Andrew Marr was given free rein to smear Leave voters as the nearest thing to the ‘goose-stepping’ Nazis of the 1930’s in last week’s Sunday Times and today Justin Webb is similarly allowed off the BBC leash in the Times to vilify and denounce the dark forces of ‘social media’…ie those on the Web who refuse to conform to the BBC narrative.
Bombs and knife attacks in America…all the signs point to an Islamist attack…and yet Webb manages to avoid mentioning such a possible link, in fact he goes out of his way to tell us the cause and perpetrator’s identity is irrelevant, the attacks were ‘but a pinprick’, ‘low level mayhem’ he calls it dismissively…not quite Mardell’s ‘senseless tragedy’ but along the same lines.
Do you know the real cause of the bombs? Webb tells us that the ‘Bomb is a sign of hatred in American hearts’.
Is he f***ing delusional or just incredibly dishonest. This was an attack by a Muslim migrant on the latest evidence [which Webb ignores], who wants to destroy America and the West, it is not a disgruntled, angry white boy with a grudge against a government raising taxes without giving him representation. As with the Boston bombing the BBC prefers to suggest this is some sort of white supremacist attack and refuses to admit the evidence suggests not. [The irony when Webb later complains of a fact free, truth free discourse courtesy of the nasty free thinkers out there on the Web]
It has nothing whatsoever to do with internal US politics.
Webb mocks Trump’s claim that the election maybe rigged…Webb tells us that ‘They are running out of tin-foil hats’. No shortage at the BBC it seems.
Webb makes no attempt to investigate Trump’s warning. Others do and find cause for some concern. The Spectator also agrees.…and that part of the rigging is the way whole segments of the population are closed out of the political debate, as here, on immigration and the economy and on terrorism.
The BBC is of course guilty of the same shutting down of debate on Brexit as it now mobilises to keep us in Europe and to silence the majority who voted for Brexit….Brendan O’Neil in the Spectator reminds us how our own political system is being rigged by the pro-EU junkies…
Democracy is hanging by a thread in this country. At the start of this year, if someone had told you that in eight months’ time there would be open calls for the thwarting of the people’s will, and marches demanding the crushing of public opinion, you’d probably have scoffed. ‘This isn’t some anti-democratic backwater, it’s Britain!’, you’d have said. Yet now, these things are happening, all the time. Angry Brexit-bashers, those politicos and experts and activists furious at the masses for having the temerity to reject the EU, have helped make anti-democracy fashionable again, for the first time in decades. It’s a fashion we cannot let stand.
The article by Marr is a classic example of that attempt to smash Brexit undemocratically, by abusing his position and pumping out what amounts to hate against Leave voters as he to all intents and purposes labels them Nazis.
Webb tells us that America is crumbling, its centre falling apart, heading for dislocation. Who’s to blame?
‘It’s‘, he tells us, ‘about hatred in the hearts, fuelled by the easy casual nastiness that social media can facilitate….leading to a life independent if facts, Independent of the truth.’
You really couldn’t make that up could you. This from a BBC that has relentlessly stirred up hatred, anger and mockery towards Trump and by extension his supporters and anyone who would vote for him…just as they did with UKIP and its 4 million voters. The BBC that similarly derided and mocked Palin, that vilified the Tea Party, that spent years trolling Bush. The BBC that whips up anti-Semitism with its reports from the Middle East and France. The BBC that has nothing to say about Clinton who has just massively insulted and abused Trump voters denouncing and dismissing them as a “basket of deplorables…. racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic.”

Is Clinton stirring up hate and whipping up anger…does she have hatred in her heart? Is she encouraging the dislocation and polarisation of politics?
No of course not…it’s all the social media’s fault. Nasty people out the on the web bringing you the truth and the facts that the BBC doesn’t want you to know.
This is the BBC’s continuation of the Left’s attack on social media, the social media that it wants to control and turn to its own purpose. Listen out for the repeated assertion that we are in a ‘post-factual era’. Make enough noise about the hate spewing out of the net and it’s not long before some useful idiot politician will jump on board and start saying we must rein in the wild west that is the Web. What they really want to do is to do away with free speech and free thought and the ability to counter the mainstream media’s lies and propaganda…..such as Webb’s piece in the Times today. Utter delusion and lies from him. He can’t possibly believe what he has written…one would hope so anyway or things are worse than they seem at the BBC.
And the biggest irony? It is that Trump may in fact be the answer to ‘dislocation’ and the falling apart of America as he recreates the nation state, the ‘citizen’ and a ‘national interest’…all thigs that the BBC works against and thus is itself one of the causes of nation states falling apart…as in the UK as it encourages devolution and the creation of separate, self-governed regions carved out of Britain, smashing ‘Britain’ as a political, cultural and social identity…just as the EU wishes to happen.
Politico magazine tells us about Trump’s vision for a reinvigorated and unified America…
If you listen closely to Trump, you’ll hear a direct repudiation of the system of globalization and identity politics that has defined the world order since the Cold War. There are, in fact, six specific ideas that he has either blurted out or thinly buried in his rhetoric: (1) borders matter; (2) immigration policy matters; (3) national interests, not so-called universal interests, matter; (4) entrepreneurship matters; (5) decentralization matters; (6) PC speech—without which identity politics is inconceivable—must be repudiated.
These six ideas together point to an end to the unstable experiment with supra- and sub-national sovereignty that many of our elites have guided us toward, siren-like, since 1989. That is what the Trump campaign, ghastly though it may at times be, leads us toward: A future where states matter. A future where people are citizens, working together toward (bourgeois) improvement of their lot.