“”Mr Rosensaft belongs to a group sometimes referred to as the “second generation” of survivors: those born after the Holocaust who did not experience the horrors, but grew up in the wake of them””
“At the very least, we have to try to prevent similar atrocities.”
“”He said this was particularly relevant now, because anti-immigration sentiment seemed to be on the rise in much of Europe. Survivors’ children were uniquely well-placed to speak out about racism and intolerance, he said””
“”When I hear slogans of ‘Muslims out’ in Germany I want to remind people that it wasn’t all that long ago that the slogan was ‘Jews out’ “”
This is a disgusting report by the BBC in order to support their Left Wing ‘uncontrolled migration’ beliefs.
The BBC likens the Holocaust to mass uncontrolled immigration. The BBC are saying that if we don’t support mass uncontrolled immigration, we will create another holocaust.
This is a BBC insult to those who were murdered by the the Nazis.
The article started well, but I knew there would have to be a BBC/Left sting in the tail.
I am the daughter of a survivor. Yes, it may well affect my views on immigration. I don’t forget that every immigrant is a human being and each should be treated with respect. But equally each immigrant should treat this country with respect (Rochdale and Rotherham are evidence that they don’t). My father went to extremes to avoid taking from this country what wasn’t his. When he first arrived and was doing voluntary work (the terms of his visa forbade him from taking paid work) he refused the offer of his bus fare because it could be construed as pay. He did not want me to claim a university grant because it was enough that we had a home here. There are too many people here illegally (where is their respect for this country?) that if the illegals were not here then there may be room for the UK to take those genuinely running for their lives.
Deborah. My father was also a survivor coming to this country as a child. He loved this country and would have wept to see what has become of it. He also loved Austria, the country of his birth, and would have been equally saddened about what’s happened there.
He was a liberally-minded man (Conservative supporter in his later years) who worried about the rise of the “far-right” and was never a racist, but I know he would have been disgusted at the way the left shamelessly equate economic migration with the holocaust, i.e. people who genuinely escaped persecution, like him, and came here because their lives would be forfeit otherwise. Those who do so are sick, twisted people whose every breath is a waste of oxygen.
There is one parallel. The enthusiasm with which so many European nations conspired and assisted the SS in rounding their Jews up for transportation is similar to the, initial, enthusiasm for welcoming the Islamic tide. Different ethic, same end result.
Wild Bill this point needs to be made again and again when people start trying to compare current migration with that of the 1930s. Unless you believe crackpot theories about banking conspiracies etc, the Jews weren’t harming anybody. Also, 1930s Jewish refugees were a tiny minority in comparison to today’s migrants.
Three, wild, vicious, Arab savages in ‘joint enterprise’ sexual assault on 14 year old girl . . . . . . . . . Following Britain’s vote to leave the E.U.
I may have switched off too soon but thought I would watch the 6pm BBC1 news, lasted about 30 seconds. But Clive Myrie as he reported Corbyn’s speech suggested all was marvellous in the Labour Party and what Jeremy will do when he comes into power. I preferred listening to the gentle tick of my clock.
You missed 9m30s of the BBC’s 6pm party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party. The only good bit being a brief shot of less than comfortable looking Labour illuminati listening to Jeremy Corbyn putting their political careers on old TFN.
I’ve never heard a BBC reporter explain how we can recognise a Pole in a street full of non-Polish people. They can’t all be carrying white and red flags. Does anyone know the visual test?
I thought I would just visit to say that I thought the BBC 6pm news was more like a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour party. I should have realised that this blatant bias had been noticed.
All our problems are solved.
Corbyn is going to get those money printing presses rolling and everyone will be entitled to everything.
The state will provide.
Mass immigration will be solved by throwing money at them.
The birds are singing.
The sun is shining.
Al Beeb are rejoicing.
Exit Angela Merkel to be replaced by Corbyn ! The state will provide is precisely the tune that migrants want to hear. If Calais think they’ve got problems with the Jungle now, then they ain’t seen nothing if Labour get into power with Corbyn’s promises.
Car Crash Video of that Fracking interview with Andrew Neil (click play and it will jump to correct point 16m26s)
Labour’s Energy Minister is so out of touch he repeatedly asserts the UK is a net EXPORTER of gas
BarryGardiner “We can’t lock ourselves into the old energy infrastructure for the next 35 years”
…2 minutes of waffling
AN : “What’s the life of a shale gas field”
BG : “About 3 years”
BG :”Make a distinction between gas and shale gas OK” (why ? they are the same chemical)
“We have more gas..we actually export 33.8% of the gas we produce..we only import 18%”
..”we actually import 5% more this year than we did the year before”
AN : “North sea gas is running out”
BG : Our production of gas in this country for the last 5 years has increased year on year” Oops he’s got his sums completely upside down, and AN is right
..”They’ll be a 26% reduction in gas demand in this country by 2030″ (Wishful thinking, immigration and increasing population causes lower heat demand or something ?)
“Makes no sense to lock ourselves into production SUBSIDISED by 75%” (He doesn’t understand what a subsidy is.. if you pay some tax instead of zero tax instead of zero tax you are putting money into a system, whereas a subsidy means you take money out of the system even if your tax is zero)
(where does the 75% actually come in ? On a project bringing £1bn of gas you PAY a lot of tax, but for your £30m cost of drilling rig 75% (£22.5m) can be written off against tax)
AN : “If we are producing so much gas, then why are we importing £15bn”
BG : “Coas we are exporting MORE ” (Totally incorrect)
BG : “You are LAUGHING…do you want to check the figures ?” ends at 21:49
..The correction of BG comes at 32:10s (click play) AN announced that government figures show that the UK has been a net importer of gas since 2004 and NOW imports account for about 40% of consumption. (official gov figures)
….someone might remind me how to embed BBC videos
I think there might be a tiny grain of logic in Labour’s opposition to fracking. Under their suicidal 2008 Climate Change Act we have to stop using gas for heating our homes and cooking, because burning it produces plant food. As they have a policy that we’re not allowed to burn the gas, then there is some logic in their other policy that we mustn’t get it out of the ground. Now we need to know their policy on how we mine the pixie dust we’ll need instead for cooking and heating.
“… Now we need to know their policy on how we mine the pixie dust we’ll need instead for cooking and heating.”
It’s easy. First you have to get the agreement of the local Goblin King to allow exploratory drilling into their land. However, this might upset the Dwarven tribes who happen to own most of the mines beneath that land. If all that fails, you summon the unicorns, invoke the ancient texts, hope the Dragon Lord doesn’t show up and make sure you keep the Elven Army on your side.
Barry (Vicki Pollard) Gardiner posts a Hands Up tweet
An enviro lunatic heart, doesn’t make for a good maths brain.
It’s a blustering made up excuse cos only thinking about gas we import from poor human rights countries and forgetting about the other imports ..still doesn’t make us an EXPORTER of gas.
And does he want the UK to import less gas from countries with bad human rights ?
……Then surely the way is to GET FRACKING in the UK !
Just a month ago Barry Gardiner was talking about how fracking could bring benefits so long as safeguards are met. He said this on August 7:
“Labour recognises that a UK shale gas industry could create a number of jobs and increase the security of our domestic supply”
Luckily I missed the party political that occupied the first 10 minutes of the 6pm news. However I did catch the so called business editor renewing the BBC’s post Brexit gloom campaign. Car tariffs could be 10 percent and if that happens some tame guy from Jaguar ( Germanic English accent) tells us that jobs are potentially at risk. Yet…no certainty of 10 percent tariffs ,no mention that these tariffs would also apply to car imports, Jaguars free gift of the 15 percent devaluation of sterling is not mentioned. Project Fear again.
Tedious repeats of threats on the BBC about Nissan shutting factories in the UK if we exit the single market and there are tariffs.
Err no, the UK is a net importer and one of the strongest market places for cars. If there are tariffs then there is more pressure to want to manufacture here to avoid the tariffs.
This really is Janet and John stuff it’s so obvious.
“Car tariffs could be 10 percent and if that happens some tame guy from Jaguar ( Germanic English accent) tells us that jobs are potentially at risk”
It’s not rocket science that tariffs work both ways. If the EU plays silly buggers it will become unpatriotic to buy Mercedes, Audies, BMWs and Volvos. Jaguar won’t have any cars left over to export; the UK market will absorb every car they can produce. The same will apply to other UK manufacturers as their production satisfies the market that used to be supplied by VW, Renault, Fiat, etc.
I do wish the BBC would stop treating us like idiots. I know that 16 million voted to Remain but 17 1/2 million showed that we can understand complicated arguments.
“her assigned gender at birth was male.” made me laugh.
What happened to ” was born a boy” ?
Who ‘assigns’ our sex, no one does, it’s in our DNA?
They used to be called “sex change operations”, now it’s, “gender reassignment”, was ‘sex change’ not politically correct?
Until the sensible conservative right regains control of the language used in public discourse, which the Left have had for decades, progress on so many issues will be very difficult.
A necessary, though not sufficient condition for this is the end of the BBC TV poll tax.
I cannot locate the post which mentioned a report in Breibart regarding Government suggestions that employers should make the work place more friendly to Moslems.
The Equality and Diversity Commission are concerned that employers in Wales are not doing enough to make work places attractive to Muslims. Specifically, the authors encourage employers to provide jugs of water in toilets for Muslims who don’t want to use toilet paper, accommodate hijabs and face veils
In the photo, Mr. Schaeffer is getting sworn in at his new position as council member. You can read more about this religion here.
Don’t be a racist, support Pastafarianism. Further detailsof this religion which is non violent and more coherent than Islam. Come on BBC we are multicultural.
Link here
Is it possible that other workers might feel a bit uncomfortable about sharing facilities with people who wipe their bottoms with their own fingers?
I imagine this retarded practice must be something that mohammed did, so they all have to do it too. In which case it would be a good idea to leave any nine year old girls at home on Bring Your Daughter to Work Day. Just a thought.
G.W.F – I think Mo was referring to the band not rocks – silly! – So no more worries over blocked toilets!
I think I would use Mick or Ronnie. Its not that I dont like Charlie or Keith. But Charlies hair is a bit short and Keith Richards barnet though looking quite absorbent would probably make my backside smell of cigarettes afterwards.
I also consider that Mick or Ronnies luxuriant locks are far more likely to stay effective for all “three goes”
Sorry to be boring and I know its not rocknroll but good hygiene is quite important to me in these matters!
A takeaway chef wiped his bottom using his hands before preparing food because he does not use toilet paper for ‘cultural reasons’, a court heard.
Mahbub Chowdhury, 46, from Swindon, was found to have a filthy bottle in the kitchen of Yeahya Flavour of Asia, which inspectors concluded was covered in faecal matter.
Jug, bottle – what’s the difference?
And to think Britain was once a civilised country.
I’ve always been more keen on the worship of ‘Russell’s Teapot’ (google it) which to me seems a more sensible way of getting the argument across than the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Today at 7.25 a.m. this morning had an interview with the former Greek Finance Minister – spot the oxymoron – he of the motor bike and leathers (we were reminded should we have forgotten his artificially-cultured non-conformist appearance).
He told us how useless Osborne had been as chancellor, how he robbed the poor of their benefits and how wonderful McDonnell – with whom he is in regular contact, apparently – would be.
He also told us McDonnell was right that Britain has been short of investment and there is £900 billion ‘sloshing around the City of London’ doing nothing, which can and should be used for this ‘investment’ (the nature of which was never described).
All of this went completely – and I mean completely – unchallenged by our star-struck BBC interviewer.
As for the economic basket case that is Greece – never mentioned.
A BBC pro-Corbyn, hard left agenda is slowly brewing….
It’s 1:00PM here in Western Canada and I’ve been doing some work on my computer all morning whilst listening to Classic FM.
One thing I’ve noticed today is that Classic FM’s news service, I believe it’s called Global Newsroom, has been giving non-stop, on the hour and every hour, rolling bollocks on Jeremy Corbyn’s speech to the Marxists that now infest the silly party, followed by some far-left extremist demanding an analysis of Jeremy Hunt’s words following a high court ruling in his favour concerning the militant junior doctor’s strike. Not a word from any other political party allowed.
Does anyone know if the BBC has any input to this rather daft “news” outlet, because it sure sounds like they’re taking their marching orders from Broadcasting House and their ‘Rescue Corbyn at all costs’ mission.
This is a reply about Classic FM, and seems to have detached itself from where it was intended to appear.
I won’t watch, or listen to the BBC any more – I refuse to.
Most of the day I listen to Classic FM, obviously for the music. I don’t much like the presenters (especially the male presenters), as I find them increasingly patronising, and the stream of mind-numbing advertising (especially the car adverts, with their unending terms and conditions – who would actually buy a car as a result?. [Incidentally, I have found the recent ads for the Skoda Fabia hilarious, as the lat words were “Skoda fabia – it’s a no-brainer. Sums it all up, really]). Anyway, I digress.
However, the comment about Global News, is true – it is just as bad as the BBC/Channel 4, and I sometimes wonder if they are aware of what’s going on in the real world – the ‘stories’ are naff and dull, and as has already been said, they have been dwelling, all day on the stupid Labour Party conference. Of course, they are part of the main-stream media, hell-bent on adjusting things their way, and ignoring other stuff which might be of more importance, and interest to the listeners. I suppose we can expect nothing else.
If there was a simple way to filter out the crass advertising every few minutes, and the daft “news” bulletins, easily, I would do just that.
Friend Goat! Great to see you here :). Haven’t noticed any problem with the edit facility but will try it out right now … Hang on …
EDIT: If you can see this last bit, then my Edit function is working OK, in which case you should probably blame the Hard-Right Tax-dodging Google/Firefox/Windows/Apple/delete/add whichever is applicable.
TPO – “Not a word from any other political party allowed”
But watch next week, there will be comments from Labour people, Lib Dems, Green Party. SNP, Guardian hacks, BBC lefties, Left-wing pressure groups galore. They may fit in an odd Conservative – as long as they are a remoaner and/or opposed to La May.
Just had a quick look at BBC online news to see what the party that governs the country has been up to today. Couldn’t find anything. If anyone else has better luck could you post a link? Many thanks.
So, Comrade Corbyn sees no connection with unparalleled levels of immigration into our once green and pleasant land and problems with jobs, housing, schooling, infrastructure and horrible overcrowding. “It’s nothing to do with immigration,” the wise one told his adoring audience, “it’s all down to Tory cuts, lack of housing and the right wing press.” So now you know!
The Conservatives have been massively disappointing regards immigration. Hapless Dave, the old Etonian spiv, promised to reduce numbers to “the tens of thousands.” Yeh Dave, the last count suggested numbers in excess of 330,000 per annum.
It’s a depressing thought when you take a look at main stream politicians. Those who can command the sort of gormless tribal vote that will sweep them into Downing Street. On the one hand we have Theresa “The Appeaser” now as PM; a listless and bloody hopeless Home Secretary, who did sweet FA to reduce the immigration figures when she had the chance, indeed they went up. The only thing she did reduce was the size of our police force, lecturing them on diversity and irritating the life out of the average copper.
And in the red corner…
Jeff I dont think any of these bastards will be happy until every bloody inch of our countryside is covered by huge housing estates plus all the attendant services a “thriving ” urban population needs.
And why – because politicians are too afraid of the urban based media to say – No! we are full up!!!!
Common sense says this cannot continue we have neither land or the resources to carry on like this.
A farmer will not overstock his fields because he knows their is a finite limit to the amount of stock a field can support and also overcrowding of stock has direct consequences in how stressed animals react to one-another.
Yet our “leaders” generally all seem to be wandering around in fluffy onsies and proudly displaying a childlike denial about the consequences of uncontrolled urban/population growth. After all they are all “asylum seekers” and need our help.
I suppose this is because no-one wants to be seen as “nasty”. Politicians (especially Theresa) have been more than happy to throw stones at others in this regard. Yet why does “helping” refugees have to mean they permanently move in – it makes no sense!
It is interesting that the one politician who has pretty much predicted all of this (Farage) has been constantly hounded and castigated for years (even being held directly responsible for a saintly MPs death) – and why – for being a grown up and telling the truth.
And yet even when the consequences of this stupidity is visible just outside our own front door. – All these adult babies still delude themselves that we live in a world of no negative consequences, where all migrants only have good intentions and feeling good about yourself is far more important than looking after the place that homes you, feeds you and generally looks after you.
I suspect these idiots will all still be blubbing and preaching peace and love when they are all living in in rags and marching back to North Africa to replace those that have come here!
They say good Lord is meant to help those who help themselves – Cant see the good Lord helping us any time soon! However for those who are “helping themselves” I see a rosy future unless we wise up soon!
“It’s nothing to do with immigration,” the wise one told his adoring audience, “it’s all down to Tory cuts, lack of housing and the right wing press.”
I also read this gem of a quote from Corbyn in this morning’s Telegraph and simply wondered how this Marxist numbnut could ever become leader of any party (with the exception of the Greens) or even, for that matter, an MP.
So he’s saying that if enough housing was to be provided for the squillions of immigrants invading this country the pressure on public services would simply disappear?
Can anyone explain if (and therefore how) I’ve misunderstood this gem of economic perspicacity?
It is interesting that under Assad all religions in Syria seemed to live fairly peacefully with eachother. It was only when we supported the rebellion against Assad that death rates soared.
Yet the West (at the behest of Saudi Arabia) seems to be backing another group of “rebels” which we seem to know little about.
You would have thought that we would have learnt by now that backing “the devil we know” makes more sense than backing “the devil we dont”
In fact I would argue that whoever controls Syria needs to be tyrannical in some respects to stop the disparate factions from cutting each others throats. Are we hoping for another Arab spring there after the rebels have won – That went well last time – didnt it !
It seems to me that the only world leader who seems to live in the real world regarding the Middle East is Putin.
Like him or loathe him at least he seems to currently understand the Arab psyche better than most of our so called leaders in the West. And at least he is still his own man.
Maybe it is time to swallow oor pride and back Assad instead!
This is the wife of what the West describe as the evil dictator, Assad, of Syria. She is speaking in 2010 of art and the protection of museums and historic sites in Syria.
I cannot accept the media presentation of the Assad regime. Remember, the artifacts and museums she spoke of have all been destroyed – some by forces supported by the West.
Syria is/was a largely secular society. It has its own distinct church and branch of Christianity, one of the very earliest. More than 10% of the population were Christian and, prior to the outbreak of the Western/Saudi-backed civil war, there were no religious problems in the country. They do things differently in the Middle East and whilst Assad is not everyone’s cup of tea, he is clearly better than the alternatives.
BBC always headlines Clinton’s successes rather than Trump’s. To me, record fund raising for Trump is more newsworthy than a defecting Senator and should be headlines.
But of course, the BBC favours Clinton and Corbyn over their political opponants.
And another thing to note. When some SJW tries to deflect attention from these frequent cases by pointing at some infrequent white grooming gang, here’s what is plainly obvious.
Ismail Haji, 39, his brother Imran, 36, Ibrahim Kola, 36, and Mohammed Chothia, 37, all from the Kirklees area of West Yorkshire, were convicted at Leeds Crown Court of various sex offences.
Isn’t it always the same, the Muslim grooming gangs always include family members, friends, or men that work in the same takeaway. How is that possible? Imagine if somebody you knew suggested a bit of child rape after work? You’d probably thump him, you’d certainly report him to the police.
Yes, there are certainly some nasty sick people of all colours, including white. And it is not beyond imagination to think that some of these people will become known to each other through their shared sickness.
But these Muslim grooming gangs are always composed of people that know each other, and they then decide to commit sick crimes. It doesn’t make sense. It certainly cannot be explained away by comparing to non-Muslim grooming gangs.
They’re always Muslims because according to their religion they aren’t doing anything wrong, remember kaffirs to them are the equivalent of dirt; our lives and those of our females have no value: so why on earth should they NOT rape them?
It is always Muslims who commit this type of crime everywhere else in the West too: they are different nationalities; with the same modus operandi and all share the same religion.
“After a four week trial? With no mention on the BBC at all” said @quisquose
Yes, normal subjudice rules and the need to protect the victims and innocent children of the perpetrators etc.
But once trial finished it is normal to report sentences.
R5L news at 5.00am. Lead is OPEC reducing oil production, second item is a rape case stressing that suspects were two WHITE men. Kind of reinforces what we on this site have been saying for years
Yes, I was intending to post on this. BBC local TV news in Oxfordshire – it’s WHITE men. So I guess the word has gone out to all that WHITE must be used.
Compare all the time and publicity one black man, Stephen Lawrence got and is still getting, to the quiet surrounding the industrial scale of abuse happening to our little girls, tens of thousands of them, by the enrichers.
A classic show was Newsnight tonight. Surely they get embarrassed? Dreadful rubbish. Paul Mason is a sad case indeed. I knew people like him in the late 60s. Never grow up and never see themselves as the fools they are.
Then two sad academics bewailing the stupid English voters over Brexit. Seldom have I heard such disjointed and pathetic reasoning. Who are these people?
Did Paul Mason see the glimmer of light, demonstrating the end of the hegemony of the capitalist system and the rise of the huddled masses over the US powered Corporate Bourgeoisie?
He has been seeing this for decades, oddly it is a dawn that never turns into day. He never learns.
I’ve always assumed the Mirror is old fashioned trade union working class left – not doctrinaire Hampstead intellectual like the Guardian – so watching the BBC without paying for a licence is probably just seen as a harmless ‘perk’ like pilfering things from the docks was 50 years ago.
Not long ago, Wronged kept a tally of the remainers and Brexiters appearing on Question time. I don’t need to tell anyone on here how that went.
Has anyone kept any type of record about the amount of Guardian hacks appear on the bbbc.
You would think the Guardian was the worlds top selling paper, outselling the Sun, Mirror and Telegraph combined, by the huge amount of exposure they get, even if it is the bbbc buying up most of its copies.
“However, TV Licensing says you will need a licence if you access iPlayer through another provider, such as Freeview , Freesat , YouView Sky , Virgin Media , BT Vision , Apple , Roku or Amazon .”
Paying for any media content is an absolutely alien concept to most young people. This will ultimately be the downfall of the BBC.
The alternative media is becoming more and more influential. Just look at the viewing figures of some of the short, yet hard-hitting clips on FaceBook with tens of millions of views. Something any mainstream outlet could only dream of.
R4 News this morning: the police in Oxford are seeking 3 men in a car who abducted a 13 year old girl and abused her for 3 hours before releasing her, no descriptions of any of them as one should expect in a rational country in order for the public to be able to help catch them or to protect other young girls from their predations.
I would (therefore) suspect Norwegian involvement in the crime and be interested to see if it features in other forthcoming bulletins throughout the day or allowed to slide down the memory hole.
No need for a description Al! We already know that it will be “Men with a tanned complexion”…….
What we can guarantee though is the onslaught of articles/propaganda pieces about how magical and perfect Islam and Muslims are, especially to women (if you are all sniggering then how can we take this seriously ?)…. Even though the words “Muslim” or “Islam” aren’t used in ANY article reporting this Islamic instruction….we know the drill by now people
It would be an interesting exercise to collate all the attacks on women over a 6 month period that’s taken placed around the country, by “men with a tanned complexion”. Then compare the findings with how many of these attacks have been reported by our national broadcaster, or any of the media channels for that matter. Oh how I’d love the press to make headlines of THAT information !
Contact any of the feminist organizations who are probably demonstrating against attacks on the sisters and will have detailed records of each and every assault.
Oh. I forgot. Official, media supported feminism stops at the gates of Islam.
Religion of Pervs ? : Local paper today has 3 pages about a guy with the surname Ali, who would bait young girls into sending them him naked photos and then blackmail them. It also has 2 articles about 2 normal sex offenders. Anyone can grow up “wrong”, but seems those trapped in religious dogma like Islam are more likely to grow up deviant.
– Newcastle : 4 men with Islamic names on trial they used Google translate to talk to their victims. : page 4 of the Times
Religion of Slave owners ?
“Shezada Mahboob” and a Pakistani man were arrested yesterday on charges of enslaving 11 Polish men at his Recycling centre in West Bromich. Times pg 23
Denmark “Migrant Child brides can stay with their husbands”
..a change of ruling in Denmark : Times page 37
So yesterday it was Nissan, today it was Jaguar Land Rover.
The BBC must have been jumping for joy when they heard that Hanno Kirner, executive director at JLR, had issued a stark warning ahead of the Paris Motor Show that tariffs on UK car exports to Europe would be ‘disastrous’ for jobs … so they interviewed him on the Today Programme as part of their rolling anti-Brexit propaganda.
Much as they tried they couldn’t get him to repeat the ‘disastrous’ lie live on the radio, all they could do was get him to say that sanctions and quotas would be disastrous for car manufacturers. So just another day of anti-Brexit misreporting.
What he did say was that JLR’s global market was equally split into 5 distinct markets, and 80% of their cars were exported. (This put’s their sales profile very similar to the company that I work for, and I know the import/export business very well). So that’s a fifth of their cars into the UK, a fifth into the EU etc.
Anybody that knows the JLR products will realise that the UK has always, and will always, be their core market. Many of their cars are in company fleets, and bought by the aspirational middle class. They have a much greater share of the UK market than elsewhere. The market abroad is much thinner, and the product is sold differently. Price and demand for JLR cars is likely to be much more elastic in the UK than elsewhere. So any tariffs would actually be an incentive to manufacture in the UK than elsewhere.
Any attempts to equate tariffs with UK job losses is simply scaremongering, and I know this because I work in the import/export business. But trying to equate tariffs with inability to trade, and job losses, is exactly what the BBC and others are trying dishonestly to do.
At least the BBC have stopped trying to claim that leaving the single market means we can’t trade, that it might just result in tariffs, we can be thankful of that. It seems that they just want their listeners to think that tariffs will lead to inability to trade. T*ssers.
Jaguar’s MD (?) was interviewed on Sky News yesterday evening at about 6:50pm. He stated that the fall in the value of the Pound, post Brexit, had been beneficial as it makes JLR’s cars cheaper in the overseas markets that comprise 80% of their business. This is a pattern that is being repeated in many export-focused businesses and a bonus that is studiously ignored by the BBC.
“”Will Brexit be a boon for tourists?”” (Could this be the very first BBC pro-Brexit article?).
“”This was the first month after the Brexit vote, suggesting its outcome, so far at least, has had little impact on visitors’ enthusiasm for the UK””
“”The reason that the UK receives such a high level of tourism from European counties is because over the last 40 years there has been an army of officials in Brussels working on agreements, regulations and rules that help facilitate the ability of EU citizens to cross national borders”” (ah…here comes the BBC sting in the tail).
“Any deal that makes it harder for businesses to operate across the border, or for people to travel across the border, will trigger a fall in tourism,” Mr Janson says””
“”The UK’s tourist sector is also very dependent on workers from the EU””
“To grow and be able to provide high quality service, the UK tourism industry needs there to be free movement of workers between the EU and the UK””
“This may not be popular with some of those that voted to leave, but is essential to the viability of the UK tourism industry,” Mr Janson adds””
Mr Janson fails to point out that there are a few things that boost tourism that have nothing to do with the EU. Cheap flights and the Channel Tunnel have made a huge difference, as well as Britain keeping the pound, which means that currency differentials can act as an incentive to tourism (ie, when the pound is weak against the Euro, people have an incentive to come). Nobody is suggesting it will not be possible to hire labour from the EU if it is required, so there is no need for the tourism sector to have a labour shortage.
Presumably the large groups of American, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Gulf Arab tourists I`ve encountered this year also have visa free “freedom of movement” or are a figment of my imagination.
And as for the claim “The UK’s tourist sector is also very dependent on workers from the EU”.
That claim again does not match my experience of recent UK holidays…B and Bs, farm accomodation and smaller hotels are invariably owned, run by and employ British people (all white incidentally and speaking with local accents).
It may be a different story in the big businesses of large hotel chains and luxury brands, but the solution is for them to train and recruit British staff too.
This is another reason to ignore BBC “news” coverage. Always biased…pushing agendas..propaganda and lacking context. Tourism to Britain did not start with joining the EEC, and will not end with our leaving the EU.
The Trotskyist, Socialist Worker or if you like the Corbynist hierarchy at the BBC who know they have a lot of influence on peoples minds will now go for broke in supporting Corbyn. I have watched over the last few years their trial go on ,using the Londistan Programme after
the 6PM news. They have tried to be very clever using either dupe Indian sub continent presenters to do their bidding. But maybe the likes of Riz Lateef and Asad Ahmed agree with the vitriolic anti police diatribe and everything the conservative government do or say.
Expect before long if it hasn’t happened already for the whole of the BBC news context to be
the converse of what FOX News is in the USA.
Did anyone else recoil in horror, then become angry, when the Labour conference concluded with a rendition of Jerusalem . The open borders , the more immigrants the better, party , has a very different image of England to the one that I , and I suspect, the majority of the English have. I was also astonished when in summing up Corbyn’s speech Gabby Hinscliffe from the Guardian said that Labour had lost the consent of the people for continued mass immigration. THEY NEVER HAD CONSENT. Blair instructed his ministers not to mention mass immigration policy becuase he said that the British people would never agree to it.Well he was right about that. But these liberal lefties at the BBC and Guardian are trying to claim that once we did at least give our consent. We never did and I for one bitterly resent the ruination of my country with their evil enrichment policy. God rot the lot of them. At least Corbyn is stupid enough to say that he wants as much immigration as possible, rather then hide it all from the people like Blair and Brown and the rest of the liberal left did.
Doublethinker, I watched the report of the conference on the news and found myself staring in disbelief as Kim Il Korbyn was wittering on about ’21st century socialism’, with the audience nodding and clapping in approval. I could understand such a scene in, say, 1925, but by now I can’t see how anyone can approve of such a clapped out, failed, dangerous ideology. Whilst these people are in a minority they are an influential minority – teachers, social workers, functionaries, clergy etc – which makes it not just depressing but frightening also.
The trouble is that most, if not all, revolutions are led by the middle class, such as lawyers, (I almost accidentally typed “liars”) teachers etc. The ordinary person is rarely revolting!
That was why Mao forced as many intellectuals to work in the countryside as he did; so that they couldn’t foment an uprising, from within universities and colleges, which might have overthrown the regime.
Spot on, Doublethinker! ‘THEY NEVER HAD CONSENT’
I wonder how many people realize that the issue has never been put to the people in Britain (or most other European countries).
Funny that! Eh?
But it will be put to the people on Hungary on 2nd October.
This will be groundbreaking. Brits should demand a similar referendum. We can’t just be satisfied with winning Brexit. It is time to push for our very own immigration referendum.
To take the country back keep that pressure on!
I have got a lot of confidence in the Hungarians. They live in a small country with a unique language. There is nowhere else for them to go if Hungary is swamped, it is all they have, and I trust them to vote to keep it.
Immigration, Multi-culturalism, Islamification: successive governments have been operating without a democratic mandate in these areas for more than 50 years. There is a very real sense in which their actions can simply be viewed as illegal.
You are right of course, we should have a referendum on immigration ,but practically we know it will never happen and even if it was tried the liberal left would be so vehement in its opposition that no one would dare to head up a campaign to bring it about. Just as those bastards Blair and Brown planned, once there are enough immigrants here there is little that a civilised western country can do to get rid of them. This is why it so important for the Visegrad countries not to accept any migrants. We in the UK, and much of the rest of Europe, are now in a situation where the politicians are trying to find a way to create a modus vivendi for Europeans and Muslims to live together. They are only just beginning to realise what Enoch Powell warned against 50 years ago, and what ordinary people have known for ten or twenty years, that Muslims and Western values are incompatible. Some of the politicians like Mrs Mekel, must be incredibly stupid to have encouraged new waves of Muslim migrants in recent years when the writing on the wall was plain as day. It seems to me that there are four possible long term outcomes: a) the two groups lives as separate communities with constant tension and endemic violence between them, as in India, or b) we westerners gradually submit and become Islamified , or c) there is an all out war, and lastly d) the two communities learn to integrate and accept each other whilst retaining their cultures and traditions.
Of these four the latter one is clearly what the liberal left are trying to bring about but it simply isn’t happening. The Muslims are becoming more extreme in their views and despite what the BBC think ,no amount of cake baking , or 10,000 metre gold medals , or Muslim news readers, or Muslim mayors will change that. In fact I suspect that a few years of the latter will make things a whole lot worse.
Doublethinker, ” Did anyone else recoil in horror, then become angry, when the Labour conference concluded with a rendition of Jerusalem?” What we all have to understand is the fanatical left’s long term view of their “Jerusalem” and it’s nothing like ours. They don’t possess any sense of pride or patriotism for this land; they openly despise most of our traditions and are embarrassed by our history and heritage.
The Jerusalem they would inflict upon us, given half a chance, would be nothing like the beautiful hymn that these charlatans sing; it would resemble all too well modern day Jerusalem, with its deep ethnic and religious hatreds, cultural confusion and sense of fear.
It is astonishing that a movement that is so intent on obliterating the very thing this patriotic anthem is eulogising should choose to sing this; the words should choke them.
William Blake must be doing somersaults in his urn…
The bit right at the bottom is interesting…
“The think tank – which has close links to Whitehall – said the lack of clarity had already caused distractions which had wasted valuable time.
It called for another 500 officials to be hired to deal with Brexit – at a cost of £65m.”
Assuming that £65m is per year then each official would be earning £130,000 p/a.
The BBC is curiously quiet about an unpleasant bit of racism. If a Polish lady gets her shed burnt down for reasons that aren’t clear, then it is all over the BBC news, the One Show, Radio 5 live etc.
Jackie Wilson, momentum’s vice chair, and leading light on Labour’s Representation Committee, has been running down Jewish people again. She’s made despicable comments about the Jewish Holocaust in WW2, asking why Jewish schools should have additional security, amongst other nonsense too tiresome to repeat.
Labour supporters are already saying she should go and that they couldn’t remain in a party with such a person offering such views. Chris Bryant reckons she should be ‘shown the door never to return.’
You may recall that she has been suspended before, for saying Jews were ‘financiers of the sugar and slave trade.’ But don’t worry, faster than you can have an inquiry that finds the Labour party isn’t anti Semitic, this intellectual, fair minded liberal was smartly readmitted to the Labour party. This despite her not even apologising. She said of her suspension “There is a little bit of a conspiracy going on”.
Nothing on the main BBC web news page yet, nor any comments from Shami Chakrabarti. I await with bated breath.
Guido gives a list of Jewish organizations who are angry over Jackie Wilson.
It won’t be long before Shameless Charabaty demands that something is done and insists on addressing the matter on a BBC news show.
Friends! I am quite sure that you were all as enthralled as I was by Jeremy’s great speech yesterday, which was easily his best speech since his previous one!
My latest Blog, simply titled “A Full, Comprehensive And Totally Objective Review Of Jeremy’s Literally Spell-Binding Speech To The Labour Conference, Which Was Literally A Turning-Point In Labour’s Fortunes, Friends!” is now literally available, for literally no charge:
I agree, I thought he was totally in touch with the party and the totality of the struggling masses in distancing Labour totally from the neo liberal paradigm.
I hope someone managed to blame that on Fatcher in the true spirit of Leftyism and that she was roundly condemned for all of one minute, resulting in two minutes of orchestrated applause.
(Some young comprehensively educated delegates rising to the Momentous moment of Momentum may have been heard whispering to their neighbours in adjoining seats, during said applause “Who?”)
I beg to differ, Comrade Stalin’s speech to the 15th Party Congress in 1927 was the finest speech ever given. He brilliantly presented the framework on which Communism could go forward in the USSR and embrace the future, after the death of comrade Lenin.Comrade Corbyn’s was a worthy effort but lacked the far sighted vision and complete mastery of Marxist theory shown by Comrade Stalin. I also should point out that Comrade Abbott’s speech was very appropriate for the current time, she displayed the necessary total contempt for the ordinary workers who don’t follow the party line. We need more such disciplined performers and fewer dissenters if we are to create the 21st Century Socialist Republic we all dream of.Pravda, I think it is called the BBC in the UK, also did a worthy job in reporting the Congress.
Al Beeb’s contentious monotonous drone ‘What exactly does Brexit mean?’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-politics-37504558
Message to Al Beeb – Brexit means we are out of the Undemocratic Union of Europe. We are independent. Simples
Is it just me, taffman, or is my impression that the BBC (on R4 at least) are reporting quite frequently now statements made by various individuals 1. that the UK should just up & leave the EU (the hardest of hard exits) and/or 2. that the UK will trive economically outside the EU is shared by others here?
I think I have sensed a fractional softening or perhaps more correctly a slight edging towards some balance on the subject.
Could it be that Lord Hall-Hall has finally got his finger on the ‘impartial’ pulsse and realised there could be an inquiry into Al Beeb’s pro EU, one sided propaganda ? The government know this .
I smell the ‘niff’ of panic.
Is it news that the largest landowners get the most EU subsidy ?
The subsidy is now after all paid for land conservation.
…It not supposed to be extra pocket money for poor farmers.
You could introduce legislation stopping big landowners getting that money..then they’d just divide the land up between family member or small trusts ..and you’d be back to square one.
I bet the COOP and the National Trust are also on the list of big subsidy earners.
Listening to an old Tony Hancock show and Bill used the term, “undesirable alien”. Not a term we hear these days. I guess there are no “undesirable aliens” just aliens who’ve not been given refuge, preferential treatment, legal aid, housing, education, medical care and a platform to condemn our national character and way of life.
World Service Sikh reporter in Walsall which voted ‘out’ 69%.
She then interviewed her Mother who was most disparaging about the flood of immigrants from the EU, Africa and the ME.
Now the Muslim Eastenders actor has been found guilty – I wonder how long it will be before long settled immigrants from the Indian sub continent are condemned along with us white folks for their “deplorable racial hatred” ?
Gaxvil – as we all know there is a strict pecking order in multi culti lefti liberal land (in which we are all citizens of despite having never been asked for said “privelage”). Pretty sure it goes something like this:
1. Middle Eastern Muslims
2. Asian Muslims
3. African Muslims
4. Muslims from any other part of the world
5. Asians (Sikhs and Hindus not included)
6. Africans
7. Eastern Europeans
8. Western Europeans (By passport only, those that would usually fit into the first 4 categories but picked up a passport from another EU nation on their way here)
9. Sikhs (recently arrived)
10. Hindus (recently arrived)
11. Dogs
12. Cats
13. Hamsters
14. Any other household pet
15. Farmyard and working animals
16. British Sikhs (the integrated hard working ones that add tremendous value)
17. British Hindus (again the integrated hard working ones that have contributed greatly to multi culti land)
18. Indigenous White British people
I hope I haven’t missed any other deserving factions of our wonderful society. Others do feel free to update the list as you see fit.
Biased BBC? Or just unutterably useless BBC.
Exhibit A.
bBBC1 1pm news.
Anti-inflammatory drug (e.g. Neurofen) users have 19% more hospital admissions for heart problems than non-users. Cue anxious vox pop film. But what is the ACTUAL risk? One in a million? One in a hundred. Or to put it another way, 19% of what? We were never told. Project fear is not confined to Brexit.
Stay tuned for exhibit B.
@Up2snuff He means that normally saying “a 19% increase” is meaningless
cos you have to know the prevalence of the disease.
Someone might say there have been a 100% increase of malaria caught in the UK this year. But that might mean last year there was 1 case and this year there were 2 ..so it’s haerdly worth taking precautions.
However since heart problem admission probably run into thousands or tens of thousands, then a 19% increase is significant.
One study means nothing; unless ..large sample size and multiple independent replications.
Real statisticians have understood the potential for confusion in stating risks in this way since the year dot. That is why absolute frequency of occurrence is used in order to give the numbers context. One example – a certain cancer risk is increased by 100% due to smoking. If the absolute frequency of occurrence is 1 in 1,000,000 without smoking it becomes 1 in 500,000 if you do smoke. In the real world the risk goes from negligible to very slightly less negligible. However, guess how mischievous little journalists and activists (ie the same person at the BBC) likes to report risk.
For those of you interested, Bjorn Lomberg’s book ‘The Skeptical Environmentalist’ contains an interesting section on this subject.
Exhibit B.
A suggestion to create flood risk categories for houses forcsale.
Cue visit to a village called Datchet and another useless vox pop with prospective purchases and existing house holders. Datchet was chosen because it flooded in 2014, it being right next to the Thames. So, high risk, yes?
Project fear mk 3.
What no-one mentioned was that the last bad floods in Datchet were in…..errr…..1947! Maybe not so high risk after all.
Both exhibits show the useless BBC’s prpensity for cheap sensationalist headlines and a covenient memory loss when it comes to the actual facts. All this for only £4bn a year of our money.
A little bit of fluff sticking to the very small brain of this small bear reminds me that the BBC, at the time of the 2014 floods (and, I think again last winter), told us about the flood relief scheme in that area of the Thames Valley and how it caused flooding elsewhere or how other areas had yet to receive the needed work on water courses.
Of course, no-one at the BBC has remembered that – not enough brain?, not enough fluff? – and checked in their news archive to see if Datchet benefits from that scheme. The village name rings a bell with me
It’s quite curious that on subsequent days we are being lectured on brexit (via the biased medium of the bbc)yesterday by the ex Greek finance minister and today the Italian prime minister who ‘warns’ the UK on brexit. I find it very coincidental that the 2 countries in question will be the first casualties of a Eurozone meltdown. However the bbc just takes it all like mother’s milk. In the rush to get fresh negativity on brexit they never dare once to question the credentials or motives of the people or countries involved. If Greece and Italy want to continue to be shafted by the Germans for the foreseeable that’s their problem, not ours.
‘the Italian prime minister who ‘warns’ the UK on brexit.’
Seismicboy, I agree with your view. When put down to ‘brass tacks’, the reason the Italian leader is saying these things is because his country is financially finished and it needs the ‘gift that keeps on giving’, namely Britain to fund its debts.EU reserves are running low. Deutshe Bank in serious trouble. Very few EU countries prospering.
The EU cares not one jot about the peoples of the EU, (otherwise the Calais jungle would have been sorted out long ago, Greek crisis would have been averted,etc. The EU cares only about protectionism, power and wealth.
Italy now eh?
Just had Yanis Varophukup on the other day pretty much saying the same.
Can we now expect Ireland, Portugal and Cyprus as well as Spain telling us the same next-serial losers who wave a stump and smoke-dried kiddie in our faces and demand we buy the lucky heather as THEY did>
How did that work out then Italy,Greece, Ireland and other duds of the Euro shakedown.
To listen to Renzi etc, you`d think he`ll STILL be in power this time next year…along with Merkel and Hollande, Obama and the other Brexit bongs…we`ll not be dealing with them by the end of THIS year .let alone next years in most cases.
Of course it suits the fetid BBC to imply we`re dealing with statesmen in cast stone…but the Euro project is a landslide in the making-thank God we`re off piste…even pissed off.
But let`s enjoy the slalom as the BBC and EU , Labour and Guardian prannies tell us that the Euro is secure, the 27 will once again be united and the EU will not be seen as the hari-kari moment of a moribund culture…we British are NOT that!
I find it ironic that our FA is happy to criticise FIFA whilst all the while not having a clue (supposedly) about the corruption taking place with agents, managers and players in our game.
It’s like moaning about the state of the neighbours garden, when yours is in as much a mess.
Sack the chair of the FA, they as a governing body have been shown to be incompetent.
Sack the Premier league Chair also. The role of the football agent needs to to be better regulated or withdrawn completely.
All clubs should be 60% supporter owned. My club is 100% supporter owned and we are doing pretty good- at long last.
Heard a bit of this speculation and rumour farming on the BBC this morning.
The BBC LOVE their “runners and riders/speculations” when it comes to the working class troughers and chancers like Big Sam and El Tel.
Yet-when it comes to reasons why Ben Emmerson is “suspended” from the Child Abuse Bunfight as run by Alexis Jay(this month at least)…well the BBC quite content “not to speculate about the reasons for this irregularity”.
Top people you see-Lord Melburys all-such class
Stiff it up your blowholes you BBC spongieforms!
I hope the DG will personally be offering us soon, in a metaphorical way of course, the head of James Purnell, the Director for Digital at the BBC, on a plate.
The Sign in Page for the BBC web-site has been changed is currently not working properly. There’s a thing: digital, BBC and not working properly. Pretty much par for the course.
BBC WS on the train around the US reporting on the state of the nation after eight years of Obama.
A Muslim girl new of someone who’d actually had her headscarf pulled! “Why should we ,as American Muslims, be subject to these hate-crimes.” she complains.
Why indeed?
That does say an awful lot about Muslims and how the BBC joyfully swallows such facile comments unchallenged.
Just had an excellent image sent to me on email, but cannot get it transferred onto here. Have tried “clicking here” to add images, but the entry box refuses to accept anything, despite it saying “enter the image URL” – what am I doing wrong ? I’ve even tried to cut and paste, but nothing works.
BBC website emphasises right at the start that the girl was abducted by 2 white men. Blatant bias. The BBC make me vomit. But, maybe they were polish ?
Grant – I just heard the report on BBC radio. It’s truly repulsive considering the lengths they go to to hide a persons ethnicity when they are not white. Shameless
Bit of a delayed post – I’ve been busy – about last night’s BBC News at 10.
Female Asian reporter did a piece on abortion law in Chile. Apparently Chile’s abortion laws are amongst the “strictest” in the world. That term was tossed in without explanation, and as if it were self-evidently bad.
We then had an interview with the female President of Chile – who favours liberalisation of abortion law – then some other women in favour of liberalisation, then (by way of balance) some poor woman who had been raped then had an abortion and regretted it.
Why not interview a representative of the RC Church which, as the report admitted, tends to drive conservative opinion on moral matters in Chile?
Tom, the BBC were running their own pro-abortion campaign for the Brazilians in the months leading up to the Olympics. They did this on the back of the Zika virus which seemed to have sprung from more or less nowhere sometime last year. (TK)”Apparently Chile’s abortion laws are amongst the “strictest” in the world. That term was tossed in without explanation, and as if it were self-evidently bad.”
The BBC did the same thing with their ‘campaign’ for more baby killing in Brazil, substituting Brazil for Chile pretty much in exactly the same set of words.
Am sorry if ‘baby killing’ is blunt and offends but that is what it amounts to.
You are right – when not for medical reasons it is infanticide. It is however, tied in with female emancipation and the freedom to be irresponsible because although contraception is readily available and then, of course, there’s abstinence, wheras they can forget that and move straight to murder. Simples!
I was listening to “In Our Time” this morning, which is one of the few programmes you can still listen to on Radio 4. The subject was “Animal Farm”, and it was a very good discussion of Orwell’s life, his experiences in the Spanish Civil War, and his difficulty in getting the book published in 1944, when most people subscibed to the myth of Uncle Joe Stalin.
All very well and good. Until literally the last ten seconds, when someone called Mary Vincent, a Professor of History at Sheffield University, was asked to sum up, and came out with the opinion that Orwell (who only had the slight advantage on her of having been there) was wrong about the Spanish Civil War, ending “I don’t think it’s true to the history even of the Stalin regime”.
It was fair to say that even Melvin Bragg was shocked at this, but the leftist had the last word, and nothing more could be said. She had saved that barb up through the whole programme, only to deliver it at the death, dismissing everything that Orwell stood for, and indeed everything the panel had been discussing for 45 minutes!
I am sure that, having proved herself as a reliable fellow traveller and leftist mouthpiece, we will be hearing more of Professor Mary Vincent on the BBC. Simon Schama had better give his agent a call.
I missed that particular programme but re Spanish Civil War as a general rule Al Beeb neglect to point out that:
– more overseas volunteers went to fight for the Nationalists than (like the secular saint Eric Blair) the Republicans;
– the Nationalists believed (IMO justifiably) that they were fighting Communism, and if they had not prevailed then Spain would have ended up an Iberian East Germany.
Further to your point tom my understanding of the Spanish civil war is that the nationalists owe great thanks to the Americans for financial credit and also weapons. Russia on the other hand on the pretence of “storing” Spain’s gold reserves eseentially stole most of it through extortionate “storage fees” which were only declared once the gold reached the Kremlin.
For all that I disagree with the US you have to hand it to them that the world would be a terrible communist hell hole if it wasnt for them.
My prediction is when WW3 kicks off (if it hasn’t already) once again it will be up to Uncle Sam to save the day. God bless America
Remember that the podcast has “Melvin’s extra time” so that is not the final final last word of the prog.
…..They can say something even more mad lefty.
I too heard this Rob.
Where the hell does the BBC FIND these types?
If ever there was a clear case of evil, it would have to be the Commies in the USSR…but Vincent seems to think they were a bit of a lark.
As I say-only the ivory towers, BBC and the elites harbour such equivocating scum…and pay them to chisel away at the foundations of what was once our society.
For me the classic moment from today’s “In Our Time” was Melvin’s hissy fit when one of the experts said that Orwell didn’t like Wigan. Melvin saw the observation as an unacceptable attack on the North and he wouldn’t let go until the comment was qualified to reduce the damage. Radio comedy at its best.
A woman from management consultancy McKinsey was having her 15 minutes lamenting the UK economy’s lost billions arising out of the fact that women earn less than men.
But – as the report admitted – since the 1970s it has been illegal to pay women less than men for the same work. And sex discrimination is illegal.
Could it be that many women are actually quite happy to opt out of the rat race for a year or two to prioritise raising their children?
Not an argument that Al Beeb’s report had time to consider.
The BBC: reporting the world as we would like it to be.
Yep that was today’s Swich On Bingo
woke up to BBC pet issue : “women’s unfair pay”
Once I heard her report says that there will be £160bn benefit from equalising pay
I thought “Tosh, made up figure” and switched channel
These figures in such reports turn out usually to be not at all robust , but dummo journalists are too afraid to challenge them..and grant givers love reports that get media coverage …a self suastaining fantasyland.
Same for the report that said ‘It’s very clear immigration always brings net economic benefits” ..tosh..I’ve met the guys as I said yesterday.
Surely there`ll now have to be a category opened up for tranny types and the usually sexual incontinents, confusions and bewilderments?
Bit “gender binary” all this he says she says stuff eh Resolution?
Might take a court case out on their prejudice against me today…got my Doc Mertens on but pink bootlaces…so whichever they say I am-I`ll not be, and will see them in court…shoes….
Yeah there was a very similar sort of story the other morning on R$ Today that led on the headline of the gender pay gap not being closed until 2069 according to new report from blah blah headline seeking consultancy. The detail that was glossed over quickly was that this was due to less woman doing science and engineering subjects. I.e. their own choice.
When I read about the gender pay gap not closing until 2069 I assumed they had fed some numbers into their climate change computer model to get that answer.
Could it be that many women are actually quite happy to opt out of the rat race for a year or two to prioritise raising their children?
Coincidentally I had a conversation with our MD last week where I requested working 4 longer days a week instead of 5, so the same hours. I recognised that my request was for my benefit and not the company’s so I offered to take a pay cut. Even though I’m male I can see that wanting your employer to make compromises for you should cost you and not your employer.
My boss still said no, he argued quite rightly that he needed my role covered 5 days a week not 4. Oh well, at least I tried.
A “debate” on immigration. Universal liberal hand-wringing that the wider Muslim community was suffering discrimination as a result of the terrorism carried out by the few.
Nobody on to make the point that there might be a maximum rate of immigration which an indigenous population can tolerate.
A spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britan whinged that it shouldn’t be for law-abiding Muslims to make the effort to differentiate themselves from the extremists. Nobody quizzed him about that.
And needless to say, Taqiya didn’t get a mention.
We live in fascinating times. It should be a wonderful time to be a reporter, pundit or broadcaster with brave, compelling, fascinating and illuminating broadcasts to be made – but we just ain’t getting them from Al Beeb.
1: Is Muhammad the perfect human being? Was the way he lived his life the way all Muslims must live? If not, where in the Islamic texts does it say that? If yes, then surely this must include the rape and enslavement of infidel girls, as young as 9 as Muhammad saw fit…. If no why?
2: What does Islam teach about the treatment of non believers? Does Islam teach Muslims to do everything they can, in whatever form, to further the aims and objectives of Allahs instruction? What do Muslims think about Sharia law and it’s importance against man made laws?
3: Is any of the Qu’ran not mandatory? If not how is that? If yes then how is what ISIS and the Muslim rape warriors doing wrong in the eyes of Allah? Are rapists and murders of infidels destined for paradise? If not how have you come to conclude differently than Muhammad?
…… Just 3 questions that any Muslim can answer…. There’s hundreds. All getting to the heart of the matter. That Islam is an unchangeable, mandatory set of life instructions that must be obeyed by all Muslims for them to make it into paradise. That all must undertake Jihad in whatever capacity they can to ensure the success and domination of Allahs will..
The police have revealed the race, so, as you can no doubt guess, white , not black or brown.
This is a very odd story, a busy time, in a smart area of Oxford. I think there is more to this than meets the eye and it will emerge the girl knew the men, an ex boyfriend perhaps.
tomoMar 6, 12:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 https://twitter.com/StarkNakedBrief/status/1897584242093162593
wwfcMar 6, 12:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan asylum seeker raped schoolgirl, 15, after spotting her alone in town centre https://www.gbnews.com/news/migrant-crisis-afghan-asylum-seeker-raped-schoolgirl-falkirk-scotland
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 The throat of the animal should be facing the Qiblah. The knife should be adequately sharp to cut the throat…
tomoMar 6, 11:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 It’s traditional thing in Pakistan for the diverse Islamic factions to murder each other., when they aren’t murdering unbelievers…. That…
moggiemooMar 6, 11:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 The UK is nearly a Middle East country and it supposedly already has nukes.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:23 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Borders are being breached by criminal gangs worldwide. Life-threatening Channel crossings have occurred for years – it is time to…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:00 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Border security is national security.” Comment “So strange having a US President AND Vice President that can form sentences and…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 10:54 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Pakistan: Muslim cleric who repeatedly supported jihad suicide attacks is killed in jihad suicide attack” Mar 5, 2025 4:30 pm…
vladMar 6, 10:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 More on Jihad around the world, here: https://jihadwatch.org/
Rob in CheshireMar 6, 10:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 Castro’s lad can’t help himself can he? His dad must be so proud.
BBC Online News:
“”What’s it like to be the child of a survivor?””
“”Mr Rosensaft belongs to a group sometimes referred to as the “second generation” of survivors: those born after the Holocaust who did not experience the horrors, but grew up in the wake of them””
“At the very least, we have to try to prevent similar atrocities.”
“”He said this was particularly relevant now, because anti-immigration sentiment seemed to be on the rise in much of Europe. Survivors’ children were uniquely well-placed to speak out about racism and intolerance, he said””
“”When I hear slogans of ‘Muslims out’ in Germany I want to remind people that it wasn’t all that long ago that the slogan was ‘Jews out’ “”
This is a disgusting report by the BBC in order to support their Left Wing ‘uncontrolled migration’ beliefs.
The BBC likens the Holocaust to mass uncontrolled immigration. The BBC are saying that if we don’t support mass uncontrolled immigration, we will create another holocaust.
This is a BBC insult to those who were murdered by the the Nazis.
The article started well, but I knew there would have to be a BBC/Left sting in the tail.
No pressure there, eh??
I am the daughter of a survivor. Yes, it may well affect my views on immigration. I don’t forget that every immigrant is a human being and each should be treated with respect. But equally each immigrant should treat this country with respect (Rochdale and Rotherham are evidence that they don’t). My father went to extremes to avoid taking from this country what wasn’t his. When he first arrived and was doing voluntary work (the terms of his visa forbade him from taking paid work) he refused the offer of his bus fare because it could be construed as pay. He did not want me to claim a university grant because it was enough that we had a home here. There are too many people here illegally (where is their respect for this country?) that if the illegals were not here then there may be room for the UK to take those genuinely running for their lives.
Deborah. My father was also a survivor coming to this country as a child. He loved this country and would have wept to see what has become of it. He also loved Austria, the country of his birth, and would have been equally saddened about what’s happened there.
He was a liberally-minded man (Conservative supporter in his later years) who worried about the rise of the “far-right” and was never a racist, but I know he would have been disgusted at the way the left shamelessly equate economic migration with the holocaust, i.e. people who genuinely escaped persecution, like him, and came here because their lives would be forfeit otherwise. Those who do so are sick, twisted people whose every breath is a waste of oxygen.
I don’t remember Jews going around the world stabbing people, blowing them up,shooting them for drawing cartoons or running them over with trucks?
I do remember Pathe newsreels of Jewish refugees and survivors of the camps. They were not muscular young men with fashionable clothes of the period.
There is one parallel. The enthusiasm with which so many European nations conspired and assisted the SS in rounding their Jews up for transportation is similar to the, initial, enthusiasm for welcoming the Islamic tide. Different ethic, same end result.
Wild Bill this point needs to be made again and again when people start trying to compare current migration with that of the 1930s. Unless you believe crackpot theories about banking conspiracies etc, the Jews weren’t harming anybody. Also, 1930s Jewish refugees were a tiny minority in comparison to today’s migrants.
Three, wild, vicious, Arab savages in ‘joint enterprise’ sexual assault on 14 year old girl . . . . . . . . . Following Britain’s vote to leave the E.U.
Why on earth have we allowed all the genetic sweepings of the planet into our country?
They’re not all here, some now reside in Germany and Sweden.
‘We’ didn’t, ‘they’ did!
It’s sadly ironic that over 90% of the very recent million immigrants have a religion that instructs them to kill all Jews wherever they find them.
I may have switched off too soon but thought I would watch the 6pm BBC1 news, lasted about 30 seconds. But Clive Myrie as he reported Corbyn’s speech suggested all was marvellous in the Labour Party and what Jeremy will do when he comes into power. I preferred listening to the gentle tick of my clock.
You missed 9m30s of the BBC’s 6pm party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party. The only good bit being a brief shot of less than comfortable looking Labour illuminati listening to Jeremy Corbyn putting their political careers on old TFN.
Followed by Ed Thomas telling us about, “post Brexit attacks on Poles in Leeds”. Will this ever stop?
Not until we stop them.
I’ve never heard a BBC reporter explain how we can recognise a Pole in a street full of non-Polish people. They can’t all be carrying white and red flags. Does anyone know the visual test?
Simple, he’s the non-Asian one!
He’s probably the one the Asians are beating up.
I thought I would just visit to say that I thought the BBC 6pm news was more like a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour party. I should have realised that this blatant bias had been noticed.
More evidence of BBC pro Corbyn bias…
All our problems are solved.
Corbyn is going to get those money printing presses rolling and everyone will be entitled to everything.
The state will provide.
Mass immigration will be solved by throwing money at them.
The birds are singing.
The sun is shining.
Al Beeb are rejoicing.
Welcome to la la land.
Exit Angela Merkel to be replaced by Corbyn ! The state will provide is precisely the tune that migrants want to hear. If Calais think they’ve got problems with the Jungle now, then they ain’t seen nothing if Labour get into power with Corbyn’s promises.
Car Crash Video of that Fracking interview with Andrew Neil (click play and it will jump to correct point 16m26s)
Labour’s Energy Minister is so out of touch he repeatedly asserts the UK is a net EXPORTER of gas
BarryGardiner “We can’t lock ourselves into the old energy infrastructure for the next 35 years”
…2 minutes of waffling
AN : “What’s the life of a shale gas field”
BG : “About 3 years”
BG :”Make a distinction between gas and shale gas OK” (why ? they are the same chemical)
“We have more gas..we actually export 33.8% of the gas we produce..we only import 18%”
..”we actually import 5% more this year than we did the year before”
AN : “North sea gas is running out”
BG : Our production of gas in this country for the last 5 years has increased year on year”
Oops he’s got his sums completely upside down, and AN is right
..”They’ll be a 26% reduction in gas demand in this country by 2030″ (Wishful thinking, immigration and increasing population causes lower heat demand or something ?)
“Makes no sense to lock ourselves into production SUBSIDISED by 75%” (He doesn’t understand what a subsidy is.. if you pay some tax instead of zero tax instead of zero tax you are putting money into a system, whereas a subsidy means you take money out of the system even if your tax is zero)
(where does the 75% actually come in ? On a project bringing £1bn of gas you PAY a lot of tax, but for your £30m cost of drilling rig 75% (£22.5m) can be written off against tax)
AN : “If we are producing so much gas, then why are we importing £15bn”
BG : “Coas we are exporting MORE ” (Totally incorrect)
BG : “You are LAUGHING…do you want to check the figures ?” ends at 21:49
..The correction of BG comes at 32:10s (click play) AN announced that government figures show that the UK has been a net importer of gas since 2004 and NOW imports account for about 40% of consumption. (official gov figures)
….someone might remind me how to embed BBC videos
I think there might be a tiny grain of logic in Labour’s opposition to fracking. Under their suicidal 2008 Climate Change Act we have to stop using gas for heating our homes and cooking, because burning it produces plant food. As they have a policy that we’re not allowed to burn the gas, then there is some logic in their other policy that we mustn’t get it out of the ground. Now we need to know their policy on how we mine the pixie dust we’ll need instead for cooking and heating.
“… Now we need to know their policy on how we mine the pixie dust we’ll need instead for cooking and heating.”
It’s easy. First you have to get the agreement of the local Goblin King to allow exploratory drilling into their land. However, this might upset the Dwarven tribes who happen to own most of the mines beneath that land. If all that fails, you summon the unicorns, invoke the ancient texts, hope the Dragon Lord doesn’t show up and make sure you keep the Elven Army on your side.
Barry (Vicki Pollard) Gardiner posts a Hands Up tweet

An enviro lunatic heart, doesn’t make for a good maths brain.
It’s a blustering made up excuse cos only thinking about gas we import from poor human rights countries and forgetting about the other imports ..still doesn’t make us an EXPORTER of gas.
And does he want the UK to import less gas from countries with bad human rights ?
……Then surely the way is to GET FRACKING in the UK !
Lets see if I can embed the video, which is here anyway
Guido had news 2 days ago about Barry Gardiner
..Would you still vote for Labour ?
At end of last thread I listed today’s interesting news bits from the Times
You know the ones with BBC often forgets to report ..when there are real victims not just Twitter victims.
Luckily I missed the party political that occupied the first 10 minutes of the 6pm news. However I did catch the so called business editor renewing the BBC’s post Brexit gloom campaign. Car tariffs could be 10 percent and if that happens some tame guy from Jaguar ( Germanic English accent) tells us that jobs are potentially at risk. Yet…no certainty of 10 percent tariffs ,no mention that these tariffs would also apply to car imports, Jaguars free gift of the 15 percent devaluation of sterling is not mentioned. Project Fear again.
Tedious repeats of threats on the BBC about Nissan shutting factories in the UK if we exit the single market and there are tariffs.
Err no, the UK is a net importer and one of the strongest market places for cars. If there are tariffs then there is more pressure to want to manufacture here to avoid the tariffs.
This really is Janet and John stuff it’s so obvious.
Time to send this around again as Al Beeb keeps the ‘remainer’ pot on the boil ……
“Car tariffs could be 10 percent and if that happens some tame guy from Jaguar ( Germanic English accent) tells us that jobs are potentially at risk”
It’s not rocket science that tariffs work both ways. If the EU plays silly buggers it will become unpatriotic to buy Mercedes, Audies, BMWs and Volvos. Jaguar won’t have any cars left over to export; the UK market will absorb every car they can produce. The same will apply to other UK manufacturers as their production satisfies the market that used to be supplied by VW, Renault, Fiat, etc.
I do wish the BBC would stop treating us like idiots. I know that 16 million voted to Remain but 17 1/2 million showed that we can understand complicated arguments.
Is the BBC some kind of FREE* advertising platform for Right-On Message Pushing ?
News story page has a big link to Magazine : The transgender Republican trying to change her party
*Free as in 100% of licence payers ultimately pay
“her assigned gender at birth was male.” made me laugh.
What happened to ” was born a boy” ?
Who ‘assigns’ our sex, no one does, it’s in our DNA?
They used to be called “sex change operations”, now it’s, “gender reassignment”, was ‘sex change’ not politically correct?
The theory is that if you control language you control thoughts.
There is some truth in it, too.
Wild Bill – “assigned gender at birth” that sounds like something out of “Brave New World”
Until the sensible conservative right regains control of the language used in public discourse, which the Left have had for decades, progress on so many issues will be very difficult.
A necessary, though not sufficient condition for this is the end of the BBC TV poll tax.
I cannot locate the post which mentioned a report in Breibart regarding Government suggestions that employers should make the work place more friendly to Moslems.
The Equality and Diversity Commission are concerned that employers in Wales are not doing enough to make work places attractive to Muslims. Specifically, the authors encourage employers to provide jugs of water in toilets for Muslims who don’t want to use toilet paper, accommodate hijabs and face veils
Here is the link.
As we are multicultural we should also consider equal opportunities to Pastafarians, member of the Church of the Flying Spaghettii Monster. We’re living in enlightened times — Pastafarians, should feel feel free to wear their religious headwear (yes, it’s a colander) at the workplace.
In the photo, Mr. Schaeffer is getting sworn in at his new position as council member. You can read more about this religion here.
Don’t be a racist, support Pastafarianism. Further detailsof this religion which is non violent and more coherent than Islam. Come on BBC we are multicultural.
Link here
Is it possible that other workers might feel a bit uncomfortable about sharing facilities with people who wipe their bottoms with their own fingers?
I imagine this retarded practice must be something that mohammed did, so they all have to do it too. In which case it would be a good idea to leave any nine year old girls at home on Bring Your Daughter to Work Day. Just a thought.
I understand that Mo said that you should not wipe your bum more than three times with the same stone – which might be a problem with flush toilets
G.W.F – I think Mo was referring to the band not rocks – silly! – So no more worries over blocked toilets!
I think I would use Mick or Ronnie. Its not that I dont like Charlie or Keith. But Charlies hair is a bit short and Keith Richards barnet though looking quite absorbent would probably make my backside smell of cigarettes afterwards.
I also consider that Mick or Ronnies luxuriant locks are far more likely to stay effective for all “three goes”
Sorry to be boring and I know its not rocknroll but good hygiene is quite important to me in these matters!
Specifically, the authors encourage employers to provide jugs of water in toilets for Muslims who don’t want to use toilet paper….
Do they mean like this?
A takeaway chef wiped his bottom using his hands before preparing food because he does not use toilet paper for ‘cultural reasons’, a court heard.
Mahbub Chowdhury, 46, from Swindon, was found to have a filthy bottle in the kitchen of Yeahya Flavour of Asia, which inspectors concluded was covered in faecal matter.
Jug, bottle – what’s the difference?
And to think Britain was once a civilised country.
“Yeahya Flavour of Asia”
For once, they weren’t joking.
I’ve always been more keen on the worship of ‘Russell’s Teapot’ (google it) which to me seems a more sensible way of getting the argument across than the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Sure that isn’t Nick Knowles sizing the place up for a refurb ????
Today at 7.25 a.m. this morning had an interview with the former Greek Finance Minister – spot the oxymoron – he of the motor bike and leathers (we were reminded should we have forgotten his artificially-cultured non-conformist appearance).
He told us how useless Osborne had been as chancellor, how he robbed the poor of their benefits and how wonderful McDonnell – with whom he is in regular contact, apparently – would be.
He also told us McDonnell was right that Britain has been short of investment and there is £900 billion ‘sloshing around the City of London’ doing nothing, which can and should be used for this ‘investment’ (the nature of which was never described).
All of this went completely – and I mean completely – unchallenged by our star-struck BBC interviewer.
As for the economic basket case that is Greece – never mentioned.
A BBC pro-Corbyn, hard left agenda is slowly brewing….
It’s 1:00PM here in Western Canada and I’ve been doing some work on my computer all morning whilst listening to Classic FM.
One thing I’ve noticed today is that Classic FM’s news service, I believe it’s called Global Newsroom, has been giving non-stop, on the hour and every hour, rolling bollocks on Jeremy Corbyn’s speech to the Marxists that now infest the silly party, followed by some far-left extremist demanding an analysis of Jeremy Hunt’s words following a high court ruling in his favour concerning the militant junior doctor’s strike. Not a word from any other political party allowed.
Does anyone know if the BBC has any input to this rather daft “news” outlet, because it sure sounds like they’re taking their marching orders from Broadcasting House and their ‘Rescue Corbyn at all costs’ mission.
This is a reply about Classic FM, and seems to have detached itself from where it was intended to appear.
I won’t watch, or listen to the BBC any more – I refuse to.
Most of the day I listen to Classic FM, obviously for the music. I don’t much like the presenters (especially the male presenters), as I find them increasingly patronising, and the stream of mind-numbing advertising (especially the car adverts, with their unending terms and conditions – who would actually buy a car as a result?. [Incidentally, I have found the recent ads for the Skoda Fabia hilarious, as the lat words were “Skoda fabia – it’s a no-brainer. Sums it all up, really]). Anyway, I digress.
However, the comment about Global News, is true – it is just as bad as the BBC/Channel 4, and I sometimes wonder if they are aware of what’s going on in the real world – the ‘stories’ are naff and dull, and as has already been said, they have been dwelling, all day on the stupid Labour Party conference. Of course, they are part of the main-stream media, hell-bent on adjusting things their way, and ignoring other stuff which might be of more importance, and interest to the listeners. I suppose we can expect nothing else.
If there was a simple way to filter out the crass advertising every few minutes, and the daft “news” bulletins, easily, I would do just that.
The edit facility seems to have vanished – for me, anyway…
…anyone else?
Friend Goat! Great to see you here :). Haven’t noticed any problem with the edit facility but will try it out right now … Hang on …
EDIT: If you can see this last bit, then my Edit function is working OK, in which case you should probably blame the Hard-Right Tax-dodging Google/Firefox/Windows/Apple/delete/add whichever is applicable.
TPO – “Not a word from any other political party allowed”
But watch next week, there will be comments from Labour people, Lib Dems, Green Party. SNP, Guardian hacks, BBC lefties, Left-wing pressure groups galore. They may fit in an odd Conservative – as long as they are a remoaner and/or opposed to La May.
Just had a quick look at BBC online news to see what the party that governs the country has been up to today. Couldn’t find anything. If anyone else has better luck could you post a link? Many thanks.
So, Comrade Corbyn sees no connection with unparalleled levels of immigration into our once green and pleasant land and problems with jobs, housing, schooling, infrastructure and horrible overcrowding. “It’s nothing to do with immigration,” the wise one told his adoring audience, “it’s all down to Tory cuts, lack of housing and the right wing press.” So now you know!
The Conservatives have been massively disappointing regards immigration. Hapless Dave, the old Etonian spiv, promised to reduce numbers to “the tens of thousands.” Yeh Dave, the last count suggested numbers in excess of 330,000 per annum.
It’s a depressing thought when you take a look at main stream politicians. Those who can command the sort of gormless tribal vote that will sweep them into Downing Street. On the one hand we have Theresa “The Appeaser” now as PM; a listless and bloody hopeless Home Secretary, who did sweet FA to reduce the immigration figures when she had the chance, indeed they went up. The only thing she did reduce was the size of our police force, lecturing them on diversity and irritating the life out of the average copper.
And in the red corner…
Jeff I dont think any of these bastards will be happy until every bloody inch of our countryside is covered by huge housing estates plus all the attendant services a “thriving ” urban population needs.
And why – because politicians are too afraid of the urban based media to say – No! we are full up!!!!
Common sense says this cannot continue we have neither land or the resources to carry on like this.
A farmer will not overstock his fields because he knows their is a finite limit to the amount of stock a field can support and also overcrowding of stock has direct consequences in how stressed animals react to one-another.
Yet our “leaders” generally all seem to be wandering around in fluffy onsies and proudly displaying a childlike denial about the consequences of uncontrolled urban/population growth. After all they are all “asylum seekers” and need our help.
I suppose this is because no-one wants to be seen as “nasty”. Politicians (especially Theresa) have been more than happy to throw stones at others in this regard. Yet why does “helping” refugees have to mean they permanently move in – it makes no sense!
It is interesting that the one politician who has pretty much predicted all of this (Farage) has been constantly hounded and castigated for years (even being held directly responsible for a saintly MPs death) – and why – for being a grown up and telling the truth.
And yet even when the consequences of this stupidity is visible just outside our own front door. – All these adult babies still delude themselves that we live in a world of no negative consequences, where all migrants only have good intentions and feeling good about yourself is far more important than looking after the place that homes you, feeds you and generally looks after you.
I suspect these idiots will all still be blubbing and preaching peace and love when they are all living in in rags and marching back to North Africa to replace those that have come here!
They say good Lord is meant to help those who help themselves – Cant see the good Lord helping us any time soon! However for those who are “helping themselves” I see a rosy future unless we wise up soon!
“It’s nothing to do with immigration,” the wise one told his adoring audience, “it’s all down to Tory cuts, lack of housing and the right wing press.”
I also read this gem of a quote from Corbyn in this morning’s Telegraph and simply wondered how this Marxist numbnut could ever become leader of any party (with the exception of the Greens) or even, for that matter, an MP.
So he’s saying that if enough housing was to be provided for the squillions of immigrants invading this country the pressure on public services would simply disappear?
Can anyone explain if (and therefore how) I’ve misunderstood this gem of economic perspicacity?
I hope that this applies to ISIS and all the other murdering B@*%**ds that are killing Christians all over the Middle East?
It is interesting that under Assad all religions in Syria seemed to live fairly peacefully with eachother. It was only when we supported the rebellion against Assad that death rates soared.
Yet the West (at the behest of Saudi Arabia) seems to be backing another group of “rebels” which we seem to know little about.
You would have thought that we would have learnt by now that backing “the devil we know” makes more sense than backing “the devil we dont”
In fact I would argue that whoever controls Syria needs to be tyrannical in some respects to stop the disparate factions from cutting each others throats. Are we hoping for another Arab spring there after the rebels have won – That went well last time – didnt it !
It seems to me that the only world leader who seems to live in the real world regarding the Middle East is Putin.
Like him or loathe him at least he seems to currently understand the Arab psyche better than most of our so called leaders in the West. And at least he is still his own man.
Maybe it is time to swallow oor pride and back Assad instead!
This is the wife of what the West describe as the evil dictator, Assad, of Syria. She is speaking in 2010 of art and the protection of museums and historic sites in Syria.
I cannot accept the media presentation of the Assad regime. Remember, the artifacts and museums she spoke of have all been destroyed – some by forces supported by the West.
Syria is/was a largely secular society. It has its own distinct church and branch of Christianity, one of the very earliest. More than 10% of the population were Christian and, prior to the outbreak of the Western/Saudi-backed civil war, there were no religious problems in the country. They do things differently in the Middle East and whilst Assad is not everyone’s cup of tea, he is clearly better than the alternatives.
BBC Online News:
“”US election 2016: Clinton gathers Republican endorsements””
“”Meanwhile Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, says Monday’s debate has led to record fundraising for his campaign””
BBC always headlines Clinton’s successes rather than Trump’s. To me, record fund raising for Trump is more newsworthy than a defecting Senator and should be headlines.
But of course, the BBC favours Clinton and Corbyn over their political opponants.
I hope to goodness Trump wins in November, it’s not just important for Americans but for those of us in the Rest of the West too.
BBC Online News: (Buried Away in the ‘Leeds and West Yorkshire’ section).
“”Dewsbury child sex abuse gang jailed””
No prizes for guessing the religion.
If a gang of white British men had sexually destroyed vulnerable muslim girls, it would be BBC headlines for years. But it never happens.
BBC headlines would comprise variations on ‘Far Right Backlash’ and ‘Brexit to Blame’.
After a four week trial?
With no mention on the BBC at all, zilch. And now buried in local news when found guilty. It’s so predictable that we aren’t surprised anymore.
And another thing to note. When some SJW tries to deflect attention from these frequent cases by pointing at some infrequent white grooming gang, here’s what is plainly obvious.
Ismail Haji, 39, his brother Imran, 36, Ibrahim Kola, 36, and Mohammed Chothia, 37, all from the Kirklees area of West Yorkshire, were convicted at Leeds Crown Court of various sex offences.
Isn’t it always the same, the Muslim grooming gangs always include family members, friends, or men that work in the same takeaway. How is that possible? Imagine if somebody you knew suggested a bit of child rape after work? You’d probably thump him, you’d certainly report him to the police.
Yes, there are certainly some nasty sick people of all colours, including white. And it is not beyond imagination to think that some of these people will become known to each other through their shared sickness.
But these Muslim grooming gangs are always composed of people that know each other, and they then decide to commit sick crimes. It doesn’t make sense. It certainly cannot be explained away by comparing to non-Muslim grooming gangs.
They’re always Muslims because according to their religion they aren’t doing anything wrong, remember kaffirs to them are the equivalent of dirt; our lives and those of our females have no value: so why on earth should they NOT rape them?
It is always Muslims who commit this type of crime everywhere else in the West too: they are different nationalities; with the same modus operandi and all share the same religion.
“After a four week trial? With no mention on the BBC at all” said @quisquose
Yes, normal subjudice rules and the need to protect the victims and innocent children of the perpetrators etc.
But once trial finished it is normal to report sentences.
What, you can’t mention a trial while it’s going on? Was that just a fictional narrative of Rolf Harris’s trial I recall?
Yep in the RH trial :victims are all adults now ..and all his children are also adults. So less reporting restrictions.
In Sir Cliff’s case it was enough with a simple allegation to get the helicopter out and lead story on the 6 o’clock news !
R5L news at 5.00am. Lead is OPEC reducing oil production, second item is a rape case stressing that suspects were two WHITE men. Kind of reinforces what we on this site have been saying for years
Same on the Today programme just now. Two WHITE men. Which is relevant at this early stage because …?
No other description required, or requests from the police for information.
Yes, I was intending to post on this. BBC local TV news in Oxfordshire – it’s WHITE men. So I guess the word has gone out to all that WHITE must be used.
Compare all the time and publicity one black man, Stephen Lawrence got and is still getting, to the quiet surrounding the industrial scale of abuse happening to our little girls, tens of thousands of them, by the enrichers.
I’ve had a lovely time this evening watching the Labour Party Channel, previously known as BBC 2
A classic show was Newsnight tonight. Surely they get embarrassed? Dreadful rubbish. Paul Mason is a sad case indeed. I knew people like him in the late 60s. Never grow up and never see themselves as the fools they are.
Then two sad academics bewailing the stupid English voters over Brexit. Seldom have I heard such disjointed and pathetic reasoning. Who are these people?
Dave S
“Who are these people?”
They are people that have never done a real job.
Damn missed it.
Did Paul Mason see the glimmer of light, demonstrating the end of the hegemony of the capitalist system and the rise of the huddled masses over the US powered Corporate Bourgeoisie?
He has been seeing this for decades, oddly it is a dawn that never turns into day. He never learns.
Someone remind me how to embed BBC videos here.
Copy and paste the link in image box maybe?
Any opinions from our experts on how this will work out after Brexit ?
The Mirror being super helpful to the young…
At the end of that story is a poll: “Is the BBC good value for money?”
So far it’s 14% yes and 86% no. And that’s the Mirror, whose readers might have been expected to favour the BBC’s prejudices.
I’ve always assumed the Mirror is old fashioned trade union working class left – not doctrinaire Hampstead intellectual like the Guardian – so watching the BBC without paying for a licence is probably just seen as a harmless ‘perk’ like pilfering things from the docks was 50 years ago.
Not long ago, Wronged kept a tally of the remainers and Brexiters appearing on Question time. I don’t need to tell anyone on here how that went.
Has anyone kept any type of record about the amount of Guardian hacks appear on the bbbc.
You would think the Guardian was the worlds top selling paper, outselling the Sun, Mirror and Telegraph combined, by the huge amount of exposure they get, even if it is the bbbc buying up most of its copies.
“However, TV Licensing says you will need a licence if you access iPlayer through another provider, such as Freeview , Freesat , YouView Sky , Virgin Media , BT Vision , Apple , Roku or Amazon .”
How will they know?
Paying for any media content is an absolutely alien concept to most young people. This will ultimately be the downfall of the BBC.
The alternative media is becoming more and more influential. Just look at the viewing figures of some of the short, yet hard-hitting clips on FaceBook with tens of millions of views. Something any mainstream outlet could only dream of.
Good video on this subject here –
Mice Height
“This will ultimately be the downfall of the BBC.”
The sooner the better in my opinion.
How say you all?
It can’t come soon enough.
R4 News this morning: the police in Oxford are seeking 3 men in a car who abducted a 13 year old girl and abused her for 3 hours before releasing her, no descriptions of any of them as one should expect in a rational country in order for the public to be able to help catch them or to protect other young girls from their predations.
I would (therefore) suspect Norwegian involvement in the crime and be interested to see if it features in other forthcoming bulletins throughout the day or allowed to slide down the memory hole.
No need for a description Al! We already know that it will be “Men with a tanned complexion”…….
What we can guarantee though is the onslaught of articles/propaganda pieces about how magical and perfect Islam and Muslims are, especially to women (if you are all sniggering then how can we take this seriously ?)…. Even though the words “Muslim” or “Islam” aren’t used in ANY article reporting this Islamic instruction….we know the drill by now people
It would be an interesting exercise to collate all the attacks on women over a 6 month period that’s taken placed around the country, by “men with a tanned complexion”. Then compare the findings with how many of these attacks have been reported by our national broadcaster, or any of the media channels for that matter. Oh how I’d love the press to make headlines of THAT information !
Contact any of the feminist organizations who are probably demonstrating against attacks on the sisters and will have detailed records of each and every assault.
Oh. I forgot. Official, media supported feminism stops at the gates of Islam.
Come on, let’s give credit where it is due: the BBC website report does state that the suspects had a SILVER car – that will help Plod find them.
Then again Ian, silver might suggest an ageist agenda here. Could require a careful approach by the constabulary….no offence.
Bloody Norwegians again. I blame Brexit.
Religion of Pervs ? : Local paper today has 3 pages about a guy with the surname Ali, who would bait young girls into sending them him naked photos and then blackmail them. It also has 2 articles about 2 normal sex offenders. Anyone can grow up “wrong”, but seems those trapped in religious dogma like Islam are more likely to grow up deviant.
– Newcastle : 4 men with Islamic names on trial they used Google translate to talk to their victims. : page 4 of the Times
Religion of Slave owners ?
“Shezada Mahboob” and a Pakistani man were arrested yesterday on charges of enslaving 11 Polish men at his Recycling centre in West Bromich. Times pg 23
Denmark “Migrant Child brides can stay with their husbands”
..a change of ruling in Denmark : Times page 37
So yesterday it was Nissan, today it was Jaguar Land Rover.
The BBC must have been jumping for joy when they heard that Hanno Kirner, executive director at JLR, had issued a stark warning ahead of the Paris Motor Show that tariffs on UK car exports to Europe would be ‘disastrous’ for jobs … so they interviewed him on the Today Programme as part of their rolling anti-Brexit propaganda.
Much as they tried they couldn’t get him to repeat the ‘disastrous’ lie live on the radio, all they could do was get him to say that sanctions and quotas would be disastrous for car manufacturers. So just another day of anti-Brexit misreporting.
What he did say was that JLR’s global market was equally split into 5 distinct markets, and 80% of their cars were exported. (This put’s their sales profile very similar to the company that I work for, and I know the import/export business very well). So that’s a fifth of their cars into the UK, a fifth into the EU etc.
Anybody that knows the JLR products will realise that the UK has always, and will always, be their core market. Many of their cars are in company fleets, and bought by the aspirational middle class. They have a much greater share of the UK market than elsewhere. The market abroad is much thinner, and the product is sold differently. Price and demand for JLR cars is likely to be much more elastic in the UK than elsewhere. So any tariffs would actually be an incentive to manufacture in the UK than elsewhere.
Any attempts to equate tariffs with UK job losses is simply scaremongering, and I know this because I work in the import/export business. But trying to equate tariffs with inability to trade, and job losses, is exactly what the BBC and others are trying dishonestly to do.
At least the BBC have stopped trying to claim that leaving the single market means we can’t trade, that it might just result in tariffs, we can be thankful of that. It seems that they just want their listeners to think that tariffs will lead to inability to trade. T*ssers.
Jaguar’s MD (?) was interviewed on Sky News yesterday evening at about 6:50pm. He stated that the fall in the value of the Pound, post Brexit, had been beneficial as it makes JLR’s cars cheaper in the overseas markets that comprise 80% of their business. This is a pattern that is being repeated in many export-focused businesses and a bonus that is studiously ignored by the BBC.
The benefits of EU workers earn £1 hour………
Who does the Common Agricultural Policy benefit ? How can we benefit by Brexit ?
BBC Online News:
“”Will Brexit be a boon for tourists?”” (Could this be the very first BBC pro-Brexit article?).
“”This was the first month after the Brexit vote, suggesting its outcome, so far at least, has had little impact on visitors’ enthusiasm for the UK””
“”The reason that the UK receives such a high level of tourism from European counties is because over the last 40 years there has been an army of officials in Brussels working on agreements, regulations and rules that help facilitate the ability of EU citizens to cross national borders”” (ah…here comes the BBC sting in the tail).
“Any deal that makes it harder for businesses to operate across the border, or for people to travel across the border, will trigger a fall in tourism,” Mr Janson says””
“”The UK’s tourist sector is also very dependent on workers from the EU””
“To grow and be able to provide high quality service, the UK tourism industry needs there to be free movement of workers between the EU and the UK””
“This may not be popular with some of those that voted to leave, but is essential to the viability of the UK tourism industry,” Mr Janson adds””
So there you have it. The BBC use the baited headline of a pro-Brexit article, and then load it up with Remain propaganda.
Dover Sentr
Brexit and Al Beeb?
I do hope that ‘Lord Hall-Hall’ has his finger on the ‘impartial’ pulse of the broadcaster.
Mr Janson fails to point out that there are a few things that boost tourism that have nothing to do with the EU. Cheap flights and the Channel Tunnel have made a huge difference, as well as Britain keeping the pound, which means that currency differentials can act as an incentive to tourism (ie, when the pound is weak against the Euro, people have an incentive to come). Nobody is suggesting it will not be possible to hire labour from the EU if it is required, so there is no need for the tourism sector to have a labour shortage.
Presumably the large groups of American, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Gulf Arab tourists I`ve encountered this year also have visa free “freedom of movement” or are a figment of my imagination.
And as for the claim “The UK’s tourist sector is also very dependent on workers from the EU”.
That claim again does not match my experience of recent UK holidays…B and Bs, farm accomodation and smaller hotels are invariably owned, run by and employ British people (all white incidentally and speaking with local accents).
It may be a different story in the big businesses of large hotel chains and luxury brands, but the solution is for them to train and recruit British staff too.
This is another reason to ignore BBC “news” coverage. Always biased…pushing agendas..propaganda and lacking context. Tourism to Britain did not start with joining the EEC, and will not end with our leaving the EU.
The Trotskyist, Socialist Worker or if you like the Corbynist hierarchy at the BBC who know they have a lot of influence on peoples minds will now go for broke in supporting Corbyn. I have watched over the last few years their trial go on ,using the Londistan Programme after
the 6PM news. They have tried to be very clever using either dupe Indian sub continent presenters to do their bidding. But maybe the likes of Riz Lateef and Asad Ahmed agree with the vitriolic anti police diatribe and everything the conservative government do or say.
Expect before long if it hasn’t happened already for the whole of the BBC news context to be
the converse of what FOX News is in the USA.
Did anyone else recoil in horror, then become angry, when the Labour conference concluded with a rendition of Jerusalem . The open borders , the more immigrants the better, party , has a very different image of England to the one that I , and I suspect, the majority of the English have. I was also astonished when in summing up Corbyn’s speech Gabby Hinscliffe from the Guardian said that Labour had lost the consent of the people for continued mass immigration. THEY NEVER HAD CONSENT. Blair instructed his ministers not to mention mass immigration policy becuase he said that the British people would never agree to it.Well he was right about that. But these liberal lefties at the BBC and Guardian are trying to claim that once we did at least give our consent. We never did and I for one bitterly resent the ruination of my country with their evil enrichment policy. God rot the lot of them. At least Corbyn is stupid enough to say that he wants as much immigration as possible, rather then hide it all from the people like Blair and Brown and the rest of the liberal left did.
Doublethinker, I watched the report of the conference on the news and found myself staring in disbelief as Kim Il Korbyn was wittering on about ’21st century socialism’, with the audience nodding and clapping in approval. I could understand such a scene in, say, 1925, but by now I can’t see how anyone can approve of such a clapped out, failed, dangerous ideology. Whilst these people are in a minority they are an influential minority – teachers, social workers, functionaries, clergy etc – which makes it not just depressing but frightening also.
“…teachers, social workers, functionaries, clergy etc…”
Well, yes. But fortunately that, as a group is pretty much universally treated with amused contempt by those who live in the real world.
The trouble is that most, if not all, revolutions are led by the middle class, such as lawyers, (I almost accidentally typed “liars”) teachers etc. The ordinary person is rarely revolting!
That was why Mao forced as many intellectuals to work in the countryside as he did; so that they couldn’t foment an uprising, from within universities and colleges, which might have overthrown the regime.
Spot on, Doublethinker! ‘THEY NEVER HAD CONSENT’
I wonder how many people realize that the issue has never been put to the people in Britain (or most other European countries).
Funny that! Eh?
But it will be put to the people on Hungary on 2nd October.
This will be groundbreaking. Brits should demand a similar referendum. We can’t just be satisfied with winning Brexit. It is time to push for our very own immigration referendum.
To take the country back keep that pressure on!
I have got a lot of confidence in the Hungarians. They live in a small country with a unique language. There is nowhere else for them to go if Hungary is swamped, it is all they have, and I trust them to vote to keep it.
Immigration, Multi-culturalism, Islamification: successive governments have been operating without a democratic mandate in these areas for more than 50 years. There is a very real sense in which their actions can simply be viewed as illegal.
You are right of course, we should have a referendum on immigration ,but practically we know it will never happen and even if it was tried the liberal left would be so vehement in its opposition that no one would dare to head up a campaign to bring it about. Just as those bastards Blair and Brown planned, once there are enough immigrants here there is little that a civilised western country can do to get rid of them. This is why it so important for the Visegrad countries not to accept any migrants. We in the UK, and much of the rest of Europe, are now in a situation where the politicians are trying to find a way to create a modus vivendi for Europeans and Muslims to live together. They are only just beginning to realise what Enoch Powell warned against 50 years ago, and what ordinary people have known for ten or twenty years, that Muslims and Western values are incompatible. Some of the politicians like Mrs Mekel, must be incredibly stupid to have encouraged new waves of Muslim migrants in recent years when the writing on the wall was plain as day. It seems to me that there are four possible long term outcomes: a) the two groups lives as separate communities with constant tension and endemic violence between them, as in India, or b) we westerners gradually submit and become Islamified , or c) there is an all out war, and lastly d) the two communities learn to integrate and accept each other whilst retaining their cultures and traditions.
Of these four the latter one is clearly what the liberal left are trying to bring about but it simply isn’t happening. The Muslims are becoming more extreme in their views and despite what the BBC think ,no amount of cake baking , or 10,000 metre gold medals , or Muslim news readers, or Muslim mayors will change that. In fact I suspect that a few years of the latter will make things a whole lot worse.
Doublethinker, ” Did anyone else recoil in horror, then become angry, when the Labour conference concluded with a rendition of Jerusalem?” What we all have to understand is the fanatical left’s long term view of their “Jerusalem” and it’s nothing like ours. They don’t possess any sense of pride or patriotism for this land; they openly despise most of our traditions and are embarrassed by our history and heritage.
The Jerusalem they would inflict upon us, given half a chance, would be nothing like the beautiful hymn that these charlatans sing; it would resemble all too well modern day Jerusalem, with its deep ethnic and religious hatreds, cultural confusion and sense of fear.
It is astonishing that a movement that is so intent on obliterating the very thing this patriotic anthem is eulogising should choose to sing this; the words should choke them.
William Blake must be doing somersaults in his urn…
Jeff – solid post.
Brexit: Italian PM Matteo Renzi warns UK over EU rights
Usual BBC negative Brexit doom and gloom.
The bit right at the bottom is interesting…
“The think tank – which has close links to Whitehall – said the lack of clarity had already caused distractions which had wasted valuable time.
It called for another 500 officials to be hired to deal with Brexit – at a cost of £65m.”
Assuming that £65m is per year then each official would be earning £130,000 p/a.
How can I hop on this gravy train?
The BBC is curiously quiet about an unpleasant bit of racism. If a Polish lady gets her shed burnt down for reasons that aren’t clear, then it is all over the BBC news, the One Show, Radio 5 live etc.
Jackie Wilson, momentum’s vice chair, and leading light on Labour’s Representation Committee, has been running down Jewish people again. She’s made despicable comments about the Jewish Holocaust in WW2, asking why Jewish schools should have additional security, amongst other nonsense too tiresome to repeat.
Labour supporters are already saying she should go and that they couldn’t remain in a party with such a person offering such views. Chris Bryant reckons she should be ‘shown the door never to return.’
You may recall that she has been suspended before, for saying Jews were ‘financiers of the sugar and slave trade.’ But don’t worry, faster than you can have an inquiry that finds the Labour party isn’t anti Semitic, this intellectual, fair minded liberal was smartly readmitted to the Labour party. This despite her not even apologising. She said of her suspension “There is a little bit of a conspiracy going on”.
Nothing on the main BBC web news page yet, nor any comments from Shami Chakrabarti. I await with bated breath.
Guido gives a list of Jewish organizations who are angry over Jackie Wilson.
It won’t be long before Shameless Charabaty demands that something is done and insists on addressing the matter on a BBC news show.
Friends! I am quite sure that you were all as enthralled as I was by Jeremy’s great speech yesterday, which was easily his best speech since his previous one!
My latest Blog, simply titled “A Full, Comprehensive And Totally Objective Review Of Jeremy’s Literally Spell-Binding Speech To The Labour Conference, Which Was Literally A Turning-Point In Labour’s Fortunes, Friends!” is now literally available, for literally no charge:
It was quite simply the finest speech since Mark Antony’s oration over Caesar.
How can one be objective over such brilliance.
Very well said, Friend Dave.
I agreed with absolutely everything that Jeremy said, whatever it was.
I agree, I thought he was totally in touch with the party and the totality of the struggling masses in distancing Labour totally from the neo liberal paradigm.
Ah! That awful neo-liberal paradigm.
I hope someone managed to blame that on Fatcher in the true spirit of Leftyism and that she was roundly condemned for all of one minute, resulting in two minutes of orchestrated applause.
(Some young comprehensively educated delegates rising to the Momentous moment of Momentum may have been heard whispering to their neighbours in adjoining seats, during said applause “Who?”)
I beg to differ, Comrade Stalin’s speech to the 15th Party Congress in 1927 was the finest speech ever given. He brilliantly presented the framework on which Communism could go forward in the USSR and embrace the future, after the death of comrade Lenin.Comrade Corbyn’s was a worthy effort but lacked the far sighted vision and complete mastery of Marxist theory shown by Comrade Stalin. I also should point out that Comrade Abbott’s speech was very appropriate for the current time, she displayed the necessary total contempt for the ordinary workers who don’t follow the party line. We need more such disciplined performers and fewer dissenters if we are to create the 21st Century Socialist Republic we all dream of.Pravda, I think it is called the BBC in the UK, also did a worthy job in reporting the Congress.
Al Beeb’s contentious monotonous drone ‘What exactly does Brexit mean?’
Message to Al Beeb – Brexit means we are out of the Undemocratic Union of Europe. We are independent. Simples
Is it just me, taffman, or is my impression that the BBC (on R4 at least) are reporting quite frequently now statements made by various individuals 1. that the UK should just up & leave the EU (the hardest of hard exits) and/or 2. that the UK will trive economically outside the EU is shared by others here?
I think I have sensed a fractional softening or perhaps more correctly a slight edging towards some balance on the subject.
Could it be that Lord Hall-Hall has finally got his finger on the ‘impartial’ pulsse and realised there could be an inquiry into Al Beeb’s pro EU, one sided propaganda ? The government know this .
I smell the ‘niff’ of panic.
Maybe, just maybe, the BBC has started reading the HYS comments on Brexit articles and have finally noticed what the public thinks.
Al Beeb don’t care what the public think .
Al Beeb see their role in the UK as the ‘re-education’ of the population.
Al Beeb are very selective on the topics they run with the HYS content .
Who would have thought it?
Farm subsidies: Payment to billionaire prince sparks anger
By Roger Harrabin
BBC environment analyst
Roger turns Brexiteer & we Leavers are on the side of the angels
Is it news that the largest landowners get the most EU subsidy ?
The subsidy is now after all paid for land conservation.
…It not supposed to be extra pocket money for poor farmers.
You could introduce legislation stopping big landowners getting that money..then they’d just divide the land up between family member or small trusts ..and you’d be back to square one.
I bet the COOP and the National Trust are also on the list of big subsidy earners.
Listening to an old Tony Hancock show and Bill used the term, “undesirable alien”. Not a term we hear these days. I guess there are no “undesirable aliens” just aliens who’ve not been given refuge, preferential treatment, legal aid, housing, education, medical care and a platform to condemn our national character and way of life.
The term now is ‘non-domiciled New Britons’.
World Service Sikh reporter in Walsall which voted ‘out’ 69%.
She then interviewed her Mother who was most disparaging about the flood of immigrants from the EU, Africa and the ME.
Now the Muslim Eastenders actor has been found guilty – I wonder how long it will be before long settled immigrants from the Indian sub continent are condemned along with us white folks for their “deplorable racial hatred” ?
Gaxvil – as we all know there is a strict pecking order in multi culti lefti liberal land (in which we are all citizens of despite having never been asked for said “privelage”). Pretty sure it goes something like this:
1. Middle Eastern Muslims
2. Asian Muslims
3. African Muslims
4. Muslims from any other part of the world
5. Asians (Sikhs and Hindus not included)
6. Africans
7. Eastern Europeans
8. Western Europeans (By passport only, those that would usually fit into the first 4 categories but picked up a passport from another EU nation on their way here)
9. Sikhs (recently arrived)
10. Hindus (recently arrived)
11. Dogs
12. Cats
13. Hamsters
14. Any other household pet
15. Farmyard and working animals
16. British Sikhs (the integrated hard working ones that add tremendous value)
17. British Hindus (again the integrated hard working ones that have contributed greatly to multi culti land)
18. Indigenous White British people
I hope I haven’t missed any other deserving factions of our wonderful society. Others do feel free to update the list as you see fit.
Yes you missed out a category which goes after 17 but before 18 on your list, turds.
Biased BBC? Or just unutterably useless BBC.
Exhibit A.
bBBC1 1pm news.
Anti-inflammatory drug (e.g. Neurofen) users have 19% more hospital admissions for heart problems than non-users. Cue anxious vox pop film. But what is the ACTUAL risk? One in a million? One in a hundred. Or to put it another way, 19% of what? We were never told. Project fear is not confined to Brexit.
Stay tuned for exhibit B.
Sluff, 19% in that context should be 19 out of 100.
Trouble is, the way the Beeb is now, you cannot be certain they’ve got the maths right.
@Up2snuff He means that normally saying “a 19% increase” is meaningless
cos you have to know the prevalence of the disease.
Someone might say there have been a 100% increase of malaria caught in the UK this year. But that might mean last year there was 1 case and this year there were 2 ..so it’s haerdly worth taking precautions.
However since heart problem admission probably run into thousands or tens of thousands, then a 19% increase is significant.
One study means nothing; unless ..large sample size and multiple independent replications.
Real statisticians have understood the potential for confusion in stating risks in this way since the year dot. That is why absolute frequency of occurrence is used in order to give the numbers context. One example – a certain cancer risk is increased by 100% due to smoking. If the absolute frequency of occurrence is 1 in 1,000,000 without smoking it becomes 1 in 500,000 if you do smoke. In the real world the risk goes from negligible to very slightly less negligible. However, guess how mischievous little journalists and activists (ie the same person at the BBC) likes to report risk.
For those of you interested, Bjorn Lomberg’s book ‘The Skeptical Environmentalist’ contains an interesting section on this subject.
Exhibit B.
A suggestion to create flood risk categories for houses forcsale.
Cue visit to a village called Datchet and another useless vox pop with prospective purchases and existing house holders. Datchet was chosen because it flooded in 2014, it being right next to the Thames. So, high risk, yes?
Project fear mk 3.
What no-one mentioned was that the last bad floods in Datchet were in…..errr…..1947! Maybe not so high risk after all.
Both exhibits show the useless BBC’s prpensity for cheap sensationalist headlines and a covenient memory loss when it comes to the actual facts. All this for only £4bn a year of our money.
Sluff, good spot.
A little bit of fluff sticking to the very small brain of this small bear reminds me that the BBC, at the time of the 2014 floods (and, I think again last winter), told us about the flood relief scheme in that area of the Thames Valley and how it caused flooding elsewhere or how other areas had yet to receive the needed work on water courses.
Of course, no-one at the BBC has remembered that – not enough brain?, not enough fluff? – and checked in their news archive to see if Datchet benefits from that scheme. The village name rings a bell with me
It’s quite curious that on subsequent days we are being lectured on brexit (via the biased medium of the bbc)yesterday by the ex Greek finance minister and today the Italian prime minister who ‘warns’ the UK on brexit. I find it very coincidental that the 2 countries in question will be the first casualties of a Eurozone meltdown. However the bbc just takes it all like mother’s milk. In the rush to get fresh negativity on brexit they never dare once to question the credentials or motives of the people or countries involved. If Greece and Italy want to continue to be shafted by the Germans for the foreseeable that’s their problem, not ours.
Headlines from The Sun……’GERMANY COULD BECOME THE BIGGEST ATM IN HISTORY’ Liam Fox warns EU is at terrifying risk of implosion after Brexit….
Are Al Beeb giving the full story about Fox’s speech?
‘the Italian prime minister who ‘warns’ the UK on brexit.’
Seismicboy, I agree with your view. When put down to ‘brass tacks’, the reason the Italian leader is saying these things is because his country is financially finished and it needs the ‘gift that keeps on giving’, namely Britain to fund its debts.EU reserves are running low. Deutshe Bank in serious trouble. Very few EU countries prospering.
The EU cares not one jot about the peoples of the EU, (otherwise the Calais jungle would have been sorted out long ago, Greek crisis would have been averted,etc. The EU cares only about protectionism, power and wealth.
Stuff the EU.
Wronged, “Stuff the EU” indeed. I reckon we’ll know by early next year whether Teresa May, would reply, “Not on my watch”.
Italy now eh?
Just had Yanis Varophukup on the other day pretty much saying the same.
Can we now expect Ireland, Portugal and Cyprus as well as Spain telling us the same next-serial losers who wave a stump and smoke-dried kiddie in our faces and demand we buy the lucky heather as THEY did>
How did that work out then Italy,Greece, Ireland and other duds of the Euro shakedown.
To listen to Renzi etc, you`d think he`ll STILL be in power this time next year…along with Merkel and Hollande, Obama and the other Brexit bongs…we`ll not be dealing with them by the end of THIS year .let alone next years in most cases.
Of course it suits the fetid BBC to imply we`re dealing with statesmen in cast stone…but the Euro project is a landslide in the making-thank God we`re off piste…even pissed off.
But let`s enjoy the slalom as the BBC and EU , Labour and Guardian prannies tell us that the Euro is secure, the 27 will once again be united and the EU will not be seen as the hari-kari moment of a moribund culture…we British are NOT that!
O/T, sorry.
I find it ironic that our FA is happy to criticise FIFA whilst all the while not having a clue (supposedly) about the corruption taking place with agents, managers and players in our game.
It’s like moaning about the state of the neighbours garden, when yours is in as much a mess.
Sack the chair of the FA, they as a governing body have been shown to be incompetent.
Sack the Premier league Chair also. The role of the football agent needs to to be better regulated or withdrawn completely.
All clubs should be 60% supporter owned. My club is 100% supporter owned and we are doing pretty good- at long last.
Heard a bit of this speculation and rumour farming on the BBC this morning.
The BBC LOVE their “runners and riders/speculations” when it comes to the working class troughers and chancers like Big Sam and El Tel.
Yet-when it comes to reasons why Ben Emmerson is “suspended” from the Child Abuse Bunfight as run by Alexis Jay(this month at least)…well the BBC quite content “not to speculate about the reasons for this irregularity”.
Top people you see-Lord Melburys all-such class
Stiff it up your blowholes you BBC spongieforms!
The slow infection of the West by the Cult of Submission incrementally proceeds on to absorb France:
I hope the DG will personally be offering us soon, in a metaphorical way of course, the head of James Purnell, the Director for Digital at the BBC, on a plate.
The Sign in Page for the BBC web-site has been changed is currently not working properly. There’s a thing: digital, BBC and not working properly. Pretty much par for the course.
BBC WS on the train around the US reporting on the state of the nation after eight years of Obama.
A Muslim girl new of someone who’d actually had her headscarf pulled! “Why should we ,as American Muslims, be subject to these hate-crimes.” she complains.
Why indeed?
That does say an awful lot about Muslims and how the BBC joyfully swallows such facile comments unchallenged.
Try flying planes into the twin Towers eh?
Oh wait-you`ve already done that you Muslima shill…
Unbelievable-oh, if only.
Just had an excellent image sent to me on email, but cannot get it transferred onto here. Have tried “clicking here” to add images, but the entry box refuses to accept anything, despite it saying “enter the image URL” – what am I doing wrong ? I’ve even tried to cut and paste, but nothing works.
Might be an incompatible image format (should be .jpg).
BBC website emphasises right at the start that the girl was abducted by 2 white men. Blatant bias. The BBC make me vomit. But, maybe they were polish ?
Grant – I just heard the report on BBC radio. It’s truly repulsive considering the lengths they go to to hide a persons ethnicity when they are not white. Shameless
The BBC are disgusting racists, anti-semites and muslim ass-lickers. They are filth.
Bit of a delayed post – I’ve been busy – about last night’s BBC News at 10.
Female Asian reporter did a piece on abortion law in Chile. Apparently Chile’s abortion laws are amongst the “strictest” in the world. That term was tossed in without explanation, and as if it were self-evidently bad.
We then had an interview with the female President of Chile – who favours liberalisation of abortion law – then some other women in favour of liberalisation, then (by way of balance) some poor woman who had been raped then had an abortion and regretted it.
Why not interview a representative of the RC Church which, as the report admitted, tends to drive conservative opinion on moral matters in Chile?
Tom, the BBC were running their own pro-abortion campaign for the Brazilians in the months leading up to the Olympics. They did this on the back of the Zika virus which seemed to have sprung from more or less nowhere sometime last year. (TK)”Apparently Chile’s abortion laws are amongst the “strictest” in the world. That term was tossed in without explanation, and as if it were self-evidently bad.”
The BBC did the same thing with their ‘campaign’ for more baby killing in Brazil, substituting Brazil for Chile pretty much in exactly the same set of words.
Am sorry if ‘baby killing’ is blunt and offends but that is what it amounts to.
You are right – when not for medical reasons it is infanticide. It is however, tied in with female emancipation and the freedom to be irresponsible because although contraception is readily available and then, of course, there’s abstinence, wheras they can forget that and move straight to murder. Simples!
I was listening to “In Our Time” this morning, which is one of the few programmes you can still listen to on Radio 4. The subject was “Animal Farm”, and it was a very good discussion of Orwell’s life, his experiences in the Spanish Civil War, and his difficulty in getting the book published in 1944, when most people subscibed to the myth of Uncle Joe Stalin.
All very well and good. Until literally the last ten seconds, when someone called Mary Vincent, a Professor of History at Sheffield University, was asked to sum up, and came out with the opinion that Orwell (who only had the slight advantage on her of having been there) was wrong about the Spanish Civil War, ending “I don’t think it’s true to the history even of the Stalin regime”.
It was fair to say that even Melvin Bragg was shocked at this, but the leftist had the last word, and nothing more could be said. She had saved that barb up through the whole programme, only to deliver it at the death, dismissing everything that Orwell stood for, and indeed everything the panel had been discussing for 45 minutes!
I am sure that, having proved herself as a reliable fellow traveller and leftist mouthpiece, we will be hearing more of Professor Mary Vincent on the BBC. Simon Schama had better give his agent a call.
I missed that particular programme but re Spanish Civil War as a general rule Al Beeb neglect to point out that:
– more overseas volunteers went to fight for the Nationalists than (like the secular saint Eric Blair) the Republicans;
– the Nationalists believed (IMO justifiably) that they were fighting Communism, and if they had not prevailed then Spain would have ended up an Iberian East Germany.
Further to your point tom my understanding of the Spanish civil war is that the nationalists owe great thanks to the Americans for financial credit and also weapons. Russia on the other hand on the pretence of “storing” Spain’s gold reserves eseentially stole most of it through extortionate “storage fees” which were only declared once the gold reached the Kremlin.
For all that I disagree with the US you have to hand it to them that the world would be a terrible communist hell hole if it wasnt for them.
My prediction is when WW3 kicks off (if it hasn’t already) once again it will be up to Uncle Sam to save the day. God bless America
Remember that the podcast has “Melvin’s extra time” so that is not the final final last word of the prog.
…..They can say something even more mad lefty.
I too heard this Rob.
Where the hell does the BBC FIND these types?
If ever there was a clear case of evil, it would have to be the Commies in the USSR…but Vincent seems to think they were a bit of a lark.
As I say-only the ivory towers, BBC and the elites harbour such equivocating scum…and pay them to chisel away at the foundations of what was once our society.
For me the classic moment from today’s “In Our Time” was Melvin’s hissy fit when one of the experts said that Orwell didn’t like Wigan. Melvin saw the observation as an unacceptable attack on the North and he wouldn’t let go until the comment was qualified to reduce the damage. Radio comedy at its best.
Yes, that was quite amusing. How dare Orwell not like the North!
Again, Orwell had the advantage on Bragg of actually visiting Wigan in the 1930s, and if he found it to be awful, I would tend to believe him.
R4 Today this morning:
A woman from management consultancy McKinsey was having her 15 minutes lamenting the UK economy’s lost billions arising out of the fact that women earn less than men.
But – as the report admitted – since the 1970s it has been illegal to pay women less than men for the same work. And sex discrimination is illegal.
Could it be that many women are actually quite happy to opt out of the rat race for a year or two to prioritise raising their children?
Not an argument that Al Beeb’s report had time to consider.
The BBC: reporting the world as we would like it to be.
Yep that was today’s Swich On Bingo
woke up to BBC pet issue : “women’s unfair pay”
Once I heard her report says that there will be £160bn benefit from equalising pay
I thought “Tosh, made up figure” and switched channel
These figures in such reports turn out usually to be not at all robust , but dummo journalists are too afraid to challenge them..and grant givers love reports that get media coverage …a self suastaining fantasyland.
Same for the report that said ‘It’s very clear immigration always brings net economic benefits” ..tosh..I’ve met the guys as I said yesterday.
Surely there`ll now have to be a category opened up for tranny types and the usually sexual incontinents, confusions and bewilderments?
Bit “gender binary” all this he says she says stuff eh Resolution?
Might take a court case out on their prejudice against me today…got my Doc Mertens on but pink bootlaces…so whichever they say I am-I`ll not be, and will see them in court…shoes….
Yeah there was a very similar sort of story the other morning on R$ Today that led on the headline of the gender pay gap not being closed until 2069 according to new report from blah blah headline seeking consultancy. The detail that was glossed over quickly was that this was due to less woman doing science and engineering subjects. I.e. their own choice.
When I read about the gender pay gap not closing until 2069 I assumed they had fed some numbers into their climate change computer model to get that answer.
Me too, Steve. Now they have gone down that route it will be a suspicion with all sorts of claims.
Could it be that many women are actually quite happy to opt out of the rat race for a year or two to prioritise raising their children?
Coincidentally I had a conversation with our MD last week where I requested working 4 longer days a week instead of 5, so the same hours. I recognised that my request was for my benefit and not the company’s so I offered to take a pay cut. Even though I’m male I can see that wanting your employer to make compromises for you should cost you and not your employer.
My boss still said no, he argued quite rightly that he needed my role covered 5 days a week not 4. Oh well, at least I tried.
Tom, no mention then, of the 23/28 Billion lost in remittances overseas?
BBC R4 last night about 8pm.
A “debate” on immigration. Universal liberal hand-wringing that the wider Muslim community was suffering discrimination as a result of the terrorism carried out by the few.
Nobody on to make the point that there might be a maximum rate of immigration which an indigenous population can tolerate.
A spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britan whinged that it shouldn’t be for law-abiding Muslims to make the effort to differentiate themselves from the extremists. Nobody quizzed him about that.
And needless to say, Taqiya didn’t get a mention.
We live in fascinating times. It should be a wonderful time to be a reporter, pundit or broadcaster with brave, compelling, fascinating and illuminating broadcasts to be made – but we just ain’t getting them from Al Beeb.
Tom, “….to make the effort to differentiate themselves….”? this is a religious necessity well practised by the Cult of Submission all-day, every-day!
Not the questions I would be asking Tom. Mine are
1: Is Muhammad the perfect human being? Was the way he lived his life the way all Muslims must live? If not, where in the Islamic texts does it say that? If yes, then surely this must include the rape and enslavement of infidel girls, as young as 9 as Muhammad saw fit…. If no why?
2: What does Islam teach about the treatment of non believers? Does Islam teach Muslims to do everything they can, in whatever form, to further the aims and objectives of Allahs instruction? What do Muslims think about Sharia law and it’s importance against man made laws?
3: Is any of the Qu’ran not mandatory? If not how is that? If yes then how is what ISIS and the Muslim rape warriors doing wrong in the eyes of Allah? Are rapists and murders of infidels destined for paradise? If not how have you come to conclude differently than Muhammad?
…… Just 3 questions that any Muslim can answer…. There’s hundreds. All getting to the heart of the matter. That Islam is an unchangeable, mandatory set of life instructions that must be obeyed by all Muslims for them to make it into paradise. That all must undertake Jihad in whatever capacity they can to ensure the success and domination of Allahs will..
We won’t be seeing that any time though Tom
You make me feel like some sort of apologist, TTP.
I promise: I’m not!
The Big Question for me would be: what does Islamic State / Daesh / ISIS do that Islam forbids?
Let me answer that for you Tom:
Excellent questions. Sadly, any Beeboid who asked them would get his P45 by return of post, and they know it.
14 year old school girl abduction and rape in Oxford. The BBC report that this sort of offence, “….by strangers are still quite rare”. Any wagers?
The police have revealed the race, so, as you can no doubt guess, white , not black or brown.
This is a very odd story, a busy time, in a smart area of Oxford. I think there is more to this than meets the eye and it will emerge the girl knew the men, an ex boyfriend perhaps.