Why is it that when Jon Pienaar admits that ‘a tough line on migration – the single greatest influence underlying the vote to leave the EU ‘ the BBC ran the Remain camp’s narrative throughout the referendum campaign that it was all about the economy…and even now their Director of News insists the economy was the main issue?….
‘Inasmuch as the EU referendum was about the economy…’
Because the economy was the area easiest to cast doubt on, since it’s both the one aspect of our lives most likely to plateu regardless of the referendum result and was an area most normal people don’t really understand or care about. To an insular, sociopathic intelligentsia mind, the short-term stability of an impermanent economy (even though the evidence didn’t support said stability to begin with) meant more than sovereignty and self-determination. That they continue to miss the point yet claim it was everyone else who was too stupid to grasp the issues is the cherry on the shit sundae.
I’m guessing they prefer to talk about anything other than immigration as talking about that would require them sooner or later to admit that the Remainers and the BBC (but I repeat myself) support totally open borders. They prefer to talk in generalities to avoid anyone pointing out that in the real world banning the Warsaw Night Stalker from the UK is not actually considered ‘a tough line on migration’ so much as common sense.
The Remainers have a serious problem. The economy and FT have done very well since the vote. They can’t discuss immigration, so that leaves them little to talk about. They must know that you EU was a stupid idea in the first place, is a disaster and doomed to failure. They are all living in the past. The rest of us and the rest of the world have moved on.
Luckily the BBC and fellow remainders were wrong on both the economy and immigration. Voters aren’t experts on the economy but their gut instincts were right. The EU is a failing economic bloc. It doesn’t follow the Anglo -American model of a deregulated capitalist economy with low taxes and a smaller public sector as a percent of GDP. Our model works, tbe EU one doesn’t . Let them go their own way and all they will find is more relative decline as the century progresses .
In the 60s and 70s the old EEC economies outperformed us . That was the basis of our attempts to join and the result of the 1975 referendum. That’s all long gone and voters know it. But not tbe BBC.
Spot on !
Gut instincts, particularly when there is life/death danger, is far more reliable.
I remember writing, that the crux of the referendum, was not about economics/money. The referendum was, in my view, whether we rule ourselves, or let others rule us. That is , “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
In retrospect, I forgot the following
If we had remained in the EU, we would have lost
1. Habeus Corpus – A writ of habeas corpus is known as “the great and efficacious writ in all manner of illegal confinement”,being a remedy available to the meanest against the mightiest.
2. Presumption of innocence – Innocent till proven guilty, beyond reasonable doubt.
3. Trial by your peers – jury. A jury trial or trial by jury is a legal proceeding in which a jury either makes a decision or makes findings of fact, which then direct the actions of a judge. It is distinguished from a bench trial, in which a judge or panel of judges makes all decisions.
These three fundamental principles of English Common law, is what makes for a free citizenry, free of the menace of the an over reaching, and over powerful state. The EU definitely is headed that way.
These three great principles, Britain bequeathed to America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India, Ceylon, Singapore, where the people have recourse to a court, against the arbitrary power of the state. All the above nations are grateful for that gift.
And we, in a fit of carelessness, were going to throw it all away, for some dubious printed money, and access to a market, which we will have anyway.
Whew! That was a close run thing.
Exactly right.
Yes NCBBC but our own ‘Lefties’ have already been whittling away at these.
The age-old principle of double jeopardy (not being tried twice for the same crime) was quietly abolished in the wake of the Steven Lawrence murder trial. Funny how lefties are very into law making and the legal profession, but they’re happy to ditch ancient legal rights and freedoms when it suits their agenda.
It may well be that it was the lack of democratic accountability coupled with the threat to people in the North from uncontrolled Non EU Migrants. After all those at Calais are most definitely not EU nationals.
It is now evident the individuals the EU do not want are being swept up and ushered towards the UK as no one else wants them.
As suspected the UK was wanted as:-
a)a Milch cow
b) an offshore dumping ground for undesirables.
as the EU knew the UK SJW’s would oblige by beating their breasts to provide aide and succour at the public’s expense.