Agreed, Demon. I got as far as this great steaming pile of manure:
It is not as if Jeremy Corbyn has not done everything in his power to placate his Jewish critics. He moves fast to summarily throw any suspect under the bus as fast as they are named. Subjects of complaint are immediately suspended. But all to no avail.
In fact, Corbyn had to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to suspend the anti-Semitic Naz Shah (who has since been reinstated) and that vile anti-Semite Ken Livingstone.
Not really much of a discussion regarding Obama’s plan to hand the internet over to his pals in the UN and certainly a few free speech supporting Arab countries. The BBC cover the subject in a rambling article which see no threat and suggests that Cruz’s concern over the First Amendment is trivial . Obviously freedom of the internet is not something our Teresa will want to defend, and certainly not the Corbyn shadow government.
‘In one hearing, Senator Cruz asked if Icann – an international organisation – was bound by the First Amendment to the US constitution defending freedom of speech. No, came the reply from Icann’s chief executive, Goran Marby.’
And that should tell us that the hand over is not a good thing.
6:40pm R4 Loose Ends : Top Virtue Sigmalling from a BBC producer by having a comedian with a strong speech impediment (due to her Crebal Palsy) co-present Loose Ends
Who does she interview ? Another BBC R4 favourite comedian Mark Watson is now writing TripFiction
“I couldn’t change the planet on my own”
Interviewer :”So you just wrote a novel about Dubai” doesn’t that mean flying ?
but previously (2008) you also wrote a non fiction book about saving CO2 called Crap at the Environment
and You tried to halve your Carbon Footprint after doing Al Gores course.
MW “Yeh I was rubbish… I do a enormous amount of travel in my job
..It was too hard so I don’t do it any more
I was in my 20’s, I thought I could persuade people not to fly or use stuff.. but it turns out that’s very difficult”
The Emir of Londonistan wishes to ban heavy lorries from London. To protect cyclists. Or maybe camels. They could deliver the goods that are transported in the capital by lorry.
Recently aired so-called Travel Show just devoted half its broadcast time to a lecture on Global Warming. A visit to a Swiss glacier immediately transformed into a preachy doomladen harangue lasting the entire length of the item. Even were one to believe all of the cod-science sounding ‘since records began’ and ‘two degrees warmer than than it should be’ statements this was surely an inappropriate appropriation of a show supposedly designed for the entertainment of travellers and armchair tourists. What next, will Mary Berry tell us Great British Bake Off is to feature Arctic Rolls ‘before we lose them all due to Man Made Global Warming’?
Here’s one of my fave stat’s of all time; can any scientists here advise if they think it’s credible? It was quoted in a discussion about the relative powers of volcanoes and humans to pollute the atmosphere.
To match the pollution caused by the eruption of Krakatoa (1883):
300 Concorde aircraft would need to fly 24 hours a day for 365 days a year, and for 5 years.
Maybe she and her Plane Stupid cabbages could have a die-on protest and fill the volcano caps themselves with their pasty emaciated and waif like selves..or rope in a Thornberry or an Abbott who could cap a volcano on their own…it`s what Gaia deserves.
Maybe a landfill site deal possible here…will put it to my science moppets tomorrow in class….bit of fly tipping on Mt Etna could pass Harrabins Hypothesis Criteria, and be attempted.
BBC talking heads agree this morning that the Canada tour was much better than the recent India Royal visit.
Why, we ask?
Well for one thing there were lots of photo ops in Canada for the Royal tots George & Charlotte.
But there were other significant reasons the left-liberal media gave this tour their vote of approval.
“They met Syrian refugees”
“They met ‘First Nation communities’ and learned about the evils done to those people by colonialism”
“Justin Trudeau has an interest in these issues”
In other words if the Royals want a positive spin from the likes of the BBC they really must be seen to kowtow to all those lefty Social Justice Warrior issues.
Oh, and don’t forget lots of photo ops with the kids.
If the BBC apply the logic used to fire Jon Holmes, then, in the interests of diversity, at least one person in the picture should be fired and replaced with a woman. Or, possibly, another minority such as someone with common sense.
As far as I understand it was about Jon Holmes bleating that whilst he agreed with what the likes of His Royal Hippness Lord Lenny is trying to do with BBC BAME recruitment – basically why him?
Must really hurt after all his loyalty to the BBC cause. Ha HA – Have some of that John – Its caused positive discrimination – Not so positive now John is it, not when it affects you as well!
Might make some of these white, hipster, ethical, “anti racists” consider their own value in the future BBC approved UK Multiculty Rainbow Nation (only Rasta Mouse need apply!)
Actually it probably wouldnt stimulate one neuron as they all seem to be so far up each others right on sphincters that it is probably impossible for any thing other than ethical olive oil to penetrate their deluded grey matter.
And so the BBC ethical juggernaught rumbles on, Blind to all except black talent which obviously really matters, eventually even running over its own cheerleaders to destination irrelevant – Love it!
Remember Jon Holmes supporting Russell Brand in 2008 as he trashed dear old Andrew Sachs.
Therefore deserves the stiletto up the arse with a Doc Marten lezzy loafer to follow.
That said-has Russell Brand commented or made some bodily function noise/leer to show his support from our Then Show buddy?
Nah, course not.
As long as Holmes stays north of the Wash re local BBC jobbing stints-we`ll let it go….but if we hear him avoiding comedy down here?….there`ll be trouble.
Heard a bit of Sketcherama earlier tonight-sheer shite.
Does Melvyn Bragg die each week for nothing?…all his crap re the wondrous north scotched in a few minutes of “dahn t`pit, Manning and Thatcher” unfunniness from Oxbridge wankaz like..well Holmes I guess?
Can they be “northernist”?…worth a try, or a letter to Lord Bouffant of Nasalbury anyway….
BBC not happy about Hungary having a referendum about EU migrant quotas! Apparently it’s because they’re stupid and unsophisticated. BBC then trots out a list of ridiculous stupidity anecdotes like for example, chimney sweeps being reported as terrorists.
I’ve worked in Budapest and know Hungarians well. They are a well educated and sophisticated people not stupid peasants as the BBC is suggesting. Hungarians know their history (unlike the BBC) and say they despise the Muslims because they were occupied by them for 2 centuries. Unfortunately the Poles could only stop that Islamic invasion at Vienna.
“And how will he look if he wins….”
It could start a ‘domino effect’ with the other states in the Un-Democratic Union of Europe leaving Merkel holding the baby.
I’m no fan of Trump (nor am I a fan of Hiliary Clinton) but it’s like the media don’t even try to be unbiased anymore. Has anyone seen the latest drivel doing the rounds on Facebook? According to one of the top stories in the top right corner, Donald Trump “admitted he found the 12 year old Paris Hilton attractive.” Apparently he also called her “hot.”
Cue much outrage and hand wringing for Facebook warriors. HOW COULD YOU ELECT THIS PERVERT and all the rest of it. A few seconds of reading of what he actually said though paints a totally different picture. Trump says he’s known Hilton since she was 12 and described her as very beautiful. No where does he call her “hot,” nor does he say he was attracted to her. The media are currently trying ANYTHING to stop this man getting the presidency.
Given the choices America has, I think it’s finished. In four years of presidency with either Trump or Clinton, the USA will be worse off than it is now, almost guaranteed. That said, I’m leaning towards wanting Trump to win, even if it’s just to spite the foaming, frothing idiots who are conducting this evil and baseless campaign of lies and deceit.
I, for one, cannot wait for the liberal outrage should Trump win. I’m predicting a liberal implosion of sorts.
BBC Marr this morning: anybody notice how, over the subject of “Trump” (as the BBC enjoy calling him), Matthew Parris assumed that of the three at that gathering, “We don’t like Trump”. Just about sums it up I think.
Radio Al Beeb Wales this morning ‘stuffed’ with Anti Brexit and Brexit Phobia (brexaphobia) propaganda. What happens to all the EU workers in Wales and the effect on the economy ? How the recent fall in value of the £ effects the EU workers.
Perhaps the answer would be to issue visas or work permits which could be removed from the holder should they abuse the system or break the law . How does any other nation operate a system of employing foreign workers?
The hidden message from Al Beeb Wales this morning ? It hates Brexit and suffers from transparent brexaphobia.
Have you ever asked remainiacs why other continents don’t need trans-continental political unions, despite other continents being in much more dire need of “cooperation” than us?
Africa is, without question, the poorest and most backwards continent on the planet. Do you see hand wringing liberals forwarding plans for an African political and monetary union? African countries can certainly use all the help they can get!
The Arab countries already share a common language and culture. Why aren’t liberals pushing for an Arabian Union, with a common currency and open borders?
South America is in turmoil with drug wars and organised crime. These countries should unite under a Spanish-speaking, open borders, shared currency union to stamp out these criminals and let South America prosper!
Why, I wonder, is it only Europe that has to do this? Why are Europeans evil and racist for wanting to leave the EU but other continents don’t have to do anything?
Your words made me realise how bad Brexit has been for aome.
Overseas relatives of Immigrants sending UK money back to them have seen their income go down by 15%. And I imagine business in High Street Western Union money transfer facilities in some of our most ‘ethnically diverse’ towns has gone down by a similar amount.
As a Welshman once said. Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
Sluff, this is the reason why the EU States that have a preponderance of their citizens living and working in the UK always condemn Brexit: the money flow in remittances is a large figure they have all relied upon to bolster their failed economies. Its not just the money the UK contributes to the EU which goes to these States.
Useless complacent windbag Carwyn Jones announced his 20-strong European Advisory Committee to the Welsh Government this week. It is generally thought hereabouts that the Committee’s one known pro-Brexit member (UKIP’s Nathan Gill) is a fair reflection of the fact that 52% or so of Welsh people voted to leave the EU. Still, I’m sure former useless complacent windbag and committee member N.Kinnock (yes, him) can be relied upon to deal with the issue in as disinterested a manner as possible.
HobGoblin Marr ‘ .. but what are we going to do if say we can’t get the 70,000 skilled engineers we need .” Oh yes Andrew that is why we all voted out we just want to stop all those all highly skilled migrant doctors , engineers and future Concorde pilots coming in you total muppet
Would settle for only ONE cub reporter from that load of dross we normally get from Calais etc.
Cheap, incisive-preferably looking like Myleene Klass( and say Georgi-al Kluni for you metrosexual fops out there-and your lovely ladies of course!)
Then we could bin jug ears, stroke survivor Marr and let him do his teeth paintings and poetry up in Dundee or somewhere Scottish and regional.
And save ourselves enough to fund a couple of facelifts(both faces of course) for the Blair Witch Laydeez-or embalming anyway.
The usual crap from Sunday Morning Live today. Because of the Muslim new year is starting today they ended the programme with a couple of Muslim singers. Why not!?!
It’s good job Gay Pride wasn’t on today otherwise we may have been treated with gay anal sex to end the programme with.
Sunday Morning Live is a whisker away from having Muslim prayer mats and call to prayer.
Stand by for a massive on-going stitch-up! May interviewed by Marr today BBC. Notice how every politician, she being no exception, slithers and slides (yes, reptilian fashion) when questioned over half the annual “migrants” entering the UK every year. Fact is, roughly half the number come from the EU and they all (including questioners/interviewers) duck the issue of the Government reducing the other half of the annual flow. Yes, Brexit will reduce the EU half but, hey, no mention of the other half? Brexit will result in guarding the front door whilst leaving the back door wide open. The back door is the route the Cult of Submission takes on its travels to Islamicise the UK.
THE PARTY JUST STARTED | Putin downloads Sea fleet “SHIELD” in the islands !!
Why Moscow reacts so strongly on …
of R.T.Erntogan denial statements about Lausanne ;;
Theophrastus Andreopoulos
Intense is the Moscow discomfort from the statements of refusal of the Treaty of Lausanne of Turkish Prime R.T.Erntogan and it will soon be seen in practice:
At least four warships of the Black Sea Fleet, will henceforth permanently patrolling the Aegean Sea, while the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, which sails in a week from the North Sea, will move south of Crete, sending a clear message to Ankara.
Russia for many and various reasons does not want to joke to revise the Treaty of Lausanne. B.C. if theoretically and in fiction, always, the islands of A.Aigaiou perierchonto under Turkish control would create a corridor-fire on a Russian ship which would lose three moorings which now feature in the Aegean.
READ ALSO: THE PROPHECIES comes: “She came END Turkey … When you hear that …”
One of them, in the southern region of Lemnos, is the station of ships entering and leaving the Strait.
The other is outside Astypalaia and third in the northwest of Ikaria.
The movement of vessels of the Russian Navy will be completed in late January, followed by exercise in two phases, one in the Mediterranean Sea and the second in the Black Sea.
As ananakoinose Directorate of Press and Information Department of the Russian Defence Ministry, these moves are aimed at ‘training in matters concerning interoperability militias attempting outside Russian territory, in the design of the use of these instruments and the implementation of joint actions as part of an integrated maritime group and on the basis of a joint action plan. ”
The area will move and the cruiser Moskva.
The “Admiral Kuznetsov” will be accompanied by one or two destroyers and a submarine Kilo class.
Apart from the aircraft carrier nominated for the Aegean Fleet is the class cruiser Admiral Chabanenko Udaloy II, the frigate Yaroslav Mudry class Neustrashimy, the frigate Ladny class Krivak II, etc.
Other than these would be and diplomatic intervention by Moscow to Ankara on the issue of the revision of the Treaty of Lausanne … Via
It’s almost impossible to turn on R4 without finding yet more evidence of the BBC’s hopeless bias.
Take, for example, this lunchtime’s World This Weekend with that dyed in the wool Leftie, Mardell. His final item was a short interview plugging a professor from a UK university pontificating about referendums. Noting his vaguely Southern African accent (almost always a sure sign of a post-colonial guilt afflicted far-Left loonie in an academic) the ‘learned’ professor opined that referendums do not always succumb to ‘populism’ (Leftspeak for ‘democracy’) and cited California, whose inmates have often voted for higher taxes. He felt it necessary to add, without interruption from Mardell, how his showed that they were ‘good’ and ‘wise’. Really.
Mardell, meanwhile, had already tried to slide into this little mutual grooming session the idea that 24th June wasn’t about who rules Britain, but was actually about the government’s performance thus far. His pet toad had already lined that one up for him, of course.
So there we have it. Higher taxes – good. Brexit – nothing to do with sovereignty.
The BBC – an everyday story of Leftiefolk. Burn it down.
BBC TWATO with Lardell comments on two referenda, one in Hugary with the Hated Victor Orban concerning the stemming of the tide of mass migration – no prises for guessing which side the BBC favours, and the second is Columbia with a referendum on a peace deal with the peacable fun loving NOT terrorist FARC who are of course left wing, and again no prizes who the BBC favours.
There’s no mention of referenda which might go against the leftie government though, like Italy, where the result id going to be horrible no matter what it is.
It seems that there’s a complete reluctance of the BBC to discuss this problem in Italy, because it shows up the disaster of the Euro Zone and the coming crises they are burying their collective heads in the sand trying to avoid even thinking about!
A more subtle version of BBC bias today on the Sunday Politics, a leftist Swedish MEP was interviewed about the Hungarian referendum. She repeated the usual leftist rubbishy about it being racist not to want to take lots of Muslim migrants and that not to take them will end badly as nationalism always does . She was unable to explain why so many people in Europeans are against the EUs migrant quota system but just kept on repeating that it was racist not to participate. Brillo’s interview was fair enough but the bias was that no one from the Hungarian government was interviewed and allowed to explain why they didn’t want the migrants. Perhaps such a spokesperson would have been able to explain to the clueless SwedishMEP why Europeans don’t want even more Muslims in their countries.
According to comments over at Going Postal, it seems this was no ordinary Swedish MEP (and heaven knows that would be bad enough) but an ultra Left raving lunatic.
There was some twaddle on R4 yesterday about the Hungarians being afraid of multiculturalism because they haven’t experienced it. Er…no. A large proportion of Hungarians have lived and worked in multi-culti countries, most of them only able to afford to live in ‘enriched’ areas of them, and the remainder have probably seen enough of what it involves through TV. They have also seen first hand the problems of integrating Roma gypsies into mainstream society.
But the main thing the BBC fails to understand is that the Hungarians are an extremely proud nation very aware of their own cultural heritage (ie, the opposite of the guilt ridden western leftists) – so they simply don’t feel this need to be ‘enriched’
Yes, of course. And as everyone knows, Hungarians do not have televisions, radios or newspapers, nor are they able to travel so they can witness how multiculturalism is transforming Europe into heaven on earth.
DT, I watched that interview. Shame that Sweden is sliding rapidly down the tubes, financially, culturally and, importantly, legally as a direct result of being overrun by so-called ‘immigrants’. Brillo’s could have sought to elicit a response on these points alone. He’s joined the rest of the biased BBC reporters in my view.
Anyone awake early this morning and listening to the Sunday programme would have heard demands for emojis with hijabs. So now even emojis are waycist according to the BBC. Bonkers.
Yep, heard this.
Apparently emojis are the construct of well fed white men in silicon valley, sometimes bearded-but always white and American.
Hmmm…if that`s not racist and sexist, then what is?
I`d have thought that California was employing a few Asians, Africans and women?…wouldn`t you?
Bloody offensive…as ever.
The Japs have the right approach to “Islamic Immigration”.
To wit-there isn`t any.
Nor is there a cat in hells chance of a mosque anytime soon.
yes there are a few visting businessmen-and a few house groups-but no Islam whatsover.
And in other prosperous places like South Korea-it is so controlled that it`s good as irrelevant.
Yet-the Japs are never asked to shoulder their burden re refugees are they?
Which is about the ONLY thing that they have in common with Saudi.
AS for Ban Ki Moon?…well migration is for US-the idiot west-but never broached or asked of re his own home nation of S.Korea.
Got an election to go home to when he`s fucked the west over on behalf of the UN.
Still though eh?…with the Japanese still fighting their wars in the Malay jungle long after the heated swimming pools had been built thirty years previously?
Reminds me of the Remainiacs re their “Second Referendum” crap-still fighting the last war.
Pith artists….
It’s a bit far to say “No Islam in Japan”, but yes few recognised refugees, cos Japan keeps asylum seekers in limbo land.*
There are about 100,000 Muslims in Japan , that’s about 0.1% of the Japanese population so that is magnitudes less than in the west
“90% are resident foreigners and about 10% native Japanese”
* “Last year 7,500 people applied for refugee status in Japan but only 27 were approved.”
In Japan 0.2% of asylum applications are approved. (Germany and Canada around 40%, UK 30%)
2007 Japanese Newspaper article Lives of Muslims in Japan New Reuters article talks about asylum seekers working in Japan eg about 3,000 Kurds.
Photo of a Mosque in Kobe.
Ta Stew.
Have now put my head up my arse-stuck myself in a load of quicksand and will shout, scream and set the white noise generator to ” La La can`t hear you!”.
This is how the Lefties respond to being wrong…and this snowflake chooses to believe his own images and greatness, rather than risk an education or correction.
S`pose the Japanese have their cherry blossom generation-in this country that`d be the lefty BBC eejits who lick Corbyns allotment bootees…cherry blossom as well, I`d say.
Yes, “It is a criminal offence not to agree with snowflake”
With anyone reasonable they only feel insulted when you actually do insult them, but with a snowflake they go on the attack and take everything as an insult ..I guess cos the really know they are wrong and don’t want to face up to that.
I can’t be bothered with their dramaqueening. I just play it straight.
BBC tv news reports from Hungary today include the interesting editorial line that because the country is a net recipient of Brussels cash then it really ought to take those EU migrant quotas.
At last a BBC admission that EU funding comes with strings.
We are, sadly, more than familiar with the deteriorating output on our screens, the result of the BBC’s leftist agenda-driven casting policies and narrative choices imposed on drama.
Rarely do the faceless BBC apparatchiks admit to this increasingly compulsory leftism, instead we hear the diversity excuses.
It is interesting then to get inside the leftist mind and to read the argument put for popular drama not to reflect reality but to instead provide counter-factual utopian parables.
All you need to know is that Blue Bloods is much watched US tv cop show
‘While I never watched an episode from beginning to end, it didn’t take long to pick up on the show’s dynamic: The heroes, white male police officers, spent each episode protecting society from criminals, who were almost always minorities. Not only that, but they were played by actors cast according to the most stereotypical ethnicity for their crime. Car thieves were invariably black or Latino; a mugger, drug dealer, or liquor store robber would be black; chop-shop owners might be Asian or Mexican’
I think I will check out this show.
Be in doubt, there is a culture war going on here and we had best accept it – our enemies know it and they have already mobilized.
Best TV cop show ever, in my opinion, was ‘Homicide: Life on the Street.’ set in Baltimore. Multi-racial murder squad demonstrated occasional, realistic, believable tensions between themselves (especially when Pembleton was developing a brain tumour – unknown to the viewers) but worked as an incredible team to bring some justice to a community for criminality that was realistically portrayed race-wise.
At the time in real-life, Maryland police officers had the lowest life expectancy of any State in the USA.
And so it continues. We know what impression the BBC is trying to give, of course, but there’s nothing wrong with avoiding tax. Indeed, if you said Hillary hadn’t avoided tax as well in that period I’d call you a liar. Or her incompetent. Of course when you get into the article you find it’s because of a huge tax loss incurred, without anyone trying to say exactly why Trump should not claim it.
Strangely, no one seems to be asking the obvious – if what Trump is doing is so awful, will Hillary be abolishing tax relief on losses?
I don’t think Al Beeb will like Theresa’s speech at the conference this afternoon . ‘Some say’ that the Al Beeboids there are furious.
I wonder what ‘Jerrs’ Corbyn will have to say about it ?
Just heard it.
Quite wonderful-who`d have thought that we`d ever hear this in our lifetimes?
God Bless you Mr Farage!
But-this being the BBC-before the applause had finished-the BBC were telling us what Emily Thornberrys thoughts were on Twitter or such.
Funny eh?…anybody else remember the views of Michael Gove or Rory Stewart being fed to the nation as Corbyn , McDonnell dripped poison into the nations ears?
No-me neither!
Fupp off BBC !
The BBC are fizzing and furious at May being so clear-she`s betraying them so they say-oh, go to hell BBC!
She speaks for us!…fuck the BBC.
Exactly so, Chris! Coverage of the Labour conference consisted of wall-to-wall Labourites, the only arguments between Left and hard-Left, BBC studio headlines trying to make the party sound pleasantly idealistic (“The Labour Party wants peace, love and £10 an hour minimum wage” – Yay! Why not make it £20?) and BBC “reporters” desperately flagging up how much better this was than what was on offer from the evil Tory Government. All the while anyone who takes any interest in the real news knew how nasty things had become with Momentum and McDonnell. Of these, hardly a word – and if we did have a discussion, it wasn’t interrupted by tweets even from a wettish Tory, let alone Gove or Redwood, or anyone with an incisive understanding of where all this is heading.
Why would any reporter who valued their professionalism – let alone knew anything about politics – think that Emily Thornberry’s discredited views mattered to the country outside Islington, let alone to the Conservative party debates? Answer can only be that the BBC no longer practises proper journalism. News and Current Affairs has become a pressure group that campaigns for the Big State, Big EU, Big UN agenda.
It is clearly no longer impartial, and so fails its charter requirements. The question is whether this Government has the guts to put in back in the box. And if not, why not?
Funny isn`t it?
Boris gets a dig or two in over the BBC anti-Brexit bias(shameless, he calls it)-only then to say it`s a national treasure in impressing the likes of Lavrov in the Kremlin.
The Tories really need to nobble the BBC and point out their serial lefty nastiness over the last forty years…the BBC are responsible of one hell of a lot of wormwood and knotweed-a State within a State, unaccountable and unelected.
Come on Tories-why is it left solely to a Phillip Davies to tell the truth of what the Tories risk as long as the BBC are able to set the national weather in terms of culture…no point in grammar schools if they only learn the ECHR and the evils of Donald Trump-as is current at present in most state farms of schoolings.
Heard Boris’ dig at Al Beeb – he was firing a warning shot at them to let them know that they are aware of their bias. Expect more from Boris, but it will depend on how Al Beeb reacts to his accusation.
Anybody else hear the BH Press Review?
Apparently one of the reviewers-a fragrant delicate hypochondriac kinda lady-tells us al, that she , in effect suffers from low-level malnutrition-she has a micronutrient deficiency you see.
THIS-on a day where we were celebrating Harvest Festivals in churches up and down the land, falling into supermarkets for the post-church shop?
And when there IS genuine starvation in the world-and don`t we know it from the BBC?
Yet the BBCs Green Room is clearly in need of Red Cross packs, of intravenous drips with glucose(or will that anger the obesity lobby?)…and, hopefully-we can drum up an appeal on Children In Need for Hampstead Malnutrition.
Unbelievable-but it being the BBC it is ALWAYS about them.
Me-I`m drinking for three this month,and no fast food place had better cut down on the portions and the sugar loads….stuff Stoptober and the NHS police!
Got to love the way the BBC and the establishment/MSM for that matter aren’t quite content with giving us options or carefully leading us into something… No, no… Everything has to be RAMMED DOWN OUR THROATS.
BBC2 currently showing an NFL game… First it was (and continues to be) women’s football… Now its NFL…
As I’ve mentioned previously that I as an amateur sports fan don’t even understand the rules of NFL nor care for that matter, it’s nice to know that our license fee not only goes towards a team of people taking a train around the US basically to drum up support for Hillary Clinton, but it also goes into the pockets of the National Football League at no doubt an extortionate price.
BBC are truly despicable… Who do they think they are? They have the perfect toxic mix of arrogance and stupidity that only the likes of Tony Blair and David Cameron know.
Have they never heard of the phrase, you can lead a horse to water… Morons
I like American Football, TBT, and will try and catch that game later.
I can’t.
Disenfranchised (the pun is deliberate) by the current Director General!
(Actually, no-one at the BBC ever questions the Global Warming emissions of flying sports teams and their fans around the globe or playing daylight sports at night under floodlights. I wonder why? If I dare to drive to Scotland or fly to Spain for a two week holiday, they are super quick to remind me of the harm to the planet.)
I await with interest to see what the sneerers and snipers of the BBC have to say about Theresa May’s good speech at the Conference. I will only say how very refreshing it was to see a leader revert to normality by actually reading a speech from a lectern, not indulging in the preposterous Cameronian gimmick of prancing about the stage acting out remembered lines (which always looked like false bravado to me).
The question is “how will what May says go down with the 48% who voted to Remain”?
Err…no…but there again, we all needed to know Vicki Young(BBC,member for Highgate)thinks.
Oh-and here`s the heavyweight liberal Tom Brake-come on, you MUST have heard of him-telling us all live what HE thinks-he`s Open Europe, who are Remainiacs.
Typical BBC-utter shameless lying liberal lefty scum-time to cut off their crystal balls…seem not to have worked since 1976.
Note too that the BBC cut off the applause from Davis and May at the end of their sentences…didn`t do that with Labour did they?
As far as I am concerned the jury is still out on May. We have had those speeches before, when she promised to curb immigration etc. I don’t trust her, and I don’t like her sneaky support for Obama.
‘Panel show in which the Professor of Ignorance, John Lloyd, and his new curator, Jo Brand, welcome three distinguished guests to donate fascinating exhibits to a vast imaginary museum’
There’s a BBC joke or a metaphor or something in there somewhere.
The news this morning cited Prince William and Kate highlighting “the work done with young people and their mental health” in Canada.
Note that-no help or highlighting the actual people who are mental health patients, customers, clients, identify as…four categories there-we call that quadrophenia I believe!
And this actually is the issue these days-all we see and hear are those who are employed,motivated and agitating for “mental health kids”…but not the actual kids themselves, unless prepped and primed for media consumption.
This rule works for ALL of the BBC Social Policy issues…it`s always about those who draw a dime from other peoples frailties and miseries-so the message is relentless.
Grief thieving sponges who thrive and benefit from the crises and failings of others-paid neighbours and stickybeaks, doing nothing but mopping brows and getting the lower orders to do the bottoms.
The good new is that Prince George refused to shake hands with that ultra left wing ponce Trudeau . I do hope Prince William has not turned into a lefty liberal bed wetter
Daily Politics Londonistan this morning running with the story that mayor Khan has forced the police commissioner to quit who in my opinion has overseen one of the toughest times with the rise of homegrown Islamic extremism.
Let’s just take a quick look at what Mayor Khan has achieved in the first few months of his tenancy:
1. Upon assuming office stated that all his campaign pledges were unachievable citing budget inadequacies.
2. Islamised advertising on the tube by banning images of women in bikinis (citing body shaming as the reason).
3. Flew to Canada to demonise trump and show support for the criminal that is Hillary Clinton.
4. Set up the online “thought police” to police hate speech on the internet.
5. Publicly undermined the police commissioner on several occasions forcing him to quit.
6. Taken all credit for Boris’s night tube.
All this in just a few months… incredible work Mr Khan…. truly incredible
7. Visited Paris where he ‘hit out’ at French burkini ban
8. Let down his greenie supporters and local residents by withdrawing the previous Mayor’s restrictions on expansion of City Airport.
Presumably Oxford Street will be full of horsedrawn carts delivering to the shops. Still, I suppose it’ll do wonders for the rhubarb and the rose bushes.
Let’s face it Hogan-Howe has been an absolute leftie disaster. With very few exceptions, there hasn’t been a decent and effective commissioner since Robert Mark. Good riddance. But Khan is still a shit.
Oh dear-the BBC are not happy with the Philippines are they?
The new President seems less than happy to accept the pothead pixies take on things druggie…types like Branson, Brand and the LibDems.
The President seems to just wipe out the crims and dealers….fair enough here on planet real.
But -oh-“but at what cost”?…asks the BBC as it weeps a lavender tear into its crack pipe.
We can find out tonight with Jonathan Head on the BBC-and I expect a Gary Younge kind of prebake of the hash brownies-in short, the poor druggies, the nasty cops, the evil President and the Shepherds Bush sympaticos mopping the brows of the dealers, and pissing on the chips of the victims as usual.
Can we have a Top Ten of Hated Countries by the BBC…how would we place Russia, Syria,India, Phillipines and Hungary today-and will it be the same tomorrow?
Who upsets the BBC most-and can we all wave their flags as we drink extra booze and insist that the McFlurry has yet more sugar and stays at least the same size as it is?
Boris has gone mad! He has just said that the BBC is the greatest British Instirution. Three months at the FO and he has been conned into believing that liberal crap. He has disappointed me.
I agree with you Goat – I am afraid Boris s main political principles are that he has not got any – He is a “personality ” and little else and blows with whatever political wind he thinks will be in his favour.
I never trusted him as part of the Remain campaign (stayed on the fence too long) and dont trust him now. I fully understand why Gove did what he did and was gutted that he was treated as he was.
Whilst I dont trust her I think even Theresa may have a few more principles than Boris. And certainly she is making the right noises at the moment.
This was on ITV, but just shows how crap our media are generally. Report from the Conservative party conference. Mrs May announces the plan to implement Brexit. Usual cynical scoffing and who do they interview? Yes, Anna Soubry. Now just a backbencher but she has made it clear that she opposes leaving. So while just about everybody else in the hall is applauding and filled with joy, the programme focused on one awkward customer. She’s entitled to her view, of course, but she is not representative and should not be given undue prominence.
Hungarians must be waaaycists, They have voted 98% against the migrant plan. BBC are upset and are clinging to the hope that the turn out was less than 50% required for the referendum to be valid.
I think the result was the worst possible result for Hungarian unity.
The fact that many either wouldnt or couldnt be bothered to vote would send a signal to the EU that most people are not that concerned.
The EU has partly got where it has by using peoples apathy – slowly cranking up the legislation until it is too late to change it.
Toady quite triumphant this morning and I expect they are in Brussels too.
We had an emphatic result in our own EU election and yet still people question it.
Quite frankly I fear for Hungarians future now – it could well end up knocking on Putins front door when it finally realises who is kicking in its own rear doors.
GWF Yes, I had already read that article before I posted my comment. I was wondering how the Guardian would spin it. It was invalidated by the opposition not participating as a deliberate tactic.
The left do not like referendums they don’t think they can win, but rather than show the paucity of their support they will use other tactics to disrupt democracy.
The point to remember is that this is the first referendum of its’ kind in Europe. If it is a failure as the loony left suggest then they will have no problem with letting other countries have referenda on the immigration issue then? Errr…I don’t think so.
Any poll that can score above 90% has to be taken note of. It is a victory legally binding or not.
Non Jewish readers, particularly if they rely on the BBC for information, might not be aware that Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) begins tonight. It’s one of those annual religious events on a known date. You know, something like Eid al Fitr.
As an experiment I checked what the BBC had to say about the first of the most important Jewish religious festivals, in the week preceding it.
It is mentioned on CBBC CBeebies which is restricted to UK residents. Few adults would see it, even in the UK.
There was a Thought for Today by Rabbi Naftali Brower. Coincidentally this content doesn’t seem to be working and hasn’t for the last few hours.
And finally The BBC regional news from Manchester asks Why Jewish schools are using extra security. It hints quite strongly that the problem is IS probably operating in Turkey without even a whisper that that local thugs (I’ll leave you to guess what religion) may be the problem. Placing it in Regional News suggests that any fears Jews might have is restricted to a particular area and can therefore be discounted for the rest of Britain.
The festival lasts two days so perhaps after the festival is finished for the year John Connolly will do his usual and interview some Arabs about how the Jews arrogantly think the land is their’s or Jeremy Bowen will somehow tie the soul-searching that Jews are supposed to practise on Rosh Hashana with their failure to admit guilt for winning in 1948.
Peres, Israel’s elder statesman passed away and about 70 different nations sent representatives to the funeral. One of the guests was Prince Charles but the BBC didn’t think that important enough to mention. Virtually at the end of the video the camera picks out Charles standing next to Sarkozy for about three seconds.
Check out the screengrab. Notice something? No BBC — Netanyahu is not a foreign dignitary.
Yesterdays “Sunday” did ask a Jewish rabbi about the life of Shimon Peres.
This being a “religious programme”-you might think that the blokes legacy might have been better served than the BBC stiff quoting Bill Clinton…who IS the BBCs idea of G-D I`d say.
Clinton said that Peres was a “dreamer”….well if that`s the highest praise that Lennon would give , and Bill says it-surely Mr Rabbi-there is no higher praise, don`t you agree?
Er no-our rabbi said no…he was NOT a dreamer( head in the clouds of his own cigar smoke, sax machine getting blowjobs from interns, bombing Sudanese pharmaceutical firms-not even invading Iraq or Libya like Blair,Cameron ).
Obama etc)
No-Peres was not a “DREAMER”( a la Freddie)…he was a “visionary”.
Our BBC shill who`s meant to be giving religious feedback was put in his box by a Jewish rabbi who knew better than Bill Clinton and even rejected the Great Slick Willy wavers tribute?…well, I`ll be blown!
What would a Jew know?-even when Mr Hillary offers a soundbite from “Imagine”, it`s never enough-will have to ask Momentum now for the final solution eh, you BBC kapomeisters?
Jurys out on Peres…but the BBC love to prop the cadavers in the dock whilst we`re waiting like a pervy test card.
Clinton,Castro,Savile, Galloway-what IS it with these blokes and their cigars eh?
More AlBeeb sorrow.
Columbia referendum – vote against deal with most extreme left terrorists.
Apart from Russia is there a government anywhere that is trusted?
Remember the Remain campaign?
The CBI being marshalled to create economic fear.
The Civil Service being 100% impartial in favour of remain.
AlBeeb being 100% impartial in favour of remain.
The Conservative Government being 100% impartial in favour of remain.
The WW3 and other fantasies.
Of course you remember.
Patrick Kingsley in the AlBeeb Recruitment Centre is alleging that the type of skulduggery noted above was practised by the Hungarian Government to produce the 95% stop Islam referendum decision, and it isn’t fair!
The left position is, as ever, cheating is acceptable but only they are allowed to do it.
I believe that those opposed to Orban were instructed not to turn out to vote so that the turnout would be too low to be relevant. The majority, rightly, believe that masss Islamic immigration is bad for their country and the lefty opposition try to gerrymander the result by a low turnout. Yet another way of looking at electoral shenanigans.
R4 today 7:38am. Nick Robinson, talking from tory conf, after some small interviews inside, then gives a big piece to the protests outside. Told their are thousands of citizens protesting about austerity.
Where was the mention of ‘Momentum’, none. That the protests was organised and manned by that bunch of far left trots ‘momentum’, not a hint. bBC always biased.
What’s the matter, British weather not superlative enough for the BBC? Never mind, our Carol Kirkwood will whisk us off to the Carribean to find a hurricane for us all to fret about.
And another thing, what’s with this constant BBC use of the word ‘austerity’ ?
This is a Left-wing buzz word not a descriptor accepted across the political spectrum. So stop doing the opposition’s heavy lifting for them, BBC.
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popeyeMar 6, 15:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Compared to people born in the UK, migrants are more likely to be of working age or have a university…
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AlthepalerpMar 6, 14:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Maybe the White population of the UK can do a deal with Mexico……. Mexico’s northern and western regions have the…
The hypocrisy of Jeremy Corbyn h/t @MarcherLord1 on Twitter

This is an interesting article about Corbyn, Labour and anti-semitism.
That’s a terrible article. A small number of half-truths wrapped up in bundles of bigotry.
Agreed, Demon. I got as far as this great steaming pile of manure:
It is not as if Jeremy Corbyn has not done everything in his power to placate his Jewish critics. He moves fast to summarily throw any suspect under the bus as fast as they are named. Subjects of complaint are immediately suspended. But all to no avail.
In fact, Corbyn had to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to suspend the anti-Semitic Naz Shah (who has since been reinstated) and that vile anti-Semite Ken Livingstone.
I won’t be visiting that website again.
The BBC/Guardian/Independent Groupthink cult living in their own bubbleworld h/t Sussex Realist on Twitter

R4 PM’s Daily smear job at Trump
“Today we report from Trump’s ancestral hometown in Germany …(just cos we can find someone who doesn’t like him)”
…Is that the optimum use of BBC news money ? to help inform the public ?
Not really much of a discussion regarding Obama’s plan to hand the internet over to his pals in the UN and certainly a few free speech supporting Arab countries. The BBC cover the subject in a rambling article which see no threat and suggests that Cruz’s concern over the First Amendment is trivial . Obviously freedom of the internet is not something our Teresa will want to defend, and certainly not the Corbyn shadow government.
‘In one hearing, Senator Cruz asked if Icann – an international organisation – was bound by the First Amendment to the US constitution defending freedom of speech. No, came the reply from Icann’s chief executive, Goran Marby.’
And that should tell us that the hand over is not a good thing.
For a clear picture see Stefan Molyneux. I now understand that the deal has been blocked for the moment at least
6:40pm R4 Loose Ends : Top Virtue Sigmalling from a BBC producer by having a comedian with a strong speech impediment (due to her Crebal Palsy) co-present Loose Ends
Who does she interview ? Another BBC R4 favourite comedian Mark Watson is now writing TripFiction
“I couldn’t change the planet on my own”
Her latest tweets shows what we expect form a BBC comediane
…………………….Promoting a anti- Tory march and hailing JC for PM
My first reaction was: “But I like her” – then I realised that it was the wrong Martinez.
Now if the BBC would put Ursula in a TV programme it would be worth watching.
The Emir of Londonistan wishes to ban heavy lorries from London. To protect cyclists. Or maybe camels. They could deliver the goods that are transported in the capital by lorry.
I suppose camels are greener than lorries and drinking their urine has medicinal benefits too.

Oxford Street?
The camel would make most of the shoppers on Oxford Street feel right at home.
Good to see Mark Steyn back in the game.
Recently aired so-called Travel Show just devoted half its broadcast time to a lecture on Global Warming. A visit to a Swiss glacier immediately transformed into a preachy doomladen harangue lasting the entire length of the item. Even were one to believe all of the cod-science sounding ‘since records began’ and ‘two degrees warmer than than it should be’ statements this was surely an inappropriate appropriation of a show supposedly designed for the entertainment of travellers and armchair tourists. What next, will Mary Berry tell us Great British Bake Off is to feature Arctic Rolls ‘before we lose them all due to Man Made Global Warming’?
Here is nature’s effect on ‘Global Warming’
Over to you Greenpeace…….
I hear Caroline Lucas is proposing a Zero Emissions volcanoes zone.
Here’s one of my fave stat’s of all time; can any scientists here advise if they think it’s credible? It was quoted in a discussion about the relative powers of volcanoes and humans to pollute the atmosphere.
To match the pollution caused by the eruption of Krakatoa (1883):
300 Concorde aircraft would need to fly 24 hours a day for 365 days a year, and for 5 years.
Maybe she and her Plane Stupid cabbages could have a die-on protest and fill the volcano caps themselves with their pasty emaciated and waif like selves..or rope in a Thornberry or an Abbott who could cap a volcano on their own…it`s what Gaia deserves.
Maybe a landfill site deal possible here…will put it to my science moppets tomorrow in class….bit of fly tipping on Mt Etna could pass Harrabins Hypothesis Criteria, and be attempted.
Potty training the new Royals
BBC talking heads agree this morning that the Canada tour was much better than the recent India Royal visit.
Why, we ask?
Well for one thing there were lots of photo ops in Canada for the Royal tots George & Charlotte.
But there were other significant reasons the left-liberal media gave this tour their vote of approval.
“They met Syrian refugees”
“They met ‘First Nation communities’ and learned about the evils done to those people by colonialism”
“Justin Trudeau has an interest in these issues”
In other words if the Royals want a positive spin from the likes of the BBC they really must be seen to kowtow to all those lefty Social Justice Warrior issues.
Oh, and don’t forget lots of photo ops with the kids.
Canadastan does seem to be the place for Al Beebists
Not many women in that photograph eh? Come on you ‘women’s libbers’ and ‘feminazi’ , lets hear your shrill voices .
If the BBC apply the logic used to fire Jon Holmes, then, in the interests of diversity, at least one person in the picture should be fired and replaced with a woman. Or, possibly, another minority such as someone with common sense.
GB – Couldnt help having a good chuckle at this one
As far as I understand it was about Jon Holmes bleating that whilst he agreed with what the likes of His Royal Hippness Lord Lenny is trying to do with BBC BAME recruitment – basically why him?
Must really hurt after all his loyalty to the BBC cause. Ha HA – Have some of that John – Its caused positive discrimination – Not so positive now John is it, not when it affects you as well!
Might make some of these white, hipster, ethical, “anti racists” consider their own value in the future BBC approved UK Multiculty Rainbow Nation (only Rasta Mouse need apply!)
Actually it probably wouldnt stimulate one neuron as they all seem to be so far up each others right on sphincters that it is probably impossible for any thing other than ethical olive oil to penetrate their deluded grey matter.
And so the BBC ethical juggernaught rumbles on, Blind to all except black talent which obviously really matters, eventually even running over its own cheerleaders to destination irrelevant – Love it!
Remember Jon Holmes supporting Russell Brand in 2008 as he trashed dear old Andrew Sachs.
Therefore deserves the stiletto up the arse with a Doc Marten lezzy loafer to follow.
That said-has Russell Brand commented or made some bodily function noise/leer to show his support from our Then Show buddy?
Nah, course not.
As long as Holmes stays north of the Wash re local BBC jobbing stints-we`ll let it go….but if we hear him avoiding comedy down here?….there`ll be trouble.
Heard a bit of Sketcherama earlier tonight-sheer shite.
Does Melvyn Bragg die each week for nothing?…all his crap re the wondrous north scotched in a few minutes of “dahn t`pit, Manning and Thatcher” unfunniness from Oxbridge wankaz like..well Holmes I guess?
Can they be “northernist”?…worth a try, or a letter to Lord Bouffant of Nasalbury anyway….
BBC not happy about Hungary having a referendum about EU migrant quotas! Apparently it’s because they’re stupid and unsophisticated. BBC then trots out a list of ridiculous stupidity anecdotes like for example, chimney sweeps being reported as terrorists.
I’ve worked in Budapest and know Hungarians well. They are a well educated and sophisticated people not stupid peasants as the BBC is suggesting. Hungarians know their history (unlike the BBC) and say they despise the Muslims because they were occupied by them for 2 centuries. Unfortunately the Poles could only stop that Islamic invasion at Vienna.
Exactly! And here’s how the BBC ended that news feature:
“”If the referendum is not successful, however, after throwing so much money and effort into it, Mr Orban will look weak, even foolish””
And how will he look if he wins, BBC???
“And how will he look if he wins….”
It could start a ‘domino effect’ with the other states in the Un-Democratic Union of Europe leaving Merkel holding the baby.
Taffman, can I just hear the ‘baby’ crying, ‘Alluah Akbar’?
I’m no fan of Trump (nor am I a fan of Hiliary Clinton) but it’s like the media don’t even try to be unbiased anymore. Has anyone seen the latest drivel doing the rounds on Facebook? According to one of the top stories in the top right corner, Donald Trump “admitted he found the 12 year old Paris Hilton attractive.” Apparently he also called her “hot.”
Cue much outrage and hand wringing for Facebook warriors. HOW COULD YOU ELECT THIS PERVERT and all the rest of it. A few seconds of reading of what he actually said though paints a totally different picture. Trump says he’s known Hilton since she was 12 and described her as very beautiful. No where does he call her “hot,” nor does he say he was attracted to her. The media are currently trying ANYTHING to stop this man getting the presidency.
Given the choices America has, I think it’s finished. In four years of presidency with either Trump or Clinton, the USA will be worse off than it is now, almost guaranteed. That said, I’m leaning towards wanting Trump to win, even if it’s just to spite the foaming, frothing idiots who are conducting this evil and baseless campaign of lies and deceit.
I, for one, cannot wait for the liberal outrage should Trump win. I’m predicting a liberal implosion of sorts.
BBC Marr this morning: anybody notice how, over the subject of “Trump” (as the BBC enjoy calling him), Matthew Parris assumed that of the three at that gathering, “We don’t like Trump”. Just about sums it up I think.
Yes, thus confirming the BBC’s reputation as the West’s rival to radio Pyongyang.
If he was a Muslim he would be able to marry her and would be backed up by the snowflakes.
How old was their top man’s wife when he married? 6 was it?
Radio Al Beeb Wales this morning ‘stuffed’ with Anti Brexit and Brexit Phobia (brexaphobia) propaganda. What happens to all the EU workers in Wales and the effect on the economy ? How the recent fall in value of the £ effects the EU workers.
Perhaps the answer would be to issue visas or work permits which could be removed from the holder should they abuse the system or break the law . How does any other nation operate a system of employing foreign workers?
The hidden message from Al Beeb Wales this morning ? It hates Brexit and suffers from transparent brexaphobia.
Have you ever asked remainiacs why other continents don’t need trans-continental political unions, despite other continents being in much more dire need of “cooperation” than us?
Africa is, without question, the poorest and most backwards continent on the planet. Do you see hand wringing liberals forwarding plans for an African political and monetary union? African countries can certainly use all the help they can get!
The Arab countries already share a common language and culture. Why aren’t liberals pushing for an Arabian Union, with a common currency and open borders?
South America is in turmoil with drug wars and organised crime. These countries should unite under a Spanish-speaking, open borders, shared currency union to stamp out these criminals and let South America prosper!
Why, I wonder, is it only Europe that has to do this? Why are Europeans evil and racist for wanting to leave the EU but other continents don’t have to do anything?
Your words made me realise how bad Brexit has been for aome.
Overseas relatives of Immigrants sending UK money back to them have seen their income go down by 15%. And I imagine business in High Street Western Union money transfer facilities in some of our most ‘ethnically diverse’ towns has gone down by a similar amount.
As a Welshman once said. Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
Sluff, this is the reason why the EU States that have a preponderance of their citizens living and working in the UK always condemn Brexit: the money flow in remittances is a large figure they have all relied upon to bolster their failed economies. Its not just the money the UK contributes to the EU which goes to these States.
Useless complacent windbag Carwyn Jones announced his 20-strong European Advisory Committee to the Welsh Government this week. It is generally thought hereabouts that the Committee’s one known pro-Brexit member (UKIP’s Nathan Gill) is a fair reflection of the fact that 52% or so of Welsh people voted to leave the EU. Still, I’m sure former useless complacent windbag and committee member N.Kinnock (yes, him) can be relied upon to deal with the issue in as disinterested a manner as possible.
HobGoblin Marr ‘ .. but what are we going to do if say we can’t get the 70,000 skilled engineers we need .” Oh yes Andrew that is why we all voted out we just want to stop all those all highly skilled migrant doctors , engineers and future Concorde pilots coming in you total muppet
Would settle for only ONE cub reporter from that load of dross we normally get from Calais etc.
Cheap, incisive-preferably looking like Myleene Klass( and say Georgi-al Kluni for you metrosexual fops out there-and your lovely ladies of course!)
Then we could bin jug ears, stroke survivor Marr and let him do his teeth paintings and poetry up in Dundee or somewhere Scottish and regional.
And save ourselves enough to fund a couple of facelifts(both faces of course) for the Blair Witch Laydeez-or embalming anyway.
… and we could try training some of the people already here, instead of trying to rely on cheaply trained imports …
Well, we can all look forward to sml this morning on which they will be interviewing the Muslim equivalent of Justin Bieber… Profound stuff as usual.
The usual crap from Sunday Morning Live today. Because of the Muslim new year is starting today they ended the programme with a couple of Muslim singers. Why not!?!
It’s good job Gay Pride wasn’t on today otherwise we may have been treated with gay anal sex to end the programme with.
Sunday Morning Live is a whisker away from having Muslim prayer mats and call to prayer.
Stand by for a massive on-going stitch-up! May interviewed by Marr today BBC. Notice how every politician, she being no exception, slithers and slides (yes, reptilian fashion) when questioned over half the annual “migrants” entering the UK every year. Fact is, roughly half the number come from the EU and they all (including questioners/interviewers) duck the issue of the Government reducing the other half of the annual flow. Yes, Brexit will reduce the EU half but, hey, no mention of the other half? Brexit will result in guarding the front door whilst leaving the back door wide open. The back door is the route the Cult of Submission takes on its travels to Islamicise the UK.
Anybody following developments on the Immigration (Sorry, meant Syrian refugee) front? Try this:
A poor google translation of :
But I think you might get the message……
THE PARTY JUST STARTED | Putin downloads Sea fleet “SHIELD” in the islands !!
Why Moscow reacts so strongly on …
of R.T.Erntogan denial statements about Lausanne ;;
Theophrastus Andreopoulos
Intense is the Moscow discomfort from the statements of refusal of the Treaty of Lausanne of Turkish Prime R.T.Erntogan and it will soon be seen in practice:
At least four warships of the Black Sea Fleet, will henceforth permanently patrolling the Aegean Sea, while the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, which sails in a week from the North Sea, will move south of Crete, sending a clear message to Ankara.
Russia for many and various reasons does not want to joke to revise the Treaty of Lausanne. B.C. if theoretically and in fiction, always, the islands of A.Aigaiou perierchonto under Turkish control would create a corridor-fire on a Russian ship which would lose three moorings which now feature in the Aegean.
READ ALSO: THE PROPHECIES comes: “She came END Turkey … When you hear that …”
One of them, in the southern region of Lemnos, is the station of ships entering and leaving the Strait.
The other is outside Astypalaia and third in the northwest of Ikaria.
The movement of vessels of the Russian Navy will be completed in late January, followed by exercise in two phases, one in the Mediterranean Sea and the second in the Black Sea.
As ananakoinose Directorate of Press and Information Department of the Russian Defence Ministry, these moves are aimed at ‘training in matters concerning interoperability militias attempting outside Russian territory, in the design of the use of these instruments and the implementation of joint actions as part of an integrated maritime group and on the basis of a joint action plan. ”
The area will move and the cruiser Moskva.
The “Admiral Kuznetsov” will be accompanied by one or two destroyers and a submarine Kilo class.
Apart from the aircraft carrier nominated for the Aegean Fleet is the class cruiser Admiral Chabanenko Udaloy II, the frigate Yaroslav Mudry class Neustrashimy, the frigate Ladny class Krivak II, etc.
Other than these would be and diplomatic intervention by Moscow to Ankara on the issue of the revision of the Treaty of Lausanne … Via
It’s almost impossible to turn on R4 without finding yet more evidence of the BBC’s hopeless bias.
Take, for example, this lunchtime’s World This Weekend with that dyed in the wool Leftie, Mardell. His final item was a short interview plugging a professor from a UK university pontificating about referendums. Noting his vaguely Southern African accent (almost always a sure sign of a post-colonial guilt afflicted far-Left loonie in an academic) the ‘learned’ professor opined that referendums do not always succumb to ‘populism’ (Leftspeak for ‘democracy’) and cited California, whose inmates have often voted for higher taxes. He felt it necessary to add, without interruption from Mardell, how his showed that they were ‘good’ and ‘wise’. Really.
Mardell, meanwhile, had already tried to slide into this little mutual grooming session the idea that 24th June wasn’t about who rules Britain, but was actually about the government’s performance thus far. His pet toad had already lined that one up for him, of course.
So there we have it. Higher taxes – good. Brexit – nothing to do with sovereignty.
The BBC – an everyday story of Leftiefolk. Burn it down.
Just you wait until the numbers in the UK pass the balance point: expect such headlines as are commonplace in Islamic States.
BBC TWATO with Lardell comments on two referenda, one in Hugary with the Hated Victor Orban concerning the stemming of the tide of mass migration – no prises for guessing which side the BBC favours, and the second is Columbia with a referendum on a peace deal with the peacable fun loving NOT terrorist FARC who are of course left wing, and again no prizes who the BBC favours.
There’s no mention of referenda which might go against the leftie government though, like Italy, where the result id going to be horrible no matter what it is.
It seems that there’s a complete reluctance of the BBC to discuss this problem in Italy, because it shows up the disaster of the Euro Zone and the coming crises they are burying their collective heads in the sand trying to avoid even thinking about!
A more subtle version of BBC bias today on the Sunday Politics, a leftist Swedish MEP was interviewed about the Hungarian referendum. She repeated the usual leftist rubbishy about it being racist not to want to take lots of Muslim migrants and that not to take them will end badly as nationalism always does . She was unable to explain why so many people in Europeans are against the EUs migrant quota system but just kept on repeating that it was racist not to participate. Brillo’s interview was fair enough but the bias was that no one from the Hungarian government was interviewed and allowed to explain why they didn’t want the migrants. Perhaps such a spokesperson would have been able to explain to the clueless SwedishMEP why Europeans don’t want even more Muslims in their countries.
According to comments over at Going Postal, it seems this was no ordinary Swedish MEP (and heaven knows that would be bad enough) but an ultra Left raving lunatic.
Strange she should have been chosen, isn’t it?
There was some twaddle on R4 yesterday about the Hungarians being afraid of multiculturalism because they haven’t experienced it. Er…no. A large proportion of Hungarians have lived and worked in multi-culti countries, most of them only able to afford to live in ‘enriched’ areas of them, and the remainder have probably seen enough of what it involves through TV. They have also seen first hand the problems of integrating Roma gypsies into mainstream society.
But the main thing the BBC fails to understand is that the Hungarians are an extremely proud nation very aware of their own cultural heritage (ie, the opposite of the guilt ridden western leftists) – so they simply don’t feel this need to be ‘enriched’
Yes, of course. And as everyone knows, Hungarians do not have televisions, radios or newspapers, nor are they able to travel so they can witness how multiculturalism is transforming Europe into heaven on earth.
DT, I watched that interview. Shame that Sweden is sliding rapidly down the tubes, financially, culturally and, importantly, legally as a direct result of being overrun by so-called ‘immigrants’. Brillo’s could have sought to elicit a response on these points alone. He’s joined the rest of the biased BBC reporters in my view.
Anyone awake early this morning and listening to the Sunday programme would have heard demands for emojis with hijabs. So now even emojis are waycist according to the BBC. Bonkers.
Yep, heard this.
Apparently emojis are the construct of well fed white men in silicon valley, sometimes bearded-but always white and American.
Hmmm…if that`s not racist and sexist, then what is?
I`d have thought that California was employing a few Asians, Africans and women?…wouldn`t you?
Bloody offensive…as ever.
Emojis originally started in Japan. Good luck getting that hijab one if the Japanese are still in charge!
The Japs have the right approach to “Islamic Immigration”.
To wit-there isn`t any.
Nor is there a cat in hells chance of a mosque anytime soon.
yes there are a few visting businessmen-and a few house groups-but no Islam whatsover.
And in other prosperous places like South Korea-it is so controlled that it`s good as irrelevant.
Yet-the Japs are never asked to shoulder their burden re refugees are they?
Which is about the ONLY thing that they have in common with Saudi.
AS for Ban Ki Moon?…well migration is for US-the idiot west-but never broached or asked of re his own home nation of S.Korea.
Got an election to go home to when he`s fucked the west over on behalf of the UN.
Still though eh?…with the Japanese still fighting their wars in the Malay jungle long after the heated swimming pools had been built thirty years previously?
Reminds me of the Remainiacs re their “Second Referendum” crap-still fighting the last war.
Pith artists….
It’s a bit far to say “No Islam in Japan”, but yes few recognised refugees, cos Japan keeps asylum seekers in limbo land.*

There are about 100,000 Muslims in Japan , that’s about 0.1% of the Japanese population so that is magnitudes less than in the west
“90% are resident foreigners and about 10% native Japanese”
* “Last year 7,500 people applied for refugee status in Japan but only 27 were approved.”
In Japan 0.2% of asylum applications are approved. (Germany and Canada around 40%, UK 30%)
2007 Japanese Newspaper article Lives of Muslims in Japan
New Reuters article talks about asylum seekers working in Japan eg about 3,000 Kurds.
Photo of a Mosque in Kobe.
Ta Stew.
Have now put my head up my arse-stuck myself in a load of quicksand and will shout, scream and set the white noise generator to ” La La can`t hear you!”.
This is how the Lefties respond to being wrong…and this snowflake chooses to believe his own images and greatness, rather than risk an education or correction.
S`pose the Japanese have their cherry blossom generation-in this country that`d be the lefty BBC eejits who lick Corbyns allotment bootees…cherry blossom as well, I`d say.
Yes, “It is a criminal offence not to agree with snowflake”
With anyone reasonable they only feel insulted when you actually do insult them, but with a snowflake they go on the attack and take everything as an insult ..I guess cos the really know they are wrong and don’t want to face up to that.
I can’t be bothered with their dramaqueening. I just play it straight.
BBC tv news reports from Hungary today include the interesting editorial line that because the country is a net recipient of Brussels cash then it really ought to take those EU migrant quotas.
At last a BBC admission that EU funding comes with strings.
Oh don’t say they forgot to point out that Merkel invited the migrants in without consulting the other EU members … and now expects to share them out?
We are, sadly, more than familiar with the deteriorating output on our screens, the result of the BBC’s leftist agenda-driven casting policies and narrative choices imposed on drama.
Rarely do the faceless BBC apparatchiks admit to this increasingly compulsory leftism, instead we hear the diversity excuses.
It is interesting then to get inside the leftist mind and to read the argument put for popular drama not to reflect reality but to instead provide counter-factual utopian parables.
All you need to know is that Blue Bloods is much watched US tv cop show
‘While I never watched an episode from beginning to end, it didn’t take long to pick up on the show’s dynamic: The heroes, white male police officers, spent each episode protecting society from criminals, who were almost always minorities. Not only that, but they were played by actors cast according to the most stereotypical ethnicity for their crime. Car thieves were invariably black or Latino; a mugger, drug dealer, or liquor store robber would be black; chop-shop owners might be Asian or Mexican’
I think I will check out this show.
Be in doubt, there is a culture war going on here and we had best accept it – our enemies know it and they have already mobilized.
Best TV cop show ever, in my opinion, was ‘Homicide: Life on the Street.’ set in Baltimore. Multi-racial murder squad demonstrated occasional, realistic, believable tensions between themselves (especially when Pembleton was developing a brain tumour – unknown to the viewers) but worked as an incredible team to bring some justice to a community for criminality that was realistically portrayed race-wise.
At the time in real-life, Maryland police officers had the lowest life expectancy of any State in the USA.
I watched ‘Bluey’ a dogs age back, anybody remember that little Aussie gem?
I do, the fattest policeman in the world, but he always got his man.
No, the fattest policeman in the world was Frank Cannon.
I think the programme Stewie is referring to was “Skippy”, hopefully not a victim of halal practices.
“US election 2016: Trump ‘may have avoided paying tax for 18 years’ ”
And so it continues. We know what impression the BBC is trying to give, of course, but there’s nothing wrong with avoiding tax. Indeed, if you said Hillary hadn’t avoided tax as well in that period I’d call you a liar. Or her incompetent. Of course when you get into the article you find it’s because of a huge tax loss incurred, without anyone trying to say exactly why Trump should not claim it.
Strangely, no one seems to be asking the obvious – if what Trump is doing is so awful, will Hillary be abolishing tax relief on losses?
I don’t think Al Beeb will like Theresa’s speech at the conference this afternoon . ‘Some say’ that the Al Beeboids there are furious.
I wonder what ‘Jerrs’ Corbyn will have to say about it ?
Just heard it.
Quite wonderful-who`d have thought that we`d ever hear this in our lifetimes?
God Bless you Mr Farage!
But-this being the BBC-before the applause had finished-the BBC were telling us what Emily Thornberrys thoughts were on Twitter or such.
Funny eh?…anybody else remember the views of Michael Gove or Rory Stewart being fed to the nation as Corbyn , McDonnell dripped poison into the nations ears?
No-me neither!
Fupp off BBC !
The BBC are fizzing and furious at May being so clear-she`s betraying them so they say-oh, go to hell BBC!
She speaks for us!…fuck the BBC.
Exactly so, Chris! Coverage of the Labour conference consisted of wall-to-wall Labourites, the only arguments between Left and hard-Left, BBC studio headlines trying to make the party sound pleasantly idealistic (“The Labour Party wants peace, love and £10 an hour minimum wage” – Yay! Why not make it £20?) and BBC “reporters” desperately flagging up how much better this was than what was on offer from the evil Tory Government. All the while anyone who takes any interest in the real news knew how nasty things had become with Momentum and McDonnell. Of these, hardly a word – and if we did have a discussion, it wasn’t interrupted by tweets even from a wettish Tory, let alone Gove or Redwood, or anyone with an incisive understanding of where all this is heading.
Why would any reporter who valued their professionalism – let alone knew anything about politics – think that Emily Thornberry’s discredited views mattered to the country outside Islington, let alone to the Conservative party debates? Answer can only be that the BBC no longer practises proper journalism. News and Current Affairs has become a pressure group that campaigns for the Big State, Big EU, Big UN agenda.
It is clearly no longer impartial, and so fails its charter requirements. The question is whether this Government has the guts to put in back in the box. And if not, why not?
Funny isn`t it?
Boris gets a dig or two in over the BBC anti-Brexit bias(shameless, he calls it)-only then to say it`s a national treasure in impressing the likes of Lavrov in the Kremlin.
The Tories really need to nobble the BBC and point out their serial lefty nastiness over the last forty years…the BBC are responsible of one hell of a lot of wormwood and knotweed-a State within a State, unaccountable and unelected.
Come on Tories-why is it left solely to a Phillip Davies to tell the truth of what the Tories risk as long as the BBC are able to set the national weather in terms of culture…no point in grammar schools if they only learn the ECHR and the evils of Donald Trump-as is current at present in most state farms of schoolings.
Heard Boris’ dig at Al Beeb – he was firing a warning shot at them to let them know that they are aware of their bias. Expect more from Boris, but it will depend on how Al Beeb reacts to his accusation.
That BBC paintbrush is very broad. If the paint doesn’t stick it’s obviously because the deplorable undercoat didn’t take properly.
Anybody else hear the BH Press Review?
Apparently one of the reviewers-a fragrant delicate hypochondriac kinda lady-tells us al, that she , in effect suffers from low-level malnutrition-she has a micronutrient deficiency you see.
THIS-on a day where we were celebrating Harvest Festivals in churches up and down the land, falling into supermarkets for the post-church shop?
And when there IS genuine starvation in the world-and don`t we know it from the BBC?
Yet the BBCs Green Room is clearly in need of Red Cross packs, of intravenous drips with glucose(or will that anger the obesity lobby?)…and, hopefully-we can drum up an appeal on Children In Need for Hampstead Malnutrition.
Unbelievable-but it being the BBC it is ALWAYS about them.
Me-I`m drinking for three this month,and no fast food place had better cut down on the portions and the sugar loads….stuff Stoptober and the NHS police!
Got to love the way the BBC and the establishment/MSM for that matter aren’t quite content with giving us options or carefully leading us into something… No, no… Everything has to be RAMMED DOWN OUR THROATS.
BBC2 currently showing an NFL game… First it was (and continues to be) women’s football… Now its NFL…
As I’ve mentioned previously that I as an amateur sports fan don’t even understand the rules of NFL nor care for that matter, it’s nice to know that our license fee not only goes towards a team of people taking a train around the US basically to drum up support for Hillary Clinton, but it also goes into the pockets of the National Football League at no doubt an extortionate price.
BBC are truly despicable… Who do they think they are? They have the perfect toxic mix of arrogance and stupidity that only the likes of Tony Blair and David Cameron know.
Have they never heard of the phrase, you can lead a horse to water… Morons
I like American Football, TBT, and will try and catch that game later.
I can’t.
Disenfranchised (the pun is deliberate) by the current Director General!
(Actually, no-one at the BBC ever questions the Global Warming emissions of flying sports teams and their fans around the globe or playing daylight sports at night under floodlights. I wonder why? If I dare to drive to Scotland or fly to Spain for a two week holiday, they are super quick to remind me of the harm to the planet.)
The Beeb have an article on Brexit and Theresa May, dept of utter joy it’s got HYS on it . It won’t stay open long methinks.
I didn’t stay long enough to comment thought the news deserved to be spread on here.
I await with interest to see what the sneerers and snipers of the BBC have to say about Theresa May’s good speech at the Conference. I will only say how very refreshing it was to see a leader revert to normality by actually reading a speech from a lectern, not indulging in the preposterous Cameronian gimmick of prancing about the stage acting out remembered lines (which always looked like false bravado to me).
The question is “how will what May says go down with the 48% who voted to Remain”?
Err…no…but there again, we all needed to know Vicki Young(BBC,member for Highgate)thinks.
Oh-and here`s the heavyweight liberal Tom Brake-come on, you MUST have heard of him-telling us all live what HE thinks-he`s Open Europe, who are Remainiacs.
Typical BBC-utter shameless lying liberal lefty scum-time to cut off their crystal balls…seem not to have worked since 1976.
Note too that the BBC cut off the applause from Davis and May at the end of their sentences…didn`t do that with Labour did they?
As far as I am concerned the jury is still out on May. We have had those speeches before, when she promised to curb immigration etc. I don’t trust her, and I don’t like her sneaky support for Obama.
‘Panel show in which the Professor of Ignorance, John Lloyd, and his new curator, Jo Brand, welcome three distinguished guests to donate fascinating exhibits to a vast imaginary museum’
There’s a BBC joke or a metaphor or something in there somewhere.
I hope Brand donates the T 34 she drove at Stalingrad.
The news this morning cited Prince William and Kate highlighting “the work done with young people and their mental health” in Canada.
Note that-no help or highlighting the actual people who are mental health patients, customers, clients, identify as…four categories there-we call that quadrophenia I believe!
And this actually is the issue these days-all we see and hear are those who are employed,motivated and agitating for “mental health kids”…but not the actual kids themselves, unless prepped and primed for media consumption.
This rule works for ALL of the BBC Social Policy issues…it`s always about those who draw a dime from other peoples frailties and miseries-so the message is relentless.
Grief thieving sponges who thrive and benefit from the crises and failings of others-paid neighbours and stickybeaks, doing nothing but mopping brows and getting the lower orders to do the bottoms.
The good new is that Prince George refused to shake hands with that ultra left wing ponce Trudeau . I do hope Prince William has not turned into a lefty liberal bed wetter
Daily Politics Londonistan this morning running with the story that mayor Khan has forced the police commissioner to quit who in my opinion has overseen one of the toughest times with the rise of homegrown Islamic extremism.
Let’s just take a quick look at what Mayor Khan has achieved in the first few months of his tenancy:
1. Upon assuming office stated that all his campaign pledges were unachievable citing budget inadequacies.
2. Islamised advertising on the tube by banning images of women in bikinis (citing body shaming as the reason).
3. Flew to Canada to demonise trump and show support for the criminal that is Hillary Clinton.
4. Set up the online “thought police” to police hate speech on the internet.
5. Publicly undermined the police commissioner on several occasions forcing him to quit.
6. Taken all credit for Boris’s night tube.
All this in just a few months… incredible work Mr Khan…. truly incredible
7. Visited Paris where he ‘hit out’ at French burkini ban
8. Let down his greenie supporters and local residents by withdrawing the previous Mayor’s restrictions on expansion of City Airport.
9. Plans to rid Londonistan of lorries by 2024
Presumably Oxford Street will be full of horsedrawn carts delivering to the shops. Still, I suppose it’ll do wonders for the rhubarb and the rose bushes.
Camels perhaps? It’ll add to the diversity.
Let’s face it Hogan-Howe has been an absolute leftie disaster. With very few exceptions, there hasn’t been a decent and effective commissioner since Robert Mark. Good riddance. But Khan is still a shit.
Oh dear-the BBC are not happy with the Philippines are they?
The new President seems less than happy to accept the pothead pixies take on things druggie…types like Branson, Brand and the LibDems.
The President seems to just wipe out the crims and dealers….fair enough here on planet real.
But -oh-“but at what cost”?…asks the BBC as it weeps a lavender tear into its crack pipe.
We can find out tonight with Jonathan Head on the BBC-and I expect a Gary Younge kind of prebake of the hash brownies-in short, the poor druggies, the nasty cops, the evil President and the Shepherds Bush sympaticos mopping the brows of the dealers, and pissing on the chips of the victims as usual.
Can we have a Top Ten of Hated Countries by the BBC…how would we place Russia, Syria,India, Phillipines and Hungary today-and will it be the same tomorrow?
Who upsets the BBC most-and can we all wave their flags as we drink extra booze and insist that the McFlurry has yet more sugar and stays at least the same size as it is?
I thought it was interesting to compare the attitudes towards Brexit by Nissan
and Honda
Anything to do with Nissan being controlled by (French state owned) Renault?
Child abuse deport them they break the laws of modern humanity ……….
Thank god we are getting out
“poor families might marry off their young daughters in exchange for dowries.”
shall we translate that into actual real english,
“sell their child for money”
Boris has gone mad! He has just said that the BBC is the greatest British Instirution. Three months at the FO and he has been conned into believing that liberal crap. He has disappointed me.
To me, he is continuing to live up to all the direst expectations.
I agree with you Goat – I am afraid Boris s main political principles are that he has not got any – He is a “personality ” and little else and blows with whatever political wind he thinks will be in his favour.
I never trusted him as part of the Remain campaign (stayed on the fence too long) and dont trust him now. I fully understand why Gove did what he did and was gutted that he was treated as he was.
Whilst I dont trust her I think even Theresa may have a few more principles than Boris. And certainly she is making the right noises at the moment.
Time will tell
This was on ITV, but just shows how crap our media are generally. Report from the Conservative party conference. Mrs May announces the plan to implement Brexit. Usual cynical scoffing and who do they interview? Yes, Anna Soubry. Now just a backbencher but she has made it clear that she opposes leaving. So while just about everybody else in the hall is applauding and filled with joy, the programme focused on one awkward customer. She’s entitled to her view, of course, but she is not representative and should not be given undue prominence.
Hungarians must be waaaycists, They have voted 98% against the migrant plan. BBC are upset and are clinging to the hope that the turn out was less than 50% required for the referendum to be valid.
Hungarians voted 98 % against muslim invasion?!
Obviously they weren’t properly informed. They need a second referendum
A 98% vote is incredible. Only Robert Mugabe can match that sort of majority.
Well done Hungary.
Hungarian referendum vote declared invalid.
hmmm it would seem of those who could be bothered to vote , the answer was overwelming
surely nobody can actually lay claim to the un-cast votes
if we carried on like this over here we would have 0 local councillors
I think the result was the worst possible result for Hungarian unity.
The fact that many either wouldnt or couldnt be bothered to vote would send a signal to the EU that most people are not that concerned.
The EU has partly got where it has by using peoples apathy – slowly cranking up the legislation until it is too late to change it.
Toady quite triumphant this morning and I expect they are in Brussels too.
We had an emphatic result in our own EU election and yet still people question it.
Quite frankly I fear for Hungarians future now – it could well end up knocking on Putins front door when it finally realises who is kicking in its own rear doors.
The Hungarian vote would not have counted anyway.
But the fact that it showed that the vast majority of voters do not want Islamic immigration says everything.
Shock waves to Brussles.
And I suspect that May’s announcement regarding a March start of Brexit today didn’t go down too well in Brussles either.
GWF Yes, I had already read that article before I posted my comment. I was wondering how the Guardian would spin it. It was invalidated by the opposition not participating as a deliberate tactic.
The left do not like referendums they don’t think they can win, but rather than show the paucity of their support they will use other tactics to disrupt democracy.
The point to remember is that this is the first referendum of its’ kind in Europe. If it is a failure as the loony left suggest then they will have no problem with letting other countries have referenda on the immigration issue then? Errr…I don’t think so.
Any poll that can score above 90% has to be taken note of. It is a victory legally binding or not.
Bbc news at ten, party political broadcast on behalf of remain party
Al Beeb is in denial . It suffers from Brexaphobia.
ahh now it becomes a bit clearer
gates of vienna
deliberate not voting to try and keep the poll under 50%
We leave eu and trade with eu and rest of the world while controlling our laws and borders now why is it so difficult to understand.
Non Jewish readers, particularly if they rely on the BBC for information, might not be aware that Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) begins tonight. It’s one of those annual religious events on a known date. You know, something like Eid al Fitr.
As an experiment I checked what the BBC had to say about the first of the most important Jewish religious festivals, in the week preceding it.
It is mentioned on CBBC CBeebies which is restricted to UK residents. Few adults would see it, even in the UK.
There was a Thought for Today by Rabbi Naftali Brower. Coincidentally this content doesn’t seem to be working and hasn’t for the last few hours.
And finally The BBC regional news from Manchester asks Why Jewish schools are using extra security. It hints quite strongly that the problem is IS probably operating in Turkey without even a whisper that that local thugs (I’ll leave you to guess what religion) may be the problem. Placing it in Regional News suggests that any fears Jews might have is restricted to a particular area and can therefore be discounted for the rest of Britain.
The festival lasts two days so perhaps after the festival is finished for the year John Connolly will do his usual and interview some Arabs about how the Jews arrogantly think the land is their’s or Jeremy Bowen will somehow tie the soul-searching that Jews are supposed to practise on Rosh Hashana with their failure to admit guilt for winning in 1948.
World leaders gather for Shimon Peres state funeral
Peres, Israel’s elder statesman passed away and about 70 different nations sent representatives to the funeral. One of the guests was Prince Charles but the BBC didn’t think that important enough to mention. Virtually at the end of the video the camera picks out Charles standing next to Sarkozy for about three seconds.
Check out the screengrab. Notice something? No BBC — Netanyahu is not a foreign dignitary.
Yesterdays “Sunday” did ask a Jewish rabbi about the life of Shimon Peres.
This being a “religious programme”-you might think that the blokes legacy might have been better served than the BBC stiff quoting Bill Clinton…who IS the BBCs idea of G-D I`d say.
Clinton said that Peres was a “dreamer”….well if that`s the highest praise that Lennon would give , and Bill says it-surely Mr Rabbi-there is no higher praise, don`t you agree?
Er no-our rabbi said no…he was NOT a dreamer( head in the clouds of his own cigar smoke, sax machine getting blowjobs from interns, bombing Sudanese pharmaceutical firms-not even invading Iraq or Libya like Blair,Cameron ).
Obama etc)
No-Peres was not a “DREAMER”( a la Freddie)…he was a “visionary”.
Our BBC shill who`s meant to be giving religious feedback was put in his box by a Jewish rabbi who knew better than Bill Clinton and even rejected the Great Slick Willy wavers tribute?…well, I`ll be blown!
What would a Jew know?-even when Mr Hillary offers a soundbite from “Imagine”, it`s never enough-will have to ask Momentum now for the final solution eh, you BBC kapomeisters?
Jurys out on Peres…but the BBC love to prop the cadavers in the dock whilst we`re waiting like a pervy test card.
Clinton,Castro,Savile, Galloway-what IS it with these blokes and their cigars eh?
Deegee, it was probably deliberate, with the pro-terrorist BBC maintaining that Netanyahu is foreign to Jerusalem.
More AlBeeb sorrow.
Columbia referendum – vote against deal with most extreme left terrorists.
Apart from Russia is there a government anywhere that is trusted?
Remember the Remain campaign?
The CBI being marshalled to create economic fear.
The Civil Service being 100% impartial in favour of remain.
AlBeeb being 100% impartial in favour of remain.
The Conservative Government being 100% impartial in favour of remain.
The WW3 and other fantasies.
Of course you remember.
Patrick Kingsley in the AlBeeb Recruitment Centre is alleging that the type of skulduggery noted above was practised by the Hungarian Government to produce the 95% stop Islam referendum decision, and it isn’t fair!
The left position is, as ever, cheating is acceptable but only they are allowed to do it.
I believe that those opposed to Orban were instructed not to turn out to vote so that the turnout would be too low to be relevant. The majority, rightly, believe that masss Islamic immigration is bad for their country and the lefty opposition try to gerrymander the result by a low turnout. Yet another way of looking at electoral shenanigans.
R4 today 7:38am. Nick Robinson, talking from tory conf, after some small interviews inside, then gives a big piece to the protests outside. Told their are thousands of citizens protesting about austerity.
Where was the mention of ‘Momentum’, none. That the protests was organised and manned by that bunch of far left trots ‘momentum’, not a hint. bBC always biased.
Did the BBC give such attention to the protests outside the Labour Party Conference? Oh, wait … there wasn’t any.
‘Sunny spells, breezy, chilly nights’
What’s the matter, British weather not superlative enough for the BBC? Never mind, our Carol Kirkwood will whisk us off to the Carribean to find a hurricane for us all to fret about.
And another thing, what’s with this constant BBC use of the word ‘austerity’ ?
This is a Left-wing buzz word not a descriptor accepted across the political spectrum. So stop doing the opposition’s heavy lifting for them, BBC.