“”Mr Rosensaft belongs to a group sometimes referred to as the “second generation” of survivors: those born after the Holocaust who did not experience the horrors, but grew up in the wake of them””
“At the very least, we have to try to prevent similar atrocities.”
“”He said this was particularly relevant now, because anti-immigration sentiment seemed to be on the rise in much of Europe. Survivors’ children were uniquely well-placed to speak out about racism and intolerance, he said””
“”When I hear slogans of ‘Muslims out’ in Germany I want to remind people that it wasn’t all that long ago that the slogan was ‘Jews out’ “”
This is a disgusting report by the BBC in order to support their Left Wing ‘uncontrolled migration’ beliefs.
It compares the Holocaust with mass immigration. The BBC are saying that if we don’t support mass uncontrolled immigration, we will create another holocaust.
On the Daily Politics, Gaulke was describing labours immigration policy (I know)
He said they would control the numbers by having a quality control over those wanting to come in.
It sounded to me like the Australian style points system in all but name.
Of course, the bar will be set very low. If you can write an ‘x’ for your name, that would probably be enough.
Corbyn is telling his party and the UK via the news service that Labour will set up a multi-million pound fund to deal with the consequences of immigration. But I thought all immigration was good, all these immigrants contribute to the UK economy. So why do we need a fund?????????????????
Could it be that some of these ‘needed’ immigrants contribute jack sh!t to the UK, stand around on street corners all day and suck the benefits system dry? And now we need a tax-payer fund to support them. Jeremy, whatever land is the other side of cloud-cuckoo, you have just landed. Chances of election victory just gone negative. You are a complete and total prat.
Weak liberal infused governments have produced today’s lawless anarchic society ,can you imagine what it would be like under the socialists?
We could do with a Mary Whitehouse character .
Why do the BBC have to drag up the irritating Rachel Shabi (yes really). She is a guardianista to the core, eulogises Corbyn and uses stupid phraseology to duck hard questions such as ‘ creating a narrative’ . And the only counterweight is the labour sympathiser Norman Smith.
Oh thank you EE ! I thought I was the only one thinking that about Rachel Shabi – suddenly she is the person to go to for a soundbite. She’s a regular press reviewer on Sky, and now we have to suffer her on the Beeb – there are a couple of others too who pitch up regularly to add their tuppence worth. My only thought is, when do they do their day job ??? and where do they find these people ?
In the news today from the Times
– the past Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry – the top lawyer threatens to quit
– The suspended SNP MP has been charged with campaign fraud
– Teaching assistant with Muslim name in Taunton court for for sex with 14yr old when he was 22 “I didn’t know she was under age”
– 3 arrested over slavery at UK recycling plan
– Eritrean Refugee pleads to be moved out of bad Swansea after flat robbed
– British Asian men are marrying foreign brides , taking the dowry and getting rid of them without a visa.. NGOs say such brides should be allowed to to come back to UK and stay automatically.
– Brexit : Emir of London wants special London works visas
– Junker says EU migrant quota’s are to be axed
– “Responsible advertisers must boycott climate-sceptic Mail“… The Ecologist-19 Sep 2016
– Meanwhile is South Australia they’ve just had blackouts ..they moved from coal to wind power ..and then had huge storms
“England Manager fired cos he revealed he knows tricks to get around the rules and get huge subsidy dosh”
….should be a headline for Solar/Wind industry mafia.
“Andrew Neil interviewing Barry Gardiner on Labour’s opposition to fracking, etc.. Gardiner was absolutely adamant that we export more gas than we import therefore have no need of new sources. He restated this several times under pressure from AN.
A few minutes afterwards AN announced that government figures show that the UK has been a net importer of gas for years and imports account for about 40% of consumption.
So is Gardiner just completely adrift with no hold on his brief as Shadow Energy Minister or was he trying to mislead deliberately to shore up their policy position?
Just appalling.”
I understand that foreign investment into the UK this year is at a record high, even with Brexit ?
Well, how about this from a German postal firm ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37493425
“The German government and financial authorities are working on a rescue plan for Deutsche Bank in case it cannot pay fines in the US, according to Die Zeit newspaper”.
Nowt to do with Brexit this time ……….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37496268
Ha ha, Better educated, they have degrees. Ever tried invigilating them when doing their examinations? Cheating is widespread; they continue writing their drivel after you call time, and any complaints or down grading is WAAYCIST.
Quite right – and that’s to ignore the plethora of non-subjects and the rampant grade inflation which make some degrees today of less value than an A level from the past.
There is an item in the BBC Recruitment Advertiser today by one Tim Dowling, not familiar with him but his picture has the correct smug, superior, lefty look, accompanied by the same dismissive, writing style.
About a Paki bouncer who got called a Paki and started a pillow fight.
I am sure I would have remembered if this Dowling fellow had written something about the tens of thousands of white children who have been raped, are still being raped, by these loveable Pakis.
How’s this for some good brexit news !
“The UK has surged to seventh place in a highly-influential ranking of the world’s most competitive economies.” http://www.cityam.com/250219/uk-seventh-most-competitive-economy-world
Not on Al Beeb yet?
Perhaps their researches will pick it up from here ?
The tax payer funded Equality and Human Rights board in Wales have come up with some interesting ideas to bring Islam into your work place.
Here are just some of the measures they want your company to take
Be sensitive to cultural differences around handshaking and direct eye contact. It is not about being impolite. (It is impolite in the UK! So shouldn’t immigrants conform to our measures of manners?)
Let applicants and employees know that your workplace recognises different religions and beliefs. (why? I do not want a religion in my work place, it is a place of work not superstition.)
Look for a clean and quiet space for prayers – a space shared by all faiths can be an advantage. (Again this is a place for work not of superstition).
In using the toilet Muslim staff may prefer to clean themselves with clean running water. A small jug, which can be kept in a cubicle, is sufficient for this. (Or they could use loo paper and then wash their hands afterwards like just about everyone else in the sane world? Would I want someone in the workplace who has just wiped his arse with his left hand three times in accordance with the Quran?)
BTW if you wish to work for the board then you must be prepared to work 36 hours a week, take 30 days a year holiday, accept the extraordinary gold plated civil service pension, free child care, free eye care and have free counseling for ‘all employees, their partners and children.’ Yes I know its not free but this is the civil service and they think it is free.
It’s time the grim reaper visited some of these quangos. We will never get this country back on an even keel unless we rid ourselves of these statist parasites.
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GlONESyXsAAbWQL?format=jpg&name=small[/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
BBC Online News:
“”What’s it like to be the child of a survivor?””
“”Mr Rosensaft belongs to a group sometimes referred to as the “second generation” of survivors: those born after the Holocaust who did not experience the horrors, but grew up in the wake of them””
“At the very least, we have to try to prevent similar atrocities.”
“”He said this was particularly relevant now, because anti-immigration sentiment seemed to be on the rise in much of Europe. Survivors’ children were uniquely well-placed to speak out about racism and intolerance, he said””
“”When I hear slogans of ‘Muslims out’ in Germany I want to remind people that it wasn’t all that long ago that the slogan was ‘Jews out’ “”
This is a disgusting report by the BBC in order to support their Left Wing ‘uncontrolled migration’ beliefs.
It compares the Holocaust with mass immigration. The BBC are saying that if we don’t support mass uncontrolled immigration, we will create another holocaust.
No pressure there, eh??
its a shame for Mr Rosensaft then, that like france, jews will soon be fleeing germany
On the Daily Politics, Gaulke was describing labours immigration policy (I know)
He said they would control the numbers by having a quality control over those wanting to come in.
It sounded to me like the Australian style points system in all but name.
Of course, the bar will be set very low. If you can write an ‘x’ for your name, that would probably be enough.
Corbyn is telling his party and the UK via the news service that Labour will set up a multi-million pound fund to deal with the consequences of immigration. But I thought all immigration was good, all these immigrants contribute to the UK economy. So why do we need a fund?????????????????
Could it be that some of these ‘needed’ immigrants contribute jack sh!t to the UK, stand around on street corners all day and suck the benefits system dry? And now we need a tax-payer fund to support them. Jeremy, whatever land is the other side of cloud-cuckoo, you have just landed. Chances of election victory just gone negative. You are a complete and total prat.
He also wants to negotiate with EU colleagues (meaning do nothing) to balance pay across the EU.
Wouldn’t that mean rich countries subsidising the workers who remain in their poor countries, in other words our contribution goes up?
Weak liberal infused governments have produced today’s lawless anarchic society ,can you imagine what it would be like under the socialists?
We could do with a Mary Whitehouse character .
Are you volunteering?
Emigre: a person who has left their own country in order to settle in another, typically for political reasons.
Seems a peculiar description for Shimon Perez. What’s wrong with ‘Israeli’?
Where’s the new thread
…we are already on page 3 ?
Why do the BBC have to drag up the irritating Rachel Shabi (yes really). She is a guardianista to the core, eulogises Corbyn and uses stupid phraseology to duck hard questions such as ‘ creating a narrative’ . And the only counterweight is the labour sympathiser Norman Smith.
Oh thank you EE ! I thought I was the only one thinking that about Rachel Shabi – suddenly she is the person to go to for a soundbite. She’s a regular press reviewer on Sky, and now we have to suffer her on the Beeb – there are a couple of others too who pitch up regularly to add their tuppence worth. My only thought is, when do they do their day job ??? and where do they find these people ?
In the news today from the Times
– the past Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry – the top lawyer threatens to quit
– The suspended SNP MP has been charged with campaign fraud
– Teaching assistant with Muslim name in Taunton court for for sex with 14yr old when he was 22 “I didn’t know she was under age”
– 3 arrested over slavery at UK recycling plan
– Eritrean Refugee pleads to be moved out of bad Swansea after flat robbed
– British Asian men are marrying foreign brides , taking the dowry and getting rid of them without a visa.. NGOs say such brides should be allowed to to come back to UK and stay automatically.
– Brexit : Emir of London wants special London works visas
– Junker says EU migrant quota’s are to be axed
– 2 Times Editorial call for fracking : Shale gas is good for the economy. Government should help promote its extraction
: Fracking could transform Scotland’s economy
– “Responsible advertisers must boycott climate-sceptic Mail“… The Ecologist-19 Sep 2016
– Meanwhile is South Australia they’ve just had blackouts ..they moved from coal to wind power ..and then had huge storms
“England Manager fired cos he revealed he knows tricks to get around the rules and get huge subsidy dosh”
….should be a headline for Solar/Wind industry mafia.
“Andrew Neil interviewing Barry Gardiner on Labour’s opposition to fracking, etc..
Gardiner was absolutely adamant that we export more gas than we import therefore have no need of new sources. He restated this several times under pressure from AN.
A few minutes afterwards AN announced that government figures show that the UK has been a net importer of gas for years and imports account for about 40% of consumption.
So is Gardiner just completely adrift with no hold on his brief as Shadow Energy Minister or was he trying to mislead deliberately to shore up their policy position?
Just appalling.”
Middle Class Lefties are good – They found children’s charities
..and then get disbarred for massive serial fare dodging (£5K ..18K after fines)
Fare dodging lawyer/founder of African childrens charity gets disbarred. Telegraph
“was handed a 16-week prison sentence suspended for 12 months and ordered pay £5,892.70 in compensation”
Shades of C E M Joad and his fall from grace many years ago!
I understand that foreign investment into the UK this year is at a record high, even with Brexit ?
Well, how about this from a German postal firm ?
“The German government and financial authorities are working on a rescue plan for Deutsche Bank in case it cannot pay fines in the US, according to Die Zeit newspaper”.
Nowt to do with Brexit this time ………..
The benefits of ‘multi-culti’ enrichment hits Wales.
No need to worry taffman – seems like the Welsh government have come up with the perfect solution:
WARNING: Read at least 2 meters from your computer screen and make sure there are no heavy objects within arms reach
Ha ha, Better educated, they have degrees. Ever tried invigilating them when doing their examinations? Cheating is widespread; they continue writing their drivel after you call time, and any complaints or down grading is WAAYCIST.
Quite right – and that’s to ignore the plethora of non-subjects and the rampant grade inflation which make some degrees today of less value than an A level from the past.
There is an item in the BBC Recruitment Advertiser today by one Tim Dowling, not familiar with him but his picture has the correct smug, superior, lefty look, accompanied by the same dismissive, writing style.
About a Paki bouncer who got called a Paki and started a pillow fight.
I am sure I would have remembered if this Dowling fellow had written something about the tens of thousands of white children who have been raped, are still being raped, by these loveable Pakis.
How’s this for some good brexit news !
“The UK has surged to seventh place in a highly-influential ranking of the world’s most competitive economies.”
Not on Al Beeb yet?
Perhaps their researches will pick it up from here ?
What ever you do not follow this link -YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!:
Click to access creating_a_faith_-_friendly_workplace_for_muslims_eng.pdf
The tax payer funded Equality and Human Rights board in Wales have come up with some interesting ideas to bring Islam into your work place.
Here are just some of the measures they want your company to take
Be sensitive to cultural differences around handshaking and direct eye contact. It is not about being impolite. (It is impolite in the UK! So shouldn’t immigrants conform to our measures of manners?)
Let applicants and employees know that your workplace recognises different religions and beliefs. (why? I do not want a religion in my work place, it is a place of work not superstition.)
Look for a clean and quiet space for prayers – a space shared by all faiths can be an advantage. (Again this is a place for work not of superstition).
In using the toilet Muslim staff may prefer to clean themselves with clean running water. A small jug, which can be kept in a cubicle, is sufficient for this. (Or they could use loo paper and then wash their hands afterwards like just about everyone else in the sane world? Would I want someone in the workplace who has just wiped his arse with his left hand three times in accordance with the Quran?)
BTW if you wish to work for the board then you must be prepared to work 36 hours a week, take 30 days a year holiday, accept the extraordinary gold plated civil service pension, free child care, free eye care and have free counseling for ‘all employees, their partners and children.’ Yes I know its not free but this is the civil service and they think it is free.
It’s time the grim reaper visited some of these quangos. We will never get this country back on an even keel unless we rid ourselves of these statist parasites.