Apparently Trump has trounced Clinton in the public polls but you’d be hard pushed to find that out from the they ask Who won the first debate? and yet you don’t get the answer in a very long piece, or only the BBC answer…which, they tell us, is that Clinton won.
That the BBC isn’t screaming ‘Hillary won’ in every headline tells you all you need to know.
How about this: (don’t think it’s a photoshop…..)
I’m so glad you show that link joeadamsmith… I watched the debate this evening and I thought something was fishy as whilst doing my degree I worked in a call centre where I was promoted to leading teams and I know “live coaching” when I see it as I used to do it. The way I look at it is that when she is speaking you can tell that she is preoccupied although is holding her smile. It is also the way that each sentence seems to come with a pause inbetween it…. That is a big giveaway as she in my mind was clearly getting coached on each sentence. Also her responses were far too PC and used some very clever NLP tricks.
I’m certain she was being coached through it by someone. That would also explain her extremely relaxed demeanour (in comparison to Trump’s franticness) as physcologically she felt she had a team behind her which I beleive she did.
Then again so many conspiracies and photoshop is too easy but that after watching for a while was my gut instinct from someone who has loose experience around the subject.
Hill reminds me of my cousin, who is psychotic.
Most assumed she was told the questions in advance, which I expect will be the case next time since the earpiece was spotted. Unsurprisingly the Democrats are whining that the debate wasn’t biased enough, despite Clinton being asked two individual questions to Trump’s 15, and Clinton being allowed to interrupt Trump constantly without reprimand. Even with those advantages she didn’t win, and more importantly she didn’t bait Trump into losing.
Maybe this is why he puts his hand on the small of her back at the end…thought it was a bit strange!
Hang on, folks – in the debate she’s not wearing gold necklace, but is wearing same earings…………
Clinton Received Debate Questions Week Before Debate, According to Sources
CNN rigged their results…. (Bit like our own Ministry of Truth!)
Its about time Mr Trump had someone with a flash bulb in the audience.Mrs Clinton would freak out live on TV.Worth watching just for that.A few lightening bolts and loud noises would help too
I truly believe that she knew the questions beforehand. She was way too composed and (seemingly) prepared to lay into him with some zingers. He better have a different tack and be less defensive and more offensive in the next debate, which I think he will.
He doesn’t need to respond to some of her well-planned jabs and should simply make his points instead.
She’d done LOADS of prep beforehand apparntly, with an aid acting as Trump, so she had probably covered every eventuality
Mr Trump won simply by keeping his cool and not giving the media any sound bites they could drag out for days.He did very well for a non politician and was having to fight the moderator as well as Hillary who seemed to know the questions in advance.
You can tell he did well because there are no screaming headlines about how mad and unhinged he is. the Trump train rolls on .He followed up with a massive rally in Florida and record small donations in 24 hours post debate from ordinary people, not special interest groups. .Lets hear all that on the BBC.
Couldn’t help noticing that SkyNews used CNN (possibly the most Hillary-biased of all the US TV networks, apparently) as the source for their post debate polling.
Did anyone notice whether the BBC did the same?
Yes, day after the debate, the Today programme quoted CNN. I can remember thinking I wondered what other news groups were saying.
So the Democrats appear to have used all the dirty tricks available! Who’d have guessed that?!
I would also guess that they probably used some dirty tricks that haven’t been caught – yet.
Worth noting today’s Times (Wednesday) gives an overwhelming victory for Clinton, reported as widespread opinion. Its not just the BBC, the entire media is going for the lady. Play the race card and you have the media.
By the way – what exactly is racist about saying Obama was born in Kenya?
It might be false, it might be a deliberate lie, but that is a political and a constitutional issue.
What is racist about saying someone came from Kenya?
Sadly, the Times has become a pretty third rate newspaper in recent years. Nobody expects it to swing hugely in one direction or the other, but under the dire influence of Finkelstein and the rest of the Cameron set it has become a boring, stodgy, centreist waste of ground-up trees. You could have bet money on it supporting a lying, conniving, cynical, duplicitous, Machiavellian hack like Illary.
The rush of the UK’s media to the soft Left must delight the BBC. It’s just a shame (for them) that they don’t realise events in Europe (the continent not fantasy government) are turning its populations in quite the opposite direction.
GC, Totally agree with you. The media are fighting hard across the west to put down this rebellion of , as they term it, populism, which so endangers the liberal left elite who have held power for decades right across the west. The MSM are in most cases fully paid up members of the liberal left .In the UK ,ever Since Lady T was ousted ,we have seen how the power of the BBC has brainwashed the population into moving leftwards and so the Tories have followed the votes. This process of moving leftwards has taken place in most developed countries. But the result of decades of liberal left hegemony is mass immigration, loss of jobs in the west, destruction of western culture and of stable societies. At last people are beginning to question if the liberal left way is the best way for them. Many of them are deciding that it isn’t , and it is this that is driving the political success of Farage, Trump, Le Pen , Orban etc, all of whom are responding to ,and articulating the desires of the people , rather than creating those desires as the MSM try to portray
The elite will not take this challenge to their rule lying down, they will fight back using very trick in the book. We can expect some very unpleasant things to be done as rulers of the west are increasingly at odds with their people and try to stem the tide of ‘ populism’.
I think you are exactly right. The MSM has gone in one direction, the world, another. This explains the media’s bafflement when we vote for Brexit, the French support Le Pen and the Amricans, Trump.
The irony is that they they believe they are on the side of ‘people power’. When they get a taste of it, though, it scares them stiff.
That moderator proved Trump right that the moderators would be biased against him: tough questions for Trump and no tough questions for Hillary.
However, the last debate will be moderated by a guy named Wallace, who works for Fox News and is a fine, knowledgeable, non-partisan media guy. I have an idea that he will demonstrate how the job should be done, unlike the biased, talentless shmuck on Monday.