I’ve been watching publicly-owned but commercially-funded Channel 4 early evening news recently. It’s essentially a current affairs magazine aimed at and made by SJWs and virtue signallers.
Yesterday’s programme featured:
Newsreader Matt Frei warning us that Kylie Morris’ report from a Florida retirement campus about Trump-supporting pensioners contained offensive language. Lo and behold, one of the pensioners had a sign with the word “bitch” on his golf cart, which Kylie asked him about. Kylie clearly thought that word was self-evidently offensive; golf cart pensioner clearly thought it wasn’t. But either way – thanks to Matt’s heads up – I had already bid my wife and servants to leave the room and cover their ears;
A hijab-wearing fencer from the US who had won bronze at the Olympics. The C4 news team must have been punching the air with delight to unearth footage of Muslim swordplay which was fit to screen. It put me in mind of Brass Eye, beyond parody.
That report by her was an utter disgrace implying that only white people are trump voters and racist to boot. She was getting upset by the word bitch but she herself was lobbing the word racist around like nobodys business. Earlier frei interviewed a black pastor giving the impression that he was a rarity in the black community for voting for trump. This guy told frei some home truths about crime in chicago but frei was not interested in listening only wanting to smear trump.
Channel 4 news are just going to get worse in the run up to the election. Might as well just put a sign up and say we love hilary.
We’ll need to watch out for all sorts of black ops and false flags from the liberal media in the run-up to the US election. They know that Trump has a pretty good shot at making it all the way into the Oval Office; Hillary’s a clapped-out, untrusted unpopular candidate, while Trump seems to be drawing huge crowds without any problems and closing the gap on Clinton day-by-day.
I’m willing to bet there will some ‘major incident’ engineered to save Hillary mere weeks away from Election Day.
Frei is getting a spot on Londinistan Broadcasting Corporation which has become a 5live clone, as for Talk radio, file it under light comedy. Gaunty is the only thing worth listening to these days.
If you’d like to listen to some non-collectivist propaganda radio, but are prepared to suffer the repetitive ad breaks, try Rense radio, the Alex Jones radio, and various GCN radio stations. They’re all American but are very entertaining and informative. Rense radio even has David Duke as a regular guest. You get to hear different opinions that will never be heard on any UK radio station.
So @Tom C4 thinks “bitch” is a swear word !
In British common use it’s often the female equivalent of “bastard”
.. If you go to Google Image search using the words ‘Trump Bastard’
it’s yields lots that C4 forgot to report
BBC R4 news crowing that Mary Berry won’t be joining GBBO when it moves to C4. Various Tristrams lined up to tell us that C4 had done the worst deal in history, salute Berry’s “loyalty” etc.
This seems to be one of those “stories” of high interest to BBC news team but which I have yet to hear mentioned in my workplace, pub or in the general going about of daily business.
I used to be mildly interested in watching the programme until they fixed the final so the Muslim woman won.I don’t watch it now. Then I noticed that a dark skinned youth was one of the competitors in the Young Musician of the Year, so I put my money on him to win , which he duly did. It’s the same with all BBC drama , the white folks will be the guilty ones , unless of course there are Israelis about ,in which case the BBC will make sure they are the baddies. Same with nearly all documentaries , the evil white imperialists will be the villains of the piece. But just occasionally something does slip through the PC censors. The programme re Alfred the Great had a short section about how the Vikings who it claimed , despite their rather violent reputation, actually wanted to assimilate with the Anglo Saxons , take up their religion and customs and settle down to live as farmers. Across much of northern England this was exactly what happened. Fast forward 1300 years and we can see another wave of invaders, or migrants, with a rather different set of ideas about how to get on with the locals. Perhaps the PC brigade at the BBC don’t see any parallels !
Curious aspect of the BBC commentary seems to be that BBC commentators seem to think that if Channel 4 outbid them to buy in a programme from an outside production company, there is a stronger case for the privatisation of Channel 4.
Does it not cross their minds that there is therefore a strong case for the privatisation of the BBC who have been buying in the same programme for the last 8 years and would continue to do so if they had been able.
Also I had to laugh when I heard the BBC talking heads saying that programmes never transferred well between channels. Obviously they are not smart enough to understand University Challenge, nor are they aware that Des Chiffres et Des Lettres ran every night for 20 years on French TV before it moved to Channel 4 (no The Rachel Riley Bum Show).
But the best bit was when the Beeboids tried to make out that the whole programme was “nurtured” by the BBC and relied on their “talent”, which sounded good until someone from the production company said that the same show had been running for years in other countries without any input from the BBC or the BBC stars.
Which all prompts the question as to why we need a state funded program selector to provide us with several channels of outsourced pap, when we can easily buy in the same sort of content, made by the same non-BBC production companies, on commercial channels (with advertising and/or subscription).
Beebistan pushing its usual line of Islam as victim on its home page piece about muslims in Kashmir (apropos nothing at all in the news – why?).
But something that gets very little attention is our beloved Emir’s appointment of an Integration deputy, who like himself has had some questionable associations in the past – but you’re not allowed to ask about that – waycist innit?
What’s he going to integrate? Islam into London? London into Islam? I don’t like the sound of eiher. First we had the shariah ban on bikini posters, then his hate crime squad (guess who they’ll be targeting?), now an Integration deputy. Moving pieces into place for shariah by stealth?
‘He is also “a metrosexual, definitely” who loves shopping and is “in touch with my feminine side. I can wear pink”, although he admits his dancing is not all that he would hope. “In my head when I dance I feel like Pharrell or Drake. My daughters think I’m Jon Snow or Piers Morgan.” But perhaps most importantly of all, he is proud to call himself a feminist.’
Another idiot with this feminist crap. Like wallace last year declaring himself a feminist and the idiot trudeau in canada, Its just one big virtue signal by these clowns. Man up bitches.
Khan ain’t no feminist bruv that is guaranteed. Going on past form the devious little cretin will say anything to get up that greasy pole.
I was amused by Khan when he appeared on “Test Match Special” (on Radio 4 LW / Five Live Sports Extra) in an interview during a lunch break towards the end of the international cricket season. He had once had a trial with Surrey County Cricket Club and former England swing bowler Geoff Arnold, but had been rejected. Khan took himself very seriously, believing he was good enough to have made the grade, with no sign of much self-deprecating humour.
tami – the alliance of lib/left/islamophiles/khan have achieved 2 very clever things: 1) to establish as fact the lie that perfectly justifiable critique of islam in any form is racist/islamophobic; 2) that endorsing and promoting islam in various ways, and electing muslims to public office, is a sign of strength, will ‘send out a strong message’ of how united we are and will somehow help to combat extremism.
So promoting, embracing, and voting for an ideology that’s fundamentally inimical to our beliefs and way of life is somehow defending that way of life. What a brilliant piece of doublethink.
The truth of course is quite the opposite: it’s one more step in the normalisation of islamisation, one more nail in the coffin of once great Britain and the West.
They did promise that the flag if Islam would someday be flying over London – it all seems to be going swimmingly. Having your country taken away is one thing, giving it away is quite another and used to be called, treason.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings between 6.20am and 6.30am I am generally in the car on the way to take the dog for a walk, with R4 Today’s business report on the radio.
At about 6.25am the reporter will ask whatever guest they’ve got on to share with us their concerns about Brexit. The guest will reply that business could do without the uncertainty, but they are making plans to manage it and make the best of it.
You can pretty much set your watch by it at the moment. It’s really starting to get on my t*ts.
Monday sees the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Crooked Hillary. There is going to be massive worldwide interest, not least from the BBC, which will almost certainly look for any and every opportunity to criticise and denigrate Trump while being considerate to the crooked one.
Trump has said he does not believe the moderators will be fair to him. This is a clever way of forestalling their bias since he’s obliged them to demonstrate that he is wrong and they are impeccably impartial.
Unfortunately this kind of psychology doesn’t work with the BBC, which lately doesn’t even seem to see the need to pretend to be fair and balanced in its reporting.
This site does a great job in exposing not only the bias but the BBC’s arrogant refusal to acknowledge it.
That’s because they simply don’t see it as bias, TT. Their intelligence and experience are at such a high level of development they really do know the answers, and in the rare event of an answer being challenged, naturally it will be the question that is at fault. In fact it’s rather naïve for the rest of us to expect to keep up. Without degrees in social history and politics, and a daily dose of Guardian, we’re always going to be at a disadvantage.
I listened to R4 PM today. Eddie Mair’s right-on programme. There has been a feature all week with yet another Beeb reporter on a jolly in the USA. This one has been going across USA on a train interviewing citizens about the presidential candidates. With predictably biased sampling.
But today he (the reporter – can’t remember his name) got it all wrong. Perhaps he’s been on the train too long and lost his bearings. Anyway, today for final report he interviews people in Seattle, a left-wing city he said, and talked to three Bernie Saunders supporters. Well fair enough, let’s hear what they say. They were all negative about Clinton. One would even vote against Clinton. Last words to a nicely spoken lady who said Hilary Clinton was a corrupt member of the remote political elite. Then over to Eddie in the studio whose immediate question back to the reporter was ….
“And what was the food like on the train?” !!!!
I fell off my chair laughing. Clearly there was to be no more criticism of Hilary on Eddie’s watch!
True. I enjoyed watching Trump chastise the media on stage during the primaries while they were recording him.
No matter how biased these hacks are, they like to think of themselves as straightforward and honourable. He’s punched a number of holes in that assumption and they’ll never forgive him for it.
There is an article by (the excellent) Diana West on her blog, about a child rape case Clinton was involved in as the defence attorney in the early 1970’s; for a woman who presents herself as standing up for the rights of women and girls it shows her to be an absolutely appalling hypocrite and why she should NEVER be POTUS.
If you haven’t seen this video before, you will find it hard to believe that any woman could ever be so unprincipled and vicious.
Of course, now we know much more about Rodham, it all makes perfect sense.
Just finished looking at the lunch time news weather. The nice man said it was sunshine all over England. As I look out of my window at the tray skies that stretch towards the horizon, I realise that even the weather reports are misleading from the BBC.
BBC continue to use taxpayer’s money to promote the Monarchy. That rediculoous article about Prince William and his pretend job as a helicopter pilot. No mention that hey should have given the job to somebody who needed it and who could do it full time.
Al Beeb royal coverage does tend to be excessively reverential / fawning / toadying but – as the Windsors have no actual power and seemingly gladden the hearts of millions – does it actually matter?
It matters a great deal. The monarchy is undemocratic and harmful in so many ways. The BBC should properly report about them not just endless sycophancy
The BBC support a whole range of undemocratic causes, including Middle East tyrants and London post-ref remoanians. By comparison, their support for the British monarchy is harmless.
You should campaign for a referendum on democratising the Monarchy. My favourite solution is an all comers hereditary monarchy with a referendum between Accession and the Coronation.
So Prince Charles accedes the throne on the death of the Queen, then we have a referendum with anyone in the Royal Commonwealth able to stand, Prince William would be favourite to win the referendum, and so he would be Crowned as King at the Coronation, marking the end of the short reign of King Charles III.
This solution is a very British idea, it democratises the Monarchy by opening it up to any family in the Royal Commonwealth, while avoiding the use of the boring title “President”. And therefore saves Britain’s heritage and its tourist benefits.
I believe the Anglo-Saxons had a form of elected monarchy, where the king was chosen by a committee of nobles. BBC coverage of royal events does seem to be an exemption from the general lib-left mood of most of its programming. My guess is it’s editorial policy which has been decided at very high level. If you look at the lower end stuff, particularly with BBC comedians, it’s clear they’re republican to a man.
This is only tangentially applicable to the Beeb but worth mentioning. I posted it on the old open thread and I think it bears repeating here, hope no one minds.
ust a quick and rather sad note. In the Telegraph today, Terry Jones of Python fame has been diagnosed with a type of dementia. He is 74, same age as my dad was when he started to go downhill with it. It is a vile ailment as I’m sure you all know. I feel sorry for him and his family particularly as I am still looking after my dad eight years on, although two months ago he had to go into a care home to stay and have his life savings and home slowly removed by the council.
Thanks for the giggles Terry, you were my favourite.
Last night on North West Tonight, they covered an effort by the Army to grovel to ethnic minorities and specifically muslims to get them to join.
Personally I find that a demeaning exercise in virtue signalling and box ticking, but there you go. However, the BBC took it up a notch in their vox pops. They interviewed a couple of black people who said they would not serve, but where were the muslims? The answer came from the presenter, Roger Johnson, who said they had interviewed several muslims, all of whom said they would never serve in the British Army (hands up all those who are shocked). However, they did not broadcast these interviews! Why not? One can only conclude that the contents must have been so damaging to the cosy notion of “race relations” and “diversity” that they could not be shown.
The BBC has obviously decided that we cannot handle the truth, and therefore made a decision to suppress it. I must at least give Roger Johnson some credit for mentioning these hidden interviews, and I hope this rare example of deviation from NuThink does not mean he will be sent to a Re-education Camp.
The people in control of the MoD and The Met Police (Head of police suggesting it a great idea that female officers should wear Islamic face-covering) are nothing but effeminates themselves! I don’t care – I’ve said it now!
As we who follow BiasedBBC all know, BBC has not grasped the principle of the “whole truth”.
The truth for the BBC is whatever suits their agenda. Everything else must be suppressed.
Yes indeed. There is no such thing as reporting the facts of the event and then allowing the viewer to come to their own conclusion. Everything is about portraying a message or implementation of ideas… The truth is in complete contradiction to the lunatic lefties ideology. The Far lefts ideology that so many of our sheltered, privileged snowflakes adhere to, especially the vermin who infest Islamic Al Beebistan’s HQ are only interested in propaganda….
I am sure that the army rank and file are mightily relieved not to have Muslims in their midst. How would they be able to live alongside people with such different values, let all be fight alongside them when they would put their lives in the hands of these aliens. Imagine not knowing when confronting your enemy whether or not your supposed comrade in arms behind you might put a bullet in you rather than the enemy in front of you.
The governing elite in this country just won’t admit that they have brought an alien invader into our country who , far from seeking to assimilate , wishes to live separately according to their customs and dreadful religious commands. We were never asked if we wanted them in our country because the elite knew we would have said no overwhelmingly, just as the Hugarians are about to. The longer the elite keep refusing to take action to correct their cataclysmic mistake the worse things will get. These stupid BBC programmes are an irritating but pointless attempt to promote social cohesion at the behest of the elite who know that they , and unfortunately the rest of us, are sitting on a time bomb with a ticking clock.
You have to wonder at the mentality of the Army’s commanders. Is the blind race for “diversity” really so important? Doesn’t unit cohesion matter?
The Army is open to all. There are quite a few black soldiers, and many from Fiji, who make very good soldiers I believe. Muslims can join if they want, but the fact is they do not want to, and why should the Army bend over backwards to try and persuade them to join?
The only lesson I have learned from this exercise in futility is that so-called “British muslims” do not really see themselves as British at all. They live here, conduct business here, use our passport as a convenient travel document, and avail themselves of our social security and health services. But they do not see themselves as British, they see themselves as muslim, and have no loyalty to Britain at all.
Why would you want people like that in your Army?
Why would you want people like that in your country?
I heard (think it was Douglas Murray) that apparently there are more british muslims fighting for ISIS than there are in the british army! Says it all really
I’ve been out most of the day. Came home to see what is the latest news and what do I find on al Beeb website?
Terry Jones has dementia. Who??
The 6 weirdest gifts countries have given each other.
Carpool karaoke star releases single.
Transgender father gives birth.
I spent 3 days living as a goat.
Queer history landmarks celebrated.
Fish relocated after pet shop blaze.
I think I’ll just go out again and come back when the real news is up on the website.
“A culture is in terminal condition when it decides that it does not give a rip about the next generation. When it actually detests children so much as it pursues reckless, immoral, activist agendas of adults, regardless of how much children suffer, then you know that culture has just about had it.
The West is now at that place. One radical activist agenda after another has been run with, and the big losers in all this are our children. Of course millions of these children never even get to see the light of day as they are slaughtered in their own mothers’ wombs.
That is the ultimate hatred of children. But if they are allowed to be born, they are also treated like dirt in order to appease adult activists who are seeking to remake society in their own sordid image”.
When a Culture Hates its Own Children. Bill Muelenberg, Culture Watch, Sep 3, 2016.
Emma Watson lecturing about gender equality on the BBC! Yes, at last someone on the BBC is demanding that as many boys go to university as girls; that as many boys as girls are allowed onto the university courses that offer the highest salaries on graduation!
na, only kidding. It’s about how unfair university is for girls. I kid ye not.
Including how universities teach students that sexual violence against girls isn’t wrong. Which course were you on Emma? No, she omits any evidence so I gave up after a minute of self righteous whining.
I have to say that when I’ve seen Daniel Radcliffe on chat shows, he’s struck me as quite a decent, modest person. Unlike Emma Watson who has cold eyes and clearly thinks she’s utterly wonderful. I like to think he said that because he knows what side his bread is buttered. Much as Harry Enfield did.
Of course she thinks UK university admissions are unfair. She applied to numerous Oxford colleges and was turned down by them all. In the end she went to Brown University in America, from where she spent time at Oxford as an exchange student so that she could claim to have studied at Oxford, although she never matriculated or graduated there.
There was a typical piece of Radio 4 ‘PM’ Lefty adulation from about 17:15 today. Becky Milligan did an interview with Ken Loach (he did “Cathy Come Home” but isn’t going to be on “Strictly”, in case you were wondering) over a sort of working breakfast. Ken ordered some good solid proletarian fare – a caffe macchiato, a croissant, some milk and tap-water; the croissant remained uneaten for some time, noted Becky. Lots of pro-Corbyn stuff, plus his disgust at food-banks and his false suggestion that people would starve without them. He admitted he was a subversive and criticized the many Labour MPs who oppose Corbyn, clearly considering that moving further to the Left is the answer to the loss of the last two General Elections and Scotland.
Clearly there is ‘no news’ of note to report. So, not willing to watch elephants being hunted and shot down on the main news, I decided to see what BB2 had to offer – hmmmmmm a programme called Debatable with Patrick Kielty – clearly a rip off from Sky’s The Pledge. THEN I saw her, the dreadfully wigged June Sarpongi with her sidekick Rachel Johnson (also from The Pledge)! I lasted all of 15 seconds. Has she become the new Bonnie Estridge ? she’s getting where castor oil cant that woman. Talks a load of b…..s, and who can take this woman seriously when she takes a starring role on some fantasy programme called Conspiracy Theories with Jesse Ventura ! will she be on strictly next year to further her profile even more ???
I’m currently finalising my presentation for a new reality game show for al-beeb. Loosely based on I’m a Celebrity but set in Africa!!! (10 points already). Instead of bush tucker trials the members of biased BBC get to vote for which zeleb battles it out with a tiger or a lion! (feed the endangered animals! another 10 points). To make it an absolute winner for al-beeb we can throw in a few lefties and non-binary, upside down and inside out people too! The animals might turn their noses up at that though. I’m sure it will be a success and because I want to appear as a SJW on the leftest of the left I will only charge al-beeb 2 billion quid!
I don’t say this often but……..the bBBC have done us a little favour.
They have showcased Shami Chakibutty castigating the Labour MPs who supported the Corbyn vote of no confidence…. ‘Mugging a decent man in cold blood’……..’ I hope and believe (the winner) will be Jeremy Corbyn’.
It’s worth running back through Liberty’s advocacy over the last several years and then reflecting on the mindset that was in charge, now shown to be seen through the prism of the Far Left all along.
How very impartial. Not.
I see that jolly attractive young Baroness Chakrabarti – all credit to her diligence and probity – was suggesting how wicked it is to ‘…mug a 65-year-old’ in a reference to unfair and gratuitous attacks on her Noble Leader. So she’s earning her salt already.
Shami looks like Yvette Cooper-a strange boy-child in(presumably) a female body.
She used the same meme both on Any Questions at 8am-then on Newsnight two hours later.
Basically-a wee thing from the wrong side of the tracks, a wee newbie to horrid base old politics..can`t we all unite and be friends for Jezz?
As if her sudden joining of her beloved Labour was unrelated to getting into the Lords the next week?
How many typical Labour converts have THAT as a career trajectory?-yet nobody seems willing to call her out for the fraud she is, what a rotten hypocritical gesture that was?
No elephant in the room-it would be too shame faced to go in and live with mahout Shamis pile of steaming dung.
Well done BBC-two bites of acrid Shami within three hours across all liblab orifices-and nobody tasteless enough to remind her of her exonerations of Islam, her part in making the life of Jews that bit worse in Britain…
On a BBC report tonight RAF pilots were interviewed under hidden identity; the BBC stated that such measures were due to security risks back here in the UK. So what is this ‘risk’ the BBC talk of? Amish militants or Presbyterian paramilitaries? What a sad state of affairs when our brave personnel have to assume hidden identities because of Islamic extremists openly attacking our troops back home. They go abroad to fight Islamist terrorism but yet return home to find the enemy waiting for them. And what’s more, the lefty scum support the Islamic terrorists.
Alex – there is no need to send our Armed Forces abroad to fight Muslims: there are more than enough here for them to be deployed against and the indigenous Fifth Columnists who give them succour.
One rather interesting fact about crime statistics in the US is that when Hispanics are victims, they are generally categorised as ‘Hispanic’. However, when they are the criminals they are often categorised as Caucasian/White. This categorisation extends to the police, too: if a (Hispanic) police officer shoots, say, a negro during the course of his duty, he magically becomes ‘white’ in the media. This selective use of ethnicity is very useful when it comes to massaging the crime statistics.
“Burlington gun attack: Four women shot dead at US shopping centre”
Not “Four Dead”.
Women, not people, women.
Men being shot dead, not mentioned on AlBeeb, unless, of course, dey am effnics or members of a percycuted religion of peice.
Yasser – is it me or are we hearing less of that pathetic cliché (lie) NTDWI?
Also that other lie, islam is a ROP. Could it be that the widespread mockery and sarcastic use of those terms (on sites such as this) have embarrassed and shamed our politicians, and meant they could no longer use the terms (lies) with a straight face? The latest ploy seems to be to ignore the Islamic connection altogether. In the reactions to recent terror attacks in NY and MN, Hussain, Hillary and Khan could barely mention the word ‘terror’, much less Islamic. I affix a link to the ever clear, eloquent and informed Douglas Murray on Islam as a ROP.
PTG I do hope you are right about the tedious response ‘nothing to do with Islam’ but I rather fear it has a while to run yet.
The dingbats who keep making these statements may now be realizing that in most cases they are talking rubbish but I don’t think it is likely to stop them in a hurry.
Wow those debaters really got people to change there prior opinions on the Qn : Islam is a RoP ?
Pre-Debate Poll Results
41%For | 25% Against | 34%
Post Debate Poll Results
36% For | 55% Against | 9%
The Guardian’s Gary Younge has just been given his chance to comment on the Today programme. He told us that black citizens in the US have a lower life expectancy than people in the Gaza Strip. Yes really.
Oh dear-the BBC seem awful keen not to refer to the race/colour of the police shooter who killed our Ken in Charlotte?
If only the cop had been white eh?…so we`re stuck as gun crime, black victims…but not the race edge that sets blacks killing whites and the BBC belly full as a result.
I read about 2/3 of that. It was like reading about an alternate universe where the characters are the same but everything else is in reverse. Trump as a liar while Cllinton is honest and trustworthy, Al Gore a “visionary” etc. etc. etc. It’s so bad it’s not worth a proper fisking – read each line and assume the exact opposite and you won’t be far off the truth.
Watched a programme on BBC4 called “Battle for the Himalayas. The Fight to Film Everest”. Leaving aside the melodramatic title, this was the BBC at its best and worst, I thought. Marvellous film from the years between the wars and earlier and the difficulty in filming at great heights. But the political stance which lay underneath the commentary was embarrassing. Patriotic pride in any achievement was nationalist propaganda (you know that nasty stuff the EU had eradicated), sneering asides at the British Raj, and so on. I happen to be interested in the climbing from the era and the notion peddled by the BBC that it was all about 8,000 metre summits was just not true as far as I am aware. Claims that expeditions were massive operations funded by countries for national pride are undermined by my two favourite climbers Tilman and Shipton who operated on a shoestring. All very misleading.
Interesting – I’ll have to see if I can catch that programme on iPlayer tonight. I’m very interested in high-altitude climbing, not because I’m a climber, but because the whole thing fascinates me. Why do people do it? On the face of it, it’s such a ludicrously dangerous thing to do (with oxygen or without) and the countless deaths around the world (but especially in the Himalayan Range) are a morbid testament to that fact. I find the psychology of high-altitude climbing (and climbing in general) – given the evidence of just how dangerous it is even for very experienced climbers (plenty of whom have perished) a complex, difficult subject to understand. Thanks for the heads-up!
Sadly, this invasive political propaganda has now reached into just about every corner of the BBC, even into the once relatively intelligent programmes broadcast by BBC Four. As a consequence, I now find myself consuming almost no BBC output at all. They won’t miss one viewer and listener but I doubt I am alone.
The Corporation’s profound bias over Brexit will have alienated many, who will finally have woken up to what has happened, but until and unless we have a government with the courage to tackle it, the BBC will go on pumping this Marxist effluent like a giant, out of control sewer.
BTW, you might want to know that if you can access iPlayer you can watch both the documentary mikef mentioned (‘Battle for the Himalayas: The Fight to Film Everest’) and the much better 1924 documentary of the ill-fated Mallory/Irvine expedition.
‘The Epic of Everest’
Film record of the legendary Everest expedition of 1924, restored by the BFI National Archive, which culminated in the deaths of the climbers George Mallory and Andrew Irvine. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b050r7gx/the-epic-of-everest
It’s fantastic. No narration, no political message – just a beautiful, digitally-cleaned-up restoration of the original 1924 expedition film. It’s amazing – the atmosphere of that lost age of heroic adventurism is all captured magnificently. It’s like stepping back in time. The soundtrack is haunting and really helps to evoke the majesty and sheer terror of the landscape.
Kudos goes to the BFI – what an amazing historical document the film is. Watch it in High Definition if you can – the film quality is staggeringly good.
Live Now on LBC Radio Matt Frei presenting until 1pm and using his BBC email address
I was expecting Nigel Farage, he’s presented for last 2 weeks.
How come Matt Frei is on LBC, doesn’t he work for BBC/Times/Channel4 ?
Ah I get it, the Corbyn results come ion at 12pm ..so Matt can cover it live.
“If not for @MattFrei’s first day @lbc,I would have gone to the gym.Can’t stomach Vladimir Illyrich Jeremy Corbyn’s speech.”
“Dennis Skinner tells me PLP is more right wing now than at any time, even under Blair… His views in my report with @mattfrei at 11 on @LBC”
“Jon gaunt @jongaunt
Taking daughter and boyfriend to Uni listening @mattfrei on @LBC as a phone show host he’s a brilliant biased @Channel4News newsreader #crap”
Award-winning broadcaster Matt Frei, Channel 4 News’ Europe Editor and former US correspondent will join LBC for a new Saturday morning show.
Frei will bring years of Europe and US experience to commercial radio offering insight into Brexit negotiations, the US Presidential race and much more.
Or you could say BigGreenBlob has the power and the money to get its narrative and propaganda to dominate the media.
No he`s not a presenter-but like Berry, Mel and Sue-he`s BBC.
Which means a job for life, being a lefty pillock…and able to lord and lady muck it over the rest of us on our tab.
Grab quickly luvvies-that till your fingers are in has sharp edges and we`ll soon be ready to deal with ye!
Dear Friends on this site. I would like for you to vote for me as Sports Personality of the year on the BBC this year!! I have heart failure but I still ride a bike . Or you could vote for my son who has ulcerated colitis. Between us we take most of the pills and have similar injections to many of former winners of Sports Personality. If so many “ill people” can run,swim, ride a bike and win gold medals and the like and be voted for by the sports loving folk that watch the Beeb. How about me or my son. We are willing to take anything we are prescribed to get the vote. Please vote for me. If I get 50 or more clicks I will recommend myself to the BBC. By the way I can walk 200 metres as well, so I cant get a disabled parking permit. BUT neither can any top cyclists I know!!
quisquose, I have read Younge, against my better judgement. He is yet another Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson clone, making a living by hammering away at white guilt.
If what he says is true (and I doubt anything he says) it might be because blacks are being slaughtered daily in the US by their fellow blacks along with the fact that UNRWA aid flows into Gaza via Israel and Hamas and their supporters have a guaranteed source of income from the crooked UN. Nobody in Gaza will starve – unless they have the misfortune to be Christian and/or support Abbas.
Good that eh?
Gary Younge gets to ponder over Brexit in a two parter a few weeks ago.
Now here comes the Puffing Billy reversing back from up the Lefty Tunnel of Lube, so we can all hear his “book at bedtime/the week” whevvas!
Think it was called “The Death of America”…but what else Gary?
Guardian black grievance mong requests America to close down and let the Pyongyang yardies and Bahrain enrichers take it-and us-all over!
Quelle surprise Gary, surely not BBC!
Shithead has an extra “e” in his name-stands for “eggy” I think.
Wonder if the BBC will yet publish “the daeth of the EU”-as written by 17.4 million of us on June 23rd?…death of Juncker?…Clinton Hillary?
The Death of Islam then?
Nah, course not…just America.
Trump is coming…and hope to God he boots out all BBC lefty traitors like Young, Morris and Sopel….
Like other bloggers to bbbc, I too was impressed by the speed with which Burlington’s finest could ascertain that the mall shooter was ‘Hispanic’ – not even ‘of Hispanic appearance’, just ‘Hispanic male’. Maybe he is – a disgruntled Mexican perhaps, time will tell – but how reassuring that the Burlington PD could be so definite so quickly on such skimpy evidence as a grainy cctv? Did he say ‘muchas gracias’ at the checkout perhaps? Or was he humming La Cucaracha, or Viva Espana? Or did he shout Ay Caramba, à la Bart Simpson maybe? Which got me thinking: perhaps all those other shooters weren’t shouting Allahu Akbar at all, but Ay Caramba – can sound quite similar in a noisy mall.
Perhaps Interpol should be looking more closely at notorious troublemaker Bart and his legion of followers.
But then again, recent events have taught us to be wary of police departments’ expertise in ethnic profiling. They seem to confuse Norwegian with Somali, German with Iranian, French with Moroccan, Algerian or just about anyone.
What’s going on at the police training academies worldwide? One thing we know: they are taught never, ever, ever, to use the word Islamic.
Typical half baked, pre fabricated piece of shit from the BBC-but masquerading as a “news item”,,,number 4 in the news leads at 9am.
When there`s a story there-we`ll find on the web, sure as hell the BBC will have wrapped it in a burka before sprinkling it with icing sugar, old cocaine and unicorn dandruff.
Until then BBC-if it was a Muslim, that would seem our obvious place to start-if any of the four women killed were Exotica/black…they`d surely have said, this being the BBC?…Oh yes!
In other words EVERY f***in story on the BBC needs filtering through a Commies old sock before we REALLY know the truth-like Pravda and Tass, we`re now learning all the codes, acronyms and buzzwords/omissions to tell us what REALLY has occurred.
Start at Muslim killing four white women and scale down as the story unfolds…and when it`s not whitey wasting the ethnics, the BBC will default at Sandy Nook vogue.
Priceless BBC comedy live now on BBC 2 – The Labour Leadership Result. Breakout the popcorn and rejoice: everyone is convinced Chairman Corbyn will easily win! The BBC hardly knows which way to turn, but the biggest laughs come from Corbynistas talking about ‘turning the Labour Party into a force to win the next general election under Jeremy’s leadership’.
Priceless. I’m not sure the UK electorate feel the same way about a militant, aggressive socialist Trotsky outfit with communist undertones and its own army of ‘enforcers’ in the shadowy and malevolent Momentum operating behind-the-scenes.
I can’t help speculating about what the BBC’s coverage would be were it the Conservatives in such turmoil. It’s pretty hard to imagine even a tenth of the agonising and bellyaching the BBC has indulged in over the past few weeks.
Dead right GC.
Had this all been Tory or UKIP, Republican or anybody else-this would have been portrayed as a perverted freak show of grab bag cretins who have delusions of adequacy, humanity or brains.
But because it`s Labour-it`s been seen as necessary healing, encounter group therapy-and all in the best possible taste for the only righteous cause.
The BBC and Labour will now be hung together on the same rope.
How the hell do the BBC justify this endless “Corbyn Coronation Chickenshit” melange of “news and analysis”.
How many “man-hours”(other hours are of course available)have they devoted to the pubic geyser, affecting to be a fountain?
Let the Labourreich do their water cooler masturbatory plots and shindigs in their own time and on their own media….that the BBC are so desperate to make him appear a player only shows how low, how supine, how stupid they are.
F Off BBC-stop propping up your Guardian spunkniks, your Lefty twats at OUR expense.
ChrisH – I agree, but on the other hand: is it such a bad thing that the public should be informed, ad nauseam, about the implosion of Labour? I suspect it cheers up at least half of them, and depresses the other half. Win-win.
Good point Peter…letting sunlight in on magic is worth a punt.
If I see it as an endless Van Haagens autopsy with only blood commie red, islamic green and poncey yellow orange limpwrists liberal crap…with a Harman pink, Lucal limre green, Birt Sky Blue and Sturgeon brownshirt shade-all injected into the plasticised blood system of the dead Left cadaver-then the next Turnip Prize is surely Mein!
Oh-and when the BBC were squawking re the “gender pay gay”…I wonder where the trannies and sex change reconditioned people are included…will they be declared as suffering from discrimination as they lounge about in a Bangkok NHS water bed, as opposed to lifting a shovel?
Seems to me that tranniebirds etc, black supremacists and Islamic lube monkeys do rather BETTER than beige white civilians when it comes to moolah as paid for by the BBC and Guardian/Channel 4?
They ‘justify’ it by things like Fascists writing in to ‘Feedback’ and alleging bias against Corbyn (which there has been by a liberal leftist biased BBC who don’t like him & know he can’t win).
It gives those of the Fascist persuasion at the BBC the opportunity to push the Corbyn agenda.
The real bias though is the fact that they allowed the anti Corbyn bias on the program when they would never allow the pro Clinton bias to be discussed.
Apologies to the Sound of Music but here are a few of the BBC’s ‘Favourite Things’
Labour red roses and burkas on women
Thoroughly PC diversity vetted but a blind eye for Savile
Brown coloured actors cast in just about everything
These are a few of our favourite things
Wall to wall Paralympics and football for ladies
Euthanasia for grandma and a sex-change for junior
Legalise it we’ll advertise it but prosecution for smoking
These are a few of our favourite things
BBC pay grades, travel expenses and service company contracts
Glasto and sugar tax and sharia courts
Covered up Leftist Anti-Semitism and Jeremy Corbyn
These are a few of our favourite things
Wide open borders and our beloved EU
Strictly and Bake-off and Top Gear and… scratch those last two
Public sector pay strikes but millionaire ‘talent’
These are a few of our favourite things
When recession bites, when our enemies bomb
When we’re feeling sad
We simply remember our favourite things
And then we don’t feel so bad
When Corbyn fails, when the Tories rule
When we’re feeling sad
We simply remember our favourite things
And then we don’t feel so bad
Spent much of today trying(and still failing) to get exact rhymes for this fantastic offering
Labour Red Roses and Burkas on women.
Doing their sums with accountants in mittens
Brown flakey baggages shaking their tits
These are a few of our favourite things.
Great stuff AISI…and note that Richard Littlejohn has a wind up show about Lefty protest singers coming soon on Radio 2!
Kew Gardens coming out in favour of Brexit
Times page 19 says Kew are saying Benefit of Brexit is that the EU has too lax tree import rules, so foreign pest infected trees arrive and put our native trees at risk, and they don’t have resistance.
Friends! My new Blog, simply titled “Now That The Hard-Right Neoliberal Red Tory Traitor, The Far-Right Owen Jones [Sic! – J.C.], Has Been Literally Smashed In A Democratic Leadership Election, It Is Time For All Of Us On The Progressive Left – And There Are Many Of Us, Friends, e.g. Me – To Literally Come Together And Literally Smash This Totally Unelected Tory Government, Friends!” has literally just been published!
Like Support Our Lefty above…I want the end of the Tory hegemoniacal era, and desire-nay demand the end of the political in-fighting that has blighted our efforts to get the License fee raised to £1000, and get Corbyn and McDonnell to reprise-quite literally-the benevolence of Uncle Josef Starling and Lavinia Beria…and her dear brother Yogi!
So my friends…I accept that Support Our Lefty is the coming man, and I will no longer attempt to pitch him out of his elected office, with a fresh mandate to make us once more the Party of the Volk.
Onward to victory-not you though Ruth, Louise and other ladies who lean towards Jewish traits…
The manifesto above from our Deal Leader is now upon us…we must now act in lockstep with Comrade Sportilefty….
“West must harden its heart against refugees”
. . The Geneva Convention is well past its sell-by date and should be rewritten to make political political asylum harder to claim (by redefining persecution) Matthew Parris big comment article pg 27 Today’s Times ££
When does BBC end and MSM stsrt ?
Today Justin Webb (of bbcR4Today) has another long article in the Times : Clinton must avoid healthcare trap in TV debate with Trump
Obamacare is not working properly, and needs to be fixed..He’s worried that we can’t assume that Hillary will come up with a better solution than Trump ..on the TV debate it may not be a winning point for her.
If Clinton manages to stay conscious during the debate she will have done well. Anything less than a grand mal fit and the BBC will declare her the winner.
BBBC in full pant wetting mode now broadcasting live from the Labour Party Conference as their man (after endless BBC support & even a special about him 2 hours before the polls closed on 5-Dive) wins the leadership election – the one that took 3 days to count the votes!
VD is there quite ferociously swishing her latest ‘I’ve had cancer’ wig about and bagging every ethnic walking past for their predictable thoughts: “Only 4 more years ’till Jeremy is elected and then we’ll never have to work again”.
Last straw for me after all the interviews with cropped-haired CND women, bearded turds and yoofs with fat lispy tongues was the sight of Diane Abbott filling my 50″ telly like a solar eclipse. Shoe now poking out of a streaky looking Samsung and I’m off to Currys!
Mackers – as US election approaches, be sure there is huge pressure from the top down to downplay any possible islamic terror, a subject where the vilified Trump has been outspoken, in contrast to Hussein/Hillary’s pusillanimity.
In this case it’s doubly awkward for the Establishment as Trump has also been outspoken on Hispanics. Dear oh dear, what’s a good lying Liberal to do? Which way to spin??
Once again I am in awe at the boys in blue stateside: not only can they detect mental health issues at 500 yards in poor visibility, they can also identify Hispanics from other Mediterranean or middle eastern types on grainy cctv, and best of all, within minutes of a shooting, confidently assert: “Washington State Patrol have said that there is no indication of terrorism in the shooting in Burlington”.
But I do wonder: just what exactly would ‘indicate terrorism’? A certificate left on the bodies of the victims saying ‘Killed by order of isis’?
What the authorities/msm/police seem not to get (or pretend not to) is that the order has gone out from isis to all true muslims to kill kafirs whenever, wherever, however. Any Peaceful Religionist who hears the call and acts on it is, therefore, a terrorist, with or without written orders.
Our latest shooter may or may not be one such, but until the authorities know his ID, background and motivation, saying ‘no indication of terrorism’ is just wishful thinking or political propaganda.
Hussein to Chief of Police, Washington: “This was NOT terrorism, ok? Repeat, NOT terrorism, if you value your job.”
Yet another male of Middle Eastern appearance Norwegian lone wolf with mental problems.
Was the name of the man with the “Swiss Name” who killed a passenger on a train ever released?
Meanwhile Pope Francis is meeting relatives of the 86 people killed by that Islamic scumbag who drove a lorry over people in Nice.
Pope “We must resist the temptation for hatred, etc etc”
Bollox, we must resist the Muslim invasion with every weapon at our disposal, and expel the filth from Europe. Send them all to meet Allah ASAP.
Noticed that the Man killed by the chicken takeaway was a czech man called Zdenek Makaross….Now two men and a kid arrested for murder…just two men no names one of them 29 years old…..well don’t sound english to me …..Perhaps the polish officers in the country could help…. So lets see how much coverage this one gets……..Speeches in the EU and wall to wall press i would like to see how they try and pin this on brexit.
I quote latest news reports :
“Officers are awaiting formal identification but have named the victim as..”
Possibly that means they are foreign, as British people should be easier to identify.
The fact that this has not been categorised by the BBC as a racist killing strongly suggests the attackers were not white (who by Beeb definition could not be racist).
They were perhaps Norwegian or mentally ill.
tomoMar 6, 15:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 Eagle is it seems a graduate of the Dianne Abbott academy? One might’ve hoped that the voters of The Wirral…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 * What power have you got? • Where did you get it from? • In whose interests do you use…
tomoMar 6, 15:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 home insurance premium? I’d have a read of the policy document
tomoMar 6, 15:05 Midweek 5th March 2025 More law….. EU courts…. – just imagine what TTK would get up to in cahoots with this lot. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1897643947654099325
Richard PinderMar 6, 15:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nKBwlTaz0pU/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEhCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAxMIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJD&rs=AOn4CLALPS25eYEednhxOL4f351YJHeshw[/img] Stalinist torture of Tommy Robinson by the nasty socialist state. Political prisoner, Tommy Robinson, has suffered 128+ days so…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 14:58 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Police ‘acted reasonably’ in Pearson hate crime case” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cp8y9j7j953o The Essex force has previously defended its since-dropped investigation over an…
AlthepalerpMar 6, 14:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Maybe the White population of the UK can do a deal with Mexico……. Mexico’s northern and western regions have the…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 13:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Only because Kamela didn’t know where either the USA border was or Europe.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 13:51 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Angela Eagle’s question to David Coleman is insufferably stupid, e.g. ‘do you believe in human rights?’. What on earth is…
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:51 Midweek 5th March 2025 Marky – thank you for putting that up – imagine a country where they take border security seriously … I…
I’ve been watching publicly-owned but commercially-funded Channel 4 early evening news recently. It’s essentially a current affairs magazine aimed at and made by SJWs and virtue signallers.
Yesterday’s programme featured:
Newsreader Matt Frei warning us that Kylie Morris’ report from a Florida retirement campus about Trump-supporting pensioners contained offensive language. Lo and behold, one of the pensioners had a sign with the word “bitch” on his golf cart, which Kylie asked him about. Kylie clearly thought that word was self-evidently offensive; golf cart pensioner clearly thought it wasn’t. But either way – thanks to Matt’s heads up – I had already bid my wife and servants to leave the room and cover their ears;
A hijab-wearing fencer from the US who had won bronze at the Olympics. The C4 news team must have been punching the air with delight to unearth footage of Muslim swordplay which was fit to screen. It put me in mind of Brass Eye, beyond parody.
That Kylie Morris is a nasty piece of work.
That report by her was an utter disgrace implying that only white people are trump voters and racist to boot. She was getting upset by the word bitch but she herself was lobbing the word racist around like nobodys business. Earlier frei interviewed a black pastor giving the impression that he was a rarity in the black community for voting for trump. This guy told frei some home truths about crime in chicago but frei was not interested in listening only wanting to smear trump.
Channel 4 news are just going to get worse in the run up to the election. Might as well just put a sign up and say we love hilary.
We’ll need to watch out for all sorts of black ops and false flags from the liberal media in the run-up to the US election. They know that Trump has a pretty good shot at making it all the way into the Oval Office; Hillary’s a clapped-out, untrusted unpopular candidate, while Trump seems to be drawing huge crowds without any problems and closing the gap on Clinton day-by-day.
I’m willing to bet there will some ‘major incident’ engineered to save Hillary mere weeks away from Election Day.
Frei is getting a spot on Londinistan Broadcasting Corporation which has become a 5live clone, as for Talk radio, file it under light comedy. Gaunty is the only thing worth listening to these days.
If you’d like to listen to some non-collectivist propaganda radio, but are prepared to suffer the repetitive ad breaks, try Rense radio, the Alex Jones radio, and various GCN radio stations. They’re all American but are very entertaining and informative. Rense radio even has David Duke as a regular guest. You get to hear different opinions that will never be heard on any UK radio station.
So @Tom C4 thinks “bitch” is a swear word !
In British common use it’s often the female equivalent of “bastard”
.. If you go to Google Image search using the words ‘Trump Bastard’
it’s yields lots that C4 forgot to report
Sorry. Clicked report by mistake.
BBC R4 news crowing that Mary Berry won’t be joining GBBO when it moves to C4. Various Tristrams lined up to tell us that C4 had done the worst deal in history, salute Berry’s “loyalty” etc.
This seems to be one of those “stories” of high interest to BBC news team but which I have yet to hear mentioned in my workplace, pub or in the general going about of daily business.
I used to be mildly interested in watching the programme until they fixed the final so the Muslim woman won.I don’t watch it now. Then I noticed that a dark skinned youth was one of the competitors in the Young Musician of the Year, so I put my money on him to win , which he duly did. It’s the same with all BBC drama , the white folks will be the guilty ones , unless of course there are Israelis about ,in which case the BBC will make sure they are the baddies. Same with nearly all documentaries , the evil white imperialists will be the villains of the piece. But just occasionally something does slip through the PC censors. The programme re Alfred the Great had a short section about how the Vikings who it claimed , despite their rather violent reputation, actually wanted to assimilate with the Anglo Saxons , take up their religion and customs and settle down to live as farmers. Across much of northern England this was exactly what happened. Fast forward 1300 years and we can see another wave of invaders, or migrants, with a rather different set of ideas about how to get on with the locals. Perhaps the PC brigade at the BBC don’t see any parallels !
Curious aspect of the BBC commentary seems to be that BBC commentators seem to think that if Channel 4 outbid them to buy in a programme from an outside production company, there is a stronger case for the privatisation of Channel 4.
Does it not cross their minds that there is therefore a strong case for the privatisation of the BBC who have been buying in the same programme for the last 8 years and would continue to do so if they had been able.
Also I had to laugh when I heard the BBC talking heads saying that programmes never transferred well between channels. Obviously they are not smart enough to understand University Challenge, nor are they aware that Des Chiffres et Des Lettres ran every night for 20 years on French TV before it moved to Channel 4 (no The Rachel Riley Bum Show).
But the best bit was when the Beeboids tried to make out that the whole programme was “nurtured” by the BBC and relied on their “talent”, which sounded good until someone from the production company said that the same show had been running for years in other countries without any input from the BBC or the BBC stars.
Which all prompts the question as to why we need a state funded program selector to provide us with several channels of outsourced pap, when we can easily buy in the same sort of content, made by the same non-BBC production companies, on commercial channels (with advertising and/or subscription).
Beebistan pushing its usual line of Islam as victim on its home page piece about muslims in Kashmir (apropos nothing at all in the news – why?).
But something that gets very little attention is our beloved Emir’s appointment of an Integration deputy, who like himself has had some questionable associations in the past – but you’re not allowed to ask about that – waycist innit?
What’s he going to integrate? Islam into London? London into Islam? I don’t like the sound of eiher. First we had the shariah ban on bikini posters, then his hate crime squad (guess who they’ll be targeting?), now an Integration deputy. Moving pieces into place for shariah by stealth?
PTG – a poster on Going Postal noticed this article regarding Saviour-of-London Sadiq in a magazine while in the Dentist’s waiting room.
It’s so incredibly ridiculous…
I quote:
‘He is also “a metrosexual, definitely” who loves shopping and is “in touch with my feminine side. I can wear pink”, although he admits his dancing is not all that he would hope. “In my head when I dance I feel like Pharrell or Drake. My daughters think I’m Jon Snow or Piers Morgan.” But perhaps most importantly of all, he is proud to call himself a feminist.’
Aww, bless, he’s sooo wovewee…
Another idiot with this feminist crap. Like wallace last year declaring himself a feminist and the idiot trudeau in canada, Its just one big virtue signal by these clowns. Man up bitches.
Khan ain’t no feminist bruv that is guaranteed. Going on past form the devious little cretin will say anything to get up that greasy pole.
I was amused by Khan when he appeared on “Test Match Special” (on Radio 4 LW / Five Live Sports Extra) in an interview during a lunch break towards the end of the international cricket season. He had once had a trial with Surrey County Cricket Club and former England swing bowler Geoff Arnold, but had been rejected. Khan took himself very seriously, believing he was good enough to have made the grade, with no sign of much self-deprecating humour.
But he can misrepresent himself on BBC QT as “agnostic”* when he is quite clearly a committed muslim activist.
*He used the term with reference to his views on wearing the veil.
Of course, the illiterates used that to claim he was a religious agnostic.
Muslim taqiyya (deception/lies) at its “finest”.
tami – the alliance of lib/left/islamophiles/khan have achieved 2 very clever things: 1) to establish as fact the lie that perfectly justifiable critique of islam in any form is racist/islamophobic; 2) that endorsing and promoting islam in various ways, and electing muslims to public office, is a sign of strength, will ‘send out a strong message’ of how united we are and will somehow help to combat extremism.
So promoting, embracing, and voting for an ideology that’s fundamentally inimical to our beliefs and way of life is somehow defending that way of life. What a brilliant piece of doublethink.
The truth of course is quite the opposite: it’s one more step in the normalisation of islamisation, one more nail in the coffin of once great Britain and the West.
They did promise that the flag if Islam would someday be flying over London – it all seems to be going swimmingly. Having your country taken away is one thing, giving it away is quite another and used to be called, treason.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings between 6.20am and 6.30am I am generally in the car on the way to take the dog for a walk, with R4 Today’s business report on the radio.
At about 6.25am the reporter will ask whatever guest they’ve got on to share with us their concerns about Brexit. The guest will reply that business could do without the uncertainty, but they are making plans to manage it and make the best of it.
You can pretty much set your watch by it at the moment. It’s really starting to get on my t*ts.
Monday sees the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Crooked Hillary. There is going to be massive worldwide interest, not least from the BBC, which will almost certainly look for any and every opportunity to criticise and denigrate Trump while being considerate to the crooked one.
Trump has said he does not believe the moderators will be fair to him. This is a clever way of forestalling their bias since he’s obliged them to demonstrate that he is wrong and they are impeccably impartial.
Unfortunately this kind of psychology doesn’t work with the BBC, which lately doesn’t even seem to see the need to pretend to be fair and balanced in its reporting.
This site does a great job in exposing not only the bias but the BBC’s arrogant refusal to acknowledge it.
That’s because they simply don’t see it as bias, TT. Their intelligence and experience are at such a high level of development they really do know the answers, and in the rare event of an answer being challenged, naturally it will be the question that is at fault. In fact it’s rather naïve for the rest of us to expect to keep up. Without degrees in social history and politics, and a daily dose of Guardian, we’re always going to be at a disadvantage.
Thanks for the chuckle, Beltane. Many a true word is said in jest.
I listened to R4 PM today. Eddie Mair’s right-on programme. There has been a feature all week with yet another Beeb reporter on a jolly in the USA. This one has been going across USA on a train interviewing citizens about the presidential candidates. With predictably biased sampling.
But today he (the reporter – can’t remember his name) got it all wrong. Perhaps he’s been on the train too long and lost his bearings. Anyway, today for final report he interviews people in Seattle, a left-wing city he said, and talked to three Bernie Saunders supporters. Well fair enough, let’s hear what they say. They were all negative about Clinton. One would even vote against Clinton. Last words to a nicely spoken lady who said Hilary Clinton was a corrupt member of the remote political elite. Then over to Eddie in the studio whose immediate question back to the reporter was ….
“And what was the food like on the train?” !!!!
I fell off my chair laughing. Clearly there was to be no more criticism of Hilary on Eddie’s watch!
It doesn’t matter how well Trump does the media will still hand it to Hillary.
True. I enjoyed watching Trump chastise the media on stage during the primaries while they were recording him.
No matter how biased these hacks are, they like to think of themselves as straightforward and honourable. He’s punched a number of holes in that assumption and they’ll never forgive him for it.
There’s every chance she will collapse live and on air, but you are right, the BBC and MSM in general will still hand her the win.
There is an article by (the excellent) Diana West on her blog, about a child rape case Clinton was involved in as the defence attorney in the early 1970’s; for a woman who presents herself as standing up for the rights of women and girls it shows her to be an absolutely appalling hypocrite and why she should NEVER be POTUS.
If you haven’t seen this video before, you will find it hard to believe that any woman could ever be so unprincipled and vicious.
Of course, now we know much more about Rodham, it all makes perfect sense.
There is a better video with the actual victim speaking.
And the hilary laughing conversation slowed down
Just finished looking at the lunch time news weather. The nice man said it was sunshine all over England. As I look out of my window at the tray skies that stretch towards the horizon, I realise that even the weather reports are misleading from the BBC.
BBC continue to use taxpayer’s money to promote the Monarchy. That rediculoous article about Prince William and his pretend job as a helicopter pilot. No mention that hey should have given the job to somebody who needed it and who could do it full time.
Your posts appear to be a one note samba.
Perhaps you could share your vision of the Republic with us, (swearing loyalty to such as Jeremy Corbyn?) and move on?
I’m no republican but you may have a point.
Al Beeb royal coverage does tend to be excessively reverential / fawning / toadying but – as the Windsors have no actual power and seemingly gladden the hearts of millions – does it actually matter?
It matters a great deal. The monarchy is undemocratic and harmful in so many ways. The BBC should properly report about them not just endless sycophancy
The BBC support a whole range of undemocratic causes, including Middle East tyrants and London post-ref remoanians. By comparison, their support for the British monarchy is harmless.
You should campaign for a referendum on democratising the Monarchy. My favourite solution is an all comers hereditary monarchy with a referendum between Accession and the Coronation.
So Prince Charles accedes the throne on the death of the Queen, then we have a referendum with anyone in the Royal Commonwealth able to stand, Prince William would be favourite to win the referendum, and so he would be Crowned as King at the Coronation, marking the end of the short reign of King Charles III.
This solution is a very British idea, it democratises the Monarchy by opening it up to any family in the Royal Commonwealth, while avoiding the use of the boring title “President”. And therefore saves Britain’s heritage and its tourist benefits.
Replace them with some nice fluffy kittens. Kings and Queens belong in fairy tales not in real life.
Complete bollocks.
I believe the Anglo-Saxons had a form of elected monarchy, where the king was chosen by a committee of nobles. BBC coverage of royal events does seem to be an exemption from the general lib-left mood of most of its programming. My guess is it’s editorial policy which has been decided at very high level. If you look at the lower end stuff, particularly with BBC comedians, it’s clear they’re republican to a man.
This is only tangentially applicable to the Beeb but worth mentioning. I posted it on the old open thread and I think it bears repeating here, hope no one minds.
ust a quick and rather sad note. In the Telegraph today, Terry Jones of Python fame has been diagnosed with a type of dementia. He is 74, same age as my dad was when he started to go downhill with it. It is a vile ailment as I’m sure you all know. I feel sorry for him and his family particularly as I am still looking after my dad eight years on, although two months ago he had to go into a care home to stay and have his life savings and home slowly removed by the council.
Thanks for the giggles Terry, you were my favourite.
I am slowly losing the will to live after today’s Lettuce, Gay, Bacon, Tomato ‘magazine’ article excreted on the front page of BBC ‘news’ website:-
Who on earth is interested in this utter non-story; why not another article about ‘migrants’, maybe not?
Last night on North West Tonight, they covered an effort by the Army to grovel to ethnic minorities and specifically muslims to get them to join.
Personally I find that a demeaning exercise in virtue signalling and box ticking, but there you go. However, the BBC took it up a notch in their vox pops. They interviewed a couple of black people who said they would not serve, but where were the muslims? The answer came from the presenter, Roger Johnson, who said they had interviewed several muslims, all of whom said they would never serve in the British Army (hands up all those who are shocked). However, they did not broadcast these interviews! Why not? One can only conclude that the contents must have been so damaging to the cosy notion of “race relations” and “diversity” that they could not be shown.
The BBC has obviously decided that we cannot handle the truth, and therefore made a decision to suppress it. I must at least give Roger Johnson some credit for mentioning these hidden interviews, and I hope this rare example of deviation from NuThink does not mean he will be sent to a Re-education Camp.
Watched it!
The people in control of the MoD and The Met Police (Head of police suggesting it a great idea that female officers should wear Islamic face-covering) are nothing but effeminates themselves! I don’t care – I’ve said it now!
As we who follow BiasedBBC all know, BBC has not grasped the principle of the “whole truth”.
The truth for the BBC is whatever suits their agenda. Everything else must be suppressed.
Great post Rob
Yes indeed. There is no such thing as reporting the facts of the event and then allowing the viewer to come to their own conclusion. Everything is about portraying a message or implementation of ideas… The truth is in complete contradiction to the lunatic lefties ideology. The Far lefts ideology that so many of our sheltered, privileged snowflakes adhere to, especially the vermin who infest Islamic Al Beebistan’s HQ are only interested in propaganda….
I am sure that the army rank and file are mightily relieved not to have Muslims in their midst. How would they be able to live alongside people with such different values, let all be fight alongside them when they would put their lives in the hands of these aliens. Imagine not knowing when confronting your enemy whether or not your supposed comrade in arms behind you might put a bullet in you rather than the enemy in front of you.
The governing elite in this country just won’t admit that they have brought an alien invader into our country who , far from seeking to assimilate , wishes to live separately according to their customs and dreadful religious commands. We were never asked if we wanted them in our country because the elite knew we would have said no overwhelmingly, just as the Hugarians are about to. The longer the elite keep refusing to take action to correct their cataclysmic mistake the worse things will get. These stupid BBC programmes are an irritating but pointless attempt to promote social cohesion at the behest of the elite who know that they , and unfortunately the rest of us, are sitting on a time bomb with a ticking clock.
A very good point.
You have to wonder at the mentality of the Army’s commanders. Is the blind race for “diversity” really so important? Doesn’t unit cohesion matter?
The Army is open to all. There are quite a few black soldiers, and many from Fiji, who make very good soldiers I believe. Muslims can join if they want, but the fact is they do not want to, and why should the Army bend over backwards to try and persuade them to join?
The only lesson I have learned from this exercise in futility is that so-called “British muslims” do not really see themselves as British at all. They live here, conduct business here, use our passport as a convenient travel document, and avail themselves of our social security and health services. But they do not see themselves as British, they see themselves as muslim, and have no loyalty to Britain at all.
Why would you want people like that in your Army?
Why would you want people like that in your country?
And the MOD and government is puzzled about the lack of recruits from the indigenous population! Why the hell would anyone wish to join.
I heard (think it was Douglas Murray) that apparently there are more british muslims fighting for ISIS than there are in the british army! Says it all really
I’ve been out most of the day. Came home to see what is the latest news and what do I find on al Beeb website?
Terry Jones has dementia. Who??
The 6 weirdest gifts countries have given each other.
Carpool karaoke star releases single.
Transgender father gives birth.
I spent 3 days living as a goat.
Queer history landmarks celebrated.
Fish relocated after pet shop blaze.
I think I’ll just go out again and come back when the real news is up on the website.
Too true, Soapbox, however one exception:-
Terry “Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! lovely Spam” Jones, very sad news!
Apologies but I had not heard of him.
Have now read up who he was and what he did.
To be fair, anyone diagnosed with dementia is sad.
True. Sadly very true.
“A culture is in terminal condition when it decides that it does not give a rip about the next generation. When it actually detests children so much as it pursues reckless, immoral, activist agendas of adults, regardless of how much children suffer, then you know that culture has just about had it.
The West is now at that place. One radical activist agenda after another has been run with, and the big losers in all this are our children. Of course millions of these children never even get to see the light of day as they are slaughtered in their own mothers’ wombs.
That is the ultimate hatred of children. But if they are allowed to be born, they are also treated like dirt in order to appease adult activists who are seeking to remake society in their own sordid image”.
When a Culture Hates its Own Children. Bill Muelenberg, Culture Watch, Sep 3, 2016.
I spot that’s Rupert Murdoch under the pig.
Emma Watson lecturing about gender equality on the BBC! Yes, at last someone on the BBC is demanding that as many boys go to university as girls; that as many boys as girls are allowed onto the university courses that offer the highest salaries on graduation!
na, only kidding. It’s about how unfair university is for girls. I kid ye not.
Including how universities teach students that sexual violence against girls isn’t wrong. Which course were you on Emma? No, she omits any evidence so I gave up after a minute of self righteous whining.
Yes, Harry Potter has a LOT to answer for. That girl has turned into Hermione.
Well after Daniel Radcliffe saying Hollywood is racist this week it seems that Hogwarts has morphed into a Lefty Asylum. I blame Dimbledore.
I have to say that when I’ve seen Daniel Radcliffe on chat shows, he’s struck me as quite a decent, modest person. Unlike Emma Watson who has cold eyes and clearly thinks she’s utterly wonderful. I like to think he said that because he knows what side his bread is buttered. Much as Harry Enfield did.
Of course she thinks UK university admissions are unfair. She applied to numerous Oxford colleges and was turned down by them all. In the end she went to Brown University in America, from where she spent time at Oxford as an exchange student so that she could claim to have studied at Oxford, although she never matriculated or graduated there.
I wish I was a girl, then I could blame anything bad that happened to me on Men, and they would have no right of reply.
Maybe I could also change my skin colour, like an inverted Michael Jackson, then I could blame everything on White Men.
Black men, especially muslims, would of course get a free ride …. no sorry, I mean free pass.
She doesn’t answer questions in class as when she gets it right they all shout 3 points to Gryffindor.
There was a typical piece of Radio 4 ‘PM’ Lefty adulation from about 17:15 today. Becky Milligan did an interview with Ken Loach (he did “Cathy Come Home” but isn’t going to be on “Strictly”, in case you were wondering) over a sort of working breakfast. Ken ordered some good solid proletarian fare – a caffe macchiato, a croissant, some milk and tap-water; the croissant remained uneaten for some time, noted Becky. Lots of pro-Corbyn stuff, plus his disgust at food-banks and his false suggestion that people would starve without them. He admitted he was a subversive and criticized the many Labour MPs who oppose Corbyn, clearly considering that moving further to the Left is the answer to the loss of the last two General Elections and Scotland.
I suggest that BiasedBBC allow additional upvotes for original usernames.
But they don’t so I only gave you one upvote …. and wrote this comment.
Clearly there is ‘no news’ of note to report. So, not willing to watch elephants being hunted and shot down on the main news, I decided to see what BB2 had to offer – hmmmmmm a programme called Debatable with Patrick Kielty – clearly a rip off from Sky’s The Pledge. THEN I saw her, the dreadfully wigged June Sarpongi with her sidekick Rachel Johnson (also from The Pledge)! I lasted all of 15 seconds. Has she become the new Bonnie Estridge ? she’s getting where castor oil cant that woman. Talks a load of b…..s, and who can take this woman seriously when she takes a starring role on some fantasy programme called Conspiracy Theories with Jesse Ventura ! will she be on strictly next year to further her profile even more ???
I’m currently finalising my presentation for a new reality game show for al-beeb. Loosely based on I’m a Celebrity but set in Africa!!! (10 points already). Instead of bush tucker trials the members of biased BBC get to vote for which zeleb battles it out with a tiger or a lion! (feed the endangered animals! another 10 points). To make it an absolute winner for al-beeb we can throw in a few lefties and non-binary, upside down and inside out people too! The animals might turn their noses up at that though. I’m sure it will be a success and because I want to appear as a SJW on the leftest of the left I will only charge al-beeb 2 billion quid!
Duh, should have stuck longer than 15 seconds. Its clearly a quiz programme – I still turned off.
All of a sudden, the BBC likes George Osborne:
Such a fickle bunch these sixth formers.
Oh typical bbc at it again
Mock the week
‘Things you wouldnt read in the koran’
Course not
You didnt actually believe that did you?Some trendy lefty mockery of the bible instead
Why dont we hit them with a hate crime and see how they like them apples?
Seriously though….lets do it
I don’t say this often but……..the bBBC have done us a little favour.
They have showcased Shami Chakibutty castigating the Labour MPs who supported the Corbyn vote of no confidence…. ‘Mugging a decent man in cold blood’……..’ I hope and believe (the winner) will be Jeremy Corbyn’.
It’s worth running back through Liberty’s advocacy over the last several years and then reflecting on the mindset that was in charge, now shown to be seen through the prism of the Far Left all along.
How very impartial. Not.
I see that jolly attractive young Baroness Chakrabarti – all credit to her diligence and probity – was suggesting how wicked it is to ‘…mug a 65-year-old’ in a reference to unfair and gratuitous attacks on her Noble Leader. So she’s earning her salt already.
Shami looks like Yvette Cooper-a strange boy-child in(presumably) a female body.
She used the same meme both on Any Questions at 8am-then on Newsnight two hours later.
Basically-a wee thing from the wrong side of the tracks, a wee newbie to horrid base old politics..can`t we all unite and be friends for Jezz?
As if her sudden joining of her beloved Labour was unrelated to getting into the Lords the next week?
How many typical Labour converts have THAT as a career trajectory?-yet nobody seems willing to call her out for the fraud she is, what a rotten hypocritical gesture that was?
No elephant in the room-it would be too shame faced to go in and live with mahout Shamis pile of steaming dung.
Well done BBC-two bites of acrid Shami within three hours across all liblab orifices-and nobody tasteless enough to remind her of her exonerations of Islam, her part in making the life of Jews that bit worse in Britain…
On a BBC report tonight RAF pilots were interviewed under hidden identity; the BBC stated that such measures were due to security risks back here in the UK. So what is this ‘risk’ the BBC talk of? Amish militants or Presbyterian paramilitaries? What a sad state of affairs when our brave personnel have to assume hidden identities because of Islamic extremists openly attacking our troops back home. They go abroad to fight Islamist terrorism but yet return home to find the enemy waiting for them. And what’s more, the lefty scum support the Islamic terrorists.
Alex – there is no need to send our Armed Forces abroad to fight Muslims: there are more than enough here for them to be deployed against and the indigenous Fifth Columnists who give them succour.
I wonder if Lord Creosote of Hull had a word with Sir Lenny, who of course has a direct line to Tony?
The ‘gift that keeps on giving’ indeed.
I wonder if an aide-de-camp involves any extra functions unique to the BBC?
Latest=Four shot in Washington mall. It is too early to know who was responsible. It could be a crazed Yank, a Norwegian, a Roper?
One thing is for sure and that “it has nothing to do with Islam.”
Oh how I miss having David Cameron around to assure us of that. NOT!
Looks like a Mexican on that one…..Bet they can’t build that wall fast enough!
Apparently they can tell he is off Spanish descent on the cctv. Must say looked more like Mohammed Atta to me
One rather interesting fact about crime statistics in the US is that when Hispanics are victims, they are generally categorised as ‘Hispanic’. However, when they are the criminals they are often categorised as Caucasian/White. This categorisation extends to the police, too: if a (Hispanic) police officer shoots, say, a negro during the course of his duty, he magically becomes ‘white’ in the media. This selective use of ethnicity is very useful when it comes to massaging the crime statistics.
“Burlington gun attack: Four women shot dead at US shopping centre”
Not “Four Dead”.
Women, not people, women.
Men being shot dead, not mentioned on AlBeeb, unless, of course, dey am effnics or members of a percycuted religion of peice.
Yasser – is it me or are we hearing less of that pathetic cliché (lie) NTDWI?
Also that other lie, islam is a ROP. Could it be that the widespread mockery and sarcastic use of those terms (on sites such as this) have embarrassed and shamed our politicians, and meant they could no longer use the terms (lies) with a straight face? The latest ploy seems to be to ignore the Islamic connection altogether. In the reactions to recent terror attacks in NY and MN, Hussain, Hillary and Khan could barely mention the word ‘terror’, much less Islamic. I affix a link to the ever clear, eloquent and informed Douglas Murray on Islam as a ROP.
PTG I do hope you are right about the tedious response ‘nothing to do with Islam’ but I rather fear it has a while to run yet.
The dingbats who keep making these statements may now be realizing that in most cases they are talking rubbish but I don’t think it is likely to stop them in a hurry.
Wow those debaters really got people to change there prior opinions on the Qn : Islam is a RoP ?
Pre-Debate Poll Results
41%For | 25% Against | 34%
Post Debate Poll Results
36% For | 55% Against | 9%
More, ‘fun and games’ with the so-caled, ‘Refugees’. See the article: “Invader Gang Rape at Eiffel Tower”.
This important bit of news escaped the BBC’s attention? Why?
The Guardian’s Gary Younge has just been given his chance to comment on the Today programme. He told us that black citizens in the US have a lower life expectancy than people in the Gaza Strip. Yes really.
perhaps if blacks stopped killing other blacks it might rise a bit
Oh dear-the BBC seem awful keen not to refer to the race/colour of the police shooter who killed our Ken in Charlotte?
If only the cop had been white eh?…so we`re stuck as gun crime, black victims…but not the race edge that sets blacks killing whites and the BBC belly full as a result.
From the AlBeeeb Staff Recruitment Centre.
“president trump only one way stop it happening”
This from the perverter of news that has spent August and September claiming every Trump utterance is a suggestion that Clinton should be assassinated!
With a Fox-Talbot photograph of HRC.
I read about 2/3 of that. It was like reading about an alternate universe where the characters are the same but everything else is in reverse. Trump as a liar while Cllinton is honest and trustworthy, Al Gore a “visionary” etc. etc. etc. It’s so bad it’s not worth a proper fisking – read each line and assume the exact opposite and you won’t be far off the truth.
“May has never won an election as prime minister. We must ensure she never does”
One comment BTL
“If Trump said that he would be accused of encouraging an assassination attempt”
Two on the same day.
Watched a programme on BBC4 called “Battle for the Himalayas. The Fight to Film Everest”. Leaving aside the melodramatic title, this was the BBC at its best and worst, I thought. Marvellous film from the years between the wars and earlier and the difficulty in filming at great heights. But the political stance which lay underneath the commentary was embarrassing. Patriotic pride in any achievement was nationalist propaganda (you know that nasty stuff the EU had eradicated), sneering asides at the British Raj, and so on. I happen to be interested in the climbing from the era and the notion peddled by the BBC that it was all about 8,000 metre summits was just not true as far as I am aware. Claims that expeditions were massive operations funded by countries for national pride are undermined by my two favourite climbers Tilman and Shipton who operated on a shoestring. All very misleading.
Interesting – I’ll have to see if I can catch that programme on iPlayer tonight. I’m very interested in high-altitude climbing, not because I’m a climber, but because the whole thing fascinates me. Why do people do it? On the face of it, it’s such a ludicrously dangerous thing to do (with oxygen or without) and the countless deaths around the world (but especially in the Himalayan Range) are a morbid testament to that fact. I find the psychology of high-altitude climbing (and climbing in general) – given the evidence of just how dangerous it is even for very experienced climbers (plenty of whom have perished) a complex, difficult subject to understand. Thanks for the heads-up!
Sadly, this invasive political propaganda has now reached into just about every corner of the BBC, even into the once relatively intelligent programmes broadcast by BBC Four. As a consequence, I now find myself consuming almost no BBC output at all. They won’t miss one viewer and listener but I doubt I am alone.
The Corporation’s profound bias over Brexit will have alienated many, who will finally have woken up to what has happened, but until and unless we have a government with the courage to tackle it, the BBC will go on pumping this Marxist effluent like a giant, out of control sewer.
No Everest icecaps melting?…no global warming?
Surely not-first open goal for the eco nazis I`ve seen not scored by the Beeb yakkaz!
BTW, you might want to know that if you can access iPlayer you can watch both the documentary mikef mentioned (‘Battle for the Himalayas: The Fight to Film Everest’) and the much better 1924 documentary of the ill-fated Mallory/Irvine expedition.
‘The Epic of Everest’
Film record of the legendary Everest expedition of 1924, restored by the BFI National Archive, which culminated in the deaths of the climbers George Mallory and Andrew Irvine.
It’s fantastic. No narration, no political message – just a beautiful, digitally-cleaned-up restoration of the original 1924 expedition film. It’s amazing – the atmosphere of that lost age of heroic adventurism is all captured magnificently. It’s like stepping back in time. The soundtrack is haunting and really helps to evoke the majesty and sheer terror of the landscape.
Kudos goes to the BFI – what an amazing historical document the film is. Watch it in High Definition if you can – the film quality is staggeringly good.
Live Now on LBC Radio Matt Frei presenting until 1pm and using his BBC email address
I was expecting Nigel Farage, he’s presented for last 2 weeks.
How come Matt Frei is on LBC, doesn’t he work for BBC/Times/Channel4 ?
Ah I get it, the Corbyn results come ion at 12pm ..so Matt can cover it live.
Tweets about that Matt Frei prog
Ah there is an LBC press release about the show
And Any Answers gets bumped for the Dear Leaders address to we, the grateful nation.
How BBC….wankazorl!
A neat variation on ‘views their own’ for Twitter, from the always unique CECUTT.
No he`s not a presenter-but like Berry, Mel and Sue-he`s BBC.
Which means a job for life, being a lefty pillock…and able to lord and lady muck it over the rest of us on our tab.
Grab quickly luvvies-that till your fingers are in has sharp edges and we`ll soon be ready to deal with ye!
Dear Friends on this site. I would like for you to vote for me as Sports Personality of the year on the BBC this year!! I have heart failure but I still ride a bike . Or you could vote for my son who has ulcerated colitis. Between us we take most of the pills and have similar injections to many of former winners of Sports Personality. If so many “ill people” can run,swim, ride a bike and win gold medals and the like and be voted for by the sports loving folk that watch the Beeb. How about me or my son. We are willing to take anything we are prescribed to get the vote. Please vote for me. If I get 50 or more clicks I will recommend myself to the BBC. By the way I can walk 200 metres as well, so I cant get a disabled parking permit. BUT neither can any top cyclists I know!!
quisquose, I have read Younge, against my better judgement. He is yet another Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson clone, making a living by hammering away at white guilt.
If what he says is true (and I doubt anything he says) it might be because blacks are being slaughtered daily in the US by their fellow blacks along with the fact that UNRWA aid flows into Gaza via Israel and Hamas and their supporters have a guaranteed source of income from the crooked UN. Nobody in Gaza will starve – unless they have the misfortune to be Christian and/or support Abbas.
Good that eh?
Gary Younge gets to ponder over Brexit in a two parter a few weeks ago.
Now here comes the Puffing Billy reversing back from up the Lefty Tunnel of Lube, so we can all hear his “book at bedtime/the week” whevvas!
Think it was called “The Death of America”…but what else Gary?
Guardian black grievance mong requests America to close down and let the Pyongyang yardies and Bahrain enrichers take it-and us-all over!
Quelle surprise Gary, surely not BBC!
Shithead has an extra “e” in his name-stands for “eggy” I think.
Wonder if the BBC will yet publish “the daeth of the EU”-as written by 17.4 million of us on June 23rd?…death of Juncker?…Clinton Hillary?
The Death of Islam then?
Nah, course not…just America.
Trump is coming…and hope to God he boots out all BBC lefty traitors like Young, Morris and Sopel….
ChrisH, I have an idea that Trump is going to slaughter Hilary – not literally, I hasten to add.
Cometh the moment, cometh the man.
Like other bloggers to bbbc, I too was impressed by the speed with which Burlington’s finest could ascertain that the mall shooter was ‘Hispanic’ – not even ‘of Hispanic appearance’, just ‘Hispanic male’. Maybe he is – a disgruntled Mexican perhaps, time will tell – but how reassuring that the Burlington PD could be so definite so quickly on such skimpy evidence as a grainy cctv? Did he say ‘muchas gracias’ at the checkout perhaps? Or was he humming La Cucaracha, or Viva Espana? Or did he shout Ay Caramba, à la Bart Simpson maybe? Which got me thinking: perhaps all those other shooters weren’t shouting Allahu Akbar at all, but Ay Caramba – can sound quite similar in a noisy mall.
Perhaps Interpol should be looking more closely at notorious troublemaker Bart and his legion of followers.
But then again, recent events have taught us to be wary of police departments’ expertise in ethnic profiling. They seem to confuse Norwegian with Somali, German with Iranian, French with Moroccan, Algerian or just about anyone.
What’s going on at the police training academies worldwide? One thing we know: they are taught never, ever, ever, to use the word Islamic.
Typical half baked, pre fabricated piece of shit from the BBC-but masquerading as a “news item”,,,number 4 in the news leads at 9am.
When there`s a story there-we`ll find on the web, sure as hell the BBC will have wrapped it in a burka before sprinkling it with icing sugar, old cocaine and unicorn dandruff.
Until then BBC-if it was a Muslim, that would seem our obvious place to start-if any of the four women killed were Exotica/black…they`d surely have said, this being the BBC?…Oh yes!
In other words EVERY f***in story on the BBC needs filtering through a Commies old sock before we REALLY know the truth-like Pravda and Tass, we`re now learning all the codes, acronyms and buzzwords/omissions to tell us what REALLY has occurred.
Start at Muslim killing four white women and scale down as the story unfolds…and when it`s not whitey wasting the ethnics, the BBC will default at Sandy Nook vogue.
Priceless BBC comedy live now on BBC 2 – The Labour Leadership Result. Breakout the popcorn and rejoice: everyone is convinced Chairman Corbyn will easily win! The BBC hardly knows which way to turn, but the biggest laughs come from Corbynistas talking about ‘turning the Labour Party into a force to win the next general election under Jeremy’s leadership’.
Priceless. I’m not sure the UK electorate feel the same way about a militant, aggressive socialist Trotsky outfit with communist undertones and its own army of ‘enforcers’ in the shadowy and malevolent Momentum operating behind-the-scenes.
I can’t help speculating about what the BBC’s coverage would be were it the Conservatives in such turmoil. It’s pretty hard to imagine even a tenth of the agonising and bellyaching the BBC has indulged in over the past few weeks.
Dead right GC.
Had this all been Tory or UKIP, Republican or anybody else-this would have been portrayed as a perverted freak show of grab bag cretins who have delusions of adequacy, humanity or brains.
But because it`s Labour-it`s been seen as necessary healing, encounter group therapy-and all in the best possible taste for the only righteous cause.
The BBC and Labour will now be hung together on the same rope.
How the hell do the BBC justify this endless “Corbyn Coronation Chickenshit” melange of “news and analysis”.
How many “man-hours”(other hours are of course available)have they devoted to the pubic geyser, affecting to be a fountain?
Let the Labourreich do their water cooler masturbatory plots and shindigs in their own time and on their own media….that the BBC are so desperate to make him appear a player only shows how low, how supine, how stupid they are.
F Off BBC-stop propping up your Guardian spunkniks, your Lefty twats at OUR expense.
ChrisH – I agree, but on the other hand: is it such a bad thing that the public should be informed, ad nauseam, about the implosion of Labour? I suspect it cheers up at least half of them, and depresses the other half. Win-win.
Good point Peter…letting sunlight in on magic is worth a punt.
If I see it as an endless Van Haagens autopsy with only blood commie red, islamic green and poncey yellow orange limpwrists liberal crap…with a Harman pink, Lucal limre green, Birt Sky Blue and Sturgeon brownshirt shade-all injected into the plasticised blood system of the dead Left cadaver-then the next Turnip Prize is surely Mein!
Oh-and when the BBC were squawking re the “gender pay gay”…I wonder where the trannies and sex change reconditioned people are included…will they be declared as suffering from discrimination as they lounge about in a Bangkok NHS water bed, as opposed to lifting a shovel?
Seems to me that tranniebirds etc, black supremacists and Islamic lube monkeys do rather BETTER than beige white civilians when it comes to moolah as paid for by the BBC and Guardian/Channel 4?
They ‘justify’ it by things like Fascists writing in to ‘Feedback’ and alleging bias against Corbyn (which there has been by a liberal leftist biased BBC who don’t like him & know he can’t win).
It gives those of the Fascist persuasion at the BBC the opportunity to push the Corbyn agenda.
The real bias though is the fact that they allowed the anti Corbyn bias on the program when they would never allow the pro Clinton bias to be discussed.
So they are having a leadership contest between to blokes who don’t have a cat in hells chance of winning an election what gives ?
Apologies to the Sound of Music but here are a few of the BBC’s ‘Favourite Things’
Labour red roses and burkas on women
Thoroughly PC diversity vetted but a blind eye for Savile
Brown coloured actors cast in just about everything
These are a few of our favourite things
Wall to wall Paralympics and football for ladies
Euthanasia for grandma and a sex-change for junior
Legalise it we’ll advertise it but prosecution for smoking
These are a few of our favourite things
BBC pay grades, travel expenses and service company contracts
Glasto and sugar tax and sharia courts
Covered up Leftist Anti-Semitism and Jeremy Corbyn
These are a few of our favourite things
Wide open borders and our beloved EU
Strictly and Bake-off and Top Gear and… scratch those last two
Public sector pay strikes but millionaire ‘talent’
These are a few of our favourite things
When recession bites, when our enemies bomb
When we’re feeling sad
We simply remember our favourite things
And then we don’t feel so bad
When Corbyn fails, when the Tories rule
When we’re feeling sad
We simply remember our favourite things
And then we don’t feel so bad
Spent much of today trying(and still failing) to get exact rhymes for this fantastic offering
Labour Red Roses and Burkas on women.
Doing their sums with accountants in mittens
Brown flakey baggages shaking their tits
These are a few of our favourite things.
Great stuff AISI…and note that Richard Littlejohn has a wind up show about Lefty protest singers coming soon on Radio 2!
Kew Gardens coming out in favour of Brexit
Times page 19 says Kew are saying Benefit of Brexit is that the EU has too lax tree import rules, so foreign pest infected trees arrive and put our native trees at risk, and they don’t have resistance.
Friends! My new Blog, simply titled “Now That The Hard-Right Neoliberal Red Tory Traitor, The Far-Right Owen Jones [Sic! – J.C.], Has Been Literally Smashed In A Democratic Leadership Election, It Is Time For All Of Us On The Progressive Left – And There Are Many Of Us, Friends, e.g. Me – To Literally Come Together And Literally Smash This Totally Unelected Tory Government, Friends!” has literally just been published!
It is literally available now, here:
Like Support Our Lefty above…I want the end of the Tory hegemoniacal era, and desire-nay demand the end of the political in-fighting that has blighted our efforts to get the License fee raised to £1000, and get Corbyn and McDonnell to reprise-quite literally-the benevolence of Uncle Josef Starling and Lavinia Beria…and her dear brother Yogi!
So my friends…I accept that Support Our Lefty is the coming man, and I will no longer attempt to pitch him out of his elected office, with a fresh mandate to make us once more the Party of the Volk.
Onward to victory-not you though Ruth, Louise and other ladies who lean towards Jewish traits…
The manifesto above from our Deal Leader is now upon us…we must now act in lockstep with Comrade Sportilefty….
Thanks, Friend Chris! I literally agree with literally everything you literally say.
“West must harden its heart against refugees”
. . The Geneva Convention is well past its sell-by date and should be rewritten to make political political asylum harder to claim (by redefining persecution)
Matthew Parris big comment article pg 27 Today’s Times ££
When does BBC end and MSM stsrt ?
Today Justin Webb (of bbcR4Today) has another long article in the Times : Clinton must avoid healthcare trap in TV debate with Trump
Obamacare is not working properly, and needs to be fixed..He’s worried that we can’t assume that Hillary will come up with a better solution than Trump ..on the TV debate it may not be a winning point for her.
If Clinton manages to stay conscious during the debate she will have done well. Anything less than a grand mal fit and the BBC will declare her the winner.
Rob – If she has a grand mal fit it will be used as proof of Trump’s bullying and she’ll still be declared the winner.
BBBC in full pant wetting mode now broadcasting live from the Labour Party Conference as their man (after endless BBC support & even a special about him 2 hours before the polls closed on 5-Dive) wins the leadership election – the one that took 3 days to count the votes!
VD is there quite ferociously swishing her latest ‘I’ve had cancer’ wig about and bagging every ethnic walking past for their predictable thoughts: “Only 4 more years ’till Jeremy is elected and then we’ll never have to work again”.
Last straw for me after all the interviews with cropped-haired CND women, bearded turds and yoofs with fat lispy tongues was the sight of Diane Abbott filling my 50″ telly like a solar eclipse. Shoe now poking out of a streaky looking Samsung and I’m off to Currys!
Diane Abbott filling my 50″ telly like a solar eclipse – lol!
UKIP are now the official party of opposition.
USA mall shootings looking for a Hispanic, the photo of him looks more like an Arab. Denial everywhere.
Mackers – as US election approaches, be sure there is huge pressure from the top down to downplay any possible islamic terror, a subject where the vilified Trump has been outspoken, in contrast to Hussein/Hillary’s pusillanimity.
In this case it’s doubly awkward for the Establishment as Trump has also been outspoken on Hispanics. Dear oh dear, what’s a good lying Liberal to do? Which way to spin??
Peterthegreat -dear oh dear indeed the sweat must be dripping off them at the prospect of a Hillary collapse.
Once again I am in awe at the boys in blue stateside: not only can they detect mental health issues at 500 yards in poor visibility, they can also identify Hispanics from other Mediterranean or middle eastern types on grainy cctv, and best of all, within minutes of a shooting, confidently assert: “Washington State Patrol have said that there is no indication of terrorism in the shooting in Burlington”.
But I do wonder: just what exactly would ‘indicate terrorism’? A certificate left on the bodies of the victims saying ‘Killed by order of isis’?
What the authorities/msm/police seem not to get (or pretend not to) is that the order has gone out from isis to all true muslims to kill kafirs whenever, wherever, however. Any Peaceful Religionist who hears the call and acts on it is, therefore, a terrorist, with or without written orders.
Our latest shooter may or may not be one such, but until the authorities know his ID, background and motivation, saying ‘no indication of terrorism’ is just wishful thinking or political propaganda.
Hussein to Chief of Police, Washington: “This was NOT terrorism, ok? Repeat, NOT terrorism, if you value your job.”
Isn’t any mass shooting terrorism?
I am a great believer in the old adage “If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck … etc”. I don’t think it’s failed me yet.
Yet another male of Middle Eastern appearance Norwegian lone wolf with mental problems.
Was the name of the man with the “Swiss Name” who killed a passenger on a train ever released?
Meanwhile Pope Francis is meeting relatives of the 86 people killed by that Islamic scumbag who drove a lorry over people in Nice.
Pope “We must resist the temptation for hatred, etc etc”
Bollox, we must resist the Muslim invasion with every weapon at our disposal, and expel the filth from Europe. Send them all to meet Allah ASAP.
TS – solid post.
See if you can get past the first line of this report
‘migrants who are stuck in Calais waiting to reach the UK’
like they are on a trip home. Pure bias.
Noticed that the Man killed by the chicken takeaway was a czech man called Zdenek Makaross….Now two men and a kid arrested for murder…just two men no names one of them 29 years old…..well don’t sound english to me …..Perhaps the polish officers in the country could help…. So lets see how much coverage this one gets……..Speeches in the EU and wall to wall press i would like to see how they try and pin this on brexit.
I quote latest news reports :
“Officers are awaiting formal identification but have named the victim as..”
Possibly that means they are foreign, as British people should be easier to identify.
The fact that this has not been categorised by the BBC as a racist killing strongly suggests the attackers were not white (who by Beeb definition could not be racist).
They were perhaps Norwegian or mentally ill.
“They were perhaps Norwegian or mentally ill.”
With apologies to Norwegians who actually come from Norway, I thought that these descriptions were one and the same to the A-BBC.