The BBC reports that Serena Williams ‘won’t stay silent’ about Blacks being shot by police…and we get a very exploitative video of a young girl talking about the killings…channelling only what misinformation her parents have fed her of course.
She is probably unaware that the police officer who shot Keith Scott was himself black or that Scott had an illegal gun or that he abused his wife….then again the BBC seems entirely unaware of such facts…the Telegraph reports:
Keith Scott owned a gun, court documents show, contradicting claims after killing by police sparked riots
The black man whose killing by a police officer sparked race riots in Charlotte had owned a gun, court records show, contradicting claims by his family that first prompted the unrest.
Authorities said Keith Scott was carrying a loaded weapon when he was fatally shot by a police officer last week, but Mr Scott’s relatives countered that he had been carrying a book.
In a press conference after the shooting Justin Bamberg, a lawyer said the testimony he had collected from Mr Scott’s family was that he “didn’t own a gun” and “didn’t carry a gun”.
But in October last year, Rakeyia Scott, the victim’s wife, filed a domestic violence protective order in which she said her husband carried a 9mm hand gun and that he didn’t own a permit for the weapon.
Mr Scott had beat her and her eight year old child and had threatened to “kill us last night with his gun,” she wrote in the order obtained by a local news channel.
This was dismissed later in the month when Mrs Scott said her husband no longer posed a threat.
The revelation came as police said a suspect arrested for burglary had confessed to selling a stolen weapon to Mr Scott. Authorities said the same weapon was found at the scene where Brentley Vinson, a black officer with Charlotte-Mecklenburg police, shot him.
Why is it that all we get from the BBC is BlackLivesMatter propaganda and not the true facts? Why more keen to publicise Williams’ alarmism than the truth about Scott?
The BBC’s emotive and deliberately dishonest reporting is continuing to, and seems designed to, stir up racial hate and anger….all of which are being transferred to the UK as Black agitators clamber on board the BlackLivesMatter bandwagon to use for their own purposes.
The BBC charged with maintaining social cohesion and a civil society? LOL.
When will the BBC highlight the fact that many more whites than blacks are shot by police in the USA on a daily basis. When will the full statistics be aired by the BBC.?
This would make more sense if they are anti armed police and anti gun.but no , the BBC love to highlight their diversity and virtue signalling credentials while in reality white deaths vastly outnumber black.
Its a bit sickening that only black lives matter to the BEEB while the rest can be killed quietly with out any fuss.
And we currently have Gary Younge’s book on Book Of The Week to remind us how horrible white people are.
But don’t worry, the BBC can also do positive propaganda and is going to keep on reminding us how wonderful BME people are. We have Great Lives about Britain’s first Asian MP, a series which seems to concentrate on great BME lives these days. On Friday we can listen to how it’s great to be curvy and black. I’ve just heard a trailer for a series next week dedicated to telling us about the importance of black people in British history:
Expect Black Gardener’s World soon.
“the importance of black people in British history?”
so its an entire series about Septimius Severus then
Accepted your comment was tongue in cheek but, even so, its very doubtful – in fact highly improbable – that Septimus Severus – was black. North Africa under the Romans was not a part of “Black Africa”. SS’s ancestry was Italian (+ possibly partly Phoenician like the Carthaginians).
Mind you getting SS on the list of eminent so-called “blacks” in history is a small part of cultural marxism (cf this load of (mostly) junk). After all (and nearer to us in time) thanks to the BBC and other lefty propaganda outfits, we all know that Florence Nightingale both appropriated and suppressed Mary Seacole’s culture (well not Mary’s father’s Scottish one obviously) and was just prevented by her obsession with trivia (like organising proper nursing for British troops) from stealing Mary’s supplies, enslaving her and having her transported to Australia.
Ranks alongside my Italian book of war heroes.
“the importance of black people in British history?”
They could widen the ambit to be “the history of the universe since the BB” and it will still take less time than it takes to say Gary Younge.
I do remember a children’s novel about a horse, and that’s it.
Yet again, where the BBC cannot ‘manage’ feedback, on Facebook, this could be going better for them and their new heroine.
Would this be the Serena Williams who has recently been exposed as legally cheating with TUE?
Would this be the Serena Williams who hid when a drug tester knocked on her door?
Would this be the Serena illiams who has muscular development which could get her a part in Terminator V?
Would this be the Serena Williams who was drugged up to the eyeballs on Wimbledon centre court a couple of years ago?
Would this be the Serena Williams who has a long history of foul language, racquet bashing and threatening linesmen?
Well, yes.
About as serene as her sister is venusian.
Would this behaviour be exactly how blacks behave instinctively time after bloody time when given reasonable instructions by police officers?
Would this be the sort of stupid, unreasonable, threatening behaviour that gets them, quite reasonably, shot dead?
Well, yes, again.
I used to love it when Justine Henin, white and half her size, used to beat her.
Correction, I meant she could get the leading role in Godzilla.
And why o why do these black “witnesses” keep telling the police lies that a ten year old child would know would be exposed as a lie after five minutes police investigation? I assume because they have a lower mental age.
In the last ten years the USPGA have received complaints about professional golfers spitting, swearing or otherwise misbehaving on the course. More than half of these complaints were about the conduct of ONE player, I bet you can guess who it was.
At one point Radio 5 managed to find some activist in the US who tried to explain away the fact that the officer concerned was also black by making a claim to the effect that once a black person becomes a cop they automatically develop the same unacceptable ingrained racist behaviour as the rest of the police.
Why did the term Uncle Tom immediately spring to mind as soon as I heard that pathetic piece of propaganda?
My understanding that particular piece of nonsense was that it was intended to make us believe that all black cops in the US immediately become black hating white cop clones who just can’t wait to find any kind of flimsy reason to use as an excuse to gun down some poor innocent black person and, even though they are of the same race, the shooting must still be seen has having racist motivations.
Needless to say, the b-BBC presenter made no attempt to question the assertions and simply allowed the blatant propaganda in support of the Black Lives Matter, Anti-White Police rabble rousers to be presented as an unchallengeable fact. But why would that surprise us, after all isn’t that the bBBC’s normal line when it comes to such incidents
Just listened to the last of Gary Younge’s book plugs on R4…. at least I hope it’s the last! Commissioning this series was, in itself, a possible race hate crime on the part of the BBC.
I suppose if a man can be “trapped” in a woman’s body and vice versa, a white man can also be trapped in a black man’s body. All progressive prejudices can then remain intact and life proceed as normal. Racial reassignment surgery? What next?
Check out Rachel Dolezal on the internet. She was that black pressure group leader in the US who was ‘outed’ as white while ‘identifying’ as black. Caused a bit of controversy at the time but seems to have been brushed under the carpet now as I think even the lefty SJWs realised too much debate over that would lead down a very dangerous road.
Thought I was out of the woods when Gary Younge’s rant ended earlier this morning on R4 but no such luck. I’m now being subjected to another half hour on why black women are, or should be, fat. At least that’s whats coming out of the vox pops they’re presenting.
And I thought that having the radio on in the background while I’m working at home this morning would be a nice source of “white noise” (scientifically speaking).