What to make of Sara Khan, anti-extremist campaigner, Asian and Muslim and a BBC favourite? How different the BBC treats this anti-Islamist campaigner to how they treat Tommy Robinson.
Khan speaks a lot of sense, she gives a balanced view of the Prevent policy at a time when it is under heavy attack from the ‘Islamists’ who get the unquestioning support of the BBC which naturally is opposed to what it believes is a policy that makes suspects of all Muslims and which it tells us also stigmatises and victimises them….the BBC not conceding that whilst not all Muslims are terrorists most terrorists these days are Muslim….so it is only natural for them to be ‘targeted’.
Khan also supports equality for women and rails against the Left’s support for the Islamists…..
Politicians and wider society must recognise these nuances as opposed to the distorted image offered by Islamist propagandists. That particularly applies to the Left, where some have got into bed with Islamist-sympathising groups that have no interest in Western Muslim integration. These groups push a constant victimhood narrative where Britain is portrayed as an inherently “Islamophobic” society that seeks to destroy Islam and deny Muslims the freedom to practise their faith. This conspiratorial view is being pushed aggressively, and it is vital that public institutions work with Muslim groups trying to counter this toxic narrative. Whether in communities, in universities or on social media, it is vital we counter the arguments of Islamists, otherwise an uncontested space is left open and their message will be taken as truth not just by Muslims but well-intentioned young activists who oppose racism and prejudice.
Hmmm…isn’t that a perfect description of the BBC’s narrative? The BBC that pushes the line that Muslims are victims of Islamophobia and that anyone who speaks against Islamism is a racist?
Vital we counter the Islamists’ narrative? Instead the BBC peddles their narrative…of Islam under attack, of a Western foreign policy that targets Muslims, that the Islamist cause is about fighting Western oppression and imperialism.
As said many times on this site the BBC is dangerous, it supports the terrorist narrative as well as the one peddled by the non-violent Islamists in Britain who use the media, the law and weak politicians to further their aims of Islamising Britain.
Khan herself, whilst speaking against these violent extremists is still Muslim, she promotes Islam, disingenuously claiming there is such a thing as ‘British Islam’….there is no such thing…there is only Islam. She states that ISIS promotes a puritanical and literalist version of Islam, which she calls a false version…trouble is that version is the real Islam, the Koran is the word of God and is an instruction manual, it is designed to be followed ‘literally’….Historian Tom Holland tells us that what ISIS does is pretty much what Muhammed did as he blitzed the Middle East in his own time….bar some of the exotic methods used to kill people. Khan seems to want to pick and choose what she wants to from the Koran and Hadith…which is a way of practising religion that Islam was ‘revealed’ in order to stop….Khan doesn’t understand Islam…one God, one faith, one mosque, that means something…do not divide your religion into sects, do not rewrite the scriptures to suit yourself…it’s in black and white in the Koran. Islam was revealed because Christians and Jews corrupted their scriptures and divided themselves up into different sects….God disapproved. Khan seems to think she knows better than Allah and that she can rewrite the unchangeable Koran.
You can hear her speak on 5Live (1hr 38 mins)….what’s amusing is her attack on those who shout ‘racist’ or ‘Isalmophobe’ when anyone dares to question the ‘Islamist’ narrative….she herself was banned from speaking at some schools by ‘well meaning liberal teachers’ who accepted the Islamist’s claim that Khan herself was an Islamophobe.
We heard that they were ‘understandably afraid of being called racist’.
She then goes on to say that she’s tired of this cultural sensitivity and that we as a society need to stand for the values we want such as freedom of expression, human rights and equality for women and that if we have groups in our society who don’t want those things then we must stand up against them.
Curious then that her only reaction to Tommy Robinson is to shout him down as a racist, a bigot and an Islamophobe in this clip from 2013…
The BBC presenter is aggressively against Robinson and hardly lets him answer his critics…the audience seemingly packed with them.
End of the day Khan still promotes Islam giving us a false hope of a reformed Islam, a slippery line that we’ve long been fed by Tariq Ramadan…who gets a mention in that interview as he is, of course, in the Guardian attacking Prevent.
Ramadan naturally voices his opposition to violent Islamism and yet, as do so many Muslim leaders and speakers, still supports the narrative of Muslims under attack…he suggests that allowing Muslims to express that same narrative will lead to a rejection of violence……and yet it is that very narrative, not countered but in fact reinforced by the BBC, that leads to Jihadism…..
The possibility that anyone can express their dissatisfaction, frustration and disagreement without becoming immediately suspected or stigmatised is, in itself, a powerful protective measure against those who call for violence. Those Muslims who are critical of government policies while rejecting violence are perhaps best placed to influence young people attracted to extremist acts.
Total rubbish…..it still sets Muslims against ‘The West’, Britain and government policy…it’s still telling Muslims to be ‘angry’, that they are victims of the West.
Ramadan is the slipperiest of slippery Islamists pretending to fight Islamism but in reality promoting it and the spread of Islamic influence across Europe and the world. In the end Khan is little different, she fights against the violent extremists and yet still promotes an ideology that is opposed to nearly all that Western liberal, progressive society stands for….she knows full well that it cannot, and never will be ‘reformed’. She peddles the lie of a ‘British Islam’, an Islam somehow different from the norm and Islam tolerant of other religions, equality for women and open to criticism and freedom of expression.
When she herself is barred from British schools by British liberals how does she think she can possibly persuade conservative Muslims to give up their beliefs if she can’t persuade those British liberals ot back her?