The BBC is so BIASED against Donald Trump and in favour of Hillary Clinton that is now way beyond parody. It virtually ignores the fact that Clinton is either sleeping or fainting and jumps on every possible opportunity to attack Trump. Today it is the skittles comparison of “Syrian” immigrants his son made here. Trump Junior might have added imagine that half the skittles aren’t skittles in the first place and that the ingredients in these skittles are specifically designed to poison you. It was the same over the New York bombing of the past few days – the BBC ignored the zombie like Clinton quality of her response to the bombings and instead portrayed Trump as a an extremist. Clinton used it to reiterate her view Islam is warm and cuddly – a line the BBC likes to run with despite all the evidence – whereas Trump pointed out it proved immigration process does NOT work. Trump can do no RIGHT and Clinton no wrong. I sincerely hope Trump wins so they all have a nervous breakdown.

The extremely moderate Nick Clegg

Earlier we had George Osborne declare himself the voice of the liberal, mainstream, Remain voting majority, his arithmetic failing him as always…has he not noticed the actual majority, the right-wing mainstream, voted for Brexit?…and now we have Nick Clegg [remember him?] resurfacing to finish off the job he started…there used to be 57 libdem MPs in 2010, now there are 8….he obviously intends to get rid of them as well.

He declares that an ugly bunch of populists, lumping Trump, UKIP and Le Pen’s National Front all together, are the extremes of politics and what we need is the voice of reason and moderation, his voice for instance.  Oh wait…he then declares, seemingly completely unaware of what he is saying, that he suddenly became aware that the political system is broken and that it is in desperate need of wholesale change…he therefore then became a radical.  Er…an ‘extremist’ then?  Someone outside the normal Westminster bubble?  Someone like Trump or Farage?

Osborne and Clegg clearly take us all for fools.  The only people they fool are themselves.  Yet more delusional fantasy from the ‘liberal elite’.   Just what do they sniff, snort, smoke or inhale?




Bubbles and Delusions

Image result for justin webb tinfoil hat



Andrew Marr was given free rein to smear Leave voters as the nearest thing to the ‘goose-stepping’ Nazis of the 1930’s in last week’s Sunday Times and today Justin Webb is similarly allowed off the BBC leash in the Times to vilify and denounce the dark forces of  ‘social media’…ie those on the Web who refuse to conform to the BBC narrative.

Bombs and knife attacks in America…all the signs point to an Islamist attack…and yet Webb manages to avoid mentioning such a possible link, in fact he goes out of his way to tell us the cause and perpetrator’s identity is irrelevant, the attacks were ‘but a pinprick’, ‘low level mayhem’ he calls it dismissively…not quite Mardell’s ‘senseless tragedy’ but along the same lines.

Do you know the real cause of the bombs?  Webb tells us that the ‘Bomb is a sign of hatred in American hearts’.

Is he f***ing delusional or just incredibly dishonest.  This was an attack by a Muslim migrant on the latest evidence [which Webb ignores], who wants to destroy America and the West, it is not a disgruntled, angry white boy with a grudge against a government raising taxes without giving him representation.  As with the Boston bombing the BBC prefers to suggest this is some sort of white supremacist attack and refuses to admit the evidence suggests not. [The irony when Webb later complains of a fact free, truth free discourse courtesy of the nasty free thinkers out there on the Web]

It has nothing whatsoever to do with internal US politics.

Webb mocks Trump’s claim that the election maybe rigged…Webb tells us that ‘They are running out of tin-foil hats’.  No shortage at the BBC it seems.

Webb makes no attempt to investigate Trump’s warning.  Others do and find cause for some concern.   The Spectator also agrees.…and that part of the rigging is the way whole segments of the population are closed out of the political debate, as here, on immigration and the economy and on terrorism.

The BBC is of course guilty of the same shutting down of debate on Brexit as it now mobilises to keep us in Europe and to silence the majority who voted for Brexit….Brendan O’Neil in the Spectator reminds us how our own political system is being rigged by the pro-EU junkies…

Democracy is hanging by a thread in this country

Democracy is hanging by a thread in this country. At the start of this year, if someone had told you that in eight months’ time there would be open calls for the thwarting of the people’s will, and marches demanding the crushing of public opinion, you’d probably have scoffed. ‘This isn’t some anti-democratic backwater, it’s Britain!’, you’d have said. Yet now, these things are happening, all the time. Angry Brexit-bashers, those politicos and experts and activists furious at the masses for having the temerity to reject the EU, have helped make anti-democracy fashionable again, for the first time in decades. It’s a fashion we cannot let stand.

The article by Marr is a classic example of that attempt to smash Brexit undemocratically, by abusing his position and pumping out what amounts to hate against Leave voters as he to all intents and purposes labels them Nazis.

Webb tells us that America is crumbling, its centre falling apart, heading for dislocation.  Who’s to blame?

‘It’s‘, he tells us, ‘about hatred in the hearts, fuelled by the easy casual nastiness that social media can facilitate….leading to a life independent if facts, Independent of the truth.’

You really couldn’t make that up could you.  This from a BBC that has relentlessly stirred up hatred, anger and mockery towards Trump and by extension his supporters and anyone who would vote for him…just as they did with UKIP and its 4 million voters.  The BBC that similarly derided and mocked Palin, that vilified the Tea Party, that spent years trolling Bush.  The BBC that whips up anti-Semitism with its reports from the Middle East and France.  The BBC that has nothing to say about Clinton who has just massively insulted and abused Trump voters denouncing and dismissing them as a “basket of deplorables…. racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic.”



Is Clinton stirring up hate and whipping up anger…does she have hatred in her heart?  Is she encouraging the dislocation and polarisation of politics?

No of course not…it’s all the social media’s fault.  Nasty people out the on the web bringing you the truth and the facts that the BBC doesn’t want you to know.

This is the BBC’s continuation of the Left’s attack on social media, the social media that it wants to control and turn to its own purpose.  Listen out for the repeated assertion that we are in a ‘post-factual era’.  Make enough noise about the hate spewing out of the net and it’s not long before some useful idiot politician will jump on board and start saying we must rein in the wild west that is the Web.  What they really want to do is to do away with free speech and free thought and the ability to counter the mainstream media’s lies and propaganda…..such as Webb’s piece in the Times today.  Utter delusion and lies from him.  He can’t possibly believe what he has written…one would hope so anyway or things are worse than they seem at the BBC.


And the biggest irony?  It is that Trump may in fact be the answer to ‘dislocation’ and the falling apart of America as he recreates the nation state, the ‘citizen’ and a ‘national interest’…all thigs that the BBC works against and thus is itself one of the causes of nation states falling apart…as in the UK as it encourages devolution and the creation of separate, self-governed regions carved out of Britain, smashing ‘Britain’ as a political, cultural and social identity…just as the EU wishes to happen.

Politico magazine tells us about Trump’s vision for a reinvigorated and unified America…

If you listen closely to Trump, you’ll hear a direct repudiation of the system of globalization and identity politics that has defined the world order since the Cold War. There are, in fact, six specific ideas that he has either blurted out or thinly buried in his rhetoric: (1) borders matter; (2) immigration policy matters; (3) national interests, not so-called universal interests, matter; (4) entrepreneurship matters; (5) decentralization matters; (6) PC speech—without which identity politics is inconceivable—must be repudiated.

These six ideas together point to an end to the unstable experiment with supra- and sub-national sovereignty that many of our elites have guided us toward, siren-like, since 1989. That is what the Trump campaign, ghastly though it may at times be, leads us toward: A future where states matter. A future where people are citizens, working together toward (bourgeois) improvement of their lot.

Numbers Game


Theresa May speaks about controlling immigration and the BBC goes onto red alert and the damage control, rapid rebuttal, plan of operation swings into action.

The airwaves have been full of immigration charity workers and UN do-gooders, not to mention wonderful migrants whose heart-rending and uplifting stories shame us all as we seek to shut them out of Europe.

We heard that people’s concerns about migration were just ‘fear of the unknown’…if only we got to know migrants we would love them. An insultingly dismissive line on people’s very real concerns because the trouble is, it’s not fear of the unknown, it’s a very real fear of the known….a ‘known’ that the BBC does its best to hide.

We heard that immigrants were not mere numbers, they are people too, with stories to tell and lives to live….the BBC is of course ready and very eager to tell those stories.  Not so keen to tell the stories of schools bursting at the seams, NHS hospitals swamped by an ever rising tide of patients demanding treatment, young people homeless, nor the stories of those murdered, raped or otherwise the victims of migrant criminals….crimes which would never have happened had the borders been properly controlled.

So of course this is a story about numbers, very much so.  How many migrants are on the move across the world?   Something like 65 million was quoted today……just when do the numbers start counting for the BBC and the highly emotive and personal sob stories seen for what they are…attempts at emotional and moral blackmail, pro-mass immigration propaganda?

Here’s a migrant narrative that the BBC isn’t so keen to dwell on….

Germany’s Migrant Rape Crisis Spirals out of Control

Suppression of data about migrant rapes is “Germany-wide phenomenon.”

Sexual violence in Germany has reached epidemic proportions since Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed into the country more than one million mostly male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.




I see the BBC has given plenty of publicity to this story.

A Muslim woman from Australia has told how she was forced to leave a beach in France for wearing a burkini.

Zeynab Alshelh, a 23-year-old medical student, told Australian media she had travelled to Europe to show solidarity with local Muslim women.  Footage broadcast on Channel 7 showed local people saying they would call the police if she didn’t leave. The ban on burkinis in several French Riviera towns was overruled in August by the top administrative court

So, a muslim provocateur travels half way around the world to embrace more professional victimhood and thumb her nose at non muslim French people and there are the BBC -gasping to show their solidarity with her.



Earlier in the week, after Jewish Labour donor, Michael Foster, had denounced the cabal surrounding Corbyn as ‘storm troopers’ the BBC’s Jon Pienaar told us that of course Corbyn and Co were upset because ‘anyone would be upset at being called that’.

Hmmm…this from the BBC that freely called UKIP Nazis and even now tries determinedly to associate Leave voters with racism and the ‘Far Right’ and one of their top journalists, Marr, writes in the Sunday Times that ‘Brexit or not, only a fool ignores the march of Europe’s new goose-steppers.’  The BBC not only ignores the depradations of one other set of ‘goose-steppers’, the Islamists, but actually promotes their narrative and ideology…only recently we had the wonderful tale of ‘The Mohammedan Bean’ in which coffee was upheld as a sign that Islam, as the supposed inventor of coffee, is a marvellous religion….Hitler ‘invented’ the wildly popular Beetle…ergo….what a great

The other ‘goose-steppers’ are of the Marxist kind…the kind the BBC also generally ignores as they rise across Europe despite the Berlin Wall, the brutal occupation of Europe by gun-toting socialists and the mass murder of million upon million across the world by the same.

In a similar way the BBC has ignored or played down the deeply unpleasant and nasty politics of Corbyn and Co.  The BBC certainly reports some concerns but in no way shows any sign of thnking that they are significant or dangerous.  Can you imagine if Boris had been elected to lead the Tory Party that the BBC would be similarly reluctant to voice its opinion?  Hardly, as we saw in the leadership election and the referendum when Boris was subjected to endless abuse and criticism by the BBC’s finest.

However the BBC’s refusal to challenge Corbyn’s nasty ideology hasn’t saved it from the wrath of his ‘storm troopers’ who have launched a concerted barrage of attacks upon the corporation in order to force it either into silence or to make it only report ‘good news’ about Corbyn.

They care not that the BBC already treads warily, or that one of the BBC’s leading political journos, Nick Robinson, has warned off other BBC journos from criticising the Leader, or that, as we find out, several other senior BBC journalists have complained about the apparent negative tone of the BBC’s reporting on Corbyn.

On ‘Feedback’ we heard that the BBC has been biased against Corbyn and there was a grovelling apology…the BBC you understand, takes impartiality and balance very, very seriously.

But the Corbyn ‘storm troopers’ will never be happy until all criticism of their Leader is silenced….they have learned well.  The BBC is now under attack from the hard-left in a way that anyone who criticises Islamists will be familiar with.  Essentially the BBC is now being accused of ‘Corbynophobia’.  Any comment or report that is perceived as ‘negative’, however justified and backed up with evidence, will be met with cries of ‘Corbynophobia’ just as criticism of Islam is met with cries of ‘Islamophobia’.

Boris Johnson is presumably an ‘Islamophobe’…..

To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia – fear of Islam – seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke. Judged purely on its scripture – to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques – it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers. As the killer of Theo Van Gogh told his victim’s mother this week in a Dutch courtroom, he could not care for her, could not sympathise, because she was not a Muslim.

The trouble with this disgusting arrogance and condescension is that it is widely supported in Koranic texts, and we look in vain for the enlightened Islamic teachers and preachers who will begin the process of reform. What is going on in these mosques and madrasas? When is someone going to get 18th century on Islam’s medieval ass?

The attacks will be relentless and furious, and they will not let up until the will of the BBC is broken.  You can see that such barrages do work, for example when Harrabin changed one of his reports to suit a green campaigner who relentlessly berated him to do so.

The technique is not new...Hitler noted its use by the Communists long ago…

Within less than two years I had gained a clear understanding of Social Democracy, in
its teaching and the technique of its operations.  I recognized the infamy of that technique whereby the movement carried on a campaign of mental terrorism against the bourgeoisie, who are neither morally nor spiritually equipped to withstand such attacks. The tactics of Social Democracy consisted in opening, at a given signal, a veritable drum-fire of lies and calumnies against the man whom they believed to be the most redoubtable of their adversaries, until the nerves of the latter gave way and they sacrificed the man who was attacked, simply in the hope of being allowed to live in peace. But the hope proved always to be a foolish one, for they were never left in peace.
The same tactics are repeated again and again, until fear of these mad dogs exercises,
through suggestion, a paralysing effect on their Victims.

Sometimes of course the ‘victim’ is a willing victim…..the BBC’s eager cheerleading of a pro-Islamic narrative ‘foolishly ignores’ reality and the very real dangers that are approaching Europe ever faster.

 Churchill once said of Mein kampf…
“the new Koran of faith and war: turgid, verbose, shapeless, but pregnant with its message.”
From Churchill’s ‘The River War’
“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.”
Winston S. Churchill, The River War