I’m beginning to wonder if the last man standing in the free world will shout “this was not terrorism” when surrounded by dead bodies and Isis flags waving above the White House and Downing Street. Because its sure as hell heading that way.
Watching the Labour elektzione-fest in masochist mode it occurred that the people behind this democratic travesty are the very same as the derided T. Blair created for our delight. That wondrous concept of Education, Education, Education, a uni-place for all, resulted in a huge upsurge of what have proved to be semi-educated degree-level nonentities, some qualified to an extent but all boasting a ‘university education’ despite the sad fact that in a great many cases their time, and ours, has been wasted – except politically.
Politically, the people behind Corbyn and Macdonald – and he’s the one to worry about, not that ‘Nice Jeremy’ – are the rabble of scruffs, antis and anarchists who have and will demonstrate, strike, sit down, disrupt and in as many ways as they can try to destroy our society – because they know that theirs is better. Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot all thought the same way. For an overwhelming number, it’s all they have to do, all that motivates them, and they now represent The Labour Party in all its glory, backed by the benevolent Len McClusky, Serwotka, Hatton, Livingstone and all their seedy unprincipled ilk.
And what is even more pernicious is that the BBC, and people like Norman Smith and Evan Davies and Kirsty Wark and Owen Jones and John Pienar and Orla Guerin and Fergal Keane and a host more on £200k for all their efforts lord bless ’em, all know this. They know that Corbyn and Momentum and the like aren’t interested in government, they just want to bring governments down. They even think that Corbyn’s message will resonate with ‘the working man’ ignoring, as only such gifted and socially aware can, the fact that working men and women now vote UKIP and Leave.
The entertainment has only just begun as far as the Labour Party is concerned. Corbyn as leader consigns the party to opposition until he is ousted. That will not suit ambitious young things like Chuka Ummuna. Now, Obama-lite and his generation must devise a way to get rid of Corbyn or they must split away from Labour. They know they must do one or the other if they are ever to get anywhere near No10. Also, the longer they leave it the more they are tainted by Corbyn’s malign influence. Shame to waste such a talented generation of Labour politicians…ha ha ha.
Quite literally on the money SOL!
I will campaign for a rerun as well…quite literally our very lives are at stake if Corbynism is not reversed-but put into full tank overdrive in every sense of those words-in a real sense too!
Being a Lefty allows my my schizoid parabolic mind to write this drivel…which must be bottled for the ages.
To quote UB40….” heal and pacify”…and that is quite literally all we`ve got to do…
Yes, a rerun is the thing to do. They voted the wrong way, their vote therefore cannot be recognised and now they must be compelled to vote the right way because they did not have enough information about the contestants for labour leadership.
Surely the correct thing to do is a joint leadership in memory of Jo Cox. Two men leading Labour in perfect harmony never disagreeing and spreading love throughout the world in her memory.
Good idea Tabs.
Should we not call for a second autopsy though on Jo Cox?
For none of REALLY knew what a first autopsy report actually MEANT when it was first put out to us?
I myself was offered a false prospectus…so demand a second autopsy NOW!
I myself think that she wasn`t killed-not only does she truly live on in all our hearts(in a real sense),,,but I think the “Deathers” Movement are correct in saying that there`s no proof that she was killed…no body, no motive, no point in killing a worthless chugger on a posh houseboat is there?
Hope to be asked onto local radio to plug this, my theory…Anne Elk.
Ann Elk was some theorising comedy cut out from Monty Python as I recall-she had a theory about brontosaurus…utter bollocks.
Can identify with that.
Just hate the Jo Cox hushed grief fest and licensed genuflection to Labour-as far as i`m concerned -surely SOMEONE will stand against Labours Corrie actress…FFS, the good people of Batley and Spen deserve better than a chugger limpdick…I`d parachute in Nigel or Tommy R to be “tasteless opportunistic populists”.
Why the hell don`t we turn the corkscrew into the liberal brain…our rules, not theirs. F…ing HATE the Left….and waiting for the Tories to shaft them once and for all.
The point has been made here before but is worth repeating. When Ian Gow MP was murdered by the IRA in 1990, the Lib-Dems nevertheless contested the resulting Eastbourne by-election and won the seat. What is different with Jo Cox? Autres temps, autres moeurs? Or is it because a Lefty was murdered this time?
Not only that, TT, they have ruined the younger generation’s potential to develop in years to come, travel, and roaming charges will also be affected as will cheap holidays on the Costa del Plonk.
Thank you, Friend Chris. I got some very snarky comments (my favourite being “This blog is really, really shit”!) from angry Lefties when I plugged the Blog in the Graun earlier today, so it seems to have hit the target!
Friend More, I am simply a fan of the TV series! I’ve always liked Columbo, and somehow his somewhat dishevelled appearance seemed ideal for a Lefty. (He’s obviously far too intelligent for the modern Labour Party, though!)
It’s clear that Corbyn and McDonnell are now the chief pigs in this animal farm. Will those 172 MPs who voted against Corbyn during the vote of no confidence now bow to their leader and proclaim, “Four legs good, two legs bad,” or will they resist and be subject to be “deselected” during a purge or worse?
And if they resist, what form will the resistance take? They can hardly go knocking on the door of the Tories or Libdems so what do they do?
I suppose they will just hang in there and hope that Corbyn and his cronies don’t do too much damage.
My friends at the Guardian are not happy about a second vote for Jeremy Corbyn…they sat that they DO know what a Corbyn victory actually means.
So they want a third one(we`ve had two apparently)….so I`ve agreed to stand as the “Best Out Of Five” Unity candidate.
Can I be the first to congratulate both Diane James on her UKIP Revolutionary results in the Labour arselands…and, of course, the landslide victory of Theresa May in 2020.
Given the wall to wall coverage of Comrade Corbyn’s re-election I assumed the following headline was from a story related to said victory:
‘Ninety-year record for world’s heaviest red cabbage beaten’
PM on R4 today. Talking about Syria and Assad (for a change) they had the former British Ambassador for Syria (Peter Ford?) on air. I feel that he urinated on the presenters bonfire when he insisted on putting the case for the Syrian government’s side. Worth a good listen at about 22:20 minutes. Full item in normal support of the rebels/terrorists from19 mins.
Swiftly followed by an item on mushrooms,yes,really.
NB: Listened to a small part of Any Questions. I felt nauseous at Baroness Chakraborty’s spewing of bilge and if I hear NHS, bus, £350milion again I may take a contract out on someone. I must’ve heard it 349,000,000 times courtesy of the Beeb now.
Yes, the brekkie sofa sleuths had the former ambassador on…l thought Staytt was going to burst a blood vessel when he had to listen to common sense…
The message was:
Assad aint perfect, but so much bettter than all the opposition forces..
D_C – None of the rulers in the Middle East ever are: Saddam Hussain; Mubarak; Gaddafi; Assad etc but such potentates as those are all Arabs have ever known throughout their history and judging from what the alternative is, it is better that such people are ruled by sultan-dictators; to keep them controlled.
Can you imagine the chaos if Syria had gone the way of Libya or Iraq?
I was listening in the car – it was brilliant. Beeboid stuck for words and tried to come back at him but was absolutely shot down. The anti-Assad/Putin bias is so blatant it’s laughable.
Another hard-hitting subject that the BBC is keen for us to comment on, glasses with a camera attached: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-37460682
The BBC should heed the comments but I suspect they won’t. Looks like Joe Public doesn’t appreciate the importance of this issue as much as the sixth formers.
It saddens me that the BBC prosecute and criminalise pensioners who choose to heat or eat rather than pay the TV Tax.
The cost recovered must be very tiny when compared to the salaries running into millions of Euwan Davis, Andrew Mar, Kirsty Warck, Chackrabutty, Linneckar and the layers of fat controllers. (I do hope I’ve misspelt their names).
But the little people must be taught a lesson of compliance by the fat Left Wing BBC.
I notice a change on the beebistan report on Washington mall shooter. The suspect is now described simply as ‘a male’, no longer Hispanic. It’s a small thing but could it be that someone knows something, either at the beeb or upstream? Or could it be that the early disinformation has done its job, the plebs have been thrown off the ‘terrorism’ trail, and as the story begins to cool and lose topicality the truth can be slowly allowed out – or at least more neutral reporting allowed in.
Maybe I’m getting paranoid – but hey, the machiavellic beeb does that to you.
“On Saturday morning, Cammock said the basis for the shooter’s ethnicity was primarily based on security-camera images of a man with “dark hair” and with a darker complexion.
“I suppose the race could be anything,” Cammock said. “You can take a look at the photo yourself.””
Pretty laid back approach considering the serious nature of the crime. Not quite right is it.
In their latest news bulletin the beebistan are lumping the shooting in with the ‘continuing epidemic of gun violence’ – the angle being their preferred position that it’s all the fault of those right-wing gun lobbyists (and NTDWI). They must be fervently praying to allah that our Hispanic doesn’t turn out to be called Ali and spoil that narrative.
Personally I wouldn’t describe him as “dark complexion”. I would say he looks more Norwegian, maybe a French national.
Likewise this news shouldn’t be about a “gunman” but rather a “gun attack” to be in line with the “Nice lorry attacks”. The human that is present during the attacks is superfluous.
The picture isn’t great. The man is certainly dark complected, but I defy anyone to say he is Hispanic rather than Middle Eastern.
The rifle looks pretty small, and may be a .22, which is quite quiet compared to a full bore rifle, and may explain why the ear witness thought she heard balloons popping.
Objectively, until we know more, you would have to say that islamic terrorism is a possibility. For the police to rule it out at this stage is politics, not police work. The more islamic terror attacks before the election, the more chance of Trump winning.
Having been on a rifle range, standing beneath the targets, the ear witness description is believable. I would have described the sound as a bit more like a small whip-crack.
It’s very strange when you compare it to all other mass shootings, in Europe and the US. The mall where the shooting took place compliments itself on its high levels of security, yet no decent images to identify the terrori…sorry shooter. Th media do not seem overly concerned about the identity, more concerned about the motive, or what is not the motive.
This is the latest comment on Breibart.
“No One Important • a few seconds ago
Comonnnnnnnnnnnn man. . we had wall to wall coverage of escaped convicts. . .this mass shooter is still on the loose. . .and not a single update?
They found the rifle. . . .and no ID?
Still haven’t identified him?
We don’t have clearer images from the security footage? Why the “pic of a pic” grainy image, shot at an angle?
Not a single word about search areas? Where he “might” be? Who we should be looking out for?
This is nuts man. . . .when you have a mass shooter out on the loose, and not a peep about an update? Not a single witness is out there talking to other media people like Fox?”
It’s all very strange. Compare it to the German mall shooting by David Sonbely(!) the white supremacist. Wall to wall coverage.
I agree ray. I suspect that when stories like this shooting break, there is high level intervention to, at the very least, ‘manage’ the police operations and ‘massage’ the reporting. Some of the pressure may be overt (a word in a police chief’s ear, a call to some editors, most of whom are sympathetic anyway) while some may be self-imposed and self-censoring, probably a mixture.
Bear in mind that at this crucial time in the US elections, any act of terror, especially islamic, could swing it for Trump, the anti muslim, law-and-order candidate. The stakes are high, I expect the pressures are intense too.
So they must know who he is to make that statement. So they must be withholding his identity. Isn’t that putting lives in danger, as his whereabouts could be known by people who know who he is?
Maybe US citizens will not find out who he is until after the presidential debate on Monday.
I am unable to watch or listen to the BBC anymore, as it’s beyond deplorable, but i hope the BBC stream it live. I will watch that.
You may be right ray, but I suspect it’s more a case of ‘standard procedure’ nowadays, for all Western police forces: First priority, deny any link to terrorism (meaning islamic terrorism of course), even though you haven’t a clue who the perpetrator is or his motives.
Thus the risibly contradictory statements that are now the norm: ‘Motives unknown… no link to to terrorism’ often in the same sentence!
Remember that for a variety of reasons it is crucial for all governments to bury news of terrorist acts on their watch, e.g. Germany and Sweden, soft on (huge) islamic immigration; US with islamic terrorism as a major election issue; France with civil war not far away and Le Pen standing to win.
The tiresomely popular ‘keep calm and carry on’ sign reminds us that the prime directive of all governments has always been to keep the herd quiet at all costs. Politicians know that if the great unwashed really were were to rise up and decorate a few lamp posts there is absolutely nothing they could do to stop it.
Public disquiet and anger is the thing that really keeps them awake at nights.
Very suspicious. Spree shooters usually keep on killing until they have had enough, and then either kill themselves or are killed by the cops. It is essentially a form of extreme narcissistic suicide. They know they are not getting out of it alive.
This attack does not follow that pattern. The shooter has ditched his rifle and made good his escape. He is now at large, and must be considered to be armed and dangerous. He has killed five people in cold blood. There should be a massive manhunt for him, but all we are getting is pabulum to the effect that it is nothing to do with terrorism.
Who are you going to believe, the BBC or your lying eyes?
I am puzzled by the BBC’s dislike of Assad. After all, he is an implacable enemy of Israel, so surely that should make what there is of the BBC’s collective heart go out to him? And why would the BBC be against Russia when the country has always backed and armed the Arabs against Israel?
A few years back, John Humphries was gritting his teeth while interviewing William Hague and trying to convince him to bomb Assad (and at the same time trying to pressure him to tell the Israelis not to bomb Iran).
I suppose for the BBC Assad and Putin are not quite committed enough to the destruction of Israel and the BBC is therefore scouting around amongst the rebels and ISIS to find someone to support.
Got a fit English dolly bird of a wife, licensed to prescribe NHGS specs having trained in the UK as an optical wizard…and-best of all-STING himself played ” Fragile” to him on his lute or such,
If THAT`S not the archetypal career path for a BBC lefty, then what is?
On any other planet-Assad would be an air guitarist that the BBC could do business with.
So what`s their beef with young Assad?…mercurial tosspots the Beeb.
I thought this item was interesting. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37462464
Apparently the farmer has had over 300 sheep stolen – no indication, however, who might be doing it but I suspect the pigs are pretty safe from being abducted.
On the 10 pm news Kate Silverton and Laura….sberg look to be having orgasms on screen as they spend almost the entire news in sheer joy talking about Corbyn winning the Labour Party election.
I’m rather confused… Did I just switch on the 10pm news or am I watching a labour party broadcast? So by timing the BBC have dedicated 75% of this evenings news to the labour party…
Although I do sympathise with the BBC for once, it must be incredibly hard having to chose between far left Corbyn and their own centre left man, Owen Smith. Guess they can’t really lose can they…
Almost the entire political news coverage from the BBC has been about Labour for weeks now.
It seems completely to have escaped them that Labour is now irrelevant to its traditional core supporters and is now simply the party of immigrants, state sector workers and Marxist agitators. Unless it grows up it will never win a general election again.
Sadly, the Tories are too weak to take full advantage of this by stepping in to clip the BBC’s wings.
The 10 pm newsreader had on a bright red dress to complement the excessive coverage of the re-election of an old Trotskyist to the leadership of the doomed labour party. Not just coincidence I’m sure.
Would someone please tell me what on earth goes through the minds of the BBC executives?
Straight after MOTD we now have The NFL Show. Now I do understand that they hate all things British that much is clear, but why on earth do they feel the need to fill the Saturday night TV schedule with an AMERICAN sport… How does that make any sense?! I have not once walked into a british pub and seen an NFL game on… No pub would be mad enough to show NFL apart from perhaps the super bowl. Most brits (myself included) don’t even understand how the bloody game works!
Is this to please the minute number of American expats… Is this virtue signalling of a new type whereby one can proclaim their left wing credentials by showing a sport from a different country which most don’t understand to prove how “progressive” we are.
What next…. Interrupting the BBC schedule to allow for morning prayer live from Ankara?
You know what, I am going to watch this to see if the Beeb has sunk as low as to pop in a Clinton/Trump reference… The TV is definitely getting smashed if they have.
After four hours of darts…and endless hours of US sport none of us surely give a stuff about…can only say that
a)Sport is cheap-womens sport, paralympic crap even cheaper.
b)Sport is legacy bollocks, homoerotic Godless body fascism for the overpaid and inarticulate.
c) Sport is what Cuba, Comintern and the Soviets used to eulogise over as they promoted their political greatness and divorce from the public who were bussed in to glorify the tin gods of drug abuse and steroid technical accomplishments…in short what the pinko gay BBC seem to love-cheap pervy body worship and sanctimonious patriotic reflex by proxy,
What sort of transatlantic perv gives a damn about US sports?…only the BBC.
Maybe al beebus are attempting to help the NFL try and claw back some of the viewers its lost in the U.S. (11% down on some of the equivalent games last year) a possible cause of which may be the many black players taking a knee or making black power fist salutes, instead of standing during the national anthem before the games; they do so in support of the BLM movement and many teams are 70 – 80% black so it does look bad on TV.
For the last 18 months we have had ‘wall to wall’ unlimited party political broadcasts for the Labour Party with this leadership election.
Why doesn’t Theresa sort AlBeeb out ?
Labour are finished despite the propaganda .
TBT.. I couldn’t agree more ! I thought I had switched on to a Sky sports channel. The Beeb’s late night programming schedule has been rubbish for years. I don’t think it ever recovered from the regulated close-down at 10.30 pm during the 1970’s.
Here’s a signed up Beeboid admitting to being “far left”…..Now my question is, under what circumstance is this acceptable, in that she works for a publicly funded broadcaster?..
When men on the far right, accuse women on the far left of not caring about women.#FGMhttps://t.co/pF5Ypb9yvb
Well well, what have we here? Massive explosion in Budapest, multiple casualties. Mirror has it, Express has it, many others. Strangely, not yet picked up by the world’s favourite broadcaster (I do wonder which world that is), for all its grotesque, extortionate funding. Funny how slow they are when it’s the wrong sort of story.
Beebistan may be slow to pick up the breaking story of a massive explosion in Hungary, but here’s one they do have: “Hungary wants migrant camp in Libya”
And just look at the pic those loveable rascals use, below.
Editor to picture dept: “quick chaps, find me a pic of the man snarling and jabbing his hand, you know, like what evil racists do, who don’t want invaders in their country.”
– We’re on it boss, how’s this?
– Excellent… (rubs hands like Mr Burns) …excellent.
Pete its the same with the BBC Trump pics… Ahhhhhh the bias, ever so subtle but so so effective
One of my understandings of how powerful the MSM are (BBC leading the way) is that every time I go to Spain I see Spanish flags everywhere and am in awe of the pride they display. Whereas in Britain, the MSM have single handedly turned the St George’s Cross into something that denotes a BNP meeting. I know its slightly different up north but in London I see more Brazilian flags than I do English! It is a disgrace. Only in Britain…
Agreed. The msm, the beeb and so many other institutions have made it shameful to be British. No wonder invading ideologies meet no resistance.
And it is an invasion. By the time the majority wake up to it, it’ll be too late. Probably already is.
But what’s this? The Express informs me that Scandinavia is in flames, with an explosion of rioting and violent crime of all sorts, from rapes to car arsons.
Surely the beebistan would have told me if this were true? Yet nary a murmur.
Sweden alone now has 55 no-go areas – you know, those no-go areas that our Evan was so angrily denying they existed in UK. (He was weally weally angwy.)
Civilised, peaceful, progressive, tolerant, liberal, immigrant-friendly Scandinavia, once the envy of the world. What could possibly have brought about this transformation?
Some headlines below.
“SWEDEN IN CHAOS: Number of ‘no-go zones’ INCREASED as police lose control over violence
SWEDISH police are losing the battle against increasing levels crime and violence in the country as now 55 areas have been labelled as “no-go” zones.
Over the past three months, Malmö, which is Sweden’s third largest city, has suffered a surge of organised crime as more than 70 cars have burned out in arsonist attacks.
Several other Swedish cities have also been plagued by thugs setting cars ablaze, according to local media.
Scandinavia burning: Arson attacks spreading across THREE borders as thugs rampage
EXCLUSIVE: ARSONIST thugs have launched attacks across THREE countries as Scandinavian nations struggle to control the inferno rampage.
The increasing fire attack in the Scandinavian country appears to have spread to Denmark in the last months, as more than 40 vehicles have been torched since August.”
“”Shrewsbury Folk Festival bans ‘blackface’ Morris dancers””
“”A folk festival has banned Morris dancers in black face make-up after it received complaints they could cause racial offence””
“”Jonathan Hyams from Fresh (Fairness, Respect, Equality Shropshire) said the group had contacted festival organisers after a complaint from a member of the public””
“”Joseph Bond: “Has everyone missed the irony that all those complaining and bemoaning this progressive decision are white?””
The clue has always been in the name DS, ‘morris’ was originally ‘moorish’ and the blackened faces simply confirmed the fact. Frightfully prejudiced, those Mediaeval scumbags, weren’t they?
British culture and traditions are under threat. Imagine the headlines if it was ‘immigrant’ and RoP culture banned from uk towns and cities .
They will be banning Christianity, Easter and Christmas next.
May get us out of Europe ‘PDQ’ before it gets nasty.
One of the historic reasons for the face blacking is bound up with the Black Act, where poachers who blacked their faces to avoid detection were sentenced to death. Nothing to do with the protected effniks which white elites want to parade as life’s victims.
From Wikipedia
The Black Act (9 Geo. 1 c. 22) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain passed in 1723 in response to a series of raids by two groups of poachers, known as the Blacks. Arising in the aftermath of the South Sea Bubble’s collapse and the ensuing economic downturn, the Blacks gained their name from their habit of blacking their faces when undertaking poaching raids. They quickly demonstrated both “a calculated programme of action, and a conscious social resentment”,[1] and their activities led to the introduction of the Black Act to Parliament on 26 April 1723; it came into force on 27 May. The Act introduced the death penalty for over 50 criminal offences, including being found in a forest while disguised, and “no other single statute passed during the eighteenth century equalled [the Black Act] in severity, and none appointed the punishment of death in so many cases”.[2] Following a criminal law reform campaign in the early 19th century, it was largely repealed on 8 July 1823, when a reform bill introduced by Robert Peel came into force.
Yes indeed. I suspect that like so many of our historic based customs, the Morris dancing tradition evolved, picking up bits and pieces here and there. And this rich history is what the SJW are out to destroy
The Hispanic Washington mall shooter turns out to be Arcan Cetin, a Turkish born naturalized US citizen. ‘Arcan’ should ring a few bells with any Serbs in the area but, that apart, the problems of Hispanic Turks have long been a thorn in the side of ISIS (Daesh) progress. Their inability to grasp many significant Koranic hadiths, due to mixing and misinterpreting Spanish and Arabic, has built massive psychological stresses and can result in demonstrations of frustration, frequently featuring explosive devices and firearms. A UN paper on the subject is being finalised and this is expected to feature in any prospective defence at Cetin’s trial.
And as of now it is not featured on the BBC online news front page. Dispicable. But lots of other complete shite is. They couldn’t be more obvious in their bias. Another example….Jordan ‘blasphemer’ killed!! Not murdered or assassinated but killed ie sounds like accidentally by a bus or bee sting. I despair, and I’m glad I’ll be getting away from the hideous BBC soon. USA wake up and smell the f’in coffee before you go the way of Europe! Trump for POTUS.
And as of now it is not featured on the BBC online news front page. Dispicable. But lots of other complete shite is. They couldn’t be more obvious in their bias. Another example….Jordan ‘blasphemer’ killed!! Not murdered or assassinated but killed ie sounds like accidentally by a bus or bee sting. I despair, and I’m glad I’ll be getting away from the hideous BBC soon. USA wake up and smell the f’in coffee before you go the way of Europe! Trump for POTUS.
So the Hispanic Washington mall shooter turns out to be a ROPer.
BBC guessed wrong again.
Memo to all BBC imitation reporters – ‘Never mind, we will always have Brevic and the Crusades’
“The BBC’s Laura Bicker in Washington, who has seen the video, says it does not clear up the key question of whether Mr Scott had a gun, or if he pointed a gun at police.”
Of course he didn’t point the effing gun at the police! The job of the officer is to prevent that happening, otherwise the story would be about a police officer being killed by a black ‘gangsta’, although of course that wouldn’t even be considered newsworthy at the BBC.
There was no need to say anything about a gun being pointed, it’s totally irrelevant. Very subtle though.
BBC must have their knickers in a twist trying to spin the reporting of a black man shooting dead a black man.
But it looks like Lady Luck has blessed the BBC once again as the article states:
“Mr Scott’s mother, Vernita Scott Walker, told South Carolina broadcaster WCSC he was probably reading the Koran.
She said he read the Islamic holy book every day, often while waiting for his son to get off the bus.”
So it’s not blacks killing blacks but an innocent killing of a man following the Religion of Peace. The BBC have no problem reporting the religious beliefs of the person being killed but it always seems to be omitted if a RoPer is doing the killing.
Radio Al Beeb Wales this morning, more ‘wall to wall’ political party broadcasting for the ‘Corbyn Party, followed up by propaganda to soften the idea of the ‘Brexit’ result. Finishing off with how David Cameron felt ‘let down’ by Theresa May.
Well Mr Cameron, I have got news for you, the British electorate felt let down by your biased conduct and the ‘big’ European deal you tried to sell us up to and including the ‘independence’ referendum.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-37465452
Oh, and yes more anti Trump vibes.
Theresa, sort them out. Let Al Beeb fund it self and start work in the real world.
This was second on Radio 2 news bulletin-and first on Radio 4s.
Anybody else ever heard of Craig Oliver?,now SIR Craig?
No, me neither.
Anyway this will play very well with us all…May even MORE of a cold pragmatist with a mind of her own than I knew…as the squonks dissolve into Remainian tears, can only move May up the league table.
Considering the exceptional coverage of the migration into Europe of over one million migrants I have never or am not aware of a report by the BBC of the logistics required to move such a large number of people. We had everything else, the numbers of woman and children the heartbreak etc etc but not how it was carried out and by whom. We were told they were Syrian refugees fleeing that dreadful conflict …but not the numbers from Iraq Pakistan or Afghanistan.
It just occurred to me that operation overlord might be similar in logistics but operation Overlord transported ONLY 130,000 troops!!
Surely questions need to be asked by the BBC?
In order to get the expeditionary forces to the French coast on D-Day, an exceptional logistics operation had to be mounted, code named Neptune. The invasion fleet was to comprise around 4,300 vessels of every shape, size and nationality. Once these arrived off the Normandy coast, they would disgorge the 2,600 landing barges intended to carry the assault troops as far as the beaches.
In the early hours of June 6th 1944, an armada of ships manned by 150,000 seamen transported 130,000 men and 20,000 vehicles across the Channel to open up a decisive breach in the Atlantic Wall.
Operation Neptune, a logistical feat in itself, was now followed by a new and equally crucial phase: keeping the fragile bridgehead supplied so that it could withstand the inevitable German counter-attacks
Magicoat ………… early hours of June 6th 1944, an armada of ships manned by 150,000 seamen transported 130,000 men and 20,000 vehicles across the Channel…..
Yes, another era – and can you imagine that happening today, all the ships would sink with the weight of foreign bodies killing each other to get aboard on the French coast. A shuddering thought.
I’m now sorry I gave one-and-a-half cheers to Naughtie earlier in the week for mentioning that a black cop killed the black man. Since then, I have heard three blatantly biased, anti-Trump pieces from him, not even largely fact-based, but strongly biased by omission and error. By contrast, Clinton gets a free pass. Still, would we expect anything else from the lefty Gardianista Naughtie? Well, no not really! What we should have from the BBC is balance, and we are not getting it.
Could be a book there couldn`t there?
Maybe Black Lives Matter are Trump ex-employees, and Hillary Clinton has been at the Obamacare meds box…and got them wrong.
Any event?…Trump and full steam ahead!
Hence when Trump gets into the White House-we will have the very first time when a white multimillionaire will downsize from his own Tower in Manhattan-then choose to move into small social housing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue…and , in doing so: boot out the squatting black family that have been in there for eight years!!!
Can’t now trust the polls or the media – she may not be Trumped, it could still be Norman Bates Mum-in-the-attic who staggers across the line
I guess having roundly trashed the likes of Palin and Romney as unacceptables the left-liberal establishment eventually got the opponent they themselves created out their own nightmare scaremongering.
Can we here at Red Labour Lovers( Setters and Squirrels-S.S Division)agree that a plinth, nay- even an EDSTONE-be erected somewhere totemic to commemorate the
a) Entertainment
b) Managerial wizardry
c) Vision and inclusion
of this unsung Star of Political Influence.
Of course Sir Nigel tops them all for 2016…but Ed Milibands slow burning turd in the jazcuzzi, rat in mi kitchen brilliance in giving us Corbyn and his Clapperboards(£3 a pop)will yet turn out to be THE event of 2015…and beyond.
Support Our Lefty and even Columbo Himself will of course need to OK this…we are nothing if not a disciplined Party of Progress in Its quite literal sense…but Ed Milibands Scone of Destiny should NOT be a Portland Bonnet Shroud of morbid reflection…but a Living Stone of Progress and Quiet Reflections.
History will reward Ed Miliband with quite the most patriotic thing that any politician could do for this nation-rid us of over 100 years of Socialist Scumbuttery.
Sir Edward Miliband of Rockall…we salute your indefatiguability-and indeed your ability to heal and pacify our Beloved Labour Patsy!
Did hear Naughtie vaping to no effect as he gave a report from the Daytona Minibar or wherever his tartan trews trouser press was located that day.
This was on BH-but of course!
And yet-this was not your typical O Connell suckup to leftydom.
Johnny Dymond did a good job-put Sarah Champion on the spot from the “get-go”(like that, Naughtie?)-and the verbiage and excuses she puffed out reminded us all why Labour are set for Fray Bentos.
But best of all-and I`m not sure if I dare say this-STEVE PUNT at 9.35 or so did-gasp- a brilliant and savage take down of Labour MPs who will now be sucking Wilton rug whilst rolling Corbyns pink beret round the nursery.
Something as good as this deserves a listen-very Spitting Image, very bitter and plenty drive by pops at the Labour PLP….something we might havbe written ourselves-but then extra savagery because he`ll be a Lefty enraged at being lumbered with Corbyn. If only to have to avoid the Islington abortion in the kidney tin (That is Corbyn and his red guard) as they do “The Now Show” up to and including May 2020.
BBC1 Sunday Morning Live programme with Nage Muchetty is going to be asking that very important question “Should Muslim Police woman be allowed to wear their traditional dress on duty?”
I’m old enough to remember when Sunday TV was all about Christian oriented stuff – how times have changed.
Thankfully Frederick Forsyth is on the panel.
But now I`ve seen some poncing padre with the Clifton Suspension bridge behind him on a screen…once I`ve heard Freddie, I`ll bale out.
Our Lt-Colonel bedwringer for ISIS is choosing to wear a dog collar, funny when and how “religious imagery” is allowed as long as the Alinsky Agenda needs them.
He spoke of “religious abuse” at Bagram…er, anybody got a clue what “religious abuse means”-and how much will his pal Phil Shiner cop for proving THAT?
Amazing-but it`s the BBC on a Sunday morn-so what else would we all be getting?
Serves us right for not going to church eh?
Fact is, there’s no ‘Good News’ Worldwide about the Cult of Submission i.e. Islam. But, the BBC, anxious to give maximum exposure to this Cult will grab at any topic which is even ‘moderately ok’. The programme Editors to not have the intelligence to recognise that even their ‘moderate’ topic is in fact toxic to virtually all white British who simply want adherents to the Cult to simply be, shipped out the UK. Given the opportunity at the end of the Muchetty programme, simply look at the names of the BBC staff involved in the programme speeding across the screen from right to left. I did not see any name which was clearly ‘non-British’ but the last one: the Executive Producer, with the surname Ahmed (I think). ‘Executive Producer’, that’s the ‘Boss Man’ isn’t it?
I am unsure if any kind of Islam is compatible with the police attestation. Too many contradictions.
> , … of … do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.
Whilst Andrew Marr attempts to knit a silk purse out of the pig’s ear that is Comrade Corbyn – meanwhile only asking the really searching and combative questions of Boris and of Sir Bradley Wiggins – we speculate that the only difficult question the BBC asks of itself is “Do we reckon Chris Evans would consider judging a cake baking competition?”
Oh, how Al Beeb is trying to desperately to keep the remaiers, the EU and Brexit ‘on the boil’. Despite the overwhelming support to get out ASAP!
Time to air this again………. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/133618
Hhhhello ! Isa Manuel hhhere… You remember me? I am hhhead waiter at a Fawlty Tower – she is most magnificent hhhotel ina Toqqquey – Hinglish Riviera! My boss, him Meesta Basil Fawlty.
As you see, I speak good Hinglish – I learn it from a book!
Now I hhhave bone to pick with BBC
This shooter at shopping mall in Hunited States – terrible killing of ladies at cosmetics counter – this so sad, this so bad… these could have been Meeses Sybil Fawlty or lovely Mees Polly!
I come from Barcelona, but BBC you telling lies to the world that this Hispanic shooter!
BBC you supposed to tell truth to world.
BBC you should be ashamed for this hhhorrible slur on Spanish people all hhhover the world!
Excellent AISI!
Now that the Mourinho Must Go entryists have been soundly debagged by the “Greatest Living Portuguese Maestro”, that I for one knew Jose to be as a member of The Manchester United Family-and let me say here that I disassociate myself from alleged remarks attribooted to me re the Porto Loser needing to f.ff..fff…Fado Off back to Portugal after we folded to the bitter Bluenoses a couple of weeks back?…I see your skit to be a tribute to Jose…indeed we are all texting in pidgin Portuguese this very day to honour Fox Hunting Hero #1…Canary Branch.
“Eez seemplez…`ow you say…si?”
Match of the Day, eh?
Of course small chris big H you speak not of Labour Conference or Salford BBC but of that other north west absurdist Theatre of Dreams.
One was brought up on MOTD but sadly another past pleasure dropping like a Wayne to a Mohammed in the annual popularity of boys names tables. These days the preponderance of the red teams in top billing would force a lilly-white cockerel to become something of a night owl.
What did the crowds use to shout… ‘Come on my Son!’
We here at the Fergie Action Forum( blowhard,exiled northerners who reckon on Robbie Savage and Phil Neville as our “experts”)do see parallels with the Coming Red Tide of Corbyn, Snow and other tampon wavers…and the Coming Red Tide of The Porto Prince of Bell End that is Jose?
Do we know the way to San Jose?…follow the Armani scent and the sense of overpriced underachievement…
Just a thought, but what if the whole ‘Bake Off’ scenario is a set-up? You’ve got a programme costing C4 £75m with three of its four presenters not jumping ship – surely a far-fetched situation, even for the masterminds of TV boards, when the whole viability of the venture is compromised from the start? Surely someone would have checked before talking contracts?
You’ve got the tacky trio expressing loyalty for the Beeb – an invaluable bit of PR that could be well worth 75m, especially when it’s not your money, while an aggressive, confrontational hetero male – who it’s not difficult to imagine would get on the other three’s tits, figuratively speaking, goes it alone. Heavens, he might even have questioned the voting which enabled Nadiya to become a ‘personality’, who knows? So Paul’s going for the big bucks and individual stardom, but is the loveable lad the fall guy? Has he rubbed too many feministas up the wrong way – in a metaphorical sense, of course? Has he been persuaded to jump, without those troublesome contract and compensation problems to complicate his departure?
And will Auntie come up smelling of fresh rolls, with Mary, Sue and Mel joined by someone to give balance (cough, cough) and another financial barnstormer to go with Strictly and Newsnight? Anyone would think it was just like politics.
Some clot on the BH news review said that, 50 years up the road, 2016 will be labelled with only one B-word that spoke for the times.
Prat…not “Brexit”…but “Bake Off” so he says!
The BBC love this flatulent homage to their sorry dribblings of “events” like who`s baking cakes and who`s not…but he did wonder about the intellectual property rights of using a tent in the baking shows.
Simple-move it to Calais, let Banksy do the art work, Jude Law lead the camp fire sing songs, Mel and Sue bake the balaclavas for the Jungle Jimmies.
Ed Miliband is George of the Jungle, and the thirteenth Mardy…send him over to heal and pacify.
Good telly, Id say.
As for 2016-the EU will be gone well before fifty years…but Nigel and BOWIE will still be loved and adored…so suck on that you fancy lefty flat bottomed, brown nosed sponges at BH
This week on FB a guy said Radio4 is middle class, 10 people immediately shouted troll at him.
See the left are the haters who do kneejerk name shouting instead of coming forward with evidence.
Lilly-white cockerel ? I remember the time when Ossie Ardiles and Ricky Villa were the only foreign names we had trouble pronouncing in football (not forgetting the Indian menu in the local curry house !)
‘Ossie Ardiles and Ricky Villa’
Those were the days when just a little diversity went a long way.
As I recall the Argentine Junta never joined the EU but somehow or other we still managed to import the talent – sorry can’t seem to stop ‘fact checking’ the Remain camp.
You can keep your Ossies knees and the one trick show pony that was Ricky Villa and the buttery City defence of 81…the greatest Argie Bull Beef ever bought was wee Quentin…his contract is there above.
My son`s up at B`rum-do they have any football team up there for me to support?…Walsall (who I DO know have a team) is a bit of a hike.
Sunday Moaning Live was interesting. Apparently we have a housing crisis in Blighty. We had the usual herd of yapping, ethnic lefties and the token old right winger, Freddie Forsythe. We were told that the housing fiasco was due to too many elderly; people are not dying early enough apparently, the selfish swines.
Others told us that we weren’t building sufficient housing. Another lectured us about greedy landlords.
I think that there is a smidgen of truth in all of these, but the overwhelming problem with housing is too many people coming to live here! No country, let alone one as small and heavily populated as ours, can continue with a MILLION more people coming to live here every three years. It can’t be sustained. It’s bound to create a shortage. That will mean houses are at a premium and in turn property prices and rents will increase. It’s not just housing, it’s schools, hospitals, the infrastructure, the general overcrowding.
Talk about the elephant in the room. The bloody creature could have been sitting there cross legged on the sofa playing the clarinet and the panel would have studiously ignored it.
Did I expect anything more honest from the Beeb?
This is a fire the BBC, in common with other far Left media outlets, loves to stoke. Keeping the millennials in a state of semi-permanent outrage enables them to be loaded up with all sorts of other political claptrap, too. Expect to see more of it.
Yes Stew, a lucid article (written by a Democrat) on the whole fascistic liberal/left, the hysterical ‘identity-politics’, the hypersensitive grievance politics that finds offence everywhere (except in the genuinely offensive and downright dangerous behaviours of, say, certain religions who must remain nameless). And the sooner the whole stinking mess implodes into its own contradictions, the better.
Will The Left survive the Millenials ? Let’s hope not.
As Peter the great said-we really need to see yet MORE of Labour in its death rattlers!
Andrew Neil was interviewing some Heidi (comfort foods shadow gobbler) or other , and Tristram was on before.
Heidi was channelling Emily Thornberry and the other deep cut glass slow speaking plums that was first patented by Patricia Hewitt as I recall.
Don`t feed the likes of Heidi to Andrew Neil was MY take away from this-well I nearly said “car crash”…but the Hindenburg Blimp disaster might be batter.
I for one have come round to Peter the Greats line of thinking-MORE Labour, More Corbyn please BBC…we want to know , we really need to know the difference between colostomies and bowel entrails being operated on, inserted carried along and velcro`d live on Hospital telly.
Comedy brass this-all hail Ed Miliband!…thank you sir!
‘..all hail Ed Miliband!’
When you remember that it was New Labour Miliband Minor who’s complete lack of intutition and common sense landed his team with the current leadership rules you have to consider what a let off for Britain was the 2010 Coalition. That berk came close to being PM of a rainbow coalition of all the lefty talent-less.
Maybe a Patroitic Cyril Fletcher-type ode from your pen of plumpiousness there . our Poet Laureate of Song and Rhyme AISI?
Still working on your classic of yesterday…but songs that come to mind for Sir Edward are
a) Simply the Best
b) We Are The Champions(or indeed Champeens if we want to include Sir Jimmy of the Morgue)
c) The One and Only
d)Party Fears Jew
e) My Boy Miliband
f) Ed for the Hills
g) Free Electric Miliband
h) Milly Rivers To Cross
i) Mandelson(to the tune of Galveston).
Thanks for your kind comments chrisH, though I do sometimes struggle to follow your somewhat lateral-thinking, stream-of-consciousness, multi-layered visual-imagery-reference-rich style.
There, you’ve got me doing it now, must be catching.
Coronation Street actor Marc Anwar has been fired from the soap after tweeting ‘entirely un The Sunday Mirror has published screenshots of messages posted on the 45-year-old’s private Twitter account that appear to hit out at India over Kashmir and call for Pakistani actors to stop working in the country.
They also refer to Indian people as “b******s” and “p**s-drinking c***s”.
In his rant, in which he inserted asterisks in the most offensive words, Mr Anwar said: “Why the F***k do #pakistaniartists want work in #f*** face #india, do you love money so much.”acceptable, racially offensive’ comments about Indian people.
Nothing on the BBC website about this, and if this had been someone white the political correctness enforcement squad would have hauled him off to prison without charge or a hearing !
He was merely voicing what almost all of his co religionists think. Of course if one of us to give voice to what we think of those of Pakistani heritage , as the BBC usually put it , we would locked up for the newly invented offence of hate crimes.
Now on LBC, Maajid Nawaz, strangely is being anti-lefty and even spoke up against Islamic violence ..and is basically saying Obama is a failure. He’s having an expert on who says Trump will win.
Discussion :1) Obama’s presidency 2) US presidential debates 3) Royals in Canada.
BTW a commenter said
“Obama won a Presidency and a Nobel peace prize for not being white.”
Reading a bit on the French capitulations under the Nazis in 1940.
Reckon that Jeremy Corbyn and his Compiegne Team seems to fit a purpose for me, only wish I could draw that June 1940 photo where the likes of Burnham and Hunt line up outside the train carriage to pledge alliegance to Herr Corbyn.
Sadiq Khan?…reminds me of a Petain!
Watching Jeremy’s frank and open discussions with Marr this morning, with all his hopes and plans for the future, especially the level of grass-roots involvement, his only significant omission was ‘commissars’.
Good book on that chris, France and the Nazis by Adam Nossiter.
They were all ‘La Resistance’ you know. Nobody at all collaborated. Bit like the Beeb staffers.
Did love her logic-as a woman who`s been cautioned for domestic abuse she is, of course ideally placed to speak on the brief…herself being an…well, domestic abuser….
Next up Rose West for the Home Office, Primrose Shipton for Health and Joanna Dehenny for Crime Commissioner in charge of knife crime….
And Johnny Dymond sucked up the Wonder Horses piss….
That Australian television station ought to lose its licence to broadcast. That is an evil stunt made even worse by delierate lies and distortions – but I’ll bet it’s given the BBC some food for thought. Watch a few more stunts like this on BBC, Sky, Channel 4 etc.
Of course the BBC tried to pull one like that against the Queen a few years back but were caught out (with few consequences if I remember correctly).
Demon, was that when the BBC broadcast a programme that was edited to show Her Majesty storming out of a meeting in anger, when in fact she was rushing to GET to the meeting and was annoyed that she’d been held up? The BBC as I recall claimed it wasn’t their fault and it was all the fault of some bigger boys (ie, an external production company) who did it and ran away.
The BBC, CH4 and Sky News UK have gotta be hoping Trump makes a gigantic fool of himself in tomorrow’s Presidential Debate with Hillary. I wish I could be hopeful that he won’t trip himself up, let alone get fooled into making a dumb comment by Hillary’s sophistry and misdirection.
This is going to be a very precarious 24hr news cycle, with the massed-ranks of the liberal media (i.e. all of the media) primed and ready to pounce the moment Trump gives them even the smallest of openings.
Meanwhile, get ready for the hagiographies just waiting to be published, celebrating Queen Hillary’s ‘magnificent’, ‘confident’, ‘commanding’ performance in tomorrow’s debate.
Wouldn’t it be a pity if the studio lights caused Hillary to overheat. We could then enjoy the spectacle of her doing the zombie walk on prime time tv. The fun wouldn’t stop there though as we would then be able to laugh at the MSM trying to polish the turd as they desperately try and resurrect, an apt phrase, Hillary’s campaign.
It’s certainly going to be interesting. Mr Trump could give a new version of the Gettysburg Address and would be made out to be a halfwitted bigot, whereas Mrs Clinton could do nothing except mumble incoherently and keel over, and the media would still make out she’d won the debate.
Yep it will be like one of those European Cup matches in the 60’s against Italian sides who had made the ref an offer he couldn’t refuse. You can score as many as you like but none will be allowed and the ref will give the Italians a penalty or two just to make sure. Unless Hillary dies on stage there is no chance the media won’t declare her the winner by a mile. Just like Mr Farage and Clegg when they debated.
Never one to duck a challenge was sorely tempted to go with a tune by Bozo Dog Miliband
but plumped instead for something equally dated but with more Momentum behind it – a little something I like to call Mongo Jeremy
Lyrically it might have been quite acceptable in the 70s but now we’ll have to edit for a modern audience – mostly
Chh chh-chh, uh, Chh chh-chh
In the global-warmingtime when the weather is hot
You’ve got no choice between BBC, Channel 4 or Sky
Everywhere the message is same
You got migration, you got feminism on your mind
Don’t drink, don’t drive
Stay in, watch tv and get more feminised
If her daddy’s rich take her out for a meal
If her daddy’s old and poor he probably voted Out
Salford Media City job
Earn a ton or a ton an’ twenty-five
When the sun goes down
You can make it, make it good in a lay-by
They’re no threat, people
They’re not dirty, thet’re not mean
They love everybody but they do as they please
When the weather’s fine
They go fishin’ or go swimmin’ in the sea
They’re always happy
Life’s for livin’ yeah, allahu akhbar that’s our new philosophy
The murder of the Czech guy in Poplar looks increasingly like it wasn’t racist as the BBC has not so indicated.
Nor was it a single punch death as he was murdered with a metal chain.
One has to deduce from this that the killers were not white.
The police say they “retain an open mind as to the motive for the attack.”
Now move along please.
So have you heard about the murder of a Christian writer in Jordan this morning. Here’s the bBC’s version of events: Jordan writer in blasphemy case Nahid Hattar killed A Jordanian writer charged with offending Islam after allegedly sharing a satirical cartoon on his Facebook page has been killed…..The cartoon he shared depicts a bearded man lying in bed with two women and smoking, asking God to bring him a drink.
Just a bearded man bBC? Here is what the bBC doesn’t want you to know: Christian arrested by Police and then shot dead outside court for making fun of ISIS. 56 year Jordanian writer Nahed Hattar posted a cartoon of a so called martyred ISIS terrorist in Heaven, in bed with 2 women demanding that god brings him a drink . Titled ‘the God of Daesh ‘ it was meant to highlight the hypocrisy of those who claim to be doing the work of Allah next door in both Syria and Iraq….The cartoon features an illustration of God under the title “God of Daesh,” using the Arabic acronym for ISIS. He explained on Facebook that the cartoon made fun of “terrorists and how they imagine God and heaven, and does not insult God in any way”.
Now i wonder why the bBC left out that salient snippet? The bBC, the propaganda arm of Intolerant Islam, paid for by you.
If anything happens to a Conservative politician then it is clear that McDonnell should be arrested for complicity. This isn’t so much ITV bias as showing how fascists like McDonnell can get away with these comments when he is one of the most disgusting excuses for a politician in this whole country. He should be sacked as an MP – as he no doubt would if he had been a Conservative saying this about a Labour or SNP politician.
With McDonnell backing claims for her lynching before the GE, I hold him largely guilty for the death of Jo Cox. Yet again Labour proves itself to be the Nasty Party.
McDonnell is a disgusting excuse for a specimen of homo sapiens as there is to be seen, never mind a ‘politician’.
Turn the words he used onto a less white politician and what would have happened?
Scum, but he’s not alone.
‘Labour. Fucking you over since 1924.’ would be an apt motto.
John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, has apologised “from the bottom of my heart” for suggesting in 2003 that the IRA should be honoured for the bombings
‘It’s about time we started honouring those people involved in the armed struggle.
‘It was the bombs and bullets and sacrifice made by the likes of Bobby Sands that brought Britain to the negotiating table.’
The shadow chancellor also apologised for joking in 2010 that he would assassinate Margaret Thatcher
quote from the above:
This included a 1985 piece, published during John McDonnell’s co-editorship spell at the newspaper, which compared the Israeli government to the Nazis by claiming it confined Palestinians to ‘concentration camps’.
A few weeks later, the paper went on to endorse terrorist attacks against the country’s authorities, to counter what it called ‘the racism at the heart of the Israeli state’.
When the Board of Deputies of British Jews met the Labour leader in February, although he told the delegation he opposed anti-Semitism “from any part of the political spectrum”, when highlighted that his past engagements with dyed-in-the-wool anti-Semites, including representatives of Hamas and Hezbollah needed to be acknowledged and a line drawn under them he only committed himself to “reflect further” on such connections. This does not go nearly far enough especially since we are talking about Holocaust deniers and terrorists. Moreover, since that February meeting Corbyn has not issued any formal response to his period of reflection!
Unable to amend the above. I would have paragraphed the last bit as in th original.
I would also have added that his total lack of an apology for pushing those evil comments about Miss McVey totally contradicts his previous claim, to reject all political violence, when he supports the vilest murderers in the world currently and also calls for political assassinations. He makes the stupidly evil Corbyn look relatively reasonable in comparison to himself.
PC Marcus Tyson has been risking his neck protecting the public, including Guardian writers and BBC producers, from the worst elements of society for 29 years. Now he is suspended and being investigated by Scotland yard. His horrendous crime? Kurdish yobs, who support the banned terrorist group the PPK, were giving vent to their anger by chanting “F**K the police” in the faces of police officers during a demonstration.
One such venomous piece of work was standing in the way of an ambulance that had its lights flashing and sirens blaring. Despite being asked to move she didn’t, so PC Tyson shifted the terroist sympathiser, to allow the ambulance to save lives. She bellowed at PC Tyson to “get out of here”, to which he responded “you can’t tell me what to do in my country”.
The activist wrote up a complaint against PC Tyson, lying about what he had said and so Tyson is now being investigated.
BTW There is a video which clearly shows Tyson’s side is correct and the terrorist sympathiser is lying.
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Fedup2Mar 6, 17:34 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – there’s a reform MP who talks less crap than Farage .. good luck to Mr Middleton – but…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 17:10 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Over 100 Labour MPs and peers signed an open letter urging financial businesses to “sweep away ill-considered anti-defence rules,” calling…
Fedup2Mar 6, 16:41 Midweek 5th March 2025 Double – I think people have heard that Farage isn’t the Right winger they expect him to be …. Perhaps…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 16:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Prof Jay said the first of these reports was “effectively suppressed” because senior officers did not believe the data. The…
I’m beginning to wonder if the last man standing in the free world will shout “this was not terrorism” when surrounded by dead bodies and Isis flags waving above the White House and Downing Street. Because its sure as hell heading that way.
Watching the Labour elektzione-fest in masochist mode it occurred that the people behind this democratic travesty are the very same as the derided T. Blair created for our delight. That wondrous concept of Education, Education, Education, a uni-place for all, resulted in a huge upsurge of what have proved to be semi-educated degree-level nonentities, some qualified to an extent but all boasting a ‘university education’ despite the sad fact that in a great many cases their time, and ours, has been wasted – except politically.
Politically, the people behind Corbyn and Macdonald – and he’s the one to worry about, not that ‘Nice Jeremy’ – are the rabble of scruffs, antis and anarchists who have and will demonstrate, strike, sit down, disrupt and in as many ways as they can try to destroy our society – because they know that theirs is better. Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot all thought the same way. For an overwhelming number, it’s all they have to do, all that motivates them, and they now represent The Labour Party in all its glory, backed by the benevolent Len McClusky, Serwotka, Hatton, Livingstone and all their seedy unprincipled ilk.
And what is even more pernicious is that the BBC, and people like Norman Smith and Evan Davies and Kirsty Wark and Owen Jones and John Pienar and Orla Guerin and Fergal Keane and a host more on £200k for all their efforts lord bless ’em, all know this. They know that Corbyn and Momentum and the like aren’t interested in government, they just want to bring governments down. They even think that Corbyn’s message will resonate with ‘the working man’ ignoring, as only such gifted and socially aware can, the fact that working men and women now vote UKIP and Leave.
The entertainment has only just begun as far as the Labour Party is concerned. Corbyn as leader consigns the party to opposition until he is ousted. That will not suit ambitious young things like Chuka Ummuna. Now, Obama-lite and his generation must devise a way to get rid of Corbyn or they must split away from Labour. They know they must do one or the other if they are ever to get anywhere near No10. Also, the longer they leave it the more they are tainted by Corbyn’s malign influence. Shame to waste such a talented generation of Labour politicians…ha ha ha.
Quite literally on the money SOL!
I will campaign for a rerun as well…quite literally our very lives are at stake if Corbynism is not reversed-but put into full tank overdrive in every sense of those words-in a real sense too!
Being a Lefty allows my my schizoid parabolic mind to write this drivel…which must be bottled for the ages.
To quote UB40….” heal and pacify”…and that is quite literally all we`ve got to do…
Yes, a rerun is the thing to do. They voted the wrong way, their vote therefore cannot be recognised and now they must be compelled to vote the right way because they did not have enough information about the contestants for labour leadership.
Surely the correct thing to do is a joint leadership in memory of Jo Cox. Two men leading Labour in perfect harmony never disagreeing and spreading love throughout the world in her memory.
Good idea Tabs.
Should we not call for a second autopsy though on Jo Cox?
For none of REALLY knew what a first autopsy report actually MEANT when it was first put out to us?
I myself was offered a false prospectus…so demand a second autopsy NOW!
I myself think that she wasn`t killed-not only does she truly live on in all our hearts(in a real sense),,,but I think the “Deathers” Movement are correct in saying that there`s no proof that she was killed…no body, no motive, no point in killing a worthless chugger on a posh houseboat is there?
Hope to be asked onto local radio to plug this, my theory…Anne Elk.
Joke ox killed by an elk ?
Non comprendo, Chris!
Ann Elk was some theorising comedy cut out from Monty Python as I recall-she had a theory about brontosaurus…utter bollocks.
Can identify with that.
Just hate the Jo Cox hushed grief fest and licensed genuflection to Labour-as far as i`m concerned -surely SOMEONE will stand against Labours Corrie actress…FFS, the good people of Batley and Spen deserve better than a chugger limpdick…I`d parachute in Nigel or Tommy R to be “tasteless opportunistic populists”.
Why the hell don`t we turn the corkscrew into the liberal brain…our rules, not theirs. F…ing HATE the Left….and waiting for the Tories to shaft them once and for all.
The point has been made here before but is worth repeating. When Ian Gow MP was murdered by the IRA in 1990, the Lib-Dems nevertheless contested the resulting Eastbourne by-election and won the seat. What is different with Jo Cox? Autres temps, autres moeurs? Or is it because a Lefty was murdered this time?
Not only that, TT, they have ruined the younger generation’s potential to develop in years to come, travel, and roaming charges will also be affected as will cheap holidays on the Costa del Plonk.
Thank you, Friend Chris. I got some very snarky comments (my favourite being “This blog is really, really shit”!) from angry Lefties when I plugged the Blog in the Graun earlier today, so it seems to have hit the target!
Why do you use a picture of Columbo?
Friend More, I am simply a fan of the TV series! I’ve always liked Columbo, and somehow his somewhat dishevelled appearance seemed ideal for a Lefty. (He’s obviously far too intelligent for the modern Labour Party, though!)
Columbo was great. Unfortunately the dishevelled Peter Falk, beloved of many, has gone to that great movie set in the sky.
One definition of the Corbyn victory SOL, is that a spiteful thug like Tom Watson is now seen as a benign, statesmanlike figure.
It’s clear that Corbyn and McDonnell are now the chief pigs in this animal farm. Will those 172 MPs who voted against Corbyn during the vote of no confidence now bow to their leader and proclaim, “Four legs good, two legs bad,” or will they resist and be subject to be “deselected” during a purge or worse?
And if they resist, what form will the resistance take? They can hardly go knocking on the door of the Tories or Libdems so what do they do?
I suppose they will just hang in there and hope that Corbyn and his cronies don’t do too much damage.
Will there be Labour defections? Interesting times ahead.
My friends at the Guardian are not happy about a second vote for Jeremy Corbyn…they sat that they DO know what a Corbyn victory actually means.
So they want a third one(we`ve had two apparently)….so I`ve agreed to stand as the “Best Out Of Five” Unity candidate.
Can I be the first to congratulate both Diane James on her UKIP Revolutionary results in the Labour arselands…and, of course, the landslide victory of Theresa May in 2020.
Given the wall to wall coverage of Comrade Corbyn’s re-election I assumed the following headline was from a story related to said victory:
‘Ninety-year record for world’s heaviest red cabbage beaten’
PM on R4 today. Talking about Syria and Assad (for a change) they had the former British Ambassador for Syria (Peter Ford?) on air. I feel that he urinated on the presenters bonfire when he insisted on putting the case for the Syrian government’s side. Worth a good listen at about 22:20 minutes. Full item in normal support of the rebels/terrorists from19 mins.
Swiftly followed by an item on mushrooms,yes,really.
NB: Listened to a small part of Any Questions. I felt nauseous at Baroness Chakraborty’s spewing of bilge and if I hear NHS, bus, £350milion again I may take a contract out on someone. I must’ve heard it 349,000,000 times courtesy of the Beeb now.
Yes, the brekkie sofa sleuths had the former ambassador on…l thought Staytt was going to burst a blood vessel when he had to listen to common sense…
The message was:
Assad aint perfect, but so much bettter than all the opposition forces..
D_C – None of the rulers in the Middle East ever are: Saddam Hussain; Mubarak; Gaddafi; Assad etc but such potentates as those are all Arabs have ever known throughout their history and judging from what the alternative is, it is better that such people are ruled by sultan-dictators; to keep them controlled.
Can you imagine the chaos if Syria had gone the way of Libya or Iraq?
I was listening in the car – it was brilliant. Beeboid stuck for words and tried to come back at him but was absolutely shot down. The anti-Assad/Putin bias is so blatant it’s laughable.
Another hard-hitting subject that the BBC is keen for us to comment on, glasses with a camera attached:
The BBC should heed the comments but I suspect they won’t. Looks like Joe Public doesn’t appreciate the importance of this issue as much as the sixth formers.
It saddens me that the BBC prosecute and criminalise pensioners who choose to heat or eat rather than pay the TV Tax.
The cost recovered must be very tiny when compared to the salaries running into millions of Euwan Davis, Andrew Mar, Kirsty Warck, Chackrabutty, Linneckar and the layers of fat controllers. (I do hope I’ve misspelt their names).
But the little people must be taught a lesson of compliance by the fat Left Wing BBC.
I notice a change on the beebistan report on Washington mall shooter. The suspect is now described simply as ‘a male’, no longer Hispanic. It’s a small thing but could it be that someone knows something, either at the beeb or upstream? Or could it be that the early disinformation has done its job, the plebs have been thrown off the ‘terrorism’ trail, and as the story begins to cool and lose topicality the truth can be slowly allowed out – or at least more neutral reporting allowed in.
Maybe I’m getting paranoid – but hey, the machiavellic beeb does that to you.
“On Saturday morning, Cammock said the basis for the shooter’s ethnicity was primarily based on security-camera images of a man with “dark hair” and with a darker complexion.
“I suppose the race could be anything,” Cammock said. “You can take a look at the photo yourself.””
Pretty laid back approach considering the serious nature of the crime. Not quite right is it.
In their latest news bulletin the beebistan are lumping the shooting in with the ‘continuing epidemic of gun violence’ – the angle being their preferred position that it’s all the fault of those right-wing gun lobbyists (and NTDWI). They must be fervently praying to allah that our Hispanic doesn’t turn out to be called Ali and spoil that narrative.
Personally I wouldn’t describe him as “dark complexion”. I would say he looks more Norwegian, maybe a French national.
Likewise this news shouldn’t be about a “gunman” but rather a “gun attack” to be in line with the “Nice lorry attacks”. The human that is present during the attacks is superfluous.
Move along please….nothing to see here…
The picture isn’t great. The man is certainly dark complected, but I defy anyone to say he is Hispanic rather than Middle Eastern.
The rifle looks pretty small, and may be a .22, which is quite quiet compared to a full bore rifle, and may explain why the ear witness thought she heard balloons popping.
Objectively, until we know more, you would have to say that islamic terrorism is a possibility. For the police to rule it out at this stage is politics, not police work. The more islamic terror attacks before the election, the more chance of Trump winning.
Having been on a rifle range, standing beneath the targets, the ear witness description is believable. I would have described the sound as a bit more like a small whip-crack.
It’s very strange when you compare it to all other mass shootings, in Europe and the US. The mall where the shooting took place compliments itself on its high levels of security, yet no decent images to identify the terrori…sorry shooter. Th media do not seem overly concerned about the identity, more concerned about the motive, or what is not the motive.
This is the latest comment on Breibart.
“No One Important • a few seconds ago
Comonnnnnnnnnnnn man. . we had wall to wall coverage of escaped convicts. . .this mass shooter is still on the loose. . .and not a single update?
They found the rifle. . . .and no ID?
Still haven’t identified him?
We don’t have clearer images from the security footage? Why the “pic of a pic” grainy image, shot at an angle?
Not a single word about search areas? Where he “might” be? Who we should be looking out for?
This is nuts man. . . .when you have a mass shooter out on the loose, and not a peep about an update? Not a single witness is out there talking to other media people like Fox?”
It’s all very strange. Compare it to the German mall shooting by David Sonbely(!) the white supremacist. Wall to wall coverage.
I agree ray. I suspect that when stories like this shooting break, there is high level intervention to, at the very least, ‘manage’ the police operations and ‘massage’ the reporting. Some of the pressure may be overt (a word in a police chief’s ear, a call to some editors, most of whom are sympathetic anyway) while some may be self-imposed and self-censoring, probably a mixture.
Bear in mind that at this crucial time in the US elections, any act of terror, especially islamic, could swing it for Trump, the anti muslim, law-and-order candidate. The stakes are high, I expect the pressures are intense too.
“Washington State Governor Says He Welcomes Syrian Refugees”
‘Management’ from high level sources like this maybe?
Americans still have no idea who he is, but
“The FBI said there is no evidence that the shooting was linked to terrorism.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-37462235
So they must know who he is to make that statement. So they must be withholding his identity. Isn’t that putting lives in danger, as his whereabouts could be known by people who know who he is?
Maybe US citizens will not find out who he is until after the presidential debate on Monday.
I am unable to watch or listen to the BBC anymore, as it’s beyond deplorable, but i hope the BBC stream it live. I will watch that.
You may be right ray, but I suspect it’s more a case of ‘standard procedure’ nowadays, for all Western police forces: First priority, deny any link to terrorism (meaning islamic terrorism of course), even though you haven’t a clue who the perpetrator is or his motives.
Thus the risibly contradictory statements that are now the norm: ‘Motives unknown… no link to to terrorism’ often in the same sentence!
Remember that for a variety of reasons it is crucial for all governments to bury news of terrorist acts on their watch, e.g. Germany and Sweden, soft on (huge) islamic immigration; US with islamic terrorism as a major election issue; France with civil war not far away and Le Pen standing to win.
The tiresomely popular ‘keep calm and carry on’ sign reminds us that the prime directive of all governments has always been to keep the herd quiet at all costs. Politicians know that if the great unwashed really were were to rise up and decorate a few lamp posts there is absolutely nothing they could do to stop it.
Public disquiet and anger is the thing that really keeps them awake at nights.
Very suspicious. Spree shooters usually keep on killing until they have had enough, and then either kill themselves or are killed by the cops. It is essentially a form of extreme narcissistic suicide. They know they are not getting out of it alive.
This attack does not follow that pattern. The shooter has ditched his rifle and made good his escape. He is now at large, and must be considered to be armed and dangerous. He has killed five people in cold blood. There should be a massive manhunt for him, but all we are getting is pabulum to the effect that it is nothing to do with terrorism.
Who are you going to believe, the BBC or your lying eyes?
I am puzzled by the BBC’s dislike of Assad. After all, he is an implacable enemy of Israel, so surely that should make what there is of the BBC’s collective heart go out to him? And why would the BBC be against Russia when the country has always backed and armed the Arabs against Israel?
A few years back, John Humphries was gritting his teeth while interviewing William Hague and trying to convince him to bomb Assad (and at the same time trying to pressure him to tell the Israelis not to bomb Iran).
I suppose for the BBC Assad and Putin are not quite committed enough to the destruction of Israel and the BBC is therefore scouting around amongst the rebels and ISIS to find someone to support.
Good point TT.
But, the BBC should and must not favour anyone. They should just report the facts.
Dover Sentry, Woody Allen will win a world heavyweight boxing championship before BBC propagandists limit themselves to just reporting the facts.
Got a fit English dolly bird of a wife, licensed to prescribe NHGS specs having trained in the UK as an optical wizard…and-best of all-STING himself played ” Fragile” to him on his lute or such,
If THAT`S not the archetypal career path for a BBC lefty, then what is?
On any other planet-Assad would be an air guitarist that the BBC could do business with.
So what`s their beef with young Assad?…mercurial tosspots the Beeb.
I thought this item was interesting.
Apparently the farmer has had over 300 sheep stolen – no indication, however, who might be doing it but I suspect the pigs are pretty safe from being abducted.
Good to hear an American black guy in authority supporting Trump. He’s not too impressed with Obama or Clinton.
Does this mean that Clarkson will also be given his job back?
But Carol Thatcher will never be forgiven.
Calling someone a Gollywog beats two years in prison any day.
On the 10 pm news Kate Silverton and Laura….sberg look to be having orgasms on screen as they spend almost the entire news in sheer joy talking about Corbyn winning the Labour Party election.
I agree. But can’t you think of someting more insulting to call Laura? I know I could.
I’m rather confused… Did I just switch on the 10pm news or am I watching a labour party broadcast? So by timing the BBC have dedicated 75% of this evenings news to the labour party…
Although I do sympathise with the BBC for once, it must be incredibly hard having to chose between far left Corbyn and their own centre left man, Owen Smith. Guess they can’t really lose can they…
Almost the entire political news coverage from the BBC has been about Labour for weeks now.
It seems completely to have escaped them that Labour is now irrelevant to its traditional core supporters and is now simply the party of immigrants, state sector workers and Marxist agitators. Unless it grows up it will never win a general election again.
Sadly, the Tories are too weak to take full advantage of this by stepping in to clip the BBC’s wings.
The 10 pm newsreader had on a bright red dress to complement the excessive coverage of the re-election of an old Trotskyist to the leadership of the doomed labour party. Not just coincidence I’m sure.
Owen who? ?
Would someone please tell me what on earth goes through the minds of the BBC executives?
Straight after MOTD we now have The NFL Show. Now I do understand that they hate all things British that much is clear, but why on earth do they feel the need to fill the Saturday night TV schedule with an AMERICAN sport… How does that make any sense?! I have not once walked into a british pub and seen an NFL game on… No pub would be mad enough to show NFL apart from perhaps the super bowl. Most brits (myself included) don’t even understand how the bloody game works!
Is this to please the minute number of American expats… Is this virtue signalling of a new type whereby one can proclaim their left wing credentials by showing a sport from a different country which most don’t understand to prove how “progressive” we are.
What next…. Interrupting the BBC schedule to allow for morning prayer live from Ankara?
You know what, I am going to watch this to see if the Beeb has sunk as low as to pop in a Clinton/Trump reference… The TV is definitely getting smashed if they have.
After four hours of darts…and endless hours of US sport none of us surely give a stuff about…can only say that
a)Sport is cheap-womens sport, paralympic crap even cheaper.
b)Sport is legacy bollocks, homoerotic Godless body fascism for the overpaid and inarticulate.
c) Sport is what Cuba, Comintern and the Soviets used to eulogise over as they promoted their political greatness and divorce from the public who were bussed in to glorify the tin gods of drug abuse and steroid technical accomplishments…in short what the pinko gay BBC seem to love-cheap pervy body worship and sanctimonious patriotic reflex by proxy,
What sort of transatlantic perv gives a damn about US sports?…only the BBC.
Maybe al beebus are attempting to help the NFL try and claw back some of the viewers its lost in the U.S. (11% down on some of the equivalent games last year) a possible cause of which may be the many black players taking a knee or making black power fist salutes, instead of standing during the national anthem before the games; they do so in support of the BLM movement and many teams are 70 – 80% black so it does look bad on TV.
Brutal – I’m amazed it wasn’t Women’s NFL!
For the last 18 months we have had ‘wall to wall’ unlimited party political broadcasts for the Labour Party with this leadership election.
Why doesn’t Theresa sort AlBeeb out ?
Labour are finished despite the propaganda .
I fear that the BBC have already sorted Teresa May out
TBT.. I couldn’t agree more ! I thought I had switched on to a Sky sports channel. The Beeb’s late night programming schedule has been rubbish for years. I don’t think it ever recovered from the regulated close-down at 10.30 pm during the 1970’s.
Here’s a signed up Beeboid admitting to being “far left”…..Now my question is, under what circumstance is this acceptable, in that she works for a publicly funded broadcaster?..
For that comment Sophia Cannon should be fired. Or is that just balls?
Well well, what have we here? Massive explosion in Budapest, multiple casualties. Mirror has it, Express has it, many others. Strangely, not yet picked up by the world’s favourite broadcaster (I do wonder which world that is), for all its grotesque, extortionate funding. Funny how slow they are when it’s the wrong sort of story.
Beebistan may be slow to pick up the breaking story of a massive explosion in Hungary, but here’s one they do have: “Hungary wants migrant camp in Libya”
And just look at the pic those loveable rascals use, below.
Editor to picture dept: “quick chaps, find me a pic of the man snarling and jabbing his hand, you know, like what evil racists do, who don’t want invaders in their country.”
– We’re on it boss, how’s this?
– Excellent… (rubs hands like Mr Burns) …excellent.
Pete its the same with the BBC Trump pics… Ahhhhhh the bias, ever so subtle but so so effective
One of my understandings of how powerful the MSM are (BBC leading the way) is that every time I go to Spain I see Spanish flags everywhere and am in awe of the pride they display. Whereas in Britain, the MSM have single handedly turned the St George’s Cross into something that denotes a BNP meeting. I know its slightly different up north but in London I see more Brazilian flags than I do English! It is a disgrace. Only in Britain…
Agreed. The msm, the beeb and so many other institutions have made it shameful to be British. No wonder invading ideologies meet no resistance.
And it is an invasion. By the time the majority wake up to it, it’ll be too late. Probably already is.
But what’s this? The Express informs me that Scandinavia is in flames, with an explosion of rioting and violent crime of all sorts, from rapes to car arsons.
Surely the beebistan would have told me if this were true? Yet nary a murmur.
Sweden alone now has 55 no-go areas – you know, those no-go areas that our Evan was so angrily denying they existed in UK. (He was weally weally angwy.)
Civilised, peaceful, progressive, tolerant, liberal, immigrant-friendly Scandinavia, once the envy of the world. What could possibly have brought about this transformation?
Some headlines below.
“SWEDEN IN CHAOS: Number of ‘no-go zones’ INCREASED as police lose control over violence
SWEDISH police are losing the battle against increasing levels crime and violence in the country as now 55 areas have been labelled as “no-go” zones.
Over the past three months, Malmö, which is Sweden’s third largest city, has suffered a surge of organised crime as more than 70 cars have burned out in arsonist attacks.
Several other Swedish cities have also been plagued by thugs setting cars ablaze, according to local media.
Scandinavia burning: Arson attacks spreading across THREE borders as thugs rampage
EXCLUSIVE: ARSONIST thugs have launched attacks across THREE countries as Scandinavian nations struggle to control the inferno rampage.
The increasing fire attack in the Scandinavian country appears to have spread to Denmark in the last months, as more than 40 vehicles have been torched since August.”
BBC Online News:
“”Shrewsbury Folk Festival bans ‘blackface’ Morris dancers””
“”A folk festival has banned Morris dancers in black face make-up after it received complaints they could cause racial offence””
“”Jonathan Hyams from Fresh (Fairness, Respect, Equality Shropshire) said the group had contacted festival organisers after a complaint from a member of the public””
“”Joseph Bond: “Has everyone missed the irony that all those complaining and bemoaning this progressive decision are white?””
Not at all strange that the Left BBC have gleefully reported this. One complaint and 500 years of tradition erased. Stalin would have been proud.
The clue has always been in the name DS, ‘morris’ was originally ‘moorish’ and the blackened faces simply confirmed the fact. Frightfully prejudiced, those Mediaeval scumbags, weren’t they?
British culture and traditions are under threat. Imagine the headlines if it was ‘immigrant’ and RoP culture banned from uk towns and cities .
They will be banning Christianity, Easter and Christmas next.
May get us out of Europe ‘PDQ’ before it gets nasty.
One of the historic reasons for the face blacking is bound up with the Black Act, where poachers who blacked their faces to avoid detection were sentenced to death. Nothing to do with the protected effniks which white elites want to parade as life’s victims.
From Wikipedia
The Black Act (9 Geo. 1 c. 22) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain passed in 1723 in response to a series of raids by two groups of poachers, known as the Blacks. Arising in the aftermath of the South Sea Bubble’s collapse and the ensuing economic downturn, the Blacks gained their name from their habit of blacking their faces when undertaking poaching raids. They quickly demonstrated both “a calculated programme of action, and a conscious social resentment”,[1] and their activities led to the introduction of the Black Act to Parliament on 26 April 1723; it came into force on 27 May. The Act introduced the death penalty for over 50 criminal offences, including being found in a forest while disguised, and “no other single statute passed during the eighteenth century equalled [the Black Act] in severity, and none appointed the punishment of death in so many cases”.[2] Following a criminal law reform campaign in the early 19th century, it was largely repealed on 8 July 1823, when a reform bill introduced by Robert Peel came into force.
It’s a point GWF, but don’t overlook the fact that the first recorded – not by EMI, sadly – Morris dance was in 1450.
Yes indeed. I suspect that like so many of our historic based customs, the Morris dancing tradition evolved, picking up bits and pieces here and there. And this rich history is what the SJW are out to destroy
So now we know. Our Hispanic shooter suspect was in fact a Turkish Muslim called Arcan.
Oh, and he was singling out ‘uncovered’ women. Oh, and shouting.
They won’t tell us what he was shouting, but maybe we can guess.
Pamela Geller is pretty scathing:
Since when did that man look Hispanic?….not even close.
He clearly looks like a murdering Islamic scumbag (and that was before I’d seen the gun).
The Hispanic Washington mall shooter turns out to be Arcan Cetin, a Turkish born naturalized US citizen. ‘Arcan’ should ring a few bells with any Serbs in the area but, that apart, the problems of Hispanic Turks have long been a thorn in the side of ISIS (Daesh) progress. Their inability to grasp many significant Koranic hadiths, due to mixing and misinterpreting Spanish and Arabic, has built massive psychological stresses and can result in demonstrations of frustration, frequently featuring explosive devices and firearms. A UN paper on the subject is being finalised and this is expected to feature in any prospective defence at Cetin’s trial.
And as of now it is not featured on the BBC online news front page. Dispicable. But lots of other complete shite is. They couldn’t be more obvious in their bias. Another example….Jordan ‘blasphemer’ killed!! Not murdered or assassinated but killed ie sounds like accidentally by a bus or bee sting. I despair, and I’m glad I’ll be getting away from the hideous BBC soon. USA wake up and smell the f’in coffee before you go the way of Europe! Trump for POTUS.
And as of now it is not featured on the BBC online news front page. Dispicable. But lots of other complete shite is. They couldn’t be more obvious in their bias. Another example….Jordan ‘blasphemer’ killed!! Not murdered or assassinated but killed ie sounds like accidentally by a bus or bee sting. I despair, and I’m glad I’ll be getting away from the hideous BBC soon. USA wake up and smell the f’in coffee before you go the way of Europe! Trump for POTUS.
So the Hispanic Washington mall shooter turns out to be a ROPer.
BBC guessed wrong again.
Memo to all BBC imitation reporters – ‘Never mind, we will always have Brevic and the Crusades’
“The BBC’s Laura Bicker in Washington, who has seen the video, says it does not clear up the key question of whether Mr Scott had a gun, or if he pointed a gun at police.”
Of course he didn’t point the effing gun at the police! The job of the officer is to prevent that happening, otherwise the story would be about a police officer being killed by a black ‘gangsta’, although of course that wouldn’t even be considered newsworthy at the BBC.
There was no need to say anything about a gun being pointed, it’s totally irrelevant. Very subtle though.
BBC must have their knickers in a twist trying to spin the reporting of a black man shooting dead a black man.
But it looks like Lady Luck has blessed the BBC once again as the article states:
“Mr Scott’s mother, Vernita Scott Walker, told South Carolina broadcaster WCSC he was probably reading the Koran.
She said he read the Islamic holy book every day, often while waiting for his son to get off the bus.”
So it’s not blacks killing blacks but an innocent killing of a man following the Religion of Peace. The BBC have no problem reporting the religious beliefs of the person being killed but it always seems to be omitted if a RoPer is doing the killing.
Yes Tabs, true.
How convenient.
Get the Muslims agitated?
Radio Al Beeb Wales this morning, more ‘wall to wall’ political party broadcasting for the ‘Corbyn Party, followed up by propaganda to soften the idea of the ‘Brexit’ result. Finishing off with how David Cameron felt ‘let down’ by Theresa May.
Well Mr Cameron, I have got news for you, the British electorate felt let down by your biased conduct and the ‘big’ European deal you tried to sell us up to and including the ‘independence’ referendum.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-37465452
Oh, and yes more anti Trump vibes.
Theresa, sort them out. Let Al Beeb fund it self and start work in the real world.
This was second on Radio 2 news bulletin-and first on Radio 4s.
Anybody else ever heard of Craig Oliver?,now SIR Craig?
No, me neither.
Anyway this will play very well with us all…May even MORE of a cold pragmatist with a mind of her own than I knew…as the squonks dissolve into Remainian tears, can only move May up the league table.
Considering the exceptional coverage of the migration into Europe of over one million migrants I have never or am not aware of a report by the BBC of the logistics required to move such a large number of people. We had everything else, the numbers of woman and children the heartbreak etc etc but not how it was carried out and by whom. We were told they were Syrian refugees fleeing that dreadful conflict …but not the numbers from Iraq Pakistan or Afghanistan.
It just occurred to me that operation overlord might be similar in logistics but operation Overlord transported ONLY 130,000 troops!!
Surely questions need to be asked by the BBC?
In order to get the expeditionary forces to the French coast on D-Day, an exceptional logistics operation had to be mounted, code named Neptune. The invasion fleet was to comprise around 4,300 vessels of every shape, size and nationality. Once these arrived off the Normandy coast, they would disgorge the 2,600 landing barges intended to carry the assault troops as far as the beaches.
In the early hours of June 6th 1944, an armada of ships manned by 150,000 seamen transported 130,000 men and 20,000 vehicles across the Channel to open up a decisive breach in the Atlantic Wall.
Operation Neptune, a logistical feat in itself, was now followed by a new and equally crucial phase: keeping the fragile bridgehead supplied so that it could withstand the inevitable German counter-attacks
Magicoat ………… early hours of June 6th 1944, an armada of ships manned by 150,000 seamen transported 130,000 men and 20,000 vehicles across the Channel…..
Yes, another era – and can you imagine that happening today, all the ships would sink with the weight of foreign bodies killing each other to get aboard on the French coast. A shuddering thought.
I’m now sorry I gave one-and-a-half cheers to Naughtie earlier in the week for mentioning that a black cop killed the black man. Since then, I have heard three blatantly biased, anti-Trump pieces from him, not even largely fact-based, but strongly biased by omission and error. By contrast, Clinton gets a free pass. Still, would we expect anything else from the lefty Gardianista Naughtie? Well, no not really! What we should have from the BBC is balance, and we are not getting it.
Not on the BBC but I hear the mood in The States is that Black Lives Matter are rapidly rioting Donald Trump to the Presidency.
Could be a book there couldn`t there?
Maybe Black Lives Matter are Trump ex-employees, and Hillary Clinton has been at the Obamacare meds box…and got them wrong.
Any event?…Trump and full steam ahead!
Hence when Trump gets into the White House-we will have the very first time when a white multimillionaire will downsize from his own Tower in Manhattan-then choose to move into small social housing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue…and , in doing so: boot out the squatting black family that have been in there for eight years!!!
Can’t now trust the polls or the media – she may not be Trumped, it could still be Norman Bates Mum-in-the-attic who staggers across the line
I guess having roundly trashed the likes of Palin and Romney as unacceptables the left-liberal establishment eventually got the opponent they themselves created out their own nightmare scaremongering.
Can we here at Red Labour Lovers( Setters and Squirrels-S.S Division)agree that a plinth, nay- even an EDSTONE-be erected somewhere totemic to commemorate the
a) Entertainment
b) Managerial wizardry
c) Vision and inclusion
of this unsung Star of Political Influence.
Of course Sir Nigel tops them all for 2016…but Ed Milibands slow burning turd in the jazcuzzi, rat in mi kitchen brilliance in giving us Corbyn and his Clapperboards(£3 a pop)will yet turn out to be THE event of 2015…and beyond.
Support Our Lefty and even Columbo Himself will of course need to OK this…we are nothing if not a disciplined Party of Progress in Its quite literal sense…but Ed Milibands Scone of Destiny should NOT be a Portland Bonnet Shroud of morbid reflection…but a Living Stone of Progress and Quiet Reflections.
History will reward Ed Miliband with quite the most patriotic thing that any politician could do for this nation-rid us of over 100 years of Socialist Scumbuttery.
Sir Edward Miliband of Rockall…we salute your indefatiguability-and indeed your ability to heal and pacify our Beloved Labour Patsy!
L eftists are even more attached to their dangerous and lunatic beliefs than leopards are to their spots
They certainly are!
Did hear Naughtie vaping to no effect as he gave a report from the Daytona Minibar or wherever his tartan trews trouser press was located that day.
This was on BH-but of course!
And yet-this was not your typical O Connell suckup to leftydom.
Johnny Dymond did a good job-put Sarah Champion on the spot from the “get-go”(like that, Naughtie?)-and the verbiage and excuses she puffed out reminded us all why Labour are set for Fray Bentos.
But best of all-and I`m not sure if I dare say this-STEVE PUNT at 9.35 or so did-gasp- a brilliant and savage take down of Labour MPs who will now be sucking Wilton rug whilst rolling Corbyns pink beret round the nursery.
Something as good as this deserves a listen-very Spitting Image, very bitter and plenty drive by pops at the Labour PLP….something we might havbe written ourselves-but then extra savagery because he`ll be a Lefty enraged at being lumbered with Corbyn. If only to have to avoid the Islington abortion in the kidney tin (That is Corbyn and his red guard) as they do “The Now Show” up to and including May 2020.
BBC1 Sunday Morning Live programme with Nage Muchetty is going to be asking that very important question “Should Muslim Police woman be allowed to wear their traditional dress on duty?”
I’m old enough to remember when Sunday TV was all about Christian oriented stuff – how times have changed.
Indeed Tabs, but how culturally enriching it all is, no?
Very enriching, as enticing as a halal black pudding…..
Thankfully Frederick Forsyth is on the panel.
But now I`ve seen some poncing padre with the Clifton Suspension bridge behind him on a screen…once I`ve heard Freddie, I`ll bale out.
Our Lt-Colonel bedwringer for ISIS is choosing to wear a dog collar, funny when and how “religious imagery” is allowed as long as the Alinsky Agenda needs them.
He spoke of “religious abuse” at Bagram…er, anybody got a clue what “religious abuse means”-and how much will his pal Phil Shiner cop for proving THAT?
Amazing-but it`s the BBC on a Sunday morn-so what else would we all be getting?
Serves us right for not going to church eh?
Fact is, there’s no ‘Good News’ Worldwide about the Cult of Submission i.e. Islam. But, the BBC, anxious to give maximum exposure to this Cult will grab at any topic which is even ‘moderately ok’. The programme Editors to not have the intelligence to recognise that even their ‘moderate’ topic is in fact toxic to virtually all white British who simply want adherents to the Cult to simply be, shipped out the UK. Given the opportunity at the end of the Muchetty programme, simply look at the names of the BBC staff involved in the programme speeding across the screen from right to left. I did not see any name which was clearly ‘non-British’ but the last one: the Executive Producer, with the surname Ahmed (I think). ‘Executive Producer’, that’s the ‘Boss Man’ isn’t it?
I am unsure if any kind of Islam is compatible with the police attestation. Too many contradictions.
> , … of … do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.
The muslim version is much shorter: “Allahu akbar”.
Whilst Andrew Marr attempts to knit a silk purse out of the pig’s ear that is Comrade Corbyn – meanwhile only asking the really searching and combative questions of Boris and of Sir Bradley Wiggins – we speculate that the only difficult question the BBC asks of itself is “Do we reckon Chris Evans would consider judging a cake baking competition?”
Oh, how Al Beeb is trying to desperately to keep the remaiers, the EU and Brexit ‘on the boil’. Despite the overwhelming support to get out ASAP!
Time to air this again……….
Hhhhello ! Isa Manuel hhhere… You remember me? I am hhhead waiter at a Fawlty Tower – she is most magnificent hhhotel ina Toqqquey – Hinglish Riviera! My boss, him Meesta Basil Fawlty.
As you see, I speak good Hinglish – I learn it from a book!
Now I hhhave bone to pick with BBC
This shooter at shopping mall in Hunited States – terrible killing of ladies at cosmetics counter – this so sad, this so bad… these could have been Meeses Sybil Fawlty or lovely Mees Polly!
I come from Barcelona, but BBC you telling lies to the world that this Hispanic shooter!
BBC you supposed to tell truth to world.
BBC you should be ashamed for this hhhorrible slur on Spanish people all hhhover the world!
Whhho you covering for? Que?
Excellent AISI!
Now that the Mourinho Must Go entryists have been soundly debagged by the “Greatest Living Portuguese Maestro”, that I for one knew Jose to be as a member of The Manchester United Family-and let me say here that I disassociate myself from alleged remarks attribooted to me re the Porto Loser needing to f.ff..fff…Fado Off back to Portugal after we folded to the bitter Bluenoses a couple of weeks back?…I see your skit to be a tribute to Jose…indeed we are all texting in pidgin Portuguese this very day to honour Fox Hunting Hero #1…Canary Branch.
“Eez seemplez…`ow you say…si?”
Match of the Day, eh?
Of course small chris big H you speak not of Labour Conference or Salford BBC but of that other north west absurdist Theatre of Dreams.
One was brought up on MOTD but sadly another past pleasure dropping like a Wayne to a Mohammed in the annual popularity of boys names tables. These days the preponderance of the red teams in top billing would force a lilly-white cockerel to become something of a night owl.
What did the crowds use to shout… ‘Come on my Son!’
We here at the Fergie Action Forum( blowhard,exiled northerners who reckon on Robbie Savage and Phil Neville as our “experts”)do see parallels with the Coming Red Tide of Corbyn, Snow and other tampon wavers…and the Coming Red Tide of The Porto Prince of Bell End that is Jose?
Do we know the way to San Jose?…follow the Armani scent and the sense of overpriced underachievement…
Just a thought, but what if the whole ‘Bake Off’ scenario is a set-up? You’ve got a programme costing C4 £75m with three of its four presenters not jumping ship – surely a far-fetched situation, even for the masterminds of TV boards, when the whole viability of the venture is compromised from the start? Surely someone would have checked before talking contracts?
You’ve got the tacky trio expressing loyalty for the Beeb – an invaluable bit of PR that could be well worth 75m, especially when it’s not your money, while an aggressive, confrontational hetero male – who it’s not difficult to imagine would get on the other three’s tits, figuratively speaking, goes it alone. Heavens, he might even have questioned the voting which enabled Nadiya to become a ‘personality’, who knows? So Paul’s going for the big bucks and individual stardom, but is the loveable lad the fall guy? Has he rubbed too many feministas up the wrong way – in a metaphorical sense, of course? Has he been persuaded to jump, without those troublesome contract and compensation problems to complicate his departure?
And will Auntie come up smelling of fresh rolls, with Mary, Sue and Mel joined by someone to give balance (cough, cough) and another financial barnstormer to go with Strictly and Newsnight? Anyone would think it was just like politics.
Some clot on the BH news review said that, 50 years up the road, 2016 will be labelled with only one B-word that spoke for the times.
Prat…not “Brexit”…but “Bake Off” so he says!
The BBC love this flatulent homage to their sorry dribblings of “events” like who`s baking cakes and who`s not…but he did wonder about the intellectual property rights of using a tent in the baking shows.
Simple-move it to Calais, let Banksy do the art work, Jude Law lead the camp fire sing songs, Mel and Sue bake the balaclavas for the Jungle Jimmies.
Ed Miliband is George of the Jungle, and the thirteenth Mardy…send him over to heal and pacify.
Good telly, Id say.
As for 2016-the EU will be gone well before fifty years…but Nigel and BOWIE will still be loved and adored…so suck on that you fancy lefty flat bottomed, brown nosed sponges at BH
This week on FB a guy said Radio4 is middle class, 10 people immediately shouted troll at him.
See the left are the haters who do kneejerk name shouting instead of coming forward with evidence.
Lilly-white cockerel ? I remember the time when Ossie Ardiles and Ricky Villa were the only foreign names we had trouble pronouncing in football (not forgetting the Indian menu in the local curry house !)
‘Ossie Ardiles and Ricky Villa’
Those were the days when just a little diversity went a long way.
As I recall the Argentine Junta never joined the EU but somehow or other we still managed to import the talent – sorry can’t seem to stop ‘fact checking’ the Remain camp.
You can keep your Ossies knees and the one trick show pony that was Ricky Villa and the buttery City defence of 81…the greatest Argie Bull Beef ever bought was wee Quentin…his contract is there above.
My son`s up at B`rum-do they have any football team up there for me to support?…Walsall (who I DO know have a team) is a bit of a hike.
Sunday Moaning Live was interesting. Apparently we have a housing crisis in Blighty. We had the usual herd of yapping, ethnic lefties and the token old right winger, Freddie Forsythe. We were told that the housing fiasco was due to too many elderly; people are not dying early enough apparently, the selfish swines.
Others told us that we weren’t building sufficient housing. Another lectured us about greedy landlords.
I think that there is a smidgen of truth in all of these, but the overwhelming problem with housing is too many people coming to live here! No country, let alone one as small and heavily populated as ours, can continue with a MILLION more people coming to live here every three years. It can’t be sustained. It’s bound to create a shortage. That will mean houses are at a premium and in turn property prices and rents will increase. It’s not just housing, it’s schools, hospitals, the infrastructure, the general overcrowding.
Talk about the elephant in the room. The bloody creature could have been sitting there cross legged on the sofa playing the clarinet and the panel would have studiously ignored it.
Did I expect anything more honest from the Beeb?
This is a fire the BBC, in common with other far Left media outlets, loves to stoke. Keeping the millennials in a state of semi-permanent outrage enables them to be loaded up with all sorts of other political claptrap, too. Expect to see more of it.
The Laframboise FB page discusses a NY Times article : Will The Left survive the Millenials ?
Yes Stew, a lucid article (written by a Democrat) on the whole fascistic liberal/left, the hysterical ‘identity-politics’, the hypersensitive grievance politics that finds offence everywhere (except in the genuinely offensive and downright dangerous behaviours of, say, certain religions who must remain nameless). And the sooner the whole stinking mess implodes into its own contradictions, the better.
Will The Left survive the Millenials ? Let’s hope not.
As Peter the great said-we really need to see yet MORE of Labour in its death rattlers!
Andrew Neil was interviewing some Heidi (comfort foods shadow gobbler) or other , and Tristram was on before.
Heidi was channelling Emily Thornberry and the other deep cut glass slow speaking plums that was first patented by Patricia Hewitt as I recall.
Don`t feed the likes of Heidi to Andrew Neil was MY take away from this-well I nearly said “car crash”…but the Hindenburg Blimp disaster might be batter.
I for one have come round to Peter the Greats line of thinking-MORE Labour, More Corbyn please BBC…we want to know , we really need to know the difference between colostomies and bowel entrails being operated on, inserted carried along and velcro`d live on Hospital telly.
Comedy brass this-all hail Ed Miliband!…thank you sir!
‘..all hail Ed Miliband!’
When you remember that it was New Labour Miliband Minor who’s complete lack of intutition and common sense landed his team with the current leadership rules you have to consider what a let off for Britain was the 2010 Coalition. That berk came close to being PM of a rainbow coalition of all the lefty talent-less.
Maybe a Patroitic Cyril Fletcher-type ode from your pen of plumpiousness there . our Poet Laureate of Song and Rhyme AISI?
Still working on your classic of yesterday…but songs that come to mind for Sir Edward are
a) Simply the Best
b) We Are The Champions(or indeed Champeens if we want to include Sir Jimmy of the Morgue)
c) The One and Only
d)Party Fears Jew
e) My Boy Miliband
f) Ed for the Hills
g) Free Electric Miliband
h) Milly Rivers To Cross
i) Mandelson(to the tune of Galveston).
Thanks for your kind comments chrisH, though I do sometimes struggle to follow your somewhat lateral-thinking, stream-of-consciousness, multi-layered visual-imagery-reference-rich style.
There, you’ve got me doing it now, must be catching.
Coronation Street actor Marc Anwar has been fired from the soap after tweeting ‘entirely un The Sunday Mirror has published screenshots of messages posted on the 45-year-old’s private Twitter account that appear to hit out at India over Kashmir and call for Pakistani actors to stop working in the country.
They also refer to Indian people as “b******s” and “p**s-drinking c***s”.
In his rant, in which he inserted asterisks in the most offensive words, Mr Anwar said: “Why the F***k do #pakistaniartists want work in #f*** face #india, do you love money so much.”acceptable, racially offensive’ comments about Indian people.
Nothing on the BBC website about this, and if this had been someone white the political correctness enforcement squad would have hauled him off to prison without charge or a hearing !
He was merely voicing what almost all of his co religionists think. Of course if one of us to give voice to what we think of those of Pakistani heritage , as the BBC usually put it , we would locked up for the newly invented offence of hate crimes.
Now on LBC, Maajid Nawaz, strangely is being anti-lefty and even spoke up against Islamic violence ..and is basically saying Obama is a failure. He’s having an expert on who says Trump will win.
Discussion :1) Obama’s presidency 2) US presidential debates 3) Royals in Canada.
BTW a commenter said
“Obama won a Presidency and a Nobel peace prize for not being white.”
Reading a bit on the French capitulations under the Nazis in 1940.
Reckon that Jeremy Corbyn and his Compiegne Team seems to fit a purpose for me, only wish I could draw that June 1940 photo where the likes of Burnham and Hunt line up outside the train carriage to pledge alliegance to Herr Corbyn.
Sadiq Khan?…reminds me of a Petain!
Watching Jeremy’s frank and open discussions with Marr this morning, with all his hopes and plans for the future, especially the level of grass-roots involvement, his only significant omission was ‘commissars’.
Good book on that chris, France and the Nazis by Adam Nossiter.
They were all ‘La Resistance’ you know. Nobody at all collaborated. Bit like the Beeb staffers.
Not much on the beeb about the shadow womens and anti domestic violence minister Sarah Champions arrest and caution for………domestic violence.
Yes and, as so often, one asks the inevitable question: what if she had been a Conservative or UKIPer?
Did love her logic-as a woman who`s been cautioned for domestic abuse she is, of course ideally placed to speak on the brief…herself being an…well, domestic abuser….
Next up Rose West for the Home Office, Primrose Shipton for Health and Joanna Dehenny for Crime Commissioner in charge of knife crime….
And Johnny Dymond sucked up the Wonder Horses piss….
And she’s MP for where? Complicit in the crime of the century for me. As bad as all that you list chrisH.
After albeeb headlined it for days do they say anything about this
set up/fiction
retraction, apology , embarrassment …. no nothing
That Australian television station ought to lose its licence to broadcast. That is an evil stunt made even worse by delierate lies and distortions – but I’ll bet it’s given the BBC some food for thought. Watch a few more stunts like this on BBC, Sky, Channel 4 etc.
Of course the BBC tried to pull one like that against the Queen a few years back but were caught out (with few consequences if I remember correctly).
Demon, was that when the BBC broadcast a programme that was edited to show Her Majesty storming out of a meeting in anger, when in fact she was rushing to GET to the meeting and was annoyed that she’d been held up? The BBC as I recall claimed it wasn’t their fault and it was all the fault of some bigger boys (ie, an external production company) who did it and ran away.
Yes, that’s the one I was meaning.
The BBC, CH4 and Sky News UK have gotta be hoping Trump makes a gigantic fool of himself in tomorrow’s Presidential Debate with Hillary. I wish I could be hopeful that he won’t trip himself up, let alone get fooled into making a dumb comment by Hillary’s sophistry and misdirection.
This is going to be a very precarious 24hr news cycle, with the massed-ranks of the liberal media (i.e. all of the media) primed and ready to pounce the moment Trump gives them even the smallest of openings.
Meanwhile, get ready for the hagiographies just waiting to be published, celebrating Queen Hillary’s ‘magnificent’, ‘confident’, ‘commanding’ performance in tomorrow’s debate.
It’s making me feel ill just thinking about it…
Wouldn’t it be a pity if the studio lights caused Hillary to overheat. We could then enjoy the spectacle of her doing the zombie walk on prime time tv. The fun wouldn’t stop there though as we would then be able to laugh at the MSM trying to polish the turd as they desperately try and resurrect, an apt phrase, Hillary’s campaign.
It’s certainly going to be interesting. Mr Trump could give a new version of the Gettysburg Address and would be made out to be a halfwitted bigot, whereas Mrs Clinton could do nothing except mumble incoherently and keel over, and the media would still make out she’d won the debate.
Yep it will be like one of those European Cup matches in the 60’s against Italian sides who had made the ref an offer he couldn’t refuse. You can score as many as you like but none will be allowed and the ref will give the Italians a penalty or two just to make sure. Unless Hillary dies on stage there is no chance the media won’t declare her the winner by a mile. Just like Mr Farage and Clegg when they debated.
Pat Buchanan’s take on the upcoming debate.
Never one to duck a challenge was sorely tempted to go with a tune by Bozo Dog Miliband
but plumped instead for something equally dated but with more Momentum behind it – a little something I like to call Mongo Jeremy
Lyrically it might have been quite acceptable in the 70s but now we’ll have to edit for a modern audience – mostly
Chh chh-chh, uh, Chh chh-chh
In the global-warmingtime when the weather is hot
You’ve got no choice between BBC, Channel 4 or Sky
Everywhere the message is same
You got migration, you got feminism on your mind
Don’t drink, don’t drive
Stay in, watch tv and get more feminised
If her daddy’s rich take her out for a meal
If her daddy’s old and poor he probably voted Out
Salford Media City job
Earn a ton or a ton an’ twenty-five
When the sun goes down
You can make it, make it good in a lay-by
They’re no threat, people
They’re not dirty, thet’re not mean
They love everybody but they do as they please
When the weather’s fine
They go fishin’ or go swimmin’ in the sea
They’re always happy
Life’s for livin’ yeah, allahu akhbar that’s our new philosophy
Chh chh-chh, uh, Chh chh-chh, uh
The murder of the Czech guy in Poplar looks increasingly like it wasn’t racist as the BBC has not so indicated.
Nor was it a single punch death as he was murdered with a metal chain.
One has to deduce from this that the killers were not white.
The police say they “retain an open mind as to the motive for the attack.”
Now move along please.
So have you heard about the murder of a Christian writer in Jordan this morning. Here’s the bBC’s version of events:
Jordan writer in blasphemy case Nahid Hattar killed
A Jordanian writer charged with offending Islam after allegedly sharing a satirical cartoon on his Facebook page has been killed…..The cartoon he shared depicts a bearded man lying in bed with two women and smoking, asking God to bring him a drink.
Just a bearded man bBC? Here is what the bBC doesn’t want you to know:
Christian arrested by Police and then shot dead outside court for making fun of ISIS.
56 year Jordanian writer Nahed Hattar posted a cartoon of a so called martyred ISIS terrorist in Heaven, in bed with 2 women demanding that god brings him a drink . Titled ‘the God of Daesh ‘ it was meant to highlight the hypocrisy of those who claim to be doing the work of Allah next door in both Syria and Iraq….The cartoon features an illustration of God under the title “God of Daesh,” using the Arabic acronym for ISIS. He explained on Facebook that the cartoon made fun of “terrorists and how they imagine God and heaven, and does not insult God in any way”.
Now i wonder why the bBC left out that salient snippet?
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Intolerant Islam, paid for by you.
If anything happens to a Conservative politician then it is clear that McDonnell should be arrested for complicity. This isn’t so much ITV bias as showing how fascists like McDonnell can get away with these comments when he is one of the most disgusting excuses for a politician in this whole country. He should be sacked as an MP – as he no doubt would if he had been a Conservative saying this about a Labour or SNP politician.
With McDonnell backing claims for her lynching before the GE, I hold him largely guilty for the death of Jo Cox. Yet again Labour proves itself to be the Nasty Party.
McDonnell is a disgusting excuse for a specimen of homo sapiens as there is to be seen, never mind a ‘politician’.
Turn the words he used onto a less white politician and what would have happened?
Scum, but he’s not alone.
‘Labour. Fucking you over since 1924.’ would be an apt motto.
Quotes from the above:
McDonnell said he rejected all political violence
John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, has apologised “from the bottom of my heart” for suggesting in 2003 that the IRA should be honoured for the bombings
‘It’s about time we started honouring those people involved in the armed struggle.
‘It was the bombs and bullets and sacrifice made by the likes of Bobby Sands that brought Britain to the negotiating table.’
The shadow chancellor also apologised for joking in 2010 that he would assassinate Margaret Thatcher
quote from the above:
This included a 1985 piece, published during John McDonnell’s co-editorship spell at the newspaper, which compared the Israeli government to the Nazis by claiming it confined Palestinians to ‘concentration camps’.
A few weeks later, the paper went on to endorse terrorist attacks against the country’s authorities, to counter what it called ‘the racism at the heart of the Israeli state’.
When the Board of Deputies of British Jews met the Labour leader in February, although he told the delegation he opposed anti-Semitism “from any part of the political spectrum”, when highlighted that his past engagements with dyed-in-the-wool anti-Semites, including representatives of Hamas and Hezbollah needed to be acknowledged and a line drawn under them he only committed himself to “reflect further” on such connections. This does not go nearly far enough especially since we are talking about Holocaust deniers and terrorists. Moreover, since that February meeting Corbyn has not issued any formal response to his period of reflection!
Unable to amend the above. I would have paragraphed the last bit as in th original.
I would also have added that his total lack of an apology for pushing those evil comments about Miss McVey totally contradicts his previous claim, to reject all political violence, when he supports the vilest murderers in the world currently and also calls for political assassinations. He makes the stupidly evil Corbyn look relatively reasonable in comparison to himself.
Story 1 the BBC have missed …
PC Marcus Tyson has been risking his neck protecting the public, including Guardian writers and BBC producers, from the worst elements of society for 29 years. Now he is suspended and being investigated by Scotland yard. His horrendous crime? Kurdish yobs, who support the banned terrorist group the PPK, were giving vent to their anger by chanting “F**K the police” in the faces of police officers during a demonstration.
One such venomous piece of work was standing in the way of an ambulance that had its lights flashing and sirens blaring. Despite being asked to move she didn’t, so PC Tyson shifted the terroist sympathiser, to allow the ambulance to save lives. She bellowed at PC Tyson to “get out of here”, to which he responded “you can’t tell me what to do in my country”.
The activist wrote up a complaint against PC Tyson, lying about what he had said and so Tyson is now being investigated.
BTW There is a video which clearly shows Tyson’s side is correct and the terrorist sympathiser is lying.
This: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-emergency-workers-obstruction-act-2006
Or does it only apply to certain people?