AND-quite literally-400,000 school teachers are now in danger of “mid morning starvation” now that children at their Breakfast Clubs are hoovering up the croissants and eggs benedict…teachers are now reduced to fishing old bins for stale cake-or indeed the dodgy biscuits made by the charity quango department that might once have bee Home Economics( now it`s Food Technology-which end of a knife does Abdul need to use if he wants to lever off the top of the the Lyons Syrup tin?)
Dig deep for starving teachers-our first campaign Support our Lefty?
Don’t forget Our Junior Doctors, Friend Chris, who are now literally being forced to work 95-hour weeks on Zero Hour Contracts for poverty pay, while the totally unelected Bullingdon Bully Boy, the widely-hated May, sadistically quaffs champagne whilst literally burning £50 notes in front of them.
Nor Comrade SOL should we forget the CONSULTANTS in our Glorious NHS Battalions.
Was it not only a fortnight ago when the hated and fascist Tory Scum DARED to imply that our golf-putting, stethoscope waving fraternity were not exactly putting in the hours, leaving their operations to junior docs and pharmacy students and coining it in after work.
How dare we question their integrity, let alone dare to ask what exactly they`re getting paid for this moonlighting on the Lump as we used to call it as brickies in the 70s?
No SOL-like BBC talent-ours not to reason or question why our betters need not only their mouths stuffed by Corbyns Gold…but every available orifice.
Your legions stand foursquare behind you Great Hellmanns…can I be your Blunkett “sympathy” air freshener on the charabanc of greatness…one failed 11 plus angry oaf reporting for duty…sah!
All this in return for a minutes playing footsie with Angela Eagle, or sniffing Bisto with Yvette Cooper…all those principal boys but not a principle in sight…what a great series of panto sketches though eh.
Chakrabarti truly the end-of-peer show of this last season.
This is not something the BBC has been reporting on when covering migration, especially given its pro mass migration stance !
It looks like the people of Egypt are waking up to the fact that the EU is a land of milk and honey, and its leaders are so terminally stupid that they are prepared to allow unlimited number of useless ‘doctors & engineers’ into the continent to suckle at the teat. They know that so long as they set off in a flimsy dangerous boat, the EU is so insane that it will give them a free taxi ride to Italy.
This however is not going to last forever. The Italian referendum is coming and Italy is already overrun with migrants who are causing as many problems as they are in Germany. If the vote goes against the Italian PM then it is highly likely Italy will leave the Euro zone leading to its collapse, and possibly leave the EU too.
These are scary times, and they have been brought about by two things in the same people. Greedy for Saudi money leading them to remove leaders who would have been better left in place, and a total spineless inability to confront the problem in any meaningless way.
I was interested to learn that there are some 3,000 French businesses in the UK and around 400,000 French citizens living here.
The businesses benefit from tax advantages so they’re out there waving Euro flags and protesting Brexit.
You are right – that kind of comment is a tricky one for the Beeb.
The BBC continues to push the story of our divided nation and how it is inextricably linked to EU membership. That a ‘NO’ vote was a protest by the un-educated, under privileged poor and the intelligent, wealthy racists.
You will not hear on the BBC that a ‘NO’ vote was a positive vote by freedom loving patriots who believe that a thousand years of history stands for something and that the cost in blood and treasure should not be disregarded so lightly.
I am not being negative, gaxvil but there’s a hell of a lot of people the UK has got to ship out (preferably in unsafe rubber boats) before the ‘thousand years of history’ succession can be realised fully.
The problem with Trump is that many are viewing him in the same way the left viewed the Obummermessiah – an embodiment of the change they want to see in society – but of course that change never happens because the President is really just a figurehead and if he becomes POTUS it is highly likely that the promises he makes won’t be kept. The best he or she can do is bring about a sort of mood-change in the country, rather than actual change.
The main advantage of Trump is that he will send the liberal/left media into meltdown. This may be funny for us at first, but after a while it will just get very, very tedious. Every announcement he makes will be greeted by the left in the same way that the Leave vote was greeted on referendum day.
The next President will get to appoint two or three Supreme Court Justices. The role these people have on American life is huge, in the way they interpret the Constitution. If Hillary Clinton wins, her extreme left wing malice will live on for years after she ceases to be President, by virtue of her Supreme Court appointments. For this reason if for no other, a Trump win is essential for the survival of the USA in any sort of recognisable form.
Just watching Al Beeb news and its pretty clear that they are giving Trump the same ‘treatment’ as they gave Farage.
Two stooges acting out a pretend independent view on the debate, a game of charades .
It looks as if the end result could be the same – Al Beeb get it wrong again?
I wonder when, if ever, the BBC will realise that they are talking to themselves in a left wing echo chamber?
It’s a rhetorical question of course. The only time reality will ever bite is when the money runs out, and as long as they can extort £4 billion a year from the British people on pain of imprisonment, the left wing merry-go-round will never stop.
Seems to be the ‘hot’ topic at the moment to be sure but is it really of interest to the wider population – really?
A little while ago it was celeb’s child abuse and sex assaults – stories on that seem to have disappeared.
“”First US shale gas arrives at Ineos plant in Scotland””
“”The first shipment of US shale gas is arriving in Scotland amid a fierce debate about the future of fracking in the UK”” (There’s no fierce debate. But BBC/Labour don’t want cheap fuel).
“”But many politicians and environmental groups have criticised the shipment”” (Many politicians? Do you mean the Labour Party?).
“”Unconventional oil and gas extraction remains controversial in the UK, with the UK Labour Party following Scottish Labour in backing a ban on fracking if it wins the next general election”” (There you go. The Labour Party again on self-destruct).
“”Mary Church, head of campaigns at Friends of the Earth Scotland, said: “It is completely unacceptable to attempt to prop up Ineos’s petrochemicals plants on the back of human suffering and environmental destruction across the Atlantic””
“”The fact that Scottish public money is tied up in this project is disgraceful””
“”Setting aside the devastating local impacts of fracking, the climate consequences of extracting yet more fossil fuels are utterly disastrous””
“Yawn” indeed said the listeners to the BBC Five Live phone in : “Your Call: Fracking – do we need it?”
For once they opened a Facebook post so their Magical Thinking Greeny mates could post from their solar panel selling offices, but only 5 people posted.
Millions in subsidies, millions on brainwashing : guess what percentage of the ENTIRE UK energy comes from solar and wind (not including burning rubbish) ?
Bristol Somalian traffickers raping girls as young as 12….The Sun reported this early yesterday evening, one maybe could forgive BBC Points West for not reporting it at 6.30 but definitely not for omitting such a big local story from the 10,30 bulletin, not a word. Instead they led (not surprisingly) on ‘The Future of Bristol’s Labour MPs’ (the solitary 3 in the West Country).
Just a reminder of the defendants, diversity is wonderful….(and the BBC are cants…)
Sakariya Sheikh, 23, known as “Zak”
Abdirahman Galal, 26, known as “Ramsey”
Mohammed Osman, 29, known as “I-Man”
Mohammed Dahir, 24, known as “Kamal”
Nuridin Mohamoud, 22, known as “Ahmed”
Abdirashid Abdulahi, 23, known as “Abs” or “Older Abs”
Nasir Mahamoud, 23, known as “Ace”
Just before the Clinton v Trump debate Jon Sopel had this to say:
“With Donald Trump we know plenty of what, but little of how. So we know what he wants to do, to bring back manufacturing jobs, kick out illegal immigrants, and ban most Muslims, but have no idea how he’s going to do that”
There is a very funny story from the BBC in today’s DT. The Now Show has dropped Jon Holmes and Mitch Benn because they are white males. It wants more women and ethnic minorities on the show – apologies to the show’s producers, the correct term is for “increased diversity”.
I doubt the programme will be any funnier, but this story is comedy genius. White males who have demanded we embrace diversity are sacked to improve diversity. Who will be the next white male to be thrown overboard?
But the Now show was already very diverse
extreme-lefty, extreme-lefty, extreme-lefty, extreme-lefty, extreme-lefty,
and I think a normal-lefty
..and almost all were brought up in middle class families.
Holmes and benn two bbc loving lefties who promoted this crap and are now getting a dose of reality a bit like clive lewis yesterday when he realised the future was the gulag. Holmes was on the wright stuff a few weeks back discussing nigel farage sharing a stage with the donald but instead of discussing he just took the piss out of farages name and this smug clown won sony awards. A gervais clone that loves the sound of his own laugh. The left are eating themselves whole.
Absolutely brilliant. But it’s good to see the friendly fire from the PC brigades is non gender-specific, as with poor old Germaine Greer (amongst others):
Cardiff University students tried to ban the feminist icon Germaine Greer because she once wrote that a man who was castrated would not behave like a woman, which was construed as offensive to transsexuals……Maryam Namazie, a prominent human rights campaigner who is one of the signatories to the letter, was initially banned from speaking at Warwick University because she is an atheist who, it was feared, could incite hatred on campus. She spoke at Warwick in the end.
I expect they will be replaced by Romesh Ranganathan and Katherine Ryan. It seems to be the law that they have to appear on every panel show. It’s certainly nothing to do with being funny.
“A spokesman for The Now Show said: ‘We’d like to thank both Jon Holmes and Mitch Benn for their excellent and memorable contributions to The Now Show over the past years, but our comedy shows are constantly evolving and it is time to create opportunities for new regulars as the show returns this autumn.”
So again the BBC get to wheel out an anonymous anyone (Tealady?) to intone the usual bs and sail blissfully on, with new, regular, not white males, evolutionarily speaking. Darwin would be pr… issing himself.
Who cares ?
I gave up on the Now Show like I gave up on the News Quiz, Question Time, Any Questions, The World at One, PM Etc., Etc..
If I want crap in my ears I just stop using the Earex.
Random switch-on Bingo : Win
1:35pm Radio 4 News : voice first heard was Jon Lansman (founder/head of Momentum)
Labour PR team, BBC journalists they don’t waste money by having 2 sets of offices when just 1 will do.
I bet they often share the same home as well : Mr & Mrs, or Mr and Mr
Today’s things BBC forgets to report :
#1 Seven Somali men on trial as girls as young as 12 were ‘given drugs … The Sun-18 hours ago
I guess BBC got a bit bored cos they did report the last time a Somali Sex Gang was tried in Bristol in 2014 “Bristol sex gangs jailed for grooming girls”
Pg 8 of Times ‘Don’t tell the school the birth country of your children, cos it might get leaked to immigration authorities’ say Liberty and 20 other NGOs. DM
… I would have thought it 100% necessary for a school to be sure of the nationality of a child before they spend the UK tax money that is allocated for children legally in the UK.
Shami was doing her usual bratty teenager stance when brillo grilled her. eyes darting all over the place looking for her safe space. It couldn’t happen to a nicer cretin. The little weasel was so up herself she thought she was above being asked these questions. It was a case of ‘do you know who i am’. Yes we do luv and i see a lying devious little toad in front of me and speaking of toads the emir was finishing his speech to the comrades on the tv in the background behind her.
Diane abbott followed and brillo was just enjoying himself talking to that idiot while she spouted complete garbage. Shes not worth talking about.
The BBC have ,as expected , called the US Presidential debate for Clinton along with all the liberal commentators, but they have been strangely muted in victory for their gal. You can see why when you look at the snap polls of what the American public thought , most of which give victory to Trump by a wide margin. It is just like the discussion and polls after the Farage Clegg debate a couple of years ago, the liberal left commentariat believing that their man had won it but the people thinking otherwise. Roll on Trump to victory in the election and another blow, a massive blow even bigger than Brexit, to the global liberal left elite. But if Trump looks like winning the election we can’t rule out dirty tricks trying to swing the vote for Clinton. After all we had our own attempts to subvert Brexit, keeping registration open for an extra few days and the disgusting exploitation of Jo Cox’s murder as being racist and leave inspired. We have seen the liberals in Austria fiddle the vote and now delay it again. The liberal left will try anything to stop Trump. I hope that his security is good.
Very interesting…so reminiscent of our referendum. CNN saying Hillary won, snap polls on internet saying opposite. Which was true here – every internet poll I saw had Brexit winning by a mile. There is hope! I’ve only watched a 3 min segment on Sky news, and Trump isn’t great but considering her experience she is awful. I can’t think why anyone would trust her – except those that will vote democrat no matter what.
Yes, dirty tricks time, which occurred to me when I read online that the Houston shooter was dressed in a Nazi uniform (remind anyone of anything?..). Not sure how much truth in that. Maybe he was on the way to a fancy dress party, or maybe it’s quite normal over there. I’m surprised he wasn’t in a KKK outfit.
The Grand Old Duke of York
He had 10,000 men
And every one was a BBC employee
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack jumped over the candlestick
Silly boy, he should have jumped higher
Now he’s suing the makers of the candle for making their wick too long
Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet
Her knickers all tattered and torn
It wasn’t the spider that sat down beside her
It was a bunch of mentally ill Norwegians
Poor show Demon, you have under-represented the transgender community.
We were thinking about them back in the 1970s. From where came…
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack jumped over the candlestick
Alas Jack didn’t clear the flame
And now he’s known as Auntie Mame.
‘Signs of Brexit panic at the BBC? The Corporation’s Director-General, Lord Hall, has agreed to review the Beeb’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on June 23 — and Hall was unable to do so! The parliamentarians included Ukip peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Philip Hollobone. Pearson hails Hall’s decision as a significant blow against ‘those at the top of the BBC who wish to see the referendum result reversed’.
Surely one of the most important stories ever : Political establishment makes step to holds BBC to account.
The Arrogance …and the Humbling
Now we have the humbling with that Sebastian Shakespeare’s 7 lines about Lord Hall in his DM column quoted above, after first we had that incredibly arrogant article by BBC News Head James Harding in Guardian
“A truly balanced view from the BBC: don’t blame us for Brexit”,
that Alan unfortunately buried away at the end of the Bad Losers article
…Alan concluded
The BBC of course sees its job as precisely that, over-seeing the democratic process, guiding the voters to the ‘right’ conclusions…even if that means shutting out the ‘unacceptable voices’ from the debate, hiding the facts and promoting only the narrative, views and ideas that the BBC approves of.
A very interesting snippet from today’s D/Mail……….
Signs of Brexit panic at the BBC ? The Corporation’s Director-General, Lord Hall, has agreed to review the Beeb’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on 23 June – and Hall was unable to do so ! The parliamentarians included UKIP peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Phillip Hollobone. Pearson hails Hall’s decision as a significant blow against “those at the tope of the BBC who wish to see the referendum result reversed “.
Well, well well !
“The decision not to prosecute Sir Cliff Richard over claims of historical sex offences has been upheld, the Crown Prosecution Service has announced.”
I hope Sir Cliff now pursues his accusers with the same alacrity as they did to him .
Good luck Sir Cliff I say ……
Daily Politics today and Shami “whitewash + peerage” Chakrabarti gets a grilling from Neil in which she does not emerge smelling of integrity. I expected more competence in the slippery department from a lawyer – check it out for yourself but very, very unconvincing half answers:
Thanks for the post Soyel – Some truly delicious moments in there – It looked to me a number of times that she was soiling herself = Brilo definitely the smiling assassin in that one.
She was definitely rattled – I thought at one moment she was going to say to Brillo “Dont you know who I am – How dare you question me after all everyone in the Labour movement thinks I am brill!
I am afraid her performance in that interview appears to have done very little to expunge the faint, unwholesome whiff of corruption which currently seems to be following her wherever she goes. It appeared to me to be a bit of a “whited sepulcher” moment. With the lauded Saint Shami filibustering, being generally disingenuous and trying to hide behind her twin set and chi chi hair do – All to no avail.
I would have had much more respect for her if she had said ” yeah well what we have is a weak party leader with many uncontrollable anti Semite members who have both said and done some pretty unpleasant things – but Jeremy said I could have a peerage if I helped him to wipe it all away and keep the lid on things for a bit! ” – Well Shammi you failed on that despite the peerage.
I suppose its all very unsurprising really – Typical over educated lefty, Nose in the air and resentful at hard questioning but always quick to skweem waycist at the slightest excuse and generally hector others over their lack of morality and accountability. But it appears that as soon as she offered a few establishment baubles she appears to morph into a the left wing establishment lick spittle that most of us always thought she was.
Shameful really Shami – but I expect thats an emotion you have never felt.
I thought Shami was a kind of kebab or window rag?
But seriously, I think we need loads more foreigners to point out the error of our ways. They blub about the rise of the Right but do their damnedest to encourage such reactions.
I would say most ardent lefties are praying for some sort of right wing outrage so they can justify even more control and anti freedom measures. Keep throwing enough “banderillas” into the bull and guess what he eventually charges at you. Makes the “heroic” matador look even braver if he manages to kill the poor enraged animal that had no choice in its fate.
Same principal with the Bank of Englands Chief Funkster “Mark the Microphone” Carney – you can almost create whatever situation you want (depending on your audience) if you talk any situation up or down enough.
I am afraid with most of these shits the end always justifies the means.
Liberty indeed!
As regards foreigners pointing out the error of our ways – I assume you are talking about that clown Junker. I am afraid whether we like it or not I would consider the delightful Shami definitely British – Just a pity she has made a career about biting the hand that feeds her!
I should think that there are a loads of decent Anglo Indians who are totally embarrassed with people like Shami Chakriwotsit who obviously use their obvious ethnicity to make political points on a regular basis.
I know SC was Director of Liberty for 13 years, but apart from ‘campaigning’ and ‘invited to speak’ what did she ACTUALLY achieve ? She has a fistful of honorary doctorates and awards for God knows what, but what has she done apart from appearing on tv and being interviewed on the radio. Whilst watching a moving report on the Victoria Derbyshire show about abandoned wives in the Indian community and the beatings, honour killings and rapes that take place in that culture, I wondered whether Shami Chakrabati did any campaigning for their cause, seeing as its her heritage, cos I sure as hell have never heard about it. No love, you sit in the House of Lords with your ermine cape congratulating yourself how well you’ve done, and sod those poor young girls who are considered outcast in India while their ‘husbands’ are here in the UK creating new families.
“what has she done apart from appearing on tv and being interviewed on the radio.”
She took part in Danny Boyle’s left wing love fest which was the Olympic opening ceremony. Apparently she is one of the people who represent the best of Britain.
That faint sound you can hear in the distance is the rest of the world laughing at us.
Labour have lost their way. They are betraying loyal, real hard working people who look to them to represent them in parliament .
I would hazard a bet, that most in the present Labour party have never done a real days work in their lives .
They are the sons and daughters of middle class toffs who are rebelling against their parents .
Vote UKIP you know it the only way .
Taffman, I’m sure Labour are really all on UKIP’s payroll. So, from that perspective, I really don’t care what Utopian values they all share with us just so long as the common sense of the public comes to the fore again come election time.
Thanks for posting that, it was most enjoyable. Have never liked the slippery Chakrabarti; the eternal apologist for some of the most vile characters infesting this planet.
Let me make a very easy prediction, the Labour Party will one day regret looking the other way regarding anti-Semitism within its rank and file just to garner the Muslim vote. Chukka and the rest need to break away now if they are ever to form a viable opposition. Whilst I enjoy watching the left consume itself this country needs a proper opposition to whoever is in power and Corbyn’s menagerie of hard-left cronies ain’t it.
Totally agree Steve – A sensible and viable opposition is always good for democracy as it makes it unlikely that any ruling party would be able to push through any anti democratic/freedom of speech measures without serious opposition and objection.
Unfortunately the only opposition we have at the moment is the state run broadcaster which seems to operate on the basis of some arcane Trotskyist agenda where true freedom of speech is definitely not encouraged.
“Chukka and the rest need to break away now if they are ever to form a viable opposition.”
Our first past the post voting system makes this unlikely. The fact that Ukip got 4 million votes and one MP shows it.
For this reason, both main parties in Britain are coalitions, often uneasy ones. Look at the Conservatives, who go from Tebbit all the way down to Heseltine. They are both Conservatives, but I expect they agree on almost nothing.
I’d like you to be right Steve but how many Jews are there in the Calais jungle, or on those boats across the Med.?
The statistics are such that for the foreseeable future, a good wodge of Labour anti-semitism will do very nicely in supporting the block vote in their favour from that religion that Al Beeb likes to continually advertise ad nauseum, except when its supporters commit atrocities of course, at which point Al Beeb mysteriously discover the perpetrators are vulnerable young people with mental health issues yet just cannot quite work out their religious affiliations.
Don’t forget the universities. Labour leaning now to a man and woman and very definitely anti Israel/Semitic . Look how the university towns vote. No accident that shithole Exeter sends the only labour MP to Westminster in the SouthWest.
Anti Semitism is now part of labour’s DNA.
What would be very interesting for those researchers employed by the BBC is to investigate how many students are registered to vote at their “university” and home addresses. Something which postal voting has made into a potentially easy double vote.
The change in registration requirements has, at least, ended the Universities automatically registering those who live in Halls of residence.
Red dress. Lippy. A bit of cleavage. What has come over Chakibutty?
Is she trying to appeal to White Van Man, in a way Emily Thornbery can never do, for various reasons?
Great cringeworthy train crash interview. Great performance from Brillo.
Car crash ? A bloody train wreck !
I would say that brillo was told to ‘no holds barred’ . Hall is a worried man and has to prove Al Beeb is unbiased .
Horse and stable door ?
I smell panic.
I see the Emir of London was speaking at the Labour Party Nuremburg rally today. He still wasn’t wearing a tie. He hasn’t worn one since he was elected as far as I know.
I wonder if that’s because some extreme muslims think the tie is a Christian symbol? I suppose I shall have to keep wondering, because there is no chance anyone from the MSM will ever ask him.
Here in London this prat is being binged up as the new messiah. He was talking about extending the ultra low emission zone out to the north circular while at the same time complaining why London is so expensive and blameing the tortes. . If this lunatic idea goes ahead London will be a no go zone for cars. He’s doing the same as livingstone by playing games with this green slime fest.
30 minutes of BBC Points West from their studios in Bristol, absolutely no mention of the girls as young as 12 who were repeatedly raped, sexually abused and trafficked for sex in……Bristol…
The trial (at Bristol Crown Court) obviously ain’t happening….
I’ll remind you of the accused names…
Sakariya Sheikh, 23, known as “Zak”
Abdirahman Galal, 26, known as “Ramsey”
Mohammed Osman, 29, known as “I-Man”
Mohammed Dahir, 24, known as “Kamal”
Nuridin Mohamoud, 22, known as “Ahmed”
Abdirashid Abdulahi, 23, known as “Abs” or “Older Abs”
Nasir Mahamoud, 23, known as “Ace”
Where is that over blown, over funded NSPCC on FGM?
Where is the other bloated charity the RSPCA on Halal?
Where are the feminists on the absurd way that our immigrants treat their women, making them dress in the absurd attire we see ?
The bbc still trawling the depths for negative brexit stories. They have reached a new low this time though. How desperate must they be to get the former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis to come on the toady show and tell us “brexit was a mistake” and that “Facilitating and deepening a crisis in Europe is going to bite you.” Well I suppose Greece are past masters of facilitating a crisis in Europe, no?
I did not hear the Toady show but YV quoted in the DT as saying “The Eurozone is utterly unsustainable. The problem is structural; the architecture of the Eurozone is simply not capable of sustaining itself.”
He suggested it could lead to a German led group using a new DM while a group of southern European nations is left in penury.
Did the BBC interviewer get beyond his Brexit thoughts?
One of the many positives to the Eu pushed by the BBC has been the free, complementary exchange of ideas, which has not been possible between countries before. Apparently.
In this spirit I enjoy the upward spiral of entertainment often generated between this site and others, with results that so often seem greater than the sum of the parts:
I’m sure the death of Simon Peres in Israel will merit a dedicated thread, such is the anti semitic bias of the BBC.
It starts with Mischal Hussein (?) giving a very hostile interview with the Israeli Ambassador Mark Regev. It is disgraceful following the death of a man who won a Nobel Peace Prize, even if they are something of a joke these days.
I can recall no other interview following the death of a senior statesman which has been conducted in such a hostile & irreverent manner.
I’ll just say here what I said there. So Sarah Palin makes a valid observation regarding her country’s mounting debt and this guy just behaves like your typical grievance monger managing to find offence where there is none. Ideal characteristics for BBC recruitment.
You have to hand it to Nadiya Hussain (Greatest Ever Winner of the Great and Wonderous Great British Bake Off) she has the platitudinous side-step evasion off pat.
Our Nadiya this morning fielding questions about a possible desertion to Channel 4 as though she’s been coached by a pro – perhaps Labour-Lawyer-Peer Shami Chakrabarti did the PR training?
Question neatly swerved but the door for the deal still left handily ajar.
Talking of coaching – whilst pale white and tubby England coaches blabber incontinently about their bungs so you can read them like a book – our Nadiya manages to plug her new book on the BBC gratis without giving the viewer the slightest hint of impropriety. Perhaps a lesson or two from JK Rowling?
Stephen Kinnock this morning – “We need as much immigration as we can possibly get” !
Idiotic statements about non xenophobic societies, and cohesive society which will inevitably fail, and which will inevitably be blamed on White British people who will be persecuted even more harshly than before.
When challenged about the statement made by another Labour MP that this policy risked stirring unrest the Fascist Kinnock basically said that people would be forced by Labour to accept it.
Astonishing stuff, and it just makes me wonder how long it will be before Labour are advocating the establishment of the Gulags for those who do not agree with them.
Thoughtful, I listened intently to the interviews on BBC Today earlier. Kinnock, Corbyn and the rest. Breathtaking, unmitigated arrogance. ‘The voters will do as we demand’ or, ‘we can bribe them with their own money’ to resume unlimited immigration seems to be the only lingering thought before I’d heard enough and shut the radio off in desperation.
Corbyn’s Toady interview just marks the start of flushing him out on policy detail or in fact the lack of it. But just the headlines that he has come up with are enough to ensure he and his party are doomed. Michael Foot’s Labour had a manifesto as a suicide note (‘the longest in history’). Corbyn and MacDonald don’t need that, just a few minutes giving a radio interview or a speech.
The charge sheet against them is truly damning and bound to alienate all but the 300,000 cult followers who voted for Corbyn – attack on private property rights (wealth tax), shareholders losing control of companies (workers dictating whether companies can be sold, restrictions on dividend payments), borrowing £500 billion ( no clue who from or what the debt service costs will be), continued uncontrolled immigration, immigration hardship fund for councils (no details of how much, how it would work), restoration of legal rights for trade unions to disrupt the economy, continued dumbing down of education by worshiping at the comprehensive altar and banning bright working class kids having an escape route via grammars etc etc
Good comment from a caller to Nick Ferrari’s show this morming.
The caller suggested that J. Corbyn could kill two birds with one stone today. He could give a magnificent speech to the LP conference and be appointed as England manager.
He could get rid of the goalkeeper and defenders because we don’t need any defence, get rid of the strikers because we’re not going to attack anybody and just have eleven left wingers.
Today R4, Yes – I think that those with ears did hear.
German and Italian banks in trouble with negative interest rates. The Euro in crisis.
Our economy doing fine but BOE needs to raise interest rates for savers and to send a positive message. And finally, the Corbin, too important to be questioned delivering garbage through obviously gritted teeth.
Sarah Montague to Corbin R4 ‘Today:”But what should people think about the fact that Trump could be elected President?”.
Well, heck Sarah I’d prefer you did not ask that tit in tit’s clothing what he believes I should think about anything.
“A gang of schoolboys have been filmed launching a vile race attack on an Asian boy before uploading the video online branding it ‘smash a p*ki’.
Police say they are treating it as a hate crime and add that two boys have been arrested after footage of the attack in Edinburgh emerged.
Shocked politicians and anti-racism campaigners described the attack in Edinburgh as despicable, vicious and vile, the Daily Record reports.”
Meanwhile, South Yorkshire police and politicians say there was “nothing racist” about gangs of Pakistani men raping and torturing 1400 underage British girls in Rotherham
Random switch-on BBCBias Bingo : Win :
“What’s the policy Jeremy Corbyn needs to set for you ?” were the first words I heard
R5 Live 10:39am
Ah they are in Liverpool for Labour Party conference the entire political panel is from Labour..and the room audience as well
I told you ..You can’t see where the Labour PR Team ends and the BBC starts.
Funny you should mention that game. I’ve been playing it too! My chosen roulette wheel tends to be R4 where I can almost guarantee that one of the BBC’s favourite causes will be getting an airing: race, wimmin, Islam, gender variance, Labour… Round and round it goes…
You get better odds than a casino, can we say it’s 60% of the switch on times they are talking about BBC pet issues.
So I just switched to LBC ..and it’s James O’Brien..10:40 He was talking about the football, but now since 11am news he’s been having a shouty rant about people who show concern for immigration.
“Now that people are being beaten up and killed for speaking foreign in a public place”
It should have had a msg at the end of it
“You’ve just been listening to a 15 minute advert on behalf of the Regressive Right-On Party”
I do try to empathise with people but I am still struggling come up with anything rational to satisfy their imperative: Being a member of the EU is essential because ……….. ?
In the second part of his series on the Sunni-Shia divide, Tarek Osman travels to the Middle East to examine the causes and forces behind the sectarian split today.
Conflicts raging in Iraq, Syria and Yemen all have a sectarian dimension with communities – who used to live side by side – now torn apart. Tarek follows history across the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st to understand how the Sunni-Shia divide has become so entrenched.
He wants to know if the current divisions echo the original split between the Sunni and Shia dating back 1400 years. Or whether sectarianism today is being used by powerful regional players to achieve their own geo-strategic and political goals.
In Lebanon, a barometer of sectarianism in the Middle east, he meets people from both Muslim sects to hear how religious identities are changing; and he visits a Syrian refugee camp to meet people who have been forced to flee their homes because of a war waged along sectarian lines.
Don’t be silly, you didn’t think the BBC was going to allow any criticism of Islam did you?
There is friendly relations between the different Islam groups – and if you dare think otherwise you’re an Islamofauxbik Xenophobik bigotted Racist !
The splits are not religious at all, they are merely political !
Of course the BBC presents 30 minutes of lies in favour of Islam, and why would they do otherwise ?
Yep, I sure am looking to the twenty five minute special from the beeb on the positive aspects of leaving the EU.
Excuse me,I think there’s a Unicorn in my garden …………..
Anybody see jools holland last night. We had a snowflake last night rip off his shirt to display a t shirt with ‘give 17 year olds the vote’ the camera lingered on this and holland didn’t even comment on it after.
R4 Today early business report. Relentlessly self-promoting former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis was grilled (I wish) by Aussie Dominic.
Yanis says that Brexit is like The Eagles’ hit “California” i.e. you can check out, but you can never leave. But it’s also like a Harrison Ford movie in which the path back out of the temple is breaking up behind our hero.
Yanis thinks the debate in the UK leading up to the referendum was “low quality”.
Aussie Dom just laps it up, leaving Yanis’ every unsubstantiated assertion entirely unchallenged.
Why not quiz Yanis about Greece’ entry into the EU on the basis of a fraudulent economic prospectus? Or about the cost that bailing out Greece continues to impose on the rest of the EU? Or what Yanis’ countrymen think about the UK’s decision to leave?
Interesting coverage of the Trump/Clinton debate on BBC 10pm news last night.
According to Jon Sopel, Clinton ‘won’!
But…it’s not a contest! It’s a debate, not an election. There’s no clear winner or loser. They simply got some vox pops to show people didn’t like Trump very much to prove that somehow he’d ‘lost’ something.
Also a hilarious moment where Sopel was wittering away to camera in a crowded room. Suddenly Trump enters, passing through quickly with lots of journalists asking questions. Sopel shouts out some question from about ten feet away, which Trump obviously didn’t hear. Sopel says ‘He has no answer’ or some such, implying he couldn’t answer a question!
Friends! Unusually for me, I have written the song for my next Blog before actually writing the Blog itself!
It is an updated version of what is apparently Our John’s (Old McDonnell) favourite song:
Imagine there’s no neoliberalism
It’s easy if you try
No totally unelected Tory Government below us
Above us only Far-Right Kippers hung out to dry
Imagine all the people
Voting for Labour… Aha-ah…
Imagine there’s no Hard-Right racism
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to march or protest for
And no Katie Hopkins, too
Imagine all the people
Loving life in Our EU …
You may say I’m a total tosser [Some mistake surely, Lefty? – J.McD.]
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world and elsewhere will be as one
Imagine no 1% or Banksters
I wonder if you can
No need for Compulsory Foodbanks
A sisterhood of women and trans
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world and elsewhere
You may say I’m a total tosser
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world and elsewhere will live as one
Have you noticed how many MPs and civil servants say: ‘…the British people have voted to leave the EU, and we must respect that decision.’
Stating the obvious, wouldn’t you say? I wonder why so many feel the need to confirm the point?
She did didn’t she, very bad tempered indeed. In contrast Brillo had marmalised some Labour Shadow minister who had to resort to lies ( even more blatant than usual Labour lies) about shale gas which Brillo exposed with precision. But I am beginning to have shreds of sympathy for Labour MPs and supporters who are being interviewed in the Corbyn era. Corbyn wants subs with no nukes on them, unlimited immigration etc and the poor MPs have to explain why these are sensible policies. Some of course throw the towel in and say they don’t agree, others go into bat on a very sticky wicket. Can you remember Geoffry Howe’s resignation speech and him saying that after Lady T’s remarks about the EU, going to negotiate in Brussels was like walking to the wicket only to find that on arriving at the crease, the team captain had broken your bat. Well things are much much worse for Labour moderates, team captain Corbyn has sent them to the crease without bat, helmet, gloves and to cap it all, a box!!
“Well things are much much worse for Labour moderates, team captain Corbyn has sent them to the crease without bat, helmet, gloves and to cap it all, a box!!”
Not a problem for most NooNooOldLabor Shadow ‘Ministers’; even the men have no balls.
Fedup2Mar 4, 19:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The picture on X where he isn’t wearing a Lone Ranger mask has a more pronounced dusky miffed eastern hue…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 18:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 As India has both a space program and a nuclear program I don’t see why any country would send money…
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:47 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder if Farage has seen the interview – I have – he refers to countries which have not been…
moggiemooMar 4, 18:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 … or alienating his potential support base. I’ve lost interest in Reform, I feel they will prove to be no…
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Nigel just can’t stop burning bridges.
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van – I saw that the Russian defence industry was operating on a war footing and is well financed through…
Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
Tell their parents to ditch the iPhones, wide screen teles, the takeaways, the drink and the fags then ! – oh and buy some condoms instead !
AND-quite literally-400,000 school teachers are now in danger of “mid morning starvation” now that children at their Breakfast Clubs are hoovering up the croissants and eggs benedict…teachers are now reduced to fishing old bins for stale cake-or indeed the dodgy biscuits made by the charity quango department that might once have bee Home Economics( now it`s Food Technology-which end of a knife does Abdul need to use if he wants to lever off the top of the the Lyons Syrup tin?)
Dig deep for starving teachers-our first campaign Support our Lefty?
Don’t forget Our Junior Doctors, Friend Chris, who are now literally being forced to work 95-hour weeks on Zero Hour Contracts for poverty pay, while the totally unelected Bullingdon Bully Boy, the widely-hated May, sadistically quaffs champagne whilst literally burning £50 notes in front of them.
Nor Comrade SOL should we forget the CONSULTANTS in our Glorious NHS Battalions.
Was it not only a fortnight ago when the hated and fascist Tory Scum DARED to imply that our golf-putting, stethoscope waving fraternity were not exactly putting in the hours, leaving their operations to junior docs and pharmacy students and coining it in after work.
How dare we question their integrity, let alone dare to ask what exactly they`re getting paid for this moonlighting on the Lump as we used to call it as brickies in the 70s?
No SOL-like BBC talent-ours not to reason or question why our betters need not only their mouths stuffed by Corbyns Gold…but every available orifice.
Your legions stand foursquare behind you Great Hellmanns…can I be your Blunkett “sympathy” air freshener on the charabanc of greatness…one failed 11 plus angry oaf reporting for duty…sah!
All this in return for a minutes playing footsie with Angela Eagle, or sniffing Bisto with Yvette Cooper…all those principal boys but not a principle in sight…what a great series of panto sketches though eh.
Chakrabarti truly the end-of-peer show of this last season.
Very well put, Friend Chris! I couldn’t put it better myself, so I won’t.
Lady Sham’s grilling by Brillo was truly a sight to behold, wasn’t it, Friend Chris? 🙂 And then the Abbopotamus … my cup truly ran over ;).
This is not something the BBC has been reporting on when covering migration, especially given its pro mass migration stance !
It looks like the people of Egypt are waking up to the fact that the EU is a land of milk and honey, and its leaders are so terminally stupid that they are prepared to allow unlimited number of useless ‘doctors & engineers’ into the continent to suckle at the teat. They know that so long as they set off in a flimsy dangerous boat, the EU is so insane that it will give them a free taxi ride to Italy.
This however is not going to last forever. The Italian referendum is coming and Italy is already overrun with migrants who are causing as many problems as they are in Germany. If the vote goes against the Italian PM then it is highly likely Italy will leave the Euro zone leading to its collapse, and possibly leave the EU too.
These are scary times, and they have been brought about by two things in the same people. Greedy for Saudi money leading them to remove leaders who would have been better left in place, and a total spineless inability to confront the problem in any meaningless way.
I was interested to learn that there are some 3,000 French businesses in the UK and around 400,000 French citizens living here.
The businesses benefit from tax advantages so they’re out there waving Euro flags and protesting Brexit.
Lead story in the Times today: “Brexit will boost Britain, says German business chief- UK economy could overtake Europe in three years, says media boss”.
Don’t recall that being reported on the BBC – I wonder why?
You are right – that kind of comment is a tricky one for the Beeb.
The BBC continues to push the story of our divided nation and how it is inextricably linked to EU membership. That a ‘NO’ vote was a protest by the un-educated, under privileged poor and the intelligent, wealthy racists.
You will not hear on the BBC that a ‘NO’ vote was a positive vote by freedom loving patriots who believe that a thousand years of history stands for something and that the cost in blood and treasure should not be disregarded so lightly.
I am not being negative, gaxvil but there’s a hell of a lot of people the UK has got to ship out (preferably in unsafe rubber boats) before the ‘thousand years of history’ succession can be realised fully.
Agreed – if they could just remove the criminals that would be a start but ………… ?
DickM, where’s Carney in all this?
Nothing to see here…can’t be spun as bad news!!
reported in all other media
but googling …nada
The problem with Trump is that many are viewing him in the same way the left viewed the Obummermessiah – an embodiment of the change they want to see in society – but of course that change never happens because the President is really just a figurehead and if he becomes POTUS it is highly likely that the promises he makes won’t be kept. The best he or she can do is bring about a sort of mood-change in the country, rather than actual change.
The main advantage of Trump is that he will send the liberal/left media into meltdown. This may be funny for us at first, but after a while it will just get very, very tedious. Every announcement he makes will be greeted by the left in the same way that the Leave vote was greeted on referendum day.
“will be greeted by the left in the same way that the Leave vote was greeted on referendum day.”
And every day since. And many times every day. The left hate reality and truth as it doesn’t fit their narrow-minded prejudices.
The next President will get to appoint two or three Supreme Court Justices. The role these people have on American life is huge, in the way they interpret the Constitution. If Hillary Clinton wins, her extreme left wing malice will live on for years after she ceases to be President, by virtue of her Supreme Court appointments. For this reason if for no other, a Trump win is essential for the survival of the USA in any sort of recognisable form.
Just watching Al Beeb news and its pretty clear that they are giving Trump the same ‘treatment’ as they gave Farage.
Two stooges acting out a pretend independent view on the debate, a game of charades .
It looks as if the end result could be the same – Al Beeb get it wrong again?
What can we say, only that the BBC has made itself an international laughing stock. The place must be riddled with deviants.
“In the episode, same-sex couple Cameron and Mitchell allow their daughter Lily to have her transgender friend Tom over to play.”
Typical modern family then!
I wonder when, if ever, the BBC will realise that they are talking to themselves in a left wing echo chamber?
It’s a rhetorical question of course. The only time reality will ever bite is when the money runs out, and as long as they can extort £4 billion a year from the British people on pain of imprisonment, the left wing merry-go-round will never stop.
Gay couple, under 2% of population.
Transgender, under 1 % of that
Thats say 2% of 1%,
Will the script include them winning a lottery ticket?
Seems to be the ‘hot’ topic at the moment to be sure but is it really of interest to the wider population – really?
A little while ago it was celeb’s child abuse and sex assaults – stories on that seem to have disappeared.
It is, of course, a US sitcom. But you could have put money on it being plastered over the front of the BBC’s News page.
Actually, Modern Family can be very funny. By being very PC it also gets away with some very un-PC lines. Most here would, I think, identify with Jay.
Also on Newsbeat:
Beam me up, Scotty (no, not you).
BBC Online News:
“”First US shale gas arrives at Ineos plant in Scotland””
“”The first shipment of US shale gas is arriving in Scotland amid a fierce debate about the future of fracking in the UK”” (There’s no fierce debate. But BBC/Labour don’t want cheap fuel).
“”But many politicians and environmental groups have criticised the shipment”” (Many politicians? Do you mean the Labour Party?).
“”Unconventional oil and gas extraction remains controversial in the UK, with the UK Labour Party following Scottish Labour in backing a ban on fracking if it wins the next general election”” (There you go. The Labour Party again on self-destruct).
“”Mary Church, head of campaigns at Friends of the Earth Scotland, said: “It is completely unacceptable to attempt to prop up Ineos’s petrochemicals plants on the back of human suffering and environmental destruction across the Atlantic””
“”The fact that Scottish public money is tied up in this project is disgraceful””
“”Setting aside the devastating local impacts of fracking, the climate consequences of extracting yet more fossil fuels are utterly disastrous””
Errrr ……. excuse my ignorance but they don’t want fracking in the UK and object to using gas from elsewhere in the world such as America ?
“Yawn” indeed said the listeners to the BBC Five Live phone in : “Your Call: Fracking – do we need it?”
For once they opened a Facebook post so their Magical Thinking Greeny mates could post from their solar panel selling offices, but only 5 people posted.
Millions in subsidies, millions on brainwashing : guess what percentage of the ENTIRE UK energy comes from solar and wind (not including burning rubbish) ?
…Bjorn Lomborg in the Telegraph
… 1.7% on average ..and zero% on a non-windy night
“”Setting aside the devastating local impacts of fracking, the climate consequences of extracting yet more fossil fuels are utterly disastrous”
Tell you what luv, you go and work out the consequences of Britain running out of energy then come back on that one.
Dover Sentry
I’m still waiting for the SNP to tell us that oil is a bad thing for the environment and they are going to shut the industry down.
With all those renewables, they won’t need it, and it would be rather vulgar to ship it overseas for someone else to burn.
Bristol Somalian traffickers raping girls as young as 12….The Sun reported this early yesterday evening, one maybe could forgive BBC Points West for not reporting it at 6.30 but definitely not for omitting such a big local story from the 10,30 bulletin, not a word. Instead they led (not surprisingly) on ‘The Future of Bristol’s Labour MPs’ (the solitary 3 in the West Country).
Just a reminder of the defendants, diversity is wonderful….(and the BBC are cants…)
Sakariya Sheikh, 23, known as “Zak”
Abdirahman Galal, 26, known as “Ramsey”
Mohammed Osman, 29, known as “I-Man”
Mohammed Dahir, 24, known as “Kamal”
Nuridin Mohamoud, 22, known as “Ahmed”
Abdirashid Abdulahi, 23, known as “Abs” or “Older Abs”
Nasir Mahamoud, 23, known as “Ace”
I had to send my friends in Bristol a link to the Bristol Post so they could find out what was happening on their doorstep!
Caught this disgraceful berating of Avi Dichter, chair of Israel’s Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee by Stephen Sackur last night on Hard Talk whilst up for the Pres debate.
Not once did he bother to ask why Israel has to defend itself. See for yourself….
Radio 4 26/9/16 The World Tonight 22:03
Just before the Clinton v Trump debate Jon Sopel had this to say:
“With Donald Trump we know plenty of what, but little of how. So we know what he wants to do, to bring back manufacturing jobs, kick out illegal immigrants, and ban most Muslims, but have no idea how he’s going to do that”
There is a very funny story from the BBC in today’s DT. The Now Show has dropped Jon Holmes and Mitch Benn because they are white males. It wants more women and ethnic minorities on the show – apologies to the show’s producers, the correct term is for “increased diversity”.
I doubt the programme will be any funnier, but this story is comedy genius. White males who have demanded we embrace diversity are sacked to improve diversity. Who will be the next white male to be thrown overboard?
There are more details here:
But the Now show was already very diverse
extreme-lefty, extreme-lefty, extreme-lefty, extreme-lefty, extreme-lefty,
and I think a normal-lefty
..and almost all were brought up in middle class families.
Holmes and benn two bbc loving lefties who promoted this crap and are now getting a dose of reality a bit like clive lewis yesterday when he realised the future was the gulag. Holmes was on the wright stuff a few weeks back discussing nigel farage sharing a stage with the donald but instead of discussing he just took the piss out of farages name and this smug clown won sony awards. A gervais clone that loves the sound of his own laugh. The left are eating themselves whole.
Absolutely brilliant. But it’s good to see the friendly fire from the PC brigades is non gender-specific, as with poor old Germaine Greer (amongst others):
Cardiff University students tried to ban the feminist icon Germaine Greer because she once wrote that a man who was castrated would not behave like a woman, which was construed as offensive to transsexuals……Maryam Namazie, a prominent human rights campaigner who is one of the signatories to the letter, was initially banned from speaking at Warwick University because she is an atheist who, it was feared, could incite hatred on campus. She spoke at Warwick in the end.
Lovin’ it.
I expect they will be replaced by Romesh Ranganathan and Katherine Ryan. It seems to be the law that they have to appear on every panel show. It’s certainly nothing to do with being funny.
“A spokesman for The Now Show said: ‘We’d like to thank both Jon Holmes and Mitch Benn for their excellent and memorable contributions to The Now Show over the past years, but our comedy shows are constantly evolving and it is time to create opportunities for new regulars as the show returns this autumn.”
So again the BBC get to wheel out an anonymous anyone (Tealady?) to intone the usual bs and sail blissfully on, with new, regular, not white males, evolutionarily speaking. Darwin would be pr… issing himself.
Who cares ?
I gave up on the Now Show like I gave up on the News Quiz, Question Time, Any Questions, The World at One, PM Etc., Etc..
If I want crap in my ears I just stop using the Earex.
Random switch-on Bingo : Win
1:35pm Radio 4 News : voice first heard was Jon Lansman (founder/head of Momentum)
Labour PR team, BBC journalists they don’t waste money by having 2 sets of offices when just 1 will do.
I bet they often share the same home as well : Mr & Mrs, or Mr and Mr
Today’s things BBC forgets to report :
#1 Seven Somali men on trial as girls as young as 12 were ‘given drugs … The Sun-18 hours ago
I guess BBC got a bit bored cos they did report the last time a Somali Sex Gang was tried in Bristol in 2014 “Bristol sex gangs jailed for grooming girls”
#2 Brexit will boost Britain, says German business chief Mathias Dopfner head of Alex Springer publishing
The Times (subscription)-13 hours ago
… And covered by all other media
ah for #1 BBC Points West put up a video report only so far
(as linked to above
That’s why a text search didn’t find it.
Pg 8 of Times ‘Don’t tell the school the birth country of your children, cos it might get leaked to immigration authorities’ say Liberty and 20 other NGOs. DM
… I would have thought it 100% necessary for a school to be sure of the nationality of a child before they spend the UK tax money that is allocated for children legally in the UK.
Speaking of The Times, today’s headline ” Brexit will boost Britain says German business chief “. That must be the lead story on the BBC, surely ?
Thought old Brillo gave the horrible Chuckmybutty and the loathsome Piggy Abbott a nice little grilling on DP. They really came across as useless.
Shami was doing her usual bratty teenager stance when brillo grilled her. eyes darting all over the place looking for her safe space. It couldn’t happen to a nicer cretin. The little weasel was so up herself she thought she was above being asked these questions. It was a case of ‘do you know who i am’. Yes we do luv and i see a lying devious little toad in front of me and speaking of toads the emir was finishing his speech to the comrades on the tv in the background behind her.
Diane abbott followed and brillo was just enjoying himself talking to that idiot while she spouted complete garbage. Shes not worth talking about.
The BBC have ,as expected , called the US Presidential debate for Clinton along with all the liberal commentators, but they have been strangely muted in victory for their gal. You can see why when you look at the snap polls of what the American public thought , most of which give victory to Trump by a wide margin. It is just like the discussion and polls after the Farage Clegg debate a couple of years ago, the liberal left commentariat believing that their man had won it but the people thinking otherwise. Roll on Trump to victory in the election and another blow, a massive blow even bigger than Brexit, to the global liberal left elite. But if Trump looks like winning the election we can’t rule out dirty tricks trying to swing the vote for Clinton. After all we had our own attempts to subvert Brexit, keeping registration open for an extra few days and the disgusting exploitation of Jo Cox’s murder as being racist and leave inspired. We have seen the liberals in Austria fiddle the vote and now delay it again. The liberal left will try anything to stop Trump. I hope that his security is good.
“Dirty tricks”, DT, yes, remember Austria only a few months ago. Now on the proposed third re-run as a result of the ruling elite’s, “dirty tricks”.
Very interesting…so reminiscent of our referendum. CNN saying Hillary won, snap polls on internet saying opposite. Which was true here – every internet poll I saw had Brexit winning by a mile. There is hope! I’ve only watched a 3 min segment on Sky news, and Trump isn’t great but considering her experience she is awful. I can’t think why anyone would trust her – except those that will vote democrat no matter what.
Yes, dirty tricks time, which occurred to me when I read online that the Houston shooter was dressed in a Nazi uniform (remind anyone of anything?..). Not sure how much truth in that. Maybe he was on the way to a fancy dress party, or maybe it’s quite normal over there. I’m surprised he wasn’t in a KKK outfit.
Spectator readers make it all OK for Generation Snowflake:
The Grand Old Duke of York
He had 10,000 men
And every one was a BBC employee
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack jumped over the candlestick
Silly boy, he should have jumped higher
Now he’s suing the makers of the candle for making their wick too long
Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet
Her knickers all tattered and torn
It wasn’t the spider that sat down beside her
It was a bunch of mentally ill Norwegians
Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a far right extremist backlasher who wasn’t there.
He wasn’t there again today,
I wish, I wish he’d go away…
Poor show Demon, you have under-represented the transgender community.
We were thinking about them back in the 1970s. From where came…
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack jumped over the candlestick
Alas Jack didn’t clear the flame
And now he’s known as Auntie Mame.
This from Sebastian Shakespeare at the DM:
‘Signs of Brexit panic at the BBC? The Corporation’s Director-General, Lord Hall, has agreed to review the Beeb’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on June 23 — and Hall was unable to do so! The parliamentarians included Ukip peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Philip Hollobone. Pearson hails Hall’s decision as a significant blow against ‘those at the top of the BBC who wish to see the referendum result reversed’.
We’ll see…
Lord knows he is being watched and monitored . There is bound to be a public inquiry at some time .
Yep – As I’ve said the BCC has an editorial bias Russia, China and North Korea would be proud of. And yet, and yet.
I understand a large order has just been placed with Dulux for a thousand gallons of whitewash.
Apparently Dulux has scrapped its age old shaggy dog mascot and hired a certain new female Labour peer from the HoL…
Surely one of the most important stories ever : Political establishment makes step to holds BBC to account.
The Arrogance …and the Humbling
Now we have the humbling with that Sebastian Shakespeare’s 7 lines about Lord Hall in his DM column quoted above, after first we had that incredibly arrogant article by BBC News Head James Harding in Guardian
“A truly balanced view from the BBC: don’t blame us for Brexit”,
that Alan unfortunately buried away at the end of the Bad Losers article
…Alan concluded
Problem : no one other media source I can find reports that Sebastian Shakespeare claim about Lord Hall being order by MPs
A very interesting snippet from today’s D/Mail……….
Signs of Brexit panic at the BBC ? The Corporation’s Director-General, Lord Hall, has agreed to review the Beeb’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on 23 June – and Hall was unable to do so ! The parliamentarians included UKIP peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Phillip Hollobone. Pearson hails Hall’s decision as a significant blow against “those at the tope of the BBC who wish to see the referendum result reversed “.
Well, well well !
Save our Sense …… you clearly got yours typed up first !!!! didn’t see it whilst I was typing away at mine. Lol !!!
Looks like I beat you by three minutes – it’s that bloody Brexit what did it..!
London Caliphate via the back door? Khan is clearly concerned that the demise of Labour will cost him his opportunity to be PM.
“The decision not to prosecute Sir Cliff Richard over claims of historical sex offences has been upheld, the Crown Prosecution Service has announced.”
I hope Sir Cliff now pursues his accusers with the same alacrity as they did to him .
Good luck Sir Cliff I say ……
Daily Politics today and Shami “whitewash + peerage” Chakrabarti gets a grilling from Neil in which she does not emerge smelling of integrity. I expected more competence in the slippery department from a lawyer – check it out for yourself but very, very unconvincing half answers:
Thanks for the post Soyel – Some truly delicious moments in there – It looked to me a number of times that she was soiling herself = Brilo definitely the smiling assassin in that one.
She was definitely rattled – I thought at one moment she was going to say to Brillo “Dont you know who I am – How dare you question me after all everyone in the Labour movement thinks I am brill!
I am afraid her performance in that interview appears to have done very little to expunge the faint, unwholesome whiff of corruption which currently seems to be following her wherever she goes. It appeared to me to be a bit of a “whited sepulcher” moment. With the lauded Saint Shami filibustering, being generally disingenuous and trying to hide behind her twin set and chi chi hair do – All to no avail.
I would have had much more respect for her if she had said ” yeah well what we have is a weak party leader with many uncontrollable anti Semite members who have both said and done some pretty unpleasant things – but Jeremy said I could have a peerage if I helped him to wipe it all away and keep the lid on things for a bit! ” – Well Shammi you failed on that despite the peerage.
I suppose its all very unsurprising really – Typical over educated lefty, Nose in the air and resentful at hard questioning but always quick to skweem waycist at the slightest excuse and generally hector others over their lack of morality and accountability. But it appears that as soon as she offered a few establishment baubles she appears to morph into a the left wing establishment lick spittle that most of us always thought she was.
Shameful really Shami – but I expect thats an emotion you have never felt.
I thought Shami was a kind of kebab or window rag?
But seriously, I think we need loads more foreigners to point out the error of our ways. They blub about the rise of the Right but do their damnedest to encourage such reactions.
Gaxvil – Its a default action.
I would say most ardent lefties are praying for some sort of right wing outrage so they can justify even more control and anti freedom measures. Keep throwing enough “banderillas” into the bull and guess what he eventually charges at you. Makes the “heroic” matador look even braver if he manages to kill the poor enraged animal that had no choice in its fate.
Same principal with the Bank of Englands Chief Funkster “Mark the Microphone” Carney – you can almost create whatever situation you want (depending on your audience) if you talk any situation up or down enough.
I am afraid with most of these shits the end always justifies the means.
Liberty indeed!
As regards foreigners pointing out the error of our ways – I assume you are talking about that clown Junker. I am afraid whether we like it or not I would consider the delightful Shami definitely British – Just a pity she has made a career about biting the hand that feeds her!
I should think that there are a loads of decent Anglo Indians who are totally embarrassed with people like Shami Chakriwotsit who obviously use their obvious ethnicity to make political points on a regular basis.
I know SC was Director of Liberty for 13 years, but apart from ‘campaigning’ and ‘invited to speak’ what did she ACTUALLY achieve ? She has a fistful of honorary doctorates and awards for God knows what, but what has she done apart from appearing on tv and being interviewed on the radio. Whilst watching a moving report on the Victoria Derbyshire show about abandoned wives in the Indian community and the beatings, honour killings and rapes that take place in that culture, I wondered whether Shami Chakrabati did any campaigning for their cause, seeing as its her heritage, cos I sure as hell have never heard about it. No love, you sit in the House of Lords with your ermine cape congratulating yourself how well you’ve done, and sod those poor young girls who are considered outcast in India while their ‘husbands’ are here in the UK creating new families.
“what has she done apart from appearing on tv and being interviewed on the radio.”
She took part in Danny Boyle’s left wing love fest which was the Olympic opening ceremony. Apparently she is one of the people who represent the best of Britain.
That faint sound you can hear in the distance is the rest of the world laughing at us.
Labour have lost their way. They are betraying loyal, real hard working people who look to them to represent them in parliament .
I would hazard a bet, that most in the present Labour party have never done a real days work in their lives .
They are the sons and daughters of middle class toffs who are rebelling against their parents .
Vote UKIP you know it the only way .
Taffman, I’m sure Labour are really all on UKIP’s payroll. So, from that perspective, I really don’t care what Utopian values they all share with us just so long as the common sense of the public comes to the fore again come election time.
Quite. UKIP are marketed as the ‘common sense party’ & ‘the peoples’ party’.
Although listening to Al Beeb you would never know or believe that .
Thanks for posting that, it was most enjoyable. Have never liked the slippery Chakrabarti; the eternal apologist for some of the most vile characters infesting this planet.
Let me make a very easy prediction, the Labour Party will one day regret looking the other way regarding anti-Semitism within its rank and file just to garner the Muslim vote. Chukka and the rest need to break away now if they are ever to form a viable opposition. Whilst I enjoy watching the left consume itself this country needs a proper opposition to whoever is in power and Corbyn’s menagerie of hard-left cronies ain’t it.
Totally agree Steve – A sensible and viable opposition is always good for democracy as it makes it unlikely that any ruling party would be able to push through any anti democratic/freedom of speech measures without serious opposition and objection.
Unfortunately the only opposition we have at the moment is the state run broadcaster which seems to operate on the basis of some arcane Trotskyist agenda where true freedom of speech is definitely not encouraged.
“Chukka and the rest need to break away now if they are ever to form a viable opposition.”
Our first past the post voting system makes this unlikely. The fact that Ukip got 4 million votes and one MP shows it.
For this reason, both main parties in Britain are coalitions, often uneasy ones. Look at the Conservatives, who go from Tebbit all the way down to Heseltine. They are both Conservatives, but I expect they agree on almost nothing.
I’d like you to be right Steve but how many Jews are there in the Calais jungle, or on those boats across the Med.?
The statistics are such that for the foreseeable future, a good wodge of Labour anti-semitism will do very nicely in supporting the block vote in their favour from that religion that Al Beeb likes to continually advertise ad nauseum, except when its supporters commit atrocities of course, at which point Al Beeb mysteriously discover the perpetrators are vulnerable young people with mental health issues yet just cannot quite work out their religious affiliations.
Don’t forget the universities. Labour leaning now to a man and woman and very definitely anti Israel/Semitic . Look how the university towns vote. No accident that shithole Exeter sends the only labour MP to Westminster in the SouthWest.
Anti Semitism is now part of labour’s DNA.
You can add Norwich South to Exeter.
What would be very interesting for those researchers employed by the BBC is to investigate how many students are registered to vote at their “university” and home addresses. Something which postal voting has made into a potentially easy double vote.
The change in registration requirements has, at least, ended the Universities automatically registering those who live in Halls of residence.
Red dress. Lippy. A bit of cleavage. What has come over Chakibutty?
Is she trying to appeal to White Van Man, in a way Emily Thornbery can never do, for various reasons?
Great cringeworthy train crash interview. Great performance from Brillo.
Car crash ? A bloody train wreck !
I would say that brillo was told to ‘no holds barred’ . Hall is a worried man and has to prove Al Beeb is unbiased .
Horse and stable door ?
I smell panic.
I see the Emir of London was speaking at the Labour Party Nuremburg rally today. He still wasn’t wearing a tie. He hasn’t worn one since he was elected as far as I know.
I wonder if that’s because some extreme muslims think the tie is a Christian symbol? I suppose I shall have to keep wondering, because there is no chance anyone from the MSM will ever ask him.
Here in London this prat is being binged up as the new messiah. He was talking about extending the ultra low emission zone out to the north circular while at the same time complaining why London is so expensive and blameing the tortes. . If this lunatic idea goes ahead London will be a no go zone for cars. He’s doing the same as livingstone by playing games with this green slime fest.
30 minutes of BBC Points West from their studios in Bristol, absolutely no mention of the girls as young as 12 who were repeatedly raped, sexually abused and trafficked for sex in……Bristol…
The trial (at Bristol Crown Court) obviously ain’t happening….
I’ll remind you of the accused names…
Sakariya Sheikh, 23, known as “Zak”
Abdirahman Galal, 26, known as “Ramsey”
Mohammed Osman, 29, known as “I-Man”
Mohammed Dahir, 24, known as “Kamal”
Nuridin Mohamoud, 22, known as “Ahmed”
Abdirashid Abdulahi, 23, known as “Abs” or “Older Abs”
Nasir Mahamoud, 23, known as “Ace”
Where is that over blown, over funded NSPCC on FGM?
Where is the other bloated charity the RSPCA on Halal?
Where are the feminists on the absurd way that our immigrants treat their women, making them dress in the absurd attire we see ?
Hillary just lost it at the end by resorting to playground name calling – pathetic.
Watch Fox News for US election and pretty much all news coverage:-
Sky Channel 509
or internet
The bbc still trawling the depths for negative brexit stories. They have reached a new low this time though. How desperate must they be to get the former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis to come on the toady show and tell us “brexit was a mistake” and that “Facilitating and deepening a crisis in Europe is going to bite you.” Well I suppose Greece are past masters of facilitating a crisis in Europe, no?
I did not hear the Toady show but YV quoted in the DT as saying “The Eurozone is utterly unsustainable. The problem is structural; the architecture of the Eurozone is simply not capable of sustaining itself.”
He suggested it could lead to a German led group using a new DM while a group of southern European nations is left in penury.
Did the BBC interviewer get beyond his Brexit thoughts?
One of the many positives to the Eu pushed by the BBC has been the free, complementary exchange of ideas, which has not been possible between countries before. Apparently.
In this spirit I enjoy the upward spiral of entertainment often generated between this site and others, with results that so often seem greater than the sum of the parts:
Newswatch will be a hoot (see what I did there?) if a surly editor can be persuaded to come on to ‘explain’.
I’m sure the death of Simon Peres in Israel will merit a dedicated thread, such is the anti semitic bias of the BBC.
It starts with Mischal Hussein (?) giving a very hostile interview with the Israeli Ambassador Mark Regev. It is disgraceful following the death of a man who won a Nobel Peace Prize, even if they are something of a joke these days.
I can recall no other interview following the death of a senior statesman which has been conducted in such a hostile & irreverent manner.
Mishap (I’ll leave that autocorrect in) does seem to run multiple tallys concurrently.
“something of a joke these days.”
They have always been a joke, just not even funny anymore.
I don’t know if this story has been posted here so I’ll put up the link.
I’ll just say here what I said there. So Sarah Palin makes a valid observation regarding her country’s mounting debt and this guy just behaves like your typical grievance monger managing to find offence where there is none. Ideal characteristics for BBC recruitment.
Maturec, typifies the kinda ‘sh*t’ the BBC employ does it not?
He likely had an eye to what captures that of the BBC ‘talent’ panel.
His fantasies can be fulfilled on BBC staff weekends, sh**t in gobs, fisting, glory holes in toilets, and little boys to bugger
“I’m all for change”
“That’s old news”
You have to hand it to Nadiya Hussain (Greatest Ever Winner of the Great and Wonderous Great British Bake Off) she has the platitudinous side-step evasion off pat.
Our Nadiya this morning fielding questions about a possible desertion to Channel 4 as though she’s been coached by a pro – perhaps Labour-Lawyer-Peer Shami Chakrabarti did the PR training?
Question neatly swerved but the door for the deal still left handily ajar.
Talking of coaching – whilst pale white and tubby England coaches blabber incontinently about their bungs so you can read them like a book – our Nadiya manages to plug her new book on the BBC gratis without giving the viewer the slightest hint of impropriety. Perhaps a lesson or two from JK Rowling?
Stephen Kinnock this morning – “We need as much immigration as we can possibly get” !
Idiotic statements about non xenophobic societies, and cohesive society which will inevitably fail, and which will inevitably be blamed on White British people who will be persecuted even more harshly than before.
When challenged about the statement made by another Labour MP that this policy risked stirring unrest the Fascist Kinnock basically said that people would be forced by Labour to accept it.
Astonishing stuff, and it just makes me wonder how long it will be before Labour are advocating the establishment of the Gulags for those who do not agree with them.
Thoughtful, I listened intently to the interviews on BBC Today earlier. Kinnock, Corbyn and the rest. Breathtaking, unmitigated arrogance. ‘The voters will do as we demand’ or, ‘we can bribe them with their own money’ to resume unlimited immigration seems to be the only lingering thought before I’d heard enough and shut the radio off in desperation.
Like Lord of the Flies – He’s a fly and Corbin their Lord.
Corbyn’s Toady interview just marks the start of flushing him out on policy detail or in fact the lack of it. But just the headlines that he has come up with are enough to ensure he and his party are doomed. Michael Foot’s Labour had a manifesto as a suicide note (‘the longest in history’). Corbyn and MacDonald don’t need that, just a few minutes giving a radio interview or a speech.
The charge sheet against them is truly damning and bound to alienate all but the 300,000 cult followers who voted for Corbyn – attack on private property rights (wealth tax), shareholders losing control of companies (workers dictating whether companies can be sold, restrictions on dividend payments), borrowing £500 billion ( no clue who from or what the debt service costs will be), continued uncontrolled immigration, immigration hardship fund for councils (no details of how much, how it would work), restoration of legal rights for trade unions to disrupt the economy, continued dumbing down of education by worshiping at the comprehensive altar and banning bright working class kids having an escape route via grammars etc etc
EE, all in all, back to the three-day week if I’m not mistaken!
Good comment from a caller to Nick Ferrari’s show this morming.
The caller suggested that J. Corbyn could kill two birds with one stone today. He could give a magnificent speech to the LP conference and be appointed as England manager.
He could get rid of the goalkeeper and defenders because we don’t need any defence, get rid of the strikers because we’re not going to attack anybody and just have eleven left wingers.
Today R4, Yes – I think that those with ears did hear.
German and Italian banks in trouble with negative interest rates. The Euro in crisis.
Our economy doing fine but BOE needs to raise interest rates for savers and to send a positive message. And finally, the Corbin, too important to be questioned delivering garbage through obviously gritted teeth.
Sarah Montague to Corbin R4 ‘Today:”But what should people think about the fact that Trump could be elected President?”.
Well, heck Sarah I’d prefer you did not ask that tit in tit’s clothing what he believes I should think about anything.
“A gang of schoolboys have been filmed launching a vile race attack on an Asian boy before uploading the video online branding it ‘smash a p*ki’.
Police say they are treating it as a hate crime and add that two boys have been arrested after footage of the attack in Edinburgh emerged.
Shocked politicians and anti-racism campaigners described the attack in Edinburgh as despicable, vicious and vile, the Daily Record reports.”
Meanwhile, South Yorkshire police and politicians say there was “nothing racist” about gangs of Pakistani men raping and torturing 1400 underage British girls in Rotherham
that would be a couple of those young, intelligent, educated, progressive europe loving scots whose future we have ruined then.
not us racist english and welsh brexiteer bigots
Random switch-on BBCBias Bingo : Win :
“What’s the policy Jeremy Corbyn needs to set for you ?” were the first words I heard
R5 Live 10:39am
Ah they are in Liverpool for Labour Party conference the entire political panel is from Labour..and the room audience as well
I told you ..You can’t see where the Labour PR Team ends and the BBC starts.
Funny you should mention that game. I’ve been playing it too! My chosen roulette wheel tends to be R4 where I can almost guarantee that one of the BBC’s favourite causes will be getting an airing: race, wimmin, Islam, gender variance, Labour… Round and round it goes…
You get better odds than a casino, can we say it’s 60% of the switch on times they are talking about BBC pet issues.
So I just switched to LBC ..and it’s James O’Brien..10:40 He was talking about the football, but now since 11am news he’s been having a shouty rant about people who show concern for immigration.
“Now that people are being beaten up and killed for speaking foreign in a public place”
It should have had a msg at the end of it
“You’ve just been listening to a 15 minute advert on behalf of the Regressive Right-On Party”
They have to be together.
Otherwise they cannot share the neurone.
I do try to empathise with people but I am still struggling come up with anything rational to satisfy their imperative: Being a member of the EU is essential because ……….. ?
Radio 4
Islamic Sectarianism Today
In the second part of his series on the Sunni-Shia divide, Tarek Osman travels to the Middle East to examine the causes and forces behind the sectarian split today.
Conflicts raging in Iraq, Syria and Yemen all have a sectarian dimension with communities – who used to live side by side – now torn apart. Tarek follows history across the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st to understand how the Sunni-Shia divide has become so entrenched.
He wants to know if the current divisions echo the original split between the Sunni and Shia dating back 1400 years. Or whether sectarianism today is being used by powerful regional players to achieve their own geo-strategic and political goals.
In Lebanon, a barometer of sectarianism in the Middle east, he meets people from both Muslim sects to hear how religious identities are changing; and he visits a Syrian refugee camp to meet people who have been forced to flee their homes because of a war waged along sectarian lines.
Don’t be silly, you didn’t think the BBC was going to allow any criticism of Islam did you?
There is friendly relations between the different Islam groups – and if you dare think otherwise you’re an Islamofauxbik Xenophobik bigotted Racist !
The splits are not religious at all, they are merely political !
Of course the BBC presents 30 minutes of lies in favour of Islam, and why would they do otherwise ?
Yep, I sure am looking to the twenty five minute special from the beeb on the positive aspects of leaving the EU.
Excuse me,I think there’s a Unicorn in my garden …………..
Muslim Radio is HERE!
The mind boggles …..
Anybody see jools holland last night. We had a snowflake last night rip off his shirt to display a t shirt with ‘give 17 year olds the vote’ the camera lingered on this and holland didn’t even comment on it after.
R4 Today early business report. Relentlessly self-promoting former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis was grilled (I wish) by Aussie Dominic.
Yanis says that Brexit is like The Eagles’ hit “California” i.e. you can check out, but you can never leave. But it’s also like a Harrison Ford movie in which the path back out of the temple is breaking up behind our hero.
Yanis thinks the debate in the UK leading up to the referendum was “low quality”.
Aussie Dom just laps it up, leaving Yanis’ every unsubstantiated assertion entirely unchallenged.
Why not quiz Yanis about Greece’ entry into the EU on the basis of a fraudulent economic prospectus? Or about the cost that bailing out Greece continues to impose on the rest of the EU? Or what Yanis’ countrymen think about the UK’s decision to leave?
Interesting coverage of the Trump/Clinton debate on BBC 10pm news last night.
According to Jon Sopel, Clinton ‘won’!
But…it’s not a contest! It’s a debate, not an election. There’s no clear winner or loser. They simply got some vox pops to show people didn’t like Trump very much to prove that somehow he’d ‘lost’ something.
Also a hilarious moment where Sopel was wittering away to camera in a crowded room. Suddenly Trump enters, passing through quickly with lots of journalists asking questions. Sopel shouts out some question from about ten feet away, which Trump obviously didn’t hear. Sopel says ‘He has no answer’ or some such, implying he couldn’t answer a question!
He also remarked, with nothing to support it, that it was Trump’s stamina that appeared to be in question.
The BBC have really jumped the shark over Trump. They are now nakedly manufacturing stuff simply in the hope it will somehow rub off on him.
One day they might wake up to what the average American thinks about the BBC. (Hint: ‘who?’)
Friends! Unusually for me, I have written the song for my next Blog before actually writing the Blog itself!
It is an updated version of what is apparently Our John’s (Old McDonnell) favourite song:
Imagine there’s no neoliberalism
It’s easy if you try
No totally unelected Tory Government below us
Above us only Far-Right Kippers hung out to dry
Imagine all the people
Voting for Labour… Aha-ah…
Imagine there’s no Hard-Right racism
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to march or protest for
And no Katie Hopkins, too
Imagine all the people
Loving life in Our EU …
You may say I’m a total tosser [Some mistake surely, Lefty? – J.McD.]
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world and elsewhere will be as one
Imagine no 1% or Banksters
I wonder if you can
No need for Compulsory Foodbanks
A sisterhood of women and trans
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world and elsewhere
You may say I’m a total tosser
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world and elsewhere will live as one
Have you noticed how many MPs and civil servants say: ‘…the British people have voted to leave the EU, and we must respect that decision.’
Stating the obvious, wouldn’t you say? I wonder why so many feel the need to confirm the point?
The senior civil servants will “respect ” the democratic decision in the same way a hunter respects his prey .
In other words they want to kill it .
Respect it? Then execute it. A50 now!
Daily Politics: Jo Coburn tries to ‘Brillo’ David Gauke. Fails miserably. She just comes across as a disgruntled socialist.
She did didn’t she, very bad tempered indeed. In contrast Brillo had marmalised some Labour Shadow minister who had to resort to lies ( even more blatant than usual Labour lies) about shale gas which Brillo exposed with precision. But I am beginning to have shreds of sympathy for Labour MPs and supporters who are being interviewed in the Corbyn era. Corbyn wants subs with no nukes on them, unlimited immigration etc and the poor MPs have to explain why these are sensible policies. Some of course throw the towel in and say they don’t agree, others go into bat on a very sticky wicket. Can you remember Geoffry Howe’s resignation speech and him saying that after Lady T’s remarks about the EU, going to negotiate in Brussels was like walking to the wicket only to find that on arriving at the crease, the team captain had broken your bat. Well things are much much worse for Labour moderates, team captain Corbyn has sent them to the crease without bat, helmet, gloves and to cap it all, a box!!
“Well things are much much worse for Labour moderates, team captain Corbyn has sent them to the crease without bat, helmet, gloves and to cap it all, a box!!”
Not a problem for most NooNooOldLabor Shadow ‘Ministers’; even the men have no balls.