The referendum campaign spent heavily on television adverts in addition to staging concerts and peace rallies throughout the country in a bid to get people out to vote.
It called on the support of U2’s Bono and former Beatle Ringo Starr
Frankly, if Bono had told me to vote Brexit I’d have had second thoughts.
Poor Columbia!
Bono?…yes , can see the hippy drivel thinking there.
But RINGO?….poor sods..peace and luv, peace and luv.
What does Pete Best think?
Oh-just heard the BBC let someone say that “justice is not a finite resource if Hillsborough got compo-so too must the Birmingham Six!”
Good old Beeb eh?…finite resources?…where is the parity?
Just a random Thought For The Day from Our BBC!
Let`s all reflect on that as we turn the spigots off and return to Classic FM
So, let me get this straight, knowing they would lose the referendum in Hungary, the pro-Brussels parties decided to circumvent democracy as we used to know it and ally themselves with the don’t knows and couldn’t be bothereds in a rainbow alliance to scrape the vital 50% together with their new best friends whose watch words are apathy, unconcern, lack of interest and missed the bus to the polling station – and this is supposed to be a good thing.
And the usual BBC bias by underplaying or ignoring important facts. Listening to the headlines at 7.30 am we’re told that Orban had a “majority” but the referendum was invalid due insufficient turnout. Then, as an addendum, the majority was 98.3% rejecting mandatory quotas and the admission that the opposition boycotted the referendum (in order to make it fail the 50% turnout required.) Very clever, their bias. Just gentle tweakings, small omissions, little emphases on some things, less on others in order to adulterate the true picture.
I have yet to hear any report on Boris’s speech that followed Theresa May’s at the Conference. Was it the very fact that it was statesmanlike and non-controversial that decided the BBC to ignore it? [Damn good joke about the capon firing blanks, I thought!]
Yes, some great jokes-but pretty ill-prepared musings inbetween.
Like David Davis-the content is fine, but I`d expect more in terms of delivery, presentation and general venom at the relentless forces that are gathered against them-and , therefore us.
Sense they`re only playing at it-whereas May had put the work in,was coherent and lucid.
Boris is entertaining and very clever-but would like him to use both to take apart the Blobs…and Davis needs to get angry…a Tebbit, Lawson or even Lamont would all have done better.
And so today on Last Word we are called to remember “Weekend Open Thread” who passed away peacefully on Monday morning aged 3 days.
“Week” as he was known to his many friends in the community communications family was a stalwart of all left-loving jamborees, and was active in the campaign to raise the TV License fee to £1000 and to prevent all but the finest organic wines and the most succulent South Asian delicacies in the Savile Restaurant, a powerhouse of creative inputs and dynamic dyadisms-according to Mocki Le Mosque of the Solidarity Foundation.
“Yes, Week did go on a bit about things like Brexit and mainstream lies and bias on occasion-there was not enough of the latter, and Jim`ll Brexit was not his finest hour it has to be intimated…and yet, in a real sense…Red Planets and herrings like Rossetta bullshit and the carb frontloadings of Big Sam kept the chavs and plebs at bay until the Start the Week Re-Educational Module under Marr Bakers pasties, patties, patsies, patisseries and pessaries as well as loose noodles got put out there…just sayin`…”
So…let us now commemorate-nay, celebrate the life and times of this the latest Weekend Thread…others have indeed died on the Vine…but let`s remember his greatest hit…Right Said Thread!”
I thank yew…..and now over to you Start The…
No chance of ‘Week’ being pulled from the rubble or sadly found on a beach somewhere to ensure his immortality for the cause then?
He’d go viral within an hour as a prime example of a ‘deplorable’ to never be emulated.
Come on Beeb, I’m sure you can organise this, it’s right up your ‘back’ alley.
Professor Gretchen Gerzina explores the lives of black people who settled in Britain in the 18th and early 19th centuries when the country was at the heart of the slave trade.
A year on from his report on the survival of Syrian refugees and the displaced, Dan Saladino revisits the situation.
(Repeated from yesterday 12.30 pm)
Peter White asks whether the one-on-one teaching assistance now given to blind students in mainstream education helps or hinders them in the transition from school to university.
“Writer, poet and playwright Lemn Sissay moves in very different circles these days: it’s dinner-party invitations rather than reprimands for his ‘aggression’, aged just six. A childhood spent in foster care and children’s homes made him the artist he is today …”
1/5 Food.
Chris Kissane explores the significance of food in history, including its importance in past conflicts and its influence in present day societies concerned with multiculturalism and integration.
So just another day of agenda-driven content from the biased BBC, never mind the usual fare we can expect in ‘Today’, ‘Woman’s Hour’, ‘The World at One’, ‘PM’ and ‘The World Tonight’.
As regards (1) I seem to recall that slavery was abolished by Britain in 1807. Also, of what nationality or ethnic origin is Gretchen Gerzina? Is she yet another foreigner with an anti-British axe to grind? Re. Prog’ (2) – what on earth is the connection with food? And is this part of the same agenda as (5)? I’m confused! Regarding (3) I’m sure Peter White would be quick enough to moan if there were cuts to such one-on-one assistance; it sounds to me like a nice problem to have. The dinner-party invites at (4) beg the question ‘by whom?’ and ‘where?’ Islington? Hampstead? Oxford?
Thanks Mustapha, just heard a piece on woman’s hour, some expensive candlemaker from London bemoaning brexit. They have to heel it in everywhere! Who cares what these people think? Switching off radio 4 now
In my naivety I used to regard Radio 4 as a friend and companion 20 or so years ago, although I always thought it was Left-wing. Nowadays, I see it as an enemy of me and the British people.
The BBC decorators are near finished with the new ‘blackishbrownish’ shade that is currently in vogue at Beeb towers. So much better than that awful off white shade from years ago.
Baron Hall must have got a job lot cheap from Wickes in Birkenhead.
Weekend Open Thread was declared brain dead by Dr Ringo Starkey at 9.30 this morning.
We have already put the tributes “in the can” as we say here at Clement Freud House for the Vulnerable…and so it would be inappropriate to speculate any further on the death, of deferred pulmonary potential of Mr Thread.
It`s only right that he was snuffed out at Dignital out there is Swissville…eugenics is indeed socialism in action, Start the Week is the Coming Man of Destiny.
Time to draw a line around the corpse and move on.
PS-the BBC have long been experts on brain death, zombie mouthings and stem cessations…indeed you`d not get a job at the BBC unless you were diagnosed as such.
Richard PinderMar 6, 18:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Democrats promise that after the next election, they will force Big Pharma to give left-wing LGBT Marxists, lots of free…
Ian RushlowMar 6, 18:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 The return of BLM? A small group of middle-aged middle-class types in my town today outside Waitrose, wearing fleece tops…
DoublethinkerMar 6, 18:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 I think that it is possible that Farage is trying to stop offering up too many targets for the legacy…
vladMar 6, 18:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 Extremely worrying: Has King Charles Converted to Islam?
moggiemooMar 6, 18:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 It might give him a personality although he’s demented enough in my opinion.
Colombia referendum: Voters reject Farc peace deal
Only at the bottom do you find out why.
Frankly, if Bono had told me to vote Brexit I’d have had second thoughts.
Poor Columbia!
Bono?…yes , can see the hippy drivel thinking there.
But RINGO?….poor sods..peace and luv, peace and luv.
What does Pete Best think?
Oh-just heard the BBC let someone say that “justice is not a finite resource if Hillsborough got compo-so too must the Birmingham Six!”
Good old Beeb eh?…finite resources?…where is the parity?
Just a random Thought For The Day from Our BBC!
Let`s all reflect on that as we turn the spigots off and return to Classic FM
So, let me get this straight, knowing they would lose the referendum in Hungary, the pro-Brussels parties decided to circumvent democracy as we used to know it and ally themselves with the don’t knows and couldn’t be bothereds in a rainbow alliance to scrape the vital 50% together with their new best friends whose watch words are apathy, unconcern, lack of interest and missed the bus to the polling station – and this is supposed to be a good thing.
And the usual BBC bias by underplaying or ignoring important facts. Listening to the headlines at 7.30 am we’re told that Orban had a “majority” but the referendum was invalid due insufficient turnout. Then, as an addendum, the majority was 98.3% rejecting mandatory quotas and the admission that the opposition boycotted the referendum (in order to make it fail the 50% turnout required.) Very clever, their bias. Just gentle tweakings, small omissions, little emphases on some things, less on others in order to adulterate the true picture.
I have yet to hear any report on Boris’s speech that followed Theresa May’s at the Conference. Was it the very fact that it was statesmanlike and non-controversial that decided the BBC to ignore it? [Damn good joke about the capon firing blanks, I thought!]
Yes, some great jokes-but pretty ill-prepared musings inbetween.
Like David Davis-the content is fine, but I`d expect more in terms of delivery, presentation and general venom at the relentless forces that are gathered against them-and , therefore us.
Sense they`re only playing at it-whereas May had put the work in,was coherent and lucid.
Boris is entertaining and very clever-but would like him to use both to take apart the Blobs…and Davis needs to get angry…a Tebbit, Lawson or even Lamont would all have done better.
And so today on Last Word we are called to remember “Weekend Open Thread” who passed away peacefully on Monday morning aged 3 days.
“Week” as he was known to his many friends in the community communications family was a stalwart of all left-loving jamborees, and was active in the campaign to raise the TV License fee to £1000 and to prevent all but the finest organic wines and the most succulent South Asian delicacies in the Savile Restaurant, a powerhouse of creative inputs and dynamic dyadisms-according to Mocki Le Mosque of the Solidarity Foundation.
“Yes, Week did go on a bit about things like Brexit and mainstream lies and bias on occasion-there was not enough of the latter, and Jim`ll Brexit was not his finest hour it has to be intimated…and yet, in a real sense…Red Planets and herrings like Rossetta bullshit and the carb frontloadings of Big Sam kept the chavs and plebs at bay until the Start the Week Re-Educational Module under Marr Bakers pasties, patties, patsies, patisseries and pessaries as well as loose noodles got put out there…just sayin`…”
So…let us now commemorate-nay, celebrate the life and times of this the latest Weekend Thread…others have indeed died on the Vine…but let`s remember his greatest hit…Right Said Thread!”
I thank yew…..and now over to you Start The…
Weekend Open Thread is dead – long live Weekend Open Thread!
No chance of ‘Week’ being pulled from the rubble or sadly found on a beach somewhere to ensure his immortality for the cause then?
He’d go viral within an hour as a prime example of a ‘deplorable’ to never be emulated.
Come on Beeb, I’m sure you can organise this, it’s right up your ‘back’ alley.
Some essential listening today on BBC Radio 4:
New Series 1/10 The Invisible Presence
Professor Gretchen Gerzina explores the lives of black people who settled in Britain in the 18th and early 19th centuries when the country was at the heart of the slave trade.
A year on from his report on the survival of Syrian refugees and the displaced, Dan Saladino revisits the situation.
(Repeated from yesterday 12.30 pm)
Peter White asks whether the one-on-one teaching assistance now given to blind students in mainstream education helps or hinders them in the transition from school to university.
“Writer, poet and playwright Lemn Sissay moves in very different circles these days: it’s dinner-party invitations rather than reprimands for his ‘aggression’, aged just six. A childhood spent in foster care and children’s homes made him the artist he is today …”
1/5 Food.
Chris Kissane explores the significance of food in history, including its importance in past conflicts and its influence in present day societies concerned with multiculturalism and integration.
So just another day of agenda-driven content from the biased BBC, never mind the usual fare we can expect in ‘Today’, ‘Woman’s Hour’, ‘The World at One’, ‘PM’ and ‘The World Tonight’.
As regards (1) I seem to recall that slavery was abolished by Britain in 1807. Also, of what nationality or ethnic origin is Gretchen Gerzina? Is she yet another foreigner with an anti-British axe to grind? Re. Prog’ (2) – what on earth is the connection with food? And is this part of the same agenda as (5)? I’m confused! Regarding (3) I’m sure Peter White would be quick enough to moan if there were cuts to such one-on-one assistance; it sounds to me like a nice problem to have. The dinner-party invites at (4) beg the question ‘by whom?’ and ‘where?’ Islington? Hampstead? Oxford?
Thanks Mustapha, just heard a piece on woman’s hour, some expensive candlemaker from London bemoaning brexit. They have to heel it in everywhere! Who cares what these people think? Switching off radio 4 now
Good move, Blackcap.
In my naivety I used to regard Radio 4 as a friend and companion 20 or so years ago, although I always thought it was Left-wing. Nowadays, I see it as an enemy of me and the British people.
The BBC decorators are near finished with the new ‘blackishbrownish’ shade that is currently in vogue at Beeb towers. So much better than that awful off white shade from years ago.
Baron Hall must have got a job lot cheap from Wickes in Birkenhead.
Weekend Open Thread is not dead but on life support. I am prepared to help tend it in the BBBC ICU till its inevitable demise.
Weekend Open Thread was declared brain dead by Dr Ringo Starkey at 9.30 this morning.
We have already put the tributes “in the can” as we say here at Clement Freud House for the Vulnerable…and so it would be inappropriate to speculate any further on the death, of deferred pulmonary potential of Mr Thread.
It`s only right that he was snuffed out at Dignital out there is Swissville…eugenics is indeed socialism in action, Start the Week is the Coming Man of Destiny.
Time to draw a line around the corpse and move on.
PS-the BBC have long been experts on brain death, zombie mouthings and stem cessations…indeed you`d not get a job at the BBC unless you were diagnosed as such.