Not about the BBC but maybe an ally of them, the Independent, the ‘newspaper’that more or less went bust recently is still popular online,but they are not ‘independent’ at all, constantly putting out anti-Brexit articles and other Left wing stuff.Getting very annoying.
Someone is filling the i-newspaper full of propaganda and giving it away for free.
The i was sold to Johnston Press who run a lot of local weeklies.
So this week those weeklies are giving 7 vouchers so you can purchase the i- for free every day.
I give it to my housebound mother but the contents seem to be Red Cult propaganda
I wonder if it traces back to the Russian govt trying to brainwash the youth here.
(I see two Russia gov apologists are posting below.. nothing wrong with Russian people but Putin govs gone crazy started a war in Ukraine and causing trouble in Syria ..real bullets and real people dying.)
has putin really gone crazy??? well thats the line the beebs pushing so i think i will take that with a very large pinch of salt and do my own research, and russia is bombing isis and al nusra (al qaeda) in syria so i think i will get behind that personally thanks. Every government weve overthrown in the middle east has turned out really well for us so far hasn’t it.
Re your MSM comment. I go on an alternative news site. I know its not for everyone, and I wouldn’t advise folk to have a look, but if you want absolute, unequivocal proof that ISIS has been built by The West, the pages are for all to see, all the way back at the start of the uprising.
Back then, our media was addressing the barbarians “The Free Syrian Army”. The site owner I refer to, Mark Marek, from Canada, used to take the p155 and label them ” the fake Syrian Army”, they have videos of heinous crimes against not only The Syrian army, but the civilian population… can you remember William Hague demanding that we arm them, well arm them we did, and it has not once been reported by any western main stream, just look at Deutsche bank share price and impending collapse/state bailout, it has just started to be reported, this bank has been on the downward slope for 5 years.. if it was HSBC, the BBC etc, would be all over it,”blah blah brexit has caused this etc… anyway, I’m sure I’m preaching to the converted but these alternative news sites give a real life take of the world, mostly mobile phone footage, uncut, not by unicorn libtards. I can’t say Russia is perfect but neither are we. watching RT is like QVC they haven’t learned the art of deceit just yet.
Our BBC man in Jerusalem on Today covering the Peres funeral couldn’t wait to get stuck in.
His only interview was with some ‘Palestinian’* who spouted the usual self-serving, self-pitying, one-sided propagandist trash about the ‘tragedy’ of Israeli settlements that Peres had initiated, knowing full well that his BBC friend wouldn’t challenge him in the slightest way – and he didn’t. Maybe he should have asked his opinion on Peres’ strong commitment to the defence of his homeland, arising from Arab determination to ‘wipe Israel off the face of the map’ (three attempts – all full-scale war – since Israel’s inception in 1948).
Nah, never any sniff of balance from the BBC on Israel and the Middle East, just the same old agenda of Israel not somehow fitting in, like some unwelcome cuckoo in the nest throwing its weight around and committing atrocities when in reality the Jews have historic ties to the area going back millennia, unlike the Arab Islamic invaders, and have only ever acted in self-defence. The BBC might also observe at some point that since Israel developed nuclear arms the Arab countries suddenly found war a less attractive proposition, but to do that would mean the BBC fessing up to those wars in the first place, which of course they won’t (at least not in the sense they were waged by the Arabs).
Finally we were left with the thought by our intrepid reporter that Peres’ dream of peace is now out of reach (or words to that effect). If the BBC were more honest and didn’t keep bending and excising history to fit its pro-‘Palestinian’ agenda millions more people might learn the truth about how hard Israel has worked, and the sacrifices it has been prepared to make, to make a two-state solution work. Even Bill Clinton saw through Arafat and gave up on him in exasperation.
So all in all not so much a tribute to Peres from our BBC man, more just another opportunity to peddle its pro-Arab, pro-Islam agenda.
*A term invented by Yasser Arafat circa 1964, in reality meaningless.
Israel tried the experiment of retreating and allowing Palestianian self rule in Gaza.
The result was instant civil war, the establishment of a terrorist dictatorship, and ongoing attacks on Israel. The prospects of Israel therefore agreeing to a similar “solution” on the West Bank are therefore nil.
The Palestinians had their chance to establish a peaceful and prosperous enclave on Gaza. The world would have rushed to help them. As peaceful relations grew, the Israelis would no doubt have moved towards accepting a Palestinian state on the West Bank. They had their chance, and they blew it. They could have decided to live like civilized, decent people, but they preferred the path of violence, war and dictatorship. In short, they behaved like all followers of the religion of peace.
Apologies repeated my post from the other thread because it is relevant here.
So few people are aware or understand how constant bias effects their way of thinking and their behaviour. A good example is anti Semitism because history has shown us how effective the hatred and negativity and bias against the Jews in the media in Germany ultimately effected the way in which the German people behaved towards the Jews. If the lies about the Jews in Israel are repeated again and again and nothing positive is attributed to the Jews when in fact the contrary is true see this is bound to have consequences.
Offcom said I was not personally effected by an anti Israel programme . I tried to explain how deeply personally effected my daughter was when she worked as playgroup leader in the summer ( 16 years ago) and when she said she was Jewish she was kicked and punched by some children the day after a particularly nasty slanderous programme against Israel
People just don’t take seriously the very real dangers of a biased national media organisation
He clearly has a skill that no natural born Canadian appear to have ! Next time the clasp breaks on my necklace I’ll wander the streets looking for an out-of-work-jeweller and asylum seeking refugee before trusting my local jeweller to do the repair job.
Jeez that is such an obvious opportunistic propaganda piece.
Woman getting married but dress zip breaks, pops next door where a guy has needle and thread so sews up the zip.
99% of similar cases it’s ..nice but not a news story.
– The one time the neighbour turns out to be an immigrant the story is hyped up mad virtue signaller media.
“I was so excited and so happy,” Ibrahim told CTV News through a translator. “I like to help Canadian people from my heart.”
Lindsay now hopes this story will inspire other countries to follow in Canada’s footsteps.
“My massive, massive dream is that others will see what we have done and see it makes us a stronger country and it makes our people more compassionate,” she said.
Not all lived happily ever after Roland……The thousands of innocent white girls and women all over Europe who have been attacked, molested, brutalised and raped by the ‘Syrian’ gimmagrants can testify to that. You can guarantee that at the same time this zip was being fixed another zip was being ripped off by a believer desperate to please Allah.
Still… Congratulations to the Islamic Al Beeb for doing some magnificent journalism for a change and actually finding a ‘good’ deed amongst the endless amount of criminal acts, or acts of terror carried out on the citizens of the West by the army of Islam
Not mental health just plain old white men announced instantly in regards to oxford rape abduction and bbc interviewing asians of their disapproval on the doorsteps didn’t go unnoticed.
Radio Humberside didn’t get the PC-message
In reporting a 10 year old girl being attacked yesterday
They did mention that “police are looking for an Asian man”
Pravda at least was obviously a Soviet news outlet and everybody knew it including Russians. The BBC is an insidious traitorous organisation masquerading as an impartial new provider.
far more dangerous and destructive of a country.
Credit where it’s due. Ed Reardon’s Week is back on Radio 4 next week. Most R4 comedy is very poor indeed but ERW is a wonderful slice of non-PC, curmudgeonly and therefore brave comedy aimed at the woefully underrepresented middle aged, white, male and fed up demographic. I don’t know how it ever gets past the hivebrain/social reeducation committee at the BBC!
I agree Ed Reardon is entertaining. Clare In The Community used to be good, but the last series was a bit disappointing. I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue and Just A Minute still entertain.
This is interesting – I’m sure most remember that the Notting hill carnival took pride of place on the BBC News website for the whole weekend, I’m struggling to understand why the BBC being such huge fans of this event have missed this story:
MIGRANT ‘ASSAULT’ Syrian refugee ‘groped a woman’s breasts’ and ‘headbutted a cop’ shortly after arriving in Britain, court hears
Japanese car maker might not invest , Brexit , tariffs added on , WTO , wants compensation from government , doom , etc etc .
Just add tariffs to the imported cars from EU and give it to the car makers here .
One thing to do is TAKE AWAY Nissan’s ELECTRIC go kart subsidy that goes to people rich enough to buy such gimmicks
..every time a Nissan Leaf is sold the TAXPAYER hands over something like a £5,000 subsidy cheque
..How is that not the same as a 20% TARIFF that the taxpayer funds ?
The government should publicly point out that Nissan didn’t have: to pay business rates on their plant in Sunderland for 5 years; didn’t pay for said plant to be constructed and didn’t have to pay for all the factory machinery to be transported from Southampton to the North East.
That was all taken care of by HM Taxpayer.
The BBC was still lying about it this morning, trying to make it sound as if a Japanese company was complaining about Brexit. Was it hell! It was the French government (which owns Renault, which controls Nissan).
Grooming gang leader loses appeal after claiming all-white jury was part of anti-Islam conspiracy
It beggars belief that the allegedly cash strapped legal aid fund would take this kind of allegation seriously, and allow the funding of an appeal on that basis, but then of course he is one of the brown eyed favourites and in the public sectors eyes can do no wrong !
Exactly it appears the bBC don’t want you to know that the Pakistani rapist kingpin who is banned from court for coming out with this: “We are a civilised society. We are the supreme race, not these white bastards (pointing to police officers in court). You will not get a CBE. You will not get an MBE. You will get a DM, a destroyer of Muslims. You were born one thousand years too late. You fucked my community.. You destroyed my community and our children. None of us did that. White people trained those girls to be so much advanced in sex.”
nothing on
The Manchester news section doesn’t have the story even though the DM had it 14 hours ago
Not on the Manchester Live rolling news page either
‘Look at almost any measure of performance, and the NHS in England is getting worse’
– excepting of course number of patients using NHS services, number of procedures and treatments given, number of health workers employed in the service, amount of public money ploughed in, etc etc…
It’s called overstretch and might, just possibly, be an indictation that our population growth is fast exceeding the constraints of both space on our small island and our present economic potential. Sadly we don’t live on land rich in gold and diamonds just waiting to plucked from the earth if only we could usher into the nation yet more willing hands.
“1. Patients needing treatment for self-inflicted conditions to pay for their own treatment: fatties, smokers, drunks, junkies.”
Presumably you would also include those who suffer injuries and illness due to sports, other recreational activities (including sex), or who follow what turns out to be incorrect and positively dangerous dietary and misguided medical advice?
Sacking half of the ‘management’ staff would be a better route to worthwhile savings.
Err….quite….the list of self inflicted items could be expanded…..drivers whose negligence gets them injured…skiers who break an ankle or leg, cyclists ( particularly mountain bikers) etc, etc.
It’s not a definable condition really..
Smokers and drinkers have normally prepaid more than the cost of their treatment in excise taxes, which is more than can be said for junkies, or mountain-bikers for that matter
Only treating those with a genuine link to the UK would be a start. I remember Nadia (Big Brother) stated that he’d moved to the UK with the intention of becoming a ‘she’ courtesy of the NHS, because Portugal didn’t offer it for free – ‘What else could I do?’ she asked.
I actually find myself fancying Nadia in that photo. I’m so ashamed!!! In the show itself I always remember Vincent saying that there are only two structures on earth that can be seen from outer space: one is the Great Wall of China and the other is Nadia’s jawline.
I agree thoughtful we just need to be a little careful as whiplash and crash for cash are one of the ropers many illustrious career paths that we pay for through our insurance premiums. Whiplash unfortunately having no physical signs. Although what you state makes perfect sense I can imagine one specific community may diversify their business model to somehow claim even more money from insurers, or indirectly us.
Cut and paste an article found on the web, add a few tweets, collect BBC paycheque and Bob’s your uncle… or aunt… or non-gender specific something or other… wait a minute, let me consult the BBC report, ah here we are: Bob’s your person…
“involving, although not necessarily exclusively, romantic and/or sexual interest toward persons of the same gender”
I tried the US question on people last night in the pub. So successful has the media been in the promotion of Gays & their issues, that almost everyone questioned believed that 25% of people in the UK is gay, some even higher than that. Once comment was that there’s someone gay on TV whenever you turn it on was made.
They are very surprised to find that the true figure is just 1.5% of people are gay a tiny fraction of how the media portrays the issue.
If the leftie Tories want greater representation of minorities on TV to reflect their numbers then surely there should be a quid pro quo, and a reduction in the numbers of gays to reflect their real societal numbers?
Something about this picture tells me about the deliberate destruction of the western male, and the promotion of various genders and the ultimate aim of destroying our culture. In all of this we can see the ideology of the progressives and their BBC
He may well have been, but he still dressed like a bloke – AND a devastatingly handsome one at that. At least he didn’t pose in his underpants, wore his hair in braids, had a squeaky voice and showed off a body full of tattoos like a certain new (huh!) man of today.
“”….. just a few weeks ago, the IMF said that of all the banks big enough to bring the financial system crashing down, Deutsche Bank was the riskiest””
This has been coming for a while and it is one reason I found the remain arguments so absurd. The actual position is that DB has 35 trillion pounds I believe in derivatives that need to be unwound which is a sum so huge that it is beyond salvaging.
Merkel will either have to bail out DB or let it go bust which means bye bye euro and hello real depression days.
Of course the BBc will never tell us the true disaster in the making about to engulf the EU. Mind you we will be affected as will everywhere else.
The dishonesty behind the creation of the euro is going to come back to bite the lot of them. I hope Goldman Sachs is proud of itself.
I think the entire world’s GDP is about $70 trillion. For one bank to have a derivatives book worth $35 trillion is plainly absurd, and a complete failure of regulation. Good job the EU’s there to pick up the pieces.
The inherent problem at the heart of the global economy is the Fractional Reserve banking system. All money is actually created by the banks (not the Central Banks) as debt. But debt accrues interest (usually compound) and because all money was created as debt, there isn’t any money for the debt interest – e.g. UK banks lend 100billion at 5%, so if that was all paid back after a year there would need to be £105 billion, but only a £100 billion has been created.
This means the system can only be kept in motion by:
1) People taking out additional debt (money is created) that is then used by debtors to pay their debt interest.
2) ‘Debt default’ erasing the debt.
People with capital don’t like option 2 because they don’t get their money back, so they issue more debt. The bad debts are traded at cents (or less) on the dollar. Or maybe wrapped up into a Collateral Debt Obligation and sold to unsuspecting victims.
This has been going on for so long that the economy is saturated with debt and nobody wants to take on any more – which is why we have 0% interest rates and quantitative easing.
Douglas Carswell tried to bring it up on Question Time and Dimbleby looked at him gormlessly and asked ‘what’s that’.
With the BBC ‘framing the debate’ (to suit their pals in Labour) we have very little chance of addressing these existential problems. Educate and inform my arse.
“The inherent problem at the heart of the global economy is the Fractional Reserve banking system. All money is actually created by the banks (not the Central Banks) as debt.”
I was always taught that when a bank offers you credit you need to take care, because as soon as you accept the money it changes from credit into debt.
When I first heard about Fractional Reserve banking I thought it was a joke, as it sounded like a system designed to fail, but Grimer’s description is spot on.
A friend of mine worked for Deutsche Bank in the 1990’s and said that they were the laziest and most complacent workers he had ever met. Nobody was ever fired. He parted company after a year with a financial settlement.
He is a Brit and we have a different work ethic to the Germans!
I’ve heard similar things from IT contractors. Deadlines loom and the German’s will work to rule and will let projects fail rather than work late or at weekends.
The BBC reports one thousand citizens killed by police each year is disproportionately higher to the black community but fails to report that crime is disproportionately higher in the black community
I too noticed that devious statement Mackers! The Islamic Al Beeb know full well that the black community are excessively disproportionately involved in violent crime, rapes, murders, carrying deadly weapons and resisting arrest… All the things that will get killed by the police. The reality is the black community is killed by police at a lower % to the crimes they commit to other races of people….meaning that it’s a form of ‘black privilege’.
Devious bastards our white people hating scumbags at Islamic Al Beeb, aren’t they….
Jezza Swine Show today, devoted the first 30 minutes to the abduction and rape of the school girl in Oxford, this is because (against the run of play) the perpetrators are described as White; if they were of “Norwegian” lineage I have no doubt that it wouldn’t have been covered at all on his show, but they are: so they’re making hay with it.
It could, however, prove awkward for al beebus, as “White” could include Eastern europeans or creatures such as the Tsarnaev brothers, though if it is they’ll drop the story like hot dog s**t – a la the Kriss Donald racial torture-murder they didn’t really cover.
Rapists from the religion of peace prefer to get to know their victims first, ply them with drink and drugs, before passing them around their paedophile network. They see it as more of a long term investment of time and effort, as well as doing the work of Allah amongst the kafffirs. They would view these two men as rank amateurs.
I have my doubts about that reported rape. In broad daylight in a busy street? And its not known if she escaped or was released.
Remember the recent alleged abduction of a ten year old boy in Surrey? The witness after a week or so was charged with Wasting Police Time and Perverting the Course of Justice.
I’m sorry, but I think the story is probably true. Either way, given her age, it is at a minimum a case of statutory rape (if say, she was scared of her parents reaction when she was caught playing truant to shag around).
I think the police would have quickly discounted her story after interviewing her and explaining the repercussions of lying.
A relative of mine is a police Detective. She has worked on rape investigation units and became very disillusioned at the very, very high percentage of false allegations. She estimates that about 90% are false.
For example:
Girlfriends falling out with boyfriend and crying rape.
Mentally disturbed being delusional.
Prostitutes seeking non-payment.
Drunk women waking up with a man and crying rape.
Young girls seeking attention.
But she could not end an investigation as it would not have been politically correct to do so. ‘Wimmin’ have transformed rape allegations into a political industry.
So, it would assume a life of it’s own to the point of scaring to death the local community for no reason.
Daily politics today , presenter Carolin Quinn , standard right on BBC lefty. Is Brillo too non partisan for the BBC and in the process of being phased out? Or ,hopefully, it is just his work load is very high in the party conference season. LosingBrillo would confirm that the BBC is so narrow minded and so biased that it can’t abide anyone who refuses to spout the standard BBC liberal left line 100 percent.
Anyone use the BBC HYS? I use it occasionally, mainly to say something embarrassing to the BBC.
I have just been signed out, which happens now and then, but this time when signing in they want my post code.
Are they up to something? Anyone else have this request for more information?
Its the bloody same in the Uk. Here is what Black MP ‘Diane Abbot’ has to say on the matter of Black gun and knife crime on her Parliamentary website “Sadly 80 per cent of gun crime in London is “black on black”, often involving boys in their teens.”
A blind man wearing sun glasses in a dark room at Midnight during an eclipse can see the above. But for some strange reason the ethical toffu lot can’t. To them only whites can be guilty of crime. Especially the police who have to clear up the mess these wankers have made with their so called Human rights agenda.
40 percent of cop killers are black. According to Mac Donald, the police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black than a cop killing an unarmed black person.
last year 66 police officers were killed in the US in the line of duty, more than one a week. I hope the BBC pays tribute to the extraordinary courage of the US police officer.
If you want to hear about what its’s really like to police black ghettos in the U.S. as a white cop, have a look at ex-cop James Lancia’s videos on YouTube or read his book “Downtown White Police”.
Now that really is straight from the horse’s mouth, though I doubt his views on policing would fit in with those of Bernie Howdy-Cow at the Met or London’s new Emir.
BBC’s former Irish Labour Party European Parliament candidate Orla Guerin at the Shimon Peres funeral tells us that Isreali premier Benjamin Netanyahu is “hawkish”.
The spouse of ‘Egyptian-American’ Reuters journo Michael Georgy has no such avian-related sobriquet for US President Obama who features prominently in her report for BBC news.
Come on Orla, how about describing the Nobel Peace Prize Winning Democrat as ‘Dove-like’ for his peace efforts in calming factious the Middle East?
Or maybe the wise big-brained chap who has led the Western World’s winning foreign policy for the last 8 years deserves some aliteration, how about ‘Owlish’?
Sore Loser Lefties mock up propaganda about QT’s Boston audience made the ridiculous claim that producer fixed the audience by only posting the invitation on the EDL facebook page.
Em, there is a big error in that story
‘Claim made that producer rigged the audience by only posting the invitation on the EDL facebook page.’
#1 Breaks the “too wow” to be true rule
#2 That invitation shows the WRONG DATE
– If the EDL had turned up in Boston on “Thursday 22nd September 2016” they would have been disappointed the cameras were in Sutton Coalfield that day.
I took screen shots, just in case someone goes back and edits that false story
The lefties seem full of hate and anger , yet claim they are fighting hate
Standard Trump practice. You attack him, be prepared to be the centre of a media storm. Makes most non-politicians think very carefully before getting involved.
“Should a 14-year-old married girl who migrates to Europe be viewed as a child – or a spouse?”
“Analysts say early marriage is often carried out in refugee camps in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey by families trying to protect girls from poverty or sexual exploitation.”
And Jordan’s Chief Islamic Justice Department was recently quoted as saying child marriages represented about 35% of all marriages of Syrian refugees in 2015.
“As refugees, Syrian families are reliant on dwindling resources and are lacking economic opportunities. At the same time, they are all too aware of the need to protect their daughters from the threat of sexual violence.”
Who do they need protecting from? Best not to ask, probably.
Anyway, I’m a convert – open the borders and allow the sexual predators free reign! What’s your problem? Are you a racist? It’s their culture innit.
One fact that doesn’t jump off the page – because it isn’t on the page to begin with – is that the legal age for marriage in Syria is 17 for females, 18 for males (there is provision for some exceptions on religious grounds). The BBC would like you to think that child marriage is some wonderful Syrian custom that should be continued here in the West; the reality is that the majority of such ‘weddings’ would not have been permitted in Syria and indeed were largely unknown prior to the outbreak of the civil war.
Ta Mr Sentry.
Sackur surely personnifies the BBC mindset.
He of course learned nothing from THE Greatest Living Englishman since Orwell/Churchill…the BBC is not a “learning organisation”-but a bottom scraping speculum of established privilege.
Sackur learned nothing-but at least now is better informed-the fact that the Garfunkel lookalikey was a mere wind tunnel for the Farage barrage is OK….WE learned as ever!
Nigel refuses to bare his arse, let alone genuflect to Sackur…and when you “wound the tribe” as Nigel says-you`ll be hated and condemned until you die.#
But-like the EU…the BBC will predecease the mighty Nigel.
Love the fact that he`s aiming to be a global brand wherever foment is afoot-Hollande, Merkel and Trump…oh boy the BBC and the world elites will be ENRAGED!
More Nigel, More…and thanks again from your friends…Maybe June 23rd will be St Nigels Day within our lifetimes!
I regret to admit that I like you was a Labour voter. I saw the light in my mid twenties. I can relate to the Labour/BBC mindset. But I have no sympathy for it. I despise it.
I’ve never voted Conservative.
I voted for Brexit. Absolutely nothing has changed as a result of that National vote.
It`s what makes us so “right” Mr Sentry.
WE were steeped in it all, we know the syntax,the tactics and the destinations…and now it`s round a second time-we can see it all for what it is.
It`s no coincidence that the likes of Peter Hitchens, Janet Daley and Melanie Phillips were similar shills for the Left as we were…
I was a far lefty IRA type , jumped to the Greens in 1989 under Sara Parkin and had that Red Green Alliance bit sorted under Rudolf Bahro and Petra Kelly in the early 90s.
Found Jesus in 1993…and was something relatively big under New Labour 1997-2002 in a large Metropolitan Borough up in the north east.
Utterly despised them all by 1999, nearly destroyed by them until I moved south in 2002.
Funnily enough, it was the Mandelson/Rocco Buttiglioni scandals of 2004 that brought me round to Booker, Scruton, Mrs Thatcher etc…and the more I read, the more duped I realise I`d become.
And-in the week where we has Hutton, tuition fees and trial bu jury under threat…I got my lifelong hatred for the Hains, Blears,Hughes and Balls types…but happily enough was well able to attend my lefty union things at will-Tolpuddle being my regular pilgrimage with a union T-shirt and an eye on what the Lefty scum are up to…it`s their Butlins, their OU primer in lazy fascism with a red face.
The Left hate families…and mine deserves better than the useless Tories and the nasty nazis of lefty socialism.
Think we`ll see it in our lifetimes…the centre won`t hold much longer…
Good spot, Lobster. He was pushing away at Farage with as many blunt sticks and pointy sticks as he could, shuffling the paper pile to try and find more perhaps, but Farage was armoured with a certain amount of credibility. The ‘certain amount’ seemed to be pretty close to 100% at times.
I’m not a Farage fan but I saw a clip or two during the EU-R which together with this one was quite revealing.
Normal BBC Terrific lack of self awareness on R4 Late Night Woman’s Hour now
“That burkini thing ..You shouldn’t be telling women what to wear” ..”and you know what they only did cos she’s Muslim”
…Please R4WH spare a moment to think about millions of women in Iran who very much don’t want to wear Muslim garb, but have to cos of the religious police ..Likewise in some other countries.
– Even in more moderate Muslim countries where a dress code is not part of the law it may well be part of the school uniform, university or government building regulations.
..Even in the most moderate of Muslim cultures there maybe tremendous social pressure to conform.
– Yes there are many millions of Muslim women in say urban Indonesia who can choose to dress more freely, but I would guess the majority of Muslim women who want to wear a bikini cannot within their own countries.
So for Radio4 WH to talk about one or two Muslim women being asked to leave a particular area of beach and go 200m to the road where they can wear full covering freely and call that oppression of Muslims ..well that is total lack or perspective.
And its incredible for R4WH NOT to express that it is women who are treated unfairly when it comes to dress, cos the rules and conventions that apply to Muslim men are a whole lot lower.. Like wouldn’t get guys on the beach going naked but many normal guys might swim or play volleyball in just a pair of shorts.
‘Socialist Delusional Disorder’
What a brilliant term for the hypocrisy, intolerance, and extremism of the Corbynista Left.
And, as we know from the biased BBC, also applicable to institutions.
Though he laughed at the guy in the seats one could immediately discern a worried and bitter laugh as if he was thinking to himself: that person who let that guy in tonight will be dealt with by me personally!
This is fantastic. Not only is the general condition discovered and labelled and an instant diagnosis made for one member of the Panel, that same Panel member demonstrated the blindness to the history of The Left, that long-term SDD creates.
Richard Burgon referred to the fact that being associated with Stalin’s, Malenkov’s & Khrushchev’s Russia and its deeds, was highly offensive but he cannot escape his own stance as being on the Left of his Party, thus on the left of The Left. Rewriting the history of the past – as Burgon would appear to want to do – is another recurrent theme of the extreme Left. Thanks for spotting and putting that up, D&C.
“Socialist Delusional Disorder” says our fine friend in the audience-who will surely merit his OWN name being applied to this pioneering diagnostic in current Lefty Mental Health provision.
Yet Dimblys ear trumpet being faulty on the night…and even HE gave us the milder version of the disorder-he misheard and called it “Socialist Disillusional Disorder”…well, maybe Dimblys is the milder variant that goes chronic…much as cowpox led to smallpox way back.
Well done-at least a decent mental health label and one requiring NHS funding being thrown at it, no doubt.
My point-well wasn`t it delicious to hear Richard Burgon thinking it all a bit eggy to diagnose him as mentally ill?…didn`t Stalin do exactly the same?
Too right Richard-my psychology and educational theory was nearly ALL gleaned from the Soviet locked wards-indeed, there was no other way of “doing” these social sciences back in the days of Vygotsky etc.
So Burgon-YOUR whole analysis of mental health and state provision is Soviet in origin-as are your leaders and fellow travellers these days-be PROUD of the Soviet influences on your thinking…and well done to our audience member for reminding us.
Can I come up with a new one-Delusional Socialist Syndrome…DSS as we like to call it….
Not sure that would be wise, chris, as some socialists (or should I write Socialists?) have a bit of a fondness for DSS in the UK and would be very happy with that label.
"People think violence is in Libya's DNA. They think it's in our blood." But before 2011, we were a peaceful nation.
As Helen Boaden hands the keys of the broadcast transmitters to James Purnell at the BBC, it is good of the HuffPo to again raise the principle of DNA based values.
In the current atmosphere of widespread public distrust and skepticism of career politicians and so-called experts who does BBC Breakfast call in to review the papers – why their old chum Rob Ford Prof of Politics at Manchester You-knee.
This Don is so proud of his BBC connections that he shouts about it on his academic profile. Clearly accepting the BBC dollar is a great mark of distinction in modern academe – right up there with publishing books and doing research – and Tweeting.
Check his Twitter feed for a tale of copious anti-Trump and anti-Brexit retweets and an odd line in Lib Dem ‘revival’
Guessing our Rob does his own Tweets – in question I guess because he seems to think politicians (eg Donald Trump) shouldn’t do their own. An odd notion when you think about it.
You know the BBC knows what they are going to be giving us with Prof Rob.
AslSeelt, anyone that even vaguely believes in a LibDem ‘revival’ is deranged and other utterances on other topics can be equally dismissed. At least we know where this academic idiot stands.
So-as May tries in vain to please the liberal left-and as the BBC(“but Labour says”)continues to mither, press for more money for its client bases and generally disparage anything that May and her Tories try to do (re disability funding on this mornings news cycle of spinning grievances)-just a hint of what`s to come.
She was “tasking” one Matthew Taylor with looking into why workers get stiffed by the Man(and how best to get Red Robbos grandkids into the boardrooms).
Usual Lefty slurry, paintballs in fuchsia, smart water geysers and golden showers pissed on the magic bean of Jack (Bean) Straw…
My point-our Matthew was NOT described as a Labour luvvie, RSA gombeen, Resolution money-not even Lauries spawn and in need of Beeb baksheesh like his dead.
All of which apply-God knows we know all his opinions from the Moral Maze where his role is to sideline Mel and Claire with his lefty tropes and memes.
Radio 4 did NOT refer to him as ex-Labour adviser…Labour reflex, not Labour at all.
No-Matthew Taylor was TONY BLAIRS adviser…not Labours.
See what the Beeb are doing here…giving Corbyn and Purnell etc a free ride as being REAL Labour…whereas those who burgeoned under Blair?…well, they`re BLAIRS creatures-and any resemblance or stickiness to anything linked to current Labour is being diminished from now on.
Duh-I myself will continue to divorce thirteen years of Blair and Brown from the wondrous new vistas of REAL Labour..that OK with you BBC?
Funny en-didn`t we all laugh when the USSR majored on homoerotic sports, charity, Kremlin watchers at the May Day parade, the fantastical tripe of exhortations and slogans, the hype, the bitchings, lack of REAL news and their own people being treated as magic mushrooms?
Lies and distractions…black bread and media show trials?
And here we are….
It’s the muffling of discussion that makes Bakewell feel alienated
..”subscribe to the code or you’re out. They are like Corbynistas”
The broadcaster and author, 83, believes that this intolerance is contrary to the freedom and opportunity she associates with the movement. “I have a dilemma about feminism right now,” she said in a Times interview. “There are so many nuances, you can so easily be perceived to say the wrong thing. You can end up self-censoring.”
She is a “feminist intellectual” and sits in the House of lords as a LABOUR peer.
Samira Ahmed (one of the BBC’s numerous presenters with that name) introduces Newswatch where one of the BBC’s even more numerous news managers explains as per usual that the BBC got it about right and anyway even if they didn’t get it right the BBC only did just what the other media do – even though the BBC will tell you how special and different they are.
We notice there’s none of the bowing and scraping and genuflecting to the Cobynistas here. This is the BBC on Trump and trivialities.
Off topic, but when I click on that I am confronted with a box asking me if I have a TV Licence.
I accessed the iPlayer one day after the Robot Wars final to watch the whole series and the first episode had already been removed. I don’t have this problem with paid-for channels where whole series are available for at least 28 days after last episiode in my experience.
On the pre-2013 version of iPlayer, I had programmes removed early by the BBC, before I had watched them. I reported that and other faults but as many on here have experienced, got nowhere. Indeed on one occasion a persistent fault on iPlayer that I reported was repeatedly put down to my computer or my technical ability.
I was none too pleased when in late December 2012/early January 2013, I was offered the new version that did among other things, correct the faults I had been reporting when it was loaded onto the same PC.
This all happened on the watch of James Purnell as Director of Digital Services. Yes, that James Purnell; the person about to take Board oversight of our Corporation’s Radio broadcasting. On the basis of past performance, is he really competent to do that?
Whenever one is faced with a grey and gloomy morning one can reflect on one of the many moments of light relief provided by the Fred Karno’s circus that is the BBC.
Speaking of which the original Daily Mail report (since edited) which exposed the Wilcox-Long liason at the point they left their then current partners and families contained a marvelous line worthy of Carry On films from the BBC telling how our Sophie would be taking a break from BBC News 24 and in the meantime another presenter would be covering her slots.
Sounds as though normal service – for our Sophie – has now been resumed.
Now on R4 Any Questions
Second item was a sneer at Trump patsy question , presumably chosen by the producer
“How can Trump run a whole country when he can’t concentrate for 90 minutes ?”
“really terrified, this is really scary” etc.
(no one on the panel spoke up for Trump)
Panel : (25 yr old American) Kate Andrews (Freemarket ThinkTank), John Harris(Guardian journalist), Angela Rayner Lab MP, Nadhim Zahawi Tory MP (ethnic Kurd)
Seems the BBC Audience Fixing Bus has been repaired.. and Green/Lefties bussed in today.
The News Quiz began with a Love Jeremy item
..”He’s like the nice guy at a wedding standing on the table trying to stop a fight”
..The second item was a sneer at Trump
How can we stop public money going into the large pensions of BBC Management.
Ignore it all. The News Quiz is so obviously left biased it is a parody of itself.
The BBC is pro Remain and anti Trump. So what really. We all knew this as I suspect the bosses of the BBC do but just do not care.
Technology is destroying the business case for the BBC now and this also they know. The younger audience is vanishing fast . It is a question of how much longer it can conn the public into paying billions for dross.
Yes, you’re about right mate.
But the rule is : if you see it, document it ..might be useful for the forthcoming BBC Nuremberg Trial
..when the BBC executives are put on trial and sentenced for bias during their watch.
I hope this is your idea of comedy.
At least one million examples of evidence of AlBeeb guilt and treason on BBBC alone.
I do not think we need to bother with a trial.
#1 Carry out the sentence first.
#2 Open the champagne bottles.
#3 Announce the sentence.
#4 Have a discussion about how otiose a trial would be.
(With thanks to Lewis Carroll)
Stew: “Seems the BBC Audience Fixing Bus has been repaired.. and Green/Lefties bussed in today.”
That’s right Stew but some of them were parked right alongside an ambient microphone. Unfortunately, whether by accident or design, the sound engineer had the microphone too close and the levels set too high. When those audience members had their preconditioned light bulb moment, the sound of three or four pairs of hands clapping instantly after the last word was out of the Panel member or members they were imported to agree with, it sounded very artificial and extremely limited. When someone else made a good point that was met with more general audience favour, the applause sounded very different, very much warmer. It wouldn’t be the first time in my experience that Engineering have subverted things at the Beeb.
BTW, John Harris seemed quite low on the Left spectrum for a Guardian writer and also compared with what I remember of his previous appearances on AQ. Perhaps he had watched the previous nights Question Time (BBC 1, 23.20pm, 29 Sep) and done a spot of self-diagnosis?
Unicef (and Al Beeb)is appealing to the British government to speed up the transfer of unaccompanied child refugees from the “Jungle” migrant camp in Calais.
They are in France and the EU .
Why is France so bad ? Why does Great Britain have to pick up the tabs all the time ?
We have many many children of our own that need housing, feeding, health care and school places, we cant fulfil those.
Once they are here their extended families will claim them and the right to relocate here .
Unicef (and Al Beeb)is appealing to the British government to speed up the transfer of unaccompanied child refugees from the “Jungle” migrant camp in Calais.
Something tells me that once in this country it turns out that they’re not so unaccompanied after all. UNICEF and the BBC would then be saying how unfair it is to have these unaccompanied children in the UK whilst their family is refused entry.
DS, Listeners and Viewers can confront the BBC. The more that do so, with handwritten letters to the DG, copied to their MPs and the appropriate Minister of Fun (aka DCMS), then eventually a tidal wave will engulf the wrongdoers. Until then, apathy allows the BBC (and any unconnected others, elsewhere, doing other things) to get away with it.
What’s happened to BBC bias this week ?
#1 BBC QT from Boston didn’t have the usual rigged audience
#2 Friday’s R4 Feedback didn’t rig the complaints as usual
… contained actuall criticism about the BBCnews banging on narcistically about Bake Off and the Archers storyline. (14m in ) *”A BBC representative wasn’t available to discuss the issue”
#3 Saturday 11am there was a prog mentioning a Tory “What Does Theresa Really Think” and it was not a hatchet job ..What’s going on ?
Ah I got it the producers and activists have all been up at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool, so haven’t been doing their usual job of rigging the programmes.
As I predicted normal biased service was returned in time to rig Friday’s bbcR4 Any Questions
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:12 Midweek 5th March 2025 What do you when you get fired from the ‘sentencing council ‘..?
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 World at one Excellent news – following the broadcast by comrade macron Sergei lavrov has told us that any NATO…
tomoMar 6, 12:16 Midweek 5th March 2025
wwfcMar 6, 12:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan asylum seeker raped schoolgirl, 15, after spotting her alone in town centre
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 The throat of the animal should be facing the Qiblah. The knife should be adequately sharp to cut the throat…
tomoMar 6, 11:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 It’s traditional thing in Pakistan for the diverse Islamic factions to murder each other., when they aren’t murdering unbelievers…. That…
moggiemooMar 6, 11:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 The UK is nearly a Middle East country and it supposedly already has nukes.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:23 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Borders are being breached by criminal gangs worldwide. Life-threatening Channel crossings have occurred for years – it is time to…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:00 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Border security is national security.” Comment “So strange having a US President AND Vice President that can form sentences and…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 10:54 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Pakistan: Muslim cleric who repeatedly supported jihad suicide attacks is killed in jihad suicide attack” Mar 5, 2025 4:30 pm…
Not about the BBC but maybe an ally of them, the Independent, the ‘newspaper’that more or less went bust recently is still popular online,but they are not ‘independent’ at all, constantly putting out anti-Brexit articles and other Left wing stuff.Getting very annoying.
Another lefty organisation with no visible means of support.
Someone is filling the i-newspaper full of propaganda and giving it away for free.
The i was sold to Johnston Press who run a lot of local weeklies.
So this week those weeklies are giving 7 vouchers so you can purchase the i- for free every day.
I give it to my housebound mother but the contents seem to be Red Cult propaganda
I wonder if it traces back to the Russian govt trying to brainwash the youth here.
(I see two Russia gov apologists are posting below.. nothing wrong with Russian people but Putin govs gone crazy started a war in Ukraine and causing trouble in Syria ..real bullets and real people dying.)
has putin really gone crazy??? well thats the line the beebs pushing so i think i will take that with a very large pinch of salt and do my own research, and russia is bombing isis and al nusra (al qaeda) in syria so i think i will get behind that personally thanks. Every government weve overthrown in the middle east has turned out really well for us so far hasn’t it.
Independent back in the 90’s before Russia took it on, ironic!
Anyone else noticing how all MSM ramping up hate against Russia recently?
Russia doing OK in Syria, it appears – the MSM have been mis-informing us, as per usual…
Re your MSM comment. I go on an alternative news site. I know its not for everyone, and I wouldn’t advise folk to have a look, but if you want absolute, unequivocal proof that ISIS has been built by The West, the pages are for all to see, all the way back at the start of the uprising.
Back then, our media was addressing the barbarians “The Free Syrian Army”. The site owner I refer to, Mark Marek, from Canada, used to take the p155 and label them ” the fake Syrian Army”, they have videos of heinous crimes against not only The Syrian army, but the civilian population… can you remember William Hague demanding that we arm them, well arm them we did, and it has not once been reported by any western main stream, just look at Deutsche bank share price and impending collapse/state bailout, it has just started to be reported, this bank has been on the downward slope for 5 years.. if it was HSBC, the BBC etc, would be all over it,”blah blah brexit has caused this etc… anyway, I’m sure I’m preaching to the converted but these alternative news sites give a real life take of the world, mostly mobile phone footage, uncut, not by unicorn libtards. I can’t say Russia is perfect but neither are we. watching RT is like QVC they haven’t learned the art of deceit just yet.
It’s a saudi war we’re just paid(oil)mercenaries,better to leave it to the russians.
Our BBC man in Jerusalem on Today covering the Peres funeral couldn’t wait to get stuck in.
His only interview was with some ‘Palestinian’* who spouted the usual self-serving, self-pitying, one-sided propagandist trash about the ‘tragedy’ of Israeli settlements that Peres had initiated, knowing full well that his BBC friend wouldn’t challenge him in the slightest way – and he didn’t. Maybe he should have asked his opinion on Peres’ strong commitment to the defence of his homeland, arising from Arab determination to ‘wipe Israel off the face of the map’ (three attempts – all full-scale war – since Israel’s inception in 1948).
Nah, never any sniff of balance from the BBC on Israel and the Middle East, just the same old agenda of Israel not somehow fitting in, like some unwelcome cuckoo in the nest throwing its weight around and committing atrocities when in reality the Jews have historic ties to the area going back millennia, unlike the Arab Islamic invaders, and have only ever acted in self-defence. The BBC might also observe at some point that since Israel developed nuclear arms the Arab countries suddenly found war a less attractive proposition, but to do that would mean the BBC fessing up to those wars in the first place, which of course they won’t (at least not in the sense they were waged by the Arabs).
Finally we were left with the thought by our intrepid reporter that Peres’ dream of peace is now out of reach (or words to that effect). If the BBC were more honest and didn’t keep bending and excising history to fit its pro-‘Palestinian’ agenda millions more people might learn the truth about how hard Israel has worked, and the sacrifices it has been prepared to make, to make a two-state solution work. Even Bill Clinton saw through Arafat and gave up on him in exasperation.
So all in all not so much a tribute to Peres from our BBC man, more just another opportunity to peddle its pro-Arab, pro-Islam agenda.
*A term invented by Yasser Arafat circa 1964, in reality meaningless.
Israel tried the experiment of retreating and allowing Palestianian self rule in Gaza.
The result was instant civil war, the establishment of a terrorist dictatorship, and ongoing attacks on Israel. The prospects of Israel therefore agreeing to a similar “solution” on the West Bank are therefore nil.
The Palestinians had their chance to establish a peaceful and prosperous enclave on Gaza. The world would have rushed to help them. As peaceful relations grew, the Israelis would no doubt have moved towards accepting a Palestinian state on the West Bank. They had their chance, and they blew it. They could have decided to live like civilized, decent people, but they preferred the path of violence, war and dictatorship. In short, they behaved like all followers of the religion of peace.
Apologies repeated my post from the other thread because it is relevant here.
So few people are aware or understand how constant bias effects their way of thinking and their behaviour. A good example is anti Semitism because history has shown us how effective the hatred and negativity and bias against the Jews in the media in Germany ultimately effected the way in which the German people behaved towards the Jews. If the lies about the Jews in Israel are repeated again and again and nothing positive is attributed to the Jews when in fact the contrary is true see this is bound to have consequences.
Offcom said I was not personally effected by an anti Israel programme . I tried to explain how deeply personally effected my daughter was when she worked as playgroup leader in the summer ( 16 years ago) and when she said she was Jewish she was kicked and punched by some children the day after a particularly nasty slanderous programme against Israel
People just don’t take seriously the very real dangers of a biased national media organisation
Well, this has certainly changed my mind!
Heh! We spotted that at the same time.
He clearly has a skill that no natural born Canadian appear to have ! Next time the clasp breaks on my necklace I’ll wander the streets looking for an out-of-work-jeweller and asylum seeking refugee before trusting my local jeweller to do the repair job.
Jeez that is such an obvious opportunistic propaganda piece.
Woman getting married but dress zip breaks, pops next door where a guy has needle and thread so sews up the zip.
99% of similar cases it’s ..nice but not a news story.
– The one time the neighbour turns out to be an immigrant the story is hyped up mad virtue signaller media.
The BBC gets more like Pravda every day, with its thinly-disguised propaganda.
Newly-arrived Syrian refugee saves Canadian bride’s wedding day
And they all lived happily ever after.
The soft bigotry of low expectations.
I want to vomit.
Why would anyone want to take refuge in a country that has no safety pins?
Why would anyone want to take refuge in a country that recently elected Derek Zoolander as it’s Prime Minister?
Not all lived happily ever after Roland……The thousands of innocent white girls and women all over Europe who have been attacked, molested, brutalised and raped by the ‘Syrian’ gimmagrants can testify to that. You can guarantee that at the same time this zip was being fixed another zip was being ripped off by a believer desperate to please Allah.
Still… Congratulations to the Islamic Al Beeb for doing some magnificent journalism for a change and actually finding a ‘good’ deed amongst the endless amount of criminal acts, or acts of terror carried out on the citizens of the West by the army of Islam
Not mental health just plain old white men announced instantly in regards to oxford rape abduction and bbc interviewing asians of their disapproval on the doorsteps didn’t go unnoticed.
Radio Humberside didn’t get the PC-message
In reporting a 10 year old girl being attacked yesterday
They did mention that “police are looking for an Asian man”
Pravda at least was obviously a Soviet news outlet and everybody knew it including Russians. The BBC is an insidious traitorous organisation masquerading as an impartial new provider.
far more dangerous and destructive of a country.
Credit where it’s due. Ed Reardon’s Week is back on Radio 4 next week. Most R4 comedy is very poor indeed but ERW is a wonderful slice of non-PC, curmudgeonly and therefore brave comedy aimed at the woefully underrepresented middle aged, white, male and fed up demographic. I don’t know how it ever gets past the hivebrain/social reeducation committee at the BBC!
I agree Ed Reardon is entertaining. Clare In The Community used to be good, but the last series was a bit disappointing. I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue and Just A Minute still entertain.
Attn bBC.
European Space Agency is not the European Union Space Agency.
just sayin’ before you start your usual shennanigans.
This is interesting – I’m sure most remember that the Notting hill carnival took pride of place on the BBC News website for the whole weekend, I’m struggling to understand why the BBC being such huge fans of this event have missed this story:
MIGRANT ‘ASSAULT’ Syrian refugee ‘groped a woman’s breasts’ and ‘headbutted a cop’ shortly after arriving in Britain, court hears
Real head scratcher, I just can’t understand why they wouldn’t report this ? Hmmmmm
Japanese car maker might not invest , Brexit , tariffs added on , WTO , wants compensation from government , doom , etc etc .
Just add tariffs to the imported cars from EU and give it to the car makers here .
One thing to do is TAKE AWAY Nissan’s ELECTRIC go kart subsidy that goes to people rich enough to buy such gimmicks
..every time a Nissan Leaf is sold the TAXPAYER hands over something like a £5,000 subsidy cheque
..How is that not the same as a 20% TARIFF that the taxpayer funds ?
And a French government owned company, at that! How many still mistakenly believe that Nissan is a Japanese business?
me for a start!
The government should publicly point out that Nissan didn’t have: to pay business rates on their plant in Sunderland for 5 years; didn’t pay for said plant to be constructed and didn’t have to pay for all the factory machinery to be transported from Southampton to the North East.
That was all taken care of by HM Taxpayer.
The BBC was still lying about it this morning, trying to make it sound as if a Japanese company was complaining about Brexit. Was it hell! It was the French government (which owns Renault, which controls Nissan).
Nothing on the BBC – yet about this piece of filth:
Grooming gang leader loses appeal after claiming all-white jury was part of anti-Islam conspiracy
It beggars belief that the allegedly cash strapped legal aid fund would take this kind of allegation seriously, and allow the funding of an appeal on that basis, but then of course he is one of the brown eyed favourites and in the public sectors eyes can do no wrong !
Exactly it appears the bBC don’t want you to know that the Pakistani rapist kingpin who is banned from court for coming out with this:
“We are a civilised society. We are the supreme race, not these white bastards (pointing to police officers in court). You will not get a CBE. You will not get an MBE. You will get a DM, a destroyer of Muslims. You were born one thousand years too late. You fucked my community.. You destroyed my community and our children. None of us did that. White people trained those girls to be so much advanced in sex.”
Just lost another appeal (the third) by playing the victimcard in which to get out of jail. Here’s my bit on the wanker:
Jailed Paedophile loses appeal that his sentence was……Islamophobic
nothing on
The Manchester news section doesn’t have the story even though the DM had it 14 hours ago
Not on the Manchester Live rolling news page either
If only the c*** had stuck to wanking… In a more enlightened age, him and his ilk would have been strung up from the nearest lamppost.
we need another petition now
to get this filth deported
Nick Triggle BBC Health correspondent
‘Look at almost any measure of performance, and the NHS in England is getting worse’
– excepting of course number of patients using NHS services, number of procedures and treatments given, number of health workers employed in the service, amount of public money ploughed in, etc etc…
It’s called overstretch and might, just possibly, be an indictation that our population growth is fast exceeding the constraints of both space on our small island and our present economic potential. Sadly we don’t live on land rich in gold and diamonds just waiting to plucked from the earth if only we could usher into the nation yet more willing hands.
3 ways to cut the NHS bill:
1. Patients needing treatment for self-inflicted conditions to pay for their own treatment: fatties, smokers, drunks, junkies.
2. Hospital in-patients to pay for the food & drink that the NHS currently provides to them free of charge.
3. NHS to withdraw from provision of cosmetic and fertility treatments.
“1. Patients needing treatment for self-inflicted conditions to pay for their own treatment: fatties, smokers, drunks, junkies.”
Presumably you would also include those who suffer injuries and illness due to sports, other recreational activities (including sex), or who follow what turns out to be incorrect and positively dangerous dietary and misguided medical advice?
Sacking half of the ‘management’ staff would be a better route to worthwhile savings.
Re sports and other recreational activities – I’m not sure. I can see arguments on both sides, and suspect the savings might be negligible.
Boring answer, sorry!
Err….quite….the list of self inflicted items could be expanded…..drivers whose negligence gets them injured…skiers who break an ankle or leg, cyclists ( particularly mountain bikers) etc, etc.
It’s not a definable condition really..
I’d define it as: “fatties, smokers, drunks, junkies”.
We’re a think tank!
Smokers and drinkers have normally prepaid more than the cost of their treatment in excise taxes, which is more than can be said for junkies, or mountain-bikers for that matter
Only treating those with a genuine link to the UK would be a start. I remember Nadia (Big Brother) stated that he’d moved to the UK with the intention of becoming a ‘she’ courtesy of the NHS, because Portugal didn’t offer it for free – ‘What else could I do?’ she asked.
Not my flipping problem, I thought to myself.
I actually find myself fancying Nadia in that photo. I’m so ashamed!!! In the show itself I always remember Vincent saying that there are only two structures on earth that can be seen from outer space: one is the Great Wall of China and the other is Nadia’s jawline.
You fancy this?
Ha, that brings me back to reality. Perhaps that’s why it’s called reality TV.
A trip to Specsavers is in order, she’s a two bagger.
Anyone causing an injury to others as a result of crime or negligence should also pay the full cost of treatment.
I agree thoughtful we just need to be a little careful as whiplash and crash for cash are one of the ropers many illustrious career paths that we pay for through our insurance premiums. Whiplash unfortunately having no physical signs. Although what you state makes perfect sense I can imagine one specific community may diversify their business model to somehow claim even more money from insurers, or indirectly us.
And tattoo removal, fixing botched piercings etc., and breast enlargments, waste of NHS resources.
One for the teenagers…
‘Comic book writer says Wonder Woman is ‘queer’ ‘
Cut and paste an article found on the web, add a few tweets, collect BBC paycheque and Bob’s your uncle… or aunt… or non-gender specific something or other… wait a minute, let me consult the BBC report, ah here we are: Bob’s your person…
“involving, although not necessarily exclusively, romantic and/or sexual interest toward persons of the same gender”
Or does that make Betty your uncle?
I tried the US question on people last night in the pub. So successful has the media been in the promotion of Gays & their issues, that almost everyone questioned believed that 25% of people in the UK is gay, some even higher than that. Once comment was that there’s someone gay on TV whenever you turn it on was made.
They are very surprised to find that the true figure is just 1.5% of people are gay a tiny fraction of how the media portrays the issue.
If the leftie Tories want greater representation of minorities on TV to reflect their numbers then surely there should be a quid pro quo, and a reduction in the numbers of gays to reflect their real societal numbers?
We should have a prize for the person who spots the LGBT virtue signalling story of the day.
Wonder Woman is queer
Does this win the prize?
Something about this picture tells me about the deliberate destruction of the western male, and the promotion of various genders and the ultimate aim of destroying our culture. In all of this we can see the ideology of the progressives and their BBC
Strangely enough, in his younger days, Cary Grant was as queer as a coot, but they kept it discreet back then.
He may well have been, but he still dressed like a bloke – AND a devastatingly handsome one at that. At least he didn’t pose in his underpants, wore his hair in braids, had a squeaky voice and showed off a body full of tattoos like a certain new (huh!) man of today.
The bBC is currently reporting this as racist: because the girl in question mocks Black lives Matter
Yet the bBC (As does the rest of the MS media) remains very silent on this:
I know which one I feel is racist.
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
BBC Online News:
“”What are Deutsche Bank’s options?””
“”….. just a few weeks ago, the IMF said that of all the banks big enough to bring the financial system crashing down, Deutsche Bank was the riskiest””
This has been coming for a while and it is one reason I found the remain arguments so absurd. The actual position is that DB has 35 trillion pounds I believe in derivatives that need to be unwound which is a sum so huge that it is beyond salvaging.
Merkel will either have to bail out DB or let it go bust which means bye bye euro and hello real depression days.
Of course the BBc will never tell us the true disaster in the making about to engulf the EU. Mind you we will be affected as will everywhere else.
The dishonesty behind the creation of the euro is going to come back to bite the lot of them. I hope Goldman Sachs is proud of itself.
I think the entire world’s GDP is about $70 trillion. For one bank to have a derivatives book worth $35 trillion is plainly absurd, and a complete failure of regulation. Good job the EU’s there to pick up the pieces.
The inherent problem at the heart of the global economy is the Fractional Reserve banking system. All money is actually created by the banks (not the Central Banks) as debt. But debt accrues interest (usually compound) and because all money was created as debt, there isn’t any money for the debt interest – e.g. UK banks lend 100billion at 5%, so if that was all paid back after a year there would need to be £105 billion, but only a £100 billion has been created.
This means the system can only be kept in motion by:
1) People taking out additional debt (money is created) that is then used by debtors to pay their debt interest.
2) ‘Debt default’ erasing the debt.
People with capital don’t like option 2 because they don’t get their money back, so they issue more debt. The bad debts are traded at cents (or less) on the dollar. Or maybe wrapped up into a Collateral Debt Obligation and sold to unsuspecting victims.
This has been going on for so long that the economy is saturated with debt and nobody wants to take on any more – which is why we have 0% interest rates and quantitative easing.
Douglas Carswell tried to bring it up on Question Time and Dimbleby looked at him gormlessly and asked ‘what’s that’.
With the BBC ‘framing the debate’ (to suit their pals in Labour) we have very little chance of addressing these existential problems. Educate and inform my arse.
“The inherent problem at the heart of the global economy is the Fractional Reserve banking system. All money is actually created by the banks (not the Central Banks) as debt.”
I was always taught that when a bank offers you credit you need to take care, because as soon as you accept the money it changes from credit into debt.
When I first heard about Fractional Reserve banking I thought it was a joke, as it sounded like a system designed to fail, but Grimer’s description is spot on.
A friend of mine worked for Deutsche Bank in the 1990’s and said that they were the laziest and most complacent workers he had ever met. Nobody was ever fired. He parted company after a year with a financial settlement.
He is a Brit and we have a different work ethic to the Germans!
I’ve heard similar things from IT contractors. Deadlines loom and the German’s will work to rule and will let projects fail rather than work late or at weekends.
The BBC reports one thousand citizens killed by police each year is disproportionately higher to the black community but fails to report that crime is disproportionately higher in the black community
If they did that, it would ruin the narrative, and show BLM up as a bunch of left wing race hustlers. Can’t have that, can we?
I too noticed that devious statement Mackers! The Islamic Al Beeb know full well that the black community are excessively disproportionately involved in violent crime, rapes, murders, carrying deadly weapons and resisting arrest… All the things that will get killed by the police. The reality is the black community is killed by police at a lower % to the crimes they commit to other races of people….meaning that it’s a form of ‘black privilege’.
Devious bastards our white people hating scumbags at Islamic Al Beeb, aren’t they….
Jezza Swine Show today, devoted the first 30 minutes to the abduction and rape of the school girl in Oxford, this is because (against the run of play) the perpetrators are described as White; if they were of “Norwegian” lineage I have no doubt that it wouldn’t have been covered at all on his show, but they are: so they’re making hay with it.
It could, however, prove awkward for al beebus, as “White” could include Eastern europeans or creatures such as the Tsarnaev brothers, though if it is they’ll drop the story like hot dog s**t – a la the Kriss Donald racial torture-murder they didn’t really cover.
Rapists from the religion of peace prefer to get to know their victims first, ply them with drink and drugs, before passing them around their paedophile network. They see it as more of a long term investment of time and effort, as well as doing the work of Allah amongst the kafffirs. They would view these two men as rank amateurs.
I have my doubts about that reported rape. In broad daylight in a busy street? And its not known if she escaped or was released.
Remember the recent alleged abduction of a ten year old boy in Surrey? The witness after a week or so was charged with Wasting Police Time and Perverting the Course of Justice.
I’m sorry, but I think the story is probably true. Either way, given her age, it is at a minimum a case of statutory rape (if say, she was scared of her parents reaction when she was caught playing truant to shag around).
I think the police would have quickly discounted her story after interviewing her and explaining the repercussions of lying.
A relative of mine is a police Detective. She has worked on rape investigation units and became very disillusioned at the very, very high percentage of false allegations. She estimates that about 90% are false.
For example:
Girlfriends falling out with boyfriend and crying rape.
Mentally disturbed being delusional.
Prostitutes seeking non-payment.
Drunk women waking up with a man and crying rape.
Young girls seeking attention.
But she could not end an investigation as it would not have been politically correct to do so. ‘Wimmin’ have transformed rape allegations into a political industry.
So, it would assume a life of it’s own to the point of scaring to death the local community for no reason.
I have no reason to doubt her.
Daily politics today , presenter Carolin Quinn , standard right on BBC lefty. Is Brillo too non partisan for the BBC and in the process of being phased out? Or ,hopefully, it is just his work load is very high in the party conference season. LosingBrillo would confirm that the BBC is so narrow minded and so biased that it can’t abide anyone who refuses to spout the standard BBC liberal left line 100 percent.
Anyone use the BBC HYS? I use it occasionally, mainly to say something embarrassing to the BBC.
I have just been signed out, which happens now and then, but this time when signing in they want my post code.
Are they up to something? Anyone else have this request for more information?
Yes, I’ve had that. I gave them EH99 1SP which is the postcode of the Scottish Parliament. They certainly weren’t getting my real one.
I used theirs: W1A 1AA.
Black lives don’t matter
Its the bloody same in the Uk. Here is what Black MP ‘Diane Abbot’ has to say on the matter of Black gun and knife crime on her Parliamentary website
“Sadly 80 per cent of gun crime in London is “black on black”, often involving boys in their teens.”
A blind man wearing sun glasses in a dark room at Midnight during an eclipse can see the above. But for some strange reason the ethical toffu lot can’t. To them only whites can be guilty of crime. Especially the police who have to clear up the mess these wankers have made with their so called Human rights agenda.
Thanks for that Pounce. I’ll circulate it.
40 percent of cop killers are black. According to Mac Donald, the police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black than a cop killing an unarmed black person.
last year 66 police officers were killed in the US in the line of duty, more than one a week. I hope the BBC pays tribute to the extraordinary courage of the US police officer.
If you want to hear about what its’s really like to police black ghettos in the U.S. as a white cop, have a look at ex-cop James Lancia’s videos on YouTube or read his book “Downtown White Police”.
Now that really is straight from the horse’s mouth, though I doubt his views on policing would fit in with those of Bernie Howdy-Cow at the Met or London’s new Emir.
So just heard the news that Ann Emery has passed away. She was around when Children’s programs were worth watching such s:
Now the bBC feeds our children this racist crap
BBC’s former Irish Labour Party European Parliament candidate Orla Guerin at the Shimon Peres funeral tells us that Isreali premier Benjamin Netanyahu is “hawkish”.
The spouse of ‘Egyptian-American’ Reuters journo Michael Georgy has no such avian-related sobriquet for US President Obama who features prominently in her report for BBC news.
Come on Orla, how about describing the Nobel Peace Prize Winning Democrat as ‘Dove-like’ for his peace efforts in calming factious the Middle East?
Or maybe the wise big-brained chap who has led the Western World’s winning foreign policy for the last 8 years deserves some aliteration, how about ‘Owlish’?
Sore Loser Lefties mock up propaganda about QT’s Boston audience made the ridiculous claim that producer fixed the audience by only posting the invitation on the EDL facebook page.
screenshot 1

screenshot 2 you spot the error ?

screenshot 3 …pushed on to facebook

Em, there is a big error in that story
‘Claim made that producer rigged the audience by only posting the invitation on the EDL facebook page.’
#1 Breaks the “too wow” to be true rule
#2 That invitation shows the WRONG DATE
– If the EDL had turned up in Boston on “Thursday 22nd September 2016” they would have been disappointed the cameras were in Sutton Coalfield that day.
I took screen shots, just in case someone goes back and edits that false story
The lefties seem full of hate and anger , yet claim they are fighting hate
Oh dear, looks like they might be getting the better of him.
Haven’t seen or heard this story mentioned anywhere, rather worrying:
Standard Trump practice. You attack him, be prepared to be the centre of a media storm. Makes most non-politicians think very carefully before getting involved.
That is worrying. I hope he’s OK. I hope that his friends have walked the likely route on foot to check all the ditches, woods, hedgerows, etc.
BBC ‘Migrant Brides’ article:
Here are the things that jump off the page:
“Should a 14-year-old married girl who migrates to Europe be viewed as a child – or a spouse?”
“Analysts say early marriage is often carried out in refugee camps in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey by families trying to protect girls from poverty or sexual exploitation.”
And Jordan’s Chief Islamic Justice Department was recently quoted as saying child marriages represented about 35% of all marriages of Syrian refugees in 2015.
“As refugees, Syrian families are reliant on dwindling resources and are lacking economic opportunities. At the same time, they are all too aware of the need to protect their daughters from the threat of sexual violence.”
Who do they need protecting from? Best not to ask, probably.
Anyway, I’m a convert – open the borders and allow the sexual predators free reign! What’s your problem? Are you a racist? It’s their culture innit.
One fact that doesn’t jump off the page – because it isn’t on the page to begin with – is that the legal age for marriage in Syria is 17 for females, 18 for males (there is provision for some exceptions on religious grounds). The BBC would like you to think that child marriage is some wonderful Syrian custom that should be continued here in the West; the reality is that the majority of such ‘weddings’ would not have been permitted in Syria and indeed were largely unknown prior to the outbreak of the civil war.
Farage v BBC
A long interview that took place very recently, but there was only one winner.
Nigel won ‘hands down’. Al Beeb failed to rattle him .
Ta Mr Sentry.
Sackur surely personnifies the BBC mindset.
He of course learned nothing from THE Greatest Living Englishman since Orwell/Churchill…the BBC is not a “learning organisation”-but a bottom scraping speculum of established privilege.
Sackur learned nothing-but at least now is better informed-the fact that the Garfunkel lookalikey was a mere wind tunnel for the Farage barrage is OK….WE learned as ever!
Nigel refuses to bare his arse, let alone genuflect to Sackur…and when you “wound the tribe” as Nigel says-you`ll be hated and condemned until you die.#
But-like the EU…the BBC will predecease the mighty Nigel.
Love the fact that he`s aiming to be a global brand wherever foment is afoot-Hollande, Merkel and Trump…oh boy the BBC and the world elites will be ENRAGED!
More Nigel, More…and thanks again from your friends…Maybe June 23rd will be St Nigels Day within our lifetimes!
Ta chrisH,
I regret to admit that I like you was a Labour voter. I saw the light in my mid twenties. I can relate to the Labour/BBC mindset. But I have no sympathy for it. I despise it.
I’ve never voted Conservative.
I voted for Brexit. Absolutely nothing has changed as a result of that National vote.
I’m waiting for a Party that represents me.
It`s what makes us so “right” Mr Sentry.
WE were steeped in it all, we know the syntax,the tactics and the destinations…and now it`s round a second time-we can see it all for what it is.
It`s no coincidence that the likes of Peter Hitchens, Janet Daley and Melanie Phillips were similar shills for the Left as we were…
I was a far lefty IRA type , jumped to the Greens in 1989 under Sara Parkin and had that Red Green Alliance bit sorted under Rudolf Bahro and Petra Kelly in the early 90s.
Found Jesus in 1993…and was something relatively big under New Labour 1997-2002 in a large Metropolitan Borough up in the north east.
Utterly despised them all by 1999, nearly destroyed by them until I moved south in 2002.
Funnily enough, it was the Mandelson/Rocco Buttiglioni scandals of 2004 that brought me round to Booker, Scruton, Mrs Thatcher etc…and the more I read, the more duped I realise I`d become.
And-in the week where we has Hutton, tuition fees and trial bu jury under threat…I got my lifelong hatred for the Hains, Blears,Hughes and Balls types…but happily enough was well able to attend my lefty union things at will-Tolpuddle being my regular pilgrimage with a union T-shirt and an eye on what the Lefty scum are up to…it`s their Butlins, their OU primer in lazy fascism with a red face.
The Left hate families…and mine deserves better than the useless Tories and the nasty nazis of lefty socialism.
Think we`ll see it in our lifetimes…the centre won`t hold much longer…
cH – solid post.
I think it was interesting that Sackur had a pile of notes in front of him that he constantly referred to, whereas Nigel Farage did not.
Good spot, Lobster. He was pushing away at Farage with as many blunt sticks and pointy sticks as he could, shuffling the paper pile to try and find more perhaps, but Farage was armoured with a certain amount of credibility. The ‘certain amount’ seemed to be pretty close to 100% at times.
I’m not a Farage fan but I saw a clip or two during the EU-R which together with this one was quite revealing.
Normal BBC Terrific lack of self awareness on R4 Late Night Woman’s Hour now
…Please R4WH spare a moment to think about millions of women in Iran who very much don’t want to wear Muslim garb, but have to cos of the religious police ..Likewise in some other countries.
– Even in more moderate Muslim countries where a dress code is not part of the law it may well be part of the school uniform, university or government building regulations.
..Even in the most moderate of Muslim cultures there maybe tremendous social pressure to conform.
– Yes there are many millions of Muslim women in say urban Indonesia who can choose to dress more freely, but I would guess the majority of Muslim women who want to wear a bikini cannot within their own countries.
So for Radio4 WH to talk about one or two Muslim women being asked to leave a particular area of beach and go 200m to the road where they can wear full covering freely and call that oppression of Muslims ..well that is total lack or perspective.
And its incredible for R4WH NOT to express that it is women who are treated unfairly when it comes to dress, cos the rules and conventions that apply to Muslim men are a whole lot lower.. Like wouldn’t get guys on the beach going naked but many normal guys might swim or play volleyball in just a pair of shorts.
‘Socialist Delusional Disorder’
What a brilliant term for the hypocrisy, intolerance, and extremism of the Corbynista Left.
And, as we know from the biased BBC, also applicable to institutions.
Boy, didn’t Sir Dumbelbee not like that!
Though he laughed at the guy in the seats one could immediately discern a worried and bitter laugh as if he was thinking to himself: that person who let that guy in tonight will be dealt with by me personally!
This is fantastic. Not only is the general condition discovered and labelled and an instant diagnosis made for one member of the Panel, that same Panel member demonstrated the blindness to the history of The Left, that long-term SDD creates.
Richard Burgon referred to the fact that being associated with Stalin’s, Malenkov’s & Khrushchev’s Russia and its deeds, was highly offensive but he cannot escape his own stance as being on the Left of his Party, thus on the left of The Left. Rewriting the history of the past – as Burgon would appear to want to do – is another recurrent theme of the extreme Left. Thanks for spotting and putting that up, D&C.
“Socialist Delusional Disorder” says our fine friend in the audience-who will surely merit his OWN name being applied to this pioneering diagnostic in current Lefty Mental Health provision.
Yet Dimblys ear trumpet being faulty on the night…and even HE gave us the milder version of the disorder-he misheard and called it “Socialist Disillusional Disorder”…well, maybe Dimblys is the milder variant that goes chronic…much as cowpox led to smallpox way back.
Well done-at least a decent mental health label and one requiring NHS funding being thrown at it, no doubt.
My point-well wasn`t it delicious to hear Richard Burgon thinking it all a bit eggy to diagnose him as mentally ill?…didn`t Stalin do exactly the same?
Too right Richard-my psychology and educational theory was nearly ALL gleaned from the Soviet locked wards-indeed, there was no other way of “doing” these social sciences back in the days of Vygotsky etc.
So Burgon-YOUR whole analysis of mental health and state provision is Soviet in origin-as are your leaders and fellow travellers these days-be PROUD of the Soviet influences on your thinking…and well done to our audience member for reminding us.
Can I come up with a new one-Delusional Socialist Syndrome…DSS as we like to call it….
Burgon and other Socialists may be suffering from “Hammer and Sickle-cell Amnesia”.
“Hammer and Sickle-cell Amnesia”.
Nice one Mustapha. I must remember that (no pun intended).
Not sure that would be wise, chris, as some socialists (or should I write Socialists?) have a bit of a fondness for DSS in the UK and would be very happy with that label.
With Corbyn as PM there would probably be a Mass Oliver Momentum in Newcastle:
“Sir.” “Please Sir, I want some more.”
As Helen Boaden hands the keys of the broadcast transmitters to James Purnell at the BBC, it is good of the HuffPo to again raise the principle of DNA based values.
BBC ‘News’ (well, a quote from their client’) on Facebook:
“This is unhinged, even for Trump” tweets Hillary Clinton after Donald J. Trump’s Twitter attack on former Miss Universe Alicia Machado.
Looking forward to what other tweets they pass on, or pass on. Jasmine Lawerence clearly ready at the helm.
OT, but an editorial integrity technique well worth keeping an eye out for.
In the current atmosphere of widespread public distrust and skepticism of career politicians and so-called experts who does BBC Breakfast call in to review the papers – why their old chum Rob Ford Prof of Politics at Manchester You-knee.
This Don is so proud of his BBC connections that he shouts about it on his academic profile. Clearly accepting the BBC dollar is a great mark of distinction in modern academe – right up there with publishing books and doing research – and Tweeting.
Check his Twitter feed for a tale of copious anti-Trump and anti-Brexit retweets and an odd line in Lib Dem ‘revival’
Guessing our Rob does his own Tweets – in question I guess because he seems to think politicians (eg Donald Trump) shouldn’t do their own. An odd notion when you think about it.
You know the BBC knows what they are going to be giving us with Prof Rob.
AslSeelt, anyone that even vaguely believes in a LibDem ‘revival’ is deranged and other utterances on other topics can be equally dismissed. At least we know where this academic idiot stands.
Very few ‘Terror’ attacks these days compared with earlier in the year? Don’t you believe it! The life of Terror goes on in Europe but now, the BBC make no effort to report it.
Indeed G, beebistan make every effort NOT to report it, or to disguise or mis-report it.
Allan Little does a post-EU-Referendum piece for BBC News and on the web-site about Oldham:
He appears to completely forget to mention the riots that took place in the town in 2001, when the UK had a Labour Government.
I wonder why?
It is possible this is not going away, and more popcorn may be required.
There are also some new comments on this here:
In the interests of balance I should point out that making Tory politicians sound inarticulate is not too hard.
So-as May tries in vain to please the liberal left-and as the BBC(“but Labour says”)continues to mither, press for more money for its client bases and generally disparage anything that May and her Tories try to do (re disability funding on this mornings news cycle of spinning grievances)-just a hint of what`s to come.
She was “tasking” one Matthew Taylor with looking into why workers get stiffed by the Man(and how best to get Red Robbos grandkids into the boardrooms).
Usual Lefty slurry, paintballs in fuchsia, smart water geysers and golden showers pissed on the magic bean of Jack (Bean) Straw…
My point-our Matthew was NOT described as a Labour luvvie, RSA gombeen, Resolution money-not even Lauries spawn and in need of Beeb baksheesh like his dead.
All of which apply-God knows we know all his opinions from the Moral Maze where his role is to sideline Mel and Claire with his lefty tropes and memes.
Radio 4 did NOT refer to him as ex-Labour adviser…Labour reflex, not Labour at all.
No-Matthew Taylor was TONY BLAIRS adviser…not Labours.
See what the Beeb are doing here…giving Corbyn and Purnell etc a free ride as being REAL Labour…whereas those who burgeoned under Blair?…well, they`re BLAIRS creatures-and any resemblance or stickiness to anything linked to current Labour is being diminished from now on.
Duh-I myself will continue to divorce thirteen years of Blair and Brown from the wondrous new vistas of REAL Labour..that OK with you BBC?
Funny en-didn`t we all laugh when the USSR majored on homoerotic sports, charity, Kremlin watchers at the May Day parade, the fantastical tripe of exhortations and slogans, the hype, the bitchings, lack of REAL news and their own people being treated as magic mushrooms?
Lies and distractions…black bread and media show trials?
And here we are….
BBC oldtimer Joan Bakewell comes out against Feminazis : page 5 of Times ..and interview in the Weekend section.
She is a “feminist intellectual” and sits in the House of lords as a LABOUR peer.
Samira Ahmed (one of the BBC’s numerous presenters with that name) introduces Newswatch where one of the BBC’s even more numerous news managers explains as per usual that the BBC got it about right and anyway even if they didn’t get it right the BBC only did just what the other media do – even though the BBC will tell you how special and different they are.
We notice there’s none of the bowing and scraping and genuflecting to the Cobynistas here. This is the BBC on Trump and trivialities.
Off topic, but when I click on that I am confronted with a box asking me if I have a TV Licence.
I accessed the iPlayer one day after the Robot Wars final to watch the whole series and the first episode had already been removed. I don’t have this problem with paid-for channels where whole series are available for at least 28 days after last episiode in my experience.
On the pre-2013 version of iPlayer, I had programmes removed early by the BBC, before I had watched them. I reported that and other faults but as many on here have experienced, got nowhere. Indeed on one occasion a persistent fault on iPlayer that I reported was repeatedly put down to my computer or my technical ability.
I was none too pleased when in late December 2012/early January 2013, I was offered the new version that did among other things, correct the faults I had been reporting when it was loaded onto the same PC.
This all happened on the watch of James Purnell as Director of Digital Services. Yes, that James Purnell; the person about to take Board oversight of our Corporation’s Radio broadcasting. On the basis of past performance, is he really competent to do that?
Whenever one is faced with a grey and gloomy morning one can reflect on one of the many moments of light relief provided by the Fred Karno’s circus that is the BBC.
We’ve come to know that BBC gal Sophie Long likes to spice things up every so often as her latest squeeze BBC economics guru Kamal Ahmed will testify – I hear economists can supply it on demand.
Spare a thought however for her ex – the trombone soloist and accoster of elderly jewish ladies the BBC’s very own Tim Wilcox – he made his name being down with the Chilean miners. Award winning human interest and great modern international journo-ism, I’m sure – but I couldn’t help but recall the Kirk Douglas movie Ace In The Hole (1951).
Speaking of which the original Daily Mail report (since edited) which exposed the Wilcox-Long liason at the point they left their then current partners and families contained a marvelous line worthy of Carry On films from the BBC telling how our Sophie would be taking a break from BBC News 24 and in the meantime another presenter would be covering her slots.
Sounds as though normal service – for our Sophie – has now been resumed.
Now on R4 Any Questions
Second item was a sneer at Trump patsy question , presumably chosen by the producer
“How can Trump run a whole country when he can’t concentrate for 90 minutes ?”
“really terrified, this is really scary” etc.
(no one on the panel spoke up for Trump)
Panel : (25 yr old American) Kate Andrews (Freemarket ThinkTank), John Harris(Guardian journalist), Angela Rayner Lab MP, Nadhim Zahawi Tory MP (ethnic Kurd)
Seems the BBC Audience Fixing Bus has been repaired.. and Green/Lefties bussed in today.
The News Quiz began with a Love Jeremy item
..”He’s like the nice guy at a wedding standing on the table trying to stop a fight”
..The second item was a sneer at Trump
How can we stop public money going into the large pensions of BBC Management.
Ignore it all. The News Quiz is so obviously left biased it is a parody of itself.
The BBC is pro Remain and anti Trump. So what really. We all knew this as I suspect the bosses of the BBC do but just do not care.
Technology is destroying the business case for the BBC now and this also they know. The younger audience is vanishing fast . It is a question of how much longer it can conn the public into paying billions for dross.
Yes, you’re about right mate.
But the rule is : if you see it, document it ..might be useful for the forthcoming BBC Nuremberg Trial
..when the BBC executives are put on trial and sentenced for bias during their watch.
I hope this is your idea of comedy.
At least one million examples of evidence of AlBeeb guilt and treason on BBBC alone.
I do not think we need to bother with a trial.
#1 Carry out the sentence first.
#2 Open the champagne bottles.
#3 Announce the sentence.
#4 Have a discussion about how otiose a trial would be.
(With thanks to Lewis Carroll)
Stew: “Seems the BBC Audience Fixing Bus has been repaired.. and Green/Lefties bussed in today.”
That’s right Stew but some of them were parked right alongside an ambient microphone. Unfortunately, whether by accident or design, the sound engineer had the microphone too close and the levels set too high. When those audience members had their preconditioned light bulb moment, the sound of three or four pairs of hands clapping instantly after the last word was out of the Panel member or members they were imported to agree with, it sounded very artificial and extremely limited. When someone else made a good point that was met with more general audience favour, the applause sounded very different, very much warmer. It wouldn’t be the first time in my experience that Engineering have subverted things at the Beeb.
BTW, John Harris seemed quite low on the Left spectrum for a Guardian writer and also compared with what I remember of his previous appearances on AQ. Perhaps he had watched the previous nights Question Time (BBC 1, 23.20pm, 29 Sep) and done a spot of self-diagnosis?
@Up2stuff could it have been writer Robert Harris (Times) you were thinking mixing him up with ?
Stew, according to the Beeb it was John Harris of the Guardian on the panel and I thought I recognised his voice.
Since the MSM’s new target is quite clearly Russia I thought I would post some anti bias
They would probably claim that he was trying to taste the dog as he was planning on having it for dinner.
Unicef (and Al Beeb)is appealing to the British government to speed up the transfer of unaccompanied child refugees from the “Jungle” migrant camp in Calais.
They are in France and the EU .
Why is France so bad ? Why does Great Britain have to pick up the tabs all the time ?
We have many many children of our own that need housing, feeding, health care and school places, we cant fulfil those.
Once they are here their extended families will claim them and the right to relocate here .
Unicef (and Al Beeb)is appealing to the British government to speed up the transfer of unaccompanied child refugees from the “Jungle” migrant camp in Calais.
Something tells me that once in this country it turns out that they’re not so unaccompanied after all. UNICEF and the BBC would then be saying how unfair it is to have these unaccompanied children in the UK whilst their family is refused entry.
Exactly taffman! Why is this question never asked of the BBC?
There is no existing political party which wishes to confront the BBC.
Will there ever be such a party?
Dover Sentry
UKIP has a particular axe to grind with them.
They would confront them.
DS, Listeners and Viewers can confront the BBC. The more that do so, with handwritten letters to the DG, copied to their MPs and the appropriate Minister of Fun (aka DCMS), then eventually a tidal wave will engulf the wrongdoers. Until then, apathy allows the BBC (and any unconnected others, elsewhere, doing other things) to get away with it.
What’s happened to BBC bias this week ?
#1 BBC QT from Boston didn’t have the usual rigged audience
#2 Friday’s R4 Feedback didn’t rig the complaints as usual
… contained actuall criticism about the BBCnews banging on narcistically about Bake Off and the Archers storyline. (14m in ) *”A BBC representative wasn’t available to discuss the issue”
#3 Saturday 11am there was a prog mentioning a Tory “What Does Theresa Really Think” and it was not a hatchet job ..What’s going on ?
Ah I got it the producers and activists have all been up at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool, so haven’t been doing their usual job of rigging the programmes.
As I predicted normal biased service was returned in time to rig Friday’s bbcR4 Any Questions
Hold on SG , they must put the occasional bias the other way to use as a landmark to rebut the tiresome to them accusations of bias .