The BBC famously preferred this picture on their newsroom wall….
“I mean in our office there’s a picture of Bush as Hitler. I don’t know where they got it, but yes, Bush as Hitler. It’s quite a serious thing comparing Bush to Hitler! So did anyone in the newsroom in question object? No. Nobody did.”
The BBC also has not made a single mention of Trump’s many positive interactions with ethnic minorities, or Clinton’s racist statements during both of her attempts at the presidency, because it doesn’t fit their narrative.
Nope, but I heard an interview on R4 with that kid who played Harry Potter, who has a film coming out about a White Supremacist terror group (Yeah, they’re a real threat, definitely what we should be focussing on at the moment), and it took about two seconds for the interviewer to link it to Trump.
Is that the film where he plays a zombie dead corpse that flies across oceans by using his farts as jetskis?
Bet you think I`m kidding don`t you?
Remember though that this is the Left and Mad Cow Movie making in action.
Labour, the Left, BBC and Islam are utterly deluded and mad-the rest of us know that loony nexus will need crushing.
At least it isn’t the same Bush who has just endorsed Hillary Clinton.
The BBC wouldn’t want to make the same comparison in that case, at this point, would it?
Who does Bush Junior endorse anyway?
June sarpong’s doing well for herself.