They move so effortlessly from Labour into the BBC.
Former Labour culture secretary James Purnell has been chosen as the BBC’s new director of radio in a ‘highly unusual’ appointment say Conservative MPs. Replacing the incumbent Helen Boaden, Purnell is set to be unveiled as the next radio chief on Friday.
So we can look forward to the already horrifically biased BBC radio deepening its bias under the gaze of the former Labour Culture Secretary. This is why I believe the BBC is way beyond the point of any possible reform. It extorts cash from us and then uses these billions to deploy those with an OBVIOUS political bias to direct its output. Labour and the BBC….
The bias has become so brazen and obvious, that I don’t think they even realise they are doing it anymore. It’s just the new normal.
The Conservatives have only themselves to blame. They have been in power now for six years and have watch on as a succession of Lefty Tory hating individuals were appointed to senior positions to orchestrate and ensure the continuance of the blatant bias.
I wrote to Cameron to complain several times and always received the response
“David Cameron is happy with the reporting of the BBC”.
It has been bad since the Wilson era and now, year on year, it just gets worse.
Look at it this way – at least there’s no pretence. The BBC is manifestly, in the absence of a realistic parliamentary opposition, the nearest we have to the nation’s “official” functioning opposition. Unfortunately, were Labour to be voted into power, the BBC would not then become the supporter of the Conservatives (or whichever party constitutes the parliamentary opposition) or become truly impartial. It would simply become the Labour government’s propaganda arm.
Until the BBC is dissolved it will remain the malignant cancer at the centre of the UK’s political and cultural life: it is the cancer from which all the other cancers receive sustenance.
So few people are aware or understand how constant bias effects their way of thinking and their behaviour. The example I give is of anti Semitism . It is an extreme example but a good one because history has shown us how effective the hatred and negativity and bias against the Jews in the media in Germany ultimately effected the way in which the German people behaved towards the Jews. If the lies about the Jews in Israel are repeated again and again and nothing positive is attributed to the Jews this is bound to have consequences.
Offcom said I was not personally effected by an anti Israel programme . I tried to explain how deeply personally effected my daughter was when she worked as playgroup leader in the summer ( 16 years ago) and when she said she was Jewish she was kicked and punched by some children the day after a particularly nasty slanderous programme against Israel
People just don’t take seriously the very real dangers the dangers of a biased national media organisation.
The bbc doesn’t care about jews and christians that live next to or with muslim
s they don’t care one bit about the persecuted,murdered people they only care about the palestinians.The israeli’s needed that wall to protect themselves no doubt,the same for usa with the mexicans and similar the barrier at calais. The bbc doesn’t like us protecting ourselves they would rather talk to the man with the machete,well good for us their not in power ,in israel and uk and soon to be usa the conservatives are in charge.
When the Conservatives won a landslide against Michael Foot, in 1983, the then editor of “Newsnight” declared that he was required to act as the Opposition, because, in Parliament, there wasn’t one.
When Blair won an even bigger landslide in 1997, the attitude was: “The People have decided and it’s not for us to criticize.”
I found that oddly inconsistent. Well, inconsistent, anyway.
You see when i complain to my tory mp i get royal charter improvements thrown back at me it only makes me think he’s a liberal.
The dominant elite is liberal so has to appoint one of it’s own. The rot started years ago and now is so deeply entrenched that it will take some cutting out.
Education has all but succumbed to fantasy liberalism particularly in the universities. So it perpetuates itself in state and quango appointments.
Nobody should be surprised at these appointments. Like any ancien regime they will tend to weaken it over time as an unhealthy consensus in human affairs is always a prelude to disaster.
I get it, always makes me think of the fawlty towers episode where basil shouts what are we going to do.
Correct, this is of course why AlBeeb and the Left want more university students.
Stuff education, they want more time to brainwash and indoctrinate.
They have the youth, for the first time, away from parental control.
Academia, for the most part total Lefties.
Student Unions extreme Left.
Naturally the proportion of students who are intellectually equipped for a proper degree course is about half the university intake.
The other half do “Humanities” courses, eg sociology, where the opportunities to distort the course contents and ensure only Lefty answers get good marks are, essentially, unlimited.
Edit, other posts have noted inconsistencies with the editing facility on BBBC recently. If it is any help I got ten minutes to edit AM today. The sand is running down from 15 minutes on this contribution.
The trouble lies with the BBC backing up the grievance industry. If you feel you’re being ‘discriminated against’ (probably just being told ‘no’) and want to get your own way, you can rely on the BBC to back you up.
A teacher told me a story about an incident at a primary school in London. Two friends had a fight after class finished. The teacher didn’t witness it, but the next day told the boys to stop being silly, shake hands and move on. The next day, the teacher was called into a meeting with the head master because the ‘African Child Blah Blah’ had made an official complaint for racism. Apparently, the fight had been over a ‘racist’ insult between these friends and so, by making both children apologise and shake hands, the teacher was racist. The head teacher tried to hang the teacher out to dry, rather than stand up to the grievance bullies. The teacher said that from that point forward the Union would have to be involved and the problem went away.
The BBC peddles this crap daily and doesn’t think twice about heading up a media lynch mob, if their victim is guilty of a non-pc ‘hate crime’. They also don’t worry about publicly harassing anybody that dares to stand up to the SJW twitter mob.
Personally, I think that the UK’s problems start with the EU, flow through the UK parliament and down through the public sector/pressure groups. The BBC is the biggest enabler and cheerleader of the elite’s status quo. We’ve won one round with the Brexit vote and thankfully Labour are imploding. If we’re actually going to fix this country’s problems, we need to castrate the BBC – they will fight every step of the way.
Somebody else suggested that a complaint by President Trump might stir the government into action against the BBC. One can only hope.
Even by the standards of the BBC this appointment is brazen and seems to indicate that they believe themselves to be above the standards that they and rest of the metropolitan liberal elite demand of everyone else, after all the BBC rails against jobs for the boys and demands transparency everywhere else. This is just another example of the elite looking after its members and making sure that anyone outside of the club doesn’t get a look in. The stench of hypocrisy is unbearable . As posted above it is yet another example of why the Tories , at least true Tories, must deal with the BBC. Perhaps the PMhas her full with Brexit and the last PM probably needed the BBC to propagandise for remain , but the longer they leave it the tougher it will be to dismantle the liberal left fog horn. No matter how many other distractions there are some key steps must be taken , reduce the scope of the web site drastically, ensure Offcom is rigorous about enforcing impartiality , limit the LF increases, prepare a plan for enabling all TV sets to receive a BBC subscription service in the future. None of these steps will cause pain for the public and so despite the howl of outrage from the BBC and their liberal supporters they should be able to be implemented with using up too much political capital.