The BBC loves to use the phrase ‘Male, pale and stale’, they laugh at how witty and right-on they are as they so casually use a phrase that is obviously a racist, sexist and ageist stereotype. They wouldn’t after all use a phrase such as ‘Black, slack and on crack’ would they?
They would however sack you if you are hideously white….
BBC sacked me for being a white man… even though I work in radio: The Now Show comic was told he was being axed to make way for more women and diversity
Even Trevor Phillips isn’t impressed (Good old Lenny probably loves it though)…
Mr Phillips – former chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission – branded the decision to drop Mr Holmes on the grounds of positive discrimination ‘idiotic’.
It’s unbelievable – we’re talking about a person who has done some of the best work on radioHe said: ‘They are misunderstanding what the point of the diversity drive was about. This sounds like somebody who is basically climbing their way up the greasy ladder and they think hiring black and Asian talent is part of what they have got to do to look good.
‘But they don’t genuinely believe black or Asian people are as good as white people.’
Feel sorry for any Black, Asian or female offered a role on the Not Now Show….clearly people will think they are only there because of the BBC’s tick-box diversity project…there because of colour or sex not talent.
Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Lovely to see the PC divs responsible for the horrendous ‘now show’ getting a taste of their own medicine.
Happy days
Agree with that Grimer, his statement in the Faily Mail supports and accepts the decision as if it’s just the normal way things are done – Making way for women & ethnics is what you do. He was assimilated a long time ago. Un-funny shit show that will just get even worse.
I don’t think that Jon Holmes is being fair. My name is Ayesha McGonagle and I am a partly white and have been offered a job at the BBC to cover the Triathlon at the Olympics in Tokyo. It will take four years to train me as I can’t swim or ride a bike and know nothing about anything to do with sport. However I do have a very strong Irish brogue and some have said it helped me to be a member of the LGBT community to get the job. BUT I reiterate I am partly white.
To show how fair they are at the BBC they have told me that I have a very good chance to take over from Alex Jones on the ONE SHOW when she gets deeper into her pregnancy. And also that when Gary Lineker has to go because of diversity I will have a very good chance to front Match of the Day and even present it wearing a burka.
More on the Jon Holmes affair (from the Press Association):
Holmes adds he “understands and agrees with all things BAME [Black Asian and minority ethnic]” and said speaking out about losing his job was not “sour grapes”.
The comic said after announcing the news on Twitter he was “contacted privately (quietly and off the record, because people are terrified of saying the wrong thing) by many presenters, actors and even agents who are now being told, and I quote: ‘We love your client. He’s perfect for the role. But we’re not allowed to even invite him in for a meeting because we’ve been told to cast someone Asian’.”
Holmes adds: “I love the BBC and everyone I’ve ever met and worked with – whatever their sex, creed or colour – is doing the best they can and just trying to get on and do the right thing. But even they are all privately saying it’s all got a bit out of hand.”
NOTE that last sentence and the word “privately”.
It is, of course, more than just the BBC waging a genocidal war on white people. It’s now a cliche that diversity is another word for anti-white but where this will lead is another matter. The BBC’s cabal of anti-semitic… oops sorry anti-zionist revolutionary foreign correspondents led by the marxist Orla Geurin, jehad Donnison and mad Frank Gardiner have done more to justify the spread of virulent anti-semitism than any other institution in the world. Having settled the hash of European Jewry with incessant propaganda for mass Muslim immigrantion and before that generalised mass immigration into Britain in cahoots with their Labour Party overlords, are the BBC and their burgeoning non-white staff intending to redouble their efforts to rid the western world of indigenous whites? You heard it here, but not first, because this is old news, but terrifying nonetheless. Of course any white person who mentions this is naturally a raaaaycist, as are all white people who object to mass immigration.Lenny Henry, always as funny as cancer, receieved a knighthood, what for again? Ask yourself why none of The Few who still live on after The Battle of Britain were never considered worthy of such an honour. All they did was save the nation from Hitler, but it does give you a good idea of who is now in charge of our institutions. Here’s a clue: Traitors, liars and cowards. I hope someone is keeping track of the Sir Lenny’s and the Burnham’s and the Chakrabati’s and their treasonous activity, because at some point future generations will want to know why and how and who.
Come off it Kane, Jews are seriously over represented at the BBC and like the rest of the Beeboid elite fully on board with the Brit hate fest. The BBC is pro Muslim, but anti Jewish? No way! It’s anything goes but ethnic British.
Aerfen, there are no Jewish BBC staff on a “Brit hate fest.”
You need to rein in your hostility towards Jews because it blinds you to reason.
Alternatively, look for like-minded anti-Semites on the Internet where you’ll feel at home.
Quoting from above:
Of course any white person who mentions this is naturally a raaaaycist, as are all white people who object to mass immigration
Isn’t it a part of leftist collective thought that ‘all white people are racist’?
I don’t watch any of it .The more diversity they include the less I watch. I live the “community” I don’t want to see it played out on TV or radio.I want respite from it.
I’ve this week seen albeeb urging us to contribute to their Children in need fund….with a series of ads designed to show us just where the money goes….guess what…every child shown, except for one, is hideously white….snow white…not even dusky.
My how that contrasts with any clip shown of schools etc….in which the whites are always a minority.
Even Mrs Dysgwr remarked on it.
They really believe the masses are that stupid.
Not one penny from this house goes to that abomination……we give money to very very few nowadays……one being a local hospice where my brother was looked after during his final days
Dont believe in giving cash to leeches and criminals like batman jelly and her kind
Here’s one reason:
The BBC will soon be getting out the begging bowl again for Children in Need, but the charity is at the moment flush with cash. In the small print of its latest figures, it discloses that it has an astonishing £87,705,000 stashed away in bank accounts and other investments.
Another is where the money goes. At one time you used to be able to get this information from the Children in Need website and boy, oh boy what an eye-opener that was. Leaving aside the boxes that had to be ticked in order to qualify for their magnanimity (diversity, equality, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc etc ), they brought a whole new meaning to the word ‘need’ as money was hosed into projects such as providing film-making equipment for ‘vulnerable’ inner-city kids to help give them a career start – ditto expensive musical equipment – and the number of projects qualifying because they were aimed at kids who were part of some LGBT group or who had ‘gender identity’ issues was surreal. And then there were the projects to help ‘traveller’ families… get the picture.
It was like Brave New World meets a Momentum rally – and therefore no surprise coming from the BBC.
Those accounts are from 2014, but 2015 was worse
Now 2016 £71.84m The Charity Commission accounts show. That’s with an annual spend of 62.5m
Note how the charity’s own FAQ pages are out of date and point only to ol info.
The argument is that they keep “a float” cos you cannot be sure that this years donations will match their 3 year spending plans. However keeping ” float” bigger than your annual spending is overcautious, cos say funding fell short by 30% two years running then you’d only lose 60% of your annual spending so you’d still have enough left in your float and have enough time to star cutting programs.
For e their is n isue with BBC charity appeals cos you are basically putting charity adverts on a public broadcaster. And hour per hour you are raising less money than commercial ads would.
The BBC could actually go commercial for a day ..sell adverts at commercial rates ..and raise far more than just charity donations.
Personally I don’t give to charities, cos it is the governments job to take care of problems, and if they screw up they are held to account at the ballot box. Whereas charities are prone to entryism ie they get hijacked by political activists who cannot be easily removed ..happened in the COOP, RSPCA, RSPB, National Trust etc.
I do remember the Radio Hallam appeal in Sheffield which raised good money and Good old Harvey kept ringing in with donation, everyone loved him. 2 months later God old Harvey was arrested for fraud. It’s too easy for fraudsters to steal and then buy reputation by giving a few charity donations.
I don’t even agree with volunteers..cos you are paying them nothing it’s too easy to be inefficient. It’s better that a charity pays it’ workers to do a proper job, not amateurs.
I do think small charities should exist just to hold the government to account.
Too much tax money is lost, cos of rich people diverting it to their pet charities; this Gordon Brown loophole needs ending.
I was wondering just this week what has happened that hideous woman Batman jellycoat or whatever she is called, it’s gone very quiet considering the huge crimes she did?
I seem to recall reading somewhere she’s writing a book. Either that or appearing in panto…
As one commentator in the press put it: she looks like she’s dressed herself from Aladdin’s laundry basket.
She will come out of it smelling of roses no doubt!
As both ends of a pantomime horse?
Whites are far more altruistic than non-whites. But a visual diet of needy non-white children might turn off a number of potential white donaters without attracting a single non-white one….so the best thing to do is raise money from whites by showing deprived white children, and then giving all the money raised to a completely different sort of demographic….
Not so sure about that, Paul. Charities Aid Fund have evidence that low paid tend to give more to charity than high paid. BAME community is said to earn less proportionately to indigenous community.
Certainly some of the Caribbean & African community are very generous in their giving, especially to Church-based work.
Some great comments on here. Mine…
We are seeing the regression of ‘talent’ before our eyes. The ticking of a box is far more important to a SJW nazi than the quality of the product. Hiring someone because they are the best person for the job drives that business/entity forward….as does firing someone because they are rubbish. Unfortunately that reality is what the grownups have to deal with in the grownups world. This moronic and delusional form of self-righteous back slapping can only come from someone who has clearly never had to do a real job in their entire lives.
These ‘shotgun to the head’ diversity Gestapo are traitors to our country and to its future success. Whilst the rest of the world are forced to make the very best to succeed, we are forcing ourselves to accept anything, so long as a box is ticked.
This warped version of socialist thought policing will lead to even more division as people will know they are genuinely being discriminated against, just because they are the wrong skin colour. This genuine racism is creating a racist culture. This victim chasing is creating even more victims. It has to stop….. Are the Islamic Al Beeb going to lead that fight?…. Hell no!!! They are the biggest traitors of all!
Wasn’t Jon Holmes in the film DEEP THROAT ? Maybe the trouble
was that as a stand up comedian ,he was standing up a bit too much
for the liking of the BBC. I do seem to remember that it was said
that he was very well endowed. Mind you I never saw the film. However
I am known as “Sore throat” in my own profession!!
The BBC is a nationalised industry funded out of licence fee taxation. It is run by socialists & liberals. It can disregard the need to make a profit or reflect the needs of its viewing public. It has embarked upon a brain washing enterprise worthy of George Orwell’s 1984, the new opium of the masses! It does not deserve its monopoly and the licence fee system should be removed.
Speaking of which:
If this was ‘Yes Minister’ it may have been amusing satire, but it is sick reality today.
Imagine any other entity having a department set up with the specific intention of looking like providing legitimate information, but actually designed, and enabled, with the connivance of government, to ensure it is withheld from the public.
As somebody wisely pointed out, the BBC doesn’t see Orwell’s 1984 as a cautionary fable, but as an instruction manual.
If ever one of these ‘better than us because the care more’ snowflakes have to go into hospital for an operation I wonder if, given the choice, they would opt for a white fully trained surgeon to do the operation, or some black Somalian surgeon who has managed to ride across the channel on a pedalo and says he’s a qualified surgeon and was immediately given the job to tick a box.
Maybe it is time that we white males stopped paying the licence fee,seeing as how we are being so badly treated by the racist BBC?
whats a licence fee ? 🙂
We can’t let this go, is there somewhere we can report the BBC for this?
Ladies and Gentlemem…Welcome to the BLACK BROADCASTING COMPANY
It is this Sunday evening it seems…my husband has just commented from the front room that the News programme has just ticked all the boxes as even the weatherman is ethnic origin. For some reason this bias is more evident at weekends.
I read in the papers that the target for the ‘oddities’ is 8%. That is 4x their natural occurrence in the population. If the bBC achieve their target, then will they be accused of being ‘hideously queer’.
Broadcasters could face tougher penalties and “harder-edged” regulation if they do not improve diversity, Ofcom chief executive Sharon White has said.
White said the television industry has made some progress since Lenny Henry called for legislation in 2014 to boost the low numbers of black, Asian and minority ethnic people on and off screen.
However, White said broadcasters are not yet doing a “good enough job” and that Ofcom will “look at enforcements” if the issue is not resolved.
“Sharon White”? How come it isn’t “Sharon Black”?
If you check her out on the internet, she is black and worked for Gordon Brown . That explains it.
I know someone who is a teacher and maiden name was Green. She successfully applied to get a job in Germany and her referees were her headmaster and LEA inspector. One was Mr Brown and one Mr Black.
If we had a properly functioning free press in this country, Ms White would currently be the subject of the most searching and thorough investigations, resulting in her full background, and the process by which she was appointed, being exposed to public scrutiny.
Let’s see how long some of these Quango Queens can survive once their little monarchies are subject to daylight.
Sorry but when did OFCOM assume the role of the Equalities Commission and start deciding on quotas within the media? This is outrageous.
From the Guardian, December 2014. “The new Ofcom boss, Sharon White, is forever being hailed as the first black woman appointed to senior roles in Whitehall.”
Does anybody need any further explanation?
Can anyone imagine the BBC ending up paying out £millions in compensation cos they have discriminated against Holmes and others on mere grounds of skin colour ? Just like they lost in court for discriminating on age.
BTW the Mail and Mail on Sundy articles have more detail :
The presenters on yesterday’s Final Score were Jason Mohammad, Jason Roberts and Dion Dublin. A BME hatrick!
I’ve said before, that PC, diversity etc will only begin to be questioned when its advocates themselves begin to be affected by their own policies. The same thing happened with the witch-hunts of the seventeenth century. PC is all very well in theory but watch the tide turn when BBC types start losing their jobs because of it.
I must say I have absolutely no sympathy at all for Jon Holmes, who has participated in the most sanctimonious, tedious, right-on, far-Left love-in on Radio 4 – and that is certainly saying something given the competition!
He has died at his own hands. So be it. Now let’s watch and enjoy the rest of them suffering the fate they have brought down on the rest of us.
You beat me to it GCooper!
I cannot feel much sympathy for Holmes as an individual.
The Now Show is stale, viciously anti British, elitist pro EU anti working class BBC propaganda piece.
This is a classic : “First they came for…” story.
Over on LBC the new Muslim presenter Majid Nawaz claims he would ‘hate to think he e got his job because he is Muslim or Asian’! ROFL
Minority ethnics get round this very easily by simply telling themselves they got th e job on merit and accusing anyone who disagrees with them of being ‘racist’.
This enforced, affirmative action, quota system which al beebus has adopted is a cause for celebration; as there is increasing diversity amongst its staff there will be a concomitant erosion of the quality of its programmes and broadcasting: this will lead to (even) lower viewing figures and bring into sharper focus the unsustainability of the enforced taxation through which this deteriorating organization is funded.
Sir Lenworth for D.G. (IMHO).
Al beebus are almost beyond parody now: the unwatchable in pursuit of the unemployable.
The BBC is becoming the Austin Allegro of broadcasting. Crap design , rubbish motor and unreliable.
it will end up the same way. Just give it time.
BBC = British Leyland ..that’s a good analogy @DaveS
The 2016BBC gets it’s management style from British Leyland
The answer seems to be to remove the Licence Fee. Not the BBC Board. Us. Give up TV.
Hit them where it hurts.
Hall should have been cutting the Licence Fee for the new Charter period to about £75. Only a year ago he was boasting about the 40% savings the BBC had made before the Charter Review began.
Positive discrimination in this country is illegal except for political parties isn’t it? The Equalities Act makes it so.
The equalities act only encompasses ethnic minorities and females, white men don’t count.
What the dear old Beeb really need to tick all the ultra pc diversity boxes is a mixed race Muslim convert, who has one leg, is in a lesbian relationship and also happens to be trans gender. She / he / or it could do everything.
We could get rid of that sanctimonious bore Marcus Brigstocke, the incredibly irritating drip Jeremy Hardy could join the dole queue, Punt and Dennis could just piss off and Sandi could devote all her time to wimmin’s politics.
It’s growing on me…
Jeff, so right; fortunately Sandi Tossvig has left the show, maybe for not being black or funny and filled the not inconsiderable shoes of another atheist Stephen Fry on QI.
Goodness me, it was hard enough to hear her end to end left wing bias on the wireless but now have to suffer her visage on TV… as ubiquitous as bloody Claire ‘I am a Lesbian too’ Balding!
Toksvig is mother to two daughters and a son. The children were carried by her then-partner, Peta Stewart from whom she separated in 1997, and were conceived through artificial insemination by donor Christopher Lloyd-Pack, younger brother of the actor Roger Lloyd-Pack.
Eweew what a horrible thought… is amazing what stultifying information one can find on the web which can confirm ones loathing of a person.
No sympathy for him at all, he supported the BBC’s social engineering for years and probably thought this made his position secure. He was wrong. Marxism has loyalty only to itself, after all.
All Lives Matter you got it spot on
looking at the “”balance” the beeb apply i now doubt the census data even more than what my own eyes tell me in the street
Em by 2011 census data the UK is 87% white.
See how in non-London area villages it seems about 98% white
(I’ve seen a lower number 85.4%, but that data didn’t include Scotland)
I guess the BBC targets anticipate future growth.
Don’t forget the number of working BME adults is probably lower, cos a lot of the BME proportion are still at school. So of course senior management won’t yet be 13% cos they are still working themselves up the career ladder.
Having grown up with TV shows full of good comedians and funny men such as Dick Emery, Benny Hill, Tommy Cooper, Russ Abbott, The Comedians, Bernard Manning and many many others. Compared to those The Now Show is not really funny at all.
JB – there is precious little on al beebus that is (intentionally) funny and certainly what little there is: is not worth the cost of its production.
John Holmes could have saved his job by popping down to Plymouth a couple of weeks ago and attending the following (funded by the good Council Tax payers of the city)….
You are here: What’s On > Plymouth Turban Awareness Day
Plymouth Turban Awareness Day
Armada Way, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 2AA
Plymouth Turban Awareness Day
For the 1st time in Plymouth and history Chaz Singh will be showing members of the public how he ties his Turban on You FREE.
Here is a unique opportunity to experience the Turban and learn who the Sikhs are. The project is supported by the Drake Foundation and Plymouth City Council.
No joke; this actually took place!
It will be interesting to see when the “diversity” rules are applied to the very top of the BBC Hierarchy and to the next level down. So many of the top BBC executives are “pale, male and stale”.
Perhaps a black, transexual without any education beyond GCSE (3 Cs and a D) as Director-General?
‘Perhaps a black, transexual without any education beyond GCSE (3 Cs and a D) as Director-General?’
To be fair He/She would probably make a better job of it than the current DG