Orphaned baby is rescued from Aleppo rubble – leaving BBC presenter Kate Silverton in tears as she presents news
Heartwarming and touching isn’t it? A BBC news presenter cries on air as a baby is pulled from the rubble in Aleppo.
Trouble is that baby wouldn’t have had to be pulled from the rubble if it weren’t for people like Silverton who mount massive anti-war campaigns whenever the sabres are rattling however just the cause and the result is Syria where Assad has been allowed to run riot, ISIS were literally set free by him to do their Islamic thing and Putin was given the chance to take control.
Not just the BBC of course…there’s Ed Miliband’s betrayal of the Syrians and refusal to do what he said he would back in 2013 and back military action has meant a war that could have been contained has spun out of control. The BBC’s refusal to broadcast the bombing of a school in Syria prior to the vote in Parliament was clearly political and a move designed to stop the vote being swayed by bloody facts on the ground…and now the same people who suppressed that news are crying at the result years on and millions of refugees later…including Aylan Kurdi who would still be alive now in all likelihood had it not been for the anti-war brigade…..Miliband runs for cover, provided by the likes of the BBC which has run a campaign against the Iraq War and piled on the pressure onto politicians for over a decade, as he tries to excuse his betrayal…
Labour leader Ed Miliband has said that ”Britain is learning the lessons of our past, including the lessons of Iraq.”
Yes lesson learned……
Had a no-fly zone been enforced and Assad’s tanks been kept in their barracks Assad would have been forced to negotiate and possibly made to step down, at the very least the aerial bombardment of civilians and the mass exodus would have been prevented.
“You do well to weep like a woman for what you failed to defend like a man.”
Am I the only one who fails to understand, or misundertsands the thrust of this article?
Assad was never perfect, but running a semblance of religious diversity and tolerance in a place like Syria was never easy.
But it worked.
Some idiots wanted to ‘bomb Syria’, but none of them knew which bit, or who would fill any vacuum left by Assad’s removal, and worse they believed they could differentiate between nice rebels and nasty bastards…idiots.
Of course..removing the leadership in Iraq, and Libya has been wonderful eh? NOT.
How could forcing Assad’s removal have prevented the collateral damage ? Replacing the bombs with alNusra or qaeda knives would be SO beneficial.
It’s a little early..I may need to reread this later….and get a whole different perspective, but I doubt it.
This item, do far as it goes, destroys years of sensible comment on here.
‘You do well to weep’, as one muslim queen mother said to her son the king’
Well said Dysgwr.
I agree wholeheartedly.
Syria was the one country that took in hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Christians when we “liberated” Iraq. No one else did. No one. The West went out of its way to ignore the plight of Iraqi Christians, even as they were being exterminated. Syria is one the few ME countries that has freedoms for religious minorities. Religious minorites in Syria had freedoms that are unthinkable in countries such as Saudi Arabia, our most trusted ally.
Syria is governed by a secular party, and all religions are not just tolerated, but respected and allowed. To the Sunnis in Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood , and their supporters Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, a secular non-Muslim country in the ME, is totally unacceptable. Hence this war to remove Assad, and replace it with a Muslim brotherhood Wahabbi Islam one. The West can always be relied to support Saudi Arabia
Our politicians thought they could appease Saudi Arabia by replacing Assad, with al Nusra and so-called freedom fighters, all fronts for al Qaeda and worse. If the West succeeds in removing the Assad government and replacing it with al Nusra, aka known aa ISIS, we will see the mass beheading of Christians in Syria. However Western governments & media will not show the atrocities, or admit culpability for the atrocities, just as we havn’t seen the atrocities committed by the removal of Gaddaffi.
It is interesting to note that minorities in Syria – the Druze, Alawites, and Christians of various denominations, have not abandoned Assad. In reality, Assad is winning for precisely that reason, while ISIS, al Nusra and others such, are losing. It is not then a surprise, that most Syrian refugees swarming to Europe, are fighting fit young Sunni Muslims ( probably trying to escape the coming nemesis), with few Syrian Druze or Christians among them. Do we really need young fighting fit Muslim Brotherhood supporters.
Middle Eastern Christians have learned from bitter experience, that the US administration, Republican or Democrat, does not care about them. This was obvious from the start of the invasion of Iraq. The few who tried to get to Europe, were persecuted in Turkish refugee camps, thrown out of the boats, on the journey to Europe, and faced even more persecution in refugee camps in Germany. They have learned, that Assad’s Syria is a far better protector, then the West. That if America succeeds in toppling Assad, they will have no place to go. For instance, America has accepted tens of thousands of Muslims refugees from Syria, but just a handful of Christians have managed to satisfy the strict security regime of the Obama administration..
If the Muslim Brotherhood will take over Syria, the crucifixions, beheadings etc of Christians of the ME, will start, and eventually lead to the extinction of Christianity in the ME. Certainly, if the past is anything to go by, the West will do nothing, the media will ignore their cries for help. Only when a handful of Christians are left, a hue and cry will be raised. But that will only be to salve our consciences, but not for any practical assistance when it was needed.
As for the hundreds of thousands of military fit young Muslim men now waging war in Europe – they are the Muslim Brotherhood warriors that Assad’s forces have defeated. They are now doing in Europe, what they wanted to do in earnest in Syria. Saudi Arabia as usual, is offering to build mega mosques for them in Europe. With that will come bombs and bullets. Its 15 years since 9/11. Haven’t we learned anything yet.
Arius, an Armenian Christian writes:
I can speak for the Armenians in Syria and can tell you that they are deathly afraid that the Syrian government will be overthrown by Muslim Brotherhood and Salafi connected groups. The Western media make no mention of churches being attacked and of Christians being massacred by the Islamist groups the West supports, but when they do mention it they blame it on the Syrian government!
It is strange indeed when I, a staunch anti-Communist American-Armenian during the Cold War, now support Russia and China drawing a line in the sand against the West attacking the Syrian government.
The U.S. government is aiding and assisting the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis coming to power in multiple countries in the Middle East. This is the biggest strategic blunder by the West since the 1500s, along with Europe’s Euro-Arab Dialog which over the past 40 years has opened Europe to mass Muslim invasion. I spent most of my life believing in Western civilization but near the end of my life I see the West for what it has become — ignorant, deceptive, propelled by self-hatred, digging its own grave. It is no longer worthy of its inheritance.
I pray for Assad’s government to survive. For if he is toppled by the barbaric Islamic forces, backed by the US and the UK, it will be the end of Christianity, in the very place that Christianity was named as such. If Europe and the West destroy the very place its founding civilisation began, then I see no hope for us.
Have mercy on us Lord, for we do not know what we do.
Thank you ncbbc for expressing it so much better than I was able to.
DC – crystal clear and so bloody obvious except to the hand-wringing liberals and facsimiles thereof (e.g. most Western leaders). The only way to keep a lid on any Arab country is through having a ruthless bastard of a dictator. It’s not perfect, and some will suffer, but by and large disparate groups and religions are safe and tend to rub along together. For the West to try and impose change and/or democracy on any Arab country is not only naive in the extreme it’s totally reckless and will inevitably result in chaos and bloodshed. They are not like us and the sooner our governments understand that the better.
Sitting back and doing nothing, except engaging in handwringing and engaging in the modern trend to make a great display of publicly “emoting” at every opportunity, really worked out well, didn’t it. The child being dug out of the rubble is a direct result of that sitting back and putting things on the Too Hard To Do file in the hope the problem will somehow just magically disappear.
I’m with you on this, Dysgwr. Assad was not perfect. BUT, Syria was a relatively free country. Religious diversity (sorry to use that term on this website) was tolerated. Women were free and treated (relatively, I suppose) equal. In effect, the country was stable. Likewise Libya….. And Iraq…… And, if it comes to that, Afghanistan under the soviets was freer and more liberal than now……
Is there a pattern coming out here…?
Agree joeadamsmith and Dysgwr_Cymraeg
The people opposing Assad were not interested in defending the rights of women and non moslem minorities. And they were not even contemplating anything similar to a parliamentary democracy
From the article in the Telegraph
‘They were images so moving, it seemed like the whole world wept. From the white-helmeted rescue worker who pulled the baby out of the Syrian rubble to even the BBC newsreader, introducing the report.’
Please note the reference to the heroic White Helmets, supported by the BBC and St Jo. Lots of information on the internet about these rescue workers supporting Jihadists and participating in executions.
Assad is not that as bad as he is made out to be. I have seen him being interviewed, and he looks and sounds quite fair. I don’t he can be faking it, as that would make him a very good actor.
The fact is, that he has to preside in a region where being soft is certain death. Regardless, he is trusted by Christians of various denominations, Druze, Alawites, Shias – far more then their trust in Western politicians. These desperate and helpless minorities have learnt from hard and bitter experience, that putting their faith in America or the West, is like putting their faith in Saudi Arabia. In fact, its the same, and will lead to their beheading.
Can’t agree with you regarding Miliband’s “betrayal of the Syrians”, Alan. Of course, he did it for all the wrong cynical reasons, but to interfere would just have led to another Libya. We’d be exactly where we are now, maybe even worse. These countries need a ruthless bastard in charge, as Iraq and Libya have demonstrated. Hard though it may seem, the Russians will probably save more lives in the long run by allowing Assad to reassert control.
Anyway, it’s not just that war that is leading to “refugees”. It seems quite obvious to me that these refugees, who come from all over the Muslim world, are being orchestrated by some central agency for political reasons with Syria as a useful excuse.
Well said Roland.
More lives of young British soldiers should not be put at risk to save Syrians.Their own young men should fight back.
You mean like a Central Intelligence Agency RD?
No. The Saudis who want to spread Islam.
The reality behind this article is clear. That the sheltered, protected, utopian West we live in, is only that way because of the sacrifice of millions of real men and women in countless wars! Make no mistake, the world we live in is an illusion… an illusion created by war and domination over other ‘lesser’ ideologies than our own.
All Kate Silverton has ever known is a world of such privilege that she has become utterly detached from the brutality and violence that has plagued mankind since the dawning of our species… and that same animalistic violence is playing out all over the world thanks to Muhammads life instructions. Sheltered, protected delusionists like Kate Silverton have no understanding at all of the concept that without the willingness to fight for everything you love and care for in the world, it will be brutaly taken from you.. as is happening in Syria… as is the path our country is heading right now.
Kates utterly spineless and cowardly display of weakness should never have been allowed to have happened on an impartial broadcast.
100% agree with your summing-up Tothepoint-we in Europe are being destroyed slowly by the evil that has been engineered by those that control our lives. Fundamental democratic ideas are being corrupted, few voices desire to bring us a better life with hope for the future; few encourage us to raise our sights. Dumb down all to the lowest common denominator-those disinterested in the sytems that make our world tick, caring little about the principles at stake. We now fight wars about religion as we did hundreds of years ago.
Wholeheartedly agree with you. If we don’t care for Christians and Christianity in Syria, then the evil regime that has somehow come to power in America, will not care when the same forces set out to destroy Christianity in the West. Of course there will be the platitudes, always with the caution that “Islam is a religion of peace”. I wonder when it will stop? Once the Black flag tops the White House?
Kate’s empathy towards the suffering is to her credit. She is a woman, and quite rightly feels love and care for a baby. It was so with Merkel as well, as all she could see was the suffering of a few Muslim women, among the millions of fighting fit Muslim men. The result of that empathy is that Germany and Europe, are now saddled with an enemy that will not rest till Europe is Islamic. And it is the women and children that are being assaulted by the Muslim invaders – as all invaders do.
Women’s empathy complements man’s straight shooting hardness. Both go together. But I now feel that in matters of security of the nation state, men are far better placed, and able to take the “heat” as befitting a man’s natural character, then a woman.
Margaret Thatcher was an exception, but note that she was heavily criticised by women for not behaving like one.
Victor Orban it seems is the only man in the EU leadership.
It won’t stop NCBBC as long as the Bushes/Clintons control the arm of the USA-Hillary Clinton is a wolf in wolf’s clothing-She is not a populist liberal, she is the opposite of a motherly or sisterly figure who cares about children and the disadvantaged/poor-she is a racist and a pathological liar. One could argue that she is the criminal brains of the Clinton apparatus. It has been advocated that Hillary Clinton has been leading a force in the creation and funding of Islamic terror and Daesh, quite possible-irrespective of whether she becomes President of the USA or not, the terrible evil that has been cultivated from the early 1990’s will continue with the hard line CIA involvement, as was headed by Georage Bush senior, for the foreseeable future. Example-America in Syria: How to build a terror state.
She is under the malign influence of Huma Abedin (Pakistani I think), who is the daughter of leading Muslim Brotherhood members. Huma herself was a writer for Muslim Brotherhood journals
And this is the woman who will be the White House chief of staff if Clinton wins the POTUS.
Ann Barnhardt pulls no punches
While I’m in ‘Splainin’ Mode™, folks seem thrown by the whole Huma Abedin (high-level Musloid Brotherhood operative and Hillary Clinton’s long-term lesbian concubine, and soon-to-be y’all’s 21st century, post-American Edith Wilson) being fake-married to the world’s most repellant, disgusting, embodying-every-negative-stereotype-both-just-and-unjust Jew, Anthony “Carlos Danger” “T-Dog” Weiner.
After all the varied humanitarian catastrophes caused by our clueless politicians as they totally bugger up once stable dictatorships in the belief thay could be fluffy democratic states once the nasty chap with the mustache was overthrown…..I hardly think it wise to depose Assad in order to replace him with ISIL or the equivalent relgious bearded nutter brigade.
I agree Left-liberals cry over the inevitable consequences of their own deluded, suicidal (murderous) liberal making – but in this case, I would suggest this is not the case.
A link I’ve just got hold of re Syria. It might, of course, be a “false Syrian.” Worth reading, though: http://www.globalresearch.ca/i-am-a-syrian-living-in-syria-it-was-never-a-revolution-nor-a-civil-war-the-terrorists-are-sent-by-your-government/5544450
Always ask “what is the end game ?”
Speaker here are saying “We should keep Assad, cos the alternative is worse”
Well is that going to go on forever ? this system of the Assad family having day to day oppression and then violent purges every few years when someone disagrees with them.
Syria has to one day move to democratic government. The UN by enforcing no fly zones could have pushed Assad back towards a more democratic path.
A number of countries have gone on from dictator governments to something better. Croatia, Slovenia and Albania are not doing bad. Turkey has gone the other way. Sierra Leone seems OK these days except for when the ebola came up.
“The UK began a military intervention in Sierra Leone on 7 May 2000 under the codename Operation Palliser. ”
” the intervention in Sierra Leone was widely regarded as successful.”
And the whole of Central America used to be run by military dictators and now they are all democracies (except for Venezuela)..so their wars have stopped.
There’s a rather large elephant in the room of the Middle East though, wouldn’t you say?
“Syria has to one day move to democratic government.”
Why? Democracy is the very last thing Muslim societies need.
Want, surely?
Yes RD and GCooper two points
– “Saddam Hussein he good man he strong man”
The big man governing and moving from bully big man ruler to the next bullying big man ruler is the Muslim way.
They might not want it ..but democracy does work at keepin the bullying down..until it gets highjacked like Turkey was doing OK until Erdogan went to push Islam more.
First you become a democracy, then you push Islam into the corner, then evryone drops religion ..and then everyone parties and society moves on.
Well is that going to go on forever ? this system of the Assad family having day to day oppression and then violent purges every few years when someone disagrees with them.
Unfortunately yes. Syria has always been a hotbed of Muslim Brotherhood – the parent of al Qaeda, ISIS, al Nusra etc. Every thirty years or so, the secular government will have to put these ravening tigers back in the cage, for everyone’s benefit and well being.
Till when? Till either Islam undergoes a Reformation of sorts, or there is mass apostasy within Islam. Reformation is not possible, so mass apostasy is the only option left.
Next question.
A few points about this article:
Who are the Russians bombing, This is never mentioned in any reports. From what I can ascertain, it is the Al Nusra Front, affiliated to Al Qaeda.
And why is there always a camera available when these atrocities happen?
I have yet to see photographs or video clips an American bombing.
This women’s tears should not be for the unverifiable incident; her tears should be for the western media’s propaganda and the BBC’s involvement.
It would appear that the Russians are indeed bombing Al Qaeda or whatever they call themselves now. The Americans are none too happy about it either. They are escalating their level of threat towards the Russians and the Syrian Army on a regular basis.
What we are seeing from various MSM outlets, BBC being equally implicated, has been slickly prepared to enthuse outrage in the minds of the gullible. Seems to be working out quite well for them too.
There is some information here which you may find interesting. I find it rather worrying too.
Old Goat posted a link to a video which explains an alternative view too. Ta OG.
Do they really, really think that this is worth starting WWIII for?
Keep a sceptical eye on BBC and media account of the White Helmets, who are in line for a Nobel Prize for life saving, but in reality are working with western backed terrorists. The speaker in the above video describes them as a ‘perfect conduit’ for transporting weapons to the terrorists in Syria. Note this was the outfit that St Jo’s fund supported.
I am aware of the apparent double standards with that group.
More here: http://www.globalresearch.ca/white-helmets-pawns-for-u-s-militarism/5548692
What vexes me is that they seem to think that everybody is stupid enough to swallow their distasteful medicine. They will need full control of the internet before they can return to the cosy days of MSM propaganda hegemony. That could never happen. Could it?
Carterdaniel’s link above is a good example of the depths they’ve currently sunk to in their efforts to maintain the petrodollar and that lovely black sticky stuff with its shiny steel pipelines. It’s all good as long as the crude goes where they want it to.
Very informative video.
Look for the foot print of the House of Saud. It spreads all the way to the UK too. How many of the elite are bought and paid for to do their bidding?
I am baffled by the opposition to Assad by the BBC. Like his father before him, he is an implacable enemy of Israel and has supported the rise of Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon – at the expense of Lebanese Christians, who used to be a large majority in that country.
So why would the BBC not positively adore Assad?
I think the BBC being a reflector of the Wests foreign policy is taking the Saudi line on Syria, which is that the Alawis of Syria, the group that Assad belongs to, are not “real” muslims. According to the Saudi line only Wahabbi Sunnis can claim that. Also the EU/US takes an anti Russian line and Assad is supported by Russia.
Note the BBC take a much quieter line on the situation in Yemens civil war in which the Saudis are carrying out airstrikes with British and US support against Shia Houthi rebels (with the usual resultant civilian casualties).
Thank you comrades for the good clear analysis – this site keeps me sane (my current wife would argue about this…). The msm is truly corrupt, bankrupt and discredited in its dangerous demonising of Russia one year after it intervened to protect Syria from the islamist terrorists (er I mean moderate democratic free syrian army). Funded and armed by our traitorous bribed western governments, Turkey, and of course those beacons of democracy, liberty and freedom Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar. These arent even real countries, more like criminal family businesses!
The Ruskies and Kurds are the only ones effectively fighting daesh/nusra/alsham and all the other flavours of murderous psychopathic jihadists. I recall the RAF doing nothing for months other than taking thousands of aerial photographs…. well done chaps mission accomplished….. And remember those daesh oil tanker convoys to Turkey remained completely untouched by the americans. It took the Russians a day to destroy them!
It should be patently obvious to everyone that uncivilised / muslim countries need strong ruthless leaders. Remove the lid from the pressure cooker under the pretence of nation building or democratising, and surprise surprise all hell breaks out – Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan. Remember when Sadam Hussain was our ally until of course he stopped taking orders.
I was lucky enough to travel around Syria just before the war started. Ive seen the wonderful archeological sites in Damascus, Palmyra, Aleppo citadel, Homs, Hama, Latakia, Crac de Chevalier, many of which have been destroyed. Of course Assad is no mother Teresa, and of course there was no freedom or democracy, no one disputes that, but at least he controlled the wahabist/salafist filth that infested his country, and Christian and other minorities lived without constant threat of being murdered. Assad senior knew how to deal with extremism when he exterminated between ten and forty thousand of the Muslim brotherhood in Hama in 1982.
Basher isnt ever going to give up his day job and go back to being a humble optician in London, and that with Russian and Iranian support the best chance of a quick peace and end to the civilian bloodshed is for a Syrian army victory over the terrorists. Of course this wont happen because western governments and the Saudi royals (may Allah decorate his lampposts with them..) throught their slave media continue to propagate the lies of a moderate opposition in waiting eager to democratise Syria, and will of course provide them with whatever military hardware it takes to keep the war going indefinitely. God help us if Satans whore for hire gets elected in November – she’ll be sure to repay her military industrial benefactors with continued business opportunities in the never ending war on terror.
Why do we turn potential friends into our enemies. We did it with the Japanese after WW1 by a combination of stupidity and racism, and after the collapse of communism we had a golden opportunity to really engage with Russia. Their airmen are now fighting our battles and our vile treasonous verminous mainstream media do nothing but vilify them. We all know who our real enemies are, and if we dont destroy them and their sponsors in the middle east now then we’ll be forced to do it later at a much higher cost (to us) on the streets of Europe and America.
Thank you for your post. I only write from what I know from the few Christians who have escaped the hell that Saudis/America have created for Christians in the ME. You speak from real practical knowledge.
OTH, I don’t blame the Saudis. They are only doing what Mohammed I ordered them to – ethnically cleanse all Jews and Christians from Arabia.
I hope they try it with Israel. But they wont, being the cowards they are.
The best thing for Syria is that the civil war is ended quickly. Preferably by Assad and Russia. The sooner this war ends, the better for Syrians, as well as Germany, Austria, Sweden and the rest of the EU. Other wise we are looking at a civil war in Europe. France is in a virtual state of war – this cant go on for long, before it blows.