Another in the ‘ you can’t make it up’ basket.
Got in the car this morning. Switched on the radio at about 11am, tuned in to bBBC R4. Within 5 seconds there was………a trailer for a programme about black people in the UK in the 17th and 18th centuries and how…(hold on to your seats) ….we were MORE multicultural then than now.
Did they actually claim that? (Have to confess that that trailer has been making me switch off mentally, if not with the On/Off switch. The BBC’s Virtue Signalling is starting to whizz straight over my head and out the door.)
The little I know of the history of immigration into London would have me doubt that claim. You would probably have found very strict boundaries on the diversity & multiculturalism.
As I wrote here during Dickensian, there were various characters missing from the street scenes especially but they would have been in strictly defined roles for example, Chinese as seamen and laundry workers and Indians as servants.
(BTW, the Edit & Delete facility HAS disappeared from the B-BBC web-site today.)
Yes heard that. Also there was a news item last week that 2 Chinese bodies had been found in Roman ruins in London. Which according to the BBC item proved that Britain was multicultural 2,000 years ago. Fatuous nonsense.
Simple and obvious question to be asked: where did they and their descendants all go? Was there a mass purge or something before they all started to return in the 1950s, then in massive numbers under Blair?
Not that the BBC are inclined to ask any obvious questions which might throw doubt on The Narrative, of course.
What really disgusts me is that the opinions of bbc toadies are taken to be the opinions of the nation and/or the government but it is neither.
The pseudo state sponsored bbc voices the opinion of a few and that there is no alternative with the same resources is is just plain wrong. They are to all intents an unelected political party or should I say, Fifth Column.
Jezza Swine Show this lunchtime: despite the fact that al beebus appear to have been covering all things Labour (including the conference) ad infinitum and that today was when Liam Fox made his first major speech on Brexit since his appointment as one of the ministers who will be guiding us out of the EU labyrinth.
The first feature on the programme was about whether Corbyn had shown, via his speech yesterday, that he is ready to be PM.
It is unbelievable after all the coverage that both he and the party of immigrants, immigration and welfare dependancy which he leads, him and it should have had yet another large portion of al beebus programme time shovelled its way. The speech by Fox was never even mentioned except in passing on the news, we were then “treated” to Owen Jones and some slippery sod who once worked for Blair pontificating about Corbyn.
Having caught glimpses of the Labour Scouse Mouse Love in this week-and all those sumptuous Leni Riefenstahl camera angles that portrayed the Leader as the Nations Helmsman….
Any chance the Tories will get the same slavering dogwank up the hind leg , as the BBC gave Labour this week-or can we expect the normal spittle flecked venom, mics not working and abuse with old clips to mock them?
Duh…we`ll have to wait and see eh?
EU Gives Cash to Invaders in Turkey
Taxpayers in the European Union (EU) have been forced to start paying monthly cash grants to invaders in Turkey who claim to be Syrians to the tune of at least €348 million, it has emerged. The scheme means that the EU is now paying the nonwhite hordes while they are still on their way to Europe, effectively encouraging them to carry on with their trek.
The arrangement will give cash to anyone claiming to be a refugee from Syria via pre-paid cash cards which are supposed to be used for food, housing, schooling, or medical expenses in Turkey.
The program, launched on Monday, is called the “Emergency Social Safety Net” (ESSN), and is part of the EU’s already failed “deal” with Turkey to try and reduce the hordes of nonwhites invading Europe from that country.
“Today we launch the biggest and largest humanitarian project the EU has ever supported. It will provide a basic source of income for one million Syrian refugees,” EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides told a news conference.
ESSN is being implemented by the World Food Program and the Turkish Red Crescent, in collaboration with the Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policy and the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency.
A fact sheet issued by the EU on the program said that the ESSN funding is “on top of €164 million that the EU has already made available for humanitarian aid projects in Turkey since the beginning of the year.”
The invaders will each receive an electronic card, into which monthly transfers are made.
The EU fact sheet said that this will “provide them with the dignity of choice”—in other words, there is actually no control over what they choose to spend the money on.
Under the heading, “who can apply for ESSN support?,” the EU fact sheet says that “humanitarian aid is intended for the most vulnerable people affected by the crisis, whether they are Syrian or non-Syrian, registered as refugees or not,” and that “a referral system will be put in place as part of the ESSN to address the needs of other persons of concern too.”
This means that the EU knows very well that it is not just those claiming to be Syrians in Turkey who will receive the cash, but any invader from anywhere who has managed to get to Turkey on their way to Europe, and who can show “need.”
Yep, I`m sorry that commuters in New Jersey have had a bad accident on their subway.
I`m also sorry about Sudan and Syria…and Today are quick to tell me every day why “WE`RE! not doing enough.
Not them of course…the BBC spend their lives “caring”…but only if WE`ll Pay.
Very Labour, very Geldof, Sturgeon and Cooper.
If only the BBC would care about Rochdale, Rotherham, Luton eh?
Oh-but the BBC passed quickly over the 9/11 families getting the right to sue the Saudis…for that was the veto given by Obama-so is NOT to be questioned.
No families being asked here are there?…course not…Obama deserves better surely, says the BBC….
Two kinds of victims of course…but how BBC to pick the Saudis-even THEM-if Obama permits it…as he did, does and as will Illary C.
More evidence that Saudi funding of universities is coming with several unpleasant strings attached, and that they are wanting the promotion of Wahabist Islam as a cost.
More unpleasant is the offer of £6 million to the ministry of justice and the information that it was Saudi coercion which stopped the investigation into the Al Yamamah deal.
I for one believe that investigation was the result of I’m on a different planet Clegg, and he simply didn’t care one jot about British industry, nor workers jobs so long as he got a warm glow inside.
What is most worrying is the extent of influence that the Saudis have over the British government in getting them to cease & desist an investigation.
There is no good side to this money, no good side at all when it comes at such a cost.
Looks the Beeb have had to accept the fact that Corbyn and the cult of comrades are here to stay for a while, so now the business of trying to polish a turd has begun. Jezza vine was pushing corbyns prime ministerial speech for all his worth today on radio 2 with a love in with wee Owen and some ex Blair adviser. It was all positivity for jezza making his first steps towards no 10. Puke inducing stuff. Matthew Wright on the Wright stuff this morning was trying the same tactic so it looks like the word has come from high to all their media friends. No mention of the fact that body bags is jumping ship, Khan has done so already, Clive Lewis ex beeboid having his speech changed on the orders or wurzel and carried out by commandant Milne. And they think this is prime ministerial. 21st century socialism still the same as 1917 socialism. Better start ordering the body bags and building gulags again.
After seeing jezza’s speech yesterday and the bunch of comrades on stage fists in the air singing along high fiving each other it was like 1917 again then again it could be the pied piper of Hamlin followed by his bunch of brainless young idiots.
Check out the lbc website where there is a video of two labour MPs with Ian dale in the studio and a momentum activist ringing in saying that Ruth smeeth walking out of the chakrabarti whitewash was a setup organised by her. The female mp was nearly in tears with this idiot. Socialism don’t you just love it.
Looks like the BBc is now Corbynista. Matter of time in my opinion . The real support for Corbyn comes from the useless and largely non productive middle class cohorts trained in brainwashing facilities formerly known as universities.
There is a residual genuine old labour vote but this is diminishing and hopefully will go to UKIP or Tory.
Naturally the BBC is Corbynista. Look where and how it recruits and just how useless most of them are.
I do not underestimate them but as always Trots are trouble. lacking any real knowledge of how the world works and in fact deliberately refusing to acknowledge reality they can destabalise a country.
Fortunately in the shires they have no appeal at all and we will be more than capable of dealing with them if necessary.
The BBC are waiting. Corbyn might lose Labour the next election or win it and turn out to be a disaster. But the BBC man in waiting is biding his time as the Emir of London; ready to step into his destiny. He ticks all the BBC boxes, and is young. Some of you might not have heard that his father was a bus driver which will prove to be an asset when the party pretends to rediscover the workers.
“”Reality Check: Would EU or UK lose most from tariffs?””
“”UK exports of goods to the EU in 2015 accounted for 47% of total goods exports. According to the NIESR, EU goods exports to the UK account for about 16% of its total exports of goods””.
“”So if you’re looking at whether the UK or the EU would risk a greater proportion of their trade from tariffs, clearly the UK would lose more””
It’s also a nonsensical simplification. UK and Europe are not going to stop trading even if there are tariffs. IF there are tariffs, then potentially some trade in some goods may reduce a little.
My family traded with Europe pre Common Market. In business the most important things are
1. Is the product any good.
2. Is the price right and are the terms right..
3. is delivery good
Everything else is secondary including tariffs. These are a known quantity and can always be allowed for one way or another.
Not that the BBc gets this ever.
I must add that, after my rather jokey post at the start of the One Show article, that by the end of it it turned out to be one of the most blatant and disgusting pieces of propaganda in recent BBC history.
It is always enlightening to witness what it is the BBC wants its audience to fret about. This evening on BBC One 6 o’clock tv news top head line we have some report telling us one in four young women is suffering some form of mental problem.
These reports tend to exaggerate the statistics based on their surveys but allowing there is some rise in the problem what do we reckon is causing this?
It is rather telling that our Fiona Bruce informs us that the report authors “don’t see it as their job to explain causes” Hmmm.
Which of course gives the BBC free rein to speculate. The usual suspect where kids are concerned is always “the internet” which tends to fit a BBC/Big Government ambition to police said internet. So the go to bad guy to blame is naturally “social media” “cyber bullying” but what pressures are driving the messages on those new media?
These days there has to be a feminist angle too so for good measure the BBC correpondent cites “the rise in domestic violence”
Nothing to do with feminist ideology, then. The continuous messaging to young girls that they must “have it all” career, multiple relationships, family optional until it becomes rather late in the day. Or the concerted efforts to force women into the work force. Scrumptious for the Fiona Bruces of this world, no doubt, but for most the bar is being set rather high. Do half of the female population really want or need a university education? Given the female junior doctors currently agitating for more life as opposed to work in their balance of priorities are the warning signs not plain to see? Not for the BBC, obviously.
On R4 news report there was a fleeting reference to mental health problems increasing for older males. No mention that male suicide rate is 5 times that of female. No the “narrative” is always that females are the victims and more must be spent.
Forty Percent Of Graduate German Women Don’t Have Children.
When all the ‘first world’ people have all been eliminated by the social ‘engineering’ of the heroes of the BBC, taking all their social neuroses with them, will the replacement ‘third world’ people be encouraged to give up their family, tribe and faith too?
A dying culture looks like this. One saving grace for us conservatives. We still have more children than the decadent liberal effete lot. We will out breed them providing we don’t get out bred by our enrichers.
Doesn’t surprise me
I had to check something a few months back.
In the US 20% of females are childless in their whole lifetime.
In the UK its 25%
I don’t need to make kids, when their are plenty in the world.
And I staggered when I meet Green Earth Mother types who have 5-6 kids and then whine to everyone else that they should keep THEIR carbon footprint down.
My better half has the ‘Oh my God this is so utterly Shit…One Show’ on the Islamic Al Beeb…. But what’s this!!!… Something catches my attention.. they are talking ‘hate crime’. Dara Obriain is on the sofa, but by far the funniest thing about the show is the virtue signalling clag-nuts trying to explain what ‘hate crime’ actually means! The last time I saw faces so mentally detached and devoid from understanding was when I was watching WW1 shellshock victim clips.
First…we had someone lose all self dignity live on air, as they took the bullet and tried to explain the terminology behind ‘hate crime’, and then the hilarious sight of watching Dara trying to climb in his shoe to escape the uncomfortableness….yet on this self-hating sell out ploughed on, with what she advised was a ‘definition’…… “Got that” she said… Utter blankness all round….even those shit eating morons who have had to self-hypnotise themselves into believing the bullshit their Islam Loving Dhimmi paymasters tell them, don’t know what the hell is going on!!..
….just about to pull my eyes out…I can’t watch any longer….
Even Anita Rani looked nervous and shifty as she read from her paymaster’s script, such was the bullocks she knew she was reading. I could tell that Dara was biting his lips caught between wanting to laugh at the obvious nonsense about self-defining crimes, and the fact that his paymasters wrote this script.
By the end of the self loathing lies that was read out, I began to know how Alex in A Clockwork Orange must have felt with his eyes propped open.
The BBC will have loved the Corbyn Party’s declaration that immigration is an unmitigated ‘good thing’, they just need to buy off the plebs in the ‘enriched’ areas to keep them ‘on side’. All the present problems are down to ‘austerity’ and lack of infrastructure investment.
Near to me is a major ‘brown field’ development. It is interesting to see the massive amount of groundworks involved in providing utility services to the site in preparation for putting up houses, (presumably, there is sufficient capacity ‘off site’ to supply the extra demand). Ultimately there will be many hundreds of houses, but given the time to clear the site, complete planning and build it works out about only 70 houses per year. Meanwhile a single aeroplane can easily deliver 140 new families in a day, each flight also needing the construction of a new primary school too.
All of this investment has to be paid ‘upfront’ by someone. Contrast this with my own upbringing. Our first house was perhaps eighteen years old when we moved in, so assuming a 20 year payback time for property, nearly paid for. Our next house had probably been paid for twice.
Can’t these idiots see that immigration that takes up spare capacity can be beneficial but immigration that requires new infrastructure condemns us all to a pyramid scam of ever increasing debt that can never be paid back?
The idea that immigration is an unmitigated ‘good thing’ is a meme that is ‘supported’ by the fact that they pay taxes, or the increase in GDP. But these are just obvious results from any increase in population, they don’t take any account of the costs of the increased population.
BBC’s More Or Less attempted to determine the GDP per capita effects of immigration, and it concluded that EU immigrants had a positive effect whilst those from South Asia had a negative effect. But they admitted that the overall positive or negative effect, after taking account of services provided, cannot be determined.
However, it doesn’t take a rocket science to conclude that the costs of providing the services for the immigrant population will greatly outstrip the taxes they pay. We know this because that is what is already happening, we have an increasing debt to service. The higher the population, the higher the deficit. At least the indigenous population has a good chance of being self sufficient due to inherited and established support, whilst new immigrants will need housing, schools, health and transport now, from scratch.
Basically anybody who parrots that immigration is an unmitigated ‘good thing’ is talking unevidenced out of their arse. It’s just wishful thinking.
The so-called economic arguments for immigration are relevant and indulging in them only lends a spurious air of legitimacy. The simple fact of the matter is that my birthright and culture are not for sale – at any price.
The thought struck me that the large increase of decline in mental health in young females coincides with the revival of feminism, especially the upsurge of the last few years in which the BBC has played a leading role. The correlation is inescapable when you look at the NHS Digital supplied graph near the start of the article.
It always used to be assumed that feminism would harm men psychologically, especially young men, and I think there was some evidence of that 25-30 years ago. As those men have passed into middle-age it seems that perhaps the feminist militancy of the last five years or more has actually harmed young women, not helped them.
Now a well funded news organisation really should be able to pick up links like this.
But contraception is another of those immutable feminist rights….despite its effects on birth rates and the apparent effect on the female psyche of having its biological reason for being artificially shut down in order to compete in the labour market with feminised males.
WTF !!!!
On Question Time, Corbynistas are being torn apart in the first 5 minutes and a member of the audience created a term which many readers will recognise. ‘socialist delusion disorder’.
Rod Liddle has scored an instant direct hit and that’s before the Ukip guy and Priti Patel have started.
Someone at the bBBC is either for the high jump or there has been a top level decision that there needs to be a sea change in reporting policy.
Result !!!!
Oh my God Dimbleby loves Bonny Greer. Why is she on QT so often? She’s American, pretty ignorant of British history and politics, and worse, rude and mouthy and fails to understand taking turns, and she’s only a dramatist (and one who has undoubtedly benefited greatly from Black Privilege). Her opinions are of no interest or importance.
Don’t worry Obi, with the amount of air time that June ‘wiggy’ Sarpongi is getting lately, she’ll be pushing Bonnie off the sofa – and she is doubly insufferable with her nodding smile and ‘knowledge’ on everything !
Question time in Boston a success three to two on the panel no audience lunatic, next week unfortunately its mr always on the telly, forget about your constituents the one and only chuka bore off umuna. As I write he’s on again.
Bonnie greer we understand your bullshit we voted out so we get it. Mr steven wolfe was very impressive labour man hopeless well done rod, priti we love you.
Traffic news : Road blockage on the way into Boston :
There is a broken down bus : The BBC Green/Lefty bus that it usually uses to provide the ‘right’ audiences for Question Time, and R4Any Questions.
…From listening tonight it seems that normal bus didn’t make it to the Boston the audience was somewhat different from normal …seems like genuine Boston people.
..ah I got it ..the audience rigging bus works out of London and all the Lefties have just been in they are either still there or tired out.
..Expect normal rigged audience will be back on Friday’s Any Questions
I find the young Asian newsnight journalist insensitive to the italian man he’s interviewing more interested in his performance. Raffaele sollecito has been found innocent for f… k sake. A black immigrant is the killer bbc. Young journalist prick.
BBC R4 TODAY very solemn this morning about newspaper reports on football corruption. Corruption in a large organisation and business sector. It couldn’t be happening elsewhere, could it?
Five million immigrants driving down wages would have something to do with this? But of course never mentioned. The BBC would never report the full facts would they? Only the facts that suit their student Left wing politics.
Farage calls it ‘wage compression’ and caused by the the importation of mass cheap immigrant labour.
The BBC are great at describing the symptom, but will always pretend the cause is something else.
Immigration has caused ‘wage compression’, but the main cause of the wealth divide is immigrant fuelled property inflation. This means that the majority of people born before the doors were opened to uncontrolled immigration own their own home, whilst most of those born shortly after have no hope of owning their own home unless they inherit it.
In my younger days, when we were buying our first homes, we went through two property booms that commentators had no problem linking to population based on baby booms in the early and late 60’s. It’s simple supply and demand, which has been fuelled by immigration and has made our younger generation poorer.
The dangerously politicised, devious, lying, arrogant, hate filled propaganda junkies at the Islamic Al Beeb are at it again… This time another attempt at trying to damage the only man who can save the world from these traitorous bastards…. Lord, King Trump
This time…
“US election 2016: Trump accused of Cuba embargo breach”
If it wasn’t because so many Brits are falling for this bullshit (I have them at work, and I have to explain to them what is happening… They always agree with me in the end), I wouldn’t give 2 f..ks about this 6th form guff, but the Islamic Al Beeb are desperately trying to slander and discredit Trump to ensure that his message is utterly tarnished… So if anyone here decided to go with the Trump message, all the gutter rat deviants would talk about is “racist like Trump”, “corrupted like Trump”….
Let’s look at the details the Islamic Al Beeb are so willing to propaganda in this shite..
1: That Trump has carried out illicit or immoral business practices. Reason?…. Because we know that psychopathic lunatic Clinton is the most corrupt politician in living memory… And the arse wipes that have written this article know that too… So the purpose is to say “they are both involved in underhand dealings..”…so basically the Islamic Al Beeb are desperately trying to excuse the corruption of a politician against the shrewdness of a business giant! The only questions the Islamic Al Beeb should be asking are “Hillary you lied under oath. You lied to Congress. You lied to the FBI. You have business deals that look to have compromised national security…”…but hell no!!! The only thing the Islamic Al Beeb are interested in is an unproven and desperately weak accusation regarding a business dealing linked to Trump!!
2: Just read the article!! It’s not the usual “this are just political point scoring..” or whatever other techniques the Islamic Al Beeb use to dismiss any accusations against Trump! The Islamic Al Beeb even go as far as writing articles trying to disprove everything anyone accuses Hitlery of (important word is trying because even the Islamic Al Beeb know they are true)! Let’s have a look if the Islamic Al Beeb are being impartial with this latest piece of anti Trump…
“Analysis: Anthony Zurcher, BBC News North America reporter
Don’t run afoul of Florida’s expatriate Cuban community. It’s one of those iron-clad rules that Republican presidential nominees have obeyed since the rise of Fidel Castro – and it’s now another rule that Donald Trump has apparently broken.”….
So there you have it. Already quilty in the eyes of the Islamic Al Beeb. Muslims arrested with served heads in hands, shouting Allahu Akbar and kill the infidels.. “alleged killer”!!….an accusation which could never be linked to Trump personally, even if proved to be true….”quilty”!!….Hitlery proven to have lied to Congress, lied to the FBI, lied to the media, lied to the world!!…. “erm…just don’t report will blow over”
30th September and the winsome Elizabeth Rizzini on BBC London weather proving this morning that when it comes to propagating their in-house religion of Global Warming the BBC never misses a beat.
AISI, the R4 forecast at 6am was quite funny (humourous) as well. Can’t remember who it was (Ben Rich?) mentioned the hot September but then started talking about how it was getting cooler and I could feel he was desperately trying to not say today and the weekend ahead would be cold. The dreaded C-word on the BBC. Just couldn’t get it out.
It is interesting that, in a year with a really good summer in south-east England, the soil temp (for water pipes) is now just starting lose its cold edge. Only a few months late.
I’m sure there are strict central directives on style and emphasis that go out to all the weather presenters with the clear result that reporting of hot is continually prioritised over mentions of cold.
The word ‘statistically’ gave me a quiet chuckle – it typifies the sort of comment a losing sports fan – or more so a left-wing politician – might employ to attempt to re-ignite his long-defeated argument.
The bbc made sure on question time not to have a question about the U. S. Election with that panel, better to lie to the British public and Bonnie never brought it up. No surprises there she would have had to earn her fee.
It’s easier for the bbc to dismiss the conservative representative (Donald trump )as a rascist bigot in the U.K. our right of centre people on tv don’t care enough to defend him, this silence won’t last though he will be president and we can’t have the lefty protesters abusing him then, would be bad for business, so time to join our nige with some honesty.
Warning digression 100% no connexion with BBC bias.
I have recently expanded my interest in classical music to opera.
Today I log on to a well known classical music website.
In a thread about contemporary opera, a member recommends an opera by Charles Wuorinen, never heard of him, but it is “Brokeback Mountain”!
The NEXT item in the thread is about an opera by Laura Kaminsky, never heard of her either, this one is about the problems of being transgender!
It’s everywhere.
Not on Al Beeb
MPs and Lords applying for Irish passports to enable them to have an EU passport.
A Tory MP suggests they should stand down.
I suggest they should have their rights to live in the UK revoked, be banished forthwith, outlawed so that they may/must be killed if found in the UK after a certain date/time and all their assets forfeit to UKIP.
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MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:42 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Between 2019-2020, when Boris Johnson was Prime Minister, taxpayers were charged £141,380 for HOPE not hate charitable trust (which funds…
popeyeMar 6, 15:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Compared to people born in the UK, migrants are more likely to be of working age or have a university…
tomoMar 6, 15:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 Eagle is it seems a graduate of the Dianne Abbott academy? One might’ve hoped that the voters of The Wirral…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 * What power have you got? • Where did you get it from? • In whose interests do you use…
tomoMar 6, 15:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 home insurance premium? I’d have a read of the policy document
tomoMar 6, 15:05 Midweek 5th March 2025 More law….. EU courts…. – just imagine what TTK would get up to in cahoots with this lot.
Richard PinderMar 6, 15:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img] Stalinist torture of Tommy Robinson by the nasty socialist state. Political prisoner, Tommy Robinson, has suffered 128+ days so…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 14:58 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Police ‘acted reasonably’ in Pearson hate crime case” The Essex force has previously defended its since-dropped investigation over an…
Another in the ‘ you can’t make it up’ basket.
Got in the car this morning. Switched on the radio at about 11am, tuned in to bBBC R4. Within 5 seconds there was………a trailer for a programme about black people in the UK in the 17th and 18th centuries and how…(hold on to your seats) ….we were MORE multicultural then than now.
Obviously absolutely no agenda there whatsoever.
I mentioned this programme on the other thread, and when I heard the trailer I probably thought the same as you.
When the BBC claims that we were more multicultural in the 17th/18th centuries, the subliminal message is that we should be more multicultural now.
Did they actually claim that? (Have to confess that that trailer has been making me switch off mentally, if not with the On/Off switch. The BBC’s Virtue Signalling is starting to whizz straight over my head and out the door.)
The little I know of the history of immigration into London would have me doubt that claim. You would probably have found very strict boundaries on the diversity & multiculturalism.
As I wrote here during Dickensian, there were various characters missing from the street scenes especially but they would have been in strictly defined roles for example, Chinese as seamen and laundry workers and Indians as servants.
(BTW, the Edit & Delete facility HAS disappeared from the B-BBC web-site today.)
Yes heard that. Also there was a news item last week that 2 Chinese bodies had been found in Roman ruins in London. Which according to the BBC item proved that Britain was multicultural 2,000 years ago. Fatuous nonsense.
Simple and obvious question to be asked: where did they and their descendants all go? Was there a mass purge or something before they all started to return in the 1950s, then in massive numbers under Blair?
Not that the BBC are inclined to ask any obvious questions which might throw doubt on The Narrative, of course.
What really disgusts me is that the opinions of bbc toadies are taken to be the opinions of the nation and/or the government but it is neither.
The pseudo state sponsored bbc voices the opinion of a few and that there is no alternative with the same resources is is just plain wrong. They are to all intents an unelected political party or should I say, Fifth Column.
Jezza Swine Show this lunchtime: despite the fact that al beebus appear to have been covering all things Labour (including the conference) ad infinitum and that today was when Liam Fox made his first major speech on Brexit since his appointment as one of the ministers who will be guiding us out of the EU labyrinth.
The first feature on the programme was about whether Corbyn had shown, via his speech yesterday, that he is ready to be PM.
It is unbelievable after all the coverage that both he and the party of immigrants, immigration and welfare dependancy which he leads, him and it should have had yet another large portion of al beebus programme time shovelled its way. The speech by Fox was never even mentioned except in passing on the news, we were then “treated” to Owen Jones and some slippery sod who once worked for Blair pontificating about Corbyn.
Having caught glimpses of the Labour Scouse Mouse Love in this week-and all those sumptuous Leni Riefenstahl camera angles that portrayed the Leader as the Nations Helmsman….
Any chance the Tories will get the same slavering dogwank up the hind leg , as the BBC gave Labour this week-or can we expect the normal spittle flecked venom, mics not working and abuse with old clips to mock them?
Duh…we`ll have to wait and see eh?
BBC bricking itself? Or oddly cool?
From the New Observer online 27 Sep 16
You couldn’t make it up!!!
EU Gives Cash to Invaders in Turkey
Taxpayers in the European Union (EU) have been forced to start paying monthly cash grants to invaders in Turkey who claim to be Syrians to the tune of at least €348 million, it has emerged. The scheme means that the EU is now paying the nonwhite hordes while they are still on their way to Europe, effectively encouraging them to carry on with their trek.
The arrangement will give cash to anyone claiming to be a refugee from Syria via pre-paid cash cards which are supposed to be used for food, housing, schooling, or medical expenses in Turkey.
The program, launched on Monday, is called the “Emergency Social Safety Net” (ESSN), and is part of the EU’s already failed “deal” with Turkey to try and reduce the hordes of nonwhites invading Europe from that country.
“Today we launch the biggest and largest humanitarian project the EU has ever supported. It will provide a basic source of income for one million Syrian refugees,” EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides told a news conference.
ESSN is being implemented by the World Food Program and the Turkish Red Crescent, in collaboration with the Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policy and the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency.
A fact sheet issued by the EU on the program said that the ESSN funding is “on top of €164 million that the EU has already made available for humanitarian aid projects in Turkey since the beginning of the year.”
The invaders will each receive an electronic card, into which monthly transfers are made.
The EU fact sheet said that this will “provide them with the dignity of choice”—in other words, there is actually no control over what they choose to spend the money on.
Under the heading, “who can apply for ESSN support?,” the EU fact sheet says that “humanitarian aid is intended for the most vulnerable people affected by the crisis, whether they are Syrian or non-Syrian, registered as refugees or not,” and that “a referral system will be put in place as part of the ESSN to address the needs of other persons of concern too.”
This means that the EU knows very well that it is not just those claiming to be Syrians in Turkey who will receive the cash, but any invader from anywhere who has managed to get to Turkey on their way to Europe, and who can show “need.”
Yep, I`m sorry that commuters in New Jersey have had a bad accident on their subway.
I`m also sorry about Sudan and Syria…and Today are quick to tell me every day why “WE`RE! not doing enough.
Not them of course…the BBC spend their lives “caring”…but only if WE`ll Pay.
Very Labour, very Geldof, Sturgeon and Cooper.
If only the BBC would care about Rochdale, Rotherham, Luton eh?
Oh-but the BBC passed quickly over the 9/11 families getting the right to sue the Saudis…for that was the veto given by Obama-so is NOT to be questioned.
No families being asked here are there?…course not…Obama deserves better surely, says the BBC….
Two kinds of victims of course…but how BBC to pick the Saudis-even THEM-if Obama permits it…as he did, does and as will Illary C.
More evidence that Saudi funding of universities is coming with several unpleasant strings attached, and that they are wanting the promotion of Wahabist Islam as a cost.
More unpleasant is the offer of £6 million to the ministry of justice and the information that it was Saudi coercion which stopped the investigation into the Al Yamamah deal.
I for one believe that investigation was the result of I’m on a different planet Clegg, and he simply didn’t care one jot about British industry, nor workers jobs so long as he got a warm glow inside.
What is most worrying is the extent of influence that the Saudis have over the British government in getting them to cease & desist an investigation.
There is no good side to this money, no good side at all when it comes at such a cost.
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Don’t be shy. That’s how they want you to be…
Looks the Beeb have had to accept the fact that Corbyn and the cult of comrades are here to stay for a while, so now the business of trying to polish a turd has begun. Jezza vine was pushing corbyns prime ministerial speech for all his worth today on radio 2 with a love in with wee Owen and some ex Blair adviser. It was all positivity for jezza making his first steps towards no 10. Puke inducing stuff. Matthew Wright on the Wright stuff this morning was trying the same tactic so it looks like the word has come from high to all their media friends. No mention of the fact that body bags is jumping ship, Khan has done so already, Clive Lewis ex beeboid having his speech changed on the orders or wurzel and carried out by commandant Milne. And they think this is prime ministerial. 21st century socialism still the same as 1917 socialism. Better start ordering the body bags and building gulags again.
After seeing jezza’s speech yesterday and the bunch of comrades on stage fists in the air singing along high fiving each other it was like 1917 again then again it could be the pied piper of Hamlin followed by his bunch of brainless young idiots.
Check out the lbc website where there is a video of two labour MPs with Ian dale in the studio and a momentum activist ringing in saying that Ruth smeeth walking out of the chakrabarti whitewash was a setup organised by her. The female mp was nearly in tears with this idiot. Socialism don’t you just love it.
Looks like the BBc is now Corbynista. Matter of time in my opinion . The real support for Corbyn comes from the useless and largely non productive middle class cohorts trained in brainwashing facilities formerly known as universities.
There is a residual genuine old labour vote but this is diminishing and hopefully will go to UKIP or Tory.
Naturally the BBC is Corbynista. Look where and how it recruits and just how useless most of them are.
I do not underestimate them but as always Trots are trouble. lacking any real knowledge of how the world works and in fact deliberately refusing to acknowledge reality they can destabalise a country.
Fortunately in the shires they have no appeal at all and we will be more than capable of dealing with them if necessary.
The BBC are waiting. Corbyn might lose Labour the next election or win it and turn out to be a disaster. But the BBC man in waiting is biding his time as the Emir of London; ready to step into his destiny. He ticks all the BBC boxes, and is young. Some of you might not have heard that his father was a bus driver which will prove to be an asset when the party pretends to rediscover the workers.
BBC Online News:
“”Reality Check: Would EU or UK lose most from tariffs?””
“”UK exports of goods to the EU in 2015 accounted for 47% of total goods exports. According to the NIESR, EU goods exports to the UK account for about 16% of its total exports of goods””.
“”So if you’re looking at whether the UK or the EU would risk a greater proportion of their trade from tariffs, clearly the UK would lose more””
That doesn’t make sense! 16% of ALL the EU’s exports are to us. We export 47% of our goods to the EU.
But the 16% in value is far greater than our 47%. Therefore, Europe would suffer more from us leaving.
More Brexit lies from the BBC.
It’s also a nonsensical simplification. UK and Europe are not going to stop trading even if there are tariffs. IF there are tariffs, then potentially some trade in some goods may reduce a little.
My family traded with Europe pre Common Market. In business the most important things are
1. Is the product any good.
2. Is the price right and are the terms right..
3. is delivery good
Everything else is secondary including tariffs. These are a known quantity and can always be allowed for one way or another.
Not that the BBc gets this ever.
The One Show currently running with a How Horrible The Brits Are To The Polish special.
I must add that, after my rather jokey post at the start of the One Show article, that by the end of it it turned out to be one of the most blatant and disgusting pieces of propaganda in recent BBC history.
It is always enlightening to witness what it is the BBC wants its audience to fret about. This evening on BBC One 6 o’clock tv news top head line we have some report telling us one in four young women is suffering some form of mental problem.
These reports tend to exaggerate the statistics based on their surveys but allowing there is some rise in the problem what do we reckon is causing this?
It is rather telling that our Fiona Bruce informs us that the report authors “don’t see it as their job to explain causes” Hmmm.
Which of course gives the BBC free rein to speculate. The usual suspect where kids are concerned is always “the internet” which tends to fit a BBC/Big Government ambition to police said internet. So the go to bad guy to blame is naturally “social media” “cyber bullying” but what pressures are driving the messages on those new media?
These days there has to be a feminist angle too so for good measure the BBC correpondent cites “the rise in domestic violence”
Nothing to do with feminist ideology, then. The continuous messaging to young girls that they must “have it all” career, multiple relationships, family optional until it becomes rather late in the day. Or the concerted efforts to force women into the work force. Scrumptious for the Fiona Bruces of this world, no doubt, but for most the bar is being set rather high. Do half of the female population really want or need a university education? Given the female junior doctors currently agitating for more life as opposed to work in their balance of priorities are the warning signs not plain to see? Not for the BBC, obviously.
On R4 news report there was a fleeting reference to mental health problems increasing for older males. No mention that male suicide rate is 5 times that of female. No the “narrative” is always that females are the victims and more must be spent.
Something like 90% of people who die in the workplace are male.
…Doesn’t have the same priority as looking for tweets which may seem a little bit sexist/racist
Forty Percent Of Graduate German Women Don’t Have Children.
When all the ‘first world’ people have all been eliminated by the social ‘engineering’ of the heroes of the BBC, taking all their social neuroses with them, will the replacement ‘third world’ people be encouraged to give up their family, tribe and faith too?
A dying culture looks like this. One saving grace for us conservatives. We still have more children than the decadent liberal effete lot. We will out breed them providing we don’t get out bred by our enrichers.
Doesn’t surprise me
I had to check something a few months back.
In the US 20% of females are childless in their whole lifetime.
In the UK its 25%
I don’t need to make kids, when their are plenty in the world.
And I staggered when I meet Green Earth Mother types who have 5-6 kids and then whine to everyone else that they should keep THEIR carbon footprint down.
My better half has the ‘Oh my God this is so utterly Shit…One Show’ on the Islamic Al Beeb…. But what’s this!!!… Something catches my attention.. they are talking ‘hate crime’. Dara Obriain is on the sofa, but by far the funniest thing about the show is the virtue signalling clag-nuts trying to explain what ‘hate crime’ actually means! The last time I saw faces so mentally detached and devoid from understanding was when I was watching WW1 shellshock victim clips.
First…we had someone lose all self dignity live on air, as they took the bullet and tried to explain the terminology behind ‘hate crime’, and then the hilarious sight of watching Dara trying to climb in his shoe to escape the uncomfortableness….yet on this self-hating sell out ploughed on, with what she advised was a ‘definition’…… “Got that” she said… Utter blankness all round….even those shit eating morons who have had to self-hypnotise themselves into believing the bullshit their Islam Loving Dhimmi paymasters tell them, don’t know what the hell is going on!!..
….just about to pull my eyes out…I can’t watch any longer….
Even Anita Rani looked nervous and shifty as she read from her paymaster’s script, such was the bullocks she knew she was reading. I could tell that Dara was biting his lips caught between wanting to laugh at the obvious nonsense about self-defining crimes, and the fact that his paymasters wrote this script.
By the end of the self loathing lies that was read out, I began to know how Alex in A Clockwork Orange must have felt with his eyes propped open.
And why is that creased up aged dj with a dubious criminal record involving domestic abuse back in employment with the bbc….the message is?
The BBC will have loved the Corbyn Party’s declaration that immigration is an unmitigated ‘good thing’, they just need to buy off the plebs in the ‘enriched’ areas to keep them ‘on side’. All the present problems are down to ‘austerity’ and lack of infrastructure investment.
Near to me is a major ‘brown field’ development. It is interesting to see the massive amount of groundworks involved in providing utility services to the site in preparation for putting up houses, (presumably, there is sufficient capacity ‘off site’ to supply the extra demand). Ultimately there will be many hundreds of houses, but given the time to clear the site, complete planning and build it works out about only 70 houses per year. Meanwhile a single aeroplane can easily deliver 140 new families in a day, each flight also needing the construction of a new primary school too.
All of this investment has to be paid ‘upfront’ by someone. Contrast this with my own upbringing. Our first house was perhaps eighteen years old when we moved in, so assuming a 20 year payback time for property, nearly paid for. Our next house had probably been paid for twice.
Can’t these idiots see that immigration that takes up spare capacity can be beneficial but immigration that requires new infrastructure condemns us all to a pyramid scam of ever increasing debt that can never be paid back?
The idea that immigration is an unmitigated ‘good thing’ is a meme that is ‘supported’ by the fact that they pay taxes, or the increase in GDP. But these are just obvious results from any increase in population, they don’t take any account of the costs of the increased population.
BBC’s More Or Less attempted to determine the GDP per capita effects of immigration, and it concluded that EU immigrants had a positive effect whilst those from South Asia had a negative effect. But they admitted that the overall positive or negative effect, after taking account of services provided, cannot be determined.
However, it doesn’t take a rocket science to conclude that the costs of providing the services for the immigrant population will greatly outstrip the taxes they pay. We know this because that is what is already happening, we have an increasing debt to service. The higher the population, the higher the deficit. At least the indigenous population has a good chance of being self sufficient due to inherited and established support, whilst new immigrants will need housing, schools, health and transport now, from scratch.
Basically anybody who parrots that immigration is an unmitigated ‘good thing’ is talking unevidenced out of their arse. It’s just wishful thinking.
The so-called economic arguments for immigration are relevant and indulging in them only lends a spurious air of legitimacy. The simple fact of the matter is that my birthright and culture are not for sale – at any price.
Young women at ‘highest mental health risk’
The BBC are headlining this on the main News Page of their web-site today:
The thought struck me that the large increase of decline in mental health in young females coincides with the revival of feminism, especially the upsurge of the last few years in which the BBC has played a leading role. The correlation is inescapable when you look at the NHS Digital supplied graph near the start of the article.
It always used to be assumed that feminism would harm men psychologically, especially young men, and I think there was some evidence of that 25-30 years ago. As those men have passed into middle-age it seems that perhaps the feminist militancy of the last five years or more has actually harmed young women, not helped them.
Was my first thought when I heard this.
“Young women at highest mental health risk”
The BBC fails to mention the recently published Danish study that suggests a link between hormonal contraception and depression.
Even the Guardian reported it, with links to the American medical journal that published the study.
Now a well funded news organisation really should be able to pick up links like this.
But contraception is another of those immutable feminist rights….despite its effects on birth rates and the apparent effect on the female psyche of having its biological reason for being artificially shut down in order to compete in the labour market with feminised males.
WTF !!!!
On Question Time, Corbynistas are being torn apart in the first 5 minutes and a member of the audience created a term which many readers will recognise. ‘socialist delusion disorder’.
Rod Liddle has scored an instant direct hit and that’s before the Ukip guy and Priti Patel have started.
Someone at the bBBC is either for the high jump or there has been a top level decision that there needs to be a sea change in reporting policy.
Result !!!!
Rod Liddle is on fine form. Bonnie Greer is, of course, insufferable.
Oh my God Dimbleby loves Bonny Greer. Why is she on QT so often? She’s American, pretty ignorant of British history and politics, and worse, rude and mouthy and fails to understand taking turns, and she’s only a dramatist (and one who has undoubtedly benefited greatly from Black Privilege). Her opinions are of no interest or importance.
Don’t worry Obi, with the amount of air time that June ‘wiggy’ Sarpongi is getting lately, she’ll be pushing Bonnie off the sofa – and she is doubly insufferable with her nodding smile and ‘knowledge’ on everything !
Greer wittering rubbish again. As if what she has to say is important.
She is the female version of Benjamin Zephaniah.
What so special about them ? Zilch.
Question time in Boston a success three to two on the panel no audience lunatic, next week unfortunately its mr always on the telly, forget about your constituents the one and only chuka bore off umuna. As I write he’s on again.
Bonnie greer we understand your bullshit we voted out so we get it. Mr steven wolfe was very impressive labour man hopeless well done rod, priti we love you.
Traffic news : Road blockage on the way into Boston :
There is a broken down bus : The BBC Green/Lefty bus that it usually uses to provide the ‘right’ audiences for Question Time, and R4Any Questions.
…From listening tonight it seems that normal bus didn’t make it to the Boston the audience was somewhat different from normal …seems like genuine Boston people.
Bbc policy be nice to the torys twice a week then we can carry on with are lib/left muck.
..ah I got it ..the audience rigging bus works out of London and all the Lefties have just been in they are either still there or tired out.
..Expect normal rigged audience will be back on Friday’s Any Questions
Amanda knox case sums up the media dangerous times for honkies
I find the young Asian newsnight journalist insensitive to the italian man he’s interviewing more interested in his performance. Raffaele sollecito has been found innocent for f… k sake. A black immigrant is the killer bbc. Young journalist prick.
Bbc can we have adults debating U.S. elections not students ya c… ts
BBC R4 TODAY very solemn this morning about newspaper reports on football corruption. Corruption in a large organisation and business sector. It couldn’t be happening elsewhere, could it?
BBC Online News: (a Divide the Generations and Hate the Elderly feature).
“Wealth of people in their 30s has ‘halved in a decade'””
“”This is partly the result of the overall stagnation of working-age incomes,””
“”The squeeze on pay has hit them harder: they’re the first generation since World War Two to have lower incomes than those who came before””
Five million immigrants driving down wages would have something to do with this? But of course never mentioned. The BBC would never report the full facts would they? Only the facts that suit their student Left wing politics.
Farage calls it ‘wage compression’ and caused by the the importation of mass cheap immigrant labour.
Migration in has certainly helped “compress wages” the other side of the coin has been the export of manufacturing jobs out of Europe.
Two sides of the globalisation coin.
The BBC are great at describing the symptom, but will always pretend the cause is something else.
Immigration has caused ‘wage compression’, but the main cause of the wealth divide is immigrant fuelled property inflation. This means that the majority of people born before the doors were opened to uncontrolled immigration own their own home, whilst most of those born shortly after have no hope of owning their own home unless they inherit it.
In my younger days, when we were buying our first homes, we went through two property booms that commentators had no problem linking to population based on baby booms in the early and late 60’s. It’s simple supply and demand, which has been fuelled by immigration and has made our younger generation poorer.
The dangerously politicised, devious, lying, arrogant, hate filled propaganda junkies at the Islamic Al Beeb are at it again… This time another attempt at trying to damage the only man who can save the world from these traitorous bastards…. Lord, King Trump
This time…
“US election 2016: Trump accused of Cuba embargo breach”
If it wasn’t because so many Brits are falling for this bullshit (I have them at work, and I have to explain to them what is happening… They always agree with me in the end), I wouldn’t give 2 f..ks about this 6th form guff, but the Islamic Al Beeb are desperately trying to slander and discredit Trump to ensure that his message is utterly tarnished… So if anyone here decided to go with the Trump message, all the gutter rat deviants would talk about is “racist like Trump”, “corrupted like Trump”….
Let’s look at the details the Islamic Al Beeb are so willing to propaganda in this shite..
1: That Trump has carried out illicit or immoral business practices. Reason?…. Because we know that psychopathic lunatic Clinton is the most corrupt politician in living memory… And the arse wipes that have written this article know that too… So the purpose is to say “they are both involved in underhand dealings..”…so basically the Islamic Al Beeb are desperately trying to excuse the corruption of a politician against the shrewdness of a business giant! The only questions the Islamic Al Beeb should be asking are “Hillary you lied under oath. You lied to Congress. You lied to the FBI. You have business deals that look to have compromised national security…”…but hell no!!! The only thing the Islamic Al Beeb are interested in is an unproven and desperately weak accusation regarding a business dealing linked to Trump!!
2: Just read the article!! It’s not the usual “this are just political point scoring..” or whatever other techniques the Islamic Al Beeb use to dismiss any accusations against Trump! The Islamic Al Beeb even go as far as writing articles trying to disprove everything anyone accuses Hitlery of (important word is trying because even the Islamic Al Beeb know they are true)! Let’s have a look if the Islamic Al Beeb are being impartial with this latest piece of anti Trump…
“Analysis: Anthony Zurcher, BBC News North America reporter
Don’t run afoul of Florida’s expatriate Cuban community. It’s one of those iron-clad rules that Republican presidential nominees have obeyed since the rise of Fidel Castro – and it’s now another rule that Donald Trump has apparently broken.”….
So there you have it. Already quilty in the eyes of the Islamic Al Beeb. Muslims arrested with served heads in hands, shouting Allahu Akbar and kill the infidels.. “alleged killer”!!….an accusation which could never be linked to Trump personally, even if proved to be true….”quilty”!!….Hitlery proven to have lied to Congress, lied to the FBI, lied to the media, lied to the world!!…. “erm…just don’t report will blow over”
“Statistically, it’s been a warm month”
30th September and the winsome Elizabeth Rizzini on BBC London weather proving this morning that when it comes to propagating their in-house religion of Global Warming the BBC never misses a beat.
AISI, the R4 forecast at 6am was quite funny (humourous) as well. Can’t remember who it was (Ben Rich?) mentioned the hot September but then started talking about how it was getting cooler and I could feel he was desperately trying to not say today and the weekend ahead would be cold. The dreaded C-word on the BBC. Just couldn’t get it out.
It is interesting that, in a year with a really good summer in south-east England, the soil temp (for water pipes) is now just starting lose its cold edge. Only a few months late.
I’m sure there are strict central directives on style and emphasis that go out to all the weather presenters with the clear result that reporting of hot is continually prioritised over mentions of cold.
The word ‘statistically’ gave me a quiet chuckle – it typifies the sort of comment a losing sports fan – or more so a left-wing politician – might employ to attempt to re-ignite his long-defeated argument.
‘Yes, you won… but statistically…..’
The bbc made sure on question time not to have a question about the U. S. Election with that panel, better to lie to the British public and Bonnie never brought it up. No surprises there she would have had to earn her fee.
It’s easier for the bbc to dismiss the conservative representative (Donald trump )as a rascist bigot in the U.K. our right of centre people on tv don’t care enough to defend him, this silence won’t last though he will be president and we can’t have the lefty protesters abusing him then, would be bad for business, so time to join our nige with some honesty.
Warning digression 100% no connexion with BBC bias.
I have recently expanded my interest in classical music to opera.
Today I log on to a well known classical music website.
In a thread about contemporary opera, a member recommends an opera by Charles Wuorinen, never heard of him, but it is “Brokeback Mountain”!
The NEXT item in the thread is about an opera by Laura Kaminsky, never heard of her either, this one is about the problems of being transgender!
It’s everywhere.
Not on Al Beeb
MPs and Lords applying for Irish passports to enable them to have an EU passport.
A Tory MP suggests they should stand down.
I suggest they should have their rights to live in the UK revoked, be banished forthwith, outlawed so that they may/must be killed if found in the UK after a certain date/time and all their assets forfeit to UKIP.