Andrew Neil is my favourite BBC political presenter. He is usually fair and even handed and he is one of the “talent” that deserves his salary. So that made last night’s BBC THIS WEEK opening item on the US Presidential race all the more disappointing. Neil invited the openly partisan “financial guru” Alvin Hall to provide the commentary and the gist was that Trump is ..yawns — appealing to angry racists and “has no plan” for being President. A discreet veil was drawn across the deplorable Clinton track record. The BBC want Clinton to win just as they wanted us to vote to Remain in the EU, just like they wanted a hung Parliament in 2015. So far the people have denied them their will and I sincerely hope that in November the BBC will be confounded with the defeat of Hillary Clinton and the successful election of Donald Trump. Andrew Neil should be ashamed of himself for playing along with the “nudge nudge wink wink” race baiting that was broadcast last night.
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They were wrong on:
1 .Conservative GE
2. Scottish Independence Referendum
3. Brexit
Totally and utterly out of touch.
Midas touch in reverse.
Everything they touch turns to shit.
You’re bound to be disappointed with Andrew Neil from time to time since even he has his off-days. Were there any other “journalists” at the BBC, the occasional lapse by Neil would not really matter nor be particularly noticeable. Unfortunately, within the BBC, Neil is more or less unique in that he actually listens to the words his interviewees utter and follows up their arguments accordingly wherever that process leads. When was the last time that happened on Today or Newsnight?
IMHO Neil is interested in argument and justification and evidence; the other BBC “journalists” are interested in getting the BBC-approved agenda across.
When it’s about trump they always LAPSE.
True but such lapses extend to the vast majority of the rest of the MSM here and in the US. Frankly, IMHO, Trump and Hillary are both pretty awful (not as bad as Obama of course) but I don’t think Trump actually has blood on his hands.
Hilarry Cllinton is worse, far worse, even than Obama. Worse even than Carter. Not too impressed by Trump but he is the only thing that could prevent Cllinton from becoming POTUS and plunging the world into a new dark age.
I agree 100%, Demon. Obama has steered the US towards the nightmare of a typical third-word nation. Clinton would do her best to drag the US down to that destination. She is utterly ruthless, corrupt, power-hungry and unprincipled and she would continue to weaken the US and embolden her enemies in order to feed her ego and enrich herself.
Trump is not ideal but I have no doubt that he is genuine in his desire to solve the many problems of the US.
Trump is ..yawns — appealing to angry racists
And Clinton appeals to the corrupt in society, particularly in the totally corrupt Islamic world. She also appeals to the Muslim Brotherhood, and its affiliates in America.
Professor Thomas Sowell made the point that if That Horrible Woman gets to be President, and stacks the Supreme Court, you can write off the First (freedom of speech) and Second (right to bear arms) Amendments, causing serious damage to the country which will long outlive her and her presidency.
Trump, terrible candidate though he is, could probably not do any damage which would outlive his four years in office.
It’s not just the BBC. Trump Derangement Syndrome is endemic across all broadcasters, as far as I can see. For instance I like listening to Iain Dale on LBC in the car on the way home but on Trump he seems to lose all reason. Partly, at least, it’s because Trump isn’t a politician and isn’t playing by the usual unspoken political rules, so those steeped in politics simply don’t understand him. He’s a businessman who first aims high and then settles for less.
I happen to think that if he wins he’ll be a big disappointment to the right, but for now what’s important is that he wins and loosens the grip of the establishment politicians.
The BBC has been having disturbing comms breaks whenever the latest group of Labour democrats are interviewed . Is this part of a trend?
When the Donald wins it is to be hoped that 2 organisations are immediately targeted
for comeback;
1) bBBC
2) The SNP
The BBC seems to be under the delusion that they have influence on American politics. In truth they only ‘influence’ liberals who want a safe space and their opinions reinforced, and who know the BBC will do that going in. But the fact is the overwhelming majority of the American media’s output is outright demonising Trump and sanctifying Clinton, yet their efforts are having the opposite effect, making Trump keep his campaign on the ground and positively connecting with voters, thousands if which attend his rallies while Clinton struggles in the hundreds and has no tactics other than to attack Trump and his voters and occasionally to play the gender card.
If the electoral college wasn’t a factor, we would be looking at a Trump landslide despite (or because of) the media’s hit pieces. As it is, the Democrats only need to right a couple of swing states and they could steal it. And don’t think they’re not inclined to try, they’ve already sewn the seed of possible election fraud as a means of discrediting a Trump victory, and Clinton donor George Soros (who is never mentioned by the BBC but is responsible for so much of the carnage being caused by fascist neo-liberalism and even directly funds Black Lives Matter as well as the loathsome Hope not Hate and several charities still trying to block Brexit – ironically though he’s Hungarian and based from his own, conservatively governed and democratically responsible country) has stated that “you do not need to control the voters, only those who count the votes.” This is in addition to trying to get overseas Americans registered to vote so they can back Clinton, demanding Obama fast track so-called refuges and get them registered, and even trying to get thousands of incarcerated criminals the vote.
Normally these subtle and not-so-subtle hints at election fraud would be under the full weight of media scrutiny, but since the media desperately wants the result to go their way – and understanding that election fraud might be the last chance of making this happen – they mostly ignore it. The great thing though is that Trump is so far ahead in internal polls that it probably won’t even matter what they do.
That’s an excellent comment. Election fraud is widespread in the USA and has been for decades. As it always favours the Democrats, the BBC never gives it a moment’s consideration. Well… not unless it involves ‘hanging chads’.
Neil knows when he can break from the BBC line and when to stay with it. Remember his hostile treatment of Tommy Robinson
Here is Neil interviewing Farage and Reid on the Clinton Trump debate.
Obviously Neil is neither a Trump nor a Farage man.
Note how Neil tags the racist charge on Trump over the birther issue.
Maybe I have missed something on the birther issue.
Why is is it racist to suggest that someone was born in Kenya? It might be false, it is obviously a political and constitutional point regarding Obama’s eligibility to be President. But why is it racist?
Neil introduces it as a racist meme against America’s first black President, and to my mind the man is just a hack toadying to the Clinton BBC line.
I have to agree with G.W.F. Neil appears to be, at times, reasonably impartial. But the key there is ‘at times’. You could hardly set the bar lower than to be compared with other BBC journalists (who are you comparing him with – Lyse Doucet?) and his attitude to both Trump and Farage is pretty disgraceful.
I should add, I am very far from being a Trump fan, but it is simply unacceptable for a BBC broadcaster to treat the man in the sort of manner that should be reserved for Robert Mugabe, particularly when he is running against a complete crook like Illary.
GCooper, the BBC treats that mass-murdering swine Mugabe with way more respect than Trump. And the reason is, of course, simple: Mugabe is a black revolutionary while Trump is a successful white capitalist who doesn’t give a damn about the PC rules laid down by the left.
It’s only racist to question Obama’s eligibility to be president in the eyes of left-wingers who see race everywhere, base their reactions on race and are therefore the genuine racists.
Come to think of it, why would questioning his eligibility not be racist towards white people??
After all, Obama is half white.
Black trumps white in our PeeCee world.
It’s a PR technique called anchoring
In the real world things are what they are the centre is the centre etc.
With anchoring technique you can frame something as wrong.
Take the way the BBC anchors by labelling Trump, Farage, UKIP “Far right” at every opportunity. They aren’t gfar right, they are miles to the left of the Nazi party who away way basic human rights, murdered, stole and tried to exterminate whole sections of society like Jews, gypsies, gays etc.
Caring about keeping migration under control is a whole different thing and is pretty much centrerist, but the Lefty establishing has succeeded in re-anchoring thought to say that if you are not left you are a fascist.
Yes, saw this interview and was a little disappointed but nevertheless still a great admirer of Andrew Neil. Alvin Hall is a waste of space and should have been called out on his voiceover comment that Trump is racist because he doesn’t like muslims. How is Islam a race? Also it is my understanding that Trump has plenty of support amongst black Americans but of course this doesn’t get a mention.
Alvin Hall was a disgrace on This Week last night. His piece to camera was nothing less than yet another nudge-nudge, wink-wink race-baiting diatribe – openly claiming Mr Trump of being racist towards African Americans. I’ve watched a lot of Donald Trump speeches via real-time net streaming and I’ve never once heard him behave in any such way (quite the contrary).
Hall was trolling – in that BLM way – just throwing out one wildly unsubstantiated claim after another and getting away with it unchallenged and unremarked.
To her credit, Liz Kendall (Labour) did attempt to correct Hall’s astonishingly offensive claims, but – as usual, with anyone daring to challenge the dominant narratives of the progressive left – she had tiptoe through the minefield, picking her correctives so extremely carefully that in the end Hall could still finish his appearance on the show with a smug, belligerent sneer. The kind of belligerent sneer we see from race-baiting progressives on the BBC endlessly.
The BBC: The lights are on, but any last vestige of journalistic integrity left the building some time ago.
This is interesting concerning the chicanery on the part of Clinton and her creatures at the debate.
I often console myself with the thought that that BBC with its bias can have little effect on the US election. But I hear that the Dems are trying to fix it for 8 million US citizens living overseas to vote. If this were to happen the BBC would have a target audience.
If Trump wins I hope when he summons Teresa May to the the White House he orders her to privatise the BBC
Look at the stupid stuff they are trying pin on Trump .From bimbos to Cuba .They are in panic mode and will not stop slinging any small amount of mud they can find rather than focus on Clintons crimes. The elites are panicking.
Yesterday I caught the Business programme presented by a hyperactive Australian guy Aaron somebody or other.. How he sniggered and joked with his fellow presenter on a Newsweek article about Trump and Cuba in the 90’s
He was so snidey about the particularly vile photo of Trump on the front of Newsweek. Oh what fun for him.
Makes him feel good and relevant !
I can’t stand the guy anyway. Wouldn’t take business advice from him, I’d have to be desperate.
“The former leader of Ukip, Nigel Farage, has flown to the US to coach the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, for his next debate with Hillary Clinton.”
Should be interesting?
Maybe Clinton could ask Corbyn for help?
Nah, that wouldn’t help at all.
How Trump should answer the tax question