The BBC gets ever more disreputable if you are known by who you employ as presenters and commentators. It is slowly sinking into the gutter as its activism matches the naked anti-white racism and fact free zone that the Guardian occupies…all too often Guardian or Observer journalists also being the goto voices that the BBC brings on for impartial comment on a story.
The ridiculously prejudiced and bigoted James O’Brien was quickly brought into the BBC fold after he conducted his kangaroo court attempting to skewer Nigel Farage with a stream of half truths and outright lies, then the Muslim activist Myriam Francois-Cerrah was given the job of rewriting the history of Srebrenica as she forgot to mention that the reason the Muslim males of fighting age were massacred by the Serbs was because the Muslims had destroyed the Christian villages in the surrounding area and slaughtered the occupants, men, women and children. Kind of an important detail which gives a bit of context to Serb actions…the BBC white-washing Muslim massacres but vilifying the Serbs.
Yesterday we had the Guardian’s anti-white Blacktivist, Gary Younge, giving us the benefit of his version of the truth on the renowned Today programme (08:45) in light of events in the US where a black man has been shot by police.
Younge was somewhat economical with the truth [Not as if it is the first time]but the Today programme itself fell far short of the expected standards as it forgot to tell us that the police officer who shot the man was himself black and that the police stated that the ‘victim’ had a gun. The BBC also edited the soundtrack from a video to make it sound as if something else was going on.
The whole narrative was set up to suggest that the killing was a result of police racism when this patently was not the case.
Younge told us that the Washington Post claimed that Blacks were 21 times more likely to be shot than whites…this just isn’t true. The Washington Post states this...
A Washington Post database of fatal police shootings nationwide has yielded a widely cited statistic: Black people are 2.5 times more likely to be shot dead by police.
But that is in a report that is trying to undermine a study by a respected black academic, that we’ve looked at here before because the BBC at first ignored and then itself tried to undermine it, that said this…
The result contradicts the image of police shootings that many Americans hold after the killings (some captured on video) of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.; Tamir Rice in Cleveland; Walter Scott in South Carolina; Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, La.; and Philando Castile in Minnesota.
In shootings in 10 cities involving officers, officers were more likely to fire their weapons without having first been attacked when the suspects were white. Black and white civilians involved in police shootings were equally likely to have been carrying a weapon. Both results undercut the idea of racial bias in police use of lethal force.
Mr. Fryer found that in such situations, officers in Houston were about 20 percent less likely to shoot if the suspects were black. This estimate was not precise, and firmer conclusions would require more data. But in various models controlling for different factors and using different definitions of tense situations, Mr. Fryer found that blacks were either less likely to be shot or there was no difference between blacks and whites.
Curious that Younge ignores that….and it was not the Washington Post that came up with the 21 times figure, it was ProPublica….
Young black males in recent years were at a far greater risk of being shot dead by police than their white counterparts – 21 times greater, according to a ProPublica analysis of federally collected data on fatal police shootings.
Without going over the same data that they have seen it is hard to judge the accuracy of their claim but it is highly unlikely that their figure is anywhere near accurate….the Today programme greeted it with shock but did nothing to dispute or challenge Younge’s use of the statistic despite its seemingly extraordinary disproportion.
The BBC’s use of Younge as a commentator must be questionable as he is a hardcore Black activist and such a stranger to the truth…by all means have him on to challenge his assertions but to use him as a reliable source of impartial and informed comment is like using Anjem Choudary as a commenter on Islamophobia. The BBC have disgracefully also used Younge to present a programme on Brexit…naturally he concentrates on the tidal wave of racism that has swept the country due to the rise in Fascism that has broken out. This is a taste of his opinion’s about Brexit and the UK…
Brexit: a disaster decades in the making
The leave campaign did not invent racism. The deployment of bigotry to suit electoral ends has a longstanding tradition in this country, which is often denounced even by those who have done exactly that.
Xenophobia – no longer closeted, parsed or packaged, but naked, bold and brazen – was given free rein.
The BBC must love him…the UK is inherently racist, Leave voters are racists and Brexit is a disaster. Tick, tick, tick.
Why would the BBC employ him when he has a well known antipathy towards white people and it seems, er, Israelis…
The bigotry of Guardian columnist Gary Younge
Younge ticks all the BBC boxes and more that it deems essential for one of its presenters.
Back to the BBC’s reporting on the shooting in Charlotte. The BBC commendably, and unusually, did initially report that the officer was black, however that essential fact has gone missing from its news bulletins, as has the police statement that the victim was armed. The Today programme failed to mention both facts…not good for the BBC’s flagship news programme…never mind using a blacktivist to give us a balanced and impartial view of events.
The BBC also, as said, edited a video soundtrack so that we heard a misleading version of events that made it sound like the wife of the victim was telling the police not to shoot as she said ‘Don’t you do it’. However she was in fact telling her husband repeatedly ‘Don’t you do it.’
The full course of events not reported by the Today programme….
Rakeyia Scott can be heard urging her husband to comply with the officers who had instructed her husband to “drop the gun, drop the gun.”
“Keith, don’t let them break the windows! Come on out of the car,” she can be heard yelling, “Keith, don’t you do it! Don’t you do it”
“Keith, Keith, Keith — don’t you do it!”
Here’s the video…
The BBC edits out the first two times the wife shouts ‘Don’t you do it!’. The question is why would the BBC do that? Why would the wife say that to her husband? Just what was it that she urged him not to do? The police said he had a gun…did she really know that he had one and might use it? That’s what this audio track suggests to me…and why the BBC have edited it to sound like she is possibly telling the police not to shoot which the full audio makes clear is not the case?
The Today programme is too busy pushing the narrative of racist cops to bother with the facts or making the slightest attempt to investigate the story properly. This video was posted on the 21st…..strange the Today programme can’t find the time to report the same days later…
If it hasn’t already done so, the time is fast approaching when the bbc propaganda is going to put white lives at risk in our country. White English girls obviously don’t matter to the bbc when they are being raped by muslims. Their message that all whites are bad and non-whites are victims of the evil that White people do is beginning to seep into the perceptions of ordinary people. When that takes hold and white people are regularly attacked and killed the bbc will largely be to blame. For all our sakes those in charge at the bbc need to stop this policy of demonising White people now.
Do we have a Government that will call the BBC to account for its lies and outright political agenda? It is funded by a compulsory tax which the Government can abolish allowing the BBC to remain in freedom to pursue its own political objectives as is the case with other political movements with access to broadcasting equipment
The finger must point at the Government
Younge has twenty three shoulders and a large racist chip on every one.
Younge wakes up every day hating white people, he hates white people all day, goes to sleep hating white people, when asleep he dreams about hating white people.
Every article Younge writes is filled with this this eternal racism.
Every cell in Younge’s fat, ugly (even by black standards), body has had the nucleic acid replaced by racism and hate.
Not surprising, therefore, to discover he has no ethical standards.
He just invents stories which put blacks in the best possible light and white people in the worst possible light. No surprise to find he is not very good at this journalism business and produces fantasies whose errors, omissions and lies are easily exposed.
Younge is just a black **** not worth wasting time on.
Of more concern is the further AlBeeb drift from impartiality towards Marxism-Leninism and the Ayatollas. More like Pravda every day.
Why the current Government, who suffer from this perpetual charter breaking behaviour, do nothing is inexplicable.
“Younge’s fat, ugly (even by black standards), body”
Sorry, but that wasn’t necessary.
Not necessary?
It is correctly pointed out in this thread that the prepared story for blacks when caught lying or exaggerating is slavery and racism.
This is a motivating element for Younge types, but it is not the whole story.
Blacks are at the bottom of the pile, economically, in every state where they are a significant minority. Where blacks are a majority of the population, the states are mostly failed states. Africa is, mostly, a failed continent.
Contrast the economic powerhouse of South Korea with Ghana. After the Korean war South Korea had a lower GDP than Ghana. Where has the progress been made, in the states not infected by blacks? We might also contrast the progress, or lack thereof, made in the ultra lefty North Korea. Where nuclear weapons have priority over food supplies, starvation in a Marxist state is the norm, but does not bother AlBeeb.
Younge and his ilk are not only angry about the past, they are angry about the present, and prepared to be angry about the future. Boko Haram in Nigeria burning schools to prevent education, that’s progressive, and it’s our fault. 90% black paternal absenteeism in the USA (when the pater can be identified) that’s our fault. Blacks generally perceived as aesthetically unsatisfactory in appearance (Google this yourself) that’s also our fault. Blacks bottom in every IQ test, that’s because the test were developed by whites, also our fault. Blacks higher unemployment, our fault. Black prison populations, our fault. Black crime rates, frequently racist, especially with rape, the fault of white women for being pretty.
The Younges just flail about wildly, hoping to hit something, blaming everyone else.
Meanwhile in Asia the benefits of Western Science and Technology are grasped eagerly by people who have a history of respect for education and learning.
Maybe some people just get what they deserve.
Exactly right. On here we can point out and confirm BBC bias. But only the Government can do something about it. Blair was of course quite happy about the BBC’s direction. The Coalition lacked the unity to do anything and Cameron was preoccupied with the EU Referendum.
Now is the time for the Conservative Government to undo the ever leftward rachet at the BBC.
There’s something not right about this version by the US Police?!
As we see in the images the gun was cocked? Now usually a cop or member of the US military automatically “uncocks” a firearm in their possession? Why didn’t one of these two cops do that? Maybe they automatically took it from off the lower ankle of their own body thereby automatically cocking it without thinking! The cops in the US ALWAYS do this by habit!
As the police have control of the area and how the shooting of a black gunman is a political incendiary event. I think you will find that police are now being told not to touch anything until forensics arrive.
I would agree with you (most of the time) but as we know the cops for some strange reason delayed the phots/video for over 24 hrs at least?
Remember there was only 2 cops immediately the shots were fired! Well enough time to place one of their own service-weapons on the ground besides the body/car! It isn’t unusual you know in the States for Police officers to do devious tricks like this!
The BBC is advocating cultural and actual genocide of the people who fund it. The licence fee needs to end at the next earliest opportunity.
You’ll be waiting for a long, long time – at least another 10 years and possibly another 10 after that.
So, get a Smart TV + Youtube + On Demand + Netflix (if you must) and hey presto! No licence required. Easy. £150 in your pocket not the BBC’s. Win-Win.
The Sunday Times (pay-walled) has a review of the handsome Gary Younge’s new book
A passage in the book reads “Far from being considered newsworthy, these everyday fatalities are simply a banal fact of death… a confluence of culture, politics and economics that guarantees that each morning several children will wake up but not go to bed while the rest of the country sleeps soundly.”
No, he’s not talking about the rape, abuse and murder of white British girls by Muslim invaders but of American blacks (mostly killed by other American blacks).
Maybe you could try and point out the extreme racist abuse against thousands of white British people Gary before banging on about stuff in another country?
I mean, it’s not as if we haven’t paid for your education or anything.
I too heard this biased piece by Gary Younge. There is so much I could say about it but here are a few thoughts.
(1) Younge made no attempt to be impartial. His item was a report as much as an opinion piece and he should have tried to see the police’s point of view. Instead he spoke like the activist that he is.
(2) As a rule of thumb, you can expect the standards of BBC journalism to decline in direct proportion to the number of ‘minorities’ (Black, Muslim, gay, disabled, etc) employed. Why? Because minorities are, broadly, allowed to be advocates for their group rather than neutral reporters, and if criticized can reply angrily that ‘you don’t know what it’s like’ as a White/straight/able-bodied/cisgendered male/etc.
(3) Any White person advocating in the same way for Whites would be called ‘racist’.
(4) Let’s assume that Black youths ARE somewhere between 2.5 and 21 times more likely than White equivalents to be shot by police in the U.S. This might in part be explained by correspondingly higher rates of violent crime among Black youths. Younge doesn’t address this and, if forced to, would no doubt seek to excuse the higher rates with reference to slavery, segregation and discrimination.
(5) As a Black racist, Younge can’t admit any problems with Black youths in the U.S. He credits them with no ‘agency’ and sees them only as victims of Whites. He had nothing to say about absent fathers, welfare dependence, gang culture, violent rap music and drug abuse among Blacks, all of which feed into the problem.
(6) With a Black President, appointments such as Loretta Lynch & Eric Holder and the prominence of Black Lives Matter, one might have expected the position of Blacks in the U.S. to improve. Younge should have asked why he believes it hasn’t and, more pertinently, which people have a vested interest in it not improving.
This caught my attention when listening to Front Row last week.
An African American playwright is encouraged to talk about Black Lies Matter during her interview, and both presenter and interviewee state the lie that violent thug, Michael Brown, put his hands up and said “Don’t shoot”, before being shot, in Ferguson last year, even though it was proven that he was beating the police officer’s head, repeatedly trying to grab his gun, and then charging at him when when the fatal shot was fired.
I guess with just £3.5 billion at their disposal, the BBC simply can’t afford high quality, investigative journalists.
@Alan I think I spot an error here
“Younge told us that the Washington Post claimed that Blacks were 21 times more likely to be shot than whites”
I listened live and I heard him slip in “young black men are 21 times more likely to be shot than whites”
..and I thought at time “you sly devil you cherry picked a subgroup”. Of course when you compare a subgroup who are much more likely themselves to be involved in gun crime, then when they interact with police a gun battle is much more likely to be involved than for the general white population.