You have to laugh at the shining bias of the BBC’s Norman Lamb. He was on the Today programme this morning to tell us all about that divided and strife torn political party. Labour? Oh no – the Conservatives! He was doing his level best to big up the allegations in the book by Tim Shipman that Theresa May she was “lily livered” over immigration. Meanwhile the all too obvious rancour and despair at the Labour party conference was casually swept under the carpet as all “unite” under the dear leader Comrade Corbyn. Lamb stuck the boot into May and her Party at every opportunity. One assumes that THIS poll must drive Lamb and his associates to despair! The BBC seethe against May and are rallying under Corbyn’s Red Flag.
There have been bombings and shootings in Budapest and Malmo within the past 24 hours.
So R4 Today leads the news on Theresa May’s rebuttal of Sunday Times’ claim that Cameron saw her as “lily livered” re immigration reform in the run-up to Brexit.
How can the “news” team sit round the table and look one another in the eye?
“He was described as a male between 20-25 years-old and 170cm (5ft 8in) tall.” [By the police]
No doubt this Hispanic looking Norwegian with a Swiss name will be identified in due course.
“How can the “news” team sit round the table and look one another in the eye?”
Because they do not care, they are believers in a determinististic explanation of history whose adherents killed c100 Million people in c20.
I love how the left always shows itself up as having the most racist people in mainstream politics. Not only are they tediously anti-white (though of course, whites can’t be targets of racism in Lalaleftyland) and often anti-Semitic, but they can’t tell the difference between a Hispanic and a Eurasian as evidenced over the weekend with the Washington mall murders. Either that, or they deliberately smeared the Hispanic community to protect the Islamic community, since the latter is more likely to overthrow the European conservative society that the left despises so much. Hence why the also usually defend them when they abuse women and girls despite also being blindly feminist when the target is white British or American males. It’s pandering of the worst kind, fuelled by hatred, yet we’re meant to believe the likes of Farage and Trump are dividing nations when quite clearly they’re bringing them back together against the true enemy, namely liberal expansionism and PC fascism as well of course as radical Islam which the left still refuses to identify.
As everything had to ultimately go through Osborne & Cameron I don’t see how May can really be blamed for anything much regarding immigration procedures. The Europhile qualifications of Pinky & Perky weren’t in doubt and they were going with the flow of the Brussels tide regardless of detriment to the UK as a whole.
She is on probation presently, but as Labour is reducing itself to a minority interest group I don’t foresee many problems. It just remains to be seen how accurately she reflects the will of the people concerning EU exit.
We have a strong hand and Brussels only offers more of the same. The same with additional federalisation is what the Toadies at the BBC propaganda unit want. They cannot offer anything new as foresight and freethinking are in very short supply in their private bubble.
Promoting a disintegrating Labour Party that is ultimately going to reflect only the simplistic worldview of the party membership is ticketty boo though.
The BBC, the Grauniad and the Labour Party travelled Britain prior to the referendum selecting interviewees who reflected their own agenda. When they saw the mirror reflect something they did not like these views were swiftly swiftly derided as racist, xenophobic, small minded and worse. The most unrepresentative of these ‘bigots’ were held up as the norm in an underhand game designed to make people question their true beliefs. It didn’t work, but they fail to see that and are still playing on. Reducing decent people to outlandish stereotypes was, and still is a big mistake, it just pisses them off. So let them continue, people aren’t all as thick as the lefty institutions believe thank goodness.
Spot On Post !!
Sorry to spoil the headline but Norman Lamb is a Lib Dem MP much loved by the BBC, but the BBC political commentator is Norman Smith (Mrs)
Tho odious Diane Abbot has been quiet for a while but has come out with comments this week which are a gift to the Right…”The Brexit vote was fuelled by racists who did not like seeing people who look ‘foreign’ on their streets, Diane Abbott has claimed.”
She forgets that many Labour supporters voted for Brexit, and that she herself is a racist.
No – Lamb is cheap hack who along with the likes of Khamel Ahmed (bbc Anti Brexit economics Reporter) should go work for the Sun.