The BBC likes nothing better than any propagandist story that urges the UK to take more of the denizens of the Calais Jungle. Such reports are always given the kid gloves treatment as is the case with this one.
Calais camp: Unicef urges UK to transfer refugee children
At no point does the BBC ask why the UK would want to give “sanctuary” to those already afforded such by France. Nor does it deal with the almost certainty that once they get these “children” here, the rest of the family will then claim a right to be with them so exponentially increasing numbers.
To add their own twist to the emotional blackmail being deployed by Unicef, the BBC throw in Raheemullah’s story.
“SYRIANS” , David? Not really!
Sudanese. Somalis. Eritreans.
Nigerians, Libyans, Iriqis, Afghans, Tom, Dick, Harry and all.
Al Beeb so wants to ‘enrich’ us with its Multi Culti ethos.
Go on Al Beeb, run a HYS on it and find out what the British people really think.
Mohamed,Muhamed, Abdul,Hussain, Mohamet etc.
A lot of Diversity here. But not for long. In 50 years or less, Britain as a historic nation, is finished.
BBC sacked me for being a white man… even though I work in radio: The Now Show comic was told he was being axed to make way for more women and diversity
That’s what I thought as soon as I watched BBC news earlier on!
You could tell they weren’t from Syria by the dark skins of said men on TV! Syrians tend to be light skinned!
“SYRIANS”, quite. Why don’t the call the Syrians what they really are, the 1%ers. That percentage is not one invented by any anti-immigration group but by the French Authorities who definitely have no reason to underestimate the numbers. The other 99% are from places like Afghanistan and numerous Sub-Saharan African countries. These people are all Economic Migrants who have no call on this country to be considered Asylum Seekers as they have already deliberately chosen to ignore their duty to have claimed Asylum in the other numerous Safe Countries they have passed through. Those facts are matters the bBBC deliberately choose ignore when it tries to play the Guilt Card to attempt to make us accept all the dross in the world who wish to abuse our Free For All Welfare System.
“Economic migrants”.
I find both words objectionable.
1. They are not here to contribute to the economy. That would not be Islamic.They are here to be a parasite on the Infidel economy. Sufficient numbers will destroy the economy.
2. Migrants are lawful and law abiding. These people are neither. They are invaders. Muslim invaders – the worst type.
Its interesting, that not just at Calais, but as far as Eastern Europe, the word is out in the Muslim community, that things are going to get real tough soon, and the best place to head for is the UK.
France is a in a virtual state of war. This cant go on for long. Germany is not far behind. Scandinavia is fast approaching an explosion. Italy, the soft underbelly of Europe, is near destruction. Real shame, as Italy is the heart of Western civilisation.
Completely agree NCBBC. These people are willing participants in criminal activities… and willing to do whatever criminal activity required to get into the UK… So basically we are being asked to take in criminals over those who genuinely need our help! But you try saying that to the hate filled bigots on the left!… They lose their shit with manic rage!
Clearly our only focus should be on helping Syrian Christians and Yazidis. The reason for helping them is because Islam is relentless in wiping them from the face of this earth. The very last group of people we take in are Muslims!!… because it is this group who are following their so-called ‘prophets’ death cult instruction and wiping the world free of everything that isn’t Islamic
Syrian Christians and Yazidis should be granted asylum. Most certainly not Sunni Muslims who are the persecutors.
The trouble is Syrian Christians and Yazidis are not to be found. They feel they are safer with Assad, then in the refugee camps in Turkey or Germany, or on the boat to Europe, where they find they have to swim to Europe.
yes their shite families will follow , and yes i can call them shite, any parents who would send their child unaccompanied all the way across europe to the calais cess pit are undoubtedly shite.
To be fair to the families, most of these ‘children’ are in their mid thirties.
Good point.
That is why the “sexual emergencies” of these children should be catered for.
….the Qu’ran already caters for their ‘sexual emergencies’, which is why we are seeing sex attacks on industrial scales all over infidel lands. Muhammed has already given the unchangeable, mandatory instruction that infidel girls of whatever age are to be used in whatever way the believer sees fit….and aren’t the believer’s taking full advantage of that Islamic instruction!
Our laws mean absolutely nothing to them. Our history, our culture, our freedoms, our people….mean absolutely nothing to them. A true Muslim, a good Muslim, only cares about the word of Allah and what Allah has instructed what ALL believer’s must do to get into paradise
Is the BBC ever going to interview the French Foreign minister , or the ambassador , or the mayor of Calais , or Interior minister or any French person and ask
Why are these people allowed to be in France without papers
Why they don’t process the asylum seekers claims in France
What are they doing about these children
Why is it deemed dangerous for these children to be in France
Is France in any way embarrassed by the Jungle and these children ???
Is Britain a nicer country than France ?
Of course the answers would be awkward for the BBC as well as France , for how could the liberal/left explain the paradox that they always say Britain is a welcome , open , tolerant place which is why we should be proud that people want to come here , and at the same time we are racist little Englanders who hate foreigners ?
British People are probably the least racist people on earth. The trouble is their hospitality has been abused. Europe, in particular Germany, France and the Multi-Culti Al Beeb want to off-load ‘Merkels’ Marauders’ on to these over populated islands at a cost to our own people. Hence the demand for the freedom of movement in the EU.
Al Beeb should run a HYS and ask ‘should the people of Great Britain take in more immigrants?’
Your call Al Beeb……………..
Are you sure you want to hear the answer they would give though?
That Britain is a stupid left wing country which values its citizenship at nothing. Once here successful asylum seekers know they are never removed, unlike the rest of Europe which reviews their cases every 5 years.
And even if they fail they know that just 5% of failed asylum seekers are removed.
So come to Britain and you can stay as long as you like !
Well, we do know that the arrogant BBC elites are presently “hiring”!
Who knows, maybe some of those mid-to-north-Africans stranded in France have been tipped-off and been given application forms by one of those left-wing BBC camera men/reporters!? I wouldn’t put it past them!
I for one was struck by how deep the young male child’s voice was.
i believe fifa uses a simple wrist xray to determine age
On the radio this morning following on from the report on Unicefs demands we were told of a recent fatality on Calais’ roads.The body of this young man, whose brother was already in the UK & therefore apparently having a valid claim for entry, had been transported back to Afghanistan to be re-united with his family for burial. So why a refugee when his family could accept him back? And what validity existed for his brother’s admission to the UK? I don’t know, because the report just accepted that all comers should be taken into the UK.
Edit – only now read the link provided by DV – So you already know all this
BBC tv News report telling us this evening that “Aleppo is being annihilated and with it hopes for peace”
But wait a minute, when and if Syrian Government forces regain control then surely the fighting will stop?
Did the likes of Jeremy Bowen regret the spreading of the initial armed rebellion? Not so much.
The BBC chose sides in this conflict and they are sore that their side is losing.
These 14 year olds have got some guts, travelling all the way from Afghansitan to Calais without a map or money, but surely they should stop in the first safe country they reach?
One would think they had an ulterior motive?
WB the reality is far from what you say here. They have quite a lot of money because every step they have taken they have paid a trafficker to move them. The recent prosecution of traffickers in France revealed they are paying as much as £12K for transport into the UK.
The aid agencies are supplying them with maps, mobile phones, prepaid air time, feeding and clothing them. They are even giving them detailed advice on how to claim asylum and benefits in the UK
On this subject there was documentary (5 I think) detailing what can go wrong for an asylum seeker.
An Indian lad came to this country illegally 15 years ago. Destroyed all his documents as recommended by the experts (aid agencies) and tried to apply for asylum. He was turned down.
For the last 15 years he has lived on the streets, begging, stealing and doing anything to stay alive. For the last 10 years he has been trying to be deported back to India.
The program tried to organize his deportation and took him to the Indian Embassy and tried to arrange travel documents. They were having none of it. Their attitude was: no evidence of Indian birth, residency or passport. Take a hike mate.
When I worked in Kabul, there were several big markets, but in the main one on the road up towards Camp Bastion, you could buy A5 size self-help books on getting to Europe and claiming asylum, complete with example documents and helpful lists of phone numbers in the back.
I’ve seen them with my own eyes, and that was about five years ago. Presumably, by now, you just get an app for your smartphone, which all these guys seem to carry.
I’ve never seen these mentioned in the MSM/BBC, but they must have seen them. Presumably not helpful to their collective message of all these poor victims and also an indicator of the extent and sophistication of the asylum and “refugee” industry, which thrives on Western guilt and gullibility.
The first EU point of entry has the legal obligation to take migrants! In spite of this migrants pass through numerous EU member states, each abrogating their responsibility, the migrants then arrive at Calais.
The BBC then lobby us to take responsibility for these migrants, most of whom are economic migrants mainly from north Africa! At UK expense our police and customs officials travel to France to police French boarders that should be policed by French. France has a much lower population mass than the UK and yet the BBC morally blackmails the British public into the acceptance of illegal migrants, their children first and by default their families to follow.
Just watch left wing looney George Clooney and see if he puts his money where his mouth is…..I’m willing to bet he’s just like all the rest…..its ok to dump them on the plebs but when it comes to their back door?
‘Muslim migrants flood into refugee camp next door to Clooney’s €10 million lake como mansion’
Shurely he’ll be taking some of them in….yeah right
Couldnt happen to a nicer chap
Yesterday the bBBC were pushing their Poor Asylum Seekers propaganda on the Radio. They played up the story of the poor little 14 year old who died whilst trying to smuggle himself here by jumping on a passing lorry. They pointed out, without even realising what they were exposing, that the youth was entitled to come here so he could join his brother who was already here. In other words, when it comes to family members it is a case of One In, All In, which is exactly why we refuse to fall for the “Poor children, you should just let them all in.” bovine excreter pushed by the corrupt United Nations (Lets Blame the West for All the World’s Problems) Organisation.
Interesting pose in a pink t shirt. Bet his family at the funeral haven’t seen that side of him. Ooh suits you sir.
In France, the population density is something like a quarter of that in England.
One way to visualise this is a family of four or five in France could live in a four bedroom house.
The same family in England would have a one bedroom house.
We are hopelessly overcrowded.
I think the recommended, sustainable population for us is about a third of the current population.
Why is nobody bringing this up on tv.
There must be some channel somewhere that isn’t far left and that offers unbiased news………where is it?
There must be some channel somewhere that isn’t far left and that offers unbiased news………where is it?
Try Fox News on YouTube. It’s not British, of course, but it’s a breath of fresh air after the propagandist BBC.
You cannot solve a nations problems by the mass migration of its population to that of another country. The problems must be resolved in-situ. Would the fall of Assad’s regime suit the worlds interests? There is no consensus on what kind of regime would replace Assad’s? It may be hell but is it a case of the better the devil you know? This mistake has been made once in Iraq & to this extent one might see Russia’s intervention on the side of Assad as brutal but shortening this slow death.
And, moreover, if you do move enough of a population to another country, guess what? You take that other country to the new one – a truism that those living in far too many parts of what was once England can attest to.
I might not agree with this reporters comment on Gaza at the start of the clip but what she says about Aleppo and Syria is absolutely correct.
And the BBC with all it’s resources should be highlighting this instead of defending ISIS.
She only stated that she was in gazza during the bombing. She didn’t allocate blame or talk about it in any other way. Shows that she is at least intelligent. Good post and good to hear her views on Syria. Sounds about right.