (Regards Mr Shah)
““Whoever and wherever is listening my voice must make a resolve to protect the finality of prophethood,” he says. “We will save the Lord’s followers from going down to the hell – will protect their faith.”
“There’s only one punishment for insulters: cut off their heads, cut off their heads, cut off their heads.”
I wonder why the bBC, left out the above comments?
The bBC, the apologists and whitewash merchants for intolerant Islam.
They were probably on their way to Calais where they’ll morph into minors for likul Cawey Mulligan to feel ashamed of being British and virtue signal her compassion. (I’m ashamed she’s British too, so we agree on something.)
She’s now trying to dump them on Eastern Europe, under threat of hefty penalties and sanctions. Which is no doubt making them feel all warm and fuzzy towards her and the European Dictatorship – I mean Union.
The twatter reaction is typical – the sore losers are still calling us idiots, gullible, racists, xenophobic, unintelligent, and every other derogatory name under the sun, and they think that if they push for another referendum they will win next time. Of course, it’s only the sanctimonious lefties doing the mane calling. The intelligent remainers have accepted that they lost, and, now that the forecasted apocalypse and plague of frogs hasn’t descended upon us, a lot of them are now realising that we dodged a bullet in voting to get out. Now, if only May would actually get us fully out, which means no single market, no more EU subs/directives/regulations and NO free movement of parasites.
When you next respond to a remoaner on the web, please take a moment to thank them.
Possibly a strange thought but without them the economy would not have rebounded so strongly from the immediate response.
If the 48% in their despair had stopped shopping at Waitrose, stopped buying new cars, stopped having holidays and all those 1001 things that fuel the economy, we really could have had a recession and Project Fear could have come true, but their selflessness in carrying on regardless has seen us through. So do thank them whenever you have the opportunity.
‘A Very British Coup’ was quite enjoyable, and showed some politicians in their true light. Notably, Michael Heseltine, now a bitter, frustrated and old man, and Alan Duncan, waspish with an unguarded tongue. Considering AD’s views on Boris Johnson (his current boss), surely he can’t survive very long in his present job? Strangely for the BBC, the film did Nigel Farage no harm at all. In fact, he came across extremely well, with some splendid, hitherto unbroadcast incidents. Likewise Gisela Stewart.
The only significant difference between the Heseltine of 25 or so years ago and today is that he’s old – he’s been bitter ever since his backstabbing failed and perceptive people like Alan Clarke pointed out so many of his deficiencies. We should count our blessings, the vanity of his premiership would have been disastrous.
Alan Duncan’s true worth was perfectly illustrated by his final appearance, when ‘looking forward to the fun’ of working with his new boss, Boris, the man he had so disparaged for the previous hour.
I just watched the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to the United Nations on I24 on the internet. I tell you this not as a supporter of Netanyahu, but because you will see or hear next to nothing about it on the BBC.
Netanyahu did his usual “schtick ” before his UN audience without of course the usual suspects there. BUT by god is he an orator, and as a Jewish atheist that is as good as an anachronism you are likely to hear from me!
I reiterate you wont see anything about it from dear Orla or Jeremy on the Israel hating BBC.But for oratory of Churchillian dimensions you wont hear anything like it. Even if you don’t like it!
If there was any remaining doubt that Mark Carney is a clown, this should dispel it:
The man has an obvious gift for predicting the future.
You can’t take anything that comes out of Carney’s mouth seriously. He’s nothing more than a shill for Goldman Sachs & Rothschild. The EU referendum was conclusive proof of that.
Carney could have caused a ‘run on the pound’ with his with his pre-Brexit statements. Al Beeb continue to talk down our economy . They are still looking for a ‘clink in the armour’, something, anything to run it down.
I hope our present PM is taking note . The last one didn’t at his peril.
“Brexit, A Very British Coup” took a bizarre view of the leave campaign. Apparently it was a family affair for the Conservatives, leading to the worst possible disaster: a Tory party leadership.
Oh, yeh. Erm, didn’t it also lead to the Labour party imploding and having a leadership election when it was least able to face one? Not a single mention of the painful debacle within Labour as Corbyn proved to be a disastrous campaigner.
Ah, but that didn’t fit into the childish theme about ‘the Brexit plotters.’ Plotters? Weren’t those remainers promoting FEAR also plotting?
It was a staggeringly simple minded, inept doc, which shed light on little, yet took an hour to do it.
Just had a sobering thought tinged with a little sadness…. That I will never meet or know any of you wonderful people.
It’s been as absolutely pleasure and privilege to have shared my time with you, reading your comments, and learning from the vast amount of knowledge and expertise you guys and gals are blessed with.
Sure I have felt like ramming my head through the concrete floor, but that’s the whole point of this website… Show the world the craziness and disgraceful work of the traitorous BBC………. but how I have laughed at your wit, your cleverness, your creativity! You lot never disappoint in bringing me to tears of anger and laughter!
Just wanted to say thank you. We are all so focused on the bad in the world, I just wanted to say that you guys make this worth every second!
Back to reality now people… Death to the infidels!! Allahu Akbar!!! ?
Here here TTP – I do sometimes wish there was a pub I could frequent with bBBC posters or that there could be an arranged meet up but we all know that can’t happen because I’m sure the panorama budget is very open to a story on us waycist little englanders which they can spin better than my washing machine, with Mr Khan’s thought police on standby to dish out some state approved punishment.
What I like about this site is in a world where I feel that our culture is being stolen from us this is the one place where I feel the British spirit is alive and well. The true British spirit that is… You know the one that built these streets and this society that is deteriorating in front of our eyes… Not the one that was handed to Tom, Dick and Harry, or should I say Mohammad, Amir and Abdul with no questions asked and the consequences of which we are yet to see…
The fact is, if you said that to a lunatic lefty, they would say that our society belongs to everyone and these different cultures and ethnic groups have enriched and benefited this magical little Island……which is true… Until you bring in people from cultures that are hell on earth!! These places are shit-holes for a reason! These people are desperately trying to get out for a reason! These people do not care about our past and what it is about our way of life that has made us so successful… these people do not give a flying about their own countries, why would they care about ours!!
We are dragging our society back to the dark ages…. Back to the hell holes these gimmagrants fled from
well said TTP, I think we all echoe your sentiments. I try to spread the messages seen here by copying and pasting into my facebook feed, so that any of the liberal thinking folk lurking among my contacts may see the plain unvarnished truth, and see it as a counterpoint to the MSM bullshit.
I openly declare the fact it’s not my words, but am unable to attribute the posts to the original names. However, I’m sure of the fact that the original posters would be happy to have their message spread far and wide, and onto the screens of folk who would never dream of visiting bbbc..
Thanks for asking chaps, but I’m not going anywhere! Many a time I have thought about changing race so I can legally enrich Al Beebistan, but I am proud to belong to the greatest most successful group of people on earth!
When the Islamic Al Beeb decide to just report news rather than create it…when they stop misleading and deceiving the public….when they stop forcing a tolerant, peace loving white people to accept responsibility for the world’s problems… When they stop encouraging a death cult to grow and tear apart our society, whilst lying about the true nature of Islam and why it was created….. Then I may think about hanging my boots up! Until that time…..
How a Palestinian/Israeli story would have appeared in the BBC had it reported on the following incident.
On the morning of June 30, a 17-year-old Palestinian Arab Muhammad Taraireh, was killed by an Israeli.
The mother of Muhammad Taraireh, said to the press that her son was a “hero,” a “martyr” who made her very “proud”.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) declared Taraireh a “shahid,” or martyr, the highest honor achievable in Islam.
Your guess is as good as mine as to how the BBC would spin the rest of the story!!…and how much it would leave out.
Despite their incitement to hate and incentive to kill programs, Palestinians remain the perennial “victims du jour” in the minds of the misguided West (BBC) and the corrupt UN. Hallel Ariel and other Israelis, the real victims, are blamed by the BBC for the terrorism visited upon them.
To read the full harrowing story go to
10am R5 Emma Barnett is having another day talking about period pain. (I heard in a trailer)
OK she allowed to try to take Radio 5 from being Radio Bloke …but her prog is on at the same time that Woman’s Hour is on Radio 4
Emma Barnett loves talking about what most people wouldn’t dream of mentioning at a dinner party. Severe period pain, masturbation and childlessness are just a few of the topics the 31-year-old presenter will discuss in her new radio show on Radio 5 Live, where every Friday she wants to smash taboos.
From Radio Times Article
Will she really be talking about masturbation at 10 oclock in the morning ?
…..Emma Barnett loves talking about what most people wouldn’t dream of mentioning at a dinner party. Severe period pain, masturbation and childlessness are just a few of the topics the 31-year-old presenter will discuss in her new radio show on Radio 5 Live, where every Friday she wants to smash taboos. From Radio Times Article ….
I can only imagine that the Editor who even suggests these topics, is the type who loves ‘toilet’ humour – in an infantile manner. “oh what else can we push the boundaries ? ah, masturbation”. Nothing is private anymore.
An ‘implied repression’ value is called for to express this properly.
For our purposes that ratio w:b = 0.1:100
Therefore (w=328×0.1) : (b=178×100)
Meaning 32.8:17800
17800/32.8 = 542.682927
The answer is that is that there is a 543 (rounded up) times higher chance of a riot and further death with added destruction of property than if the ratio was 1:1
The ringleader of the Oxford University ‘Rhodes Must Fall’ campaign has been accused of racism after admitting he wanted to ‘whip’ a fellow student because he was white.
After Question Time last night I started to watch Andrew Neil’s show ‘This Week’. He told a diamond of a story about an interview Diane Abbott did with Nigeria’s Guardian in August of this year. In the interview, she stated that…
“…before I became MP, I worked in the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and I also did some political communication. I have done a lot of media work, particularly for a period of 12 years. I had my political discussion show once a week, which was quite interesting because it was quite popular.”
News headlines 9am Radio 4. “Russian Firefighters killed in Moscow.” Slow news day or maybe it pushes out positive news about the economy ?
eg: CIVITAS being up beat and that 3.8M jobs in the UK are linked to the EU BUT 5.2M Europe jobs are linked to the EU.
One and a half cheers for Jim Naughtie (now there’s a rare sentiment from me!). I caught his report from Charlotte on the Today programme, where he remarked, quietly, in the middle of his piece, that it was an African-American police officer who shot [and killed] the African-American. This is first time I have heard this on the BBC, who were quite content to let us all assume it was a white cop who killed the black guy.
The fact that the police officer was African-American was also mentioned on PM (I think) last night, in a question asking if this made any difference to a black supporter of the protests.
There was a pause before replying that the problem was blue, not white, violence against blacks.
I interpreted it as meaning that in today’s crazy world of identity politics any black police officer is de-facto white.
Labour Party anti-semitism is just a version of jerrymandering.
The Jewish population is much smaller than the Muslim one and we all know that a big dose of anti-semitism is what many in the latter group want to hear. So the Far Left are really just focussing on their core voters.
A 25-year-old man has been charged with terrorism offences.
Mohammed Abdallah is alleged to have possessed a firearm and received £2,000 for the purposes of terrorism, and belonged to a banned organisation.
Police said there “is not believed to be any wider risk” to communities in Greater Manchester.
Buried deep in the ‘regions’ section of the website and if you didn’t know it was there then the chances are that you would never have found it. Question is of course what his intentions were, and that seems a question plod is ever reluctant to reveal in their political correct awareness.
And what exactly does “is not believed to be any wider risk” to communities in Greater Manchester. mean exactly, because to me that sounds like psychobabble for “they’re not all like that” and the community they are concerned about are the brown eyed favourites !
BBC draw attention to a a play covering the the rise of Nazi’s encouraged by Trump and Brexit,
Crap actor wants his publicity by latching on to left propaganda bandwaggon.
Daniel Radcliffe believes that the UK’s Brexit vote, along with the rise of Donald Trump, has made the Far Right “now a legitimate part of political discussion”.
The actor, who in his latest film, Imperium, plays an FBI agent who infiltrates a right-wing extremist bomb plot, says “the vast majority of voters aren’t racist extremists”.
Yet, he continues: “Something’s happened with Brexit and with Trump, people can now hear these views on TV and believe it’s a legitimate way to think about people.”
“When the bomb went off in New York, I was saying to myself ‘please don’t let the perpetrator be black, or Muslim – because then it will be used by Trump’. But we do need to draw attention to the Far Right’s activities.”
Note, most people react to a bomb going off by showing some sympathy for the injured, dead and relatives. Lefties think of their allies.,
“When the bomb went off in New York, I was saying to myself ‘please don’t let the perpetrator be black, or Muslim – because then it will be used by Trump’. But we do need to draw attention to the Far Right’s activities.”
Reality calling Daniel Radcliffe: it was a muslim who set the bomb off because it always is.
The so-called “far right” doesn’t exist, you brain dead waste of space. The existential threat our society faces is the rise of islam, and nothing else. Your film sounds the sort of typical Hollywood masturbatory fantasy in which the wise forces of a liberal government protect us all from evil right wing rednecks. In other words, it is the same garbage ultra left wing Hollywood types have been producing since the 1960s.
I believe Mr Radcliffe is a recovering alcoholic. I would not pay to see his crap film, but I would gladly stand him a few drinks, as he could hardly be more of a tosser drunk than he is sober.
Every single event that could possibly be linked to a far-right theme will be, the left are fanatical about it!!…. Yet how many killings has there been? How many arrested for terrorism? How many arrested before a plot to kill takes place?…. There’s none! Absolutely zero!! So the Islamic Al Beeb and self-hating, self-righteous, traitorous sewer vermin like them have to make up a far-right threat to stay in the argument and stay in control!!….. And people are so stupid they actually still fall for it!!
That might be true, but until people realise just how much Saudi is compromising politicians and senior people through their money then nothing is going to change.
How many people even the ones with minds open to the possibility know that there is an organisation on Goodge street in London funded by Saudi dedicated to the prevention of the integration of Muslims into Western society ?
This stuff isn’t out in the open, but you can find out about what is going on.
Our politicians this week bombed Assads forces in Syria – anyone think this was an accident? Saudi controls far more that people can ever realise until it is pointed out to them.
Youtube have served PJW with an age restriction on his latest video, a helpful tuber has provided this link to bypass the sign in, although you would have to be signed in to see it. So here it is for any who can’t or can’t be bothered to sign in.
World at One had James Naughtie interviewing a ‘liberal humourist’ who, though she isn’t unbiased we are warned, offers a poignant look at the election. Well it was neither poignant nor humorous.
Here is an example, so get hold of those ribs in case they crack: she said that during the election of Obama v McCaine, she said that not to vote was like being asked if you wanted chicken for lunch or faeces with broken glass in it. Yes, she compared the war hero and liberal conservative to faeces and broken glass. Is this an example of the hate crimes the BBC are so concerned about?
Well I guess she is a mindless liberal, she is a woman and she does support Hillary, but surely Radio 4 requires more credentials than those to have its audience listen to an individual?
That disgusting remark shows Trump’s genius. Unlike McCain and the other RINOs, he has realised that there is nothing he can ever do to make the left like him, so he simply winds them up and lets their heads explode. Even better, the public like it too. That’s what I call a win/win.
Listening to it, I thought it was a ‘he’, but you never can tell these days. I look forward to Naughtie broadcasting a similar piece with a Republican supporter of Trump (sarc.).
Just a quick and rather sad note. In the Telegraph today, Terry Jones of Python fame has been diagnosed with a type of dementia. He is 74, same age as my dad was when he started to go downhill with it. It is a vile ailment as I’m sure you all know. I feel sorry for him and his family particularly as I am still looking after my dad eight years on, although two months ago he had to go into a care home to stay and have his life savings and home slowly removed by the council.
Thanks for the giggles Terry, you were my favourite.
For all we say about the Asians, they know the value of family, and look after their elderly.
He savings are not removed by the council, they are being used to pay for his care, because his immediate family have decided they would rather someone else looked after him.
Please tell me why you think, that in the good old BBC socialist dogma, that I should pay for your fathers care?
Much as I sympathise with your fathers plight it’s not anyone elses responsibility.
Search Biased BBC
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The bBC, and its double standards when it comes to reporting the NEWS from the Middle East.
When the bBC reports about Yemen, it has no problem pointing out just who is doing the bombing:
Yemen conflict: Saudi-led air strike ‘kills 19 in Hudaydah’
Or even those who they feel are contributing to the bloodshed:
The list: Who does Britain sell weapons to?
Yet when there is actually use of incendiary weapons (Think White phosphorus) by the bBCs fav arab and Russian dictators, then its all becomes a blur. Here is the bBC news report on the carpet bombing of the besieged city of Aleppo. See if you can sot just who is doing the bombing:
Syria conflict: Warplanes set rebel-held Aleppo ablaze
Can you imagine the outcry if the people doing as such were Americans,British or even Jewish? The only reason the bBC reports against Saudi Arabia is because it is supported by the West, thus to the ethical latte drinkers they must be evil.
The bBC, the so called world class impartial news service which is anything but.
So, Russia and the USA are at war.
Russia/Assad is bombing Aid Convoys. The USA is bombing the Assad troops. The cease fire is well and truly over and the rhetoric is getting more and more violent and dangerous in the U.N.
Putin brings out his aircraft carrier, his fighter planes and shows a face of steel to his enemy. But Presidente Hussain is on the campaign trail trying to put life into that sick old granny who want to be POTUS, even though she is still married to a dirty old pervert. Presidente Hussain has also declared at the U.N. that “Trump’s candidacy is a threat to American democracy”.
Does anyone else wonder where Presidente Hussain keeps his brains?
According to a well-known expression, Rome’s emperor at the time, the decadent and unpopular Nero, “fiddled while Rome burned.” The expression has a double meaning: Not only did Nero play music while his people suffered, but he was an ineffectual leader in a time of crisis. Hmm….
The list of countries in flames since Nero, sorry Presidente Hussain, took office is just getting longer and it really does seem that Russia and the USA are next. Perhaps China and North Korea will join in for added fun? And, just to keep it interesting, there are an increasing number of riots on the streets of the USA between blacks and law enforcement as Presidente Hussain has encouraged a war between blacks and whites. Just because the spoiled idiot cannot get over an old chip on his shoulder as big as a redwood pine.
So, his ‘Hope and Change’ baloney has not worked out too well has it? But does anyone see a hint of contrition? A moments reflection on the almighty disaster that the world has become during his, Presidente Hussain’s, control, or lack of it?
Is the world’s media asking him, WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?
Well not that I can see.
And the top of the BBC Homepage is….. wait for it…… The Great British Bake Off. They really do know how to get their priorities right.
Obama is the poster boy of the BBC though. As far as hope and change, I think he’s achieved that. Many now Hope that Trump is voted in as next president so that there might actually be some change.
Anyone see those videos the other night which caught some of Putin’s agents cheating in plain sight of the cameras – clearly they weren’t bright enough to think about looking up – dropping heaps of ballot papers into those “secure” ballot boxes!? And the way they had a group of women obstruct the view from anyone in the room while dropping those corrupt papers in the boxes! In fact, Putin gave them the idea (hiding behind someone else) by how he drops his barrel bombs directly into the bedrooms of those poor sleeping syrian children!
BBC very conflicted over Gandhi being a racist.
Paul Gascoigne saying he couldn’t see a black man in the dark (apparently the police are allowed to recommend that people wear bright clothes when walking/cycling after dark, but this remark was beyond the pale) is unequivocally racist because he’s a white male and therefore scum of the earth in BBC land.
However Gandhi, being brown gets referred to as “‘racist'”, with scare quotes, because obviously only white people can really be racist, and Gandhi is obviously a hero because he overthrew nasty white people in order that brown people could racially and religiously persecute each other without that wicked imperialist yoke.
This is despite referring to Africans as savages, and criticising the British for thinking the Indians no better than the ‘savages’ of Africa.
It is another of life’s many little ironies that the Indians and Chinese are deeply, fundamentally, ‘racist’, regarding African negroes as sub-human in a way that the British, with a more patronizing and yet currently despised attitude towards them, never did, even at the height of the Empire’s sway. You mustn’t say so, of course, because that would be racist.
For the BBC Fatty Mardell investigates the Alt Right. Guess what? They are all WAAYCISTS.
Here is a suggestion. The alt right are putting stuff on You Tube and generally avoiding the MSM. Judge for yourseleves whether the tedious and over used charge of racism by the BBC and the left is relevant.
‘Donald Trump’s whole campaign depends on publicly provoking outrage – and profiting in the polls as a result.
But behind him, supporting him, is another force that is far darker: the Alt Right.
What they believe is standard fare for the hard right in America – it is their style that is so startling.
They are anti-feminist, anti-Islam, anti-immigration, and anti what they would call “political correctness”.
But above all, they reject an economic definition of conservatism, in favour of one based on culture and race.
They run the gamut from those who claim to be defending the rights of white Europeans to promote their values, to out-and-out Nazis.’
if lardarse mardell hates them,they must be ok
where do I sign up?
As my post above says, Mr Trump gives hope to the disenfranchised Americans of whom there are many.
It all depends on your point of view doesn’t it?
The BBC party line is just so predictable, to the point where they have to twist headlines to fit the agenda, it is no longer of any note whatsoever.
Anybody who follows just the BBC for news brings to mind “there are none so blind……”
‘BBC News, our way or the highway, open minds unwelcome.’
I would have the Alt-right every second of the day over anti-white, Anti-British, anti-democatic, anti-Semitic, pro-division, pro-terrorist, pro-mass rape of innocent children, pro submitting the entire world to a death cult, bigots like that fat f#(k Lardell!!
Mardell is either seriously delusional about Obama and Clinton’s popularity (they’re despised nationwide despite the media’s attempts to portray otherwise) or he knows he and his employers have backed the wrong horse but is too invested in the establishment narrative to backtrack.
Yep confirmed by the seg today on Thursday’s PM : 2 interesting things

We know that 50% of Trump supporters are racists and the other 50% are white supremacists
our BBC journos Franz Strasser and Aleem Maqbool tweeted
#1 Today’s radio seg featured about 15 people, saying “Trump is a racist”, “Trump is a racist”..and an interview with every white supremacist the BBC guy could find. Thus allowing the BBC commentator to say “with all this racism Trump is bringing”
#2 Maybe cos yesterday I pointed out their page looks like “BBC for Hillary 2016 Homepage”, they have not added those clips to the page today
Yep, loved that piece from Whitefish Montana this morning on Today.
Loved the fact that it was trailed as some BBC freeloader taking a freebie across the USA to “hear what ordinary people think of the current election campaign”.
Oh-blow me-first one that he meets is a “WHITE SUPREMACIST”?
But what else-outside of the Washington Post New York Times and Hollywood-well aren`t they ALL white supremacists?
Well done BBC…imagine tomorrows “ordinary person” that they find will either be the explosives expert who blew up the WTC in 2001-or Bill Gates spats manufacturer for his Valentines Day tribute act.
I heard that concocted piece of race baiting from Whitefish.
I may be wrong, but I would have thought that white supremacists in that part of the USA would be about as commonplace as unicyclists on the freeway. Nevertheless, our intrepid beeboid reporter managed to find one and interview him. Job done. Back to the hive.
I listened to this evening’s PM and thought the coverage on Trump was particularly biased. The repeated questioning of the Trump supporter asking “aren’t you embarrassed by the fact that Trump has support from racists and bigots?” was blatant. I was expecting him to ask “when did you stop beating your wife?” next.
Guido has a report yesterday of a Trump Supporter using the N-word right in a Trump Rally
It was the Black boxing promoter Don King
It doesn’t fit the BBC narrative to mention that.
C4 News 7.20pm just aired Black pastor contradicting the normal narrative.
Pastor Mark Burns of Carolina*
Remember the BBC’s useless 2015 election polls the researchers phoned people and said “Oh you are not going to vote for the nasty Conservative Party are you ?” “No, of course no I’m voting Labour”
*They have dirt on him ..He falsified his CV apparently CNN
On Twitter Hillary’s hater-spreaders are shouting “How dare this black guy support Trump?” “(people like him) They don’t deserve a vote”
..em isn’t that a bit racist ?
Aren’t those BBC journos who smear Trump , the ones who are really spreading hate ?
“Aren’t those BBC journos who smear Trump , the ones who are really spreading hate ?” ….. Yes!
They Al Beeb hate Trump, hate Sir Farage, hate Britain, hate Britains magical and truly unique history. They hate conservative people. They hate non-whites who realise that the world doesnt owe you shit and you have to go out and earn everything you get. They hate white people. They hate you, me and everyone else who has the intolerance to the lies and the deceit. Those who have the courage to stand up for what they love and those who try and stop the damage the traitorous vermin on the left or doing to our beautiful Country…..
Great post Stew
Channel 4 news and frei in particular tonight was gutter journalism at its worst. Jonathan ruggman interviewd boris and he was spitting venom asking the questions. The hatred for boris was written all over his face and he kept mentioning war crimes. How about this attitude to corbyn and his lot when you interview them eh johnny boy
Frei interviewed the black pastor but wasn’t interested in any of his answers at they went against his agenda. Frei just wanted to say racist all the time in relation to trump. We then had a piece from florida giving the impression that only white people are voting for trump and they are all racist anyway. Whats the point of all this bullshit and they call themselves world class journos.
This was followed by fatima in a headscarf doing a sjw/activism piece about saudia arabia followed by an interview by snow with the american muslim fencer from the clinton foundation headquarters which was just another hit piece on trump.
Channel 4 news has turned into a political activists nest of vipers and they are not hiding it.
Look at this complete and utter sh*te from our national treasure:
The headline ‘Alan Duncan: Boris Johnson didn’t want Brexit win’ is slightly misleading when you actually read the article. Duncan, the oleaginous little creep, states,”I think there are a lot of Leave people who don’t believe it, and I’ve always thought that Boris’s wish was to lose by one so that he could be the heir apparent without having to have all the… you know, s – h – i – t of clearing up all the mess, that’s always been my view of Boris.”
So there you have it, the unsubstantiated opinion of Duncan is enough to generate yet another Brexit tale of woe. The sixth formers at the BBC really are becoming tedious.
It’s also a classic example of the BBC’s shameless good dog/bad dog reporting whereby a public figure can switch between a hero and a villain depending on how closely he follows the BBC’s line on the issue d’jour.
Alan ‘Rations’ Duncan is the closest thing Westminster has to a real life Alan B’Stard, but now he’s taking the same line as the BBC, he’s getting the Strange New Respect treatment.
BBC reports on the killing of blacks by the US cops.
‘North Carolina’s governor has declared a state of emergency in the city of Charlotte, after violence erupted during a second night of protests over the police killing of a black man.’
BBC acknowledge that the cop who shot Scott was black but generally seek to consolidate the cops are killing blacks narrative
The truth behind Charlotte
According to his family (so say the BBC), the black man was sat in his car reading (?) – er, many many questions spring to mind there, but it would not be race appropriate for me to mention them.
This is a good article about the situation in Charlotte and the U.S. more generally.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Black Insurrection in Charlotte Further Proof the Members of the American Colonization Society Were Onto Something…
Black cop shoots black male reading a book (pointing a gun at him).
Black people riot.
Somehow, white people are to blame.
Legacy of slavery, systemic racism, a devaluing of black bodies or something of this nature.
All of this on the same day Hillary Clinton goes on a black radio show to denounce white police, white people, and all white institutions in America as irredeemable (again, Mrs. Clinton, that’s a word we’ve been using around here for quite sometime…).
Obviously, the fact the black father of seven wasn’t armed with a book, but was instead armed with a gun (which he pointed at a police officer) is further proof of the incurable racism of white people since it was – logically – a society overwhelmed with ‘implicit bias’ ultimately denying our latest black-person-killed-by-the-racist-police-turned-flavor-of-the-Black-Lives-Matter-Moment the right to have a book on his person at the time he was callously and coldly murdered.
Black people are the greatest liability in our nation, not some vast, rich, untapped asset. Laws once held in check black dysfunction, but with the civil rights victories of the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, black individuals were liberated from being held accountable for their actions, because our leaders (both in private and public sectors) were fearful of collective retaliation of blacks.
The state is now firmly on the side of protecting black individuals from being held responsible for their actions, even as – collectively – black people pull down the very foundations of the civilization white people long ago established on the North American continent brick by brick.
Ferguson, Baltimore, Dallas, Milwaukee, Baton Rouge, and Charlotte: cities where black leaders/black clergy united with the media and the Obama Administrations have united on behalf of black criminals against the civilization white people long ago establish and white cops still foolishly believe they can still maintain some degree of law and order.
There can be no law and order when our elected/appointed leaders believe the ultimate crime in 2016 America is daring to arrest a black person, who by virtue of being black is somehow excused from moral agency… because of ‘implicit bias’ or some other buzz word Hillary Clinton can remember to say.
Paul Kersey
The Beeb must have a whole perfectly formed and inclusive department of intern newshounds to spin the effects of black/black, Muslim/Muslim japes and the demon of positive economic news post 23/6.
Possible staffed by an infinite amount of monkeys, for balance.
They get on my tits.
unfortunately for the race hustlers,the film from the helicopter tells a different story
plus he had a rap sheet the length of your arm
The cake sides are lining up. Only a matter of time until Diane weighs in.
Steve Hewlett and Jenny Murray are weighing in on the side of the cakes.
Have you noticed that the disHon.Ms Abbott closes her eyes when she is making a point/lying. I’m surprised she’s not constantly bumping into things and damaging them, severely.
Hopefully she’ll do some lying / point making near the edge of a cliff or railway station platform.
That might cause a seismic event.
“In a shock move by Labour in Wales today, the Welsh National Assembly has become the first political institution in the UK to come out against membership of the European single market post Brexit.”
I cant find anything on Al Beeb about this Brexit news?
Theresa, take note .
During a long drive home yesterday I dipped in and out of Radio 4 even though, right at the start of the journey, somehow I knew it wouldn’t be an edifying experience.
You and Yours had a heart rending piece about the difficulty prospective tenants had in finding accommodation in places like London and that bidding wars were now commonplace. An obviously foreign sounding couple related their experience in being outdid on two flats. Now I know the principle of supply and demand is difficult for lefties like the BBC to grasp which might explain why they found this whole situation so perplexing. They really can’t, or refuse, to see the answer staring them in the face.
Much of yesterday’s offerings involved the BBC reporting on its favourite subject, itself. The media show was all about the new charter and Bake Off. PM was deliberately avoided, always a good move.
Mark Steel’s in Town was full of the usual lefty signalling but still mildly amusing. I did notice when Mark Steel told us how the Sikhs and Muslims fed the starving of Hebdon Bridge during recent flooding he mentioned something very specific; the Muslims were of the Ahmadiyya variety. Anyone with any knowledge of religion will be unsurprised by Sikhs and Ahmadiyya Muslims offering such charity but I wonder if Steel actually realised the distinction he made within Islam.
Unreliable Evidence was the diamond sticking out of the turd but even this managed a discussion of meeting the needs of trans-gender prisoners.
Four Thought closed with the unfunny Ayesha Hazarika giving a masterclass in left-wing comedy containing a full-house of lefty buzz-word bingo topics.
There was more. One day I will conduct a proper analysis of the schedule and list the messages being pushed throughout its schedule by the BBC.
Be strong people, be strong.
If the BBC came along now demanding money, in order to propagate their view of the world, there would be riots as with the Poll Tax. That we, well most of us, meekly pay up leaves a very bitter taste.
Re the you and yours and the letting of properties in London which I heard a little of. My son has just let a room he had vacant for 3 months. The poor snowflakes often couldn’t be bothered to look up on a map to find which part of London he is in until the day they wanted to view; they would then decide the leafy suburb didn’t suit, or that 10 minute walk was too far from the tube station, more often than not they just didn’t turn up. I am not therefore very sympathetic to The London Housing Crisis but suspect it is part of the narrative the BBC wanted to portray ie think up a story, find people willing to speak to a mike to support the story, don’t let facts get in the way.
I have an acquaintance who is a farm owner with her husband. Just after the glorious 23rd I inquired as to how she voted. As she is something of a leftist I suspected, correctly, that she was a remainer. It is that they employ many Eastern European folk that is at the root of the decision. Can’t get the locals to do it. I moved to wages and asked if they paid well? Not really, minimum wage for hard work. Then, says I, if you paid a better wage do you think it would help to encourage local people to work for you? Yes, I’m sure it would but we’re not doing that because we don’t have to, says she.
And there lies a huge problem that the BBC pretty much ignored altogether or glossed over.
I am more than happy to pay more for my food if the workers are properly paid. I see no problem with that at all.
So if I see my, seemingly, ex friend again I’ll ask if there’s been a change of heart. Somehow, I doubt it. Range Rovers don’t come cheap after all.
Says it all. The left cares more about what men say about women, than they do about what women actually do to men. That is, of course, unless the man in question is a Muslim in which case the left immediately contradicts its tiresome “women are always the victim” position and calls the woman a liar, as the Guardian’s American arm did this week when a woman spoke out about sexual assault she suffered from Muslim immigrants which was dismissed as racist fabrication.
Liberalism is like an endless game of rock/paper/scissors where they are constantly in a battle over who they hate the most. Naturally white straight men are bottom of the dirt, but if Milo Yianappolis, a gay man, speaks out against Islam he’s suddenly”privileged.” Similarly Jennifer Lawrence is a victim of male oppression for having her nufe photos leaked, but when it’s a black man or woman calling her stupid white trash this information is ignored. The goal in all of this is not progress, it’s to maintain a segregated and injusticed society so that the left can keep having something to complain about. It is all about them, not you.
I would so like a broadcaster, scrupulously impartial, that simply reported news.
That is what the BBC is legally supposed to be. As Michael Caine may or may not have said,”Not a lot of people know that”.
Been a bit busy recently, but looked at BBC website today and the main headline was Mary Berry and Bakeoff. Sums up the sheer trivia of the BBC. Pathetic.
“Bread and circuses” – keep the masses mind off important matters!
BBC World Service yesterday – an award winning African Journalist criticising the BBC for constantly featuring negative stories and talking down Africa. Surely she was mistaken, racist, in the pay of Trump or some distant relation of Farage ?
I get the impression the Charlotte riots are not receiving quite the exhaustive home page coverage other such riots have received in the past. Anything to do with the fact that it was, embarrassingly, a black-on-black shooting as opposed to what really gets the beeb salivating, white-on-black? I merely ask.
BLM UK must be sooooooooo jealous!
Should BLM find themselves at a loose end I was made aware of some pretty horrific statistics recently regarding New York City abortion rates.
“in 2013 black women accounted for 29,007 terminated pregnancies, representing almost 42 percent of all abortions in the city. That same year, black women in the city gave birth to 24,108 babies.”
And the previous year,
“African American women in the city had 24,758 births and underwent 31,328 abortions.” Both years saw more African American children aborted in NYC than were born, nothing less than industrial blood sacrifice at that scale.
The subject is emotive and complex, but by any measure those statistics are disturbing, and possibly more deserving of people demonstrating in the street than the reasons they currently profess.
The BBC love the White Helmets, they were St Jo’s nominated outfit. Now they have a Nobel Prize.
From my earlier post.
MI6 is getting bigger, 40% bigger.
The article states,’The spy agency argues the planned boost – from 2,500 staff to a little under 3,500 – has been made necessary by the development of the internet and technology.’
Yep, that’ll be the reason.
Steve Jones
Too many people tweeting about immigration, asylum seekers, complaining about ropers doing what ropers do to young girls. Got to monitor them in order to uphold community cohesion. In defence of the realm of course.
This mental health epidemic has now infiltrated Yuni’s, as statistics show that a third of students are lonely, depressed and suffer panic attacks. FFS ! huh ! its all coming home to roost now, parents who have mollycoddled their offspring and wrapped them in cotton wool since infant school, have produced a generation who cant fend for themselves when the reins are off. Its about time they all bloody well ‘manned up’ and realise the world doesn’t revolve around them and their ‘feelings’. The media doesn’t help in continually publicising these non-issues. Every young generation has ‘issues’ to deal with, but in the past we just got on with it, not whinge and whine to tv interviewers about feeling suicidal.
Rant over.
The Vice Chancellor of Oxford was on this mornings Today orifice to plug the news that her Uni was “the best in the world”.
Think Usain Bolt with a mortar board.
But li`l Webb decided that her uni wasn`t doing enough to rescue the crapholes of scholastic misery at Blackbird Leys and Cowley.
“Where`s your schools missy”-was the thrust of wee Webbs questions…and no matter what the VC said-poor Justin Woods didn`t get the notion that Oxfords job is NOT to plug the arseholes of school management…even if Kings or Brum do!
Utter SJW crap-not a clue has Webb, being an Oxbridge privately educated ponce no doubt.
Oh-and won`t Brexit put all this radiant brilliance at risk my poppet?…she rather thought that it would.
And THIS passes for an interview as the BBC grapple with Oxbridge…no wonder we`re stuffed.
As for the BBC setting up a “school”-even of of low grade news media analysis?-well stuff that, this is the Oxbridge and Interns garret!
Those ‘men’ again………
‘Embrace the multiculti’.
Overlooked as a topic so far for some reason, but tonight’s QT seems potentially entertaining. Jacob Rees-Mogg AND Julia Hartley-Brewer up against the mandatory trio/quartet of remainers – a Lib Dem of no consequence (sorry for the repetition), a Blair Babe and elfin, if oversized, Caroline Lucas saving the planet on our behalf with, perhaps, hints of bondings to come with Jeremy and John?
Set in sunny and affluent Sutton-Coldfield the bus fleet will have been busy ensuring the right balance but perhaps the production team are pinning their hopes on two hyphenates alienating from the outset. For all that, Dimbly might well be overshadowed, and outclassed, of course.
Today news of Greens caught Red Handed
Caroline Lucas published an advert for a press officer
Trouble was the salary was less than the £10/hour which is Green party minimum wage policy
..So they went back and solved that by cutting the hours from 37.5/week to 34.5/week : The Times
Hopefully J R-M will get the opportunity to put Dimbleswine back in his box, though I doubt he’ll get to do so with as much style as he did here.
It’s impossible to ever tire of seeing that clip! The Moggster is in a league of his own.
Lobster – It was the timing of his reply which made it so devastating.
The only fly in the ointment is that intensely annoying tw@t Piers Morgan barking away at the end of it, giving a further (completely un-needed) demonstration of himself being the totally unfunny @rseh**e that he is.
See his face when he realised and had to announce that we were Brexiting ………….
Dimbleby even got his facts wrong about 1975. The people did NOT vote to join the EU. The people voted to remain in the EEC, we joined in 1973.
He sure put the smug unctuous smarmy Dim-bleby in his place.
If I’m not mistaken a certain Mr N Farage is also on This Week. Ashamed that the Biased BBC spellchecker has just put a red line under his name..!
Anything from AlBeeb on this..?
‘Donald Tusk warns United Nations ‘A GREAT CHANGE’ is coming to EU to keep migrants OUT’
Horse and Stable door eh, Mr Tusk ?
Last March
He said illegal economic migrants were risking “lives and money” for nothing……….
Well they are still coming Mr Tusk?
How the bBC sanitises the ugliness woven into the DNA of Sunni Muslims:
Police probe internet messages from religious killer Tanveer Ahmed
The bBC reports on how Intolerant Muslim ‘Tanveer Ahmed’ stabbed Asad Shah to death for simply subscribing to a different branch of Islam has been sending messages to his fans from inside prison. The bBC tried to justify this murder by posting this headline when dick splash got sent down last month:
Asad Shah killing: ‘Disrespecting Islam’ murderer jailed
A man has been jailed for life after he admitted the religiously-motivated murder of a Glasgow shopkeeper who he claimed had “disrespected” Islam.
Can you imagine the outcry from the left if the police in America excused themselves from shooting dead black people by saying they felt disrespected. But when an Islamic bigot does so, why that’s acceptable and substantiates to the Sunni Muslim population in the UK, that actually Mr Shah was in the wrong.
So what has dick splash been saying which warrents the bBC to knock out an article. Why hes been posting videos onto Social media accounts for his followers to listen to which the bbC tries to make out are harmless. I quote:
“It has now emerged that messages, apparently recorded from Ahmed’s phone calls from Barlinnie Prison, have been posted on the video-sharing site. The audio, which appears to be a landline phone call, is presented with a still picture of the killer. The messages, in Urdu, include phrases such as “we should all try to make the world a better place” and “I will sacrifice myself”.
Nothing to write home about there is there, but hang on that isn’t all that dickspalsh said is it bBC, you left out these nice intolerant snippets:
“I have the honour of sending him to the hell forever,” (Regards Mr Shah)
““Whoever and wherever is listening my voice must make a resolve to protect the finality of prophethood,” he says. “We will save the Lord’s followers from going down to the hell – will protect their faith.”
“There’s only one punishment for insulters: cut off their heads, cut off their heads, cut off their heads.”
I wonder why the bBC, left out the above comments?
The bBC, the apologists and whitewash merchants for intolerant Islam.
Pounce – “The bBC, the apologists and whitewash merchants for intolerant Islam.”
Intolerant is an understatement in this case: murderous.
Thank everything that is sane that we’ll soon be out of this abject nihilism …
‘France arrests Belgian police in migrant border row’
The appear to be ‘fly tipping’. Bet all the EU are at it – Merkel tried it with us and failed.
So far…….
They appear to be ‘fly tipping’. Bet all the EU are at it – Merkel tried it with us and failed.
So far…….
They were probably on their way to Calais where they’ll morph into minors for likul Cawey Mulligan to feel ashamed of being British and virtue signal her compassion. (I’m ashamed she’s British too, so we agree on something.)
She’s now trying to dump them on Eastern Europe, under threat of hefty penalties and sanctions. Which is no doubt making them feel all warm and fuzzy towards her and the European Dictatorship – I mean Union.
Eh? 13 migrants + 2 policemen in that car in the picture? No way.
we all watching beedboid 2 now ???? brexit a very british coup
nigel farage is kaiser soze love it
Quite enjoying it. No bias for a change. Just happy memories.
very happy memories
I thought it was a surprisingly fair account of the referendum. Soames and Heseltine both confirmed my opinion of them.
The twatter reaction is typical – the sore losers are still calling us idiots, gullible, racists, xenophobic, unintelligent, and every other derogatory name under the sun, and they think that if they push for another referendum they will win next time. Of course, it’s only the sanctimonious lefties doing the mane calling. The intelligent remainers have accepted that they lost, and, now that the forecasted apocalypse and plague of frogs hasn’t descended upon us, a lot of them are now realising that we dodged a bullet in voting to get out. Now, if only May would actually get us fully out, which means no single market, no more EU subs/directives/regulations and NO free movement of parasites.
When you next respond to a remoaner on the web, please take a moment to thank them.
Possibly a strange thought but without them the economy would not have rebounded so strongly from the immediate response.
If the 48% in their despair had stopped shopping at Waitrose, stopped buying new cars, stopped having holidays and all those 1001 things that fuel the economy, we really could have had a recession and Project Fear could have come true, but their selflessness in carrying on regardless has seen us through. So do thank them whenever you have the opportunity.
Great post ?
‘A Very British Coup’ was quite enjoyable, and showed some politicians in their true light. Notably, Michael Heseltine, now a bitter, frustrated and old man, and Alan Duncan, waspish with an unguarded tongue. Considering AD’s views on Boris Johnson (his current boss), surely he can’t survive very long in his present job? Strangely for the BBC, the film did Nigel Farage no harm at all. In fact, he came across extremely well, with some splendid, hitherto unbroadcast incidents. Likewise Gisela Stewart.
The only significant difference between the Heseltine of 25 or so years ago and today is that he’s old – he’s been bitter ever since his backstabbing failed and perceptive people like Alan Clarke pointed out so many of his deficiencies. We should count our blessings, the vanity of his premiership would have been disastrous.
Alan Duncan’s true worth was perfectly illustrated by his final appearance, when ‘looking forward to the fun’ of working with his new boss, Boris, the man he had so disparaged for the previous hour.
Beebscum now enlisting poor Dalai Lama in their campaign of Trump mocking.
I just watched the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to the United Nations on I24 on the internet. I tell you this not as a supporter of Netanyahu, but because you will see or hear next to nothing about it on the BBC.
Netanyahu did his usual “schtick ” before his UN audience without of course the usual suspects there. BUT by god is he an orator, and as a Jewish atheist that is as good as an anachronism you are likely to hear from me!
I reiterate you wont see anything about it from dear Orla or Jeremy on the Israel hating BBC.But for oratory of Churchillian dimensions you wont hear anything like it. Even if you don’t like it!
If there was any remaining doubt that Mark Carney is a clown, this should dispel it:
The man has an obvious gift for predicting the future.
You can’t take anything that comes out of Carney’s mouth seriously. He’s nothing more than a shill for Goldman Sachs & Rothschild. The EU referendum was conclusive proof of that.
Carney could have caused a ‘run on the pound’ with his with his pre-Brexit statements. Al Beeb continue to talk down our economy . They are still looking for a ‘clink in the armour’, something, anything to run it down.
I hope our present PM is taking note . The last one didn’t at his peril.
“Brexit, A Very British Coup” took a bizarre view of the leave campaign. Apparently it was a family affair for the Conservatives, leading to the worst possible disaster: a Tory party leadership.
Oh, yeh. Erm, didn’t it also lead to the Labour party imploding and having a leadership election when it was least able to face one? Not a single mention of the painful debacle within Labour as Corbyn proved to be a disastrous campaigner.
Ah, but that didn’t fit into the childish theme about ‘the Brexit plotters.’ Plotters? Weren’t those remainers promoting FEAR also plotting?
It was a staggeringly simple minded, inept doc, which shed light on little, yet took an hour to do it.
but oh so lovely to watch nigel
unlike newsnight which has done “police” kill black man repetitively without mentioning its a black police man kills black man with a gun (not a book)
Strangely unbiased by the BBC. Farage Showed those odious rich Tories up.
Just had a sobering thought tinged with a little sadness…. That I will never meet or know any of you wonderful people.
It’s been as absolutely pleasure and privilege to have shared my time with you, reading your comments, and learning from the vast amount of knowledge and expertise you guys and gals are blessed with.
Sure I have felt like ramming my head through the concrete floor, but that’s the whole point of this website… Show the world the craziness and disgraceful work of the traitorous BBC………. but how I have laughed at your wit, your cleverness, your creativity! You lot never disappoint in bringing me to tears of anger and laughter!
Just wanted to say thank you. We are all so focused on the bad in the world, I just wanted to say that you guys make this worth every second!
Back to reality now people… Death to the infidels!! Allahu Akbar!!! ?
Well this site has somewhat saved my sanity. I thought it was just me!!
Nice bit of living up to your avatar there Tothepoint! I think we all feel the same 🙂
Going somewhere TTP?
Here here TTP – I do sometimes wish there was a pub I could frequent with bBBC posters or that there could be an arranged meet up but we all know that can’t happen because I’m sure the panorama budget is very open to a story on us waycist little englanders which they can spin better than my washing machine, with Mr Khan’s thought police on standby to dish out some state approved punishment.
What I like about this site is in a world where I feel that our culture is being stolen from us this is the one place where I feel the British spirit is alive and well. The true British spirit that is… You know the one that built these streets and this society that is deteriorating in front of our eyes… Not the one that was handed to Tom, Dick and Harry, or should I say Mohammad, Amir and Abdul with no questions asked and the consequences of which we are yet to see…
Another top post TBT
The fact is, if you said that to a lunatic lefty, they would say that our society belongs to everyone and these different cultures and ethnic groups have enriched and benefited this magical little Island……which is true… Until you bring in people from cultures that are hell on earth!! These places are shit-holes for a reason! These people are desperately trying to get out for a reason! These people do not care about our past and what it is about our way of life that has made us so successful… these people do not give a flying about their own countries, why would they care about ours!!
We are dragging our society back to the dark ages…. Back to the hell holes these gimmagrants fled from
well said TTP, I think we all echoe your sentiments. I try to spread the messages seen here by copying and pasting into my facebook feed, so that any of the liberal thinking folk lurking among my contacts may see the plain unvarnished truth, and see it as a counterpoint to the MSM bullshit.
I openly declare the fact it’s not my words, but am unable to attribute the posts to the original names. However, I’m sure of the fact that the original posters would be happy to have their message spread far and wide, and onto the screens of folk who would never dream of visiting bbbc..
Tothepoint, you speak in the past tense – are you off somewhere ???
He’s off, out of the EU, that is 😉
Thanks for asking chaps, but I’m not going anywhere! Many a time I have thought about changing race so I can legally enrich Al Beebistan, but I am proud to belong to the greatest most successful group of people on earth!
When the Islamic Al Beeb decide to just report news rather than create it…when they stop misleading and deceiving the public….when they stop forcing a tolerant, peace loving white people to accept responsibility for the world’s problems… When they stop encouraging a death cult to grow and tear apart our society, whilst lying about the true nature of Islam and why it was created….. Then I may think about hanging my boots up! Until that time…..
How a Palestinian/Israeli story would have appeared in the BBC had it reported on the following incident.
On the morning of June 30, a 17-year-old Palestinian Arab Muhammad Taraireh, was killed by an Israeli.
The mother of Muhammad Taraireh, said to the press that her son was a “hero,” a “martyr” who made her very “proud”.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) declared Taraireh a “shahid,” or martyr, the highest honor achievable in Islam.
Your guess is as good as mine as to how the BBC would spin the rest of the story!!…and how much it would leave out.
Despite their incitement to hate and incentive to kill programs, Palestinians remain the perennial “victims du jour” in the minds of the misguided West (BBC) and the corrupt UN. Hallel Ariel and other Israelis, the real victims, are blamed by the BBC for the terrorism visited upon them.
To read the full harrowing story go to
10am R5 Emma Barnett is having another day talking about period pain. (I heard in a trailer)
OK she allowed to try to take Radio 5 from being Radio Bloke …but her prog is on at the same time that Woman’s Hour is on Radio 4
Will she really be talking about masturbation at 10 oclock in the morning ?
I heard Woman’s Hour from when I was a tot. The subject matter and language these days is really post watershed and not for broadcast at 10am.
And this woman “loves” talking about this stuff.
Has she sought professional help?
More’s the point, where else but the terminally-ill Beeb could you earn a fat salary talking about this stuff?
And who would pay you to talk about it, if they had any choice in the matter, rather than being forced to do so on pain of fines and prison.
…..Emma Barnett loves talking about what most people wouldn’t dream of mentioning at a dinner party. Severe period pain, masturbation and childlessness are just a few of the topics the 31-year-old presenter will discuss in her new radio show on Radio 5 Live, where every Friday she wants to smash taboos. From Radio Times Article ….
I can only imagine that the Editor who even suggests these topics, is the type who loves ‘toilet’ humour – in an infantile manner. “oh what else can we push the boundaries ? ah, masturbation”. Nothing is private anymore.
Americans shot by Police:-
Black – 178
White – 328
I was never good at maths – maybe somebody could help me out?
Yes gexvil.
An ‘implied repression’ value is called for to express this properly.
For our purposes that ratio w:b = 0.1:100
Therefore (w=328×0.1) : (b=178×100)
Meaning 32.8:17800
17800/32.8 = 542.682927
The answer is that is that there is a 543 (rounded up) times higher chance of a riot and further death with added destruction of property than if the ratio was 1:1
Hope this helps.
The ringleader of the Oxford University ‘Rhodes Must Fall’ campaign has been accused of racism after admitting he wanted to ‘whip’ a fellow student because he was white.
Looking forward to the BBC giving this their full attention.
After Question Time last night I started to watch Andrew Neil’s show ‘This Week’. He told a diamond of a story about an interview Diane Abbott did with Nigeria’s Guardian in August of this year. In the interview, she stated that…
“…before I became MP, I worked in the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and I also did some political communication. I have done a lot of media work, particularly for a period of 12 years. I had my political discussion show once a week, which was quite interesting because it was quite popular.”
After a quick search on the net for the article, here is what I found…
Neil moved on to introduce the guests on the sofa by saying, “…speaking of fantasists…”
The Corbynistas at Aunty wont like this, Andrew, watch your back!
News headlines 9am Radio 4. “Russian Firefighters killed in Moscow.” Slow news day or maybe it pushes out positive news about the economy ?
eg: CIVITAS being up beat and that 3.8M jobs in the UK are linked to the EU BUT 5.2M Europe jobs are linked to the EU.
“I won’t let Labour’s racist bullies defeat me”: Jewish MP reveals the terrifying anti-Semitism that’s now the norm in her Party’s hard left.
Another story that the BBC will have as headline news today.
Perhaps the Labour Party should hold an inquiry into anti semitism within the party. I wonder if Baroness Chakarabutty is available
One and a half cheers for Jim Naughtie (now there’s a rare sentiment from me!). I caught his report from Charlotte on the Today programme, where he remarked, quietly, in the middle of his piece, that it was an African-American police officer who shot [and killed] the African-American. This is first time I have heard this on the BBC, who were quite content to let us all assume it was a white cop who killed the black guy.
The fact that the police officer was African-American was also mentioned on PM (I think) last night, in a question asking if this made any difference to a black supporter of the protests.
There was a pause before replying that the problem was blue, not white, violence against blacks.
I interpreted it as meaning that in today’s crazy world of identity politics any black police officer is de-facto white.
They just have a sweeping dislike for authoritiy. The police, black, white or whatever will do as the required bogeyman in this case.
Quisquose: Thanks for that correction. As a matter of principle, I never listen to PM, in order to avoid any contact with the egregious ‘Eddie’ Mair.
Labour Party anti-semitism is just a version of jerrymandering.
The Jewish population is much smaller than the Muslim one and we all know that a big dose of anti-semitism is what many in the latter group want to hear. So the Far Left are really just focussing on their core voters.
Three of my dogs voted for Corbyn, and they want to keep him there till the general election
They are in good company. Look at the tossers who support him, including Brand
Daniel Radcliffe, Charlotte Church, Russell Brand.
Three characters in search of a brain cell.
Man from Manchester charged with terrorism offences
A 25-year-old man has been charged with terrorism offences.
Mohammed Abdallah is alleged to have possessed a firearm and received £2,000 for the purposes of terrorism, and belonged to a banned organisation.
Police said there “is not believed to be any wider risk” to communities in Greater Manchester.
Buried deep in the ‘regions’ section of the website and if you didn’t know it was there then the chances are that you would never have found it. Question is of course what his intentions were, and that seems a question plod is ever reluctant to reveal in their political correct awareness.
And what exactly does “is not believed to be any wider risk” to communities in Greater Manchester. mean exactly, because to me that sounds like psychobabble for “they’re not all like that” and the community they are concerned about are the brown eyed favourites !
BBC draw attention to a a play covering the the rise of Nazi’s encouraged by Trump and Brexit,
Crap actor wants his publicity by latching on to left propaganda bandwaggon.
From the BBC report
Daniel Radcliffe believes that the UK’s Brexit vote, along with the rise of Donald Trump, has made the Far Right “now a legitimate part of political discussion”.
The actor, who in his latest film, Imperium, plays an FBI agent who infiltrates a right-wing extremist bomb plot, says “the vast majority of voters aren’t racist extremists”.
Yet, he continues: “Something’s happened with Brexit and with Trump, people can now hear these views on TV and believe it’s a legitimate way to think about people.”
“When the bomb went off in New York, I was saying to myself ‘please don’t let the perpetrator be black, or Muslim – because then it will be used by Trump’. But we do need to draw attention to the Far Right’s activities.”
Note, most people react to a bomb going off by showing some sympathy for the injured, dead and relatives. Lefties think of their allies.,
“When the bomb went off in New York, I was saying to myself ‘please don’t let the perpetrator be black, or Muslim – because then it will be used by Trump’. But we do need to draw attention to the Far Right’s activities.”
Reality calling Daniel Radcliffe: it was a muslim who set the bomb off because it always is.
The so-called “far right” doesn’t exist, you brain dead waste of space. The existential threat our society faces is the rise of islam, and nothing else. Your film sounds the sort of typical Hollywood masturbatory fantasy in which the wise forces of a liberal government protect us all from evil right wing rednecks. In other words, it is the same garbage ultra left wing Hollywood types have been producing since the 1960s.
I believe Mr Radcliffe is a recovering alcoholic. I would not pay to see his crap film, but I would gladly stand him a few drinks, as he could hardly be more of a tosser drunk than he is sober.
Exactly Rob
Every single event that could possibly be linked to a far-right theme will be, the left are fanatical about it!!…. Yet how many killings has there been? How many arrested for terrorism? How many arrested before a plot to kill takes place?…. There’s none! Absolutely zero!! So the Islamic Al Beeb and self-hating, self-righteous, traitorous sewer vermin like them have to make up a far-right threat to stay in the argument and stay in control!!….. And people are so stupid they actually still fall for it!!
That might be true, but until people realise just how much Saudi is compromising politicians and senior people through their money then nothing is going to change.
How many people even the ones with minds open to the possibility know that there is an organisation on Goodge street in London funded by Saudi dedicated to the prevention of the integration of Muslims into Western society ?
This stuff isn’t out in the open, but you can find out about what is going on.
Our politicians this week bombed Assads forces in Syria – anyone think this was an accident? Saudi controls far more that people can ever realise until it is pointed out to them.
Regarding anti-semitism in the Labour Party, I can’t find this report on our local BBC news…
Stop press, the Birmingham Labour Party has now halted it’s investigation…
Youtube have served PJW with an age restriction on his latest video, a helpful tuber has provided this link to bypass the sign in, although you would have to be signed in to see it. So here it is for any who can’t or can’t be bothered to sign in.
World at One had James Naughtie interviewing a ‘liberal humourist’ who, though she isn’t unbiased we are warned, offers a poignant look at the election. Well it was neither poignant nor humorous.
Here is an example, so get hold of those ribs in case they crack: she said that during the election of Obama v McCaine, she said that not to vote was like being asked if you wanted chicken for lunch or faeces with broken glass in it. Yes, she compared the war hero and liberal conservative to faeces and broken glass. Is this an example of the hate crimes the BBC are so concerned about?
Well I guess she is a mindless liberal, she is a woman and she does support Hillary, but surely Radio 4 requires more credentials than those to have its audience listen to an individual?
That disgusting remark shows Trump’s genius. Unlike McCain and the other RINOs, he has realised that there is nothing he can ever do to make the left like him, so he simply winds them up and lets their heads explode. Even better, the public like it too. That’s what I call a win/win.
Listening to it, I thought it was a ‘he’, but you never can tell these days. I look forward to Naughtie broadcasting a similar piece with a Republican supporter of Trump (sarc.).
Damn you scribblescribe!! Even a reinforced girdle was no match for that humour! My sides didn’t split, they disintegrated!
Thanks to you I’m now picking my insides off the floor….
Just a quick and rather sad note. In the Telegraph today, Terry Jones of Python fame has been diagnosed with a type of dementia. He is 74, same age as my dad was when he started to go downhill with it. It is a vile ailment as I’m sure you all know. I feel sorry for him and his family particularly as I am still looking after my dad eight years on, although two months ago he had to go into a care home to stay and have his life savings and home slowly removed by the council.
Thanks for the giggles Terry, you were my favourite.
For all we say about the Asians, they know the value of family, and look after their elderly.
He savings are not removed by the council, they are being used to pay for his care, because his immediate family have decided they would rather someone else looked after him.
Please tell me why you think, that in the good old BBC socialist dogma, that I should pay for your fathers care?
Much as I sympathise with your fathers plight it’s not anyone elses responsibility.