This morning on the Today program the BBC decides yet again to discuss its right wing anti Corbyn bias! To that end they invite a woman who runs some Fascist website to tell them how terrible they and the rest of the media are for being so biased against Corbyn.
I do not believe that under any circumstances they have ever discussed their left wing bias against even centre right politicians, nor have they discussed the anti Trump bias.
While I do believe that the BBC are biased to the liberal ‘soft’ left, they certainly do not appear to like Corbyn – or most of them don’t, and they just cannot help displaying this in their output. When they do this with right of centre issues no one seems to care and the Tories are as lacking a spine as they ever were, but when they do this to the Fascist left, they get called out by the activists, and the BBC caves in.
There’s still the reliance on the tried & tested excuse that groups from both sides claim they are biased therefore they must have got it about right – this is a specious argument. The fact that one side gets a hearing and the other side does not it proof enough for me that the BBC is still as biased as it ever was !
I agree totally with your post. Its as though the BBC see the hard left as rebellious teenagers , who will soon grow up and support the liberal left. Anyone to the right of what the BBC regards as the sensible centre (basically the old Blairite position minus his propensity for war making), is a pariah and at least a proto facist, if not a fully paid up member of the Nazi party, and must therefore be denied a platform and /or ridiculed and warned against at every opportunity. Why we have to put up with this attack against millions of UK voters and non stop leftist propaganda year after year is beyond me. Will no one in the government speak for us? After all many of us who detest the BBC are government supporters, or at least have more sympathy with their politics than those of the BBC and Labour/Lib Dem socialists.
There was one Labour MP who wrote on my behalf to the BBC Director General (12 years ago) so it can be done. The correspondence is still confidential. But the point I’m making here is little was achieved by his lone voice in speaking out and his bravery led directly to personal difficulties in his political career.
It will only be when the MP’s form a group to protest at the influence of the biased BBC that something will be achieved.
Corbyn and his high profile supporters (excluding Mcdonnell) are getting an increasing soft and affectionate coverage by the TV media notably by Andrew Marr and if you read this weeks Spectator Life magazine profile on Momentum`s founder Jon Lansman you will find out Marr and Lansman were close friends and stood together for union president during their far left student days.Needless to say like many hard left figures Lansman has made a lot of money from property.
I don’t watch enough beebtrash to know, but perhaps they are indeed anti-Corbyn. After all, he’s the main impediment to their favourite party getting back into power any time soon.
Some people pay for that crap? They do indeed – the article is a puff piece for the Open Society Initiative for Europe, which is part of the Open Societies Foundation. Financed by George Soros. Globalist billionaire has a ‘vision’ and the TV poll tax is used to advertise it.
@IanRushlow’s right the BBC page credits the photos
All photographs by Francesco Pistilli for Open Society Foundations.
Well done Ian on holding them account
There are more lurkers here than people generally think.
And in similar circumstances I have direct evidence that it filters back to people like the BBC.
Surely having the truth, is more important than punishing naive BBC employees.
(The management is a different matter)
Proof that the BBC article is PR NOT news
Is that had a similar article back on 02 May 2016 How refugees are reviving dying Italian villages then it qwould have been PR-driven-news, now it’s kind of old news.
A September 2015 University Thesis study PDF has similar wording and more details
jobs were created again and
some of them received salaries (up to 700 hundred euro) funded by the integration programme
supported by UNCHR, in particular SPRAR100
. Finally, social benefits such as housing,
alimentation, medication, training and children‟s education are covered by the Italian
state (20-30 euro per day for each refugee) (Ash, 2014). Developments in Riace depend to a large degree on national and EU funds.according to Lucano, the Riace scheme is
supposed to cost four times less than keeping asylum seekers in the detentions centres (45 euros)
Sadly, that is what The Left, and – to an extent – the EU, have to revert to in the end: using working peoples’ money (taken in tax) to subsidise others and/or buy ‘influence’.
Not sure how good their accounting and business model is: “the Riace scheme is supposed to cost four times less than keeping asylum seekers in the detentions centres (45 euros)” but actually costs 20-30 Euros. Another thing that The Left are good at, letting costs on these schemes run away with their inflation. An idea for a scheme that may have some merit is allowed to become a milch cow.
This is a good example for the Professors and Students at UCL in London who tried to present a wonderfully rosy economic picture of immigration.
BTW I attended the lecture the other week by those 2 profs who initiated the report saying that immigration is a net financial benefit. It was quite unempressive, they were bad communicators, like their time planning was appalling , they tried to cram the last half of a 40 minute lecture into the final 10 minutes. Yet about 6 years ago I saw a lecture by ex-ambassador Sir Andrew Green of Migration Watch UK and it was very impressive indeed.
It’s on TV now BBC NW Inside Out
“Jacey Normand investigates the impact of anti-Semitism on families in Manchester. The city has historically been a safe haven for the Jewish community, but we visit one local school that is on high alert due to the current threat of attack.”
I’m surprised that ‘word’ of the free housing hasn’t filtered back to that lot in the Jungle – can you imagine the stampede ? But then, I suppose that doesn’t compare to the free housing + free money every week + free medical care they would get here !
I noticed within the item on Riace the words re ‘racial tensions’, but it was soon glossed over. What were these tensions I wonder?
Then at the bottom of the article was these words
“A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.”
So by my understanding from the BBC is that both people fleeing terror and those ‘seeking jobs and better lives’ can claim assylum. My father was one who had to flee for his life and he was always grateful to the UK for providing him with a safe place and would never allow criticism of the UK. Whilst it is admirable that people want a better life for themselves and their families (I am not considering the cost to their host country) surely it is wrong that they can claim assylum?
“….as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.”
Surely THE definition of ‘economic migrant’ is someone who seeks a job and a better life.
They think they are being so clever but this is blatant BBC sleight of hand to support their internationalist view that all migrants have a valid claim to enter whatever country they choose. In fact, how often do you hear the words ‘All they want is a better life’ on the BBC both from carefully-selected interviewees and their own commentators?
I saw a documentary on this village a few years back. Its the kind of place that one could move to, and pay good money for it.
A beautiful village that should be listed as a World Heritage site, will soon become like any slum in Somalia or Afghanistan.
In any case, this village is a historic site of medieval Christendom. Muslims, don’t understand it, and are incapable of understanding it, even if they were educated. Which they are not. They should not have been put there.
I agree NCBBC, its sadly a fact of life that those who are born in third world conditions don’t “up their game” when given better living conditions, no matter how hard they want a ‘better life’, and that’s the reason there are always slum conditions wherever the majority of migrants settle. I know exactly where migrants live in areas of Luton because windows are dirty, rubbish in the front garden and a general sense of decay. These people are not poor, as most of them have businesses but pride in their home is not their priority. Yes, I know there are many of the white population that we see on the tv who live in undesirable homes, but its also noticeable that they don’t exactly tidy up when the cameras go in to film either, – a sink full of unwashed pots, toys everywhere and piles of washing scattered about. My grandparents lived in REAL poverty in the early part of the 20th century, with few possessions, but Granny would always be on her knees washing the front step !
The hat thief got a bigger fine than the t*ssers who held London City Airport to ransom the other week.
Thank God the Justice system has its priorities right.
Since the man behind the Hat*crime is Polish
..He’s a Foreign national with a criminal record
So more likely to face deportation.
…That’ll please the National Socialists like Izzard and co.
TRUE a spontaneous hat*crime inconveniencing ONE crossdresser for 5 seconds, is punished much more harshly than the premeditated “privileged whites” crime disrupting 6000 citizens and costing businesses £thousands
“Czerwonko was fined £185 and ordered to pay £85 court costs.” BBC ..Telegraph
‘I didn’t know who Eddie Izzard was’, says Brexit supporter
“Mr Izzard was at the head of the march. A group of four masked men stood in front of the march with a large banner supporting the Brexit campaign.”
Mr Izzard had said: “This is the face of Brexit: masked and dangerous.”
Whilst I agree that people who go to marches in such disguise are trouble makers..It is also true that Izzard had also ‘disguised’ himself as a woman.
On September 6 nine (white privileged) protesters blocked London City Airport’s runway. “Around 130 flights were delayed, diverted, or cancelled”
“judge Elizabeth Roscoe handed out conditional discharges each for aggravated trespass and ordered to pay £95 prosecution costs. DM
19 Apr 2016 – “Three activists who blocked a tunnel at Heathrow Airport by chaining themselves to a van”
“fined £200 each (£85 costs +£20 victim surcharge) for wilful obstruction of a public highway” standard
On a more serious note, isn’t it time to pour exactly that sort of ridicule on this Orwellian offence so that use of it to silence dissenters is treated with scorn? I intend to use that phrase from now on.
I do try my best to ridicule what you so rightly call “this Orwellian offence” in my Blog (Google SupportOurJeremy if you’re interested), Twitter feed (same handle as here), the Graun (where I’m Saveedmiliband) and my Disqus comments in blogs like Guido Fawkes and Going Postal.
All of us must do our best to combat this insidious form of totalitarianism. Ridicule is one of our key weapons against the Thought Police.
The BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate is designed to produce disinformation by only allowing environmental activists to tell the viewer what they think the “Best scientific experts” are saying. The “Best scientific experts” being left-wing environmental activists, not scientists.
In fact, the propaganda relies on not inviting any scientist on to a Question Time panel. In the picture below, the man in the middle is David Dimbleby, on his Right we have right-wing scientists Peter Lilly MP (Banned) and David Bellamy (Gagged), on his left we have left-wing scientists Piers Corbyn (Not a Green) and Graham Stringer MP (Wrong sort of Chap).
It’s on TV now BBC NW Inside Out..Jewish school segment
“Jacey Normand investigates the impact of anti-Semitism on families in Manchester. The city has historically been a safe haven for the Jewish community, but we visit one local school that is on high alert due to the current threat of attack.”
(sorry I put this post in wrong place first)
If we, mere ‘minions of the realm’ can see all this bias our PM and Government can also see it.
What I would like to know is what are they doing about it ?
About a year ago a 40 something Guardian reading ,BBC watching , relative of mine had to work in Manchester for while and asked me why did some schools have guards outside. I asked him if the school was in Prestwich area , he said it was. I told him it would be to deter Muslim attacks on the children. He was astonished, how could the Ropers , the peaceful , love oozing , victims portrayed by the Guardian and the BBC , be thought capable of such violence and hate? For the umpteenth time I suggested he move on from reading comics and listening to children’s hour but I don’t think that he has.
I have been away and wonder if our world class media outfit has covered the opening speech by Gert Wilders at his show trial and the bomb in Budapest and the killings in the Seattle area.
Particularly the show trial of Wilders. This ,if it proceeds ,will be the way Europe is going to go and I expect our authoritarian government cheered on by the usual suspects including our media will be hoping that Wilders is convicted and silenced.
His trial is a farce and I urge all of you to follow it closely.
The BBC and particularly the socialist apology of a programme fronted by Victoria Derbyshire is in full cry with horror stories about mistakes when tax credits were withdrawn. The firm doing the work had a call centre not trained to deal with “suicidal” welfare junkies.
The 600 workers were yelled at “every day” by clients, he said, with “people crying down the phone to you that they’re down to their last bag of wipes, have no food in the fridge to feed their kids”.
Or so we are told.
Yes, government bureaucracies, even outsourced ones, make mistakes, but you should expect that when dealing with the state and not make your routine daily life dependent to that extent on the government. Anyone who brought up kids years ago on modest incomes and prior to Gordon Brown’s tax credit bonanza must have a wry smile on their faces. Tax credits were a spending timebomb left ticking by Brown for successor governments, they reinforce the welfare system’s tendency to reward irresponsible bahaviour like having kids you cannot afford, they reinforce welfare recipients’ sense of entitlement, they have acted as an immigration pull factor and, not least, they are a low wage subsidy to unscrupulous employers.
Let the BBC analyse that rather then the wingeing of people subsidised by other taxpayers.
I don’t think it’s at all fair to call those people who work hard in low paid jobs ‘welfare junkies’. It shows a complete brainwashing exercise has been done on you by the rich Tories.
To understand this, you need to go back to the BLiar years and the massive increases made by his government in the cost of living by increasing taxes. So swinging were these tax increases that council tax doubles in just a few years, and because Labour had made living unafordable, they had to introduce tax credits.
This system was grossly unfair as it rewarded double income families with kids, the more kids the more money, and I think we all know who that was aimed at. Those single individuals who most needed help got nothing !
Today the Tories have decided to pull the rug out from under the feet of the poor by bankrupting them through high taxes. This is of course what we would expect from a left wing party, but in his insane blind greed Cameron reduced inheritance tax effectively to zero, so that the privileged few could retain their unearned and undeserved wealth.
I would much rather a poor worker was given tax breaks than some rich idle yahoo whose great great grandfather made something of himself and now that wealth is forever preserved by the tax system.
I have a degree of sympathy for what you have written, Thoughtful. But what tax credits did was distort pay. The relationship between pay and work was broken down. If an employer gave a pay rise most of it was lost as the tax credit was reduced. Declaring additional pay received for extra hours during a busy period was complicated and after the tax credits were corrected made the extra work not seem worth it by the employee. Therefore extra work was refused. Small jobs eg cleaning or caretaking for a few hours each week were not worth taking up – hence why so many of these jobs are taken up by the black market or left empty.
But people became used to the additional money provided by tax credits. Gordon Brown made most of the people in this country part of the client state. But it was Gordon’s way of trying to bribe people to vote Labour. The evil Tories would stop tax credits. Of course people don’t want their weekly/money reduced but it has left this country with a huge bill and an unsatisfactory labour market.
Past tense as this was my experience under Gordon Brown but have no idea if this has changed.
You are being very generous to Thoughtful. The ‘Tax Credit’ system was a nothing more than a ruse to make Labour the permanent party of government by buying the electorate with its own money. It was Brown’s larcenous equivalent of the Blair/Mandelson plan to import an entire Labour voting rump. All three of them belong in the dock for these acts of sabotage.
The BBC will never investigate this naked plan to ‘fix’ the UK’s politics in stone because the overwhelming majority of BBC broadcasting staff are supporters of the Blair/Brown treachery.
Absolutely correct. Any Conservative government worthy of the name would have no truck with these so-called “tax credits”, which are not a credit against tax paid, but an outright state payment designed to get people used to the idea of living off the state. And as per anything devised by Gordon Brown, who had no contact with ordinary life at any time ever, they are complicated, inflexible and virtually bound to fail.
I feel sorry for the American company trying to administer this system, because it is attempting an impossible task. Failure is baked in the cake, but I would not expect Victoria Derbyshire to ask any hard questions about why tax credits were devised, and why they have proven to be so impossible to administer.
I agree with you Deborah but tax credits replaced income support, and were there to disguise Labour indirect taxation which would have ruined the low paid.
We hear talk from people here of ‘welfare junkies’ without realising they are almost certainly describing themselves in that phrase! You now need to earn over £36000 pa just to break even with the state, any less and you are a net receiver of government benefits.
This is the reason the new level for a UK spouset to earn is £35K pa.
It’s a shocking amount of money and illustrates the government spending levels per head.
T. The figure you state of £36k as a break even. Is that for a family or a single person? I only ask as I have always felt that the often stated line that immigration is a net contributor to the public purse has always sounded a bit fanciful to me.
I realise that it varies with family needs, amount of kids, schooling, state of health and so on. I worked out, back of a fag packet, that a family with three kids at school would need to be on about £55k a year to be net contributors – Imay well be very wrong though.
Thats only as long as the family are not net contributors to the Jihad.
Most Muslims support the Jihad as required by the Koran. Security for that, and the damage caused by Jihad, is very likely to be in the tens of billions each year.
Assuming at the most 1 million Muslim wage earners, not in receipt of Benefits, and assuming security costs from Jihad around £20bn, we have £20k to be added to the £55k, making a total of £75k.
I have worked in such jobs and it isn’t good. As a worker you are treated like crap and expected to have little in the way of ‘a life’, rather like an ant.
Tax credits did not help though. The system allowed bosses to pay low wages which were then subsidised by taxpayers. The bosses Range Rovers get bigger each year while the long suffering employees haven’t seen a pay rise of note since pre 2008, the constant rise of prices, council tax and stupid green taxes on energy only hit the poor, and hard.
The whole system of welfare needs to be realigned and started from scratch just the same as the (inter)National Health Service. But these sacred cows cannot be touched without drawing howls of derision from certain, often quite comfortably off, banshees in the media and politics. Average Joe and Joanne don’t get much say at all while the UK’s monstrous and out of control tax system keeps them well and truly in their place.
The poison chalice left by Blair and Brown was something that would never bring goodness to the hands left holding it.
Thoughtful, you are right about that cost of living thing. But that Council Tax was a Labour approved tax because they opposed and encouraged opposition to the Community Charge which was a fairer tax but incredibly badly implemented, led by – probably – a PM who was starting the dementia that blighted her in later life.
The Tax Credit system only rewarded the DIwSKies because Brown had allowed to get inflation totally out of control when the global economy was reducing costs. By the time of Dave & GO really examining the books for the country they had taken over, something like 40% of the working population were receiving Tax Credits. The BBC a while back carried a broadcast interview of two young but experienced teachers who worked some distance apart, who’d just had a second child, and needed to run two cars – albeit one of them at least an old banger – for work. They went on holiday, if I recall correctly, once every three years, and had no savings to speak of despite a combined income of over £45,000. They were on the point of needing Food Bank help if their Tax Credits were to be cut.
Brown was a truly hopeless Chancellor who got lucky with globalisation and the deflation it offered. The Bank of England managed to inflate the economy for him to make bonuses bigger for those taxed at 40% but Gordon shoved the tax further down the ladder, doubling it for example with Income Tax for those on the lowest incomes. He then grabbed the money for his mates and their pet causes, as EnglandExpects outlines, to create that poison pill for the Tories. It makes me laugh when Labourites & other assorted Lefties claim that people voted to leave the EU because they had been ‘disadvantaged by globalisation’.(Matthew Taylor and AN Other on either WT Fri R4 10-10.45pm or was it WtW R4 Sunday 1-1.30pm is worth a listen to realise/underline how they just didn’t and still don’t have a clue.)
No. They had been saved from penury by the little Globalisation they were allowed. They were disadvantaged by their Government’s treatment of Globalisation, as are the populations of member States (with some notable exceptions) of the EU today. The protectionist EU is about anti-globalisation but fortunately 17point something million people in the UK want to be out and doing business in the real world.
Dont you know that Islam is the “religion of peace” – everyone knows that!
Nationality is far more relevant than religion with regards to violent crime as as far as I can tell!
Many of these murders have been committed by
“French Nationals”
“Belgium nationals”
“English nationals” etc etc
Religion rarely gets mentioned at all with regard to these sort of crimes – I can only surmise that terrorist attacks is a normal occurrence in city living and if religion was a factor I am sure our national treasure broadcaster would have mentioned it. – so I can only concluded that its not relevant.
By the way I heard that a Unicorn is racing in next years Grand National and Tony Blair has admitted he is a two faced, lying, crook and has asked that he is put on trial for war crimes and and being a traitor to his country !
Jeremy Corbyn’s response: ‘I know everyone in this room today will want to join me in just simply saying this to Sarah Champion, “You have our total, full and absolutely warm support.”’
The BBC don’t see fit to report the Leader of the Opposition excusing an act of domestic violence by the person responsible for domestic violence policy within his party!
How would the liberal media establishment have responded had a male MP assaulted his partner? Very differently:
It is only modern liberalism that allows the talentless wasters infesting universities/media/politics to thrive. Imagine what our Victorian forefathers would have done with them. Or come to that Comrade Lenin .
And just how much is this Champion of women’s rights standing up for the huge numbers of abused girls in her constituency?
Being run out of town by a pitchfork wielding mob is too good for her by far.
Years ago HMG decided that my family was entitled to tax credits, and duly paid me several thousand pounds.
Some months later they decided that they had miscalculated, and asked for the money back.
I told this story to a mini cab driver who said the same had happened to him. He was incredulous that I had repaid it. Apparently if you ignore them they give up chasing you.
Looking back, it’s obvious that “tax credits” was part of New Labour’s mission to build and grow its client electorate of welfare junkies, public sector administrators and unskilled immigrants.
Another bit of folklore Tom. Believe me, when you are overpaid they do NOT give up – especially when they are claiming £1,250 from me AND the same sum from my wife when the actual overpayment was £250 total.
A long and convoluted story but my chocolate teapot of an MP and even the Financial Adjudicator herself were equally disinterested and useless, accepting what the TC office said, despite written confirmation to the complete contrary. Eventually, simply to stave off assassination plans, I offered to settle for £400 – nearly double what was overpaid but money well spent to get the bastards off my back. And they took it, of course.
yes correct beltane they will chase you and threaten you for ever, and take the money back off you for the heinous crime of not filling in next years form on time.
The whole system is bonkers, my partner cant actually work over-time, because it just comes out of the tax credits (who would work for free??) and getting a job earning over minimum wage is practically impossible.
The lady thinks she is less European following Brexit, so the poor snowflake is going to move to ‘Europe.’ Where does she think she is living now?
Erm, so Norwegians are less European than Swedes because they are outside an undemocratic, political block? The Swiss aren’t European because they won’t join the most incompetent, corrupt attempt at governance seen since … well, OK, ever. How can Sky News promote such nonsense?
Doesn’t she know that we all worked in other European countries before even the common market was forced on us? That the UK had a large influx of Turkish and Greek people in the 1950s/60s? That brits started moving to Spain in the 1960s?
Ignorance is not bliss, and stupidity cannot be outlawed but can you imagine Sky or BBC putting out anything as dumb as this on any other subject? Well yes, on Fracking maybe, oh aye, on climate, yes ok, endless unfettered immigration, ok I know, Islam …
On of the major shareholders in Sky is news international, and one of the major shareholders in news international is Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia undoubtedly his wealth has influenced Murdoch who has changed his reporting on Muslim issues as a result. I do not know if Alwaleed has any shareholding in Sky as it is not a matter of public record, but it would not surprise me to learn that he has.
With over 60% of British universities now actively practicing censorship, it would be of no great surprise that the journalist which are trained there are indoctrinated with the latest government approved ‘thinking’.
If she were smart enough she would still be able to work anywhere in the world, like has always been the case. But, as she makes pigshit look extremely runny, I think it’s best she goes now, might be an idea for her to take some kind of veil too, for future use when she’s allowed to do little more than pop out children.
Another one of Blairs babes fully indoctrinated and went to Exeter uni as well so not surprised. Well Virginia Brussels is only two and half hours from kings cross by eurostar as long as you pay your sixty quid. You can be their for late supper to share your love with jean claude. My My How did we ever manage before the eu began in 1993.
I just think, good, go then and hopefully to Germany, see how you get on. Notice how she said she is going to study, not to work. What a load of tosh she spouts. See ya!
The BBC ban all scientists and professors, no matter how experienced and highly qualified, if they disagree with the BBC’s dogma on environment but allow actors, priests, anyone to say almost anything, even if it is completely wrong and scientifically inaccurate as long as it promotes BBC dogma.
and Nigel Lawson is also banned by the BBC. Lawson is not a scientist but has written various books about environment and his group is backed by several eminent scientists.
Don’t believe the BBC when it cries poverty! If they can manage to pay one person £2 million for a season then they obviously have far too much money !
I do wish for the day when the BBC have no money. It is probably the most biased and corrupt body of people in the UK. I am particularly surprised that our Culture? Secretary has allowed them another eleven years of the Royal Charter that they flout at every opportunity. I would only have given them anything provided that they stuck to the details of the Charter, any lapse and they are gone!
Still nothing on the BBC about the recent gun attack and bombing in Malmo. I tried to point this out to them on a frivolous HYS article but my comment was removed. What a bunch of ……..(insert favourite insult as required).
I notice the Labour Momentum Party have this morning announced they intend to ban fracking in the UK should they ever assume power (presumably at about the same time the existence of unicorns and faeries is confirmed as scientific fact).
Labour vows fracking ban if it wins general election
A future Labour government would ban fracking in England, shadow energy secretary Barry Gardiner has said. Speaking at Labour conference, he said fracking, which involves gas being extracted from shale rock, would make the UK dependent on fossil fuels when the priority should be clean energy. Labour would focus on developing a low carbon energy industry, he said.
The government says fracking could provide the UK with greater energy security and create jobs. But opponents argue it is bad for the environment and say shale gas projects will make the UK’s climate change targets impossible to achieve.
It’s not a surprise to see that the Labour Momentum Party share the same aims and agrarian aspirations as Pol Pot. They won’t be happy until we are sent back out into the fields for re-education, toiling beneath the useless wind turbines of their grand communist collectivist nirvana.
I watched the new Adam Bolton political programme on Sky today and then the Daily Politics on BBC. There was one difference that stood out a mile , discussion of Labour’s position on immigration and Brexit. On the BBC it was hardly mentioned whereas on Sky there were two MPs , Kate Howie and Caroline Flint, one leaver one remainer , who both were clear that the UK has total control over immigration . This is not , yet at least, Labour policy , but it is clear that ‘moderate’ Labour has taken on board that the working class , whom Labour still think of as their heartland supporters, want the UK to drastically reduce immigration. They may not really intend to follow through on this but they are saying the right thing, thanks to UKIP of course. So a part of the liberal left elite has crumbled on one of its key beliefs , but how long before the BBC follows suit? My guess is a very long time indeed , in fact not until the BBC is threatened by loss of public support for paying the LF. Anyway a few cracks are beginning to appear in the liberal left monolith. We need to keep up the pressure. Let’s hope Donald Trump blows a really big hole in the liberal left elite. Watching the BBC announce and analyse a Trump victory would be just as good as Brexit.
Or more like careful editing to show something in such a way as to look like a Trump gaff or a Cllinton success. The applause shown will be edited to make it look as if Hilllary has won the audeience and that the Donald has bombed.
Not so long ago Her Majesty had to go on a long journey to meet her subjects in the Commonwealth. Nowadays, standing on tip toes on the balcony of Buckingham Palace she can just about see most of them.
This liberal destruction of society can’t last much longer, I’m surprised the teacher’s haven’t given up yet, the police as well. Resignations on the horizon for sure maybe the middle class liberal elite might give it a go, venture out from their safe suburbs into the chaotic society they’ve created.
Today’s World at one with Martha Kearney, is it deviously mendacious or just ignorant?
The shadow chancellor said there would be a new living wage and “independent forecasts suggest this will be over £10.” BBC edited out the word “suggest”. That’s very good of them, making it look as if Labour are guaranteeing £10 p hr. They are not. Nor can they.
Then they had on the IFS’s Paul Johnson crying about possible problems in using any money we save from paying into the EU. The BBC didnt mention that the IFS has trousered 7.5 million Euros from the EU. Nor have they mentioned the drivel Paul Johnson uttered before Brexit, such as:
“In the short run a vote for Brexit would create uncertainty … and probably the stock market, would dive, making us all poorer. Investment and consumption would fall, and the economy would suffer.”
The reverse of his “much respected and independent” predictions have occurred. There is plenty of this nonsense if you look at what the gentleman said before Brexit. But then if you were paid 7.5 million euros by the EU wouldn’t you pretend that the EU is wonderful?
Then on comes one of Labour’s intellectual Colossi, Emily Thornberry, fresh from making a tit of herself on Sky News by trying to cover up her staggering ignarance with threats of Sexism! Emily says we won’t save money if we have the Norwegian model because they pay in money to the EU and they have to accept all the EU’s directives. Wrong! They pay in an agreed sum and only accept regulations with which they are happy. If they don’t like the regulations then they say, “Nei takk.” Wonder why Norway is the tiger economy of Europe?
Ms Kearney didn’t think to challenge either of these people. Mendacious or ignorant?
The £10 minimum he vows to introduce would be eaten up in extra tax, union subs for closed shops and having to save up for days when pay doesn’t happen due to being on strike. All that plus the immense attraction for the no limits immigrants will see the country into a death spiral.
The fact that he’s an IRA sympathiser and his Marxist outlook mean that the nearest he should ever be allowed to a lever of power is to clean it for someone else to use.
As an aside, he says this in the Grauniad “and both of us (his brother) had a great free education.”
Yes he probably did, he went to Great Yarmouth Grammar school.
His dad was a Liverpool docker too you know. Maybe once, but that ends when Great Yarmouth is home.
That probably upset him . Schooling in Great Yarmouth on the east coast but family in Liverpool on the west cost is more than enough to derange a man .
“Wonder why Norway is the tiger economy of Europe?”
They have some oil and gas and they have been sensible to take a substantial cut of the proceeds and keep it all for the benefit of all the citizens of Norway.
Ol’ Gordon was not that bright and careful with all the dosh from “the longest period of sustained economic growth ever seen in the UK” while we were members of the EU.
Another shooting spree in the US, this time Houston:
Depending upon the details, the MSM might have its work cut out spinning this one before tonight’s presidential debate. They will be sweating on any details being released.
Simple rule of thumb for beebistan / msm: if the shooter is white, milk the story for all it’s worth, gun lobby, far right, climate of hate created by Trump etc. If a roper, downplay, prevaricate, obfuscate and extenuate. Mental health, motive unknown, loner, social exclusion. If black, it’s an understandable act of rage against all the racism and poor social conditions, reprisal against police shootings, BLM etc.
As usual the BBC gushes over the exhibits bidding for the Turner prize. One entry by Michael Dean is a sculpture consisting of £20,435.99 in pennies, representing “one penny below the UK poverty line for a family of four”.
The “sculpture” is actually all those pennies just tipped out on the floor. Did they consider that the exhibit will be there for evermore, as nobody stoops to pick up a penny nowadays?
Actually NISA Dean’s work is a clever metaphor for the whole Turner prize ethic, powerfully representing all those donations on behalf of the downtrodden, those who, in effect, pay a penny towards lifting their sociological status – or, put another way, piss on art.
Dave S, your words are apt. In the early 70s a Dutch academic called Hans Rookmaker wrote ‘Modern Art and the Death of a Culture’. I think it’s out of print now; I have a second hand copy. It is absolutely spot on about how much of contemporary art stems from, and even glorifies, the decay of western civilization.
‘Turner Prize: What defines a good work of art?’
‘I think it is impossible not to be amused by Anthea Hamilton’s installation.’ ‘Anthea Hamilton’s work combines surrealism, comedy and sexual imagery’ Will Gompertz, BBC Art Editor
When even the i-paper can see that ‘The Turner Prize can’t tell it’s **** from it’s elbow’ where does that leave the half-wit BBC?
Heart warming story of migrants taking over a picturesque Italian hilltop village on beebistan home page, no less.
And in the interest of balance, here’s an older headline on migrants taking over a Swedish town that you’re less likely to find on beebistan, inexplicably:
“EXCLUSIVE -The city destroyed by migration: Inside the Swedish town where armed gangs patrol the streets, crime has exploded and a beautiful social worker’s murder has shocked Europe”
(Black) guy now on R5 saying “you can’t use the word bossy, cos you never hear anyone say that of a man”
..The female presenters both laughed as they said “I call my husband that all the time”
(TV review segment)
Suspect named on media outlets as Nathan Desai. A widely circulated photograph of him from his LinkedIn profile suggests him to be of Indian origin. May or may not be of relevance to the incident, but information notable by its absence on the ‘World Class’ BBC.
Although the latest outrage in Houston maybe to do with a personal issue and nothing to do with religion, however..
The current mantra from Al Beeb is always to quote from the FBI, as soon as possible, after the almost daily attempt of slaughter of innocents by men of swarthy appearance:-
‘The FBI have said there was no evidence that the shooting there was linked to terrorism.’
Should that not more correctly read… ‘was linked to Islam’?
Another extraordinary example of how the liberal media has brainwashed people into believing vastly more people are gay than really are. People questioned over estimated by a factor of 15 times as many !
For every 100 people in Britain, just 1 will identify themselves as gay or lesbian according to the latest government statistics. The numbers (which include gender, location and age) may come as a surprise.
I’m sure that comes as a surprise even to readers here, because there’s no way they are being accurately reflected in the media as the true number of just 1.5%.
This is another example of wild bias in the media which has adversely affected people.
The Guardian article is certainly worth a read if only to acquaint yourself with the reality of the stats and not what the media wants you to believe.
There are BBC Narrative peddlers
..and a small number of BBC staff who do care about truth
..So in fact the 1.5% is quite an old story, reported on More of Less in 2010 “Are you gay? Very probably not, if a recent figure from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) is to be believed. It says gay, lesbian and bisexual people make up just 1.5% of the British population.” (The counting system used by the ONS appears to be robust.
It makes sense when you talk about about no footballers being openly gay. at only 1.5% if they reflect the general population that is only 1 gay in every 5 squads.
Brainwashing and downright ignorance. Even when Mark Dice asked passers-by their opinions of the latest news that Donald Trump’s sons had shot and killed an endangered Triceratops, the air-heads responses are a wonder to behold!
Its never ever anyone with a good old English name is it ? Aaqil Ahmed is (or was) head of the Religious dept at the Beeb, Hardeep Singh Koli is a religious presenter, and now a Bashir is the religious affairs correspondent. It’ll soon be bye bye to Christianity in this country faster than we think.
I used to be and the C of E used to be described as the Conservative party at prayer. Now however it has become the Church of Socialism and completely alienated its congregation. I never go now, if I wanted a lecture on Socialism I’d be going to SWP meetings !
It is the management of the church that is killing Christianity. Our parish magazine is full of stories of people who have visited moslem lands and testifies to their kindness, tolerance and charity.
Yep, for many years I was a regular C of E churchgoer, and then the gradual take-over to the happy clappy form of worship after the vicar retired didn’t agree with me, so my visits became fewer. Nevertheless, and like those of us in maturity, change doesn’t come easy – we’ve grown up with the mindset of having the Queen on the throne with an English name of Elizabeth and not an Aliza or Rabiya, and take comfort in the knowledge that we have a Church of England as the nation’s faith. We’re already down the road of Mohammed being the most popular boy’s name, and we have a Sadiq Khan as the Mayor of London. Fatima Manji – heard of her ? she’s the hijab wearing presenter on Channel 4. Islam is gradually gelling into our way of life and national identity, and it worries me greatly.
I’m RC and with a few isolated exceptions we get the same from our pulpit: welcome migrants one and all, overseas aid is good, climate change is bad, health services are under-funded yadda yadda yadda.
I try to concentrate on the theology and ignore the politics; also avoid services where any risk of guitars & tambourines being involved.
I can’t remember which politician commented that JC himself had the good sense never to run for public office.
I’m CofE and not a great believer but I do appreciate the enormous spiritual and temporal gifts the church has given to England and believe that that should be maintained. Fortunately my local parish church still has a traditional service (Book of Common Prayer, proper choir and organist) and there’s very rarely any politicised preaching. People try to make out our Lord was some sort of idealist lefty but he clearly wasn’t, he said that the Kingdom of God is within us, not some sort of utopia that will be established if we would only buy enough fair trade coffee and let all the Jungle residents into Britain.
PM tonight. Eddie suggesting that The moderator of the Clinton Trump debate should be willing to step into the debate if Trump said anything untrue. Thankfully the US spokesman wasn’t having any of that. This is exactly in line with the liberal left’s campaign in this country to allow the BBC to ditch the impartiality rules during referenda , and probably during elections , so that they help their chosen lefties. Clearly the BBC is hoping to mobilise all the MSM across the entire west to combat the menace of populism! After all the plebs are causing problems in the UK, Germany,USA, France and in Poland and Hungary even the governments are rejecting the liberal elite globalist world view. This popular uprising must be crushed and the BBC is in the vanguard.
It is the most important presidential debate in the U.S. (possibly) since the time of Abraham Lincoln, it is a straight choice between (extremely) Progressive left or conservative right, this isn’t about minor differences in public policy or foreign relations strategy – it is fundamental to the future of the U.S. and whether it will continue to accelerate down the road it’s currently on under Clinton, to become a sort of Brazil or whether it will apply the brakes and then turn around with Trump.
I heard that it will be a complete 90 minute debate without adverts or comfort breaks; if that is true then Clinton could really struggle due to her poor health.
If she comes a cropper: Trump could have this election sown up by Tuesday morning.
Clinton has not had to face a tough one-on-one debate for years and I think (and hope) that she will struggle with the Donald.
I do wish they’d cut the speculation
..All they need to do is wait until after the debate and report the what actually happened.
– Only interesting thing is that it’s 90 mins with no break, so Hillary will be drugged up to stop her falling over.
Of course in BBC-land the FTSE’s woes couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the troubles afflicting the Deutche Bank, could they?
Hmmm… let’s see… Do the graphs below look remotely similar? Oh wait, look, the DAX lost over 2% today, even more than the FTSE… how strange, nothing in the BBC’s comments about that…
Hmmm… do you think we might be better off outside the EU if the Deutche Bank is tanking? No no let’s not go there on the BBC… let’s blame Trump and/or Brexit if we can…
Deutche Bank
FTSE 100
(NB. The UK is 1 hour behind Europe, which explains why the big drop in Deutche Bank is between 9am and 10am, whilst the FTSE 100 slide starts at 8am UK time.)
Kate Hudson in The Advertiser.
BTL Insantity reigns
“IanMiddlehurst 9m ago
Trident is simply crazy. Is it even under British control?
And as for spending £205MM when we can’t even afford to build homes for our people, sorry this must stop.”
Nonsense Ian, we have plenty of homes for our people. It’s people who are not our people occupying them that is the problem.
Just heard Jon Snow putting down the cat litter for John McDonnell on his ghastly Channel 4 News.
McDonnell says there`ll be a renegotiation of Brexit-and he will be in league with the social democratic and socialist wings of the EU in Brussels to ensure…well no fracking, free money for all and a unicorn for every condom machine I think.
But Snow says this
” But you as a socialist party are in the ascendent, being so fast-growing an all-so how will you get Syriza and Poedemos so inspired to help you”.
That was the gist anyway.
John accepted that Labour were now REALLY important to us all-and especially to Europe-so this was a fair point Jon….that kind of thing.
Unbe-fuckin-lievable…but that is Jon Snow…cnut!
There really is no escaping the bBBC agenda! I’m a big fan of Radio 6 and sometimes feel that it is one of the only parts of the BBC that I would happily pay for… However that thought soon fades when the BBC news comes on. Thankfully its short but not short enough.
Item 1: White british taxi driver who may have killed more – is it me or is this story getting milked to death? I mean surely the Houston shooting would be more appropriate and current ‘news’.
Item 2: Police officers are deployed to Kos to search for boys remains in a field who went missing 25 years ago. Sorry if this sounds thoughtless towards the victims families but what is it with continually investigating these cases that happened 25 years ago, or Stephen Lawrence (23 years ago) or Madeleine Mccann (9 years ago)… Is this not in a time where police resources are continually stretched. Why are they spending vast amounts of public money on these cases? Similarly it’s very interesting that the public funded police are all too happy to send teams of people to places like Kos or Praia da Luz to “search” for evidence of cases that happened out of their jurisdiction…
And funny how its the South Yorkshire police AGAIN who have decided to investigate in Kos ? Who exactly is in charge of that force ? they appear to be the Keystone Cops of the British Police, farcical in their investigations of the Rotherham abuse, inept at the Cliff Richard debacle, and now they’re stampeding to Kos.
“”John McDonnell vows ‘£10 real living wage in 2020″” (In 2020 Labour will not be in power).
“”In his keynote conference speech in Liverpool, Mr McDonnell said Labour had become a “government in waiting”” (They could be waiting for 20 years or more….).
“Under the next Labour government, everyone will earn enough to live on. When we win the next election we will write a real Living Wage into law”” (The next Labour goverment? They could be waiting 20 years or more…).
A can of pop will be £10 before McDonnell sees no11.
Besides, a £10/hr wage is still crappy if you don’t have a guaranteed contract. Zero hours at £10/hr still equals sweet fa. 6hrs with 4hrs waiting means spending the rest of the week trying to sort out your benefits claim.
A one way ticket to an even more massive black economy.
Car wash sir? Only a fiver. What’s that? Are we insured. Ha, ha, no need to worry about that sir. The air freshener is free though.
Robbing Peter to pay Peter
“Oh now I get £10/hr working at McDonalds”
..Oh how much is a burger “oh £15 each”
..Likewise when he goes down Tescos everything will cost more.
And the gov will be laughing cos higher wages , means higher tax take, whilst the inflation will be diminishing everyone’s savings.
(In a sensible world wages would stay the same and pensions would get cut, but gov can get the same effect by raising wages and whilst no changing pensions. Fact is that there is no magic pot of pension money, your contributions have already been spent)
One thing might end up happening is that the pound might devalue so much, that actually you £10 will buy you just $2US instead of $6US
How many small business owners will close shop, having decided that not banging their heads against the wall is a sensible option?
Small to medium enterprises are usually secured on the owners property. However, in Corbin’s nirvana, this thing called property belongs to him – alone. Welcome to Animal Farm.
Um, wasn’t it the last Labour Treasury Minister who left the note to the Tories saying, ‘sorry, there’s no money left’ ? Has the Corbin/McDonnell team forgotten this.
Well, the Clinton camp will be sat in the wings now preparing their Hillary cadaver for its first unmanned stage appearance with the Donald. She’ll be warmed up with a gallon of Lance Armstrong’s blood, dressed & zip-tied to a scaffold pole, then stuffed full of Warferin, Ketamine & Amphetamine. On standby in the gods will be an American dentist armed with a high velocity hunting rifle loaded with a dart full of Epinephrine should her eyes go all Marty Feldman on her.
The broadcasters & world feed will be on a minutes delay so any cerebral malfunction can be dealt with and the audience made to disappear by David Copperfield.
A radio earpiece will be stuffed so deep into her right ear that it will block the view through to the left one. Obama will be passing answers to her through the receiver so expect long pauses every three words or so.
Siegfried & Roy will be the warm-up act & Montecore has been trained to maul Trump if he says Mexican wall (like the Dobermans in Columbo did)
So, alarm is set, dog trained to catch any flying shoes aimed at the telly. I shall watch with glee as the BBC post debate mass-debate spews out its pre-prepared arsenal of debate (there’s that word again) crushing lefty ammunition.
Can we order a side of wings to go with with the box of panty-pads for the BBC panel?
“She’ll be warmed up with a gallon of Lance Armstrong’s blood, dressed & zip-tied to a scaffold pole, then stuffed full of Warferin, Ketamine & Amphetamine.” LOL…
Its probably just going to be some sort of waxwork robot that will be doing hillary’s bit, watch out for the madame Taussads esq skin and careful not to watch in HD or you may be blinded. Question is though do I want to watch Channel 4’s live coverage or the BBCs…. God help me.
My prediction is a Brexit style “debate” whereby the audience is a handpicked Hillary audience and the questions at Hillary are complimentary and she is allowed to proceed uninterrupted… The Donald on the other hand I don’t beleive his time will be as easy but fingers crossed he’ll beat that geriatric invalid criminal that is Hillary Clinton.
Monday’s Morning’s Bias and Virtue Signal Bingo on R4
6:20 Biz prog had some Labour prof on : “and Brexit vote was driven austerity as well” An outrageous thing to say
(she first said “A lot of support for Corbyn comes from backlash againt austerity” well OK maybe)
6:30 It’s R4Today so bias is the norm.
9:00 Start The week Had a sneer at Trump in the middle
featured Gary Younge the Guardian writer that was on R4Today the other day slyly cherrypicking to mislead about Black Lives polce shootings
10:00 WH : ANOTHER item on women’s pay, Item on tonight’s debate only interviewed
11:00 A prog Defending UNESCO ..BBC like to help its friends
11:30 prog ended on Hadrian’s Wall making a quick joke about Trump’s wall
11:31 next prog begins with a joke about His-story being sexist
The BBC’s credibility oiltanker might be turning around.
There were some signs that made me raise their impartiality rating form 2/10 to 3/10
– Melvyn Bragg in one of his progs about the North, did quickly mention that “the grooming of girls in Rotherham goes unmentioned”
– And today on Women’s hour despite only invite a Clinton supporting US writer on (with no chance of them ever having a Trump supporter on), the presenter did actually question a couple of way out claims..believe me that is progress given WH;s low standards.
Like last week WH on Thursday did have a segment “Labour women”
..then on Friday r5 Your Call was ANOTHER one about Corbyn.
Then all the comedy progs, Newsquiz, Mock the week kept to the rule about having non-funny lines that sneer at UKIP.
On Fridays 11:30 comedy an Australian who kind of over stayed and slipped into a marriage to stay in the UK put a line in here autobiographical playlet sneering “I am the kind of immigrant that UKIP like”
Saturday – R4 celebrated a whites only theatre group on Friday
I forgot to mention that.
Oh did I say whites? I meant black
…appearently that kind of racism is OK to BBC Arts.
It was Jeffery Kissoon on Loose Ends on Saturday
..may have been on Front Row aswell
I am absolutely astounded that, after all the comments posted on regarding the BBC’s attitude towards Donald Trump, the last comment was posted by StewGreen on September 27, 2016 at 1:07 am.
I was expecting many comments on the US Presidential Debate that began just after 2am. As it is, I’m alone.
Others have commented before on the bias in the World Service, where it’s as if the BBC is more biased when they don’t think many people are looking. A good example today was the round up on the Trump Clinton debate . I missed the Democrat being interviewed, but I did get to hear the Republican be interviewed, who made it clear from the start that he was against Trump. So that’s BBC balance, a Democrat who is against Trump followed by a Republican who is against Trump.
The BBC’s excuse for the World Service is that it somehow gives a good impression of Britain around the world. This is, of course, complete and utter nonsense. What it does it portray this country as some sort of Leftist cesspit peopled solely by Guardian readers. It is wholly unrepresentative of the UK and far from being an advert for the country, is likely to make many dismiss us as juvenile halfwits.
Yes, GCooper, that is quite correct, and is something that has greatly concerned me for two or three decades. It is shocking that Britain’s shop window, the World Service, is not only populated and run by a leftish cabal, but that so many of the presenters and commentators appear to be profoundly ignorant juveniles completely unaware of their own inadequacies. Much of the content and presentation would be embarrassing in a 5th form debating society. Its original (and correct) remit was to broadcast from a stance of promoting British and western democratic values, but ever since it decided it would become “The World’s Radio Station”, it wants to act as the voice for all nations. This is wrong in principle, and in fact impossible to carry out. This is a comment I made in 2009: “The BBC World Service used to be a shining beacon of impartiality, balance and good taste, but has now become the worst of the worst. It is now a dumbed-down mish-mash of multi-culti, anti-American, anti-West, anti-Israel, anti-Christian left-liberal bias, often hosted by presenters having apparently little knowledge of the subject they are presenting, and half the time sounding like gabbling teenagers. It is an embarassment.” A return to adult, authoritative broadcasting is urgent, and can now only be forced by government. Priti Patel might have the courage to start the change, and she needs to be encouraged to do so.
I absolutely agree. I also object to the deliberate selection of foreign presenters and journalists by the World Service. As you say, it simply cannot pretend to represent ‘the world’ – it can only represent the UK and, as such, should make sure those broadcasting on it are not grinding axes that have nothing whatsoever to do with Britain.
Just watched Kay Burley on SkyNews brazenly state that Clinton won the Debate handsdown according to the Washington village and political commentators. I’m not sure what the BBC say but can guess.
This slightly more factual report would suggest otherwise:
“From Tuesday, BBC ID holders also have to add a postcode to their account information.”
“The inclusion of a postcode as part of the new compulsory sign-up information certainly suggests it could be a way of alerting TV licensing to homes that currently don’t have a licence but are watching the iPlayer.”
Or…..everyone just uses Buckingham Palace postcode?!?
“The BBC has said “significant numbers of new people” have bought a licence since the new rules came into effect.”
That’s probably to do with immigration and nothing else.
The article finishes with…
“Tony Hall, BBC director general, said: “By learning about what you want and like we can take you to more of the great programmes you love, stories you might be interested in and content you might otherwise never have discovered.
“This is a real transformation – reinventing public service broadcasting for the digital age.” ”
‘reinventing public service broadcasting’?!? I think the director general is a bit disillusional.
“we can take you to more of the great programmes you love, stories you might be interested in and content you might otherwise never have discovered”.
That leaves the licence payer with Hobson’s Choice.
Worse than Hobson’s choice. At least he didn’t keep sending his ‘enforcement officers’ to peoples homes every 2 weeks because they decided not to use his service.
Great to see that password is being required to view BBC, cos that’s the start of the BBC SUBSCRIPTION pay4view service
..Soon to be followed by the abolishment of the TV tax per household ..we hope.
That’ll hopefully knock some sense into the BBC’s bias
Not even the pretence of balance as the BBC Breakfast sofa welcomes three potential US voters to opine on Trump-Clinton. As it turns out we have two Greens and a self-confessed life-long Hillary supporter. All happy, we are reassured, by the prior consumption of BBC bagels. This is the kind of “Vox Our Sort of Pop” the BBC has honed to a tee. Nice people. Our sort of left-liberal people. As for representation of the other side of the argument the BBC have to rely on out-sourcing – a dodgy skype link which inevitably cuts out and brings us – intermittently – a preppy somewhat nerdy chap with a portrait of Reagan on his wall. The supposed balance is completely tokenistic and disadvantaged.
It was the same on the World Service last night. A completely anti-Trump ‘interviewer’ a black, rabid anti-Trump ‘freelance journalist’ and a a newspaper hack who was, guess what? Also rabidly anti-Trump.
I’m no fan of Trump but I know how such nonsense would make me want to vote..
Radio Al Beeb Wales this AM . Mention that Trump might win in the same way that Brexit won – “a vote against the establishment”.
Well Al Beeb, ‘Brexit was not a vote against the establishment’ – it was a vote to get out of the Undemocratic Union of European States’ creeping domination of our Great Britain.
It was about our sovereignty, control of our borders and control of who can come in to this nation.
BBC London News throw away one of their three precious head line stories this morning on the entrance pricing arrangements for the Turner Prize. Needless to say this annual event is being heavily covered right across the BBC.
One guesses this sort of free advertising is never without cost – rest assured BBCers will be wined and dined and feted within the grateful state-funded arts community.
And the ‘arts’ are a good thing for the whole of British society, right?
‘Senior professionals working in the creative industries are overwhelmingly in support of Britain staying in the EU, according to a survey of members of the Creative Industries Federation (CIF).’
‘The poll of CIF members, who work in the arts, creative industries and cultural education, has revealed that 96% intend to vote to remain in the EU while barely 4% are in favour of leaving.’
The BBC gleefully unrestrained in their declaration that last night’s US Presidential Debate was an unmitigated win for Hillary. Well, no surprises there. And to be objective, they are right. Trump was clearly either unprepared or just mugged by an opponent more seasoned, better informed and rather more restrained.
Trump doesn’t do himself any favours – he is quite literally his own worst enemy (something that anyone who watches his live rallies knows already). Look, I don’t want to see a Clinton in The White House (again), but I struggle with the possibility of seeing Trump there instead.
This video from Sam Harris (Liberal/Libertarian) really sums up my mixed feelings about Trump. Having watched Trump in countless rallies, I’m forced to admit that almost everything Harris says here about Trump is true. And this is very troubling.
A surreal few momemts on Toady R4 this morning.
Mischel ‘useless’ Hussein interviewed some female student Trot and raised the issue of the ‘safe space’ hypocrisy on university campuses.
Said trot became totally tongue tied and unintelligible, a real ‘Dave Spart’ moment, eventually resorting to the usual Marxist trick of speaking quickly in convoluted sentences and mixing up ideas.
Later, in a discussion about the Labour ban on fracking, ‘useless’ elicited that the Labour representative had absolutely no answer to even his own admitted statistics that we would still need a whole load of gas in 2030, which therefore, because of the Labour fracking ban, would have to be totally imported. And then he did a version of the student trot above with a risible double-speak offering.
So ‘useless’, looking at an empty net, did manage to score two goals.
Proof that, if even she can score, Labour really are in total la-la land.
Sluff, they always have been and will always be in, ‘…total la-la land’. Without their coterie of brainwashed, ‘children’ supporters, they’d be nowhere.
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
This morning on the Today program the BBC decides yet again to discuss its right wing anti Corbyn bias! To that end they invite a woman who runs some Fascist website to tell them how terrible they and the rest of the media are for being so biased against Corbyn.
I do not believe that under any circumstances they have ever discussed their left wing bias against even centre right politicians, nor have they discussed the anti Trump bias.
While I do believe that the BBC are biased to the liberal ‘soft’ left, they certainly do not appear to like Corbyn – or most of them don’t, and they just cannot help displaying this in their output. When they do this with right of centre issues no one seems to care and the Tories are as lacking a spine as they ever were, but when they do this to the Fascist left, they get called out by the activists, and the BBC caves in.
There’s still the reliance on the tried & tested excuse that groups from both sides claim they are biased therefore they must have got it about right – this is a specious argument. The fact that one side gets a hearing and the other side does not it proof enough for me that the BBC is still as biased as it ever was !
I agree totally with your post. Its as though the BBC see the hard left as rebellious teenagers , who will soon grow up and support the liberal left. Anyone to the right of what the BBC regards as the sensible centre (basically the old Blairite position minus his propensity for war making), is a pariah and at least a proto facist, if not a fully paid up member of the Nazi party, and must therefore be denied a platform and /or ridiculed and warned against at every opportunity. Why we have to put up with this attack against millions of UK voters and non stop leftist propaganda year after year is beyond me. Will no one in the government speak for us? After all many of us who detest the BBC are government supporters, or at least have more sympathy with their politics than those of the BBC and Labour/Lib Dem socialists.
“Will no one in the government speak for us?”
No !
There was one Labour MP who wrote on my behalf to the BBC Director General (12 years ago) so it can be done. The correspondence is still confidential. But the point I’m making here is little was achieved by his lone voice in speaking out and his bravery led directly to personal difficulties in his political career.
It will only be when the MP’s form a group to protest at the influence of the biased BBC that something will be achieved.
Odd, every time I get BBC there is a Corbyn love-in. Over the last few weeks, he has been the headline news on every bulletin. BBC=Labour propaganda.
Corbyn and his high profile supporters (excluding Mcdonnell) are getting an increasing soft and affectionate coverage by the TV media notably by Andrew Marr and if you read this weeks Spectator Life magazine profile on Momentum`s founder Jon Lansman you will find out Marr and Lansman were close friends and stood together for union president during their far left student days.Needless to say like many hard left figures Lansman has made a lot of money from property.
I don’t watch enough beebtrash to know, but perhaps they are indeed anti-Corbyn. After all, he’s the main impediment to their favourite party getting back into power any time soon.
Oh for crying out loud.
Riace: The Italian village abandoned by locals, adopted by migrants
It’s like a piece of propaganda from the Soviet Union that we all used to laugh at.
Omg some ppl actually pay for that crap. The world’s gone mad I tells ya, maaaaaad
Some people pay for that crap? They do indeed – the article is a puff piece for the Open Society Initiative for Europe, which is part of the Open Societies Foundation. Financed by George Soros. Globalist billionaire has a ‘vision’ and the TV poll tax is used to advertise it.
@IanRushlow’s right the BBC page credits the photos
Well done Ian on holding them account
There are more lurkers here than people generally think.
And in similar circumstances I have direct evidence that it filters back to people like the BBC.
Surely having the truth, is more important than punishing naive BBC employees.
(The management is a different matter)
Proof that the BBC article is PR NOT news
Is that had a similar article back on 02 May 2016 How refugees are reviving dying Italian villages then it qwould have been PR-driven-news, now it’s kind of old news.
A September 2015 University Thesis study PDF has similar wording and more details
Sadly, that is what The Left, and – to an extent – the EU, have to revert to in the end: using working peoples’ money (taken in tax) to subsidise others and/or buy ‘influence’.
Not sure how good their accounting and business model is: “the Riace scheme is supposed to cost four times less than keeping asylum seekers in the detentions centres (45 euros)” but actually costs 20-30 Euros. Another thing that The Left are good at, letting costs on these schemes run away with their inflation. An idea for a scheme that may have some merit is allowed to become a milch cow.
This is a good example for the Professors and Students at UCL in London who tried to present a wonderfully rosy economic picture of immigration.
BTW I attended the lecture the other week by those 2 profs who initiated the report saying that immigration is a net financial benefit. It was quite unempressive, they were bad communicators, like their time planning was appalling , they tried to cram the last half of a 40 minute lecture into the final 10 minutes. Yet about 6 years ago I saw a lecture by ex-ambassador Sir Andrew Green of Migration Watch UK and it was very impressive indeed.
It’s on TV now BBC NW Inside Out
“Jacey Normand investigates the impact of anti-Semitism on families in Manchester. The city has historically been a safe haven for the Jewish community, but we visit one local school that is on high alert due to the current threat of attack.”
I’m surprised that ‘word’ of the free housing hasn’t filtered back to that lot in the Jungle – can you imagine the stampede ? But then, I suppose that doesn’t compare to the free housing + free money every week + free medical care they would get here !
“There is not tourism in this area, I don’t know why.”
We do!
I noticed within the item on Riace the words re ‘racial tensions’, but it was soon glossed over. What were these tensions I wonder?
Then at the bottom of the article was these words
“A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.”
So by my understanding from the BBC is that both people fleeing terror and those ‘seeking jobs and better lives’ can claim assylum. My father was one who had to flee for his life and he was always grateful to the UK for providing him with a safe place and would never allow criticism of the UK. Whilst it is admirable that people want a better life for themselves and their families (I am not considering the cost to their host country) surely it is wrong that they can claim assylum?
Sure it wasn’t Riacial tensions Deborah? It would fit nicely with Calais Tensions, Lesbian tensions etc, etc, etc.
“….as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.”
Surely THE definition of ‘economic migrant’ is someone who seeks a job and a better life.
They think they are being so clever but this is blatant BBC sleight of hand to support their internationalist view that all migrants have a valid claim to enter whatever country they choose. In fact, how often do you hear the words ‘All they want is a better life’ on the BBC both from carefully-selected interviewees and their own commentators?
Sly bastards.
I saw a documentary on this village a few years back. Its the kind of place that one could move to, and pay good money for it.
A beautiful village that should be listed as a World Heritage site, will soon become like any slum in Somalia or Afghanistan.
In any case, this village is a historic site of medieval Christendom. Muslims, don’t understand it, and are incapable of understanding it, even if they were educated. Which they are not. They should not have been put there.
I agree NCBBC, its sadly a fact of life that those who are born in third world conditions don’t “up their game” when given better living conditions, no matter how hard they want a ‘better life’, and that’s the reason there are always slum conditions wherever the majority of migrants settle. I know exactly where migrants live in areas of Luton because windows are dirty, rubbish in the front garden and a general sense of decay. These people are not poor, as most of them have businesses but pride in their home is not their priority. Yes, I know there are many of the white population that we see on the tv who live in undesirable homes, but its also noticeable that they don’t exactly tidy up when the cameras go in to film either, – a sink full of unwashed pots, toys everywhere and piles of washing scattered about. My grandparents lived in REAL poverty in the early part of the 20th century, with few possessions, but Granny would always be on her knees washing the front step !
The hat thief got a bigger fine than the t*ssers who held London City Airport to ransom the other week.
Thank God the Justice system has its priorities right.
Since the man behind the Hat*crime is Polish
..He’s a Foreign national with a criminal record
So more likely to face deportation.
…That’ll please the National Socialists like Izzard and co.
TRUE a spontaneous hat*crime inconveniencing ONE crossdresser for 5 seconds, is punished much more harshly than the premeditated “privileged whites” crime disrupting 6000 citizens and costing businesses £thousands
“Czerwonko was fined £185 and ordered to pay £85 court costs.” BBC ..Telegraph
Whilst I agree that people who go to marches in such disguise are trouble makers..It is also true that Izzard had also ‘disguised’ himself as a woman.
On September 6 nine (white privileged) protesters blocked London City Airport’s runway. “Around 130 flights were delayed, diverted, or cancelled”
“judge Elizabeth Roscoe handed out conditional discharges each for aggravated trespass and ordered to pay £95 prosecution costs. DM
19 Apr 2016 – “Three activists who blocked a tunnel at Heathrow Airport by chaining themselves to a van”
“fined £200 each (£85 costs +£20 victim surcharge) for wilful obstruction of a public highway” standard
actually That first one at London City Airport “affecting 9,000 passengers”
“A Hat Crime”
I salute you, sir!
On a more serious note, isn’t it time to pour exactly that sort of ridicule on this Orwellian offence so that use of it to silence dissenters is treated with scorn? I intend to use that phrase from now on.
Thank you, Friend Roland :).
I do try my best to ridicule what you so rightly call “this Orwellian offence” in my Blog (Google SupportOurJeremy if you’re interested), Twitter feed (same handle as here), the Graun (where I’m Saveedmiliband) and my Disqus comments in blogs like Guido Fawkes and Going Postal.
All of us must do our best to combat this insidious form of totalitarianism. Ridicule is one of our key weapons against the Thought Police.
BTW, I’m Leftyliesrefuted on Disqus, if you ever look at websites using it. (I can particularly recommend Going Postal!)
A small example of the genius of the BBC at work, covering up… then crashing and burning.
The joys of page capture and social media.
Do share.
The Before and after images in that tweet

Another Interesting image in that Twitter conversation
Please everyone, click Like for above poster of David Dimbleby ‘Disimformation’ and make it go viral…
The BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate is designed to produce disinformation by only allowing environmental activists to tell the viewer what they think the “Best scientific experts” are saying. The “Best scientific experts” being left-wing environmental activists, not scientists.
In fact, the propaganda relies on not inviting any scientist on to a Question Time panel. In the picture below, the man in the middle is David Dimbleby, on his Right we have right-wing scientists Peter Lilly MP (Banned) and David Bellamy (Gagged), on his left we have left-wing scientists Piers Corbyn (Not a Green) and Graham Stringer MP (Wrong sort of Chap).

It’s on TV now BBC NW Inside Out..Jewish school segment
“Jacey Normand investigates the impact of anti-Semitism on families in Manchester. The city has historically been a safe haven for the Jewish community, but we visit one local school that is on high alert due to the current threat of attack.”
(sorry I put this post in wrong place first)
If we, mere ‘minions of the realm’ can see all this bias our PM and Government can also see it.
What I would like to know is what are they doing about it ?
King Davids school has been there for years, but there is something new(ish) in that area and it might be a little anti-semitic
“In the wake of Jeremy (I can’t do anything about anti-semitism) Corbyn”
might be more apt
About a year ago a 40 something Guardian reading ,BBC watching , relative of mine had to work in Manchester for while and asked me why did some schools have guards outside. I asked him if the school was in Prestwich area , he said it was. I told him it would be to deter Muslim attacks on the children. He was astonished, how could the Ropers , the peaceful , love oozing , victims portrayed by the Guardian and the BBC , be thought capable of such violence and hate? For the umpteenth time I suggested he move on from reading comics and listening to children’s hour but I don’t think that he has.
I have been away and wonder if our world class media outfit has covered the opening speech by Gert Wilders at his show trial and the bomb in Budapest and the killings in the Seattle area.
Particularly the show trial of Wilders. This ,if it proceeds ,will be the way Europe is going to go and I expect our authoritarian government cheered on by the usual suspects including our media will be hoping that Wilders is convicted and silenced.
His trial is a farce and I urge all of you to follow it closely.
The BBC and particularly the socialist apology of a programme fronted by Victoria Derbyshire is in full cry with horror stories about mistakes when tax credits were withdrawn. The firm doing the work had a call centre not trained to deal with “suicidal” welfare junkies.
The 600 workers were yelled at “every day” by clients, he said, with “people crying down the phone to you that they’re down to their last bag of wipes, have no food in the fridge to feed their kids”.
Or so we are told.
Yes, government bureaucracies, even outsourced ones, make mistakes, but you should expect that when dealing with the state and not make your routine daily life dependent to that extent on the government. Anyone who brought up kids years ago on modest incomes and prior to Gordon Brown’s tax credit bonanza must have a wry smile on their faces. Tax credits were a spending timebomb left ticking by Brown for successor governments, they reinforce the welfare system’s tendency to reward irresponsible bahaviour like having kids you cannot afford, they reinforce welfare recipients’ sense of entitlement, they have acted as an immigration pull factor and, not least, they are a low wage subsidy to unscrupulous employers.
Let the BBC analyse that rather then the wingeing of people subsidised by other taxpayers.
I don’t think it’s at all fair to call those people who work hard in low paid jobs ‘welfare junkies’. It shows a complete brainwashing exercise has been done on you by the rich Tories.
To understand this, you need to go back to the BLiar years and the massive increases made by his government in the cost of living by increasing taxes. So swinging were these tax increases that council tax doubles in just a few years, and because Labour had made living unafordable, they had to introduce tax credits.
This system was grossly unfair as it rewarded double income families with kids, the more kids the more money, and I think we all know who that was aimed at. Those single individuals who most needed help got nothing !
Today the Tories have decided to pull the rug out from under the feet of the poor by bankrupting them through high taxes. This is of course what we would expect from a left wing party, but in his insane blind greed Cameron reduced inheritance tax effectively to zero, so that the privileged few could retain their unearned and undeserved wealth.
I would much rather a poor worker was given tax breaks than some rich idle yahoo whose great great grandfather made something of himself and now that wealth is forever preserved by the tax system.
I have a degree of sympathy for what you have written, Thoughtful. But what tax credits did was distort pay. The relationship between pay and work was broken down. If an employer gave a pay rise most of it was lost as the tax credit was reduced. Declaring additional pay received for extra hours during a busy period was complicated and after the tax credits were corrected made the extra work not seem worth it by the employee. Therefore extra work was refused. Small jobs eg cleaning or caretaking for a few hours each week were not worth taking up – hence why so many of these jobs are taken up by the black market or left empty.
But people became used to the additional money provided by tax credits. Gordon Brown made most of the people in this country part of the client state. But it was Gordon’s way of trying to bribe people to vote Labour. The evil Tories would stop tax credits. Of course people don’t want their weekly/money reduced but it has left this country with a huge bill and an unsatisfactory labour market.
Past tense as this was my experience under Gordon Brown but have no idea if this has changed.
You are being very generous to Thoughtful. The ‘Tax Credit’ system was a nothing more than a ruse to make Labour the permanent party of government by buying the electorate with its own money. It was Brown’s larcenous equivalent of the Blair/Mandelson plan to import an entire Labour voting rump. All three of them belong in the dock for these acts of sabotage.
The BBC will never investigate this naked plan to ‘fix’ the UK’s politics in stone because the overwhelming majority of BBC broadcasting staff are supporters of the Blair/Brown treachery.
Absolutely correct. Any Conservative government worthy of the name would have no truck with these so-called “tax credits”, which are not a credit against tax paid, but an outright state payment designed to get people used to the idea of living off the state. And as per anything devised by Gordon Brown, who had no contact with ordinary life at any time ever, they are complicated, inflexible and virtually bound to fail.
I feel sorry for the American company trying to administer this system, because it is attempting an impossible task. Failure is baked in the cake, but I would not expect Victoria Derbyshire to ask any hard questions about why tax credits were devised, and why they have proven to be so impossible to administer.
1999 BTC (Before Tax Credits): cost to the taxpayer – £0.
2015 ATC (After Tax Credits): cost to the taxpayer – £30 billion.
As the old ‘Field of Dreams’ quote goes: “Build it and they will come*”
* Can also be applied to mosques and food banks.
I agree with you Deborah but tax credits replaced income support, and were there to disguise Labour indirect taxation which would have ruined the low paid.
We hear talk from people here of ‘welfare junkies’ without realising they are almost certainly describing themselves in that phrase! You now need to earn over £36000 pa just to break even with the state, any less and you are a net receiver of government benefits.
This is the reason the new level for a UK spouset to earn is £35K pa.
It’s a shocking amount of money and illustrates the government spending levels per head.
T. The figure you state of £36k as a break even. Is that for a family or a single person? I only ask as I have always felt that the often stated line that immigration is a net contributor to the public purse has always sounded a bit fanciful to me.
I realise that it varies with family needs, amount of kids, schooling, state of health and so on. I worked out, back of a fag packet, that a family with three kids at school would need to be on about £55k a year to be net contributors – Imay well be very wrong though.
Thats only as long as the family are not net contributors to the Jihad.
Most Muslims support the Jihad as required by the Koran. Security for that, and the damage caused by Jihad, is very likely to be in the tens of billions each year.
Assuming at the most 1 million Muslim wage earners, not in receipt of Benefits, and assuming security costs from Jihad around £20bn, we have £20k to be added to the £55k, making a total of £75k.
The above is likely to be a minimum figure.
I have worked in such jobs and it isn’t good. As a worker you are treated like crap and expected to have little in the way of ‘a life’, rather like an ant.
Tax credits did not help though. The system allowed bosses to pay low wages which were then subsidised by taxpayers. The bosses Range Rovers get bigger each year while the long suffering employees haven’t seen a pay rise of note since pre 2008, the constant rise of prices, council tax and stupid green taxes on energy only hit the poor, and hard.
The whole system of welfare needs to be realigned and started from scratch just the same as the (inter)National Health Service. But these sacred cows cannot be touched without drawing howls of derision from certain, often quite comfortably off, banshees in the media and politics. Average Joe and Joanne don’t get much say at all while the UK’s monstrous and out of control tax system keeps them well and truly in their place.
The poison chalice left by Blair and Brown was something that would never bring goodness to the hands left holding it.
Thoughtful, you are right about that cost of living thing. But that Council Tax was a Labour approved tax because they opposed and encouraged opposition to the Community Charge which was a fairer tax but incredibly badly implemented, led by – probably – a PM who was starting the dementia that blighted her in later life.
The Tax Credit system only rewarded the DIwSKies because Brown had allowed to get inflation totally out of control when the global economy was reducing costs. By the time of Dave & GO really examining the books for the country they had taken over, something like 40% of the working population were receiving Tax Credits. The BBC a while back carried a broadcast interview of two young but experienced teachers who worked some distance apart, who’d just had a second child, and needed to run two cars – albeit one of them at least an old banger – for work. They went on holiday, if I recall correctly, once every three years, and had no savings to speak of despite a combined income of over £45,000. They were on the point of needing Food Bank help if their Tax Credits were to be cut.
Brown was a truly hopeless Chancellor who got lucky with globalisation and the deflation it offered. The Bank of England managed to inflate the economy for him to make bonuses bigger for those taxed at 40% but Gordon shoved the tax further down the ladder, doubling it for example with Income Tax for those on the lowest incomes. He then grabbed the money for his mates and their pet causes, as EnglandExpects outlines, to create that poison pill for the Tories. It makes me laugh when Labourites & other assorted Lefties claim that people voted to leave the EU because they had been ‘disadvantaged by globalisation’.(Matthew Taylor and AN Other on either WT Fri R4 10-10.45pm or was it WtW R4 Sunday 1-1.30pm is worth a listen to realise/underline how they just didn’t and still don’t have a clue.)
No. They had been saved from penury by the little Globalisation they were allowed. They were disadvantaged by their Government’s treatment of Globalisation, as are the populations of member States (with some notable exceptions) of the EU today. The protectionist EU is about anti-globalisation but fortunately 17point something million people in the UK want to be out and doing business in the real world.
Have there been any indiscriminate murders/bombings/stabbings in Europe or America NOT carried out by a muslim in the last two years?
Will get back to you in a week or so.
Where you been Thatcha Rev
Dont you know that Islam is the “religion of peace” – everyone knows that!
Nationality is far more relevant than religion with regards to violent crime as as far as I can tell!
Many of these murders have been committed by
“French Nationals”
“Belgium nationals”
“English nationals” etc etc
Religion rarely gets mentioned at all with regard to these sort of crimes – I can only surmise that terrorist attacks is a normal occurrence in city living and if religion was a factor I am sure our national treasure broadcaster would have mentioned it. – so I can only concluded that its not relevant.
By the way I heard that a Unicorn is racing in next years Grand National and Tony Blair has admitted he is a two faced, lying, crook and has asked that he is put on trial for war crimes and and being a traitor to his country !
Ex-husband of Labour’s domestic abuse Minister ‘still has nightmares about her’ after attack during divorce –
Jeremy Corbyn’s response: ‘I know everyone in this room today will want to join me in just simply saying this to Sarah Champion, “You have our total, full and absolutely warm support.”’
The BBC don’t see fit to report the Leader of the Opposition excusing an act of domestic violence by the person responsible for domestic violence policy within his party!
How would the liberal media establishment have responded had a male MP assaulted his partner? Very differently:
Women aren’t ever oppressors and men can’t be victims, haven’t you studied at a UK university in the last 20 years or watched BBC?
It was about a valuable painting and £200k cash plus a divorce settlement. And there’s me thinking socialist’s don’t worship the stuff.
RPM – Of course socialists don’t worship money – you only have to look at the Blairs, the Clintons, the Kinnocks, the Browns ……
It is only modern liberalism that allows the talentless wasters infesting universities/media/politics to thrive. Imagine what our Victorian forefathers would have done with them. Or come to that Comrade Lenin .
And just how much is this Champion of women’s rights standing up for the huge numbers of abused girls in her constituency?
Being run out of town by a pitchfork wielding mob is too good for her by far.
Years ago HMG decided that my family was entitled to tax credits, and duly paid me several thousand pounds.
Some months later they decided that they had miscalculated, and asked for the money back.
I told this story to a mini cab driver who said the same had happened to him. He was incredulous that I had repaid it. Apparently if you ignore them they give up chasing you.
Looking back, it’s obvious that “tax credits” was part of New Labour’s mission to build and grow its client electorate of welfare junkies, public sector administrators and unskilled immigrants.
Another bit of folklore Tom. Believe me, when you are overpaid they do NOT give up – especially when they are claiming £1,250 from me AND the same sum from my wife when the actual overpayment was £250 total.
A long and convoluted story but my chocolate teapot of an MP and even the Financial Adjudicator herself were equally disinterested and useless, accepting what the TC office said, despite written confirmation to the complete contrary. Eventually, simply to stave off assassination plans, I offered to settle for £400 – nearly double what was overpaid but money well spent to get the bastards off my back. And they took it, of course.
yes correct beltane they will chase you and threaten you for ever, and take the money back off you for the heinous crime of not filling in next years form on time.
The whole system is bonkers, my partner cant actually work over-time, because it just comes out of the tax credits (who would work for free??) and getting a job earning over minimum wage is practically impossible.
It’s despairingly sad how Sky news has become BBC lite in such a short space of time.
If this morning you are yet to cringe, take a look at this video on the Sky news website. Yes, she is actually university material!
The lady thinks she is less European following Brexit, so the poor snowflake is going to move to ‘Europe.’ Where does she think she is living now?
Erm, so Norwegians are less European than Swedes because they are outside an undemocratic, political block? The Swiss aren’t European because they won’t join the most incompetent, corrupt attempt at governance seen since … well, OK, ever. How can Sky News promote such nonsense?
Doesn’t she know that we all worked in other European countries before even the common market was forced on us? That the UK had a large influx of Turkish and Greek people in the 1950s/60s? That brits started moving to Spain in the 1960s?
Ignorance is not bliss, and stupidity cannot be outlawed but can you imagine Sky or BBC putting out anything as dumb as this on any other subject? Well yes, on Fracking maybe, oh aye, on climate, yes ok, endless unfettered immigration, ok I know, Islam …
On of the major shareholders in Sky is news international, and one of the major shareholders in news international is Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia undoubtedly his wealth has influenced Murdoch who has changed his reporting on Muslim issues as a result. I do not know if Alwaleed has any shareholding in Sky as it is not a matter of public record, but it would not surprise me to learn that he has.
With over 60% of British universities now actively practicing censorship, it would be of no great surprise that the journalist which are trained there are indoctrinated with the latest government approved ‘thinking’.
If she were smart enough she would still be able to work anywhere in the world, like has always been the case. But, as she makes pigshit look extremely runny, I think it’s best she goes now, might be an idea for her to take some kind of veil too, for future use when she’s allowed to do little more than pop out children.
Another one of Blairs babes fully indoctrinated and went to Exeter uni as well so not surprised. Well Virginia Brussels is only two and half hours from kings cross by eurostar as long as you pay your sixty quid. You can be their for late supper to share your love with jean claude. My My How did we ever manage before the eu began in 1993.
Check her twatter Full on love for the eu. Go back to jun 24 and you can feel the tears.
I just think, good, go then and hopefully to Germany, see how you get on. Notice how she said she is going to study, not to work. What a load of tosh she spouts. See ya!
No sign on BBC news yet …
Apparently Friends of the Earth have been lying about Fracking.
Who will investigate Newsnight’s spurious claims presented by actresses, dress designers and daughters of 1960s pop stars?
The BBC ban all scientists and professors, no matter how experienced and highly qualified, if they disagree with the BBC’s dogma on environment but allow actors, priests, anyone to say almost anything, even if it is completely wrong and scientifically inaccurate as long as it promotes BBC dogma.
David Bellamy being a prime example of that.
And Chris Packham a prime example of the BBC-approved model.
I dreamt that Packham was eaten alive on screen by hedgehogs a little while back. Weird.
Now that I would pay to watch.
and Nigel Lawson is also banned by the BBC. Lawson is not a scientist but has written various books about environment and his group is backed by several eminent scientists.
Don’t believe the BBC when it cries poverty! If they can manage to pay one person £2 million for a season then they obviously have far too much money !
I do wish for the day when the BBC have no money. It is probably the most biased and corrupt body of people in the UK. I am particularly surprised that our Culture? Secretary has allowed them another eleven years of the Royal Charter that they flout at every opportunity. I would only have given them anything provided that they stuck to the details of the Charter, any lapse and they are gone!
If I star adds to the franchising value of a prog, then of course you can pay them millions.
It’s a sound commercial decision.
Still nothing on the BBC about the recent gun attack and bombing in Malmo. I tried to point this out to them on a frivolous HYS article but my comment was removed. What a bunch of ……..(insert favourite insult as required).
It seems to have been largely ignored by the rest of the MSM, too.
Sometimes it’s hard not to see a conspiracy in the way they work so closely together.
I notice the
LabourMomentum Party have this morning announced they intend to ban fracking in the UK should they ever assume power (presumably at about the same time the existence of unicorns and faeries is confirmed as scientific fact).Labour vows fracking ban if it wins general election
A future Labour government would ban fracking in England, shadow energy secretary Barry Gardiner has said. Speaking at Labour conference, he said fracking, which involves gas being extracted from shale rock, would make the UK dependent on fossil fuels when the priority should be clean energy. Labour would focus on developing a low carbon energy industry, he said.
The government says fracking could provide the UK with greater energy security and create jobs. But opponents argue it is bad for the environment and say shale gas projects will make the UK’s climate change targets impossible to achieve.
It’s not a surprise to see that the
LabourMomentum Party share the same aims and agrarian aspirations as Pol Pot. They won’t be happy until we are sent back out into the fields for re-education, toiling beneath the useless wind turbines of their grand communist collectivist nirvana.These people are the enemies of human progress.
I watched the new Adam Bolton political programme on Sky today and then the Daily Politics on BBC. There was one difference that stood out a mile , discussion of Labour’s position on immigration and Brexit. On the BBC it was hardly mentioned whereas on Sky there were two MPs , Kate Howie and Caroline Flint, one leaver one remainer , who both were clear that the UK has total control over immigration . This is not , yet at least, Labour policy , but it is clear that ‘moderate’ Labour has taken on board that the working class , whom Labour still think of as their heartland supporters, want the UK to drastically reduce immigration. They may not really intend to follow through on this but they are saying the right thing, thanks to UKIP of course. So a part of the liberal left elite has crumbled on one of its key beliefs , but how long before the BBC follows suit? My guess is a very long time indeed , in fact not until the BBC is threatened by loss of public support for paying the LF. Anyway a few cracks are beginning to appear in the liberal left monolith. We need to keep up the pressure. Let’s hope Donald Trump blows a really big hole in the liberal left elite. Watching the BBC announce and analyse a Trump victory would be just as good as Brexit.
I am surprised the BBC hasn’t already announced Hillary as the winner of this evening’s debate. The outline of the story will have been written.
They will only show clips of Trump’s gaffs and clips of Clinton’s triumphs.
Or more like careful editing to show something in such a way as to look like a Trump gaff or a Cllinton success. The applause shown will be edited to make it look as if Hilllary has won the audeience and that the Donald has bombed.
Some foppish BBC apparatchik using the Royal visit to Canada as an excuse to crow bar a pro ‘refugee’ message into the lunchtime news.
It went as far as allowing said ‘refugee’ to demand countries open up to more of these Islamic invaders.
Not a damn thing about the actual Royal visit, just another another bleeding heart, liberal diatribe.
The BBC are shameless.
why did wills and kate have to fly to canada to meet refugees?
theres f*ck*n millions of them near wills mums house
Not so long ago Her Majesty had to go on a long journey to meet her subjects in the Commonwealth. Nowadays, standing on tip toes on the balcony of Buckingham Palace she can just about see most of them.
They cannot visit the local migrants or refugees; they are too dangerous, might get raped and the cops would cover it up.
This liberal destruction of society can’t last much longer, I’m surprised the teacher’s haven’t given up yet, the police as well. Resignations on the horizon for sure maybe the middle class liberal elite might give it a go, venture out from their safe suburbs into the chaotic society they’ve created.
Today’s World at one with Martha Kearney, is it deviously mendacious or just ignorant?
The shadow chancellor said there would be a new living wage and “independent forecasts suggest this will be over £10.” BBC edited out the word “suggest”. That’s very good of them, making it look as if Labour are guaranteeing £10 p hr. They are not. Nor can they.
Then they had on the IFS’s Paul Johnson crying about possible problems in using any money we save from paying into the EU. The BBC didnt mention that the IFS has trousered 7.5 million Euros from the EU. Nor have they mentioned the drivel Paul Johnson uttered before Brexit, such as:
“In the short run a vote for Brexit would create uncertainty … and probably the stock market, would dive, making us all poorer. Investment and consumption would fall, and the economy would suffer.”
The reverse of his “much respected and independent” predictions have occurred. There is plenty of this nonsense if you look at what the gentleman said before Brexit. But then if you were paid 7.5 million euros by the EU wouldn’t you pretend that the EU is wonderful?
Then on comes one of Labour’s intellectual Colossi, Emily Thornberry, fresh from making a tit of herself on Sky News by trying to cover up her staggering ignarance with threats of Sexism! Emily says we won’t save money if we have the Norwegian model because they pay in money to the EU and they have to accept all the EU’s directives. Wrong! They pay in an agreed sum and only accept regulations with which they are happy. If they don’t like the regulations then they say, “Nei takk.” Wonder why Norway is the tiger economy of Europe?
Ms Kearney didn’t think to challenge either of these people. Mendacious or ignorant?
The £10 minimum he vows to introduce would be eaten up in extra tax, union subs for closed shops and having to save up for days when pay doesn’t happen due to being on strike. All that plus the immense attraction for the no limits immigrants will see the country into a death spiral.
The fact that he’s an IRA sympathiser and his Marxist outlook mean that the nearest he should ever be allowed to a lever of power is to clean it for someone else to use.
As an aside, he says this in the Grauniad “and both of us (his brother) had a great free education.”
Yes he probably did, he went to Great Yarmouth Grammar school.
His dad was a Liverpool docker too you know. Maybe once, but that ends when Great Yarmouth is home.
That probably upset him . Schooling in Great Yarmouth on the east coast but family in Liverpool on the west cost is more than enough to derange a man .
Scribbling, good post.
“Wonder why Norway is the tiger economy of Europe?”
They have some oil and gas and they have been sensible to take a substantial cut of the proceeds and keep it all for the benefit of all the citizens of Norway.
Ol’ Gordon was not that bright and careful with all the dosh from “the longest period of sustained economic growth ever seen in the UK” while we were members of the EU.
Nor was he that sharing.
He did share lots of our money with the banks 🙂
Another shooting spree in the US, this time Houston:
Depending upon the details, the MSM might have its work cut out spinning this one before tonight’s presidential debate. They will be sweating on any details being released.
Apparently it was a black male. Although the police tweeted that they were calling in the bomb squad to check the shooters vehicle, is that normal?
I wonder if he sticks his arse up in the air five times a day whilst facing East?
Simple rule of thumb for beebistan / msm: if the shooter is white, milk the story for all it’s worth, gun lobby, far right, climate of hate created by Trump etc. If a roper, downplay, prevaricate, obfuscate and extenuate. Mental health, motive unknown, loner, social exclusion. If black, it’s an understandable act of rage against all the racism and poor social conditions, reprisal against police shootings, BLM etc.
As usual the BBC gushes over the exhibits bidding for the Turner prize. One entry by Michael Dean is a sculpture consisting of £20,435.99 in pennies, representing “one penny below the UK poverty line for a family of four”.
The “sculpture” is actually all those pennies just tipped out on the floor. Did they consider that the exhibit will be there for evermore, as nobody stoops to pick up a penny nowadays?
Actually NISA Dean’s work is a clever metaphor for the whole Turner prize ethic, powerfully representing all those donations on behalf of the downtrodden, those who, in effect, pay a penny towards lifting their sociological status – or, put another way, piss on art.
The art a dying civilisation really deserves.
Dave S, your words are apt. In the early 70s a Dutch academic called Hans Rookmaker wrote ‘Modern Art and the Death of a Culture’. I think it’s out of print now; I have a second hand copy. It is absolutely spot on about how much of contemporary art stems from, and even glorifies, the decay of western civilization.
Wasn’t there a wishing well nearby ?
‘Turner Prize: What defines a good work of art?’
‘I think it is impossible not to be amused by Anthea Hamilton’s installation.’ ‘Anthea Hamilton’s work combines surrealism, comedy and sexual imagery’ Will Gompertz, BBC Art Editor
When even the i-paper can see that ‘The Turner Prize can’t tell it’s **** from it’s elbow’ where does that leave the half-wit BBC?
Heart warming story of migrants taking over a picturesque Italian hilltop village on beebistan home page, no less.
And in the interest of balance, here’s an older headline on migrants taking over a Swedish town that you’re less likely to find on beebistan, inexplicably:
“EXCLUSIVE -The city destroyed by migration: Inside the Swedish town where armed gangs patrol the streets, crime has exploded and a beautiful social worker’s murder has shocked Europe”
I blame those racist Swedes.
Are they really this stupid?
(Black) guy now on R5 saying “you can’t use the word bossy, cos you never hear anyone say that of a man”
..The female presenters both laughed as they said “I call my husband that all the time”
(TV review segment)
Explosions in Sweden. RT have a report:
Are you sure about that? There is nothing on the BBC.
BBC report Houston shooting.
They present the shooter as a lawyer. Nothing to do with Islam
“Suspect reportedly a lawyer. Investigation to determine if issues at his firm led to shooting,” Houston Police said on its Twitter account.’
Terrorism unlikely
‘The FBI have said there was no evidence that the shooting there was linked to terrorism.’
Shooter is dead. But people are advised to stay clear of the site.
However this turns out, the BBC have planted their interpretation.
Suspect named on media outlets as Nathan Desai. A widely circulated photograph of him from his LinkedIn profile suggests him to be of Indian origin. May or may not be of relevance to the incident, but information notable by its absence on the ‘World Class’ BBC.
Although the latest outrage in Houston maybe to do with a personal issue and nothing to do with religion, however..
The current mantra from Al Beeb is always to quote from the FBI, as soon as possible, after the almost daily attempt of slaughter of innocents by men of swarthy appearance:-
‘The FBI have said there was no evidence that the shooting there was linked to terrorism.’
Should that not more correctly read… ‘was linked to Islam’?
Another extraordinary example of how the liberal media has brainwashed people into believing vastly more people are gay than really are. People questioned over estimated by a factor of 15 times as many !
Only 30% gay?
Al Beeb would have us believe that 30% are transgendered which would suggest that a far higher percentage are gay.
Mind you, in Reith Towers that might well be the case.
For every 100 people in Britain, just 1 will identify themselves as gay or lesbian according to the latest government statistics. The numbers (which include gender, location and age) may come as a surprise.
I’m sure that comes as a surprise even to readers here, because there’s no way they are being accurately reflected in the media as the true number of just 1.5%.
This is another example of wild bias in the media which has adversely affected people.
The Guardian article is certainly worth a read if only to acquaint yourself with the reality of the stats and not what the media wants you to believe.
There are BBC Narrative peddlers
..and a small number of BBC staff who do care about truth
..So in fact the 1.5% is quite an old story, reported on More of Less in 2010 “Are you gay? Very probably not, if a recent figure from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) is to be believed. It says gay, lesbian and bisexual people make up just 1.5% of the British population.” (The counting system used by the ONS appears to be robust.
It makes sense when you talk about about no footballers being openly gay. at only 1.5% if they reflect the general population that is only 1 gay in every 5 squads.
Brainwashing and downright ignorance. Even when Mark Dice asked passers-by their opinions of the latest news that Donald Trump’s sons had shot and killed an endangered Triceratops, the air-heads responses are a wonder to behold!
Bashir is fluent in English and Urdu. He identifies himself as a committed Christian, and has attended Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York.
Surely it is good news he is the religious affairs correspondent ?
Depends on how you feel about his judgement. BBC seem ok with it.
Its never ever anyone with a good old English name is it ? Aaqil Ahmed is (or was) head of the Religious dept at the Beeb, Hardeep Singh Koli is a religious presenter, and now a Bashir is the religious affairs correspondent. It’ll soon be bye bye to Christianity in this country faster than we think.
Are you a regular church goer Brissles?
I used to be and the C of E used to be described as the Conservative party at prayer. Now however it has become the Church of Socialism and completely alienated its congregation. I never go now, if I wanted a lecture on Socialism I’d be going to SWP meetings !
Christianity is killing itself, not the BBC.
It is the management of the church that is killing Christianity. Our parish magazine is full of stories of people who have visited moslem lands and testifies to their kindness, tolerance and charity.
Yep, for many years I was a regular C of E churchgoer, and then the gradual take-over to the happy clappy form of worship after the vicar retired didn’t agree with me, so my visits became fewer. Nevertheless, and like those of us in maturity, change doesn’t come easy – we’ve grown up with the mindset of having the Queen on the throne with an English name of Elizabeth and not an Aliza or Rabiya, and take comfort in the knowledge that we have a Church of England as the nation’s faith. We’re already down the road of Mohammed being the most popular boy’s name, and we have a Sadiq Khan as the Mayor of London. Fatima Manji – heard of her ? she’s the hijab wearing presenter on Channel 4. Islam is gradually gelling into our way of life and national identity, and it worries me greatly.
I’m RC and with a few isolated exceptions we get the same from our pulpit: welcome migrants one and all, overseas aid is good, climate change is bad, health services are under-funded yadda yadda yadda.
I try to concentrate on the theology and ignore the politics; also avoid services where any risk of guitars & tambourines being involved.
I can’t remember which politician commented that JC himself had the good sense never to run for public office.
I’m CofE and not a great believer but I do appreciate the enormous spiritual and temporal gifts the church has given to England and believe that that should be maintained. Fortunately my local parish church still has a traditional service (Book of Common Prayer, proper choir and organist) and there’s very rarely any politicised preaching. People try to make out our Lord was some sort of idealist lefty but he clearly wasn’t, he said that the Kingdom of God is within us, not some sort of utopia that will be established if we would only buy enough fair trade coffee and let all the Jungle residents into Britain.
PM tonight. Eddie suggesting that The moderator of the Clinton Trump debate should be willing to step into the debate if Trump said anything untrue. Thankfully the US spokesman wasn’t having any of that. This is exactly in line with the liberal left’s campaign in this country to allow the BBC to ditch the impartiality rules during referenda , and probably during elections , so that they help their chosen lefties. Clearly the BBC is hoping to mobilise all the MSM across the entire west to combat the menace of populism! After all the plebs are causing problems in the UK, Germany,USA, France and in Poland and Hungary even the governments are rejecting the liberal elite globalist world view. This popular uprising must be crushed and the BBC is in the vanguard.
Hillary lies with impunity and they want to check Trumps facts……I don’t see the BBC shining a light on any of Hillarys long list of scandals.
Trumpaphobia. Fear of Donald. Affects 100% of BBC /Sky/C4 employees and there is no known cure.
It is the most important presidential debate in the U.S. (possibly) since the time of Abraham Lincoln, it is a straight choice between (extremely) Progressive left or conservative right, this isn’t about minor differences in public policy or foreign relations strategy – it is fundamental to the future of the U.S. and whether it will continue to accelerate down the road it’s currently on under Clinton, to become a sort of Brazil or whether it will apply the brakes and then turn around with Trump.
I heard that it will be a complete 90 minute debate without adverts or comfort breaks; if that is true then Clinton could really struggle due to her poor health.
If she comes a cropper: Trump could have this election sown up by Tuesday morning.
Clinton has not had to face a tough one-on-one debate for years and I think (and hope) that she will struggle with the Donald.
I do wish they’d cut the speculation
..All they need to do is wait until after the debate and report the what actually happened.
– Only interesting thing is that it’s 90 mins with no break, so Hillary will be drugged up to stop her falling over.
Is there anything they can’t blame Trump for? Even the slide of the FTSE 100 today: “The FTSE 100 is now down 1.3% – 87 points – at 6,821 points. Some analysts blame fears about the possibility that Donald Trump could still become US president.”
Of course in BBC-land the FTSE’s woes couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the troubles afflicting the Deutche Bank, could they?
Hmmm… let’s see… Do the graphs below look remotely similar? Oh wait, look, the DAX lost over 2% today, even more than the FTSE… how strange, nothing in the BBC’s comments about that…
Hmmm… do you think we might be better off outside the EU if the Deutche Bank is tanking? No no let’s not go there on the BBC… let’s blame Trump and/or Brexit if we can…
Deutche Bank

FTSE 100

(NB. The UK is 1 hour behind Europe, which explains why the big drop in Deutche Bank is between 9am and 10am, whilst the FTSE 100 slide starts at 8am UK time.)
(Hat tip to Breitbart)
Kate Hudson in The Advertiser.
BTL Insantity reigns
“IanMiddlehurst 9m ago
Trident is simply crazy. Is it even under British control?
And as for spending £205MM when we can’t even afford to build homes for our people, sorry this must stop.”
Nonsense Ian, we have plenty of homes for our people. It’s people who are not our people occupying them that is the problem.
At least one can always trust BBC subs to deliver… eventually…
Just heard Jon Snow putting down the cat litter for John McDonnell on his ghastly Channel 4 News.
McDonnell says there`ll be a renegotiation of Brexit-and he will be in league with the social democratic and socialist wings of the EU in Brussels to ensure…well no fracking, free money for all and a unicorn for every condom machine I think.
But Snow says this
” But you as a socialist party are in the ascendent, being so fast-growing an all-so how will you get Syriza and Poedemos so inspired to help you”.
That was the gist anyway.
John accepted that Labour were now REALLY important to us all-and especially to Europe-so this was a fair point Jon….that kind of thing.
Unbe-fuckin-lievable…but that is Jon Snow…cnut!
There really is no escaping the bBBC agenda! I’m a big fan of Radio 6 and sometimes feel that it is one of the only parts of the BBC that I would happily pay for… However that thought soon fades when the BBC news comes on. Thankfully its short but not short enough.
Item 1: White british taxi driver who may have killed more – is it me or is this story getting milked to death? I mean surely the Houston shooting would be more appropriate and current ‘news’.
Item 2: Police officers are deployed to Kos to search for boys remains in a field who went missing 25 years ago. Sorry if this sounds thoughtless towards the victims families but what is it with continually investigating these cases that happened 25 years ago, or Stephen Lawrence (23 years ago) or Madeleine Mccann (9 years ago)… Is this not in a time where police resources are continually stretched. Why are they spending vast amounts of public money on these cases? Similarly it’s very interesting that the public funded police are all too happy to send teams of people to places like Kos or Praia da Luz to “search” for evidence of cases that happened out of their jurisdiction…
Bang on TBT. They must be out of dead people to round up in operation moneytree.
And funny how its the South Yorkshire police AGAIN who have decided to investigate in Kos ? Who exactly is in charge of that force ? they appear to be the Keystone Cops of the British Police, farcical in their investigations of the Rotherham abuse, inept at the Cliff Richard debacle, and now they’re stampeding to Kos.
A few days away in the Sun will do them good………….
SKY Online News:
“”Aldi to invest £300m in UK stores following record sales””
BBC Online News:
“”Aldi posts record sales but profits drop””
Note how the BBC ‘omits’ the good Brexit news in their headline about the £300m investment. And omits Aldi’s 15% increase in market share.
An impartial observer might be tempted to think that the BBC is still fighting the Referendum that it lost. Get over it BBC!
BBC Online News:
“”John McDonnell vows ‘£10 real living wage in 2020″” (In 2020 Labour will not be in power).
“”In his keynote conference speech in Liverpool, Mr McDonnell said Labour had become a “government in waiting”” (They could be waiting for 20 years or more….).
“Under the next Labour government, everyone will earn enough to live on. When we win the next election we will write a real Living Wage into law”” (The next Labour goverment? They could be waiting 20 years or more…).
No opposing view from the BBC as regards their favourite Party.
I trust Mr McDonnell’s union “friends” have agreed not to pursue “differential” claims as a result!
Showing my age with that comment.
Yes and you can be sure that, had this been a Conservative proposal, Labour MPs would have been ten deep in the studio to give their reactions.
A can of pop will be £10 before McDonnell sees no11.
Besides, a £10/hr wage is still crappy if you don’t have a guaranteed contract. Zero hours at £10/hr still equals sweet fa. 6hrs with 4hrs waiting means spending the rest of the week trying to sort out your benefits claim.
A one way ticket to an even more massive black economy.
Car wash sir? Only a fiver. What’s that? Are we insured. Ha, ha, no need to worry about that sir. The air freshener is free though.
Robbing Peter to pay Peter
“Oh now I get £10/hr working at McDonalds”
..Oh how much is a burger “oh £15 each”
..Likewise when he goes down Tescos everything will cost more.
And the gov will be laughing cos higher wages , means higher tax take, whilst the inflation will be diminishing everyone’s savings.
(In a sensible world wages would stay the same and pensions would get cut, but gov can get the same effect by raising wages and whilst no changing pensions. Fact is that there is no magic pot of pension money, your contributions have already been spent)
One thing might end up happening is that the pound might devalue so much, that actually you £10 will buy you just $2US instead of $6US
hmmm £10 an hour funded by the tax payer helping out the employer some more.
why does everyone understand supply and demand until we start talking about wages
There is only one way to raise wages less people competing for jobs
How many small business owners will close shop, having decided that not banging their heads against the wall is a sensible option?
Small to medium enterprises are usually secured on the owners property. However, in Corbin’s nirvana, this thing called property belongs to him – alone. Welcome to Animal Farm.
Bye bye Labour and, hopefully, the BBC.
Um, wasn’t it the last Labour Treasury Minister who left the note to the Tories saying, ‘sorry, there’s no money left’ ? Has the Corbin/McDonnell team forgotten this.
Well, the Clinton camp will be sat in the wings now preparing their Hillary cadaver for its first unmanned stage appearance with the Donald. She’ll be warmed up with a gallon of Lance Armstrong’s blood, dressed & zip-tied to a scaffold pole, then stuffed full of Warferin, Ketamine & Amphetamine. On standby in the gods will be an American dentist armed with a high velocity hunting rifle loaded with a dart full of Epinephrine should her eyes go all Marty Feldman on her.
The broadcasters & world feed will be on a minutes delay so any cerebral malfunction can be dealt with and the audience made to disappear by David Copperfield.
A radio earpiece will be stuffed so deep into her right ear that it will block the view through to the left one. Obama will be passing answers to her through the receiver so expect long pauses every three words or so.
Siegfried & Roy will be the warm-up act & Montecore has been trained to maul Trump if he says Mexican wall (like the Dobermans in Columbo did)
So, alarm is set, dog trained to catch any flying shoes aimed at the telly. I shall watch with glee as the BBC post debate mass-debate spews out its pre-prepared arsenal of debate (there’s that word again) crushing lefty ammunition.
Can we order a side of wings to go with with the box of panty-pads for the BBC panel?
“She’ll be warmed up with a gallon of Lance Armstrong’s blood, dressed & zip-tied to a scaffold pole, then stuffed full of Warferin, Ketamine & Amphetamine.” LOL…
Its probably just going to be some sort of waxwork robot that will be doing hillary’s bit, watch out for the madame Taussads esq skin and careful not to watch in HD or you may be blinded. Question is though do I want to watch Channel 4’s live coverage or the BBCs…. God help me.
My prediction is a Brexit style “debate” whereby the audience is a handpicked Hillary audience and the questions at Hillary are complimentary and she is allowed to proceed uninterrupted… The Donald on the other hand I don’t beleive his time will be as easy but fingers crossed he’ll beat that geriatric invalid criminal that is Hillary Clinton.
Monday’s Morning’s Bias and Virtue Signal Bingo on R4
6:20 Biz prog had some Labour prof on : “and Brexit vote was driven austerity as well” An outrageous thing to say
(she first said “A lot of support for Corbyn comes from backlash againt austerity” well OK maybe)
6:30 It’s R4Today so bias is the norm.
9:00 Start The week Had a sneer at Trump in the middle
featured Gary Younge the Guardian writer that was on R4Today the other day slyly cherrypicking to mislead about Black Lives polce shootings
10:00 WH : ANOTHER item on women’s pay, Item on tonight’s debate only interviewed
11:00 A prog Defending UNESCO ..BBC like to help its friends
11:30 prog ended on Hadrian’s Wall making a quick joke about Trump’s wall
11:31 next prog begins with a joke about His-story being sexist
The BBC’s credibility oiltanker might be turning around.
There were some signs that made me raise their impartiality rating form 2/10 to 3/10
– Melvyn Bragg in one of his progs about the North, did quickly mention that “the grooming of girls in Rotherham goes unmentioned”
– And today on Women’s hour despite only invite a Clinton supporting US writer on (with no chance of them ever having a Trump supporter on), the presenter did actually question a couple of way out claims..believe me that is progress given WH;s low standards.
Like last week WH on Thursday did have a segment “Labour women”
..then on Friday r5 Your Call was ANOTHER one about Corbyn.
Then all the comedy progs, Newsquiz, Mock the week kept to the rule about having non-funny lines that sneer at UKIP.
On Fridays 11:30 comedy an Australian who kind of over stayed and slipped into a marriage to stay in the UK put a line in here autobiographical playlet sneering “I am the kind of immigrant that UKIP like”
Saturday – R4 celebrated a whites only theatre group on Friday
I forgot to mention that.
Oh did I say whites? I meant black
…appearently that kind of racism is OK to BBC Arts.
It was Jeffery Kissoon on Loose Ends on Saturday
..may have been on Front Row aswell
I can’t see the bBC reporting on either of the 2 tweets contained within the post below.
US: Stupid cow paints herself white in which to make a BLM protest
The Graun’s headline is: A truly balanced view from the BBC: don’t blame us for Brexit.
by BBC’s Director of News, James Harding
He gets a good kicking in the comments
originally posted by @Guest Who September 26, 2016 at 4:16 am
Worth reposting cos it was stuck at the end of the last thread
😉 tx.
It’s their shared editorial integrity values that most impress.
Here’s another ‘doesn’t really work for the BBC so he can say what he likes and we’re in the clear’ ‘journalist’ at his impartial best:
A key point is well made…
I am absolutely astounded that, after all the comments posted on regarding the BBC’s attitude towards Donald Trump, the last comment was posted by StewGreen on September 27, 2016 at 1:07 am.
I was expecting many comments on the US Presidential Debate that began just after 2am. As it is, I’m alone.
Fear not. Help is at hand. Astound no more.
Thank you Guest Who, I will always love woo. XXX
Bouncy times on the beeb sofa this morning as Hilliar-y is deemed to have beaten Trump in the “debate”.
Louise Munchkin was squeaking with delight.
Ooh now they are on to fracking, not sure I can handle the bias.
Others have commented before on the bias in the World Service, where it’s as if the BBC is more biased when they don’t think many people are looking. A good example today was the round up on the Trump Clinton debate . I missed the Democrat being interviewed, but I did get to hear the Republican be interviewed, who made it clear from the start that he was against Trump. So that’s BBC balance, a Democrat who is against Trump followed by a Republican who is against Trump.
The BBC’s excuse for the World Service is that it somehow gives a good impression of Britain around the world. This is, of course, complete and utter nonsense. What it does it portray this country as some sort of Leftist cesspit peopled solely by Guardian readers. It is wholly unrepresentative of the UK and far from being an advert for the country, is likely to make many dismiss us as juvenile halfwits.
GCooper, and brimming with immigrants as any visitor to London and many other cities would accept.
Yes and worse still, with a history of having made programmes deliberately designed to encourage migration to the UK!
Yes, GCooper, that is quite correct, and is something that has greatly concerned me for two or three decades. It is shocking that Britain’s shop window, the World Service, is not only populated and run by a leftish cabal, but that so many of the presenters and commentators appear to be profoundly ignorant juveniles completely unaware of their own inadequacies. Much of the content and presentation would be embarrassing in a 5th form debating society. Its original (and correct) remit was to broadcast from a stance of promoting British and western democratic values, but ever since it decided it would become “The World’s Radio Station”, it wants to act as the voice for all nations. This is wrong in principle, and in fact impossible to carry out. This is a comment I made in 2009: “The BBC World Service used to be a shining beacon of impartiality, balance and good taste, but has now become the worst of the worst. It is now a dumbed-down mish-mash of multi-culti, anti-American, anti-West, anti-Israel, anti-Christian left-liberal bias, often hosted by presenters having apparently little knowledge of the subject they are presenting, and half the time sounding like gabbling teenagers. It is an embarassment.” A return to adult, authoritative broadcasting is urgent, and can now only be forced by government. Priti Patel might have the courage to start the change, and she needs to be encouraged to do so.
I absolutely agree. I also object to the deliberate selection of foreign presenters and journalists by the World Service. As you say, it simply cannot pretend to represent ‘the world’ – it can only represent the UK and, as such, should make sure those broadcasting on it are not grinding axes that have nothing whatsoever to do with Britain.
Just watched Kay Burley on SkyNews brazenly state that Clinton won the Debate handsdown according to the Washington village and political commentators. I’m not sure what the BBC say but can guess.
This slightly more factual report would suggest otherwise:
BBC iPlayer login will be required from 2017
“From Tuesday, BBC ID holders also have to add a postcode to their account information.”
“The inclusion of a postcode as part of the new compulsory sign-up information certainly suggests it could be a way of alerting TV licensing to homes that currently don’t have a licence but are watching the iPlayer.”
Or…..everyone just uses Buckingham Palace postcode?!?
“The BBC has said “significant numbers of new people” have bought a licence since the new rules came into effect.”
That’s probably to do with immigration and nothing else.
The article finishes with…
“Tony Hall, BBC director general, said: “By learning about what you want and like we can take you to more of the great programmes you love, stories you might be interested in and content you might otherwise never have discovered.
“This is a real transformation – reinventing public service broadcasting for the digital age.” ”
‘reinventing public service broadcasting’?!? I think the director general is a bit disillusional.
“we can take you to more of the great programmes you love, stories you might be interested in and content you might otherwise never have discovered”.
That leaves the licence payer with Hobson’s Choice.
Worse than Hobson’s choice. At least he didn’t keep sending his ‘enforcement officers’ to peoples homes every 2 weeks because they decided not to use his service.
I do hope that Hall visits this site .
There will be a judicial n inquiry one day and he will be called to account.
This then, is a great demonstration of BBC hypocrisy, something it has & does by the skip-full: .
Bewildered over data use?
No BBC. We can see exactly where you are coming from, precisely what you are up to.
Great to see that password is being required to view BBC, cos that’s the start of the BBC SUBSCRIPTION pay4view service
..Soon to be followed by the abolishment of the TV tax per household ..we hope.
That’ll hopefully knock some sense into the BBC’s bias
Not even the pretence of balance as the BBC Breakfast sofa welcomes three potential US voters to opine on Trump-Clinton. As it turns out we have two Greens and a self-confessed life-long Hillary supporter. All happy, we are reassured, by the prior consumption of BBC bagels. This is the kind of “Vox Our Sort of Pop” the BBC has honed to a tee. Nice people. Our sort of left-liberal people. As for representation of the other side of the argument the BBC have to rely on out-sourcing – a dodgy skype link which inevitably cuts out and brings us – intermittently – a preppy somewhat nerdy chap with a portrait of Reagan on his wall. The supposed balance is completely tokenistic and disadvantaged.
It was the same on the World Service last night. A completely anti-Trump ‘interviewer’ a black, rabid anti-Trump ‘freelance journalist’ and a a newspaper hack who was, guess what? Also rabidly anti-Trump.
I’m no fan of Trump but I know how such nonsense would make me want to vote..
Radio Al Beeb Wales this AM . Mention that Trump might win in the same way that Brexit won – “a vote against the establishment”.
Well Al Beeb, ‘Brexit was not a vote against the establishment’ – it was a vote to get out of the Undemocratic Union of European States’ creeping domination of our Great Britain.
It was about our sovereignty, control of our borders and control of who can come in to this nation.
Keep plugging away
BBC London News throw away one of their three precious head line stories this morning on the entrance pricing arrangements for the Turner Prize. Needless to say this annual event is being heavily covered right across the BBC.
One guesses this sort of free advertising is never without cost – rest assured BBCers will be wined and dined and feted within the grateful state-funded arts community.
And the ‘arts’ are a good thing for the whole of British society, right?
‘Senior professionals working in the creative industries are overwhelmingly in support of Britain staying in the EU, according to a survey of members of the Creative Industries Federation (CIF).’
‘The poll of CIF members, who work in the arts, creative industries and cultural education, has revealed that 96% intend to vote to remain in the EU while barely 4% are in favour of leaving.’
The BBC gleefully unrestrained in their declaration that last night’s US Presidential Debate was an unmitigated win for Hillary. Well, no surprises there. And to be objective, they are right. Trump was clearly either unprepared or just mugged by an opponent more seasoned, better informed and rather more restrained.
Trump doesn’t do himself any favours – he is quite literally his own worst enemy (something that anyone who watches his live rallies knows already). Look, I don’t want to see a Clinton in The White House (again), but I struggle with the possibility of seeing Trump there instead.
This video from Sam Harris (Liberal/Libertarian) really sums up my mixed feelings about Trump. Having watched Trump in countless rallies, I’m forced to admit that almost everything Harris says here about Trump is true. And this is very troubling.
The Future for European cities?
And set to get worse day after day:
A surreal few momemts on Toady R4 this morning.
Mischel ‘useless’ Hussein interviewed some female student Trot and raised the issue of the ‘safe space’ hypocrisy on university campuses.
Said trot became totally tongue tied and unintelligible, a real ‘Dave Spart’ moment, eventually resorting to the usual Marxist trick of speaking quickly in convoluted sentences and mixing up ideas.
Later, in a discussion about the Labour ban on fracking, ‘useless’ elicited that the Labour representative had absolutely no answer to even his own admitted statistics that we would still need a whole load of gas in 2030, which therefore, because of the Labour fracking ban, would have to be totally imported. And then he did a version of the student trot above with a risible double-speak offering.
So ‘useless’, looking at an empty net, did manage to score two goals.
Proof that, if even she can score, Labour really are in total la-la land.
Sluff, they always have been and will always be in, ‘…total la-la land’. Without their coterie of brainwashed, ‘children’ supporters, they’d be nowhere.
And today we have imported our first…..tanker-full of fracked gas (from the US).
Yet another one for the ‘You couldn’t make it up’ archives (rapidly filling a warehouse the size of 400 football pitches as we speak).