No Khan do


What to make of Sara Khan, anti-extremist campaigner, Asian and Muslim and a BBC favourite?  How different the BBC treats this anti-Islamist campaigner to how they treat Tommy Robinson.

Khan speaks a lot of sense, she gives a balanced view of the Prevent policy at a time when it is under heavy attack from the ‘Islamists’ who get the unquestioning support of the BBC which naturally is opposed to what it believes is a policy that makes suspects of all Muslims and which it tells us also stigmatises and victimises them….the BBC not conceding that whilst not all Muslims are terrorists most terrorists these days are Muslim….so it is only natural for them to be ‘targeted’.

Khan also supports equality for women and rails against the Left’s support for the Islamists…..

Politicians and wider society must recognise these nuances as opposed to the distorted image offered by Islamist propagandists. That particularly applies to the Left, where some have got into bed with Islamist-sympathising groups that have no interest in Western Muslim integration. These groups push a constant victimhood narrative where Britain is portrayed as an inherently “Islamophobic” society that seeks to destroy Islam and deny Muslims the freedom to practise their faith. This conspiratorial view is being pushed aggressively, and it is vital that public institutions work with Muslim groups trying to counter this toxic narrative. Whether in communities, in universities or on social media, it is vital we counter the arguments of Islamists, otherwise an uncontested space is left open and their message will be taken as truth not just by Muslims but well-intentioned young activists who oppose racism and prejudice.

Hmmm…isn’t that a perfect description of the BBC’s narrative?  The BBC that pushes the line that Muslims are victims of Islamophobia and that anyone who speaks against Islamism is a racist?

Vital we counter the Islamists’ narrative? Instead the BBC peddles their narrative…of Islam under attack, of a Western foreign policy that targets Muslims, that the Islamist cause is about fighting Western oppression and imperialism.

As said many times on this site the BBC is dangerous, it supports the terrorist narrative as well as the one peddled by the non-violent Islamists in Britain who use the media, the law and weak politicians to further their aims of Islamising Britain.

Khan herself, whilst speaking against these violent extremists is still Muslim, she promotes Islam, disingenuously claiming there is such a  thing as ‘British Islam’….there is no such thing…there is only Islam.  She states that ISIS promotes a puritanical and literalist version of Islam, which she calls a false version…trouble is that version is the real Islam, the Koran is the word of God and is an instruction manual, it is designed to be followed ‘literally’….Historian Tom Holland tells us that what ISIS does is pretty much what Muhammed did as he blitzed the Middle East in his own time….bar some of the exotic methods used to kill people.  Khan seems to want to pick and choose what she wants to from the Koran and Hadith…which is a way of practising religion that Islam was ‘revealed’ in order to stop….Khan doesn’t understand Islam…one God, one faith, one mosque, that means something…do not divide your religion into sects, do not rewrite the scriptures to suit yourself…it’s in black and white in the Koran.  Islam was revealed because Christians and Jews corrupted their scriptures and divided themselves up into different sects….God disapproved.  Khan seems to think she knows better than Allah and that she can rewrite the unchangeable Koran.

You can hear her speak on 5Live (1hr 38 mins)….what’s amusing is her attack on those who shout ‘racist’ or ‘Isalmophobe’ when anyone dares to question the ‘Islamist’ narrative….she herself was banned from speaking at some schools by ‘well meaning liberal teachers’ who accepted the Islamist’s claim that Khan herself was an Islamophobe.

We heard that they were ‘understandably afraid of being called racist’.

She then goes on to say that she’s tired of this cultural sensitivity and that we as a society need to stand for the values we want such as freedom of expression, human rights and equality for women and that if we have groups in our society who don’t want those things then we must stand up against them.

Curious then that her only reaction to Tommy Robinson is to shout him down as a racist, a bigot and an Islamophobe in this clip from 2013…


The BBC presenter is aggressively against Robinson and hardly lets him answer his critics…the audience seemingly packed with them.

End of the day Khan still promotes Islam giving us a false hope of a reformed Islam, a slippery line that we’ve long been fed by Tariq Ramadan…who gets a mention in that interview as he is, of course, in the Guardian attacking Prevent.

Ramadan naturally voices his opposition to violent Islamism and yet, as do so many Muslim leaders and speakers, still supports the narrative of Muslims under attack…he suggests that allowing Muslims to express that same narrative will lead to a rejection of violence……and yet it is that very narrative, not countered but in fact reinforced by the BBC, that leads to Jihadism…..

The possibility that anyone can express their dissatisfaction, frustration and disagreement without becoming immediately suspected or stigmatised is, in itself, a powerful protective measure against those who call for violence. Those Muslims who are critical of government policies while rejecting violence are perhaps best placed to influence young people attracted to extremist acts.

Total rubbish… still sets Muslims against ‘The West’, Britain and government policy…it’s still telling Muslims to be ‘angry’, that they are victims of the West.

Ramadan is the slipperiest of slippery Islamists pretending to fight Islamism but in reality promoting it and the spread of Islamic influence across Europe and the world. In the end Khan is little different, she fights against the violent extremists and yet still promotes an ideology that is opposed to nearly all that Western liberal, progressive society stands for….she knows full well that it cannot, and never will be ‘reformed’.  She peddles the lie of a ‘British Islam’, an Islam somehow different from the norm and Islam tolerant of other religions, equality for women and open to criticism and freedom of expression.

When she herself is barred from British schools by British liberals how does she think she can possibly persuade conservative Muslims to give up their beliefs if she can’t persuade those British liberals ot back her?











Sometimes the BBC surprises even me! I was on BBC Radio London this morning talking to Vanessa Feltz about the Keith Vaz story. At one point in the interview, Vanessa postulated that Vaz’s support in Parliament for Poppers was akin to an MP who suffered from a heart defect advocating more funding for cardiac research. WHAT? I feel that the BBC sympathise with the odious Vaz and are determined to make him the victim of the piece. If the allegations are proven, Vaz will be interviewed by the Police. It is obvious that he has no political integrity or personal honour – and the BBC share this. Allegedly taking poppers and using male prostitutes seems to ring a few BBC bells. How odd.


Well then, if the allegations printed and supported by video evidence in the Mirror are true, then Labour MP Keith Vaz has many questions to answer, including some to the Police. The BBC response on Today this morning was predictable. They reduce it to the simple matter of whether he should step down from being Chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee. One would also hardly know that Vaz was Labour in the way the BBC cover this. He’s in damage limitation mode and so are the Comrades.

Vaz’s warm embrace for immigrants


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No wonder Keith Vaz was so keen on importing so many East Europeans…….



And of course Romanians and Bulgarians are coming here in ever increasing numbers as predicted by Migration Watch…and denied by Vaz and the BBC.

Still, nice to see enterprising Polish immigrants contributing to the diversity and richness of the nation and helpfully keeping muppets like Vazs occupied when he otherwise might be in Parliament trying to run the country.



The BBC’s Brexit Bubble


Looking at the BBC’s frontpage right now and there is story after story on Brexit, all with a negative tone to them…funnily enough there’s one story the BBC don’t seem to have noticed…from the Telegraph….

Two thirds believe Britain is on the right track following Brexit vote, new poll shows

Two thirds of people believe Britain is on the right track following the Brexit vote and most believe the economy will do well over the next year, a new poll has revealed. 

Research found that 59 per cent of people said the UK is moving in the right direction, including almost 30 per cent of those who voted to remain in the EU in the recent referendum. 

Wonder if that finding will be reflected in the BBC’s grand tour of Brexit Britain as it spends a couple of days seeking out the whingers and moaners and the let’s-have-a-2nd-referendum-until-they-get-it-righters…and not forgetting the two programmes dedicated to portraying East European immigrants as the victims of a vicious and growing racist pogrom.  The BBC ignores its own report which tells us….

True Vision – the joint police and Home Office hate-crime reporting portal – told 5 Live Investigates that recorded levels of hate crime are now similar to the levels seen in 2015.

So racist attacks have dropped back to the usual level…..shame the BBC rubbishes those official figures.


Coppers on the side of the Choppers

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The BBC always insists that controversial views be heard, well, controversial anti-establishment, anti-British views be heard.  If you’re an IRA terrorist you’re welcome, if you’re a Muslim terrorist you’re in, if you’re a Muslim radical preacher you’re in, if you’re someone like Anjem Choudary you’re praised as the next Ghandi, Mandela or Churchill.  If you’re white, working class, Christian and opposed to Islamic extremism you are ‘polluting’ the public’s minds, and you’re definitely not ‘in’, you, you have to understand, are racist, bigoted scum,…..oh you may be allowed onto the airwaves but only so you can be publicly denounced, vilified and humiliated by the BBC’s finest.

The BBC aren’t alone in this selective choice of voices that can be heard and approved….it took 20 years to silence Choudary, not that a prison cell will muffle him too much.  MPACUK shilled for the Jihadists and the police did nothing, various other organisations such as Mend, Cage and the MCB all peddle hard-line Islam and the police stand back, and they get plenty of airtime courtesy of the BBC.  The only people the police seem keen to hunt down, hound and harass are non-Muslims who raise their voices to criticise and expose the Islamic extremists.  Just look who the police decided to try and charge when C4 exposed Mosques that were preaching highly intolerant, anti-Western views….it was C4 that the police went after not the Muslim extremists.

And today who is in their sights once more?  Tommy Robinson.  Is the BBC interested in this ongoing saga of abuse of power and the harassment of a man out having a family meal?  No, not in the slightest.  If he was Muslim or Black the BBC would have an Olympic sized team on this, reporting every angle, every human-rights outrage…but not for Tommy Robinson.


The police have been politicised and are being used by the government to silence those inconvenient voices who raise awkward truths.



Carry on doctoring the truth

We just had a look at the BBC’s own review into how it handles statistics, a review that conveniently and not unepxectedly found the BBC to be somewhat right-wing and reliant on the Tory government for the facts.  The review started off with this statement….

At the heart of BBC journalism is a mission to deliver an accurate and impartial news service. Whether drawing on the expertise of its journalists or from external sources to interpret events or issues, the BBC aims to enhance audience understanding and knowledge about what is happening in the world. Part of the remit includes making sense of the blizzard of statistics that infuses so much contemporary debate, from the latest crime figures, to trends in the health service or the numbers claiming welfare benefits.

I don’t know if any of you have been listening to the BBC’s coverage of the Junior Doctors’ strike plans but from what I have heard, and it’s quite extensive, I’d say that accuracy and impartiality play little part in the BBC’s reporting aims and that enhancing the audience’s understanding and knowledge, making sense of events, is the least of the BBC’s concerns.

There is nothing new in this of course...we’ve been here before….

Junior doctors put patient’s lives on the line so they could get more saturday overtime whilst all the time claiming the strikes were about patient safety.  And the interest from the BBC now?  Zilch.

Exactly the same scenario is playing out now as the BBC neglects to inform us that the only, the only, issue is saturday pay…the health and safety of patients, the survival of the NHS, are not in the slightest genuine considerations for the Junior Doctors.  It’s all about pay.  But does the BBC tell us that?, does the BBC challenge the numerous Junior Doctors who fill the airwaves with their heartwarming assurances that this is all about saving the NHS and keeping patients safe?  No.

Here’s Nicky Campbell’s analysis (42:30) of the situation as he tries to educate a caller….

Do you understand their (junior doctors) concerns, not just about their working conditions but the situation within the NHS and the long term threats that many of those junior doctors perceive to exist?

Pretty one-sided there and not dealing with the real issue at the heart of the dispute…saturday pay…and not long after he also insists on giving the ‘alternate view so we can balance it.’ to another caller who is also against the strikes.

Peter Allen the day before insisted that the government’s contract be torn up and scrapped as it was clearly his opinion…this was a view repeated quite frequently on 5Live over the next couple of days.

The BBC’s coverage of the issues surrounding this strike is highly misleading and uninformative and without doubt pro the Junior Doctors side.

And one last thing…those doctors who say they have the safety of patients and the survival of the NHS at the forefront of their minds and then tell us they will leave the NHS if things don’t improve, ie, they don’t get more money, just where do these moral crusaders troop off to?  To private companies that pay far better and are all too often in lovely, warm, sunny climes.  So much for the doctors’ horror of the supposed privatisation of the NHS….not so terrifying when it comes to padding out the pay check…or as more colourfully put by one doctor…

“I don’t care about anything apart from extracting the best contract. Don’t give a shit about anything else.”






Flash Harry at your service




Last month the BBC Trust released the findings of its review of how the BBC handles statistics.  Naturally enough the BBC Trust wasn’t actually looking for a genuinely impartial and honest insight into the BBC’s use of statistics and so the Trust went to the tried and tested Cardiff University which has already pronounced the BBC to be right-wing.  So who better to go to for a balanced, accurate and sensible review of the BBC’s output than an organisation peopled by ex-BBC mandarins and left-wing academics.

Curiously enough they didn’t disappoint and produced the ever-so dodgy and shopsoiled goods from under their Flash Harry mac…the Guardian wasn’t slow to exploit the, er, findings…

‘BBC has high dependency on Tory government for statistics’

Two points on that…one, the BBC takes government figures and then spends a vast amount of time discrediting and undermining them…two, they take government figures as fact when it suits their own agenda…such as during the EU referendum when we were told by the BBC that there was little doubt of the accuracy of the government predictions of economic armageddon and the breakdown of society on Brexit.  The BBC’s ‘Reality Check’ was laughably and unmistakeably badly named as reality was the last thing that the BBC intended to provide the audience with.

The BBC Trust knew full well what the useful idiots of Cardiff University would provide them with and, just as with their science review in which they employed fanatical climate change advocate and BBC yes-man, Steve Jones, to do the review, they understood that there was little chance of the real nature of the BBC being revealed.  To have the BBC ‘denounced’ as right-wing is the perfect outcome for the BBC which they then use as ‘proof’ against its critics who accuse it, quite correctly, of being in the service of the Left.

The BBC is as corrupt and unaccountable as ever and it looks like they will continue to be so as the government backs away from a genuine attempt to rein in the BBC’s extremism and bias and ignores the fact that the BBC actively seeks to undermine and oppose just about every government policy such as on refugees, immigration, the NHS, welfare and the prevention of terror….and don’t mention Brexit.