In the last post I noted the BBC’s failure to fully represent the true demographic make-up of the UK by not having a good many Fascist’s in the ranks of its presenters. What you cry…what about Gemma Arterton who channelled Hitler in a 5 Live interview as she compared refugees to Zombies and told us that her life philosophy was that of the survival of the fittest…She suggests that if migrants [sorry… Zombies] outnumber you you must surrender your country to them….it’s only fair….if the new ‘normal’ is Zombies then the previously normal people have no right to stop the Zombies…she takes her recent film role and tells us that it is very redolent of today as the massed armies of refugees are at the gates…raising questions about who has the right to live where and other very relevant issues for today. Naturally the BBC’s Simon Mayo far from disagreeing went with her and agreed.
The story tells us that as long as there are uninfected humans and Zombies there will be war therefore the uninfected humans must be infected or die. Very redolent of course of the Left’s ideas on race and immigration and indeed the EU…the celebrators of diversity ironically working to stamp out national and cultural differences in the name of ‘peace’…as the Arabs say…they make a desert and call it peace…..and it sounds like the story is channelling Labour’s immigration policy…attempting to wipe out the Whites by ‘browning’ Britain.
The Zombie girl in the film starts off as sweet and timid and by the end……hmmm…sounds familiar. Not sure how Arterton then thinks such a scenario demonstrates that the vicious and deadly ‘Zombies’ should be allowed to take over just because there are more of them.
Gemma Arterton is just a typical moronic liberal luvvie that the BBC likes to trot out every now and again, usually to see it’s misandrist narrative so I’m sure they’re glad to get some anti-British racism out of the bargain as well. Her views are odious, out-of-touch drivel, but she gets away with it because she’s beautiful and uses this to her advantage. She then, hypocritically, claims to be a feminist.
She’s a great actress – seen her 3 times now. It means she’s great at expressing other people’s words and ideas. Most of her own are probably recycled leftie talking points.
I’m sure her new friends in the Jungle would have their fun with her before tossing her on a trash heap. And she’d still think she was in the wrong, because white.
Some people are too stupid to be allowed out in public.
To paraphrase someone I once knew “actors lie for a living”.